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BI;LCUY'17~) ye,,M~;
C:d'-!, e.B~ H20.
M. L f 14 7 RA 17, 3')
g,",d. Fhl'"
va~ d.
k-L-mb cl the f--Mc7UJL- Im
R, A: P~aldv-u TF-di Odles $4.
:0 77-001~'46 ('51. 715-76; P4. z4ar. RUM,
~,E*udkd icr the dct---diari of jc"'CNL I.- by- t%e
t I.
d "-'jV) aad
a the
qd mtt
0f ca aaka-3 am t2te
re;tcliom. Th4 lj=it*.q! dateatim In
for 1, IL ill, IV, V p ZA V1, ras;'6cU-4cl-. AT* 2.
6-% 8. 1 aud 20. at licalting 4-Nfi'uns of li~ I x 10.
I 1~' a x lo., zo x 101. 1 x 1,5. .4 1 x lo..
.9 , A.P., inzh.; LVITUYEV, V.K.,
inzh.; MASH!", M.G. ,
I;U,'ZCGVSY,AYA, O.A., inzh.; CH-EUTCV, I.E.., Y"N",
Ye.F., inzh.; KAPITOliCVA, Z.I., in2h.; LEVITSK17, Ya.B., otv.
red.; RONPI-IOVA, L.A... red. izd-va; OVSEYENKO, V.G.,
[Coals of the U.S.S.-It.]Ugli SSSR; spravochnik. Moskva, Cos
gorte'll-hizdat, 1962. 318 p. ir, - 11)
R t:
910 0 A006/A1Ol
AUTHOR- Pozigun, V.L.
TITLE: Drift of heterogeneities in the ionosphere from observations carri-
ed out in Rostov-on-DOH
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Geofizika, no. 7, 1961, 41, abstract 7G286 (V
sb. "Issled. neodnorodnostey v ionosfere, no, 4" Moscow, AN SSSR,
i96o, 70 - 74, English summary)
TEXT: The author describes a device for the investigation of drift of
small-scale heterogeneities. The results of observations of drifts in layers E
and F2 of the Ionosphere were, basically, processed by the method of similar
fadings and only individual records by the method of correlation analysis. Data
are presented on motions in layers E and F2 showing that there are cases when
both layers of the ionosphere are moving jointly.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
--- r~m
L'53762-65 W( 1) x) /KG/1ZQ,-4/L, C(t)IFNA(h) Po-4-/Fe-5/?q-4/Pae-2/
F-07217-4- Gd
A0=S16N_ M: tM/0_*03/65/005/003/05T6/05T8
AUTHM.-Pozigun, V. L.
geneo s.regions in the, 1,o
TITLE; fletero U _n22pherie E-layer
SOURCE: Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya, -v'. 5, no. 3, 1965, 576-578
T0P1C,TAGS-. ionospheric heterogeneity, median method
ABSTRACT: The study of heterogeneities in the ionospheric E-layer is based on
drift measurements made between 1958 and 1960. I.Phe evaluation of reflected impulses
wa's madeby means of aparameter 8 which &.aracterizes the pollution of the iono-
sphere by the reflecting regions. Impulse attenuations of re-
~iflections from the E-layer were processed. In the day-time, frequencies of 2.0 to
2.9 Mc Were used, andat t-Ught for reflections from the 56-layer, frequencies of
2.2 + 0.2 14c were taken. The seasonal rate of the parameter Owas determined by thei
met~_od of median values. Maximum 0 vrdue8 were obtained in March, April, May, and
October; they were near zero in December and January. The diurnal rate of 0 values
differed from mont1h, to month. In spring and autumn.the maximum value was at sun-
rise and sunset, while in siLmmer no signifiewit maximum appeared. Histograms were
drawn which characterized the 0 values for the E- and Es-layers, Values of the
Card 1/2
L 38555-65 Fe-5/Po-4/Pq-4/P--e'-2/Peb/Pi-4
ACCESSION NR: AT5009255 S/2331/64/000/013/0122/0128
AUTHOR: Pozigun, V, L. 410
TITLE: -Res.ults, .0-f investigations of horizontal motions of small
SOURCE: A14 SSSR. Hezhduvddomstvennyy geofiiihheskly kowitet. V
razdel programmy HGG: lonosfera. Sbornik statey, no. 13, 1964.
TOPIC TAGS: wave fading, ionospheric heterogeneity, verticaL, histogram, direction dispersion, probable velocity
ABSTRACT: The influence of the lower layer on fadin a of reflected
waves from the upper layer was studied by comparingkirifts of iono-
spheric heterozeneities in the E- and F2-layers. Observational data
of vertical soundings during 24 hr from September 1958 to September
1961 on the frequency of 2.2-t 0.2,Hc for the E-layer werp used.
The differences in drift velocities and directions in the E- and
F2-layers were compared. The comparison indicates that the drift
'Card 1/2
L 38555-65
velocities in the F2-layer are greater than those in the E-layer.
Directions of motion lasting for a brief instant in the F2- and
E-layers are independent of each other. Direction histograms
indicate that, in general, drifts move to the west. Individual
layers have other seasonal drift directions. The F2-layer has a
pronounced easterly drift in spring and fall. The Es-layer is
characterized by A-great number-of-drift directtons, but'the pre-
dominant direction is west. Drift is to the north in spring and to
the south in summer. The probable velocities of ionospheric hecer-
ogeneities vary from 10 to 160 m/sec in the E-layer and from
and F2-layers. Velocities of drifts also
10 to 240 m1sec in the E.
change seasonally. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and I table. (EGI
ASSOUAT10U: noae,_
Crd, 2 /2
Effect of desenhitizers on the photoe-lectrochemical effect of silver
ibromide. Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. I. kin. 6 no. 3:161-163 My 161.
(MIRA 14:5)
1. Nauchno-lealedovatel'skiy institut fiziki Gosudarstvennogo
universiteta im. I.I. 14ochnikova, Odessa.
(Photographic emulsions) (Silver bromide)
DERIDOV, K.K.; POZIGUN, Yo.A,, (Puzihun, K.A. I
Ynotoelectrochemical properties of thalliwa halideo in the
presence of desensitizers. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 4 no.6:789-792 1-~-D
159. (Zmtj~ 14:10)
1. Odeaskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. I.I.Mechnikova.
(Thallium halides--Electric properties)
f,UT':-.'ORS: Demidov, K. K., Pozigun, Ye. A., Prokopovich, L. P.
TITLE: A study bf the thermoelectric properties of silver and thallium
haloids in the presence of desensitizers
P-PRIODICAL: ReferativnTj zhurnal, Fizika, no. 5, 1962, 33, abstract 5E-262
("Nauchn. yezhegodnik. Odessk. un-t. Piz.-matem. fak. i N.-i.
.in-t Ifiz.", no. 2, Odessa. 1961, 180-182)
T=-,: The temperature dependence of the thermo-emfL and the electrical
conductivity of AgBr and TlBr specimens was examined in the presence of
desensitizers. Tablets were pressed from the material obtained by interaction
off Ag or Tl nitrate solutions with !Gr. The apparatus used for measuring the
thermo-emf in a wide temperature range is described. Cond7activity and thermo-
emf were higher in desensitized specimens than in non-desensitized ones. The
specimens possessed hole conducti *vity. Evidently, the desensitizer plays the
role of an acceptor Impurity In the matorials under consideration,
FAbstracter's note: Complete translation] L. Berger'
bard 1/1-
--l""I"A"pecial apparatus for the rapie Y-ray anqlysis of run-of-mine
ores Atom.energ. 3 no-7:28-35 Jl '57. (MLRA 10:7)
i0res-Snmpling and estimation) (Gamma rays)
PC. i,:
-I-~ '11-1, "II !-.
