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POPOV,_F.V.,__assistent; KAZAYEV, Yu.G., assistent Structure of the placenta in bison cows. Trudy AZVI 9:388-389 156. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva (zav. kafe droy - kand.veterinaimykh nauk, dotsent B.S.Volzhenin) Alma-Atinskogo zooveterinarnogo instituta. (Placenta) (Bison) POPGV, P_!V..assistent Cases of abnormal placenta in cows. Trudy AZVI 9:386-387 156. OMA 15 -4) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva (zav. kafedroy - kand.veteri-narnykh nauk dotsent B45.Volzhenin) Alma-Atinskogo zooveterinarnogo instituta. '(nacenta-Abnormalities and deformities) (Cows) TARASEYICO, N.I., gorayy inzh.; POPOV, F.V., gornyy inzh.; SHAPIRO, I.G., gornyy inzh. Mechanization of development mining operations. Ugol! Ulcr. 4 . ao.7:27-29 J1 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Coal minesand mining) (Augers) KOBRIN, B.B. (translator]; RPP-QY,j~7. [translator]; RMVIMMIKOV, B.L. red.; SOMY, D.A., red.; ARTIMOVA, Ye., [Development of resistance to insecticides in Insects and acaride; collection of articles) Priobretenis ussekomymi I kleshchami ustoichivosti k iadam;..sbornlk statel. Moskva. Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1959. )31 P. (MIRA l):8) (Insects-Physiology) (Insecticides) ROICMKIT. N.V.; POPOV, P-V- Effect of boiling on the protein complex of grouto and coreal. Izv.vys.ucbo'h.zav.; pishch.tekh. no. 1: WP-89 '59. (MIRA 12: 6) 1. Odeask-iy tokinnologichoakiy Institut Imeni I.Y.Stalina, kafedra biokbimli zorna I zornovedonlya. (Cornal products) (Proteinn) USSR/Far:---i Pa-drp-lo . ~.Ivdll 11-onied St-ock. t,bs Jour: Ruf 21,ur-Diol-, 11c, 20, 1958, 926og. Author :_Fppqv,-,P..V.-.- Inut Zo,*Yveterirary Irstitutc. Title The Mkicrostructure of the Shcepla Placenta. Or-*:.,,~ 1kib: Tr. Urn-Atinsk. zoovet. in-ta, 1956, 9, 291-300. .',b s t ra c tA study was rzcle of the sexual orCans of 100 sheep which were sacrificed in every tionth of preCnancy (20 individuals each) and of 10 non-bearinG ewes. It was show:n thmat by the 15th day of prc-C;nancy all of three fetal mmibranes are for,:ied. nu- trition of the fetus beGins by the 15-20th danY. From the first to tho 4th im-ath of prer - icy the Costantion sac nrincl-ally _r7rows in lonLth and from Card 1/2 VOLZHENI.N, Boris Sergeyevich; POPOV, Pavel Vasil' vich: KORDLI) A., red.; NAGIBIN, P., tekhn. r . (Noninfectious abortions in sheep] Nezaraznye aborty u ovets. Alma-Ata, Kazsellkhozgiz, 1962. 36 P. (MIRA 16:5) (Abortion in animals) (Sheep) 7~- Spmivocimik Ilo Yz dolkh --uAk;; tia,, (Refc-rence Red. N. N. I.V-1111ill-ov. 623 P. -Mus., Dia!,rs., T;;bles. At ile~;d of Title., Movcow. 'lzuchn,,y InstitiA "Lf-eri-turz-,": P. 6r)8-611 'book, on To-ic Po(I 19-1~6. Po Udobreniy;~ri i IHOKHLOVq P.P.; POPOV, P.Ya. Surgical treatment of chronic hydrocele by the application of preserved parietal heterologous peritoneum. Urologiia 25 no.2: 21-24 Mr-4p t6O. (MM 13:12) (HYDROCM) (PIMOMM-nUESPLANTATION) - POPOV, P.Ye. Noise el4mination in the machine secti.on of a thez--a2 e2ec~~-- power station. Elek. sta. 35 no.12:2a~24 D 10'4. (MIMk 18:2) DASKALOV, Khr., akad.; STOEV, Kunto; BOGDANOV, Vasil, st. .-~,n. s,utr.; FJMSTOVI Metodii, st. n. sutr.; KHADMITOLOV, Asen. A., st. na-.Xhen sutrudnik; DEOW7, Georgi,-ml. n. sutr.; BLIMAKOV, Georgi, prof.; PENKOV, Boian, ml. n. sutr.;_tO~Q -.lumen. Science on the of&nsivo for progress. Nauka I 'tekh m1adazh 15 no.7/8-.6-10, 56-5~'-Ji--~-Ag 163. 