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SOV/112--59 -2-2332 Investigation- cf Vacii7umtight Ceramics forms Mg silicates. The free S;O? content in the VK-92 car.. also be red';c ed by introduciag alkali-earth aad alkali-metal oxides. Tgo of O%e VK--92 ma~:F decreases upor, introd,,zction of MgO. A plot of conductance agaJ.79t temper,7jtz, Fle tpstifies to the fact that the nature of current carriers does r.ot change -:.'v t~ - case, Addition. of alkali-metal and alkali-earth metal oxides redtxes the maximvrn temperature coefficie-ats of mass expansion and strengthens it. mechanicallv. Ar. L.Itraporcelair--53 to which 3% cf ZrO? or S:.02 -,vas ;4r.",3er4 improve its cohesion with metals was also investi gated - TI--is O~nged electrical and mechanical properties slightly. A juxtaposition of t~%.e p- ~pe,t of ceramic materials with the characteristics of their fundamental crv~-I;W- phases shows that material properties are primarily determi,7ed ir thel, aniorphoi,,s phase. Bibliography: 17 items. Sibirsbiy f:zjkn,-!ekh:~:.che,-~._V ir_stIt-,;t (Siberian. Physics --and-Er-gineering Instituto. F. B. G. Card 212 15(Z) SOVII 12-59-2-2333 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhaika,. 1959, Nr 2, p 7 '%USSRj AUTHOR: Presnov, V. A., and Yakubenya, M. P. TITLE.- ~~,.ramic-Metal Vacuumtight Seals (0 vakuumroplotnykh spayakh keramiki s metallom) PERIOD TCAL.- Tr. 1--y Mezhvuzovsk. konferentsii po sovrem. tekhn. dielektr;kov -k _ i poluprovednikov. 1956, L. , 1957, pp 85-91 ABSTRACT: .1-i coating steatite ceramics with molybdenum, the layer of ceramics next to tLe metal changes its properties. X-ray diffraction study shows that, during the metal-coating, an acid-base interaction between the ceramic components Si02, B203 and the oxides of Mo takes place. It is assumed that Si atoms can diffuse preserving their valence bonds; the diffusion is carried out by a tra.,isformation of these bonds between the atoms. To obtain a strong coating, Mo should be fired on in a slightly oxidizing medium where Mo is oxidized to a basic oxide at the ceramic boundary. In this case, the metal-- Card 112 SOV11 12--59-2-2333 Ger.;mic--Metal Vacuumtight Sea.lFi ceramic bond is realized. through intermediate oxygen. atoms. In. joi-ing thc ceramics by solders that contain active metals (Ti, Zr), a chemical reacto,-~ of the solder with the active metal takes place, and intermetallic compou,~-A- are formed; also, the active metal reacts with the ceramic cornporerts ar.d a junction region is formed Bibliography: 10 items. Sibirskiy fiz;ko-teky,-n *C h- in -t (Siberian Physics -and.-Erigineering Institute). F. B. G. Card 2 / 2 SOV/ 137-57- 10-18626 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, !-,i,r 10, p ?_3 (USSPI) AUTHORS: Presnov, V, Vyatkin, A.P. ~. A TITLE: The Electrical Conductivity of Magnesite Refractories at Ele- vated Temperatures (Elektroprovocinost' magnezitovykh ogneu- porov pri vysokikh temperaturakh) PERIODICAL: Tr. Sibirsk. fiz. tekhn. in-ta pri Tomskom un-te, 1956, Nr 35, pp 268-273 ABSTRACT: An investigation is made of the conductivity versus tempera- ture relationships in the 10C 900'3C range of periclase high refractories of three types, namely, simple magnesite, mag- nesite with additions, and fused magnesite. The materials investigated have greater resistivity than P at temperatures of under 1000c). Refractories of burnt magnesite demonstrate a semiconductor type of conductivity, while fused magnesite is dielectric. The samples were metallized by soldering to metal. Card I/ I A. S. LAVMTIYEVA, L.G.; PIMSNOV, V..A. Po3,vmorphiom of steatite ceramics. Part 1:X-ray study of the 7tructure of stentite. Izv.vYs.ucheb.zav.; fiz. no 4:135-139 58. iMIRA 11:11) 1. Sibirskiy fiziko-te)dinicheakiy institut pri TomBkom gosuniversi- tete imeni V.V. Kuybysheva. (Steatite) (Crystallography) SOV/139-58-5--9/35 AUTHORS.-,Lavrent'-yeva) L, G, and Presnov V A. TITLE: Polymorphism of Steatite Ceramics. II, The Effect of Heat Treatment cf the Ceramic on the Composition of the Crystal Phase (0 polimorfizme steatitovoy keramiki, ILI., Vliyaniye temperaturnoy obrabotki keramiki na sostav =Iistallicheskoy fazy) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy., fizika., 1958, Nr 5, pp 48-51 (USSR) ABSTRACT. This paper was presented at the Conference of Higher C> Educational Establishments on Dielectrics and Semiconductors', Tomsk,, February.. 1958, The main crystal component of steatite ceramics is either magnesium metasilicate MgSiO 3 or ortho- silicate hlg,)SiO 4" the latter in materials wiT~h higher concen- trations of magnesium oxide. Uagnesium orthosilicate (forsterite) exhibits no Dclymorphic transitions, It is .-emerally assumed (Refs.,l, 2) that. magnesium metasilicate exists in 2 mod1ficationsf a-cliiio-enstatite and P-enstatite; these 2 modifications are enantiotropic and the transition Card 1/4 Polymorphism, ol" Steatit-_ ICera-m,_J!-.s . I I. The Ef-fect.- nf -H e a -1 2r e a t --- e3 'L the Ceramic on the CDmposition of -t:Le Grystal PLase temperature lies near 11.900G. A third Laodification', kno-un as proto-enstatit-~i. corisists of O'Lino-enstatite with a somewhat deformed cryc-tal lattice, Some. workers (Refs.3-6) regard proto-enstatite as a separate mod-ification of magnesium meta- silicate, A foi-irth modification, called 6-A,.%3iO, has also been reported (Ref,7),, Tne preoent paper deals witli X-ray f crystallographi-, studies of steatite samples which have under- gone various 'c-hermal trea'tmerttc, The authors investigated 0 polymorphism and stabiiity of modificaricnis of bIgSiO 51 The authors used materials whose predominant crystal phase was in the form of proto-enstatite aly"d 's,;bjez.~ted rhem tr, thermal treatment in order to ntudy stabilit-y el- clino-enstatite. Thermal treatment below 10000C and of several hours~ duration produced a amall increaoe 1-?,, ta-.~ amount. (-f 0.1ina-enstatite. Transformation into 4~,lino-enszatit- o,~c~ir~s faster if the mat- erial is in powder form. Longe-r treatments produce complete transformat-lon of proto-enstatite into clinc-enstatite. Heating the ceramic fos- 25 hol.:xs at transforms ~linc-enstatite 04-0 into Dr V _enstatite. (Table L3.ager heating with LiF flux Card 2/4 induCe.,i the reverse traxisfor-ma',--i-M wit'q prctc-cr'stat-te 'aha_ng- Polymorphism of S-Gealtjite Gf HIleat of the Ceramic on the Composition cf tAr-, 'Crystal Fhase in- into cline-cristatite on or-oliag tr, room temperature. The authors also studied the structure of samples si_-tbject-ed to multiple heating at tempera tu_rf--.,s close, to the firing tempera- tuxe, The relative chan.-P_cz -Ln the amoiLn-Us of proto-enstatite and clino-enstatite, de .1-dc-ed from Lhe ~;-L',ITStallc aphic data, are shcwn -~n. F~g J. ComrcisItion of 4 r-era-mics FVK-91, M-4, K-.I5 K-'2') stradied is Siven in Table- 2) - . all 4 of them con- sist w-iinly of talc, The ftllci-wi-ag concj_i~_sjons are made from the results obi-aine-A.. I) ~,he stable modi- fication of at; hi-n temDerature-F, A polymoriphic transition ~_,f ~-at. 4- te _in-"-;r c I J -ne-enst.-atite, a.3com-panied by a ohan-e -*;---- voliamn, is -oos~,iblt-- cn coolin- cf a sample, on heat treatment below 10000~' W)a in storage. Tile change in volume occu-t-rinj:-, in t1rie pDTriaorphic traj).2~ition referred to above may be the reason fo-r.- Ehr poorc-7, mr.-~hanical Oxerkgth and tfie losz of imperineabili~y -,,-) gases, iri vacullm work. zO The rate of polymorphic rransf ormat ions depends on the com- position of the glassy ptaose of 'Llie ceramic and on the dimensions of crystaliii----_zs, -J.1-ie --.ate increases with dec-rease of viscosity of the glassy phase and with. increase of dimensions of proto- Card 3/4 J/55 Polymorphism of St6atite "Jeramics., !j', The Effect of Heat Ti-eatument of the Ceramic on the ComposLtion of the Crystal Phase The enstatite cryatallites, 5) . mechanical strength of stea- tite ceramic materials increases with der;rease of the free silicon content in the form of cristobalitel, as shown in Fig.2 (data on mechanical strength were obtained from the laboratory directed b,-,r D, Koc-:an), The work reported in the present paper is T_,art of a wider progran=e at the Siber- ian Physic o--Te clinical Institute, --ax-ried out in conjimetion with engineers. There are 2 figures, ', 2 tables ai-.Ld 9 referen- ces, 5 of which are Sovi-at; arid 4 German, ASSOCIATION. Sibirskiy fiziko--tekhnicheskiy instittit pri Tomskom gosun-Lversi-te-te imeni V. V. Kuybysheva (Siberian Physico- Technica'L Institute at Tomsk Sta~e University im.V.V.Kliybyshev) SUBMITTED. March 19, 1958~ Card 4/4 AUTHORS.