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ACC M: ;iT7011651. SOURCE C007-: UII/0000/66/000/000/0216'/0216 AUTHOR: I-opov, 1. G. ORG: none TIME: Aspects of rational nutrition of astronauts in fli-lit SOURCE: International Astronautical Conc-'ress. 17th, I-ktdrid, 1966. Daklady. no. 13. 1966. Nelcotovyyc aspekty rats i ona I I-.ioZ;o pitaniya kosmonavtov v polete TO?IC TAGS: human physiolo.-y, space nutrition, space food, di.-estive systerl, biolo.-Ic metabolism ABSTRACT: Cosmonaut nutrit-Ion will be a relativ*elN,,, more Im- portant environmental factor as spaceflight durations C3 increase, considering the necessity of -waintaining himh cD C-1 levels of work capacity and adaptability in cosmonauts. The daily food requirements of co3raonauts for different flight phases inusi first be determined. Tht, adequacy of food standards established in the USSR and other countries for professional groups with activities sitailar to those of cosh.ionauts-was analyzed. Experience in feeding Ameri- Ca,d 112 J. ACC NR: A-17011651 can and Soviet costionauts and studYing their metabolism was also considered. it is known Chat the overall nutri- tional regime is important in maintaining homeostasis, heat and water balance, and in determining the de-ree of assii.Alation of nutrients. in this study the effect of changes in the number and spacing of feedings and in total food volume on functioning of the organism were considered, Such factors as food variety, taste, and physical condition of food recelved special atten- tion. The importance of maintaining good appetite and food palatability, and of promoting alimentary stimula- tion of positive emotions (sic] was acknowledged. Vj'hen food products to which man is accustcmed are used in spaceflight nutrition, it will be necessary only to r.iain- tain the alimentary system stereotype. But when closed ecclogical systems are perfected, it will be necessary to solve the complex problem of human enz-31matic adapta- Cal studies of enzymatic tion to the new food. Experiment . L, adaptation of animals to new synthetic sources of fats and proteins have indicated the complexity of this proble,m. /_ATID ?RESS: 5098 SUB Coo-E. 06 / SUBM DATE; none c.rcl 2/2 =W'---AP6015621 INVENTOR: Popov, I. G. ORG: none TITLE: High-pressure apparatus. Class 12, No. 181049 Z/Z/ SOURCE: Izobretentya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 9, 1966, 15 TOPIC TAGS: pressure A13STRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a high - pressurApparatus. To simplify its manufacture, the chassis consists of welded plate domes with the arched side facing the inside of the apparatus and fastened with longitudinal beams and rings (see Fig. 1). Orig. art. has: I figure. [Translation] [NT] SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000.009/0015/oUlb UDC: 66. 023. 083. 2 Card 1 / 2 L 43907-66 ACC NR- AP6015621 SUBM DATE: 17MarG4/ ~:�VB CODE: 13/ Fig. 1. High-pressure apparatus. I- Plate domes; 2-beams; 3- rings. SIMIRIMV, A.D.; FOFOV, I.C,.Y red.; ISAYEA'.4, E.N., rea. [Dynamic model of the interibranch bal-ince; a book] Dinamicheskaia modell mezhoLrbslevogo be.- lansa; uchebnoe posobie. Voskva, Ir,-t naro,in,-)t!o Oic.17. 1964. 111 p. (MLh.,. 1e.1) S/12 62/000/003/042/052 D2 3 7 XD3 E2. AUTHOR: Popov, I.G. TITM: 1-n approximate calculation of lon- cylindrical slie-l'is CD -- FIERIT ODIC i*11; Referatuivnyy zhurnal2 Nekhanika, no. 3, 1962, 12, abstract 3V68 (Sb. Raschet prostranstv. konstrukt'siy no. 6, M., Gosstroyizdat, 1961, 189 - 212) T-'-.'XT: Assum-ints that in case of calculating lor.