LURITZ, M.S., tekhnicheski7 redakt-or
[Ka=facture of driving belts, conveyor belts and hoses] Proizvod-
stvo privodnykh remnsi, transporternykh lent i rukavov. Mosk7a. GoB.
nanchno-tekhn. izd-vo khimicheskoi lit-ry, 1954. 244 p. (MLRA 8:3)
(Hose) (Belts and belting)
drauuc chamcloriatic Vatvv'ro,
fly J~E-mTov. - I . 11
NO. I ~ - (-,- :!
a r7l~~
i c I Ihecle-to"9 vs,
T ubaaamml' such as
-q un3rancrI3 which
E ~ij-,! -.j
~;i~t UP
Mechanical properties of rubber mixt-area and peculiarities of their
flow through slit passages. Kauch. i rez. 16 no.8:24-27 Ag '57.
(MIRA 10:11)
1. Nauchno-inaledovatel'skiy institut rezinovfth I latekanykh izdeliy.
(Blastomers-Testing) (Rheology)
AUT-1-TORS: Make yevai A.R., t~- eva) P. , a nd'?,-zin , k.
C 4
TITLE: 0-r- Redu _Lng '--,he T-ir.-..e of Vulcanisation c-L' Butyl Rubber
1"i-xturej (0 ~;o'm~rus!-.,chanii ~,xodolzhitellnosti 'Trul,:an-
' Z ~, I S j i -:- 0 34 Z 10-U,. t j l' -auchu.uj)
- ~v - Z) ~* _L 1~
PERIQDICAL: 'Kauchulr i Rezina, 1956, 11r V4 - 16 (U,~SR)
ABSTPUCT. Butyl rubber is a co,~clyrmor of isobutylene conicuaining
s o,-,- r -,3 n e .The low de,,ree of unsaturatiori deter-
'. I
mine sto a large ex" ~j
T Lent the proDertie3 of butyl rubber and
of its vulcanis-ates (Ref 1) , as well as its 3tability
uoward3 the zction of ozone (Ref 4). Butyl rubber
vulcaiiis a to .3 _oS:;ess grcat strength. Various u6es of
butyl rubber 1r 'dest are ellU.Wrated (Refs
The time required fcr vl~lcanising butyl rubber mixtures
can be shortened by increasing the temperatare of vulWar-1-
sation, and by using ultra-accelerators. Experiments were
carried out in hydraulic pre3ses at 1420, 1510, 1600 and
1800c, and butyl rubber with 1 1+ +_ 2.2% unsaturation ,.,as
cor-uared with butyl rubber of i 1 0.2% unsaturation.
Card 1/2 ExPerimental re3u!t:; are given in Tables 1 and 2. Fi~g 1
shows the ohange3 in the equilibrium modulus of butyl
On Reducing the Time of Vulcanisation of Butyl Rubber Mixtures
rubber vulcanisates with varying degree of unsaturation,
which were vulcanised at 1420C, and Fig 2 the jame vul-
canisates which were vulcanised at 142uC for 50 minutes.
The properties of butyl rubber vulcanisates vulcanised at
1420 and 1600C are given in Table 3. Rubbers, filled
with carbon black and vulcan13ed in presses, show
slightly less tensile strength and relative elongation
when the degree of unsaturation is increased from 1/"V~
to 2%.
There are 3 figures, 2 tables and 9 references (6 Soviet,
3 English)
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovxjkh i
lateksnylch izdeliy (Research Institute for Rubber and
Latex Articles)
1. Butyl rubber-11ii1canization 2. Time--,kpplications
Card 2/2
M MORS: blake7elfa, A. H; Fozin, A. A; Yeganova, Ye. 3; 3a,cs*-,t, 0. 7.
Zel'dich, Jg. I.
TITLE: Possibility of UsinC 3KP Rubber for Mant,,facturlrv, Rubb,)r
Boots (0 vozmozhnosti primeneniya kauchulca 3K.P dlya
izr~otovleniya rezinovoy obuvi)
PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 19-58, Nr 9, pp 25 - 27 (US3R)
ABSTRACT:" The output of rubber shoes is to be increased three tc
four times by the end of 1965 accordinL to the direc-
tives of '-.he May Confarence of the Central Cominitter, o,"`
the ~283- The authors tested the properties of standLr_1
SKP mixtures containingr atomised carbon blaol: and m17-
tures and compositions prepared under laboratory and in-
dustrial conditions in the factory "Krasnyy bc!-atyr'
The composition of the two mixtures is given. The
ticity of standard mixtures containiry_ channel blaclc
ractically did not change after heatinrr for 90 minutues
irl.l). Mixtures containinZ atomised c7,rlbon
sho7;-Ied considerable lower plasticity after heat.,_riL fo-
40 - 50 minutes. BU mi-xtures prepared under indust-(-~.u~`_
conditions could not be -1--stled 'hecause they sho r e
Qard 1/2 tendency to scorchin,-. This disappeared whe,,j 2
Sal 3e-513-9..7/11
1~ossibility of UsinC SKP 1b7bber for hilayr-i-facturinE gabber 3oots
zinc benzoatewas added to the mixbures (2ir
gs. 2
The addition of this substance does not affect the
properties of the vulcanisates (Tables 1 and 2). Prop-
erties of vulcanisates made from SKP and SIM rub)er
are compared (Tables 2 - 4). The physico-mechanical
characteristics of boots made from SKP rubber,---ihen
zinc benzoate aas added,were slifhtly better t"ian thooe
made from SKB rubber. There are~4 Table3. 13 Fi--ures
and 3 Soviet References.
ASSOCIATION:Zavod 'tKrasnyy boaatyr"' i lijauchno-issledo,
'fatel, S,-,iy It
institut rezi-novylch i latelcsnylch izdeliy ( Irr'sn, borr,,tyr'
). It ~j ~, L U,
Factory and tneScientific Institute for Rubber and Latex
Card 2/2
SOV/32-24-7-56 165
AUTHORS: Pozin (deceased), Nusinov~
,_ A. A., Izrayelit, G. Sh.