1. Zam. prodsadatal n-~ V1,!I Datikalov). 2. Glowe 'n wuichen sekretar na ASN (for Nauchen sel-rdtar jin AP)N' (Cor Bogdanov). 4. InstituL za mekhanizatsiia na selskogo stopanot-wo (for Khristov). 5..4pirektor na Instituta po aeotiaacheska i obshta khimiia pri BAN (for Blimakov). 6. PredsedatsI-,fiA:K6mIsiiata za nauka i teklinicheski progres pri TsK nn DOG (fo:r Popov). IIIANOVA, El.; BANKOV, St.; GUDZ.HEVA,V.,- POPOV.R. Intervertebral disk hwrniatuicms w-A their coz-ge-x-o-ative treatment. 1A., no.11151-58 163. POPOV, R., polkovnik. Persistently study military science. Xryl. rod. 8 no.2:6-7 F '57. (Military education) (MM 10:4) Vol. 7, rn. l1, ",Ov. T !I,, i-,'- I 7nergiinl i U)Llofi~,,,~tsihAa V Sofiya, _Tz"i. ra nlVUI~ C'~ 71) + and ec,-~r,=cE ~S prere t--s t h e re-;n2 I T,.en t therinan :-,Ower ati-rs in 5u- Ger7an .,us~7 lar. svr---,~rles i S~: 7-ist of E~~,st European ".ccessic)n. LC, Vol. 4, ~-!O- 9, Sept. 10,55, Uncl- POPOV, R. Basic methods for Increasing labor productivity in the maintenance of railroads. #; 21. (TWSPORTNO D]W Val. 7, no. 6. 1955. SOFIYA) SO: Xonthly List of last laropesm Accessions, (UAL). Le, Vol. 4, No. 11, NOT- 1955, Uncl- LOZANOV, I.J. inzh.; POPOV, R., mash. inzh. Controlled semiconductor high-power rectifiers. E'lektro- energiia 14 no. 12: 20-23 D 163. 1. TsNIIT (for Lozanov). 2. KIT (for POPOV). Fopr; a. Popov, R. 3--sic rethods for increasin,,- 'ab-r pr-dUctivity in t-he naintenance of railroLds. D. 21. 7!:fiva V-1 SO: r1lonthly List of '-Iluropcan Accezmionti, (7,'KAL), LC, Vol. 4, ';o. 11, Nov. lq.~5, uncl. Po~ Are shops of eesiprcce~sed productB a profitable Bystem? Obabohestv. pi-t. no.4844-45 Ap 163o (MIRA :L6&6) 1, Nach&104k planovago otdela upravleniya rabochego Onab- zheniya Volg'ogradgidrostroya, Volzbeki Restaurant management KIRCHEVA, S.; IVANOVA, Ye.; TODOROV, T.; MKHAYLOV, St.; GUDZHEVA, V.; POPOVJ.-R.; PETRUNOV, V.; ILIMA, P. (Bolgaria) Effect of nivaline electrophoresis in some diseases of the nervoup system. Vop.kur., fizioter.i lech.fiz.kullt. 28 no.l:*-30 163. (MM 16:4) 1. Iz Nauchno-isaledovatellskogo inotituta karortologii i fizioterapii v Sofii - Oveha Kupel (dir. - dotaent K.Kirchev). (NERVOUS SYSTEM--DISEPLSES) (ELECTROPHORESIS) (GALANTHAMINE) 171 a see tr 0N1 q q 6 r -2 -t- - - peoctl"S till projactle, ot MbUy AVAW 109 No. 14-11- Pit -00 it 1",L~,V~ (StA * , " - 00 is of its mml it 15 11'. lielailp mn 00 I.Lw r 0-3 0-47d. Sto'l '09 '1110 obiect. of lite ilive-digm. 00 W anitlym4i at various st'lged are Dormlitio,10 Ile Ill) -00 ,fl,duction 4 of a1! tion Was to licte""in" could lie obtail'"i with propt'll'" efillat to -00 00 a chown that Als steel , In 0,5- 11,y j).S steel (chrotolt thow of the low a Llfb[,d was s1lbjCCtc4l 00 to 0-7-1-01/o). Il- JS steel obtz * I 0.70"), 11111119"itel ,!A, tests, to ,rtifj(!ial geing -nd grtin F *0 to tile lisual inechAn! C invest i0l, it'll hrOlltzht, j Tit rvet (If thoxi1ji_rp ,it tile mechnniesd im qwrt It- mit tilt' 4lt,cijgi% v of "A I,%. tile 11- t,f tho r-luirt(1 '"ll" 1111~1joitim) de- MS steel for whiel I and ANS I ferro.altiluinitin jron-ml (it-Acribt4l. Fill" of 'theme is brie till in tilt! foo%A,L ,jidist,ra. The production Allitioll of R11111111111 o ran be obtair0i by the I new enmi1e strengtil rA).5 lig. per maximum ..hani.1 MP-rtlea (t )41~1_ -- Nari ation 2( ZOO ield point 37-0 lig. per &q. nitfl-, el"111! bo sq. mill.. 5 l/. the carbon content tillo"Ill preferably of z0 illiction ill area 6_1*4% ", 00 1--.M-1-45 - tilt, 1111%ligntle ,.1111%1 b. till, billifill't still '.4311JUIr 0114,111.1 bl' V J1 m61ve. tlee SWICATIGO Too Ii! I L A AdIALLU44KAL LSTINATLOt CLAS -.;4j;i Sl"03". gill S.IC43 .1, -1 0 At I t a r it it n -0 12 a a N a It 0 g ~o 01. 