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1 4 5 4 1 a I of it 12 11 w is f? !3 a 1 11 n .3 A 25 A 27 m A A; I] V I) m b k a is b A, c .1 0 CO f- a- L-f C. K L P Q I I T 10 1- 1-1 1 1 AA W CC OD rUting writh smilims bbCk. M. F. PoOD11mv. Hism :13,340. Oct. 31 Dy9i" or h d i i ye a w ntes Au andine printind t 11KII. The n1r I(Ill is chafacteriged by IntraLturbill "Insined by d"znti freshly prepd. solo. or suspension of p-taitrawAmethylanilinc- f b h U i d oe m o to t e ac IICI and the shore V.W. which was prev ously su jecte the u4,"I rvqiwinx mgmts for the conversion of the "minodimethylanifine. The treatr4 I* the print"I gomb am then treated In the usmA otanner. a* A 60 j :a 0 ;:a 0 a. zoo via -!go Go 4 1 8 ILA %j1Ai1W'UKAk W111001 I I ASSIFK4110" I I I-J%A. A A rw a 11 It La n 6 Ilk An I I e OBOLENTSEV, R.Dol prof.p do-ktbr khim. naukp otv. red.; GLADKOVAq L.K., red.; DROFIGV, V.I.9 red.j KALOTAR9 N.G.9 kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; 141KMEV, G.M.9 red.; POZDEM- N.M.~ kand. fiz.-nat. nauk, red.; ? U KLEn4ENOVA, K.F., vedushchiy red.--f-MOTOVA, I.G., tekhn. red. [Materials of the Sqientific Seasion on Chemistry of Sulfur- and Nitrogen Organic Compounds Contained in Petroleum and-Petroleum Products] Materialy Nauchnoy sessii po khimii sera- i aizotorganiche- skikh soedinenii, soderzhashchikhoia v Aeftiakh i nefteproduktakh. 5th, Ufa, 1959. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekbn.'irA-,vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. Vol.4. [Chemistry ofaulfur organic compounds contained in petroleum and petroleum products] Khimiia seraorganicheskikh soodine- nii, soderxzhashchiklTsia -v neftiakh i nefteproduktakh. 1961. 278 p. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Nauchnaya sessiya po khimii sera- i azotorganichaskikh soyedineni'T, soderzhashchikhsia v neftiakh i nefteproduktakh. 5th, Ufa, 1959. 2. Bashki skiy filial AN SSSR, otdel khimii (for Obolentsev). (Petroleum-Analysis) (Sulfur organic compounds) POZDNEYEV, M.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent Improved method of selecting piunps. Sbor. trud LIIZHT no.185:30-55 162. (KRA 17:1) ?Cr7,D--,,Y--,/, N. IM., Crind Fhys-Mat'r. Sci (diss) -- 0, 1.' 'L,: rent Ia! 0~ oscillof,,raphlc poLnro,,:,rapI1y". (live, Y)YI-I. 10 lip (Min H-I!,hor 7,n-,;mI Order of Labor Ped Banner Stat-~! !J im V. 1. Ullyanov-lf-nin, aair of t'- Physics of Moleciilar and Thermal "' Pnomena), 150 copies (!-7-, -10 '~, 122) .h -- OWLI-11TSEII., R.D., prof., dokLor 'Khii~I. uLv. G.D., (,'()k,,.or khIn. nalik, red.; G;'!"I"YANWA, (P)kt~jr red. ; !.'AS-KJjj' khim. nauk, A) A.V.2 kanri. khim. naur',' PI'vOVAROVA, T.Ye., kand. khiui. nauk, red.; POZDE'17111. NI.M., kand. fiz.-maL. nauk, red.; SOSKOVA, L.M., red. LEMA,Te.'S.. . [Chemistry of the sulfur organic compounds in petrolewm and petroleum products] Khimiia seraorganicheAlkh soedinenii, soderzhashchiklisia v neftiakh i nefteproduktakh. Moskva, Khimiia, 1964. 286 p. (MIRA 18.4') 1. Nauchnaya sessiya po khiirii sera- i soyedineniy, soderzhashchikhsya v neftyakh i neftepi-oduktakh. 7-th, Ufa, 1963. 2. Tnstitut organicheskoy khimil Bashkirskago filiala PJI SS&R (for Soskova, Obolentsev). 3" Fiziko.- khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya.Karpova (for Gurlyanova). 4. Institut neftekhimicheskogr, sinteza Z SSSR (for Gallper~in). ZhUALM *Vr%-Or9UltbSSkU& &~,.Uggair oRh.Mh,~j,,a,. mft"TW-%kt.,Ul mteri.4 ZZ ;_-~ Geovil (Cbahj.z;~~;= OrV"* Coo -As Coataigad is pe%ml.. p,.,hat., hpare of tho %&, dalmurl. Cloa) T. 1. Ufa, 134- B&MU-bW rlUaU AN 860, 1958. .No 009" print". Rusarktas, K.I. Ultcrlal lo�Mi Ayvaa,, 8.1k., 161"BILAIIA&I A.T. %01--. I.D. Ishap. ad.). soam-tvasaku, T.P-. "A FAMIS, L"L.J "alh. 14-9 AMkklWW' 2. sk. P"Ml us boak to latsed.4 tor of gou6udmmnuo O"Catimal lmtltwuam. MR pt=Lhah "flain plamu. OWIMA-1 This OaLimilas !I the nnn or a whitiWaum ydbueetlm an us rmalts of all"Une r"'Ont h'oo* CLrrl8d Qftt 18 UING 6114A Uaim an tbO ekmigUT W& mcbsclca 9f v%lfvjp- ind altrcces-orpme coopounds ftrLag rlod 1"4-19551 aeocsCag to a -- _aharsh VMj*" wnUaa& a 1=617 me avowworLas (lashkir Armak, M uRgM) PRA23 I b= r-torunca SOW/1319 -46 0681- -ShUrekly U(4) moleaterr, R.B., B.T. yet"skw.. V. Tarim. De- lavaim" Who Bev" or Parity or .14 Salrar-Oremis Wa tashrussum is based m as arjamowe muoL Prou m taltial al.mismi., MR MR -solar shown Se madaftm With rwymt W a Gedrume In fre"Ift palstj bT 6 1. 