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A. kva r~.Z,Xcrio 1, a .a! Eir C-f Av all d I II -,,, no. DEMMIN, V.P.; KOBTZTSX&YA, I.; HOVIMN, A.I.; PM3, N.Y., KASHIRIff, V.I. List of Russian and translated literature on telemetering for 1950- 19.54. Avtom. i telem. 16 no.4;409-410 Jl-Ag 155. (MLRA 9:2) (Bibliography--Telemetering) vSt.vie basic reac e, Till "'Ifowl Y- 1. Pechkovski -)i-h Iwr-e=P9.T=T-RA7- 1237-1243).-The Yelocity of dcsu)pburi.%atir)n- temp. corves for nixturc5 of Al, Zn, and Cd sulphates witli Cd, Zn, and I'li sulphidci run parallcl with the diawciation curve3 of the SuIpbates. siiggesting that detulphur-ation ii regulated by the reactions AISO, o MO -L- SO, nnd'2SO, va 2S0, + 0,. Permeability to 0, of oxide films 1.4 rreatex than that of sulphate films, facilitating aCcesi o(0, tn 0t! int,!riorof-.itiperficiallyoxidiqed sulphide granules, R. TRUSCOZ. I I kc I I it 11 it j a 1. a 0 1p :0 41 00 00 00 00 00 a 06 00 J~ 00 40 1 60 0 0 !T L. .1 Is if Is i V1) JIA A A 17 )s A b 11 U It M It v 11 w 61 #9 .1 -8 1.0 10.. III v I I v I U is (A W U I "'ap of development of mWerrous metal industry f Al all (Russia). S. R. P _~rZfrim"ie AIC&III- 10. I-2(lSkXM.- tf the .1attly nonferrous industry in Alta'i and the c-id. te- IIV .11urces Pb. Zn, Cu and Au cwts. Plans of devel"ping I (he dist -t sue suggested including thediscussi,m o(trallA. P. t-jr1alit . 1xitwer supply. calAtilization anti furtallurgical jn,x ew P. N. D4114,47 0 00 40 0o 7- 60 tjjjR4T Of CL.ISIFIC.11C. 00 n' 0 000000000000000040406GOQ**Oooooooo*-*0000 07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -00 100 -00 00 =*O zoo !Zoo 00 zoo zoo -'60 _00 ;.00 0 0 I N P. 1) AJ 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a L 88oo-66 EEC(k)-2 ACC NR: AP5026957 SOURCE CODE: UR/0103/65/026/010/1746/1756 AUTHOR: Lyubinsldy, I. A. (Moscow); Pozin, N.V (Moscow) ORG: none TITLE: Simulation of the Information-handling processes which take place in a neuron. 1. Mathematical model and physical simulation of the Impulse generation process i SOURCE: Avtornatika I telemekhanika, v. 26, no. 10, 1965, 1746-1756 TOPIC TAGS: b-io-nics neuron, electrophysiology, information theory, circuit theory -J ABSTRACT: Tbe authors study the properties of the neuron and formulate the principles of action for an analog having properties which are important from the standpoint of Informational transformations. Introductory comments are given on the physiology of the neuron. An equation Is derived for determining the moment of generation of the output impulse of t1va neuron. Conditions for neuron rhythm conversion are determined and the relationship 'between the output frequency and depolarization current is calculated. The basic properties and parameters of the neuron model are given togeftr with an explana- tory block diagram. Analysis of the equivalent circuit of the 'neuron is Used as a basis Card 1/2 UDC 62-506. 2.001.57 L 88oo-66 ACC NR: AP5026957 for design of the physical model of the impulse generating unit. The wiring diagram of this unit, based on a squegging oscillator, Is given. The electrophysiological study and discusslon~ of the properties of the neuron and its analog vmre carried out in association with physto logists of the Institute of BioDhvsicfj, AN SSSR (Institut biofizild AN SSSR), Yu. 1. Arshavaldy, M.D. Berldnblit. S.A. Kovaley and L. N1, Cha kh The authors are qeepry-g-r-a-tefU75F their help. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 14 formulas. ~UB CODE: 09, 06, SUBM DATE: 04Nov64 ORIG REF: 01 OTH REF: 007 jW Card 2/2 LYUBINSKIY, I.A. (14oskva); 14ILYUTINA., V.A. (Yoskva); POZIN, N.V. (Yoskva) Pulse-frequency telemetering trawmitting device. Avtom.i telem. 22 no.7:934-938 il 161. (KM.L 14:6) (Telemetering-Equipment and supplies) POZIN, N.V. (Moskva) Efficiency of information transmission in telemetering. Part 2'. Initial stages of the analysis with consideration of interference, Avtom.i telem. 22 no.10:1401-1404 0 161. (M]RA 14~.10) (Telemetering) POZINI N.V. 0,~--skva) Mean duration of lfiise iapuls,~:s ared method of singh. distortions for noise analysis in telerwtering. Avtom. i telem. 24 no.9,- 1272-1278 S 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Telemtering) ACCESSION NR: AP4035076 S/0103/64/025/004/0539/0546 :AUTHOR: Pozin, N. V. (Moscow) TITLE: Raising the noise immunity of telemetering with pulse -duration and pulse -time modulation by. means of a time selector SOURCE: Avtomatika i telemekhanika , v. 25, no. 4, 1964, 539 -546 !TOPIC TAGS: telemeter, telemetering, pDML telemeter, PTM teleme-ter, telemeter noise immunity, noise immunity !ABSTRACT: A theoretical investigation of the noise immunity of PDM- and PTM-1 type telemeters equipped with a special time selector and operating under strong :fluctuat'ion-noise conditions is presented. It is assumed that the work-pulse fronts are very short and that the front distortion by noise can be neglected. then, only false pulses and false spacings caused by noise affect the accuracy of signal transmission. A "time selector" is inserted in the LF channel, before the j measuring demodulator, and makes the receiver insensitive to distortion having a I duration shorter than the selection time t. The time selector is started by the 'Card iACCESSION NR: AP4035076 lincoming-pulse front. The input signal is repeated, with the delay t, at the selector's output if the input signal does not contain pulses or spacings shorter ,;than t. The shorter pulses cannot start the selector, nor can shorter-than-t spacings reset it. The developed formulas show that the introduction of the time selector may considerably increase the noise immunity of the PDM-type and particularly the PTM-type telemeters. Optimum data of selection are numeri- cally evaluated. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 15 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED; 10Jan63 DATE ACQ: 26May64 ENCL: 00 ISUB CODE: EC:'. NO R.EF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 Card Z/Z L 14o6g-66 ACO NR: AP6002405 SOURCE CODE: UR/0103/65/026/012/2221/2229 AUTHOR: Lyubinskiy, 1. A. (Moscow); Pozin, N. V. (Mos'cow) ORG: None TITLE: Modeling of informatilon transfer processes in a neuron. Part 2. Design principles of a neuron model which executes the simplest mathematical operations SOURCE: Avtomatika I telemekhanika, v. 26, no. 12, 1965, 2221-2229 TOPIC TAGS: dendrite, neuron, anatomic model ABSTRACT: The authors discuss current concepts on the role of dendrites in the operation of a neuron. It is stressed that taking into account the interaction of incoming signals in dendrites makes it possible to assume the existence in a neuron of the capability of fulfilling a broad range of operations with respect to the input signals. Line diagrams of different variations of a neuron model are presented. The model con- tains one active element, a semiconductor triode. It is demonstrated that the model can execute the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and "Subtraction with weight" of the frequencies of Incoming pulse sequences in pulsed and analog modes Card 1/2 UDC: 62-506.2.001.57 L 14069-66 ACC NR: AP6002405 of operation. It is pointed out that the properties of a live neuron which determine its role in the function of a nervous system are considerably more extensive than the properties now being simulated. In addition to the capability of a neuron for learning, it has, apparently, the capability for adaptation and spontaneous generation of pulses. Another article will be devoted to this subject. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 14 formulas. SUB CODE: 06) 09/ SUBM DATE: O6Mar65/ ORIG REP: 003/ OTH REP: 006 if, 1; 1/0221/010/1" t q, D27.)''! '01 -THOR, V.- (Afoscolv) T IU., wificiency of' trnnsmissivri of' irfo: Llol in I I . Biisic concepts, bPin!,. .. .... * Into low. '10, 11.1:61, J i CAL - V. ~__; ~404 The concept of re:;ultailt accuracy is dei'm,-,;, - w-ell if. the LE. rl on of noise stability. A modified formulv jor Ibe trarsmissio-1 1.5 91ven. In tile first part of Lhe article (I,ef. 1. AvLoma-Likv. i Le)emekhanika,, V. 22, no. 9, 1961), tile accuracy N A of telemetering 6 . fn the general ejse, ~va- 4-?~- -mined only by the apparatus error A t'.11, I ises i;lto account!P tile re.-iultant error 6 is coml,osed OF tlic. 'Ses 6 9 P! ~,j the apparatus cS 11, and to tIlUL due to the no r n Card 1/5 Efficiency of transmission, D-274/mol where r and rA resultant accurz)cr due to noises and r 2 + r av-~ propo rtj onal i t~y fac Lors. N or thL- re-iultunt nnY7:1)er of ;.-ie, ~u-?." -Instability of N 2) With equal distribution of Lhe ,.ie~--sured mission R is exnressed by T T denoting the time required for the trimsmission of one imnsuren:-tir- r~ard 2/5 2 ~' 25 6 Efficienew J transmission... D274 D301 The notatio- is introduced. Q .is defined as the --.rJ0%"ion of no--,3e mi-ion. In parti~ilar, IsA n But the critenuj .;an also be used as zL noise-stability criterion. is imore convenient a' 't leads to a less cumbersome expression of It. B~ Eq. (4), one obtain-94, R (7) A n It denotes the' velocity in the absence of noises, and A #k n Card 3/5 25 C. S/103/611/022/010 (1; 5,' 01 Efficiency of transmission.*. D274/D30 I reduction in velocity due to the noises in the ~n vanishes, no reduction in velocity occtir-i.A the velocit%- is proposed. N T N = N AN A n By Eq~ (9) V = VA 8 Vn In the references, express iont were obtained for T and for J,n Thes- values, in conjunction with Eqs. (7) and (10), are sufficient for obtain- ing, expressions for It and V9 and also for the criteriou of efficicacy of transmission R/W (W being the freqtjoncy band in the 5~ s ion channel) for any type of modulation. The values of It and R/ W (or and V/W) for actual telemetering systemag permit estimating and co .r7i I. i r Card 4/5 Efficienc-.- of transmissionvo. the effici.-.,)cy of transmission of variou references. SUBMITIED: April 13, 1961 2 9 256 S/1(,3/61/022/01O..015/018 D27,1/D301 3y.3 tems. More are 4 30viet-bloc L- ~11---- I; ~ Card 5/5 ILIIN, V.A. KASHTELYAN, V.Ye.; POZIN, N.V.;URUSOV, I.D. ,61ectronic excitation regulator for synchronous generators operating on long-distance transmission lines. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd. tekh.nauk no.12:14-29 D 156. (MLRA 10:1) (Electronic instruments) (Ilectric generators) as IF w w 6 f, it it Will .6 it x tit V . IF -A I I &A I A go A so go * 0 00 00 go 00 Proapacts of development of nonferrous metal industry of Altai illtussis). 10. -41114 I%XW. -Y . 'ttall-I I-- W 00 4 Ph, e,,[ All twe, H. h.1 '0 0 I he hill k-l &%tr sitg1lextril nx 1-1111a l fir qjj~ lkwf4titirt. Sk)wrr supply, capitalitwitin and niriallurpiAl .00 Of 04 a JV re: xp tie ASS ij~ce IQ", J. t", ...... too U a AT -0 1% A J, A An -W 0 If 4 1 1 IN 0009 to IDA a OR 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0.* 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 S1 03 't)'/022/'OOV/'OO8/Oi4 L 0 0 D206YD304 AUTHOR: Pozln~ N.171, V"Moscow) TITLE. Th. e e f f i c I e n c y o f t r an 5 m--. g -i r-f o rmaT, i o n --- n -:.- e 1 e - me,cry. Ana."-Lysi3 wa-.h h.0 nol,.se in --ommuml:a-~-on .-hanne) A PERIODICAL3 Avtomatika i. -.el-emekhan---ka, -,-. 22., no~ 9, 196'. - -2io TEXTf In ihe avBence t)ol5c, and wl-~.h uni~o7m d-LsT-rib-,.~---.,n Of , -- -7 peed Of -,ran~~ y tz giver, as -qntT,- ted iln,~,:)rma-on.. 'the 3 ~,ml s s i o n m a log N A in ib.e A-vmbol --Da in ~Vhe denr--lei -lag -o the base -xi I wh) ^.b. N lb accuzrac~y &f 'cbe lns*tall.a-,--or. :,r -the numb- of A A 13 -c:iprr-)~-a.a. of che appzara~u error mea2uremen.-~ grada:-40n5 Ca r d i/ e S; ",)7 08/014 ~ - - 0!11022/009~,,O The effac-Lency of transm-It"c--rig D 2 0 6. /. D304 6AF T - TI-me required for -cranaml-t-t-Ing one measuremen-, (,,he -~ele- m-_-Te.r,_ng speed). The ~rite_r-Lon :,f apez:_f"Lc speed .'n -Lh,.s .--ase has 'the f orm A '2) ~W The denominator TW (TW 2f_-,M 12F), where F the h.,_gher f:equency of changing the measured paramele_-~ limiting frequency )f -vhe LF -filter with transm~,_ss_)n without double mod `ation) may L! I be called the frequency _-,ne',fis.1e_n-:,,y. The larger -che TW, fo7 the same speed, the worse is the u_-tiliza,~icn of' the bandw--d-h in The communication channel. in some ;-,ases TW may be used as a criTerion in itself,. in The preseni arilcle the author derives expanded ex- presB,-ona for R and specific speed R/W of basic Types of modula- tion as used in telemetry and i:omparea ihe ielemetry meihod3 of va- rious telemetering systems ao?lually in use, For code pulse modula- tion FK14M (KIM)] a code message with n-codect pulges Is considered. Card 2/4 :.