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ROLSKI, Stanislaw; ZDUNSKA, A]-ina; LqP~jO,-Alina-
Studies on L-,Ieucina hydrochloride compcrmd-s. Acta pol. pharm.
20 no.2.141-145 163-
1. Z Katedry Chemii Farmacautycznej Akademii Medycznej w
Warszawis Kierownlk.- prof. dr St., Rolski~
124- 1957-2-1560D
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 2, p 16 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Popko, I.N.
TITLE: Some Problems on the Theory of the Movement of Materials Inside
the Rotating Cylinders of Agricultural Machinery (Nekotoryye
voprosy teorii dvizheniya materiala vo vrashchayushchiklisya
tsilindralch sellskokhozyaystvennykh mashin)
ABSTRACT.-~)',z~.-,;,, Bibliographic entry on the Author's dissertation for the degree
of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the Chelyabin. in-t
mekhan.. i elektrifik. s. -kh. (Chelyabinsk Institute for the Mechaniz-
ation and Electrification of Agriculture), Chelyabinsk, 1956
ASSOCIATION: Chelyabin. in-t mekhan. i elektrifik. s. kh. (Chelyabinsk Insti-
tute for the Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture),
1. Agriculture--Equipment 2. Dynamics 3. Materials--MTion
Card 1 /1
0l' -4 -rl-,-:~Urrent
Sci vov roh-tec!"T
SO: Sula 432, 2,-~ Yar 55
. r
Conformco on Compensation Keasuresent Kethods. 1=. tekh.
no.2:61 Kr-kp '55. (Nm 8:9)
AID P 2026
Subject USSR/Electricity
Card 1/1. Pub. 27 30/31
Author Popko, L. P., Kand. of Tech. Sci.
Title* : A.Conference on compensation measurement methods
Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 4, 87, Ap 1955
Abstract The conference took place in Lvov on January 17 to
20, 1955. Several reports were discussed. The author
gives a list of topics and reporters,
Institution: None
Submitted, No date
education In soh,)ol. Voen. znan-. 4C no~9~29-~Cj
1. Pred!iedatell Volgogradakogo oble3trogo kor~lllet-r Vsesoy-u2nogc
dobroval- Inogo obahchestva sodey9tiViya arm-li, aviatsill -A flotl~.
_jOPKO, V.N., inzh.
Properties of steamed and autoclaved concrete having a lime-slag
bindor from acid granulated blatit-furnace slag. Sbor. trud., Sverd.
nauch.-issl. inst. po stroi. no.10:6-33 163.
(MIRM 17: 10)
'fflm~ - -~ 9 -- -~ I ,
inzh.; V.V., inzh.; GRIGOR KAI, lu.M., inzh.
Lightweight concrete on a base of round a2goporites. Sbor. tz-aj.
Sverd. naucli.-issl. inst. po stroi. no.10:93-108 163.
(MR-4 117:10)
POFKOP V.N., inzh',i-
Effect of'hydrotherrAl treatment on the properties of concrete
made w~th,-Iirae and slag eemeA P-t. i zhel-bet. no.11:497-
501 N-L,!6l. (MM 16.-8)
AUTHORS# Khokhlov, D. G., Popko, V. N., Sabinin, Yu. A.,
Petukhova, V. V.
TITLEa Production of agloporite from finely disperse power plant
ashes and of agoporite-base light concrete
'PERIODICAM Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no;-21, 1961
314, abstract
21K328 (Stroit. materialy, no. 2, 1961, 12-16)
TEM The surface of pulverulent brine granulated to a size of 10-20 mm,
was covered with a thin layer of coal dust fuel. Subsequently, the
granules werefired on.anagglomeration machine. The following was
studieds ash obtained by burning coal from Ekibastuz and Chelyabinsk. In
order to lower the sintering temperature, up to 10% of clay and up to
10-15% of nickel slag were.added to. the charge prior to the formation of
lumps. The ash readily formed lumps when wetted in pure state and also
when containing additions of slag and clay. The humidity content was
24-30%.. The humid.granules were sufficiently compact, transportable.
and capable of keeping pulverulent fuel on their surfaces (3-6% of the
Card 1/2
Production of agloporite from finely B110/B101
weight of the dry granules). Calcining was made at high rates. This
guaranteed a high produotivity of the plant and good agloporite qualities.
The cooled material was pulverized, sieved into various fractions and then
used to produce agloporite concrete. [Abstracterts notet Complete
Card 2/2
KHOKHI,OV9 D.G., kand.tekhnvnauk; POPKOp V.N.9 inzh.,,, SABININq Yu.A. inzh.;
PETUKHOVA3, V.V. I inzh.
Using fine-dispersed cinders from electric power stations,in makirIg
agloporites and agloporite-base lightweight concretes. Stroi.iaat 7
mt2:12-'16 IP 161. (MMA 14:3
(Lightweight concrete) (Aggregates(Building-.miaterials)
KHOKHLOV, D.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; YDFKO V.P inzh.; SABININ, Yu.A., inzh.;
FETUKHOVA, V.V., inzh.
Gravel-shaped agloporite of ashes from the Kraanogorsk and
Argayash thermal electric plants and lightweight concretes made
from it. Sbor.trad.VNIINSM no.6:25-37 162. OURA 15tl2)
1. Sverdlovskiy sovet narodnogo khozyaystva.
(Ash (Technology)) (Ligpt.weight concrete)
,, , WWWWOM -,- Z,- "
USSR/General section - Problems of Teaching. A-5
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Fizika, No 4, 1957, 8249
Author : Yu.M. Popko
Title ~acc~al Curriculum in Physics in the Pedagogical Higher
Orig Pub Yeh. zap. Mosk. goz. ped. in-ta, 1955 (1956), 50, 97-117
Abstract Notice is taken of many substantial shortcomings in the
planning of the prectical courses in the pedagogical ins-
titutes "namely that the set of projects in the physical
practical course does not correspond to the purposes of
preparation of the physics teacher relative to physical
experiments; the planning does not take into account
the need for systematically teaching of the future physics
teacher the correct use of measuring apparatus, electric
circuit elements, and other instruments on the basis of
their technical characteristics. Work that follows the
Card 1/3
USSR/General Section - Problems of Teaching. A-5
Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Fizika, Bo 4, 1957, 8249
traditionally compiled descriptions has the character of
a recipe, and this redices the independence of the student
during the working process, and consequently the student
does not obtain enough scientific and practical skills.