0." '-Is- eve-lospossearlexure r-mi-eps'. a" T/13 of as wwou Soetema, ok, ft - beft 'or r=im at a Rare sue" at To. m2/6"i S. Raw homeless .al/.x - 5 (4b), as, Ish at ft"'Ll" POIRS, putty, had :r;zbopla ocahnsau am Siam. a arw&qp It IMNOVIA4117 SOS-W Ift imladed. lit; A. ...I Z., V. ~U v a 35~ F 7 aw V A _411 9 ji.~ A,A louff - fit 4 g A 11 lu I* I* Hetu Oil 0,; Is i~~ 3 tal 0 POZDEYEV, Nikolay Maksimovich; FILATOV, L.P., red.; SHAFIN, I.G., (Differential method in oscillographic polarographyl Raz- nostnyi metod ostaillografichaskoi poliarografii. Ufa, 1959. 45 p. (Polarogra]?W -.-- (MIRA 13:6) 818-66 9,.'T(m)/F,.-.TQ) R1.1 NRt AR6017235 SOURCE CODE.- UR/0058/65/000/012/DO35/DO35 AUTHOR: Pozdeyev, N. M.; Kosteyn, K. K. ORG: none TITLE: Microwave spectrum of thio hane jMhane SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 12D297 REF SOURCE: Tr. Komis. po spektroskopii. AN SSSR, t. 3, vyp. 1, 1964, 231-23! TOPIC TAGS: microwave spectroscopy, dipole moment, molecular spectrum, thiophane -) NY090 (fi0edOA.) , 6-Rocio-)o 3-r,17-f ABSTRACT: The microwave spectrum of thiophane in the 8. 2-40-cps range has been investigated. Rotating constant molecules in the ground and two lower osrillating.. states as. well. aEr th-rzir- dipole moment have been determined. (Translation of abstract] [NT] SUB CODE: 071 Card KAPELINITSKIY, V.G.; SHM, F~Lj,tARTKV, M.A.; TULIN, N.A.~ POZD=, _N.P.i SEWEYEV, A.B.; HERENISHCHLI-VA, I.I.; KALININA, Z.H.; POZDNY-A'KOV, -Xv. Prinimali uchaztiye. KUZOVATOV, V.N.; 14AKSUTOV, R.F.; 1,0111A, G.Ye.; SBELGAYEVA, A.V.; 7*HIVICHKIN, L.A.; GAYDUK, Yu.A.; GALYAN, V.S.; SOSKA, D.A.; E1114ELEV, I.I.; PARABINA, G.I. Making ste6l. and alloys in vacuum furnaces. Stall 23 no,4:325-328 Ap 163. WIRA 16:4) (Vacuum metaliurgy) (Electric furnaces) S/133/63/000/004/OOZ/Oll A054/A126 AUTHORS: Kapellnitskiy, V. G., Shved, F. I., Yartsev, M. A., Tulin, N. A., Pozdeyev, N. P., Sergeyev, A. B. Merenishcheva, 1. 1., Kalinina, Z. M., Pozdnyakov, M. V. TITLE: Melting of steel and alloys In vacuum furnaces PERIODICAL: Stall.' no. 4, 1963, 325 - 328 TEXT: 1UX 15 (ShM'15) and X2OH80 (Kh2ON80) grade steels often display spotty liquation, bright streaks, and bright skins. Tests for eliminating these defects wei~e carried out by V. N. Kuzovatov, R. F. Maksutov, G. Ye. Mysina, A. V. Shelgayeva, L. A. Zhivichkin, Yu. A. Gayduk, V. S. Galyan, D. A. Soskov, 1. 1. Khmelev, G. I. Parabina et al. To prevent the rotating movement of the liquid metal, the cit-cuit scheme was modified (under the control of I. S. Pinchuk, Candidate of Technical Sciences) and upon the suggestion of the NIIM (Chblya- binskiy nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut metallurgii/Chelyabinsk Scientific Research Institute of Metallurgy) all ferromagnetic parts were eliminated from the electric system which then was redesigned on a bifilar-.coaxial scheme. In Card 1/3 S/133/63/C-00/004/002/011 Melting of steel and alloys in vacuum furnaces A054/Ai26 the current system of the are a negative reversed connection was realized for generator-induction. The are was kept constant by a NIIM-pulse generator. The steel for the self-baking electrodes was produced according to the standard method, while care was taken to limit the content of S to 0.006115 and that of P P to 0.015,,%. The induction type vacuum furnace ( ONE-571B /OKB-571 1B) with a ca- pacity of 0.5 ton and a vacuum of 11a Hg, supplied by a high frequency Bro -250-2500/'VGO-250-2500 type generator, with an inductor voltage of 1,000 (formerly 2,000) and a frequency of 2,500 cps was also revised. The vacuum sys- tem consisted of 5 mechanical ( IH -6r IVN-6G) and 3 oil-vapor ( BH-4500/BN-4500) pumps. The furnace construction was improved (in co-operation with the Vseso- yuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut elektrotekhnicheakogo oborudovaniya/ All-Soviet Scientific Research Institute of Blectrotechnical Apparatus and the Chelyabinsk Scientific Research Institute of Metallurgy) by fixing the inductor more rigidly, by applying lever-typq vacuum seals, suitable for application in the mnemonic furnace control system, by redo.