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I Fad MW RwWEPUM F low q 0 p 44 r VI 46imi A w CZECHOSLOVAKIA -ROPO-VIG,-A;-Chair of Pharmacology, Medical Faculty, Comenius University (Katedra. Parmakologie, Lek. Fak. UK), Brati3lava. "The Influence of Some Vasoactive Substances on Breathing of Isolated Arteries (I.Polypeptuides)." Pra!we, Ceskoslovenska Fy3iolo_rie, Vol 15, bro 2, Feb 66, p 80 Abstract: Trimcus pulmonalis requires less oxygen for breathing than the aorta, when referred to a unit of wo-iglit. Addition of Glycylvasopressin in a concentrat~wl of and Pftysa- laemin in a concentration of 1.10 14 reduce the amount of the oxygen required. Angiotensin in a concentration of 1.10 14 reduces oxygen recuired by truncus pulmonalis and blocks oxygen intake by the aorta. Experiments were conducted on rabbit arteries in vitro. No references. Submitted at "16 Days of Physiology" at Kosice, 29 Sep 65. 1/1 CZECHOSLOVAKIA -ROPOVIC.,-.A;. Chair of Pharmacology, Medical Faculty, Comenius University (Kntedra Farmakologie, Lok. Pak. UK), Bratislava. 0 "The Influence of Some Vasoactive Substances on Breathing of Isolated Arteries (I.Polypeptides)." Pra~-,ue, Ceskoslovenska Pysiologie, Vol 15, No 2p Feb 66, p 80 Abstract: Truncus pulmonalis requires less oxygen for breathing than the aorta., when referred to a unit of we4ght. Addition of Glycylvasopressin in a concentrat~wi of 1.10-1 M, and Physa- laemin in a concentration of 1.10 Y, reduce the ariount of the oxygen required. Angiotensin in a concentration of 1.10 M reduces oxygen recuired by truncus pulmonalis and blo,.-ks oxygen intake by Ehe aorta. Experiments were conducted on rabbit arteries in vitro. No references. Submitted at "16 Days of Physiology" at Kosice, 29 Sep 65. 1/1 L M75,:-66 7 1 ACC NR% AP6029585 SOURCE CODE: YU/0015/65/000/08-/0220/0223 AUTHOR: Doric, Radmila -(Professor; Doctor); Popo-ric, Anka (Doctor); M.c, Vladimir kFS-al (D r9"e4t-V--.99r9 (Doctor)--Suvakovic, Vojislav (Doctor);.4o OC4 or) J- 0RGt Infectious Diseases Clinic, Medical Clinic/headed by Professor, Doctor M. Nikolic7;-Belgr&de (Kilinika za infektivne bolesti Medicinskog fakulteta) TITLE: Clinical observations in viral he2atitis with pronounced cholestatic syndrome SOURCE: Nedicinski glasnik, nos 8-9,, 1965,, 220-223 TOM' TAGS: hepatitis, virus disease, clinical- medicine, biologic secretion ABSTRACT: Data on 96 patients: sex (76 were male), age (61 were between 18 to 40), main symptoms, course, causes (29 possible inoculation or transfusion) severity; ibiochemical and laboratory data. Orig. art. has: 4 tables. (Based on authorst German abst-1 IJPRS: 36,5991 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 002 / OTH REF% 014 DORTC Radmila, prof, dr.; FOPOVIG,-Anka, dx-.; ILIC, Iii-il-al!'r. dv.