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papIZAK, 11 Entering the last year of the first Five-Year Plan. -D. 1. (PALIVA., Vol. 33, no. 1, Jan 1953, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East Baropean Accesnion, Vol. 2 +8, Library of Coi4,;ress, August -1953, Uncl. Card : 1/1 POTLOV, V. V., Cand Phys-Math Scl -- "Behavior of integral curves of a homogeneous differential equation." Mos, 1961. (Min of Ed RSFSR. Mos Oblast Ped Inst Im N. K. KrUDskaya) (KL, 8-61, 228) - 36 - Country : RUTTANIA Category : Cultivated Plants. Cereals. Leguminous Plants. Tropical Cereals. M Abs Jour : BZhBiol., No 6, 1959, No 24808 Author : Potlog, Aq Sp; Siclovan, V,; Badea, S. Inst : Academy of Sciences RPRb Title ; Growing of Wheat Grades in a Mixture. Experi- mental Results on,Growihg the Winter Wheet Varieties "Cenad 117" and "Odvos 24111 in a Mixture. 7 Orig Pub : Studii si cereetari atAnt. Academ, RPR. Baza Timizoara. Ser. stiinte agric&I 1957, 49 No, 3-41 83-91 Abst&-act : Data on the study of the behavior of grades growing in a mixture. No increase in the har- vest in comparison with pure cultivation of these grades under experimental conditions (western part of Rumania) was noticed. Exi- Card 1/2 POTWV. Behavior of integral curves of homogansous differential eauations of first order. Uch.zap.R(WI 15:67-76 '58. ()URA 12:7) (Differential equations) L 31296-65 ewa(d) P9-4 I-JrP(c -00-ESSION HH: 05WM5 8/0044/64/OW/OU/11047/13047 SOURCE* Ref. zh. Hatematikat Abs, M216 AUTHORS: Kapralov, If. S.; Makarov, 1. P.; Potlov, Vt TITLE-: Concerning the use of a differential eauation.of the neutral tape CITED SOURM Uch. zap. Ryaze=k. Sos. ped. in-tt v. 35# 1963t 84-89 TOPIC TWS: differential equationo approximate solutiong Integration, neutral differential equation lot TRANSLATION. The'following equation is considered: ~'The solution in sought on the segenent (kloj X~ dad it is assumed that Yo is an interior point of~this iegnentd. The solution oo(l) is found by the method Of :steVsp'vherein to find the solution on [xlO# r0) the initial function is specified on V10 To x.1o] end the equation is integrated on the rightf wbile to find the Card SUB CODE: MA MCL! X Card 2/2 SOURCE: Re, zh, Matemattka, Abs, 3B315 AuMoi: Poaqv, v. v, TITILE: n.-e behavior at infinity of trajectories of homogeneous systems CITED SOURCE: Volzhik. matem. ab., vyp. 2, 1964, 1-37-111 TOPIC TAGS: trajectory, homogeneous system, Poincare circle, 4o2ologic pattern TPWISIATIOV: The author investigated the behavior of the characteristics oLf the equation with P.(x,, y) and Q(r, y) bding homogeneous.-functions withequal orders of homo- geneity. The following definitions are ik-roduced: 1) the integral straight line of Equation (1) within the Poincare circle is called the integral diameter; 2) the part of the vicinity of a singular point a. bounded by the integral dia- meter, the Poincare equatorial are (containing no other singular points except ao)* and the arc of a circle with the center at a. and a radius less than the Card 1/2 IGQIWIIC~.~` ~_z ACCESSTON IIR: AR5012982 Poincare circle is called the right A-sector if the points within it are to the right of the integral diameter, and left A-sector in the opposite case; 3) if, in, definition 2, one replaces the integral diameter by a diameter consisting of singular points, Chen the sectors are called right and left B-sectors, respec- tively. Proof is given that the right and left A-sectors way represent hyper- bolic or parabolic regions only (analogously, the right and left B-sectors T-qy represent quasi-hyperbolic or quasi-parabolic regions only). This, at the same time, prolf~s that these sectors cannot be elliptical nor represent regions of a more complex structure. To establish the topologic pattern of the behavior of the characteristics o4' (1) within the Poincare circle, it suffices to study them within an arbitrarily sma-41 region irk the vicinity of the origin of the XOy plane. 1. Kukles. SUB CODE- MA ew ENML: 00 2/2 L 3129 .ACCESSIOR HR: ARS004794- .09 non-uniqueness on the right (an analogous statement occurs for uniquen non ess on the left)..-The authors show that any spectrum ~].bounded by two neighboring integral lines can be reduced to one of the following type 1 1) elliptical and quasiallipticalt 2) hyperbolic an C, d quasihyperbolic, 3) parabolic and quasiparabolic (quasLellipti quasihyperbolief ne and quasiparabolic sectors can exist only if o or both boundaries of the sector consist of non S). -uniqueness point The authors find the necessary and sufficient conditions in order that the~considered sector belong to one or another of the indicated types. 