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BOGONDLOV, G.V.; VALEDINSKIY, V.I.; KOCHNEV, S.S.; MANIS, M.N.; PANTELEYEVA, U.N.; POPOV, I.V.;.SYROVATKIN, V.G.; YOMICHEV, X.M.; BOGOROD1 Yl K.F.; DUKHANINI, V.I.; KRASINTSEVA, V.V.; MAKARENKOP F.A.; POKROVSKIY, V.A.; SILIN-4)]EXCHURIN, A.I.; FOWNq V.X.; SHAGOYANTS, S.A. Illia Illich Kobosev; obituary. Trudy Lab.gidrogeol.probl. 42i101-102 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Kobosev, Illia Illich, 1908-1961) Xxoerience in modernization spinning machinery. Tekst. prom. 18 no. 7:23-26 Jl 258. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Machallnik proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheakogo otdala Ivanovskogo sovnarkhoza. (Spinning machin,5ry) POPOV,,..L.Ve-i-ktind.geogr.nauk; URYVAYEV, V.A.,, 3LIZNYAK. Ye.V., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, zosluzhennyy doya"oll nauki i tekhaiki RSM, red.tema [deceased]; SHATILINA, M.-Y.. red.; BRAYNINA, M.I., (Transactions of the Third All-Union Hydrological Congress, Leningrad, 19571 Trudy III Yeanoiuznogo gidrologioheiskogo s*ezda. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo. Vol.4. [Section of Lakes and Reservoirs) Sektaiia 02er i vodokhranilishch. 1959. 330 P. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Vaesoyuznyy gidrologicheskiy s*yezd. 3d, Leningrad, 1957. (Hydrology--Congresses) ~~zK,"R -P~ KONDRATOYEV, Nikolay Yevgenlyevich, kand.tekhn.nouk; LYAPIN, Alaksey Nikolayevich,; Igor'- Vladimirovich,. kand.googr.nauk; PINIKOVSKIY, Stepan Iosifovich, mladahly nauchny.v sotrudnik; FEWROV, Nikolay Nikolayevich, kand.tekhn. nauk; TAKMIIN, Ivan Ivanovich, kand.tekhn.nauk; (20sm, R.V., red.; VLADIMIROV, O.G.. (Channel process) Ruslovoi protsess. Pod red. N.I.Kondratieva. Leningrad, Gidromteor.izd-vo, 1959. 370 P. (MIRA 13:1) (Hydrology) UVAH(ji, V.V., in-z?,,ener: inzhener. Bollera witri l1quil slag removal produced in the Germgn lederal OOT.nablic. Te-.-)Ioenerjretiks 4 no.8-77-81 Ag '57. 10: 9) Oermany, West-BoUers) POPOV, I.V.; CIMBYKIII, G.A., red. [Hydrogen-cooled turbogenerators] Turbogeneratory a vodorodaym okhlazhdaniem. Pod red. G.A.Chebykina. Moskva, nauchnoi i tekhn.informatsii. 1958. 62 p. (MIRA 12:4) (Turbogenerators-Cooling) POPOV, I. V. Chemistry - Rrpeeri2-.ents Utilization of reactive residuun. in chermstry classes of secondary schools. Khiri. v. sh-kole, no. 1, 1952 Epajh1_y kj-&I 2f Russian Acr-eas-'-,~,)ns, Library of Congress, October 1952, UINCIASSIFIED. V POPOVI I. V. "Didactic Principles of DevelopirLc an Instruct-on System-11 Leningrad `74.ate Pedagogic Inst iffLeni A. I. Gertsen, Chair of Pedagogy, Leningrad, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences) SO: 1-1-972, 20 Feb 56 POPOV. I.V.; MAMONTOVA, Yu.M. Industrial aspects In experimental problems* Piz. v ahkole 15 no.2: 72 Kr-AP '55. (MLRL 8-5) 1. Pedagogicheskiy institut, gJalashov. t JWsics--Study and teaching) (Motion) Nov, L V. On question of Prof. V. H. DeautilovP ~;-' ~Rpe ~atc-m-.Nauk(N.S.)6,tto.4(44),170~-171( DEMATOV. V.N., profesBor;.-PqqV, 1,.V. Re- k to the note 4A problem of Prof.V.N.Deputatov.1 Usp.mat.nauk 8 no-3:151 My-Je '53. (MIJU 6:7) (Fanctional (Deputatoy. Y.N.) POPOV, I.V., ekonomichei3kikh nauk. Finland's hydroelectric power resources. Blektrichestyo no.2:85- 87 Y '57- (YJBA 10: 3) (Finland-Hydrooloctric power) OZZNOBIff. N.M., VINTER. A.V..akAdemik, red.;- [deceased], POPOV, I.V. kand.ekon. nauk.,red, [Electrification of the U.S.S.R. Auring the List forty yenrsl Elektriftkataiis SSSR za 40 let. Pod red. A.V. Vintern i I.V. Popova. Moskva. Izd-vo. Akad. nauk SSSR, 1958. 147 p. (MIRA 11:9) (BlactrifieRtion) SIROTKIN, D.P.; POPOV, I.V. Introdneing research. inventions, and suggestions on efficienC7 promotion. Tek-st. prom. 18 no.11:40-43 N '58. -(YJU 1l: 12 l.Uchenn sekretarl tekhniko-ekonomichaskogo soveta Ivanovskogo sovnarkhoza (for Siratkin). 2. 'Nachallnik proizvoastvenno-tekhni- cheskogo otdela sovnarkhaza (for POPOV). (Textile research) LISICHKIN, S.M., doktor ekonom.nauk, glavnyy red.; PROSKURYAKOV, A.V., kand.tekhn.nauk. red.; ARUTYUUOV, N.B., red.; TOMASHMISKIY, L.M.. red.; POPOV, I,.V., kand.ekonom.nauk, red.; CHUTKERASUILI. Ye.V., kand-.ekoft66.JH6~W~.' red. DENISOTA, L.L.' red.; DOBRITSYNA, R.I., [Belgium; brief economic-statistical survey) Bellgiia; kratkii ekononiko-atatiaticheskii obzor. Mogkva, 1959. 125 P. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut nauchnoy informateii. 2. Vse- soyuznyy tsentralInyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut charnoy metallurgii (TsNII Chermet) (for Arutyunov). (Belgium--Economic conditions) LISICHKINA, S.M., obshchiy red.; TOKASEPOLISKIY, L.M.., obshchiy red.; .CHUTKKRASHVILI, Te.V.. obshchiy red.; KARYAGIII, I.D., red.; KIRITANOVA, Z.V., red.; HATUMV, P.V., red.; MOTORIN, A.I., red.; POPOV, I.V., red.; POPOV, U.N., red.; PROSIWRYAKOV, A.V., red.; SOKOLOV, Tu.S., red.; STUPOV, I.D., red.; BELYATIMY, A.K.j red.; GRAZHULI, V.S.; red.,- DANILOV, N.N., red.; RAKOWINOV. G.I., red.; SMCHENKO, G.A., [Development of the national economy of the German Democratic Republic] Razvitie narodnogo khoziaistva Germanskoi Demokrati- cheskoi Respubliki. Moskva, Proizvodstvenno-izdatellskii kombi- net VINITI, 1959. 9o6 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Akademiya nauk SM. Inatitut nauchnoy informataii. (Germany, last-Economic conditions) PROSMTAKOV, A.V., kand.tekhn.nauki red.;,.POPOT, I.T., kand.ekonom.nauk. red.; TOKASUOL'SKIT, L.M., kand.ek6ii-6id',n-b:dk,,~'.r-lad.; GC&OVINSOY, G.P., kand.tekhn.nauk. red.; SOKOWV, Tu.S., kand.ekonom.nauk, red.; CHUT)MRASffILI, Ye.Y., kand.ekonom.nauk, red.; BERAWTEVA, S.I.. red.; %AKHAR07A, L.S., red.; KOLCHINA, V.I., red.; POSMOV, TU.S., red.; SM1601TINA, 14.1., red.; SOOLEVA, U.N., [Great Britain: economic survey] Velikobritaniia; ekonomicheskii obzor. Moskva. 1960. 658 P. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Moscow. Vaeso7uznyy inatitut nmichnoy i tekhnicheskoy infor- mataii. (Great Britain--Economic conditions) L 3b57-66- X& NR, AT901 6 6 76-TI-OC61--f 2_070_6_dV065_4_- (N) S UPCE COffff- -UR /3-18 AUTHOR: Po ORG: none TITLE: ~,Use of hydrologo -morphological analysis when planning collector wells'. SOURCE: Leningrad. Gosudarstvennyy gidrolo.