-, SUVAKOVIC., Vo.,vislav,.dr.; JORGAGEVICY bragisa, dr. Chnical considereation on viral hepatitis assoclaLed with cholesLntic syndroma. Med. gals. 19 no.8/9:220-223 Ag-3 ~65- 1. Klinika za infcktivne bolesti IMediciliokog fakilItctti u Beogradu (-Llpravnik: prof. dr. M. flikolic). JERIC, Sonja; POPOVIC, Anka A case of miliary, disse-minated pneumonia in whooping cough. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 90 no-4:465-468 Ap 162, 1. Klinika. za infektivne bolesti Medicinskog fakulteta Uni- verziteta u Beogradu V.d. upravnika: doe. dr. Mihailo Nikolic. (PNEUMONIA) (WHOOPING COUGH) E PERISIC Zivadinj FOPOVIC. Arika I r Signs of nerve damage in a case of infectiouB mononucleosis. Srpski arh. celak. lek. 91 no.10-63-68 Ja 163. Opta bolnica u Pancevu Upravnik: dr. Borl-.,oj Drndarski. INFECTIOUS MONOMUCLIOSIS) ~FACIAL PARALYSIS) PIMIC., Zivadin; -POPOVIC, Anka Our experience with the treatment of tetanus with chlMro.- Mazifte. Srpoki arh. celok, lek. 90 no.7/8'.73.5-?20 JI-4 162, 1. Opsta bolnica u Pancevu Upravnik: dr. Borivoj Drndarski. (CHLORPRC14AZINE) (TETANUS) YUGOSLAVIIi't Zivadir, PEPISIC and Anka rOPOVIC. General Hospital (Opsta bolnica),11cad (Upravnik) Dr "'Neurologic 11anifestations in a Case of Infectious ilononucleosis.1' Belgrade, hiv za Celokurno Lelarstvo, Vol 91, No 1, Jan 63; pp 63-68. Abstract [English sw,-.nary modified]: Use rerorc: rian a3ad 20, anicteric he CEYCfs with -cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis and albtunin increase; facial nerve paralysis left or. day 14 and ri1r:ht on day 22 of disease; ly.-aphocytosis. Case is considered instructive as it illustrates the triple tropism of the infectious mononucleosis virus for nerve liver and lymphatic tissue. Cortisone and antibiotic treatnent gave little visible results; slow recovery. One Yu"oslav and 13 Western references. Lin -j POPOVIC; Atallaoijo, inz., prof. (Skadarska 5311, Boograd) Dyeing meclwnism by reduction dyes. Tehnika Jug 17 no.5:Suppl.: Hemindustrija 16 no.5-.0,60-962 My 162. 1. Ekonomski fakultot 'Un-Lverziteta u Beogradu. 1. 7 1 1 a n d A -.N,K I I? Orov IC Cw-ra) Hoopital (Opata b,~Inica) Dr borIvoj DRNDk-"KI, Panctvo. "Our vfl-.f~ C11 lorproma Line in TtentmwiL of Tetanus." -s%i ARhiv 7.n Cr.,IoIeurtio !,oltar!--tva, Vol 93, No 7-8, Itily-Aug ~ermiv. cimvinrymodlfteo7t D*ta on 25 pataints trAr-rtte--.1 in the 1950j., . diod. Chlorpromezine 100 to 200 mg. Tier t~~Iy pat-enc&rally plus chloral hydroite are maln pointn of Lherapy. ot main dtnqcrs and clinical metasures to counteract them. and 13 WestiLzr. refererrcLs. JERIC, S.; STEPANOVIC, N.; POPOVICA Whooping cough in infants. Med. glasn. 15 no.11:381-386 N 161. 1. Klinika za infektivne bolesti Medicinskog fakulteta UniverziteteL u Beogradu (Zam. upravnika: prof. dr M. Nikolic). (WHOOPING COUGH atatiss) M AML AYA mummmomm9m -7 NUGO tbs- W21W /~69. yffed of be 11a Ibi xekU".tmwuvs Id In &dqv*irjt OM bx.~' UBmII. Soc. Chim.; BsIjradI.: A. Pq22v L _ . 