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A now micracksmK411 fe"I"m low the 1241100W0 Of AIITPI 'Nwell and 'FIA" ivp P~j Ill A. 1. Aj. 'NJ - 14( 11149)(FIVISAI tollaillmly).- - Ily to CAI 111clif 44 .11 oil, odiba. tit As wall with acriolinc wild au camm of K I a midiAl boonen ppl. Is Immorif which is hoW. In mg. solvent. sAich am, 91011, MA WIWI und CHIC4. The Ivistrilim) takt, p6tv III ArI)II, aml isruttal PlAhm IIN(h dri,mov, lite whrlom% IIcI litirs 11401 AM it. III, III, Ph. ('11. '01, Tv. And othorf vlviurfllq~"Ilkh 14-1111 111.4 ii.11,11-4 "I itl%-I, il"tilikara "lilt 04-11,11110 Awl KI vitipit-td thc tvisipicit iIrrtti~ 1. lm: 3 lAil.C.M.N.111- A. tit t1c &,, 0.4 -r Ag is tlctectAW. 1,14-FhArd Autleger I.Aneirciessolmnpoodi Ilettil '14xiellatill Kirk -Inakle Riummij) Warill . Mee Revishiir, Ser, III:., ('him. JI'MCM, 4,38 ill) field lfkK)., A 211',~o milli, of N;;Oli git",t ViOWCtAir, 11thill(lerellrb .111111lialv),-411P voillpfrx 014lavirs of tilt (1.9 Is Intlit. shittitig Cray-viii1vt lit'"llo. Ntabirat u-nit 11,111P.: Will' W"Orld. rbel"i"Alle, 4fivoll'. 1" IICI,l ,,iL Ill litO 'Ailh 41M-1111,11., i(IM-1. ill F '1441 11111 Hit(). %0- "llich lit reliftitrIv 41alde ill ill licl 1111.41 %illivi, Own illa'111411V Slet'llt, ihivllljl~ its Or% c%xu;xis. plef"l. alv: 11) lnllt~- 110,11clco elf 11NO., iltill jJ1 jkli.ilk-KIVI'll ItI1111.1fl] fv.- iii-ficillic') rillcirl. ~-';) Post- f1c),110,01 end )lei. (~J) talc" elfshir at I.Xil't juittv ill ;%(il1 114:1 jilt, Ftolf; ,lightly .4. ill lift), ill.d. ill FA-41. '4' " 6) 11clillcol'yocl?). (7) flCl!1;c-' N111LOW110 I 1(:I,I- yelklw. cryst., 401. ill jilt) all,) F1011, lightly -1, ill 1`10. 1) [ [clef. s-ittlilir t" (4 1, -1. ill acills and Mfolig 60 i, j* lo,),,jC,cNI1,Qi lo,:Ch.4llj0.,ttil1 ( I I ) 1 1011. 'ki-quir, yellow. -I, ill .0- E'1011. '11XIStiv -4. lit With 1141-01111111.- -lightl 'v -4. ill A44111. (71 i~ toluilm-, It. A saw class of omples compile.: the tetrackj*tojWMt&. y0ityls, crym., difficubly -1. ill ',odd lit Mallp MotabuTunin". Ibid. Me.. 17. 31 lip.(I Wl 1). --Aft hosigh I be 11-0. partly sol. ill l"1011 "ild El'O. .4. ill 4,4,1 IICI :111.1 tortruchkielkdai" trial togjtvoinp~ lite lfrtio(), and ivartis At-ofl. tit"llill, ill '~uflll illiticial .1cul, 0CJd-"mll,lr% i-- -'ai, fmicid ill tile follOWitIg jjeteCU"tpll,,.. 41111 "1 SOIL ISli~SWWVUI ffm)lll 101111- evvll J" M'..' C-1xvially i, yvill,tv opatille Illinwry'lal" -1. m (_W 11,I). i11-1. it, illetfillni; (1) lpow- "IC1,110,00 vilf. ('211 fit. 110,11C., Ftoll litid Ill A~-Oll..Nilj)ll. (3) 110,1101PY.Chl (4) jlCi.jjCt~NIf04I)llhj.4 jilt] NaOlf. (16) i, y"I". -L ill 1141, 44b" y Mal. ill 31)4. V1011, iW411. lit 1`11.0. .1.11-41111~ 'It a.1,1- ( DIfhj. ( 71 jJCJ,jfCoPyXDJf)j,, (M) 110,10co C-Sillcl, mul litfullit Im", lit) 6 yvilult ct aft'l ( 9) JICj.j ,jCr vilIC1. (IM jICI.jIl.(.NlffMCjfl4). (11) lit%,), .J, it) If,(). EM11. ju.)l ill Ft-d)' d ...... Ill., ill 1 1041filil f-Wall.N. (1) will (2) lite ovivoi%wincel, To 141741% Will 1,11141114 lKtM'-. f , i. Y. 11". c) Y'l"l. 1 'ro,,r tile pre.