-icheskiy institut. Trudy, no. 120, 1965. Issledovaniya ruslovykh protsessov, 37-54 TOPIC TAGS: hydrology, geomorphology, waterway engineering ABSTRACT: A hydrologo-morphological analysis (FIMA) and a forecast of channel deform tions which are made with respect to a specific section of a river on the basis of the typifica- tion of channel processes developed at GGI are effective means of solving many hydraulic engineering problems. They are most beneficial when it is planned to change the channel of a river. This article gives two particular examples which confirm the value of HMA and explain the means of applying this method in practice. HMA of channel deformation as applied to each case of a specific engineering problem reduces to establishing the type of channel process at the section of the river under consideration, to obtaining the quantitative character. istics of this process, and to eliciting their relationship with the deciding factors. As a Card 1/4 L 38957-66 ACC NRt AT6016519 result it becomes possible to judge, on the basis of readily accessible cartographic and hydrological material, the tendencies in the development of a river channel and to obtain its quantitative characteristics. This analysis is successfully used at early stages of planning to select optimal places, with respect to channel deformations, of locating hydraulic engineer ing structures or crossings for transmission lines and pipelines, and to select means to protect existing structures. The first case discussed pertains to the Ob' River near Barnaul on which the collector wells were situated on the concave bank of a bend at a deep section 1(12-14 m). A year after the start of construction it was found that a section of the convex bank situated above the collector wells was shifting downstream rapidly and was threatening them. Therefore systematic observations of the change of the river-bottom relief and hydraulic situation at the collector wells were started. The re-formation of the channel near the collector well was predicted and measures were worked out which would permit normal operation of the collector well. For these purposes HIMA of the investigated sections of the river and laborat9iryinvestiggations of various methods of protecting the collector wells i w.ere performed. The HMA reduced to establishing the type of channel process and of the inVestigated section, to obtainixigg -the vafu-e-s--o'f channel deformation, estimating the basic factors of channel formation, water status and sediment runoff, and their relationships with channel deformations. The results of this analysis are examined with respect to the type of channel process, (meandering) development of particular types of deformation and shifting of the river banks, and characteristics of the basic factors of channel formation. The IIMA Card 2/4 ACC NRt AT6016519 of Uic channel process permitted the conclusions that the location of the collector wells on the ObI River were apparently selected without consideration of the basic tendencics of the channel process, The structures were situated immediately below a large creeping ridge 0 0 which was probably taken for a section of the convex bank of the river bend. The analysis also revealed that with respect to the anticipated changes of the channel, the basic deforma- tions of the river channel in the near future will be expressed by a shift of the river bend toward the right-bank flood plain accompanied by its downstrearn creep. The second case examined is the re-formation of the channel of the Oka River in the region above Dzerzhinsk where collector wells are planned. The 1IMA of this region showed that in the future the river bend that has started to develop in the region of the collector well can be expected to shift to the left and therefore the left bank will be eroded and the convex bank in the line of direction of the collector well will increase. This will result in the collector well being in an area of erosion for a long time and this process will stop only if considerable protective measures are taken. In both cases under consideration a an 1IMA made it possible to elicit, without lona-term. and expensive special field investigations, the schemes of the re-forma- tions of the river channel and consequently the tendency of the development of the channel process, to establish the causes of this development, and to plan a system of protective measures. This in turn enables one to accomplish field and laboratory research needed for technical planning in a more purposeful manner since the problems involved are limited to a study of only individual details of the process which are most important for the development F4 BALAYEV, Lev Grigorlyevich; TSAREV, Petr Vasillyevich; FOPOV, I.V., doktor geol.-miner. naulk, prof., otv. red.; ZOLDTIOV, F.F., red.izd-va [Loess in central and eastern Ciscaucasia] Lessovye porody TSentrallnogo i Vostochnogo Predkavkazlia. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka.,, 1964. 247 p. (MIRA 17:4) doktor geol.-r-iner. nauk, otv. red.; STCLYARLV, A.G., ~i6d.; SHOKHET, B.S., red.izd-va; POLYAKOVA, T.V., tekij,. red. [Present-day concept of connate water in rocks] Sovre- mennoe predstavlenie o sviazannoi vode v porodakh. Mo- skva, AN SSSR, 1963. 124 p. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Laboratoriya gidrogeologicheskikh problem. BELYY, Leonid Dmitriyevich;-EOPCLV,_.jj., prof., retsenzent; SERGEYEV., Ye.M., prof., retsenzent; ZI'6TA!-':-"7Z--;II7Y , N.Y. red.izd-va; ULIYANOVA, O.G., tekhn. red. [Theoretical fundamentals of mapping for purposes of engineering geology] Teoreticheskie osnovy inzhenerno- geologicheskogo kartirovaniia. Moskva, Izd-vo "Ilauka," 1964. 166 p. (?4IRA 17:1) POPOVY IV. Some problems on the urofitablenens-of enterprises in the nonferrous metallurgy. Min delo-if no. 11: 14-16 N 163. 1. Upravlenie "Tsvetna metalurgiia i rudodobiv". GORIKOVA, I.M., ntLucbnyy sotrudnik; KOROBABOVA, I.G., nauchnyy sotrudnik; OIDIINA, N.A., naucbnyy sotrudnik; REUTOVA, N.S., nauchnyy so'urudnik; SAFOKWA, I.A., nauchnyy sotrudnik; GHEPIK, V.F.. rallclmyy sotr,-v!rC-,k; POPOV.