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30125 3/194/61/000/007/042/079 21. Ll bb() D201/D305 AUTHORS: Tabarovskiy, I.K., Gofman, Vinogradov, P.M., PuaW-.arev, A.A. and---Pomelltsov, A.N. TITLE: An electro-kymograph, scintillation model 3KC -60 (EKS-60) PERIODIUL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelelctronika, no.. 7, 1961, abstract 7 E15 (Novosti med.. telchn., 1960, no. 5, 41-63). =T: The graphical recording of pulsating movements of the c ar- diac vessel cluster as observed using X-rays el. kymography, is used for diagnosing not only cardial vessels but also pulmonary diseases, e.g. cancer. The model M-60 has been approved for series induc- tion. It permits simultaneous registration of the elctro-cardio- gram and of one of the following processes: The pulsation of heart periphery and of large blood vessels, the capillary pulse of the. pulmonary parenchyma, diff. pulmonary ventilation. It is also pos- Card 1/2 30125 S/194/61/000/007/042/079 An electro-kymograph... D201/D305 sible to register simultaneously the diff. pulmonary ventilation of both lungs or of any 2 electrocardiogram connectors. Either a stat- ic or scintillation slot diaphragm probe is used. The probe oscil- lations are applied simultaneously after amplification to a recorder and an oscilloscope. Provision is made for signalling in case the probes and indicators are located separately. The construction is given of the probe together with the diagram of a 2-channel balanced photo amplifier with noise compensation circuits and of a 2-channel oscilloscope and of power supplies. The recording channels from the scintill'ation and static probes have a frequency band 0.15 to 12 c/s and 0.04 to 8 c/s respectively. The horizontal oscilloscope sweep is regulated from 0.01 to 10.0 sec. The overall equipment power consumption is I WA. Results of clinical experiments are .-fiven. 29 references. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete translation-7 Card 2/2 POMELITSOVp A.N.; PFdJMMY, 1A.D. Lxamining the lungs by means of densigraphy. Nov. med. tekh. .no. 1:64,-69 16o. MML 14:2) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nailphno-iseledavateliskiy institut meditsinskikh instrumentov i oborudovaniya, (L'UliGS-RADIOGRAPHY) I POMHLITSOV,.,A.N. Effect of muscular activity on the motor function of the digestive tract. i red. 33 no.2:78-80 Mr-Ip '58. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Iz laboratorii fiziologii i Datologii pishchavareniya (zav. - doktor meditsinskikh nauk B.I.Filiopovich) Institute normallnoy i patologinbeekoy fiziologil (dir. - chlen-korrespondant ARI SSSR prof. Y.N.Ghernigovskiy) Akadomti meditninnkikh nauk SSSR. (GASTROIR111,;STIUAL UYSITIN, ohvoiol. eff. of muse. activity on motor funct. (Rus)) (WaRK, erf. on motor funct. of gastrointestinal system (RUB)) POKELITSOV, A.N. Effect of muscular work on motor function of the stomach and duodenum. [with summsx7 in Inglish]. Biul.akap.biol.i med. 43 no.3:28-)2 Mr '57- (MLRA 10:7) 1. 4 laborstorii fiziologii i patologii pishchavareniya (2av. - doktor mad. nauk S.I.Yilipovich) Instituta normallnoy i patologiche- skoy fiziologii AHN SSSR (dir. - chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR prof. V.N.Chernigovskiy). Predstavlena deystvitelInym chlenom kkademii maditainakikh nauk SSSR Y.N.Chernigovskim (STRYLS, eff . on motor funct. of duodenum & stomach in dogs (Rus)) (DUOD15M. physiol. motor funct.. eff. of stress in dogs (Rua)) (STOMACH. physiol. same) =.%= '-T I -POYXL'-TSOV-, -K.-V. FluoroEraphy of the thorax; method of maso roentgenography for the detection of tuber- culosis. izd. 2., ispr. i dop. Mosk-va, Medgiz, 1948. 134 p. 1. Chest-Radiography. 2. Tuberculosis- Prevention. pol, T-~J! rr,-! r-,v K . vy -I~v j V. IlCondition of the of Chronic Cases of Lupis Vul- garis," Prob. Tuber., No. 2, 1949., Prof., Inst. of Skil T. B. -cl949-. POMBLITSOV, K.V.; JUBINOVA. A.Ya.; STRUICOV, A.I.; KTJ.%,'VITSKIY, I.A. Roentgenographic and anatomical parallels in limited tuberculous affections of the lung. Frobl. tuberk.. Moskva No. 1:42-46 Jan- Feb 52. (CIJQ 21:5) 1. Professor for Powlitsov; Candidate Medical Sciences for Rabinova; Corresponding Memb~r_~f he Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Professor for Strukov; Professor for Kusevitskly. 2. Of the Moscow Oblast Scientific-Research Tuberculosis Institute (Director--Prof. 1P.V. Sheb~nov) and of the Institute of Morpholog3r of the Academy of Medical Scie~ USSR (Director-Academician A.I. Abrikosov). Ci,M ITS Tuberculosis Clinico-roentgenologica and ant-~LJc findincs in pri.; al-j COY-plex an5 tuberculosis. Sov. med'. 16, no. 0, 1952. Monthiv List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congres , Decer-ber 319Q. Unclassified, RABINOVA, A.Ya., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; POMELTSOV, K.V., professor, zavedu,vashchiy; SBXBANOV, F.Y., prof essoi~-at7fektdr.~~-~z Roentgenological examination of lungs in oblique projections. Vest. rent. i rad. no-3;19-26 My-Je '53. (MI-RA 6:8) 1. Rentgenovskoye otdelentye Nbskovekogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatell- skogo tuberkuleznogo instituta (for Rabinova and Pomelltsov). 2. Moskov- skly oblaBtnoy nauchno-issledovatel'ski;7 tuberkulexnyy institilt (for Sheba- nov). (lungs--Diagnosis) (Diagnosis, Radioscopic) L) BERLIN. I-I.; ~91- K-V, FAYNSHTEYN. R.B.; OSTROVSKAYA, M.D.; I)A'VYDOVA',=" "A X.- DYnamics of minor forms of Pulmonary.tuberculosig; data of an over-all survey in the city Pavlovskly Posad. Probl. tub. no-3: 31-38 VT-Js 154. NLRA 7:11) 1. Iz Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo tuborkulez- nogo institute, (dir. prof. F.Y.Shebanov) i Pavlovskogo-Posadekogo tuberkuleznogo, dispansera (zav. M.A.Polkanov) (TUBERCULOSIS. PULMDNART, statistics. analy-sis of continous survey) POMELITSOV, K.V., professor. Tuberculoma of the lungs. i rad. no.4:38-49 Jl-Ag '55. (HLRA 8:12) 1. Iz rentgenovskogo otdeleniya (zav.-prof. K.V.Pomelltsov) Instituta tuberkuleza Akademii meditsinakikh nauk SSSR (dir. Z.A.Lebedeva) (TUBMCULOI.IA, lungs, diag. x-ray) (LUNGS, diseases tuberculoma, diag.x-ray) POKNLITSOV, K.V., professor Significance and tasks of roentgenological methode in pulmonary tuberculosis [with summary in French]. Probl.tub. 34 no.6-.11-16 N-D 056. (MILRA 10:2) 1. 1z rentgenovskogo otdoleniya (zav. - prof. X.V.Pomalltsov)' Instituta tuberkuleza MIN SSSR (dir. Z.A.Lebedeva) (TUMMULOSIS, PULMONARY. diagnosis. x-ray (Bus)) BXG &-RnA XMICA Sec.14 Y01 .12/5 Radiology- 1by 1958 868. ROLNTGENOLOGUCAL PHASES OF CAviTY HEALING IN TUBERCULOUS PATIENTS (Russian text) - P o m c I t s o v K V. - VESTN. RENTGENOL. RADIOL. 1957, 32/2 (21 The author investigated the influence of antibiotics and chemotherapy on 210 pa- tients suffering from pulmonary tb. During 6 months 61 cavities were healed. In the cases of focal and infiltrative forms 5016 of the cavities were healed. in the cases f haematogenic-disseminate forms the percentage of healed cavities reached 30 nd0i'n cases of chronic fibrous -cavernous tb the treatment had almost no effect. In the process of healing roentgenological investigations show 3 phases. During the first phase the walls of the cavities grow thicker, their external contours be- come less sharply pronounced and a small fluid level can be observed inside them. During the second phase the lumen of the cavities concentrically decreases they change their form and shadows ap 'pear in the adjaicent lung tissue. During tLe third phase the walls of the cavities lose their contours and change& are observed trans- forming the cavitiesl into limited indurated areas. (XIV, 15*) Pq~ ~LITSO .,K.V.. prof. Role of ,roentgenology in the development of Dhthisiolog)r and in control. red. 32 no.5,.13-19 S-0 157. (MIRA 11:2) 1, Iz rentgonovskogo otdeleniya (zav - f KOVOPOM811teov) . .3ro , Institute tuberkuleze (dir. Z-A.Iebe~ v Akedemii maditainakikh nauk SSSR. (TUaGUWSIS. Drev. & control. in Russia. importance of x-ray (Rus)) V, LAGUNOVA, I.G., dots.; TELETSKIY, G.N., dots.; POMELITSOV, K.V., prof. PODLYASHUX, L.D., prof. On the 50th birthdny of Professor Illia AleksAndrovich Shekhter. i rad. 32 noA:89 N-D 157. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Goaudnretvennyy nauchno-iseledovatellakiy institut rentgenolopii i radiologii (for Lagunova). 2. Moskovskiy meditsinskiy stomatologicheslziy institut (for Beletakiy). 3. Vaerossiyskoye obshchestvo rentgenologov i radiologov (for Pomel'tsev). 4. Moskovskoye obshchestvo rentgenologov i radiologov (for Podlyashuk). (SHEKHTER, ILIIA ALUSANDROVICH, 1907-) IIOMELITSOV,, X.V., prof. X-ray diagnosis of cavities. Sov. med. 24 no. 5:28-36 My 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Iz Instituta tubarkuleza AMN SSSR (dir. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. N.A. Shmelev). I(TUBERCULOSIS) (LUNGS-RADIOGRAPHY) POMELITSOV, K. V.; YUKELIS, L. I. Vascular changes simula-sting pulmonary tuberculosis. Probl. tub. 40 no.5:29-34 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Iz TSentral'nogo instituta tuberkuleza (dir. - daystvitellnyy chlen AMI SSSR prof. N. A. Shmelev) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya ss"a. (TUBERGULOSIS) (LUNGS--BLOOD SUPPLY) POIELITSOV, K.V. Ck~corography of chest cavity; method of mass X-ray de.- tection of pulmonary tuberculosislMuorograftia grudnoi kletki; metod massovogo rentgenovskogo vyiavleniia legoch- nogo tuberkuleza. M~oskvaj Medgiz, 1945. 117 P. (MA 15:9) (DIAGNOSIS, FLUOROSCOPIC) (TUBERCUIDSIS-.DIAGI-IOSIS) PCRUITSOV, K.V. (Moskva, Leningradskiy pr., d.75-A, kv.42); U:Wh~AKH, Present-day clinical and X-ray detection - a basis for the furthe-r lowering of morbidity and mortality from pulmonary tuberculosis. Vest. rent. i rad. 36 no.4:3-10 J1-Ag 161. (MIRA 15121) 1. Iz Instituta tuberkuleza AHN SSSR (dir. chler%.korrespondent =I SSSR prof. N.A.Slnelev). (TU&,RGLJLOSIS--DjAGSOSIS) POMPT _K.V.$, prot.; TIMASHEVA2 Ye.D. .T9M-S-OV j,,nauk; WBYCHINA, A.I, Four cases of microlithianis of the pulmonary alveoli. Pfobi.tdb. 38 no.7a94-98 t6O. (MM 14ZI) 1. la-Instituta tuberkuleza (dire - eblen-korrespondent AM SSSR Prof. N.A. Sbmelev) AMN SSSR. (LUNGS-DISFMES) ~,-_POMELITSOV, K.V., prof.; -SORKINA, E.Z., doktor meditsinskikh nauk Specific allergy and body reactivity in children infected with tuberculosis. Trudy Inst. tub. AMN 7:125-132 158. (MDO, 13:10) (TUBERCULIN) (TUBERCULCOSIS) POMEL' TSOV, N. Confectionery with laminaria. Sov.torg. 35 no.1:35-36 Ja '62. (YIRA 11-:1) .o# (Confectionery) I I DOIELtTSEV, 1-1,L, (Moskva) -Inerapeutic properties of Laminaria. Friroda 51 no.7:1-11-11-- 'a I 6~. (MIRA~ 15:9) (Far East-Kelp) 1712_~ 31" L-T P J D, I GD ACC NR, AT6010487 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0091/0037 AUTHOR: Rediko I S. G. (Doctor of technical sciences, Professor); Pomelitsov, N. V. -2- (Aspirant)- ORG: none TITLE: Some theoretical problems in wrap-around grinding SOURCE: Moscow. Vyssheve Obrabotka metallov rezariyem I davleniyem-IlVra-el-irn'ETi-a~d- pressure working of metals). Moscow, lzd-vo Mashinostroyenlyc 1965, 31-37 TOPIC TAGS: metalworking, machine grinding, metal finishing ABSTRACT: The paper deals with a study of certain aspects of the high-speed wrap-around method of grinding. This method, since it is free of the normal limitations imposed by wheel coupling rigidity, permits grinding rates of from 115 to 135 m1sec. Mathematical expressions are derived for productivity ratios in this kind of grinding. E'quations are aral- yzed which mqkc it possible to determine the length of the wheel contact arc as a function of various other factors. In this way the author succeeds In establishing certain grencra] laws with respect to high-speed wrap-around grinding, demonstrating, In particular, t1hat the best results in terms of increased productivity are obtained when grinding pieces which are largf! In diameter, and that the diameter of the wheel should not exceed the diameter of the workol piece by more than 2. 5 times. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 13 formulas. 8 13.-Y.-SUBM DATE: 08Jul65 / ORIG REF: 005 01 YlPaDF: 3. 'Y, L. - I- P"And. Tec'-. ~-"Cl. Dissertation: llinv-psti~-atior of t~e Construct-4- and Performance ~' Snfet~- -razor-." I M I oscow Automotive Yochaniczo inst, 2 '-~ay 47. SO: Veclierrva-,ra Moskvny May, 1947 (ProJect //17236) i*06464009940911190 0 0 0 0 0 H D'A" 'A 490009*000900000*0 W'J-~V* 0 0 0 0 ~,O- t 4 )1 it 11014 U4 tin Ou at V a N A A Milvil nil J44 UP ispe 41 4143 UUMO 00 ISOV'q 0 Does the-arlialuistration of thyrotrople hormone stroduc A ~;i eC4-, arefro0ory awditiew In Ithill? 1'. A. Vilmler, Z. VCe 0 Porlptilpoys &ad IC. 0, Viet)e, Coop#, rood. atad, Pei. -040 4L tr.1ft-5--. 267-8(IiMl): Ch M. reaft, IOU 11 24ND, 0 a -in I ;";ftxpt%.. clikkensfemiwd daily i"JQ011% of 111111 0 6.5 mg. of ext of humart phuitary gland powder. After 00 32 days the thyroid stands of the injected animals owe no 100 diff"t from those of controls. to anmhw daily 100 injiftiont of 10 Ms. dried Cattle pituitary stand powder F6ulted In no histolfticall differences of 4be thyroid Stand. .00 when examel. on the 32od Amy al Injection, In the test animals Compared to controh., The former were 40% 800 a- heavier. Illood taken from birds receiving Injections for zoo 00 oj 32 days had the ability completely to neutrallse the effict .00 00 4) of the thyrotropic hormone. M1111riet M. PAth. 00 zoo Z90 0 GO 0 4". 0 Aj~ woo 7 =0 00 N". ------- too 41 1-.1 A$O-SL 4 -tl4LLUKXAL U11PAILoNE CLAWI~~.". t:0 0 -7 100 14334-, -t Q.1 Ani $#IWO NOINNIJ 0 u - '0 t' 04 It It W S9 IT or", tt It *006006!000000000000*00 96000006'090011160064~ -1 Vo 0 0 000 040000060 0 00 0 0 if 111, 0 *--W 0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60,10 0 0 41 POi, :KO)L.A. I I-, requiency ma- u j I iadio-F . ne'ic "Pectra of l,'ixud -errites. If Lenim-,ya,; Conference on Physi(:s of i-*~agnetic Phenomena, flLwlr,1956,S~erdlovsk UISSH 1. POW21TUN, Ya.A. . - - - --- ---- -1--.- . I.- Distillation of niobium and tantalum during their spectrogrELph'c determination. Zhur. anal.. khim. 20 no.7s789-793 t65. (MIRA 18t9) 1. Instituteof Chemistry, Tadzhik SoS.R. AraderV of Sciences, Dushanbe. GRIBOV, V. H., and M-LERNUUMC, A. P. "Co:-,,jdcx Angidar Mmenta and the Relations betueer Cross Scctionn at Righ Energies. report presented at the Intl. Conference an High Fnergy Physics, Gent:vu, 4-.u jay 1962 A. F. Ioffe Pn,,faica-glieoretical-lnotltute, Leningrad, USSR (Cribov) Inrtitute of Theoretical and Experimental Fbyaics, Mosc U SR (Pamer cli k ow 3 an w GRIBOV,, V.; - OKUN I , L. ; POkEIIH-PAINCHUK I. Processes determined by fermion Regge poles. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.4:1114-1122 0 t63. (I-MiA 16:11) 1. Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki. PO A Tf 4vi V Y, *On The Pmeriles of Metals at Very Low Temperatures. L. Landau and -M -41n I c1t#;4hptsk (FAystkal. Z. -,YMcruttton, 1"Ju. IV,, (01 Vitt- -X-2 is I aking into account inter-electronic forrm, an ~zpression is erived; I for the resistance of metals as a function of the temperaWre. The resulting formula can be written Pi - aT' + PT5. The term ceTa Se that tittributable to inter-electronic action. This formula agrx:es well with 6xperimcntal values 1 of the resistance of platinum at temporaturet; down to 20' abs. Anexpression in derived for the thermoelectric power at a junction at low temperatures the I exp Won satisfies the Thomso ~'v . .. .. .................. .. ~NS-M.