-letter (of Avid ill Jill. itilli Hell (dMulip, ;After few lit-4. cvcll ... t ivlrt' title tiq illif "ns., (CII'Vil'j,"IfIct, ;%fill C.11SX111.10. Weft pirel"l. of (111). Golui,l Atitl,-Crf is Slaige at T-M lems).. -lightly A. =="c C~ef=.' nine, Ntu4i; u-rc~!&i chun. 3. M. i " Wreath mirrismu1j.-BI is ppid a~ 1"Ins-JO& cn.C1)j4fBi- a stablk cry~L. C'mmpl~ -1. the 1--cold. sliEbtly avid c (HU) soln, cortg. 4 b0 mt. Bi, Add 0,.% g. Z'111,0 and I mi. of an EtOUI , 4n. of 0 44j,5 g. 1rany- I Co F ritC1.1 Cl (1) in dil. HUI (!:4;. 71;~ 't-j "f Milt- !hm~:"l not el- ce~d 75 ' mi, Agitatt :nr 5 inin. let s,7ttle fler 10--4.5 rain-; filter out the fre~ln I,pt .0th a j:~rou5 filter crtaibk; wash with nnall r~rlwns of a contg. 11 fo-I g.), H.0(50 ml.l. EtOll (40 ml-) and 110 (d. 1.10, 1 rnl ): ~msh with 98% UtOff, atr.. EtOll, and abs. F,*t,O; and dry I" suruc to ronst. Y't. 'Na' K, C~-i' N-11" rulfatr and ac-~- We inns do not interft-Te althetigh the prc!~-_Lre of metalr froin the 2nd t7oup duiLs. 1-ric, t!rrcw of the inctivA i3 1c." than arid dv~-rra_5es at the higher bi couctus, $4 0 4be.,cmOtdbdkffiLtwo new, dassas of cam-io-b4da-thili - aim 59 14.7~~Cqrn -0, Son of -.NFLIC4 Cllww,- 'pr 'vVerc-IrWil~ CIDVI rays-- ']c lci,.- Co" 'd 'A h -woos. hl~a 7he. vme or- 1, t as mew m I Te b m 0 i~e~s inpleI ~14, c c 2 Ict formww I 0 the mono nc, t-= IMPRIC104HIO) ICD( Wpa CO�Mp but a' cilpj~ffected ti rur the HlQ#-dedv. of 2,ainl=wadint Ir The rimcdon of the re3prct ive at aud are -yellaw unst-able cr)mt. ("~)t I I, t. J-r':Ruman in % - ;-~ G L~ t 0 3 0 AnaJytical Chemistry - Auslysio of Inorganic Substances Abs. Jour. Bef 2hur-Kblimiya, No OS, 1-959 19090 Popea, F.; Badiceanu, L. T itle Direct Colorimetric Determination of Trace- Amounts of Silver in Soil in 16he Pres7ence of Other Catbions. Orl.C,. FIvib.:Rev. Chim., 1958, 97 No 61 323-324 Abstract :it was found that on interaction of Ag+ with diphenylthiocarbazone (I) in acid medium, there is formed a precipitate which, after dissolution in CC1., is suitable for colorimetric determination of trace-amounts of Ag. The interfering elements (Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb) are masked by addition of Conplexon III (II) at pH 4-5. It was ascertained that the best procedure for extracting Ag from the soil is fusion w ith JWS 0 In determination of Ag~ 1 g of the soil being analyzed IL fused with 8 g KHSO , after coollng the melt Is dissolved in water, boiled 10_1~ minutes, andL the solution with the sediment is diluted with water to a definite volume. card: 1/3 Country :Rumanid E-2 Catogary :Aaaiyticai caemistri - Analyals of Itior-ganic substances Abs. jour, :Ref Mur-Ehilmiya., No 6j, 19.59 19090 Author .Ins 't t" lit. t MtL~ Orig Pub, Abstract &n aliquot portion of the resulting mixture is placed-in a.separatory.funnel',-and combined,with buffer solution (80-jnl i0$ solution Ch3r,0014a + 10 Ml CHPCO]iq'114)~ a solution of. 11 (2 if 25 m! water), and I ml 0. 