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-421164 2 0-1 ', On the Dynamic@ of Phosphorus Compoun4a in the Early Onthogenesis of Wheat. of the Increase of the Intensity olear Idea Is conveyed by the 4 paper. (With 4 References). of the acid-forming process. A tables which are attachea to this A390CIATICKs Not given PRESINTID BIt SIMT=t AVAIWL19i Library of Compose Cava 2/2 SOJOLOv, B.N.; P01TWUMVA, A.S.; SAPRONOVA, A.F. 6 ~ I Operation of conical vortex cleaning machines in the processing of unbleached pulp, Bum. prom. 33 noo5;18-19 My '58, (MIRA 11:6) l.Nauchno-issledovateliskaya laboratoriya pervogo Kaliningradekogo kombinata. (Papermaking machinery) SOKOLOV, B.N.; ORLOV, A-F.;e4kQk,.1" A.S. -:T`1~41 Decreasing in the washing away of fibers and the purification of waste water. Bum. Prom. 33 no-9:-15-17 S '58. (MIRA 11:10) I.Perv"- Xaliningradakiy tae11yulozho-bumzhnyy, kombinRt. (SwAsge-Purification) (Woodpulp industry-Nquipment and supplies) CATE~XFEY Aij,, r T.1,"LE U;- S R ti $oil Soience. brraul* Fer liters. 44 '958) 'N -10 93 T, The Use of Phasphorqbacterln on Virein and ?allow Ian&* V 9b.: God raboty po osvoeniyu tuelin. I sale&hn. texell v KfLzakhstazxe. M.. Sellkhozelz. 1955, 294-301 A 3, STRA C T :The application of phosphornbacterin (72) to chernoxem and thestnut soils poor In mobile forms of phosphoric acid, on collective and state farm* of Y-azakhatan in 19550-54, showed Its eonsiderable effectiveness'(additioa to millet ands wheat yield end increase of albumin content iL needs) for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and succeeding years of use of the bed, and: also with on fallow land with soil rich In organic matter. lengthening of periods of use of the bed the *ffectiveness of FD was lowered, The use of FB to recosmendod for early sowings of grain crops in oo=ection with the better Cuorentc- of moll Moisturo.--V. N. Bylinkina NAKIDWiOVIGHP A.L.; FORCHARE-VA, A.T.p k?xd.sellskokhoz. nauk Fertilizing system based on agrochemical mapping of soils. Zemle- delie 25 no.9:42-46 S 163. (1-URA 16:9) 1. Kazakhskiy institut zemledeliya. 2. Predsedatell kolkhoza imeni XXII slyezda, Kommunisticheskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza, Dzh&mbul- skov 6hl-nti (for Nskbmavovich). (Kaz,-khs'%,an-Soils--Gomposition) (Kazakhstan-Fertuilizers and manures) PONOKARIVA, A.T., kan&. sellskokhozyaystveunykh nauk. IwIfthri - wrxTW2I*4*%'Wand virgin lands under cultivation and the duration of their fertility. Zemledelis 6 no.1:47-50 Ja 158, (YM 11:1) (Kustanay Province--Tillage) (Reclamation of land) PMOKAMA. A.T.,. kandidat sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; SUSHCHIKH, Z.V. Iff octiveless of shallow placement of organsmineral Mixtures is winter wheat fields. Agrobielegiia ne.4:84-88 Jl-Ag 156. (MIRA 9:10) I.Hauchne-Issledevatellskiy InstItut semledeliya Kazakhokege filials, Vsesoyusney Akademit sel'skokhozyaystv*wWkh nauk Imeni Lenina, gored Alma-Ata. (Kazakhstan-Wheat) (Fertilizers and manures) NESTEROVICH., N.D. [Nests iarovich, M.D.]; PO-NJCVlAREVA,__Pj. ljN=a=xova., A.V.I',- DrUUGINA, T.F. [Delan-ahl"na, T.F.1 Change In the anatcalical rrtx-Actura of the neWles of gcm.A traea in relation to their age &ad ths height of their poc.-Itim on the tree. Vebtsi AN BSSR, ser, btial, naVo noo72r-43 16-f I I Mltil I'l -7 ) PON014AR-EVA, A.V. [Panamarova, A.V.]; DERDUGINA, T.F. [Dzia.