- Pre snov V A, and Zasypkina_. A, R~ TITLE, . Investigation of the Contact Between a Semi condurtor and a L, - ~L Metal with an Intermediate InsiLlating Layer (Issledavaniye kont-akta poluprovodnika s metallim-Ti s promezhutoch-nym. sloyem izolyatora) PERIODICAL. Izvestiya -v-ysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, fizika, 1958, kir 5, pp 55-51-9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This paper was presented at, the Conference of Higher Educational Establisbments on Dielectri-s and Semiconductors. Tomsk, Febrila y, 1958, Rectification of an alternating current is possible at a cont-act of a semiconductor with a metal, the two being separated. by a thin layer of a dielectric (Refs.'1-4). The authors inveszigated systems consisting of a germanium semi c onduc-11- or (5-7s-,cm resi'stance, dimensions 5 x 5 x 2 mm)- a lacquer layer and a metal plate (silver. magnesium or iead). The germanium surface was polished 'and e'Ur-,hed in kvd-rogen peroxide, One side, of the germ-anium. plate was painted with a iayer of polystyrene, linoxyn (oxidised linseed oil) or vinyflex la-.q:aer. The 'other side of the ger- manium plate had a layer of tin deposited on ii-G zo produce an ohmic c-ontact, Measurement-s (1,1" the distribut--ion of potential Card 1/4 in such systems showed that the potential falls maiinly (90% and o V / 1 Investigat,ion of the Concau-:, Eet! e n a an Intermediate Ins-a-lating Layer mc, in the blocking direction) al; the rectifyin- contact,, Volt-ampere characteristics were obtain,~,d for samples stu,d.j ed~ The re~~tir,_cation c-ot?*.fi,,7-ien'L-,s werp of the order of 100 to over i0 OJO at- 1 V applied voltage, The lacquer layer thi:~knecs, foiind by weghlng, was of the order of 0,001cm. Re,~tificaticn in many samples wao still quite hL,:l---h at volt- ages of' 10-30 V, The dynami-, uhara.cter-zs-;~ics s-~,ow a loop in CD _4_ 'Fir _Vec,tlori ~ - the blo,:~king di _,2), Tne static characteii-stic of a sgmp' Le covered by linoxyr, la,:.Qu-r aad with a lead electrode, is shown in Fig,3. The forward (condu,:.ting) direc-11--ion corres- CD Ponds- +-o -,,he Dositi,~-e Potentiaj- on `.as metal, Toe effects d~3 no" depend srea-1-Y oja the work. function of the materials in -ontar_T,, The dynamic and s~latio characteristi2ts of the same sample with electrodes of silver and magnesium differ somewbat in th-? forward ali-rec-rion (Fig.4), T-he 1--c-quer films were found tc have dr--fe!.,t:z (pin-holes), h-Dchottky (Ref. 17) indicated that sn3h defects may play important role in Card 2/4 L Investigation of the Contact 31,_~tween a Se-mi 71-.n an Intermediate Insulating Laye,- rectification -at insulating Dar7.Ler lavero. but th~is is dis- puted by other authci,_-- (Refs~3-8), The Dre'sent aut 'ut~rs 'L~)und 'he samT, with defecr-s 'I.n the la.-.Clliter fi_iL- Do3sess consiaerable -ertific-a-u-"on -,.ever 1000) if the electrodes are of the- -on~_-ssure -u%rcc-, Deoosition (.-)'L electrodes by evaloratio-n iL~ vacuo lowe::-s t-,he rectification coefficients I U iTeiy considerably, These r~oeffic.-Lenus are. also lowered if the press-on electrodes a---e placed on such parts of the lacauer film whiah are fret, of defects. Very higt. rectificat- ion coefficients (of the order of se-x.,eral ti-iousand) were also obtained in systemc, wit-11-1 an insulating KCI and ;3 layeIrs depos- it-ed in. %ra,:-.uc on g6rmanium -p.-I-ateg, Idercury elect-rc-des were use-IL in this case apd thz- optImum Ihickness of t1lie dielectric was found to be 10"- ~~m, As in. -~-ha 39se of the la,2quer films, vacuum deposition of electrcdes pr~.)dluced a -l-owering of the coefficient, Reotifi,~a'Jor_ via a:.*,L insulating layer was dealt w'LA--.h theoretically by PE-kar ard Mott in 1931). Their work was extent.1--i-d ty G_J*,__'Linsk.J,.y and Cheglokov (Ref.5), who allowelft fo-,: -':he fall of potentia", a--,~c-ss the. semiccna-actor. Conduction through a ve_ry thir. pc~ssible by means Card 3/4 Of I.h-- tunnel effe,:t._ Thermal in.-Ilo the 'Juv/ 1 56 113- Investia-ation *L -~he Contacu Bet_-wee:i a aad. a M e a 1 71i I'l r3 an Intermediate Insljlal~ing Layer CD ~.%onductior_ band of the die._'ectl- -~'E pc-soible a-~; ilarger di- ~hjnkr-e&fz~-!3. The 'm.-h f;--' ~-_r 'r lp ~j a 1. e t r _41 c; ma,7 al contr ib Ut-Cr e r ec. -ii a-ci cn m e ~~ ha n. J_ s m Trt:-! -,resen-, wi~,Iaor- a- a t'--at- th-~ fcri-L-ation c~ a p.-n Jimctio,7i in -~.te Se-mi C ond- posz-3-ble, The ener- b-axids ~.te t~eM4 --cridur.- or uext -.-o the. i:.f-lectri may Ey be so deforme-i-i as --: prc)du:~e- a p-iayer ir, an n--tv-pe. semlcon- 1. ~ div. ~':or, There ar~--, i figur~e ancl 8 referea--S. zr of which-are Soviiet 2~ Gprman. I 11--lit-r-h t-ranslated from English. ASSOCT ATION; -i-as+-t-~t r-ri Tom=kom L L t~! I rv-n Phys ~L C, 0 v Tectnilcal a, TIOM-=lk Stat- Un-i_-.--.-~4ty V, 7,, SUBMITTED-- Marc-h 20, l9r-18, Card 4/-, SOVI I 12-5q--2-187 7 --'rom: Refe-a.~~Iv-a~- Nr 2, 1) 13 'USSR' AUTHOR: Pm- :mr - I A -,%,-,!.d N1. P. R 4 -n T-PrLE: Met j.-Cersm-4-- Ses.`~~ {S-pa, .L kera--n~ki a - e t al I nm) -gc rD ... ----tz, 1956, Yol 9 1, p.p 4 37 - 45 1 PERX0D:fC,&L: ABSIRACT: PZTI-e h-7 jtl)L7:. mic Parta v6Ahrnr_ta'i: Ing Cera C--nee 'A-,nd elec=3-v~_a-a-._~m amd capaclto~ tec~._*_,:!~~gy. JoirLing met:~,! to ceramice iS a. p:~sceos, s-n the accompanyin-g _d A a-e F-a vet little kr:~ow:a. Tare cnaven'Usaal for maki_~g a hermet_;c maetal-ceramic seal are c3-.z-Riziered: -seals; '13) T.;..'%--.rrlr;de anj active ristal (.47) ce_--_~-Tokc? Mo, Re)pow- de-2. ef V~ie in.vest.gatils-n. was ta find, a traneitif;m region. In the sea.?, to F~tud-j i'13 ~c,-=5tl'on and _%;tZ-_ct--.ire- Seals betVeen a I j LAY" meta-I az--.~I. steatite BK-92 ce-rarnics ahtaired. by -rn,.) -f b en-,--coat-ing po,;mfe:i a vac,_z~ixr_-t;W:t Peal !:,etween ceramics were teE5fe!!. T- 4-j- 113 S OY," 112 -15 8 - 2 Metal-Ceramic Sea!,; T 1 4 ; .t of acid-hase interact;on between cera--n:c 'ne+a" realized as a res~~ c-.?.-np~~neats a7:.d o.-Ides. Effect of surface adhesis,-i and mechani- ca.! co~_esior. on the sea! tightness iia of secondary importa.7.,ze. A decisive fac- tcr in obtai-ring a tight sea! is the control of molybdenum oxidation up t-- a cer- oxide at the bnundarv with the cera-mic. ff the ceramic has anL acid C'karacteristic, the adjci---i--..g m~;Iybdeaum surface shoald be oxidized up to a baeic oxide, and co7ivereelv, if the ceramic I%as a basic cYaracteristic, the ad- joi-,.Ing moIYbder-.-_-_-n e72_~face s,I-.o-_'d be oxidized up to an aridic cxide. The _e tote dlufference acie.4-t-f-basicitV of the -.-Iteractirg compc;- the tight,~r, -ippa-enAl." .8 the resij'.t;ng seal. Oxvge-, for rncl-,,bt4.e--,----n oxid,4t4o-, i-i de,,,3ved frcrn a g3.8 Med~ *-arn. As a res-u,11- of a chemical interaction betv6,een ceiam. .-.c cornprnerts a:r~d m_.-) o.-4jdes, atvin-iitic:,i layer con- sigting ,,)f reactioa V*--sclucts i--i forined between the cerarnIcs and -_rnolyb-Ier,.-,_,m. T).-,e layer f,2r!nq i!i a step-by-step ;i.-.d paeges a r.;-,,nbe-- of 4-Aermediate active Rtates. The regio- Tnav compriRe molybden,_,ra Ca_-~.d ~11 3 SO':-! 112 - Metal-Ceramic Se3ls !Fi`fc;atea aml boiratee, ;;:..d als3 Products between insl%ibdenum 'de~: -1-i m 71 a.-,-' m!:, r sc::~xxit;'-;cated e tal. lp--e-~-)rne77-a .-C take --ice --ce 7-17114C sea'a i-e d,-.e tz d"f -iE p:-3cesF-es accorn- pa- Led. by parta." h ea~,- e va'e~i b-da. Tl-.e d-.;ff7ji;oq se.fl 415 x- I t- d..e M. D. M. Ca- d. 3j, 3 SOV/ 1,71 Translation frorn Referan-.,nvv zh-"rnal,, "%-- "'. D tUSSR'i AUTHOR: Presnov TITLE: Oil tile Electronic Theory Of Strong Collesion Bet"veell tile Sur- faces of Metallic and Nonmetallic Bodies (K voprosu ob elek- tronnoy teorii prochnogo soyedineniva poverkhnoste~, metal- licheskikli 1 nernetallicheskikh tell PERIODICAL Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zavedeniv, Fizika, 1957, Nr 1. pp 103-110 A 1-) ST R A C T , he results of tlc inx..-esti-ations of , -olclin'~ -).' 'IaSS and c e r a nn I c s wi t h in e t a I s c o n di i ( t e d a t t h e S I b e I- ;a r. I n s t 1 t u t e o t Physical Yochlloloo% are generallzQd. laver of changing composition and structure fornis In the pro(ess Oc welding together of heterogeneous materials. A single clec- tronic process of formation of a strong cohesion is proposed, issuing from the conception of the donor-acceptor interrela- tionship. The formation of a stronger cohesion betv.-een glass and ceramics with metal in cases when the interaction of basic and acid oxides takes place is explained from this point of vie,,v. Card 1/2 Two stages stand out in the process of the formation of a SOV/137-58 8 17564 On the Electronic Theor~ of Stro-ig Crj.-,f-,TC'n !~o-- - strong bond. In the propai-atory stag(- 0( ( urs tll(- ox!