- 4~' S, "I 03,/1"b" 11 /022/009/008/0--1& The effi----enlcy of D206/D304 The -time of -rcramsmies'.op. r --,a composed of pulse aurati-on ri of the Int-erval T, and pul-se 3 wi*:h durai-cn - Integral The sp~-ed of transmis3-Jon R i3 zhen d6ri-ved as p C-g og N A (5) Pcm D and the eper---""~c 3pezd R,! Wa 3 F NA W where K,>, I ana w- ibe requ.~---,~d baniw--cc~r. of channe-L,-The pui3e [WV M, wi d-,h - 'ShTmll a-rd -AD~ ~pmase mc -il;a,- a LBa!vIcl are conalderea next.. A.11 exvre3sLon~?' -Ior F/W are func'~taone of many a-zgome-nt.,3.~ The a-nalys-~:~- ana -,-,mpa:-=irj c;z~ ~'-YPI~3 of molula- ion -~s made graph-Lcal-v -I - 4-T li~ he --,ncrease in Cara 3/4 .6' /022/00;/008/(,NI& The eff ic-1 en-y. n-f DI 2 C 1-7 /. D 3 of ~cde Pul!le modulated ,ransm:L9s-.,c,n increase34 NA -,f -.h,: ,,rder of -100 or less, 'che PCM effl--.1ency m,3~i ne w-:)4-,2e the of oTler zy- Pee of mcLI-IaT,- on, Fo: ,,Mse ~.a-ue-~- of N A ~pA the most effi- clen-V seem -.,, be Th,,~ nar,~,4-barii -~eleme-ver---ng using pu'.3e -Nid-th mo- dula-tion (o- pulse phase in -,be append'-x zhe parame- ters of i-:,vetemi w-~,h var-,,ous modula-,ion are tabu- lated -wb!cLb perm'~t-q a7 -i giance ~o judge I-n-,~ -ff-:,enc-y of the Mo- dulation and of 'he, sy-3-cem Th.gre are g -1 ure3,, 4 tables and 10 allBMITTEDt Apr--~' .3, I Card 4 fi4 POZINP N,V. (Moskva) Efficiency of information tranamission in television. Part I. .1 A=lyais of a commidattion chaml vithout the conoideration w i- of interference. Avtom. i telem._22 no.9:1210-1219 S 161. * (Televisi on) (MIRA 14:9) POZIN, N.V. (Moskva) Determination of Interference rejection of time-vidth an time- pulse telemetering with strong fluctuationAnterfereaces. Avtom- i telem. 21 no-9:1320-1322 S 16o. (MIRA 13jlO) (Telemetering) 6,4?000 S,IA??~3~021/0091101 1/07, BO 1 -91/300" 5 AUTHOR: Pozin, N., V~ (Moscow) TITLE: Determination cP the Noise Stability cf Pulse--w;jth and Pulse-time Remote Me-asurement in the Case cf' Strun--- Flu--tuation Ncise PER10DICAL: A-,Lojriatika i telemekhanika, 7960, Vol. 21, N,,,: PP. I P Z 'A' ' r !,eviou~, article (Ref, 1) the author sstiidie- the cf the nOLSP stability or pulse-i-ot'n ar:J -:11--- time remo'~e measurement. It is shown hat the introrluctici,~ a t 1 rr~2 or, -itito trie, v.Lriao-channel incroases considc:rably th,~ noise staoll e m -2 as u r Q me n i. vv i t h a pu I s e - w i d t h an! a D ul s e - t imt! rriu i u I a t Thil t1ine Stllevt(,,r- eliminates the Pf'fect of' the shorte2t but most prc.6ab1p. distortions whIch are due to fluctuation noise. This metriod is parti-litarly euitabie f*r.'r telemeters operating with -.,.trong noi:ip it' the d.-Ir"ItLon Cr the th. "dur?t-,nn the -rcn-g". Ti-7- frequency band (~' tn!: 82943 Determinat-ion of tne 11o,.se Stability of S/ i 03/60/022- 1 100 ,,/ 0 11 /'-D Folse.width and Pulsp-ime Remote B012/B063 M,~aouri-tm,~-nt in the Caz,.e cIf Strong Fluf-tuation. "n s w h ft s f h ~ d u r -a n th t~ 3 m e, -S %,A~ 1 1, ;.-; ncred 'hit, th-~ -n*--~ a-1--ii ttth.t, razb,i 0~' a q'~-!--Y th;-~L 1-riger -nan ~he duz'%tIC':; :'.' Ine ir;d L. n I J,~ this cconne: t ion i t is pointe", i s T c rt ;ns -,,, rn pi -a* -d us c L'u 1 r c p k t n e (I a t a r cm t he p ap e r c, f R ~ f P. t t e -- C the no i 8-~ tab i-1 i ty i n th~- cac- r) c:~ h ar -2 bi s e d r- n. r i, r u s me f mod u 1 a t i on . A sp e c -, a ~z n I c ri The r~-2 ar C iou reo t ab I e . qnd S!! P. M i TTE D i C 6 C, C r, f d , , /.-I., -PO.ZI.N,-.N.V. (Moskva) Interforenceproof of pulse-width and pulse-tinR tolematerirg at high fluctuation noises. Avtom.i talon. 20 no.2:219-?IPB F '59. (IAIRA 12:3) (Tejemetaring) 239-4-2 S/103/61/022/007/008/008 ti D252/D302 AUTHOWS Milytitina, V-~. and Pozin, N.V_ 'J.'1 T 1 Pulse- frequency telemetering transmitter PERTOD TCA1, Avtoiiatika i teleriiel,.hanika, v. 22, no. 7, 1961, 934-Q38 T _,'~ X TThe pulse-frequency telemetering device ChTI-1 is designed for measuring small. d.c. voltiges, It produces rectangular pulses of diaty ratio 2, which are proportional to the measured voltage. I'loiseproof telemetering channels require a narroi,rin,' of the frequen- cy range; hence the frequency range oE the pulse produced by the device was chosen from 5 to 15 cycles. The device uses transistors. Fig. I shows a block.-cliagram oi: the device: low-frequency filter 1, d.c. amplifier 2 which contains a modulator-converter of d.c. into a.c., an a.c. mplifier and a rectifier, pulse-generator 3, and unit 4 for retransforming frequency into voltage, The transmission fac- tor for the closed system is approximately 1//3 for large values of X C ard 1/5 23962 S/103/61/022/007/008/008 Pulse-frequency tele[iietering.._ D252/D302 k (3 (k being the trntinmission factor of the direct channel, and of the feedback channel)- The placing of the filter in the direct channel permits (due to the absence of lag elements in the feedback channel) considerably simplifying the amplifier circuit by excluding the phase-sensitive stage, For comparison, the expressions for the transfer function are given : a) filter in direct channel M(p) - k-L(p)k2le-3 -z k?k3 -_7-_ I I + kl(p)k2k39 ap + bp + c + k2k;3 b) filter in feedback channel k"(p) k2k3 k2l-,3 k2k3 I + kl(p)F (I - '-21--~~ % ap2 - bp + c + k2kTp here kl(p) -= I is the transfer function of the RC-fil- 2- ).,-+ "Ii I LiF ter, k2 - the amplification factor of the amplifier, k3 - the volt- age-into-frequency transformation factor. The transient functions for a) and b) are respectively Card 2/5 .')396z^ S/103/61/022/007/008/008 Pulse -f requency LC-IC"Leteriti", D252/D 7 02 h' (t k 21': 3 2 p')e C + 1) 1 -- p h"(t) knk-5 ple-P2t P2c-plt C 3 PI P2 where p, "P are the roots of ap2 + bp + c. + k2k.30 0. From ~ '(" P2 the rclationshii)_- " oil a two - 1A r-d -RC-filter it follows that for stp.ble o-c-)cration (-,,F circuit it is necessary that the time-con- stant of the ffirst link should be much larger than that of the sec- ond link, The clevice incorporates a torqu c.