-jigning the feeding, tilting appara- tus, etc. The crucible material - having a marked effect on the metal quality - was also tested. The most uniform macrostructure was obtained with a crucible of melted magnesite, and 30 a Hg was found to be the optimum vacuum. The effect Card 2/3 Misr-, S/133/63/oc)0/004/002/0 11 Melting of steel and alloys in vacuum furnaces A054/A126 of the reduction of-the alloys on their ductility in forging was also studied. The forging properties were improved by adding a nickel-magnesium ma8teralloy and calcium silicate to the bath prior to tappirv,,, calculating 0.12 - 0.15% magnesium .Por the finished metal. Wires with a 30 xttAickness could be drawn from the metal produced under the modified conditions. There are 4 figures. Card 3/3 L1 1 TULIN, 16A.; POWLYEV, N.P..-- YARTSEV, M.A.. SERGEILY, A.B.; ZHTXIGHK1 , L.A., . , qlej~Cr-j-k; GAIDUA, Xu.A.2 mekhnni ' Adopting the vacuum induction furnace OKB.-571-B. Netallurg 8 no.4:24-26 Ap 163* (MR(A 16:3) (Electric furnaces-Deaign and conotruction) 7 S/130/63/000/004/004/004 AOo6/Alol AUTHORS; Tulin, N. A., Chief of Shop, Pczdeyev, N. P., Deputy Chief of Shop, q, Yartsev, M. Ya., Senior Electrometallurgist, Sergeyev, A. B., Senior Master, ZhiviWcInP.L. A., Electrician, Ghyduk, Yu. A., Mechanic TITLE: Assimilation of the ORB -571- B (OKB-571-B) vacuum induction fur- nace PMIODICAL- MetallurgY no. 4, 1963, 24 - 26 TOM A schematic diagram of the OKB-571-B vacuum induction'furnace is given. During industrial- tests made with the furnace several deficiencies were revealed and the following improvements were achieved. The inductor was insu- lated with glass strip soaked with silico-organic varnish. It consists of three sections. The central and lower sections operate continuously. Its multi-coil design and reliable insulation proved satisfactory. To use more efficiently the upper inductor section the tilting mechanism of the furnace was redesigned making it possible to incline the crucible through 40 - 45 0 to the side opposite to the LCard 3/130/63/000/004/004/004 As3imilation of the... AWO/AI01 discharge. The charge mechanism was developed with electro-mechanical drive, the chain was replaced by a single-rope drum. A new mechanism for measuring the temperature and tanking-off samples consists of two compact stainless steel rods, 32/25 mm in diameter, placed into a hermetic pipe shell, 160 mm in diameter, which is connected with the melting space through a vacuum seAl. The rods are moved by driving rolls without rotating around the axis. Graphite blocks are mounted on the threaded rod ends, having borings for quartz tips for the thermo- couples and the sample-taking devices. The new vacuum sealing.,,devices represent a simple lever system preventing the breaking of parts during different pres- ,sure. A new teeming funnel with a lifting mechanism assures constant trajectory 'of.the jet during teeming. The standards of inflow are 100 Hg/sec for the melting chamber,.and 30 1, /,~, HS/sec for the other chambers. Instead of sealing boxes, vacuum hos6-sections are used) operating by torsion and preheating the furnace shell to 60 - 700C with hot water flowing through the cooling system of I;:.3,.the furnace. As a result, the air evacuation time was reduced by a factor of .5. The inflow in the cold furnace was 60 - IGO l./t. Hg/sec, and residual pressure at opera ional temperatures was 8 ~~,~20 /LHg. There are 7 figures. t ASSOCIATI ' ChMZ- ON. Card 2/~ , I: ,- -- L 399 EP lz~> 7 Z-66 A (a,)_2/EV1T(m)/EFF (n)-2/Ew P (t)/EviP (b) ACC NRI AP502230 UR/0133/65/000/009/0820/0823 bb9.168:621.365' AUTHORt JaAbjAKgv,_S. V.; Kadarmetev Charuzfizibcd'~~,'~. V" Crtchcv*ts L Ponomarenko Yu. G . Tulin. N. _A~; Pozdeyev, N. Pt,; Sergyev, A. B. i _TS TITLE: Vacuum treatu*nt of Uiqugid ferroch SOURCE: Stal', no. 9, 1965, B20-823 TOPIC TAGSs ferrochroms, low carbon ferrochromm, liquid farrochroms, forrorhrome decarburization,'vacuum decarburization ABSTRACT: To