-I.1-c, doktor geol-mineral.nauk,; S =-U, G.S., ~tekhnered, [Nature of stability and deformation characteristics of cla7 rocks in connection with conditions determining their formation and wetting] Priroda prochnosti i deformatsionnye osobennoati gli- nistykh porod v zavisimosti ot uslovii formirovaniia i uvlazh- neniia. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1961. 152 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Iaboratoriia gidrogeologicheskikh problem. Trudy, vol.29). (MIRA 14:6) (Clay) BYKOVA, Valentina Sergeyevna; POPOV, I.V., doktor geol.-mineral.n4uk,; ZOLOTOV, P.F., red.izd-va; NOVICHKOVAJ. N.D., [Lw,ss types in the southern Ukraine and their engineering geological characteristics] Tipy lessovykh porod iuga Ukrainy i ikh inzhenerno-geologicheskaia kharakteristika. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. 1962. 108 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR Laboratoriia gidrogeologicheskikh problem. Trudy, vol.46). (MIRA 150) (Ukraine-Loess) POPOV.,_I,Vd BQRISOVA, Ye.G. Relationship between water and clay rocks in the Initial stage of the washout. Report No. 2. Vest.14osk.un.Ser-4:Geol. 17 no.4:25-34 Jl-Ag 162. (MRA 15:9) 1. Kafedra gruntovedeniya i inzhenernoy geologii 14ookovskogo gosudarstvennogo univerBiteta. (CDW) (Watar) POPOV, I.V.j doktor geol. min. nauk, prof, red.; BOGOVDLOV, G.V., 'akademik, red.; GVOZDETSIJI, N.A., doktor geogr. nauk, prof., red.; RODIONOV, N.V., kand. geol.-min. nauk, red.; SOKOLOV, D.S., doktor geol.-min. nauk., red.; NIKOLAIEV, N.I., doktor geol.-mim.nauk, prof., red.; SOKOLOV, N.I., doktor geol.-min. nauk, prof., red.[deceased]; PERVAKOV, IJ-P-, red.izd-va; SUSHKOVA, L.A., tekhn. red.; GOLUB', S,P,, tekhn, red, (Special problems of the study of karst; its hydrogeology, hydrology, geochemistry, engineering geology, and mineralsl Spetsiallrqe voprosy karstovedeniia; gidrogeologiial gidrol-o- giia,, geokhimiia, inzhenernaia geologiia i poleznye iskopae- awe. Doklady, Moskva, Izd-voAkad. nauk SSSQR, 1962. 182 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Nauchnoye soveshchaniye po izucheniyu karsta, 3d) Moscow, 1956. 2. Akaderiya nauk Belorusskoy SSR (for Bogomolov). (Karst) POPOV., Igor' Vladimirovich; KONDRATIYEVA, N.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk, r-- - red.; KOZHINA, Z.M., red.; BRAYNINA, M.I., tekhn. red. (Methodological principles for studying river channel proces- ses]Metodicheskie osnovy issledovanii ruslovogo protsessa. Pod red. N.E.Kondratteva. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1961. 204 p. (miRA 16:2) (Rivers) - -PQ-PO-V21-v.-- -- Sediment balance of river sections and its use in characterizing a chapnel process. Trudy GGI no.94:3-21 162. (MIRA 15--7) (Sedimentation and deposition) (Rivers) - POPOV P - Use of morphological analysis in evaluating general channel defcr--a-,A-,:;--S of the ObI River. Trudy GGI no.94:22-86 962. (MIRA 15:7) (Obt River-Sedimentation and deposition) i -~ 1 v o e z e n Bn--.-ln:-, :-)f the K-ra 3:1r., 0' ani -2 2:3 3 3 Yr~)nls~y, In,4,t,rr--;rlr-a ap.-I A-lZ-!Y-" ~I.vcrs. --ni Yo. ll. 'i'nan,.-jnskay,i. L:,n- D 1. :~C-l C" 7 "Arzlyois of thr- Pux,ioso Gf Lr-e-Scal~, C)f Trv~l -V GG,' , Issue 4 Re-crt U-2551, Ccl. WIN, I.A.; Pq 1,!V-., kandidat geografichookikh n&uk, otyetetvannyv redaktor. [Study of ground waters; hydrographic research] Issledovanie Yod sushi; gidrografichaskis raboty. Lealngrad, Gidrometeorologichookoe izd-yo, 1953. 255 P. MRA 7:4) (water, Undercround) GATRLLOY, Aleksandr Mikhaylolvich; POPOV !&2rLJJJ"rovich; YASNOGO- 9 . A RODSKATA, M.M., redaktor; DkVrWV, L.K.. professor, ~edaktor; BRAMNA, K.I., tekhalcheskly redaktor. [Problems in bydrology and the national econourl Voprosy g1dro- logli i narodnoe khostaistvo. Pod red. L.I. Davydova. Leningrad. Gidrometsorologichaskoe Isd-vo. 1955- 102 p. (MLFA 8:9) (EbrdroloCr) 'N C) \1 PUGIN. Alaksandr Aleknandrovich: IDWITZ91:21. Gay Hodionovich; POPOV, I.V., rndaktor. LEDIUVA, B.I., redaktor; FLAUM, M.Ya., tekE-nr--- Trts'kiy redaktor. fStudies of waves on seas, lakes and reservoirs by neans of the stereophotograrmetry; a practical manual] Issledovanie volueniia na nnriakh, ozerWA I vodokhrunilishchakh netodom ntereofoto- grammetricheakoi s"emki; prakticheskoe posobie. Leningrati Gidro- meteorologicheakoe izd-vo, 1955. 224 p. (YJ-HA 8:10 (waves) KUDRITSKIY, Dmitriy Mikhaylovich:--PGPOV'. Lgor,' Vladimirovich; ROMANOVA, Yefrosinlya Indreyevnaj DOHANITSKIY, A.F., kandidat geografiche- skikh nauk. redaktor; YASNOGORODSKAYA, N.M., redaktor; FIAUM, M.Ya., tekhnicheekly redaktor [Principles of hydrographic deciphering of aerial photographs) Oenovy gidrograficheskogo deshiftirovanits, aerofotosnimkov. Pod red. A.P.Domanitakogo. Leningrad, Gidrometeorologicheskoe izd-vo, 1956. 343 p. (MLRA 9:9) (Photogrammetric pictures) (Hydrographic surveying) 14-57-7-14485 Translation from: ReferativnTy zhurnal, Geografiya, 195/7, Nr 7, P 36 (L AUTHOR: Popov, I. V. TITLE: Translocation of River Meanders (0 formakh peremesh- cheniya rechnykh izluchin) PERIODICAL: Tr. Gos. gidrolog. in-ta, 1956, Nr 56 (110), PP 36-67 ABSTRACT: The article presents results obtained in determining a former river course. WhGeo., 1956, 9862). By the term "meandering" we understand the alteration in the plan of a river course, which takes place according to certain definite rules by means of formation of streamlined bends of a river. Normally, this process results in the development of a flood plain. By way of examples, the author presents the alterations in the courses of the Oka, Tavda, Luga, and North Donets. Card 1/3 He points out that the character of course shifting is 14-57-7-14485 Translocation of River Meanders (Cont.) intimately related to the river's posit:jon on the bottom of the valley, to the geological structure of -he valley sides, to the course alterations in the adjacent stre-f.ches of the river and to the distribution of solid load of the r.