-balance technique. One of the advantagc!.-; o.L~- the chosen circuit is t-he pos-ib-ility of con- siderably ii-creasi%lg the input rcsistance of the device, and that is due to tl-..e compensation of the i-aptit by the feedback volt- age, in the circuit of the me,:.sured voltar'Cl. now type of magnetic C~ modulator 1.1 (witAi tr:-insverse elxcitation) is used, Its tr.-insmission factor is approxi,!Iatc-ly 0.3 - 0.9 and does not depend on the voltage and frequency variz-,tions of the supply source and on the temperature Card 3/ 5 " ~96L' S/103/6l/C22/007/003/008 Pulse-frequency D252/0302 of the sur round i ii-gs over ex -ulilc railge The modulator is practically inertia-free, The a,c, arplifi-cr consists of triodes of ty-pe P1313 and P14 (triodes Pl,P2,p3,p4)- Pc is a blocking generator. The device was laboratory-tcsted. and has the following main chrracter- istics: pickup -voitaae rarigtc; 2_5 iniUiv., input resistance of tine order of 50 k stabilization time of frequency: 0.5 sec, size: 255 x 215 x 140 mm,. Owing to the new type of magneti,~_ modulator, the 6,csiorzi was considerablv simT) I ified com.-parce, with provious de- CD vices (ChIS-D-1 or ChIC-D-211- The high-ohmic input results in greatly increased sensitivity (l0-'3v) ;~s stated in 11,11. i'shenichiii- kov (Ref, 41 Staticheskoye pf~rcd~_,yu:--Jachee ustroljstvo chastotno- imp-uls':-,noy sistemy telei-,,7iereniy.-, ivtomatilca i telcmekhanika, v, 18, no. 5. 1957)~ The device can be used for transmitting read- ings from a wide v,.1riety of d,c., pichups .Ath small output strength, including thermoelement pickups, And pickups with bridge circuits, e.g. gas-analyzers for telemeterilig the methane concentration in mines. There are 4 figures i:xid 4 ~Iovict_bloc rcferences., SUMITTED: December 29. 1960 Card 4/5 -1 1. - " - . . - I . . - . . i ~ I - I , , .. I I , - . L 19456-6).- BDS ACCESSION NR: AP3007136 S/0103/63/024/009/1272/1278 AUTHOR: Poz in,, N. V. TITLE: Average'false-pulse duration and the method of single dis- tortions for the analysis of immunity to interference in telemetry systems SOURCE: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, v. 24, no. 9, 1963, 1272-1276 TOPIC TAGS: signal distortion, single signal distortion, noise, pulse noise, noise fluctuation, telemetry noise, interference immunity ABSTRACT: The average false-pu.lse duration at the lf-channel out- put of a telemetry receiver is analyzed, and the applicability of the method of single distortions in calculating the immunity of ii telemetry system to'interference is discussed. The receiver ,consists basically of an hf section, an lf section, and a measur- ing demodulator. The upper limiting frequency of the filter fti,~j is determined by the spectrum of the measured parameter and is in Card 1/4 L 19456-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3007136 Clio followLag relationalill) to the bandwidch of the hf passband filter v: f W. tit.,I , W Tn caso of A111 , thit; may be a I mp 11. f f ed by taking m - 7 , yield- W/2. A combination Of LWO bflaLcral clipperr, III([ thu 'o rr ate i f fiizur L as a time g, -thich ellnLnaces all distortion of duration shorter than 1/2 ffirri. The demodulator converts pulse s~~;naLs irtol a message (voltage or current), which is proportional to the mcasurcd parameter, In analy5is of noise-signal interac- tion, che signal at the 1f channel output must be considered. The f;jgnal distorted by noise contaivis false pulses and in- .7 C I,v aThe time increment 6t 2 f w .S VerV Close LO the average duration o-l' zlhe false pulse or inter- val. which iziay appear at the receiver oucput. If the signal level,. limiting level, and RMS noise value are kaown, it is posaible to C:ir.d 2 / 4 L 19456-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3007136 find the distoTtion probability, i.e., values of the random over- shoots beyond the clipping level during the interval and the pulse pa rto d .The average duration of the noise overrhoot (1~) and the distortion probability serve as the bataia for calculating tho. tm- munity to interference of pulse telemetry transmission in the presence of strong noise. To determine i, logical assumptions and approximations based on duration distribution in the Gaussian noise were used. The T cannot in any way exceed At. With the filtering properties of the lf channel, taken into account the durations of false pulses and intervals at the channel output are close to At, and conditions are favorable for partial passage of signals shorter than At. With ideal time gating, the probability of distortion occurrence is equal to the product of overshoot probability at the time-gate circuit input and the amount by which the overshoot exceeds the gate interval. The knowledge of single .distortion probabilities permits graphic determination of the I ~,average and RMS deviations of the value of the received parameter ,from the value of the transmitted parameter$ in many cases, such as with PFM and PTM, calculation of the error due to noise can be 4performed by taking into account a single false pulse during the C9rd 3 / 4 L 19456-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3007136 transmission. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 5 formulas. ASSOCIATION; none SUBMITTED: 19Sep62 DATE ACQ: 30Sep63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CO, CG NO REP SOV: 010 OTHER: 001 Card 4/4 POZIN, N.V. (Moscow) Noise stability of pulse-freqaency telemetering [with summax7 in Inglish]. Avtom telem. 19 no.10:968-976 0 '58. (MIRA 11:11) ~Telemetering--Noise) P OZ- "IN V. 17. 17. 701"111, "C-n an e_-t._D~,a.(: (,` ',i.e and tfff.-r; telemeterinj f Gr C01 i7f.;1Y j LI-Gh~- in,..:: Scientific Ses.;ion DeVOLt~d to 'FRLdio Day", May, 191-8, 9 Sel". 