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POSTUPALISKAYA Mariya Ivanovna; ARDAS1241KOVA, Sarra Donovna; V.V.,, nauchn. red.; lF.UKENOV, M., red.; MIKHAYIDVSKAYA, N.,, tekhn. red. Obruchev. Moskvas Molodaia gvardiia, 1963. 429 p.(Zhiznl zamechatellnykh liudei. Seriia biografii, no.13(369)) (MIRA 17:3) SCTB DD ACC NRk AP6007753 SOURCE CODE: UR/0301/66/012/001/0078/0081- AUTHOR: Postupa~ev~. ;-Ma ORG: Department of Biochemistry and Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the Khabarovsk Medical Institute (Kafedra biokhimii I kafedra neorganicheskoy khimii Khabarovskago meditsinakago inatituta) MTLE: The activity of glucose-6-phosphatase in the liver and kidneys of rats ..duringracute. hypoxia T, SOURCE: Voprosy,meditsinskoy khimii, v. 12, no. 1, 1966) 78-81 TOPIC TAGS: hypoxia, enzyme, corticosteroid agent, liver, kidney, rat, insulin ABSTRACT: -Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of hypoxia an glucose-6_Phosphatase activity In the liver and kidneys of animals. White rats weighing 1810-450 g were placed in a pressure chamber where the pressure was gradually decreased to 2.00 mm H& were killed upon -(approx. 10 000m). The animals removal from the pressure chamber,,and tissue samples were taken from the organs investigated. The activity of theenzyme glucose-6-phospbatase was determined by n of incubation at 37C with glucose-6- ~.the inorganic phosphate increase after 20 mi phosphate. one group of experimental animals received an insulin injection Card 1/2 UDC: 616-008.922.1.04-07:616.36-008.931.422-074 L 21541-66 ACC NRI%,. AP6007753 one hour before entering the pressure chamber. Data from (4 wits-/kg of body weight) normal rats showed a 1 1/2:1 ratio of glucose-6-phosphatase activity in kidneys and liver. Experimental results showed that hypoxia.caused a definite and statistically reliable increase in glucose-6- hosphatase activity in rat liver (48.4% on the p average), but did-not alter the enzyme's activity in the kidneys. Possible explana- tions-for the observed increase in the rate of glucose-6-phosphatase activity in the are suggested. Increased incretion of steroid hormones may activate the re- action in hypoxic conditions. The glucose-6-phosphatase in-the kidneys is probably re resistant to the effect of these hormones. Experiments with insulin, which' has an effect opposite to that of corticosteroids on the glucose-6-phosphatase of the liver, indirectly confirmed the hypothesis about the activating effect of corticosteroids on - the enzymatic reaction during hypoxia. It was found that -an, insulin inJection one hour before entering the pressure chamber counteracted the hypoxia-caused'increase in glucose-6-phosphatase activity in the liver and some- what decreased the enzyme's activity in the,.kidneys. Orig. art. has: I table. [is] SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 22Aug64/ ORIG'-. REF: 0081 OTH REF: Oll/ ATD PRESS: C L -ard er L BRAGINSKI, Alcksander;.POSTUFOLSKI, Tomasz - y of b~h-Zn f err-' tea T,-- morar-I inst-abi'lity of the permeabilit- J. tunder magnetic amplitude forcings. Przegl elektroniki 5 no.!1:609-616 N 164. 1. Polfer Works, Warsaw. .4 _FOITUPOISKI Tomasz BRAGINSKI Aleksander; ,- Temporary instability of the permeability of manganese-. zinc ferrites. Przegl elektroniki 1~ no. 10/11-.651- 658 O-N 163. 1. "Polfer.," Warszawa. PABHWKI, Wieslaw,-mgr., inz.;:.P.OSTUPOLSKI,Tonaaz,_3gr-., inz. P~resent.sta.tus and requir6ments of.standardizing oxide materials and imagnetic elements used in'teleelectricity. Normalizacja 29 no.11/12: 526-630- -1610.'~ (Magnetic materials) 45346 s/181/63/005/002/028/0-1 B104/B102 AUTHORS: Korsunskiyo. No,. 1. land Postuehuk No So TITLE: Adhesion levels in'am6rp#ous selenium doped with mercury PERIODICAL: Fizika, tverdogo tela, ve 5, no. 1963, 559-563 TEXT: The kinetics of the photoconductivity of amorphous selenium with Hg impurities was studied in the ranges 360 460 mg and 600 - 720 m1i at different light Intensities and temperatures. The photoconductivity- relaxation curves were found ,to be S-shaped (FTT, 3t 8# 1961.; 2t 3, 19610) : like the relaxation ourves of the monopolar'photoconductivity in US single crystals observed by Ryvkin and Paritskiy. This proves the existence of adhesion levels with 0-37 ev in amorphous'selenium. Some parameters ofthe semiconductor were estimated from the.8-ourve by a method suggested by Paritakiy and Ryvkin. The adhesion level concen.; 13 -3 tration is 2#10 am . ~The quantum yield.between 360'and 460 mp is -2 2*10 and the darrier-lifetime is >0-0017 sect and between 600 and 720 mp it i's B-5-10- 5 and >0-3'1 sect respectively. The effective.carrier' bard 1/2 M, ow: i Wo M ~ ~Wm . ~W_ ~_ KLEXINAY N.V., POSTYAFOV, A.P., DUDNIKOV, AJ. Preparation of fcot--and-mouth disease virus antigens for gel- precipitin tests. Acta virol. 