~-&LA hEIALLUM IC&L LITERATURE CLASSIFICATION too A L It 33 py 1i .2-d-L tA t %I CN At s J.P eon .0-4 .Ott 6'. 1*4~ I ITI-MR411.41. 0 On 060 *OR *OR eon 002 00, 00. %I "JUA 0191 ~Ulhm tielujal) v I -m49 A 'I'I%'%t-7_ -I-MY) -1 pug 11VINSWI -1 '16~ ~_an A!OA f*,RWX 66.[ 7irs-F~i; jifia 'Ajj"4,;, 1% 1 to It 11 al it K it $i 11 (11 11 it OfIva n 1 1411 "4l pill 111 yk n 00 0 a 0 01 #*so a 00 00 Q 00 roe 00 06 lee roe roe 1 so *so 11 a 33 34 Is M w M 0 111 a 43 A L Ik 1-1 It I - A I - 1 0 00 AND #-I. 4~tWL-.- A 00 ------- 00 Cobweal &aftodaj of y-Rays by Nudd. A. Ac 00 49-1- QMd1.P9MWUM2vdM*. 1937-fif Gv;;QmW.-A* tbK'406W 71riviodipom* li. made of the coherent Zk14 Irs L.. acat".8 .1 V'rays by UWK kwng a vKtor Matrk matim'd. no lk*- i -00 of " poeves o wAtiviring "Iqwo trim t6 Dirac tIm%ry of l"l. -60 trons, An a"umptioli of Intmu"llato encrty StAt" for the rimtrons 1$ 00 00 uml in the devviolinic-ut of the arjIanwat. - Two particular caw@ str cou. .00 skler"i: firstly thAt of large fnquemim (1wis> ou-0). w Wng the fr"Itiency .00 while the other srubols ha%v their usual invanittgs. In this caw inuAll .00 00 .3 scattering angles am of Iniinmy isulIortance. The di&rentiall.scattefing 00.) Croia-wtioin is 66i In%'VMly propoklonal to'thii'SiIluare of the scattering angle' The total, cruia-section is found, to have the lonn a - seZ4 0*0 where. Z i. the atomic number. a the fine structure 7 Kee C-4MINWIt and " 0 ** A 00011441311 WhOW OVAluawill 6 very difficult. Tile 00 wwnd case considered ix that fia sinall irrquetIcIrs. It.. 4w < mc$. whIrtr ire 0 098 the total cn'Nw-wcIkM,6s 91%vo Ity ty - bZ6(4!jw4)w%4 whetv v ii the coo chavW tm t1w clectmn anti " b " an untletennincJ numerical C(V-111cient. Thr integral crtsx-omtkni has a uw%irnuin at kw w8. G. 0. H. '00 wee 5 M is tab ... ... tw a a U 41 0 III a OF 99 et 09 e 0 00 07 "a "s 0 0 0 0 q e e 4 0 *e 9099 0 0 0 WO 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a*&* as 0000 a 0 Ja a 0004000860600 a 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I f 4 14, )." a It it 0) W 11 If I? a it ")r 42 It ad a . . . IS , -,I- L-v -I- I.-A 0 11 W - )-m D.uc*s ~, 7F 00 00 S"tte slow neutrons in the crystallioe lattice. 00 /full 11k amd lei R 1 V S S , . . . . . 1 . ., - , - 00 1 Jfi1k. Wac , 1 25 . - It i* I-ilit"I out that ~-al It-lilig ,f cf. C. A. Sz. 44 0 :0 11.)w III-tiIII)TIN by a rtYS121 talklm Al"I" Ild, oil 11%. pl, , 11- 0 mmi'CIII-1 I'll, h-1 ill Ill, httwv, 00 00 0 00 00 - 00 00 c1 G-E - S AV j 0 * 0 1 It 5 All 0 i s j , I ; j j j j j i j so 0 0 4 : 0 0 0 0 C-0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 St - -- - --- j 1. 1 . -- - J, , - . . zJ- , f 7 1 1 11 - 1. . iII I . . I I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 * 006,00000 am 0 0 a 0-0 0-0 0-0 6 0 0 a 0 to1 7 14 1 A I I f 10 if 11 It U 15 Id f? it It a I if aZ11425 it rim ?"Nil L. is At is Ad 11 AS 11 6: .1ja 4.1 fl. P a Pt I I u y y L." fill a WU41 k 1 0, j 0 #j w9w gl&uumv [a a cryst&l [Attice. ff- -kill EnglWO.-Math. I-lie I~baj,ilily o( .-IA,ti,' I'l. Itf- 1.1a,lic ",itcring i4 detd. aml tvitil'af-1 -'ith 118-11 ("1 es capture. 'At A'* > I. > XT (1'.* - clif-rgy of ilic ilc3ilroil. ).c trulp. 4,f the lallict.) thr c.1111111t. pf"ImI.J. greater than the indAmi, -alt,,mv, an-I I lie, quil. lwlwmi ihe n~ittmi, ~srkd the rv~t.d C.I,gg M. F%all. lattr'.."not Ile t A.40 0 zoo sk- so 'I us _aEl u AV NI.I i, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lb, 11t, 0, 6, 0', :DU 0 A oon **A *0 ees 094 ood Olso fee 00 a 000 004 Oew 9-e-&-o-07-f-S-Sia 0 0 0-0--&-o j/ ivy. /V0. M l t f i le o a 41411 fampawatam. Y* d d I k 0v an . J. F-Cpd. TA*W6t, phys. ., U - , (u. S. S. Rj Hin Runien). J PAY). (u. S. 8 'R.) 2, 147-W(IW (in poem).-Ae W~l of the quatalLatim CifikOrowes lbe bwmat in The n-sidual "llance in a t ana-Mor rmasillertic firm Is conAkmi, a%vuriflng the conduction clortfuns and the pas. buirm in Ili to Itr few wO about equal in no. The wave function., " are dvid. Im tightly botated" Much Cketruna of low enctraly ht a mign k firm, and their analogy to the function I'm lose " rev elect 9 having anbompic maws is pointed out. rn ' The ne. I -dble for the residual "Stan", iq the merrsy of the electron.. Ilment an ropil. evWlrmv mA pasturing that only quatiti- ti th i hi b i f d 9 ra on e rr stalle n s o m to the any importance ( g qn=U ~kve summ of the eloctrow) the authors bvlir~~ that lbecarinatioambec The Pope. inputted an the pw&tKAi, frowthoillst Attempt. Tkileirnmelytetwisfound to be about 70'K. MW the W. of dtctrow abmt 111-9 per Slorn. At higher tn"s. the no. of frft ek-ctrous wa% found to Fary as YVI, wit" woullf wCauffit tow Hall's coeff. i= with decresitimir tentp. Frank Cartel SITALLWSKAL LITINAVOM CLAIWKATIM bee 600 1*01 ""Inv well Initial co O-W All too SLUAVOISI;;;;;;j ;Jim' ;E,i ii~&; -,Inapt %amll MWINNSAG 26 1 0 0 0 0 0 Me 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10;04 : : N : :1o 0 40 0 41 0-0 4 0 0 0 7 -------- Tv- 0:0 00000000000000000ONG 41be see 00 a 9 u m is 16 1? Is a I a a 14a 7. 0 a 14 Issilluubuirmle a Al u 43 a am* I I I I I ! 11 0 11 11 0 Z. 14 00 00 .00 M x6i 0 "Ole 0.1 am camk MID i8 00 WAthS 6 culatim bamed cm dn"I ymmka Wdkatft that taw radbd= go " 1=~ Eft besisrang With 000 41111-111011SUMM rOO I F elms,. ~F, at the ma"b's WIN& to two ndisum. vqkW to fti on" too At- 4 - HVF.I(-W, + 94 Wb" imr-s tk 4300 Ict: tv. anew f mus"k (nWHatWx in tW ===War W. R. A. ;;oo kee 400 At-IL Is ACIALL1,116CAL U114040,61 CkAlOWKSTOGN txo0, t'. laic*. it 0.9 O.f WOO aiiAll ce a., m u a if -0 is W 0 0 9 a 3 dot 9e f"# on 0 0 0 04, :0 9 0 0 0 00 4694 0 000000 000 a Go 0 0 eii I I It it u 0 u u Ale. go Am". nab JC.;~= Pm"jW. Arad, Sri VAS's 00 Tb T W d uwiw is 6j"44hesim my be sapkiNIM by 4d"We of dw ftwxAm em 4mmar" arw W4 wo AWAWM I* apprerwilk balikethm. samm - f9 -46= 00wil is, tkis o tj didus6m "skmi is esk- &a CIL ow E - kV, is 4k. L Al at TIN LLVPSIC.& L1111114MAll CLO WICOM. 0.V Ott a.( 0-1 14 1 u vt iv .43 1 Aa a 3 1 1 X ft it It OC Or a 4c 9 IN c[ a It a w 4 1 coo r* 0 Goo go 9 F age X*6 doo, 400 too too A Thermal conducthity of d1clectclos sit rt liliOrt T111110 MVF O'S.S.K. 4. pp. *~i59-268. IP-11--Thei 7- thermal coiidk1CtIVitY Of dielcoric crystals at high lemperaturci depends on flic W%perilori or sound Nvavcs in the crystal If (tic dis~crlion curve d0vt not satisfy certain condition5, Ilic thermal resistiinve - -I ains vf the clyslal is proporflomill to T 11 as ag. i T In the case roosideroi by VcicrK P. J A 766 536.212.3 I Thermal conductivity of the dielccirics It -berat ,4 low I= UICTE 7 -7 CI ry, U-S.S.R., 4 4, pp. 356-474, 19 41-1n tFe tempera urc tans 'in, which tbq magnet'ic energy of a para- TMgru:tlc'cry~taI gives an important con(rib ution to' content, the rt 'or it Iran Spo magnetic energy.' ~Iq f also'gives an Importa nt. contribution to -0.1iductivily. -The 1, the therinal: ITIPerature dependence of..this'- c c1 Z is very COMPlicated, and observations on thl IWOU allow 0 3 Id e to draw Conclusions about the mag. 3C 0 ~efi._ U He;- ----------------------- R. P.; ,r4. I-K 1,A rj 65M i% f Ole 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 13 4 Is 16 it -6 ", 2p it zz a )4 is 11 14 IS 16 11 w It 0 41 u 41 61 4 A I "i*.. IL a a P. 4 1 1 0 cc U 1 4 4 4 k - . q,#jfqj son" of an An i" Is IS wis;"d in the 01 S*AiM 01110fa this 9046MISIS iw b wawy =so 00 G.. IL A. 00 ago see IS 0 4A 01, Aso /coo. too too s$ 'NJ". -- - - , - 1, 1--- --_1_.