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L- 34977-65'--- -APSOO 363' ACCESSION-W 62 ENCLOISURE: it s fla p wou Cb -LIZ t 44?f to I W9 Ole acuum F ig at ein of the- manomete-i, !;31 : t 7 iv 2 idge:arms , block and.hous 0 4 pe ing'of- . h i S.- ,t el quid therrm "at: (+320C) - 6' 5: Be6k r1anplAhermomet6r --i ; 8' ce themo coppei~.rod - ivacuum 14 1 's top co,; ks 15',~ 16 20 am ules---viith ;Iidsorb p en*~;21 If -f urmu ce 22 circulating pump ta~d 4/4 L ZHURAVLEV, L.7.; KISELEV, A.V.; WIDINA, V.P.; _I~Q4YAKOV, A.L. Deternination of surface and internal "structural water" of a silica gel by th!! deuterium exchange nethod with mass spectrometric control. Zhur. fiz,khim. .117 no.10:2258-2205 0 '63. (AURA 17:2) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khj.mii AN SSSR i Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy uni- versitet, khimichaskiy fakulltet. FOLYAKOV A.L.. inzh,,; YELIZAROV, karid.teklui.nauk; VOLKOV, S.V., irizh. 1 .9 - - - - - - - - - - -11 Streaves arising in the heating o-f a atemapipee from austenitic steel- Teplomergetika 10-no.2:65,.73 F 163. (MIILA 16:2 1. TSentral2nyy nauchno-dissledovatel'-skiy institut tekhnologii i mashinostroyeniya i 1-bokovfk-,4 energeticheskiy institut. , 8 Leel) (StaaMI)4 peo) (pipe ~ MELIKHOV, V.L., inzh,,; POLYAKOV, A.L., iazh. Electropneumatic brake of the N60P electric locomotive. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 6 no.10:8-9 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Novocherkasskiy elektrovozostroitellnyy zavod. (Railroads-Brakes) (Electric locomotives) ~ II ~z s/oq6/63/ooo/oo2-/oo9/013' E193/E383 AUTHORS: Polyal~ov, A. L. , "'jigincer, Yelizarov, D.P. , Candidate j C T e i en c es and Vo lkov, S. V - , Engin e or ~;trcsses ill aiist -:!nitic-st eel steam-supply line during warriin,-4-up staz~e Teploc.-nergetilra, no. 2, 1963, 69 - 73 T v'XIT: (,perational c:-I-p(,,ricnce in steam power plants, urorking tuider conditions of hi_gh steam prossurc and temperature, shows that ill a"Stellitic stcalil pipes are not reliable as they are liablel to crack in service. According to sonic authorities, these failures are caused by internal stresses due to thermal expansion and the object of the present investigation was to check the validiLy of this view by determining the stresses set up in the stearn-supply lille ill the warming-up stage. The nicasurements were conducted at a_ power station on steam-supply pipes (29 min in diameter, 27 nim v* ~,,U thickness) originally made of steel :)~J-257 (EI-257), some Portion!; of which had b(.,eii replaced during general overhaul by steel J.;'.'L8RI2-r (1KJil8NI2T) and 1X18(191- (lKhl8N9T) pipes. Th e ~sl.rain measurcipents were duplicated by using both mechanical and S/096/63/000/002/009/013 Stresses in .... P!,193/C-383 urire resistance strain gauges, tile former being a8plied In the entire steam-temperature range studied (20 - 520 C), tile use of the latter being restricted to Lemperatures below 400 0C. Only the axial nt-railis t: were measured, tac corresponding axial stresses being given 'by: E lie (Va + t wh er eE is the elastic modulus, Ii the Poisson ratio and C the tangential .4-rain. Approxima t evalues of c were obtained froin Eq. (3), the magnitudo of the tangential stress c( b eing preliminarily determined from- t p 2 01 = - 2 - 100 p 1 (11) 2 where p is the steatzi frequency (kg/cm ) and P is the o.d./i.d. ratio, equal in the present case to 1.33- Measurements were Card 2/4 s/oq6/63/ooo/oO2/009/013 in El 9 3 / E3 8 3 condtieting during, the x---arming-up stage lal3ting about 140 h. In ir,ddition to axial strength in the critical parts of the steam- ~m )1j1.3, line, the temperature mid rate of heating of the pipe walls, A0,117) pres.~~Ure, load on the generator and several other parameters rocorded. The summarized rSSLlltS are reproduced in Fig- 3, whel-C tile axial. Stress q (Rg/mm ) in the pipe is plotted against the test temperciflure (00C), curves 1 and 2 relating, respectively, to re:~Ults c.-iven 13Y the wire resistance and mechanical sprain The recorded value of 0 1 at 520 0C was 5 hg/mni taking a,, - 21 the calculated value of 0, as - 5 1C I,/ mm the shear stress t 0 and the radial stress on the i%mll surface cy = 0 , a r value of 11.77 kg/nim was obtained for the reduced stress in the 1-1 u 1) p. ;ince the pel;missible stress in austenitic steel tubes at 570 oc is 7.7 hg/mm-, the results of the present investigation show that crackinl-I of the welded joints cannot be attributed to cnce!~sively hi_gh, thermally-induced stresses. Failures of the welded joints are probably caused by a combination of factors, illClUdill,fl, the weakening eflfecL of the welding operatiA on the' hc~-it-afl'ected zone and the preicnce in this zone of additional, Card 3/11 6/096/62/000/002/009/ai'') -I, I 9'i / L."3 6 3 illtormil !Aros!3es, not talcon into account in the Calculations and iiot revealed bw the strain meamiroments as applied in the prosent invo,sti-ation. There are 3 rip _;ur m; AS";CCIATION: Pig. TsNIITi',ASh - 1..:FI Card 4/4 P~IIYAK- A. L. a 1~ P-72- lrj~ 1 G.~ 1, !,Olloicr, illflucnoc u, on, r,-,0 'c: -L icall", r:1 c ro ~'ho 0-.-.* by bz =4!:;~ ncc;,- TAc i;odiflonlion of th~- abaoluto nr-nuli. oZ cr."Uration JU incd'.~Tablo 2). t 11 3: 1)3 roprocantod by ':ic D:-,? oquaLiwi- r, 10.2!i Imol/.2, C 164. In o.2 oonforma to Falcay and Hill Picroo (rv'orenco veo bolo-,-,) thin 7 5 ). It io poir;Lcil c-~' 1.30/10(;(P/p z to aotorm5mo tho rrl'cifto rnw-'..- oilioa with (I cua.-f. point, coclor"'11., 'o c., in -mol/c ar~~ v v C:n-J, 21A -2 v. D. -I 17t 5~13i 96c). a:7-f.a in b-r L KOZWV, Yn.K., inzh.; POLYAKOV, A.L., inzh.; SOKOLOVA, S.L., inzh. Cast insulation from MM-1 compound fsr instrument transformers. Test.elektroprom. 31 no.2:12-17 F 160. (KIRA 13:6) (Ilectric insulators and insulation) (Electric measurements) KOZLOV. Yu.A.; IPOLYAKOV, A.L. New synthetic materials used in manufacturing transformers. Biul. tekh. ekon. inform. no.9:5D-53 '59. (MIRA 13:3) kResins, Synthetic) (Rectric transformers) USIOR/Medicins - babolism, Pulsonary Say/Oct 48 Hadicine - X-Ray, Diagnosis "Septic Pulmonary Embolism," Maj A. L. Polyakov, Mod Corps, Cand Med Sci, Okrug Mil Hosp No 289, Faculty Surg Clinic, First Leningrad Med Hosp, 10 Pp "Terapev Arkhiv" Vol XX, No Discusses 23 case histories. Concludes that Palmonary embolism In patients vith septic diseEses does not Indicate persistent clinical symptoms. Necribes procedure for X-ray diagnosis. 