-Uhina, T..F,] Characteristics of the anatomical siructure of the epid~ernla sf leaves in some tree species. Vestsi All BSSR. Ser. biial. nav. no.2:28-33 164. (MIRP, 17:11) NESTEROVICH, N.D.; PONOMAREVA, A.V-; DERYUGINA, T.F. Changes in the anatomical structure of leaves of sorp- trees depending on soil moisture. Bot.; is5l.Bel.otd.VBO no.7:91- 94 165o (MIRA 18:12) PONCtUREVA, I&OVO, inzb.; RUDOKVASOVA, A.A., inzh, Cresol as raw material for synthetic trun-ning =aterials, Nauch.- issl,Lrudy Ukr N11KF no.13a64-67 162, (MIRA 18Q) NESTEROVICH, N.D.1 PONOMAREVA, A.V. Effect of soil moisture an the growth of seedlings and the anatomic struature of leaves of some woody plants. Sbor. nauch. rab. TSBS no.2T3-13 161. (MMA 15:7) Noodlq plants) (Plants, Effect of soil moisture on) IMSTEROVICH, N.Dp skademik; IVANOV, A.F.; IVANOVAI Ye.V.; KARGAYLIKp G.I.; ,FOXK=Aq-J,.-V.;-SIRO=N,iv R.00'; SHIRNOVAO V.A.; SMOLISKATA, Ye. W.1 GHEMIRSKAYLO 14.I.; BUrAT, 0.9 red. izd.-va; SIDICRIKO, 11.9 teklm. iol. [Trees and skrubbV7 introduced to the White Russian S.S.R.1 Intro- diitsircvannyet der#-vlia i kitstamiki v Belcrumokol, SSR. Minsk. No.3AIntroduced wood* plants of Siberia, larope, the Mediterranean, the Crimeap the Ca-cas--s, and Cemitral Asia] IntrodutsirovamWe 4re- Yeanye rasteniia flory Sibiri,-*Zwbpy, Sreclizemnomorl Kav- kaza i Sredned Azii. 1061. 333 p. ..l. Akademiya nduk BSSR, Minsk* lnwtltut-biolbgil,..2..Akademiya nauk BM (for Nesterovicb) (Mdte Russi&-Plmt introduction) PONOMAREVA, A. V., Band Biol Sci -- (diss) "Growth of seedlings of certain tree species after bacterization of seeds." Minsk, 1957. 20 pp (Inst of Biology of Acad Sci Betorussian SSR), .100 copies (KL, 52-57, 105) - 3 4 - Country : USSR CatcGory: Soil Science. Soil Dioloa. Abs jour: R=iol ; No 14, 1958, rio 63057 Author : Kruganova, Yc.. ;..; Ponomreva I..V. Inst : A.S. of Dolorussian ~,F~ Title : Azotcbacter crn Mizanes of Lathyrus non;;=ius Der=. OriG Pjb- Vestsi :X, DSSR, Ser. biyal. n., Izv '--N BSSR, Ser. biol. n , 1~5'S, No 4, 181-182 Abstract: No abstrac'%-,. Card 1/1 j-24 NESTBROVICE. N.D., doktor biolog.nauk. akadamik; IVANOV, A.F.; IVANOVA, Te.V.; EUSSIK, A.I.; NUSIYAKINA, SKCL I SXAU, CHZKA INSEATA, 1. 1. NUT, I id-~*e-.# S T0' N., ETrees and shrubs introduced into the White Russian S.S.R.] Intro- duteirovannye dersylia i kustarniki v Belorusakoi SSR. Kinsk. No.2. [Arboraceous plants introduced from the flora of North America] Introdutairovennye drevesnye rasteniin f1or7 Severnoi Ameriki. ig6o. 296 p. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Akademiya nauk BSSR# Kinsk. Inatitut biologii. 2. AN BSSR (for Nesterovich). (Whito Rnasta-Plant introduction) (Trees) (Shrubs) PCXOKAMVA. A,T9 , , *6 Jkff set of Asotobuter on the growth of some tree seedlings and the acausulation of chlorophyll In their leaves. 1xv.AJ1 BUR U90:187-191 8-0 153. (MLPA 9:1) (Asotobacter) (trees) (Chlorophyll) A 11 --- 11 It .V. - - Ponomareva, A, V, "A case of disruptive slipping of the fetal membrane.$" Trudy Kazansk. gos. med. in-ta., 1948, p. 1-39-92. SO: U-3736) 21 may 539 (LetoPis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey,, No. 18., 1949). PORMAWA, A.T., sauchm7y metrudaik. -,.