TITLE: An Apparatus for Estimating the Deformability of Rubber Mixtures
(Pribor dlya otsenki deformiruyemosti rezinovykh smesey)
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol-24, Nr 7, PP. 901- - 9011
A13STRACT: The present methods for the investigation of the deformability
do not correspond to the actual conditions of industrial pro-
cesses. Therefore an apparatus was constructed which does not
have these disadvantages. It is based on the consistometer
according to Heppler (Geppler) which is used with an ultra-
thermostat maintaining automatically the temperature with an
accuracy of + 0,0250 within the range of from I'to 1000. The
sample itsel7f represents a model press mold'with the rubber
mixture put into the press as a sample of a certain size; then
it is deformed at a constant specific pressure. The sample is
brought to the temperature desired within five minutes before
the pressure sets in; in the determination the data on the
shrinkage of the sample indicated by an instrument are read
Card 112 every five seconds within the first minute, and then every
SOV/32-24-7-56 '65
An Apparatus for Estimating the Deformability of Rubber Mixtures
thirty seconds. The results of this experiment are graphically
represented as function of the piston travel vs. the time of
observation. The values obtained from observations at a
distance of 5 sec (T5") may be taken as criterion of the
flowing. The diagram of every rubber mixture is determined ac.-
cording to the data obtained from five samples; the error in-
creases with the "flow rate", however, it is not greater than
� 6,5% as a maximum. The plotting of the flow curve can be
automatized by simple adaptions. There are 2 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovykh i lateksnykh
izdeliy (Scientific Research Institute for Rubber and Latex
Card 2/2
AUTNORs Lhabarov, V.P. -4
TITLb;% Indurtri7i and '.~ucbnical Conference in the Factory 'Trastly .y
TrougoVaik" ( Pro izvodzrwmnQ-te kb.Cichc skaya konforental-ya
no zavoda -Lr&QL" tru6ol,nlk.,)
114HIOVICALz Eaucmuk i rozi-na, 1959, lir 3. pp 61 - 62 (UL
AW1!HA4T-.Thi, comforunce *,as h,~11 from 1G" to 21st February, 19~9
in lo tzundad by repr~oentativen fr~=
ng I It *was a
.Kmanyy bo-~~zyrl ". the Torok Factory for
the rto~
Fabb,er Voorwea~, thd Ri;~a f~ctary 11:,eteor" I the Cneruomay
11auehno-iML1OdOvtdl'9kiy MSt-
ituv zvzinovykh i izdali (Rorwarch Inot4,;u*e
for Pubbar and latex Articles, HIIR5, the rou1,1r.t,,,
kozi.tat Sovota, Mini.trov S&SR po khi=ii (State Com=-itcad
of tbA Soviet of =Ictero of th~
Upruirlouir khj micheakoy prc=yuhlornoLci
Sovota narodnogo khozynyutvu (Adainifit-retion for the
Card 2/3 CholLical Industry of tha lomin6rud Council of National
-14 )s GccPl= Of the U'aRv Go"udarutwwW 1"titut
PrQYOktiTOV3niy1 prudpri7atly reZinOVOY prQ=yEhl~-ne.-
State Institute for Plarxin- J. the Ibibbor Industr-,)
lOnLASrsdAkly 1zzhdmormo-okcj~omjcto&
kiY in-titut (Ixntn-
gead 1~h9ineOric6-E*QnOm1cs InstlCute) and Vroroyuzra~-4
orgovaya, palata (All.Unioa Board of Trude). The fell-
Owing papers were road. 1)4ao Chief Enrineor of the f4,:z-
, Mraca" "The Results of
illing the Basolutions of the 1953 inctu.-trIal and
'.Scbzic-l1 Conferurcu ~in~. Arcbl-L~ of
the r-
d 19
. The lecturer
59 to 1965
ointed out th
t du
e p
int had started uslag
the vulcamlalm& atrrUruz AGV-.6r, amd that masider2blo
~odoraisatimn of o plant had boom carried out durLn,
the sama year. ?"thor wclaanization wao to be intro.
duced durin6 1959. 2) The chief of the Technical labor-
ator7 fo- .1tubbor Footwear of the Aacearch Institute far
aLbbar and latex Articles A- Oendidato of Toch-
nical sciences, on and Modermlstng
Card 2/3 %boo Ehibbar Yoat-r lmdu4t,7-" 3) The head of a dopur-trpmt
of tbo Gobplan, USZH, G Vy-Gri-,or-1 on "The Seven Year
plan of the bevolop=am~ ~oTEEor Footwedr Industry
in the USSR". 4) A report on the work of the -Orkshop
Nr 6 in the factory -Krusny7 Trou ollnik". ,) The c~Lilr-
man of t!ia All-Union Board of Trafe, I.L.Ayzentiht
Superior quality ?oct.oar Proluced
The Comforance gas-ed a that furtiller =.jctam-
isatioz of procezzaa should be intz~dlltud and tt~o ,~alLty
of rubtur footwar Loprowd.
Card 313
A.A.; TOKAP-EVA, T.Ye.; FOc;fy.'jNy K.i.~ 11YATETSKE-A-SHAill".0,
-Ile 7:anuf'C-.,l-`lU~e
Mlechanf-zed znetlriod km:?,A !2: 5)
L T-,7. 24 no.4,3-2-35 fA-p 165.
ssj,edovat,el'sViY instltut rE:7,ino,,rjki,, i jrteks-rlykil
1. Nauchnc--i
Use of granular rubber mixtures for the manufacture ,' rubber
footwear with textile fabric uppers. Kauch. i rez. 23 no. 3:
33-37 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovyk-h i lateksnykh
~ 'X --
1~ ~ "" ~* ......
~ Wim" I
PQZIN,A.A._,__kand.tekhn.nauk; TSURKAN, V.P., inzh.
Dimension conformity of rubber galoshes and boots to leather
footwear. Kozh.-obuv.prom. 4 no.1:18-19 Ja 162. MPA 15:3)
(Boots and shoes, Rubber) (Shoe manufacture)
Response to renark3 concerning the articles of M.D. Nusinov,
A.A. Pozin, M.M. Maizol'- published in the no~21 1961 inaue of
the journal. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; tekh.leg.prom. no.5:12./,-129
161. (MIRA 14:12)
(Rubber machinery)
'hewn:iya ()-,irl,
A.TrHORS: 11~usinov, MI.D.; Ivanov, B.I.; 7:
TI TL-,: The Ap,~)iication all Electric Contact -.-'ransm~tters for .-.eisur~ng Lar--e
Defoorrrmtions of Ditax Films
i-FRIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 20~O, 110. 8, 3-5 -547
TiM: I-ntex bnlloons widely used in atmosphere probinr, -I're-:uently underf~o
Drem;Aure deformations when '-(,in,, clev.?ted to a given heik7ht, :~-rob-jbly due to an
unev~-n distribution of the deformations at different areas of thpir surf aces. I'Ine
investi.-ation of the deformations in the different arcas of the 1--.~.ex 1),alloon -4~-s
unlertaken, adonting !~N~cri-Tnenta-i conditions close to 'those encountered in the
performance of the balloons, i.n., lcr,, teweratures -Ind
The au'hors overcame the jjSj),.,jj rl-*f.r -Ulties of --isurin- (1,,"orm~-.tIon- of 1-I--c
es*eci;;11-; under th~~ ~-iv--n conditinns of lo-,.? "r-mnerntLilre and oil curvc-d
object, by usin7- tr.msmltt,~ro of the contact t~-~c- -n c. - c e r
1711?ntS .,,er(-, maclf- -it differcnt of Ih-- stirfac,~ of the ----lloo (J- ~Le
!,:e r~ . LI
ecui'orial and meridicnal fhe rhwoc-ord transm"t-r could no' us-
ed in view of the cn-m,.in.- t,.-r-perature. 'flhc~ trans~7,ittcr sh7-;-4n-.--o -.:ere recov-1--A on
The A--~nlication of E-Lectric Gont~ict Transmiitter5 for 1-3asurini-
of F31ms
at. a li_sVanc~, iisin:- a m,~t, (Aic 0~,C4,10
~'j IrC. 1 4 Z ic cor,,,:-~,
F-' 2 is a ci rcuit rE -rnr~ of f, +
'!~,o su-,-ort,`n~- -r-*znz 2 o f
r~,J- Of t C C;I. surf_,C~.