develop a technique for industrial-scale production of low-c4rbon farrochromiumo the Chelyabinsk Scientific Research Institute of Motallurj&'~iazethar wM the Chelyabinsk 'HetaUurgical Plant,,%onducted (1960-1964) & series of laboratory &ad semi-industrial scale experiments on dacarburization of liquid ferrachromium in & vacuum induction furnace. The experimental results showed that vacuum treat- meat of a 400-kg heat of liquid ferrochromium in an-induction furnace in a vacuud of 0.6-2.0 me HS (80-270 a/m2) at 167D-1700C reduced the carbon content of the alloy from 0.05-0.07 to 0.01-0.022 in I hr, and even lover with further treatment. The chroalum content of the'alloy was practically unchanged, and the lose of ferro- chromium did nat'excead 31. The power consumption for vacuum treatment was about 500 kwh par ton of liquid ferrochrozium, and the carbon oxidation rate was 0.0006 to 0.00092 Vein. In industrial-scsla production, liquid forrothromium can be poured into a ladle from which, af t~~r ~~ag In poured into the crucible L 3992-66 ACC NR. AE of an induction furnace. The air is then evacuated fna the. furUcq. P4 After - treatment the degassed metal is cast in flat ingots in air or In vacuum. To speed up the treatment, the crucible preferably should be of large diameter but Cooper&- tivaly shallow, and the content of carbon and phosphorus in the initial alloy should not exceed 0.07-0.09 mud O.O3%j respectively. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 table. [HS] ASSOCIATION: Chslyabinskiy a.-L. institutmetaU urgii (Chelyabinsk Scientific Research Institute of Hatallu Chelphinskiy' metallurgichaskly.-isvod (Chelyabinsk rv) Metallurgical Plant) MR,13 -SUDNITTEDi 00 INCL: 00 StM ODIM 30 RZY 60vt 011 OTMI 000 ATD PUS541i ;7 Cwd 21i-~ POZDEYEV, Nikolay Vasillyevich; YERSHOV, P.N., red.; GUSHCHINA) --- -- -R.- N. , - red. i zd-w~;& 31 - GRECH IS HC HEVA, V. I. , tehAm red. (Manufacture and use of fiberboard] Proizvodstvo I pri- menenie fibrolitovykh plit. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat,, 1963. 90 P. (MIRA 16:10) (Fiberboard) YERSHOV, P.N., red.; DOLGOV, A.I., red.; HIKIFOROV, A.S., red.; POZDmV, N.V., red.; SKOBLOV, D.A., red.; PRUDHIKOVA, M.N., red.; 19%TINA, Ye.L., [Proceedings of the section on standard housing construction and furniture] Saktaiia standartnoro domostroaniia i mebeli. MosIrva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i strolt.materialam. 1958. 212 p. I (MIRA 12:5) 1. Vaoooyuznoye eoveahchaniye po atroitollstvu. 3rd, Moscow, 1%8. 2. Nachallnik otdola standartnogo domostroyeniya MinisterBtva lesnoy promyshlennosti RSFSR (for Yershov). 3. Zaveduyushchiy labo- ratoriyay derevoobrabatyvayushchikh ztankov i potochnykh liniy v derevoobrabotke TSentrallno_-o nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta mekhanicheskoy obrabotki dereva (for Dolgov). 4. zamestitnil na- challnika otdala standartnogo domostroyehiya Mini~terstva leenoy promyshlennosti RSFSR (for Pozdayev). 5. Glavnyy ekspert Gosstroya SSSR (for Skoblov). .(Buildings, Prefabricated) (Furniture) LGGhG11EV, V.A.; POUEM, 0,D.; 'RUITSHY, V.S. Influence of the flicker effect on the fluctuat-Jonz- of oscillations in an eloctron-tube oscillator. izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radlofiz. 5 no.2:307-310 102-. (111RI. 15:5) 1. Ilauclino-lasledovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gor2kovskom universitete. (Oscillator, Electron-tvbe--Noise) Of t'ZO t'.l!C'ZCl7 Of-'CCt or! Z"!C lia" 31-1- 0 C, V. 2, 19052, 5C7 ~,510 an o!.;cillator on a tubc, ty?e I a;2; ~ZyLzc::l at. ~! 'L;7cl-UOZ.CY Of ,-"(C* Of- Oscillat-jor-s- cou:d be vz-.xjLC' conl;-4nuol-,siy by couplill~~ coofficicat betvircen tho tu-ieLl circui-, ailc' 1-0 circuit of %;:-1c tulac. oscillator vras CIO-1-i-ector anc~ a ana-lyser for tac -he t ,, - 6 - - ,rolta-c o--7' t, c analyscr was by a vc,cu-u:.-.-tubc volt., c-tor L A. t, i'lI a co'.-lstc.-at of 5 sc-c- It -Vaf, "Oulud "at t4-10 0., L"'.c spoct--al density of am--ilitudc fluctuations L - 1 a a cl on frequency is in ' form wa(f) = A--" ldl or COL C,zrd 1/2 of t,.,c .... E 19 -2 / -T;'3 ,:'-,e (,U~Intitv k I oniv O= t!