In the Moscow Municipal Pedagogical Institute there was
introduced in 1949 an improvement in the planning of the
physical practical course.. in which the entire work in the
physics laboratory in the pedagogical higher institutions
insures preparation of the physics teacher for the perfor-
mance of physical experiments. All the work done in the
physical practical course is divided into preparatory and
all-inclusive. In the preparatory work one studies the
fundamental methods of measurements, used in the given
branch of physics., and a systematic investigation is made
of the construction of measurement apparatus and of its
operating conditions. The all-inclusive works are based
on projects.connected with the establishment or verifica-
Card 2/3
USSR/General Section - Problems of Teaching. A-5
rlbs Jour Referat Zhur - Fizika, no 4, 1957, 8249
of some law of physics, with the study of the physical
phenomena that illustrates the contents of the lecture
course in physics. In the performance of all-inclusive
work the qtudent should independently employ the knowled-
ge acquired during the time of performing the introducto-
ry work in the field of physics measurements, choose the
proper apparatus, set up the apparatus, choose suitable
conditions for the perfoTmance of the measurements, pre-
sent an independently-developed plan of work, etc.
Preliminary preparation to the work has become a require-
meat for the practical course. The students are permit-
ted to York only after preparing a preliminary report.
The appendix contains a description of one preliminary
project (measurement of length) and one all-inclusive pro-
ject(plotting temperature characteristics of a carbon
and of a metallic resistance.)
Card 3/3
POPKO, Turiy Mikhay ich, kmnd.pedagog.nauk; K14TAZKVA, Lora Aleksandrovna,
kand.pedagog.nauk; VOLKOVA. Z.V.. prof., nauchnyy red.; DROZUHIN,
Tu.N., red.; SKMOV. G.I.,
[Physics laboratory manual; textbook for students of the physics
and mathematics faculties of pedagogical institutes] Rukovodstvo
k praktikumu po fizik5; uchabnoe posobie dlia studentov fiziko-
matematicheskikh fakul'tatov pedagogicheskikh institutov. Pod
red. Z.V.Tolkovoi. Moskva, Gos.uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo H-va proov.
RSY&R. 1959. 442 p. WRA 1):I)
1. Satrudniki kafedry obahchey fiziki Hoakovskogo gorodsl:ogo peda-
gogichaskogo inctituta (for Popko, KnyB2eVB).
(Physics--Laboratory manuals)
d-r; POPOV
Ophisaurus apodus, an interestinilreptile of the Black Sea Littoral.
Prir i znanie 16 no*8:10-13 0 63
KURKIN, L. shlifoval'shchik deputat Verkhovnogo Soveta SSST; YE,%EL'YANOVA-
SHCHUKDU, K.J. Geroy Sotsialistichesko.go Truda; PDPKOV, A.; BITKOV, V.
An honorary title mast earned. Sov.profsoiuzy 17 no.10 ',-17"18
(MIRA 14.5)
le. InstrumEktAlln" tookh Moskovskogo avtomob&I'nogo zav6da inen:V
Ulrlmchheeva- (for 4~&kin).- 2-. Brigadir bri"gady 'kommunistich,eskogo
tridi liteynogo tobkha no.'3-Hosk6vskogo- avtomobillnogo-zavoda imeni
Likhacheva (for Yemieilyapoia-ShcWkina). 3.,Master smeny koilounisti-
cheskogo truda remontno-maklianicheskogo tsekha.M6skovsk*Og'o iLii:~mo-*
bilin6go zavoda izieni Likhachevii (for' Popkov'). 4. Predsedatell
2Avkc6i Moikovskog'o avtomobillnogo zavoda ikeni Likhacheia- (for
(Moscow-Automobile industry) (Socialist competition)
BERGY A.1.2 glaw. red.; TRAPEZEIKOV, Y.A., glav. rcd.; BERKRIC11, DJ!,.,
te I
zaml g1lav. red.; LERLER, A.Ya... dol.-tor t pa-of_
zam. plav. red.; H.121, 0.1., red.; AGFfKDj', D.I., _red.; kand.
_t4klm..:uauk#-_ dots., red.; AYZERI-Wi, M.A.p red.; VERIKOV, V.A.,
doktor telchn. nauk, prof., red.; VOROTIOV, A.A., eoktor teklin,
nauk L.)
,, prof., red.; GAVRILOV, M.A., doktor teklm. nauk, prof
red.; ZMIOV, D.V., red.; IL1111, V.A... doltor teklui. nauk,
prof., red.; KITOV, A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; KOGAW, B.YA.j
doktor telchn. nauk 'TOUSOV, A.I., red.; ITUBITSKIY.
red.; KO~
N.A.p kand. fiz.-mat. nauk red.; LEVIN $G.A., prof. red.-;.'%
LOZniSKIY, M.G., dolctor telchn. nauk, red.; WSS31YENSE.1Y V 1'. -
red.; MAKSAREV, Yu.Ye., red.; MASLOVA.A. Pdots. ,red.; POfK6V,A.A. red.;
RAY%OVSKIY, H.Ye., red.; AOZEITBERG, L.D., doktor teld~i_.-naui,_
prof., red.; SOTSKOV, B.S.).red.; TIMOIEYEV, P.V., red.;
USHAKOV, V.B., doktor tekhn. -nauk, red.; FELODBADI-1, A.A...
-dbktor tekhn . nauk, prof., red.; FROLOV, V.S., red.;
KHARKEVICH., A.A., red.; KIFUJI10Y, A.V., kand. tokhn. nmk, red.;
TSYFKIN, Ya.Z.., doktor tekhn. nauk-, prof., red.; CHEIZU.TKU,
A.B j. kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; SBREYDER, lu.A.., kand. fiz.-
mat: nauk, dots., red.; BOGHAROVA, M.D., kand. tekl-m.nauky
starshiy nauchnyy red.; DEELONE, N.V., inzh., nauchnyy red.;
BARA11OV, V.I.,, naucbM, red.; PAVLOVA, T.I., teklm. red.
(Continued on next card)
BERG, A.I.- (continued). Gard 2.
(Industrial electronics and automation of production proces-
ses]Avtomatizatsiia proizvodstva i prorWshlennaia elektronika.
Glav. red. A.I.Berg i V.A.Trapeznikov. Moiskva, Goo.nauchn.
izd-vo "Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia." Vol.l. A - 1. 1962. 524 p.