1934, 19 cxccssrsj> 410 per cp-qt.1 of b cauie low result5 in the cupellation at to t Aning < ISO per- cent, of Au ; the fincr zu;oys nra n the gold. the less Is. the difference on taki pt ~kl exce&3 (U~ to -I r cent.) of Vb, Cu , on 00 hould b 5 c in at MAC the tem gradu afng ly bef-9 . p., , raised to 00* C., R. TR ost .~ j FOPOVIC, Atanasije ItChemical industry: The absorbrtion of sodium hydroxide in textile fibres* SO: TEIINIKA No 7. Year X, - 1955 M~ ,S;O 0 6 a 0 0 0, 4, 0, 0 0 0 0 a A) 11 n a at 25 is v a wr Ar W-T 9*641909C see) is 11 v n J4 x a v x it a 41 a a 006 14. ReMy N.A.M3111n, R. Vikolik and R. 2W-idinmit. BuU. sec. .410 oom in Pen M101 fetmuftrate PrtPd. an a setniinduorial *~ powwomes 2 uwtlificaflam with a tMnsition jx)int at TU beat effect of the tram4tion Is t th h 00 er an t Sm at Of cry%tn. It b, a chernicany stable expfasive with in 040 esplosionternP.St2W. Ittse"timesstashockcanbe 041 000 mductd by admixt. of forrisn substances. G. T. o* g a 0041 ate 0 j coo g 00 ACTAL&UNSICAL LITISAIL41 CLAS ICATION u 9 it 10 a 19 ji,,~ 9 1 0 o 4 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 4 -00 00 woo ja.~ 011111 OK a-- all M1 I S I Od 0 0 6 1 Is 0 9 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 g, 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 AD 0 0 0 POPOVIJI B. (Sofia) An application of demountable transformers. Mat i fiz Bu~g 7 no. 2! 58-60 MY~--Te 164. Averai.- Ir-w-I of naid i.-eneral- oducation 0, Yu~-Oflvfini) "TO!. I., nc. Lo 'v'onthly Index o.i' ---,!i3,1. '~:urop(!an VOL. POPOVIC, Bogdan dr. Differential diagnosis of lacunar tonsillitis. diphtheria and scarlet fever: errors in thorapy. Med.glasn.9 no.2-3:91-93 Feb-Mar 155. 1. Odeljnnje za bolestl ukha nosa i grla Opete bolnico Djordje Jovanovic u Zrenjaninu (uprevnik dr B. Popovic) (TONSILLITIS, lacunar. differ.diag.) (DI PHTHERIA, difforential diagnosis, (SCARLET F-WER, differential diagnosis) MtMfd~ t4 Ij ff touis Pasteur and the beginning of life." P. 312. (Priroda Vol. 40, no. 8p Oct. 1953 Zagreb.) SO: Month List of East European Accessions, Vol. 3, No. 6, M-m-y of Congress, Feb. 1954, Uncl. -c1w oameral "arecleariale of the cow of isi;** .11141 M. Samcc (Nomw Aoul. SO. Art,. Ligibli-ma. Vilic- ,Lavia). A cad. &i. d A rISImem. (Ljuhljaii;%) Clw- It 1. Svr. A. Rasp,asy J. 67-7:~X ho linjilkh, 73-4 X lit., Ii. -rhi-dha, ka. With an.4%h mitirm of W!V. the co'd c"maill, lo'*~ 0 V111,410 U11.111 1-ohilill the 141.11 ott-11. dical1v ltvillic A. FC.PCI,*ic; B. Checdcal Abst. 1101. 48 No. 3 r-eb, 10, 1954 Fuels and Carbonization Frodumts D. Hadfl, B.To vi~ and rd:~ mcc. Bill, ,gj_ _ 'i 'Coluell dead RPIF gdsl'ni. 1. -Vigna. 