__------' 1,11. M. j fam SI too 11jace) .4t Q.t 4$1111 oft o" III XA An L I a ow D a b w dc of a, a, a, n 11azon" I'll . ***go 0 00000001 *-T* 19 TO. 6 a 0 0 00 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 0 -0-6 0-6-9-6-0 0 6-8-0 a . 1~ I. .. I...!, '. " I, ju I !jN V .1N A~ 1, 1, k' k 1, 10 A l_, L ti r N M Lt LL 4 t.(" Ov -00 go 00, d am Uni'le Iwo- noww notbod * A. Achirwr and 1. Pt,mrraut (J. Phl"Irl 11,41, 9: go 0 216-2191).-The excil (m CmIductivitses (It &0t% With 00 magriettic interactloon bet~n-Venknw are found tn 1w, of thr aame nr Cr at -XIII-~0- r X, It' -- enrug-v (If "Tallwile ilill-ractioll s0.%' t- -it W at I,nt lo: 01%* this timp ws ,it ,..q 1;it 1,, ity, F1 20 F lk P, too i! 14 .4 1ij, i i ii it ~lbi' it I-U !:1.4y at T- ~111?k ".1 OLUC 11AA 1j'Ah.11 so 1H4% rJ -mn accn Ions); be6w this 616'p. .)It "'n-luctivity 'Irtennin C a spin energy spectrum, in dominartt. A at"119 1A A -(j magnetic M am the dagenwacy of a vingle iGn and the exciton A4 a conductivity bee wee vaniahLnSly emU. while oal 00 0 00 00000 0 0 0 0 0 cooductl ~Hllla EbTROR 11"Yon 1: -..bLvwl; V. 00 0 00 0000 0 0 0 0 00 w w I POCRANCHUK, I. Y&. The fhMcal Ravi 19hi, Vol 6o, pp 82o-82:L, The Thermal Conductivity of Dielectrics (P. Me lebedev Physical Institute, Academy of Sciences of U.S.S.R..$ YAWOW). In %Iish; available at Battelle Memorial Institute. ofesoosetoeageogoo9l::Ooooooooooooosoooiooo 6990000606006666646, 1 1a t.0.0! 0 0 0 020: 990::149 a C 0 0 G M A L m 0 0 PC it I I IN w? OR a 49 A%D PC LfT?jl o o:: oom 00, 001, 0 04W 040 eap "'INM ib or osp 00, 00- 0- a it n 10 a d al a R ff K 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 *_Q_G a hD C-0fal ,'16jo son& 3111 IV 00 00 to rwa "r-ew r 'r 'I "Will W%vm 10"q 90 4") aV NMP Ab" %AMjpAWNwg go 1p j0 (1141PNp- a4l wo 0o 0o 00 00 0o go 00 go 14. 1 'A f 1"-t 1 001 m 0! V 0 1! 64 04 It fill(11111916 pi oil 11 1 0 0 04-1 -0 to 0 6 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 a 0 a - - -1--J ROMERANCEUK . I 536.21 537.226 191 5AS.0 I , t f d ti ii f dl l fi - rks. a mIL uc v i o e er Cn con furei Inger flian Mir 2f Deby - -25), 1942.-A wathe- J. Ph).Y,, USSR, 6. 6. pp, 237 ~( nimical diwumion is given of the depcitticnce of the thermal conductivity of~iiclmjrin art the tenipcratum I Ij conc. at temperatures Mow and on the impurities the Dcbye tenip. Under impurities ire -included chemical impurities. lattice tiefects, isotopes. etc. At [Ile low tentIvratutes coosidercd, Oicloctrics, posess the tnic thernial conductivity ii,Mch only dqwnds on the body dimensioni within a narrow range or cxt remely low cone. of impu rit ics, For liivl i i nipu rity cone. the thermal conductivity vaiivi its %1L, %%,here 1, is a measure of the linear diniensions of the crystal. the therhil con A tempei-altife nange exims wheie ductivity does not depend on temp. and this affords an explanation of the anomalou.,; behaviour of the Ilremial conductivity of diamond. A. W. 7 jjj;jL- - POMMANCHUK, I. Ya. Zhurnal EkMmrimental Inoi i Teoriticheskoi Fiziki 1942, Vol 17, No. 10, pp h19-424 Heat Conductivl~Z of Dielectrics at High Tomp!ratures (Fiticheakii Inatitut Akademii i Nauk S.S.S.R.). 0 a** rates V x it 11 a a Alp* 00 A omixesses Ate FROPERINI wall 00 go so 00 so I I oil iw7pa at boo =00 410-3 COO roe, 00 Soo ;40- 9*0 No 0 !S00 ssoo CIAMICAT11i, 800 INN SIT1611" Boom @*"Inv 0 -4 olfsaw *Av saw 4114111 ow Q"V III 9 1 If M 0A W 4 d" i - 0. 0,40 0-6 o o o -0 0 o o o o * a o o o 1 1 0 0,0 a .0, 0.~* -0 -0 0 * * 0 a 0000,000 0 0 0 0 0 o P-0 all *I I ! T o' 1 0. 1 0. 1, *11 *U too 4 jo 11 R 33 J4 is 14 it it h do Al v 41 UZO .A.,A-C Q E P r M I L t a JPA-Ax- --111 0 ).C- plates )or ..v It, 0 00 so Theory of Oki of isfrared rays is OMW at MUMS&Y. 1. pamera=ropohoy': Boo mait '--*).b.-JVt'bat in crystals baving a Center 01 j n abwaption of Infrared rays I& possible if ZOO Ir `i*uruksnlc empfing between tbt forced vibra- .1 Itiq C~cited by an electfom"PWIC fidd add tbt remaining degrecs o1 Ircedorn of The crystal is consideird. =00 0 0 ul the absorption hem of the laftared rays is 0 detd. " by the cubic ankarmanicity as is PmW*s An" but b the anbwmanicity of the fbmb ordw. thereforr, 0 at hl; temps, the width of intrwed absorptim Hootis must be propoetioasi to the square Gf the temp. Ahn In J. Ire 0 F."d. Thwd. Phys. (U. S. S. R.) 13, 42"1(1943). F. H. R. if r-O 0 Zoo f Z*. 13 M.P. /?10 Y .tlALLlJSlGKAL LITFNATL411 CLASSIPKAJIGN U A, all; to 1411*1 ;61 U, 11, ;91 ~ttn KK'Puan I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o o * Ve o 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 At 0 0 0 0 * 0 0-0-9-W-0- 4--"o-0 0 e * * 0 0 o * 0 0 : : : A I -t,- 1,14 - 1-, 1-- 0"-T- 1' :6 x 1: 11 U JA it U U L, s.- it r Q, lj~ x I 4-M so CX lip oo 00 4 -00 i I -00 -eo 0 S,v 0* 1"Aysirs, U.S.S.R.. 1043, 7, 266-27 , 1).-The influence an waund alm"ition of the ctillimon of four phonons. due to a process of the second artier of the 1wrtuth- -99 *j. ation theory, is determined. The dependence tit the sound abso .; I , IT, .1 00 tion on the frequency and tem is determined (i) within range of irequencies for which M sound is a sound field. and (ii) 90 within the range of frequencies for which with respmt to certain photions the sound is a sound field while with respect to other phations it is a phonon. The presence of sound diVersion is discussed. =g9 Joe AAL! 9 lee c0 0 Coo 10*0 Lee A tTALLWIGICAL LITIPATtIft CLASSOICATIC.; P" Lie* Ek- - - --- - -- - I ~ . -.. I Z, Ol C.1 r 4 - I K a It It 9 n AA 1 S a fjw 0 1 'e W 13 3 9 9 - It It IN KLO I VA 40: 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 *1* 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 a t 4" 6 0 SINIMUM of the wit component lot Coamic gadiationj In air at kigh enerigirm. mu'l. .". V,R.N.S. 41,ki -1,67 &wet 11111% tif tirvay dect 1'.11, m i,i,,y go hotyritt"otTon dimutestati,mi 6 u-wd to cale. the sivivinim 00 of,ftv mit tompmetit. The ams. tl particle% of Sy 00 jWrater thaft the crit. energy (e) 1% apprecUlde, c;71:. 13% W the Isnal m4t chwxed comixtimit, dite to runiptron 00 dcray emipt1w, Imirlivivs whh rursity greater thaiv 4,-, :00 i at wa level. It. C. 1'. A. jig 0 0* d 0 0 v 0 0 so* X** 81TALIURGICAL Lives,", C"IMPK."M !kPl -14 %.Moor -4 it &0.'1 in, 11!- '1 3, u a AT 10 ; ", -V o 190101vad units vind 111% W n so 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 06 00 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0o0 0 0 0 a 00 go** go*** 6-0 0-0-0 go 0 0 of 0. 11 401) 11 0" 1. Oid It 4! 0, 1% A A I L A-A-1-2-A-A T Is v M 4~!D 1.0 0 00 00 00 of ii,e ** .&C'Utitz -t '11"fafts 0 0 0 a 0 a 0-0 0 0 o 0 to 6-0 0 a 0 M As If x Ito 41 a4i uacw -00 of Coulomb loices and structute of the caution. 1. Via -00 juicliuk. 041ady Akad. Saitir S. %, S. R. 41 Alv. 4 i0vi) -. 6,Mpf. rf~d. mad. s(i. 1'. R..'~,S. 41, H-4-7 (1143)1111 hsigll4j), A mAlls. utijIv,i, 6 xivris of tit,- it Zvo Isit-11 fitid 1111.4111dilist OW AIIII tht' 111711111U11. It I, '11.1hit (1) 111,11 the diffi-Iro"r Ilo. soa.,C% 111FIr .. ptotoll vall he I dlw, fly . WIVI cv 0 00 Is 11 I.f.'21111 11117M1111; t:.) th.11 1-IS1111-lAt jtiVt~ 00 all inc,"Irct V4111sr It's Ow al-w-mciltwitc.1 thilt-fruct. sislid :0 0 al.. I.-t Ifir 11,1111oft" 111.1stlicil" owilivul Aild r90 GO 111M IIIii till.-IIIAl"Is, 'Is'-flant i, Kit'Is -.I), al A& V wd. I of Its, M-4141 lisr,01111 1, AV. Poly 0 0 V !I '100 OK _A I a - I i A OttAttVFIoKAt tiffirAlUdIf tt#tIWK-f#Qk too., Ji Iolas,j 4sp 0.1 0.1 4 Ill It (1.14 0- U it IT 00 is WA I" " IV IT it 00 -1 a a III a Its ft a to a I M. a 1W a 4 ::::Joe 0.00 0 goo 000*0 0,0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0*0000000 000 0 00006 0 A 0 0 4 90 0 : :~ 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 00 - 0 0 s 4 1 1 1 &~ 11 11 11 1, 5 U 11 is tvA b a h b it V 24 1; a I Lf ii U m m 1! b h k 41 U 4) a-ze 0 C t. L-1 I.