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Problems of Strength (Cent.) SOV/3416 by the Methods of Powder Metallurgy 52 Zilova., T. K., and Ya. B. Fridman. Delayed Decomposition of MAterials and -the Effect of the Reserve of Elastic Energy 63 Nikolayev, G. A., and S. V. Rumyantsev. Effect of Welding Defects on the Mechanical Properties of Welds 82 Shkollnik, L. M. Dependence of Endurance and Durability on the Characteristics of Static Strength 92 Kramarenko, 0. Yu. Frtigue Resistance of Cast Iron During Repeated Overloadings Ill Z,a:haraov, T. P. Fatigue and Continuous Strength of Alloys for Turbine Blades under Conditions of Simultaneous Action of Static and Variable Stresses 123 Fridman, Ya. B., and Ye. M. Morozov. Mechanical Properties of Bimetals 144 Card 3/6 Problems of Strength (cont.) SOV/3416 Y-udxyavtsev, I. V., and L. M. Rozen-wn. Relieving Residual Stresses During Axial Loadings of Surface Riveted Bars 158 KogELyev, V. P., and T. A. Beksh. Construction of a Complete Fatigue Diagram 166 PART II. DUVMCS AND CAICULAMON OF STRENGTH AND RIGIDITY Kononenko, V. 0. Natural Vibrations of a Nonlinear System with Periodically V5Lriabl e Parameters in Bolotin, V. V. Problem of the Stability of a Plate in a Compressible 'Gas Flow 194 Dimenberg, F. M., and Gusarov ' A. A. Deflecting Force in a Flexible Bear- Caused by the Forces of Imbalance 205 Grobo,i, V. A. Asymptotic Methodn of Studying Nonstationary Vibrations of Rotors Passing Through Critical Speed 219 Card 4/ 6 7 Problems of Strength (Cont.) BOV/3416! Kovaleako, A. D. Analogy Between Problems of Slightly Bent and Non- unifoxmly Heated Circular Plates of Varying Thickness 235 Ponomarev, S. D. Calculation of Symmetrically Loaded Stepped Circular Plates by the Method of Initial Parameters 242 Sokolov, S. N. Detirmination of Breaking Pressures in Spherical Con- tainers 255 Malinin, N. N. Calculation of Creep of Rotating Nonuniformly Heated Discs of Varying ThIbImess 268 Peshin, Yeugen. Practice of Calculating Parameters of Rotating Dis.cs During Plastic-Elastic Defoxnation 288 Shneyderovich, R. M. Plastic-Elastic Deforming of a Beam of Circular Cross Section During the Simultaneous Action of Bending and Torsion 296 Balashov, B. F. Fatigue of Compressor Blades 315 Card 5/6 Problems of Strength (Gont.) SOV/3416 Leykin, A. S. Study of the Distribution of Stresses in Fir Tree Type Roots of Turbine Blades in Tension and Bending 334 Giatsinto~, Ye. V. Study of the Distribution of Forces in Fir Tree Type Boot Joints 360 Reshetov, D. N., and Z. M. Levina. Calculations on Contact Rigidity in Machine Construction 375 Tomlenov, A. D. One Characteristic of a Slip Line 397 AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress AG/ec Card 616 6-27-6o L 3571-66 MYr -'VP(w-)/ (M )A _E_Pj (9),/ jACCESSION HR: AP5024818 ~~Np (j_)/T VAYIEM11IRM UR/0032/65/031/010/1239/1242 620.17 : 6Z7 .5.06 AUTHOR: Popov, G. G.- Voloskov A.; Perchikhina, Ye. A. TITIX: A meLthod for -t~esting plastics for permanent static strength \6 A A 5' ~SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 31, no. 10, 1965, 1239-1242 tensile strength, plastic strength, synthetic material iA'B-,ST--RAC,T,,-:s Tests are made for experimentally verifying the hypothesis that the variance in data on the durability of plastics can be reduced by evaluating the%-load* capacity of a specimen from the ratio a of the permanent strength a, to the moifien- tary strength aM . A batch of specimens was divided into two equal roups by random ,selection. The first group was tested for momentary tensile strength. The data were arranged in increasing order from a min to amax9 and each specimen was assigned 3' its own ordinal number.. It was assumed that if the second group of specimens were tested in the same manner for momentary strength, the distribution of data would l t b e t e same as for the first group. The second group was tested for permanent s!a- Itic tensile strengthirwith the-same stress being,applied to all specimens. The in-,. dex of relatfve load capacity it a /6 for each specimdn has its own value asso- p m 1Ca_rd_1j:~__ L 3571-66 liCCESSION NR_;_ "APS02,4818 !ciated with -the variance in the individual values of the momentary tests. I. e., in : 'spite of a common stress for all samples in the second group, the specimens are test- td at various levels of relative load,,capacity a. In addition to this, the static durability of the speimen In the second group of tests increases with the indivi- 1! :dual momentaty strength of the'specimdn. The values of static durability for the ppecimens in'the second group were th6n arranged in increasing order and each speci-* men was assigned its own number. The specimens in the second group were then assign- Ied a momentafy strefigth corresppnding"to the ordinal numbers of the specimens in the' first group.; Thus1for each ordinal nUmber there is a m6mentary strength a and a I m static life T (in hours), the static stress being identical foy. all s1mcimens. -elative load ,these data are used for plotting a permanent strength curve with the i: -factor a along'the M-axis. ,The results show a-consAderable reduc.'ton in variance -'of data whencompared with 'momentary strength tests alone.- Orig. art. has: 3 hgures, 1 table. ASSOCIATION;:~ VG'e*s0Yu nauc ova xnyy fin6-lssled teliskiy institut zheleznodorozhnogo ~ransporta (All-UnLon Scientific Research Institute of Railroad Trans rtation) Of SUBMITTED: 00 EHCLs 00 SUB CODE: MT, AS 10 REF SOVI* 000 OTHERt. 000: PardIJ2 ll-,!~-j,-FOV, G.A.; .E'lA, Ye,A. Met~.n.ris for tezting, plastics f0- al~a-,ic Zav.!