31AM7 POILYAKOVI AJM. RenoT-malizatlon of realdual c-urrents by d1starbi-nee n!' aymetry. [As',, v red. ?hur. ekspor. I tc-6ret, fiz, 1 no,,2?~27-29 Ap, l6c" (MIRA 18.10) 1. Mt:skovsk".,v fi7.Iko-t.akhnlchE!skJy InstAtut. 0- L 00758-66 0-8 (m)/T/aJA(m)-2 ACCESSION NR: AP50111198 UR/0386/65/001/002/0027/0029 AUTHOR- P101yakov, A,, M. TITLE: Renormalizat!;on of residual currents by destruction of symmetry/-" SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pis'ma v redaktsiyu. Prilozheniye, v. 1, no. 2, 1965, 27-29 TOPIC TAGS: mathematic analysis,p~rticle physict i~enormalization ABSTRACT: A previoun study-of the effect which octet assymetry has on the strange, vector current in the SUM 8-multiplet indicates that the corresponding vector constant is not renormalizable. Strange current and octet disturbance are vectors. from the standpoint of V-isogroups (Okun', L. B., Preprint ITEF, No 298, 1965). In this paper the authov derives expriassions for the change in current of the V7.spin i4hen V-symmetry is d6stroyed. 1'2be author is grateful to I. Yu. Kobzarev~"'A' A. A., Migdal and K. A. Ter--XartirosA~-for consultation." Orig. art. has: 6 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut (Moscow Physicotechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: 03Mar65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP, MA NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 001 Card ACCESSION NR: AP4012547 S/0056/64/046/001/0213/0217 AUTHORS.-. Gurvits, S. A.; Migdal, A. A.;_Eoly!k i~,, A. M. TXTLEt Boundary energy of a Fermi gas in a potential well S~URCE: Zhurnal eksper. i teoret. Ifiz., v. 46, no. 1, 1964, 213-217 A WPIC TAGS: Fermi gas, quantum mechanics, potential well, quantiza- .on, Fermi energy, boundary Fermi energy, neutron Fermi energy, avy nucleus Fermi energy, Fermi nucleus STRACT: A quasi-classical quantization condition is obtained for spherically symmetrical potential and is used to obtain the first' t two terms of an expansion,of the number of particles, expressed in the form of a function of the Fermi-gas boundary energy,, in powers of the dimensions of the system for this potential. The method given makes it possible to make similar calculations for any poten- tial well with &,diffused edge. By regarding nucleons as a Fermi gas Cmd 1/3 APCESSION NR: AP4012547 'An such a potential, it is possible to apply:the results obtained tq a calculation of the boundary energy of Fermi nuclei. The final can be represented in the' form +A ;Ire f (x) -is given by- SM0,S) 0.53 -.0.54 0.50 0.58 060 062. '064 066 068 1 20 1 0 t 00 0 00 I(s)w1,741 1,71 1,51 1,50 1,40 t51 and which is istccurate to within i--2 MeV. Orig. art. hast 26 for- mulaso ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy fiziki-tekbnicbeskiy institut (Moscow Physi- .eatechnical Vistitute) Cwd 2/3 KROTOVAY N.A.; MCROZOVAJ, L.P.; POLYAKOV, A.M.; SOKOLINA, G.A.; STEFANOVICH, N.N. Study of -the various types of adhesiveness. Koll.zhur. 26 no.2.-207-214 Mr-Ap 164. (M~IRA 17:4) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR, Moskva. AUTHORSi Ginzburg, Ii. I., Polyakov, A, M. 57-28-5-19/30' TITLE: Electrical Prope-r-t-i-e-s-ZT--L7rtr-TfUn-,- Nickel and Cobalt Film. .3 (Elektricheskiye svoystva tonkikh plenok zheleza, nikelya i hobal I ta) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 5, pp. 1029-1031 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The electrical propaties of thin iron- and nickel films were investigated in the papers (Ref 1-3). In order to obtain more pure and homogeneous films, the authors employed the method of heating the evapor&ting metal by means of electronic im- pact, Thereby, the conta:i-Anation by material from the crucible it-as excluded. The resistance of the film was measured at room temperature, at 780K (liquid nitrogen), 20.4-140K (liquid )Vdrogen) and from 4.2 to 1.650y, (liquid helium). For the M-ea- surenient of the resistance of comparatively thick films a po- tentiometer with a high resistance was used~ It ivas possible -to measure the film resistance immediately during the cond.en- sation process, during which the evaporation conditions were kept as constant as possible. By means of -the modification of Card 1/3 the capacity which was sprWad 1,;Y the evaporator, it was pos- Electrical Properties of Thin I.-on, Rickel and Cobalt 57-28-5-19/30' Films sible within certain limits to measure the currant intensity of the atoms condensigg at the surface. Figure 1 shows the de- pendence of the quantity 1/R on the exposure period for cobalt at three different condensation conditions (I _ III) I . The temperatuxe dependence of the resistance of films with diffe- rent thickness exhibiting a resistance varying from a fevr dozen ohms to several megaohms was investigated. Thinner films increased their resistance with a reduction of temperature (figure 2). The character of the modification of the film re- sistance was dependent upon the thickness of the film. It must be mentioned, that in the papers (Ref 1-3) all films without exception increased their resistance with a temperature reduc- tion. In order to examine the assumption (Ref 5) on the pos. sible occurrence of superconductivity in thin films of ferro- magnetic metals the electric resistance of all produced films was measured down to 1.0650K inclusive. From the curves (figure 3) it can be seen, that the resistance of thick nickel films does not change at all in the temperature interval of from 4.2 - 1.650K. Thinner films, however, increase their resistance Card 2/3 with a temperature r6duction. The authors are indebted to A.I. Electrical Properties of Thin Iron, Nickel and Cobalt 57-28-5-19/36 Films Shallnikoy for his attention paid tothiB work. There are 3 figures and 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs. MGU, Fizicheskiy fakulotetY Kafedra fiziki nizkikh temperatur (Xoscow State University, Physics Dept.