1, 14-1,'(1953)(in Eng. the ba;Is of expts. obtained with a ookof :iub~-* stances, such as a product of tyrolysis of di-2-naphthyl sul- Imm, hydrocarbons prepil. y reacting naplitlmlene art v inTiracene with AICJ,, a product of pyrolysis of&:Iyvlnyl, chloride, and a scrient of quinatics, It Is concluded t them are no requirements for the pmenct of S or 0 In substances having coking properties. ~N. PL.avi!6 PCIPOUC,~B. Chemical Abet. Vd. 48 No. 3 nyvilijadon of the mechaalcm of Ilia 'Wili f l t h b fid i g4"pavo b Feb. 10, 1954 . t su s an e coa m cal change o flidl. jci.:~Vomssil acad. RPF Yugoslav. I Fuels and Carbonization Products - lish) -By'tnating lignite at low presmirc %vitis it bn%e of known cinicn., (which is not gi.--n) a coking inatcrial Is ob- tained, which also y1clds a mixt. having coking propettIC3, ben mixed with raw lignite. By cokiiii; such nutterlat In " I the Baurr and jenkner retort, the usivil prodocts of coking am obtained. The change of the inaterial duritig coking Is a process In which sL decarboxylation of the huinic acids Zakes place. wbenbr the no. of OH troops Incrcasts. IN POPOVI-, B. Calculating vector elements of the orbit of the minor ncianet f rom three heliocentric positions. in Russian. P. 153 GIASNIK !,IATN~VIMCKO-FIZICKI 1 kSTIRONOMSKII. P MiODICCUM M~ TKE"ITICO- PHYSICbM ET- ASTIRONOMICUM. (D--usvo rratematicara i fizicata hrvatske i -"rirodoslo-tiiio-r,.atepiLtticit-*L fak-ultet Sveucilista u Zagrebu) Zagreb, Yugoslavia, Vol. 111, no, 2, 195~ Monthly list of East European Accessions (I'LAI) LC Vol. 9, no. ^2 Feb. 140 Uncl. AUTHOR: TITLE: S/035/62-/000/002/001/052 A001^101 Popovd.6',.A.~ :54 Elimination of area integrals from equations of planetary perturba- tions in vector elements PERIODICAL: Referativnyy thurnal, Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no. 2, 1962, 10, abstract 2A102 ("Bilten Drusht. matem. I fiz. N. R. Makedoniy4", 19159, V. 10, 29-38, Esperanto, S8rbo-Croatian summary) in thello/Iroblem of n VEXT: Ten (scalar) integrals of motion are known -bodies, This makes it possible to reduce the order of the system of differential equations of motion by 10 units. In general,.the order of the system can be reduced by 12 units, if the fact is taken Into account that forcer, are independat of time and depend only on mutual distances between moving celestial bodies. Yowever, the use of area integrals and integral of kinetic energy is not then easy, and unknown elements enter In combinations with various other quantities. The author reduces the order of the system by tieing all known integrals of motion and assuming as unknowns two vector elements: veator of sectorial i velocity c and vector of perihelion g, In the firct part of the paper, 6 Card 1/2. - POPOVIC, B. The problem of zoonoses in Serbia. H'gijena, Beogr. 