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Radioactive Isotcpes and Nuclear (Cont.) SO7/5592 Tech. Ed.: A. S. Folo31na. PURPOSE ; The bcok 13 Intended for englneer~ anj :-7hn' '''an3 dealing -.,rith th,~, problems Involved 1n the appilca.1-n of --adioactive iEotopes and nuclear radlaticn. COW-'RAGE: T'-Ia collection of 39 arttcleB in Vol. 4 of ft~, Trannm_-.- ,--j cf' thr~ All-Union Conference or rte ,a active 12ctopE-s and Nuclear Reacti"na in the N'atl--nall Fcrni~my of the USSR. The Conference was called bv tho C-~,.7ular-~tvennyy nauchno-tekhnichoskiy komitet Sovet NlinistcovSSSR fsral-e Scientific-Technical Comrilttee of the Coun,~1,1 of. Rln-3terS Of the USSR), Actdcmy of USSR, Goztplan S53!( iStatp Planr,,Ini.~ ftmmittc.p of the Council of MUln'Intern of th-a !1333R). Got;uJar-,~vtr_- nyy 11mmitet; Scveta I-111nIntrov SSSR po avtomatlzat,311 1. ma3h1_no-- stroyeniyu (State Cam-mIttee oV the Council of Ptlnlntera of the USSR for Auto-nation and Machine Building),and the Coune-1.1 o.,* 1-Uni3ters of the Latvian SSR. The reporta 2ummarized in t1r.!3 publication'deal with the advantage:3, proapects, and Card 2/il Radioactive !--otopez and 1 SG-','/5592 Ni;clear (Cont. developmont of radioactivo mothoda u--ed in prozpectlng, A. - mt the veying, and nlnlnf,~ of orea. individual reportn preit. rezultz of the latest 3cientific. rezearch on the development and Im, provt~mant of the theory, methodoloj=.r, and technolojE:y of radiometric Inveatigationn. Application of radicactive methodi in the field oV cni;Inccring ZcoloL~-j, hydrology, and the cnn- trol of ov,1 enrichment proce33e3 Ju analyzed. No peroonalitiui are neutior,4 There are no referancea. TABLE 02 CONT7-,TS: Alekseyev, F. A. Fre3ent Sitate and Future Pro5pe~'.a of &-plying the Methcdu of Nuclear GeophyLsica in Fro3pecUng, Surveying, ani 'UnIng of Zlinerals Bulashevich, Yu. P., G. M. Voukoboynikov, and L. V. Muzyukin. 411,eutron and Garma-Ray Logging at Ore and Coal -Depossits Gordeyev, Yu. I., A. A. Mukher,and D. M. Srebrodollskiy. The Card 3/11 Radioactive L:o7;opc--z and Nuclear (Cont. ) SOV15c92 Prv:;ent. State of Radicz:ictric Xi:thcd3 and Their Eff!C.!,:-rCy In Studying Coolorical Sections of Petrolpum, Ga~, Orcand Ccal Borcholeo fjneranskly, A. Application of Radioactive 1-1 th~-: xploration and Frozpecting of Coal Depczita 2,aporozhets, V. M., -and B. 1. Rogov. Radlomtatriz for the Invertigation of Dorcholes fUldieyev, G. F., and If. G. Frytel 'man. E-,oncml,~ Lff,,.ct of thLs Anplication of RadiometrIc In rrczpectirg, Burv-.-ying,and Exploitation of Oil and Cas Laposits 47 Alekzeyev, -7. A., D. F. Be:p3lov, B. 1,11. -Purcv, B. :~. !Ero--ollm- akiy, N. -I)olr Yu. S. Shiraelevich, and A. S. Shkollnikov. Pla 1 S a - TZ,pe Ifeution Method for investigating the Geological. Sectiorsof Borehole3 Card 4/11 POPOVv N.V. i, Data on the epidemiological effactivei-ess of living influenza monovacoijok A~. Vop. virus. 7 no. 1S47-50 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14( 4) (INFLUENZA) f POPOV, N.V., red.; DUDKO, G.F.9 red.; SHENDAREVA, L.V., tekhn. red.; KOIDKEM# V.Z.9 tekbn. red. [Furniture for modern appartments] Mebell dlia kvartir novogo tipa. Moskva, 1959. 293 p. illus. (MMA 14:5) 1. Russia(1923- U.S.S.Re) Glavno-ye upravleniye standartnogo domostroitellstva. TSentrallnoye byuro tekhnichaskoy informatsii. (Furniture-Catalogs) GULYAYEV, V.I.; POPOV. N.V., red.; KOLOHEYER, V.V., (Mechanization in furniture finishing operationsj Opyt makhanizataii proteessov otdelki mebeli. Moskva, TSentr. biuro tel-chn.informstaii Glovetandartdoms, 1958. 63 P. (MIRA 13-1) (Furniture industry) SLUTall', S.B., inzh.; POPOV,,,X-Vr-, red.; KOLOMEYER, V.Z., [Furniture manufacture in Finland] Proizvodstvo mebeli v Finliandii. Moskva, Tsontr.biuro tekhn.informataii Glav- standartdoma, 1959. 22 p. (MIRA 13:1) (Finland--Furniture industry) YOPOY, N.V.# inzh., retsenzent; PRTUKHOT, P.2., doktor takhn.nank. .... ..... ...........I retsenzent; SUSLOV, N.I., inzh., red.; DUGIMA, N.A., tekhn. red.; UVAROVA, A.F., [Developing the use of plastics in the manufacture of machines] Rasshirenia vozmozhnostei primeneniia plastmass v konstruktsiiakh mashin. Koskva, Goo.nauchno-tokhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 163 P. (MIRA 13:3) (plastics) Nachinery industry) TFMZOLIMSKIT, B.G.; VOYTSIK, L.R.; POPOV. N.V.; SHKOLINIKOV, A.S. Now methods for stud7ing wells based on the use of impulse neutron sources. Heft.khoz- 36 no.11:21-28 N 158. (MR& ll.*12) (Neutrons) (Prospecting--Geophysical methods) 11(0) SOV/93-58-11-4/15 AUMOR: Yerozolimakiy, B.G.,, Voytalk, L.R., Popov, N,V.,vad Shkollnikov, A.S. TITIE- New Oilfield Exploration Methods Employing Pulse Generating Neutron Sources (Novyye metody issledovaniya burovykh skvazhin, osnovawi~7e na ispollzoVanii impulsnykh neytronnykh istochnikov) PERIODICAL Neftyanoye khozyaystvo, 1958, Nr U, pp 21-28 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article notes the development of neutron generators for radioactivity well logging in the Soviet Union and America [Ref 1-4] and analyzes the possible employment of such units In pulse operation as well as the development of new exploration methods based on pulse generating neutron sources which will enable one to study the unsteady processes of neutron and reservoir rock interaction. Understanding of the processes taking place in the medium around the source after its emission of a short pulse of neutrons [Re~ 5,6) will make it possible to find the ways of utilizing the pulse method for solving the geophysical problems of oilfields. One of these possible methods is the determination of the formation's porosity and its-fluid mineralization by measuring the nonstationary field of thermal neutrons. This requires finding the dependence of the thermal neutron stream on the time which is presented by Fig. 2 as the curve of n(t), where n is the number of thermal neutrons registered by the tracer and t- the time. Card 1/2 New Oilfield Exploration Methods (Cont.) WV/93-58,11-4/1555 Function n(t) is computed from the theory of diffusion [Ref 71 and expressed by the formula n(t) = C - - r 2 + t (Dt) 512 e _VD-t -C , where D is the coefficient of neutron diffusion in a medium depending primarily on the reservoir rock Is hydrogen content and T - the life span of the thermal nevrtrons depending somewhat on the hydrogen content and to a greater extent on the water mineralization clue to its chlorine content. Among the other possible nev methods that can be developed with impulse generating neutron sources are those which may be based on measuring the slowing down time of the neutrons, as well as on determining which reservoir rock contain carbon by means of in- elastic scattering gemma ray spectra [Ref 8-101. The unit employed in oilfield exDloration methods based on pulse generating sources is presented by Fig. 1. There are 2 figures and 10 references, 4 of which axe Soviet and 6 English. Card 2/2 POPOV, N.Y.,red. (Kechanization of technological processes in furniture manufacturingJ Nekhanizataiia tekhaologichookikh protRessov v mebellnom proizvodetva. Moskva, TSentrallnoe bluro takhh. informatsii Bumazhnoi I derevoobrabotyvaiushchei promyshl, 1958. 