- L L a b r (I A I I V Y I.- &A~ Of (A W tt j I I A! 00 q 00 so -f; .3 i 00 06 00 disgsimags. 1. Flilmerantimpbuk Q. Physics, U.S.S.R.. 1944.8.17-32). 7- k%ks-%, V I Z- --7,niedepeadeiiieeoltMdenutyofpa"iclesinlw,geca=adezhowmI on their distaws from the axis of the shower is calc., valki at any; Ilint in the ighirwer. Ckdolmidinoom Its two counters &gro shiswo tit C.-c an Increased probability -it the ematerv age a short distanct, apart. Tbt calculatims reveal discriqtaticim between the theoTy of casca~de showers, and Auger's exIiienmental data; thew dL,;:re. ma I - pancles ~ y,be due to " parasitic I effects causing coincidences in counters < 10-20 m. apart or to such coincidences being caused by a second penetrating component-probably mesotron --conc. gloat die axis of tile shower. J. J. 0 0 0 0 4*0 J:1 a S-St A WALLLPOCAL LlIfIATURE CLASSIFICAMN roe EgU n &V so 11,; It tt to Of 61 Is It Ot U It R 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b.04 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 A IF 1 An L m w o Pi i or at 5 11 a No A I ama Oils 0 0 0 O~ 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 a 0 0 0 a el~A 00 A 000 oew V'q we 0 0 0,0 O-o_: 0- ~ I f 10 It u Is u 11 16 17 is P110CISSIS AIO 0401101111416 INDEX a 31 32 14 11 A& v 38 is 4 at a 43 111 4 11D AAD Al" -00 0 it 02 ~j e z-ey 100d. h do tbe s a 011 7 I poem numm lee thU the see moo Doe, see 400 11100, iATRUTM C"Uriuow_z~ loom, SIVISISTO Alto" O*msf%V -4 . ~ .1 sagow air GOT cot 1111131 am 43-T its 04 a.d,0 a Of I -,w IN. 9 4'.0* 0.4 O's 6 0 O'wo o 0-tv 4 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nNJOS, 111) MIS UP -A- IS A a L A go ...66 -09 A-. kilpi sthev AW Ibm, of busOn db* Is A read. .4ired. sei. MRS.S., 1144, 4L O~O 0 u2-Z-W).Z--TNi dwp of the Itoul cum r"iss ao, ol sbu-* ;;00 lot Ed Mrsain I" "WARilion of ommic Myn 9ftron OMM"We hISM !,i 00 to =1 4iftenst at. no. in cauddaid for Wrew thkkm-m 0 Ow us". of Abe curve, The tboory givis a ratio 14-4: 1 0 , W = the Max. and the tail of the cur" for air abd 140, co- 00 0 with an experitnental val. 7: 1. 1- lp-, ;-.0 0 .700 r VOID Zoo 7 e I/ V IJAtlz- =00 00 OtIALLUROCAL LITERATURE CLOSWICA1101i EZ**, - - -A-n 7-7-i-r-w- i v A. o jj U 11 11 11 a P IT it (V K 9 .1 OR a pr a if of 40 IT I q 000000000006 0 0 0 0 0 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 OOOqO:iO-OOOOOOOOOOO;:::::: 0000*00*00000::::: 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 e ~ . '. . 9 O to AV a a I T w "U i P A a C a W G IN X L a a Q , t n ;V *SOWS . IST AAD M L9TT9Q IIQL9TM 320 AND AT% veal" AVTOOG MOIR "TIM&LI OWN som nOO so 00 J Poo , 00 0 S S--U o Al-,p- j-q monoRd ww. i o ft B An 00 . wm oom S141 f " t" ~41- = 810- 'Isul POO 00. 0. aqi ju sainswak Aftma up A q I agnim aqj Act v- CWO - VIAII > U. M ppp o I 0. ~ . f st" aqi smalaq wqpw"ul *nhw I" "u-16;Few 9 00 I-SIVIPAIrwrn) 4 IL 00. iE Ov in pm wo -60 41 IIIA11*68A OV 111,13"0 1 1 4 I ~1~ . 411or - 40, Ile 00 0 41: 0 0-0 IS 9 S 0- 0 dl -0 0 -Q-&v-Q-G Of,**** ***go *00 Coo 662 goo 0000000000000000000 go.* tj all, X 3j' 32 13 U' 16 a V X It 40 41 A) 4 44 45 !to 0 a III A L 0 M - 0 0 iT cpt 'At is n I .v ;~T ;-, t, f v Ike, ..0 if. C*Dfil VAIY..Il -00, tMiTtIlLil l#:)Oaqllvua cls-as 'goo C, M ~W- ~q roe go eg, St. 0; so 00 go OYIP it It Iqiq tilt OK tv It ti 11 1,6(_l( a #1 99 _!C U 4 it Of #1 It 41 It it it it R 41 o 0 9 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 - oil 9 1 f T i T I I t I t t I I A 41 V U C f . a 'L &,. m r Q a A- I I AA Be LL W tt 4 1 s v J .1 tS .- r -o Ia. ' &Attol4w of fuesdus In the calm ut 611W.6 covvuft~ " J l 5 8 S 40 1 . aa . . 1 k PAWy .4ka . . S.Y. 1 ' ir -' L' 13 14(1944) N S S 4 J d 7 - , ,. . ,. . jrj. . . . , . 4, , 2 lbe It-Alits of Pauli and tiancod (C.A. J6. (WW) at ~vn%kl"ed. A ~.t6jsctury c1plaWiCKS Of tilt VCAICCriff. .11 Imut 1"tit.luclux Ow q-t.4'. With the "~-.,f Ow C.. McCann Zoo A&Z -00 ZOO V A 1 0 - S L A-t1.t.LURr1tAL LITIM IU*t CLAISIPKATICO ti too It of $4 m 4 it K a x 04 1 It a 3 1 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 4i o 0 0 -** 0 - - 1 al 0 a 0 0 a t f It 1 0 0 0 A 11 ..C A-L a Is I, v It- A I I #A 0 LL W it 69 Screening of ellective cross sections for firrin-stiah 00 l d h f f t e ormation of jolts ly invans of riltetimental ung an A sliftin fairti, factm A Ki, pl, 1- ~ ... bill, IhAAI4r .14-fj No.1 A wl :1 ' 01'44): Ctwpl. re*d wdd. ill, C.R..SS. 45. ix:. 6 00 00 M114)Jbi lingli,h): I-(. C.1. IN. 7,1161, lbe 411,4*tl%i 00 .... at m., " 1-1 It 1-41"l. VNIIII'll III fill- milm Imm 11ii tilt III, 1111 1 00 411 It IM11 Ill It W, I.Ilkli 11:1 1 1.- Ill-- : Iq kilt- 00 I'm 4.1 Ill, 161, .1 Ill, 00 0 00 -.0 0 00. zoo 00 ;70 to ."e 00 a 611ALLURCKAL LIT(IIAT"I CLASSIFICATION " 00 -t, all It it it it $4 a A III K is 0 100*00000*0000**OF!Oeolooooeooooooooooooo* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o o 0 0 0 o A) 61 --0 I it 11111114 live Uts "M jjUnU2jjgVX 19 so It At U At Is u ii ii it r sl Ll A A I ju A-C-2 L F. C 11 1 K L--JI ft F 9 .-A 1 04 Cc DD It 44 v , 4 --1 AA 4 On ft ThOrMAI C(MduWviiF Of Diamutit. A. Akhh,&,r and 1. Pooteran. "In" (J- "Wic" (U 113 R 1M. S. I* A t1t;Wiai Ar 7 ; .-Oo - 11 of tilt- dellendence of the thernial eunductil-itv of bismuth on t .4 0 00 temile-raturu- in different tempergiture ftoona. The thermal ixinductivity in ! -00 regartled as matle up from ekdrertic contributions aryl bittice-vibration Zxpn- tributions. it is uned that. for 14-mia-raturro below the Dehyll charav. teristic temlit-raturt, 0. bot allove a ctl tern1wratum, 2'. iiihich out I t-alculated. tim thermal ~)nductivjtv (if himmuth in cit-termitipt 111q. lattiet. vibrational and oot kV tbe Oectrons. &Tilt that tilt- tonduciivil~ i -40 ilivrX.O.'s w i 1 4 iTtvallit" tell 0 l1 I l4wrajore. For tenilit-rittun-a Idow T file thermal Is Ifeterlui ed I l b gee 0 .3 1l 111A n y y the devinnill, And decreased ~ilh ifi= terntleraturv. nkese von;lu-jonis aro diatruspant !it Mation A=00 00 0 to experi work from other sourves, which indicalt-a that the t" I conductivitv of bismuth hall a maximum in the temilerature rt ion 4-,14~ X! * =00 00 1111 4 4 Alq. /5 -A-. 411111111 4r I z:0 0 ; sollill 0 : 0 too AV 10 11: 6, 0 a Ur 0' 0 a ~l T An I .11,42 p 0 oe or Gc 10I it 91 a K 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 nu 0 0 of lee 0 9 6! 199 0 Of , 9099960 4 00 0 000 06 010 0 6 64 00 0 0 40 0 0 0 d to obsomm 6 so ON" TOM- L. Arripimvv h & 1. 194.5, %'c4- 9). 4, PP. 167- 2 76.) lbe ~1,"ivalsnd anplor dibtfiWim 6 invmflne". 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 * 6 1 *9100 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-14,0 0*000000 a 0 9 0 Of* o , 4 U L? u C, . '1 . a re 1 a ;4 1, . 1 4 A 00 A -00 jewds of "=a with Z rester than 137. 00 -14. 1 nmnchuk and Va. Stt:tjcixljn%ktt (Amt. S.-i. 00 (U.S.S.R.) 9. 97-111k)(1945).- Thearetied. Ile Dirac equation for the c3jcr&y levels -00 0 Ld As" ckMca in the ficial of a PoG. charee 7 is solved for a : i-00 charge of finite mdkn. The crit. rbargt for whkh the ual to i t 4 0 00 imm t% eq m 0 " 1 Y 1~ , ; it. Forvitluesoftlit - I - V, ;n ; = : Fr 00 i the ctit. charges at c 10 B 1 X -I I i =00 d~-, 90 200 and 175, re%P. H. 1. Rommbaum Zoo roe J! go WO 0 ~ t it AV 10 IS ll -il I TL ;i -1 W Do 04 it G9 K 1:1 It it .4 f A. - : to gt~o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 060600 41 ro 01 41 i 0 00 * 0 0 111 0 0 * 0 0 o 4 0 o 0 0 * 0, * _0 91 _0 0 im, 0 0 0 * 0 a 19*0 **see** 090*04ii~ 0 *.