~ib. 31 no.10:1239-1242 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Vs,,nTj nauchno-issledOvatellskiy inst-itut zhelf-,znojo-ozhrcj,-~ Uratioporta. F: V~ T L 46'103-66 V. IV SOURCE' CODE: UR/0l22/6u"/Ooo/oo6/oo',i/G^ ACC NR: AP"019929 AUTHOIR: Rubenchik, S. A. (Engjneer); P G. G. (Candidate of technical TITLE; The effect of surface preparation on the strength of steel adhesive P oints %SOURCE: Vestnik. mashinostroyeniya, no. 6, 1966, 141-113 ~TOPIC TAGS: surface finishing, metal surface, cement, epoxy plastic, resin, thermoset-, iting material, pickling, sandwich structure ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the effect of surface preparation on the strengtiL 01' ~St-3 steel adhesive joints. An attempt is ipde to give a physical interpretation of :the expe inental data. Soviet epq?g_Lesir~s re used throughout the study. The shear L- we 6 Of epoxy joints is lower than their cleava~;e strength, however the joints are ;r-^aae to withstand s"near since clewia.;_ strength Ls not important in practice. The lq~uaiity of the joints was evaluated by applying shearing loads. A formiula is given 'or determining the breaking point Under shear stres:~. Three tests wert! cor-,dUCtCd iusing eigght specimens each. The TsDM-lO machine was uE;ed with a clamp innotion of 6 ~/min and a fixed distance of 100 Tw, between clamps. The following mechanical inethods were used for surface preparation: polishing, emery cloth, sandblasting, hydraulic sand'alasting and shot blasting. The specimens were degreasedin acetone al-.d then ~pickled by th-ree different methods. Liquid hot-setting Z- _~ ~-P,'!,' Ejo xy P) a~nd 1cold-setting (E-P, F-153n) epoxies were used. -The cold-setting epoxy was mixed with Card 1/2 uDc: 621-792-3.05-3:539.4 L 46303,66 ACC NR: -21 cold _f_~D-'resin or K-111 compound for 5 minutes. The hot-setting material was =iXer- 1with ED-6 resin or K-153 compound and heated to 800C. Diethyl analine was added as catalyst to the adhesive based on ED-6 resin. The specimens were heated to 100-1100C. Powdered P epoxy was then applied to the surfaces and they were clamped. Hot-setting was done in drying cabinets and cold-Getting was done at room temperature. The joining;,, conditions are given. The best Joints were between shot-blasted surfaces pickled for i 2-4 minutes at 15-301C in an aqueous solution of a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids with all 112S04:11NO3:1120 ratio of 1.0:10:80. The mechanism responsible for the high strength of joints made with hot-setting materials is explained. It i.B assumed that the favorable results with these materials are due to high cohesive strength a~d. i increased mobility of molecular chains at high temperatures. The molecules of cold2 setting cement based on Ed-5 resin, Thiokol and MGF-4olyester are more mobile thane those of cements based on pure ED-5 resin. Shot blasting, sandblasting and pickling produce cleaner surfaces and in the work function of electrons, resulting in a better i icpm nt-to-metal adhesion. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 3 tables. ISUB CODE: V SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 001 Cord KARPOV., N.A., kand.tekhn.naulc; POPOV, G.G.,, kand.tekhn.nauk Use polymeric materiai.:Q:-in track mecha-rdams. Put' i Dit.'khoz. 8 no-4;7-9'64. (MIRA 17:4) 13 POPOVI G.G., kand.tekhn.nau-k; YAKHOV, M.S., inzh. Use of synthetic materials for the s-iperstruzture. 45 no.12tl5-16 D 163. OICRAI 17:2; RUBENCHIK, S.A.; BILIK, Sh.M., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; ~Q~gyj G.G., kand. tekhn.nauko retusenzent; FILIFFCVr'. L.S., inzh-.", red.; VOROBIYEEVA, L.V., (Adhesi-ves for metals and their use in railroad trans- portation structures] Klei dlia metallov i ikh primene- nenie v konstruktsiiakh zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1963. 34 P. (MIRA 17:2) POPOV$ G.G.; SHLYAPINA, V.U. Device for deterrdning the relaxation of stresses in pol'ymers. Kauch. i rez. 22 no,10:43-4-4 0 163. O-URIA 16:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut zheleznodo- rozhnogo transporta. SHLYAPINA., V.N.; VINITSKIY, L.Ye.; POPOV, G.G. Stress-rupture strength of rubber-metal samples in shear. Zav.lab. 29 no.7:872--874 163. (MIRA 16!8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy naiichnG-isaledovatellskiy institut zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. (Rubber to metal bonding) VOLKOVA, I.B.; NALIVKIN, D.V.; SLATVINSKAYA, Ye.A.; BOGOMAZOV, VA; GAVRILOVA, 0.1.; GUREVICH, A.B.; MUDROV, A.M.; NIKOLISKIY, V.M.; OSHURKOVA, M.V.; YETENY0, A.A.; POGREBITSKIY, Ye.O.; RITFNEZRG, M.I.; BOCHKOVSKIY, F.A.; K.M , N.G.; LUSHCHIKEN, GA; LYUBER, A.A.; MAXEDONTSOV, A.V.; SENDERZON, E...M.; SINITSYN, V.M.; SHORIN, V.P.; BELYANKIN, L.F.; VALITS, I.E.; VLASOV, V.M.; ISHINA, T.A.; KONIVETS, V.I.; MARKOVICH, Ye.H.; MDKRINSKIY, V.V.; PROSVIRYAKOVA, Z.P.; RADCHENKO, O.A.; SEMERIKOV, A.A.; FADDEYEVA, Z.I.; BUTOVA, Ye.P.; VERBITSKAYA, Z.I.; DZENS-LITOVSKAYA, O.A.; DUBARI, G.P.; IVANOV, N.V.; KARPOV, N.F.; KOLESNIKOV, Ch.M.;.VNEFED'YEV, L.P.; .T~ ~.; SHTEMPELI, B.M.; KIUUOV, V.V.; ~AVROV, V.V.; SALINIKOVY B.A.; MDNAKHOVA, L.P.[deceased]; MURATOV. M.V.; GORSKIY, I.I., glav. red.; GUSEV, A.I., red.; MOLCHANOV, I.I., red.; TYZJMOV, A.V., red.;,SHABAROV, N.V., red.; YAVORSKIY, V.I., red.; RZYMERT, L.A., red.-J'zd-va; ZAMARAYEVA, R.A., tekhn. red (Atlas of maps of coal deposits of the U.S.S.R.]Atlas kart ugle- nakopleniia na territorii SSSR. Glav. red. I.I.Gorskii. Zam. glav. red. V.V.Mokrinsk1i. Chleny red. kollegii: F.A.Bochkovskiy i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 17 p. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Laboratoriya geologii uglya. 2. Chlen- korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Muratov). (Coal geology-Maps) 'S KHASKINP Khaim Mendelevich; POPOV, G.G.,_red.; DONNIKOVA, A.A., red.izd-va; GRECHISHCHEVA, V.I., tekhn. red. (Technical and eaunaalc Justification in the comtmetion of enterprises of'the forest and wood-using industries]Tekh- niko-ekonomichoskoe oboanovanis stroitel'stva predprilatii leanoi fabrichno-zavodskoi promyshlennosti. Moskva., Goslesbm- izdat, 1962. 98 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Wood-using industries) (Industrial plants-Design and construction) _-Pch/Pr-h/Ps-4-Dj/WW 1o5o8_6 DS---AFFTC/ASD EPR/g~F(c)/MWJ)/L'WW/B ACCESSIM IM.