- Prismatic folded systems and cylindrical shells (replacing them br folded syste--,s), the method of V-Z. Irlasov (Stroiteilnaya mekhanika tonkostennych obolochek (Structural ~,echanics of Thin-17alled Shells) M., 0-TT, 1036) is sufficient'-.1y confirmed by experiment and assuming that zhe deformations of a spatial folded systen nearly coincide wit.h those of axj-lin~lrical bar system, the method of solvingsdevelo-ped by the author (Tsilindricheskiye sterzhnevyye sistuera-y (Cylindrical Bar ,stems) Gosstroyizdat, 1952), the author, in order to achieve further simplification of t-he computation of long cylindric--l sheliz- promses replacing spa-vial elements by s~patial bar systems. A se- rie-s of comparative calculations by both metlods is performed and Card 1/2 Cand ee ii L' c (;d 2 -oal Pits o t' 1~ r e Ior rn r~-~ a r aa.- a., 2~, up; hii---her and S-c-aj-z Lenin and of Labor Red -~-vjnnei- -,.' i r: i n ies; price not ..~-iven; (KL, 21-6,,;, 125) POPOV, I.I., otv. za vypusk; VORMIIKOVA, L.P., tekhn. red. [Standard time and production norms for work in protective tree planting and landscaping in railroad transportation] Tipovye norny vremeni i vyrabotki na raboty po zashchitnym lesonasazhde- niiam. i ozeleneniiu na zheleznodorozhnom transporte. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1961. 233 P. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo putey soobahcheniya. Upravleniye truda, zarabotnoy platy i tekhniki bezopasnosti. (Landscape gardening-Production standards) (Roadside improverant) (Windbreaks, shelterbelts, etc.) 41 oal YP ril Q3 -1 f1c 0l g S, lei CN"" YIN-, Yj 3(j up Ii f aph 7, L Of 5r l..:, ,~5 s ,u T.1 IL L r u TAG KB or T, V S B CI'S G fl aLd P -.-i--ich jV0z-- A F B sin (P (2 cos2t'- - Sin2,.P) 0 a_ncl, hence b(P t6 2TO = 2 for aa7:iI-rCUM f Thus: a..3 T-1 i,ecedes from P.1 alone AB the ros'Ll-oriii(I force F corres-_)o-.,,din,, to (p = (po At ~~,roater srows to a li ~i__-tances f diminishes, which can lead to ne-ative 1 0 values of f 1 - F and hence the falling of the aass This is shovm L-,raphically in Fig.2. For small amplitudes of oscillation and for angles (p close to a right an,-le the ~3 ,restoring force cap- be considered quasi-elastuic. E-_-_--prr_-IsinS the first equilibrium state of the system by the COTLditiOT!: h h h f P = f cos (p = f -0 = A A 0 P _V(h d?)-) 0 0 0 a.nd the restoring fo_-ce: F f P A h0 + &I h 0 h +-,4h) 2 d 312 (h2 d3)3773- Card 0 A S."Ort-Pez--iod Ver-ical 3 This ives w,)zro.-4imately: d2_ h2 F ~~ A 0 1~h CAh (ho +- d i.e., F is quasi-elastic in this a-,-.,.roxiL'iatJor-. tic represc3itai shows a photo~;rap~a a-nd Fi-.1 -a Sclf-2-eme tant Tuagnetic fieldl the correspondin--~17 'a~J]PEXU-t-'AS- The cons 0 8 cm. A4--a ca is created b7 -1 ma~=c-t wi,-',,h dimensions 4- Y. 5 :~: di'stance 0.5 W1 from its SUrfLace is the counterbalan-3ed tized iron rod of len,-th 00 i*-im and crcsc- ei~d of a we,':C.~J'T '~-U-Jje section 0.5 C7. The rod is fastened alon- the radJus c~f -L lict r .1 -,er Or aluminj.= disc vJ1 otatez about a circular cop, the end of the rod in t'-,%-e ma~;netic horizontal axis. o~ rotation. TL1e -od U field xas 11.5 (--n ~'-"s -L the having a relative UC disc represent Card 4/7 30V-49-58-6-8/12 3~10rt-Period Ver~ical Seismo~-ra~;~i with 1,,~at--netic Restoring Force. U 10-5kr./m2 L-he axis of the disc of K 3 x The system ,~,'~,jtitutes a seismogra-t,)h with direct optical re '-,,~istration -lie C~ I I len-til of the optics:,! lover beii-, A = 100 cn, ) a-rid a i-,a~--Iiification Vo'- 90. This apiaratus was first tested in the Seisometric Laboratory of the Institute of Physics o- the Earth, Ac. of Sciences, USSR. A trace of the oscillation L is given in Fi-.L~, where the upper curve gives the oscillations C, of the seismograph platform with different periods. and the loviez- Gives the oscillations of the seismograph wiih a natural period T = 0.5 see. Without addibuional damDing and in con- ditions close to resonance,, the max-imum magn1fication was ap:prox-imatelY 500. Da-aping was noticed in ordinary Dscilla- tions owing to the dampin,- action of the magnetic field. The natural oscillations of tile pendulum without additional damp- ing are given in Fig-5. Two cases were taken:(a) period of C3 pendulum T 0.09 see, damping D 0.029 , correspond- .Lng to a marnification e\j 1600 , (b) Tj 0.44 sec, dau-in~~. Di = 0.065 and characteristics Card 5/7 .