-,.ver. One of the common forms in the alignment of a river con5iAtS of an S-curve in which the central part remains in place when -.he river passes from one loop on the S-curve to the other. Old 'lood plains, river terraces, and the sides of the valley may interfEire with the translocations of a river course. Slightly bent local moinders may be formed in the narrows and in the widenings of a valle 'V. The main features of the alterations in the plan of a river coui-se within short distances are: 1) meander-limiting conditions which ci:nsist of the geological structure peculiarities of the valley :,nd of the traces of the former river activity; 2) nonuniformit-; in the distribution of solid river load over the length of the cour::.e, this nonuniformity being caused by the variety of load contribu--,ed by the runoff area and by the nature of the river itself. In es-.imating and forecasting the Card 2/3 / A V '~ I- ch c , . Z.- I YINIKOVSKIY, S.I.; POPOV, I.V. Morphologic features of the rivers of plains. Trudy GGI no-56:58-74 '56. (KIRA 10:8) (Rivers) . PO V 3(4,5) mAn i BooK MaWITATION sov/1655 Akadeodya nauk SSSR. Mmitet po geodezil i geofizike. Tezisy dokladoy na ZI Generallnoy anambleye Nezhdunarodnogo geodezicheekogo i geofizicheskogo soyuza. NezhdunarodnV& assotsiatsiya nauchnoy g1drologii (Abstracts of Reports Submitted to the 11th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. The-International Asso- ciation of Scientific Hydrology) Moscow, 195T- 101 p. /Paxallel texts in Russian and English or French/ ",500 copies printed. No additional contributors mentioned PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for hydrologists and civil engineers. I COVMiAM. This collection of abstracts covers reports presented at the l1th General Assembly of the International Union of G.'eodesy and Geophysics on hydrologicali erosional, and glaciological'. processes. Studies relstpd to problems of underground waters, snow., and rivers are also discussed. the sb8tls4ts &M- in Russian, with English or French translatiops. Those appear- ing in Enallsh are designated by a single asterisk; those in Frencb- by two. There are no Yeferences given. Card 1/4 Abstracts of Ileports (Cont.) TABLE OF CONTEM: sov/1655 Alpketeyev', G.A. Principles for Computing M4*nun Runoff in the Absence of Actual Observations 5 Kalinin .7 G-0. Computing and Forecasting Runoff by the Inflow of Water Into a River Basin * 12 LIvovich, 11-I.. Factors Affecting River Runoff 17 Gopatin, G.V. Deposits in USSR Rivers * 22 PiOtrOvich, V.V. Computing Dates of Freeze-Up and Ice Clearance in Water Reservoirs 27 POPOV, I.V. Variations in the Shape of Water Reservoir Rims and the Forecast of Such Changes * 31 Rakhmanov. V.V. Influence of Forests on the Accumulation and Thawing Abstracts of Reports (COnt-) sov/1655 Shullts J, V.L. Basic Characteristics of the Regimen of Rivers of Central Asia in Connection With Problems of Their Utilization * 40 Bogomolov, G.V.gand Ni.A. Plotnikow. Classification of.Uadergrouna Waters and Their Representation on Maps *-* 45 Makarenko, F.A. Characteristics of the Formation of Underground Runoff Into open Reservoir6 and Rivers and Methods of Determining Them 48 Kunin, V.N. Conditions of Underground Water Accumulation in Deserts 52 Tpgarinov, V.V. The Study of the Process of Atmospheric Water Vapor Condensation and Its Role in the Formation of Underground Waters 57 _Kudelin, V.I. Principles of-Regional Evaluation of Natural Reserves of Underground Waters and the Problems of Water Balance 60 07chinnikov, A.M. Hydtogeological, Maps of Folded Mountain Regions and Their Significance in the Evaluation of Underground Water Reseives 64 Card 3/4 Abstracts of Reports (Cont,,) SOV/1655 S11-1n-Bekchurin .9 A.I'. Types of Hydro Chuxinov, m chemical Maps in Hydrogeology* 63 the wate'V* "Ydrological M&Ps and Their Importance in Evaluating r-Bearing Capa~itY and Reserves of Underground Water A,ay,zl,-, G.A. Glaciological Studies in the USSR 71 Sulakvelidze, G.K. 74 Shvet.qov 'I Physical PrOPerties Of a Snow Cover P*F* Subject and Basic Problems I I in Geoglacioloa in the USSR 85 8humskiY, P.A. Bhsic%pr(5blems in Modern Gla Present-day Studies- c'0109Y in the Light of Armand, by Soviet Scientists * 88 D.L. PkOble= in the Study of Erosion Processes on the '~'rritOz7 of the USSR * AVAILABLE: Library Of Congress ((0653.A37) 95 Card 4/4 M/Mp ROGOZIN, Ivan Stepanovich; POPOV, I.V., doktor geol.-Min.nauk,; FILIPPOVA. B.S.. red.izd;; MAKUNI, Te.V.. [Landalldes of Vollsk] Vol'skie opolzni. Moskva. Izd--ro AN SSSR. 1958. 98 p. (Akademlia nauk SSSR*Laboratoriia gidrogeologicbe- skikb problem. Trudy,vol.18" (MIRA 11:12) (Vol Jion isk reg --Landalides) POPOV, .-I gorl: Vls4imirov ich, DOMMITSKIT, A.?., otv. red.; ROGOVSKAYA, Ti. G.,red.. VLADIMIRCV, O.G., tekbn. red. I ENtle River] Reks Nil. laningrad, Giclrometeor. i7d-vo, 1958- 112 P. 11:12) Olile River) URTVAYEV. V.A., kand.tmkhn.nauk,; ALEKIN, O.A.. red.; VIMMOV, M.A., rmd.; BLIZITYAK, Tm.V., r!td.; BORSIX, O.N., knnd.geogr.nauk, red.; DAVYDOV, L.K., red.; DOMNITSKIY, A.P., red.; KAL111111, G.P., red.; KRITSKIT, S.R., red.; KUDELIK, B.I., red.; M00II4, L.F., red.; WIMMI. M.F., red.; OIRLOV, B.P., red.; POPOV PROSKIJ- RYAKOV, A.K., red.; SOKOWVSKIv, D.L., role.; SPENGLM. O.A., red.; CHMOTAIM, A.I., red.; CIMIRKAYSM, S.K., red.; GROSMAII, R.V., red.; STMGMYTIV, A.N., tekhn.rmd. (Proceedings of the third All-Union Hydrological Congress] VSeaoiuznyi gidrologichaskii s"mzd. 3rd. Lnningrad, 1957. Trudy. Leningrad, g1dro- meteor. Izd-vo. Vol.1 [General infornqtion. decisions. and papers presented in plenary sessions] Obahebis evedeniia, rnsheniia i ple- narnye doklady. 1958. 