5E Telemetering interference-inimunity is characterized suft'iciently completly by the mean and UIC DICNID-SCIUare errors. The (Mear*_-quare) error for weak interference is determined principally by distortion of the pulse fronts by the interference. It is convenient to ri nd the mean and mean-square error, caused by brealdng down the pulses and the pauses in telenetering trarindssion by pulses v4-ith steep enouCh fronts during conpara Lively strong interference, ',"hich specil'ies this breaking down, by using a signal quantization method. Usini; thfs method, the aver&Fe nxaber of elementary distortions per unit time, the avera,,e deviation in the receiver readinEs and the mean square devi~Aion fron the averal-~-e are found. Fornul,:s of the mean and mean-square error found by this method (for various kinds of pulse modulation) are simplified substantially by taking into account the probability of single elementary distortion during the time the signal lliessaE-e is repeated. The interference-immunity of telerattering systems in the presence of conraratively strong interference in the channel depands, to a large degree, on the method of signal reception and recording. From a comparison of the interference-ix.Lmunity of ?~74, FUN, PTIN, tele- metering systers, it follows that higher interference-immunity can be o2tained more easily by using PFIM; it is mo3P aifficuit when using FeR.I. USSR/kutomatics and telemechanics Card 1/1 Pub- 10-13/15 FD-2666' kuthor : Demeshin, V. P.; Kostetskaya, L k.; Novikov, A. I.; Pozin, N. V.; and Kashirin, V. k. Title : Bibliography. A list of Russian and translaLed literazure on telemetering for 1950-1954 Periodical : A list of 39 works on telemetering, Russian and translated. For 1954: V. D. Ambrosovich and V. S. Malov) "Telemetering apparatus for 400-kv lines," Trudy TsNIM, No 2, 244-26o. N. A. Givartovskaya, "Ways to increase the accuracy of telemeter de- vices," Sb. statey, Telemekhanizatsiya energosistem, kcademy of Sciences USSR Press, PP 70-77. etc. For 1953: N. N. Shumilovskiy and V. N. Mikhaylovskiy, "Design computation of an acoustic communication channel," Voprosy avtomatiki i izmeritell- noy tekhniki [Problems of automatics and measuring techniques]) Vol. 2, No 1, kcad. Sci. Ukr. SSR Press. etc. Institution Submitted -POZIN, Sh-~,--ih-zh. Conservation without autoclaves. UTO 2 no.10:61 0 6o. (M IU 13: 10) (Canning and preserving) POZ IN. Sh. A. ~ ..", - -...... -- Methods for blanching apples, pears, quince and plums determined b;r their acidity. Kons. i ov. prom. 13 no.6:8-10 Je '58. Of IRA 11: 5 ) l.TSentrallnaya proizvodstvennaya laboratoriya pri Moskovskom zavode pishchavykh kontsentratov 11o.2. (Yruit, Canned) tz %~ Nt V. POZIN, Sh.A. '~-' . L Continuous production line of liquid and creamed canned forA. Kons.i ov. prom. 16 no.2:5--7 F 161. M[ IRA 14! 4) (Food, Canned) YURIYEV) V.I.; POZIJI, S.S.; SKURI'UINA, G.M. - Studying the adsorption and electrokinetic characteristics of sulfite and sulfate celluloses in relation to aluminum salt solutions. Trudy LTA no.91:11-20 160. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Leningradskaya lesotekhnicheskaya akademiya imeni Kirova. (Cellulose-F.lectric properties) (Aluminum salts) (Adsorption) S/080/63/036/002/009/019 D403/D307 AUTHORS: Pozin, S. S. and Yurlyev, V. I. TITLE.- A study of the electrokinetic properties of viscose cellulose in solutions containing iron compounds PERIODIC AL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, V-36, no. 2, 1963, 385-389 The electrokinetic properties of viscose cellulose were Btu-' .,died in aqueous neutral ferric salts and in Fe(OH) sols, in view 3 of a lack of literatuie-data in this field. The electrokinetic po- tential was calculate from 5 2toB 1.05 x 10 x -P (2) :where If- is the conductance of the solution, E is the streaming 0 ~potential, and P the pressure under Which the solution passe's !Card 1/~ 080/63/0361002/009/0'19 A study of the D403/D307 3 through the cellulose diaphragm (density 0.386 g/cm In PeGl ands; 3 Fe (SO solutions and in a Fe(OH) sol (up to 0.01N), 5 became 2 4 3 3 less negative with increasing concentration, assumed positive va- :lues at 0.0001 - 0.0005N, and'then became more positive; further xperiments sh6wed that-this due to adsorption of Pe, occurring 1 .,Chiefly by the adsorption of positively charged colloidal ~e OH) 17-~ 3 imicelles on the negatively charged fibers of cellulose. Surface con" :ductivity of cellu 'lose first increased with increasing concentra !tion of the Fe salt'and then decreased, finally assuming negative values. At 0.01N,,5 is of the order of 12.6 - 13.7 mv in all 3 so- lutions; this is because the amounts of adsorbed Pe are also roughly ..the same at 411-his,concentration. Adsorption of Pe increases with ri.9ing pH, eaching a maximum at maximum _~ and minimum surface con ductivity of the fibers. There are 4 tablea. ASSOCIATION: Leningradakaya lesotekhnicheakaya akademiya imeni S. 14. Kirova (Leningrad kcademy of Forest Technology mehi S. M. Kirov) SUBMITTED: December 2, 1961 Card 2/2. POZINY S.S.; YURIYEV, V.I. Study of the electrokinetic properties of viscose pulp in relation to iron compound solutions. Zhur.prikl.khim. 36 no.2:385-389 F 1(0 (MA 16-3) 1. Leningradskaya lesotekhnicheska~a akademiya imeni S.K Kirova. (Viscose-Electric properties (Iron compounds) (Adscattion) Yu-'aw, V.I.; POZI11, S.S. Zlectrokinetic properties of monocarboxyl cellulose and so:~- acid Qsters, of cellulose ft4ith a=mai-j in e-"nglishl. ~,oU.zhur. 23 110.4:499-503 Jl-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Lesotekhnicheskaya akademiya 1m. S.M. Kirola, Kafedra fizichookoy i kolloidnoy khimii, Leningrad. -,.,.~qellulooe) (Surface chemistry) Pozin, "Exchange adsorytion cn contents third author: nauch.-issled. i-n-ta 106 --- I~ibliog: p. so: u-3560, 15 March 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal cellulos, raterialsyll --In table of T. I. SKLTFjvT_NAA -- Materialy tesentr. b=az-.. r - _St-i, T_SS,, 37, '94S, 1. .,m _:e ~ 104-06 Inykh StateY, 1~0. 13, 1949) Subject USSR/Chemistry AID P - 3933 Card 1/1 Pub. 115,2 - 16/19 Authors Yurlyev, V. I.,,-S. S. Pozin, and L. N. Bilich Title Effect of grinding on the electrokinetic properties of sulfite pulp. Periodical Zhur. prikl. khim. 28, 10, 1131-34, 1955 Abstract The electrokinetic potential of sulfite pulp decreases the higher its degree of disintegration though not to the same extent. The change of electrokinetic proper- ties was ascribed to the increase in the adsorbability of cellulose. Three tables, 2 references, 2 Russian (I 950-f:~2) Institution : Leningrad "Order of Lenin" Academy of Wood Technology im. S. M. Kirov.. Submitted : F 18, 1954 YURIYEV, V.I.;. POZIN, S.S.; BILICH, L.N. Electrokinetic properties of cellulose fiber materials. Xhim.nauka i prom. 2 no-5:670-672 157. (MIRA 10:12) l.Lesotekhnicheakaya akademiya im. S.M. Kirova. (Cellulose) "G, 2 1 pr ed.