-e tae -I : at i o 1-1 s z1,-" 1; " C. of t:10 osciilatol- -Lub-C. T7-c o s c S: n o 110 is thus a functio tv,,)c ts f I i c I: a,.)OVO resultz zl~~rec t.-Ic Of V.6. r 0 i t- Y zav. an~d V. -,-c ~-Ihc:ory aud ar-- in --oold a-rcc- ,;,.Ic Osc Ilation and J n tu~)Cs L)n .~-hc flic"Car 1101re. t',c t!,icory doc.~; not az~rcc wil-:1 t:-Ic at !,IrL;c -,'.i--y be c:ue to "I'lo fact that the cory of -Y. S Troits!~.iy is not valid for this cas e T~- c---c are f -L~;uros j 1:;!:4 1AT 1 rz~ -e C 11 lastitutc of Gorl, iy University) ~,u -."fTa): 1961 Czrd 2/2 POZDEYIU, T.S. Effect of peat dust upon the larvae of the malaria mosquito Anopheles saculipennis (abstract). Med.parar.i paraz.bol. no.6:564 N-D '53. (MY-RA 6:12) 1. Iz Udmartakoy reepublikanskoy protivonalyariynoy stantaii (zave- dnymahchiy stantgiyey A.Ivanova). (mosquitoes) (peat) F_V, Wjv1a-Jirj=g_:nosqulto during different periods. A PottlecV. _Mcd._PcrjzU;,1, i Pamzziiar. Ballsiti M54, &~-T__- 151 Tere cartful nut in a wo3quito-in(csted region of Eastern RuqAa,. Taktim dust contg. I TI'g of hexachlonin (1311C) and a watery suspetillon of same, cre used, It W44 found that the treatment wa3 Jzast effet ilve in Uarch anti u"" most effective In April, One day's Creat t In April ' w It l -give sufficient protectioa until the end of Augast, Rereated tteatinents do not ~nh_,ncm the tfftetiveness and wercly result [a waste of matexial and time. A. M. 51YO P 4r 5 o / ,J Y T/ VC9 rr).,? f 0 r Vlj'iOJEVSK-JY, A-S 7 flF-"'E-L.fA POZDFYE~, G Hl-i-;R;*S? "Y f7 T_ K - F red., [basic pr.inc2pies a~-,d ru-,.hri~ es - f iua h~rali: ~i no %We pr~ r, ts py I m-i t-f I! 'x- i nin t4 -. e -ften, "'+TRA CA U~ (~Y. PRASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6150 Akader,Liya nauk LatviyBkoy SSR. Institut eksp6rimentallnoY meditsiny. Voprosy kurortologii. It.] 5: Problemy fiziologicheskogo deystviya i terapevticher~ksgo primeneniya aeroionov (Problems in Health- Resort Therapy. v. 5: Studies of the Physiologi6al Effect and Ther- apeutic Application of Air ions), Riga, Izd-~o AN-Latviyukoy SSR, 1959. 424 p. (Series: Its: Trudy, t. 20) Errata slip in- serted. 1000 coples printed. I Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk Latv.iyskoy.S~R. Institut eksperi- mentallnoy meditsiny. Editorial Board: Resp. ~d.: L. L. Vasilly4v, Professoi~,-P. D.* Perlij, Professor, F. G. Fortnov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Ya. Yu, Reynet, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Soiences, and L.M. Tutkevich, Candidate of Medical Saiendes; Ed.z A.'Vengranovich; Tech. Ed.: A. Zhukovskaya. Card 1/7 ZS' Problems in Health-Renort (cont.) SOV16150 PURPOSE: Thin book is intended for physicians workihg at health resorts ard for the general practitioner. COVERAGE: This book, a collection of articles, is essentially the proceedings of the Second Conference on the,Fhysiological'Effeot and Therapeutic Applioation of Air'lons,'-held # RIGa'(Latvian SSR) In D-ecember 1957. The use of negative air ions Is believed to be beneficial in the treatment of nonhealing`*wound~s and ulcers- which often- result from radiation injury.. The book contains photos of numerous devices described 1nthe text. - Upmeroub refer- ences, taostly Soviet, are given at the erid of some of the'articles. TABLE rj? C0JMJTS [Abridged]: Gerke, P. Ya. Introduction 3 Vasillyev, L. L. Current Problems of the Physiolojioal ai~d Therapeutic Effect of Air Ions 5 Card 2/7 f Problems in Health-Resort (cont.) SOV16150 Shagan, 1. B. Experimental Dust-Electro-lonizing Installation 61 Minkh, A. A. Climato-physiological Significance of Air ionization 63 Portnov, F. G., and A. P. Lantsere. Ionization of the Air Over the Riga Seacoast arid the Influence of Air Baths Upon the Pressure Level and Vascular Tonus of Hyper- and Hypptonic Patients 79 Determination of Lightweight Ions in y of Mountain Rivers and Waterfalis in the Ellbrus Region 87 Poz ev, V. 0. Natural and Artificial Conditions In Y ~~ , ea 'Unt witli Ionized Air at Kislovodsk 97 Salmnova, M. 1. Application of Air Ionization in Radium Therapy log Card 4/7 KUMLI, G.M.; IMUIRR, Ya.N.; REZNIK, M.Yn.; j!OZDEY3V. V.1.; POPOV, V.A.; REITM , Ya.A.; SKACHKOV, A.I.; STEPANOV, M.N.; KHfiL'TUNEN, V.V.; KHRAPOVA, Ye.I.; SHREDER, B.L.; STERTSER, O.H.; AYRUS.