4n.the second sectionf the authors show how it is possible to construct continuous functions P(x, V) and Q(x. y) such that-the'system has beforehand an arbitrar .1 specified finite set of sectors adjacent to the origin with prescribed arrangiament of the boundaries of these sectors and of their typesi The boundaries of these sectors (that is* the integral lines) can furthermore be speci- fied in such a way that they consist either of uniqueness points Card ~-L31294-65 ARS004794 ~mACCESSSXON NRU (to the right or -to the leftf or else to the right and to the left), or else of non-uniqueness points., in the third section the authors study the system (2), as suming that the function P (x,, y) and 0 (x, y) can vanish simultaneous-f 1y and at the points that differ from.the origin (in this case there. can exist rays consisting only of.singular points). The authors 'Prove here fourtheorems covering different cases of the behavior ~of the characteristics, depending on whether P(l, k)/Q(I. k) tends as k -.4. k to a definite limit, and depending on what this limit will be. :Cases ar e considered, when P (1, k) /Q (1, k) tends as k k 0 to a definite limit (finite or infinite), and when-this limit coin-o i-cides.or-does--not.coincide' with ko. The case is also considered I-W hen P (1' k)/0(1, k) does not tend to any 11mit-at 611 as k -6 k0. CteriS1.6iCS ,-,It turns-out that in-the first of..these cases tbe.cbara P in question enter into the origin or move-to frc6 the angle s ace infinity* or also tbay.ardes the ray q7'- with.a definite direic-.. Card 5/ . . . . . . . . . . . . 'j- 312A-65 I'ACCESSION NR: AR5004794 ra f(pj- to theinte4 ipo The angle space is classi ray (p fied as belonging to the first type, if from any.semitrajectory lim d P 0 -(i.e., any trajectory has t e ray q = q)( h as its asymptoteLto the -second type if lim d to the third if 0 _IiM d lim d < p P P the fourth if 0-< lim d < co and'liin d- < w, to the fifth if lim p P d. 0 and =2m d and to the-sixth if limd 0 and 0 < P, P d < :The authors prove that aqy.aectorfilled.with trajectories' that move to infinity belongs to one of these,six types* and find ana~lytia ckiteria for assigning.the sectors to,each typei The re- ;'Oults of the investigati re exhaustive in charactdr. 1. Kukl on a es. SUB CODE: MA FATCL 00 Card 7/7 OEM= L--. L ARIENT, M.; SKALA, E. - POTMESIL M. - PALA, F.; DUTEEK, V. On the treatment of acute leukaemia by massive whole bocL7 irradiation combined with subsequent bone marrow transfusion. A case report. Neoplasma,Bratial. 7 no-3:295-3o4 16o. 1. Military Institute of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology, Central Military Hospital, Prague, Czechoslovakia. (LE M MIA MTELOCTTIC radiother) (BONE MARROW transpl) f V:- I I E~ nu wi 'll i1c n I 'I d i spt-,~,q. lieoplasffia SraLt-* si i2 no.' Ogy, Gze~hoslovak ad~ my it KANDRAC, Michal S.; POTMESIL, Milan; SILINKOVA-M)kUOVA, Eva Contribution to the diaMsis of paraganglimma. Gas, lak, ceBk. 101 no.31:955-959 27 JI 162. 1. Laborator pro endokrinologii a metabolismus KU v Praze, reditel akademik J. Charvat - I interni oddeleni Ustredni vojenske nemocnice v Praze, prednosta doe. dr. V. Dufek. (PARAGANGLIORA diagn), CZECHOSLOVAKIA ARIENT, M.; POTIJESIL IALA, E.; and PAIA, F.; Central 11-filitary Hospital ; SK (Ustredni vojenska nemocnice,) Prague. "Current Problems in Diagnosis and Treatment of Leukemias." Prague, Vojenske zdravotnick!l_l t -36. jLy, Vol 32, No 1, Mar 63; pp 28 Abstract [English Summary modified]: Comprehensive didactic review, listing diagnostic criteria, early symptoms and interpretation thereof, and therapeutic schedules concencratin-- on classification of drugs which are classified into 11 categories. Two graphs, 8 tables, urine chromatogram, 2 photomicrographs. FO T, AB33 JOUR. RZhBlOl. NO- 195a, AUTH017 T TL-~ de OR Y.G PUB. _.ST R,-, 'Q"T C A 1, LI) - POTMESIL, Milan The -properdin system. IL Interaction with nolysacchar ides and bActericidpal, virus-neutralizine and anti-protozoan activity. Cas. lek. cesk. 97 no.17, Tek. veds zahr:73-81 25 Apr 58. 1. Untredni rojonskR nemocnice, Prnhn. U.V.N., Pritha-Strenovice. (PROPMDIN, interaction with polysaccharides & bactericidial, virus- neutralizing & anti-protozoan eff., review (Cz)) POTMESIL, Milan I- ~-. -,-z'--, '~~e , erdin svotem. III. Experimental and clinical studies. Gac. lek. cesk. 97 no.29,- lek. vecin zahr:149-157 11 July 58. 1. Ustredni, vojenska nemocnice v Praze. (PROPFMIN, review (00) POTMESIL, Milan (M.P., U.V.N., Praha-Stresovice) Praz)erdin system. I. Properties and correlation of individual elements of the system. Gas. lek. cesk. 96 no.50:Lek. veda zahr:206-212 13 Dec 57. 1. Uqtredni vojenska nemocnice, Praha. (PROPIRDIN & review (Gz)) POMESIL, Vacla) inz. Exhibition of automation means. Au-~omatizace 6 no.5: 130 MY 163. 