* Chair of Physics of Low Temperatures) SUBMITTEDs October 21P 1957 J..Thin films--Electrical properties Card 3/3 - 2-4. E 4-1 1 '7 (-M )GO) Q 4 IV 11 a. ACC NRi AP6024521 SOURCE CODE: UW0386/66/004/002/OC~7-4-/06~ilI AUTHOR: _kqjjMLoy A, 14. ORG: none TITLE: Some consequences of the algebra of weak and electro netic currents SOURCE: Zh eksper i toor fiz. Pialma v redaktslyu. Prilozhenlye, V. 4, no. 2, 1,0661 74-77 TOPIC TAGS: quantum electrodynamics, beta decay, pion, electromagnetic interaction, algebra ABSTRACT: On the basii: of the hypothes by Y. Nambu (Phys. Rev. Lett. v. 4, 380, 196o) that the axial ciLrrent of 0 decayls rigorously conserved in the limit when the pion mass vanishes, and under tFe Fassumption that weak and electromagnetic currents form an SUN x SUN eagebra, the author obtains several relations that are valid in the limit as the pion irass vanishes. These formulas relate the axial and vector cur- rents, the sum of the ddagrams transforming the initial particles into two pions, and the momenta of these p:1ons. The main result is an approximate formula f2g CIA "(no - X+A-7) = J(q - q) 0W-1-(10 - 7 + 7') vhere f is a factor, M the Feynwn amplitudes, and q and q' are the momenta of the final pions, 7 the photon, y' the "isovector photon,'! and m and p their polarizations.~' Card 1/2 ACC NR: AP6024521 Possible corrections due to the Iower two-pion states are estimated. The author tbanks M. Baker, A. A.,Mjgdal, and K,,A, oyan for usentl discussions. Orig. 8~; ~.has: 3 figures ana 13 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: VYAy661 ORIG REF: 001/ OTH IIEF: 002 POLYAKOV, A.M.; KROTOVA, N.A. "Plachanoelectron" emission intensity during the break-off and deformation of polymer films. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.1:130-133 J1 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Frimikinym. (Polymers) (Electrons--Emission) L -11123-6_3 ~E~R/EWP(J)./EPF(c)/E~T(I)/EWT(m)/* ASD/AFFTc Pa-4/Pr-4/ c 4 - RM ACCMSTM APP-13518 510090163115110011013010133 AMORt Polyakov. Krot!Wa,~ N. Ao n of the Intensity of W�ch�M1ec&rQnjMj A-4- Inire tigatio the tearing off, and defg)rmatlonof polymei films SOURCM~. AN BSSR. Loklady., v,,. 151" no, 10 1963P 130.133.- ..-;,TOPIC TAGS: exoeleiitronic emission mechanoelectron,*mechano--mission polymer, film. '~~ABSTRACT: Investivitions have'.been made of fast electron emissioAs resulting from ruqYtured,, strW~ned, or otherwise mechanically broken bonde'vithin solids -i or between two adheiiively Jo -Kibeterials. This"type of emission called I'mechanoemission" 'trr the authors, yields electrons with energies up to hundreds :.of thousands of electron volts. Measurements were made by means of specially constructed instrum(ints using electron multipliers with wide sensitivity ranges-, Examples of results.obtained include data on the electron emissiaa from a me- chanically treated 1;'atta-percha film, which even 1-1.5 hr after being torn off from a substrate atill, emitted.about 100 pulses per second,' A significant ACCESSION NR: AP4023500 3/0069/64/026/002/0207/0214 AUTHORS: Krotova, N.A.; Morozova, L.P.; Polyakov, A.M.; Sokolina, G.A.; Stefanovich, N.N. .TITLE: Investigation of various types of adhesion bonds SOURCE: Kolloidny*y zhurnal, v9 26, no. 2, 1964p 207-214 TOPIC TAGS: adhesion mechanism, adhesion bond, interface erosion, chemosorption, donor acceptor interaction, functional groupt electron' emission, semiconductor surface conductivity,,surface modifi-' cation, high 91)eed semiconductor-, germanium ABSTRACT: In order to deteirmine the mechanism'of adhesion, several 1 henomena'at the polymer-solid substrate interface were investigated.~ p Adhesive bonds resulting from diffusion processq,,s in which the in- terface is eroded, from the formation of a new phase on the sub- strate by the polymerization of organometallic compounds, and from chemosorption on the interface leading to the formation of a double electric layer are discussed. By IR spectroscopy it has been established that adhesion of polymers is largely due to chemical Ca~rd 1/7 ACCESSION NR: AP4023500 donor-acceptor interactions. The adhesion can therefore be control- led by rational selection of the function groups of the adhesive and substrate on the basis of their donor-acceptor properties. A number of functional polymer groups were arranged in series accor- ng to their ability to impart a positive charge to the surface on 1 bstrate (i.e., decrease in their donor tearing the film from the su properties). A method was worked out for determining the effect of the functional groups of the polymer by measuring the intensity of electron emission formed by the breakdown of the adhesion bond between the po'lymer and the glass substrate (figs. 1 and 2). There are changes in the characteristics of a semiconductor upon formation.; of adhesion borids betwi.-.-en it and the polymer; the part played by esponsible for the degree of the functional groups of the polymer r Charge of the surface was investigated. The surface conductivity in the field effect of germanium crystals modified with alkyl- chlor.osilanes (fig. 3) was determined in an apparatus shown in fig.4.' Modification significantly changes,(reduces) the high speed propert- F ie's of the semfconductor surface. Orig. art. has: .;V7 ACCESSION NR: AP4023500 ASSOCIATION: Inatitut fizicheskov khimii* AN SSSR, Koncow(Inatituto of Physical Chemistryj AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 03Aug62' DATE ACQ1 ..15AP~04 ENCL: 04 SUB CODE: oc, w; NO REP SOV: 009 'OTH&R3jJ001 ATD Puu, 3044 Card 3/7 AC~ESSION NRt *P402.3500 ENCLO .SURE:01 N, Lmp/bec log Rig, le Diagram of a recording of, N'tmp ec after-emLssLon of electrons with gutta-percha- fLlm torn aval.frou. -109 .. . glass ago j T'Mln A 4/7 - - ----- ACCESSION NRs A114023300 IN ENCLOSURE1 02 Yig. 2. Curves of the relationship, of the-Lntensity of after-emission to time for dLffe'rent polymers after. removing from glass Nitrile rubber. 