-0-0* 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 00000 0 * 0 0 * 0 i0of 000000 0 of to 09 010:1::* 0 00*000 0 900*00 **fee 000 u m a b9 03t 40 41 Q 43 tA 4 c 0 0 0 PU lk % I U, "X, 04 a 5 TS k It? 'IV_NO#nllTl)v v 'I s T 00 ee Mli of I ,IF )a 1lopjw-vwl3 xup3llvn wa '441wq-( 11 00 qmv i V Ot '6 Cwsva) s)(w r -0m trolu ptl V 'n Umfpq of 1804"Ou Al"SWIA01 ;o "s 00 00 *0 r00 so li;;v -ji 1, t.tdd, .&P .1- 41 14wIt Of It t? IF 13 ma fill "OH 01 0 0 o 0 g_ o o a o 0 UP wu its mrsifelf Uum at A -L -I-, a.. a A-A 1-..- .1 1 --1 A -00 -06 a& ob d1ok womming 419 1 pwomm IV he pwwgks -00 ablow Iw no" k ,r cooddelot -*6 pkftn CC MOMIle k on ddkmcdm some. Oros ::66 me of zoo be see 00 ti *0 '00 00 *00e *04 1"06 *0 * * : 0 0 00 0 0 0 0i0 0 0 0 0 * : 0 0 q 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 S, 0 0 0 0 0 0 I E7~A-7~ T. J. us ~-T/p iUtz' I Conductivit", Themal "Thernal Conductivity of Bismuth," A. ,,khj.c-zr--i, I. u'. L'omuranchid., 6 pp S- Zhur. Ekspei, --cor. -,i'izll ";-o1 XIV, 1-10 10 I investi 'ion showim, U-iat i-or Sat. siv nc -"he con'itiot-6;p T--.;-iisn 1/3/1, (i;~ - Deb- gaL. I r. L ye tempcrature, s - cound velocit n i unit volix-ac) t he2-.:~~a con- of electrons in 0 J) e ductivity of 'hismuth i,- detmi-L!icd bly lattice vibrations, not by clccturonE. PA 10T96 TGERAVCHIK I j. PA 11131 MR/Fi6lds, Electroma~petlc nix 1946 Electrons - Measurements _wRadiation of, Relativistic Electrons In a Maon,~tic Field," I. J. Pcmoranchnk, 3 pp *Zzy Ak.Nauk.,Ser~ Fiz7 Vol X, No 3 Discussion of the electrowgnetic mass and radius in ,the classical equation relating to energy, with islativistio corrections. Newinequality relating *cirk to electric cbarge, radius,, magnetic field. mear etc., UT31 FurIERANCIUK. . Ya. .m,61 "On the Elastic Scattering of Fast Charged Particles by Nuclei," Zhur. Eksper. i Teoret. Fiz., 16, No. 5, 1946 "On the Scattering of Lo-wr Energy Neutrons Helim. II,11 Zhur. Lksper. i Teoret. Piz., 16, No. 5, 19k6. ,u R.) P-SX00- (3); J- Phys. (U.S.S.R.Y --w76(1045) (in Englic-10- lit angular and the st-c 2 67 1 by fast Mectrons tral (Iistributiou of (lie radiation cluittec goetic field is treated inathcirtaticall);~) ticcelcrated in L Mal 4~. is shown to be~ Practically [Lit the energy of the radiatirin C coned. lit the orbital plane. The frcquvitcY W truln Ld Ist. of equidistant lines. The main part a shown to collq! theradidlID)l twitirs In thurt-gion near the wave length thatl Is equal to the radhis of the'orbit diviticti, by (lVjin.C1)1,1 where, Ill ~ energy of the electron. As long as hiter-1 M u .11cliou hctwewi clectrons cast be disregarded and fluctua-1 tion folloWA PoIsson's 1mv. lawlercrice Is absent and th iaAatlou Is proportional to the no. of the clectrints. A cri Aerion for file negligibi!ity of the Interaction is formulatel and it is shown that it can be disregarded in the betatro"I A forinula is derived for the contraction of the orbit owinj 'to radiation damping. Ways of counteracting the effee of the latter in the betatron, particulatly vdth the ak of a supplementary high-frequency clec. field, am Indl! pated.. N. Tbon 4 of 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 6 0 0 4 a 0 0 0 0 0 to U 9 a I ;v) 34 a 10 4 all Vuldblow X0611 043100 11 "o-UNTO! A 53 Off NUT =IVUCTIVITT CW ULTS USID 11 "M WADMIC COMM NEW. AIMTS&ws A*q and Penwomb*,-4--J. Phys., UM, 9 (go. 4) 216-19 -00 *0 4 "tWiiaii som&btivity is due to (1) the oscillatioas -00 (Abstr- 317 (1941)f.' of the ImUce and (2) the azistemse of, tho amwa o_wctr= of the spla, myo SO Mtr1butlous, from *adh CC theft a9wr*** to calciasted, wd It is abown *0 that in rA cersoln temjwr&tv" Top o4y tbo contributicS from the energy =00 000 sp*etnn Is of ImporSence. This assween no magnetic field. ]kt If sub 004 a field to present to waffisiont ats*M and contriblktion froo (2) is s0- @ Slogiblo and It Is necestary to consider the pan wislitqfron (1). coo 161&kL~IkL LIMATY01 CLOWCAT44 G* COO goo see &* 6 bee 0 moo I ad 0 14 1 1 0 $1 9 a IIv 2*0 0 0 0 a 0 0 * 0.0 * Is 0 0 0 0 91t0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 : 4 : 0 0 01 0 0 Is * ~ 0 0 0 41 0 0 & 4, 0 9 41 0 0 Or* 0 Ole 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 P., ~p =- 9: vu.=~- - - _: I., , L4 ~,. , .1 ~ ,, 8,-. v ~~ kz : -~bojjj;6 :n. r. -11 Scattering of slow neutron$ In crystals. A. 1. Akh~irr Wool 1. Va. Ptorticratictiuk (Acad. &-L VLT. S.S.R.. Kirvi. Zlimr. 17. 769 K:(19471. FUTIIIIIIAS "IV tirlivttl fill tile cTum seetiums oil clAstir and Int-L&%iie m,411ti- ills Col neutmeni. its ptarth-ulmor for nortimon vrimitirv, noinh olutallef than the velm-Ily (4 Sound III the (tyNt'il, 11 tills Kim lortlath of file Iltrullml ill Illuch Stualler Olson till, LaIlier :vInot.. The ~-'MIICHIIK I.% tile Sallie ill ety4tal. with I&I'lhol :Iiuclvi of wit h nucki differing Ill ill. " 1. (ittotopes) A1141 Illap "t IV moment. With Only one-phunon ptocv~,s takm into CCOUT'll. the rUtiU Of the CTOM SCCIiUll. Of iIK'IA%IiC UnIf v6slir so-littirring is (8 M/7 Af) (Elio)% where m - inj%% ill the neutrun. E - it'l Clitfay. 31 - ntAN% of tile nucleus, 0 - Drhyr lemp. At energies E > Molm, the scattering I. the situte uithout fegard to the binding of the atorns it. thi, Crystals. For low E -C 0. the energy transferred in the lAt- fice is of the order of the total energy of the neutron, X. Than USSR/Nuclear Physics - Particles, 110- jul 48 to mentary Nuclear Phys-Ici - Dispersion "Theory of the Resonance Dispersion of Particles," 4! A. Akhiyezer, I. Pomeranchuk, Phys-Tech lust, Acad Sol Mcrainian SSR, 6 pp "Zhw Eksper I Teoret Fiz" Vol XVUI,, No 7 StuAied problem of resonance dispersion of slov I r particles. Only two of general lave of d sperstan of slov particles by nuclei are feasIble, nawly; (1) dispersion' vhere amplitude Is result of ampli. tudes of,resonance &n& potential dispersion; an&,(2) 9~49TTAI- U Afuolsar Physics ParticlesI Ele- jul mentary (Contd) diSPersion of slov neutrons by protons. Effective termInal radius of muolear fares is presented ~1MP1Y vithout any special assumptions. USSR/Physics Aug Trajectory Determination Particles, Charged - Trajectories "Fluctuations in Ionized Trajectories," I. Poxeranchuk, Mad Sci USSR, 8 pp "Mmr Eksper I Teoret Fiz" Vol XVIIIIV No Discusses affect of multiple scattering on ionized trajectory. Expression for extension of trajectory, caused by maltiple scattering and also for a*erage-, fluctuation of trajectory.. length for fixed starting and terminal points. Describes fluctmtIon ftring generation of . -g-particles in thick layers of matter. Establishes distribution of probable USM/Physics (Contd) Aug A8 losses of energy in this case and expresses values in,gauas. Discusses limits of accuracy in determin- i* quiescent masses during measwenent of filter tMakness vhich absorbs particles with fixed impii1se. Valk POITWNCIDA, 1. PA 25/4,-1-T88 M*G Isar P21yolof zjOMMtM7- D". Partioles wAp Observatim on the Dispersion of Pakticles Vith Zero EnergY," I. Pomeranchuk, A6&d Sol USM, 1 P "Mur Rksper I Teoret Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 12 poInts out several inequalities Vh1oh must effective cross sections of diBper- 61on of thermal particles, In a strong field ''of-such a nature that connectiye levels do notexist. Submitted 22 Sep 48. vw- 004 00 00 00 010 so 0082 o: & a 0 11 0o .3 I 1 11 U 11 14 Is 16 1 WW" 32 13 ]A 3S 16 J? 29130 31 A jo a 4) a 43 J- I M I P 0, x -CC DR a -1 A -kD I kR. -04MIS 1-D 00 PIOCIS111 AND Plortst'll I.C111 00 -so -00 2608. on the Plovement of Foreign Particles In Bell= 11, ty L. Landau and I.J6 16 -AM genii, am 59# pe 669-6709 . . February 1 1948. (In Russlaft)AN !