1 P(Yr IESIL, Vaclay.- inz.; ZAJ~C, Bohamil I Dstem*ilon of the technical production level as a basis for -wahaniAtion and automation. Drevo 18 no,2159-60 F 463. 1. Ministerstvo spotrebniho promyslu (for Potmesil). 2. atatni ustav okonomioko-organizacni, Ministerstvo spatrebniho prtiiyslu, Praha (for Zajic). POTWSIL, Vaclav, inz. , Automation, the main element of technical development. Drevo 17 no.5sl38-139 My 162. 1. M-Inisterstvo spotrebniho pramyslu. POTMESIL, Vaclav, inz.; ZAJIC, Bohumil Determining the technical standard of production processes. Skla--- a keramik 13 no.2:45-46 F 163. 1. Ministerstvo spotrabniho prumyslul Fraba (for Potmesil). 2. Statni vyzkumny ustav okonomickoorganizacni, Praba (for Zajic). POTMF,O)IL, Vaclav; ZAJIC, Bobumil -Determining the technical standard as a bisis for mechanization and automation of production. Kozarstvi 13 no.2:61-62 F IjO. 1. Ministerstvo spotrebniho prumyslu, Praha (for Potmesil). 2. ktatni vyzkumny ustav ekonomi4borganizacni, Ministerstvo spctrebni4,,.prvmysIu, Praha (for Z ,ajic). POTMESIT., Vaclav Automation in development of consumer goods industries. Sklar a keramik 12 no.2:33-35 F 162. 1. Ministerstvo spotrebniho prumyslu POTMESILOVAPE. Experiences with general anesthesia in surgery of strabismus in childhood. Cesk. oftal.19 no.6:430-432 V163 1. COZ v Koline., ustavni anesteziolog. -)r S/035/61/000/009/019/036 AOO1/A1Ol AUTHORS: Pomerants, M.A., Agarval', S.P., Potnis, V.R. TITLE. Investigation by means of balloons of primary cosmic rays during solar disturbances PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no, 9, 1961, 38, ab- stract 9A298 ("Tr. Mezhdunar. konferentsil po kosmich. lucham., 1959, v. 4", Moscow, AN SSSR, ig6o, 61 - 70) TEXT: The authors discuss the data of measuring cosmic ray intensity in the stratosphere at a latitude of 510N during 1957-1958. The general intensity level in the stratosphere during IGY was considerably lower than the level mea- sured during the preceding solar activity maximum (1947-1952). It is noted that no marked intens-ity changes were detected during chromospheric flares. A compa- rison of stratospheric measurement data with measurements of the neutron compo- nent at Ottawa shows that the amplitude of variations in the stratosphere is greater by 1.6+ O.-A times than on the Earth's surface. There are 9 references. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] L, Dorman Card 1/1 - POTOWI, J. Some special devices for slowing revolutions in water turbinese p. 5he STiOJ?IICKY CASOPIS. (Slovenska akademia vied) Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 6, no. 1, 1955. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 11, November 1959. Uncl. POTOCAN, J. Autoihatic braking of wcter combInes operating at excessive speeds by lessen-4ng the tilt of bl-,-,dec. P. 39- ('Jtrojnoelektro technic kif Casopie. Brvtirla'ra. Yol. 1, r0. 31 1952) SO: Monthl- y list of East European Accessions, (EEPL), LC, Vol. h, No. 6, June 1955, Uncl. BAIER, M., ing.; ANCA, A., ing.; POTOCEAN, P., ing.; VARRO, A., ing. Saving reserves of material resources. Probleme econ 16 no.12: 144-147 D 163. 1. Directia tehnica, Kinister-til Transporturilor A Telecomunicatti (for Baier). 2. Socretar general, Knisterul Economiel Forentiore (for Anca). 3. Tehnolog sef, Uzina de constructil metalice si masini agricole, Bocsa (for Potacean). 4. Director tehnic, Uzina do constructii metalice si masini agricole, Bocsa (for Varro). RuYvINIA/Nuclear Physics - Installatiois and Instruments. C Methods of Measurenent and Researah Abs Jour Ref Zbur Fizika, No 8, 1959, 17248 Author Fincinc, N., Putaceanu, C. Inst Title on the Mass Spectrum. of Sirpa Mesous Orig Pub Studii si cercetari fiz. Acad. RPRj 1958, 9, No 2, 181- 184 Abstract The method of constant arc was used to determine the masses of the followinf, ne3ative mesons, stopped in emulsion: 25 sir,;ia mesons, producing stars with 1, 2 aid 3 pronj~s, 19 sigm mesons producin4; stars with 4 and 5 pronCe, and 13 Piol's priducia,.,, /-/ - --,&,L. decays. Only two particles, C-14 and t~;- ' were fouud, whose masses gave value5 shifted towaras 500 ne within the limits of permissible errors. Both trajectories are Card 1/2 - 24 - I ctionlrof bigh-enerv nudei in prkiz~ COMUC H. a d Zb P t Balea. H. FriedLinder. M. Oncescu, 0 re -LM Fo abinl n U i~n` ' . . , , Ef. uig M wTo-n-s-of-Z 3 and 7 interactions of a- -tHlw). MI particles in nuclear emulslors from the 11153 Sardinia ex- tion in the energy range 50-100 b.ex./nucleon d 11 t th i t I n T i i d f f 1 5 2) nvest n o t een . an . are e rom e po ga view of angular distribution of relativistic particles. A 2- cone structure, compatible with the 2-core model in tht