* o en s n fil.,-Z C. I for
* n d th e I-a- t i Ir. s t o th c, b;; 13. c- n ' s _- u r c 7,1 c ~s contacts -for
connectinz~ the outlets 1,,',!-!ch join the 'ransmitter to th~~ e1ec4Irz_,-_-I c4r-
cu h e cominensation f ilms prevent the cccurrpnce of local volta---es concen~, !.,at-
ing in the b-alloon's fl'ilm durinu exppnsjon, due to 41ts sl_icht thlck-ness. 'I"fl- t`-ick-
ri.3 s.9 of the film .-Tas 0.10 - 0.15 run at the beginning of the ,7,.e:-S!)reTnPnts and a
few microns at the final point. Ae eyperiments c~3rrl-d out orly 24 hours
after the transmitters were attached to the surface of the balloon to ersure satis-
factory adhesion. I~Ianganin was used as th,~ rrinteria] for -the contact -,.irp due to
' I --h
its low temnerature coefficient. The distance bet-,,,_~en Ulhe sup~oriing z)risms, ~- en
fastened to the b-,Illoon's surface, w~,s 25 rp.,71. A dr,-Scri-,tion is given of the d,-~siCn
Th- Ap,.licition of ~~,lectlric Contact i'ransmittcr3 for hoasurinf: Jeform-ti-ons
of I-atex iilms
of the current recorders, situated i-ri the; :-,upportinl- prisms. tks the b.-illoon
pands, the snn,,orting prisms movr~ on op;osite directions and cause perjo-lic con-
necting md disconne(,tin[! of the circuit An the transinittor and it corrosponding,
jump of the current in the electrical circuit. A visual check is made by counting
the number of tubes which light, up connected in series with the osscillo~rrar;hls
vibrator. Figure 3 is a tYPical of the transmitter's showirlCs. The
accuracy of the counting would depend on thp accura(~y of division of the contact
V,ire into various sections. Fjgu~e 3 shvvs fhat the rrite of dc-formiitic.-I is vaxi-
able at different periods of time. This fact is taken into :,,(.'count .-!hen studying
the kinetics of the film's deformation und,~r conditions close to ?-eal ones. Thc
.Iiuthors conclude that their method is useful in measuring lar3e deform-tions, such
as 500 - 6001", of non-met;l mqterials (rubl-A-r, lntex films, -plastics, etc.). It
is especially u3eful in mensuring at rJ-4of.;znc,-!s und,-,r co-ridifJons -,i-:dl:1r to actual
performance. There are ~ figures and ri~!frn-ences: 4 ~~vict ~;nd I
A550C!41TIUI~: ',~'.-3uchrio-igslpdov~itellsk4-.,,., institut rozinovykh i
(Scientific Resenrch Institute of Rubber and L---tex -~-rticles)
Use of electric-contact strain gauges for measuring large
deformations of latex films. Kanch.i rez. 19 n0-8:35-37
Ag 16o. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Fauchno-issledovatel'skly institat rezinovykh i lateksnykh
(Strain gauges) (Deformations (Mechanics)) (Latex)
Relation between the filling of a rubber mixture, based on butadiene-
styrene rubber, and its riscoplastic characteristics. Kauch.i rez. 19
no.5:21-21 My 160. (MIRA 13:7)
1. %uebno-issledovatel'skiy Institut razinovykh i lateksnykh
izdeliy i Koskovsk-iy institut tonkoy khtmicheskoy tekhnologii im.
M. V. Lomonosova.
(Rubber, Synthetic)
AUTHORS: Nusinov, M,_D., Pozin, A.A., Ospovat, R.I., Illin, N.S./
TITLE: On the Relationship Between the Filling of aCKE3(SKB)-Based
Rubber Mixture and its Elastic-Viscous Characteristics
PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 1960, No. 5, pp. 21 - 23
TEXT: Carben black and the softener have the greatest effect on the
elastic-viscousVeharacteristics of a rubber mixture due to the higher
specific gravity in the volumetric or weight content of the mixture. It
was shown (Refs. !.and 2) that an increase in the degree of filling of the
rubber mixture with carbon black4ecreases the plastic properties of the
mixture, and an increase in the softener content leads to an increase in V
these properties. The changes of each characteristic at different degrees
of filling with carbon black and softeners are observed. The behavi 0r of
the mixtures in deformations can be predicted based on the data of the
changes. The laboratory method for the observations is described (Ref. 4)~
The total deformation obtained in the testing can be divided into elastic
and viscous components, from which the elastic or the viscous properti-
Card 1/3
On the Relationship Between the Filling of aCKE(SKB)-Based Rubber Mixture
and its Elastic-Viscous Characteristics
can be determined (Ref. 5). Figure I is the graphical outline of the ex-
periment. The formulae which were used for the computations are given
(Formulae 1 - 7). A highly-filled commercial mixture with a SKB-60 base
was chosen as the object of the investigation. As a result of the experi-
mental data obtained several conclusions were drawn: with an increase in
the carbon black dosage the characteristic indices increase and wilth an
increase in the softener dosage they decrease. The intensity of the change
of the various characteristics varies with an increase in the degree
filling in the mixtures. The plastic viscooity~ 2 and the standard M
stantaneous elasticity G2 change most significantly. Both are associated
with the intermolecular interaction . The characteristics of the lal-ging
elastic deformation change only slightly in this case,, Since the lag-ing
elastic deformation is determined Mostly by the elastic properties of the
rubber molecule and the individual links and an increase in the deE~ree of
filling does not change the rubber substan6e itself, the value of the
characteristic of the lagging elastic deformation changes with it, This
fact can be utilized in developing a new method of high-speed control of
Card 2/13
On the Relationship Between the Filling of aCKE3 (SKB)- Based Rubber Mli4ture
and its Elastic-Viscous Characteristics
the technological properties under industrial conditions, viz. the control
of the G2 standard by ultrasound. On the other hand, with an increase in
the degree of the filling with active gaseous carbon black, the standard
increases significantly, and the viscosity of the lagging elasticity in-
creases correspondingly. Similar results were obtained for rubber mixtures
based on various rubbers (Refs. 7 and 8). In this case the presence of an
interaction (in the non-vulcanized state) between the filler and the ~ . I
substance is assumed, which leads to an increase in the numeric values of
the characteristics of "high-elastic" deformation. There are 4 sets of
figures and 8 references: 6 Soviet, 1 English and 1 German,
ASSOCIATIONt Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut razinovykhi latteksrlykh iz-
deliy i Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii
im. M.V. Lomonosova (Scientific Research Institute of Rubber
and Latex Products and the Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical
Technology imeni M.V. Lomonosov)
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Nusinov, M. D.; Pozin, A. A._;..-Gallcheako, G. I.
TITLE: The Determination of Some Mechanical Characteristl7c of Rubber
Mixtures, Using the Rotational Elastoviscosimeter
PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 1959, No. 11t Pp. 35-39.
TEXT: An instrument and method for determining the mechanical proper-
ties of rubber mixtures under conditions of a uniform shear at various
temperatures and three conditions of deformat'on were developed. The mechan
ical properties of each type of deformationhere determined by applying the
linear theory of deformation and, in particular, the method of the mechani-
cal moduli (Refs.1-3). Formula 1 is the equation for the sum deformation,
consisting of the elastic instantaneous deformation, the elastic-delayed
deformation and the plastic deformation. In addition to the general linear
theory, the authors also make use of the model method, according to Refs.