2 gutta-percha,-, '3 carboxlyato rubber le Tab Card 5/7 J ACCESSION NRI 14P402'3500 ENCLOSUREs 03 VOL& Fig. 3. Surface conductivity in the field effect for sample of ger- manium, modified with alkylehloto- silane, The dark (1) and light (2) 7--, curves were the method of atetic photoconductivity. Picture taken.from oacillograph.screen 6/7 _M ACCESSION NRI AP4023500 ENCLOSURE 04 2 Fig~. 4. -Rloqk diagram of.apparatus for measuring surface conductivity in the field effectby the fixed conductivity method -'Generator, 2 - voltmeter, 3 samplep 4 - electrodes, 5 - poten- tiometer, 6 - amplifier, 7 - conden- ser, 8 - oscillator, 9 - radiodia-, 10 phase scanner. Card 7/7 POLYAKOV, A.M.,, lnzh. SealLng cracks in internal combustion eneinp. blocks. Transp~ strci. 14 n0.,".'51 J1 t64. (M-IRA 18.1) Efficioncy experts suggest. lbid.,.52 FOLYAKOVI A.M ,--inzh. Welding cast iron. Mekh.stroi. 19 no.7:20-21 J:L 162. (HIRA 15:7) (Cast lror,-4elding) GURVITS., S.A.; 14IGDALP A.A.; POLYAKOV, A.M. Boundary energy of a Fermi gas in a potential well. Zhur. eksper. i teor. fiz. 46 no.1:213-217 Ja164- (MIRA 17:2) 1. Moskovskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut. -J~QLYgOy,-A.Iof., inzh. CoId welding of cast-iron parts. Transp. stroi. 12 no.8:51 Ag 162. (Cast iron-Welding) (MIRA 15:9) SKCRODUHOVO GoorLviy Yevgealyevich; SMIMIOV, Mikhail Petrovich; PETRUNIN, Ivan Ivanovich; POLYAKOV Aleksandr 1-fikhaylovich; RYBAKOV,A.K., inzhener. redaktor [maintenance of narrow-gage railroad track&; experience of workers on the BaJ.tLc line] Soderzhanie zhelaznodorozhnogo putt uzkoi ko- lei; opyt puteitsev Baltiiskol dorogi. Moskva, Goe.transp.zhel-dor. izd-vo. 1955. 109 p. WRA 9:3) (Railroads. Harrow-Grauge) . IYAK0173 '. ~*' PC ti '11 . Machine-Tractor Stations, Kundravy Machine-Tractor Station is help'LnE collectiv.--- farms establish a permanent feed supply. Korm. baza 3 iio. 6, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 1952tOIA, Uncl. 1. POLYAKOV, A. 11. 2. USSR (600) 3. Machine-Tractcr Statims 4. Petukhovo Machine-Tractor Station in the struggle for a high level of agriculture. Sov. agrorroo-No. 12 - 1952. 9. Mont List of ARussian Acessions. Library of Congress, Februar , 190. Unclassified. 1. POMAYOV, A.M. 2. USSR (600) 4. Windbreaks, Sbelterbelts, Etc. 7. Along the state shelterbelt from Kamyshin to Stalingrad. Les.khoz- 5 no.10, ~ 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. POLYAKOV, A.M. (Vyandruskiy rayon, 3stonskoy SO). There is plenty to learn at this experiment station. Nauka i pered. op.v vol'khoz.7 no.1:32-35 Ja 137. (KLaA 10:2) (Istoni&--Lgricultur&l experiment stations) 4 3 ORG: none TITLE: Spontaneous violation of strong interaction symmetry and the absence of zero-mass particles SOURCE:' Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 51, no. 1, 1966, 135-146 TOPIC TAGS: vector mesonvFeynman diagram, quantum electrodynamics, C invariancey Ro9,R,rjejF_ 0&,x~PtHIIL09T.142AI~ P094e7-1(?A_F dA(77*e#9erfOAf ABSTRACT: The existence of zero mass particles in the presence of spontaneous violation of symetry is considered. Summation of all Feynmen diagram yields an equation which is identical to the Bethe-Saltpeter equation for the wave function of a zero mass scalar bound state (zeron) in the annihilation channel ib of the particles for the difference between the mass operators Ma(p)-k(p) of particles a and b in a supermultiplet. It is shown that in spontaneous vidlation of symmetry in a Yang-Mills type theory with vector mesons, the zerons interact only with virtual particles and hence are unobservable. On the other hand, vector mesons acquire a mass despite the generalized guage invariance. proved that an asyn-tric solution corresponds to a minimal vacuum energy .and that a cons'eqilentj of C-invariance of the solution is the conservation of strangeneo3. Orig. art. has: 26 formulas. [CS] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 30Nov65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF:.010, Cnr.4 I /1 1%1 rp FOLIAKOV, A.Re Method.- for preparing thin sections from soil-for.-dng rccks fsr micromarphametric measurements. Pochvovedenie no.9:86-90 5 165~ (141RA IS: 10) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaretvonnyy pedagogicheskiy institut -Imni Lenina. ACCESS ION NR: AR402;1229 S/0299/64/000/002/KO15/KO15 SOURCE: RZh. Biologiya, Abs. 2M77 ,,AUTHOR: Polyakov, A. N. TITLE: Characteristics of the regeneration of ossoous tissue after surgical treatment of traumatic osteomyelitis in irradiated animals `!CITED SOURCE: Tr. 1-y konferentsii molody*kh ucheny*kh po vopr. travmatol. ..d ortopedil. (Tr- Tzentr. In-t travmatol. I ortopedil, 23). ~-, 1963, 356-360 TOPIC TAGS: radiation, radiation sickness, bone, bone regeneration. osteomyelitis ABSTRACT: Rabbits were irradiated with a dose of 900 r, after which an open in- fected.fracture was created In the radius. On the 4th day after the trauma, the ~wound was treated surgically followed by application of antibiotics. After the appearance of osteo-,nyelitis, sequestrectomy was carried out, with or without the replacement of the diaphysis by a lyophilized transplant. Radiation sickness was found to aggravate the course of infected osseous fractures (retarding the regenera- ;,tion of osseous tissue, osteomyelitis). Radical iequestrectomy with the use of a lyophilized transplant gave fairly good results and had a favorable effect on the 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4027i:29 regenerative processes In the bone. K. Timashkavich DATE ACQ: 14Feb64 SUB CODE: LS ENCL: 00 Card 2/2 KISLIK, V.A., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; STUDENOK, Yu.A., kand.fiziko-matem.nauk., dotsentq,POLYAKOV, A.H., inzh. Increwl-ing the wear resistance of the pistons of a D-50 diesel loco- motive engine in the area of the upper grooveis. [Sbor.trud.] RIIZHT no.31:226-297 161. (~HRA 16:12) Fc~~1~iKTJ. i'l-l". carb-orjaLe formati-.-ns '-r, loose deTloz;--~s c-l' the trans-.1ral ra.gion. Nau--h. dokl. vys. .shkoly; biol. riauk I no, 1: 202-206 '65. 041F,~ 18:2 1 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy obshchey fizicheskoy-geogra-fii Moskov- skogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo instituta Im. V.I. Lenina. USSR For--,stxy,. Fc-r,--f3t Maro--P%-ri-nt. v~,: jr T RZhBiol.