-, eda t-3 I ya Di tvriys ',,r,(!,o pravlen ob:;h3hastva ~3ellskogo i lesnogo khozy~c%-t ,z. (for Subbo t4pl oblistriogo pravi,,,. ob~,Iichestva gorodskogo I-liozzy'rivotva i avtotranaporta (for Zinger). (Research. Industrial) ACC NR, AP60-25-5.7-9 SOURCE CODE: uR/o4l3/66/000/01-1,/0009/0010 :INVENTOR: Berdyanakiy, H. G.; Burakovskiy, V. K.; Brodskiy, 1. 1.; Kaslyan, V. Kh.; ~Pozin, Ya. M. ;. Savkin, P.'V. ORG: None TITLE: Multiple-draft mill for drawing pipe on a short mandrel. C11111a 7, No. 183168 (announced by the Dnepropetrovsk Pipe Rolling Plant imeni Lenin (Dnepropetrovskiy truboprokatnyy zavod)] Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 13, 1966, 9-lo TAGS: metal drawing, pipe, reliability %BSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A multiple-draft mill for drawing pipe on a short mandrel. The unit consists of a truck with a drive, unloaders, a ;tand with draw plate, a receiving.table with troughs and a unit for setting the rods ilong with the mandrels into tubes. Operational reliability is improved and servicing Ls simplified by mounting the rods on a common movable truck and equipping them with ;pring compensators. 2. A modification of this device equipped with a lever mechanism ror each drawing unit for clamping tubea, and a screw arrangement for moving the 5upport. ~/2 uDc; 621.774.372.002-.5 ACC NR: Ar0Ue:)I:) I V 1-main drive; 2-pull chain; 3-working tube; 4-truck, 5-unloader; 6-lubricator; T-receiving table; 8-otand'for rod support mechanisms; 9-rods; 10-springs CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 218ep64 Card 2 45 POZIN, Ya.S., inzh. Atomizer used for wetting insoles of Russian leather footwear. Kozh.-obuv.prom. 3 no.4:30-31 Ap 161. (ME--~ 14:5) (Shoe manufacture-Equipment and supplies) TI, i t -i r'n s 1E " _j 1 Ili-M. trui . r- u. 'C'. Monthiy List of Russii,~n Accession dbrary of C(-,Cre_--' June, UP(-:"(,i:TNS"T7, D. 2090 1-ClIZET, Y."'. Z. . ~T- Onyt Frrimepieniva Dvuklisli-itan Komba-.-na Donbass Zila Kooibinat.-,i Kara,,2n,-Iau~oll "A., 1951L. 27 S-s Ill.; 3 T, Ill. 22 Fr. (-'-Ifo U7oll NOV From-Sti SS'LR. Teklin. Uor. Ts(-ntr. In-T 'feldnn. Tn~nrm-t!f;ii) . ~.GOO 54-c;64,27 (0~~-~'33 6~-".2,3 INOZA4TSXV, Pavel Petrovich; POLOzHry. Fedor Mikhaylovich: SHNAYDM&N, Make Iosifovich; CEIMSSKIY. Felike Borisovich, LYUBOSHCHIBSKIY, Dmitrij* Markovich; POZIN Yjav 'geniy Zalomanovich; IJVIR, N.F.. otvatstvennyy redaktor; KOLOM?Y_TW,"i_D., redaktor izdatel'stva; KGROVOKOVA, Z.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Mechanization of coal loading in mines of the Karaganda Basin] Makhanizateila imvalki uglia na shakhtakh laragandinskogo ugoll- nogo basBeina. Moskva. Ugletekhizdat, 1956. 171 P. (MLRA 9:9) (Karaganda Basin--Coal mining machinery) POZI,- Ye. Z. Cand Tech S:~i -- (di'ss) "Lif--tey-minption of -n,- --I- t-,Z, T t,aT,--c-~t~ng combines with chain control units in the Karaganda basin." Mos, 1957. 21 pp with graphs (Main Admiriistra~ion of S(A Res a-rld DesiFn Organizations under WkV Gosplan USSR. All-Union Sci Res Coal Inst VIJ(;I). (KL, 6-58, 101) -24- POZIN, Ye.Z. Methods of evaluating the rupture re2istance of coal. 11-~alch. trudy KNIUI no.2:114-121 158. (MIRA 13:8) (Coal--Testing) BERON, A.I., kand.tekhn.nauk: POZIN, Ye.Z., kafid.tekhn.nauk Method of measuring the shift of a coal massif to the side of the mined area. Nauch. soob. Inst. gor. dela 4:34-41 160. (MIRA 15:1) (Rock pressure) (Stoping (Mining)) LYUBOSHCHINSKIY, Dmitriy Markovich; )?OZIN, Ye-vgeniy Zal'mnovich; KAZAK, Yuriy Nikoloyevich; LOGTRITSOT, 3.M., otv. red.; SHORCKHOV , A.T., red. izd- va; ILIINSKAYA, G.M.. tekhn. red. (Breaking of coal by the cutting elements of mining machines] Razrushenie uglei ispolnitellnymi or.-anami vyemochnykh mashin. Moskva, GOB. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po -,ornomu delu, 1961. 220 p. (MIRA 14:5) .(Coal mining machinery) BARON, Lazar' Izrailevich, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; LOGUETSOV, Boris Maksimovich; P2~~ Yevgeniy Zallmanovich; BUGIINEV, V.K., zasl. deyatell nauki i te70~irl p-r_o_f_.__,___d_oktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; ZEID-IIII, A.N., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsen- zent; GEYMI, L.M., red. izd-va; PROZO;_.OVSKAYA, V.L., tekhn. red. (Determining properties 6f rocks; reference book] Opredelenie svoistv gornykh porod; spravochnoe posobie. Pod red. L.I. Barona. loskval Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1962. 331 P. (1,11IRA 15:3) (Rocks-Testing) BEROIT, Aba lsaakovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; KAZPIISKIY, Anatoliy Sergeyevichp kand. tekhn.nauk; LEYBGV, Boris Mlikhaylovich) starahly nauchnyy aotr.; POZIN, YevgenV. Zallmanovich,.- kand.tekhn.nauk; SHOROKHOVK-,A'.V.--r6-d. i2d-va; PROZOROVSKAYA, V.L., tekhn. red. [Cutting of coal] Rezanie uglia. Moskva, GOB ortekhizdat, 1962. 438 p ?Coal mining machinery) ~14IRA 15:7) POZIN, Ye.Z. Strength and resistance to diBintegratian of coalsAn the Faraganda Basin. Fiz.-mekh.svois.,dav.i razr.gor.porod no.IU27-235 162. (MIRA 16:3) (Karaganda Basin--Coal-Testing) BERON, A. I., kand. tekhn. nauk: JN, Ye, Z., kRnd. tekhn. nauk CruMAM coal with the working parts of mining machines. Mekh. i avtom. v gornoi prom. n0.2-95-107 162. (MM 16.-D (Coal mining machinery) POZIN,, Ye.Z. Effect of cuLting conditions on the energy capacity of coal mining 0 by chain cutters. Fiz. mekh. svois., dave i razr, gor. porod. no.2: 14-54 '63. (14IRA 17:1) POZIN, Ye.z., Evaluating the variability of the resistance of co-al to clitting in stopes. Nauch. soob. IGD 21:171-181 163. (~aRA 17:2) r vy k,%r,r' ~!n RV~micr~,' roply ~o f.hc7~ erticle, by V.N. KIx-l-An )n in co,-l -i Trest S)ovptsk-jgal' Qor Dudko) . 2. In ~u f~.o rro.po ('t 'a A.