(MIRA 15: 10)
1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSIR (for Sotdkov,
Kharkevich, Zernav, Timofeyev, .11opkov).
(Automatic control) (Electronic control)
Card 1/2
Popkov, A. A. SOV/50-59-7-7/20
The Floods in Leningrad and Their Forecast
(Leningradskiye navodneniya i ikh predskazaniye)
Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1959, Nr 7, PP 33-35 (USSR)
Observations have shown that a displacement of the cyclone to
the east causes a rise of the ilrave,in the Gulf of Finland.
Under the influence of the reduction of 0 ro Be section from the
"neck" of the Gulf to Leningrad, the wave increases by 3.75 on
anaverage. The rise of the wave also depends on the rate of
displacement of the cyclone or of the atmospheric front. It is
shown that the length of the wave in the Gulf of Finland is
caused by the following circumstances: 1) Reduction of cross
section of the Gulf from the "neck" to Leningrad. This is
considered by an empiric coefficient k - 3.75. 2) Height of
the resulting wave. This --s determined by the isobaric slope
of the atmosphere between Kaliningrad and Khanko. 3) Synohron-
ous motion of the baric system and of the free wave.
4) Barometric tedencies above the crest and foot of,the long
wave, The formula.for computing the rise of the water level
.The Floods in Leningrad and Their Forecast SOV/50-59-7-7/20
,at floods in Leningrad is indicated. Figure 3 shows a diagram.
It compares the water levels computed with the real water
levels at floods.- It is ]po4nted out that the mcst frequent
practical error in the forecast of floods is caused by a wrong
consideration of the velocity of the cyclone or of the front.-
Finally, the importance of the seich for the floods in Lenin-
grad is pointed out. The wave disturbance produced at the "neck"
of the Gulf of Finland can be regarded as a standing wave if
there is an important retardation of the cyclone motion,
because the further rise of the water level in the Gulf occurs
simultaneously. The relations suggested here for forecasting
the floods in Leningrad used in case of a sufficiently
accurate forecast of the synoptic situation. The earliness of
forecast is 8-10 hours. The mean error in the forecast of the
water level is �20 cm. There are 3 figures.
Card 2/2
POFKcfvp A.G.
Letter to the editorB, Lit. prolzv. no.1;48 Ja '6?.
(MIRA .16:8)
POZDNEYEV, M.L., starshly nsuohnyy sotr.; POPK ff,_AGt mladshiv
nauchnyy sotr.; SRMLYANSKIY, B.Yu.; VERBITSKIY, I.I.,
starshiy nauchnyy sotn.,otv. za vypusk,- MYAKMHKO, V.P.,
red.izd-va; SHIBXOVA9-:R.Ye., tekhn. red.
[Technological proce"es in the reconditioning-(repair) of
vorn-out parts of the ZIL-157 motortruck) Tekhnologichaskie
protsessy vosstanavleniia (remonta) ~znoshsnnykh detalei avto-
mobilia ZIL-l57.--Xo,&kwa, Goslesbumizdat. M2. fGhassis
except engine) Shasai,'krome dvigatelia. 1962.-,---342 p.
1. Khimid. TSentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut
makhanizataii i~energstiki lesnoy promyshlennostit 2. Rukovo-
ditell laboratorii tipovoy tekhnol6gii remonta mashin i orga-
nizateii remontnykh predpriyatiy TSentrallnogo nauchno-
issledovatell ko instituta mekhanizataii i energetiki lesnoy
promyshlennosti for Shpolyanskiy).
(Motortrucks-Maintenance and repair)
.--mmm-2 2=1 92MMO-M-3---mm N i i: V ~ ~" t f14 V-"
RESHETNIKOVP N.S., dots.; POZDNEYEV, M.L., starshiy nauchnyy sotr.;
__POPKOV, A.G., mlad. nauchnyy sotr.; CHERNYSHOV, G.V.,-
mladshiy nauchnyy sotr.; VERBITSKIY, I.I., oty. $a vypusk;
IOFINOVA, TS.B.J. red.izd-va; SHIBKOVA, R.Ye., tekhn. red.
(Specifications for checking and sorting parts of MAZ-200
and MAZ-501 motortrucks]Tekhnicheskie uslovils, n& kdiltroll
i sortirovku (razbrkkovku) detalel. avtomobilei MkZ-200 i
MAZ-501. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat. Pt.2.[Chassis of the
UA7-!)nn m^+^v-+~uIr (a-v^,mn+ +h& m"Mimm)l Rhmmm44 mvCi%ww%h4l4m
POZDNEYEV, M.N., st. nauchn. sotr.; BDFXOV,-A-Q.,. insh.-konstruktor;
RESHETNIKOV, N.S., dots.; KLERANOV, M.Ya., oty. za vypusk;
MYAKUSHKO., V.P., red. izd-va; BACHURINA, A.M., tekhn. red.
(Technological processes of the reconditioRing of worq-
out parts of the M&Z-200 and MAZ-501 motortrucks] Tekhmb-
logicheekle protsessy voestanovleniia (remonto)'isnoshen-
sykh detalei avtomobilei MkZ-200 i MAZ-o-501, Moskva, Gos-
lesbumizdat, Pt.l.[Pa* of the laAZ-204A.,enone] Detali
dvigatelia IaAZ-204A. -1963. 226 p. (MIRA 16:7)
1. Khimki. TSentrallnyy sauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut
makhanizataii i energetiki lesnoy pronyahlennostl.
POZDNEYEV, M.L., starshiy nnuchriyy sotr.; POPKOV, A.G., mladshiy
nauchnyy sotr.; CHMNYSHOV, G.V., mlaifiEr~-T~ 1,myy sotr.;
S11YOMUSKIY, B.Yu.; VERBITSKIY, I.I., starshi-i nauchnyy
sotrudnik, otv. za vypusk; IOFINOVA, TS.B., red. izd-va;
GRECHISHCHEVA, V.I., tekhn. red.
[Album of designs of details of repair dimensions and additional
parts (attachments) of the "Druzhba-6011 gasoline engine saw]All-
bom chertezhei detalei reLontrWkh ramaerov i dopolnitellnykh de-
taloi (nasadkov) benzinorrotornoi pily "Druzhba-60.11 Moskva,
Gonlesbumizdat, 1962.. 14 P. (MIRA 15:12)
1. Khimk1.TSentral'Wy nauclino-issledovateliskiy institut mekha-
nizatsii i energetiki lesnoy promyshlonnosti. 2. Rukovoditell la-
boratorii tipovoy tekhnologii remonta mashin i organizatsii re-
montW]ch predpriyatiy TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo
instituta mehhanizatsii i energetiki lesnoy promyshlennosti.