36 p. (MIRA 11:12) (Furniture Industry) GULYAYEV, B.B., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; POPOV, N.V., inzh. Investigating the state of sulfur in liquid steel. Izv. vvs. ucheb. zav.; chern.met. no.5:29-32 My 158. (MIRA 11:7) l.Leningradski7 nauchno-isoledovateliskiy institut. (Desulfuration) (Steel--Metallurgy) POPOV, NIVI , -- - -VI t, - ? - te -4&- - V., Studying the results of weather observations. Geog. v shkols 21 no.3* 100'0'~ 33-41 W-Je '58. (MIRA 11:6) (Weathar) -..t, t I ~ *_j ~, ~j POPOV,-N.V.,-kand.biolog.nauk (Novocherkassk) October in the lover Don Vallev. Priroda 46 no.10:124-125 0 '57. (KIRA 10:10) (Don Valley-Autumn) t TIMOMJIV, Valentin Aleksandrovich; POPOV, N.V., nauchnyy red., SOKOLOVA, M.A.. red.; OSTRIROV, N.S., WO m".V4d. [Cabinetwork] Xroonodereyr4ye raboty. Noolcm, Yses. uchabno- ped&gGg. izd-vo Trudreservizdat, 1957. 350 P. (MIRA 11:2) (Cabinetwork) POPOV, N.V. Wind-driven. waterworks. D 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Direktor Kiselevskoy semiletney shkoly. (Windmillq) (pumping stations) POPOV N V inzh ppir, - _ _ ., _. a '-'. ... Iloward'a rev'i-sio-n of -the existing standards for furniture. Der. prollk.A no. 4:1-4.4_157, - _ _ :6) __ - . - ___ - (MIJU 10. 1,1%ntralluoys byuro to-khpichaskoy informatsil, Minbundrevprosa SSSR. (Furniture industry) V, /t, 26-10-41/44 AUTHOR. Popov, N.V., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Novocherkasek TITLE: October in the Region of the Lower Don (Oktyabr, na nizhnem pridonlye) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1957, No 10, pp 124-125 (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to the author, the beat time of the year on the lower Don river is the month of October. During the first ten days of October, you still get the impression that trees and orchards are green, that nature is still at its best. In the second half of the month the "Indian Summer" period be- gins with occasional autumn frosts. Maples and other trees turn yellow. They shed their leaves and only the fall aan- delion continues to blossom. At that time of the year light snowfalls sometimes occur. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 L 47377-66 1;AT(m)/&'T(W)P'AWP(t) ETI/BftP(k)- IJP(c) JD/W Ad NR' AR6028;4.1 SOURCE CODE: UR/0276/66/000/005/13047/BO47 AUTHOR: Atroshchenko, E. S.; Kofman, A. P.; Mantaroshin, A. P.; Nagornov, G. M.; Popov, N. V.; Ryadlmskaya, L M. TITLE: A possibility of using explosion energy for strengthening tractor lug- tracks /f SOURCE: Ref. zh. Tekhnologiya mashinstroyeniya, Abs. 5B314 REF SOURCE: Sb. Materialy Nauchn. konferentsii. Sovnarkhoz Nizhne-Volzhsk. ekon. r-na. Volgogradsk. politekhn. in-t. T. 1. Volgograd, 1965, 284-287 TOPIC TAGS: tractor, lug track, e.-cplosion energy ABSTRACT: The use of explosion energy for strengthening tractor lug tracks was found to be feasible. A diagram for strengthening the lugs was shown. The use ofi, explosive cords is considered to be the most acceptable from the engineering aspect. Studies were made of the effect of the medium on the magnitude- and 1/2 UDC: 621. 789:6 Crd 2/2 POPOV, N.V. ...... Studying the results of weather observations. Geog. v shkole 21 no.3: 33-41 NY-Je '58. (KIBA 11:6) (Weather) I.f, POPOV, H.V., kandidat biologicheskikh nauk, dotsnet; SHIK, M.M., redaktor. [Phenological observation in the school] Fenologicheskie nabliude- niia v shkole. Izd.2., ispr. Moskva, Gos.uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo, 1953. 215 P. (MIaA 7;3) (Phenology) POPOV, N. T. Now to teach students about saftal seasonal chaWs, Osog. v Wale no.6s4?-52 X-D 153. OWA 6:12) (Beasom--Study and teaching) POPOV, N.V., kandidat biologicheskikh nauk. Phonological observations by schoolchildren. let. v shkole no.2: 82-M mr-Ap 156. WaA 9-.7) (Nature study) (Phonology) zz POPOV, N.V., kandidat biologicheakikh nauk (Novocherkasok). In the lover Don area. Priroda 45 no.3:127-128 Kr 056. (Don Valley-Climatology) 011aA 9:7) ACC NR'- AN1,17003014 (A) Monograph UR/ J!op2~y, ~~N. V. ; Yufin, V. A. Pipeline transportation, 1964-1965 (Trtiboprovodnyy transport, 1964-1965) Moscow /VINITI/ 66, 0102 p, illus. , biblio. 1, 500 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: pipeline transportation system, storage tank, corrosion protection, pipeline construction PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book covers problems connected with the develop-i ment of pipeline transportation in the USSR and abroad. It analyses conditions and prospects of pipeline transportation in various countries and its increasing significance in the economics of the state. Experience in pipeline design, construc tion, automation, and measures taken to protect pipelines against corrosion! are discussed. A description of.oil tanks, gas storage tanks and reservoirs, and starting and terminal points of pipelines, is given. TABLE OF CONTENT [abridged]: Foreword -- 5 Ch. 1. Pipeline transportation situation in various countries -- 7 Card I / 2 A-Cd-Nk:-- AM70-030-1--4 Ch. 2. Planning and designing of pipelines -- 26 Ch. 3. Construction of pipelines -- 37 Ch. 4. Operation of pipelines -- 41 Ch. 5. Automatization of main pipelines -- 53 Ch. 6. Protection of pipelines from corrosion 70 Ch. 7. Oil tanks and reservoirs -- 84 Ch. 8. Gas storage tanks -- 91 Literature -- 101 SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 026/ OTH REF: 122 Card 2 / 2 C NR,AP6033920 SOURCE CODE1 uit/0177/66/000/010/0065/0066 AUTHOR: Popov, N. V. (Lieutenant colonel: Medical corps); Kuznetsov, V. B. ORG: none TITLE: Rapid influenza~rdiagnosia using fluorescent antibodie .SOURCE: Voyenno-moditsinokiy zhurnal, no. 10, 1966., 65-66 TOPIC TAGS: human ailment, infl6enza, diagnostic medicine, fluorescent antibody method ABSTRACT: The use of the fluorescent antibody method for the diagnosis of type A2 influenza was compared with standard methods with respect to speed, accuracy, and ease. Results showed the serological method to be more sensitive in influenza diagnosis, but in view of the rapidity of the fluorescent antibody method the use of both. one for rapid prelim- inary diagnosis and the other for confirmation, is recommended. Orig#- art. hast 2 tablese (W.A. 501 SUR CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: none Card 1/1 u8t UDC: 616.921*5-078 ---POPOV,, N.V.# podpolkovmik. meditainskoy sluMby Experience in seroprevention of influenza. Voen.-med. zhur. no.3:81-82 165. (14IRA 18:11) VINOGRADSKIY, V.F., kand. tekhn. nauk; ZAKUROV, Ye.N., nauchn. red.; POFOV N.V., red. jVacuum planing of scantling parts in continuous multiple- line processing on automatic lines] Vakuumnoe bazirovanie bruskovykh detalei pri mnogopotochnom sposobe obrabotki na avtomaticheskikh liniiakh. Moskva, TSentr. nauchno- issl. in~-t informatsii i tekhniko-ekon. issledovanii po lesnoi, tselliulozno-b=azhnoi, derevoobrabatyvaiushchei promyshl. i leanomu. khoz., 1964. 23 p. (MIRA 18:5) 11 - ' '&31 . a:Id durabd.-Lio-.