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27~,37 S/032/61/027/010/01A/022 Glass-reinfored plastics- B104/B102 glass textolite to its static tensile strength in the direction of filling is 0.16. The corresponding value for the tissue is 0.3. In diagonal direction to the fiber, it is 0-37. Por the SVAM glass-reinforced plastic, it is O~176 in the direction of filling, and diagonal thereto it is 0.37. The deformation limits of n1astics of any orientation exceeded those of steel. For samples of the same dimensions, made from steel 35 and from glass-rein- forced plastics, a lifetime of jo7 cycles may be expected, if the glass- reinforced plastic sample-saxeleanttwo4z three times as much as the steel samples. The anisotropy of the fatigue strength is less than that of the static load parameters. Only by tetAing in diagonal direction a fatigue limit could be established in the materials investigated (105cycles). Investigations in the longitudinal and transverse directions failed. Control tests have shown that cooling the samples with air has no influence on the fatigue limit. A. K. MitroDol'skiy is mentioned. There are A figures, 3 tables, and 7 references: 6 Soviet and I non-Soviet. The reference to the English- language publication reads as follows: K. Boller. Fatigue properties of fibrous glass reinforced plastic laminates. Modern plastics, no. 6(1957). ASSOCIATION: Lesateklinicheskaya akademiya im. S. M. Kirova (Forest Card 2/3 Engineering Academy imeni S. M. Kirov) z Z) IV Y A ChE FA -I ;u a- op Mln IA. AO, a w .0 .r -; I a . PM4 .0 R. 11H -1~ I AUTPORS! Lavrukhina, A. K., Pavictskaya, -W. I.,Pozdnyakov,A.A. 78-1-15/0 Grechishcheva, I. M. TITLE'. The Chrcmatographic Separation of the Radioisotopes of the Elements of Rare Earths, by Means of Ion Exchange (Ionoobmenncyp khromatogra- ficheskoye razdeleniye radioizotopov redkozemelfnykh elementov). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Neorganichpskoy nimii, 1958, Vol. 3, Nr 1, pp. 82-197 (USSR). ABSTRACT*. Some problems of the aforesaid separation of the isotopes whinh. are formed with nue:lqar ~.ransforwiation tinder the influence of par- ticles with high enerEj ara dealt with ir the present report. Spe- cial attention was paid to the influence of the quantity of the elements on their defTee of separation, as well as tr~ the position of the maximum of the chromatographical curve. Methodics. It was found (reference 1) that the best separation of I- i gy ran um, thorium, and bismuth was achieved by protors w th an ener u of 68o MeV by washing out with a 3,6c'/,) suittion of ainorL1111 lac-ta- te with pH=3,4. The reparation was carried out on cationite -5o". Figure 1 shows that the separation was quite effecti:ie. Figure Card 1/4 2 shows the sarne for haf'nium. If larger quantities of othe- elements The Chromatographic Separation of the Rad-Joisotopes of the 7e- -1 -155/43 0 Elements of Rare Earths by Means of Ion Flxc'ranZe. Card 2/4 are present, the separation is not always- achieved. The influence of the n,ianti-ity- of elements on the de e of their element. These problems were investigatFT witn yttri-,2r. 1,rerp7r_en~,e 6). Ii-Tre'sullts from figure 3, which shows the washing out Ounres without carrier and in the presence of lo mg yttrium, that the maximum corresm ponding to various quantities of yttriam are rather far froyn eats'-. other. Consequentl,,r the quant-ity-ef the element can inflaence the po- sition of its maximum on the cur-ve. Witni lorm ccn,7ent-ations the maxi- mum is displaced in direction to a more rapid washing oat of the re= spective element. The shape of the maxi-.'= is influenced in so far as it is sharper with ultra-low c-oncentrati,-)ns. The same was proved with the washing out of tetravalent, carDim (also in references 3,4,7,9). The data by Seryavina and Tikhonova (reference ~) w-4ich obtained wido apexes of curve strontium are incomprehensible in this ccnt,~Xl- Tqe as3ert-Jon by the authors on the width of the apex of the nurve is not contradictory to the current conception Qf the theory of exchange- chromatography. The influence of the qviantity of elementa on their degree of se;:ara- tion. The Chromatographic Separation of the Radioisotopes of the Elements 7`-1-15 43 V of Rare Earths by Means of Ion Eychange. The afore-mentioned displacement of the apexec of the curve with the change of concentration can lead to a coincidence of two or more apexes of neighbouring elements. This will reduce the degree of separation in the caze of a grPat difference of theLr concen- trations. This Is prov9d by th(- example of tolltl)m and ytterbitwi, which cannot be separated at a ratio of 1.1qe) (figuru /3, curve II). tlri~A eqWil cohnentratiors they can be _q,4parated 9-9tinfacto- rily (figure 6, curve !). Further examples are given. From the above examplea it c-an be concluded that the coinnidence of the apexes of the curve must be taken into consideration wit" the dew termination of the optimum conditions of separation of the elements. Thin is of "reat 4_mportance with the investi.-ation of the natural radioactivity (e. Z;. of promethium, samarium, and others) in the prese-!.-e of great qua-rititieq of ne-ighboirinz elem'?nta, !a-- well as with the analysis of irradiated material. There are 5 figures, and 9 references, 6 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Institute for Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni V. I.- Card 3/4 The Chromatographic Separation of the Radioisotopes of the 78-1-15/43 Elements of Rare Earths by Meams of Ion Eychange. Vernadskiy AN USSR (Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii imeni V. 1. Vernadskogo AN SSSR). SUBMITTED: June A. 1957. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 4/4 Reduc ticn techr:,;'. ll'-n V I T) 155 n(-).!' 153-155 Mr i~ 1 n s t i t u t ~e ok hi -n 1 i i a n a 1 i t i c Ks l'!m i i AN SSSR. Predstavieno akadr-m.i.knin A fl.Vinogrn~imrym, POZDNYAKOV, A.A.; ILAVRUMINA, A.K. Use of radioactive isotopes for working out methods of anionite separation of elements. Trudy kom.anal.khim. 9:161-169 '58- (MM 11:11) (Radioactive tracers) (Chemical elements) (Anions) 7 5 - 12 -2T 2 17 AVTj1-'R: TITLE: S-mrosii-.m on t'le T',.-ac-ry [L-d Use Of --3 tool.; Analytical C'ie.-:.-io-try (04- a1 Vol, 13, '.r 2 . 21")l -262 (T-SS;11 Al'STRACT: A oym:,ocium on the thoory and t'le use of co:.-plexons in analytical chemistry -.-.'-,i-ch was called 'by the Co-i7--ission for Anal.-tical C*-e:-Actry at t, e Institute for Geoche- mi2try -and Analytical i7mcni V.I. Vernads'i-y AS USST', took pia-ce in T.oscow fro-. 1.1-o-rember 231 to 7Tove.-.ber 30, 1~57 . !Tore t-,an 50 of metry, whom were also fromi 7ec-:1013 democracies, attended this nym,-..oo-;um. 13 lecti-res were attended and jud.