~5sN, ::o 0 J. Freak 70 p 561 1946) has suggested a nothod P Of earl?? ONP 14 of the Isot t I 9640 Zee ope presen n Very small quantities Is h~li=, on the theory that is) OM have no sperfluld properties '700 and cannot therefore sbare Jim thesperfluld movements of bellus H =so . Doubt at al. (Phraig" Review 72, p. 5M, 1947) have oonfirwd experimentally the possibillitles of the method. The present autboor questions the theoretical dMIantion given by the previous writers goo and shows that any atom, whether superfluld or not, when present In MBRU quantities to He 11, cannot accompany the latter in its stpernuld aDvasient. KAL L viL& "LA SITALLURG IMAIM CLAMPKATIO WO 0 ago no* 'C IN U U AV 43 11 al a a 'W Al a 3 8 V 0 9 0 0 a Ole 40 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 or! 9 o o 0 0 0 10 is 0 0 0 0 0 0 SIG, 04100000 OL 0000*0**0000 POMERANCIRMP 1. TA b~;13 "UM/Ruclear Physics nectrma Apr .1948 AnnlMlatl(m Nuclear Physics Positrons - Annihilation OPrinciples or Selection In the Annihilation of Zleetrone and Positrons," I. Pomeranchuk, 3 pp *Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LX, No 2 Describso studies canducted to confirm the findings of Dirac in subject field of science. Submitted by Academician L. D. Iondau, 5 Feb 1948. ,New- 6m93 Jan _~9 USSR/PhysIcs Sound :- speed 1181ilm 1I "Tha Effect'of Admixtures on the.Thermodynamic 1,:Properties.and S~eed of-the S Iscond Sound in Helium 1. P6:meranchuki Acad Sci 'USSR, 12 pp ,"!Zhur Eksper i.Teorst Piz" Vol X1X, NO Admixtures in helium 11 'enter into its' normal cow- Since. the normal cbmponent of helium 11, due to pbotons . and rotons, falls, rabidly as tom-" perature is lowered, and,thelcoiitribution,of*ad-~.,''.L mAxtures to the normal o~mponent does not decrease, (or even -increase) v1th fal I in ti at, ur e exper 140/4qTO ------------------------------------------- CMt Onaunti Of. aAlmikturo js causo lir~gi alterations in j6. *dpirtige of billum 11,.~&n& bi this,.. o0nam wpwid'of 60 1cond 40=&, . Doteralfhes 6onditione'urkdor plied to cle - Itse,C&I st~6tistic a Can L be ap ,..the bobavio.r'of admixtures.. -Calculates-con- trjbuti~m of xt ' a to noi~mal density, entropy, ,admi ure sia icifi& boat.' Establishes systimm of hydrody- 14 a Ing 0 -kuations. cribing ~~oak solutions an t k nana doe our Finds '6uilt of~*fio - omotid. prom *,of,, admixturos. I *salon' for spoe'd... of Be .Coulboy 'sound u2 .In pres-~ a that vhon T ~10 'I once 6f.adtix:t-uro,s.;, show '60iisisia-U, very mall Tal) .Joe, in contrast to pure..,.. C J�._:Ln'~ Vhj~fh u2 when T 420 1011us" t ~Vh tb* fWuro' gas haacompl* ely u.-case, on, C", U&qp/Nuclear Physics - Electrons, Fab 49 Positive Nuclear Physics - Atomic Disintegration .The Lifetime of Slow Positrons," I. Pomeranchuk, Acad Sci USSR, 1 p ".7hur Eksper_ I Teoret Fiz" Vol XIX, No2 The life of slow vositronsTis sometimes deter- m1ned from formula T z 6 te-I where s/ = number of nuclei, Z_= atomic number, 6= annIhilation cross section of-positron and". electron, and speed of positron. Eovever, -this ,does not take account of the repiilaian experienced 32/49TT-71. USSR/Npelear Physiog -,.Ilectrow Feti ~.49 Positive (Ccntd) by positron located iiithin the atom. Discusses effect of this phenomenon. Submitted 2 Dee h8. ~32 /49M FA 170T,;!,6 US8R/TfUc1e9vr-::Ph le ffeu'fj~ona JIM "Determining the-Nonelectromagnetic Interaction Between Electrons and Neutrons," A. Akhiyezer I. Pomeranchuk, Acad Sci USSR "Zhur Ekffper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XIX, No 6, pp 558-9 Discusses Fermi and Marshall's study, of asym- metry of cross section of therm9l neutrons in Xenon ("Phys Rev" 72, U39, 1947). Agree in the orderof,magnitude of quantities studied. Submitted 9 mar 49. 17M86 POKER~-NCIIUK, I. PA 51/49T70 USSR/Physics jul 49 Second Sound Semiconductors ."Bibliography of Yoterial Available at the Scientific Library of the Physicotachnical Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR" 15 pp I-Zhur. Tekh Fiz It Vol XIX., No 7 Includes articles: I. Pomeranchuk's "Influence of Admixtures on the Thermodynamic ~Se ed So~u~ndoin~1Hleliu-Mm-V.-T.-YoT'-B-T'Trov,---M-e-nT -of--I6ns in Pla dnd . M.'Dyknan's "Theory of Pholi!6~ pl.,;mq " 2 Is 'Th f P1.0to- and econdary Electron Emission from - .9 cl M. ~Dykni =~ ~~ t tod~ Effective Semiconducting Emitters." PA 51/49T70 -Ilk o&- 1 1 4 1 It 7 11 P 11 4, It 11 Id III U It U N JV 2 2i I# X it At i3 M al is it 1. 1, It r & -A A r It I It L Cr 09 a A P~.gtb M ----- ---- soa. 010octs 00 1521 0 tbe-d I 41! 1 Nftdmn. V. B. Berestelskiv and 1. Ya ~/'P:orranchuk Zhur. Ekspel. I Troret. ii: jilt i~_ Z. i;AfI_7(44T to the W 9101 it 4P Ittor, in Russian). The possibility of a it decay of the neutron Is seen from the Is I that 115 MARS exceeds that of the prcKon toy ?55 kev; and. byCromp&rIng this process with such a 0 decay of A light nucleus in which the nuAxImum energy value of the d spectrum Zt Is of the same order of magnitude with the above maSS dif- jerroce, It Is concluded that the half-life period of the a dis- 00 of Integration of the neutron must be about 15-30 min. However, comparisons of that kind are based on the Assumption of an .3 approximate etfuslity at conditions under which a nucleon un- dergoex fransformatiam within a nucleus and In the free JolAlt'. N(A in all variants of the ft decay theorysurh in a% - see 00 sumption fit acceptable. It I% shown that In lhr jx%vud'j%rAIxr oleo 00 it variant the probability of a 0 decay of a neutron Is much 00 it lower than that of a $ disintegration of a nucleus with an 9 See equal maximum energy value of the it spectrum: the hAll- :20 life period of the neutron must be 101-104 times longer than that (d such a nucleus. The experimental evidence on the question Is still In the rudimentary stage, It Is known only that this pt-riod must exceed 15 min, (Snell et at, IP~yj. Rev. 74. 12170941111). Future findings will permit the right choice be- tworen ttw many variants of the theory, CLASSIPPICATID" of[ 4111MCNX) NIS1111 OK 0.1 M ------- "I U 1% AV -0 Is 0 0 P - 4 - a a 7 1A an 1 6 Im 0 po 1, '1 at es I ta 0 3 1 IF I tr a it at at K a Its Xszr II:WDA1 I. do" 0 is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 41 0 0 0 : Is 0 0 0 a 41 0 0 0 0 so 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 *1* 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 os 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 U~/Nuclear.Physics - Protons Feb 49 Nuclear Physics - Electrons - Emission "Emission During Collisions of kigh-Velocity Neutrons With Protons," I. Pomeranchuk, I. Shmush- keii~ch, Leningrad Physicot6ch"-I Inst, Aced ScL USSR, 4 pp 4q "Dok4Ak Nawir- SWR" Vol IXI7., No 4 Character of angular distribution of diffused neutrons duriag their elastic collisions with protons (for the case of high speed of relative motion) is mainly ', dependent on the natLtre of the forces acting between there particles, i.e., whether they are constant MW 27/4�T88- USSR/Ruclear Physics Protons (Contd) Feb 49 forces or changing forces. Mathematically analyzes this d1stribution. Submitted 28 Nor 48. .2T/49T88~' I 1 4 1 A F V 4ittUMOU Of& fliall 4 b142S ~f2iX'M jell 1111 Rd Ad U Aloo 41-d-401 A-j- A-0 fooptaffts "'O($ 2451 Diffraction Scatterin f Past Neutrong And Charged A Particle%. A~ I. Akhly-er and 1. YAj#qmvrarKhuk. Rustilan). u~pekhi rit. wauk 3e 0 of -60 The llteur~ tif M(frartion phenomena, regardt-d a% one of .00 IhC A.4WCth of the scattering of particle% by out let. I.