- f::r -, -na Met-,Ay 14pytaTilLia mebe-!J i tekluiikr,-- 'i e K; Al. !3 114 prurnyenl, :i le5llomu l,t*,oz.p .)brab5,ty,v;i ll~ P- (yalm is, 5) i. 11.3es:,Y'lzrjyy i tekhro-o9k*"Xiy AT -'tut mabeli. (fnr Sjkhova)~ . ist., % POPOV N V. 'nzli.; BRAUN, M.P., doktor tekhn.rauk; VINDKUR, B.B., kand.tekhn. )--tz.t -l-$ - nauk; SOKOL, A.N... ka-nd.tekhn.nauk; ZALETSKIY, G.I., kand.tek~n.nauk Optimum composition and heat-treat-ment conditions of z-~eells for tractor part-e. Mashinostroenie no-4249-52 Jl-Ag 165. DELLE, V.I., kand. arkhitektury; CHEREPALKHINA, A.N., arkhitektor; RUBAVENKOY B,ti., red.; POPOV, N.V., red. (New furniture models; according to the results of the first round of the Second All-Union Competition for the Best Furniture Models for Residential and Public Build- ings] Novye obraztsy mebeli; po rezzul'tatam pervoi oche- redi II Vsesoiuznogo konkursa na luchshie obraztsy mebeli dlia zhilykh i obshchestvenrykh zdanii. Floskva, 1962. 326 p. (MIRA 17:9) 1. TSentrallnyy institut tekhnicheskoy informatsii i ekonomicheskikh --;ssledovaniy po lesnoy, bumazhnoy i de- revoobrabatyvayushchey promyshlenposti. 2. Deystvitt-11- nyy chlen Akademii stroitel'stva'i arkhitektury SSSR (for Pubanenko). -0~:Cow. Tle-tral rriy L:-- -rr nov, POFOV, Rikolay Vasillyevich; DIN 'K01, F.M.Dynsko, F.M.], red.; fl.K. ], tekhn. red. [In the name of the 22d Congress of the CPSU)Irwni XXII zlizdu KPRS. Kyiv, Vyd-vo TsK LKMIJ q1olod',n 1962. 61 p. (IMRA 15: 12) (Ukraine-Efficiency, Industrial) (Agriculture--Labor p--oductivity) -Mon -un, POFOV, N.V., kand.biologicheskikh nauk (Novocherkassk) I ~Ionducting phenological observations. Biol. v shkole no.2:6c-63 Mr-Ap '62. (Y -;:4i (Crops and climate) GORJMOV,IA.G.J. propodavat.; F-KAZAIIIYEV, Aleksandr,- ADILOV, V.V., hand. -.:iL, naUh, retsenzent: ITIAGrNIA, G,A., ]:~~Indi. ist,nauk, re'sen- zent; I` , De, A Z..;CV.A~.OV S T-ed r-01--gi-P red.; iOGCZ-',U:D:, V.111.,,. red.; 91MNSFIKI, T.11 ... red.; TARIM, A.1-T.., red.; KOLOTITITS-YI!, V., reclaktor; E.. tekbn. red. [Revda stories; from the history of the Revda Hardware Mamdactur- ing and Metallurgical P:Lant]Pevdin-.:kie vyli; iz istorii Revdinsko- go metiznoretallurgicheskogo zavoda. Shrerdlovsk, Sverdlovskoe Imizhnoe izd--vo, 1960. 154 P. WIRA 15 - 8) 1. Sek-retarl Ilevdinskogo gerodskogo koniteta Koimrunisticheskoy partil Sov tskogo Soyuza (for Silenskith). Vevda-Metallurgical plants) FQFQVP IlikolAp inzh. (Sofiya) News of foreign #nginsering. Za rLd. 21 ao.600~31 Je 163. (MIRA 16 :11) -EQFOV,,,O.A.,, inzh.; GLOTOV, N.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; ZAVRIYEV, K.S., kand.'U-Alm. nauk; SHPIRC, G.S., kand.tekhn.nauk Concerning the revision of the chapter "Pile foundations from consolid-ating piles" of the Construction Norms and Regulations. Tranon.stroi. 15 no.10:46-47 0 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Gosudarstven"y ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni proyektno- i7-yekatellskiy inBtitut po proyektirovaniyu bollehikh mostov (for Popov). 2. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'Bkiy institut transportnogo stroitellstva Ministerstva transportnogo stroitell- stia (for Zavriyev). 3. Voesoyuznyy zaochnyy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Shpiro). STAVRAKOV, Ye.Kh., inzh.; POPOV, O.A., inzh. New designs of the anchors for clusters of prestressed wire. Transp. stroi. 12 no-8;56-57 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Concrete reinforcement) S/019/61/000/013/035/075/ A154/A128 AUTHORS: Popov, O.A., and Agayev, A.G. TITLE: A method of reducing nickel oxide PERIODICAL: By-ulleten' izobreteniy, no. 13, 19619 44 TEXT: Class 40a, 43ol. 110. 139444 (689566/22 of December 19, 1960). A method of reducing'nickel oxide, distinguished by the fact that, in order to increase the productivity of the electrode anode melting furnaces and increase the technological indices of the process, the hot nickel oxide ' ob- tained in roasting furnaces, and the solid reducing agent are fed into a fluidized-bed furnace, where the recirculating reducing gas of this furnace is blown through them. Card 1/1 ALEKSEYEV, Yuriy Vasillyevich; POPGVf _qj~A_Andro3-Avirh,- GLADKOV, V.A., red.; FORHO'KIY, K.Ya.l speff-j- red.; SYCfEVr', V.A., tck-hn. red. [E/parience in sernicontinuous =elting]Opyt poluneprer:-,vnoi plav- ki. Purmansk, Famranskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 23 (m6tA 15:12) (flickel-Electrometallurgy) AUKSEYEV, Yu.V.; ASTAFIYEV, A.F.; POPOV, q.A-;,-FrInima1:L uchastiyei AGAYEV, A.G.; REBROV, A.G.;' MAKOV, N.N. Adopting the roasting of nickel concentrates in a fluidized bed at the "Severonikell" Combine. TSvet. met. 36 no.7:35-42 Jl 16,3. (Nickel-Metallurgy) (Fluidi?,ation) (miRA 16-8) KtYLITSOV, Yevgeni-y Ivanovich, Jr-and. tekhn. nauk; POPOV, Oleg A-leksandrovich, inzh.; GOLUBKOVA, Ye.S., red.; BODIANOVA, A.P., tokhn. red. [Reinforced-concrete bridges abroad] Zhelezobetonnye mosty za rubezhota. Moskva, Avtotnansizdat, 1963. 233 P. (MIRA 16:12) (Bridges, Concrete) YEVGRAFCYV, Georgiy Konstantinovich; UALIN, Nikolay Borisovich; PROTASOV, K.G.,prof., reteenzent; GNMCYV-OKIY,V.I.,prof.,retsenzent;BDr,01-IC)LOV, P. 1. dots.. retsenzent; )UAI-AM,S.Ya., dots., retsenzent; NUUTIN, M.K.,dots.,retsenzent; SILINITSKIY,Yu.M.,dots.,ratoonzeirt;KOZI~UN, Yu.G., kand.tekhn.naukpretsenzent; KRYLITSOVYe.I.,kand.teklm.nauk, retsenzent; POTgq.A,.,Uzh.,retsenzent; ZEIEVICH,P.M.,inzh.q red.; BOBROVA.Ye.N., tekhn. red. [Calculations for bridges according to limiting states]Raschety mostov po predellrjym sostoianiiam. Moskva,Transzhe2dorizdatj 1962. 335 (MIRA 15:9) l.Kakdra '$Iosty i tonneli" Leningradskogo instituta inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta(for Protasov.. Gnedovskiy,Bogomolov, Kram&rev).2.Gosudarstverxjyy proyektno-izyskatellskiy inititut po proyektirovaniyu i izyskaniyam bol'shikh mostov (for Krylltsov, Popov). (Bridges-Design) FOPOVP I.G. L. ortarce of the tomograpir 1 c me thod of eza-ml n- rg 7,: n detection of Taetactases. of cancer. Vup. onk. 10 ro.i*',-): (,%F-rRA. 1. Iz rentgeno-radiologicheskogo ot~iela instituta eksperimeritallnoy I klinLehe:3koy ankc1c)gil Al"IN SSSR (Zav, otdolom. - -,,rutl, L. L. 'Javt-. 1-; direktor instituta - cleyv~tvltellnyy chlen AAll Adres ti La avtora.- Mosk-va, V-41'9, Kashirskoye shosse, 6, Insulut ~lkqperiman; 1~-- noy i klinicheakoy onkolcgii AMN 5,L,,,9R. POPOVP D.I. System for automatic switching-in of auxiJiary power and automatic recloeing for electric motors supplying self needs of electric power plants. Energetik 10 no.lt26-28 Ta ;62. (MIRA 34-.22) (Electric power plants-Ele-Aric equipment (Electr:Li,. protection) F! POPOV, 0.1.; F~DOROVA, Ye.O. Measurement of the radiation spectra of the atmosphere and the terrestrial surface in the 2 - 6?