Mater-of-mass system appears clearly. In most cases the n. jet (presumably produced by the incident nucleus) evap, ul. not be detected from the weson jet. From the small no. of reLativistic tracks -im the interaction it Is concluded that only a small no. of nucleons'coutributes to the mma- generuting procew. - -It is, therefore, implied that the resid- ual nucleons of the incident nucl=3 do not evap, but, tinder- go, insteado elastic, scatte&g on* the nucleons of the target' nucleus, BALEA, E.; FRIEDLANDER, E.; ONCESCIU, M.; POTOCEANU, C.; SAHINI, M. The high-energy nuclear interactions of the heavy nuclei of the primary cosmic radiation. Studii cerc fiz 11 no.1.61-68 6o. (EFAI 10:1) (Collisions (Nuclear physics)) (Cosmic rays) DIMITRIU, N. , ing.; ROMUL, Radu, ing.; PANTEL11, Tudor, ing.; GEORGESCU, V. , ing.; POTOCBX4T, I., ing,.; RADMSCU, M.; GIEOTIGHE, Gh.; ORBOK, Geza Letters to the editor. Probleme econ 15 no.10:147-151 0 162. 1. Director, Trustul regional de constructii, Ploiesti. (for Dimitriu). 2. Director, Trustul regional de construdiii locale, Brasov (for'Romul). 3. Director, Trustul reg:`Lonal de constractii, Iasi (for Pantelli). 4. Director, Trustul regional de contructUi locale, Galati (for Georgescu). 5. Director general, Combina~tul sid,,erurgic, Resita (for Potoceanu). 6. Inginer sef Rasp. Inovatii'P.Intreprinderea Trairlica PuciDasa (for RadLes~u~. 7. Intreprihder6a Trainica, Pucioasa (for Gheorghe). 8.- Director, Fabrics. do confectii Flacara, CluJ (for Orbok). POTOCEANU,, I., ing. High valorization of metal. Probleme econ 16 0/ T 163. 1. Director general, Cambinatul siderurgle Regita. ION, Nita, ing.; POTOCEANU, I., ing.; IORDACHE, G., ing.; STANTIEV, I.; ANDREI, 14., ing.; POPESCU, I. Reducing cost price, an important task in the siderurgical industry. Probleme econ 17 no.2:147-151 F '64. 1. Director tehnic conceptie, Combinatul siderurbic Hunedoara (for Ion). 2. Director general, Combinatul siderurgic Resita (for Potocea tri 3. Director, Uzina de tevi Roman (for Iordache)- 4. Director., Industr a sirmei-Cimpia Turzii (for Stanatiev). 5. Seful Serviciului PlanificareP uzina Giocanul-Nadrag (for Popescu). RLMANIA / Chemical Technology. Processing of Solid H-22 Fossil Fuels. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 23, 1958, 78995. Author ; PotQceenu._-I,- - Inst : got given, Title : The Mettalurgical Production of Coke from Non- Coking Coals. Orig Pub: Metalurgia si constr. mas., 1956, 8, 49-52. Abstract: The machanism is examined on the formation of coke from coking coal, and the peculiarities of a coking process of gaseous, bituminous and weakly coking coals which do not form a stable coke under the usual conditions of coking. A description is furAished on the method developed by Prof. Sapozhnikov and the ex-oerimental set-up for the preparation of metaLlurgical coke from non-coking coals. Card 1/1 ~7_ J. rp~ AGZSSION NR: AP5017635 AUTHOR:, Potoceanu, L, (Engineer) RU/0017/64 /W0/D')8/03,4?/O34' 9 VITLE: Production and utilization of a 5elf-fusing. agglomerate in the furnaces of the Pesita Siderurgical Combine SOURCE: 347-3 Metalurgia, no. 8, 1964 49 TOPIC TAGS- :metallurgic furnace% agglomerate AMRACT: The. author describer. the production of a self-fusing agglomerate at thl~ Reeita Siderurgical Combine and presents the highly mtisfactory qualitative in- Orig. .dicea obtained when it was used in the blast furnaces f the combine. art, has-, 1 table. ASSOCIATION., Conibinatul siderurgic,Resi'll-a. LSiderurgLcal Co mb i ne CIRIN, Liviu, ing.; FOTOCEMIU, Ion, ing.; IGNIESCU, Gh., ing. Economic relations of socialist industrial enterprises and their role in the achievement of socialist mana-ement 0 and strengthening of material incentives. Probleme econ 16 no. 5: 140-W My 163. 1. Director comercial, Uzinele de vagoane-Arad (for Cirin). 2. Director general, Combinatul siderurgic Resita (for Potoceanu). 3. Director tehnicY Uzinele "Steagul rosu", Brasov (for Ionescu). POTOGNK, Oldrich Myopia of prematurity. Cesk. ofth. 14 no.1:38-44 Feb 58. 1. Ocni oddeleni OUNZve Znojme, prednosta primar MUDr. 01drich Potocek. (MYOPIA, in inf. & child in premature Inf. (C%)) (VTFANT, PRINATURN, die, w4iA Wz)) POTOCIC, Z. Yugoslavia (430) Agriculture - Plant and Animal Industr7 Forestry in the world and in Yugoslavia. p 139. SUMARSKI LIST. Vol 76, no 5-6, MaYmJuns 1952. East Eurorjean Accessions List. Library of Gongress, Vol 2, no 3, March 1953. UNCIASSIFIED. -Po -ro c ff 4.1 Fe 4,v ri's c K POTOCKA, Frantisek. Dri KUBRINA, Vladimir, Dr; BOHAC. Jirl, MUDr Immmology in ancephalom7alitis enzootica sius. Caak. h7g. spidem. mi~--ob. 2 no.1:22-43 Feb 153. 