-ed. Part of the rellorts was devated to theoretical ~,roblems, anot'~er part dealt %-.rith the synthesij Card 1/4 f, 7 Symposium on the V-eory a--il Use of Com-~Iexons in Analytfcal O'le'stry of new co::,.-.-lexons and color indicators and .,,it'i t~ie use of coranle.-rons, es-pecially of comAexon III,for the separation and determination of eleT.-entr. K.P., Yatq-i,.,irsI.iY (Ivanovo) rej,o.-ted on t!:c, rez;-:1to o--F' ther,-:,ocl,emical investi,--r~tions of com-,lex cor-,--linds. R. Prohibil (Pra-i.,e) re7-or'Gc-d on mE,tnlIoc'.r-;-nJ-r, in-dicators of the Dhthalein-series and on 2 now inrjic~:tors: Glyc-i-e- thymol-blue and rlycine-cres;-,-----red. I,."er'jl renorted on t-c results obtained by tl~e investi -.,-.tion of meLallochroiric derivatives of a.-.iino acids and on t'-,e mechan4smn of t':e indicitor effect o[ indicators. One of t!)e articles by this aiit!,or de.-Lit aith errors in titration in corr~lcxomctry. T'-e re-orts delivored by L, Erde-4 and 1-?'. ?'i~,slafin (Sa2atov) were dc,.roted to V~u use of so-o ne-,~,, i7~1-4c~-,tors Card 2/4 7 5 - -13, - 2 - 2~,- 27 Syj-jj,,osju,i on Vie T'ieory and Use of Co:n-lexons in Analytical C'107!istry in comi,,lexo:-,etry. 71. ~'rshibil re orted on V,c co~:-lexo- Metf-C heter7~-ination of o;-ydizin.~'and reduclin,r: co-::ovr.ds. P.,". Paley (--,'oscow) re-.orterl --b-'ut t1le Pro-,Crtiies of vo-t- ITT. F. i . La.3tovs,:iy ( loscow) rc. orted on investi---ation vtor' s in tho, f icld of tl;c of' co--7~lexons and V-ieir Ly-an' and Toen' In'-tcao (!,e' .-ing) re-,o--ted on the possibility of tile line of tile complexes of pyrocatechol with trivalent iron for t1iodeter-im.-t- on (if f1nc)rincj.~!.T,:, -)enpa-rin (Mloscow) delivered a lect,ire on U,e use of con-~Iex-.)zw in t,7e ion exc-.anCe c-',atoLra1---'hY. Yu.Yti, Lurlye (Moscow) re.norted on so-..-e mtlt-ods of analysis in the Lie"allurr; of ronferrous metals which are ba2ed on the use of cora~lexon III. in tne course of an discuss'en, A.K. Babko proposed to use co7.plexon III for t".e re'ar4ation of crystallization PrOCeG3eS. Card 3/4 Symposium on the Theory and Use of Com.:!lexons in Analytical C I.F- Alimarin, I.V- Tananayev, V.I. Ku-nntsov, A-T. Babko, N.P. Komar' and ot'-ers tock an active part in t'~e Symposium, 1. Chemistry-USSR Card 4/4 AUTHORS: La-irukhina, L. K., Krasavina, L. D., ~2'~--~ Pozdnyakov, A. A. TITLE: Radiochemical Investigation of t;-.e Pr~dl--c:s Resaltin~z Prom the Fission of Lanthanum by 66c He7 -Frc-tons (Ra= diokhimicheskoye issledovaniye produl-ov !a.-.= tana protonami s energiyey 66o M,el) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 119, Nr 1, PP- 56-58 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The short introduction reports on previous works dealing with the same subject. This work gives some results of the radiochemical investigation mentioned in the title. The main difficulty of this investigation was the pro= duction of the fission products of lanthanum in pure ra= dioactive form. The investigation was performed at the synchrocyclotron of the Laboratory for Nuclear Problems ~Laboratoriya yadernykh Droblem) of the United Institute for Nuclear Research (Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy). The target, which was to be bor-bardet, Card 1/3 consisted of lanthanum oxide powder with a weight of up Radiochemical Investigation of the Products 2ri-119-1-141--2 Resultinf~ From the Fission of Lanthanum by 66o MeVi.Proton8 to 1g; it was wrapped into an aluminium foil. These tar- gets were irradiated by 66o MeV-protons for from 1-2 hours. Then the powder was dissolved in hydrochloric acid and subsequently the radioactive isotopes were 3eparated. For the separation of the fission products of lanthanum a method for the rapid chromatographic separation of Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu. and Zn was worked out before. The essence of this method is shortly described here. The here obtained experimental data and the computed cross sections are compiled in a table and indicate the following: In the fission of lanthanum. isotopes with a neutron surplus are essentially generated. The isotopes are in the wide interval of the atomic numbers from Z = 15 to Z - 40. A diagram illustrates the distribu- tion of the yields of the fission products of lanthanum on the atomic number. This distribution has the character of a flat curve, which speaks for the high probability of the symmetrical and also of the unsymmetrical fission. This conclusion agrees with the theory, after which fo5 nuclei with average atomic weight (A 16o), for which (Z /A)/ Card 2/3 (Z2/1 )before) 0*6 holds, the barrier in asymmetrical Radiochemical Investigation of the Resulting From the Fission of Lanthanar:-L by (")6rj 11,';~-V fission is smaller than the barrier in symmetrical fission. The cross sections of the production ot' " he separate frag= 0-50 and 1 0-2f cm L. ments vary between 1 Prom the area, WnIch is enclosed by the curve, the total cross section of the fission of lanthanum by 66o MeV-protons can be estimated to 0.6.1o-Z,1 2 cm .For a more perfect characterization of the fission of lanthanum and for the deterr.,iination of the corresponding threshold value further investigations are necessary. There are 2 figures, I table and lo references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimi4i im. V, I. Ver= nadekogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Geochemistry and Analytic Chemistry imeni V. 1. Vernadskiy AS USSR) PRZ0ZNTEVs August 27, 1957, by A. P. Vinogradov, Member of the Academy of Sciences, USSR SUB.'.:ITTEDt August 22, 1957 21(8) AUTHIORS: Lavrukhina, A. K., Pozdnyakov, A.A. SOV/69-7-1-1c; ------------------- TITLE: The Spallation of Hafnium by Protons With Energies of 660 Mov PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 4, PP 382-384 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is the aim of the,present paper to determine the yields of spallation products and to investigate some details of the interaction between 660 Mev-protons and hafnium nuclei. The chromatographical separation of the spallation products, calculation of /9--, and //3 +-yields, and of the K-capture isotopes was carried out according to methods which have already been described in publications. On the basis of experimental and interpolated data for all identified elements the curves for the dependence of isotopes on their mass numbers were then constructed. In the spallation of hafnium by 660 Mev-protons the isotope-distribution functions are cupola-shaped like in the distribution of the spallation products of copper. In the case of hafnium. the cupolas are considerably shifted in the direction of the nuclei with neutron-deficit. In the spallation of hafnium nuclei with neutron-deficit are essentially produced. Card 1/3 They comprise 67,p~ of the total spallation cross section. T';L ~~f Hafnium by Protons 71itil 3OV/85-7-',-1, 5/26 v 23 and 10~ respectivelY correspond to the portion of stable nuclei and to nuclei with a neutron surplus. The cupola-shaped curve with Z = 64 is shif ted towards smaller masces and lowei yields (compared to the adjrining elements). This may be explained according to the -statistical theory by the influen-le of the closed subshell ,,iith Z= 64. From the cupola-shaped curves the summated isotope-production cross sections are t-hen determined. The total cross section for the processes of hafnium nucleus spallation is 24 2. n 1.5-io- cm Thi3 amount's to 85% of the geometric cross sect-o. oj. the hafnium nuclei. In the fraction of lutetium. there is an activity with the half-life of qt hours, which may be attributed 168 to the new isotope Lu . The second diagram shows the dependence of the cumulative yield of the isobars on the number N of tho doparted n1jelcon-3. This yield remains constant at 11 < 20 and decreafieu at N >20 according to the exponential lrvu 1n (5 A~ PA+const. Here P = 0.11 holds. For the isotope with N >20 the production cross section of a given product-nucleus Card 2/3 may be calculated accordinE to the formula by S. Rudstam(aef 6): The Spallation of Hafnium by Protons W'ith SOV/89-7-4-15/26 Energies of 660 Mev (A i)z i) = exp[PA-Q-R(Z i_ SA i) 2] . Here P = 0.11; Q = 12.3; R = 1.2; S = 0.437 holds for the parameters. A table contains the numbers of neutrons and protons (determined by estimat-ion), which were emitted in the spallation of hafnium. The results obtained indicate a considerable increase of the number of evaporated neutrons with increasing atomic number of the irradiated nuclei. The number of cascade neutrons remains nearly constant. The average excitation energy of the hafnium nuclei is 150 Mev. There are 2 figures, I table, and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: Pebruary 13, 1959 Card 3/3 POZDNYI,XOV, A.A. Chromatographic separation of ponderable quantities of cesilin and rubidiur, on the KU-1 cat-ion Pxchang,~r.*Lr--_ 16 no.5--Ok7-648 S-0 161. (?/Llfu~ 14:9) 1. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences U.S.S.R., Moscow. (Cesium--Analysis) (Rubidium--Analysis) (Ion exchange resins) 5/c;'-,'3/6 ~~/007/00 I.IVJ2100-j A /A 126, AUTHORS - Poz--Invakov , A I A. IS TLE Techn(-tium as corro-i~en Jnhatr~o- 'Merll D. 1. Merdel~-,- F FR 10 L) IC A L. -Zh~,, v~:es6; F,-o - 110' 117 yeV,I~ V, 7~ r TM 'Ine effec,~ of tecrinc-lor.. !on ~--cC)4 as corrosion inhibitor for iron and steel is discus-zed in preseri paper and finally explained wit-si an electro- static attrac-,,-on of Tc04 by -.h-- e--.ecrrons of -rhe metal surface, Yn- authlor-= give a brief survey o-* results ot--ained in =xperirrents by We~~'.ern scien'~ists ASSOCIATTON, InqtIt-w geoknifnii anal.-Iclleskoy khimil ,m. I Verrriadskogo Akademii nauk 355F of and Analy-t-Ical f,'JI&MIST~-1 -,mem V. of t-le Acaci-mv of Scl-nces USSR) 3 TJTW rT-T, ED Augu~-z 10, 1961 Card 1/1 3/02 62/144/004/021/024 B101YB 138 AUTHORS: Pozdny-akov, A. A., Basargin, If. U., and Gerlit, Yu. B. TITLL., Extraction of technetium as trinhenyl 6uanidinc- p(,rtechnetate P!~HIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, no. 4, 1962, a61 - 863 TEXT: The separation of technetium from ruthenium and molybdenum as a triphenyl guanidine chloride ;C 6 F1 5NH-C-NHC 6H~Cl was examined. ~c 6fir The solvent used was chlorex(,`,,*~- -dichlorodiethyl ether). The extraction 99M f, 99 was checked by means of radioactive isotopes Tc ~T 1/2 ~ 6 hr); Mo (T 1/2 ~ 2.8 days); and HU 106 (T 1/2 ~ 290 days). Results: In HC10 4 no extraction occurred. In HCI and HNO 3the distribution coefficient D dropped very steeply as the acid concentration rose. In H 2so 41 on the other hand, D was fairly independent of the acid concentration as this acid is not coextracted. (2) In H 2 s04 (0 - 10 M) the values were J Card 1/2 S/020/62/144/004/C'21/024 Extraction of technetium as... 3101/B138 3 2 3+ ,or q 44" DTeO- '-' 10 ; D 10 ; D'M a 02- , 1 ;D Ru '0. (3) Neither Ru 'U nor 4 4 4 the nitroso-complexe3of the Ru were extracted, which shows that complete seDaration of the To from the Ru would be possible even if the latter were present in great excess. There are 3 figures and 1 table. The most important English-lan.auage reference is: G. E. Boyd, q. V,. Larson, E. Z. Motta, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 82, 809 (1960). ASSOCIATIONt Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V. I. Vernads- kogo Akademii nauk SSSR (institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni V. 1. Vernadskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: January 11, 19629 by A. P. Vinogradov, Academician SUBMITTEDt December 28, 1961 Card 2/2 POZDNYAKO'l, A.A,,j SERGEYW, V.A. C.ultivation of Newcastle disease virus in the suspension of trypsinized tissue cells of chick embryos. Vop. vir-us. 10 no.3038-343 Yq-je 165. (MIRA 18i7) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut veterinarnoy v4-rusologii i mikrobiologii, Moskva. fL 3569-6 - EVII(m)/.EV-IP(w)/E.PF(c)/EYIP(J)/T- - VNIIEMIRM ACCESSION XR: APS024820 UR/0032/65/031/010/1245/1247 14, 620.172:678.5.06 !AUTHOR: Ashkenazi, Ye. K.; Pozdnyakov, A. A. ITITLE: Shape of specimen for tensile tests of anisotropic transparent plkstics SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 31, no. 1.0, 1965, 1245-1247 ;TOPIC TAGS: tensile strength, synthetic material, plastic strength ABSTRACT: The geometry of transparent plastic tensile test specimens of anisotropic ,material is studied an the premise that the purpos f the testing is to determine 4ndices which most accurately describe the stre2lz,-the material under conditions of uniform and uniaxial tension. This reqJRWF=nelfminates the tubular test ape-1 Icimens preferred by some researchers and indicates the use of flat specimens with !a rather high ratio of length to width. Stresses are calculated in a transparent plastic specimen which is twice as wide as it is long, to determine the effect of 'containment of angular and transverse deformations on the stress field in a flat specimen. It was found that transverse normal stresses in this case result in in- icreased strength and reduced deformation of the specimen since the transverse nor- Oil .L 3569-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5024820 Mal stresses,always"have the "me sign as longitudinal normal stresses. Therefore ihe test data from wide samples are too high. It is recommended that flat speci- r I i mens with a length to width ratio of >3:1 should be used for tensile tests of ani- totropic plastics for an approximately,uniform and uniaxial stressed state. The Aonuniformity and deviation from uniaxiality in tubular specimens must be further c3nalyzed for,.a quantIitative evaluation of this type of test specimen. Orig. art. has; 2 figuz!oss ASSOCIATION: Leningradskaya lesotekhnicheskaya akademiya (Leningrad ForestrX-En- gineering Acadew fb-erian Institute of 1);(Sibirskiy Tekhnologicheskiy.Institut (S Technologyl/' kq tUBHITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: Mr, AS NO REF SOV: 005 OTHERi 000 -A /q POMPIAF07", of Ussp.khim. 3.' ri--.2i F 165. (M-LIRA khimii imeni Vernadskogo AN SSSR~ ACC NR,. XI&21?55 SOURCE CODEZ UR/oooo/66/000/000/0133/0137 1 AUTHOR: ~ozdny~akov, ~A.A.; "Pivakov, B. Ya. ORG: Institute of Geochem~_:~try and_Aqal t c Chemistry im. V. 1. Vernadskiy, "N y SSSR U~iEi~i~t geokhimit i analitichoskoy khimf~ TITLE: E~ctractive separation of technetium from rhenium by means of methyl ethyl ketone SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut geokhimit i analitecheskoy khimii. 'ChimichoskiyG osno-'ry h e 4- n ekstrak-tsionnogo metoda razdeleniya elementov (Chemical Drinciples of t e rtrac.-Jo, method for the separation of elements). 1,bscow, Izd-vo Naulka, 1966, 133-13? TOPIC 'TAGS: solvent extraction, technetium, rhonium k-67-OA-1-6 10 ABSTRACT: A method(~ Tas develoned for separating technetium from rheniun, based on a selective reductions of technetium with hydrazine sulfate in 4-5 IN NaOF. solutions and formation of the extractable perrhenate ion and of a nonextractable form of technatiiza In a lo,,,rer oxidation state) the extracting agent being mothyl ethyl ketone. 7ho effect of concentration of NaOH and hydrazino sulfate) duration of the roduction, and concontration of the elements gn their extraction was studiod. Radiochomically puro isotonos Tc99, T699m, and Re186 were employed, and the activity of the samples was measured by means of the emitted 0 and Y radiation. The NaOH concentration was found 2 ACC NRr AT6021755 Uo have a strong influence on the extraction of technotium from NaOi soj-a+~-LoLs Co- taining hydrazine. No changes were found in the distribution ratios for rhen4uz. as the time of exposure to the action of hydrazine was varied, indicating-that the ionic sDecies of rhenium remains unchanged. The distribution ratios of technetiura and rhenium are quite Independent of their concentration at 5 x 10-4 X and belor; at rhenium concentrations above this valuep the extraction decreases, apparently because of the low solubility of its compound in methyl ethyl ketone. Orig. art. has: I figure and 2 tables. SUB COD:-;: 07/ Sam DATE: o9mar66/ oRiG REF: oo4/ OTH REFs 003 RYABCHIKOV, D.I.; PCZDNYAKOV, A.A. Ad3orption of' technetium frc,.-. aouer;u3 sol-itionz rn, anicn exchanqer~ orc-~uce.-; in the Soviet Union. Dckl. AN S3;SR 161 no.l,-.F,%-99r3 AD 165', , (Ml.a. 18: 5) 1. Institut genkhimfl t arallt.11-heskoy khtrrIJ im. V.[.W,,rnrul:ikri,,r, AN SSSR. 2. Chlon-korresponrInTIL AN S,13SI, (For lipibchikov). L-53003-65' *f/~P/RK -ACCESSION NR-, AP50108110 UR/0020/G5/161/004/0696/0898~ AUTHOR, Ryabchikov, D. 1. (Corresponding member All SSSR); Vbzd91r :,TITLE: Investigation of adsorption of technetiuArom aqueous solutions onto Russian-made anion exchange resin SSSR. 1~no. 4, 1955 896-999 SOURCE:. At, Doklady, v, 161,. TOPIC TAGS: technetium extraction, anion exchange resin, separation :ABSTRACT: This work was done to develop a~method for recovering technetium from !,various waste aqueous solutions in tbe-nuclear energy industry. Adsorptive proper-t ties of the domestic anion exchange resins AV-16, AV-17, AV-18, and EDE-10P were f examined. Sepa']?ation coefficients.for technetium isotopes in acid solution were determined. Concentrations- of technetium isotopes were measured by monitoring y and 0 radiation.' Isotopi42 equilibration was achieved after 50 to 60 minute contact'i between-t-he solution and the anion exchange resin. The-order of adsorption ca- for technetium froM HaN03 60lUtion is as follcyis: AV-17>AV-l8>EDE-10P>, 1 IAV-16. The AV-17-anion exchange resin extracts technetium from weakly acidics Card 1/2 7 ------ L 53003i-65 ACCESSION NR-..: AP5010840. f a neutral, and basic concentrated solutions of NaNO3, from solutions of HU o ny concentration, and also- from 6 to 7 molar solution Of H2SO4 and from 3 to 4 molar solution Of HU03- Because of small adsorption of technetium from perchlorate solutions, thesesolutions useful in desorbing technetium from the anion exchange resin. All technetium can be desorbed from a resin to a 1.5 to 2 molar aqueous solution of HC104. Adsorption of technetium on strongly basic anion ex- change resins is reversible. High Isorptivity of TcO4 ions is due to.small hydra- -tion of these ions. "The,authors thank G. P. KolMya for supplying samples of the anion exchange resins." Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. T. I. Vernadskago A,kademii nauk SSSR (Institute.of Geochemistry and Analytic Chemistry, Academy OF wSci ences SSSRY ENCL. 00 SUB CODE: GC SUBMITTED: 03Dec60 NP NO REF SOV. .00 WHER: 005 2/2 M L :54471-6~5 ENT( )/]~WO(M)/EWP(j)/T/EWP(t)/-zWP(b) Pc-4 ijp(c) RwH/JD/, ACCESSIONNR: ATS013648 UR/O WO /65/000/000JO130/0133 543,544.6:543.21:546.718+546.719 AUTHOR: Pozdnyakov.-A. A.; Ryabehikovp Do 1. TITLE: Chromatographic separation of technetim enium ~nd rh SOURCE: AN SS8R# Otdeleniye obshcheylt tekhnicheakoy khimii. RadiokhImicheskiye, metody opr.edeleniya'-mikroelementove (Radiochemical methods for determining trace e eiments);-abornik otatey..Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 130-133 l um um separation, TOPIC UM* column chromtography, techneti separation, rhent exichange re.9in, partition coefficient anion ABSTRACT: The aim of this work was to determine+the possibility of separating Tc and.Re ions-by means of c2neentrated HCl solutions, in which these tons are _~present in the form of TcC16 and ReO4-. A study of the partition coefficients 91AV-17 and of Te and Re ions of various oxidation states on the anion exchanger e Dowex lx4 In.ffel solution red the presence of a strong adsorption'of th nou complex anioiLs TcCl' (014~)O$n AV-17, -It was found that the most pro aced 6 differences In the pafflUo-nedefficients of TcC16" and ReO4_ occurred In-A0 H lCard-14 In STi- 35'.,',~~"2 L,- -cly] of 63 49027-65 W.(m)/W(t)/EWP(b) IJP(c) JD :.ACCESSION- NR: ~AP5011050: UR/0075/65/020/004/0473/0475 -AUTHOR:.- ftgd ayako~, -A*- A4 TITLE: Spectrophotometric determination of microgram quantities of techne ium in the form of the hexachlorotechnetate ion in.concentrated hydrochloric acid 1 _SOURCE. Zhurnal.analiticheakoy khimii, v.-20, no. 4,1,1965, 473-475 TOPIC.TAGS,: .~technetium determination, spectroPhotometryk hexachlorotechnetate j ion ABSTPACT: The methoddevelopedby the authors is based on the reduction of technetium by hydrochloric acid to the tetravalent, state (TcCl--).' All photo- metric measurements were made at 338 W. . At this wavelength, Le dependence of light. abs.orption by the TcCl-' complex :bl UCL-solutions on the concentration of 6 Tc was lirvestigated. the higher the HCl concentration, the wider the range over- Yllich lBeek's lwovis obeyed. The effect of various amounts of rhenium and molyb ..."denum- on the light absorption by Te is considered, and the determination of micrograin quantities of, Te (0.1-5. gg/ml) is described. The errov in the deter- mination of Tc In the presence of small amounts of Ho and Re by means of the Ctird -1/2 L 9027 ACCESSION NR4.- AP 011050 -5- --spectrophatometric'method,is approximately 3%0, The molar extinction--coeff icient: of hexacfi.lo.ror4'bchhetate~solutions at .338.v~L is,high - 32000, which accounts for the sensitivity..of the method Orig- arto has: 3 figimes and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut geokhimft L analiticheskoy khWi tR_.-V. 1. Vernadskoso AN SSSR, Moscow Qnstitufe of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry) POZRIYAKOV, A.A., t,: I rv-i .te k ljri .nauli [Desipi of thin-~jrt]l#-d res-ge1s; a te-tbco-k '"or students of chendcal. ?Ri~,,;hpt torikostennyHl sosudov-, uchebme pesoble dlia sLuderitov khimcicheskikh fakiii't-e- to v . Krasmoi?-tvnk, 19 r', 3 .31 ;) i -, . 17:9) 1. Krasnoyarsk. -,--ib-~rskv telc~noio --'chp skiy institut. ya materi alov. Kafedra- soprotivlerti- RAKOVSKIY, E.Ye.; POZDNYAKOV, A.A. Conference on the methods of concentration c-' ele.--nts in analytical chemistry. Zhur. VKHO 9 no. 3:335-3116 164. (MJRA 17:9) POZDNYAKOV, A.A.. Fatigue resistance of anisotropia materials. Nauch. trudy LTA no.96:83-91 161. (FT_RA 17.----) USHANOV, V.F.; PCZDNYAKOV, A.A,; VARDUGIN, A.V.; CHERMFIJIN, B.I., student III kursa Changes in the physicochemical properties of the wood of Siberian larch during compression. Trudy STI 34:48-55 163. (MIRA 17:2) POZDNYAKOV., A.A. Strains and displacements of wooden samples in restricted bending. Nalich. trudy LTA no.97:51-57 162. (IaRA 17:2) POZDNYAKOV,, A.A.; RAKOVSKIYJ E.V. Conference on Methods for the Concentration of Elements in Analytical Chemistr-j. Atom. energ. 15 no.6:534-536 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) PUZDNYAKOV, A. A. Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Chemical Scienceslat the Institute of Physical Chemistry in 1962: "Radiachemical Investigation of the Cleavage Products of Hafnium by 660 14ev Protons." Vest. Akad. Nauk SSSR. No. 4. blosc-ow, 1963, pages 119-145 POZDNYAKOV, A.A.1 MARGIN, N.N.; GERLIT, Yu.B. Extraction of technecium in the form of triphenylguanidinium p*rtechnetate. Dokl.AN SSSR 144 no.4t861-863 Je 162. ()URA 15:5) 1. Institut gookhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V.I.Vernadskogo AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.P.Vinogradovym. (Technettium) POZDITYAKOV ', A.A.- FLODIN. S~S. - - as a. corroa-Loa inhibi.tor. Zhur.VUG 7 (,%E:PA Jl 5 1) 62, J- , 1. lustitut geokhimti i analiticheskoy khiiuii imeni Vernadskogo AN SSSR, (Technetium) (Corrosion and anticorrosives') POZD 8 . ., . rh6,. I Brush-equipped polishing turning machines. Izobr. I rats 3 no.5:20 M7 158- (MIRA 11:9) (Grinding machines) AUTHOR: Pozdnyakov, A.D.; Eneineer SOV/28-5PS-5-16/717 TITLE: Regulating the echnical Requirements for Round Rolled 5rass eglamentirovat' tekhnicheskiyetrebovaniya na kruiTlyy pro- U iz latuni) PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya, 1956, Nr 5, PP 54 (USSIO ABSTRACT: The author points out that there are no technical standards for producing wire or round rods from brass, to be used subsequently in the manufacture of parts for clockwork mechanisms. As an example he compiles a table showing breaking point versus hardness for various kinds of brass and proposes that this be used as the basis for elaborat- ing a new standard for this rolled metal. '111here is I table. 1. Brass--Standards 2. Wire 3. Rods Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Poz SOV/119-56-8-9/16 TITLE: A COST for Rolled Round Brass,P-63-3 Is Necessarj (Neobkhodim COST na kruglyy prokat latuni.LS-063-3) PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, 1,056, Nr 8, pp. 23-23 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For the hard brass used in the clock- and watch industry there has hitherto existed no direct connection between the hardness EB and the relative strength Cb of the metal. This 0 deDendence for brass can be characterized as follows: j 2 very hard Ob = o,35r' HB k'-/mM hard ab = 0,326 H B kg/mm.2 soft ab = 0,311 HB k-11nm2 This applies also to bands and sheets produced from this material by rolline. It is considered to be necessarir to draw the attention of those responsible for the watch- and apparatus industry to a provisional nomenclature for brass of the type AS-63-3 in a round and rolled state, in order that amendments and corrections can be carried out as soon as new Card 1/2 GOST standards will be worked out. A COST for Rolled Round Brass LS -63-3 SOV/1191-58-8-9/16 Is Necessary The provisional nonenclature is given as follows: C, State of the metal, ranc,'e of strength (5b hardness HB of the wire, the in kG/mm2 not less not less tY._r- rolled stock of than LS 63-3 weak 30 95 half-hard 40 12o hard 50 135 v ery hard 62 and more 175 There is I fi6-ure. 1. Brass--Standards 2. Brass--Applications Card 2/2 CHERSKOV., A.S., veterinarnyy vrach..... ';" ~A-IG!-, veterinarnyy v-mch; KRONGAUZ, K.A., vete vrach Specific proptkylaxin In swIna plitgue. Votorintirlirt 37 no.(,: 31-33 Je 160. (MIRA 16:7) (Swine plague) POZDNYAKOVj__k. G.) KRONGAUZ, K. A. and CIMRSKOV, A. S. "About specific prophylaxis of hog cholera." Veterinariya, V01- 37, No- 0, 1,960, P. -4,-" o - I I- POZDNTAKOV, A.I., Vand.sel'skokhozyaystvonnVkh nauk Intensive fattening of young stock on urea. Zbivotnovodatvo 20 n0-9:35-37 S '58- (I-UF.A 11:10 1. Khnrlkovskiy zootekhnicheskiy inatitut. (Cattle-Faeding and fending stuffs) (Urm) POZDWVA ",-A -low. kandidat sell sko)-,hoz,7&7stvennykh naijk. Food value of cottonseed meal from unhulled seeds. Trudy VNIII 3: 340-347 '56. (KLHA 10:4) (Cottonseed meal) POZDNYAKOV, A.I., kiLndidat sel'skokhozynystvannykh nauk: CHUGUNKOV, Ya.G., ~at oel'akokhozy&:rvtvennykh nalik. Time spent on physiological processes In dairy cows kept uruler different conditions. Trudy VNIIK 3:449-459 '56. (KIA 10:4) (Cows) poz-D M ~ A K-oV A L USSR/Farm Animals. Swine. Q-2 Abs Jour, Ref Zhur - Fiol., No. 22, 1958, 101168 Author Kopyl, A.13.5 P~qzdnyakzv, A.L., ;~igunova, G.P. Inst Kharkov Zootechnical Institute Title Fattening of S,.-jine with Variously Prepared Corn Grain Fodder. Orig Pub: Sb. tr, Khorlkovsk. zootekhn. in-t, 195?, 71-70" Abstract: According to the principles oC analogy methods, 98 immature 8-morth-old sows of the large white breed were divided into 4 groups. During 45 tests d,?ys, the ani-.-,rils were fed variously pre- parel corn. After tLie first 30 test deys, the corn preparation meth~jd for the sows of Jiffe- rent groups was molifiel (2nd rieriol). During the Ist test periol, the nutritton~~l value of corn amounted to 68 percent, anJ durin,a the 2nd Card 1/2 11 _2 USSR/Farm Animals. Swine. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Eiol., Fo. 22, 101168 test periol to 76 percent. According to test periods, groups w;-liclh vere fed corn in the form of mash prepared froT grain showed the followirg weight "ains: 14.4 and 12.5 kg~ respectively he fodder ex,~enditures amounted to 9.35 ard 6.00 feed units, res;.ectively, for each kg of weight gain. The followin- fii.,ures were obtained for 'grouos which were fed corn in the form of mash prepared from ears: 11.6 and 8.2, respectivelyq and 7.4o and 5.10, respec- tively. Groi.-ps whicla were fed both grain and corn ears presented intermediate figures. Card 2/2 27 POZDNYAKOV, A.L. (Moskva) Early changes in the bone marrow of Irradiated ani m-ls. Arkh.pat. 21 no.6:39-40 159. (MIRA 12:1211 1. Nauchnyy rukovoditell- chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR N.A. Kra- yevskiy. (BONE MARROW, eff. of radiations on x-ray, early changes in rats (Ras)) (ROMGEN RAYS, eff . early bone marrow changes in rats (Rus)) KHOIELIDZE,, V.S.; POZDNYAKOVI_-A.L.- Possibility of detecting cellular nucleopr-roteins by fluorescence microscopy of autopsy material (kidney). Arkh. pat. 23 no. 1:29-33 161. (MIRA 14:1) (NUGISEOPROTEINS) (KIDNEYS) T sickness ~,f KLEMPARSKAYA, N.N.; SHALINOVA, G.A.-; POZDNYAKOV, A.L. Possibil-ity of nonspecific increase of resistance against infection In BCG-vaccinated mice. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. I imm. 41 no. 2; 141 F 164. (MIRA 17:9) SHEYKO, I.N.; DERKS, O.F.; POZDNYAKOV, A.N. Density and molar volume of the ternar7 system, Ukx. khim. zhur. 31 no.10:1055-1060 165. (MIRA 19: 1) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. Submitted September 25, 1964. TD:OSfENY.O., V.V.; MARTYNISUB, A.M.; TSUWIOV, V.P,; GAEGO, Ya.V.; -SIIIKOV, !.p.; _PC~ST7j.',(LV, V,7~4; "C.R T~, T, G7% q f, 0-1 7 - ~ ARTAMONOV, A,,-,; T-,'L.2,-IKOV. S.Ii.; KABLUKOVSKIY~ A F,; "KAK-KV, A.Kh,; I,Kb,~; ZNAICIISKIY. B,A,; ZUYEV, T.,!,,; I-O-ZOYAKOV, Rew design of electrode holders for electric-arc smelting Purnaces, Prom. energ. 15 no,8:13-14 Ag 160. WIPLA 15: 1) (Electric furnaces) POZDNYAKOV., A.V.; VINOKUROV, L.V. Has gonadostimul-in any effect? Veterinariia 42 nc.7:77-7~~ -'- 165. (IHIRA 18:9) 1. Glwrnyy voterinarnyy vrach proizvodstvennogo upravlen-lyn DrmLtrovskogo rayoria lAoskovskoy oblasti (for Pozdnyukov). 2. Glavnyy veterinarnyy vrach stantsii po bor"ie s bole-,n,=,i zhivotnykh Dinitrovskogo rayom Moskovskoy obla.,Al (for Vinokurov). POZDIffAKOV, A-V. Developing apparatus. Mashinostroitelf no-7:33 Jl '60. (MIRA 13:7) (Photomechanical processoo-Apparatus and supplies) POZD,I:YAKOV9 A.V. , Mechanics should posz;ege several ---peci,--,l skills. ?at' i put. khoz, 5 no.3:35-36 %tr 161. 14:3) 1. Starshiy mekhdnnik putevoy ma-hinnoy stantsii 1-10.2~ stsShcherbink-al Moskovskoy dorogi. (Railroads--F,mployees-Education and trLLining) POZDIIYAKOV, A.V. Development apparatus for blueprint development without luinonia. Rech.transp. 18 no.12:46-47 D '59. (14IRk 13:4) (Photography-Devoloping and developers) (Blueprints) POZDNYAKOV, B.P., karld. taklin. nauk, I~thods for deter-mining the leng-th of c~ottom- fiber:3. Tekst. prom. 22 no.7:24-28 ii 16-2. (MIRA 17~-l) 1. Vseooy-uznyy zaochmy-y insi-l-fut tek8t'l'nqy i legkoy praquhlennosti. kLnd. +;F-khn, rttr,~k, dotaent -7qoe.3 cf' yarn wft-h -,',e pc;fri-, ;_:,~,S' Te~' 3 Uete.mining th! prom. 24 no.-![)~75-78 C. 1 ~4. !. veesoyuzryy zaca"myy lnsl~4t-lt legko-e -1 tekBtA--'.tnoy nosti. L 18316-65 E7,.G(J)/r-,~,T(I)/E-T(e)/EWG(k)/FWT(m)/EFF(c)/EPF(n)-2/EPR/EEC(b)-2/F.4P(b) Fz-6/Pr_h/Fs_.h/Pa_h IJP(c)/AFWL/SSD VW1AT1,,m ACCESSION NR: AP4049532 S/0089/64/017/005/0329/0335 AUTHOR: Millionshchikov, M. D.; Gverdtsiteli, I. G.; Akramov, A. S. Gorlov, L. V 1, Gubanov Yu. D.1 Yffremov A.-A.., Zhukov, V. F.;_ 9 - __ t' - V. G.1 Ivanov, V. Ye., Kovy*ri.,' - "Kt KosovskiX# - KURTFa_rli-in, N. Ye.; Kucherov, R. Ya.; L ; Merkin, V. I-1 ~~eay ' Y Pozdnyakov, B. S.; Ponomarev-Stepnoy, N. .1 c ev n, ~Yeu. Serov, V. Ya.1 Usov, V. A.; Fedin, V. G.; Yalkoviev, a ri V.; -Yakutovicb, M. V.; Khodakov,_V. A.; Kompantyets, G. V. i TITLE: The "Romashka" high -tempe ratu re reactor -converter 7 SOURCE: -Atomnaya energiya, v. 17, no. 5, 1964, 329-335 TOPIC TAGSt nuclear power reactor, reactor feasibility study, re- search reactor, thermoelectric converter/Romashka I, ABSTRACTs The authors br i e fly descri b e the construction, parameters, test results, and operating experience of the "Romashka" reactor- Card 18316-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4049532 converter unit, which has been in operation at the Kurchatov Atomic Energy Institute since August 1964. The fuel used is uranium di- carbide enriched - Znd beryllium are used as to 90% U235. ~jra ~hi~- reflectors. Electricity is generated by silicon-germanium semicon- ductor thermocouples distributed on the outer surface of the reflec- tor and connected in four groups which can be connected in series 'or in parallel. The temperatures of the active zone and outer sur- face are 1770 and 1000C, respectively. The power ratings are 0.50- 0.80 kW electric and 40 kW thermal, the maximum current (parallel connection) is 88 A, the neutron flux is 1013 neut/cm2 sec in the cenEer of the active zone and 7 x 1012 on its boundary. The reactor has , negative temperature reactivity coefficient. The equipment has nigh inherent stability and requires no external regulator, and little change was observed in the thermocouple properties after 2500 hours of operation. Tests on the equipment parameters are continu- in% and the resulta are being analyzed for use in future designs. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 1 formula. Card 2/3 MILLIONSHCHIKOV., M.D.; GVEP.DTSITELI, I.G.; ABRAMOV, A.S.; GoRl,ov, L.V.; GUBANOV, Yu.D.; YEFREMOV, A.A.; ZHUKOV, V.F.; IVANOV, V.Ye.; KOVYRZIN, V.K.; KOPTELOV, Ye.A.; KOSOVSKIY, V.G.; KTWHARKI.11, N.Ye.; KUCHEROV, R.Ya.; LALYKIN, S.P.; MERKIN, V.I.; NECHAYE'V, Yu.A.; PQZDNYA&Qy,_.D.5-; PONOMARFV_STEPNOY, N.N.; SAMARIN, Ye6.N.; SEROV, V.Ya.; USOV, V.A.; FEDIN, V.G.; YAKOVLEV, V.V.; YAKUTOVICP, M.V.; KHODAKOV, V.A.; KOMPANIYETS, G.V. High-temperature reactor-converter "Romashka." Atom. energ. 17 no-5-.329-335 11 164. (MIRA 17:12) FOZDNYAKOV, B.V.0 kand.teldin.nauk; TZLYUBOV, Yu.V., gornyy inzli.; SERWYUKOII, A.K.-, gornyy inzh.; ZIIUYKO, Yu.P.; SLDLOV, M.G. Effect of short-delay blasting on the extent of the seismic effect of large-scale blasting. Gar. zhur. nc.8:25-28 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1 Vsesoyuznyy nauchno--issledovateltskiy gorno-met&llurgicheskiy in- stitut tsvetnykh metallov (for Pozdnyakov, Nelyubov, Serdyukov).2. Zyryanovskiy svintsovyy kombinat (for Zhuyko, Sedlov.). (Blasting) -.;- - -Imsh. Calculating the best parp-mieters of bore-hole charges for ground loosening. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. no.10:78- 85 '58. (MIRL 12:8) 1. Sredneaziatskly politekhnicheekly institut. (Mining engineering) FACC NR, AP7005655 SOURCE CODE: uR/o4l3/67/000/002/0109/0109 i I iINVENTOR: Pozdnyakov, B. V.; Nelyubov, Yu. V. ORG: None TITLE: A device for determining dynamic elastic soil deformations. Class 42, No. 190639 [announced by the All-Union Mining and Metallurgical Scientific Research In- stitute of Nonferrous Metals (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy gornametallurgi- cheskiy institut tsvetnykh netallov)) : Izobrateniya, promyshlennyye obraztey, tovarnyye znaki, no. 2, 1967, 109 TOPIC TAGS: soil mechanics, elastic deformation, seismograph ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for determining dynamic elas- tic soil deformations. The unit contains electrodynamic seismographs with identical constants and an oocillograph with galvanometer. To extend the measurement base and improve accuracy, the like poleB of the working coile in the aclamographo are inter- connected and the free poles are the integrating galvanometer of the os- cillograph. UDC: 531.TBI:539.3;624-131-55.002,5 ACC NRt AP7005655 I AAJI a-measurement base; R=1181 +R 87 +r 9+Rwire*'-' and 2-working coils; 3-integrating galvanometer SUB CODE: 08,40/ SM DATE- 2TTta64 Card , 2/2 KLEM-MUSATOV, K.D., gornyy inzh.; POZDNYAKOV, B.V., kand. takhn. nauk Using the parameters for seismic waves to estimate the fracturing of rocks. Vzryv..delo-no.53/10:36-42 163. (MIRA 16:81) 1. VBeBoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut tsvetnykh metal-lov. (Shock waves) (Joints (Geology)) KIJTUZOV., D.S., gornyy inzh.; TER, N.A., gornyy inzh.; j~qZDNYAKOV, B.V., kand. tekhn.-nauk. Standardization of the consumption of explosives in borehole. breaking of hard ores. Vzry-v. delo no.53/10:221-226 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Leninogorskiy polimetallicheskiy kombinat (for Kutuzov, Ten). 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovateliskiy Inatitut tsvetnykh metallov (for Pozdnyakov). (Boring) (Explosives) POZDNYAKOVt 11. V.: Mast,!r Tech Sci (diss) -- "Invest i~7a~ ion o-:- th--~ ra~ad ments of e7plosion work parformadl by th(! method of column charges". Tashkent, 1953. 14 pp (Acad Sci USSR, hist of Mining), 150 copies (K1,, 'N'o 8, 1959, 137) L-04111-6 ER W- OW ACC P4R, ARG032153 SOURCE CODE: TJR/0169/66/000/006/DO17/DO17 AUTHOR, Klem-Musatov, K D ; Pozdnvakov. B. V. i TIT LE: Seismic wave filtration by fractures (in a single- dimension rifedium) SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 6Dl19 REF SOURCE: Tr. V Sessii Uch. soveta po nardonokhoz. ispolIz. vzryva. Frunze, Ilim, 1965, 299-307 TOPIC TAGS: seismic wave, phase velocity, seismic wave filtration, jointing, fracture filtration, seismic wave propagation, periodic structure ABSTRACT: The effect of jointing on the propagation of seismic waves is deter- mined by means of electrotechnical analogies developed by B. N. Ivakin. Mechall cal and electrical models of jointing and fractured structures are given, and an analy-tical solution for a periodic structure is obtained;.. Graphs are included on phase velocity and the logarithmic decrement of absorption as a function of frac- ture intensity. A. Levshin. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 081 Card 1 / 1 kh UDC: 550. 834 SOV,"I-'4-58 188~~ Translation from: Referativnvy zhurrial, Mekhan:ka, 1958, Nr 2, ~) 5 USSR AUTHOR: Pozdnyako,,f, 1. T. TITLE: On Similarity Criteria in Slowly Moving Horizontal and SLoping Currents (0 kriterii podobiya gorizontall nykh i naklonnykh medlenno dvizhushch1k_hsya potokov) PERIODICAL- Nauchn. tr. Leningr. inzh. -stroit. in-ta, 1957, Nr 25, pp 59 6Z ABSTRACT: Among existing water-conduit and drain structures there are some in which the water flows freely at extremely small speeds (0-5 to 5 mm/sec). The water entering such installations varies in tempera ture and, hence, in density. In such event the principal force that exerts a determining influence on the shaping of the velocity field is the Archimedic force. For the purpose of model simulations of such currents the author introduces the criterion of similarity Ar = ("-y. - y 1)/ -y F, where -y, and y I are the weight per unit volume of the liquid already contained in the flow and that of tile liquid just entering the flow, respectively, and F is the Froude number. it is pointed out that the use of this criterion enables one Card 112 to obtain on a model conditions that are more consistent. with SOV/124-58-2-188V On Similarity Criteria in Slowly Moving Horizontal and Sloping Clirrf--nts full--scale phenomena than would otherwise be the case with the usual. model simula tion methods. Ye. M. Minskiy Card 2/2 POZDITYAKOV Is P a v I ovi -2'r-.j KOTEL "N' IV I ~,,A - 11 , F. m-'- . nau -,Ln. sctr 07., N V f . r e,, Zen,, e rr lx'--'S.~~.T AEEV~- N.M., red. [Sampling methods in sp~nr2ngj prob v pria- denii. Mosk7a- Legk;i,,a indust-ri :a. "'26 n. 1. Mateinatiche-okly institi-r-, All' SSSR (f-.r Ko ri-,.K.-)va SHAPIRO, I.S., Jazhaner; POZDNTAKOV. B.N.; NAUMOVA, M.K. 43ro to increase the straightRess of sliver. Tekst.prom.16 na.3; 38-40 Mr 156. (Cardiag) (mlaA 9:6) POMNYAKOV, B.P., kanclAnkhri.nmik, doLsent Effect of yarn twisting an the properties of sewinr twist. Tek.,;tpr~jm. 22 vo.1:3C-35 Ja '62. (YdR.A 1-.2) 1. Vsesoyutlyy Z;Ioc)llly.,l 111SOLIA tvk:7,01,noy I loi!hoy (Thread--Testing) (Spinning) POZDi,YAKOV, B.P., kntvi. v.,I~i:n. n.~Lul, :o*,-:;onL Statintical control in the textile manufacture. no.4:20-24 Ap 164. 1. Vsesoyuznyy zao,.-i-&yy "nstitut i V,; ~, I 't. Lv; POZDNYAKOV, B.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent Nonuniformity of the weight of the product and its calculatiin by the diagrams of recording instruments. Tekst. prorn. 25 no.5:62-64 Itr 165. (YIRA i8-.5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy zaochriyy institut tekstillnoy i legkoy promyshlennost-J. POZDNYAKOV, B.P.., kand. teklin. nauk, dotsent Gravimetric method for the mes-nuvment and inspection of textiles. Tekst. prom. 23 no.'(.67-72 J1 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy institut legkoy i tekstillnoy promyshlennosti (VZITLP). (Yarn-Testing) - - :0~ f , ,,,,- t . , I lf~r, i, / j" /;- r ~'V , .- f~ P I --I POZDNYAKOV, B.P., kand.takhn.nauk. LV-2-32 sliver lapper. Takst.prom. 17 no.9:27-28 S 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Spinning machinerY) ec O_W_ 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 I Q 11 Q 11 14 4 14 it Al it till? allorn hvx)t laic 1113 Mir All Al is so .1 Q 64 4d IS&* A, IL-L.-A C _9_A_J_A_L_ J__M F 9 A 1_1 -9 __ Y-1- ~L j_&A 0 (X b. -00 00 Is Io 171,~ al'ing the warp Anil 4.5 7.5% along the -04, Madetifw the daterntination of the durability o(COft 1-00 00 1talorks. B. P. Pozorinyukov. Lortkaya From. 16, No: 11). welt. The weakening amounts to 5 11% from mech. I . 0a!- 3b-minw), C".-Zrooh,'. IM, U. 1157-Tests using laundcri S with water. Thin fabri" sailer the !_O9 the &pp. of Smith with earrupted titanic rollers showed 1-3 of attength from Ironing, thick labork-9 that the type (it wear to whkh the fahlic Is Subjected on the least. Th~ molt important in be wearing out a, 00 8 1'5 tbisa -%prind to natural condit ions Of wear. latorks by wristing (al ptfl?ent*) are rubbing. Continuous -00 dots not ewe of or The 111h spp. was therejore modificif (accrording if) J. L folding and bending, and stretching ~ The most impaitAnt .00 Lischakow) by replacing the bronze rollers with wood chorm. factors are light and moisture. la the wessing out 'If Clothing, fritwil'irl accounts for &)- of The wroar. stretch- go Z: rollers covered with the fabric being tested. The re- Ing 2170, (olding 2H%, and them. "' action (oxidation) 8% 00 s6t&we to sizelrbing must be temed by repeated applica- Airrolards the wearing outatenat materiAli, the following tion of the laoscd; iLs magnitude should be reported as the 00 a; "fatiguot." The spp. of Schopprr w" used to clet. the vaturs are given for light and (dirk) cuttori labor": friction 30% (36%), stretching 20% (U %), folding 107, 00 .31 resistance of the fabric to irporated folding. Pie4zes 1 .5 X ested along the Or (10%), oxidation 25% (!N)%), hy.1rat"is jS% tli)%). coo 8 CM. were to up and along the welt bY I order to det. the action of hypochlorite, strip,% of 0 00 V1 bring folded a total of 154,20-8 times over a period of tH n "'D his. Fabrics arc more resistant in the direction of the abric were Immersed for 7 rain. in Ca(OCI), a 51W. and 00a OfaWeil than in The warp direction. With the Ounce no, of then hung In the air it) dry. In dortg. the "stance of goo of Whigs the reductirm In strength Is less along the well fabrics in wear, file q1tength shnuld be expressed as the goo 1P 0 (ban sclornig the warp. As regards stretching, the nos. are diffeforneor in stirnst Is Wore and after tr%tinS in percentage =00~,X, so9 n of the oriCiard strength. The following series of tests is reversed. the ifftTease in orl-Ption is 1-1 in the dirextio 0al the The loss in resistan" is relatively Uester roccommesided: (a) trAvs inward chrm. action by trmt- goo for thick a" than for tbin. The loft in 5 merit with Cs(OCD, tit acidified hypoctaoritc, (6) [tits of cngth in folding and lirmiing. W 1,rms of mech. tflect-c ("'thhoin, of the fabric from the them, effects of loutridering atrounis :J: to 6-12% for raw cotionic and for lIk"fird and cantinurd sir,,ichins), W friction tests for delg. the woo -!c%Atow. After 30 home washings will, pure water a( 70* percentage lini #if sircrigsh under artificial wear. tthe low of strength of the fibers of untileached fabrics M. G. Aloore AS-SLO, ALETALLURG10CAL LiTFRATURE CLASIIFKAti0h [Z- Uo .4 .9c., 11. OIL" ffida ti/ -t4i3si ot T 4.JC_ -L, C- C.C .3113, COO a., As, An L 1 4 Od 0 V 6 1 N -0 0 a UIs , .0 t , 1o' 11 0 ao 0 1 ~10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "Too 0000j0 00 00 *0 00 006*00*60040440900000000006 POZDNYAKOV, M., kand.tekhn.nauk; INELYUBOV, Yu.V., F-,orny,,.r inzh.; TACHV, ik.j, Study of the shatterinr effect of large-scale blasting in the Zyryanovsk open-pit mine. Gor. zhur. no.11:46-47 N '61. (MIRA 15: 2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy:riauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut tsvetnykh metallov, Ust'-Kamenogori . (Zyryanovsk region--Blasting) POZDNYAKOV __B,y kand.tekhn.nauk; PREOBRAZHENSKlY, L.M., rornyy inzh.; ,0~" ,, SUVOROV, V.G., gornTj inzh. OlDetermining the productivity and boundaries of strip mines" by A. I. Arsent'ev. Reviewed by B. V. Pozdniakov, L. M. Preobrashenskii, and V. G. Suvorov. Gor. zhur. no.ll:?9-80 14 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. VsescTuznvy nauchno-issledovatel'E~kiy institut tsvetnykh netallov (for Pozdnyakov, Preobrazhenskiy). 2. Kazgiprotsvetmet (for suvorov). (Strip mining) (Arsent'ev,-A.I.) KISEMA, I.P.; POZDNTAKOV, D.P. Case of giant malignant encbondrom of the sternum. I rad. 35 no.1:67-68 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Iz kafedry rentg9nologii a meditsirskoy radiologiyey (zav. - dotsent M.N. Mlkhaylov) i kafedry goBipitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. V.P. Radushkovich) Voronezhskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - prof. N.I. Odnoralov). (STMUMN-DISEMS) (ENCHONMOMA) Effect of feedim7 s&.,e--',ule :-n C,~ a-&Ic 2, 1.952. Mr),it'n1v Li-t of iLusFiwn '.cices.-ions, Library of ongx,E:ss, lilure linclssified r c( ;r Seasomil variations in nutrient metaboli3m in polar foxes., E. V. PoMnyukov. Trudy Moskov. Puihma-Mckhm Ast., i -q, M-S(Illao)i Nacrat. Zhur., Khim. 19S4, Ku. 4492- Under the same nutritional conditions polar foxes showed the greatest gaseous anti heat exchanges during the summer and the smallest dur.~.- the winter. E Ll inr 0 0 41 6 AS, WYVAP -rl 0 0 4 o7f~-t~-yp p c p r. it ~ 4 k I I L y 0 ..~CIVUS Awl) 01,001010ts -ell orchisse" "KaERWwwwwaiss wuw crntm Ai F,&r-.4ko1. i roki". 1. So 1 H. PN k 15:11TIR y Imvt& whisantim fruits, dcwU-.5,- llt is, ul, I)y,firect introduction into the 4lonuch lislilluir the -pirw frivirs (4 I'(34terlitir extrrillifi- i 11, 14 1.,1;;41 wr .1re twl mitntrwantly OtAncel. 11'.4"Wi 0 mmllAr lwllt'.lyll4mle ChAnxr% ill allirlim lull, 4 Ow mplar a 'Illyrtent lechnieltic, C. g" 0-ndifiV.1rd re (IMMIMA, ifKOJYMPW t"is, or the like. A Wir 4 d- GI it , Lit I Vass" hyrx-rkin-i,. t1tilltiOnAl 19HIM1.6tisin br,ght. ,.4 1-.1vilipr r"Ov%- .4.1-1 -(anlrd "Immi'm "'Id Orl".4twil. Ill 1 2, fit.. Sim,ftes Sak, 1 1; ill, AV mpl,.m, 1.1.1 1 -20 his. S, Ill'i"'Ita 1, list, apj.." 1" 1. is- 'timillalit, Gq Ow -1111,41 wtv.41, v, ~ . 2 , 's v . r . hlb.m I- "mall b1i A14 &jTALtUP4K AL Lilt- .11L A - 1.10.4 -j - I I fir 3 U Is A. 00 1% - . . . i 01"o 1 1 " U m J, sr L 1. roe coo Iwool coo ----- .14.1 We* '_ #ii_iiTiiW_4ivvr is-, -135 ?t it all PULP 11 1 I* . Cv Er OR 1W K 1% Ot It K It 0 0 Silli 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 41 a 48 a o vi 0 9 0 04 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 IS 0 0 0 IS 0 Is 0 a 0 0 411 0 0 a 0 a 0 a a 0 PGZIjI',-YAKUJ, G.M. Heat, halan~,- )i, ~ w -a', Li,- L - .1 !, "', - A I., . - I , .. I I - --. -1. ~, ~; I .~! - , 1 -, - , 17w. Alt. r)fii . --i ~ ri -:- . r)c.)- i.,,, ' ~ -~ j-t -- 1, 1 . ~-) ; . 1. '), I - ; . j4,rjo t i ',.) ~. - - .- I r r), - I ,:- ).,-r * y, * -, . - I I I ~ f,~; . POZDIIYAKOV., G.S.J. inzh.; SEVASTYANOV, P.I., inzh. Noncontact end switch. Mekh. i avtom. proizv. 19 no.4:40 Ap, 19-5. (MIRA 1~: 6)