--r-egion from altitudes up to 4 km. Opt. i spektr. IS no.3:512-514 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:5) 36953 s/i:96/62/000/007/005/007 E032/E514 AUTHORS: Meyngard, P.N., Popov, 0.1. and Sholokhova, Ye.D. TITLE: A recording phot"M~icric ~app~a_ratus for the measure- ment of the transparency of air in the visible part of 'the spectrum PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no-7, 1962, 5, abstract 7V22. (5b. t'Aktinometriya i atmosfern. optika". L., Gidrometeoizdat, 1961,152-159) TEXT: The photoelectric apparatus ~M-45 (FM-45),in which the light flux is measured at two distances, was developed for the measurement of the absolute value of the transmission coefficient of air. A modulated light beam produced by a hot-filament lamp (6 V, 7.7 W) is divided into two parts by a system of b6n~ses and mirrors. One of them is focused into a parallel beam and is passed through the layer of the atmosphere, finally reaching the photocell (type CUB-51, STsV-51). The second part of the beam reaches the photocell directly and is used as the comparison beam. The two beams are shifted in phase by 1800. The photocell output,which is proportional to the Card'1/2 POPOV, 0. 1.; FEDOROVA, Ye. 0. "Some data on the emission spectra of theatmosphere in the region between 2 az:-- 6 microns." report presented at the Atmaspheric Radiation, Leningrad, 5-12 Aug 64. POPOV; 0.1.; FEDOROVA, Ye.O.; SHOLOKHOVA, Ye.D. Transparency measLreaant of the lower atmosphere in the ultraviolet and visible regions of the spectrum. Izv. lal SSR. Ser. geofiz. no. 3:478-1+86 Mr 161. (MRA 11+:2) 1. Opticheskiy institut im.S.I. Vavilova. (At,~Pospherlc transparency) POPOV, 0. 1. Cand F-hys-Mat.-, SI-i -- (diss) "Studl Of the I.ransparency of . ttl 4d`xT, f 0,03 to I mi by means hazel in various sections of the spectrwn In *,,j,= o of the photoelectric method." Lon, 1958. 12 pp (State Optical Inst im S. L Vavilov), 130 copies (KL, 14-55, 109) &a- 51-5-8/11 AUTHOR: Popov, 0.1. TITLE: Trai aren y of the Lower Layers of the Atmosphere in 3.sparency Different Parts of the Spectrum in the Region 0.3 to 1/,,-, (Frozrachnosto nizhnikh sloyev atmosfery v otdellnykh uchastkakh spektra v oblasti ot 0-3 do 1 mk) PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1957, Vol.III, Nr 5, pp.504-513 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The aim of the present work was to investigate the transparency of mist in different meteorological condit- ions (different visibilities) and in that region of the spectrm where the loss of radiant energy is due primar- ily to scattering. From the experimentally determined spectral transparency of the atmosphere a calculation is made of the typical dimensions and the number of scatter- ing particles per -unit volume of air for different visibi- lities. The method adopted was to measure the ratio of the transmission coefficients in the near infra-red and the ultra-violet to the absorption coefficients in the visible. A second. apparatus was used to measure the absolute values of the,coefficients in the visible . The apparatus is shown in Fig.3- _' Radiation from a source S passes through a Card 1/4 modulating disc DM , and is reflected by the spherical Transparen' 51-5-8/11 CY Of the Lower Layers Of the Atmosphere in Different Parts Of the Spectrum in the Region 0.3 to 1,,,, . mirror, R 1 towards a distant mirror, R, (not shown in the figure). Light reflected from R,;, is Collected by the spherical mirror R 4 and with the help of the mirror R is focussed on the half-silvered plate, P . The light 3 reflected by P is transmitted by the filter, F and is recorded by the Photoelectric cell 2 transmitted by ~2 The light P passes through the filter F, and is intercepted by the Photoelectric cell 1p, . The photo- electric cells are connected in such a way that the signals from them are in antipilase. The difference between the sig- nals from these cells is amplified by the narrow band amp- lifier, Y I and after a phase-sensitive rectification is shown on a visual meter. Electrical circuits are based on those developed by M.G.. Boldyrev and K.K.Polevitskiy. Card 9A Measurement consists in equalising the signals from Yj and 51 -5-8/11 Transparency of the Lower Layers of the Atmosphere in Different Parts of the Spectrum in tile Region 0.3 to 1J-L - ?2 by means of a special potentiometer attached to In order to find the ratio of the coefficients of absorption from the two spectral regions defined by the filters F 1 and F9 it is necessary to carry out the equalising proced- ure at two distances. A DC mercury lamp was used as the source and measurements were carried out at the following wavelengths: 313, 54-6 and 1014 m . Experimental data , were obtained, using these lineyfor visibilities from 1.5 to 60 km. On the basis of 100 measurements of the trans- parency of the atmosphere on a country site it was conclud- ed that, knowing the transparency in the visible region for visibilities from 1:.5 to 30 km, it is possible to predict the values of the transparency for the whole wavelength range from the ultra-violet to the near infra-red. Curves are given of absorption as function of wavelength in the region 310 to 1000 mitt for visibilities between 1'.6 and 58 km. The results show that the scattering of ultra-violet visible nd near infra-red radiation is inversely proportion- Card 3/4 al to 0 and X and is therefore quite different from 51-5-8/11 Trp,nsparency of the Lower Layers of the Atmosphere in Different Parts of the Spectrum in the Region 0.3 to 1i", - that predicted by the Rayleigh formula. The diameter of the particles most often met with was of the order of 0.20 to 0.30JA- which is in good agreement with results of direct measurements of particle sizes. Calculations of the size and number of particles per unit volume have shown that when the meteorological visibility changes, the number of scatt- ering particles also changes whilst their size changes relatively slowly. Thanks are given to Prof. N.G. Boldyrev. There are 9 figures, 1 table and 11 references, 3 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: March 23, 1957. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 4/4 Transparency of the lover atmosphere layers in various regions of the spectrum from 0.3 to 1 Opt.i spektr. 3 no-5:504-513 19 '57. (MIRA 10:12) (AtmosDheric transparency) GERSHUN,A.A., doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, professor ; POPOV,0.1., inzhener The problem of light diffusion through mat glass. Sveto- tekhnika 1 no-1:3-8 F '55- (HIBA 8:9) 1. Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut (Light--Scattering) L 36J2 -6.~ ACCESS] At 46."E 2' shon/65/018/003/0512/o514 AUTHOR: Popov, 0. I,o Fedorova. Ye.-O, TITLE: -Measurement of the radiation spectra of the atmosphere and of the earth's, surface in the 2"6 micron region from altitudes up to 4 km p SOURCE: Optika i spektrosk i a-, vo l8t~no. 3, 1965, 512-514 0 TOPIC TAGS: earth radiatioaFinfrared radiation, radiation spectrum, atmosphere radiation, airplane measurement/ LI-2 aircraft ABSTRACT The authors report.the results of aseries of 'airborne m6a r suremental made in W-1963, In 1961, the authors used a mirror monochromator with an LiF; rism, described elsewhere (Opt,,-mekh, promyshl. no. 8, 1962)o It was later re- p placed by a more highly perfected specially developed ;6.e'rial- semi-automatic I spectrometer with diffraction grating. The spectral width of the alit used in most oftbe experiments was 0.07 V in the'entire investigated'range from 2 to 6 V, The radiation receivers were liquid-nitrogen-cooled PbSe-and PbTe photoresistances.