242 p. (14IRA 12:1) (Hydrology--Congresses) roPov, ~~ L;~ AUT-HORS: Chebotarev, A. I., Popov, I. V. 50-2-20/22 TITLE: III rd All-Soviet Hydrological Meeting (III Vsesoyuznyy gidrologicheskiy allyezd). PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, 1958, Nr 2, pp. 57-60 ('USSR). ABSTRACTt This meeting took place in Leningrad from October 7 th to October 17t , 1957. It was the main task of this meeting to strike a balance of the investigations of the waters and of the continent during the 40 years of Soviet power and to do. termine the trends of a further development. Following pro- blems were discussed on the meeting: calculation of the river flow and other elements of the water supply, hydrological forecasts, hydrophysics (mainly in the field of the research into and working out of computation methods of the evapor. ation of snow and ice), computations of the hydrological con- ditions of lakes and water reservoirs, hydrodynamics and pro- cesses of the alterations of the river-bed, hydrological computations, changes of the humidity of the atmosphereg pro- blems of regional hydrology, hydrometry and of the construc- tion of equipment, of the groundwater and of the underground C ard 1/4 feeding of the rivers, of hydrochemistry as well as of the III rd All-Soviet Hydrological Meeting. 50-2-20/22 sanitary control of the waters, and also of the hydrology, however, only to the extent to which they are connected with the problems of the continental hydrology. 1295 permanent participators were present on the meeting, 1260 of them were from the Soviet Union, who represented 23 nationalities of 15 Soviet republics. In the meeting took partt tho institutes of the.LN USSR, and among them in the first place the Department for Hydrology, the Geographical Institute, the Hydrochemical Institute, and the Institute for Hyurology and Hydraulic Engineering of the AN of the Ukrainian SSR. This meeting was the reason for an exhibition which demonstrated the successes of the hydrology in the course of 40 years- 35 organisation took part in this exhibition, The lectures held on the Mr: meeting on the problems of the groundwater solved the problem of the feeding of rivers and the taking into account of the connection between the underground- and surface water in the hydrological computations, as well as of the forecasts of water conditions. It was the unanimous opinion that a closer coordination of the works is to be desired, and that it in necessary to create special institutions for the testing of numerous methods for the hydrological computation and to Card 2/4 establish centres for the planning of the exploitation of the III r.d All-Soviet Hydrological Meeting. 50-2-20/22 water supplies of the country and for the control of the natural waters. The physical standpoint with reference to the research of the hydrological processes represents a reliable basis for a further application of the statistics,-also for the probability theory, the characteristics Rnd the geograph- ical connections of the hydrological values. On the meeting it was found that'various standpoints on problems of hydrolog- ical investigations and theoretical bases are a consequence of imperfect initial data of the computations and the schemati- zation. of phenomena. The problem of the water regulation is a new aspect of hydrological research. More and more new water reservoirs appear on the map which entail a considerable alteration in the natural conditions of the country and demand the development of new methods of research, computation, and forecast. In connection with the establishment of energety supply systems in the country the question of the investi- gation of the fluctuations of the run-off within long inter- vals and their coincidence with respect to time is especially important for the regulation of the production of the hydro- electric power. Card 3/4 III rd All-Soviet Hydrological Meeting. AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 4/4 50-2-20/22 ---~ 1"SOPOVP TOV. Sm/3815 Transacti ;Lfw Tiaboratory (emmk..)of Uromethods, AS USSR T.7, fif* a or 7th AU Interdept Conf. Aerial Survey (Doe 56), Moscow, 1959, Nudritakly, D.N. [teningradskiy gidrometeorologicbeakly institut - Ieningrad Hydrometeorological Institute]. 208 Photogr-tric Methods in Hydrology and HYdrOgm*Y Pa- ME I IV. [Closudwetwennyy gidrologicbeokiy institut - State Hydrological Institute I - Use of Aerial Phot*graphs in investigating River-Bed Processes 209 Valeshko, G.T. [(;idroenergoprWekt - All Union Association for Hydroelectric Developments]. Aerial Photographs Applied to the Study of Hydrological Conditions In Rivers During Ice-Gmg- 23.2 Afanaslyev., A.I. [Tsentraltnyy institut prognozov - Central Tmatitate of Weather Forecasting]. 'Use of Aerial Photographs of Snow Cover for Hydrological COORtations 917 Vendrovj, S.L. (Giprorechtrans - State Tnstitute of Inland-Waters Transport Planning and Scheduling], Application of Aerial Photograpby to Exploration Programs Admdrdetezed Card 9/ 15 BOB=, O*N.# kgndageogr.nauk; POPOV, I.V.v kandogeOgr,nauk; SPENGIM, UMAMT, V.A.,; ORLOV, B.P.(Moskva), prof., doktor geogr.nauk, red.toma; PROTOPOPOV, V.S., red.; MUMMA, X.I.9 takhnored, (Proceedings of the Third All-Union Hydrological Conference) Trudy-III Veasoiusnogo gidrologichookogo 9*ezda. Leningrad, GidrometeorAzd-vo, Tol,3- [Hydrophysics section] Sektaiia gidrofiziki, 1959, 470 p. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Veenoyasnyy gidrologichookly awyezd, 3rd, Leningrad, 1957. 2. Akademiya nAuk SSSR (for Orlov). (Hydrowteorology) -FOPO sillyevich-, RODIONOV, N.V., red.; YERMAKOV, H.S., -,-. -y . .. .... a.. . .. - -, ..' ~ ~ . (Ingineering geology] Inzhenernaia geologiia. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Izd-vo Hook.univ., 1959. 509 P. (MIRA 12:8) (Engineering geology) ~ -, ." GUREVICH, M.I., k:and.geogr.nauk; POPOV,__I.V., kand.geogr.nauk; SPENffM, 0.1., kand.geogr.nauk; URTVAYET, V.A..; SOKOLOVSKIT, D.L., -Drof., doktor tel&n.nauk, red.toma: CH3BOTAIM, A.I., dotsent, kand.tjkhn.nauk, red.toma; KALININ, G.P., prof., doktor geogr.nauk, red.toma; GROSMAN, R.V., red.; SHATILINA. M.K., red.; BRATNINA, K.I., LTransactions of the Third All-Union Hydrological Congress] Trudy III Vaesolimogo pidrologichookogo 9"esda. Leningrad, Gidrometeor. izd-vo. Vol.2. [Section of runoff calculations and forecasts] Sektaiia raschetov i prognozov atoka. 1959.. 767 P. (KIRA 13:2) 1. Vaesoyuznyy gidrologichesi-dy s"yezd. 3d. Leningrad, 1959. (Hydroloff--Congresses) (Runoff) POPOV, 1. V. Use of aerial photogra,=str1c materials in studying totraws- ebannel processes. Trudy Lab.aeromet. 7S209-211 159. (MIR& I!.