001$ solution.of I in CCI stIrred for 3 'minutes, and the CC14 layer is separated. Ne~extractiori is repeated 2-3 timesi using smaller amounts of solution of 1 (0.2 ml). The thus obtained solution of Ag-diphonylthiocarbazonate in CC14 I is washed 2-3 times witb 20-25 ml ammonia..water UslOOO) con- taining 0.5-1 g Il (to remove excess 1), transferred into a cylinder, diluted with CC1,, to a definite volume, kept forl Ca- cl: 2/3 POPEA, Flovica; IKPVROIIIN, Marlin, NysicoNchemical c~f' the lurary] 5 Pev r-hiinip. Roum I-) rio,1:35-38 TI, 1. Rectioll Of 111101arilide ari(l !'-Aj.:j*6 cf Tnc, ri-!,In I n Chemistry Dant(.r, Rumand:m, Actd,~?,mv, F9 dent-ei, Buchnrest. Submitted Tul:T 15, 3,961". FAC 1'.; POPrA, F.-IrDriui- 1-1-FANU, Cc-.n~it.:.nI,,-- tome~ d n on j --C"2^10( FG12CO(;~-; r; u ChImie ROULM 10 nol:39-46 165. I T C' F! !,dy sl- w-c'-fic Lon 0`1 ,--(H2JCOO- 1"bi d. ( i* ., 3-- T. U 1. Section of ;,-nd Actlnid-:! ~'hcndatl-l, C~f Llh~~ Cheini a tr. dentei, Buch~re;~t. I'll' 7 1 j~ 'A I I P.; POPEA 1,101-jell. -u Pe- logen induc ti' ve e Pf e on th.,, , La b, 1 in wa ery of the uranyl Ion convection!, vlAij simry',j 59-- of Ule ace'tJc aci(j. f?p-v chi-Mie. Pouri 10 no.11 J", 16 5 1. -Sectien of the lanthanj6~, ard ,!,~cUnide Chcmislxv c.,' I-he Tnorganic Chemistry, "ifesenrch Ctlnv~,--, 89 Splqiul independente-J, Bucharc-s-- july 15, SPACIJ$ P, P(~I~&,_Fl ica, TOHANEANU, Constanta r S h t triQ and conductomtric study on +Uj~ 'j~ -C H2 I r- DO -"P 010 ~'r M-CC13COC- SYStOms- Studit cerc chilu 11 .0.1: U -CHC12COC 39-46 Ja 16j. Spectrophotometric and conductometric study oil the UL4.CH2BrCOr system. Ibid.;47-51 Spectropbotometric and conductometric study of the UOL1'b21COO'- system. Ibid.:53-58 1. Sect.-on of Lanthanum and Actinide Chemistry of the Inorganic Chemisf-y Research Center, Rumanian Academy, 89 Splaiul Independentei, Bucharest. Submitted July 15, 1964. POPEAV Florica;, VIAVRODIN, Maria; ANTONESCU, Mona; PLCKINARU, M IVJ,a Physicochemical study of the uranyl-mucic acid nitrogenous system. Studii cerc chim 14 no-1:35-38 Ja 165. 1. Section of Lanthanum and Actinide Chemistry of the Inorganic Chemistry Research Center, Rumanian Academy, 89 Splaiul Tndependentei, Bucharest. Submitted July 15, 1964. SPACU, P.; POPEA, Florica; LEPADATU, G,; TOHANEEANIJ, Constant& Halogen inductive effect on the stRbility of the -.=aryi -4*.n compounds with some halogenated derivatives of acGtic acid in aqueous solution. Studii cerc chim 14 no.!.-59-65 Ja 165. 1. Section --,f Lanthanum and Actinide Chemistry of the Inorganic Chemistry Research Center, Rumanian Academy, 89 Splaiul Indepandentei, Bucharest. Submitted July 15, 1964. SPACU, P.; POPEA, Florica Direct spectrophotametric determination of uranilum in the presence of yttrium, cerium., and thorium. Studii cerc chim -11 no.2: .261-265 163. 1. Sectia de chimie anorganica a Centrului de, cercetari chimice al Academiei R.P.R., Bucuresti. 2. Membru Corespondent al Academiei (for Spacu). . . . . . . . . . . . POPEA. Florica; JURUCU, Caterina Determining tracee of antimony in the polynetallic 6ulfidea and in soils. Studii cere chimie 10 no.2:211-218 162. 