- AP3000115 S1012-2101000IM1003310035 -8); Perchikhina AUMGR&* POPOV Go Go (Gandidate of technical science P Yee A* (Engineer) -M=t Rupture strength of adhesive onded steel joints _t8OUWN: Vestnik maehinostroyaniyal no- 5, 1963, 33-35 [TOPIC TAMi adhesive bonding, cement BP-2, therm' etting adhesive.. shear 08 strength, rupture strength ABSTRACT: The strength of steel joints banded with BF-2 thermosetting adhesive vas tested* The faying surfaces (60 x 30 ma) of specimens vere coated vith three layers of aahesive; each layer was dried in air for one hour and at 9w for,15 min prior to the application of the next layer. Glass Cloth 0.3 = thick., coated on both sides with adhesive and Lair dried for one hour, was placed be tween the faying surfaces, vhich vere then pressed together under a pressure of i'- 5 jrg/cm2 and held at 16o-3.7oc for 4 hr. The ahort-time shear strength of the bond varied fron 230 to 410 ~g/=2; the moot frequent (approximately 80%) value Vas 300 kg/cng. The-shear strength of the bond depanded ca the time oC load applicati0b- As the tLit of load application (rupture life) increased from 1 to -Card 1/2 - 1.7~----, '', I., -~ 1; 11 -I ~ POPOV, G.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; PERCRIKRINAJ, Te.A., imaij Lasting static strength of glued steel joints. Vestmashinostr. 43 no.5:-33-35 W 163. OCRA 16: 5) (Steel-Testing) (Gluing) _G IIZRCil-fKHIMk., Ye,A, 't,*,C,,-. MDANIGHEN!"O., 71- i-,-T'S K 11 , K-A GA '7 i:. Sittic"ZINA Ye ~ 1 V~ S ~IIAXI.3~~ e, -r, 6a TIL -.,- -i~ Zn,7,lat- 2T no,,+1:509~-511 i62. (141RA 15-5) iL-&titut nheleznOdaroz - hnor,o .7,-rn7i-,t)o-vt-a (for P.-Pc-,- Pzr,~rdkh:Lna)~ 2. Institut fi--i chesizo-Y kaLaii 11; SSSR 3. Zavod "Dnaprospctsstp-', (for Bo&lance~wnk- Terl6t-sl,-2P~ 4, Karagardinskiy metall.- tu-giclieskiy zfvc,! (Ce)-t- Kmagasov). 5, GoasudaratvermTf nau,.~hno- -issleduTatel'skiy i vy jrvq-+if-jt redkometa3dicheskoy promy-shlenno;~t: ( f Sravainc.- Yu",QeN I ( 10 ~, ~ - " m; ma "'1.I. nauchno-tekbn. red.; RODOVSKAYA, BAKSHTAI'SKAYAJ, H.S.; F-Q M.Vwx 0tva CECt.-.*OV, Yu.V., tekhn. red. (Use of plastics and synthetic products in railroad transportation !;,a the U.S.S.R. and in foreign countries; bibliographic index of Soviet and foreign publications] Pri- menenie plastnass i sintatichoskikh materialov na zhelazno- dorozhnom transporte, v SSSR i za rubezhom; bibliograficheskii ukazatell otechestvennoi i inostrannoi literatury, 195,-36-1960 gg. 1.1,oskval, Vses. izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edinenie 111-1-va putai soob- shcheniia, 1961. 38 P. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) 14inisterstvo putey soobshcheniya. TSentrallnaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya biblioteka. (Bibliograpkv-Railroads-Equipoent and supplies) (Bibliography-Plastics) 85764 31137/EOIDYV,~C-910 1 T/029 uto A0061AOOI Translation from. Referati,,rnyy zhurnal, Me,.allurgiya, 1960, No. 9, p. 251, # 21538 AUTHOR: Popov, G.G. TI-IU: Testing the End-.irance of Steels by Preliminary G%rclis Overi~az,;,-, PERIODICAL: V sb.: Vopr, prochnosti materialov i konstruktsiy, Moscow, AM S3SR~ 1959. pp. 14-35 1EXT: The author studied the effect of preliminary fat1gue tests in crdm~r to determine the resistance of metals to fatigue failure under conditions of alternating loads. It is established tha-z- tiie efffect of strengthsning or sc-ften- ing during the tests is explained by the fact that a arcup of weak grains of ',ne material undergoes plastic dislocations during conventional fatigue tests, aS they were not preliminary strengthened. This promotes "he development of a "disintegration" process and a decrease in the strength. In tests with stresses cverG~jtwo s-tag,~s of fatigue development are cbzerved; 1) the stage of strengthening of the weakest grain group with a slmui-taneou5 development the Card 1112 85764 S '1 -9 / -3-7/60/000/009/017,/02 A006/A001 Testing the Endurance of Steels by Preliminary Cy,.-;Ifc Overloads "dizzintegratior'll proceSs and 2) -.he stage :,f failure cf one gro-ap of weakest grains and Eimultaneous strengtheni-ng of other. str,:,nRer grains. Strenglhening takes place at a low amplitude of plastic de"~:rmalion reducing thereby the .~:,fter- ing effect of the "disintegrat:~on" pr-ccess. S.-S. Trarislat.or's note-, '11his IE the full tranSlation of the --.-:,-iginal Ruszlan abstract, Card 2/2 BELTANKIN, F.P.; FANSHIN, B.I.; LUKIYAMHIKOV, I.K.; POPOV. G.G.; ASEXIN&M, TeK.; NIKOLISKOY, A.M.; KAHAVITS, I.F. Discussion of the methods for investigating and testing physicomechanical properties of plastics. Replies to an inquiry published in issue no.1 of "Zavodskaia laboratoriia*, 1960. 7&v.lab. 26 no.6:655-678 '60. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Institut stroitellnoy mekhaniki Akademii nauk USSR (for Belyankin). 2. VsesoyuzrWy institut aviatsionxqkh materialov (for Panshin. Nikollskoy)- 3. TSentral'MVY nauchno- iseledovatellskiy institut zhele2nodorozhnogo transporta, (for laklyanchikov & Popov). 4. Leningradalmya lesotekhni- cheskaya akademiya im. S.M.Kirova (for Ashkenazi). 