~~2.ven in FiZ.G. maxim-um, iiia,~~Iif icat ion 700 Trie frequency of the seismograph for these two cas~-S are These are calculated from the fori.,iula: g M Ng-'Y Y't"N - -- --,. -- *1- Nv 'I NvA S, in- kj -period Verti-cal Sei A Short where u1 Tw /T U =- ------ 2 2 I -V (1 _ 1,1)2 + 4D1 U ;he arrivint-D v"anves of of the periods of 0., the rat io h and D is tile d of tile pendulum seismOgraP 1 jairror attached to the ,js-t.rption i - bi a Ij ste:ri-1p, a t3us a Optical reo Tjsill,- an ord't-nar-,[ re~;- -p-pa~a the the disc. of the recordin; dru;', --prisms e horizontal axis of rotati:)n :)ssed, totally ref"Cting li,ht is reflected bi tWO Ir( I llati_on can be alter-- 'Jj 2he Veriod of natural oscl maSnet This t--,7PF- (Fis .7 the distance 0 the constant by varyinu C,ard 3 0 V - 12 .A sei_s:nD-za-,)h seeMs suitable for u0e w-L"Wh stror.~;, close c-a~-th- res and 4 Soviet referen-ces. z Tiiere are 7 f'isl~_ au., 333R, I-stit-u~~ Fizi':i ZI,--nii, Tsentral'- kkademiya ii, ~1~a seysaiiches'-aya sban~sija (Acvde.,V of Sciences USSR Institute of Physics )f the Eart-h. Central Seismic Station "Si-aferoDoll") SUNIAITTED: Alay 28, 195?. 1. Seismographs--operation 2, Magnetic fields--Appliqation 3. Seism mographs--Analysis Card 7/7 87968 S/049/60/000/010/004/014 E133/E414 AUTHOR-. 4W"*P4&' Aw- TITLE, The Dispersion of Long.-Ppriod Love Waves in the Continental and Ocean Crust Along the Great Circle Indonesia-Crimea PERIODICAL; Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheakaya, ig6o, No,io, pp,.1458.-1462 TEXT- Seismic waves have been recorded on a long-period, horizontal, electrodynamic seismograph at the Crimea. The characteristic periods of the pendulum and galvanometer are 60 see and 36 see respectively, The seismograph magnification is shown in Curve 1, Figj; (this is a plot of magnification M against period in see). The apparatus was stabilized as suggested in Ref,10, Love waves of periods up to 74 see were recorded from the earthquake of 1958, August 12 (19 h 25 a 05 s ),, The azimuth of the earthquake,as measured from the station, was 90* + 2'- Two groups of Love waves were noted, one 41 win and the other 112 win, after the first P-waves arrived, The first group tame Card 1/6 87968 s/o49/6o/ooo/o1O/004/Ol4 El33/E4l4 The Dispersion of Long-Period Love Wavem in the Continental and Ocean Crust Along the Great Circle Indonesia-Crimea across the Eurasian continent (10300 km) and the second across the Pacific and Atlantic (29700 ka). The dispersion of the Love waves was studied by methods mentioned in Ref.2,3 and 11, A sample recording is given in Fig.2, The group velocity of the first set of waves lay in the range 3.32 to 4,03 km/sec, that of the second set from 4.13 to 4.29 km/sec. A table is given of the velocities and periods of the waves, The track of the waves is given in Fig,3 and the experimental (dotted) and theoretical (continuous) dispersion curves are compared in Fig,4, in which the group velocity (ka/sec) is plotted against the period (set)~ Curve I is a good approximation for the Eurasian continent for an upper layer of thickness 40 km and wave velocity 3,5 k/s on top of a lower layer with wave velocity 4,5 k/9. the ratio of the densities of the two layers being 1.28, Curve 4 approximates waves travelling two-thirds of the way through the ocean crust (with a layer depth of 15 ka) and one-third through continental crust (layer of 40 ko), Card 2/6 87968 S/049/60/000/010/004/oi4 E133/E414 The Dix persion of Long-Period Love Waves in the Continental and 10cean Crust Along the Great Circle Indonesia-Crimea 40 A Bd :15 NO C I I J#S l7epaoO 140,fmw 7.rex .55 I Our, t. tIRMOTIM 1BPUKTOj)11M1H1k AnHmionepx*, -romajoro coficmurpa(pa (1) n cono- omjoro ropiaou Mane"1111 0 " irre CTSH A ropwouunbu corlexorpa$", T'IM, Crit (2) Oro 87968 s/o4g/60/000/010/004/014 E133/E414 The Dispersion of Long-Period Love Waves in the Continental and Ocean Crust Alonx the Great Circle Indonesia-Crimea Card 5/6 Onr. 3.: Tpa~ca 8011H __ gyra Gontworo Hy yra, npoxaAamir qcpe3 z)rmgcnTp UnqeCRY10 cTaflixuio (c) H auTnaunqeuTp. A, - 92*,A A. - 267'.6 87968 E133/E,A4 The Dispersion of Long-Period Love Waves -,.n the Continental and Ocean Crust Alons the Careat Circle Indone4zia-Crimea 0 4 .......... 