1. Laboratorul de geochimie al Interprinderii de prospectiun si laboratoare, Bucuresti. PWEAO Florica. GUIMAN, Madeleine Determination of cadmium traces in polymethylic sulfides ard in soils, in the presence of other cations. Studii cerc chim 9 no-4: 673-680 161. 1. Laboratorul de geochimie al Intreprinderii de prospectiuni si laboratoare, Buturesti. SPACU, Petru; POPEA, Florica Spectrophotometric determination of uranium. Studli eerc chim 9 no.1,139-147 161. (EEAI 10ig) - I Victor, ing.; POFLIANOS Miroqay Automat* de-,r'.--e -Usstila -tube-c of paste-borad. I! no. 3:1 .4 C ~-Izntry us S'R Catc~,ory 13 General BiolorEy- T Wt. o3 .Jowl 10 01 11 M31ol. -1 9 977 7 li - 3 , , . , LI 11 0 1' Go rbachelva A. P. ~22) ~~M,111~)r Lut. t J , I t, 10 'or, ent Acre _Detomined Ch8_qre3 Of Alldl'10"1(3 C f.] r, Fhbryo-n of th(-; -fl, 1 nwj~o Pub. zhivtjtnovodstc, 1958, No 132-85 )s of -nont '3 3tUd-,15d ill PJ.6!;4 vari.mis c'evelo pi Yotme sovis of the larLe whito breed farroviln(r.~ for the first tli-~ie viert-, usec, in the OxnCrImcat. -m--re and disarboni-I arninoacidu by !:,aper cnrocm:,~'ro_ graphy. The embryon I weight increaseF _,ost 4-n- rc;t 60 days. As thr, tensely durinS the ri bryo grows, its %vator oontent decreasc;s an~_* th( anomt of aBhes increases. Qu anti t at in- 112 "p, Perfional. ve, -n jj,e F4-,iji-oad Opvrcitionz3 Sec.-Uon, I rnn. OEM POPEK, K.; DUJHOS, M.; MULLER, Z.; MGM, X.; 13AKAT-A, F. Temporal arteritle. Lek.liaty 5 no.g.-241-246 I My 130.(019L 19:2) 1. Of the Clinic for Nervous Diseases (Head -- Prof. Karel Popek, M.Djand of- the Patho-Anatomical Institute (Head -- Prof. Vaclav Neuman, M.D.), Xasaryk University, Brno, of the Neurological Do- partment and Central laboratory and Prosection Department (Head Head Physician, Docent Kamil Khcera, M.D.), Regional H)apital in Gottwald. POPLIM, K. (Article 51~8) Brn y horo~, aqi '~,a,sarykovy Univ. v o 1,111algia opi-IeT-Aca cili bornholmska ne emic .iya a or 55HFiA~J~ disease Lek. Usty 1951, moc Epid Description of a clinically typical case (virological tests failed) of the disease in a boy aged 14 - the first in Czechoslovakia. It was an absolutely isolated case in which the luinbar muscles and those of the lower extremities -ig were mainly affected and in which a slight leucocytosis was seen duriia the free interval of 8 days. Bloch Amsterdam (XX, 6,7y80 SO: EXCEUTA JEDICA Vol. 5 No. 2 Sec. VIII February 1952 ~,r.,JJVA 5FZ -8 Vol- 1-2/2- Neurology Feb 59 L 042, RLCURRENT GUILLAIN-BARRE SYNDROME WITH RECURRENT PAPILLOEDENIA - RecidivuJici syndrorn GuiIIaInftv-Barr4d0v s recidivuJicl m6stnavou papilou - Popek K. Klin. Nemoci Nervovych Masarykovy Univ.. Brno - CSL. NEUROf7-1 U57, zu/fa (.stsu-393) Illus. 