- Thespectra were recorded with a loop oacillograph. The measurements .ere made 1- relative to a cold black body at liquid-nitrogen temperature. The measured [Card 4- ACCESSION NRI AP5006442- dpectra.vere calibrated in absolute units against unheated-black-body spectra recorded periodically during the course of the measuiremented The black-body tem-, perature. vas monitored with an electric thermometer*- Type LI-2 Mrplanes were used for plots of the'signals at different altitudes are presented, The results show that the radiation of the earth's surfacei, observed from 0.2 km, is close to a black-body radiation at the earth's temperature in --the entire range frr4 3 to 6 u,, Some.irregularites are caused by reflection of solar radiation from the 4mrth and t3r differences in-the trightness of the earth lon a g the airplane patht.,With increasing altitude,-gaps appear in the spectrum .,from the earth0s'eurface, in the regionsof the C02 and H20 absorption bands (4.3 and 6a3 p). For thege wavelengths . .the earth's radiation Is abeorbed by a small thickness of the atmospheric layer near the earth, and the instruments measure the radiation from the-cooler layers of the atmosphere in.their direct vicinity. The radiation of the atmosphere, on the other hand, is maximal in the absorption bands.and very small in the 4.6 to 4 -T 0 transparency window. The radiationr also [021 1 has. a seasonal variationa Orig, art has: 2 figures'. ASSOCIATION: rione Card 2'1-' FOMICHEV $ M.M. POPOVp O.M., inzh. ,, inzh.; TYU10WEV, Yu*S., inzhe; ---- An automatic noneontact ATR-1 temperature regulator for grain dr:Lers. Vest, elektroprou. 33 no.9:24-26 S 162. (KM 15:10) (Grain-Drying) (Temperature regulattVa) SOV/135-59-6-16/20 25(l) JJTI-T 10 Popov, u. P., Zngineer TITLT!": NeW Torches for Hand _-Ixcfon-_xc Jeldi-nr ~ZRIODICzq,: ~~varochnoye Proizvodstvo, 1959, Ur 6, pp 42-43 (USSR) A _)3TR_CT The article describes new inventions of torches: GRAD- 200, and GR40-400. Figure 1 shows torch GRLO-400. The plan of torch GR-AD-200 is given in Figure 2. The torches have been coastrucUcd for hard Lrgon-arc welding of single parts of different kinds of mtals - in differ- ent positions and inaccessible places - by 'Jolfrar- elec- trodes. Small weight, water-cooling from the i-iiside, and uascre-,.rable ceramic tops are the advantages of the new torches. The low weight is due to the new aluminum co7istruction. The new torches have been introduced at several plants and are recommended by the authors, There are I diagram and 1 photograph. Card 1/1 POPOV. O.S., SOKOLISKIY. D.V. Hydrogenation of totranothylbutynediel on Uney nickel under Increased pressure. Dokl. A N SM 105 no.4:731-734 D 155. (MLBA 9:3) 1. Deystvitel'Ayy chlen AN KasSM (for Sokollskiy); 2. Kazakhskiy gosudaretyannyy universitet imeni S.M. Kirov&. Alm-At&. (Butynediol) (Hydrogenation) -:7- z, POLUKHrN, P.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; PQPOV, O.S., kand.takhn.nauk Investigating deformations in oblique girder grooves. Stall 20 no. 12:1108-1112 D 160. (MIRI 13:12) 1. Moskovskiy institut stall. (Rolling Mille) (Deformations (Mechanics)) AID P - 188o Subject USSR/`Meteorology and Hydrology Card 1/1 Pub. 71-a - 23/26 Author : Martynov, S. I. and Popov, 0. S. Title : Are our theorists departing from the practitioners Periodical : Met. i gidro., no.2, 59-60, 1955 Abstract : A critical review of the new edition of Nastavleniya Gidrometeorologicheskim stant81yam(Directives for Hydrometeorological Station4. Many errors have not been corrected, some requirements are impossible to fullfil, others are too vague, aid some definitions are incorrect. The authors strongly recommend the publishing of a new, revised edition. Institution None Submitted No date W~V"On -0'7 Prossnes' *.,I- M."k S .1 -6 R~I It-..' of t t e a_ th) ca e 0-11 n'1 at 111.3 1 e rd"'I f. 11- r c (C age of I. Xeoiic~; to thc.acqety, ic,c en 't rA- .4. -101-but in the second stage (vOhcn 't i_. 'Ic. to vica -, meffiklbuten of ~s being hydrogenated) the rate varics approx. CCU as the 0.5 power of tl%eroAcn.-iu this stage the-catalyst becomes less anodic~ Rate of reaction jaithroughout proportional to H3 pressure. The energy of atftivUiou in the second stage is considerably greater than that in the first, A qual~itative explanation of the resul!s. in terms of adsorption theory is given. r- W. Klaxnzwz- /-T-I Xdrozenation of tetramithylbutiqgd1ol, on Raney Ukkal lyst at elevated pressure. ind U a 5 NI. Kirov State : dy A~aX Baum S.S.S.R. lu*. I Dokla and potential curves were detd. for hydrogenation of tetra,' methylbuiynediol over Raney N1. At 20*. 40% 60% or 0* thic curves invariably show a rate break after intake of I mole,H; the faWdeclines and the catzlyst potential de- clines. The product at this point Is a cIs-trans tnixt. of the olefinic diols, The rate Is zero order with respect to the ntnt. of substrate in the Ist half of the proce-s. but the hydrogenation of the olefinic dioLs has a rate corresponding, to 0.5 order; the order with respect to H Is approx. In W of the process order; a rise in temp. accelerates the Ist It more than the 2nd. The activation tnergy declines slightly with Increase of Ii prmmure to 3 nun, and with a r.L%L- in temp. 5 , 1 01 1 1-14N 4141 t 7 ~ T k 1 1 . , ~ PU ~ S~ R I 9S6--" . ie me t wil. !31 0-1. on a Rall"y HI) t6 3 atn]. and teMI2. 0-:610" all') at fit,- saule fillw tilt, ch-Irge.; in polenlial cf tLe czi6lv~t-' S41kof,61-ji 4110 Draf, 1950, 73, 9-19). In rhr firqt $1.1ge j)i reaction m ,I ZVI& Ordtir Witt) .U'Pe-Ir -(~%I t in VIC 4t.)g~ 1101,T) t" tu c .. ti-jenic '0:0110L Jou t';c Iku: Ar, Itie czn r:,,, FOP07.1 0. S., Cend 7-ch SP-1 ~dlss) -- " inve-stilga-1 ion of t'an- -;f metal in obliquely placed beam calipers". tMoscow, 1.959. 20 pp (Min HLIher and Inter Spec Educ RSF-SR, Moscow Order of Labor Red P*nner In3t of Steel im I. V. Stalin), 120 copies (KL, No 9, 196o, 125) ?WE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4782 Moscow. InAtitut stall Prulzvodstvc, I obrabotxa stall I splavov (Production and Treatment or Steel and Alloys) Moscow, Metallurgizdat. 1960. 462 p. (3ari*st Itat 3barnik, 39) 2,100 copies printed. Zd.t Ye. A. Barkol Ed. of Publishing House: S. L. Zinger; Tech Id.s M. R. Xleynman; Editorial Council of the Institute: 114. (11inkar, Proreasor, Doctor of Technical Sciences. R. N. OrIgornah, Docattp Candidate of Technical sciences; V. P. Yelyutin, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; A. A. Zhukhovitaki7, Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences; 1. N. lUdIns Professor, Doctor of Technical sciences; B. 0. Livshita. Professor, Doctor or Toch- alcal.Selences; A. F. Lyublmov, Proresscr~ Doctor or Technical 3cI to.esj 1. 