- , I Xffect of micro-orgaalsoo on the seedliag grwvth of cortals weedy plaats. Sbar,asuch,trad.Imet. blel.All RM a*-03:109-119 152. (80116--Bactorioleff) (SeedlioW (NMA 9:2) NXSMCNICH, N.D.i kandidat biologloheskikh nauk; PONCKAUVA. A.Y.. nauchayy otrudulk. ---Zf el : ssults of gerninating needs of the black locust, Siberian pea shrub, prune, and pfaLe with preliminary soaking in 2-4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid solutions. Sbor.nauch.trud.Inst.biol.AN BSSR u0.1:35-54 150. (2-4-1)) (Germination) (MM 9:1) MSTEROVICH N.D.; FO~NO,47~IWA A Anatomic cherac ics of the needles of woody plants. Biul. Inst. bioi. BsSR no.6:3-15 161. (MIM 15:3) 1 (CONIFEW) HLSTXROVICH, N.D.; POIIO)ULRKVA, A.V. a"-- -~ Time of seeding silver &pie, Izv. AN BSSR no.1:99-102 JA-F 155. (maple) (9= 8:7) NESMOVICH. N.D.. ekademik; IVANOV, A.F.; IVANOVA, Te.V.; KIRA NIK, A.Ie; LIMMILL , A.A.; PONOKAMA, Aj.; SIRMINA, R.G.; SKOLISXAYA, U.N.; TRUKHASOTW.I-Y-,.,-D-.,,S*.-;,-,rFI NWTA, N.I.; BULAT, 0., rbd.izd-va; VOWIRANOVICH, I., takhred. (Introduction of tree@ and shrubs Into White Russia) Introdutsiro- vann." dereviia I kustarniki v Belorueekoi $SR. Minsk. No.l. (Introduction of woody plants from the flora of the Par-Bast and countries of geaterfi"'Asia] Introdutairovannyo 4revesnye rasteniia flory Dallnego Vostoka I stran Vostoohnoi Asit. 1959. 351 P. (KIRA 12:6) 1. Akademlya nav* BSM. Minsk. Instytut biyalqgt,%,, 2. Akademiya nPuk BSSH (foi SesteDavich). (White Rusela-Tress) PONMWMVA,A.Ya. ,- --- -- - --- ---- 1. ~!., I-.,- ~, Course of scarlet fever in infants according to date from a hospital for infectiont pediatric dieeases for 1951-1952. Pedistriia 39 no.4: 83-84 ii-Ag 156. Walk 9:12) (SGARLL? nVER) DUMSHA G.G. ; ~ I E. A. Orientation during nucleophilic substitution in excited mol-eculles of quaternary salts of nitrogen beterocyoles. Teoret. i eksper. khim. 1 no.ltll7-118 Ja-P 165. (KRA 18:7) 1. Institut khimii polimerov i monomerov AN UkrSSR i Institut mikrobiologi,i i virusologii AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. S/073/60/026/002/011/015; B023/BO67 AUTHORS: Kiprianov, A. I., Ponomarevat E. A., and Skavinskiy, Ya. P. TITLEs Cyanine Dyes From Phenazine Derivatives PERIODICAM Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 237-242 TEXT: In continuation of Ref. I the authors subjected quaternary salts of phenazine, methoxy phenazine, phenanthrazine, and methoxy phenanthrazine to oxidizing condensation with thiocyanate and pyrazolone derivatives. They obtained a number of dyes called merocyanines, from which they synthetized three-cyclic dyes - rhodacyanines. Also quaternary salts of phenanthrazine, methoxy phenanthrazine, acenaphthylene quinoxaline, and methoxy acenaphthylene quinoxaline were condensed with quaternary salts of 2-methyl-benzo thiazole. Thus, monomethine cyanines were obtained as dyes. The absorption maxima of the new dyes lie at the boundary between the visible and infrared regions of the spectrum. Table 1 illustrates the formation of rhodacyanine, and gives its yield and absorption maxima (in m~&). Table 2 chows the formation of monomethine cyanine, its yield, Card 1A Cyanine Dyes From Phenazine Derivatives S/07 3/60/026/002/011/015 B023/Bo67 and its absorption maxima in alcohol (in m~L). The attached scheme il- lustrates the formation of monomethine cyanine. Data published by A. I. Kiprianov (first author) and G. M. Prilutskiy are mentioned. Legend to Table 2z a) structure; b) yield; c) absorption maximum There are 2 tables and 6 references: 5 Soviet, 2 US, I Prenchp 1 Belgiang and 1 German. ASSOCIATIONs Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. T. G. Shevchenko, kafedra organicheskoy khimii (Kiyev State University --imeni T. G. Shevchenko, Chair of Organic Chemistry) SUBMITTEDs August 11, 1958 Card 2/4 S/073/60/026/002/011/015 13023/BO67 Nt CVM!Iille MOHWWHHXtlf8llltll8 BtAXOA, % Maxciimym nornoEqeumv B enliprc, MIL C) xi N J- /s CHwC I \N Xi N N CH, ,\t.