5. Nauchno- issledovatel'skiy insti-tut plasticheskikh mass (for Xanavets). (Plastics) BOIO/B126 AUTHORSt Laklyanchikov, I. K., PoD ov,.G. G. TITLEs Discussion of Methods of Exami .ning and Testing the PhyBico- ~ mechanical Properties of Plastios. Znswers to the Inquiry, Published i n No. I of the Periodical "Zavodskaya laboratoriy a" of 1960 PERIODICALs Zavodskaya laboratoriya, S/032/60/026/06/03/044 1960, Vol. 26t No. 6, pp. 665 - 667 TEXT& The authors suggestq among other things, that systematic examina- tions of the mechanical properties of plastics must be carried out. Stability tests must be specially worked out for plastics, and the methods of testing metals must not be used. Special attention must also be paid to creeping of plastics at room- and lower temperatures. In the laboratory for the stability of polymerB of the authors, institute, supports were con- structed for machines for the simultaneous testing of durability and the creeping of plastics (Fig., durrility curve for impact resistant poly- styrene of the type cL~n (SNP)).1 Until now, no standard method of testing fatigue in plastics had been devised. Some advice for the establishment of Card 1/2 LM_. M RMR~ POP07, C. T. YdIllet Cause of long-term stability in proso millet. Sel. i sem., 19, No- 3, 1952. I Mont List_af Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. MICLASSIFIED. Pol'ov, (". I- Cal 3~;Sis for the . ~robiGlogi Plant Ail-union IrSt Of I ' " Sep 54) I -j -, 7 C~u . " :r-- ~~C_' 3election of !nzi , i - I) , E-53. ~.6 IBI-ic' ) 1.6 - -r,. -I Lcnin,~ --; so: Sm. 432, z)- I!ar 55 POPOV, G. I. [Economics and organization of production in mine construction] Eko- nomika i organizataiia proizvodstv-a shakhtnogo stroitellstva. M, Ugletekhizdat, 1953, 258 Po' MaA 8:4) (Mining engineering) '7 F 0-, lit- 'L ry s an~ ,,e~ it-3ilifor IjG Stre . _ "I S. Z;tfj~jc un+3r 3/7/5C .Y 1~,fjnecrinL-r 1-dii - V. V. -r',uybyshell- so vecheryaya MOSIPva sum -11 Akh nauk; ZO)IIIOV, V05' p Viadimirovich kandid,t takhnichOs" Ler-polk"#ik I redsktor; CHMO. IaksfLndr Irtor; , kandidat tekhnichaskikh nsuk- 'nsh"r' dotsent tekhnicheskikh uauk, mayor, red-q pa~OV O.G.J., kandidat tekhnicheskiy redaktor. or, ISTINSKATA, ~X, rG&'&kt , Kinisterstva [Reinforced concretelftelosObstsu- Koal'-TIL' Vo (NLRA 9:0) 6. 134 P- obor. S=- 195 (Rginforeed concrete) 11 o Fait v w W_ W elm - - . !C' 0 a : ! : : 0 0 0 0 0 w 6 a 9 is It u is At II lit It it u n im n ft 11 At Ar .1 " "Ic* 1_1 -4- It _'t it a _JL_ ITA T hicressins eubbri coment it, kok Aahvl %I M -40 t .-, 1044. 11. Ill -'#' -Ih lee es till ill- S',. Milk 11 ISIKIII th-M (it, Ill,- '. '. "it '. Ulg. -.1h Chslige of 14ti,j patIlCleni tit rataxACusis hybernuns St" mrSdImthison It . MAI 1 41111 rAIAMACUIII kok sAlthyt R'l.1 doling virsetaLon pl~rlod 1 1. I il /I / P-i -S-1 to A A M, hs 06 '11al-I .111.1 1" 1.*.,. 00 .3 Ib .1 11 Ih, Ill- It"'l, 1l-'. "hill Ib, I'lant, 1'.- 1 th-'r it'll ".I .I 11-il r 1 1. W-lm . 1.0'. . .4 Ill, I'll is. I- '. It "j. Is IIIII I,. It it.. -I lillitilk 1, '4 "adl Jul I m I- I'd A I'll. fit, I 1..1. .4 Lit- W. It .4 IM1,11.1.11, l" I~ tit if... 04,, , '. .I Al.t d' 4 p".1". III, S AV No Lsj; v 2 a TIZA s a fw 0 a I w 9 a a 3 0 will OPPIP0411 an Ogg ;1119 tin Duo A I XG OA 0 0 0 0-0 000 lit 0 lee -00 600 Ago qW 0 lee %G41 tie too boo too ago Lzvar--g the C!!Si r! :V 'Od 1~j; till, , tj 1- all- POPOV, G.I. MLRA 6:4) Tartrate cadmium salts. Ukrain. lb-im. Zhur. 17. 597-609 '51. (CA 47 no.22:12086 '53) 1. Dagestan Agr. Inst, The of the salillItY -if the V'111,4 Doll Callial IC"fvoe:= vatem of the river Don be ow the romer- volf. G. 1. llopuv. (11y'Iftwilesit. 111%I.. N .... % 6.1 L.4 -k i. Gidrokkimi. .1tatresaly (Ilydrothem. Mmcrialsi 15. 1;11 79 k lip Is). -.CAk-lis. arc 1,~Ilml mi tile pfolkddr ,It ".11tolt tit the watem in the hucc rctcrv-sir ill comicoism %tith till- jimiectof ctmistruction of the VOica-Doti cau.d. I It, m-t milmatam ftctor ist thm c-Alens. is thr mipa. from the fvwrvoir which will teisil In itaccraw the --kilt cioutria -if tile -atem wt emillIM041 Wit III Ildt Of I [ti' IN M R 1%Cr. I tiS VS111. It 1.0 the Wt mittent "ill inctet.- frmn :107 ing. 1. 1,, 37.1, ..,g. 1. fit fly vt~.Jfs tile ~Ldt ooklellf mav li't. to IM 111g., 1. VIC mrtll~.l of CAIC11. i, dVlt,:T1tw,1 ."'d Ow l"'Ilt. aft, I'lestmal in the forill of 1.1111CS. Chaft" .111.1 .. tl,.. .,f m.,th. ficmuL, mid eqatatiou~. 'Tcrecast of, th~~ S-It 0, :Aont t',.c-- f,!. C, f Kul:iGv Resevoir of the VC7 cf t .iatler cj' t~,e Don R-fvcr V.:, 4- 11 (17C-17c I i Metecrologivan i I c. to I - Eeportu U-2 551, 30 5- POPOVS G.I. ~rsunami. Priroda 54 no.12:98-102 D 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR, Moskva. PW CvI G. I. Pp=. G. 1. "On the growth and genesis of the Scythian clay of the southuL part of the USSR, " Trudy Novocherkas, politekhn. in-ta ix. Ordzhonikidzel Vol. XVIlv 1948,, p. 15-23 Bibliog: 28 items SO: U-3264, 10 April 1953, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Stateyp no. 3, 1949) :;. -I. C',-.eleken PeninZula - 1'011,"kS, I Fauna of the Ivpsheron formaLl.)n oil C'!.ole-krm. izv. Turk. fiL. AN 33~-H No. 1, P15l. I 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953, Uncl. POPOV, G.I., dotsent, kandidAt tekhnicheskikh nauk. Stratigra,nb-I of quaternary deposits in the Black Sea-CasDian Basin (Manych strait). Nauch. trudy HPI 26:151-165 155. (MLRA 9:12) (Black Sea region--Geology, Stratigraphic) WasPian Sea region--Geology, Stratigraphic) N Y__I POPOV, G. I. History of the Manych Straits in relation to the stratigraphy of Black Sea and Caspian Sea Qa&rternary deposits. Biul.MOIP.Otd.Gool. 30 no.2: 31-49 Mr-AP 155. Oaju 8: 8) (ManychIlepression-Geology, Stratigraphic) 'F, Tc, Pei// Card -Authors I Title I Abstract I &_ 7. Pub. 21 - 301/cl ropov, 0. 1. StratiCraphic separation and a comparison of -Black and Caspian Sea dcnesits ,vaterna-r.- Dolz- 411 'S-Sn 101/1, 143-146, Mar 1, 1955 rileontoloeical-so4rati.c,-raphic and (-.;ecmorphoIori-_al invPstientions cnrr!,g_-d out. 'Icr winny yeors mode it possibIc to detcmine and c- Ore .1 ; =p the -,uat~_,rmry period deposits of the Blcick-Azo-7 &nO Cespirin Sca basins and in th~_ I,-!-Aryscb_:3%iy straits ccianau,'tr.6 "heEe basins. %~fz ;.*, ncEL, Tab!- n U z7ii t % Crd-z4oriki~!z-, Folytt.,chnict", 14, I't, POPGV,G.I. Apsheron deposits of Ala-Dagh. DokI. AN SSSR 103 no.4:681-683 Ag 155. (MLRA 8:11) 1. Institut geologii Akademii nauk Turkmenskoy SSR. Predstavleno D.V.Nalivkinym (Ala -Dagh--Goology, Stratigraphic) POPOV, G. I. "Age corr~IF-'.ion of deposits of the Uzunlarskoye and larangatakoye overlaps," by G.I. Goretsk1l. Reviewed by G.I. Popov. Biul.YDIP. Otd.geol- 31 no.4:77-79 J1-Ag 156. (MLRA 9:12) (Geology. Stratigraphic) (Goretskit, G.I.) POPOV, G. I. Oligocene Oncophora sedinents in the Caspian Depression and lower Don Valley. fiauch.dokl.vys.9hIcoly; geol.