-l) 1. Gosudare tvewWy gidrologichookiy institut. (Aerial photogrametry) (Hydrographlo surveying) 3( 4 UTHrR Ponov, I.V. , Gor'kova, -and Kotlov, F.V. TITLE: In 1,1emoriam of Iriktor Aleksandrovich Friklonskiy PERIODICAL: I,zlvestiya ikkademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geologi- U cheskaya, 1959, Nr 91, Pp 96-98 (11,')3R) ABSTRACT: This is an obituary notice on Professor V.A. Priklonskiy, Corresponding TJember of the AS USSR, who died on 13 February 1959. The deceased was a specialist on hydrogeology and engineering geology. He was the director of the Laboratoriya gidrogeologicheskikh problem AN SSSR (Laboratory of Hydrogeological Problems of the AS USSR). Card 1/1 GAVRILOV, Alsksandr Mikhaylovich; PQP _._UQr' Vladimirovich; QY ZVORYKIN, I.A.,; DAVYDOV. 00RODWATA, K.K.. red.: SKRUMV, A.B., [Hydrology and the national economy] Gidrologiia i narodnoe khoziaistvo. Pod red. L.K.Davydove. Leningrad, Gidrometeor. izd-vo, 1960. 182 p. (MIRA 13:8) (Hydrology--Research) RZHANITM, Hikolay Alakeandrovich; POPOV, I.V.,; IVZHENKO, A.Kh.. red.; SZRGEYEV, A.N.. t~e-kkhnii-d. (Morphological and hydrological characteristics of river systems] Morfologicheskie i gidrologichaskie zakonomernosti stroeniis rechnoi seti. Leningrad. Gidrometeor.izd-vo. 1960. 237 P. (Rivers) (KIRA 13:7) Forov. I.Y.; MUSINDT, N.S. Modeli.z in engineering geolog7. Izvovyo.ucbeb.zav,; geol.s razv. no-3:106-108 My 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. )(O~skovskl~, goeudaretvannyy universitet im. M.V. Lomononova. (Geological modeling,) T., jc,~,to~lr gc-fj V 17V AS ---------- - thB V1. tr'V rngeokh ir, ia Povo",,,h'ia- brief G droge I I .,-, - -7, (~,~ , i~~. -, ornerk. I j &, U., - --, ~-,, 1:0 P. I Use of hydrclcglc and ---alysis in water inuakes. 'Trudy GGI no.120:37-54 f65. (MIRA 19:1) Ir ra d y no.11602-81 SOKOLOV, AlekseY Aleksandrovich; POPOVY I.V.., red.; SHATILIVA, M.K.v [HydrograPhY Of the U i SM; Vody susl-,j. Leningfw - kand. 9809r- nauk) inland watersl Gidrografiia Gidrometeoizdatp 1964. 534 P- (yaRA 17-.12) YOFU, Ivan 5tepanwlch; Vljf'OiPY~';*%,, Pj.V,, 11-ed. [Reed thickets as a raw rnnt.erJais base fjr -the wocdpu;p and paper industry] Trostni;kovye zarosli kak syrlevaia bciza taei~iujozrc-burmzhnoi proo.y.,mlenno,.-jO. l.",ossio..'a, jzd- vr, "Lennala (Nlfth 17:8) ZAKHARIEV, Aleksandur; POPOV, Ivetn; STANCHEV, Stancho; KIKINDONOV, Todor Male and female sterility in certain varieties of sugar beets in Bulgaria. Selskostop nauka [23 no. 2: 162-167 163. "~F- - -, - . -, --.- ::m- - -- - -I -; , '7,E:tZ . ... I POPOV, Ivan d., prof. d-r Biochemistry in the service of agriculture. Priroda Bulg 12,,no. 4: 3-6 Jl-Ag 163. POPOV) Ivan P. For a continuous improvement of organizational forms in the utilization of capital assets in the construction industry. Stroitelstvo 10 no. 2.23-26 Mr-AP 163. POPOV, Ivan Vasillyevich; TOMIShTOLISKIY, Leonid Markovich; red.; SWMOV, L.V., red.; GERASIMOVA, Ye.S.9 tekhn. red. [The fuel power supply of the world socialist system] Toplivno- energeticheskaia. baza mirovoi sotsialisticheskoi sisteD7. Mo- skvaq Izd-vo "Ekonomika," 1964. 269 p. (MM 17:3) MARGOLIN, L.M.; MAKAROVA; PAPINASHVILI, K.I.; PASHKOV, Yu.S.;jqFqV,,j.V.; SKOPODIR40V, D.Ye. Brief news. Meteor. i gidrol. no.lOt63-64 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) RAZUMOVSKIY, V.G. (Moskva); BRAVERM, 1E.M. (Moskft); Pbkf, I.V. (Ore2) A- Brief news.IPiz. v'-Okole.23 no.I3tUO-112 MY-Ja 163. (KIRA J#: 12) 10 00 A 00 00 *0 00 00 00 004 god 000 00 3 00- comes bWb; #A *nw &% the prew or wwwh am ad. I 0 0 0 * 0 * a Id a Is v A 18*P"NM rakdo7a (U. a S. R.) SPOft OWMA4 U).-WMWW pW 0 aw"=004d moll 9* C469VIII It'sib by 41 dair b 40 618%mb vw~ ~. PFU- a-- mda do stabOy of -mw,mwtbwt m CW"b 4d te, kwwte do aws- of *Xh tw~~tc ma). 1.8 SSG.SLA KIALLtOOICAL LMRAIM CLAMICA"M p 9 41 a 43 all A jL-, s --a lee 100 ~09 00 400 Joe ; mw~ 0-100 coo Ago too goo lee $A id AT 90 All; ei 0-- S a a ,da x 9 1 N a I a a 3 a I * * 0 * 0 1 * * * 0 0 : 0 0 0.0 0 * 0 00000*9000006 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 C. 0000 000000,00000,9g0 0 0 0 0 00 on "I a goo 002 008 068 008 09 :0 43 000 00a oew 0011 84 a o'9 0 00 000*0* a P a a 36 V U Vw V V -00 *a stm -0* *0 01 uchre t r ., Th. L-V..F" C ?e". "ad. sti. V.R.S.S. 45, M-: V- _R S ` 4. Do"y A Nauk. S.S.S.R. 43, 174-43(1944); 43, 7 ~) cf. C.A. J9, W70s.-Observations atade with a po"ing 1, with g MICTOK On A paste Of A MO[ItroGrillonitt Na-Clay Contj. y con". it ; up to 2OD7t, JfjO demonstrated that optically anisetropic tmisotmp- y o vow fine structures coWd be obtained by applying mech. force. The difference in fine structure was disclosed by =00 the gypsum plate which sbowed a blue coke over are" of 9*0 com, , wW a yellow color over areas of tension, i.e., ' b " coo ce of N y the appasr p In the direction of comprts"on . aM N'S in the direction of tension. In areas of tension 0 the plates of the crystals lie with their long axis along the directim of the acting strain. It is suggemed that a study of th ori t ti f i k i h fi g e en a on o c s n t yart e ne structure of clay rocks which have suffered metagenmis and metamorpitism oo may reveal the role and direction of the pressures causing theft processes or accornpanying them. Since the goo laminated crystals at the clay Heimarallell to each other, 1 800 and the clay contains u"o 2(10 :,~ HgO, connection be- tween plates mW transinksion of strew In the t 111 * e must pa be effected by cations and oriented dipoles of HjO rather 11 than by mat. attraction as is the can when there is direct contact between crystals. famatlys- Findlay WOO Aw L & v vow 93 Oliva v set ai 0000 0 & ; ; it a's x is K o 0 o 60 go so 00 0 0 '6_00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 009 0 0 0 a 0 off O'.N.N Item =Affix tT Orpoidlinse neam of I Ap ot sky pawalk. 1. V. rupm, (Coops. read, Ac". Sa. U.R.S.S, 1%3. 41L 2OG-2031.