9. favlov, Corresponding Mcmber~ Academy at Sciences USSS; and A. X. Pokhvionev, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences. PORYOSIt This book Is Intended for technical personnel In Industry. scientific institutions and schools of higher education, dealing with open-hearth md a loc trio- rurnace steelmaking, metal rolling, physical metallurgys matallogrAphy, and heat- treatment. It may CU-4 1/10 also be used by students specializing In these fields. CGIVERA112: The back containp results or theoretical and experiment- al investigations of metallurgical and heat-engineering proceo3em In opwn-benrth and electric furnaces. Data are Included on the rollowl.aXt desm1furizing of pig Iran outside the blast furnace, interaction or oxides or the c&rbide-for-aing metals with solid carbon, the change of content of gases In the bath of the open- hearth furnace In various periods or meltingj Intensification of the electric melting or steel, etc. Other articles deal with the acouniformity or deformation In rollingo the study of the continuous -rolling process, the dependence of 'he friction - slippage coefficients In rolling on a number of factors. and other problems In the pressworking of metaI3. Articles an physical metallurgy and the theoretical principles and techniques of the heat treatment of' steel are also Included. No pernonall- ties are mentioned. References accoap-ny most or the articles. There are 207 references. both Soviet and non-Sovlet. Card 2/10 _;,_,_Pqaant, Candidate or Technical Sciences, V. M. am W-2 Engineer, and Ye._T,. Shahedrin, Englneer (Departiamit' of us rhysias of Metals and J. Uffect of Strain Distortions and Aging on the Diffusion Rate in Nlckel-Bastd Alloys 381 and 0_a,_Z0ay.._Ang1neer (Department or RolUngj. Inv*a; Ilation of'-thirNrormation of Metal in Diagon- al Boas 11asoes 400 _QjjUr4k_B__V_,CandIdsts of Technical Sciencas (Department or alootrateahnIcs). PAgnetic Viscosity of High-Coerolvity Alloys 422 TAULS42-T.-Y~j), Doctor of Chemical Sciences, and N P__?Kluk, and rt. X. XlroInbor Candidates of Chemical Sclenc_e_~TbepK~tAarm ;41314-21-NI'ans ale]. Behavior of Iran and Steel In Oxidit- 438 ~v, A. X_ Doctor or chemical sciences, and I Z. Kozel', Chemical Sciences [Department; of 1n.'j;jjjaI- Card 9~10 won Efice, of ;ncre~sed prt~isure of h-Yvddro-Zcn on the rele, of - caoly!lc hjkiiz:ari .1in in s~-,!L 77- `7 A~ S JT ~i, 1 A NaC)H and r;4 Ni in 4D~-~- aq . EtUH 0 . i A' in-77m-I,-*3- & no _ rkaz ajacewnL over , it on. .1 the same solveut. The . om: hyd of III, ypnic glycol on \i occ iighcr anodic POtClItL-1 thArl thLtl Of the Clhl-fl-'.*qj~~ anjj~lg (LIJ 1: i ~e ~ th,: 'lle gl,c- 1. %Veth N:-Sj0j th, St('11" 3t the t"hV"2I';C 'teil i1nd ~AL'n'!j:'.kc ()f if 11) this cataiyst is stionger. Hydrogtnition of btmmlaceto- as sho -a phet"One al~4D depends on selective adsorption A by catalyst potential max. aftcr uptake of I inole H. XVith Ni-SiO, catalyst only the c-!cqnic b~wid N h-pir-gunated in this cornpd., at-parently owing to the Uscm-c (It' Cvutf!rS -drtr capeble of activating the carbouyl group. H~ genatim of the triple bond in the acetylenic glycol and of the ethyfene borA hi knzalacetone over Raney Ni or Ni-SiO~ folloltj 'on zero crder or near zero order reaction; in hydrogerau of the tthyl~'~, (he MSCtiOll IS C11;zC to d ;7 tion :i.' ~ knubons: groug fin rop!ts Uell4a'acef~;ne hvd a 'rh, vuiuc~ _'ac~ I acti-I Ran, CS PA Pf, cr rti v 'jypT' 0t z"metion 'ntlu ar"~Ay tothe Ai tc, file firder with fc5pct t_n 11, the r~~.rtWrj ii of firil with R y amr or Ni-S~40- frr eiLlitr Oc bw 'benzahtcttt)ni!phuttonc the order ut the re-actum with rk!- sc-cct to H L, Iraction-al but cinsQ to Bt ordor. T11 c runs at O-ijil' pvrmilta-d the C~Jctl. of activa t4ou enerizie!i (for each gw-5 Are give -'t t1w wfivtfloa (acrgi V, rc'p. for 1, 2, and 1111rIv 3 .1 t rn Ram. "A), 3j~ -0; 1. N;-SiO~. C flq 1. 11 X1 y f II doub!e b,,m!, ?Zatw Ni, 6. 7 0. 00; IT doubli! h;-md, M-SiO., 7(Kh). K-4 X1, car- ~-onyl, Rftqty 6~~Jl.rp, Fo. 20 4V interval: 1. I, t?y Xi, -112000 , .3-560; 1. Nili4jj, 6700. -100, &IM; IlL Ralwy Nj'~8460' 7900. (Mo; 11, double 1-winct, Raney 9500. Ni. 4SOO. 9, M 5100. Por 40- (W iaw-val: 1, 16.uev Ni. 0. 26N), 2200; 1, 6100, --; III. \i, '1100. WIYJ, 4.100; 11 cintiWe. boad, R~n~ey Ni, hond, Ni-SA, - lmrh.~iivl. I'miev Ni. treg. v~jhjcs, Since qlm7ilK-l;'.fl' i, 4etd. lly '(.1venve wi;arpti(l:i mid mcliv,4tinn, !!w -onditivitr oif tc'~.p .-d ;:,4~ io pnmr tp r desired rv- acr Ion \"Ore Popov. S. USSR/Chemistry - Catalysts, Acetylene 21 Apr, 52 Derivatives "Catalytic Hydrogenation Under Constant Pressure," D. V. Sokollskiy, 0. S.--Popov "Dok Ak Wauk SSSEe Vol LXXXIII, No 6, pp 873-875 The effect of const hydrogen pressures from 1 t0'3 atm was investigated potentiometrically in the hydro- genation of methylethyl acetylenyl carbinol on skele- ton nickel. The results are shown graphically and in tables. -If D V fiz- V. 4 0=1 of IN %j Catalyst doo ST44(it =.. b 01) to a ted&10-20, a .ktbyny . (0. fau of '.t.t Irt aq 0 1 Ij NmOH Od at ja of 25 mW3,009 to abNOW ti Ole 40. %d 50 a, aid", im osciust G~tst H.. time t of Lim iotal of the of ku do Mtn is dwedly AtO'wd&t3D" No illms" -;~!; of a also* at 40* MA tbe to do kctor couses as tm jvt any ID 2 &ad IA " - - ' ) is W- rate bY 6 an I ('ektive to rA C.M.. 1, WT. lowo ball dW 'd It to. to I ve till *1 t1w 4. W, oI *v t Me to ol b t200 tbg at Rd 04 .kFw bowd. 11. at WW temps Uwa H ham the to at MOW the - * disP to talhfl"* tagonpl- vam Sp be- (C 44 IOWTC)' tbo TINIC WO'Now tgoeps. 8101 Pecooff"l-stid f d%WWS IW at -till the C.M. loweviss As. tb. WnPA. 11 =didvdy a' tbm and tbr twego Slom la;~ " b dw feactiom. a 0l I tbrWgb its dkWhIt- due t0 julative "Je of by&- $ tu relstivt go!? ,Wnt bY the sod 121* at 40 . u 2 stsms. at 20. 1.15 .40. almd A gtill fktweeo 1.65 5 1.97 at 60 t. Tu mew Utf VAtWa etwf 2. .4- 2 Itm.. H drogenation at coasU~nt presure ov I tifix in * paiNturn. and iridluffl."/D. V. %kol'ski! and ~0. S Doklady -4( W:M- - -Irydrogenation of NfeHtC(0II)C-Clf over I't black at 0' gives all S-shaped rate curve; inurca-& of 112 pre-stire front l Ab t atm. to 3 atm. raises the rate 1.5-fold. RiL in tenip. * :; . Chemica to 40 acMer-atcs the reaction. At 2 atin. the Ist part of Vol. 48 No. 9 the reaction follows a zero-arder rate, but iii laterstagcs at 1954 May 10 2 atin. there is seen a break hi Elie curve that is uot seen t hi h Th l , General and Physical Chemistr7 a er pressures. e cat;n yst potential rises bv 5-10 g mv. when the pressure is raised froin 2 to3atui. Witiblarge arnts. or the Catalyst it becoules evident that the dultble bond is hydrogenated at A higher rate. Hydrogenation of Nfe:C(0fl)C3CIf over Pd-CaC04 ;flows inorc rapid addit. of If, to tile triple hond than to tile double boud, a definite break in tile curve being observed; the catalyst potential at Ist drops by 200 niv., then rises: It reaches the sain. value at the end of the reaction. accelerate the rate of hydrogenation markedly. Sinula h-,,drogenation over It-C shows a Ist-orde! reaction course; increased pressure accelerates the reaction but slightly; the catalyst potential remains high and relatively const. G. lf. Kosolapoff, lly~, C,~talytlc nr~osure. Do":I. A, ...... C, le- iv. .... . Lis' cf R,~sr,`~;-.: 'ccz_-.,_-'c-,~--s, cf u Z_ -Ix - I Septe: er 1'~ 52. 0 L.' I F 1- M . OWIOF oz 7 11013' Calml? fir lit 4"waptims Umd" Co"ast Vnvomm. I A(twan,) 5 %i,sZrau &,xi o, s Pw-DiAhaly Akedewi 1~ - -Vauk SSSR. new wr, v. M, Aji~* 432. is. K" N-8.3. FAperbnvatal hydn*euatkm tit onthykjjj)Ljjrjyh-jjq, CoNtMA on Ark-tal Si at 0. 