1. Z laboratore pro studium inf. obrn3r repra pri Ustavu pro lek, mikrobiologii a immunalegii K.U. v Praze. (INCIPHAUMMITIS, swine$ vacc.) (SWINN, diseases, encephalouqelitis, vaccj (VACCINES AND VACCINATION, ancephalomyslitis in swine) 7-0 i_ J, ;r.'~ a irl~ L 71 c I c d isn C) r, L e a: It, In a j n 1, v L- r w -it Or 'Zl-o 6, 1, 1 c cz t i r! :E-Iat Ively r~ si:T-an.-c. to on a f-6 cci:tr)- I '-A rll~ cjw S, t.'.'ibi 1 t.:,, "C' -ictior, of Le w:; if 1 POTOCKI., Aleksy; DUDEK9 Bernard; ERAI-IDTO Andrzej; WASIUTYNSKI, Zbigniew Metal and rubber bridge bearingso Polimery tworz w1el 8 no.109382-392 0163. 1. Katedra Technologii Chomioznej, Zeklad Technologii Kauc-"ukv4 i Gumyq Politeabnika,, Gdansk (for Fbtocki and Durlok). 2. in- stytut Podstavowyeb Problemow Teelmiki, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszava, (for Brandt and Wasiutynski). pOTOCKI, Aleksy; RAIA , Adolf; DUDEK, Bernard Colorimetric determination of the sPeci-fic stability' of polyvinyl chloride. Folimery tworz V~elk 8 no.1.16-20 .Ta. w63. 1. Katedra Technologii Chemicznejs, Zaklad Technologii Kauczukow i Gumy, Politechnika., Gdarwk. ZUK,.I.-; POTOCKI, A. (translator] An investigation on polyploidy and sex determination writhin the genus Rumex. Acta soc botan Pol 32 no.l,.5-67 163. 1. D#partment of General Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, War*w. POTOCKIY-Alq~sy-- - -- - -- Application of powder electrodes as a new method of determining the reinforcing properties of carbon black. I. Characterization of carbon black by means of potential measurements of powder electrodes. Przem chem 41 no.6:317-320 Je 162. 1. Katedra Technologii Chemicznej, Zaklad Technologii Kauczukow i Gumy, Politechnika, Gdansk. =020 L'" Silt la a4t L-Guldinz gad Commmki-az sand. owe--rfa=, 10i;6, 6, teirwT The aulhorl give an azzoant (if aq 9Xpev W mplaco mal duat and clay mmro r-1417 avaUllej " chc4p~r c"al ffift whb-h W&4 dim:t frern M3 coal minom 'a.0 mcwto- and were orri d out on ca--ta &Qm a f-w kg W 4,5 Tha oxa-,t ralo of 84nd ti coel ailt &ad Mho humujity aro deter, miugA by tho purpa" fmwdlioh the raktu" is 1,1073 Saillum Wnt--rxims 4e a Glitiler for Fouttilry MnIdb. ~,Qkffhfn BruttArr Tmittlation No. M~5, 4 p. (A4stract r-- d dlemnictwa. 19-M, nn. 7. p. 13-14.) Henry, Pmstvher, Altadetw, Calif. expedrectits In -j,~I foundry. Three fimm; of Iiard,,Atig w-at tried: sholt Ing in Fill ch.-ctric oveil withnnt afr cireulation, action of 1111 Iatinuiplipre of GO, in an open yessel, und infectioll Of Mt gai ho.'th% I ref. FCJTOCKI, Aleksy The application of the powder electrode as a now method of determining the reinforcing properties of carbon-black. Frzem chem 40 no.12-.694 D 161. 1. Katedra Tachnologii Cheuicznej, Zaklad Technologii Kauezukow i '~umy, Politechnika, Gdansk. A SOURCE' CODE- PO/9537/65 15101G1 AT6033760 /000/0011/01 AUTHOR:' Potocki, Aleksy; W~iniccki, Slawomir; Duded, Bernard ORG: Institute of Technology of Rubber (Zaklad technologii kauezukov i gumy) TITLE: Stability of vulcanized rubbers in liguid fuels containing aromatic compounds SOURCE: Danzig. Politechnika. Zeszyty naukowe., no. 58, 1965. Chemia, no. 8, 1 145-161 TOPIC TACS, nitrile rubber, acrylonitrile, polymer, polymer cross linking, liquid fuel, vulcanized rubber, aromatic compound, polysulfide polymer, polysulfide rubber ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the effect of swelling -causing aromatic coMpounp- in liquids on the properties of vulcanized rubbers made from nitrile rubberAvith different content f rylonitrile, from polysulfide rubbers, and 'p,o ac. from a mixture of polysulfidePa d nitrile rubbers. Tests of softening nitrile rubber by a liquid polysulfi( rhave indicated an increase in resistance to swelling with the formation of cross linked network structure in the polysulfide polymer 11 ;Card 1/2 L 0985,8-67 ACC NR: AT6033760 during vulcanization. It is established that an increase of resistance to swelling of vulcanized rubbers in liquid fuels, containing a considerable amount of aromatic compounds is obtained by the use of mixture of nitrile rubber with polysulfide rubber. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 5 tables. (Based on authors' abstract] SUB CODE: 11/ SUBM DATE: none/ SOV REF: 0051 OTH REF: 0041 2/ 2 -0. POTOCKI, JARC6LAW "On the tracks and in the waste5 of Alaska" p. 265 (Iskry, 1956, Warmaw, Poland) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 1, Jan. 59. Zy-gmunt; EJMCKI, Zdzislaw;_PO DCKI Jan-, ~QBOTKA, Wiaslaw; ZUKOWSKI, Fdwqt4 Obtetild" of 344, *ft-O-subAt#'qt*& pbenoxyalkanocarboxylic acicis. Prziom chom 39 I'D. ~15-279, "An 1. Katedra Technologii Organicznej II, Politechnika, Warszawa POTOCKI, Jerzy. inz. Technical progress in the construction of busses in the Sanocka Fabryka Autobusow. Przegl mech 20 no.19/2c):596- 598 161. 