8 no-5:478 S 164. 1. The Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine, Kharkov, Ukrainian S.S.R. MEZEI, Belat dr.0zA4-POSVE4YI, Khtalin, dr.; VARKONYI, Peter, dr. The incre.Ose of insulin sensitivity with ganglioi#~,bloccking agents in insulin. shock therapy. I. Hexamethon. Ideggyogy. szemle 11+ no.4:108-312 Ap 163. 1. Szekesfahervari Varosi es 14e#ei Korhas Ideg-Elmeosztalyanak koz- lemenye. (Igazgato: Szoro Zoltan dr.)- (SHOCK THEWY, INSULIN) (HEW-STHONIUM COMPOUNDS) MEZEI, Bela, dr.-; POSTYENYI, Katalin, dr.; VARKONYI, Peter, dr. The increase of insulin sensitivity by gan nid..0blocking agents in insulin shock therapy. II. Synapleg. Ideggyogy. szemle 14 noi4:111-112 Ap 163. 1. Szekesfehervari Varosi es Megyei Korhaz Ideg-Elmoooztalymnak koolemenye. (Igazgato: Szoro Zoltan dr.). (SHOCK THERAPY, INSULIN) (SCHIZOPHRENIA) (FEMPIDINE) (HMW4FH0NIUM COMPOUNDS) POSTYK, V.V.p KUOCHKIV) K.T.) BAUM, B.A., KOHOVALOV) AC.1 TIECILE110, 11-P. IsDistribution of Hydrogen and Nitrogen in Steel Castings," lecture given at the Fourth Conference on Steelmaking, A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy, Moscow, July 1-6, 1957 ZROCHKIN. K.T., kand.tekhn.nauk; BAUM, B.A., inzh.; MOVAMT, A.S., inzh.; POSTYU, m...-Ansh'. Gas moisture In open-hearth furnace combustion chambers and hydrogen content in the metal. Metallurg 4 no-3*16-19 Mr 159- (MIRA 12:4) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskly institut im. S.M6 11rova I Omekly savod transportnogo mashinostroyeniya. (Open-hearth furnaces) (Steel-hydrogen contetn) KUROCTIKIN, K.T., dotsent, kan*d.tekhn.nauk; BAU14, B.A.. inzh.; KONOVAWV,A.S., Jnzh.; POSTYKA, V.V., Inzh.; TIACHNIZO, N.Y., inzh. Distribution of hydrogen and nitrogen in etenl castings* Izvovye. ucheb.zav.; chern.set. 2 no.2:1P3_49 F 159. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Ural'sk-iy politekhnicheskiy Institut i Omskiy mashinostroitel'My 2avod. Rekonendovano Imfedroy metallurgit stali Urallskogo politelchnichaskogo Instituta. (Steel castings) (Gases in metals) S/128/6Z/000/005/003/005 A004/A127 AUTHORS: Babidi, Ye.P.;* Saburov, V.P.; Postyka, V.V. TITLE: Formation of screen-like porosity in steel castings PERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, no. 5, 1962, 30 -'32 TEXT: The authors describe'the phenomenon of screen-like porosity In steel castings and a number of characteristic features connected with It. They refer to extensive investigations carried out to elucidate*the various factors leading to a formation of screen-like porosity. The process of screen-like po-- rosity formation consists of four periods, the first of which lasts from the mo- ment of the liquid metal being poured into the mold up to the formation of a solid skin on the casting surface. The second period starts simultaneously with the first and extends from the beginning of the interaction between the mold humidity and the liquid metal to the point when the molding sand-becomes com- pletely dry. The third period sets in immediately after the second when the free hydrogen either escapes into the air or dissolves in the metal, where its concentration might attain 0.0024%. The fourth period begins when the first is Card 1/3 S/128/62/000/005/003/005 Formation of screen-like porosity in steel castings A004/A127- drawing to a close, and if this-occurs prior to the termination of the second -.and third period, a high hydrogen concentration remains underneath the forming solid skin. The authors give a d6tailed description of the mechanism and the conditions of the formation of screen-like porosity, comment on tents being car- ried out with specially prepared specimens and point out that the greatest amourt of pores formed with amedium wall thickness of the casting, which corresponds to the conditions of the peculiar maximum of screen-like porosity. If the car- bon contfnt of the steel casting is raised, the possibility of the formation of Pereen-11ke porosity is considerably reduced on account of the increased tendon- cy of low-carbon sieels to oxidation and a reduction of the melting temperature o~R steels with an elevated carbon content. The harmful effect of a high humidi- ty of the mold is also-emphasized and was confirmed in appropriate tests.