0 Go see* 0 g go* CHUDINOV, G.M., kand. ekon. nauk, St. nauchayy aotr - POPOV R.A., laborant; CHISTYAKOV, G.Ye., m1adshiy nauennyy sotr.; CHUGUNOV, B,V., mladshiy nauchn3r y sotr.; LI, G.S., mladshiy nauchnyy sotr.; IGNATCHENKOP H.A., oty. red.; SOLOVIYEVA, Ye. P. 9 t ekhn. red. (Power resources of the Yakut A.S.S.R.)Energeticheskie resursy IAkutakoi ASSR. Pod obahchim rukovodstvom G.M.Cbudinova. Ukatsk, IAkutskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962o 265 P. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Yakutskiy filial, Yakutsk. Otdel ener- getiki. 2. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom energetiki Yakutskogo-filiala Akademii nauk SSSR., Sibirskoye otdeleniye (for Chudinov).3. Gtdel energetiki Yakutskogo filiala Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (for all wceept Ignatchenko, Solovlyeva). (Yakutia-Power resources) POPOV, R.A., inzh.; KOZLOV, B.K., kand. tekhn. nauk Choice of efficient mnicipal heat distribution networ'-2. Pro=. energ. 20 no.6:30-33 Je t65. (IrIFL~. 18:6~ Q It Ic, 16 U It A,111; Ilk,% ArF11129 WO V 11 M a 1. 1, A 0 1 .1 U It U 111' 0 ckI L ii L. I i. It -4 A. L a #I r 4 ots I v v j I I AA 04 (f CV U A Anodic solutiom of CoMr-tim alloys. Vu. V. flaftnaltow amt H. ~ypo__,Tnw- Wdal. 1032. 513-M.-The existing methods of arm. 4 Sq lcr~in ir tode dint" 19 a renulting froos clectindysis of bronze ham many chiadvantmerv , such as their campkIcity, -00 ir , 0 a ~ high too and contAlminalion of the pFocluct by other utelals. In ottler to rrrovrr both i 4 h i d di f t l i l b i h i h ( _ eroo oni. e aut ocs, nvest t t e ec ru so ronle, gate lm sit And Cu o high Imar ty t -00 00 4 Initrad of twing Imnuittect to to) Into anode %little, the Sn contained in the Alloy Nth.. go i solved and maintained in the dism,31yed state in the r1mintlyte for commidefable imse. eh is alt -cirnl ectl s; ctil ure form di fl r thr Cu red in h h h S r e cu y recove r v o t en utay y y y T p .00 11mul lwrti rild,, -,r Ill hvdrolyitiv followpid by reduction with CO. A nwth(Xl was tic. 'to 0 TrIlVil WhelebY U9':;, Ill Sit WU MAWW'd Ill moln. Ill the divIlulyle, and Ihe Cu obtained 00 .3 WAN 99.1XV ,~ pure. The higher the Sn cunlent of the anodes, the x1rairr the part dig- " =00 60 i.ndkrptiusobitico. The tower the ign. the lower the loss of Sit tit shine. The %4ve.. " o 0 . Agitaticm should III: tucchanival but no( fly temp. I)( the decitolyle tchould be 15-W 00 air The Nuffam of the elmifolyte should he coverecl with #91 to prrvent [tic oxiclat"i .0 0 0. III Sn ~ ~. The anodc, c. d. %Immld be 120-IY) anip./m.1 and the mth-Ir e. cf. it) M) " 2 a 00 , Thr higher anoNkc. d. prevents the oudationalSn all,] maintains high allip./M. 0 "ity. The formation u( Cu "threads" extending from anodes toward cathodes can 0 0 he pccvcntcd by adtfing 0.6 cc. HCI/I. Fkctralyre concris. as high as 10 9 A Cu and 1 Addi i