The safety regulations must be reviewed. Blek. i tepl. tiaga no.6:
36 Je '57. (MLRA 10:8)
1. Nachallnik distantaii kontaktnoy seti, stantsiya Kalachinskaya.
Omakaya doroga.
(Railroads--Safety measures)
L 38486-66 EVIT(d)/EV~T(m)/Tf/EViP(v)/EV-lp(t)Z~ETl-/Elyp~k /Eyip(h)I/E~jp(-, Ty-
ACC N1. AP6019428 SOURCE CODE: UR/0135/66/ooo/006/0018/0020
AUTHOR: Patakovicb, I. R. (Candidate of technical sciences); Popkov,.b
A. M. (Engineer)
ORG: Chelyabinsk.Polytecbnic Institute (Cbel-yabinskiy politekbnicbeskiy
TITLE: Determination of the static characteristics of a system for the
automatic control of the welding process with abort circuiting of the
1% M
SOURCE: Svarocbnoye proizvodstvo, no. 6, 1966, 18-20
TOPIC TAGS: automatic welding, automatic control design, are welding
ABSTRACT: The article presents experimental and theoretical material on
tbw,determinstion of the characteristics of a system for the automatic
control of processes of automatic welding and beading, with systematic
shoit circuiting of the are gap, and with vibrating and non-vibrating
electrodes. The proceso or welding and beading with abort circuiting of
the arc is accompanied by changes in the voltage and the current in the
circuit. Therefore, the characteristics are constructed with respect to
the average voltage between the electrode and the piece, called the
1/2 UDC: 621-791-753-01
NR- AP6019428 0
ing voltageU , and the working current I For construction and
ysis of the cHaracteristics being studied~ use is made of formulas
ved in earlier work for the melting rate of an electrode wire.
g the formulas:
_L [u,,+ VU,2.x 4000krU,'~'. d.1' (k.+ kcv)
1P U~
autbors construct the static cbaracteristies of an automatic control
em for the welding process witb a non-vibrating electrode. The
lts are sbown in a figure. A similar treatment is given for the
of a vibrating.electrode. Orig. art. bas: 6 figures.
CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: OlO/ OTH REF: 001
2/2 Pb
PATSKEVICH, I.R., kand. tekhn. nauk; POPKOV, A.M., in-h.
Mfelting characteristics of an electorode -wire &4rin---
hard facina with a weaving arc. Svar. p-,oizv. no.2:-1-1-14. F 16c.
1. Chelyabinskiy politekhnicheskiy institut.
MALITSEV, Boris Vasillyevich; POPKOV, A.N., red.
[Copper srelter].Medeplavillshchik. Moskva, Metallur,aiia,
1965. 139 P. 18:9)
TARABAR. V.I., inzh.-podpolkovnik; POPKOV, A.N., inzh.-podpolkovnik-,
KOSCROTOV. B.V.. inzh.-po-l-ko-vn-ik-,--re-d-,-4,'-KONOVALOVA, Ye.K.,
(Kaluten3noe of ZIL-150, ZMv-164, ZIL-151 and ZIL-157 motor-
trucks; handbook] Tekhnicheskos obalushivanis avtomobilai
ZZ-150, ZIL,164, ZIL-151 I Z16-157; rukovodstvo. Koskva,
Voen.izd-vo K-va obor.SSSR, 1960. 119 p. WRA 14:2)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Kinisterstvo oboron7.
(Notortrucks--Maintenanoe and repair)
WA 67 9 IRMW
TARABARA, V.I., inzh.-podpolkovnik;-20BM,-Ali-.,,._irk*h.-podpolkovnik;
GORYACIEV, V.T., red.; CHAPAYEVA, R.I., tekhn. red.
rMaintenance of the ZIL-1503, ZIL-164, ZIL-151 and ZIL-157
motortrucks]Tekhaicheskoe obsluzhivanie avtomobilei ZIL-150,
ZI1,164, ZIL-151 i ZIL-157; rukovodstvo. Moskva, Voen.izd-
vo M~-va obor.SSSR, 1962. 125 p. (MIRA 16:2)
1. lhisaia (1923- U.S.S,R.)Ministerstvo obDrovny.
(Motortrucka-Maintenance and repair)
VANYUKOV, A.V. (Moskva); POPE 9 A.N. (Moskva); ZAYTS-EV, VIa. (Yoskva)
Determining the density and solar volume of silicate and metal ralfide
malts. Izve AN SSSR. Met* i gore delo no.5:92-97 5-0 164.
(MIRk 1821)
SUdying surface propertias azd densities of mpW sOJI~
und~qiUoate wlts. 1-.v. vys. uchob. ZAV.; t3vA. =t. 4
no~4:0-70 161. (KERA 14:8)
1. Yxasnoyarskiy institut tsvetnykh mat&Uov, kafedra
metallurgi tyazhelykh tsvetn7kh metallov.
(Surfaco tension) (Liquid m4tals)
Reducing magnetite in eonverter slag for the purpose of depleting
them of valuable metal. TSvet. met. 36 no.7t25-29 J1 163.
(MIRA 16:8)
Interpbase tension on the boundary between matte and slag
and the loss of metal with waste slags in the form of matte
buttons. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tovet. met. 4 no.6:26-32 161.
(KM 14-12)
1. Krasnoyarskiy 4-natitut tsvetnykh metallov, kafedra
metallurgli tyazhelykh tsvetnykh metallov.
(Nonferrous metals-Metallurgy)
(Surface tension)
c angel in
direction because
hing of gilver ~md zinn". Prificow, 1953
heraistry. (Dissertations for the degree
mber 1955. MOSCOW.
T- - - I p , ~,).
Category : USSR/Solid State Physics - Phase transformation of solid bodies E-5
Abs Jour : Ref Zhiir - Fiz~ka, No 1, 1957,No 1171
Author : Vagramyan,A.'T., Popkov A.P.