(.';Jti0.') fif th, Ili(.t;yl and the wetting of its surfa( e with molten glasE i.e., the cond,.t:ons for eler tronic interaction are provided. In the second stage the t ransitional region of changing composition and structure forms creating strong bonds of the valence type. Tht- irivch.misn-i of .volding hvtvrk)gvn(-,)u-; znatur;.ils w:tli Hit- aid of active T;- and Zr-base solder allo,, ~s discu~Lscd. lvT K. 2. Gl~ss- 3. Cer~7-T-i,: tc-4-lc---Band- Lng- 4 ~ A dl s i c. n - -e o r,,,, Card 2/2 A 2--. AUTHORS: Lavrentlyeva, L. G. and Presr-,o,v,- SGV/ 11'ITLE: On the Polymorphism of Steatite Ceramics (0 polimorfizme steatitovoy keramiki) I. X-ray Investigation of the Structure of Steatite (I. Rentgenograficheskiye issledovaniya struktury steatita) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Fizika, 1958, Nr 4, pp 135-139 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Paper presented at the Inter-University Conference on Dielectrics and Semiconductors, Tomsk, February,1958, In the past much attention has been paid to the physical and technological properties of the manufacture of steatite but too little attention has been given to the microscopic processes, i.e. to structural changes,in spite of the fact that these changes govern the observed changes in properties. The main aim of the here described work was to study the structure and structural changes of vacuum-tiGht ceramics. The process of forming was studied of the crystalline component of various steatite materials which were produced by pressing and also by Cardl/4 casting under pressure in the hot state. First,the structural studies are described of specimens produced by SOV/139- 56--d' -22/3C On the Polymorphism of Steatite Ceramics pressing. In studying the ceramic material VK-92 (B) the lines enumerated in Table 1, P 156, were selecte-a as being the most charact,eristic for each phase under consideration. The changes of the phase composition of this cergic is graphed in; it can be seen that up to 350 C tale predominates, then, due to decomDositior of the tale, an intermediate product,hydroenstatite, forms which becomes transformed at more elevated temperatures into Drotoenstatite; the silica which separates out during the decomposition manifests 0itself in the X-ray patterns as christobalite from ~100 0 onwards. Specimens fired above 1250 to 1320 C show a partial transformation of protoenstatite into 0 clinoenstatite but even specimens fired at 1400 C co-.-. In magnesium metasilicate, predominantly in the form of protoenstatite. Magnesium oxide additions between 1 and 6% were tried and also barium oxide additions as well as additions of oxides of alkali metals (1% Na20 or K20). In Table 2 an enumeration is given of the bending strength of specimens from three types of Card2/4 materials produced by casting under pressure and, for On thePolymorphism of Steatite Ceramics SOV/139-58-4-22/30 comparison, the data for the same materials are given if produced by pressing. Some of the results obtained on specimens produced by casting under Dressure in the hot state are graphed in Fig.3 and it can be seen that generally the dependence of the phase composition on the temperature is comparable for all the tested ceramic materials. The determined higher mechanical strength of ceramic materials produced by casting under pressure is attributed to the absence of polymorphous transforma- tions of magnesium metasilicate,due to the stabilisation of protoenstatite and also to the saturation of the glass phase and possibly also of the crystal phase with silica which results in an improvement in the physico-chemical and mechanical properties of the glass phase, which in turn brings about a stabilisation of the protoenstatite. The results are summarised thus: 1) It was found that additions of magnesium oxide bring about a transformation of the protoenstatite into clinoenstatite, whilst BaO. Na 0 and K 0 brake such transformation. This is probibly due 2t0 the change in Card3/4 the composition of the glass phase resulting from the On the Polymorphisia, of Steatite Ceramics SOV/--, simultaneous transformation of the silica into the glasS phase. 2) During firing of cast specimens, a transformation of clinoenstatite into protoenstatite Was observed C), The formed protoenstatite has a higher stability to polymorphism and this can be due to either a partial dissolution of the christobalite into the glass phase, which brings about an increase in viscosity, or formation of a solid solution of silica in the protoenstatite which slows down the process of polymorphous transformation. There are 3 figures, 2 tables and 7 references', 6 of whic'la are Soviet, 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri Tomskom gosuniversitete imeni V. V. Kuybysheva (SiberianPhysico-Technical Institute at the Tomsk State University imeni V. V. Kuybyshev) SUBMITTED: March 19, 1958 Card 4/4 PRESNOV) V. .11~. Docent V.A.Presnov and others (SFTI) Investigations of the vacuum-tight ceramic structure and the na-ture of -~-e cerp~--Jc- metal boundary. Presented C&. a Coaft-rcncn o:, Solid D-ielcct-ricr. rinJ T0!.rz,Az Folytelchnical 3-6 Fvb. 5B. 153, V-0- 7, CP3-W) FRESNOV, V.A.; GAPAIT, V.I. Electric condiactivit7 of glass and its depend t, ' "trength of an electric field. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.: Cc! noo".2:~19'2-94 158. (MIRA 11:6) 1.Sbirskiv fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri Tomskom gosuniversitete im. V.V. Kuy-bysheva. (Glass--Electric properties) USSR/Electricity Dielectrics Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizilca, No 1, 1958, 1242 Author Presnov, V.A., Gaman, V.I. -Tc(,hn.Leal Institute, Tom--!.. Inst Siberian Physical - G-2 Title Dependence of the Electric Conductivity of Glass on the Electric Field Intensity. Orig Pub Zh. tekhr-. fizihi, 1957, 27~ 17c) 5, 936-939 Abstract A formula is derived, characterizine the electron conducti- vity in a strong electric field. Card 1/2 120-5-31/35 AUTHORS: Presnov, V.A. Pyatnichuk, U.K. and Synorov, V-F. TITLE: An Instrument for the Measurement of Electrical Conductivity and Hall's Constant in Thin Semi-conductin,--- Layers. (Pribor dlya izmereniya elektroprovodnosti i postoyannoy kholla v ton1kikh sloyakh poluprovodniklov) PERIODICAL: Fribory i Tellchnilv.-a Eksperimenta, 1~57, .00-5, pp. 119-120 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The instrument (Fifr.!) cann be used for raid measurement of electrical conductivity and Hall's constant for --iven areas on thin specimens deposited on slides of rl-lass or other dielectric material. The slide 3 with the deposited samples 4 is kept in position by the cam 2 on a moveable table 1. The table moves on a lath along the guide 7. The fixer 5 kleeps the table and, consequently, also the sample in the require(f positions. A panel 8 on a moveable table has current, compensation and Hall electrodes 6 attached to JLt. This panel is kert in -Dlace by springs 13 and is moved by means of the lever ~ and -cam 10, perpendicularly to the Plane of the specimen, and keeps the direction of motion by means of the four rods 12. The elec- trodes can move freely along the bushes, pressed _i_nto the panel, under the action of bronze sDri-,)E-:s 11. The scheme Produces the uardl/3 -necessary control of contact pressure on the sPec-imen and the 120-5-31/35 An Instrument for the Measurement of Electrical (jonductivIty and Hall's Constant in Thin Semi-conducting Layers. U panel can be raised when the table 1 carrying the soecimen is moved. The simple constructior of the electrodes means that one can have a collection of electrodes eade from different materials and having contact surfaces of different form and size, and that one can deposit on their surface various coatings. When workinft-~ with very thin layers one can put end pieces of soft metal (e.g. indium or tin ) on the ends of the electrodes to protect the layer. The distance between the electrodes on the nanel can be varied deperading on the size of the sample. The samples were deposited an slides 23 x 80 mm in ar a, the surface area of the samnles themselves being 23 x 50 mm~ After the deposition, the latter surface i divided by means of a standard oattern into sections 23 x 4 mm with 6aps of 1 mm between them.- The device is sus- pended between the poles of an electromagnet on tuwo pivots 14, connecting the device with a platform placed on the windings of the electromagnet. Provision is r.,~ade for the control of the position of the device between the poles of the electromagnet. The device lies in a gap of 25 mm between the poles of the electromagnet. Brass was used for the metallic pTts and organic uard2/3glass for insulation. Measurements were carried out (Ref.1) of 120-5-31/35 An Instrument for the Leasurement of Electrical Conductivity and Hall's Constant in Thin Semi-conductinE Layers. the properties of thin layerr.