4-9, with the general equation given in Formula 2. Figure 2 shows the
relationship of the sum deformation to the time element, in the case of the
shear deformation modulus. Formulae 5-7 are the equations of the component
Card 1/4
The Determination of Some Mechanical Characteristics of Rubber Mixtures,
Using the Rotational Elastoviscosimeter
types of deformation, listed above, respectively. The authors use these
formulae and Figure 2 to determine the mechanical characteristics of the
material, which are: G - the shear modulus of the delayed elasticity, in
dyne/cm2' G2 - the inslantaneous elastic shear modulus, in d~ne/=2 P
the viscosity of the delayed 2elasticity, in dyne-sec/cm _Q-2 -the
,*Iqastic viscosity, in dyne-sec/cm , t - the time of the te s 'n action
p n io
(deformation), in see. It is simplest to use the conditions of constant
tension for determining the mechanical properties of the rubber. It is
also stated that the given reormulae (No. 1-7) are only valid at constant
temperatures. Formula 8 is given for calculating the temperature dependence
of the plastic viscosity. Formula 9 shows that with an increase in the
temperature the plastic viscosity of the material decreases. The experi-
mental methods are outlined in detail and a photographic illustration of
the instrument used is given in Figure 3 with a diagrammatic sketch of its
component parts. Each part is described in detail and the functioning
principle of the instrument is explained. The tests are conducted at con-
stant temperature, determined by an ultrathermostat. The computed results
Card 2/4
The Determination of Some Mechanical Characteristics of Rubber Mixtures,
Using the Rotational Elastoviscosimeter
along the two branches were /found to coincide completely. The following
high-filled rubber mixturesL12were tested (in weight parts):6 KS-60 (sKB-6o)
125 lamp carbon black, 25 vasel~ne oil;6KC -30A (SKS-30A) 180 jet carbon
black, 90 polydienes; CKW (SKI)P117 jet carbon black, 40.0 vaseline oil.
Sulfur was excluded to eliminate the effect of the scorching in the mix-
tures. As a result of the experimental procedure it was shown that there
is a relationship between the elastic-viscous characteristics for the three
rubber mixture and the value of the shear tension within a range of 0.0785-
o106 - 0.238-109 dyne/cm2 at a temperature of 700C. This indicates that in
the test range of deformation and shear tensions the tested rubber mixtures
are linear elastic-viscous materials, the behavior of which can be simu-
lated by u ing a four-element mechanical model. It was also found that for
the SH-Obased rubber mixture the plastic viscosity coefficient '~2 and
the shear modulus of the delayed-elastic shear G 1 decrease with an in.-
crease in the temperature. There are 2 diagrams, 1 oscillogram, 5 graphs,
1 table, 9 formulas and 15 references: 12 Soviet, 2 English, 1 French.
Card 3/4
The Determination of Some Mechanical Characteristics of Rubber Mixtures,
Using the Rotational Elastoviscosimeter
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovoy i lateksnykh
izdeliy (Scientific Research Institute of the Rubber and
Latex Products Industry)
Card 4/4
AUTHORS% Mikhlin, E. D., Poretskaya, L. I., P-Qzin, A. A., Artem yeva,
V. P., I. Ye., Shcherbakova,, L Nikiforova,
T. F.
TITLE. A Method for the Determination of the Tendency for Pore
Formation in Rubber Mixtures During Vulcanization
PERIODICALx Kauchuk i Rezina,
1959, No. 12v pp.
TEXT: The authors stress the importance of controlling the rubber
mixtures during vulcanization to avoid swelling and the formation of pores
and to ensure the production of monolithic rubber articles. The presence
of gases and steam due to moisture and the wrong composition of the rubber
mixture can be harmful in this connection. Other causes of pore formaticns
are listed. The gasometric method for moisture-determination is quoted
(Ref. 1). The duration of this method, viz. 40 minutes for each determi-
nation, renders it unpractical for industrial purposes. The degree of p0.
rosity is determined by the specific gravity method (Ref. 2). However,
the specific gravity changes during vulcanization, particularly if pore
formations occur. The ratio of the specific gravities of the vulcanizate
Card 114
A Method for the Determination of the Tendency for Fore Formation in Rubber
Mixtures During Vulcanization
and the rubber mixture is given in Formula 1. The relation between the
moisutre of the rubber mixture, the K value, i.e., the above-mentioned
ratio, and the porosity of the vulcanizate was studied. The experimental
procedure is outlined. The value of K was computed according to experi-
mental data. Fig. I shows the instrument used for the determination of the
specific gravity. The formula for the determination of the specific gravity
before heating is given in Formula 2 and for determination after heating
in Formula 3. The values of K obtained are listed in Table 1. The Authors
used the gasometric method for determining the moisture in the rubber mix-
tures. Fig. 2 shows the relationship between the value of K and the
moisture content of the initial rubber mixture according to the composition
No. 151. The relationship which is obtained is explained by the fact that
during the heating and vulcanization under relatively hard conditions
(temperature 170-18000 part of the moisture contained in the rubber mix-
-Lure volatizes. A special method was applied to the determination of the
moisture content and the dependence of the porosity on the K value and the
moisture content in the case of press-molded galoshes at the "Krasnyy
Treugollnik" plant. It was applied in production to the control of rubber
Card 2/4
A Method for the Determination of the Tendency for Pore Formation in Rubber
Mixtures During Vulcanization
mixtures used in the manufacture of these overshoes, which, in turn, were
vulcanized at atmospheric pressure and also in the manufacture of heels for
shaped boots. As many as 89 rubber mixtures were tested in the plant and
the results of the K values obtained are listed in Table 4. It can be seen
from the table that in order to obtain monolithic overshoes vulcanized at
atmospheric pressure the rubber mixtures must be characterized by a value
of K >,0-985. The processing of rubber by the "straining" method causes an
increase in the K value by 15 to 17%, both in industry and under laboratory
conditions. Other testa were carried out for the K determination of rubber
mixtures used in the manufacture of boot heels. The results are given in
Table 6. A linear relationship exists between K and the monolithic
structure of the boot heels manufactured by molding according to modern
standard induatrial procedures. The authors conclude that they were able to
develop a qualitative method for the determinatiok-of the tendency of rubber
mixtures for pore formation during vulcanization, and that thie tendency
is charaoter~zed by the value of Kp which, in turn, depends on the moisture
of the rubber mixture. The method recommended was tested in industry on
CKB -60 (SXB-60),and CKC-30 (SKS-30) rubber-based materials and was found
Card 3/4
A Method for the Determination of the Tendency for Pore Formation in Rubber
Mixtures During Vulcanization
to be applicable to the control of rubber mixtures. The admissible minimum
value of K can be made part of the technologioal regulations, since it is
one of the indices characterizing the quality of rubber mixtures. The
numerical value of this figure depends on the composition, processing con-
ditions and,vulcanization of the rubber mixtures and is selected each time
according to the composition of the rubber mixture used and applicable to
the specific production conditions. There are 6 tables, 2 figures and
6 references! 5 Soviet and 1 English.
ASSOCIATIONr Nuachno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovykh i lateksnykh
izdeliy i zavod "Krasnyy treugollnik (Scientific-Research
Institute of Rubber and Latex Articles and the '!Krasz-~yy
Treugollnik" Plant
Card 4/4
Methodology for planning labor productivity in the glass
Biul.nauch. inform.: trud i zar. plats. 5 no.3:3-7 `62.
(MIRA 15-3)
(Glass manufacture--Labor productivity)
Efficiertly use winao'd and polished glass in the national
economy. S-tek. i ker. 21 no.1:37-40 Ja 164. (MIRA 17-8)
Ways to lower the net cost of window and polished glaas in 10"
1963. Stek.i ker, 18 no.9t4O-42 S :61.
(Glass manufacture-Costs)
Standardization of' wheeled and crawler industrial tractQr3, Trakt, I
sellkhozmash. no.70-5 JI 165. (MIRA 180)
1. Chelyabinskiy traktornyy zavod.
YEGOROV, Yu.D., inzh.; MAGARILLO, B.L., inzh.; POZIN, B.11.-,-inzh.