Title : On the Mechanism of Electftc Polishing of Zinc
Orig Pub : Dokl- AN SSSR, 1955, 102, No 3,.547-549
Abstract : Simultaneoup the variation in the polarization in the brightness
I ot the electrode directly in the electric polishing process vas usedito study
the mschanidm of electric polishing of zinc by pulse eprrent (current7density
la/cm .po2arization time -U S'econds-,.ti-me of expodure~without current 9.3
seconds) in";2,n. ZnSO,4. 7H20. The surface of the zinc is-smoothed by the
formation of more saturated solution in the cavitigs of its surface, thuss
causing preferred s6lution of the projecting sections. Comparlson of the
eloctric polishing mechanism of zinc and that of silver shown that in the case
of...'electric__pbliBhing the decisive~;.reactions take place on the anode.
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: _2aplCo-v, A-.P., Gevorkyan, V.11,., SOV62-=:8-1 1-6/12')
-Vai r a ffy a -n, A-. T
TITLE- Overvoltage During Electrodeposition of Antimony
(Perenapryazheniye pri elektraosazhdenii surlmy)
PERIODICAL; Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk,
1956, Nr 11, PP 1310 - 1314 (USSR)
ABSTRAM In the present paper the authors investigated polarization
during the electrodeposition of antimony by means of a rapid
method. This made it possible to consider the displacement of
the equilibrium potential and to estimate more precisely the
quantity of the overvoltage. Preliminary results have shovai
that in antimony tartaric acid solutions fine crystalline de-
posits with a current yield of practically 100 % can be obtained,
In figure la a photo of an oscillogram with polarization curves
can be seen which have been plotted by means of the rapid method.
The more slowly the curve is plotted the more the equilibrium
potential of the electrode is displaced in the positive direction.
This is apparently in connection with the fact that a low curmnt
density as well as with values i, = 0 an oxidation of the anti-
Card 1/3 mony surface takes place. Apparently the overvoltage quantity(Tul)
Dvervoltage During Electrodeposition of Antimony
Card 2/3
which is determined in relation to the steady potential (Ifst )-will
be highly different from the overvoltage quantity which is deter-
mined in relation to the equilibrium potential (Tr)' ((ft) cor-
responds to the difference of the potentials between the auxiliai~
electrode and the stabilized value of the potential of the anti-
mony electrode in the corresponding solution. (T'),corresponds to
the potential value of the freshly deposited,active antimony sur-
face. As may be seen (Fig 2) the beginning of the oxidation oil
antimony is not connected with the absolute value of the polarize-
tion quantity of the electrode. If, as could be observed in the
experiments, tile displacement of the equilibrium potential in the
positive direction depends on the surface oxidation, oxidation in
more acid solution would be bound to take place more slowly and
consequently also the displacement of the equilibrium potential
would be smaller. Figure 4 reveals the polarization curves in a
more acid solution. Polarization curves in the case of electro-
deposition of antimony from hydrochloric acid solutions viere com-
pletely different (Fig 5). It can be seen from it that the rate
of reduction of antimony in hydrochloric acid solutions is by
Oyervoltage During Electrodeposition of Antimony SOV62-,z8- i -~ -6 '26
some orders of magnitude higher than that in tartaric acid.
There are 5 figures and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR
(Instituteof Physical Chemistry Academy of Sciencea,USSR)
SUBMITTED: May 15, 1957
AUT,"ORS: Vagramy-an, A. T., -dop'KOVI S!07/76-32-9-c/146
TITLE: The Number of Crystals F~-r-mea-iin the Alternating Current
Deposition of Silver (Chislo kristallov, obrazuyushchikhsya pri
elektroosazhdenii serebra tokom peremennogo napravleniya)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy lihimii, 1958, Vol 32 , Nr 9,
pp 1963 - 1966 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors studied the deposition of silver from solutions
of 2n AgNO 3 and 2n KNO 31 and 4n Ag1,TO3+ 2n IGTO3. The number
of crystals which had formed on the surface of the electrodes
was determined wider the microscope. This number increases
vrith the voltage; this direct relationship is represented
in diagrams (Pigs 1,2, and 3). Silver and Platinum electrodes
-were -used. The preceding anodic polarization yielded many
more crystals at the cathode than did the polarization of
the cathode with direct current. This phenomenon did not
occur at the insoluble platinum electrode. Probably the
.number of crystals increases by virtue of the fact that the
number of active centers on the surface of the electrode
Card 1/2 increases, since sharp points and tiny crystals tend to be
The liumber of Crystals Forned in the -1-1ternating S-07/17 6-32-9- 5/4-6
Current Deposition of Silver
dissolved preferably. There are 4 figures and 6 references,
6 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION:Akademiya nauk SSSR Institut fizicheskoy khimiiVIoskva
(AS USSR.,IdoscolvIpstitute of Physical Chemistry)
SUBIJITTED:, March 26, 1957
Card 2/2
Electrophoreti(- r:oat.-',-rgs. Zashch.iric-t. " rio.4074-3-7:',
L -L
AUTHORSt Kuznetsova V. N., PoDkov A. P.~ Uvarov L. A., Vagramyan A. T.
TITLE: Polarization during electrodeposition of iron group metals.
I. Steady-state potential and overvoltage of iron deposition
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no. 7, 1961, 1406 - 1410
TEXT: The authors studied deposition and dissolution of iron in 1 N FeSO 4 250C. The electrodeposited iron was found to dissolve in these
solutions in the absence of polarizing current, particularly in a more acid
Polution In this case (pH 1.5-2-5) the rate i C of the 2spontaneous dissolu-
tion rapidly decreases with increasing pH(i. = 0 .4ma/cM at PH 1.5). On
further change of the pH from 2T5 to 3-5 the rate of spontaneous dissolution
is reduced more slowly (i. - M65ma/cm at PH = 3). The following reac-
tions take place at the electrode surface; H + + e,~.1 H -1 H ->H+ + e,
2+ 2+ 2 2' 2 2
Fe + 2e-*Fe, Fe-#Fe + 2e. The reaction rates are denoted by F19 F 2 F31
Card 1/3
Polarization during ... B127/B208
F The equation for the steady state is then: F + F - F :,-,F The
4' 1 3 2 4'
potential of the Fe electrode being more negative than that of hydrogen,
the ionization rate F2 of H2 maX be neglected. Assuming that the discharge
rate F3 of the Fe ions be much less than that of the 11+, F1, one may write
F49 i.e., the charge of the electrode is compensated by the discharge
of the H+ ions. The change of dissolution in-the presence of 1N Al (so
2 4 3
was also studied. At PH - 1.5-3.5 the rate of dissolution increases in
2 2
this case. (PH = 1.5, ic = 0-52 ma/cm ,PH = 3, ic = 0.31 ma/cM ). This is
due to SO-- absorption on the electrode which accelerates the ionization of
the metal atoms. In the presence of aluminum sulfate the polarization of
the anode is decreased bY 35mv. With rising temperature of the electrolyte
the.rate of spontaneous dissolution increases, particularly in the presence
of aluminum sulfate. At a temperature rise from 25 to 600C at PH = 1.5 the,,;/
rate increases to the T-5-fold, in the presence of aluminum sulfate to th,~
22-fold. AtJow PH the steady-state potential changes quickly 'with a
Card 2/3
Polarization during ... B127/B208
change in pH, at a higher pH this change is less significant. At low pH
the dependence may be expressed by the following formula%
ffs t - A + RT ln
I T7 7677
At higher pH the potential is shifted more to the negative side. In an
oxygen-free inert atmosphere the deviation of the steady-state potential
from the rule, expressed by the formula, decreases. At higher pH the
steady-state potential is shifted toward the positive side under the influ-
,ence of aluminum sulfate. The potential of the Fe electrode is irreversi-
ble in sulfuric acid solution and is determined by a number of processes.