~ NO. 2,1959, Nr~, 616!L A U, TI C RZ r in e V/ D t a C-) n C i 1 r-ni c: iiar.7 , ile , and Eve-jl:-(- ?JB. NTFAncl,,ii. dokl. vyssb-. shko.'ty, 1 , 29-34 ii P 3 mu, C T t Ac,~,o.-dinqg to the data of -olantatione in ;;Ia(d:pIrska7a Ohl:~c-t K Q! 7 r I an t 41 1, 1~ C: I el .1, ~t there was a very clo-- rc .,0-,-,t uni or-, (Corre,-~! tion ('6 e ' we e n, 1-1 he d i a me t c::r- o f t t r ank r~ t th I of 'he chc:-~4-- a, d ~ha cli-;meter or ~he On th-is basis ilt is z?,3sumed tha-~ in of -,h,:- ki.nd t-tiere is -k 3-:str~biitions of trrms i-r;- COUNTRY ."AITC TOES g!~, jc)up. P7,hBioi., No., ',)f1959) N,~. A ILI T YJ 1") p TEII-E, OPIG. PUB. jtB'SITR~CT ter of the crovin. of rr.-IqtjVr-- dia,7.-eters of the crov;n and snbsecuenf, i-ranhical deriction of the n-amber of crov.,ns occurrine: foi- each relative sta-e shov.,ed that, the citrves i-'or different experimental fields had the sa,;-,e char- acter, similar to --iax~aellls curve. Wi-~.,bin the -lentral sta.-,:~e of the width the distribution of gate of the tree crov!ns for rel~i~Jve tii-ic aggre, staaes Droceeded like the curve of nornal f tri~ut i-on. Variation of the diaminter c,'. Hre Card: 2 /3 -0 POLYAKOVP A. N..1, Candidate Agric Sci Was) -- "Invest Igati on of the rate of growth of the largest pine plantings of Vladimir Oblast". Moscow, 1959. 15 PP (Min Higher Bdue USSR, Moscow Forestry Engineering Inst), 150 copies (KL, No 25, 1959, 137) CHERNYAYEV, M.P.,, prof., otv. red.; AVDEYEV, V.Ya.., dots., red.; POLYAKOV, A N dots., red. [Abstracts of papers read at the Methodological Conference of the Mathermtics Departments of the Pedagogic Institutes of the southern part of tm R.S.F.S.R.] Tezisy dokladov.]Nauchno-metodicheskoy kon- ferentsii matematicheskikh kafedr pedagogicheskikh institutov iuga RSFSR, 2d. Rostov na Dorra., Rostovskii na Donu gos. pedagog. in-t, 1960. 105 p. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Nauchno-metodicheskaya konferentsiya matematicheskikh kafedr pedagogicheskikh inatitutov pga RSFSR, 2d. 2. Rostovskiy pedago- gichet-kiy inatutyt, (fk* Cbsxqpqwi bwk"vv POILyakov). (Russia, Southern-Matheinatics) NOYUTM, Antonin: POLYAKOV. A.P., red.; RCKANOV, A.V.. red.; RUMYAIJTSIV, A.M., red.; TRCPKIN, N.V., red.; FADOSIM, P.N.. rod.; SWIN. U.N., (For the victory of peace and socialism. Report to the llth Congre3s of the Commnist Party of Czechoslovakia on the activities of the Central Coiudttes and the main tasks of the present. Armed with the results of the 21st Congress of the CPSLT, forward, to the completion of the socialist construction of our country] Za pobedu mire i sotsializaa. Otchetnyi doklad 11 s"ezdu KommuniBticheskoi partii Chakhoslovakii o deiatellnosti TSentrallnogo Komiteta i glavnyij sadachi takushchego moments. Vooruzhennye itogami XII Oezda KPW, vpered, k zaversheniiu stroitel'sta sotsializma v na- :hei strana. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo polit.lit-ry. 1960. 141 p. Transloted from the Czech. (MM 13:12) (Czechoslovakia--Bconomic policy) l~~IATIONU MB GOES owd 'N" F-c l ,. POLYAKOV, A.P.; ERIVANSFYV., L.A.; SITUYKIN" N.I. Dehy&.-ation of n-propyl(2-naphthyl)carbinol. Neftekhimlia 5 (?/,TP,4 19:2) no.6:.345-849 N-D '65. - 1. 14c,,3kovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova, kafed:ra kbimid nefti. Submitted I-larch 30, 1965. VASTNI G.G.,, kimri. tekhn. nauk, dotsentj POLYAKOV, A,11.p starshly propodaviLel I Kinema-,Acs and dynamics of basic elements cf ar, autrrrj-tir-. variab'.~e-speed gear transmission. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.: m-ashinostr. no.3;79-87 164. 1. Ghe.lyabinskiy politekhnichoskiy institut. Cow%try : LISSIR Catv(,cry: Fcrestry. Cultures. Abs Jour: Wh-uiol-, Nu 11, 1958, No 48794 Iris L S:J011tif LC lk:f1L:RrC',) LASt - of P.17riculture iii the Zy.trer.-.L- N,)rt',. . i,,,, Fu-rest Strips at t' e Yvi.z-l'ski~ya ACri- cultunal Stotilon. OriG Pub Dyul . nauclm,:)--'U*,ll' n . inf or-m- N - -:L - j.:,,-t s Di K-ayn. Sevura, 1~1'57, No 2, 44-46 ;,'ostr--ct: No abstract. K Card : 1/1 TOREZ, Moris EThorez, Maurice]; ROKANOV, A.Y., red.; RUKYANT:ZV, A.M., red.; TROPKIJ. N.V., red.; FEDOSMV, P.N., red.; POLYAKOV, A.P.. red.; SERBIF, Ye.K., [New d,3t& on the pauperization of French workers] Novye dannye ob obnishchanii trudiashchikhoia Frantaii. Koskva, Goo.izd-vo, 1959. 84 P. (tUgii 14:1) 1. Generalln7y sekretarl Frantswakoy kommunisticheskoy partii (for Torez). (France--Labor and laboring classes) (France--Cost and standard of living) 0 LYAK OV, 1-1. PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID lE4.1 10,0010 pp: Editorial StAiff t _1 Editort None Tech. Ed.: Done Editor-in-4"hieft None Appraiser: None Otheres The chapters *Plastics, lacquers and cements" w&s written by the withor and I.K. Polyakova, Candidate of Technical Sciences P, Text Data Coverage: The book covers n6nmetallio'chemically resistant materials, both inorganic and organic, used for the manufacturing'of equipment for chemical industries. The following inorganic materials are mentioned: basic refractories, acid-resistant silica cements, acid-resistant con- crete, ceramic ware, fused rock, silica glaaff, quartz glass, and enamels. Organic materials mentioned aret plastics, lacquers, cements, 1/2 2(0309 BOOK Call No. TAL07.P6 Author: POLYIJIOV~ A.P. Full Title: 11ONMETALLIC CMIICALLY RESISTANT MATERIALS Und ed.) M Transliterated Title% Nemetallichaskiye khimicheski stoykiye materialy Publishing Data d Originating Agency: None -_ J-11- Publishing House: State Scientific-Technical Publishing House of Che cal Literature (GOSKHIMIZDAT) 424 No. of copies: Date: 19~2 No. Nemstallicheskiye khimicheski stoykiye materialy AID lE4-I rutber, wood, coket coal, and jet. Testing and use of the materials are discussed. The book might be of interest. Purpose2 A bDok for engineers employed in the chemical industry or in the assembly and designing of chemical equipment. Fatilitiest Wames of Soviet scientists are mentioned. go. of Russian and Slavic Referencest 3-40 (1931-1952) Available? Library of Congress 2/2 P., Cand Agr Sci -- (diss) 'Significance of the structure I , , -EQ~~2vll J-nT. of &vb~F-ehrub fio 0 belte in the forest tundra of the lower Coure"r 0-01." Len, 1958. 