-geog.nauki no.l.'55-57 159. NM l?:6) 1. Novochorkaonkiy politaktnichaskly institut, kafeam obahchey i istorichagkoy geologil. (Caspian Depression--14ollusks. Fossil) (Don Valley-Hollusks, Fosall) jje~j ut t *, e rl_ k c *- rL a "a Fie a on th,~- fl:luna G Ser. khin- .1 geol. nauk ,,,o.5:1()7-.1-L ':-Ik 17 12 POPOV, G.I. Conditions governing tho formation of tsunami npar the coast of Chile. Okeanologila 4 no.1:74-80 164. (MIRA 17:4) POPOV) 0.1. Increasing the durability of open-hearth furnace arches. M--tslI,-,LT-g .L 9 no.2tl4-16 F '64, (MIRA 17:3) 1. Zavod "Zaporozhstalitle PUNY G.1, Tsunami in the Pacific Ocean of May 1960. OkeAnologiia 3 no.5:785-7(Y7 163. (MIRA 16al) PIROGOV, A.A.; LEVE, Ye.N.; KRASS, Ya.R.; POPOV, G.I.; KOVALICHUK, Ya.l. Unfired brick made of magnesite-chrcmd't~e concrete for the b,~ii_le~irg of open-hearth furnaces. Ogneupory 29 no.2:55-59 '64. (MA 17:1) 1. [Tkrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ogneuporov (for Pirogov, Lave, Krass). 2. Zavod "Zaporozhstall" (for Popov, Kovallchuk). 2_ POPOV) G.I. International cooperatiOn in the Btud7, of taur-am-4. Okeanologiia 2 no.6!1218-1119 162. (MIRA 17:2) POPOV, G. I. RelationBhip between continental and marine Upper Pliocene sediments in the southern and southeastern areas of the European part of the U.S.S.R., in connection with the problem of the lower boundary of the Quaternary. Trudy Kom. chetv 17. 20* 92-97 162. (MIRA 16: (GeoloK-1, StratigmDhic) BERMAN, Sh.M.; YABISHINA, M.P.; SHAPOVALOV, V.S.; Pirinimali uehastiye: XOM,ICHUK,, Ye.I.; PLOSHENKO, Ye.A.; POPOV G jp;...AfflUPNN, Y.G.; ANTONOV, G.I.; KOVTUP, A.M. Service conditions and processes of the vear of basic ref-..-ctorleB in the bulkheads of open-hearth furnace front valls, Sbar,maucho trud. UNIIO no,5,.181-201 161. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ogneuporov (for Antonov, Kovtun). (Open-hearth furnacee-Design and construction) (Firebrick4-Testing) SMIRNOV, L.N., glav. red.; KIIANGV, S., red.; KALUGIN, P.I., red.; MASIIRYKOV, K.K., red.; MAMEDOV, Kh.M., red.; Gli,, red.; ROZYYEVA, T.R., red.; MAYCROVA, Yu.V., IVONTIYEVA, G.A., tekhn. red. (Problems of the geology of Turkmenin] Voprosy geologil Turkmenii, Ashkh"bnd, lzd-vo AN Turkmenskol SSR, 1963. 146 p. (WRA 16:10) 1. Akademiya nauk Turkmenskoy SSR, Ashkhabad. Institut geologii. (Turkmenistan--Geology) GEVOICYAN, B.A.; KATSMAN, N.V.; LIMONOV, G,,Ye.; SAWOV, V.S.; KATKOV, V.P.; VINOGRADOVA, L.V-; MA14YKINA, A.D.; =9- 66; DORDKHOV.9 A.A.; FALEYEV, G.A., inzh., retsenzent; EOGATAYA, L.M., red.; ZARSHCHIKOVA, L.N., tekh-n. red. (Press method for meat boning and deveining] Obvulka i zhilovka miasa pressovaniem. (By] B.A.Gevorgian i dr. Moskva, Pishche- promizdat, 1963. 31 p. (KRA 16:8) (Meat industry-Equipment and supplies) (Sausages) POPOV, G. I. Forecasting tBunamis. Geofiz.biul. no.120-9 162. (MM 16:5) (Tidal waves) KELDMH, V.M., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; SINITSYN, A.P., prof., doktor tekhn.nai1k;.-EQEQ.V,-G.T-, dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; Zh'DANOV, V.S., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk *Design of reinforced concrete axially symmetrical elements (shells)" by A.M. Ovechkina. Reviewed by V.14. Keldysh and others. Bet. i zhel.-bet. 8 no.lOt477-478 0 162. (miRA i5oa) 1. DeystvitelInyy chlen Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Keldysh). (Roofs, Shell) (Gvechkinay A.M.) FOPOVJT G-, IOP kand. med. nauk Late results of treating syphilis with penicillin and artificially induced fever. Vest. derm. i ven. 36 no.6:50-52 Je '62. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz kafedry dermato-venerologii (zav. - prof. K. A. Kalanta- yevelmya) Kiyevakogo instituta unovershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. - dotsent M. N. Umovist) (SYPHILIS) (PENICILLIN) (FEVER nOUPY) POPOV, G.I- in7l,.; WCHS!,"K0, P~S, ........ Comments on axticle "Inspection of the equipment of rollin.ff rulls," Mont., t opets. rab. v atroi. 24 no.',;:?5-27 J-1 162. (!-Ulk 15: 6) 1. Gosuda-rstvem-iTy trest po montazhu metallurgichookogo oborudovaniya v -iostovhriyl-di rayonal;~i. ( mills-Squipment and supplico) ,,,OPOV, Germadiy lvanov~chi_WPPOV, N.P., doktor geol.-min. nauk, nauchWy red.; RAYOROVA, Yu.M., red. izd-va; ZUBOVA, N.I.p tekhn. red. (Apsheronian stage of Turkmenial Apsheronskii iarus Turkmenii. Ashkhabad, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Turk Turkmenskoi SSR, 1961. 429 (MIRA 15:4) (Turkinenistan-Geology, Stratigraphic) PO~qy.,-G.I., inzh. Assembling rollin equipment at the Rhilal metallurgical plant in India. 14ont.i spets.rab.v stroi. 23 no.6:3-6 Je 161. (~Mu 14:?) 1. Trest Vostokmetallurgmontazh. (, India-Metallurgical planta) LEBEDEVA, N.A.j POPOV, G.I. Recent data on the upper Pliocene of the Kuban, Dok1.AN SSSR 138 n0.3:647-650 W 161, (MM 1/+.- 5) I* Predstavleno akademikom A.L.Yanshinym. (Kubwk-Geology, Strqtigraphic) SURKOV, V.D.; POPOV9 G.I.; VASIL'YEV9 K.M. Automated plasticizer for cottage cheese and other protein products, Izv.lys.ucheb.zav.;*. 12136-139 161. (MIRA U:3) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i malochnoy promyshlennostil Kafedra tekhnologii moloka. (Cottage cheese) FUMY G.I. Conditions leading to the forration of tsunamis. Biul. 3-,.. pe) seism. no.917-22 161. (~aRA (Pacific Ocean-Tidal waves) IVAITOVA I. D POPOV.9 G. I. Recent data on the age of the high terraces of the Dniester VaI:Le7 based on finds of the mollusk fauna. Dokl. All S88R 136 no.6:1425- 1427 F 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Predstavleno akademikom V. N. Sukaelievym (Dnieper Valley-Terra;ea (Geology)) SUMARCKOY, N.Y.; POPOY, G.I.. otv. za vypusk [New cementation processes; collected articles] Hovaia tekhnologiis tsemantataii; sbornik atatei. Perm', TsBTI Sovete narodnogo khoz. Permskogo, ekon.administre- tivnogo rsions. 