6 Description of a rare case of recurrent (Guillain-Barrd) polyradiculoneuritis with 8 attacks In 14 yr., in which. during the 3rd to 5th attacks, papilloedema developed. This latter receded between attacks, along with all clinical signs and CSF findings. In the 3rd to 5th attacks there was an increased albumin lovel In the CSF. along with a repeated increase in CSF pressure, which, apart from papilloedema (which reached the level of 3.5 diopters) and streaked haemorrhages on the eye grounds In the 3rd attack, produced no other subjective or objective signs of increased intracranial pressure. In this patient a relationship was observed between the degree of papilloedeme and the level of CSF protein, and the CSF protein and the CSFpressure, which were associated with papilloedema In all 3 attacks. (VIII, 12) K. Prof. MUDr.; VAGN]JR, B., Mr.; DOSTAL, J., HURro (adb, asiat.) Interrelation of signaling system in man determined with the aid of suggestion supported by amplitude changes of heart contraction as an indicator. Cook. neur. 21 no.2:76-89 Mar _58. 1' Klinika nemoct nervovych, prednosta prof. MUDr K. Popek, L vnitrni klinika M v Brne, prednoBta, prof. MUDr N. Stejfa. ((:ZMRkL CORM, physiol. interrelation of signaling systems in humans. determ. by suggestion & amplitude changes of heart contraction (Cz)) (SMGASTION role in determ. of interrelation of signaling system in humans, with tests of amplitude changes of heart con- traction Wz)) phys io 1. contractiong amplitude changes edised by suggestion in determ. of interrelation of signaling systems in humans (Gz)) i~a%~MR�RPPWMMIVM~i V~*(Brno Tvrdeho 26. Significence of the cerebrospinal fluid in the establishment of et-ioio-ic. Cesk. neur. 22 no.1:1-10 Feb 59. 1. Klinika nervovych nemoci Masarykovy university v Brno, prednosta. p-rof. HUDr. Karel Popek. (Mvas. OFTIC, dis. neuritis, etiol. relation to multiple sclerosis, GSF factor 02)) OTMITIS. GSF in, optic neuritis, W factor in determ. of etiol. relation to multiple sclerosis (Cz)), (MULTIPL19 SGISROSIS, GSF in, determ. of etiol. relation to.optic neuritis by CSY factor POPEK,Karel Headache in children. Gesk. neur. 23 no.4:225-233 Je 060. l.,KlIuDm namool nerrovych University v Bme, prednosta prof..XUDr. ZLr*l Popok. (MKDLCHN In inf., &child) P 0 P 11, X', L . Protection of respiratory organs against dust by respirators, p. 199, ~.::,'SOURCE*., Vynal ezy- no.:, 11 i965,:3 'textile _.'th6kmoplas I material the lAnsulation TOPIC-:.TAGS:- t c rmh yethylene.plastio ACT.-.'': - An- -~ Autho rCertif i a Ate -iias -been issued for laminated tex- les, i V The it' cheat extiles consist of. -.for-'insulation.aga ns .radiation, 6x ..0therwi se: composed- ase'-m4terial, made of natural, ~w9ven.,,- mineral,: vitreoU6 or thermoplastic'fiberm"?r plastic-foils.. coated on one or-both-sides.with resistant aluminum layer,,applied by vacuum ~_,-orin ..the fom -of An aluminum- lacquer. The.-outside. of the resistant -~flexible film.such :as poi 41~ .:,j,.,layer~*is':covered Ith.a tetrafluorethylen polytrif luorethylend~ ',or silicon - rubber, ~hich'..withstandE; radiatio ~'heat.up to M,cal/niin/cm2j- PKPI, UBM -DATE: 1 Ju16 SUB - CODE: _11~_ - 5 V_ -tard POPEKj, Ladislayo Be Pi-ftectian of respizatory orgam of mt&llurgioal plant -mBono aid elestric fwmaos clainers frm o xoos sive heat and harmful dust. Zdftvot toch.7 no.5sl97-207 164, Ielbsearch Institute of Industrial Safety of the Rmlutionary Traft Unions, Prague. I ---- w I im - - - .... - . ~- --- - i VASEK, Jaroslav, inz.; ~PPEK, Milan, inz.; SKRICEK, Jiri Problems of mechanization of low seam mining in the Ostrava- Karvina coalfield* Uhli 6 no. 8:270-272 Ag 164i 1. Scientific Institute of Coal Research, Ostrava-Radvanice. inz. Mirdng thin coal z4Ea;7,3 by satter ? 53 165. SniRntific Research institutEl, Jaroslav inz.; -PDI!EK,.,Milan,,.; SUCHANEK, Jose inz.; VASEK, PAVLONKA, Frantisek, inz. Within 31 workdays 118,327 ns of coal extracted at the Ya-y 1 mine. Uhli 6 no.11:386-389 N '64 1. Scientific Research I ute of Poal, Ostrava-Radvanice (for all except Pavlonka). 2. 1 1 mine Clor PRvlonka). -"M)Mp- m -* Me POPOHIN, K;N., inzhener. Protective system operating on alternating current with two M-1 current transformers connected in series. Blek.sta. 25 no.12:52 D 154. (Electric transformers) (KLR& 7:12) I m A ID P 581 Subject USSR/Engineering card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 18/22 Author : Fudellman, Yu. L. and Fopekhin, M. MI. Title : Approximate method of modelling in tank building Periodical Neft. Khoz., V. 32, #8, 82-85, Ag 1954 Abstract The use of a small model tank with geometrical, but not physical similarity, is described for simplified deter- mination of the distribution of stresses., the dimensions of construction details, and for solution of various prob- lems on assemblying, maintenance, and repairs. 2 tables. Institution None Submitted No date idnth Scientiflc a-- Conference cf rogior, welders. S-,taz-. proizv. no.7:41-LO 4. 1 ~A 18 Nw. - a m EXP(_k_)/EVW(Z_)/F1vP(b)/BV1A (c). - --1JP(C)1 L - -13638-66 __EW(1.)/EWT(m) -EWA(d)/EWP(-v)/T/4#N-t)/ 5 im, 66D 08, 0079- ACC NRi A1111018702 il. ngincer AFTHOR: - POI?Zkhi (E , ORC4, none, - TITLE: Tenth conference on 1ding I." Oncow _SOURGEI.~. Avtomatichesk~y~ syarkav. 0. 7 1965 78~-79,11 T S., Weloirig, m tal'~weldi g lilo~-:atre* ,tli nte6l, therinrmchnni.rml prop-rlty, n np weld Utaniam -i'Lloy nickel alloy, sc:i-mtif c connirence heit -tre.Au~ent,, AWTRACT:~ the'l0th conference on h 'Id vieldin science and I& was e- m m 1445 April, Ocow Wer Wic -ippnsorvlilip~of tile SOC3*.ety;.'of~ the -Machine-Buk in~ lnduatry., Fifty-athree." papers were presented, ists attended tile-, do fe_' Y L.' and 630:weldl'ng Special n rencee u, asulin discussed a Method of meth6os,~ of Caldul6LUng the. power- -parmne ters:, of a laser, beam, suggested ar , C-Uns, presented results of calcula ions calculzitiofi I for regular. md. irregul b and, t' 'y im fOr ' the ~ c~s6' of. a. heavy. copper, plate. h~ 1. Antipov (Institute of MQtallurf, A. A. Ba_W6v.') Ireported on low temperature thermomachanical. treatment4 of bardenable steels.. The, -method can be applIed to vmldments neither 1 ditr-ing or af0er welding. V*''A* Rodionov.discussed- a,motliod-for 1mreasing, tile design strength of superst ent-th S: by:_:step-by-step upsettibig. of th jocally preheated weld zone. V. Ya.- steel 4(treld e Leonti-mv and-N. P. Borisov spok on ways of improving! the reliability of M1G?