~ If the steel is loured into dry molds the necessary conditions for the.formation of -like porosity do not prevail, and the specimens cast in dry molds were screen free from porosity. In their conclusion, the authors stress the point that the formation of ser6en-like porosity is caused by the simultaneous presence in the stepl of hydrogen and ferrou3 oxide duringt~ie formation of the solid skin, i.e., ~n 4mounts which exceed the ciitical magnittide, and by the.duration of the in- Card Z/3 0. K. PA 4IT26 1948 aliuiki~m-:By-produots. Road Mateiials "Production of Cinder Block at the.Chusavsk Works," G. K. Postylyakov, 1. A~ Glyzin, Engineers, I p .."Stall" NO 1 In Jun 1946 teste.were conducted at the Chusovsk-Metal. lurgical Works to determine the possibility of,using titanium dome furnace cinders as a base for road cinder block. Discusses the results of the tests. States that the blockefulfilled all the requirements set up by GMT, and observes that storage of these -blooks outside eVen under vinter cmditl=s will.not lover,the qua.114. 4IT26 USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Carbohydrate Y4tabolism. T Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1958, No. 69851 Author :Lazarevy G. I.; Firsunkova, S. Ya., Postylyakova,, R. I.; Grivina, V. V. Inst :Koetromsk Agricultural Inotituto Title :Conditioned Reflex Influence on the Blood Sugar level and on the Formed Elements of the Blood Orig Pub :Tr. Koetromsk. 9.-kh. in-ta, 1957, No 1, 117-121 Abstract :No abstraot given Card 1/1 SIMIMKO, Lev Platonovich [deceased); SHEFELISKIY, A.I., kand. sell- khoz, nauk, glav. red.; KOVTUN, I.M.., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, ,,zam. glav. red.; RODIONOV, A.F., zam. glav. red.; ~Q4ULIa~,-Aj. doktor biol. nauk, zam. glav. red.; DEMIYARETS, Ye.F., starshiy nauchnyy sotr;, red. tote; LISOVENKO, L.T., kand. biol. nauk, hauchrWy sotr., red. toma; NIKONEW, M.N.# kand. biol. naukq red. tomal POSTOYUK, A.V.J. red.; DEREVYANKO, G.S... tekhn. red. .1 [Pomology in three volumes; apple, pear, stone fruits] Pomologiia v trekh tomakh; iablonia., grusha, kostochkovye porody. Kiev, Izd-vo Ukrainslkoi Akad. se-11khoz. nauk. Vol.l. [Apple] lAblonia. 1961. 578 p. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Ukrainskiy nauctmo-issledovatellskiy institut sadovodstva (for Demlyanets, Lisovenko). (Apple-Varieties) FOSUNIKO, A.G. Exponent a in the formula for calculating the intensity of showers for Transcaucasia and the Computation curve of the shower parameter of different durations. Izv. AN Arm.SSR. Geol.i geog.nauki 16 no.4/52177-178 163. po"I'll'i YO on the -espir~-tion -if C02 1 tie K- za SH 'a"ir e".'ttl 'Karw,. -er 'Trudir inst. fiziol. AN -!C- S' 17: 10 POSUTRAN, V. Always together. IITO no.12:35 D '59 (KIU 13:3) 1. Predsedstell noveta Ilauchno-tekhnicheakogo obahcheatva, g. Balakhna, Gorlkovskaya oblnst'. (Gorkiy)tydroelectric Power Station--Technological innovations) POSUDIAN~ V. M. 18060 dr, cklev6les marnt:;k, a muazakl tiviomanyok Z' mernok- 'Lr-,K~ 4ano~-- Oki TI -fl. oldeveles $ ip', 4ng. 0 zecho tjjjo?,-.any-os mankatar3; oAl ,urrent questions of s ~ I tion. Melyepitesti, D 164~ Mechanlc9 Of the Road Research If ad, Labcr~ltory of Soil lnst.~ tube, Budapeet "for Gaspa-t-)~ 2, Head, 11:Lghway 3. Higtvway Main Direczo-a'e Ka-,)c,,s%-ar 14~cr Zs--!:-I,t L I , (f~r Minlstry of T-.an3portat-on qnd Postal Affairs, Tesy) J~TA#,A-I~~., inzo, CSc.; SIR, Josef, inz. Reinforcement of nondurable roads with local material. Si..1n doprava. 11 no.7:2-5 963. 1-. Vyzkumiy ustav dopravai (f6r Poevar). 2. Silnicni vyvoj Brno (for Sir),, FOSVIANSKII, F., comp. Pokushenie na Kenina ... 1925. The attempt on Lenin's life on August 18, 1918. 2. ed. rev. and enl. Pod red. N. Ovsiannikova i St. Krivtsova, Mosk7a Novaia Moskva, 1925. (Bibl-ioteka raboche- krestliansko'L molodezhi) F. , comp. Fak-ushenle n,; I~etltna ... 1"15- (-'arc' 2) I . - The attempt on Lenin's life on August 181, 1918. 2. ed. rev. and enl. Pod red. ".. .3v3iannikova i St. Krivtsova. Moskva. Novdis. Mas'l-va, 1)25. (Biblioteks. rabache-krestlianskoi molodezhi) 1. FOSVYINSKIY, P. B. 2. USSR (600) 4. Physicians 7. Aleksandr Samoilovich Rozenbliwn: 50th anniversary of death. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 53 No. 2, 1953. 1 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified. -7 Fides 3"ins ~on-vcyer -~-te= in f--n4shin- 0")erz!"*O:w o" J, 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1.1'arch 195i, Uncl. 1. im"C'~VCLIS?IKAY;i., D.3. 2NG.. 3 T IT',,Rl~ z I ........ . 2. US,-,7 (60-0) 4. Fur 7. Stud,,.