f lit f h th d C h fi i i h i %', go* o on gi e ca u. t e t t out a rct w ng t e qm y o 4 It A . CkCtTW i INIUM led Ph er sulfAte t th l FC 11 (c th f = c o V C V , e s orin o i tit e Y otiv and Zn ill heelinlinaled. I'm ellujillatly filluest. Z:0 0 ing of thr atumIc% improvcsiltutdic ik)[uticout auddevirmucs the lo%sof Sn In slinw. fl. 00 1. &0 Wig 0 1 L A Pt TALL&IPGKAL 1,011MATOE CJ.AI1IFICclW* 11 tloo N, Woo too 0 a q I WX n It f[ It it X IN it 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H13 n IN, 0 0 0,0 o o o 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 00 p It Ij Ii )d 13 IF I? a ii D b a is ir ii 11 A I ! if I IL-2--i U-2-All a cc 0 u 4 1 'w 0.- - -. 00 C , oe l u a F4 uriald tat the olocb,*tq A chrolidlu, p 1 0-1- lwv. ()et. al, litil. A ItY- " AL uwd jil piolvt thr lrlrflt4,, is A em Lin Ig LvF6w*c jr l K-I ' 00 a 00 .4 *0 o 6 4 6 0 0 o 9 a a ;j ma job Ato jonve U4; .45co k' I I :-O0 ;-*0 -00 -00 00 A30 0 000 roo '0* -Zee t!oo tic., 01.1.111. A.M34 5.1,14J .1. lij too u n It o 0 0 0 0000 sovo ot 00 9 000 0 0 C 00 00 0* OW : : : : : * 0 0 : 0 0 0 00+09 i i " 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 e a 0 0 f f t f t f-f-t f ff? I I-flit 11-f 1 5 fro# frig I &A lit h.0 Ifto 1-0 ..0 i.._ ~ ..Ds. A OOA 0 -Os of; 'go amppw-ft alloys. Y. V. so RAMANOwma IL EL,Vw",(T;FOL MSc, 11111,513--M). e OK of bivnw in -so *s t a" calf6d out at I mchow (" sit) Got- 00 . se 44 nwit OW Odkwh CA. d 1ID-11111 ma 70-W I t' , in ma ;Mobw is U-93% a u ft of dw elmebalj* mbmM be covered *so OiL 76 hnm" of on Anwe 01teming fr"m ea ii peomfed by adding 0 - 6 c.c. so I of an mile. zlembolyka my com"k :s, 16 g. Cu t sell so an-low *ft. -AddWom of a smell tl~fity J 4 oo so, , . is r Pb MA za OLM" be z z;;a ; age m f.. Sim P.Hiq is ll do*WhbL Cu see I f see h -I Lrfflfl~ CLAUMUTON 947! .. I I - .1 7_ use - - IF GMT Got f"1310119 IIII&JI Cm a". III I 4 1 u a -w .0 " ;4 v I m L 11 Od 0 a Nix 440als 36 arm, ;51 ;a,; t1i WRM - - 1 MASHOVETS, V.P.; FORSBLOM, G.V. Prinimal uchastiye,POPOV, R.B. GULYANITSKIY, B.S., inzh., retsenzent; FIRSANOVA, L.A., red.; ATTOPOVICH, Y.K., tekhn. red. (Electrolytic production of aluminum] Elektroliticheskoe proizvodstvo aliuminiia; prakticheskoe rukovodstvo dlia rabochikh, brigadirov i masteroy tsekhoy elektroliza aliu- minevykh zavodoy. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1951. 220 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy alyumirdyevo-magniyevyy institut (for MAshovets, Forsblom). (Aluminum--Electrometallurgy) REMPFILI.S.I.; POPOV,R.B. Deternination of current-yield dependence in industrial aluminum- producing electrolyzers. Dokl. AN SSSR 103 no.1:107-108 Jl'55. (MIRA 8:10) 1. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Frumkinym. (Aluminum--Nlectrometallurgy) -_Ilt r~ -1 1-H , 7 j . . . '7 . Control. of Lhe e-xpr,nd-iturc of cl--ctrical cncvL;.,,, in e1ccLr(,,1.y~-R; plariL3 Sverciluv.,k, 6()3. much-110-teklin. izd-vo lit-i-y po &.ernoi i tsvetzicii ract3lluf-Tii, 19,115. 