-CHEENKO. R.1.., red.; KONYASHINA, A.D., [Fifty yenrs of the Leningrad trAmwaY] 50 let leningradskogo tramvaia. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va kommun.khoz.RSFSR, 1957. 231 p. (MIRA 11:1) (Leningrad--Street railways) POZDMT, V.I., inzh.; KNEREL', G.M., inzh., red. (Selection of optirmm power for traction substations of the city electric surface transportation; published for exchange of experience] Tybor optimallnoi moahchnosti tiagovykh podatantaii dlia gorodskogo nazemnogo elektrotransporta; v poriadke obmena opytom. Leningrad, 1958. 32 p. (MrRA 13:3) 1. Nauchno-tekhnichookoye obahchestvo aanitarnoy tekhniki i gorod- skogo khozyayatva. (Street railways) ,POZDE M , V.L., inzhener. Reconstruction of connecting couplings of screv conveyers. Nement 21 no.1:27 Ja 155. (YT;?A 8-4) 1. Dneprodzerzhinskiy teementnyy zavod, (Conveying machinery) POUPEYEV, V.N., aspLrant; PODOFL~LOV, V.A., inzh. Ef ficient longWi of the trac~.,j in track skolaton assembly po'nts. Trudy ITIMIT no.31:65-86 162. (MMA i6:9) (Railroads-Track) DANOVSKIY, L.M., dotsent (Novosibirsk); PECHUGIN, D.A., dotsent (Novosibirsk); POZDEYEV, V.N., inzh. (Novosibirsk); SEMESHKO, P.T. (Novosibirsk) Track-skeleton assembly points and their spacing on a railroad line. Put' i put.khoz. 7 no.12:17-20 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Novosibirskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (for Danovskly, Pechugin, Pozdeyev). 2. Zamestitell nachallnika Zapadno-Sibirskoy dorogi (for Semeshko). AUf I IOR: Pozdcyev, V.j~. TITLE: An automatic level using thermal resistance PZRIODIC,'J,: P-riborostroyeniye, 44295 S/119/62/000/012/008/009 D201/ "308 controller for liquefied. gas no. 12,.1962, 25 4 T 1;-'X T The. controller can conti-ol the li mief ied gas level within 20 mm. Since in a liaue.-Eicd "as the 'neat conduction is very large, the sensing element is simply a platinum wire, 0.05 mm in diameter, with a rcsistauce o-E 40 oIns at - 200c, producing an unbal- a-Lice voltage whea not completely liquefied gas. The C~ measuring circuit o-f the controller is. a d.c. bridge, i-rith a 3-TAre data transmission line, ui to 200 m long. The supT t~ ply is a 24 V battery. Total current consun',)tion . 1.5 A. The liquid supply valve is operated indirectly through a polarized relay, the windin:~ of which is connected in the detector arm of the bridge. There is I figure. Card 1/1 PO?,DEYEV, V. P. Automatic regulator Of liquefied gaB levels Using therMiEtO.'66 PriboroBtroenie no.22:25 D 162, (MIRA 16:1) (Liquid level indicators) (GaseB-Liquefaction) ACC NRt AR60350 '80 SOURCE CODE: TJR/0169/66/000/008/DO18/DOIB AUTHOR: Pozdeyev, V. S. TITLE Seismic prospecting in Western Spitzbergen SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 8D117 REF SOURCE: Sb. MateritLly po geol. Shpitsbergena. L. 1965, 285-292 TOPIC TAGS: "~Seismic prospecting, eismological station, hodograph/SPM-16A SPED-56 seisrnbgraph, SS 24 P seismic station ABSTRACT: Ai study made of'the results of seismic observations carried out by the method of reflected waves (offshore and land observations) and by the correla- tion method of refracted waves. The observations weremadein 1962-1964 to study, the deep seated'structure of the Spitzbergen Archipelago and to discover local second and third order structures within the Western Spitzbergen bend, Offshore observations made with standard equipment by the method of reflected waves were found to be inad;equate because of the complex structure of the bottom of the fiords. Use of the correlation method of refracted waves made it possible to define the Card X NR- AR603560 refracting boundary, which in turn made it possible to make an overall evaluation on the type of occurrence of deep seated horizons. Experimental land observations made by the method of reflected waves (1963-1964) in various sectors of the central part of Western Spitzbergen, were carried out with SS-24-P standard seismic stations according to the system of a closed outline network. The maximum freque-ney characteristic ranged from 45 to 60 cps. The heaviest charges weighed 20 to 40 