--'nrr the cuttinc, of -,Datterns for collars 'Lro-,,i dyed 'Lox slll-ins a cc,:rl--'n.,,- to engineer Yovc--lev's 7-iothod. Lerr.prcm no. 12, 1952 9. Hcn~!,Iy List. ofRu'ssian .Acc esz-~.Cvts, Li-brar-,- OrGong ess, liarch it-ir-I Unclass*f- r .-eu. POSVOPSKAYA, D. S., SIUROKOV, P. P. Leather Industry Plan for mechanizing the trans portation of rabbit skin3 in the scraping-pickeling section. Leg. prom. 12 no. 8, 1952. Monthly.List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Ocotber 1952. Unclassified. Stu,d7- of fr-;:7-.vqtlcn b-I roar.25 ef dialpils. Part 2? Derivirle an equatirn fur tb6 rl,)te-,-minaUcn of tha reaction equillibrium ormstant, Radiolffilrvdli 7 no,5,~676-579 165, Comple,-. ftrmation. stndled by man-i of dia3pjis. Part 312 UvaLa:-mir of the first constant of hydx-olysib of cadmlum and zinc acatate'... lbid.a623-625 (MIRA l8gIO) POSVYANSKIY, Aleksandr Davidovich; RYZHOV, Nikolay Nikolayevich; Prinimal uchastije RYZHOV, N.N.; BDCHAROVA, Tu.F.,, red. izd-va; VOROHINA, R.K., tekhn. red. -- [Problems in descriptive geometry] Sbornik zadach po na- chertatellnoi geometrii. Pod red. N.F.Chetverukhina. Izd.g, Moskva, Vysahaia shkola, 1963. 288 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Geometry, Descriptive) D. ,1Vector-!..'Aor ir, Desm :A1 fj~rzef 7'r r.-* I. Cia C Thisis -for deeryea of Cand, Technical Sci. Sub 22 Jun 4% P"Oscow Yachine Tools Inst imeni I. V. Stalin Suihmary 82, IS Doc 52, Dissertsions Presented For Dafrreos I!) ;Cii~nce fold Fi-ldnoor- ing in Poscow It, 194(,,). From. Vvehurlivaya !,,oskva, Jail-Doc 191,9. FEDOTOV, G.I., naiieltin. . J~ WCHAROVA, YU.F.; ~6r. (Brief course in descriptive geometry] Kratkii kurs na- chertatellnoi geometril. jzd.2., perer. Moskva: Vysshaia shkola, 1965. 230' P. (MIRA 18:t) SOV/124- 57- 5- 5125 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 5, p 4 (USSR) AUTHOR: PosvyanskLy, A- __ -D TITLE: Geometric Indications of the Linear Independence of Motors From Their Representation on Drawings (Geometricheskiye priznaki lineynoy nezavisimosti motorov po ikh izobrazheniyarn na chertezhe) PERIODICAL: Tr. Dal'nevost. politekhn. in-ta, 1954, Nr 43, pp 247-259 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 W* I:: redaktor; TSVETKOV, redaktor try] Sbornik zadach tyerukhins. Moskva, (MLRA 10:3) i8es, etc.) POSVYANSKIY, Aleksandr Davydovich; FEDOROV, G.I.,, nauchryy red.; SOINOV, V. I.. red. izd-va; YEZHOVA, L.P.,; tekhn. red. (Brief course in descripti ve geometry] Kratkii kurs nacherta- tellnoi geometrii. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola, " 1961. 270 p. (MIRA 15:3) ~Geometry, Descriptive) k-- I_ - ---) 1-1 1 '1 ) 1-1, , 'V MAZUROV, S.M.; POSVOLISKIY. M.V.; YA14DVSKIY, V-V. Research in the field of obtaining new heav7 liquids for anal7zing spore-pollen, diatoms. and minerals. Razved.i okh.u"r 21 no.6: 16-20 N-D '55. (MIRA 9:12) (Halides) (Mineralogy. Determinative) (Palsobot&zW) NIKGLISKIY, B.P.; POSVOLISKIY, M.V.; KRYLOV, L.I. Ps. rtial. thermodynamic equilibria in non!3quilibrkum syste-=2. Fart 1; ite- action of plutonium with hydroggen peroxide in the presence of various ligands. Radiokhimiia 7 no.3!298-305 t65. (MIRA 18:7) LYI.,B-)SV, R.I. by he d4_q' 5_1 m'. ly CA T*?w-,,rf~!:--':w,"l Nu,~;le for ,-he -Dossible use of dialysis in prlj~!asses~ Radiokhird'la 7 no.4s -41.6 165, (MIRA 11838) 1103VOL'SY-TY, A. V. 27152. BERSEIEV, A. S., POSVOL'SM, M. V. - Ratsional'naya s-nazka kolets krutilInykh vaterov. Tekstil- Pro-n-st', 1949, No. 3. e.,~6-33- SO: Letopial Zhurndllnykh Statey, Vol. 36, 1949 PC,5~--,j I - - -.. i ~, C, A ~. , al -, : -.I - -111- 1 ) - . . 1~,41'Ny,lkh 11,Aerov. Tekstlil. Prom-st', R-stsiona-L'naya Smazkrl Kol9ts !al, I 1 11 No. 81 3. 36-31.2 SO: L:~"fOPTS "0. 34. - Powymny, P. - B.- Posvyanskiy, P. B. - "Penicillin therapy in progressive paralysis," Trudy Tsentr. in-ta psikhiatrii, Vol. IV, 1949, p. 281-308 SO: U-4934. 29 Oci 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 16, 1949). --l- I I - -- . T 17 1 T USSR/Illedicine Pschiatrjv- i an,~F;nb-,' !~ubj-ic Health "A new Stage in the Developm,-~rt of Soviet Psychiatric Organization," G. G. Karanovich o .7 Hon Dr RSFSR, Gen Inst of Psychiatry, 141in of Pub Health RSP-S-11, 0 pp "Nevropatol i PsiIk-hiatII Vol XVIIII, No 1 Soviet psychiatric organization is divided into stages: (1) restoration of prerevolution- ary institutions,)-l-raining of staffs and introducing psychiatric departments into existing hospitals, and (2 organization of this network and its nitthods, initiated by decree of the Board, People's ComLissariat for Health RSIFSR, 28 Apr 32. Gives statistics on niunber of doctors,, mortality rate, etc. Criticizes existing methods and states requirements. Compares US hospitals unfavorably. Dir, Cen Inst of Psychiatry: P. B. Posvyanskiy. PA 149T71 1. P0J)VY.'tN,5KrI, P. B. 2. U33H (6oo) 4. Rozenblium, Aleksandr Samolovich, 1866-1903. 