20, A mA 50-C. jand 2.0. 2.5. 4W 1-0 Atin. was rarrit-d out in IM-W muipawal- Tab6 mW groPh& TOFOV 0- S 11 High-Pres sure ~~,Jm~emtion of Certain Unsaturat-d Compounds." Cand Chr-~-- ':-i I I Kazakh State U, 10 Dec 54. (KP, 1 Dec 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher - k Educational Institutions 112) SO: Sum. No. 556, 21, Jun 55 i i -, ! ~I "', . XARTMV, S. I. . POFOT. 0.S. -.-k~m Aren't our theorists losing touch with practical realitisel Neteor.i g1drol. no.2:5940 Mr-Ap 155. WRA 8:7) (meteorolov) POPOV, O.L. ivpbener. . , ""g. Photoelectric apparatus for measuring the transparency of air. Svetotakhatka 3 no.1:20-22 J& '57. (MLRA 10:2) 1. GosudarstvenW optichesidy institut. (Air) (Optical instruments) Pin "777 7- 53! Won of :631. On :he question of the dism Ilght by. . A. OtRaHUS ANLY 0. 1. POWJY. ~,Vo. 1, 3-7 (Fe~;, 113 Th theory is developed for Uit cue of parallel rAys side. Experimental measure. failing on the polished S S . meats -A= made. it is concludcd that matt glass r h d i d by an - inf may he represente nity o umps an bblJows with facts directed In diffeTent directions. The number or faces and their ansfes of inclination -ro to the ma. -surface were determined by,. the distri- ' 'ibution function of the glass, whictx also malniy C Y termines the tranum distributio energy,- de n ' ' ~ tho distribution function It ls 'From knowledge of 111blo to calcqlato thcor:dcal Indices of brightnest % 0 he.mitf glass f6r difTerent practical applicalibns" Me distribution function of nwhanically produced .... ... matt "s can. be represented ju a citrve which 11 a. 'function of two puatnetcr3, a mainono and a sub-: 1, sifty one which only influences tho L shape of the ;distribution function when the angle of Incidence Is. - -40*. ne empirical formuli is 10! + 4 WO G(I + k 40~ anicter and a Is ths'lubAldlAry whete k is the maln pAr . t~j%arsjrcfer.: both. of. which are determln:d cxperl- Y. simplified forraUa_ Mew" kr % k tarvi 6) may be used in roost cam. 7 r POPOV, Ognian Tr., inz)-j., rl~,,Oflen S1%r!1d-.i4k - -1 minating the he-rmf -,d a flfect of -"' wrati-ns in concr-e Ile Elab vibrators. Tekhnika Bulg 13 no.10:30-32 '64. 1. N11OTPr. Pa?OF,0.1., Inshener; TCKAFW.G.P., inshener BqaIpment for service counwication overhead trunk lines. Vest. eviazi 15 no.8:7-10 Ag'55. (KW 8:12) 1. Montashno-ismeritellnogo uprawlenlya tresta "Xeshgorsvyas'stroy4 (Blectric linom-Overhead) SABININ, Yu.A., kand.tekhn.maulc; DOCRAROV, Yti.I., inzh.-, ZABOROVSKIY, S.A.. inzh.: ZVTAGIN, I.Ye.: in2h.; MIKOV, S.N., inzh.;-RDPQ*r--- O.V.-,, inzh. A motor drive with wide-range smooth speed control. Blektrichestvo no.12:20-23 D 157. (MIRA 10-12) l.Leningradaki.r politekhnicheakly institut im. Kalinina. (Ilectric driving) Piercing holes in shoot-metal parts by explosives. Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 4 no.7:18-24 JI 162. (MIRA 15.7) (Explosives in sheet-metal work) M.F.E I K-07. EXPWr"1;rl0:; sm, 5_-1 5 01-ly-Y", uPr-J-t,iY1 rldm-t~C,Nloelch~blzy tiluzhb., 7, 11,- 1 ~1::yy tc7htli =_-oy 1--rkhr~oatl (?h~r=A ar.3 W~t,:r R~zlw or the X-irthl. gurf"'.l) Ucmu:Cr,~I, lf4C~. 191 p. Erv_t~~ clip ttwrted. 600 cople3 prisittd. 01-10009-S Ad-n-Yl GLIM-Ya u2r-vl1aI1a gIdro:le_taOrOIOCtctoaMy slwhby PrI Sowt. mlbi*tr,,v SnJR. Ua.tritlo jw.~)t 1. P. a,~iwvl AcuALarle.1ant H. 1. Bu,131in, Do:wr or phy~t~4 and Mri then all a m j and, A. P. 0-411t.ov, Do-tor of G!ormf4k1x%.l S. Ic-,-1 EI., M. X. YactioZorolskiqll; Tech. Ed.: M. 1. Prayrani. Pr':WX; This publi"tion is inten4cd for e"playntel.ta, Mcgrmrber;, cllm. toloeluts, =d ligricul=Ists. CMIUM Th~. sowntean arti,lan cant-fred In thig 1pubIlSetlon reprealat can- depsel wralona of reports yrus-ted at the C"feracce on tbe F~cftt ~d Water R~siclo or tie rtarth Surf~,, Onnnad by tine GlMay. C.Ofizi~beallmyl t~dl,%,.Lortya in. A:41. vOy*y1,,vm (H~in Gaorhy, ical C~llorvltory iwni A. 1. Vay~ylm) in April 19~~J, tnAlridual ~tlclta d~,ml V_tb the' invecti- gotten of the t1lernal balance, of tb4 eartholl cnlrf~-o, probl- of tIe L-slm or c1itilte related to heat mr.1 vointare exchw,Lmp the Ini1ctortl of tclit l'.ni irawr t~aliincc In nZricalture, -1 provlow rnlated to thj effect Of hYtra- slateorolOjical factom vj*a co=plex r"jrapUcA.I ;;rocesuca =d rhenw=.a. go paroontlUtica am ri-ntlo"d. Rtforercen follo,r IndAvIdu.1 &.-ticlon. ~r4my."Itly, B. L., wid To. I.. Rwiner ITmatitut AN S= .- InzUtuto of tr~SRJ. Thr State =1 the Ttsks of the Lvent Bnl~* of a Varvat Crd 2/~ k~linln, G.F. JT~-n%ralljvyy Icatitut prv,;ii-or -- Central Inatttilt. of weatMr Tomeloctirzi. General Rec.sona for tile ImmlltleAtler. of vrlur W-a. 162 ft-.v 0 V., -A V.I. tutnetao, 10-~sallarstveanyj Eilrolcel clic silly i-m-nir!". state ryiroi-ai,.1 u.tit-tei. in,.rine-t-i tnactiaxtion of the Zlementa, of qw Water llml~-& on Dry L&m4 48 ~-:vvyjcbg M.I. (In4titute of (levernphy,AZ MM1- Yxtb.XU of Runoff lu"lltizatim 0. tb. Bantu of Valor T~lcxz. 62 bwlmi'~vktya A.I. (In3tituto of Georraf.1q,AS tr=Rj. Investigation ,of tte Water ?,al&rxo of Soil TZ 0.1 t.- at, A.P., (In4titilte'f roO h AS US.-,,). The State and tt, Ulllta th. WIttv of the Gans'.7.10""W"t4 82 Sn"t., PI.Iv. [Mall, Gaghyllical Msematllry tattiL L, .1. 1 iyey k7], basis Probleas of the 7 tory of CIA-t. 96 V . . . Dv! ,gt.,j F. A -I~ CjgjhjI,.l 131,,rilvt~ry Ilatftt A.I. 7.y.yl. W7 v r ~ ~,J, n =Orher. C.rd 3/3 Tt-rerT. x.r. (Kill, 0-olhyti-I Obser,itory I-DI A.I, Voycykovj~ ll~ at 11"1-e 0M tt~, Kt:m:lisimt~ 1:13 artt~,,rl,eY, A,A~ lAoft-Irrittkn, Inlitutt of C~,Oj .Mpny, A3 trM]. T%e 101~ Xl1vlu-.Exzh-C" Iz. t!%.- str-tl,~ ant N-lopm..: Of th' G-er1krMc Hwultl-~ Ottonly in tt~ 1~1-13 or the T-P~rato ari TL~lr Sic-IfIvu.- it. ow rmiiz,.tivity or A,;rlcultl~ral Cra;. I -\q I.P. (N,j a.$. r,,atitute or HyA-lL-l F-t.,j J,, 5,,J1 1- T-H- A%Lrl-aYI%h--1k-Y STI -- AS Av,-r-.y- &I-R). Or L-,-gy r- Soil In F, lAtt"" t" the NY 1-0-1 C~rljltj~na :Avml.v.l, Y~. m. Jh4-t,:1v.-3%iy iniltitut M C,;.1.R-.r0tanjctj jrotto~te, AS HYd-tL,.Mi,. F-torr ,.,I L" Ckog-:;hy and of th~ Y,F,vV,tIl-P C-r F.)1. I r-t I",! of '-r,-nth,-r W.t", ....1 F-.t of th~! tw;;i an,[ Pmbl,:- of PUSHEKv*B.S.f kand geogr. mak; POPOV9 I.V.9 kand. geogr. nauk; OBRkZTSOV, I.N., in2h.; FEDOROVy N.N.9 kand. tekhv. nauk; GRUSHEVSKIYp M.S.9 kand. tekbu. nauk; KUVOSHgY:, B.Z.9, insh.,; POY91-R-Y-1, star. naucbnyy sotr.; PIKUSH9, N.V.j, "nd. tekhn.nd1Mrr'jZvMF-v' A.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; ZHIDIKOVy A.P.9 -irsh.; GAVRILOVp A.M.9 kand. geogr. nauk; KONDRATIYEV,N.Ye., kand. tekbn.jYmkq red.; URYVAYEV9 V.A., kand. tekhn. neak, red.; SHATWMA9 M.K.p red.; SOIDVEYCHIKv A.A., tekhn. red. [Investigation of unsteady flow of water in the Tvertsa wid Oredezh Rivers] Issledovaniia neustanovivshogosia dvizhenita vody na rekakh Tvertse i Oredezh. Pod red. N.E.Kondratle-va i V.A.Ury-vaeva. Lenin- gradv Gidrometeor. izd-vop 1961. 