Concerning the operation of tractors with zolmtp-d equipment.
Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 32 no.10:7-10 0 162. OqRA 15:9)
1. Chelyabinskiy traktornyy zavod.,
SAYAPIN., V.I., kanfl-tekhn.naukljg~~xzh.
Resistance of trawler tractors to t4'm*.' Trakt.i sellkhozma.9h.
31 z2b-S: lo-M Ag 161. (141RA 14:7)
1. Chelyabinskiy poJAtekhn:LcheskJy institut (for Sayapin).
2. Chelyabinskiy traktornyy zavod (for Pozin).
(Crawler tractors)
KAV'YAROV. I.S., inzh.; POZIN, B.M., inzh.
Determining the efficient speed range for industrial tract-,rs,
Trakt. i sel:kho2mash. 31 no.11:9-11 f[ '61. (YJRA 14~12)
1. Chei-jabinskiy traktornyy zavod.
POZINY L., vedushchiy konstruktor
Design of ships taking into accoimt their repair. Mor.flot 23
no.2:30-31 F 163. (PUA 16:2)
(Shipbuilding) (Ships-Mainten&nce and repair)
ANUFRMYO L.H., (Orel)j-,?0~4N. G,M., inah. (Orel)
Method of calculating the teMerature of nanheated greenhouses.
Vod.1 san.takh. no,1233-7 D 165. (IiIRA i9sl)
tte-A Febr. 2"" , 196~
L-52304~-65---7-,:Er4(im)/EWP(J.). PC-_4___YJA
ACCESSION NR:,- AP5008819 S/0080/65/038/003/071)8/0709
!AUTHOR: Pozin, L. M.9 Al'shitt, 1. M.L; Grad, N. M.; Vlasova. A. I.
iTITLE- -Setting of unsaturated polyesters in the presence of metallic zinc
tSOURCE:- Zhurnal prikladnoy khimli, v.38, no. 3, 1965, 708-109
:TOPIC TAGS: polyester plastic, resin, metallic zinc, catalyst
,.;ABSTRACT: The effect of metAllic zinc owder on toughening and other physical-
ichemicdl properties of PN-3$o1yester resin was studied. The rate of resin tough-
~ening is directly prop6ir-tional -to zinc concentration in the resin. A similar cor-
relation with zinc content exists for resin hardness and bending strength. It is
iassumed tbat-zincreacts with free oxygenated groups of the polyester reska ac-
cording to: 2 ACCOH+ Zn+.(tCOO)2Zn +2H. Combination of two.carboxy groups con-
:tributes to the resin toughness and the liberated hydrogen atoms serve as poly-
merization initiators which results in acceleration of the setting process. Poly-
.ester-zinc. compositions are likely to find ample practical application. Orig.
cart. bas: 2 formulas and I table.
C6rd 1/2
Using temperature effects in investigating ',e wells of the
Romashkino field. Neft. khoz. 42 no. 3:26-32 Mr 164.
(MIRA 17t7)
-L-Z- 0
Terminology and symbols used in applied geopbvaics. Prikl. ge0f12.
no.27:223-235 160- (MIRA 13:12)
(Prospecting--Geopbysical methods)
AUTHOR: Poznyak.E.G
TITLE: Examples of Regular Metrics on the S h d in a Circle non-
Realizable in the Class of Twice Co-ntinuously Diffe-r-e-n-t-i-Ahe Surfaces __74
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya I, matematika,
mekhanika, 1960, No. 2, PP- 3-5
TEXT. It is shown.that on-the sphere and in a circle regular metrics can
be prescribed which are not.reaLizablie in the class of twice continuously
differentiable surfaces in.the-.three-dimensional Euclidean space. The metric
is constructed as follows: One constructs a closed surface S homeomorphic to
the sphere, with a conic point. This surface has a regular inner metric in
the neighborhood of every point. Then it is shown that there exists no
dlosed surface of the class C2 which is isometric to the surface S. The
regular metric of S is transferred to the sphere in a natural manner. From
the consideration it follows that the metric obtained on the sphere is not
realizable in the class of twice continuously differentiable surfaces.
There is I non-Soviet reference.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra matematiki fizicheskogo fakul'teta (Department of
Mathematics of the Physical Faculty)
SUBMITTED: May 16, 1959
Card 1/1
16, so L) 3/055/60/00(-,/03/02/010
AUTHOR: QW- ak-E. G.
TITLE- Soft os d Polyhedra
PERIODICALi Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya I, matematika,
mekhanika, 1960, No, 5, pp. 14-1~O
TEXT: The author considers the set of polyhedra with a given number of
corners, edges and face.sides. The conditions that a polyhedron of this set
is rigid, lead to a system of equations which has just as many equations
as unknowns. To the trivial vanishing solution of the system there
correspond rigid polyhedra. To a non-vanishing solution there correspond
soft polyhedra. Since a solution different from zero is only possible for
a vanishing determinant and the latter one represents an algebraic surface
to which there correspond only discretely distributed soft polyhedra, it
follows that the measure of the subset of the soft polyhedra equals zero
while the subset of the rigid polyhedra has a positive measure.
ASIIOCIATION~ Kafedra matematiki fizicheekogo fakullteta (Department of
Mathematics of the Physical Faculty)
SUBMITTED: May 16, '1959
Card 1/1
LOZMM, G.Ye.; BUEBARIN, V.V.. spetsred.; PRASS, B.Yu., vedushchiy
E.Assembly, adjustment, and operation of units employed in the
continuous manufacture of soap in a vacuum; operating experience
of the Karpov Leningrad soap factory] Montazh, naladka i eksplu-
atataiia ustanovok nepreryvnogo proi2vadetva myla pod vakuumom;
opyt Leningradskogo mylovarennogo zavoda Im. XBrpovs. Koskvs.
GOSINTI, 1959. 37 P. (MIRA 13:6)
(Leningrad--Soap industry)
NUSINOV, M.D., inzh.; POZIN, A.A., kand. takhn. nauk-; MAYZELI, M.M., doktor
takhn. nauk, pr;i-.----
Filling of ring press molds with a rubber mixture under constant
and variable high pressure. Izv. vye. ucheb. zav.; tekh. leg. prom.
no.4:69-84 159. (MIRA 13:2)
l.Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskir institut legkoy prom7shlennooti, Re-
komendovana kafedroy oborudovaniya i avtomatizatsii tekhnologicheskikh
Hidden potentialities for the increase of labor prod%ct-,.,,r-ft:7
in the production of construction glass. Sots. trud. 6 no-5.5P-
60 My 161. (Glass manufacture) (IAIRA 11,:6)
(Labor productivity)
AUTH-ORS: Plotkina, M. A., Pozin, B. L. /7 2 -5 5 -
TITLE: On the Method of Analyzing the Productivity of Glass I-iduz;",,--.
PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika-, 15`59-, Nr 11j, pp 'rl-,lt2 (USSR)
ABSTELACT: The method of determining the productivity on the basis cf tii-
calculation of the E;ross production per worker gives a
picture of the actual quality of the .,iorkers, which the a-.;thorc
demonstrate by means of examples. Under the production
conditions prevailing in many Soviet glassworks in which
of subsidiary activities are carried out, it would be more
to calculate the work input per unit of production. The
konstruktorsicoye byuro Instituta stekla (Pla=t-ng and Do
Office of the Glass Institute) has been dealing with this
since 1958 and has so far investi."ated the following plants!