-, of se~)aratue elements obtained by evaporation in a vacuum and also of thin layers of binary speci- mens obtained by Vekshinskiy's method (Ref.2) from elements of group III and V of the periodic table. By a comparison of the distribution of electrical properties along the length of P_ specimen, and the distribution function of concentration of the components calculated frOR! Vekshinskiy's formulae, Lt is possible to obtain the dependence of electric properties on composition in a wide range of concentrations of the binary alloy. Fig. 2 shows the results of L-easureLients of specific resistance of a thin layer of v~Friabl e comr-osition of indil-,m- antimony. There are 2 figures and 2 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: The Siberian Physico-Lechnical Scientific Rosearch Institute TGU (Sibirskiy fiziko-teldinicheskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut TGU) SUBMITTED: April 1, 1957. AVAILABLE: Library of ConUress Gard 3/3 AUTHORS: Synorov, V.F.,~,,.,,d Presnov V.A. 120-6-33/36 TITLE: Method of Investi-rtin,, the Electrical Propertie_~~ -if ThJLn La.yers on an Insulated Base in a High Vacuum (Metodika issledovaniya elektricheskikh svoystv tonkikh sloyev na izoliruyushchey podlozh'r[e v vysokon val"Cuu1ne) PERIODICAL: Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperi7r:enta, 195'/, ,,,,o.6, p. 115 (USSR), ABSTRACT: Investigation of the electric conductivity, t1--e thermal e.m.f. coefficient and t1le Hall constant of t' in layers cf semi-conductors deposited on a glass base 'n vacuu-- requires evolviEE special methods of measurement- Frequently, new ex-oerimental tasks occur, for instance, investi6ation of the properties of snecimens stored for a L-_)nt, tire in a vacuum. This task imposes the necessity of ensuring the possibility of repetition of -',-he measurements at definite intervals of time, n!aizitainiriL; Lhe a~ubient condiLions con--stant. The solution of these Droblems is oossible if r;echanicallv- strong and stable specimens of ohmic contacts are available. In this paper, a method is described of producinE such con- tacts for specimens which are then fittea into an ampule 200 mm .Long, 20 mr. diav,,,ith 6 external leads. The senuence of Uardl/3 the operations is illustrated by Fig.1, P-115~ It lls based on 12, C M(~~Ih()d of llivesLig~otinL-, the Eiectrical Properties of Thin Layers on an Insulated Base in a Vacuui_ri. cutting off a certain length of the glass ampule, salderiln~, on tile specimen at the bottom of the leads and then replacinC ti-le Cut-off part of the glass ampule which is joine(I to 1U1.e OUrier part of the ampule by applying heat. In t1-_,e case of ti,41'n layers, deposited on oure glass or on pare quartz, this method permits ob~ainin- mec~janically-strong and st-able contacts, To prevent destruction of the thin layer, no solderinj~; flux is used; the molten indium diffuses through the deposited layer and forms a strong bond with I.-he base. After soldering- of the specimen, the cut-off part of the ampule is replaced a~d. joined on by applying heat (Fig.1, d). The fact that the and the contacts are at a distance of 12 to 15 cm from the point of soldering on of the glass prevents their being heated. Following that, the ampule is evacuated and then sealed. The ampules also coritain two thermocouples and two platinum leads, This method was used for investigating the temperature dei~en- dence of the electric properties of thin layers of AlSb, !nSb and GaSb deposited by means of tLe method of S.A. Vekshinskiy on a glass base. Card2/3 There is 1 fib-ure and 4 refe.-,ences, 3 of which:are Slavic, 120-6-33/36 Mleth,od of Investi.--ating the Electi-ical Properties of Thin Layers on 0 an insulated Base in a Hich VacuuE. ASSOCIATION. Phisico-technical Sc~-n-1--"ic (Oibilski.-~ ~iziko-tekhniches~, S1,y u t SUBLlITT'JED: May 19 , 1c)57. AvAILABLE; Library of Cor3gress Card 3/3 -i-iC36110V. V.A.; GAVIAN. V.I. On the relation between the electric Droperties of crystals arA the crjetal lattice constants. Dokl. AN SSSR 114 no.1:67-69 my 157. (KiRA 10:7) 1. Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnichee'Kiy institut plut Tomskom gosudAr- stvennom universitete im. V.V. KuybyahevA. Predstavleno akademikom A.Y. Ioffe. (Crystals-3lectric properties) USSR!CLerj4_cal Tectirology. Chemical ani! `1~7clr Applination -- Silicates. Glass. Cer-,3r.4?3. If'rdf=rs; 1-9 Abst Joux-nal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya: 195-f', U81 Author: Presnov, V. A. institutisn: Acadmy of Sciences "S-9-ft Title: 1. Electric Ccnductiorf.-,~y -_~T: Strong Electric Fields II. Wetting of Metals by '-!La,;-, OrrJginal Publication: Sb. Stroyeniye stekla.. 131 S'S.SR) J-95,55, 267-269 Abstract: Specific dependence cf c-,n--_',uctivz-.ty of glasses in strong electric fields and th-3 Qf max-ma on the corresponding curves,- are attributema t, of reversible structural transformaticns in glass=s. B~~-?~ter wetting of metals by glasses has been ascer+.afned metals have a surface of lower de- gree of oxidation. We-tt-Irg vni-se on an increase of the de- gree of oxidation of surface. Tria, ir. the opinion of the author indicates that Th~ --.f' Ti,~:tting and the process of welding of glass and takz: T.Iacp as e- resiilt of chemical inter- Caid l/ 1 action of silica with thr7. metal oxf-des. NMMASOV, K.D., doldor tekhn.rxaV, prof.; PRvSITO'f, V.I., 'k-and.telkim."nuk f zr, Heat-resistant asbestos, cement. Trudy ls'IIZHB nc.7:;'-29 ~- ( 14 I'li. !-; : I I ) (Asbestos coment) 'L 1~621-_63 'Drr(l)IEWP( ')/9WT(m)/BDS' Irc JD Asb AME301on NR; M.006726 K/63/000/007/003-9/0019 AUTHOR: Presnova, L. Ar; Ruche 'kina, N. F.; S#vaxts, A. A;; Yerastova, V. If TITLE: Magnetostriction ferrite. Class 21, No. 153755 SOURCE: Byul. izobret. i tovarn. znalwv, no, 7,, 1963j, 19 TOPIC TAGS: magnetostriction ferrite.. ferrite ferric oxide., cobalt oxide., nick-el oxide, copper A BSTRACT: This Author Certificate vas Issued for a errit!p i made from solid solution pf 4ickel d cob to designed to ensure tem- Za'bilft-y of thjrpsonant oy~jj en no perature a conatant electromechanical Coupling coefficient In thd +60,to mte range. The ferrite was prepared from 50-55 =4 Fe203~ 0.2-0.4 moll,6 CoO, 42-47 mol% Nio, and an adrdxture of 2-5 mol% copper. ASSOCIATION:. -none t Card' 1141 CIEFFINOV V.A r Effect of t,-,S- trlethylenei-mide of phosrhrjri~- ac".~ r~n- cantent in the li-er of rats with ;rzanqj,lantable Farm. i toks. 28 no.5:581-584 S-0 165. 8: 1~ a~ Lal,(,ratorlya eksFerimentallnoy khimioteravi."L (ru'r-lovoditell - prof. V.A.Clernov) otdela kl-,Lmiotera-ii (rukrovodit,ell - chlen korrespandent AMN SEER prol'. G'.Pl. Pershin) Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovptellskogo khamiikc-, farmatsevtichpskouo institilta imeni S.Ordzhonikidz,~~-, Mc,~--Ia. ~ubmi-.Led June 25, 1964. PRESINOVA, Zh.F.; CIE-ERNOV, V.A. ~es in the antlneoplas-,ic rif Cl~ang by adrenaline -an,:er exrerllmen--al cond.-L tions. B~.u-*.er~- c,-'- 58 no.10:90-92 0 164. 1. Laboratoriy eksr(-rfiaentcLl'noy khimioterapli opuki.c, It ., a - (rukoveditel' - doktor med.nauk V,A.Ghernov) otdela teranii (zav. - chlen-korreopondent AT-IN 555R prof. G.N. Pershin) VaescTiiznogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo khimllko- farmatsevticiteskogo insLituta imeni OrdzhonikM,,,,e, 28(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3254 Moscow. Vyssheye tekhrilcheskoye uchilishche Imeni Baumana. Schetno-reshayushchiye pribory (Computers) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1959. 84 p. (Series: Its: Sbornik '.-,rudov, vyp. 82) 6,000 copies printed. Ed.: S. 0. Dobrogurskiy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: A. L. Tairova; Tech. Ed.: A. F. Uvarova; Managin Ed. for Literature on Machine Building and Instrument Making ~Mashgiz): N. V. Pokrovskly, Engineer PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for engineers, scientific personnel and students working in the field of com- puters. COVERAGE: This is a collection of articles compiled by the depart- ment of computers at MVTU and devoted to analysis of computer components: 'diode circuits which perform mathematical operations; drive circuits with a servomotor in the form of a powder magnetic Card l/ 6 Computers (Cont.) SOV/3254 clutch, with a mushroom-shape friction clutch and with a friction clutch of the Svetozarov system; investigation oi, a pulse tracking system and of the drifts occurrin$ in a single-shaft gyrostabilizer. tic personalitles are mentioned. There are no reference-s. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Kazakov, V, A. Candidate of Technical Sciences. Function Generators Using Diodes 3 The author states that vacuum-tube or semiconductor diodes may be used in function generator circuits, for which case errors may be as high as 1 to 3 percent, or as low as one-tenth of a percent. When selenium or copper oxide rectifiers are used as diodes, errors will greatly increase. The author emphasizeaq the advantages of diode- equipped function generators ovdr electromechanical ones (potentiometers, rotatable transfo-.:Imers, etc.). These advan- tages consist primarily in the absence of mechanical parts Card 2/6 Computers (Cont.) SOV/1254 and, consequently, in low inertia. The author presents several schematic diagrams of various types of function generators and derives their e?uations according to functions of these generators reproduction of a parabola, sine and cosine functions, multiplication of two independent variables, etc.). The author concludes that errors occurring in the operation of diode furtation generators are mostly errors of method and instrument errors. Chetverikov, V. N. Candidate of Technical Sciences. Tracking Drives With Powder Magnetic Clutches 22 The author investigates the possibilities of developing drives with position control or with the rate of change of position or with both methods combined. A powder magnetic clutch was used as the actuating element. As setting elements, a potentiometer and a tachogenerator were used. From these a voltage proportional to the angle and speed of rotation of the flywheel Is delivered as the input signal, from which a correspondln~5 clutch velocity is Card 3/6 Computers (COnt.) k SOVA-1.254 obtained. The author establishes equations for the system, determines its efficiency and investigates methods for its improvement. Preanikhin -_ L N. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Components or-Z-em-1-autorriatic Drives 2c The author describes various types of' mechanical variable speed drives. Three types of friction mechanisms are described and the principles of their operation presented; the disk friction clutch, the mushroom-3haped fri~,-tiln.n clutch and the friction mechanism oV Svetozarov. Characteristic equations and some specifications of these three types are presented. Smirnov, Yu. M. , Candidate of Technical Sciences. Investi- gation of Tracking Systems Operating Under Pulse Conditions 44 The author investigates the qual.1ty of performance of' a semi -automatic traL;K:Lng bys-tem with a manual drive. Assuming the linearity cf the systerr and, consequently, Card 4/c Computers (cont.) SOV/--2~:_'. utilizing t-he-superposition principle, the author finds optimum values Qf system parameters by comparing results obtained from the investigation or the three most character- istic features of the operation of tracking sy~_!'.ems under pulbe conditions. These features are: 1) effect of the initial error of the indicator device on the st;ability and quality of the tracking system. 2) distortion of the coordi- nate incoming on the system Input by tracking errors and the determination of the a.,~auracy of contInuous ad, lustUtent of this coQrdinate. 3) effect of acueleratior. iTi the rate of change of tthe input co.-~rdinat-e on V~e value of* the systematic error of adjustment. The results of Invest.1- gatlon of these three cases permIt making recommendations as to the selection of optimum values cC the basic system _,pf-IMLIM vallue or the parameters and particularly, of the r time constant of the drive. This, in turn, permits calculating the func-tion generator of the system according to the pulse sequence p-:~riods, which change w-Ithin wide limits. Card 5/6 Computer's (Cont.) Nikitin I Ye. A. Candidate of Technica-. Drift-s of a Single-Shaft Stabilizer During the Swj--,)cP of- J~ ~ Framework 6- -, 77 The author assumes that; the swln~~Jngs are harzrior)j.~, and have a small amplitude and tha' harwfu! and damping moment3 act along 1~he ;311-abl~-Uzat,,,nn axl--,7. The author derives equations for the system and derives a formula for the averaged drift velo.-;,Ity. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress JP/mmh Card 6/6 4-11-60 PRESMXHIII, L.N., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof. Elements of semiautomatic drives. [Trud7l K M- no.102:29-43 '519. (MIRA 13:3) (Electric driving) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4276 Presnukhin,, Leonid Nikolayevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Lev MkWaninvi-ch-Se-rebrovskiy, and David Berkovich Yudin Osnovy.teorii i proyektirovanlya priborov upravleniya (Fundamentals of the Theory and Design of Control Devices) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1960. 263 p. Errata slip inserted. 10,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): L.N. Presnukhin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. (Inside book):; S.O. Dobrogurskiy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: M.F. Bogomolova; Tech. Ed.: V.I. Oreshkina; Managing Ed.: S.D. Krasillnikov, Engineer. PURPOSE: This is a textbook for students of schools of higher technical education. It may also be useful to engineers and technicians working in industry and in scientific research institutes. COVERAGE: The book discusses the theory and practice of designing the fundamental elements of artillery control devices, tracking systems for the continuous measurement of the moving coordinates of a target, differentiating-adjusting devices for the determination of the parameters of target motion, and the ad- justment of errors obtained in the process of measuring the moving coordinates of the target. Impact solving methods which reduce to the combined solution Car4-"- Fundamentals cf the Theory and Design of Control Devices SOV/4276 of a system of equations by means of servosystems are cited. Information on ballistic functions and devices for their solution are given. The book was written on the initiative of P.P. Chechulin on the basis of material selected and systematized by the authors. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. I. General lnformation 5 1. Aim and tasks of the course 5 2. History of the development of [artillery] control devices 6 3. Terminology and symbols 6 4. Unit of measurement 10 5. Problems solvable by a system of artillery fire control 11 6. Composition of a system of artillery fire control devices and placement on military installations 12 7. Artillery fire control devices and artillery equipment - a single dynamic system 16 Card 2/6 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4233 Moscow. Vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche Raschety detaley i.mekhanizmov tochnylch priborov; sbornik statey (Design of Parts and Mechanisms of Precision Instruments; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Mashgiz, 196o. 26o p. 5,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): T. A. Gevondyan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. (Inside book): Ya. G. Alaverdov, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: A. F. Uvarova; Managing Ed. for Literature on Machine Building and Instrument Making (Mashgiz): N. V. Pokrovskiy, Engineer. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for scientific workers and engineers engaged In instrument making. COVERAGE- The results of investigations on making instruments with complex and design-perfect parts, pairs, and mechanisms, it is claimed., are published here for the first time. The articles cover theory and methods of spherical cogwheel engagement, a new method of manufacturing toothed wheels with 'CaT'd_-t746 Design of Parts and Mechanisms (Cont -) SOV/4233 alternating ratio within one revolution, a universal method for designing an oscillating system for stability by means of com- plex variables, and precision methods for designing brake centrifugal governors used in instrument design. Some of the articles are accompanied by Soviet and non-Soviet referenc.~e.3. No personalities are mentioned. TAKE OF CONTENTS: Gevondyan, T. A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. A Special Type of Ball-Cog Wheel Engagement 6 The meshing wheels have ball-shaped cogs. This type of engagerent is used in those cases where the angle between the ii.tersecting axes becomes too large. Basic equations for desigi;ing such an engagement are given. Presnukhin, L. N., Doc,-or of Technical Sciences, Professor, and __9 Malkin ' Candidatt of Technical Sciences, Docent. Involute Spur Wheels With Altey-nating Gear RatJx) andTheir UBe in InstrLrmtBuildirg 2-5 A new method for mirafacturing involute spur gears with a ratio varying duri:,g a single revolution is discussed, as well as its use In computers. 112-57-7-14984 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika., 1957, Nr 7, p 168 (USSR) AUTHOR: Presnukhin, L. N. TITLE: Methods of Investigating Semiautomatic Tracking and Regulation Systems (Metody issledovaniya sistemy poluavtornaticheskogo slezheniya i regulirovaniva) PERIODICAL: Sb.: Schetno-reshayushchiye pribory, Moscow, Oborongiz, 1955. pp 6-12 ABSTRACT: Methodology of the problem of investigating regulating systems in which a man (operator) takes part is presented. It is pointed out that the ex- periment should be combined correctly with calculations, that physiological data of the operator should be taken into consideration, that human reactions should be expressed as mathematical functions, and that the functions should be introduced into the system equations. As a result of testing models, it is pointed out that tracking errors depend materially on the indicator sensitivity and on the multiplying factor of one revolution of the controller. Sensitivity of fine reading should be of such value that the fine-reading limit is not lower than Card 1/z 112-57-7-14984 Methods of Investigating Semiautomatic Tracking and Regulation Systems the coarse-reading error. Reduction of the one-revolution multiplier of the controller is limited by the permissible speed of flywheel rotation. An exper-1- mental formula is presented for permissible flywheel speed as a function of the operator's power and the load torque. L.I.T. Card 2/2 PRWWWN, LqN., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, dotsent. Kothods for investigating semiautomatic tracking and control s7stems. Cfr-udy,l NVTU no.49:6-12 155, (MMA 9:7) (Automatic control) (Servomachaniame) PRESNUKRIN, L.N. kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk, dotsont. " mass=, Cam mechanisms. [Trudy]MVTU no.49:73-102 r55- (MIRA 9:7) (cams) PRISMICEIR, LqN,, kandidat tekhnichaskikh rLauk, doteant. Nothods for investigating semiautomatic tracking and control s7stsms. CIIr-udyj MM no.49:6-12 '55. NLRA 9: 7) (Automatic control) (Bervomachanisms) DOBROGURSKIY, Bergey Osipovich, prof.; KAZAKOV, Vyacheslav Antipovich, dotsent: TITOV, Tiktor Konstantinovich, dotsent; PCHELINIKOV, N,I,, prof., doktor tekhn.nauki refsduzent; prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.; BOGOMOLOVA, N.Y.,; ROZHIN, T.P., (Computing machines] Schetno-reshaiushchie ustroistva. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo obor.promyshl., 1959. 463 P. (MIRA 12:8) (Calculating machines) ACC NR;A!-160()8486 Monograph UR/ Presnulk"hin, Leonid Nikolayevich; Smjirnov, YU.-iy Matveyevich; Solomonov, Lev Anatollyevich; Temnov, Ivan Vasillyevich Principles of computer design (Osnovy rascheta I proyel,tirovaniya scheuno-reshayushchikh ustroystv) Moscow, Izd-vo "Vysshaya shkola" 1965. 459 P. Illus., biblio. Textbook for students of technical hi,(-her educational institutions. 10,000 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: computer design, computer component., PC41SC C0(4)1YL0P PURP0,15-7 AND COVE-RAGE: This textbook has been approved by the Minist"ry ol' Hlisher.and Secondary Special Education USSR and is intended for st.udents in advanced instrument-buildino- courses in schools of higher! education. It may also be useful to designers, engineers, and tech- nicians concerned with calculation and design of computers and mathe-,~ matical machines. The author's Intention was to create a practical manual on the calculation and design of computers and calculators containin.- typical examples of calculations as well as recommendations on the selection of elements and the construction of designed circuits,- taking their operating conditions, production, and technology Into consideration. Ch'I and III were written by L. N. Presnukhin, Ch.I1 i by 1. V. Temnov, C~.IV. by Yu. 14. Smirnov, and Ch.V. by L. A. Solomonov- Card ACC INR: AN,06oo8486 The general arrangement was supervised by L. N. Presnukhin. There I are 36 references, all So%rlet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword -- 3 Ch.'!. General problems in calculator and computer design -- 5 1. Types of calculators and mathematical machines and the basic principles of their design -- 5 2. Scales and scale values -- 12 3. Calculating- the operating precision of calculators -- 20 4. Calculation of stresses and torques in calculator mechanisms 39. Ch.II. Components and units of calculators 43 5, Rollers -- 43 5ultAe-% -- T. Forward:-motion guides 61 -J" 67dz-,5ff g-a,12,y 7a 9. Gear drives 78 10. UutuclieB, carrIers, ancl ~,Iardan BhaftB 'I Qjj ~I L. I-Ion stops -- 122 11, ACC NR: A.,.:6oo8Lj86 13. Dials, indexes and sicnal panels 145 C11.111. -echanical calculators 17. ~ote"ntiometers -- 219 16. Rotarly transformers -- 306 Ch.V. Pulse-calculator circuits -- 3145 ors 345 19. Desirn of logical elements for pulse calculat 20. Design of trigger elements --.371 21. Design of ferrite elements -- 391 22. Example of the structural design of a computer -- 412 23. Structure layout of a pulse calculator -- 428 Bibliography -- 457 AVAILABLE: Library'9f Congress SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: l6jun65/ ORIG'REF: .036 Card PRESNUKHIN.9 N. Fixture for peat unloading. Avt.transp. 41 no.1'54 -Ja 163. (MIRA 16:2) (Peat machinery) G4111EVA, A.V.; PRESNYAK, N.T. Reaction of tballium (III) chloride with glycol. Zhur. ob. kthim. 32 no.1:316-317 Ja 162. (MIPA 15:2) 1. Ode--skiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni T.I.Mechnikova. (Thnllium chloride) (Glycols) PREZ'rfAK, S.I. "The Influence of A-riti-reticular Cytotoxie Sermn (r'.Ts3j' on the Effectiveness of the Fattenin!,, of Youn,,; Steers of the Large Horned Cattlt"; dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (awarded by the Timiryazev Agricultural Acadmq, 1962) (Izvestiya Timiryasevskoy Sellskokhozyaystvermoy Akademii, Moscow., No. 2, 1963, pp 232-236) PMSNYAK, S.I., starshiy nauclinyy sotrudnik Use of antiretlaills cytotamlic ser=. Veterinariia 39 n0.9: 60-'61 S 162. (FJRA 16: 10) 1. Tambovskaya oblastnaya seVskokhozyaystvennaya opytnaya stantsiya. PRESNYAK, S. I. (Senior Scientific Worker, Tambov Oblast' Agricultural Experimental - -~Ta- ~on - 11 Use of antireticular cytotoxic aera" Veterinariya, Vol. 39, no. 9, September 1962, p. 60 1. ii. 11. II-ESNYAK 2. U53a (600) 4. .'hucks 7. ~~epairin- selr-centerim- chucks. :ITS 12 nc. 11. 1952. - 1 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. PRESNYAKOV, A. Pneumatic "mathematica". IUn. tekh. 2 no.7:12-13 Jl 158. (Calculating macbines) (MIFA 11:10) Pp.myaov, A. the air. Izobr. i rats. no.lo:36-37 0 '58. (Nitrogen) (MIRA 11:11) A UTHOR: Presnyakov, TITL7: Automatic Fishing Methods (Lov vedut avtornaty PERIODICALi Nauka i zlllzn', 1958, Nr 10, p 66 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes automatic fishing methods used by the US3R in catching herrings in the North Atlantic. 1. FL;h,~,ries--Eqju--'pn--nt Card 1/1 28(2) SOV/25-59-2-35/48 AUTHOR: Presnyakov, A. TITLE: A Pneumatic "Mathematician" (Pnevmatichesk-iy "Matematik") PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhizn', 1959, Nr 2, p 73 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article deals with a pneumatic computer recently designed by two collaborators of the Institut avtomatiki i telemekhaniki (In- stitute of Automatics and Telemechanics) of the AS of USSR, E. Nadzhafov and Yu. Ivlichev. The installation consists of three parts: a balloon with compressed air, a control box vrith handles and the computer itself, which is an assembly of metallic discs containing inner membranes of rubberized In conformi-11-Y with the operations carried oat or. tilie control box, the introduced air diffuses within -the Card 1/2 discs and renders possible the performance of A Pneumatic "Lathematician" SOV/2z-=O-2-7c:/48 arithmetical operations such aS multuipli- cation, division, involution, evolution and also the solution of tasks of higher mathe- matics. The new computer is small in size, easily produced and reliable in operation. Card 212 Tit Op 1 .4. ~9001ki - -4 - I 0710t'?Pbj,~O. IN (s - t ok~6 Q'IP ,e0 -7 ea) 0-~2 IV .P. 159. (Iqa~ R: 7) ACC NR: AN7003350 SOURCE CODE: UR/9009/67/000/011/0004/0004 AUTIIOR: Rakitin, V.; Presnyakov, A. (TASS Correspondent) ORG: none TITLE: Self reproducing machine SOURCE: Leningradsicaya pravda, no. 11, 13 Jan 67, p. 4, col. 6-7 TOPIC TAGS: electronic computer, computer programming, computer design, computer application / Ural-4 electronic computer A&STRACT: A self -reproducing machine has been designed at an electronic computer plant. The Ural-4 was used to work out technological processes for creating parts identical to those from which it was made. Having obtained the program, the Ural-4 models the intellectilal activity of a highly qualified technologist. After about 1.5 minutes, the machine starts to deliver the projected technological diagram, which contains all the data for making the parts. The conn,uter reduced the time of preparing the technological documentation by 5-6 times and halved the cost. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: none / ATD PRESS: 5113 Card 1/1 PRFSNYAKOV, A. "Rolled" storage batteries. lUn.tekh.5 no.1:31 Ja 16-1 (MiRA IJ,: 5) (Storage batteries) FRESNTAKOT, A. Magnetism in agriculture. 111n.tekh, 4 no-11-29-30 11 159. WRA 13:4) (Growth (Plants) (Magnetochemistry) Ok%-- s/8_*7/62/w5/cr,o/oI2/GI2 AOG5/A"_OI AUTHORS: Prcgnya.--.ov, A. A., Starihova, G. V. T I 'I=, Experimental investigation of kinetic correspondence in the deve- lopment of' ,;uper-ductility in metastable eutectics SOURCE: Alzademiya naul: Kazakhskoy SSR. InGtitut metallui-gil i oboguahcho- niya. Trudy. v. 5, 1-962, Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, .84 - 185 TZ%T: The investigation was made with metastable specimens of lead-tin eutectics on a special machine designed by V. Ya. Shtraus operating with ten- zion velocities as high as 1.25; 4; 20; 78; ciOlt; and 960 mm/min. The tests were carried out at 20, 40, 65, 90, 115, 14o, 155, 1065 and 1300C. Maxi- mum indices of super-ductility attaining 425%; are obtained at 4 mm/min tension velocity. Elongation approaching this value takes place at 20 mm.1min. At all the other, higher or lovier, velocities, ductility indices do not exceed 2501%. At 90SO mm/min tension velocity, maximum elongation is not over 8552. The duc- tility maximum varies with temperature. At 1.25 mm/min tension velocity, i~ ts located at about 1750C. At a higher deformation speed (up to 4 mm/min) the Card 1/2 E,,~perimental investiration ot*... AOC)6/A.