-The microscopical examinaWn of uplo- and micro-litructurall aaxre~ 9&tV`N in nAtVf*l 10110460FIS Of 10"UtSUDfIllonitt' (1) and kAOlinitc ill) clap both astwatod with Na and Ca IA described. The aggregates of (1) Ca Clayli INWe SA60(fU* WILL in Me ICWM Of Crybt. flAkta, banded structure, bring matte up of alternating aniotrt~pic aj,:f antortshous bands. Their *Us was 124)(1-M p. or lt4a 'the IlAke~ were destruyrd when treated with a solution of NaCt. No double refraction wax observed with (1) Na clayti. Thcw were in the form of uniform If sixr i,- I p.. partly gathered into unstable clots and flakcslf"Wn dried between 6 ter-paper they &bowed high interfrivacecul-urs. When pptd. with Ca salltsanisotrapyde%vto r_-]- There was Little difference between (M Na and Ca clals. rhe aaMptes were %rcry small and binhinpriL The difference be- tween the propertiq u 'a clAys Lo explained by the M f (1) Ca and *4 comparatively weA bond formed by univalent cAti.ns and the stronger bond formed by bivaleat cations. C. R K TKACHUK, V.G., otv. red.; TOLSTIKHIN, N.I., red.; POPOV, I.V., red.; ZAYTSEV, I.K., red.; YEFIMOV, A.I., red. _;_'PAL""S-HIN_,_ G.B., I red.; GRECHISHCHEV, Ye.K., red.; ASTRAKHANTSEV, V.I., red.; FERLOVICH, B.F., red.; PECHERSKAYA, T.I., tekhn. red. [Transactions of the Second Conference on Underground Waters and the Engineering Geology of Eastern Siberia held in Chita, 19581 Trudy Soveshchaniia po podzemnym vodam t~inzhenernoi geologii Vostochnoi Sibiri. Irkutsk, Irkutsko~ knizhnoe izd- vo. No.4. 1961. 161 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam i inzhenernoy geologii Vostochnoy Sibiri. 2d, Chita, 1958. (Siberia, Eastern--Water, Underground) (Siberia, Eastern--Engineering geology) KOROBANOVA, Irina Grigorlyevna; BOCHAROVA, Irina Sergeyevna; ZUBKOVICH, Galina Georgiyevna; KOVALEVA, Antonina Petrovna; KOPYLOVA, AlIbing Konstantinovna; POPOV, I.V., dQktox__geol.- min. nauk, otv. red.; STOLYAROV, A.CF, red. izd-va; SUSHKOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. (Characteristics of Jurassic rocks in the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly in connection with the conditions of their forma- tion from the view point of engineering geology] Irmdhenerno- geologicheskaia kharakteriatika iurskikh porod KMA v sviazi usloviiami ikh formirovaniia. (By] I.G.Korobanova i dr. Mo- skva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963P 109 p. NIRA 16:4) (Kursk Mag;etic Anomaly--Engineezing geology) (Kursk M*netic Anomaly-Rocks, Sedimentary) MAKEYEV, Zoroastr Aleksandrovich-,. POPOV, I.V., doktor geol.-miner. nauk, prof., otv. red.; FILIPPOVA, B.S., red. izd-va; NOVICHKOVA,- N.D., takhn. red. (Characteristics of Maikop clays from the viewpoint of engineering geology (southern part of Volgograd Province and central Ciscaucasia)] Inzhenerno-geologicheskaia kha- rakteristika maikopskikh glin; iuzhnaia chast' Volgogradskoi oblasti i TSentrallnoe #redkavkazle. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 266 p-. _ Supplement; diagrs. (MIRA 16:6) (Volgograd Province-Clay) (Caucasus, Northern-Clay) (Engineering geology) S/755161/000/003/OZS/027 AUTHORS: Virgil' yev,, Yu. A., Gruzin, P. L., C? Popov, It' V. TITLE: Investigation of the behavior of small additiolas of calcium in the smelting of nickel-chrome alloys by the radioactive- isotope method. SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Mcitallurgiya i mctal14,VC- deniye chiztykh metallov. no.3. 1961, 216-~Z4. TEXT: The paper describes the experimental use of the radioactive isotope Ca45 for the lab investigation of the behavior of small additions of Ca in the s~nelt- ing of alloys of the type XH80T (KhN80T). Such additiot)s are employed freqi4ently as deoxidizing agents, and it is desirable to obtain data on the amount of Ca "V'ithin the alloy, its distribution in an ingot between the various phases of the alloy, ,the rate of transition of the Ca from the metal to the slag, and the Ca- distributiorC tween metal and slag in various deoxidizing procedures. The Ca45 tracer on1ployed is p-active, with aft energy of 0.26 Mev and a half-liie of 15Z days. The Ca introduced into the alloy in the form of a silicocalcium. (SC) similar to that utili-,.-cd in the industry (Z716 Ca). The first two melts were employed to establish the 4fs- tribution of the Ca within the ingot and the coefficient of assimilation of the SC'upon (1) placement of the radioactive SC on the bottom of a mold, and (2) introduction of Card 1/3 Investigation of the behavior of small additions ... S/i755/61/000/003/02j /027 the radioactive SC underneath a fully developed slag layur~' formed of a prcpaid'd M;xture comprising 651o CaO, 1516 CaFr, aL 2076 MgO' The ingots were cui,. longitudinally (along the axis), and the longitudinal and transverse Ga distriWtions were investigated by 550-hr radioautography of pulveriied samples obtained krom various points. The assimilation coefficient (ratio of total activity of ingot to total activity of SC introduced) was found to be 761/o in ingot (1) and 21% in ingot (Zjq'~ in the latter ingot the distribution coefficient (ratio of total, activity of slag to to~'41 activity of metal) was 3.4. In ingot (1) the SG migrates upward along the pari~iiary of the ingot, where it remains 2-3 times as elevated as-along the ingot axis. .'. In ingot (2).the SC concentration on the ingot axis is 251o Iiighe r than at the pe riwic ry. ;i Centers of blackening on the radioautographic film indicate the accumulation. -bf the Ca in nonmetallic inclusions, which are larcrer in ingot (1) than in inrfot (2), lyhere apparently, most of the larcre inclusions have succeeded in passing into the ag phase. A third melt, in which specimens were withdrawn from the melt an~from the slag to determine the time-wise chanue5, indicated a rapid decrease in Ca content in the melt during the first 3-4 min, after which the decrease proceeded more slowly. Alter about 8 min the specific activity of the metal samples approached the background value asym totically. Thus, it may be stated thatil.5-kry charge in an induction furnace at 1,5009C loses practically all of its Ca within- 10 min from the introduction of the SC into the bath. The determination of the Ca Card 213 Investigation of the behavior of small additions S/755/61/000/003/OZ3/027 concentration in the nonmetallic inclusions formed by Ca oxidation in the liquid metal, which was performed by Dr. Yu. A. Klyachko's electrolytic-dis solution method, is briefly summarized (full-page table). Initially, along with an insignifi- cant formation* of nonmetallic inclusions, most of the Ca is found to be dissolved in the metal. With the successive oxidation of the Ga, the CaO, together with the larger nonmetallic inclusions, passes. into the slag, so that the Ca decreases rapidly with time of holdiny of the melt in the liquid condition. There are 2 figures and 4 tables; no references. ASSOCIATION: MIFI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). Card 313 POPOVI I.V. G.H.Kamenskii's theory of engineering-geology phenomena and its role in the development of Soviet engineering geology. Trudy Lab.gidrogeol.probl. 