Krasnousollskiy ;I'Velikiy Oktyabrf", Gomel';Ivot, Kons t anti
"Avtostekloll, and Ashkhabad. This work is carried out by
Pozin, Tsibullska-ya, Dobroserdova, Chernyak, Ponomarev,
The working method consists in prcpa-rin8r an index card for each
course of pi:oduction. The individual operations are entered or.
Card 1/2 these cards. On the basis of these index cards, a master chart of
On the Method of Analyzing the Productivity of SOV/72-:~O- I 1-12/1;-~
Glass- Indust_-,-
the general vtork input per final-production unit is drawn up.
In this way, it becomes possible to compare the productivitY
of domestic glassworks with that of foreign glass factories.
The table gives, as an example, the data obtained in two
in which production is organized along different lines. By L:ical-'S
of an analysis of the productivity of individual zrorks it is
possible to take measuresfor the rationalization of -,-.orkin.-
processes. 'rhere is 1 table.
Card 2/2
4% -7-7. *WPOVOPPI,
Inprove calculations of plate glass costs. Stek. i ker. 14 29-31
MY '57. . . - (mImA lo:6)
1. Proyaktuo-konstraktorskoye byuro Instituta stekla.
(Plate glass--Costs)
,-~3cOnOmic efficiency of the removal of hydrogen sulfide from
coke-oven gas. Koks i khim. no.12:49-50 '57. (KIRA 11:1)
(k5 ~, . ~; - . - - -).
o n sulfide)
Pozin, B*M-,
ui - 19 -;~' ~1. /2
TITLE: On the Probler of the Economy of Purification of Coke Oven
Gas from Hydrogen Sulphide (K vor)roau ob ekon-o-Milke
koksovogo gaza ot serovodoroda)
PERIODICAL: Koks i Xhimiya, 195?, iio.12, pp. 49 - 50 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is a criticism of the paper by M.S. Litvinenrko and
O.P. Vaysberg (Koks i Khimiya, 195?, No-5). The -present author
criticises costs calculation used in the original paper and
concludes that the matter of economy of vacuum carbonate and
arsenical methods of gas purification should be ~,.,Jdely discussed
in the journal, Koks i Khimiya, so that objective conclusions
can be reached.
ASSOCIATION: Giprogazoochistka
AVAILABLE: Library of ConCress
Card 1/1
VAzWysis of the pro-esses of dust remo7pJ in a foam scrt:&'
-ber. Is-1. E. Foxiii, 1. P. Muklilenov. and V.Ya. Derashini
(LensorEr-TaZYM. Inst., Leningrad). Zhur. Priklad.1
Khim- 28, 1116-20(1055); cf. C,A. 50, 3675g.-Twualter-
natives suggest themselves to account for the faet'thafin'
foam dust collectors the proportion of dust with 1.,trgcr-pgz-;
ticle ditmus. 8 is larger in tile HIO passing through the, plate;
(a) than in the 1120 (foasa) passing over the wier (b). thaV
it is not caused by normal settling during, the period of re~~.
tention in the collector is shown by expts. with pure air,
bubbling through a H,O-dust suspension; the particle dis-I
tribution in both strcauts remains the same. The second-
alternative, that classification occurs under the plate by
inertia effects of the plate, was tested by it careful ral
balance of the respective streams and the dem. of tbe'alize'
distribution in a and b. The fractional dust removal
smaller in a than in b and does not ~;cced 8017,, in tile f rmcr'~
even with the coarser particles, 4 - 80g. This is accounted~
by the fact that the free area of the plate is 16.65% so that'
less than 83.35% of the gas stream i!~ affected by the inertia
forces of the plate. This als,~; accounts for the fact that al
of hydrophobic ducts is smaller in a and is affected by the d.
and by S of the particles to a greater extent than hydroobilic
dusts; for a < 5ju tbere is no difference between the 2 dusts.
1. Bencosvitz
rl~ -),
Interaction of alcohols and amines with INNI-m-etIVIenediacrylAmide and
with cyclic TIIN"-trimethylenetriacrylamide. Zhur.prikl.khim. 36
no.6.-1307-1314 Je 163. (NIRA 16-8)
(Alcohols) (Amines) (Acrylamide)
L loigh-66 EwT (YO -lm( jIT R14
C NR' AP5028545 SOURCE CODE: FR/0286/65/000/020/0161/0161
0 Ss
441 +41
AUTHORS: Al'shits, I. M, Grad, N. M.; Fogin. L. H Mikhk~lova, I. AS
ORG: none
TITLE: Method for obtaining unsaturated polyes~e~r=19, Class 39, Y2.-15181
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakovp no. 20, 1965P 161
TOPIC TAGS: polymer, polyester, polymerization, reducing agent, sulfur compound,
Ak,110'~ ju-o-e-4-6-,
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining unsaturated poly-
ester resins at room temperature with the aid of a redox system, The latter consists
of a peroxide of isopropylbenzene and a sulfur-containing compound. To decrease
explosion hazards and toxicity, thiourea is used as the sulfur-containing compound.
The thiourea is introduced into the resin In the form of a glycerin solution.
POZ T ti
AinperomeLric study of tho klnetic:3 of the reaction of
potassium persulfate with ferrous sulfate. Zhur.prikl.
khim. 38 no.11:2469-2472 if' 165.
(T-'IRA 18:12)
1. Sulmi-Ued March 15, 1965.
Reducing the number of final documnts for new ith-I'Lps Leing built.
Sudostroenie 29 no.5:45 Mor 163. (MIRA 160)
"f*c- ren c
gii s an,; c~ i
sl vazh~
DAKHNOV, V.N., doktor geol.-miner. nauk; KHOLIN, A.I., kand. geol.-
miner.nauk; PESTRIKOV, A.S.; GALUZO, Yu.V.; AFRIKYAN, AN.;
YANUSH, Ye.F.; YUNGANS, S.M., ved. red.; YAKOVIEVA, Z.I.J. tekhn.
(Using methods of field geophysics in studying gas-bearing re-
servoirs]Primenenie metodov promyslovoi geofiziki pri izuchenii ga-
zonosnykh kollektorov. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 279 p.
(MIRA 16:2)
GasP Natural-Geology)
(Proxpecting-Geophysic~i methods)
Inventigating wells with a gradient thermometer. Razved.i prom.
. no-32:42-52 '59. (MIa 13:4)
(Oil well logging) (Rocks--Thermal properties)
FMIll, M., kandidat ekonomicheskikh nauk.
-%ller use of ice cream plant production capacity. Khol.tekh. 30 no.2:
53-56 Ap-Je '53. (1 Ml,d,; 0' : 7 )
(Ice cream industry)
Improve work planning indexes of technical shops of cold storage plants.
Khol.tekh. 13 no.3;55-59 Jl-S '53. (MT-RA 6:11)
(Gold storage)
PCZ[q, "-i.
Tek'aniologiia Selpi of I.Xineral Sft!tF;
688- p. 1.00
SO: 7our Contl;iet,,t Book 'Utst, A-,)ril 1951~
POZINI M., kandidat ekonomichaskikh nauk.
Organizing loading work in cold storage plants and centralized
feeding of goods to the distribution network. Khol.tekh- 31 no.4:
44-48 O-D '54. (MLRA 8:1)
(Gold storage) (Loading and unloading)
r.-I. , .. - q,
Increased use of refrigeration and problems of economic researc:-..