*I\.** -, ocil, ~Hs J-- 65 755 46 718 . s XIII /- P I l / \/% I CH C 1 ~ - = 11 \N1\1 CHO j ~H, s CHmmC I \Nl\e N' CH, ollr% x1v l OCH3 N. J- C ard 4P4 S/073/60/026/002/011/015 B023/Bo67 31 665 26 665 DYADYUSHA,.(;.G.; PONOMAREVA, E.A. Orientation in nucleophilic substitution in pnenazine salts. Ukr. khim. zhur. 29 no.12.-1279-1282 163, (~M 17s2) 1. Institut organicheakoy khinii AN UkrSSR. PONOMAREVA E A.- SOGULAYAIKVA, Y,M.; SEREBRYANYYp S.B. .0 Synthesis of N( )-2,4-dinitrophenylsulfonyl amino JLcids and an investigation of their acid hydrolysis. ar.khim6zhur. 29 no.l: 67-72 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. (Amino acids) (Hydrolysis) S/073j60/O26/C01/'C- 12/0-2 1 3004/B054 AUTHORS: Kiprianov, A. 1. and Ponomareva.--9.-L. TITLE: Cyanine Dyes From Phenazine Derivatives PERIODICAL: Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 26, No, pp. 78-85 TEXT: Quaternary salts of nitrogenous heterocyclic compounds having a CH3 group in a- or rposition easily react in alkaline solution with quaternary phenazine salts. Example: + CH C I--,B NaOH CH-C I'llSn (IV) - + U a)x) 3 ~~Nr' -2 C2H 5 2H5 C 2H5 N C2H5 k/ A total of 18 dyes of the general structure R-C~'+N -CH-R' C2H5 X Card 1/2 Cyanine Dyes From Phenazine Derivatives S/073/60/026/001/012/021 B004/BO54 were synthesized by this reaction. Components used were quaternary salts of phenazine or 2-methoxy phenazine on the one hand, and quaternary salts of 2-methyl-substituted benzthiazole, 6,7-benzobenzthiazole, benzsr-.lenazole, 4--methyl thiazole, benzoxazole, 4,5-benzobenzoxazole, 3,3-dimethyl indolenine, N-methyl benziminazole, and quinoline ., on the other. Syntheais was conducted by three methods: 1) Equimolar amounts of the components (0.001-0.002 mole were precipitated in aqueous solution by crystallized sodium acetate; 2~ mixing of the components and dropwise addition of 20y" NaOH; 3) an mixture of the components was dissol-iod in pyridine, and heated to boiling. The precipitates filtered off were recrystallized from methanol. Absorption maxima of these substances lie between 700 and 800 mp. There are I figure, 2 tables, and 6 references: 3 Soviet, 2 US, 3 British, and 3 German. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. T. G. Shovehenko, kafedra organicheskoy khimii (Kiyev State University imeni T. G. Shevchenko, Department of Organic Chemistry) SUBMITTED: Augu S4 I" I .958 Card 2/2 S107j'J6010261005101 1/101 /0 B004/W6-~ AUTHORSs Ki.pri.anov, A. 1. an -P~~ TITLE% Dyes From Phenazine Derivati-ves. III. Dyes Fxcm Tatrahydrophenazine PERIODICAM Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zburnal, 1960, Vol. 26, No- 5, pp. 633-636 TEXT-. Proceeding from a paper by J. S. Morley (Ref- 4) the authars have synthesized the dye "Styri.111 (I) (condensation of tetrahydrophenazi-ne iodomethylate with p-dimethyl aminobenzaldehyde according to Morley) and the methoxy derivative II (oxymethylation of tetrahydrophenazine with dimethyl sulfate, followed by condensation with the above aldehyde), Is R = H' ; /\max ~ 559 myv log E = 3-83 Ils R = CH 306; Amax ~ 586 my, loge = 4~50 (The spectroscopic data refer to an alcoholic solution) 6H CH