1. Sanocka Fabryka Autobusov. POTOCKI.-12rzy, Inz. Requirements and tendencies in the do-e:oprent of a L,~,d bus constructirn. Tech motor 11 no.12:403-407 D 161. FCTCCKI, T. "Schools of Competition in Work." p. 271 (Ibtot!yzvcJa, Vol. 8, No. 10, Oct. 1953, wurszawa) SO: ~bnthly List of East European Accessions, Vol. 3, No. 6, Library of Congress, June, 1954, Uncl. POTOCKI, T. (MOTOFZPCJA, Vol 9, No. 1, Jan. 1954, Warszawa,, Poland) "For further development of on-the-job training in the branch of the Central Board of Automobile Equipment." p. 7s SO: FONTF1Y LIST OF EAST EUROPEMI ACCES3IO1,13, L.C., Vol. 3, No. 4, APRIL 1954 POTCCKO, E. 11A frequency meter with a stop watch." P. 371 (Sdelovaci Technika) Vol. .5. no. 12, Dec. 1957 Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) L.C. V01. 7, no. 4, Apra 1958 PUCCIN., E. y,easurement methods usin.g an electronic-stop watch. p. 375. SDELOVACI TECENIM. (I~anisterstvo strojirenstvi) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 7, no. 10, Oct. 1959. I-Ionthly List of East European Accession, (EIZAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 12, Dec. 1959 Uncl. POTOCKOVA Method for gymnastic lessons for women. Cesk.g7n.2&,r4'Ol- no.1/2: 23-25 F 161. 1. Zdravotnicka skola v:'Brne. (PHYSICAL E37JJATION AND TRAINING) KAVECANSKY, V., inz.; POTOCKY, L., inz. Exmination of the internal stress distribution in sezilcry~- stalline Fe-Si sheets by the Bitter-Akulov powder method. Sbor VST Kosice 2: 13-21 162. 1. Katedra fyziky, Vysoka skola technicka, Kosice. FOTOTSKIY, 11. [Potocky, V.); KOLYARZH, M. [Kolar,, M.1 Spontaneous pneumothorax as a manifestation of pulmonary atincer and pulmonary metastases. Vop.onk. 7 no.11:38-43 161. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz radiologicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. V. Shrab) meditsin- skogo fakullteta Karlova, universiteta v Fragep Chekhoslovatskaya Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika. Adres Potocky, V.: Radiologicka klinika, Praha 2. U nemocince 2. (LUIIGS-CANCER) (FNEUMOTHORAX) XACLP J.; KOLAR, J.; MARX, F.; PALECEK, L.; POTOChY, V. Osseoua changes as sequelae of post-traumtic vascular diseases. Cesk. rentgenol. 16 no.2:109-115 Ap 162. 1. Radiologicka klinika fakulty vseobeeneho lekaretvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. V. Svab. (BONE DISEASES etiol) (VASCULAR DISEASES PERIPHERAL compl) POTOGNIK, D. Tugoslavia (430) Law - Serials Census in Yugollavla, pi 164. LTUDSKI PEAVNIK. (.Dmetvo Prawnikow Judske Republik@ Slovenije) Ljubljana, (Monthly of the Association of Jurists of the Peopl6ls Republic of Slovenia) Vol. 2. no 5-6, 1947. Vast Buro-peaa Accessions jjjj. Library of Congress, Vol 1, no 13, Nov 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. POTOCNIK, D, Yugoslavia (430) Law - Serials The principles of accounting in socialist economy. p 296. LJUDSKI PRAVNIK. (Drustvo Prarnikoy Judske Repitblike Slovenije) Ljublji-sx. (Monthly of the Association of Jurists of the People's Republic of Slovenia) Vol. 2, no. 9-10, 1947. jUj Bur2penn Accessigns LW. Library of Congress, Vol 1. no 13, Noy 1952. UITCLASSIFIND. POTOCNIK, D. Yugoslavia (430) Law - Serials The first two federal budgets (1946, 1947) p. 109 LJudski Pravnik. (D-rustvo Pravnikov Republike Slovenije) Ljubljana. (Monthly of the Association of Jurists of the People's East European Accessions List. Library of Congress, no 1, no 13, Nov 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. "Card 1 of 2" POTOCNIK, D. Yugoslavia (430) Republic of Slovenia) Vol 2, no 3-4, 1947 East Europ4Lan Accessions List. Library of Congress, Vol 1, no 13, November 1952. LRICIASSIFIED. "Card of 2" A. _ , 4 F -3 -7 jZ I t "Revisiom of for---alas for cre-il 8,!-,:,t./Gct. 1952, -B~:ograd, SO: Yonthly List of Zast European AccesE 4cns, L. C., Vol. 2, No. 7, JUlY 1953 Uncl. 110TOCTIJU, 2arko, dr I -- sponsibili ty of -'rr. ad -~ R of merchandise in case of a JuL7 19 no. 11: 25-42 N 163. for '- rz- a IC55 az:d Ja---Ee :-a - I ~ - repeated Z e I e z r; i c e PCTOCIIJAK, Zarko., dr Under the terms of the nev International Convention Respecting Carriage of Goods by Rail (GIM) the noncontractual (delict) responsibility on the part of railroads is excluded. Zeleznice Jug 19 no./+:20-28 Ap 163. POIOCNJAK, Zarko, dr Amount of inudemnity Ifor damages t,:~ *~-,-~- ill vill or heavy negIligence on Lhe p~r', ~f -.-c Pt.l. Zeleznlce Jug 20 nc.9:22-.