7. Aleksandr Samoilovich Rose nblium: 50th anniversary of death, Zhur. nevr. i psilkh. 53, No. 2, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, y -1953. Unclassified. FO,JVYAINJKIY, 1".B. Occupational Diseases Dissertation: "Modern Froblems of Diagnosis, Clinical- Treat-ment and Thempy of Paresis.11 Dr Med Sci, Central Inst for the Advanced Training of Fbysicians, 23 gar 54. (Vechernyay'a Moskva, Moscow, 13 Mar 54). SO: SLU 213, 20 Sep 54 POSVYANSK 'T.Wagner-Jouregg; on the 100th aaniverssr7 of ME birth. Zhur.rArr. I paikh. 57 no.8:1035-1037 '57e (MIRA 10i11) (WAGNMR-JAURIGG.,JULIUS. 1857-1940) POSVYANSKIY, P.B. Pseudoparaly-tic syndrome in vascula-r diseasses of the braiin. Tt-Ldy Gos. nauchno-issl. inst. psikh. 22:201-222 160. (Y--LRA 15:1) 1. Dispansernoye otdeleniye instituta psikhiatrii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSlR (zav. otdeleniyem - doktor med.nauk P.B. Posvyanskiy) i klinika sosudistykh psikhozov (zav. - prof. V.M.Banshchikov) Gosudarstvennogo iiauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta paikhiatrii Ministerstva zdravookhraniya RSFSR. (CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE) (PARALYSid) POSVYANSKIY, ~.B.) ZAYTSE-V, D.A. ... - - -_.. ~ , , I . - Irformation. Zhur. nevz. -4 psikh. 64 no.841264, 16-4. (MIRA 17.12) RAMMEN, I.F.; FEDOTOV, D.D., prof.,; PO-SVYANSKIY, P.B., prof. otv. red.; GOFMAN, K.G.,, red.; RAVEN, A.G.,- red. (Cooping treatment of the morphine abstinence syndrome using cholinolytic and curarelike substances; a methodological letter] Kupirovanie morfiinoi abstinentsii kholinoliticheskimi i kurare- podobnymi preparatami; metodicheskoe pisImo. Moskva, 1965. 23 P. (MA 18:8) Mosbaw. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledorvatel'skiy institut psikhiatrii. YEF11401', A.11., glav. red.; BACOR121, A.V., red.; VOLODA:LSYJY, L.N., rcd.; GIRSH.F-MG, red.; GI1,.'ZHURG, 3.Z.., red.; DU11DUKOV, G.F., red.; KIFUUREII, D.M.., red.; Y11W-3tTO, K.I.,, red.; KOMAI-10V, F.V., red.; KOROLIKOV, A.U., red.; KfYLOV, P.N., red.; LIVANSKAYA, F.V., red.; LOKSHIN, E.Yu., red.; OST'ItOVITY2.10vil K.V., red.; FOSVYAVSK1Y Q Q red.; P',-"WDF1;SKIY, G.A., red.; I-AZUMOV, N.A.., red.; RUDYANT-SEV,A.F., ,red.; TATUR, S.K., red.; ShUK11GALITER, L.Ya.., red.; BAWUOVA, G.V., starshiy nauchnyy red., kand. ekon. nauk; RISEL11UH, S.M., starshiy nauchryy red.; GLAGOIBV, V.S., naucbmyy red.; TIRAIANGVA, N.L.., nauchrrrf red.; BLAGODARSKAYA, Ye.V., mdad. red.; SHUSTROVA, V.11., mladshiyy red.; QYDUKOV, Yu.A., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; ZBARSKIY, red.; LOZOVOY, Ya.D.,, red.; SIRGEYEV, A.V., dots., red.; KllffFErS, L.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; LYUBOVICH, Yu.O., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; SYSOYEEV, P.V., red.; KOS-11, S.D.) tekhn. red. (Economic encyclopedia; industry and construction]Ekonomiche- skaia entsiklopediia; promyshlennost' i stroitel'stvo. Chleny red. kollegii: A.V.Bachurin i dr. Moskva, Gos.nauchn. izd--vo "Sovotsicala entsiklopediia." Vol.l. A - UL. 1962. 951 P. (MIRA 15:10) (Russia--Industries-Dictionaries) (Construction industry-Dictionaries) KOIDOBSKIY, A.G.; MEDVEDEV, S.I.; PISKOPPEL', F.G.; YAKOBSO11, M.G.~rinimali uchastiye: BERIMM,I.B.; OSLIKOVSKUA, Ye.S.; PEREKISLOVA, A.M.; LITVIN' V.M.; PARKH&~O, Ye.V.; STOTIK, A.M.; SHAPIRO, T.I.; STRU- M~ILIN, S.G., akad., glav, red.; ALEKSMiKO, G.V., red.; ANISIMOV, B.I., red.; VOLODARSKIY, L.M., r*.; GERSHBERG, S.R., reilaktor; red.; PETROV, A.I., red.k POSVY-ANSK1Y,_S.S.,_red.; BAZARUVA, G.V.., kAid. ekonom. nauk., starshiy nauch=jy red.; KISELIMX1, S.M., starobiy nauc,hnyy red.; LIVANSKAYA, F V., kand. ekonom. nauk, starshiy nauchW reif.;* GIAGOLEV, V.S., nhuch;;~ red.; NEDBAYEV, V.I., nauchnyy red.; TUMANOVA, N.L.,, nauchnyy red..,- TOVMASYJUI, M.E., red.; BIAGODARSKAYA, Ye.V., mladshiy red.; SHUSTROVA, V.M., mladshiy red.; ZENTSELISKAYA, Ch.A., tekhn. red. [The economic life of the U.S.S.R.; chronicle of events and facts, 1917-19591 Ekonomicheskaia zhizn' SSSR; khronika sobytii i faktov 1917-1959. Glav. red. S.G.Strumilin. Chlery red. kollegii: 4oksenko i dr. Moskva., Goo. nauchn.izd-vo "Sovetakaia entaiklopediia," 1961. 