15::~A ~A at tz 40 --nerumf 10,411bl- r rifir- Onr. 4. ConomBneEme w~nepnmemanmmx itpuBux Ancriepcim rpynnomi exopom Boan Amna (A - A, B - D) c Teopennecimmu xpn- Buy" Allcuepull (1-3); 4 - xomGmmpommm Teopenmema xpimm Ann Card 6/( ------- nTOPO&I TIMCC- S/049/61/000/005/004/013 D218/D306 AUTHORS: Arkhangellskiy, V.T., Kirnos, D.P., Popov, 1.1.9 and Solovyev, V.N. TITLE: Preliminary observations of long-period seismic waves at the Simferopol' station PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya geofiziches- kaya, no. 5, 1961, 670-675 TEXT: This paper was first read at a seminar or. surface waves which was held in the Department of Seismology and Seismic Service on October 1 - 5, 1960, at Simferopol'. The authors briefly report on a prototype vertical seismograph which was designed for detect- ing seismic waves with periods between 20 and 300 see. The instru- ment is a modification of a vertical seismograph deaigned in 1959 in the Department of Seismology of the Institute of Physics of the Earth AS USSR. The modification was carried out in accordance with the recommendations given by the first of the present authors (Ref. 6: Izv. AN SSSR, ser. geofiz., no. 10, 1960). The pendulum Card S/04 61/000/005/004/013 Preliminary observations of ... D218YD306 employed is illustrated schematicallyin Fig. 1. The reduced length of this arrangement is 1 1 = 0.742 m and the moment of inertia is 2 Ki = 0.381 kg.m . The flat spring is made of elinvar which has a positive temperature coefficient of frequency (22 x 10-6 ). The long-period galvanometer was made at the Seismometric Laboratory of the Department of Seismology and Seismic Service, Institute of Physics of the Earth, AS USSR. The period of the galvanometer may be adjusted to between 80 and 130 seconds. Its current constant is 2.2 x 10- 10 amp/mm at one meter, and its electromagnetic damping constant is 72 ohms. The moment of inertia of the galvanometer 7 2 frame is K 2= 8.63 x 10- kg.m . The seismograph has been used to record long-period surface Rayleigh waves with periods in excess of 30 sec. Interesting results are said to have been obtained for Rayleigh waves due to the Chile earthquake of May 22, 1960. Waves with periods up to 480 see were recorded. There are 5 figures, 1 table and 8 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to English-language publications read as Card 2/16 S/049/61/000/001/000-/008 D226/D306 AUTHORS: Popov, I.I., and Solov1yev, S.L. TITLE: Conference on the seismic zoning of the Crimea PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk 88SR. Seriya geofizicheakaya. Izvestiya, no. 1, 1961, 120 - 121 TEXT: A conference on Crimean seismology and seismic zoning took place at Simferopol' on October 6 - 8, 1960, the participants being the Seysmicheskiy sovet AN SSSR (Seismologic Council of the AS USSR), the "Simferopol'" Tsentral1naya seysmicheskaya stantsiya instituta fiziki zemli AIT SSSR (Central Seismic Station of the In-~j stitute of Physics of the Earth, AS USSR)p and the Crimean ~branch of the Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo stroyindustrii (Scien- tific-Technical Society of the Building Industry). The aim of the conference was: 1) To attract the attention of both local and other experts to the study of Crimean earthquakes; 2) To remind builders of the need for providing for earthquakeproof buildings in ha~ar- Card 1/4 3/049/61/000/001/006/008 Conference on the seismic ... D226/D306 dous seismic zones; 3) To familiarize the participants from vari- ou8 institutions with work being carried out on the theme of the conference. It was opened by S-V. Sosnitskiy, the assistant chair- man of the Crimean Regional '111~xecutive Committee, and E.F. Savaren- skiy, chairman of the Seismologic Council AS U188R. Seismologic pa- pers were heard on the first C, ay. T.I. Poi)ov ("Siml'oror,oll" Seis- mic Station) spoke of the history and prcsent state of t1fie study of Crimean earthouakes and -cave some basic facts about earth-uakes. S.V. 1.*Tedvedev (Institute of Physics of the _~'arth AS USQ1R) outlined the chief aims of furt'lier viork on making a no--,,e accurate scheme for the seismic zoning of the peninsula. 0.1. Yurkevich (Seismic Department AS UkrSSR) spoke on the seismic zoning of TransiCarpa- thia -- the second seismic region of Ue Ukraine, in particular on the use of multiple-leveling data in seismic zoning. A mat of earthquake epicenters in the Black Sea basin was pi-esentea by A.Ya. Levit'ska (In;titute of Physics of the Earth, AS USSR). Z.I. Arono- vich ("Simferopol"' Seismic Station) reported in detail on the energetics of Crimean earthquakes. The second day of the conferen- Card 2/4 S/049/61/000/001/006/008 Conference on the seismic ... D226/D306 ce was devoted to building problems. Papers were heard by V.P. Umants ("Simferopol"' Branch of 'Giprograd'), O.Z. Ioffe of TreBt "Yaltastroy" (Yalta Building Trust) and V.N. Timofeyev (Yalta Branch of 'Giprogradt) on the state of planning and construction of buildings for seimic areas of the Crimea as was the information of B.K. Karapetyan on the work of the Armyanskiy institut stroyma- terialov i sooruzheniy (Armenian Institute of Building Materials and Construction) on problems of earthquakeproof construction and engineering seismology. Papers by G.A. Lychagin, Krymskaya geolo- gicheskaya komplekanaya ekspeditsiya (Crimean Geological Expedi- tion Group) on Ceology of the Crimean Peninsula and M.V. Muratov, Moskovskiy _eologorazvedochnyy institut (Moscow Geological Proq- pecting Ins titute) on Crimean neotectoniesp and also reports by V.B. Sollogub (Geologic Institute, AS UkrS'-R) on the study of crus- tal structure in southern areas of the Ukraine and A.A. Shimkus, Black Sea Station of the Institut okeanologii AN SSSR (Oceanologic Institute, AS USSR) on the study of crustal structure in the Black Sea basin, were heard on the last day. The conference adopted a Card 3/4 ORESHKIN, P. T.; DEVYATKU1, V. A.; POPOV, 1. 1. Thermal diffusicn. currents and the thormooloctr(,mative force in industrial refractories at Ugh temporaturos. Izv. vyEl. uCh(.1b, gav,; chern. met. 7 no.6.*181,,-190 16~1. (MMA 17.7) 1. Sibirskly motallurgit~,honkly hitititoiL. POPOV, I. I. Experimental Reserch in Formation by -eJa,-es oil 5table Profiles of -'bstream Faces of Earth Dams and Reservoir Shores. renort presented at the 7th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, The Fague, 21-27 Aug., 1960. All-Union Sci. Res. Institute of lbjdrotechnics iri. B.E. VEDEN'MEV. POPOV) I.I.-, VORONIN, P.A.; MATYUNIN, V.S. Ylpthod of testing in mines of coal aining explosives for a ten4,ency to burn out. Vzryv. delo no.52/9:217-221 163. (KRA 17:12) 1. Makeyevskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po bezopasnosti truda v gornoy promyshlennosti. POPOV, I.A., inzh. Autonomous aEynchrono!-,s generator with excitation Lfrom variable condensers. Elektrotekhnika 35 no.11:41-44 if f64. (MIPA 18:6) P":)Pov, I.., . -7 - ~; the M, prom. 18 no.3:29 165. Vakhtanskiy kanifoll-io-eksuraktsionnyy zavod. ACC Mt AT7011649 SOURCE CODZ: UR/0000/66/000/000/0001/0009 AUTHOR: Akulinichev, I. T.; Zhdanov, A. 11,; Popov, 1. 1. 0%G: none TITLE: Problems of bioteleiaetry during prolonged spacefli.ghts SOURCE-,: International Astronautical Congress. 17th, Madrid, 1966. D31