~S C! 1~1111 POTOCNJAK, Zarko, dr Amount of Inlemd-ty damages -~s m,-:r,~handlse !:a1lBad by ill. will or heavy negligence cn tne part of railr,:~ads. Pt. 2. Zeleznlce Jug 20 no.10,35-0 C) 1641. FOTOCNJAKI Z. "Liability of railroads for delays, losses, and damgges of goods in 0 international railroad transportation; based on the International Convention Concerning the Transport of Goods by Rail (CIM) of October 25th, 1952.11 P. 23 (Zeleznice) Vol. 13, no. 11, Nov. 1957 Belgrade, Yugoslavia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) W. Vol. 7, no. ADri 1 195 8 POTOCNJAK., Z. Limited responsibility of railroads for dama es of goods caused by special kind of factors. (To be contd.) p. 1. Periodical: ZELEZNICE. vol. 15, no. 2. Feb. 1959. TECHNOLOGY SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAJ) LC volt 8. no, 4 April 1959, Uncl. POTOCNJAK Z. ~j Limitation of the liabi3ity of railroads in cases of damages to goods caused by special factors. p. 1. Periodical: ZELEZNICE. Vol. 15, no. 3. Mar. 1959. TECHNOLOGY SO: Monthly List of FAst European Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol. 8, no. 4 April 1959, Uncl. POIAND / Hunx?i and AnIlmal Phyoiology (Normal and Pathological) T Digootion. Aba Jour Rof Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 1958, No. 6o415 Author Potoczck S. Inst o g von Title PoriodontosiB and Dige3tive Diaeasea Orig Pub Czasop. stomatol., 1957, 10, No 12, 743-753 Abstract In poriodontosis (inadequacy of the circular ligatures of the dental pariosteum), disturbancoo of the digestive tract wore found in 85% of thu cases, mainly chronic constipation. Card 1/1 S7;"'F-')'.IA, Ireria; Halina; KI.40LFY,, Zbigniew; POTOCZEK, Star--,Slww ,,ari-s of the teeth of the mayilla and mandible ir. at Wroclav. Czas. szm.Lt. 18 no.11:221--224 Mr 165. 1. Z Katerl-y Stnmatologi~ Zachowawczej Akadernii Mely---mnej 1,r-, Wroclaw-lu (Yieroanik: dr. med. S. Potoczek). Given Nanas COIL'tr7: Academic Degrees: Affiliation: Source; S`ornik 3-Dolec-3stI, Vol 66, 1.'0 4, Datat CSII /Or,-anisace ST)olec.,~--,2_ ..Ctrod-LI; TIlitelf, 1945-1e60. PrCL,-Uel -Ouse of Political LJteratare ~~3-tatni nakladatelstvi poiitic:,~e litera-Varir', Paies. GPO 981643 JANIAKOWA, Alina; POTOCZEK, Stanislav Indications for the application of corticosteroids in hemorrhagic diathesis of the hemophilic type. Pol8kie arch.medowevn. 30 no.6: 786-789 '60. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wownetrznych A.M. we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr med. E.Szczeklik (ADRENAL CORMI HORMONES ther) (HEMOPHILIA ther) SZCZXXLIX, Edward; JANIAKOWA, Alina;-POTOCZEK.-Stanislaw Itffect of shock on blood coagulation in myocardial infarct. Folskie 30 no.7:972-974 160. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A. Ko we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr med. B.Szeseklik. (KYOGARDIAL INFARCT compl) (BLOOD COAGULATION) (SHOCK) JANIAKOWA, Alim; KOTIAM-HAUS, SAbina; POTOCZEK, Stanislaw., TYACZEWSK11~, Wladyelaw Dnta on the increase of non-protein nitrogen daring coagulation & fibrinolysis in arteriosclerosis. Polnki'tygod. lek. 13 no.24:921-923 16 June 58. 1. (Z III Yliniki. Chorob Wewnetrznych A. M. we Wroclawiu; kierownik: prof. dr Edward Szczeklik). Adres: Wroclaw, ul. Traugutta 57. 111 B Klin. Chor. Wewn. A. N. (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS, blood in non-protein nitrogen after blood'cpagulation & fibrinolysis (Poi)) (NITROGIM, in blood in arteriosclerosis, levels after blood coagulation & fibrinoly- sis (Poi)) (BWOD COAGUIATION of arteriosclerotic sera, 'non-protein nitrogen levels (Poi)) (FIBRE fibrinolysis of arteriosclerotic sera, non-protein nitrogen levels (Pol)) JANIAKOWA, Alina; POTGCZ3K, StanislAw Hemophilia k resistant to therapy. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no.20:758- 763 19 MaY 58. 1. (Z III Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych Akademii Medycznej we Wroclawiu; kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr Edward Szczeklik) Adres: Wroclaw, III KlinikEt Chor. Wewn. A. M. W* (HEMOPHILIA, imrmmol. nntibody develop. after blood transfusions in hemophilia A. case report (Pol)) (B LOOD TRAMYUSIONS, in various dis. hemophilia A, develop. of antibodies, cane report (Poi)) ~O~O~N~A.K4rkg, dr. Limitation of liabilit7 of railroads for regular IoBs of weight of goods during transportation. Zeleznice Jug 17 no.9/10:13-19 161. (Railroads) (Liability(Law)) POTOK. Edmund mgr inz. I - -- - . 2~ Activities of the Section of Powr Engineering of Ite lasociation of Engineers and Technicians of the Metallurgical Industry. Energetyka przem 10 no.12:432-433 D 162. PC71I-" K S S . Rational management of electricity as a basic factor in industrial efficiency, P. 41. (ENERGETYKA, Stalinogrod, Vol. 9. no. 1t Jan./Feb. 1955.) SOr Monthly List of East European Accessions,(EEAL)p LC, Vol. h, Mo. 1~ 1111. 