Khol.tekh-32 no.2:46-49 Ap-je '55, (XLRA 8:10)
(Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery)
POZIN, K., kandidat ekonomicheskikh nauk.
Potential increase of labor productivit7 in making ice cream.
Khol.tekh.33 -no-1:57--61 Ja Mr '56. (MLaA 9:7)
(Ice cream industry)
POZIN, M., kandidat ekonomichoskikh nauk.
- %~
Potentialities for lowering the cost of food preser7ation in cold
storage. Khol.tekh-33 ne.3:44-" Jl-S '56. (MW 9:10)
(Cold aterage-Costs)
POZIN, M., kand.ekon,nauk
--En,portant problems in tli-- ~-,--rv-,facture of ice [with a,2=-p-r7 in
English]. Khol. tekh. 35 no.1:5?-60 Ja-F 158- WIRA 11:2)
(Ice man-ufacture)
Refrigeration In the U.S.S.R. [vith summary in English]. Khol. tekh.
35 no.4:16-21 JI-Ag 158. (MIRA 11:10)
l.Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut kholodillnoy
(Refrigeration and refrigervAing machinery)
POZIN, 14.,kand.akon.nauk
Mechanization of loading in reffrigeratoro. Sav.torgs no.1:21-
25 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:2)
(Cold storage) (Loading and unloading)
AUTHOR: M. Pozin. C ndidate of 7-conc-miC Sciences
TITLE: To Improve the Method of Determinin- the Required Cold Storpge
Capacity (Usovershens-L-,vovat, me todiku opredelen-iya potrebnoy Rhoiodi-L
noy yemkosti)
-~Nr 1. pp 18-
PERIODICAL: Kholodilinaya tekhnika, 1959,, 21 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Depending upon the nature and purpose of refrigeration
establishmentsithese can be divided into 2 groups: production-
al (refrigerating plants '), intended for thermal processing of
perishable food (cooling; freezing), and distributing (cold
storage houses), intended for storage--of perishable food pro-
ducts., This classification is not absolute, as in many cases
the functions of production and distribution overlap. The
capacity of a refrigerating plant is determined by the im-
portance of the local food trade and the amount of reserves
to be stored during the period of maximum productions To make
full use of a refrigerating plant, it should be calculated or
balanced in such a way that during off--Beison it can oe used
as distributing cold storage housed As such it handles three
kinds of stocks - permanent, seasonal and current, Seasonal
stock can be for production (like uteat for sausar-e making) or
Card 1/3 for consumption Though the two kinds may be ~,tored to~~ether,
To Improve the L'Iethod of Determi-Ining -che Requ~red Co-d Storage Ca~ac-- y
the spa,,,e they requ-re must be calculated separately, Current
stock3 -are --omposed of such items which remain in storage only
a few days. and usually do not take more thar 10 - 15,*lo of the
storage epace. Since the capa~,-ity of a refrigerating plant
or a cold storage houge depends upon the reserves it must take
care OfL it ia important to investigate and analyze the fac-
tors which enter into making up the volume of these reserves
The quest:.on of expedient planning and locatinE of refriger-
at-ion es-.abl_i.-zhmen-,s in the USSR is of utmost importance at
presenu., b~~cause they must be economically justified and must
pay off; as refrigerating plants they must be located near the
centler of ca-~tle breeding, of growing fruit and vegetables of
processing fish, etc; as cold storage houses they must be
located near t-he centers of distributions The respective plan-
ning mus-I'l- consider all -liewpoints and cond -itions which vary
with each economic districts Designing and state planning
bureaus such as the Gipromyaso, Giproryba, Giprokholod ', Gipro
torgg should pay attention to the improved method of calculat-
ing cold storage sp aca. while projects should only be approved;
Card 2/3 if their economic Justification is confirmed. In designing
To Improve the !-,'ethod of Determining the Required Cold Storage Capacity
cold ~itorage establishments provision must be made for possible
ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno issledovatellakiy institut kholodillnoy
promyshlennosti (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of
Refrigeration Industry)
Card 3/3
(m I 1r-VJP(t11EWF(b) IJP(c) JD
-L 63833-65
ACCESSION VR: AP5020231 Ut-i/0069/65/027/004/0593/05917
AUTHORS Pozins M, ye.;-hopyleV, 13, A,; Yefremov, J. V
TITLE: Coagulation processes in the manufacture of superplosphatea
o. 41 1965p 593-597
,SOURCE: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, v. 27; r
TOPIC TAGS: suporphosphate, phosphorus compoundp fertilizer, potassium compoundp
calcium sulfate
ABSTRACT: The mechanism of potassium sulfate deposition on apatite granules in
the manufacture of superphosphates was investigated to determine the effect of
-the particle size on this process. The electrokinetic potentials of apatite and
other minora]ls in the superphosphate pulp were.established. Test specimens con-
sisted of a -standard apatite concentrate with 39.5% of and a reactive sul-
furic acid (100 g apatite and 70 g I~P04 monohydrate). The experimental process I
is briefly described., The ability of calcium sulfate crystals to become attached
to apatite grains is determined mainly by their size. Crystals smaller than
10-15 Ak show a very strong adhesion; crystals larger than 30-40 mdo not adhere
L 63833--65
The deposi-
,and form no slimo.coatings which retard the decomposition reaction.
gulation process under the effect of the Van der 1.1aals
tion is a result of the adag
forces at lowering of the energy barriers. The electrokinetic potentials of apa-
tite and otherminerals were measured by the electro-oamotic method at- 200. In
phosphoric acid, the electrokinetic potential of apatite has a high absolute
value; in sulfuric acid its potentials are low. The potential of anhydrite-and
gypsum is near zero at all the phosphoric and sulfuric acid concentrations. In
distilled water and in dilute solutions of phosphoric and sulfuric acids, apatite
aegirite have a slight negative potential which becomes positive over the
acid.concentration range of 10-2 - 10-1 N, It was established that the formation
of slime coating may be avoided by choosing conditions ensuring the formation of
calcium sulfate crystals larger than 20-30 M. or-by controlling tha charges of
the interacting particles, Orig. art. ban: 1 figure and I table.
Loningradakiy.tekhnologicheskly inatitut Lensoveta (Leningrad
..Engineering Institae).-
6aird 2
1:1), V; 1
a - -
VASIL'YEVA, Nadezhda Grigorlyevna; . kand. ekon. nauky
nauchnyy red.; KAPIMi, M.S., red.; i4A:.:OIITCVA, N.N., tekhn.
(Economic effectiveness of the automation of ammonia refri-
gerating units]Ekonomicheskaia effektivnost? avtor.atizatsii
amiachrWkh kholodillnykh ustanovok; nauchnoe soobshchenie.
Moskvaj, Gostorgizdat, 1962. 13 P. (MIRA 15:8)
(Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery)
(Automatic control)
BILLIK, Abram Markovich i POZIN, Harkj*~!~h, kand. ekon. nauk;LOVIKOV,
Fedorovich;-KAMItS~,,p prof,, doktor ekon. naul~p
retsenzent; MOROZOV, M.V., kand. ekon. nauk, retsenzent; M-73FdCOV,
YU.K., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; MASLOVA, Ye.F., red.; BRODSKIY, M.P.,
tekbn. red.
(Organization and planning in refrigeration enterprises] Organizatsiia
i planirovanie kholodillrUkh predpriiatii. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo torg.
lit-ry, 1961. 276 p. (MIRA 14:31-0)
(Refrigeration and refrigerating maebinery)