kg; boreholes were 15 to 18 m deep. The charges were sunk at depths of 2 to 5 m in water; SPM-16 and SPED-56 seismographs were used. A series of reflections were recorded, which are coordinated with the reflecting horizons of the sedimentary strate lying at depths of 300 to 36013 m. The wave pattern varies in complexity according to the sector. Complications in tile wave pattern ar.e mainly due to the presence of zones of tectonic dislocation and lithological nonhomogeneities in the sedimentary strata. A straight wave with a speed of 3700 to 4500 m /see is observed in the first intrusion. The speed characteristic of the geological cut is based only on the determinations of effective'; speeds made by'hodographs of reflected waves. The diagrams of the Vef (11) dependence show that the geological cross section of the sedimentary thickness of theMestern Spitzbergen dip is characterized by a high average speed. In depths of 500 to 3600 m, the speed changes from 3900 to 4500 m/sec. Reflecting boundaries havej been built by the to method and are coordinated wui-i the sediments CGrd 213 ACC NRt AR6035080 i of the Upper Pqleozoic, Mezozoic and RLIeozoic ages. The data obtained is in p'hy. The need to use a good agreement with data of structural geological photogra method of regulated guided reception on sectors with complex seismologic con- ditions is noted~ T. PoVakova. [Translation of abstract) [GC] SUB CODE: 08"1 card 3 / 3 P,OZDEYEV, V.V.; NFZMEYANOV, An.l.; DZANTIv-EV, B.G. 'l-I.- Intera,.-;tion of tritiun, recoil atoma With halo derivativen of benzene. Radiokhimiia 5 no.3095-397 163. (MIRA 16,10) (Tritium) (Benzene) POZI)EYEV V.V.; 1,ESW-YAVOV, An.N.; MANTIM, B.G. Effect of halogen,-containing additives on the reaction of tritium recoil atoms with benzene. Radiokhimia 4 no./+:398-404 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Tritium) (Benzene) (Iodine) NESMEYANOV, An.N.; POZDEYEV, V.V. - - - ----- Hot synthesis of compounds labeled vith tritium. Usp. khim. 32 no.7:773-779 J1 163, (MIRA 16:8) 1. Khimicheskiy fakulttet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. POZDEYhT V.V. NESWZYANUV Aji.N.; DZAIITMV, B.G. $ I Tritium recoil atoms and intramolecular migration of energy. Kin.i kat. 4 no.2;31&-319 Ilh-Ap 163. (I-MIA 16:.5) 1. lbskovskiy gosqOarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova, khimiches.kiy fakulltet. (Benzene derivatives) ("iritium) - FOZDEYEV, V.V ; NESMEYANOV, An.N.; DZANTIIEV, B.G. Effect of the aggregate state on the reactions of tritium recoil atoms with hydrocarbons. Radiokhimia 4 no-4:404-410 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Tritium) (Hydrocarbons) POZDEiEV,V.V.- DZANTIYFV., B.G.; NESMEYANOV, An.N. Use of hot atom reacticns for studying processes of inermole-cular energy, transfer in the radiolysis of organic compounds. KinJ kat. 3 no.4:613-614 Jl-Ag '62. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvannyy uniyersitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova,, khimicheskiy fakul'tet. (Organic compounds) (Radiation) NES14YEYANOV, An.N.; DZUTIYEV, B.G.; ~QZDEYEV, V.V.;,SIMONOV, Ye.F. Reaction of recoil atoms of tritium with benzene. Radiokhimia 4 no.1:116-122 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Tritium) (Benzene) NESPEYAP"CV, An.N., POZI)EYEII, V.V.~ KLASS, Ya. YRasurement of the activity of tritium-contalning or--inic ccT- pounds, ZavJab'~ 28 m.;,33:305-1/07 '062. rl!-:iPA lr'-4) 1. ]/,oskovsl,.iy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni N.V.Lomonosova. (Organic compourv~s) (Radioactive tracers) (Tritiw) S/195/62/003/004/002/002 E075/E436 AUTHORS: -Pozdeyev,,__V.V., Dzantiyev, B.G., Nesmeyanov, An.N. TITLE: Utilization of hot atom reactions for the investigation of the intermolecular energy transfer processes during radiolysis of organic materials PERIODICAL: Kinetika i kataliz, V.3, no.4, 1962, 613-614 TEXT: The cyclohexene-tolan system was investigated to assess the possibility of using hot radioactive atoms to produce labelled cyclohexene excited molecules. Study of the stabilization of such molecules in different media was expected to give information on the energy transfer from the excited