40s15-22 1620 (MIRk 15-11) (Engineering geology) Form, I. V. "A Scherie for the N'aturnl Clasgificatior. of Landslides," Dok. Arl, 54, No. 2, 19- 6 1. POPOV, I. V.: KAT~:, R. S. 2; UsSi (600) 4. Cartography 7. Methodical directions for compiling engineering and geological maps )scale 1:5000- U 1:10,000) for ci,~il and industrial construction. (Abstract). lzv. Glav. upr. ,aeol. fon. no. 2, 1947. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessj2gs, Library of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified. P c, oir,T V tazks of -hyr "ro which ~-rc immort' nt Cor geology", TrLi(-,y L,?boratoril. r-idro --ol. r.rooLea., i,,.. nikc~c,. Savar~,,,cl-ot,70 W-niy(~ Vol. IT~, 1?4:~', :,,. 'n-5--17. SO: U-2888, 12 Feb. (Lezo7.LsI Zhurnal Iiykr, Stat.-y, 1.'0- 2, 1--'4-'). POPOV, 1. v. 248" . POPOV, I. V. Mikraskopicheskiye i Fiziko-Khimicheckiye Issledo-Vaniya Sostava i Struktury (ainistykh Porod Neskol'Kikh Geneticheskikh T*pov. Trudy~Abileynoy Sessii, Pos vyaschch. Stoletiyu so DriyA Rozhcieniya Dok hayeva. M. L., 190 S. 658-60. SO: Letopis' No. 33, 190 :'c'-C V, I. 'I. 2. USSR (600) 4. Geo'r,,- L .Y 7. 3ti;dies a'~cutl -fie -:,olind as a 'on;-qt-,'cn3. Tmdv Lab. f,]Ijro~,eol. om,,~ 9. l'onthly of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ,D--rcb 1953, Unclassi fied. ME! ! Popov) 1. V. Sovetskaya inzhenernaya goologiya. Voprosy gidpogeologii 1 inzh. Gcoloulii, sb. 12, 1910, S. 3-6. 4!~ 305r-)6. POPOV, I. V. and 2HAKSIMOVICH, N. A. Fizikikhi.Tdchtskiye issledovaniya prichin zasoryayemosltli drenazh;t. 'lonresy gidpogeolo-ii i inzh. geologii, sb. 12, 1949, s. 26-tX. 5~ibliogr: s. L5. 2 --p-E 6 FGFGV C -.r-,,Lya strj".~!~-U" .-~Jj L (St Llra 7 i-!- "V - - .rochvovode.niya, SS. 15, 1949, 3- 17.r-?10. Biblior-r: 13' -azIr. SO: Letopis, Poi-lov, Ivan Vasmllyevich, 1~1189- Methods of Compiling enginee-ring re-olojijct~l rlml)s. Mo kv!i, GOB. iz(1-vo g-0!. llt-ry, P"50. 4.? (';J-34385) QE-3 3. P64 POPOV, I.V. ........ --~v [Eneineering geology] Inzhonernaia geologiia. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo geologicheskot lit-ry, 1951. 442 p. (KLRAI 6-11) (Geology) (Engineeriag) :~,rdroelectric Power En-.Tinearinf--:-.,eolo(,-Lcal slxveys for 1--dro-povier construction. Gi&-.stroi. 21, no-6, 1952. t, ~ I MONT-1112f LIST ~-F A-LSIOS, LIBHL-~~,'Y OCfull,` 1952. Ul",;Lm`lbjlFI~lD. 'USSR/Geophysles Hydroelectric Power Oct 52 Stations "Soviet Geology in the Service of the Great Con- tructions of Communism," Prof. I. V. Popov ; riroda, Vol 41, No 10, 'PP 15 -24 Discussion of the results of author's personal interview of a group of Soviet scientists and geologists which created a scientific methodical leadership for the engineering -geological inves- tigations preliminary to the construction of hy- droelectric power stations. This work won Popov a Stalin Prize for 1951. Elaborates on the role 249r85 of Soviet geol sci in the realization of the great Stalin plan for the construction of grandiose hy- droelectric power stations and canals on the Amu- Darya, Volga, Don, and Dnepr. 249T85 BRIXT, L.D., laureat Stalinskoy premii; NEYSHTADT, L.I.; KONYAROVA, L.P.; PCOPOV,--I.T.. professor. doktor geologo-mineralogicheakikh nauk, IVORTSOT, I.M.. takhnichaskly redaktor Ingineering and go 'ological research in the planning and constri-.ction of hydroelectric structures; a manual of methods for engineering geologists] Inzhenerno-geologichookis inaledovaniia pri proektir(vanii i stroitel'stva gidroonergitichoskikh sooruzhenii; notodicheakoe pasoble dlia takhnikay-goologov. Hooky&. Go@. energ. 12d-vo, 195,'. 4o8 P. (KRIA 9 Is Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Mintateretvo elektrost&ntsiy I al4ldropromyshlonnosti. Upraylentys kapitalinogo stroitelletva. (Frdroolectric power stations) (Engineering geology) .7 CFC--.r r- ~,-rmn' tt--vz un iZ t'-rizeiri 'cx lu;~ J i t I ~ V2 c t 1 C- I I a erg 'L Sze, ttat. "e fo-,Iow"-,q a.,-lentifle warot. Tpopilfir o"'p-n- Lifi:-, tg.)okh, and textrjwka owir 1weri stdim1r,".6 Fxr f-or :'te~ .17, fl:-!7er- 1101- tb,~ yearr, lqlzl~ I q -4~ ~so-let6ki _I Fj"'turn, 1 ., 2k, TIT,4e of Work SorJuated ti -Z~ Ord7honll,14,7(7, BELYY. L.D.. laureat Stalinskoy premii; NEYSHTADT, L.I.; KONYAROVA,L.P..- __QPOV LV . professor. doktor geologo-mineralogicheakikb nauk, radaktor,- IARIONOV. G.Ye., takhnichookiy redaktor DIngineering geology research in designing and constructing hydro- electric power structures; a practical manual for technicians and geologists] Inzhenerno-geologichaskie isel-idovaniia pri proaktirovanii i stroitel'stve gidroanargeticheakikh sooruzhanii; matodichaskoe posobie dlia takhnikov-goologov. Iz(i. Z-oe. ispr. Mosirva, Goa. energ. izd-vo, 1954. 408 p. (MLRA 9:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Miaisterstvo elek-trostantsii. Upravle- nie Impitalinago stroitel'stva. 2. Institut "Gidroonergepreyekt.0 (for Belyy, Neyahtadt. lonvarova) (Soil mechanics) (Hydraulic engineering) POPOV, I. V. Compilation of genernl engineering geology maps. 'Trudy XGRI ao.2t: 82-94 '54. (MLRA 8:12) (Geology--Maps) 3. POPOV, I. Y. Contemporaj7 problems in engineering geology and soil mechanics. Vest. Moak. un. 10 no.4:185-191 Ap-NY 155. (MIRA 8:8) (En;.-ineering geology) (Soil mechanics) k uSSR/Physical Chemistry Colloid chemistry. Dispel-se Systems, B-14 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - I=miYa, NO 19, 1956, 61233 Author: Popov, 1. V., Kudryavtseva, M. M. imatitution: