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PbN- 'Mull! Im Mike of Im mumbsuam. K U.N.S.S., 11144. 4L (if NCI, NaCl. mil KNOO At 23'. AO", and 7Y. nil Of MOV1,41110 Will Na,';(), at 2V and 110". am measuml. A: the tritill, is twmA tile I'mcirms -I Mwllut4m tw~A"" "U'm .. 1, tho 1-1villerill. bring atiraight. lines. Tbe polythernis cof MnCl..411,0 and Nasts-06. the Will of high"t lonic 'Wer. Imake tile IAJLge%t anKle vioth tile atnics"a. shairing that Was them the cliect of raiging the trimp. is.!gatest. The rest lomi the decreasing "lience KCI '-- NaCl > K S. W R -W 7 _. 7 go A at ago d L" SWOO&A. dm N. K. vaskmotbaws and K. r__-p4m"w%vj6. WjbjwL Asab SAS.R. 4U, DDO-209" #w 1. ,a 9 PrAL 6 Ad u R.3 S 43 At (in go _*0 I KN in watv wm =I" at O&VADO jad ?a" &W lbw of Mac%.- *00 =led Nft~N at A and $01. U. A.&I W. - oo 0 84 sub. id ok pw SOW mob. W water Im aU -00 go mks amw NICL to wkkb tie ANSI cumcu' was iwkR am .00 Ma. lama Ong 'go IC Im two. Tb. bw dog 6 614 04 gwom" 6016 -10" Cod. at 280 to 4d 'I m 'mummum al w~ v*b dw Is temp. b amgdnvd a cm- =00 : bcow dds..Ow Whet d temp. irift as the bw cl WON" oak. 1N. C.A. IM; A 4OW'. see see u go* roe see see ago INN 9,110811ve Room ;;w_lftv We 0 1 " 0- woo* tilt c"T apt 11619181011 ilrAil -CROW, 0 91 00 In' A ; j v #A A I a afto go 0 We 0 0 0 0 see *so Le 10 14 a 4)-_9 0 0 _0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Lo 40 0 go* 0 0 0 a 0 0 9 ' sim 'P1=1 4-0 ptormit*6 OWN i . we &VA NoM K - nk I Vo 00 aw6two by ow Ir', jiswalm atho beat, 'Ot giv" the similar 1 s. The alteratim of Q of No% 1 N I' NO 6 l N W vinkrevenslays mid K. S. aeomm"ING. N.K. l ~ 1 . . &e AM < No] < CA( m OP. < h), < For Noel the sevies Is Ugal < Ucl < Cach < llacl'. .6 we m- WIOW Ckem. "l The heats ()Of solutic" of 8.3 MW* and for W UgClv < MCI < KNO#. Thew imic wtiet f th fl t f k h i d h i h 0 see 6 I &=: KCI. N&Xh + 10 1410 %aNO, ad KNIM e %inw tim r e e ec s o ms im t at o w" W s t f i Th d f h h l b 09 , , MXCI* + 6 11,0 and K011, WO 'A 11-0 + 4 1145 %InCl wi water. eat o nn e ecream o t til e neq. y , 280 000 . . , of NaC3 In 1000 I.-Mal. ~i ".0 + x X-A. of a .t$W 0 salts is at 7A Offlawr than at 23 ; e.g.' Q of k NOS at m 40 00 f KCI i 6M 1 0 7 469 . , -sit having & eommon 1cm with that to te diw"vt~d- werl' , - s - . o I (awnst - 0 In f ) at i , ' W OM I 11 d 6133 W 0 Th d ood - nst n a . e e"~&w ) at (&g . Qo(KNOssitivilrellucOd is Aotd e W the a of "m endotber"W tjlrct is attributril to the vhan . ir" -.8170 eW. at 0 to, em -013 at x - MAO # strwittrt of HoO by Salt, and Its incrra~ fe.g., that of Q too Of ICOH or to -4774 at At - .07 of ica(MoOt. For The alteration of o kxr*- 1-1 MI to KC1, -;O V mnPetitim for water in the 'at KCI by LICI at TV) to A l i Th h f d i d " f as* - , KN%. ASN(h. Ca('N(h)o. "d "a N&NOb K1 lak . ie r tat I o l vaum o rat on of ons. the hy y I I h hi h h i f I l d l , . . er t e trillp. s re ve ntiminn" e eet a y Inarr g ItArriflan COO coo too ' woo CAuu - P1 S Uss R Noo koom livissive largo f"Ov too ww" -, I SolM WIP 011V apt NJAA31 CW a" Ot to P . a a is 0 an A v 50 a 0 a I w 1" 6 a a 3 it I r n . 0 41 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 41 so VOLOSILINS A.I.; BOGOYAVIDIS-KIY, K.A.; AKHTYRCHERKO, A.M.; TURIK, I.A.; ZHIDKO, A.S.; LYAViUX, V.S;; GARAY, L.I.; ONOPRIYENKO, V.P.; STARSHINOV, B.N.; BABIY, A.A.; SAVELOV, N.I.; Prinimali - uchastiye: TORYANIK, E.I.; VASIL'YEV,, Yu.S.; SMIELI,, T.I.; SENYUTA, V.I.; BONDMWKO, I.P.;'AMSTISLAVSKIY, D.M.; ANDRIANOV, Ye.G.; SERGEYEV, G.N.; ZAHAKHOVSKIY, Mq'Aq-, LYUKIMSON, M.O.; IVOTUN., V,K,; TSDML,, G.I.; SENIKO, GJe.; KONAREVA, N.V.; SOLODKIY, Yu.L.; LUKASHOV, G.G.; TAWOV, D.A.; GORRUW, Ya.S.; SUFRUN, J.Ye.; TIKHOMIROV, Ye.I.; KONO1MNKQ, P.A.; PROKOPOVJ- V.N.; GULTGA, D.V.; PIJSKANOVSKIY, S.T.; POEL4A3ZVL,_&.Y&. Effect of the length of coking on coke quality and the performance of blast furnaces. Koks i kchim. no.12:20--32 !6i. (14IRA a5,:2) 1. Ukrainskiy uglekJiimicheskiy institut (for Voloshin, Bogoyavlenskiy, Akht:yrchenko.. Turik,, Zhidko, Lyalytii,, Toryanik, Vasill7ev, Shemelf). 2. Zhdanovskiy koksokhi*kheskiy zavod (for Ghbay., Senyuta-.. Bondarenko., Amstislavakiy, And;Uinov" Sergeyev, Zamakhovskiyp Lyukimson, Ivoninp TSimbal). 3. Urallskiy nauchno-iosledovatelinkiy institut chernykh wtAlloy (for Onopriyefiko, Starshinov, Babiy, Sen'Iko, Konareva', Solodkiy), 4. Zavod "Azovstall" (for Savelor, Lukashov, Tarasov.. Gorbanevs Suprun,, Tikhomirov., Konononko, Prokopov., Gulyga, Pliskanovskiy, Ponomareva). (Coke) (Blast furnaces) STARSHINCV, B.N.--, PT.ISKAN07SKJY:. S~T~~_EQY90AR~FVA, K.-Ye~; M~z SINPIRSKAYA, PA1,AGOT'll?, V.P. Rt8ults of invesUgffting the flinal alag:3 us,!,1A -'r. tl~,3 ~--Daltinlg of --javeirttr and i-ast. .~.rrur~ in of ths fi.zov--tal? P'''ant,, ft-ur-,~zntd. 1r'_5. I SHUBTSOVA, I.G.; KUDASHOVA. R.V.; GLIKMAN, S.A.; Prinimaji itehastiye: Ponomareva, IL.; CHERNIKOVA, Ye.; SILKIIIA, N. I Effect of metal ions and of the anions of organic acids on the mechanical properties of agaroid gels. Koll.zhur. 25 no.6:728-731 N-D 163. (14IRA 17:1) 1. Saratovskiy universitet, kafedra fiziko-khimii polimerov. USO/Biology Yam&, Arctic 21 Apr, 49 Arctic Studies "Infiltration of Arctic Fauna Into the Kara Sea," L. Ponomareva, Inst of Oceanol, Acad Sci USSR, pp "Dok ALk Nauk SSSR" Vol LXV, i1o, 6 Certain species of plankton (Oithona atlantic&; I'vadne nordmanni and others), benthos,(Nacoms H Baltica, Lacuna, divaricata. and others), and fish :(Wllottts villosus', Hyppoglassoides and Cyclop!. ,terus Lunpus) from the Barents Sea are now found 13m: Kara Sea some probably carried,by curreits. P4 2, -UsWii~2.08 ,r Fauna., Arctic, '(Contd) 9i Agr, 49 facts, indicate that warning up of the Arctic region, demonstrated by many authorities, is reBppn- aiil'e for this.penetration. If this varming-up.p~roc- eon' continues, zoogeographical boundary between the upper arctic and boreal regions will move eastward. Submitted by Acid P. P. Shirshov 15 Feb 49. "The results of the work of the Khorolsk interkolkhoz fattening station." Veterinariya, Vol- 37, No- 71 1960Y P- PI f4c -I k 6,0t - ~,&, - b,~& d-,~ ve-f - Al,~- ~k- - 140 111,11 EVA.) L. A. - --- 28330 0 pitanii planktonoyEdnydh kitov byerir-j,:,ova morya. Doklady alad. Nauk i~'Ovay"i, Syeriya T. LXVIII, No. 2, 1949, S. X01-03-Bibliogr: 6 Naav Rimskiy-Korsakov, ',%N.K Faunye nasyekotqykh polyeza shchitnykh polos - S.Yl. 28sss So: Letopis No. 3h PcNoxauu. L.A. Interrelationships among herrings of the gemia Clupea. no-19:175-19.') '51. Uch.zap.Gorl.un, (MLSA 6:6) (Herring) 1. PUNOM"'IiEVA, L. A. 2. US3R (600) 4. Pacific Ocean - Copepoda 7. Appearance of pol3rmorphism in the copepodous crustacean Calanus cristatus. Dokl. AN M311 90, No. 2, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. POIROMMA, I.A. Role of Individual genera of 11UPhausUdae as food components of fish and whales. Trudy Inst.okean. 8:200-205 '54. (02A 7:11) (11uphastidae) (Fishes--Food) PONOM&RUA.L.A. Winter tooplankton in the northern Sea of Japan. Trudy Inst. okean. no-9-.159-173 154. (KLRA 8:6) (Japan, Sea of--Zooplankton) PONOXAREVA L.A. vkmw Seasonal variations of zooplankton in the ?6rouse Strait, Trudy Izwt.okean. 11:258-263 154. (MLRA 8:2) (La, Perouse Strait-Zooplankton) W, -V. YE. I -IKO- V-0., AND-FONOKAUZEXA, L --' VASILM DENISM fie Solution of Crystals Blue vitriol and succinic acid crystals were investigated. Ihe ,grown crystals were dissolved in ethanol of v;-nrious concentrations. The speed of solution does not exhibit proportionality to volume, surface, nor linear crystalline dimensions. An increase of specific weight np to 20% could be observed. (RZhFiz, No. 8, 1955) lix. Kievsk. PoIltelffin. in-ta, 14, 1954, 183-195. SO: ShLm- No. 744, 8 Dec 55 - Supplementary Survey of Soviet Scientific Abstracts (17) Ology j 00~,Ogy Caml 1/1 Pui):. 22 -1,0/44 Auth6rs: Po ~an eva,, L.A s ll~ ar -h S E d f th h iii~ i e panese ea a aus a o . copepo up crabs ~Ferlcolcal D ok Ali SSSR 98/1 -153-154, Sep 1, 1954 Abntz,46V Re pDrt on the feeding of copepoda crabs to Euphausia, in the 4~6nese Sea. Four' references: 2-USA-and 2-German (1909-1945). Dra~lwin .9 Institution. 'Acad.. of Sc. USSR, Institute of Oceanology Presented by ,: Ac. mician B.,N. -Pavlovs Uy, May 14., 1954 V5:13RAi 0-logy zoology,71 ~Gard 1/1 Pub. 22 - 414/47 Authors Ponomareva L' A litle weight character Iistics of euphausildae of the Sea of Japan Periodical --Dok. AN :SssR 99/1,. 169-171, Nov 1. 1954 Abstract .-Data on the weight characteristics of euphausiidae (shrimplilce crustaceans), found,in the,Sea of Japan, are presented. Four USSR.references (1934-1954). Tables;.'ryraph. Institution Academy~of Sciences USSR, Institute of Oceanology .Presente.d by: Academician E. N. Pavlovskdy, July 10, 1954 PONONAMA.I.A. - Uphwasilds of the Kurile-Kawhatka Trench. Trudy Inst.okean. no.12:2BB.-297 155. (NLR& 8*9) (Kurile Trench-Ruphausitdam) (Phosphorescence) 41 PC A- Re v- A A. PONOXAMAIlLwAo FoodL uncl Ustribution of Aluphausiidas in the Sea of Japan. Zool. zhur-34 no-1:85-97 J&,-F 155. (MLRA 8:3) 1. Institut obeanologii AN SSSR. (Japan. Sea of-lwhaueiidae) PONOMMA, L.A. BvhIL76-iTd"swm6r'ihe Sea of Japan. Trudy probl.i no.6.- 46 156. (KM 9: 1. Institut okeanologil AN SM. (Japan, Sea of-Buphaumild") PO NO MAMA, 1. A. -1 -. -4 - ~. Method for studying the laphauslidae. Trudy Inst.okean. 19: 334-139 156. ()UA 10:2) (Nuphauslidas) PONCKABEFI. !'B.A., kRndidat bielegicheakikh nauk. . ovitissIm Lit the trovics. Hauka i zhizz' 23 s9.9:42-44 '56. (Pacific Ocean--Karbw fauma) (NLRA 9:10) PONCILAMWA, L.A. ; 3SIOMISM. K.V. Zooplmkton of tropienl waters and the frontal region in the north- western parts of the fteific Ocean* Dokl, All SSSR9 log n0.4:869-872 Ag 1956. (=A 9.-10) 1. Insitut okeanologii Akademli nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A*A. GrIgorlyevyme (Pacif ic Oceau.-Irooplankton) Y. , I f PONOMARRVA, L.A. gooplankton of the western part of the Mara Sea and Baydarsta 1367. ?rudy Inait. okean. 20:228-245 157, (MIRA 10:12) (Wa Sea-Zooplankton) (Baydarata Day--Zooplankton) vZz - -11 - / 4t~ f POVOKAMA, L.A,.~ -. Distribution of-gooplankton In the southern half of the Utmr Strait. ftudy Inst. okean. 20:2116-252 157. (MM 10112) (Tatar Strait-Zooplankton) PONOW"-At L.A., Imudidat biologicheakikh nauk. 14Q~- A r: A rare find in the depths of the Paciflc.~'Prfto&~O"no-5:115 yq 1570 V(ALIM 1096) I* InfAIV,4z oirianologii AkMeuli nank SSSR (Moskva). (ftolf1c Ocean--ftbausldae) Distfibution of luphausiscen in Fsr Mmetern (the Bering, Okhotsk, Japanese and Bast Chinese) seas. Dokl. AN SSSR 114 no.6-i214--l2i6 Je 157. (miai, -lo: 9) 1. Institut okeanologli Alkademii nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akridemikom A.A.Grigorlyery-m. (Pacific ocean-luphauntidas) NAIJMCFV, A.G.; PONOMAIUXA, L.A. Vertical distribution and the diurnal migration of basic examples of the zooplankton in the northern part of the Indian Ocean. Trudy Inst. okean. 64:250-256 64. - (MIRA 17:7) PONWAREVA, L. A. I - -- Study of the Euphausiacea of the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. Trudy Dist. okmans 64,.,265-270 164. (MIRA 1727) PONOMAREVA, L.A. Comparative studies of urea-formaldehyde varnishes for parquet floors. Der. prom. 12 no.12:12-13 D 163. (MIRA 17:3) 4' a- I ~- PONOMAREVA, L.A. --- ------ - Ava.Uabi-Uty- of food.organisms for fishess, 'ImAy inst. cokean. 71:72-80. 163. (MIRA 16:11) p - A.! NAU , A.G.; 2EMOVA, V.V. Composition of food of some "cies of eliphausii4 in the Indian Ocean. Trudy Inst. okean. 58sl63-166 162. (MIM 15: l?) (Indian Ocwm~luphausiacqa) I 'ktl or - POROMAREVA, L.A. Study on suphawsiids in the northern part of the Facific Ocean. Trudy Inst. Amin., 58:135-156 162. (KRA 15:12) (Pacific Oc-ean-Baphausiacea) VOYTOY'p Vitally Ivanovich; RNQHLREYA,-IAr4w-A_Imt "11 eviLa j- I PERVAKOV, I.L., red.; CHERMH, M.P.0 sa"shiy red.; BURLAKA, N.P., tekhn. red. (Off the sea lanes] V storone ot morakikh dorog. Moskva, Geograf9is, 1962. 101 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Pacific Ocean-Description and travel) PONOMAREVA. Larisa AnatollyejM!t, USACHEV, P.I., prof.[dec6ased]6Qtv.r9d.; STARDSTIN, I.V.,; MAKARDV, B.M., red.izd-va; LAUT,V.G., tekhn. red.; ULOYANOVA, O.G., tekhn. red. [Euphaueiids of the, northern hal of the Pacific Ocean, their distribation and the ecology of the mass species] Evfauziidy severnoi poloviny Tikhogo, okeana, ikh rasprostranenie i ekologiia massovykh vidov. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 139 P. (MIRA 16:4) (Pacific Ocean-Euphausiacea) PONOMAREVA, L.A. Optimal conditions fo;- -Dalng parquet boards with heating 'n a I high-freqnency electric fiel-d. Der. prom. 11 no.6.-9-10 Je 164. (MIRA 17 - 6) PERV VOYTOV, Vitaliy Ivanovich; PONQ, Larisa Anatollye a I.L., red.; CHERNYKH M.P., x1idihijy reA~.IBUMAn, N. F. takhn. red. [Away from the ocean routes]V storone ot morskikh dorog. Mo- skva, Geografgiz, 1962. 101 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Far East--Eeveription and travel) (Far Zast-Oceanogmphic ree-Rearch) PONOYAREVA, L.A. --- --NVekimining the content of sulfate sulfur in coal. Standartizatalia 26 no,7:1+6 JI 162. OMA 15 '?) (Coal-kaalysis) (Sulfur) FONOMAREVA, L.A. Euphausiids of Kronotskiy Gulf. Trudy Inst.okean. 36;101-104 '59. (MA 15;4) (Kronotskiy Gulf-Euphausiidae) PONOMMU3. L.A.; NAMOV , A.G. Distribution of the zooplankton biomass in waters of the Ara-Dian Sea and the Bay of Bengal during the period of monsoon change. Dokl, AN SSSR U+Z no.2.-449-1+52 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut okeELnologii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.A..Grigorlyevym,, (Ixabian Sea-ZooplanItton) (Bengal., Day of--Zooplw*ton) PON 0 M-ARMY-A. - -I-. A I L - Zoop2ankton ct Aniva Gulf. Trudy Ijwt.okeano 5ltIO3-212 161o (MM Vt6) (Aniva Gulf-Zooplankton) A," LZ22ACLE df! NNU 5 "a' u lo.- j5 :t ii'.! '1'~' -j ~ -.- ;- i0, S~ Q, 05 p -!~E' R in t; Ir. K --- - I------ - - --- --- , - --- -~~~MWM Distribution of the plankton blooms In tiopleal waters of the western Faciflee Trudy Inst. okeen. 41:46-34 160. (NIU 13:9) (Pacific Ocean-M-Arton) I- N, POVOMARRVA. L.A. luphausiids in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea. Trudy Inst.okean. 30:115-147 159. (MIRA 13:5) (Olchotsk. Sea of-Psuphauslidas) (Bering S"--Iluphausiidae) Sow data on sooplankton at the western coast of southern Sakhalin. no.6:47-57 '59. (MINA 13-13) 1. Institut okeanologit AN 59SR. (Sakhalin-Zooplankton) DOBM move f)'*Lek-!n- I-J!!9~- Pjmwnes of the oolq;ita facUm or ladaito rocks and g2aumophww mibletiu Trudly ~Inst. aspM goofla. Sibotd. P-11 SSSR no.30s ", 964. (WPA 18,U) C.t ner,:. dcia~ is Bue 0 in, I 2N 7 Ja-'F ta DOBRETSOV, N.L.; PONOMAR101 --L G. . I..,--,- A, -., Lawsonite-glaucophane metamorphic schists in the Perzhina Range of northwestern Kamchatka. DokI. AN SSSR 160 no.1:196-199 ja 165. (IMURA 18:2) Institut geologii i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSP. Submitted July 21, 19()1,. NIKITIN, G.A.; Prinimali uchastlye: I-C. : PAVLYIYf-'7-wI!w, L.V. ,~ ~,- - - I Studying the fermentation conditions of uIstillery molasses stillage by methane-forming bacteria for the production of vitamin B32* Trudy UkrNIISP no.9:139-144 164. (IIIIIA 1-7: 10) DOBRETSOV, N.L.; PONOMAREVA L.G. Paragenetic types and. the dependence of the Composition of Mtw4orphic pyroxenes on the composition and conditions gave-ning the fuzzatIon of the rocks enclosing them. Sov. geol. 7 no.12:39-57 D 164. (MIRA l8s4) 1. Institut geologit i geofiziki Sibirskago otdeleni-ya AN SSSR. POKROVSKIY, A.A.; PONO?-UREVA, L.G. Distribution of cholinesterases in the brain of rhesuB monkey'a BioldUmiia 26 no.2.:276-280 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:5; 1. Central Research Testing Institute of the Military Medicine, Moscow.. (CHOLINESTERASE) (BRAIN) (MONKEYS) v -- P.M.OMAIXTA,-POlina Afanaslyevnas, red. [Problems of cardiology and hematology relating to childhood] Toprosy kordiologii I gemstologil v detskom vozrasts. Moskva, Vtorol Im. N.I.Pirogova. 1959. 183 p. (CARDIOLOGY) (BLOOD) (KIRA 13*.B) PGROYARMA, L.A. Reproduction and early larval stages of euphansiidB in the Sea of Japan. Zool. shur. 38 no.11:1649-2662 N 159 (MIRA 13:3) 1. Institute of Oceanology. Acadeaw of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (Japan. Sea of-Maphausi1dae) 3(9) AUTHORS: Ponomareva, L,A., 571d -7J0y-T-0T-'-7-.-T-- SOV/26-59-4-15/43 Candidate of Biological Sciences TITLE: On the Hdr.iit Atol]. (Na atolle Khermit) PERIODICAL: Priroda,-4959, Nr 4, pp 70-72 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 In the sprin,,,, of 1959, an expedition of the Institute of y of the AS USSR on board the chip "Vityaz' I! car.,ied out research on the west par-6 of the Pacific within the f rainewor',~'- of the InternationziLl Geophysical Year. On May 12,;tte oxpedition visited the Hermit Ato]L',, situMqA~J.About .00 miles north-west of,%the Admiralty,,~ Islan6'~*-~fii the New Guirea Sea. Tak- ing the fauna u.L' the Hermnit.--Atoll as an example for the Pacific islards' fAura in general, the authors ,frive a detailed dascriptionof it. Among other find- ingo the authors r.ention the Fagurus, Birgus latro, Nautilus, talitridte, Halimeda, Madreporaria, Mii"Le- poridae (Hydrozo4), Alcyonaria and Octocorallia, 4 . On the iier-lid t Atoll SOV/26-59-4-3-5/43 ~Jcomb,r Aaponica, TaLradontidae, Troclm,3, Spondilue, Tridakna, st.c. There are -' phDtD Rnd 1 graph. ASFOCIATION: Intititut okear 3logii ~.Icadoirdi nauX SSSP (7InF'YvP-) (Inrtitute of Ocewwgrm- by or the AS U~SR) 04rd 2/2 20-114-6-21/54 AUTHORt Ponomareva# L. A. TITIEs -------------- The Distribution of Euphausiacea in the Far East (the Bering, Okhotsk, Japanese and East Chinese) Boas (Raspredeleniye sufauziid (ftphausiacea) v dallnevostoohnykh mor~akh(Beringo- v .om, 0khotskomq Yaponskom, i Vostochno lUtayskom)) PBRIODICALs Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR91957,Vol-114,T?r 6,pp.1214-12i6(TjSSR) ABSTRACTs First, reference is made to some relevant previous papers. For the present work more than 300 samples of expeditions of the Institute-for Oceanography of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR were gathered. These expeditions,went by-boat(I'Vityaz") across the above-mentioned seas from 1949 to 1955. The nets used for the salvage of the Euphausiaoea are described. The species of Euphausiacea met in the Far East seas are enumerat- ed in a table. The seas which are most isolated from the oceant such as the Okhotsk and the Japanese, possess the smallest variety of Euphausiacea. But these species are especial- ly interestingg for they occur in large masses, especially in the period of propagation. Thysanossea inermis and Thysanossea Card 1/3 raschii are characteristic of the.aratic and arctoboreal zone 20-114-6-21/54 The Distribut ion of Ruphausiacea in the Par East (the Bering, Okhotsk, Ja- pa-nese and East Chinese) Seas -of the Atlantic and the IPacific. Th. raschii is a neritio and the most cold-loving species. Thysanossea longipes and Euphausiacea pacifica occur only in the northern part of the Pacific. Thysanossea longipes is more cold-loving, it is spread in all Par East seas with the exception of the Bast Chinese sea. It sometimes occurs in two forms. Euphaunia paci- fica occurs in great masses in the Japanese and East Chinese seas; in the Bering and Okhotsk seas, however, it occurs in considerably smaller amounts. The regions of occurrence are also given for the other species. Bentheuphausia amblyops occurs in depths of from 1000 to 5000 m. The fauna of the Euphausiacea of the Far Bast seas can be subdivided in 3 groupst arctoboreal species, boreal.species and 9 other species described here. The distribution of these groups in the Par East seas is illustrated by a diagram. There are 1 figure, I table, and 7 references, I of which is Slavic. A.549CIATIONt Institute of. of the AS USSR (Institut okeanologii Akademii nauk SSSR) PRESEMD' March 29t 1957, by A. A. Grigorlyev, Member of the Academy Card '2/3 AUTHORS: Ponomarev!, L.,_A., Lubny-Gertsyk, Ye. A. SOV/2o-12o-6-22/59 TITLE: Quantitative Plankton Distribution in the Tropical Waters of the West Pacific Ocean (Kolichestvennoye raspredeleniye plank- ton& v tropicheskikh vodakh zapadnoy chasti Tikhogo okeana) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol.. 12o, Nr 6, pp.- 1246 - 1248 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The expedition ship Vityaz' of the-Institut okeanologii All SSSR (Institute of OceanologyAS USSR) collected samples of plankton in the region between the Japanese islands and 070 of northern latitude and between-1520 of eastern longitude and the Philippines from July to-October 1957, In July a cross- section was laid through the zone of mixture of the boreal waters and the KWOW110 currmt. In the summer of 1957 the southern boundary of the mixing- zone and of the Ibmshic curx-;-qt was shifted to the south (as compared to the years 1954 and 1955). The biomass of plankton-in.the north part of the mixing zone reached 1000 mg/m3. The plankton species found are listed. The zone of tropical plankton is very wide in the Card 1/3 region under investigation, its qualitative composition being Quantitative Plankton Distribution in the Tropical Watem SOY/2o-12o-6-22/59 of the West Pacific Ocean rather uniform. In the vicinity of the great islands the bio- mass increases because of the water emptied into the sea. In the Solomon Sea the plankton biomass increases up to 300 Mg1m In the region of the Bismarck Archipelago a relatively rich zooplankton is found. The biomass is richest in the mixture' zone to a latitude of about 400, it decreases, however, rapidly towards the south. The least amount of plankton was found in the zone of the north trade wind current. Presumable causez; for this are given. There are 2 figures and 2 referencesp 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut okeanologii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Oceanology,AS USSR) PRESENTED: January 30, 1958, by A.A.Grigorlyev, Member; Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: January 27, 1958 Card 213 Quantitative Plankton Distribution in the Tropical BOV/2o-12o-6-22/59 Waters of the West Pacific Ocean 1. Aquatic an:Lmals--Pacific oceans 2. Plants--Pacific oceans 3. Aquatic etnir_r~ IS --Abundance 4. Plants--Abundane-t-__,I Card 3/3 POM=VA, L. A. "The Euphausiid Plancton in the Seas and North-West Pacific". report to bp submitted for the Intl. Oceanographic Cong. New York City, 31 Aug - 11 S(!P 1959- (Inst. of Oceanology, MDscow) GOLYNETS, Yu.F.; FONOMAREVA, L.I.; Prinimall uchastiye: SIMTSKAYA, N.A.; SD4DNIIMOVA, R.A. Estimating the-reproducibility of the results of analyses of sulfur-containing oubatances, Trudy "sknal.khim. 13: 137-139 163. (MM 16:5) Oulfux-Analyeis) (Sulfur organic compounds) WA, I 1. F01101UREVA, L.I.; :3PITSKAYA, T.D.; 2. USSR (600) 4. Heirse Breeding 7. Effect of selection by age on the quality of progeny from. young horses, L.I. Ponomarevai T.D. Spitskaya, Konevodst-vo 23 no. 5, 1953. 9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953, Uncl. PONO.MAREVA, LOIC,; ZOLOTAVIN, V.L.; NESHALKIE, A.I. DeterTdmticm of cesiu m-237 in open, bodies of wat Trudy Urals -otd, MOIP n,o*2:201-205 159, Of- 14:11) (Water-Analysis)' (Cesiur---Isotopes) p HIROHOV, D.K.; PONOUMA L.K., redaktor; UPRUN. K.L. tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Automatic control in electric power stations; the experience of electric stations of the Molotov power system in automatization of thermal processes],Aytomatika n& elaktrostantaiiakh; is opyta avto'- matisatell toplovykh protsessov na alektrostantsitakh Molotovenergo. Molotov, Molotovskoe kn-vo, 1955. 94 p. (XLRA 9:9) 1. Nachallnik slushby naladki avtomattki i teplovykh izmereniy (SUTI) Molotovenergo (for Mironov) (Autonatic control) (Alectric power plants) VAGNAR, AIMISANDROV, Y.G., PONOMARIVA, LJK., redaktor; IAPRUN, K.I., takhnichookiy rodaktor [Chemists Df the Western Urals contribute to agriculture; a collection of artioloal Zhimiki Zmpadnogo Urals sel'skomu khostaistyli; abornik wtatet. Molotov., Molotovskoe ka-vo, 1956. 53 P. (MLRA IC:2) (Agricultural chemicals) F-C"I'L'A*~:,"VA" I. ~J~. ESZNII. Ta.M.; PONAIIARZ L.I. redaktor; XIUDAKINA, N.G.. tekhntcheWy .redektW' - -- 24-b:bj-,~ Eftoblems iv the economics of the machinery manufacturing industry; a colleettor. of articles] Yoprosy skonowitt mashinastroitelinot promyshlenrestt; abornik statei. Moskva. Molatovskoe kntzhnoo izd-vo. 195?. 126 p. (KLRA 10:9) (Machinery industry) Vill to Sit JI 0 0 Wai ' 1 0 a ~ I 11411 J: 1 g I J: i3' I I !1.42 .01 4 A j, P- 1-41 PONONUMA. L.K..; ZOLO~VIN, VA. __=_ I' --re-te;Mination of radioactive strontium in waters of open basins. Rad,okbimita, I no.2:208-211 159. (MM 12: 8) (Strontiuo-Analysts) (water-.Analysts) PONUIAREVA, L.K.; VAE-SER-11di, L.I. Determinatior of sulfatin in sod;'Um dichromate. 2.,-,v. lab. -10 no.11.,1332 164 (MILRA 18:1) 1. Urallskiy nfLael-nio-issledovf,:*.oll-.k'Ly khIrdcherildy Institut. S/081/61/000/021/026/094 B101/5147 -Albil[ORSI Ponomareva, L. K., Zolotavin, V. L. 137 TZTLrbs Determination of cesium in open waters iiiIODICALs Roferativnyy shurnal. Xhimiyaq no. 21, 1961, 103, abstract 21D56 (Tr. Urallskogo otd. Nook. o-va ispyt. prirody, no. 2, 19591 201 - 205) j The authors studied the possibility of Cs concentratio in natural ters by coprecipitation with KPb [00(NO 0 They ob- 2)61 or X2Ag to(N 2)61 0erved a 96.6% Ce extraction. In the presence of gelatin, the precipi- tates coagulate within 10 - 15 min. 4 milliliters (al) of a 110 solution 3 (IbO mg X), I al of a CaNC solution (25 mg Cs), 10 ml of 70% CH COOK, 1 1 3 3 11 4'al of a Pb(NO P2 solution (246 as Pb(NO 3)2 in 1 MI)t 50 ml of a solu- t jOn of Is 3 tao(302)61 (323 mg of salt in I ml), and 3 - 5 al of a 1% 1 atin solution are added to I liter of water. Mixing in performed for 5~iaiv; the solution is dOCILnted after 10 - 15 min. 10 ml of concentrated .d 1/2 137 3/081/61/000/021/026/094 Determination of oesiun 3101/1147 IICI is added to the precipitate under heating. The resulting precipitate of, Na, LCo(NO,)61 is removed by centrifuging, the solution is cooled with w ter, then it is mixed with 10 ml of concentrated RC1 and 8 al of a 50 solution of oesius chlorostannate. The precipitate is filtered through a blue-band paper filter, washed with ethanol, and the activity is measured. T"determine the complete Go separation, the filter is moistened in a platinum bowl with 2 - 5 al of water; 600 mg of crystalline H 0 0 is 0 2 2 4 ;d~edj the substance in evaporated to dryness, calcined at 50000 for a 90 secondal then, the Ce CO is extracted with hot water, and titration .11 2 3 in performed with 0.05 N BOI and methyl orange as indicator. The analysis tikoa I - 1-5 hr. Sensitivity of the method 10-10 curies/liter, maximum 13T is not disturbed by SOO (Yt90 error t 8%. The determination of Go Go 444,~rI44), and RQ106 (Rh106). ~Abstracterls notei Complete trans- 114tio Qard 2/2 ZOLOTAVIN, V.L.p, PONOMARRA. L.K. DeteruinatioO of radioactive strontiun in waten of open reservoirs. Radiokhiniia.-2 no.1:104-106 1.60, (MIU 24:5) (Strontium-Analysis) SHEINA9 ZA.9, kand.khimichaskikh naul~~ PONO"A, L.K. StudY of the kinetics of wetting dust from quartz-bearing rocks by means of capiUary absorption* Sbor, rabs po s1lik. no.2sU5- 124 '60, (MIPA 14-3) 1. Gorni>-geologicheakiy institut Urallskogo filial& AN SWR. (MINE DUSTS) (WETTING.-AGENTS) Z2463 S/186/60/002/001/017/022 A057/A129 AUTHORSt Zolotavin, V.L.; Ponomareva, L.K. TITIEt Determination of radioactive strontium in the water of open water tanks PERIODICALs Radiokhimiya, v. 2, no. 1, ig6o, 1o4 - 106 TEXT: A now method for the determination of small amounts of strontium-90 and strontium-89 In water with sodium rhodizonate is described. The method is based on observations by H. Weiss and W. Shipman [Ref. 2: Anal. Chem., 29, 12, 1764 (1957)] that strontium forms difficultly soluble compounds with rhodizonate salts and can thus be separated from calcium in determinations of radioactive strontium in water. The activity was measured in the present experiments with an CH-26 (SI-2B) end-window counter, precipitating Sr9o (with 30 mg carrier) in the form of strontium-earbonate on a special funnel (suggested for activity measure- ments of precipitates by V.I. Spitsyn et al. [Ref. 4: Metody raboty s primenen- iyem radloaktivnykh Ind1katorov (preparative methods using radioactive indicators) 16o, Izd. AN SSSR (Ed. AS USSR), M., (1955)]. Strontium-90 was concentrated b co-precipitation with SrC03 and CaC03 [Ref. 1: Radiokhimiya, 1, 2, 208 (1959)1. Card 1/3 22463 3/186/60/002/001/017/022 Determination of radioactive strontium in.... A057/A129 After dissolving the precipitate in diluted HM the solution was neutralized and strontium was precipitated with sodium rhodizonate keeping the pH at 6 - 7. It must be considered that Na-rhodizonate solutions are stable only for 2 - 3 bours. After centrifuging the separated strontium rhodizonate precipitate is dissolved in concentrated HM and iron is precipitated twice In the solution to eliminate other fission products by oo-precipitation with iron'hydroxide. Finally Sr9O is precipitated as carbonate 6n the special funnel and the activity is determined. The method was tested on three water samples taken from open water tanks (see Ta- ble). The duration of the method Is 1.5 - 2 hours, the mwdmum 'error is t 10% and the sensitivitY 5 o 10-11 ourie/l, i.e., one order of magnitude sm&lleg than the ount a owed. Qualitative experimentB demonstrated that CS137, Ru 10 2 Cel4rand Z* do not interfere with the determination. There are: I table and 4 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. SUBMIMD: August 12, 1959 Card 2/3 PONICMI. E2-,V, A, T . 1'j' - ., C;ind -'hem SA (ahs) "Dutc:,.Anat~-w, !' iYe of radioactive sty-ontium L:iu' cesitiars -.111 LI.--; Of n-p-.;n n-,s~rvoirs.l% Sverdlovsk, 1960, 15 pp (Ural 6ta;.u Univ h. L. Gorlkiy) (YI, 1-113-bO, 143) ,y m A (Z t V A Y, i f ib i Volvo 4100i t I I . A ;1 jr I - I I i i I I tj I a t I .~Oj Zi .4; 01".ji AA vu; -0 3; U4 w 13 1 1 3 as I s- jp ,jig L9 HAS IPONOMAREVA. L.K.:. ;OiioTAVINO V*L* Desorption of radiostrontium and radjocesium from suspended particles in open reservoir waters. Radloichimiia I n0-5:619-621 '59. (MIRA 13:2) (Strontium--Isotopes) (Cesium--Isotopes) PONCKARRVA, L.H.,moter Now method of treating warps. Tekst.prom. 19 no.2:76 ]f 1590 (MIRK 1P:5) 1, Stalinabadskiy shelkcvyy kombinat. (Warding machines) L M 'PONOMARLVA and I A KALYABI14A "Investigation of Gas Removal from Components and Materials in Electrovacuum Production" from Xnnotati ns of Works 1955 - Complett~in -at the So: B-3,080,964 ACC NR, AR 70 0 2 2 20 SOURCE CODE: UR/0275166/000/0101A0011A001 AUTHOR: Noskov, D. A. ; Ponomareva, L. P. ; Sokolov, Yu. M. TITLE: Testing of certain types of cathodes in near vacuum conditions SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektronika i yeye, Abs. 10A2 REF SOURCE: Tr. Tomskogo in-ta radioelektron. i elektron. tekhn. , no. 4, 1965, 90-94 TOPIC TAGS': cathode, tungsten cathode, betatron cathode, rhenium cathode, nickel cathode, lanthanum, hexaboride cathode, ion bombardment, cathode emission ABSTRACT: Three types of cathodes are analyzed: boride-lanthanite, oxide- thorium and a heater-baked cathode. Selection of the type is determined by its working conditions in a betatron injector. Requirements imposed on these .cathodes are the foUowing: high emission ca acity; resistance to ion bombardment P and contamination, by residual gases; satisfactory operation under high voltage: mechanical strength and ease of operation; and long service life. Examination of Card 1/3 UDC: 621. 385.7 AR7002220 the influence of ion bombardment on lanthanite h bxaboride cathodes has shown their stability to exceed considerably that of tungsten and rhenium. After the termination of the experiment, the boride-lanthanite cathode was kept in open air for 24 and 30 hours, after which its emission qualities were reexamined. The experiment showed that the cathodes fully recuperate their emission qualities and require no special activation. The strong heater current, which is the short- coming of these cathodes, can be decreased by changing their dimensions or by indirect heating. The baked (impregnated) cathode, consisting of 70% nickel powder and 3016 fernary carbonate, sintered with a nickel sublayer, is one of the cathodes most suitable for the betatron injector. Experiments show that the cathode completely recuperates its emission qualities after long exposure to the air and lengthy activation. Emission without additional activation decreases by a factor of two. Emission stability tests were conducted for 24 hours. At tile end ofthe period, the emission was found to decrease by only 111/6. The main qualities of this cathode are its high emission in pulsed conditions (30 amp/cm2) and its low working temperature (950 to 1200'K). The shortcoming of this cathode is the need to activate it after exposure to the open air, which makes its use rather difficult.. The pressed oxide-throium cathode is the strongest from the mechani- cal point of view. It is made of a sintered ceramic-metal mixture, pressed from 2/3 ACC NR.- AR7002220 thorium oxide with the addition of a refractory metal (molybdenum or tungsten). These cathodes are characterized by the absence of sparking, they are easily activated, show great resistance to deactivation by residual gases and ion bombardment, and have a very slow decay of emission during current takeoff. The capacity of the cathode to give a considerable emission in the pulse makes it possible for the cathode to work with pulses of long duration without a noticeable Aecay in the emission current, and also to work in large duty cycles. . The influence of the degree of evacuati6n on.the emission was tested., Readings were made of the emission characteristics at 8.10-5 mm Hg and 2.10-4 mm Hg. At 8. 10-5 mm Hg, the emission qualities of the cathode did not change, and at 2.10-4 mm Hg, they changed-insignificantly. The bibliography has 2 references. [Translation of abstract] [GC] SUB CODE: 09/ 3/3 MASILINIKOVA, L.N.; YEFIMOVA, M.G.1 Pq;X~XAREVA,.,.L.~S. Colorimetric test tube method of determining gold and silver In lean ores and products of nonferrous metallurgy. Sbor, trud. VNIITSVETMET no.9:9-16 165, (MITI,,,. 18:11) YEF1140VA3, M.G.; ZONO~MAPX~A, YEGOROVA, DeteraLning gold and silver in VNIITSVETMET rw.9:17-21 165. -m 'Cand. Tech. a~ i r mmAml A~- L. T. k - "Elmpanon Insulating Material," at a C61, it, !t_lt~r rt CLLd UM/Medicine Typhus Oct 53 "Application of the Reaction of Complement Fix- ation for the Diagnosis ofTyphus," I. L. .Bogdanov;~-'~. V. Ponomareva,~inic of Infectious .Diseas!~sj Sverdlovsk Med Inst.1z1bverdlovsk Dermatol-Venerol Inst Zhur Mikro Epid i Imynin, No 10) PP 86-7 Comparison of the reaction of complement fix, ation M, the Epstein-Weigl. reaction(II), and the-Weil-rFelix reaction (III) showed that I is More sensitive and specific than either II or III. 266T30 PONOMAREVA. L.V. Psoriasis and chronic tansillillia. Vest. derm. i ven. no.5126- 30 165., (MIRA 18: 11) 1. Kafedra kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney (zav. - prof, M.S.Kaplun) IrkutBkogo meditainskogo inatituta. Submitted JulY 15, 1965. m FONa4AREVA M spirant; DRUZHKO, V.Ya., veterinarnyy felldsher Treating mastitle In swine. Voterinariia 42 no.7:86-87 JI 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Poltav8kiy seltakokhozyaystvanygi inBtitut. ACCMION NRt AP5017991 MV02W/(,4/OOC)/OD9/OD6',,,Ioo6g All AUTHDRI Petrov, V. 1. (Chief physician); (Meritorious physician. UkrSSR) b M W-V TIM e. Some raimits in impmving the sanitation and epidemiological itervice to settlewenta ir% .)nepropetroyekaya oblzwt SOMME: Gigiyeiza i sanitariya, no. 9, 1964, 67-69 MeoLIGa-L Vellwnne-L At _-tb6:V_DIBkI3t t0 litt" ~b SAM tary and e]rLdeziological meaBures and to enlarge the staff of med:,Lcal personnel in aef-ordance with the lirectives of the Central Committee 'PSU and the Council of Hininters USSR. Orig. art. haB 3 tables. ASSOCIATIONt 01aastasys, owe"tantsiya, Dnepropetrovsk (Oblast S&n,"tary Epidemiological Station) SUBMITMI 1WIM63 ENGLv 00 SUB CODE i LS No MW em I 00o OTHEPt C-00 JTPRS Pcn;: trin r 1 ~~-4 aM .1 E,,,r -of rf ma~--t4s in .at _,Itil, t -!~ - " -, s :.~aasa ive 8g -S cr a br-..-;~Dd, sows. M zhur-. Z7 no.3z59-0'4 (14IRP ~.8:6` 1. Folbsvskly s-,.'s'kokhczyayst'vpnnyy ins-1.1tut. CHERKASOVA, A.V., prof.; PONOMAREVA, M.I., aspirant Laboratory diagnosis of mA titis in swine. Veterina-riia 41 no.9- 89-91 S #64. (FJRA 18:4/1 1. Poltavakiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut. 'PW~Aj, H.M. Effect of carbon dioxide concentration on the photosynethetic rate 1w.a.i.R.]. Trudy Bot. inst. Ser.4 no.14:54-72 v6O. (FMA 14:3) (Photosynthesis) ,.,;s -