to solvent ifiolecules. Excitation and labelling of cyclohexene molecules was carried out by exchanging H atoms with a hot tritium atom. It was found that the resistance of cyclohexene to decomposition increased with the concentration of tolan in the mixture. However the increasing tolan concentration had almost no effect on the specific activity of cycldhexene. Thus for the system investigated, changes in the concentration of the aromatic component did not influence the Card 1/2 S/195/62/003/004/002/002 Utilization of hot atom ... E075/E436 stabilization process of the excited molecules of cyclohexene but decreased effectively its radiolysis. Other systems must be studied to test the general applicability of the method. There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennvy universitet im. 11,1.V. Lomonosova. Khimicheskiy fakulltet (Moscow State University imeni M.V.Lomonosov Chemical Division) SUB'MITTED: March 26, 1962 Card 2/2 S/032/62/028/003/008/017 B101/B138 AUTHORS; Nesmeyanov, An, N., Pozdeyev, V. V.-, and Klass, Ya TITLE., Measurement of the activity of organic compounds containing tritium PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 28, no. 3, 1962, 30" - 507 TEXT-. A variant of K.. L. Wilzbach's method (Ref.. 3, see below) is described. The tagged organic substances are heated with zinc dust, nickel oxide, and water in an ampoule at 6400C for 5 hr. The temperature is measured with a Chromel-Alumel thermocouple connected to an -)IM-47 (ERM-47) apparatus. The resulting methane and hydrogen (pressure 20 mm, H ) are pumped into an r6h-8 (SBM-8) counter, and cyclohexane is added g up to a total pressure of 40 mm Hg- The activity is measured with a (B) radiometers By using cyclohexane instead of butane as quenchinq gas, the CH + H 2 concentration can be increased and the size of the apparatu3 reduce&. The method was used to measure the activity of tagged cyclo. hexene, cyclohexadiene-1,3, and adipic, succinic and glutaric acids The error of measurement was not more than I~L The accuracy of measurement Card -1/2 S/032/62/026/00",/00~;/017 Measurement of the activity- B101/B138 does not depend on the amount of H 20 added, Therefore it is possible to convert tagged organic compounds without H 20 addition, which iS iMPOT'tant for measuring only slightly radioactive preparationsi There are 3 f igurf;s~ '! table; and 4 references: 1 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The three refer ences to English-language publications read as follows-, Nuc I eonic s , no, 3, '02 16. no. 10 (1958); R., L. Wolfgang, C. F. Mackayz Nucleonics~ 69 (1958); K~. E_ Wilzbach, L, Kaplan; W, G. Brown. Science, 118, 122 (19533, ASSOCIATION, bloskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im, M V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M V- Lomonosov) Card 212 I.L J `~" NEYEVA, A..%; AINTO~'j."iVs.K.4yA, E.I.; SUk.VC1,fj~;, 11 F-dat "fiv of molybd"nulrl. 1. no.1:2J-2E Jr J - F I ' r , . J ) . ~18,5) S/076/62/036/011/004/021 B1OI/B18O AUTHORS; Sukhotin, A. M., Antonovskaya, E. I., and.Pozdeyeva, A. A. (Leningrad) .TITLEs The nature of the passivating film on chromium in acid solutions PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, Y. 36, no. 11, 1962, 2368 - 2373i TEXTs The authors seek to explain why chromium is passive in I N H 2s04 at -0.1 to +1-15 v (referred to hydrogen standard electrode) with passivity decreasing slouly at more negative potentials,* while at -0-30 to 0.35 v it is fully activated, and anodic activation sets in at> +1-15 v. The thermo- dynamic conditions are discussed for all the electrochemical redox pro- cesses that can occur on a chromium electrode in acid solution, and their standard potentials are calculated. For the reaction 2Cr + 3H 2Oc~_ Cr 203 + 6H+ + 6e the potential is -0-58 v; besides this, Cr 203 has very high resistivity, so it can hardly comprise the passivating film. On the other hand, for Cr + H 2Oz=-'CrO 2 + 4H+ + 4e the potential is -0-15 v, and it is Card 1/3 S/076/62/036/011/004/021 The mature of the passivating ... B101/BI60 therefore assumed that the film consists mainly of CrO 2with other oxides. The potential range -0.3< 9