12 no.4:374- 387 ,6o. (ZOONOSES epidemiol) POPOVIC, B. (Sarajevo) Calculations of planets and epheneral comets regardless of their position or speed. Bul Obs Beograd 24 no.1/2:13-24 159. (published 1960. (EEAI 9:9) (Yugoslavia--Astronomy) (Planets) (Comets) (Ephemerides) tO2VAAJWWm Special perturbadow of Ow vectorial -deftefits of p1mtold OrIft"'Bull. Sm. Math. P~ys- S~erbie I JIV36), 47:3T--(Rspemto. Serbo-Croatian, The an eliminates the vehicity kom the Herrick- Popovid equation for the eccentricity-Vector in iavw of, the radius-vector and the derivative of the area-velocity. He. arrives at a conlunation of equations wbkb, it in the oompu- to results rnore Al. Ohy the caloric -ra` --,e Z S `err;r.,t *n S (GLASNIK, Vol. 4, No. :ay/juxie1 7 3 Monthly Lis' of &-ist European i1ccessions (EE.,",L) ,C, Vol. 6, lio. 12, Dec. 1957 Unel. DO FY) 11 Ic 9 D-gdan, dip.". tn'7- -... 11 -!-. ~ - for schematic eisgrams of ralll:-~,ad safety installations. ZeleznAce ilig 2-0 !~- 1.~. " FOPOVIC,, Bogdan, inz. . Semiautomatic safety fnztall&-~I-ons for the stations of branch lines. Zeleznice Jug 19 no. 11: 1-12 11 '63. PO-POVIC, Boj. [Popovic, Boz.] (Sarajevo) Computing disturbances of minor planets bly means of Initial haliocentric pooltion and speed. Vas mat fiZ Srb no.11:151-163 159, ti f~.Tlik vw i'4 o -,-,vcure,jL e vAl I i ,r,~o ca - r ont I POPOVIC, .B. Yugoslavia (430) Science Prompt-series calculation of the rising and setting time of the stars. p 430 Astromr.ska I Meteoroloska Saopstenja, Ho 7, Aug 1, 1951. East European Accessions List Library of Congress, Vol 1, no 14, Dec 1952. UNCLASSIPIED. (7, n o s ,: Ih 1 -:-- r c i f planats." p. 77, Vol 5, ~o- 1/21 1J53 Beograd, Yugsiavfa' SO: 1%onth1v List of --'ast LC, "cd. Apr P0POV1C1) B. Special petrubations of the vectorial elements of the path of a monor planet. In Esperanto. P. 1,3 (Bibliogrnfija Jugoslavije) Vol. 8, No. 1/2, 1956, Yugoslovia SO: MONTHLY IUDEK OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC, VOL. 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 POPOTIC, Bozidar Deteminixig inedim diaraeUr of trunks. Rad sumar fakul BiH 7 no.7%303-341 162. POPOVIC, Bozidar, dipl. inz. Ar international symposium on the gasification and chemistry of lignites., Belgrade.. 1963, Rudar glasrilIc no-090-93 163. i. Uprwmik zavoda TPM Rudarskog inotituta, Boograd, clan Radakcionog odbora, "Marski gleLsi.--Jc." POPOVIC, Bozo, prof., dr (Sa--ajevo, Zagrebacka ulica broj 24) Inversion of singular mat-ices, Publ Teh fak Saraje?o 15' ro.1/2' 7-29 164. - 1. Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo. POPOVIC, Bozidar, inz. The 14,th International Congre!ss of Minjn# and Metallurgy, and the 200th '. anniversary of the Fxbiberg Academy.'of Mining at Fre46,-rg. Rudar' glasnik no-3:77-79 162. 1. Upravnik Zavoda s& TPMS Rudarskog instituta, Beograd, clan Red4cionog odbora i glavni arednik, "Rudarski glasnik. Bulletin of M.Enes". POPOVIC, Boz. Z-UXEC~A.&-~ir. cudu); Given Names Co~intry-. Yugoslavia AcaCidmic De6rees: z not given A Mliation: z not givel~l Soarac; Belgrade, Vasions. No 4, 1960, p. 116. Bata: News and Notess *Dear Provincial Professor - Father or Astronautics.a BIRTASEVIC, Boz-,Idar, sarilte-skl potpikovnik dr.; TO"LASE71C, Milorad, sanitetski ma-or dr.; PEJUSKOVIC Bozidar sanitetsk-i major dr.; J .1 1 BICAK~7r, -,n1k d-.; -ianite*ski kapetan dr.; FETROVIC, Br e tan I klase dr. Some Infliiences of military environment of the health conditions during military service. VoJnosanit. pregl. 