1955, Uncl. POTOK., Edmund,, mgr inz. Struggle for rational power management as one of the supreme tasks of material management. GOOP paliw 11 no.11:433 N t63. L 6514-66 EWP(t)/EWP(b) JQ ACC NR: AP5025559 SOURCE CODE: PO/0021/65/000/008/'0308/0311 AUTHOR: P id (Paster engineer);. PAg~~k. (Docento Doctor$ Engineer);' 7(Doctor #'Engineer) 1# HickiexL=,_Jexzy_ (?"ter engineer); iec, AjekW_djr_, MaCe-ter evgl"er); G1ink4,_Tadauaz_ (P4nter erigineer); Uz Wladyslav (Haster enenear) ORG: [Potok] " Laziskall Ironworks (fluta 111,aziska!'); C Paszek, Kabek, Hickiewicz, Zywiec, Gfinka, Mizia I Department of Electrical Machines, Sites i I (Politechnika Slaska Katedra Maszyn Elektrycznych) TITLE: Advanced method of controlling the feed of electrodes in elecfxic are furna ep by means. of transducers 19 SOURCE: Przeglad elektrotecbniczny, no. 8, 1965, 308-311 TOPIC TAGS: are furnace, electrode, automatic control system, measuring instrument., +'~A.111 ABSTRACT: After a brief discussion of the operational characteristics of electric arc furnacei the paper discusses at length the requirements which must be met by electrode feed systems. The systems controlling the electrode feed In are furnaces are then divided Into five groups depending on the measurement and the amplifying units. Control systems using transducer amplifiers are discussed and their advantages In comparison with tho other methods are pointe( out. A schematic of aneleclxodefeed control system employing traividucers developed by Silesian Polytechnic Institute (PoRtechnika Slaska) to shown. It consists of a measurement unit, ACC NR- AP5025559 amplifiers, and a motor drive, The measurement unit compares voltages which are propor- tional to the are current and arc voltage. The simplified equivalent circuit of the -measure- ment unit is analytically investigated. The system was fabricated -to be used jn an arc furnace in the "Laziska" Ironworks (Huts. "Laziska,") for smelting ferro-m.T~ese~. Vrhe size of the system Is 1. 85xO. 7xJ85, and its operation is illustrated by a numbear of oscillograms. The re sults of tests in operation are given. Orig. art. has: 12 figures &ad 7 formulas. SUB CODE: EC, IE / SUBM DATE: none /ORIG REF: 001 / OTH ILEF: 0031 SOV REP: 001 Card i OTOK, Ldmund, ragr inz. Experimentully est,%bliolied dafinition of the por unit conamaption of olectric power in the production of ferro.-~I- icon. Gosp paliw 12 no. 3: 97-'T Mr t 64 SHISHALOV, V.A. AUBAKIROVA, R.B.- KOZLOVSKAYA, Z.A.; _E(:L Antofngnstitru nnd totallackite from t"rp oxidO.Ion zonc. ~,_' -he Dzhezkazgen depostt. Izv. AN Kazakh. S-':'R. Ser. geol. 21 no.r., 90-95 S-0 164. (MJRA !8z5) 1. Institut geologichoskikh rinuk im. K.I.Satpaypve AIN KazSSR, Alma-Ata. GEKHT, I.I.; POTOK, S.I. Determination of ferrous oxide in tourmalines in sm-11 batches. Yest.Kazakh.SSR 16 no.9:68-71 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Iron oxides) (Tourmaline) 15-57-7-9370 Translation from: Referativn y zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, 1-tr 7, F 91 (USSU AUTHORS: Yanulova, M. K.) Poto TITLE: A Bismuth Mineral in the Karagayly Deposit (0 vismu- tovom minerale Karagaylinskogo mestorozhdeniya) PERIODICAL: Izv. AN KazSSR, ser. geol., 1956, fir 25, pp 100-106 ABSTRACT: Aikinite has been identified in the mineralized skarns of the Karagayly lead-zinc deposit. The mineral forms elongate-prismatic crystals with longitudinal striations and without terminations. The crystals are commonly fractured, broken, bent, or twisted. Indi- vidual crystals or grains reach a length of 10 mm, and a cross-sectional diameter of 2 mm. The mineral is silvery blackish gray; its luster is strongly metallic; its hardness is 2 to 2.5, and its specific gravity Card 1/2 6.9 to 7.16. Microscopic study has shown that its 15-57-7-9370 A Bismuth Mineral in the Karagayly (Cont.) reflecting power is equivalent to that of galena, but the color is a scarcely detectable yellow. The relief is almost the same as for galena. The variation in reflection is weak, but the mineral is clearly anisotropic. Anhedral and elongated grains are distin7 guished under the microscope. The mineral effervesces in HN03 and turns black. It contains Bi 30.4 percent, Pb 39.3 percent, Cu 10.4 percent, S 15.7 percent, SiO 3.2 percent, CaO 0.4 percent: total 99.4 percent. In a garnet SLrn bcdy, the aikinite forms large, irregular, locally rather thick disseminations, most commonly associated with nests of sphalerite and segregations of chalcopy- rite. In zones of wollastonite skarns, it forms small, uniformly thin disseminations. In veinlets and nests of quartz, the aikinite is found in idiomorphic crystals with a well-developed prismatic zone. The mineral is associated with sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena,and, rarely, bornite and other minerals. Card 2 2 K. N. Ryabicheva