18 pp (Min of Higher Education USSR% Len Order of Lemin Forestry Engineering Acad im S. 14. Kirov), 100 copies (XL, 18-r,-8, 101) -83- POII-';TSKIY, A.T.; POLYAKOV, A.j,. I ting ' he ;not - on of tlry-, re a ctor of a I e. -, I , ~ 1. I Teon, mush. i mi,~'wL. rio-98 ,1 ~?):14.1-1 50 164. POLYAKOV, A.P., starshiy propodavatell InveBtigating t.-he mcvc~ent c,' an inertia variable-speed converter i.Bed as a dynamic clutch. Izv. vys. uchob. zav.; r4- shinofitr. no.8:72-81 164. (IMIRA 17:13) 1. ChEdyabinskiy nolitekhnicheskiy Institut. SHUYKIN, N.I.:: ERIVANSKAYA, L.A.; KOROSTEUVAP G~,S.,- TranCormal"Jorm rif in ff',-(~hromip- izv,AIN SSS'R.F~r,kr.An. 2218 1650 (MIT?" 18?-12) 1. MoolKovskiy gosudarit-vennyy universit.-it. Submitted A pr 4; 1 20, 3065. POLYAKOV, A.S., Ph7sic:&l nature of apparent resistance. Razved. i okh. nedr 26 no.9, 34~38 3 160* (14IR:;L 15:7) 1. lAiningradskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta geofizicheskikh metodov razvedki. (4ectria nroanectirg) ZIBENBERG, A. I.; ~OLYAKOV _S. ___ _A. Aut,.,nation of a cylinder block shakeout section. Lit. proizv. no.1.0:21-24 0 162. (MIRA 15: 10) (Foundries--Yiuipment and supplies) (Automation) POLYAKOV, A.S. -- . ... ... Semiautomatic machine for the removal of fins from cast turbine bladeii. Lit.proizv. no.9:16-17 S 162. (FIRA lrj:ll) (Foundries-Equipment and supplies) S/I 6;/62/030/006/0-1 06/093 D2 2 8 / D71 04 :,o -iya-;.r--ov, '12 1. ~ Li' 1, O,ppo,---uunities and ways of increasing -.he Hess oP geophysJcal prospec-ng 'or ore dcpos-*-,.s '.:~-ODT-LL: 'IeferatJvnyy --hu-nnall, Geo-fizika, no. 6, 1962, 20 a b- ..3tract 6-PL142 (Sov. geologiya, no. 10, 1-961, 42-57) C> r2---'-KT Tor re,17-ional investi.-ations the mezhods are aerom-atal-ne- tic su--!,veyln~~ ana :rravinetric, seismic and elec-Uric _nC ~ Uae S,"rije~r- o r e x p, o s siruc-uures and perspec-tlve areas ihey J 1 in:,- wi a T-aeromagnetometer, gravimeiric pros~act-ling, the of '----'L2rlh-'LreqUency sounding, metallometry, and hydrochemistry. In searches Por iron ore deoosits the chief teclvmAques are mametic and ~,ravimetric surveying; in the quest for copper-nickel ores ,e main are aeromarmetll'c "Jurveying gravillnetric, electric C~l 07 U an,~ mao-natic vorozpee-Ving; -4L--,i the case of depths -he chief tecliniaue is radiowave translucence in conjunction with drilling. eromagnetic and aero-gamma-surveying, magnetometry, metallometry, , L- C) 0 C'ard t/3 Obnortunities S/16 02/vAO/0006/0106/097 D228X3,04 cappameury, gravimetry, surface gamma-surveying, and electric pro- 1 0 - Q - s~~ectixig are the main methods for seeking polymetual ores; in deep C> searches the principal technique is drilling in conjunction with in-~,erlh.olle radiowave translucence. Ma-netic surveyinc- is the main method of seeking stony bauxize variezies; for non-magnetic clayey varieties of bauxi-ke a number of indirect nroblems arb solved by u~ae net.,_-ods ol'. aeromagnetic survey-n,-, e -3tric prospecting and e pro- ore geo- Dccasionally seismic surveying. Desp ', - gress o-I physics, there are a number of unsolved problems: see.k_ing deeply CD of base and rare metals; s or weakly- and non- ying ores earching C> =~_G'Yletic varieties of iron ore; direct searches for ore deposits. Increasing: the effective-ness of geophysical worill- should proceed in -.hree directions: the -oerfection of the techniques and the me- thods o4~ o-eophysical investigations; equipping the geophysical set.- vice wiUh modern, highly productive techniquoi3i and inareasing tho oxacutorla a ualificat ions. The author reckons that it is necessary Uo use seismic surveying when seekin-o' ore deposits in order to solve structu:.-al-tectonic and mapping problems. Electric prospect- znn:- -- -he leading method of ore geophysics -- is confronted with _~__ 11 U r~ 0 and wa s S/ 16 9/6 2/0 O/Oo6/0 -~ 6/3 - y in v:-, c cr 0 ',r, c! 1 U. n 0' d C:L6c~ Of weld Uc n:.- c C. 3 f --c)c '~3 -Y -s c 20auc Z- 10 ra 2-S L ,)u a ;,o-e s S 0 0 r. d urn L, ,-,! t, of J~e 07 -- - - -. *, a -,-, -U. ve -Ul *-.,I i n e ra 1c o n -U -~ n - - t accord4n:.- L -u 3 da-~a r IV 0 n in --~. - -1, - a 0- e 0 -3" S - c al OP ~ra -. 11 on s L developed -~oo, jyj ever S) --', - u ernt~ te spaces should be y :)Oss-;,c)-,e i-.ray. I -~erls noze: Com- --Ds urac e -U a -Urans -. ac"I -7 Card -5/3 POLYAKOV, A,,S Representing the results of the determination of the physical proporties of rocks by means of variation curves. Razved. i okh. nedr 27 no.,2;50-53 F 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. lAiningradskiy filial VsesoyLtznogo nauchno-lasledovatellskogo instituta geofiziki. (Rockn~~AnEtlysis) OVIRCEMIN, V.Vl; PIRKIN, I.A.-, POLYAKOV, A.S.; OCHICIN, D-V- m "' Methad for calibrating scintillation gamma-spectrometer. Prib.i tekh. ekep. no-5:126-128 S-0 160o (NIEL 13:11) (Scintillation spectrometry) (Calibration) ZIBMIBZRG, A.I.; POLYA~OV, A.S. Semiautomatic machine for trimming burrs and flaws of crankcaBes. Avt.prom. no.4:37 Ap '60. (MIA 13:6) L.GorIkovskiy avtozavod. (Grinding machines) 15 7 1/.~ / O(A') 68216 40, 5(4) S/07 6/60/005/02/002/04 5 AUTHORSt -NeF,;neyanov, An. N., IofEL, B. Z., B004/BO16 PEiMv, A. S. . . . ......................... . .... TITLE: Pre:3sure of Saturated Vapor of Solid Indium Antimonide PERIODICAL: Zhu:-nal neorgaricheskoy khimii, 19602 Vol 5, N'r 2, pp 246-248 ,;R) (US, ABSTRACT: The measurement of this pressure was made by a modified method of Knudsen (Refs ",I,) by adding Sb124 and In"14 at-t- I OMUC41a- turir-s between 636 and 7200K. The two with a-ct-4-.'(1 isotopes added were fused together in quartz capiillaries, The radiograras taken by Yu. P. Simanov at the khimicheskiy faki,11- tet 14GU (Chemical DepaTtment of Moscow State Univeraity) con- firm the occurrence of one single phase of !nSb. The con- denizate obtained on determination of the vapor pressui-e was trai;sformed into sulfiles the activity of which was measurei. The value of the vapor pressure of InSb determined by ev-ap,-~- ration of radioactive In is by far higher than the value I&- sulting from the determination of the evaporated Sb (~Tabl6a 1,2, and Fig). The values obtained by measuring the evaporated' Sb Card 1/2 are practically in agreement with the pressure cf the saturafed 68216 Pressure of Saturated Vapor of Solid Indium S/078/'60/005/0-2/002/045 Antimonide B004/BO16 val-or of pure metall-ic Sb (Ref 7) whereas the -vapor pressure determined by In correspcnds with that of so!