23 no.1:7-12 iz-- 166. 1. Higijenako-epidemiaioski odred la Sa- T jen-a 4 _-J%3VU; nturno odqA' Vojne bolnice u Sarajevu; Trupna ambtilanta V.P. 1883. jub. T 5-3 57 POPOVIC, Budimir Yearl:.y champs of nitrient contents in the spruce and -ohi-I-ta piDo hoodles on fertilized and ronfertilized land. Rad Sumar fakul BiR 7 no.70-76 162. KOSTIC, Petar, prof. dr.;.POPOVIC, Cveta, dr.; BASTA, Zora, dr. Analysis of cases of looped umbilical cords in newborn infants. Med. glasn. 14 no.11:519-524 11 160. 1. Ginekolosko-akuaerska bolnica grada Beograda. (Upravnik: prof. dr P. Kostic). (UMBILAAL CORD) (STILLBIRTH) F.2POVIC, Cmta;--ZIVMTDVIC, Zeljko; PAVLOVIC, Dragan Perforation of the uterus in a case of induced abortion with endo- metriosis of the left fallopian tube. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 88 no.7/8:799-801 JI-Ag 160. 1. GinekoloBko-akuserska bolnica u Beogradu. Upravnik.4 prof. dr Petar Kestic. (ABORTION THERAPEUTIC compl) (UTERUS wds & inj) (END%MTRIOSIS compl) (FALLOPIAN TUBES neopl) KA,RAJOVIC,D.; lk&NIIDVIC,V.; VIRBIC,N.; DORDETIC,V.;_~tOPOVIGsk.; MILOGAVLJEVIC, Z. ; DORDEVIC,S.; SIAVKOVIC,V.; SAVIC,D.; MAf&F.VI(;,L. Studies on allergy in cement induatry workers. Acta med. iugosl. 13 no.3:339-345 159. 1. Klinisches Zentrum fur professionale Krankhelten der Medizin- ischen Fak-ultat in Bel rad - (ALTXRGY etioll - (OCCUPATIONAL DISFASES et i01. ) ln.provirC the breeds am! C.,evelud"F Ou'r Z--Z'rketus; 11w, a d,--svuSSjnr of, f~m~! on this repcrt. T,,. 26,6 (Pclljc,,,)rivfediii Fre,-Iedl. Vol. r(,. Index of -East Emy pean X~ccessions (Ei-.11) T:C- VOL 7, 1!0- 2, Febmary 195,8 MLADENOVIC, Dragomir; POP(YVIIJ, Dana; MAKSDIOVIC, Zoran Contribution to surgi-cal technics in the treatment of uterine pro- lapse with pressure erosions. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 88 no.10: 965-968 0 160. 1. Ginekolosko-akuserska bolnica u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr Petar Kestic. 2. Clan Uredivackog odbora, "Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo" (for Mladenovic). (UTERINE PROIAPSE isurg) POE-OVIC, D. Y-wzoslanvian .-lith L. BerE.,;, 11. C. Cari)enter et al, "Applications of chemical therienodynatnics to research," R~hem- Abs., 19/51- POPOVIC, Dar&; STAIMVSKI, Metodije Amenorrheas in lactation. Mad. glasn. 11 no.1:18-20 Jan 57. 1. Ginskolosko-akuserska klinika Madicinskog fak-ultsta u Skop1ju Upravnik: prof. dr. K. Bette. (LACTATION, itb-amenorrhea (Ser)) (AME;RRHn, in lactation (Sar)) JOVANOVIC, Ljubomir, sanitetski pukovnik prof. d-r; SAVIC, Sava, sanitetski potpukovnik d-r;-FQFD3flC.,-Dordel-sanitetski potp-ukov-,iik d-r; ROMANO, Mario, sanitetski pukovnik d-r - On certain diseases of the vWocardium. Voj.san pregi.Beogr. 