287 p. 6 charts (in pocket) (KCRA 14:8) L Leningrad. Gosudarstvennyl, gidrologichaskiy institut. ~ivertsa-River-Bydrology) (Oredezh River-Hydrology) -IONSTARTINOV., A.R~; POPOV, O,V,; PUSEKU?z-V, V-F, Evaluating methods of determining evaporation and other ccmpownts of the water balance of farm fields. Trudy UkrITIC2,II no.30:19,30 ,61. (MIRP 15~1) (Evaporation) (Meteorology# Agricultural) POPOV) 0. V. Dissertation: "Investigation of the Extrusion Frocess '.,Iith rrehe,-~ting for Foy-Like Articles. " Cand Tecb Sci, Yoscow Aviation Technolo.-c-i-cal, Inst, 23 1'- r -'4. (Vecherryaya Moskva, Yosco-w, 14 A!.Ir 54) SO: SW 243, 19 Oct IP54 GORBUNOV, M.N., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, dotsentD~~~ O.Y. kandidat - . "'r-- tokhaicheakikh nauk; ZATKOV, V.F., kandidat t(~khnicheskfkh ifauk. Preheated deep drawing of sheet metals. Trudy KATI no.29:5-27 '56. (Deep drawing (Metalwork)) (NLRA 9:12) POPOV, O.V., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. i'~ Determination of forces exerted In the 4sep drawing of hollow articles. Trudy YATI no.29:62-76 156. WaA 9:12) - (Deep drawing (Ketalwork)) PMV, O-V-, kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk. Method heated 156. of calculating and designing blank shapes used deep drawing of box-like articles. Trudy PAN (Deep drawing (Metalwork)) in the pro- no.29:106-111 (NLRL 9:12) -,.P:,Q=w,Jq.J,",kandIdat takhnichookikh naukI GORBUNOV, M.N.. kand1dat takhni- chesk1kh nauk; UTKOT, V.P., kandidat takhnlcheskikh nauk. Deer drawing of hollow objects with preheating. Clzd.) LOUITOKASH vol.40:97-113 156. (MIA 10: 4) (Deep draving (Metalwork)) BLOKII,- E.L.; POPOV, O.V. Nonoptimal periodic codes for correcting single errors and detecting binary errors. Radiotekhnika 19 no.5:78-.79 14Y 164. (RIFA 17:6) 1. Daystvitellnyye chleny Nauohno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi imeni 2opova. L 17845-66 EWT(d)/FSZ-2 JXT(bf)/GS ACC NR: AT6004692 SOURCE CODM UR/0000/65/000/000/0097/0111 AUTHOR: Blokh, E. L.; Popov, 0. V.; Turin, V. Ya. ORG: none B-f I TITLE: The study of the $robability of transcending a given delay in feedback systems. (Paper presented at the Scientific-Research Conference of the Faculty of the Moscow Electrical Engineering Institute of Communications on 21 April 1964) SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut 2roblem. p2redachi informatsil. Opoznaniye'obrazov. Teorlya peredaFht In r-matsil (Pattern recognition, Theory of Infohnation transmission), Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 97-111 i TOPIC TAGS: multichannel communication, communication coding, information theory ABSTRACT: The article Investigites the probability of message erasure which requires the existence of a maximum allowable delay In feedback discrete channel systems. The delay covers the time from the Instant the message arrives at the Input of the system t the time the message is forwarded to the recipient. The speed of signal transmission through the channels to assumed given. The message transmission Is controllWbTreed- back with repeated demand, comparison, or combined operation. If after a given time 2~ Card 1/2 L 2Ab2t-b6 E47(d) ACC NR: AP6006316 SOURCE CODE: uR/b4i3/66/boo/bo2/bo3q/bo3q 00' V, AUTHO.qt ?or -.--!ORG: none 6k coiiiiiii* g, 0`0w- of- jor" rc":, iii - the ir~ nion -of dijfUa- 0 rm- -a- tN Cliiii-, 21j~. --No 177.927- x 7-':.toVar2q7*'.~'zzwI;'noe2IS 039 Pie Ai a' .gitaa-ejrst4d&i,'ezTor orrecting code. -:,, ertificate.presents a method I correcting groups of Uthor .0 for, A ors: in: 'the tiansmiidio~ -6k! d4ital information along two channels with the aid of continuous.codosjb The method includes the forming of checking digits by the ddition-of th-e-affiFolute value of two information and checking digits. The method increases the interference-free nature of tbo system. Each checking digit is formed from an information symbol transmitted after 2 Idigits up to the datum and from a checking digit transmitted afterk.digits. When the checking channel is operational# informatiowsymb6la based on the checking addition in absolute value of the two checking.symbols-are formed in the receiving station. These two checking symbols are transmitted ate and 2.t digits later than the datum. In the case of -a defeat of the information channel (when the signals'-received along this. channel ..are obliterated4 formed. information symbols are fed to the output of the.syntemo cc-rd. WO 1 -621*394.3-4:621.398 v Card 2/2 ACC NRt'' ATGO35122 SOURCE CODE: UR/253G/G6/000/065/011~/0129 Au-IHOR: Popov, 0. V. (Candidate of technical sciences); Yershov, V. I. (Candidate of Science- tecl-Inical ORG: Avizrtion Technological institute, MIOSCOW (Aviatsionnyl, tekhnologicheskiy insti- t -a-, TITLZ: Pre-paration of tubular control shafts with 'a new type of nozzle coupling SOURCZ: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy tekhnologicheskiy institut. Trudy, no. 65, 1966. Novoye ~v tekhnologii shtamipovki (Recent developments in stamping technology), 115-129 ~TOIPIC TAGS: shaft coupling, stress analys.-s, tube joint, industrial research, alumi- anum alloy, aircraft equipment, hot upsetting 'ABSTMCT: Standard methods of coupling shafts or rods are reviewed and the development', ;of a new type of coupling for tubular shafts, produced by locally upsetting and thread-i 'in- the ends, Is analyzed. Theoretical stress equations are derived for the principal !stresses arisina during the upset operation. The amount of thickening at the ends is 'dependent on the upset height. After upsetting, the ends were threaded; the heavier u?set cross section prevented premature failure at the coupling joint. Experimen-C5 were conducted on a 30 ton press, at a crosshead speed of 10 cm/min, and a heating up :time of 60 sec. A coUoldal graphite suspension was used to lubricate the die. One of Ccrd 1/2 ACC NR. AT6035122 :the most important parameters. of the process was the die thickness. Optimum, thicken- ~:ing occurred at a critical ratio of die thickness to tube wall thickness. A duraluli- nim alloy 016-T) was used; the tube dimensions were 20 x 18 mm at a die temperature o1c: The remainder of the tube was kept cool by a convection cooling head. The ends~ of some samples were compressed after upsetting; data on the relative thickening of :differ%antly sized tubes are presented. Mechanical testing of the final products; was done both statically and dynamically. Results am, given for coupling joints made by and by hot upsetting and threading. The comparative tests showed them new type of coup"ing to be more reliable, lighter (by 10'0), and easier to fabricate -than the standard threaded or riveted couplings. The applicatior of this new coupling ,is recommended for aircraft control rods. The technical procedures necessary for the production of the new rods are listed and the range of possible shapes produced are shown. Orig. art. has: 12 figures, 1 table, 6 formulas. SUB CODE: 13,01/ SUM DATE. none/ ORIG REF: 002 Cacd 2/2 POPOV, 0. V. Conference or problems of the pathogenesis, experimental pre- vention and treatment of radiation sickness. Ned. rad. 8 no.4., 86-92 AP163 (MIRA I'l -.2) 0.1v.; Illy A.-'INF KCJVI V.A, Dr- 1,4yed fee ihplck of ar d ~-: lec motor in a n;venive elenL~"fcl dzive. nbor. rab. po -.,op. alektro- match. no.10:290--304 163. (MIRA 17:8)