1. ElectrometallurEy. -,,_POPOV, R.B. Bibliography on automatic analysis of solutions. Avtom.i prib. no.1:105-107 '59 (MIJU 13:10) (Bibliography-Solutione(Chemistry)--Analysis) POPOV, R. B. New indirect method for the automatic analysiF of aultico=cn._r-_-t solutions . Avtom.i prib. no.1:22-29 '59- 04MA 13: 10) (Solution (Chemistry)--Analysis) POPOV, R. B., Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Atalysis of Alumimre Solutions in Alizdna Production by the Multi-parametric Comp',ting Method," Leningrad, 1960, 18 pp, 150 coPies (Leningrad Polytechnical Institute im M. I. Kalinin) (KL, 49/60, 127) POPOV, R. B. Automatic control of the concentration of m-iltico-n?omert solutions. [Trudy] L40 HTO Priborprom no.4:153-160 '59. (MIRA 13:2) (Elactronlc control) (Solution(Chemiatry)) Ov 4- IL Pig P, J, ~ 5 01 a '22 V je 3 f4, 5 1 1 ~k i r2 no .. ~11 t; b:s -0 i4a LI \7. 18(4) SOV/1 12-59-1-1420 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 1, p 195 (USSR) AUTHOR; Popov, R. TITLE: Automation of Alumina and Aluminum Industry ]PERIODICAL: V sb.: Legkiye metally. Vol 4. L., 1957, pp 75-85 ABSTRACT: A review is submitted of automatic controllers and regulators developed by TsLA, VAMI, and Giproalyuminiy and used at the Ural, Volkhov, Dnepr, and Nadvoytsy alurninum plants. Objectives of and prospects for automation of aluminum electrolyzers and alumina production are cons41dered. Card 1 1 SOV /112-58-2-2501 iranslation from; Referatkir-a-.r zhu-Ina-1, Elektrotekhriika, 1958, Nz 2, p 114 (USSR) . y AUTHOR: Pe-o-ov, R. B. TITLE: Flow Metp-ra, Deaiitj- Meter,3, a-.!~d Level Meters for Pressured P,-,! (RaeR~.~:d;~Tnexy, uz,-,vnemery dlya 1DvVpy pod davlea,:.yern) PERIOD--C-AL: V sb.: TeD-?~,~eaerg. pr-*.b::~ry i regu.1-y~tor, r, M.-L. Maahg;z, 1956, pp 16 4 - 187 ABSTRACT: A -.i:~!-Hed cf P-utomF-t1o-- of the measurement and ccr--trol of flow, a-rd level 3f pres2are is described.: the systern ia used i!._ the alumiz--~. inclastr)r. Tt is based ~~n typical differential manometers and -9-imple sepaMatir:.g devices, -2ac.a of a vest;el with an elastic xab- ber bag fl-At sepazatee th-e p--,Ip fronxi the balaacing liquid of the ir-stru-ment. To meas--aze tHe rate ;:;f Low, a telemetex-type differential manometer is used ccmjined wit."i a det3x-hahle Veaturi tube la the neck of whic1h a revlaceable i--.E!ezt r-,f xjveaT-rea`sting hard ;-a placed. V~,.,,, i-asert, wea-raj in aLb--,.t 3 nriont~ia, --n-de- woz-k----g w-;,,H hot alka-'-*~e b-C.-6te p-,~Ip. Card. 1J12 SOYII 12-58-2-2501 Flow Meteza, Deasity Meters, aad Level Meters for Pressured Ralp Separat,Lng vessels are arranged verticaluly, ove_r the Yemt-azil tube, and con- nected to 3t by relativeCily thick pip---g (20 -,n-rn diameter or more). Kinematic &a.1 electzical schemeu of the flowmeter wit'a batch sigrzilling are considered; the flowmeter has a special i-_.tegrating attachmezt, with electrical contacts, w-hich Is built in. a secon:lary Type E-61Z instrume--t. Pilp-densilLy measure- -nent -is based ca a relaEamship between, a preasuze droD iia a ve:rtical pipe sec- with aa ascenEng flow and the liquid deneity. Corres-poxiding eTuatixzis are analized-, a:r_~d C3rrectioas are calculated le.g. , a C~~rrection. allowiz_'g for the desce:--t- nf h-ird partic-les la azi izDArsxd flow). The automatic r,-,'.p aenaity rnete:r IS a ring--ty:pe differe~_t.-Ial ma:-_-_~metez wIlth az:. Inducti've DKER pickup and a aecaadaxv EYS Tecozder; the differez~tia'_ rnar-ometer, via separating devices, -s co=nected to tw,~ p~~Lnts, oz. a ve--Y+;cal Pire sec+`an, which he at a certain aDart. Meth-:,-ds of calczlation a-nd calibratloz~ of the deT_,sit7 rneter are set A differential nia-nom e ter meter for measuring pulp e--.