1959. 123 P. (miRA 14:4) 1. Permskoye obleatnoye nauchno-tekhnichaskoye obshchestvo mashinostroitel'noy promyshlennosti. (Cementation (Metallurgy)) 15-57-12-16808 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 12, p 19 (USSR) AUTHOR: Popov, G. I. 11 -------------------- TITLE: The Apsheron Series of Southwestern Turkmenistan (Apsheronskiy yarus Yugo-Zapadnogo Turkmenistana) PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta geol. AN TurkmSSR, 1956, Nr 1, pp 128-162 ABSTRACT: The Apsheron deposits in southwestern Turkmeniya are most widespread in the Balkhan region. They are also exposed at Malyy Balkhan. The eastern boundary of these rocks extends along the foothills of Kopet-Dag. In the region of Kaymir and Madau, the sequence is found in drill holes. On the north, outcrops of the Apsheron rocks are bounded by the Sarykamysh and Aral vpadiny (basins). The rocks are exposed along the entire Uzboy and on the Krasnovodsk Peninsula. On the Card 113 basis of new data, the author has subdivided three 15-57-12-16808 The Apsheron Series of Southwestern Turkmenistan (Cont.) differently aged groups of molluscs, associated with three litho- logic groups of sediments. The lower unit is characterized by gastropods of the enus Streptocerella and by gastropods of the type Turricaspia spica fEichw_.T n. -var. dyp. and Gr. The middle unit is distinguished by pelecypods: ribbed and smooth Apsheronia and repre- sentatives of the genera Hyrcania, L4onodacna., Corbiculat and others. Fossils are fewer in the upper Apsheron rocks. Ribbed Apscheronia disappear and many of the species of Monodacna, Hyrcania, and others are met less frequently. However, the group Didacnomin and the fresh-water forms Anodonta, Limnaea. and Planorbis make their ap- pearance. The boundary betw_e_e_n__Kk_-c~agyl and-7p-sheron deposits is now placed more accurately. The following conclusions are based on a study of the structure of the Apsheron deposits in different regions. The Apsheron deposits are chiefly clay in southwestern Turkmeniya. The thickness and quantity of sand increase from west to east and from the base upward. The sand grains also increase in size in the same directions, and the appearance of limestones with Card 2/3 15-57-12-16808 The Apsheron Series of Southwestern Turkmenistan (Cont.) accumulations of medium-sized gravel has a similar trend. The thickness of the Apsheron deposits as a whole is constant, as are the principal subdivisions. Only the small stratigraphic units show variation. Sections show that the Apsheron basseyn (basin) conformed to a great extent with the Akchagyl. The greatest curtailment of its area occurred at the beginning and the end of the epoch. The bass6yn (basin) apparently contained deep water in lower Apsheron time. Shoaling began in lower Apsheron time and continued till the end of upper Apsheron time. A study of the fauna indicates that the Apsheron basseyn (basin) was fresher than the Akchagyl basin. Card 3/3 V. A. Levitskaya POPOV, Grigoriy Ivanovich Zkonomikas organizatsiya i planirovaniye proizvodstva, v shakhtnom stroit;el'stva. Ae economy., organization and planning in mining construc- tion 7 2., parer. 1 dop. :rzd. Moskva, Ugletekhixdat, 1958. 365 P. Illus., Diagra., Tables. Bibliogrpphy: P. 362, LUTRORS-~ Kovallchuk-, Ye-I. a-ad 2oDcv, G.I. SOV/133-58--10-9/31 TITIE; Service Life of Open-- Learth Refrac y Lining When Using Oxygen (Sl-,,zhba futerovki martenovskikh pechey pri rabote na kislorode) PERIODICAL: StUal'. 1-958, Nr 10. 1~ . PP 890 - 893 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The influence of the application of oxygen on the dura- bility of chrome-magnesite roofs and other elements of open-hearth furnace lining is discussed on the basis of data collected on the Zaporozhstal' Works. It is pointed out that a direct comparison of the durability of various parts of the lining,before oxygen was intro- duced with the present service life is impracticable as the Yesign of the lining was different from the present one. The dependence of the roof life on the conditions of blowing oxygen into the bath and the dependence of the service life-of varicus parts of furnace on the method of supplying oxygen are shown in Tables 1 and 2, zespe,-tively. It is concluded that in order to increase the life of furnaces oprating with oxygen, the following changes should be made: a) the design of the roof Cardl/2 should be changed so as to provide compensation for SOV/133-58-10-9/31 Service Life of Oper,-hearth Refractory Lining When Using Oxygen linear ex-pan ion of magnesite-chromite bricks; b) silica lining of the rorf8 of slag pockets and to some extent of regenerator should be replaced by magnesite-chromite refractories; c) the walls of regenerators should be faced with clirome-magnesite bricks; d) the height of the under-regenerators' space should be increased and cleaning of regenerators during their service life should be improved; the qual-ity of roof bricks should be improved by inzreasing their dengity, improving the con- stancy of thei-r volume at 1 700 C and increasing the temperature of the beginning of deformation under load; e) improved maintenanGe of furnaces and, f) continuous impro,.rement of ins-callation for blowing into the bath. There are 2 tab-les. ASSOCIATION- Za-,rod "Z-aporozhsral` ("Zaporozhstall" Works) Card 2/2 V po P 0 USSR/Cultivated Plants - Grains. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biols, No 41 1958~ 15532 Author : Gj. Popov Inst : Title : Changes in the Corn Plant. (Izmeneniye kukumnoGo rasteniyu). Orig Pub : AgrobioloL&iYai 1957, No 3P 90-98 Abstract : Corn under northern conditions (at the Leningrad Selection Station)., especially when accelerated plant [Srowth m sures are applied (cultivating the shoots in hot houses), even weill composed and widely distributed varieties experience strong modifications of the stan- dard- plant type and chanGe many variety charactoriatics. These changes frequently ip teyond the limits of the group, the subspecies and even the species, since they affect both the ve(;ctative and the generative characteris- tics. Cases are described in which there was a lar6e- Card 1/2 KOVALICHUK, Ye.I.