-C)- ductility maximaim is attained at '550C. The results obtained show that in the tension of metastable cast eutectics, highest indices of super-ductility are revealed at a particularly fivorable kinetic correspondence of deformation and stabilization processes; they decrease when this correspondence J; elimi- nated. There is 11 figure. Card P_/2 FRESNYAKOV, A.A.; GHERVYAKOVA, V.V.; KLYUCHNIKOV, Yu.F. , - ----- --- X-ray investigation of hardened L75 brass djring the tempering process. Trudy Inst. met. i obogashch. All Kazakh. SSR 4: 87-90 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Brass-Metallography) 618171WO',51GO010*~. 1/012 ~ rlr I A' C ' A " 07HORS: Starikova, G. V., Presnyakov, A. A. TITLE: Investigating electric resistivity of the Al-Zn eutectoid SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR. institut metallurgii i obogashche- niya. Trudy, V. 5, i962, Tsvetnaya metallurglya, 175 178 T`EXT: Anomalously high ductility 1,00M,) is observed in Ai-Zn eutec- toid after quenching from a temperature exceeding that of eutectoid transforma- tion. This is explained by the course of a diffusion process of stabilization during deformation. The authors attempted to establish also an anomaly in the variation of electric resi!~tivity of the Al-Zn eutectoid. Al-Zn alloy specimens (79~5' Zn) were annealed and quenched at 3200C. -Electric resistivity was measured after different time of holding at room temperature, The electric resistivity Of quenched specimens decreased abruptly during the first 8 - 10 minutes afte.r quenching. After measuring electric resistivity at room temperature, the spe- cimens were heated wi-Lhin 5 minutes to '2500C. The electric resistIvity of the quenched and annealed specimens was then equal, and no anomalous effect was ob- Card 1/2 Inveztigating electric, resistivity of' the ... A006/A1O1 i served. Mleasurcrients of' quenched spenii-iiens, heated to 11300C with dif f,7!--ent holding time, sho,...,ed no anomaly. - 7ho experiments prove that the Initial stalge of decomposition of a quenched Al-Zn eutectoid, proceedinIg at room, temperature, is accompanied by an anomalous effect of increased electric resistivity. aut at room temperature the specimen does not fully attain 'the cquilibril~m. statle. The degree of non-equilibrium can be e,ialuated by the difference in the elec- tric resistivity in quenched and annialed state. During heating; the metastable alloy passes over Into an equilibriUm alloy and the electric resistivities of quenched and annealed specimens close values. 7here are 3 ftgures, Card 2/2 PRESNYAKOV, A.A.. Invii. -, I Degree or plasticitY of metals. Obromet.dayle no.2i42-55 151. (Rolling (Metalwork)) (PlasticitY) (MIRA 12-.10) .1 l i~ I?, t- 5 t-, -1 fl")~, C-. , , ~~ 0 , k:and.tekhn.natr; ROZZWM , K.D., inshener; FRIKATOVA, L.T.; VOLEDGM, G.T. Technological problems in the production of strips of MZbI-1 allay. TSvet.met. 27 no.6:6o-65 7-D '54. (KMA 10: 10) (Coppsr-l~-on-iiickel alloys) . I- PPIWYAKOV. A.A.; TARATYNOVA, Z.G. Use of hardness teats for determining the mechanical properties of sheet metals. Zav. lab. 21 no.2:22B-229 '55 (91-ah 8:6) (Sheet metal--Testing) its. F, lmauc ca the P11-f jk~ Pran ak'"M L - ~14~ %Aptulumr~ A . -CA F of W C_ OVA wofk0d, was w z rr,~Jzr. C__ (1~4 roduction of a=a La Ecr-nite (c9ing ai thc aiterfom of pl4st~_ic It waL fcwtil ttut Ni with a high C ccatenE In i dic gm-tcat pLv-b'--' p 41 111-11-p. u.,st shet- N!, dccmim_~!,d with S4 C, 4md k1g, 4Si )Or' X ' - I Ok C,; x. highc- I.C,TY LU!Vj)h~idil J11apr ws =V. this du*Tcmc4 un L7US. A - Ali kW43 xcept v,-u&cJ irwdc N,, ha%z a mep: of Wmed p of Ni, c. -ing -it Ig show at~, hot w3rL 1 2nd - n lic de th Ni s o p7opa f_n1;4sdcity aftcr hot rallhmg is ShOW2 by pzz= ; niati=bly, and ft plag"-y at monal L: ckf~m alloy ciaa~~- - I metatim -Cimarkcdly Pksaca -u zomcffw~U Z. a- t a ssw&r dcgxco r ws a PREMAKOV, A.A. Attachme t for the KI type of machine for friction tests at hie, temperatures. Zav.lab.22 no.1:124 '56. (MLOA 9:5) 1. Zaveduyushchly laboratoriyey metallovedenlya I metallofialki fiziko-tekhnicheskogo instituta Akademii nauk XazSSR. (Testing machines) FRESNYAKOV, A.A. ~~*!------ Effect of spedimen defects on the value of the plasticity index. Zav.lab. 22 no.5:585-586 '56. (XE2A 9:8) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut kkademii nauk Kazakhskoy SSR. (Plasticity) 020 AUTHOR: Presnyakov A. A , Candidate of Technical Sciences. echnica Institute, Ac.Sc., Kazakhstan). TITLE: On the influence of admixtures on the plasticity of L62 brass. (K voprosu o vliyanii primesey na plastichnost' latuni L62). PERIODICAL: "Metallovedenie i Obrabotka Metalloy" (MletallurE d Metal Treatment), 1957, Ro-5, PP-53-55 (U.S.S.R ~ an ABSTRACT: The influence of low melting point admixtures, for in.stance of lead, on0reducing the plasticity of certain alloys at 500 to 700 C and subsequent sharp increase at higher temperatures is not dealt with sufficiently in literature. The changes in the plasticity of brass was investigated in presence of Fb and Sb for brasses of the chemical compositions as enumerated in Table 1, P-53 (about 6W6 Cu, impurities of Fe, Pb and Sb, rest Zn). The plasticity was defined as the relative contraction of the cross section of the specimens during dynamic stretching. The obtained data as a function of the Pb and Sb contEnts valid for various temperatures between 20 and 850 C are silmmarised in Tables 2 and 3, P-53. It was found that durinE the shaping process contaminated L62 brass should not be allowed to cool down during the process of deformation to temperatures corresponding to the temperatures of brittleness formation, i.e. -that the shaping should be carried out at hiLter temperatures than for brass with- out any contaminations. 3 Tables, 8 Russian references. !t AUTHOR: -Presnyakov, A.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences. TITLE: On the relation between the ductility an-c alloying of solid solutions. (0 svyazi plas-tichnoszi s legirovannostlyu tverdykh rastvorov). 129 - 8 - 6/16 PERIODICAL:"Metallovedeniye I Obrabotka M-etallov" (Metallurgy and 10 - 8_p p-.-2- - - - _~U . S . S . R . al Treatme 1957, Y -2 Met ntT 4 ABSTRACT: On the basis of literary data and his own results the author stud-ies the relation between ductility and the chemical composition of alloys. The "coefficient of relative alloying", X, is taken as a characteristic of the chemical composition of solid solutions: X = 100 x C1/Csat. (C - concentration of the second component in the solid solution; Csat. - maximum concentration in the saturated solid solution), X being also a function of the temperature. The 6raph, Fig.1, gives date on the ductility of steels with various degrees of alloying as a function of the temperature on the basis of the data given by Zuyev,M.I. et alii (8); most of the alloys have high ductility indices at elevated temperatures and the higher the degree of alloying with carbon, the greater Is the drop in ductility at tempera- tures above 0.6 Tfus.abs.' Analogous phenomena are observed also in the case of m-brass (zinc-copper solid solution), Card 1/2 On the relqtiQn between the ductility and the deLWee- of alloying of solid solutions. (Cont.) 129 - 8 - 6/16 see Fig.2. Fig.3 shows the change in ductility of copper- nickel alloys of various degrees of alloying on the basis of literary data and the results of the author himself and Fi6.4 shows the same relation for the ductility of certain nickel alloys. More complex (ternary, quaternary) alloys show lower ductility than binary ones. Solid solutions built on the basis of the face centred cubic lattice show a drop in ductility according to a well defined relationship- the drop is lowest UL rOO111 telllpOrBtUre, it is soinewhat larger at 0.85-0-95% Tfus.abs. and largest in the temperature rant;e 0.35-U-85% Tfus.abs.' The obtained results also provide an explanation for the formation of a zone of brittleness of brasses in the temperature range 400 to 700 C; this is attributed to the influence of certain distortions of the crystal lattice. There are 4 figures and 10 references, all of which are Slavic, ASSOCIATION: Physico-Technical Institute Ac.Sc. Kazakhstan SSR. (Fiziko-Tekhnicheskiy Institut All Kazakhskoy SSR). AVAILABLE: Card 2/2 prcn.'M ~ " I -, A. - . : It,- ,~' A, . I ~, I ~ no.5:V-67 11 i k,,41AA in: )) AUTHORS: Presnya-kov, A.A. , katveyeva, K.T. 7 "~_j 2_:~ - 11-ir onenko, Yu.P. TITLE: On the Vlea.