779 p. (MIRA 1/~:10) 1. TSentrallnaya nauchnkya sel'skokhozyaystvennaya biblioteka Vse- soyuznoy akademii sel 'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. lenina (for Litvin, Parkhomenko, STOTIK, Shapiro). (Russia-Economic conditions) 135-9-20/24 AUTHORSt Yermolenko, N.P., Poeyada, B.I.p and Nemtgov, N.S.j Engineers TITLE: Health Protection During Electric Welding Operations (Ozdorov- leniye usloviy truda pri elektroevarochnykh rabotakh) PERIODICAL: ."Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo", 1957, 9, p 37-39 (USSR) ABSTRA M The article discusses the harmfulness of gases and dust con- I taining quartz, manganese and Iron compounds and describes the welder's masks employed by the plant imeni Illich. Description of several specific mask designs is given for work conditions inside closed vessels (RR tank care), for external workp for work on large structures# and with air pre-heating for winter work. Porced air feed is used in three models while in one a 50 cm long hose hanging down into clean air is utilized. The description of all masks is detailed and illustrated. One half-mask model on a welder's shield provides complete protection against gas and dust. It is now series-produced at the plant concerned, and over 500 pieces have been handed out to workshops for use. It is stated that the masks constitute a certain inconvenience Card 1/2 to the welder and cause comparatively high. costs for the POSYADA...,V,,S.;..TITOV, A.M. Experience in introducing prefabricated reinforced concrete construction. Mekh.trad.rab. 8 no,7:8-11 O-N 154.(MLYA 8:1) 1. Glaynyy tekhnolog tresta Zaporozhstroy (for Pbeyada). 2. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdela tresta (for Thoy). (Precast concrete construction) ! POSTADA, V.S.; B"UY, V,G. Xaking precast reinforced concrete elementB in proving grounds. Sbor.mat. o nov.tekh. v stroi. 16 no.9:6-8 154. (MM 7:123 1. Glavnyy tekhriolog tresta Zaporozhatroy (for Posyada). 2. Glavnyy tekhnolog tresta Krivorozhakoy (for Babayev). (Precast concrete construction) UVRENTIYEV, S.. in2h.; POSYADA, Yu., i,,zh. New convex slabs for hipped roofs. Stroj.i arkbit. 8 no.6; 32-3 of cover Je 160. (HIM 13:6) (Concrete slabs) POSYADAj, Yu.N.; DOMYS11, A.M. Construction,of fcundations fur large-panel apartm~ent houses . On-SP-99ing soils in Zaporozhlye.. Osn., fiind. i mekh. grun. 3 no.5:3-4 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Zaporozhlye--Foundations). (Zaparozhlys--Apartment hmme) " LAVRFNTIYEV, S.D., inzh,; POSYADA, Yu.N., inzh. Foamed slag concrete for reinforced elements. Bet.i zhel.-bet. 8 no..9-.411-414 S 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Lightweight concrete-Testing) rip FOSYArA,_Tu.1T., inzh.- Concreting blast-furnace foundations at the 'Zaporozhstall" Plant. From. stroi. 37 no.11:29-31 N 159. (141RA 13:2) 1.Trest Zaporozhatroy. (Zaporozhle--Blast furnaces) (Foundations) POSYADA, Yu.H., inzh.; CHICHKOV, P.V., inzh. Making, assembling, and testing prestressed 30 m. girderE. Bet.i zhel.-bet. no-12:567-568 D 160. (KIRk 13:11) (Girders) ACC NRI A117005027 (IV) SOURCE CO IE UR /0 398 /66/00 0/007/1300 1/ 13002 AUTHOR: Verzhbitskaya, L. V. ; Kuznetsov, V. V. EosyLg G. S. TITLE- :Cathodic protection of steel in river water SOURCE: Ref. zh. Vodnyy transport, Abs. 7B4 REF SOURCE: Tr. Yestestvennon auchn. in-ta pri Permsk. un-te, v. 11, no. 1965, 79-84 TOPIC TAGS: water, inland, steel, magnesium, waterway, cathode polarization i /Steel 3, ML-5 alloy ABSTRACT: The magnitudes. of protective currents and the protective potentials of St-3 steel in Kama River water during cathodic polarization with external cury-,'.~ are determined. A model study was made of the changes in the potent'- ..A Ving polarization of wares with simple andintricate shape. It has beet! ~,-.cermined that it is possible to use cathodic protect.ion with an external current together with magnesium protectors of ML-5 alloys. Formation of salt deposits on the surface UDC: 620.193.2 ACC NR' AR7005027 of the steel has been observed. The role of the salt film in the protection oil steel from corrosion by external current is determined. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, and 1 table. The bibliography has 4 references. [Translation of abstract] [GCI SUB CODE: 11, 08/ card 2/2 ACC NR: AR6034810 (1VJ SOURCE CODE: UR/0398/66/000/008/V008/V003 AUTHOR: Verzhbitskaya, L. V. ; Kuznetsov, V. V.; Posyag-in, G. S. ------------ TITLE: Cathodic protection for steel in river water SOURCE: Ref. zh. Vodnyy transport, Abs. 8VJ5 REF SOURCE: Tr. Yestestvenno-nauchn. in-ta pri Permsk. un-te, v. 11, no. 31, 1965, 85-88 TOPIC TAGS: protective coating, cathodic protection, corrosion protection, steel corrosion ABSTRACT: Coatings made of Kuzbass varnish, EKA-15 paint, foamed plastics, EP-15 epoxy enamel, epoxy compound, and cement have been tested for use in cathodic protective coatings of steel 3 against corrosion in water from the Kama River. it is established that EKP-15 paint, Kuzbass varnish, foamed plastic, and EP-15 enamel all disintegrate under the effect of superimposed current, while the epoxy compound and cement coating of Portland cement were found to be good insulating materials, and, can be used for cathodic coatings with external current in Kama River water. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 11, 13/ Card UD C: 6 20. 197. 5 SARATOV AGRICULTURAL DIST, SARATICIII p,C,Sy", !I-, !. T. - "Chaar.-acterist-ic Agricultural Growinc- Techniques for V .; . - 11 T termelon aan~ - slaielon in the Penzen.51aya Mast." G-ind ';, Sci, 11343. I-la ..u - K ~ t~ 1, (RZhBiol, No 1, Sep 54) SO: Sm, 4' )2j 29 Yar 55 POSYAVIN, A. T. - c fiaricultur-al Growina Techniques for Watermelon and Muskmelon in the "Characteristi - Penzenskaya Oblast." Cand Igr Sci, Saratov Agricultural Inst, Saratov, 1953 (RDiBiol, No lp SOP 54) SO: Swa 432, 29 Mar 55 Kiy0iN, A. 7. "Characteri3tic ~~-riculturfll Growinw Tecfiniouoz,~ for '.Ltermclcn and r.usl--_lelon in the Penzenskaya Oblast." Gamr, Al:~r Sci., Saratov Ajl'icul 'k,u',al Inst, Saratov, 1953 (IlZhBiol, Nia 1, Sep :-'4') SO: Sm, 432, 29 Ear 55 r7 USSIR/Cultivntc~J - Podders.. i.ibs Jour 11(S - Bi6l., reD 10, inIC8, Id'.180 Aut"lor kosynvin, A.T. List Title Y. -. -2 ~ Be C sfor Fo(Idur I (clons Orig s -Id, !'~)Volzh YI--, 1957, No U, 92-93- Abo trict T:I(.~ 'k-laining faw') 1"niza ALyicultural -7uctc!c' :)n t-'-i(~ sovinr of fcdCcr r'wT,1dr-S, walcx .~~aons anO our-nor scrua i 1.1; x 1.4 n bad vit*., 1, 2, an-~ 4 plants per b,.me.'-. :~a c,-,rcrcv,.,c crop was eutainQC by r lCavin't onc: plan,~ ~.~f :u..~Azin, am,~! wator-melon aad --4 :)!:ants ;:,'I surzacr squa-.I-. in ~..,cac-. clustcx. 7..c! avcraL;c Df -Li,! finaits, the lunL-,',U.',. .~.C trailiiiL, roat", anc. fc-liatixi 0.,L:cI7c:-asc SI-tarply witl". incrcacsa in the numbur of -,Aants in thu nost. iT.I. Grib car(I 1/1 97 CARD&-#, 1. POSYAVIN, A. T. 2. USSR (600) 4. Penza Province - Melons 7. Growing watermelons and canteloupes in Pensa Province. Dost. sellkhoz. No. 5, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. 1. 110- MIXINI, A. T. 2. uss-F, (6oo) 4. Melons - Penza Province 7. Grou-ing watermelons and canteloupes in Panza Province, Dost.3ellkhoz. no. 4, 195" 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953, Uncl. ru Uf ~'Fn-,-fonct~.irln- and. in t~-e T b-n7r: nf 'Inn, rcs~~, -,,POSYL NU Y-V-~-Ya~ Changes in the specific veight of coal in the pm-ceas of metemorphi=. Dokl..AN SSSR 137 no,lsl78-181 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:2) l..Shakhtinakiy nauchno-ionleodvatel'skiy i proyektno-kontraktorskiy ugolInyy institut. Predstavleno akademikom A.I.Yanshinym. (Goal-Density) (Metasciphism (Geology)) Re POSYLINYY, V.Ya. Metamorphism of coal in the Ustf-Ioesogorok d"osit on Sakhalis, Sov. geol. 3 no. 9:141-144 S 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Shakhtinskiy mauchno-isoledavatellskiy ugolInyy institut. (Aakhalin-Coal geology) POSYLINrY, V.Ya, Thermal metamorphism of coals. Gaol. I geofiz. no.6:21-27 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Treat "Sakhalinuglegeologiyall. (Sakhalin--Coal goology) (Metamorphism (Geology)) AUTHORS: Kalishevich, T. G., Posyllnyy, V. Ya. 2o-119-4-38/6o TITLE: On the Absence of Interval in the Sedimentation Between the Cenozoic and the Mesozoic in the 1*9i0n ofSinegorsk-Zagorsk on the Isle of Sakhalin( Ob otsutsvii pereryva v osadkonakoplenii mezhdu kaynozoyem i mezozoyem v rayone Sinegorska-Zagorska na Sakhaline) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1956, VolQ 119, Nr 4, PP~- 766 - 76a ( USSR) ABSTRACT: On the strength of the Sinegorsk-Zagorsk exposure several authors (References 1-3,9,11) came to a conclusion concerning the discordant stratification of the Naybutinskaya Nizhneduys,- kaya)suite as marine sediments of Upper Cretaceous Senonian stage) though they did not observe the contact of the Cretaceous- and Tertiary sediments. KuTosava (Reference 5) said that there was no clear boundary of this kind. On the strength of newest investigations a detailed scheme of the exposure in question was determined. The author is of the same opinionas all previous reaearcb#rs;~ that there is no interval in the mass which formerly Card 1/3 had been Classified to the Senonian stage. He found for the 2o-119-4-38/6o On the Absence of