17 no.6: 650-653 Je 160. 1. Vojnomedicinska Akademija u Beogradup Klinika za unutrasnje bolesti (HEART DISEASES) PAPO, I., pulrovnik dr.; POPOVIC, Dj., major dr. - Ductus arteriosus persiatens. Toj. san., 11 no.11- 12:54&559 Noy-Doc 54. 1. Hirurska klinika VKA. Interna Klinika VKA. (DUCTUS ARTZRIOSUS, PATIR, surg.) NMW-JKDVIC. Srecko; POPOVIC, Djordje; WGKIJ, Ivan Case of Lutembacher's s7ndrome. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 84 no.2:244-251 Feb 56. 1. IV Interna, klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr. Ce&umir Plaveic. Interna klinika Vojno- medicinake akademije u Beogradu. Nacelnik; pukovnik prof. dr. Milan AreeniJavic. Hirarska klinika Volno-medicinske akademija u Beogradu. Nacelnik; pukovnik prof. dr. Izidor Papo. (CARDIOVASCULKR DEFECTS, CONGENITAL, case report Tatembacher's synd., (Ser)) VWTIC, Dusan; POPOVIC, Djordjo; FAJGEW, Ivan Stenosis of pulmonary artery with &trial communication. Sr-pski arh. celok. lek. 84 no-10:1173-1180 Oct 56. 1. 1 Intern& klinika Medic. fakultsta u, Beogradu, Upravulk: prof. dr. 13ranislav Stanojevlc. Interna klialim Yojno-medicinske akademije u Beogradu, Naceln.1k: pukovnik profesor dr. Milan Aroenijevic. Hirurska k1fn1ka Toll2o-medicinske akademij-e u Beogradu, Sacelnik: prof. pukovnik dr. Isidor Papi. (ARTIMISS, PMMONAIrf. stenosis with &uric. communication Oor)) (C IOVASCULAR DUMTS, CONGENITAL, compl. ttanosis of pulm. artery with atrial communication (Ser)) V - Ijubomir; SAII1,73, Sava: Povic JOVANO 10,*, PO! r .hiT)tl=e of Interventricular se-otiza of th-e heart caused by contusion of the thorax. Voj. snn. T)regl., Beogr. lis no.6:356-360 Junf- '17. 0 1. Interns k1lulka VICk. (CARDIAC S3-:1M. runt. interventric. caused by contusion of chest. (Sera) (THORIA, wd,-.. & inJ. contusion cauqing rupt. of interventric. sentim (Ser)) DANILOVICY V.; LJAL.TFVIC, Yl.; F-OFOVIC,_D. Asthma among bakers. Arh. big. rada. 14tl99-205 163. 1. Interna k-liniku B Yledicinskog fakailteta i Institut za medicinu rada SociJulisticke Republike Srbije, Beograd. I I SAVIC, Sava, uanitotski potpukovnik doc. dr; A~OEIIIIJWIC, Milan, sanitetski vikovnik prof. dr;- JOVAN0111C, Ljuh~,mlr,, shaiLetski pukomik prof. dr.; POPOVIC, Dorde, sanitrrtckl potrukovnik. dr. Transitory and intermittent interventricular block. (Report of x 8 cases). Vojnosanit. pregl. 19 no.2:95-100 F 162. .L. Wojnomedicins'--,a akademija u Boogradt~ klinika za. unutrasnje bolesti. (&-'A6U BLOCK) (h IZCTROGkqDIOGI4.PIIY) MARSENIC, Drartko, dx-.; POPOVIC Dragan, dr. Besnior-Boeck-Schaumann disease -- (pullmmaiT sarcoidosis). Med. glas. 17 no.8:326-334 Ag-S'63 1. Grudno odeljenje Opste bolnice u Nisti; nacolnik: prim. dr. B.Marconio. 5 ip 'ALI Lpide!njr, 4 b, ", TI'lli - ,:~ ' Of prefua4uc- birtils Bt-~ laraz:yt. 2 6,?. j _I c- 31 5-3 jub. `3 5 ~-.-3 57 Y-UGO