It is therefore impossible to determine the overvoltage by the steady-state
potential. The deposition potential was determined relative to a saturated
calomel electrode. With increasing pH the deposition potential of Fe is
shifted toward the negative side. At a given current density and increasing
pH the overvoltage of the deposition has more positive values, except in
very acid solutions. The determination of overvoltage by the steady-state
.potential thus seems to be incorrect and gives contradictory results.
There are 5 figures and 6 Soviet references.
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Vagramyan, A. T., Kuznetsova, V. N., Popkov, A. P., Savostin,
V. A., Uvarov, L. A.
TITLEs Polarization during electrodeposition of iron group metals
II. Electrodeposition of iron
PERIODICALt Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no. 7, 1961, 1411 - 1415
TEXT: The authors investigated the electrolytic deposition of iron from
solutions of 1 N FeSO 49 and 1 N FeSO4 + 1 N Al 2(SO4)3 at a current density
of 20 ma/cM . The yield of metal relative to the current changes only lit-
tle with a change in current density, and increases rapidly with increasing
pH in the range 1.5-2-5. By changing the pH by one unit the yield increases
.from 20 to 90clo. At a further pH increase the yield increases but slightly.
On aluminum sulfate addition the yield is Only 4% at the optimum pH. All
curves showing the dependence of the potential of the iron electrode on the
pH pass a maximum at pH 2.0-2.2. The maximum of the polarization curves is
60 - 65% of the maximum metal yield. At low pH the current is consumed for
hydrogen reduction and liberation. In the descending branch of the curve
Card 1/3
Polarization during B127/B208
the current is consumed for the metal deposition. The discharge of hydro-
gen ionsAs promoted in that part of the curve which corresponds to hydro-
gen liberation, the reduction of the metal ions in that part of the curve
which corresponds to metal deposition. The curves are exactly explained in
the papers by A. N. Frumkin, Zh. fiz. khimii, 31_, 1875, 1957, Z. Phys.Chim.9
M, 321, 1957,.and I. A. Bagotskaya, Dokl. AN SSSR, M, 843, 1956. 11o,
397, 1956. Apparently hydrogen deposition is facilitated on an electrode
coated by hydrogen. This is 'confirmed by the paper by M. Smyalovskiy
saying that there is a relationship between the hydrogen overvoltage and
the tendency of the cathode metal toward supersaturation with hydrogen.
The'follow'ing reactions are assumed to take place at the hydrogen-coated
electrode: H 0+ + H + H 0 and H 0+ + e + H
3 ad6 + e H2 2 3 Hads ,2 0.
The rate of the first is higher than that of the latter. The increased
metal ieduction with decreased rate of hydrogen deposition is probably
due to the fact.that the metal deposition at a surface saturated with hy-
drogen is far more difficult than at a hydrogen'-free electrode surface.
pH,most suitable for the metal deposition. The retardation of
the metal ion reduction is probably related to an adsorption of foreign
particles, hydroxides and others, which are.deposited on the surface of the
Dar.d 2/3
Card 3/3
Polarization In the electrodeposition of nickel, cobalt, and iron
on a solid and liquid cathodq. Zhur. fiz. khim. 34 no.8:1741-1744
Ag 16o. (MIRA 13:9)
1'..Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fizichookoy khimii.
(Iron plating) (Nickel plating) (Gobalt)
(Polarizarion (Zlectricity))
Overvoltage arising duriAg the elsetrodeposition and solution of
metals. Izv.AN SSSR Otd.kbim,nouk no.5s8l6-820W160.
(X" 13:6)
1. Institut lisichesimy khimil Aiademli isuk SSSR,
(Overvoltage) (Electroplating)
KHKIMINIKOV. Pavel Semenovich. Prinimal uchastiye: POPKOV, A.Y..
KAL'T=V, F.K., nauchny7 red.; POLYAKOV, I.1--. -rem-i-m9fut-
[Pundamentals in heat engineering and marine power Installations]
Oanovy teplotekhniki i eudovye energeticheskie ustanovki. Lenin-
grad. Gos.soiuznoe izd-yo sudoetroit.promyshl., 1959. 311 P.
(MIRA 12:10)
(Marine engineering)
POP-KOV, Anatoliy VasillyeVich; VERETE, A.G.,.inzh.-, retsenzent;
. . p inzl,,;,, retsenzentf SOFIRONOV, Ye.P.,
nmwba, 'red,j VASIL'YEVA, N.N., red.;, NIXITI'NAk,, R.D...
red.; ERASTOVA:, NV p. tekhn~. redw,
[Fundamentals of 17drodynamics] Osnovy termodinamiki. Le-
pi: (MIRA 17:3)
ningrad, "Sudostroenie 19646 181
A. Ta., kand.takhn.nauk
Using electricaII7 velded 'eI in interior man!'t-a--7-eagimeer-
ing.system. Hont.i spets rab:v 22 no.6:29-31 J6 16o.
(MIRA 13:7)
1. Tsesoywiayy nauchno-issledov, ~ci3r inatitut gidrotekhnicheskikh
i sanitarno-tekhnicheakikh rabo
(Pipee Steel)
;ACCESSION NR: AT 4016001 S/2625/63/000/015/0165/0175
AUTHOR: Mirskiy, Ya. V. -, Mitrofanov, M. G.; Popkov, B. M.; Ruchko, L. F.;
Bolotov L. T.; Mezhlumova, A. 1.