Interval in the Sedimentation Between the Cenozoic and the Mesozoic in the Regimi of Sinegorsk-Zagorsk on the Isle of Sakhalin first time for Sakhalin'a concordant stratification of the Eocene Nizhneduyskaya suite on older sediments and thus the Absefice of an interval, as mentioned in the title. The Senonian Sea atill existed in Danian and Paleocene time, at least in this district, and had a normal salt content. A manifold marine fauna speaks in favor of this. Towards the end of Paleocene the water became shallovi and brackish. Continental carboniferous sediments begin to accumulate in Eocene(Nizhneduyskaya suite). In spite of lacking interval, as above mentioned, an abrupt replacement of the fauna complex occurs: great Inocerami and ammonites occur in Senonian stage; they vanish in the higher lying mass which is 6oo m thick. The reasons for this abrupt change of fauffa are not yet known. There are 11 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 2o-119-4-38/6o On the Absence of Interval in the Sedimentation Between the Cenozoic and the Mesozoic in the *gjojj O'fSinegorsk-Zagorsk on the Isle of Sa-khElin ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy soyuznyy geologicheskiy trest Sakhalinugle- geologiya (State Union Geological Truat Sakhalinuglegeologiya) PRESENTED: November 25, 1957, by S. I. Mironov, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: November 25, 1957 Card 3/3 POSYLINYYj V.Ya. Causea6of tbe increase in the specific gravit, y of coals at the lower stages.of metamorphism. Khim.i +,ekh.tqpl.i maBel 6 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:1) (Coal.-Geology) POSYLINYY, V. Ya. Cand Geol-Min Soi -- (diss) "Composition and metemorphiaz - 57,-,CGP- of Sakhalin coal." Rostov-on-Don, 1959. 21 pp (R6stov-on-Don Univ), 170 copies A (KL, 49-59, 138) -24- POSYLIM, V.Yn.; SALINIKOV, B.A. structure of Tertinry coal-bearint formations an Snkhmlin. Ixv.AN SSSR.Sar.gsol.21 no.ioaO-io? 0 156, (KLRA 10:1) 1. Treat SakhalinUglegeologiya Ministerstva ugollnoy proffqshlen- noati SSSR, g.Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. (Sakhalin--Goal geology) POSYSAYZV,_A..jnzhene.r._... _ _ _ ~ no The TisKIL-3 mobile painting unit. - -5:15-18 MY 157. I (Painting, Ind'!!Ktr--ial)' BFbRGKAN, A.G.; KISLOVA, A.I.; POSYPAYKO, V.I. ------ Complex formation and notathasis in ternaz7 systems of the an'-fates, tungetates and metaborates of lithium and potassium. Doklady Akad. Yank S.S.S.R. 88. 815-18 953. (KIRA 6:2) (CA 47 no.22:12090 '53) -A-b- VSSR/dhemistr72 Tetra-systems Oard 1/1 NO 151 ..;-Authors, 'Ber mian - G. KisIcN;A A., 1. a nd Posypayko,. V.. L. g. Title t -Double decompositimin the- abisence of"the-solvent. Part 2.- Tetra"system onAsting vr Jithium. and potassium Chlorides- sulfatee.and tungstatea )Periodical Zhur,' ob'. khim. 24/102,1722-17300 Oot 1954 -Abaiiaot Fivei: internal triangular sections'in a composition-priew were, investigated by. a -,visu~ po2.yt4ermal: rethod ti," determine 'the .-dimandions of 'internal dryptal- lization-volums-andtheir. dis sitiori tetra -dral form of tbe.prism, PO he position.-and locati6ns, of tetra leuteo.tic points. of ~the. system. '.- The results obtain6d'are.described in detail., The dentritic form of crystallization of -a.tetra.Li K cls S042~WO system was det6rmined Three USSR referenoes (193.6-1954~-.''4ables,*,gra;os; drawings.. The. Agricatuial Institute.,:, Kuban'. .1 February IT.". -1954 BMKLN, A.G.; KISIDTA. A.I.; POSYPAM, V.I. '-~- nz'gL~~)- Study'of ternary systems of lithium and potassium chlorides, sul- fates, and tungstates.- Part 2. ZhuroobAhin. 25 no.1:12-16 Ja 155.' WURA 8:4) 1. lubanskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut. (Chlorides) (Sulfates) (Tungstates)(Systems (Chemistry)) i. 9 6 -4 M AIMNC -S I M su 'PRATF .5 AND METAZO-qATF-9- PM mot -A, was app 042dy do I kqtdeAis c4ajr.;~-p~for this LI-604, *-Utoractlw~ sytsl -L-:L BFBDKAH, A.G.; KISIDTA, A.I.; POSTPATED, V.I. Exchange decomposition In absence of a solvent. Reciprocal system of potassium and lithium tungstates and metaborates. Zhur.obAhim. 25 ne.11-2044-2053 0 '55. (KM 9:4) I.Rostovskly-na-Denu gosudarmtvannyy universitet I Krasnodar- skiy ze3'skskhozyaystvennyy institut. '(Potasim gaits) (Lithium saltil) KISLOVA, A.I.; POSYPATED, V.I.; BERGMAN. A.G. Tungstate and sulfate exchange with the participation of alkali metal compounds of lithium and potassium in binary-system malts. Zhur.fiz. khim. 29 no.2:3'9-367 155. (MIRA 8:7) 1. Xubanmkiy sellskokhosyaystyenVy institut, Krasnodar. (Lithium malts) (Potassium salts) (Systems (Chemistry))