-'cIoae-I press-axe veseel is desc:-ibed. (-uvlth, its scheme). K. S. Sh. SOV/137-58-8-16625 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, 1vietallurgiya, 1958, Nr 8, p 53 (USSR) AUTHORS: Popov, R.B., Levin, M.V., Munits, I.N. TITLE: On the Prerequisites for Automation of Enterprise in the Alum- inum Industry (0 predposylkakh avtomatizatsii predpriyatiy alyuminiyevoy prornyslilennosti) PERIODICAL- Sb. materialov tekhn. inform. Gos. in-t po proyektir. alyumin., rnagniyevykh i elektrodn. z-dov, 1957, Nr 1, pp 36-38 ABSTRACT: An examination is made of the major conditions for automa- tion of processes in the aluminum industry, namely, continuity of the process, operational reliability and. controllability of the equipment, and good dynamic process characteristics. Ex- amples are presented of the models and dimensions of plant and equipment specified in plans and yet unsuited to the require- ments of automation. The problem of the need to develop con- trol attachments for unstable and readily crystallizing solutions and pulps of alumina production is examined, also the need for expanding investigations of the objects and methods of automa- Card 1/2 tion, as well as introduction of special means of automation SOV/137-58-8-16625 On the Prerequisites for Automation of Enterprise (cont.) meeting the operational needs under the conditions obtaining in the produc- tion of aluminum and alumina. V. Shch. 1. Alu-minu-ri industry--IJSSR 2, Aluminum industry--Automation Card 2/2 SOV/137-58-9-18746 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 85 (USSR) AUTHOR: Popov, R. B. TITLE: Automation of the Production of Alumina and Aluminum (Avto- matizatsiya proizvodstva glinozema i alyuminiya) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Legkiye metally, Nr 4, Leningrad, 1957, pp 75-85 ABSTRACT: Problems and perspectives for automation of the production of A1203 and Al are examined, and data on certain instruments in use and under development in the USSR at the present time to automate these processes are presented. Ye'z' 1. Aluminum--Production 2. Industrial plants--Automation Card 11 POPOV, R.B., inshener. Now apparatus for the automatic control of hydrometallurgical, hydrochemical and concentrating processes. TSyst.set. 28 no.1:20-29 Ja-F '55. (MIRA 10:10) (Flowmeters) (Automatic control) (Nonferrous metal Industries) POPPY R-3- Automatic density meter and regulator of the density of Dulp circulated through pipes under pressure. TSvet.met. 28 no.4;46-58 JI-Ag '55. (14IRA 10:11) (Ore dressing) POPOV, R.B. New automatic gravimetric density meter and regulator for oolutions and pulps. TSvet.met. 28 no.6:25-29 N-D '55. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Vaesoyuxnyy alyuminlyevo-magnivevyy institut. (Nonferrous metal industries--3quipment and supplies) T j. e-t' Ipl-g- ME- y to-mi-Apa-m.-LA U,S.S.R- 102,2235, 11-R. 27~, wrapped frisc-,mrall fimycracif pam; and ii~ tile 1twiten WM, Thh procedba, Is used in rki:n;i)! - fw-!,%~ Ivor efr"41 to det. t~p ritio, of etwrmt consumed to I!;- "OM of inct3r The radimictivity of the lll"(%l is rolllp~t! cri V. I thteftsudioactivity of the radiclactive alloy. M AR POPOV. R.B. Flow metero. thicieness meters,and level indicators for slurr7 under pressure. Trudy LO NTO Priborprom. no-3:164-187 '56. (Liquid level indicators) (Flow motors) I -- ~- 7- -4 ; S/137/61/t