TITLE: Development of the technology for the Industrial preparation of molecular
SOURCE: Grozny*y. Neftyanoy nauchno-issledoviatellskiy institut. Trudy*, no. 15,
1963. Tekhnologiya pererabotki nefti I gaza. Neftekhimiya (Technology of processing
:Petroleum dnd gas. Petroleum chemistry), 165-175
TOPIC TAGS: adsorbent, Zeolite,, molecular sieve, hydrogel, alumirboollicate
ABSTRACT: The characteristics and industrial production of adsorbent'synthetic
zeolites having good molecular-sieve properties have been investigated, using micro-
granular sodium zeolite with cubic crystals of 0. 1 to several microns on a side. The
results show that the properties of zeolites are affected by the following factors: method
of preparation and composition of the hydrogel, temperature and duration of crystallization,
concentration of the gel-forming solutions, stirring. of the hydrogel, ion-exchange condi-
tions, washing, of the crystals, and granulation and hardening of the zeolites. Zeolites of
the structural type designated as Type I (Type A in the West) are of great interest. A
Card 1/3
study of the adsorptive properties of sodium and calcium zeolites showed that the adsorptive
properties of zeolites crystallized from hydrogels of the same composition, but by different
methods, are very similar. The best method of preparation is to mix solutions of sodium
aluminate and sodium silicate. , A stable Type I zeolite can be made from hydrogels for
which the molar ratio SiOVA1203 is < 2. When this ratio approaches 3, a zeolite of Type
Il results. Hydrogels crystallize at a satisfactory rate at 75-100C. The effect on the
crystal size of the concentration of gel-forming solution and the stirring rate (2 hours at
90C) and the effect of the crystallization time on the adsorptive properties and crystal size;
of zeolites (crystallization without stirring at 90C) were also investigated and the data
tabulatcJ. A new apparatus for preparing zeolites is described in detail and illustrated.
In the preparation of the test samples, the yield was 68-74% of the theoretical. These
zeolites with their pronounced molecular sieve properties, obtained under industrial
conditions, made it possible to crystallize large amounts of aluminosilica, hydrogels in
large-sized apparatus. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 6 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatellsldy institut, Grozny*y (Petroleum
Scientific Research Institute)
Card 2/3
Developing the technology of the plant process for obtaining
molecular sieves. Trudy GrozN11 no. 15:165-174 163.
(MIRA 17:5)
Soveshchanlye yo tasolitam. let, Leningrad, 1961.
SInteticheeklye tasolIty; poluchenlys, Issledovanlye I nenlye
(Synthetic Zeolites: Production, Investigation,and Verl! mos-
cow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. 286 p. (Series: Its: Dokladj)
Errata slip inserted. 2500 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Akademlya nauk SSSR. Otdelenlye khImIcheakikh
nauk. KomIslya, po taeolltsm.
Reap. Eds.: X. M./Dubinin, Academician and V. V. Serpinskly, Doctor
of Chendcal-Soiencess Ed.t Ye. 0. Zhukovskayaj Tech. Ed.s .3. P.
PURMIt Me book Is Intended for solentists and engineers engaged
In the produotion of synthetic xe*Ut*x (mleau2ar sieves).-.and
for ohadsts In general.
Card I/W_S
3ynthetio Zoolites: (Cont.)_ SOV/6246
COVEPAOS: The book In a collection of reports presented at the First
Confere;nce on Zeolites, hold in.-Leningrad 16 through 19 Wroh 1961 a
at the'Lenlngrad Technological Institute Ir4eni Lensovet, and Is
purportedly the first monograph on this subject-. The reports are
grouped into 3 subject areas: 1) theoretical problem of adeorp-
tion on various types of zoolites and methods for their investi-
t1on, 2) the production of zoolites, and 3) applIcation of
zeolltes. No personalities are mentioned. References follow in-
dividual articles.
7orword 3
Dub1n1n, X. X. Introduction.
Card 2/W!5.
synthetic zoolitess (cont.) SUV/6246
)Msln, 11. 3.0 L. N. rzksimova, V. A. Lltvinova, and L. B.
Khandrom. Production and Adsorption Properties of
Nak, NaP, C&A and CaP Zeolltes
N. L. &-?_!-k V. A. Lltvinova, L. B.
In. Production
Mmndro. A. Polyakova) and L.-S. U
and Adso;Ron pertmes of NiX, CO~;`a-nd AgX Zoolltes 143
RIVA&ova, L. I.,.A..-V.-Agmfmwv, A. S. Vltukhlna, V.-F.
D-.AtriyAva, A.-T. Slepneva V~~ 3: d N.-A,
2 3fa-billt
~ s
of Type I Zsclites 152
go, Yas V., IL-G.-Nitrofanov, AMd--T. Ion
XG iin
for Ca in Type A Syrithi
g" 1
FArskly, Ta. V., N. 0. Mitrofanov, B V, L. T,
--ft3Lotoy, and A. 1. gezhlumova. tlon of Synthetic
card low
MININ. Nikolav-l)mitriyovich.--POPKOV. Boris Ivanovich; KOLOMIYTSEV, A.D.,
otVetStVennyy redaktd'R`AOVMMLTA','*~-A-' T.. takhnicheskiy redaktor
[Gamma ray relays for the automatization in the coal industry]
Gamma-rele dlia avtomatizatsit v ugollnoi promyshlennosti. Moskva,
Uglatekhizdat.-1956. 63 P. (MLEA 9:7)
(Gamma ray~--Industrial application)
(Coal mining machinery/
ACCESSION NR: AP402oo6i 3/0186/64/006/001/011V0119
AUTHORS: Iokhelleont S. V.;_E"2yjjD..jS,.
TITLE: Radiochemical determination of antimony-125 in soils
SOURCE: Radiokhimiya, Y. 6, no. It 19649 117-119
TOPIC TAGS: radiochemical determination, antimony 125, soil, fallout,
nuclear weapons testing, antimony,:uraniump radiation fallout, radio-~,
active fallout
ABSTRACT: As a result of global fallout, soil is contaminated by
radioactive isotope fragments including antimony-125-.,.Despite the
low isotope yield during fission, its contribution to the' general
A and *r-activity of a mixture of fragment. products increas~5,with
its age reaching 7.5% in 4 years in the caseof fission of U
n (K. Low, R. Bjornerstedt, Arciv for Fysik, 13 7 85 (1 58))p
iK14L;~j R. Bjornerstedt, Arciv for Fysik, 16, 28t 1930(1959)?. In
a series of samples of soils and vegetative cover, W en in 1960, 2
years after suspension of nuclear weapons testing, Sb is detected
with the aid of 'r-spectrometrical analysis. A schematic is given for
- --- - --- - ---
Use of the IS-60 test set in the inspection of high-voltage lines.