~. Skochtn-AoEo (for Pozin) . libnsh-ch i n,,,~ I y) te-khn. nauk, ;~()7 1 ~j 'VI, - Kn Frir2lp-es of coa.'. n4,nir;g ,racchlrier-f. Ug I t (M 'PA 18 1. instibut gornogc dela im. A,A. Skochinskogo. A.I., kand. tehh!-.. nauk, FCZIN., Ye,.Z., ;card. teklun. KAZA11-12KI-Y, A.S., kand. L..F.; red. [Improving coal breaking methcd3 and -,he azLuatillg Mr--C.fia- zaicrrm of mining machinei-j to 'better the fra~tdonal- co, tion of coal output,, short scientific reprort.] Sovershen- stvcvanie metodov razrusheniia zglia i ispolnitelln-fth or- gano-v vyemochnykh mashin s tselliu. uluchshenii.a fralftsion- nogo sostava uglia3 kratkii nauchryi otchat. Mosk-ia, 1962. 50 P. (1,',IRA 18-4) 1. Moscow. Institut gornogo dela im. A.A.Skochinskouc. Laboratoriya irekhanicheskikh 3posobov razrusheniya gornykh Forod. %To T17 OxJ dl~-, - nickt~ 1 e le 141 - k k POZIN, Yu.M. Cathodic polarization in concentrated solutions of nitrates. prikl.khim. 35 no.12.2715-2719 D 62. (KIRA 16:5) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy akkumulyatornyy institut. (Nitrates) (Polarization (Electricity) POZIN~ VOG%.1ri, GAMP-~KIN, Ye.l.; BONDARENKO, 0.1. Preparing an electrode ribbon from cadmium oxide by rolling powder composition materials between rolls. Porosh. met. 5 no.8:103-107 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Nauchno-isnledovatellskiy akkumulyatornyy institut. ;07,INY Yu.M.- MMU.CHKIOVSKIY, A.P.; BONDARENKO, 0.1. I :~-eparing battery electrodes by the rolling of carbony! nickel, - , r, powder. Forosh, met. 5 no.10-.,5-10 0 165~ (MIRA 18."Il"; 1. Nauchno-Issledovatellakly akkumulyatornvy institut. c zi:" :hi Ch . i f: c ib t". , fi i v r 1' 71'DOTIYZV, W.P.; POZIN, Tu.M. Influsi-c'e of the surface active substances on the mechanical properties of electrolytic deposits. Zhur.prikl. khim. 31 no-3: 419-424 Mr '58. (MIRA 11:4) (Surface active agents) (Electroplating) FEMIYEV, N.P.; POZIN, YU.M. Inflvence of the surface acti-/e siibstances on the mechanical properties of electrolytic deposits. Zhnr.pr11-1. khim. 31 no-3: 419-424 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:4) (Surface active agents) (Electroplating) MOT I YEV, H. P. ; POZ I N, Tu. M. Inf1tMner6t-tRe~"Burface active substances on the =--&-anical properties of electrolytic deposits. Zhur.prikl. khim. 31 n0-3: 419-424 Mr '58. (MIRA 11:4) (Surface active agents) (Electroplating) USSR/Che.-nical. Teelmlogy. Chezical Prodncts and Appii~mticrz. J- 111 Electrochemical Manufactures. Eleo--triral Pre-,A-pitation. Chemical Sources of Current. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Kh.; No 8, 1957, 27549 Author : N. P. Fedot'yev, - Inst :Tensovet InstiVate of Te,,-,~ix-.ilogy, beningral. Title :St-ady of Eleatroab--mical Method of Lead Dicxid~~ P~npayatic-Z. Orig Pub: Sb. stud. rabot . Ijanir-gr. takhn;~I. in-t im. Ikmsoveta. L 1956, 59-62. Abstract: The question of obtaining P,,O_ as a s~Lffficiezrtly solid a-rid c..m- pact deposit on the anode was studied. depositc-d on graphite and cha-rcoal. Am acid and an alkalix~e were tested. Brittle and ea,-Aily detachable f.-,.om the Einc-le, posits were produced from an alkaline electrolyte (40 g per lit of NAOH + 10.5 9 Per lit of P5). Satisfactory deposits were produced at very low D.-,r (undier 0 .3 a/dm.~-), Vhicl, slowed. down Card 1/2 -3- UWWChemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Applicatiorn. J-11 Electrcehemical Manufactuzyas. Electrical Pre-cipitatinn. Cheminal Sources of DixTent. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Kh-, No 8, 1957, 27549 the process very much. The best conditions of preparing FbO_~ from an acid electrolyte ars: terperati-re - 18-50, Da 5 a/dm-, solution composition - 72 ml of H-0, 25 g of Fb(NO_), 3 9 of Cu(NO3);., and n4% of VT-109, because the P)jQ,;, depa3it contains great amounts of H,.O. VT is decreased with the rise of the tem- perature, D a is decreased with the addition of A!(No-.)-. - pie deposit becomes gray and brittle with ',;he tamperatvxe rise (to 300 and more) - The mini imiTr porosity of the deposit is at Dk = 5 a/dm ~. The produced FbO, deposits can be used instead of Pt anodes for electrolysis with resulting (NHj,S,,.O6, which elec- trolysis is carried out in a strongly acid medium. Card 2/2 -4- L 5329-66 Fwp (f ta) IF'pr IF-virr" (MTif-'WPWA14R(k)-/FW]2 (7.)'49WP (b)'/E9A 62) WCE-CM AP5026269 JP(c) 'JD/H14 UR/0226/65/000/010/0005/0010 AUTHOR: Pozin Yu. Mi Mur' achkovskiy, A. P.; Bondarenko, 0. 1. ryi7r- I/ Y, j-5 TITLE:* rrodu-c't-ion of storage-battery electrodes by rolling of cjEjonyl-nickel _R2~Lder 7 SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya., no. 10, 1965, 5-10 TOPIC TAGS: electrode, storage battery, battery component, powder metallurgy.- powder metal sintering, metal rolling 5-~- ABSTRACT: Electrodes of this kind represent plates sintered from carbonyl nickel powder and filled with Ni and Cd hydroxides. Normally, they are fabricated by the powder-pressing method. In this connection, the authors describe a study performed with the object of sugmenting the porosity of these electrodes by rolling a conti- nuous strip of carbonyl powder with a filler (urea) which can be subsequently re- moved during sintering. The rolled strip (60% Ni, 40% urea), reinforced with a sup- porting grid, was cut into blanks and sintered in a hydrogen atmosphere. The rolled- powder edge of the strip projected 1-2 mm beyond the edge of the supporting grid, and the porosity of the strip was ~75%, which meets the requirements for storage- battery electrodes. It is established that the porosity of the electrode is a functio of not only the sintering regime but also the roll pressure, and that , compared with the production of powdered-metal electrodes by the pressing method rolled pow- Card 1/2 0.1--l-, L 5325-66 ACC NRs AP5026269 dered-metal strip displays greater homogeneity of thickness and porosity. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, I table. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy akkumulyatornyy institut (Scientific Re--- search Institute of Storage Batteries) ; I-,***/ ; .. SUBMITTED: OlNov64 ENCL: '00 SUB CODE: MHO BE OTHER: 000 NO REF SOV: 004 Powd r rolling 2/2 Lgard _F.OZI11, Tu.14.; BONDUENKOY 0.1.; FISHMAN, V.I. - ObtaJming h19h2Y POrCu3 ceramic metal products in the storage battery industry. Porosh. met. 2 no.3:80-85 My-Je t62. (MIRA 15:7) 1. flauchno-issledavatellskiy akkamulyatornyy in8titut. (Metal powder products) (Storage batteries) FEDOTIYEV, N.P.; POZIN, Yu.M. k Effect of 2.,6- and 2j7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid on the pro-aerties of electrolytic nickel. Trudy LTI no-46:162-169 '58. (MRA 14:4) (Nickel plating) (Naphthalenedisulfonic acid) L 1702-66 DIT(d)/OdP(e)/O,-IT(m)/EPF.(c)/.LilIP(v)/ErdP(t)/WP(k)/OdP(h)/E-.'P(z)/E~l~(b)/ 1, DIPM IJP ACCESSION ~& WPD0077'7 UR/0226/65/0'00/008/0103/0107 AUTHOR: Pozin, Yu. M.; Vogman,_-M. Sh..; GamaBkin, Ye. I.; Bondarenko, 0.1. 7-- TITLE: Producing an electro6e strip from cadmium oxide by rolling powder com- positions in rollers SOURCE: Poroshkovaya met.Alurgiya, no. 8, 1965, 103-107 TOPIC TAGS- electrode, roAing mill, cadmiun4 oxide, nickel ~.-ompound, powder metallurgy qj A" ABSTRACT: e general method for preparing the powder coMposition is as follows: cadmium oxide is m*ed successively with solar oil and with a solution of nickel sulfate and is then p4ssed through a 0. 5x0. 6 mm sieve and mixed with an aqueous solution of polyvinyl alcohol and then passed again through the same sieve. The finished electrode has dimensions of 35x7Oxl. 9�0. 2 mm, a weight of 15. 0�0. 5 grams, a porosity of 307o, and contains 1. 9-2. 1 grams Cadmium/cm3. The present article considers methods of'producing continuous electrode strips with better characteristics (thinner with a higher volumetric cadmium content, that is, more dense). The rolling unit did not differ from the standard type. To (Cord 1/2 L 1702-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5020777 increase the friability of the composition, the cadmium oxide, before mixin-V with the other components, was rolled on rollers with a diameter of 60 rnr-n, ground in. a ball mill, and then passed through a 5x5 mm sieve. 10-201/a of an aqueous solution of sodium-carboxy methyl cellulose was introdiiceri into the com-, position, which was then dried to a residual moisture content of 3. 0%). It is es- tablished that additions of nickel hydroxide and sodium.- carboxymethyl ce*llulose improve the pressability of the composition. The strip can be obtained with dif- ,ferent thicknesses and densities: The article also considers vari6us mechanical methods for rolling and for cuttihg the strip into individual electrodes. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables ASSOCIATION: Nauchhb-issledovIatellskii akkumulyatorn'yi institut (Scientific Research Vistitute for* Accumulators)j SUBMITTED: 06Aug64' ENCL: 00. SUB CODE- MM 14R REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 CWd 2 2 POZIN, YU.M. Corrosicn of nickel in hydrolyzing solutions. Zhur.prikl.khim. 34 no.10:2248-2253 0 161. (MJRA 14:11) 1. Nauchno-issledovatelfskiy akkumulyatornyy institut. (Nickel --- Corrosion) (Electrochemistry) jjj000 S/226/62/0011003,1011/014 1003/1203 AUTHOR: Pozin, Yu. M., Bondarenko, 0. 1. and Fishman, V. 1. TI ME: -The production of highly porous metal powders for the accumulator industry PERIODICAL Proroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 3. 1962, 80-85 TEX'r The authors describe their experience in the production of metal powder plates having open pores of an average porosity of 75 %. The requirements which must be met by such plates are giver), and a number of production problems are discussed such as raw materials, pressing, sintering and sizing. The recent trends in the production of highly porous and coirosion-resistant electrodes are mentioned, such as the production of iron-nickel powder electrodes or very porous plastic electrodes which can subsequently be metallized. There are 4 figures and 2 tables, ASSOCIATION: Naucbno-issledovatel'skiy akkumulyatornyy institut (Scientific Accumulator Research Institute) SU BM ITTED October 1, 1961 Card 1/1 POZIN, Z. I. and ARISTOV, lu. V. K otkryqiu magistrali Moskva-Ba~ru-Ashkhabaci. J-he opening of the Moscao-Baku-AshIdiaDad air line/ (Grazhdanskaia aviataiia, 1939, no. 6, p. 13-15). DLC: TL504.G7 SO: Soviet TraileportMI "o IIA commuAication3, A Bibliography, Library of Congress, ieference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. I i-A 01. 3C X 1951, VAISHKOV, V.I.; ISTONINA, T.I.; POWDINA, L.D.; POLEZI;.AYLV V G - 2 . .) T111-10111ICH, O.P.; POZB, Z.13., red.; PETROVA, ll.K., toklui. red. Nandbook on di.;infection, dininfai-)tation and, doratizatirn] Spravoclinik 1;o dez-'rfelctsii, dezirisektsii i deratizatsii. llo,Ava, Vedgiz, 1962. 166 p. (RIP Al 5: 10) (BISECTS, JjTJU-jIOUS ANID BE-EFICIAL-CONTROL) i I I (DI--,IIU-r,CTIOI; AIM DISIlTaECTAll'iS) (RODEPUT C011TPOL) BARCCHINA, B.Ya.: KATUS.HKIN, V.F.; PENSTER, V.Sh.; A5(-,V3KIY, B.TS.; ALEEKSANDROVIC all 7ZIFLNC7,1, Fozillll~ Z.S.; SM'-,TGV, B.A. Recovery of carbon d--*sul'i;de from the stean-ai- mixture from. 19-4) ce.ntriful:ral Khim. volok. no.4:67-70, 164. 11.:7- .1 tv nr. g Vsesoyuznyy kiy institut isv-, .92 e 't; 0 Volokna (for Barcchlria, Katushkin, %Minster). 2. Mngilevskiy zavod iskusstvenr-,,c-,go volokna (for all except Barochina, Katus-k-i-) M-Jn3 te r) . SORIN, 14.V.; VO'nULROVSKkYA, Ye.P.; nGOYEV, P.I.; POZI11, Z.S. Routine and conclusive disinfection in certain intesti.-za-1 and droplet infections with small doses of disinfectants. Trudy LSG141 32:304-314 '57. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Kafedra epidenjologii Leningradskogo sani-tarno-gigiyeniche- ekogo -.neditsinskogo inatituta (zav.kafedroy - prof.V.A.Bashenin). i Leninr7adskaya gorodskaya dezinfelr-tsionaya stantsiya (glavnvy vrach - V-V-Yetramov). (AIITISZPSIS AND AbEPSIO disinfect. in rooms with chlammine solution (Rua)) (CH1,01W41NE S solution in room disinfect. (RUB)) ~--- Power development in Finland. Gidr. stroi. 26 no.4:57 Ap 157. (Finland-Hydrooletric 6-ower) (MLRA 10:6) F - f)ryELrjMqiT OP WA-M -IV-11,UtIll Flo-elo'. Po-,Inl, A.A. -- ~~ir POZ -INA. '-I. -:1, ~ . - -!Zl Organizing a study of demand in the consumer's cooperative. Sor.torg. no,10:6-11 0 156. OMM 9:12) (Consumers) (cooperative societies)