-. POPOV, G.I. -- Service of open-hearth furnace linings operating with use of oxygen (with summary in English). Stall 18 no.10:890-893 0 158. (KIRA 11:11) 1. Zavod *Zaporoshatall.0 (Open-hearth furnaces-Kaintenance and repair) (Refractory materials) (Oxygen-Industrial applications) MARCHENKO, P.S.,inzh.~_~. ~G. inzh., Adjusting rolling mills. Nov. takh. i pared. op v stroi. 20 no- 7:25-28 J1 1581 (Rolling mills) (MIRA 11:8) -77777 n POPOV, Grigoriy Ivanovich-.-: GRIBIII. G.P., otv. red.; OSTROVSKIY, I.I.,otv. red.; --'--SUROVX, VX., red. izd-vs,; SHELYAR, Ye. Ya., tekhn. red.; ALADOYA, Te. I., tekhn. red. [Economics. organization and planniN,, of production in mine construction] Ekonomika, organizatsiia 1- planirovanie proizvodstva v shakhtnom stroitellstva. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat. 1958. 365 P. (?IIRA 11:11) (Coal mines and mining) POPOV) G. I. -(Georgiy Ivanovich) "Agrobiological Principles of Millet Selection," (Dissertation), Academic degree of Doctor in Agriculture Sciences.. based on his defense, 11 December 1953, in the Council of the All-Union Sci Res Inst of Plant Growing. Leningrad State Selection Station fAft/~ediclne Gawrtheas Therapy Jan:/reb 49 "fts:Problem of Opoaulfamide Therapy for Suira- Retletent Gonorrhea," G. 1. Popov, Chair of Skin anA Venereal Diseases,, Chair of Gen Blol, MLzakh Med Inst Izeni'V. M. Nblotov, 2 pp "Test Venerol :1 Dermatol" No I Sulf e6ide acts against gonorrheal infeoti= In three ways, but In. all of them It is necessary that the case Indicates a certain degree of rAtural tramanity. The treatment iB leas ef- footive vhen body resistance is L lov. Describes 65/4~T~ dicine Gonorrhea, Therapy Jan/Yeb k9 (Contd) peculiarities of oposulfamide an& briefly mentione its effects. In all cases sulfamide thsra:py combine& vith opotherapy produced. ex' oelleht resultep averaging 5 - 7 days to effect euree~, Requests further practical use of this substance. 65/~9T~6 P~ POPOV, G. I. Result of the treatment of syphilis with penicillin and fever. 7est. vener., Moskva no-3:30-34 May-June 1953. (CLML 25:1) 1. Of Kiev Scientific-Research Dermato-Venereological Institute (Director -- Prof. A. P. Iavrov). n:.t-s !;,-t cdmc7say 1~54. 1, Z' I- il o I POPOV, G. I. Blectric potentials of the skin in penicillin and fever therapy for syphilis. Vest. von. i germ. 603-35 N-D 155o (MIRA 9:5) 1. Iz otdela sifilidolOgii iBpOlynayushchiy obyazannosti zaveduyushchego G.I. Popov) Kiyevskogo nauchno-iosledovatellskogo kozhno-venerologicheskogo institute, (dir.G.Te. Koryakin) (FRIM THRRAFT, In various die. syphilis, with penicillin ther., electric potentials of skin) (MICILLIN. ther. us syphilis, with favor there. electric potentials of skin) (SYPHILIS. ther. penicillin & fever ther., electric potentials of skin In) (SKIN, physiol. electric potentials, In penicillin & fever ther. of syphilis) BEZYUK. N.G., dotsent ; POPOV, 91A. Diagnostic errors and imroper surgical intervention in dermato- venerology. Khirurgiia 33 no.7:128-131 J1 '57- (MIRA 10:11) 1. Iz otAela dermatologii.(zav. - dotaent N.G.Bezyuk) i otdela sifilidologil (zav. - kandidat meditsinskikh nauk G.I.Popov) Kiyevskogo nauchno-tosledovatellakogo kozhno-venerologichoskogo institute (dir. G-YeJoryekia) (SKIN DISBASIS, murg. contraindic. & diag. errors) R- NOGID, Lev Markovich; POPOV, G.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; BRONNIKOV, A.V., red.; SFAFMOVA, V.M., red. (Design of seagoing ships] Proektirovanie morskikh sudov. Leningrad, Izd-vo "Sudostroenie." Pt.l.[Methods of determ- ining the elements of a proposed ship] Metodika opredeleniia elementov proektiruemogo sudna. 1964. 358 p. (MIRA 17:5) ~. - I- - !A POPOV G I., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots. (Moskva) Approximate calculation of nonlinear vibrations of rods myrith respect to the action of longitudinal impulses. Issl. Po teor. soortizh. no.8:121-136 159. (MIRA 12:12) (Elastic rods and wires--Vibration) POPOV, G.I., kand. tekhn. nauk dots. (Moskva) Calculating nonlinear vibrations of systems having one deG-ree of freedom with respect to the action of instantaneous and short-term forces. Issl. po teor. sooruzh. no-8:145-156 '59. (MIRA 12:12) (Structural frames--Vibrations) (Strains and stresses) AUTHOR: 'Pop4wrl_ G, 1. SOV/49-59-8-13/27 TITLE-. Earthquakes On the Position of the Epicentres of Taumani 001. PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizichookaya, 1959, Nr 8, pp 1199-1201 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The ocean region of the Kamchatka and Kuril Islands can be divided into five areas: 1 - narrow sloping sea platform, 2 - the trench, more than 6000 m deep, 3 - large north-west continental slope, 4 - East Kamchatka and Kuril Islands with intensive earthquakes, 5 _ platform of Okhotsk Sea. The second, third and fourth areas produce most of the earthquakes which are accompanied with tsumanis. Data of the latter were collected for the period starting In 1737 until 1952. A chart was prepared on which all the known tsumanis were plotted, reproduced in Fig 1. It shows the known ti3umani epicentres I and the areas of their probable formation 2. Acknowledgments are Card 1/2 expressed to Ye. F. Savarenskiy for his advice. POPOV, Gavriil Kharitonovich; GUROV, S., red.; YAKOVUVA, Ye., -1 ... ... -- -, - , 1,61H i~~-*- [Electronic machines and economic administration] Elek- tronzTe mashiny i upravlenie ekonomikoi. Moskva, Mosk. ra- bochii, 1963. 