% given. .00 the latter Ix-l"lt plwnornrnoi(~Kirally treated a% opaque I-Airs. Thr oparily In represented by the phenomenon of formation of excited compound nuclei. and the dirpe-ncirorr -it the opacity both on the energy of the Incident particles zoo Inruir.m. or charged light nuclideal and on the mass of the zoo so a absurbing nuclei. lit determined by statistical roothfAl-, Independently of any theory of nuclear forces. After that, it in optical diffraction theory of it* scattering of fast neu- see Win% Is outlined. followed by a llmanturn-mechanicAl one. both leading to the same cross-sectitia formula for the zoo Al diffraction ocatirring of noutral particles. These consider- ations are gencralitted sa as to include the diffraction of 11110411 ChArged nuclides. Yle.. last prolons. deuterons. Anda particlou. *1TALLIjr(.KAL LIT(PATUNI CUMIFICAYOU Ila.. 4o.InV l4n." f 411044 1. 0-V C-C 911AII Oor "I Ali 4 AV 00 1 YA An A ad 0 a IF 1 9 SO 5 a a 3 1 V "a ft n"=' ur-M, ffif off# W-111-1-1 P I A. POOMAS aSID rowtoolts WDta ty. o9,0 11302. On a seneralisation of the Isabda-liftitind process and the non-uniqueness -00 in the removal of divergence difflaelties In the quantum theory of elementary .160, particles. I._?-ameranchuk. Phys, My. 76, 298-9(1949) July 15. so 1001 a ;1 00 soft A gowrallsed process of the '~_-Uwiting type to established, leading to the 90 elimination of the divergences In the Integralmi of both the classical and .0 quantum field theories. As a result, 'however, the process Is not unique, and by a suitable eboice of the convergence factor the observable quantities, "go *go such as the proper mass, may b* given &my finite value. This IndIcat9s go 0 eltber that limiting processes are not capable of solving the bmale diff Icultlei roe 00 In the theory of fundamental particles, or that there is a necessity for additional postualtes of the nature of selection rules. r., Is oea Ma 'so ,go Vo* -A, a SITALLU GICAL LITERAT141 CLASSWICATID01 toldiho wit GRI got 81LISIgNt 089 a.. Is, 4 . , I 10 b u a to a to. a, a, a, ; a, IN In LITa0 13, 11 1".1rw 0 N V -I or 64 ti a a 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *19 0 0 0 Is a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;T.40 Is 10,19 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nekotoryye Vopro3y Teorii Yadra (Ceftain problems on the theory of the nucleau, DY) A. Ai-,'~IEZER 1 1. "OrMERANCE"K. lzd. 2 Perer. Eoukva, ~'Ju5tf,-kidxALL, 1'j5(.,. 413 p. Diagrs. "Literaturall: (412)-(414) Photostat. 0. N15 613.7 A3 1950 USSR/Nuclear Physics - RacUatlon", -Tan 50 -Electromagnetic "Electromagnetic Radiation Mid6r, the Action' of Exchange Forces," 1. Pomeranchuk, I. Shmushke- vich, 4 pp 70, "Dok44M NmW SSSR" Vol LXX, No 1 Attempts to show that approximation for cross e -_ --Ir. T_ E section JTr h Cr iitrbns ~&i2d- holds only f or col 1 isions between ne protons. In collisions with heavy nuclei-, fly- ing particle (neutron or proton) may undergo USSR/Nuclear Physics Radiation, Elec- Jan 50 tromagnetic (Coutd) several collisions with individual nucleons be- fore it flies out of nucle~is. Submitted b* A. F. Ioffe 25 Oct 49. 155T53 POMANCIRTY, I. USSR/Physics - Helium, He-' "Theory of Liquid Heliimi, Ile-3,11 I. Porm-.eranchu],. Zhur. Eksoer. i Teoret. Fiz., Vol. )UY Eo. 10, pp 919-924 Oct 50 11 4- Studies tenmerature dependence of heat capacity, viscosity, heat conduc.ivity of He-3. Discusses influence of exchange effects, due to nuclear spins of He-3, atoms, upon phase transition of liquid He-3 in solid state. Heat of fusion of He-3 at low temDerstures miust le negative and equal to -11*ln2. Temperaturos of the order of 10-6 to 10-7 OC are possible to obtain by adiabatic freezing of liquid He-3. Calculates certain DeCUliarities of nuclear maCnetic susceptibility. SuInAtted 22 Mar 50. 16a,T96 USSR/Nucle ar PhyBics - Cross Sections Oct 51 "Exchange Collisions of Nucleons With Deuterons. 1,- 1. A. Pomeranchuk "Zhur Eksper i Teorlsk Fiz" Vol XX:1, No 10, PP 1113, 1122 Discusses exptl data of collisions of free nucleons. Shovm that effect of binding energy of particles An Aeuterons and application of Pauli's principle en- able one to est ablish spin dependence of exchange forces in-comparison with cross sections of ex- change collisions of nucleons with deuterons! and LC 197T93 I I I a It U 0 $4 It ?a I? a I m 1% a 11 U U U a b V X 0 4 41 U &1 61 kA A --L-A L I G 2 1 A a It ".-T u v .1 1., 1 2 IbA 0 cr. J�R an . k . 1 1" -,1-- 1 0 0 -00 00 00 Jib ON THE CONVEIVION OF A CHARGED 9 MESON INTO A NEUTRAL MESON PY COLLISION WfTf( A PROTON Off th-h4dy Ahad. NAuk S.A.S.H. 77. No. 5, 602-11(1011 Alir. I L Hw%ian) Mathemstical exprvqi%lun~ are dvrIvv4 for the rroma %ecllon,I accordlnig to imeudoAcAlar. P%rudoveclur, -ind hylIrldromplinica. sea Gou 'Coo 96-4 ,so so 00 00 lot LA -ITALLURGKAL LITIF11-10f CLASSIFICATICh #Nly" I, u I, Ag -43 111; 74" 0 n It -W so 0 0 0 0 0 We 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 V o o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 to 0 ,I*le*,* 000010 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 1111 so 0 0010 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0060 Illsell PORRANCHUK. 1. USSR/Nuclear Physics Deuterons, 11 May 51 Nucleons "'Exchange Collisions of Fast Nucleons With Deutero4' I. Pomeranchuk "DoAa Nvir-sssv, Vol LXXVIII, No 2, 249, 250 considers the reaction n+D ---p. p +(nfn), p+D ---) n+(p,,,-p) in the case -t.4iere the direction of the fast nucleon after collision coincides w-ith the d-irection of the fast nucleon before collision. In exptl investigations of exchange collisions of fast nucle6ns with deuterons there is a possibility of explaining the dependence of exchange forces on spin.1, 'Submitted by Acad A. I..Alikhanov.2 Feb 51- 222T61 POWIMCHUXI 1. USaR/ftc1e;Lr1, ?4ys Ica --Mesons., 11 Jun -51 "Theory of Many-Particle Production In a Single Act 1. Pomeranchul, "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol-IMIII., Vo 5, pp 889-891 Study of nuclear collisions witli7r-mesons at high-, energy producing cascade showers requires methods entirely different from the theory of disturb- ances (perturbations). Introduces formulas for cross sections and suggests that ?r-mesons orig- inat-e from annihilation of nuclear pair. Sub- mitted by Acad A. I. Alikhanov 12 Apr 51. 184T97 FOMERANMUK, I. lm/muclear Physics Deuterium, 1 SeP 51 :"Capture of Tr-Particles in Deuterium," 1. Po~ieran- chuk -Dok Ak Nauk SSSR-, Vol L)M, lio 1, pp 47, 48 Derives the value for the ratio of probabilities of eImission of gsmm -quanta in deuterium and hydrogen between 0.4 and 0.8. The main roie,is played by gamma-guanta with energies close to upper energy boundary of the spectra. Submitted 10 Jul 51 by Acad L. D. Landau. ON COLUSDON Or;,MKWNS WITH DICUTKNONS. V~ H. DerestetalUfand 1.P DuklAd AW. N. k S.S.S.R. 111, 1019 -31 (1951). CID Russian) Itcg"tions for cross sections of elastic and inelastic mcattertr4 of v awsons, by douterown arr d*rivfti on the anoumixthms of "ro spin and scalar amplitwIrm. USS'-R/Nuclear Physics - Nes ons Feb 52 "Theory of Capture ofit-particles in Deuteron," 1. Ya. Pomeran huk "Zhur Eksper i Teorfat Fiz" Vol X= No 2) PP 129-135 191,51), the F~c*z.Ameftcmn expts (cf Phys Rev, 81,56,) i~ith6-~'istablishes the -probability ratios of the processes: D +5T -;I n4A'.And d+yr- -+ n #- -n 4- iE' 41-thout 4i~li6ation- of the meson theory. Similarly U ~f ihds ~~ti6s of;vidiative-6apture: p4-rr'-4n+r, &+n'4n+'n+N1 Shov6'. t1iit- iixacit m6"urement- of rat'io'of amtspimp and In''d may endbl6* one to estiLblibh number,ahd spin Of7l andir" . Indicates the general connection among 2o7TQ6 'USSR/Nuclear Physics Mesons (Contd) Feb 52 t.he processes vith participation of slov mejon$ in A bydrog n iud deuteron. Indebted to B. Io a, Rudik 1. Shmushkevich. Received 3 May 51.