Avtom., telem.l. sviaz, 6 no.8:36-37 Ag 162. (KRA 15:8)
1, Nachallnik laboratorii signalizatsii i ovyazi Yugo-Vostoohnoy
(Railroads--Signaling-Block system) (Railroads-Electric
POPOV,_, BURKAISICEY, A.P., tekhnik; LKVINSKIY, 0.1., inzh.;
VERB., A.N.,, inzh.
Concerning T.P. MuaatovIs article "Hand hoists." Energotik
10 no.9:29-3~ S'162. (MIRA 17:1)
MR wl, I I VA m M."ll
ANUCHIN., M.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; ANTONENKOV, O.D., kand.tekhn.nauk;
POPKOV. G.I., inzh.; DUBININ, V.V., inzh.; NOSIKOV, S.M., inzh.
Movement of billets in free explosion forging. Iaw.vys.ucheb.zav.;
mashinostr. no.6%155-161 163. (MIRA 16:10)
1. Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche imeni Baumana.
-3206M6 jjT fn
AC C NRs AR6ol6i6o SOURCE CODE: up,/oO58/65/OO0/oll/AO5o/AO50 I
AUTHOR: Golovanon N. A.; kozodayeva, 11. M.; Koratinj B. A.; P kov G.
TITLE: Measurement of the dose intensity of-neutron radiation with a-broad energy
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 11A419
REF SOURCE: Tr. Soyuzn. n.-i. in-ta priborost .1, vyp. 1, 19641 36-43
TOPIC TAGS: neutron irradiation, neutron detection, fast neutron, thermal neutron,
irradiation dosimetry, radiation instrument
ABSTRACT: The authors discuss ~the difficulty of constructin an "ideal" dosimetric
instrument for neutron radiation in a wide energy range. Two methods of producing
pickups with dosimetric characteristics in the energy range from 0.025 ev to 20 Mev
are considered. The first is based on using a moderator of definite thickness) which
ensures a definite dosimetric character of the variation of the sensitivity curve,
and a thermal-neutron detector. Pickups based on this principle are arbitrarily
called "isodose" pickups. The second method is based on using the characteristics
of scintillation detectors for neutrons, namely the dependence of their sensitivity
6n the energy, which for a fixed ratio of the sensitivities of the fast- and
intermediate-neutron detectors gives a satisfactory approximation of the dosimetric
curve. The main shortcomings of these methods are indicated. A brief description
is presented of the principle of combined dosimetric neutron detection, which is free
Card 1/2
T, 11 - -
AUTHORS. Matveyev,-V.V., Popkov, G. K. and Sokolov, A. D.
TITLE: Determination of Some PhotomultiLplier and Scintillator
PERIODICAL:,Pribory I tekhnika eksperimenta, 1959, Nr 5,
pp 40-44 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: An apparatus is described for- the rapid determination
of some-photomultlpl�er parameters,and the selection of
the most suitable supplies. The experimental counter
head-is shown schematically in Fig 2, In whi ch 4 is the
photomultiplier, 2 is the radioactive source, 1 is a cap
for work with liquid scintillators and 6 is a demountable
voltage divider. The cap Includes a micrometer arrange-
mentso,that the distance from,the source to the photo-
cathode varied between 0 and 150 mm with an
accuracy of 0.25 mm. The output of the photomultiplier is
fed to a conventional kicksorter arrangement. A study was
made of the effect of the source position, type'of
radiation, the supplies and the voltage distribution among
the dynodes. The optimum results were obtained with
Cardl/2 soluti ons similar t o those used by Brooks (Ref 10),
L 47104-66 E `,'iT (m)
I ACC NR, o1649o SOURCE CODE: UR/0272/65/000/012/0106/0100-
AUTHOR: Golovanov,.N. A.; Kozodayeva, N. M.; Korotin, B. A.;
Foplcov., a. K.
TITLE: Measuring the dose rate of neutron radiation of the wide
energy spectrum
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metrologiya i izmeritel,naya tekhnika, Abs.
REF SOURCE: Tr. Soyuzn. n.-i. in-ta priborostr., vyp. 1, 1964,.36-43
TOPIC TAGS: radiation, neutron radiation, radiation dose rate,
dosimeter, neutron detector
ABSTRACT: The difficulties were evaluated of designing an ideal
dosimeter,'41-o measure the dose rate of neutron radiation over a wide
energy rango., Two methods were examined for designing a data trans-
mitter with dosimetric characteristics in the energy range ranging
from 0.025 ev to 20 Mev. The first method is based on the use of an.
inhibitor of a given width- to insure the dosimetric character of
the sensitivity curve and the thermal neutron detector. Transmittera,
LSa~d 1/2 UDC; 389;539-16.07:539112
L 4-71011-66
designed on this principle, are normally called "isodosic." The
second method Is based on - e use of the characteristics of neutron
scintillation detectors; -4 curves representing the dependencies
between sensitivity and zis gy provide a satisfactory approximation
of-the dosimetric curve at given ratio of the detector sensitivity
to fast and intermediate ex trons. The main shortcomings of these
methods are pointed e operational principle of a dosimetric
combination neutron d7-M with only a few shortcomings, Intrinsi(
to an "isodosic" transmi-3- and a dispersi(ndetector is briefly
described. A method for -welying separate transmitters with a commoi
doalmetric scale, based on -.i method of dispersion scintillation de-
Uectors was suggested. The, advantages of various transmitters over
"isodosic", dispersion,tino combination transmitters are discussed.
(Translation of abstrac [FM]
XIRSHAVKA, V. (RPWOV. I., mashinist kombayna; FIRSOV. K. mashinist kombayna
We will achieve our aims. Mast.ugl. 9 no.12:6 D 160. (MIR& 13:12)
I. Nachallnik pervogo uchastka shakhty No-37 kombinata Xaragandaugoll
(for Mershavka).
(Karaganda Basin--Coal mines and mining-Labor prod-activity)