189 p. (MIRA 17:1) (Electronic data processing-Industrial management) CHUPRIKOV, Mikhail Konstantinovich, kapitan pervogo ranga; KRYLOV, Pavel Sergeyevich, kapitan pervogo range; ONISHCMiKO, Yevgeniy Yakovlevich, kapitan pervogo ranga; POPOV, Georgiy Ivanovich, inzh., kapitan vtorogo ranga; PRONICHKIN, A.P., red.; TARSKIY, Yu.S., kapitan v-torogo ranga, red.; SRIBNIS, N.V.,, tekhn. red. [Reference book for a watah officer] Spravochnik vakhten- nogo ofitsera. (By] F,.K.Chuprikov i dr. Moskvap Voenizdat, 1963. 384 P. -1 (MIRA 17:2) FOK-V, GEOEGIY KONSTANTINOVICH N/5 135.1 La Tscheka; mon empriosnnement et mes aventures a la Loubjanka 110.2. Paris, Plon (1926) 305 P. Translated by Cecile Knoertzer. CO y In HIC 135.1 N75' 917 ::L35 1115 135 22 N15 DW POPOV, G.K. [Popov, H.K.1 Voe o~ft~e pain factor In the developmnt of the motor response of the small intestine to intra-arterial and intravenous injections of certain chemical stimuli [with summary in Inglish]. Fiziol. zhur. [Ukr.] 4 no.Z:196-200 Mr-Ap 158. (MIRA'11--5) 1.Chelyabinalk"SLy medichniy inatitut, kafedra patofiziologii. (PAIN) (IMESTINES) Z ~Z POPOV, G. K. Reflex reactions of the small intestine to stimulation of vasoreceptors in a dog. Fiziol.zhur. (Ukr.) 1 no.4:75-79 Jl-Ag '55- (MIRA 9:11) 1. Chelyabinalkiy medichniy institut, kafadra patologichnoi fiziologii (INTESTINE, SHALL, physiology, eff. of vasoreceptor stimulation in salt solution in dogs) (.aLOOD VICSSILS, physiology'. eff. of stimulation of salt solution on small intestine in dogs) R~rii-ieiRtIcug 61 IY6 uniall Wfr-,ifii~-W th~- fig ~ovb~~6- lax receptor sainult. G. K- N-po, (MLd. Inst., Chr!y-ab- insk). Fizicl. ZAItr., 3MUI7, 4F -k,. R.S.R~ 1, No 4 75-KR=1nn summary puipom of A study and method rf appn%ic!i tvure the sxin :1-~, 11~:O Dymshits. Tests were ptrfq, nic.-I with 1G.-dwIt vrdcr derp narcon-s and also -,n lin'-ziu-1 h:r,p. vith one ~ f ' ~oln. 4 Nacl Upon. the intra.-arterial injccUPn of a 101,~~ there occurred in the intcstinfn of tile dog an immewdizte Iclim-ing nf muscular toru%5 and a coniplrtt cen-sit: n cf pcx-- stalsis which persisted for ZO--qG ~c.. fol1rwing whiill mr- Mal conditions retumcd. In tile CILE4 Of intravenotm in- jection of The NaCJ stild. the to"wi of the intcstinesand their ;)--rlstnlsic activity increased for it prolonged perlod of tlaic. It Is Oncluded that the slinildation of arterial receptors Is accompanied by body rcactiou brought about via (lie SY111- *is sytcm, arld thc. cffccts folloving the stinn- liathetic Mervot AtiOn of the vetou3 rcceptor!; are brought about via die parasympathetic branch of the vegetative ncrvotLs systEm. After severing of the abdoiniual ourves no reduction In the tonicity and no cessation in tile intestinal pvriSt3W3 OC- Curred following the arterial injection of tile NaCt !K)ln. Mter Wircring the v-igus no stimulation of the venous re, -ceptars occist-red and no chvigt-s iti the furctiimid ruani.. lestations of the intestines we~~C ObIerved lollowil)? III?' iptravenous in.~~tion.of J).% F'.114 of Nacl. 1), 5, N. PODVAUOV9 Georgiy Aleksandrovich; SAVINSKIY, D.V., prof., red..; FOFOVp Cc, Kh.,, red. ; YEWMOV, M. S - , tekhn. red. -- [Dmitrii Petrovich Zhuravskii, Fawsian statistician and economist) Rusakii statiatik-ekonomist Dmitrii Petrovich Zhuravskii. Pod red. D.V.Savitakogo. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1961. 97 NPIRA 34:6) (Zhuraviskii, Dmitrii Fetrovichl 1810-1856) SMIRNOVAS T. V.; POPOV) G. L VM 8 no 2;232-?% Synthesis of some ethers of glycerol. Zhur. 163, ()apA 16:4~ 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologichei!jkiy institut imenj D. I. Mendele"va. (Glycerol) (Ethers) AUTHOR: TITLE: 5/035/62/000/010/07~428 A001A101 Popov, G.-M A new camera with high light-gathering power and spherical optics PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i.Geo'deziya, no. 10, 1962, 71, abstract 1OA515 ("Izv. Krymsk, astrofiz.,observ.", 1962, v. 27, 309 - 317) T M A new system is described with relative aperture close to the limiting one (at extensive visual field). It is intended for studies of me- teors, nebulae, zodiacal light, night sky glow, as.well as for taking spec- tra of these objects. The system is a lump of transparent 3ubstance with re- fraction index exceeding that of the environment, bound6d by three concentric spherical surfaces. A parallel beam is refracted in the first surface, is re- flected from the second one which is'coated with a mirror layer, and is fo- .cused on the third surface. The latter has a direct contact with a photore- ceiver. Offaxis aberrations - coma, astigmatism, distortion - are absent, if the aperture diaphragm is situated In the plane passing through the center of Card 1/2 .1 V,,4 uter, i-ilc- A:A~&a L-NA ~J* Ll%jjTA.P 3r n cf i-Ad cl-wIS" --nin, rac, lq-ricu- ',.,LirAl inr, I.i I-lute POPOV, Georgiy Mikhaylovich DECEAS40 L CrystalograptV (1905-1 3) Mineralogy obituary in Zap. Vses-. min. ob-va 92 no*5, P613 1963 Kristalografiia 8 no:5 P816 1963 1964 UR POPOVO G. 11. llir-tO~rt Of militarr-field ther-apy in Russia. Sowt. med. Na. July 50. P. 37-9 r 1. Of llL-st MoiWit Order of Lenin Iledl-cal InAitute, GUIL 19; 51, Nov..t 19.50 L POPOV, G. _Y1. and RESHETNIKOV, P. P. "Medical Service of Soviet Local Antiaircraft Defense," Kratkiye Osnovy Meditsinsk-oy Sluzhby Mestnoy Protivovozdushnoy Oborony Dlya Srednego Meditsinskogo Personala (Brief Maniml of Fundamentals of the Medical Service of Local Antiaircraft Defense for the Instruction of Medical Personnel Belonging to the Middle Category), Medgiz, Moscow, 91 pp., 1951. TABCON W - 21a~67, 19 Mar 52 POPOV, G. M. Medicine Fundamentals of medical work In the local anti-aircraft defense for the medical personnel of sub-professional level. Moskva, Medgiz, 1951 Montbly List of Russian Accessiong, Library of Congress, April 1952. UNCLASSIFIED POPOV. G.M., professor (Moscow) Dissertations defended in the First Moscow Medical Institute from January to June 1953. 32 no.2:75-83 F 154. (MIRA 7:5) (Medicine) -A,