--'d InSb. Prior to evaporation, a partial disso-c-iation of the cc-,rnpound The vapor pressure above the s.:)lid InSb equals the vapor p-eS- sure of the vietallic Sb plus the vapor pressw,e of InSb. The vapor pressure of the nietallil- in is negligible at the temp,--ra-- tU37es applied. The authors point out that the determination of the vapor pressure with freshly prepared InSb gives in- creased values. By pulverization of the substance, a distur'---anoe of the crystal lattice occurs, and a crystal surface with ex- cess energy is formed, as it was likewise ob~,erved in As 20 and ZnAs (Ref 11). There are 1 f-L'6-ure, 2 tables, and 11 ref- 2 erE!nces, 6 of wh1ch are Soviet. SUBMITTED: January 12, 1959 Card 2/2 85360 S/120/6o/ooo/005/034/051 E032/E314 AUTHORSg Ovechkin, V.V j Pirkin, I-,,A., Polyakov, A.S. and Ochkin, D.V, -1 --- TITLE: Method of Calibrating a Scintillation Gamma-spect.- rometer /I PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1960, No. 5v pp. 126 - 128 TEXT: The conversion of the areas under the photopeaks in scintillation y-spectra to the total intensities of y.-rays, for a medium-sized NaI(T1) crystal and energies E 300 keV, can only be carried out if the y-ray specTrometer Y is calibrated in a preliminary experiment. This calibration is usually carried out with the aid of standard y-ray sources with energies close to the energy of the y-rays under investi- gation. However, such standard y-ray sources are not always available. Calculated data suitable for calibration purposes and applicable to the many practical cases, are largely not available either. An absolute calibration curve covering a wide energy interval can be obtained for a scintillation y-spectrometer with the aid of y.-sources whose intensities are 85360 S/12o/6o/ooo/005/034/051 E032/E314 blethod of Calibrating a Scintillation Gamma-spectrometer not standardit~ed, provided each of them has a number of y-lines with known intensity ratlos, including soft y-quanta with energies 100 keV (Ref. 1). By definition, the efficiency (relative aperture) of a y-spectrometer for y-rays of given energy is given by e = S/N f(EY) where S is the counting rate in the photapeak and N is the total intensity of y-rays of the given energy emitted into an angle of 41'%r. The ratio of efficiencies for hard and soft y-rays emitted by a given source is then? ei/eO = (SiIS0 )(N0IN i) M where the subscripts i and o refer to hard and soft rays, respectively, Since the soft y-rays are absorbed in the surface layer of the NaI(TI) crystal (for example, for EY = 90 keV 7.5 cm" ), it follows that F-0 = S 0IN0'~:-: W0 Card 2/6 8536o S/120/6o/000/005/034/051 E032/E314 Method of Calibrating a Scintillation Gamma-spectrometer wher-e W0 is the relative solid angle subtended by the crystal at the source, The magnitude of S 0 must of course be corrected for the absorption of soft quanta in the crystal envelope and in the source, ats well as for the fraction of K x-rays of iodine which escape from the crystal (Ref. 2). Thus, the solid angle W can be calculated from., 0 (1) C) = 1/2 11L - R/ \1 R2* a21 (2) where R is the distance from the source to the crystal (diameter 2a). S i/S0 can be measured directly and N iIN0 can be obtalned from published data. Substituting the values for the various quantities in Eq. (1) for a number of y-sources, one can obtain. the calibration function E = f(EY ) for a given geometry. The authors have measured this dependence for a NaI(Tl) crystaL, 40 mm in diameter and 50 mm long, placed at a Card 3/6 85360 S/12o/6o/ooO/005/034/051 E032/E314 Method of Calibrating a Scintillation Gamma-spectrometer distance R = 5.3 cm from the source (Wo = 3.2 x 10-'2 The following y-sources were employed: Hg 203 (Eo 71 keV, E1= 279 keV, (XK = 0.159 (Ref.3), N - N1= O.IL4) CS137(E 0 32 keV. E1 = 661 keV, cxK = 0.11 (Ref.4), N *NI= 0.072) Ce 144 + Pr 144 (E 80, E 134, E = 700, E' = 14go, 0 2 3 E 2180 ReV; N 0~,NI-.N2*.N3-N 4 =7~2:15.3:3.56:0.56~1.44 (Ref. 5), Se 75 (El = 140, E 270, E = 400 keV~, NIN -N = 123:141~22.3 0 1 2 0 1 2 (Ref. 6). Card 4/6 85360 S/120/6o/000/005/034/051 E032/E3i4 Method of Cal3.brating a Scintillation Gamma-spectrometer In the first %wo cases the ratio N :NI was calculated from OLK taking inl:o account the fluores~-ence emitted from the K-shell (Ref, 7), As can be seen from Fig. 1 all the experimental points except for the 134 IceV y-rays from Ce 144 lie on the continuous curve and agree with the four calculated points EY = :!8o, 661, 1330 and 2620 keV (full circles) which ifere obtained by combining the data taken from Refs. 8 and 9 and applying them to our geometry. The experimentally determined functi.on f(E ) was confirmed by control measurements using Y 226 the following y-ray sources Ra daughter products (E 0 = 610~ EI = 350, E2 :: 770, E3 =1120, B4 176o, E5 = 2?,uu keV, VN, NI.-N -.N -N 2N -N lOOg62,5:18.7,,45,3-54-3:21.5 (Refs.10,11~; 0 1 2 3 14 5 = I131(El = 64o, E = 364, E = 720 keV, N12N ~-N ii~62100~2.4 0 1 2 0 1 2 (Ref. 12). Card 5/6 85366 S/12o/6o/ooo/005/034/051 E032/E314 Method of Calibrating a Scintillation Gamma-spectrometer Since the intensity of the y-rays in the soft part of the y-spectrum for these isotopes is not well known, F- was normalised so that c6lo ~ 7.3 x 10 -3 and E 64o 27-0 x 10-3 In addition, it was assumed that 6 14o ~ 2.7 x 10 in the case of Se 75,"~The y--ray spec;lrum was measured with the aid of a 100-channel kicksorter (PA.1-100 (AI-100)). A typical y-spectrum (Ra 226 in equilibrium with its /,9de*:;ay produzts) is shown in Fig. 2. There are 2 figures and 12 referen,--es, 1 Swedish, 1 Italian, 4 English and 6 Soviet, Acknowledgments are expressed to L.T. Polyakova for assistance in the measur(!ments, SUBMITTED- July 17, 1959 Card 6/6 FAKLTUTIH, LYE,.; OVEGHKIN, D.V.; OCHKIII, D.V.; FOLYAKOV, A.S.; KHOWLEVA, Z.Kl Production of the radioactive isotope Kr 85 and investigation of its -,O-radiation. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 39 no.4:991-992 0 16 0.1 (MIRA 13:11) (Krypton--Isotopes) (Gamma rays) S/056/60 11004/307 0 AUTHORS: Nalchutin, I. Ye , Ovechkin, V. V., Ochkin, D. V_ Polyakov, A. S., Khoduleva, Z. K. . . . . ... ... ... . .................... ... . ..................., TITLE: Prf~paration of the Radioactive Isotope Kr35 and In,testigation of Its Gamma Radiation 7r/ PERIODICAL: Zhiirnal eksperimentallnoy i tecreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol--39, No. 400), PP. 991-992 TEXT. Kr35 was obtained by dissolving neutron-irradiated uranium 'in nitric acid and ':y separating chromatographically by active carbon at 770K the gase:z liberated from moisture, nitrogen oxides, and radio- active iodine. F(:r the measurement of emission, Kr35 was filled in a plexiglass cylinder with an aluminum foil. bottom. The yield was determined from -the ratio kY = NYINV where N Y, NP are, respectively, the numbers of 517 kev gamma quanta and of 0 particles emitted per unit time in the solid angle 4n. The beta radiation was measured by an Cvj-20 (SI-2B) ccunter, and the garrma radiation by a NaT(TI) -~~intillatnr Card 1/2 8h397 Preparation of the Radioactive Isotope Kr.~ S/056/60/07,?/V),,~.i-!1 51"AP, and Investigation of Its Gamma Radiation B004/BO7c; 9,q /i and AW-100 (AI-1_,~Oj' analyzer. The gamma yield of Kr35 wag found to be (0-41n.o6)% per lecay. This value is significantly lower than that given by H. Zeldes et al. (Ref. 1). The authors cheoked the data by measurements on 1,13" and cs134 whose gamma quantum yielld is exactly known~ There are ~ references: 3 Soviet and 3 US. SUBMITTED; May 23, 1960 Card 2/2 KLIMOV, Tu.M.; OHIKIN, V.V.; ANISI)(OV, N.J.; BARSKOV, I.M.; VINOGRADOV, Tu.V.; UAVRILOV. A.N.; GAUKHMAN, L.A.; GOLOV, A.P.; GOLIDMO, L-S-; GIMMNIKOV, G-I-; YRFIMOV, A.N.: ZALUTSKIT, H.S.; ZATTSIVA, A.T.; ONTRYSH, A.I,; KANDARITSKIT, V.S.; XAPRANOV, I.A.; KOVALEV. N.I.; KOVALHVSKIT, K.A.; KOLOSOV, A.F.; KRIVOV# A.S.; KRYLOV. R.M.; LZVITAS;. A.G., KALTGIN. K.A.; MORALEVICH, Tu.A.; MOTYLEV, A.S.; HASTAROY, X.V.; NIKOLISKIY. 1.V.; ORLOV, G.M.; ORLOV, Ya.L.; _A. S.; RUBIN, V.I., SVANIDZF PARENSLET, VX; POIJAXQTj~ C, K.N.; STRIGIF. I.A.; TAKOTIV, K.F.; TRUBNIKOV, S.V.; CHIRNYSHIVA. L.N.; CIMSHOLOV, N.Te.; SHAMBERG, V.K.; STMMILIN, S.G., akademik, red.; ANTOSIRIKOVA, L., red.; MIKAICE-TAN, E.i red.; KUKHIN, Yu.. [Dictionary of the seven-year plan from A to Z] Slovarl semiletki ot A do IA. Hook-va. Gos.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1960. 397 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Faissia--leonomic policy) I* USSR / Foreatry. Forest Crops. K-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 24913. Author P( Inst �)t given. Title Px-otective Forest Cultivation in the Dry Steppes. OrIg Pub: LeBn. kh-vo, 1957, No 51 58-65. Abstract: MKperlments of the Kamysbinskiy mechanized forestry (1949-1956) on creation of the state forest-zone Kamyshin-Stalingrad has shown that of the arboreal species used in plantings, the following have dis- tinguished themselves by the best acclimatization: on chestnut solonetz soils - the small-leaved eln, and the green ash (oak on these soils generally per- ished during the winter); on carbonate soils of chalky marl - the small-leaved elm and tanner's sumac (the Crimea pine, transplanted on these soils Card 1/2 46 POLYAKOV, A. S. -......... I.." PossibilAties of increasing the effectiveness of geophysical prospecting for ore deposits. -Sov-geol. 4 no.10-42-57 0 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Vseijoyuznyy institut razvedochnoy geofiziki. (Prospecting-Geophysical methods) (Ore deposits) BUGROV, Stepaa Vasillyevich, ; ZIWAKHIN, Arkadiy Ilikiforovich, ; POLTAKQV,&- A1.OksajAr-3eaenovich,: GOD=, Te.D.. red.; SHAKHOVA, L.I., red. izd-va,; BACEURINA A.M., tekhn. red. [Work Dractices of mechanized working circlea(Kavvebin, Stepnoye. Koltubijnka). Opyt raboty mekbanizirovannykh leskhozov(4myshinskogo. Steonogo i Koltubanskogo). Moskva,'Goslesbumizdat. 1957. 55 P. (KIRA 11-12) (Forests and f orestry-Equipment and. supplies) POLYAKOV, A.S.. Development and distribution of productive forces in districts of Northorn European Russia during the sixth five-year plan, and tasks of economic geography. Izv. AN ESSR.Ser.geog. no.6:70-78 N-D '56. (M1RA 10:1) 1. Inntitut geografii Akademii nank SSSR. (Russia, Northern-Rconomic policy) USSMbeopivailos - Elo.,tropro:~,x-vtIn- HarlApr 53 "r lw P. ,wviov of 'Instrixtims for.:,' tropmspectLne," 0. Ivanov) (r-viLnjer) Is Ak Hauk SSS-f-:* Ser ~*eafizp No 29 pp 193-L95 Favorable review of b:ok "Instructions for -lectrop-rospacting.-O (Instruktalya po Eloktrorazv6dke)j puVlishod by the Main Geophysics Admin, Min of Geolo,-j USSU, Moscows 1952; 130 Ppo 8#000g copies, price 4*30 rubles* Co-authors are A. S. Sumnov,, A. V. Ves'3ev, A. S. Folyakova and N. I. Shakhov. tAitor is A. 14. 2agarmistr. A 254T82 RGIAROV, R.T..; FOLYAKOII, A.S. Autonatic press for trimming valve ams. Avt. prom. 30, 38 74 164 (MIRA 18.-2) 1. Gor~kovskiy avtomobillnyy zavod. 3(528) AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/10 SOV/26-59-3-1 2/47 Polyakov, A.S. The- European North (Yevropeyskiy sever) Priroda, 1959, Nr 3, pp 71 - 50 (USSR) This is a description of the northern part of Eu:c-opean USSR in its geographical, climatic and economic aspects. After outlining the huge dimensions, thi:,- borders and climatic conditions, the author states that the European North possesses great re- se:r,ves of coal of high quality,, petroleum, natural ga;:,., bauxite, potassium salt, peat, phosphorites, non-ferrous and rare metals. The development and study of the natural resources began immediately after the October Revolution. Since 1918, the Pech- ore coal basin has been studied and over 30 coal dez,osits, such as the Vorkuta, Inta, Syr-Yaginskoye, Khall^mer-Yu, . etc., have been discovered. The general g)ec.-logical reserves of the Pechora coal basin a-mount