-3uring of Temperature in Thermal Mechanical Investigations of Metals (Ob izmerenii terTqieratur pri goryachikh mekhanicheskil-h ispytaniyakh metallov). PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 12, pp. 1515-1515 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the introduction it is said that the results of measurements carried out -;rlth thermocouples often do not agree, which can mostly be explained by the fact that the sample and the thermocouple in the respective case do not possess the same optical properties. For reasons of the precise definiticn of a nwber of experimental data concerning aluminum- and zinc alloys, a uniform investigation of these materials was carried out. For this purpose a differential- nichrome constantan thermocouple, made of a veire of 0.30 mm thick- ness, and a round nichrome electric furnace was used. Between the sample and the heater a nickel screen %ms fitted in orier to attain uniform heating of the sample. Both soldering seams of the thenno- couple were fastened in the middle part of the sample by means Of Card 1/2 copper wire at Opposing points. As a measuring device a "M-21" On the Measuring of Temperature ir, T-rLe,--,al Ilechanical 3 2-1 2-5,~/71 Investigations of lictals galvanometer was used. Experiments show that in the case of a heating lasting up to 20 minutes no definite equalization of temper- ature between the sairmle and the thennocouple could be attained, so that in aluminum alloys differences of 6-8% were observed in re- sults. A checking of data concerning zinc allo *- showed still higher results. In the case of the soldered parts being badly fastened to the sarrmle, the error is greater, ASSOCIATION: Physical-Technical Institute AN Ka-zakh SSR (F:Lziko-tekhniches1,-iy inatitut Alkademii nauk Kazakh SSR). AVAIUBLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Heat treatment-Temperature measurement AUTHORt PRESNYAKOV,A.A. PA - 2549 TITLEs Plastic De-f-or-m-a-tion Influence on Diffusion Velocity. (Y. voprosu 0 vliyanii plasticheskoy deformatsii na skorost' diffuzii, Russian) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., 19571 Vol 27, fir 3, PP 575 - 576 (U~S~S.R.) Receiveds 4 / 1957 Revieweds 5 / 1957 ABSTRACT: The diffusion of sulphur in nickel was investigated and data con- cerning the influence of deformation on the diffusion velocity of the element concerned were collected. The working method is de- scribed, for which purpose the depth of the layer d, which is affected by sulphur, served as a measure for diffusion velocity. The structure observed confirms the opinion of some authors concern- ing the solubility of sulphur in nickel. From the analysis carried out it may be concluded that with an increased amount of the previous cold deformation the diffusion ot sulphur in nickel can be suppressed. The experimental data obtained by the author are in contrumft&tion to the opinion expressed in published works con- cerning the rules governing "a considerable increase of diffusion velccity in bodies with a distorted lattice,,. The anthor is of the opinion that the distortion of the lattice exercises influence on the diffusion velocity, but that in some cases it may also slow down the diffusion process. (I table and 1 illustration).. Card 1/2 Plastic Deformation influence on Diffusion Velocity, PA - 2549 ASSOCIATION: Physical-Technical Institute of the Acadermy of Science of the Kazakian SSR, Alma-Ata. PRESENTED BY% SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Presnyakov, A.A. and Eovi1r,ova, Cand4dj_ .- S -ci-e-n ~ e -s. _' - - - L . ; 6 of Teciinical TITLE: Investigation of tho -Dj-ffusion of Sulphur in Nickel. (Issledovardye diffuzii sery v nikel~ - PERIODICAL- TsVEtMye Metally, lL)15?,'/AJfo'.2, pp. 73 - 76 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Brittleness of nickel parts has been found to be associ- ated with the -Dresence of sulphur vapour in heat-t-reatment furnace atmospheres. This effect has been studied by A.K. Chertaskikh but with insufficient thoroughness, and the authors present their own experimental results in this article. These were based on meLallographic investigation of various nickel specimens exposed to sulphur vapours under various conditions. The rate of diffusion of sulphur into nickel was fSund to depend on temperature becoming appreciable at 500 C; the rate decreases witL increasing degree of preliminary deformation. A photomicrograph of deformed nickel with a sulphur-saturated surface layer is shown and graphs of thickness of sulphur- affected layer vs time and vs degree of deformation ai-e given. Tables of temperature, annealing time and depth of diffusion and of changes in composition during annealing in sulphur vapour 1/1 are given. There are 4 figures and 2 tables. There is I Slavic reference. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 24(6) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 30V/3172 Preanyakov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Opredeleniye plastichnosti metallov (Determining the Plasticity of Metals) Alma-Ata, !zd-vo AN Kazakhskoy SSR, 1958. 90 P. Errata slip inserted. 1,400 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR. Fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institut. Ed.: Yu. N. Kuznetsov; Tech.. Ed.: Z.P. Rorokina. i PURPOSE: The book is intended for engineers. COVERAGE: The book deals with contemporary research on the plasticity of metals. Metal failure and determination of plasticity are included. No personalities are mentioned. There are 67 references: 64 Soviet, 2 English,,and 1 German. Card 1/2 Determining the Plasticity of Metals SOV/3172 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Modern Methods of Research-on the Plasticity of Metals 5 Failure of Metals 18 Determination of Plasticity of Metals 61 Bibliography 89 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress(TA 46o.P73) Card 2/2 VK/rna~ 3-16-6o 21(8) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1316 Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR. Institut, yadernoy fiziki Trudy, t. 1 (Transactions of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences. v.1) Alma-Ata, Izd-vo AN Kazakhskoy SSR, 1958. 2,000 copies printed. Ed.: Osadchiy, F. Ya.; Tech. Ed.: Alferova, P.F.; Editorial Board of Series: Griman, I.G., I.G. Demlyanikov (re3p. ed.), T.F. Diogenova, and S.K. Kalinin. PURPOSE: This volume of the "Trudy" is intended for specialists (Physicists, physicochemists, physicist-metallurgists, etc.), scientists engineers, teachers, and postgraduate students (aspirantyl. Coverage: This volume of the "Trudy" contains results of research performed at the "Institut yadernoy fiziki" (Institute of Nuclear Physics) in the years 1954-1956. The first article is concerned with the interaction of cosmic-ray particles with nuclei of Card 1/6 Transactions of the I13st-itute (Cont.) SOV/1316 various substances, and with the nature of secondary partinles. Particular attention is given to the generation of meson3 in showers. The next article discusses the motion of Charged par- ticles from the point of view of the general theory of re- lativity. A series of articles presents the problems of changes in the plasticity, strength, and hardness of alloys at various temperatures in relation to their chemical and phase compositions. Data are given on the properties of alloys during crystallization with reference to hot-shortness. Separate problems of the theory of shkping are also included. Spectrum analysis is discussed as applied to the study of are performance and to the determination of rare earth elements in minerals. The text also describes quantitative x-ray spectrum analysis based on the various spec- trum series. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Takibayev, Zh. S. Study of the Character of Interactions of Cosmic Rays With Atomic Nuclei of Hea-.ry and Light Elements 3 Ch. 1. Formation of Secondary Star-forming Particles During the interaction of Cosmic Rays With Various Nuclei 5 Transactions of the Institute (Cont.) SOV/1316 Ch. 7. Study of Showers Due to Particles With Energies Larger Than 1012 ev 123 Petrova, N.M. Equations of Charged Particle Motion In the General Theory of Relativity i6o Cherdyntsev, V.V., and O.V. Suyarova. Study of the Earth's Neutron Flux 166 Diogenova, T.P. Capture of a 111~-meson With the Escape of a Heavy Fragment 11-2 Fresnyakov, A.A. Some Problems in the Interaction of Com- ponents in Binary Equilibrium Diagrams 175 Presnyakov, A.A. Theory of Slip Cones 187 Presn qakov,__~.~~.. Connection Between the Plastic Properties -6f-MiiEM-fc Systems and Their Chemical and Phase Composition i9-( .Pr -v-,-A.A. Flow of Metal in the Seat of Deformation e=ako During Rolling 217 Card 4/6 Transactions of the Institute (Cont.) SOV/1316 Preanyakov, A.A., Yu. P. Mironenko, and V.G. Roshchupkin. In- dus r eters for High-power Resistance Transmitters 225 Freanyakov, A.A., said V.V. Chervyakova. Plasticity or Molten Binary AlloyO-Al - Cu at High Temperatures 234 Presnyakov,___.A.A., and N.S. Sakharova. Study of the Microhard- __ ___ _ __ ss He of Ce rtain Cast Alloys With Zinc and Tin Base 237 A.A., and Yu. P. Mironenko, Plasticity of Pre-jnyAkov, __ Certain Molten Zinc Alloys 244 Novikov, I.I., and L. I. Dautova. Dependence of Heat Re- sistance on Composition in the Cu - Ni - Si System 249 Novikov, I.I., and L. I. Dautova. Study of the Hot-shortness of Cop,)er Alloys 255 Novikov, I,I., and K,T. Matveyeva. Closing Up Shrinkage Fis- Sures During Cry-5talllzatlon 265 card 5/r.