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FOLUSIMA., T.V.; 41HERIUK, V.Ya.; ROZENBERG,, G.Ya. Produotion of thal*i6d substitute polyglucin Report Illo.l. by the mothod of selectivo synthesis. Mod. prom. ti6 no.2: 15-19 F I G!. WIRA 15:3) 1. TSentrallnyy ordena Lenina institut gematologii i perellvaniya krovi. (DEXTRAN) POLUSHINA, T.Vtj RUENITSK&YA, M.Z.; GRIGORIYEVA O.V. Antishock flubi on the basis of plasm albumin in donor blood. Probl.-geinat. L perel. k-rovi 5 no-3:52-55 Mr 160. Oeg-RA 14:5) 1. Iz.TS6ntra:t'Tiogo oi~dena Lenina instituta gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir. - keystvitel,nyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. A.A.Bogdasarov). (SHOCK) (ALBUMITIS-THEUPEUTIC USE) krovi 5 no. 8:42-43 (LEXTRU) polyglycine. Pr (MIRA LENSKAYA, R.V.; -POLUSHINA, T.Vo Use of polyglucia for a stud7 of blood vessel permeability in dogs in acute-radiation sickn6ss. Frobl. gemat. i perel. krovi 5 no. 9;57-60 160. (MMA 14:1) (RADIATION SICIMM) (DEXTRAN) (BWOD VESSEIS-Pa-MEABILITY) ROZENBIRG, G.Ya.; POLUSKINA, T.V. Drying In a apr.-.y drier. Med.prom.12 no.3:43-45 Mr '58. (MMA 11:4) 1. TS~ntrnllykvv institut gemntologll I parelivmnlym krovi Ministerstva zilravookhraneniya SSSR. (BIDOD PLASMA SUBSTITUTES-DRYING) ti ej L l d PI POLUSHINA, T.V'j GARFUNK;I') M.L., ond NIZIENOVA, N.M. "Concerning Pathological Anatomy of Fxperimental Shock States (Report II)," by R.-M, NemenoXa, JL_I~Ggrfunkel , and T. V_. _PD.lushina,,__~Qentral Order of Lenin Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (director, Prof A. A. Bagdasarov, Corres- ponding Member, A-zademy of Medical Sciences USSR), Ministry of Health ISSR, Problemy Gematologii i Perelivaniya Krovi, Vol 1, No 6, Nov:-/:)ec, pp 55-60 _19J-1 Tests were run on dogs to study pathological changes following trau- matic shock (47 experiinents), severe blood loss (35 experiments) and ,spinal shock (25 experiments). The authors conclude that the pathological changes observed during early periods of various shock conditions are morphological ex.pressions of profound disorders of blood and lymph circulation, that they are com- mensurate with the state of shock, and that all shock conditions are similar in nature. SUM. 1287 These morphological changes (illustrated by photomicrographs) re- flect the response of an organism to a shock-producing factor, i.e., functions of compensatory mechanisms. Blood reaction is connected with this factor. Compensatory mechanisms of an organism are very strong in blood transfusion, nonlethal hemorrhage, and anaphylactic shock, but they are very weak in traunatic shock and absent in spinal shock. By the use of effective therapeutic measures, it is possible to stimulate the basic protective powers of an organism, pull it out of shock, and prevent delayed irreversible changes from sctting in. AUTHOR: Polushk-1:-ij Ao 11- 8/1 7*0/59/CC12/1 1 O"C 1 ~/CW, B1 T5/BOO7 TITLE: The Critical 1A..marks by L. Do Borman PERIODICAL: Inzlionex-no-fiziclicskiy zhurna.1, 1959, Vol 2, 0, pp 1 Ut - 1 1 "! (n,"a') A13:WRACT- jn. reply to the criticion of one of the authorl.,; articlor 'Of 1) -:)y I.. it it; stated that the latter has wrow, ibnAr.- o~' t)w ihysics of cncrt-,y- and nas-- tranrfor and conoelp3; "litc critici."11 ir, not juntified. The ovapor:~.tion of a 6 lit-uid with a free surfnco is dealt with, round which a plano- flow of a itiixture of air :%nd steam flows. Here a uacroscuoic motion (convective transfer) of the entire air- steam nixture from th(? liquid surface to the noi,,)tborhood occurs vith a velocity we (Pic 1). in tho equation of flou (1) the lvst term on the rirlit side iu wrong. X'x-rors in 0ofinint, the bomiA.~.-cy condition in V,ri om'.i0.,-.tion acc.ordint: Lo 11, tornan. n.x-o ref on~od to, and fm-ther, t'lln, .1 -,Perns b.", 1'. vantt;cv 'Ref 6), 1-1. 14. Polon.,.,1my.-.- 'I), 1~'. 3). ].,-,))C(Icv (Rof fl), and B. M. ;nollokiy (Rcf 11) ttro i entime0, in ~)roof Card 1/2 of the ,:Latononts made by the alithor. Vinally, it in i)o':LnteCt I POLUSHKIN, A.A. __ Generators of infrared radiation Inzh.-fiz.z1,1r_-- mo-7:11C~112 JI 158, (MIRA 11:8) l.Politakhzicheekly institut, Gorlkiy. (Infrared rap--Industrial applications) POLUSHKIN, A.A. Criteria for the Fimila--Jty of heat and mass exchange in evaporation processes of liquids. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. no.2:129-144 7 '59. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Polltekhnichns!kly institut imeni A.k. Zhdanova. g.Gorlkly. (Mars transfer) (H"at-Tranumlocion) PMUSEK19. A.A. Designing heat.-radiation dryers. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. no.10:117-119 0 158. (KIRA 11:11) 1. Politekhnicheskly institut imoni A.A.ZhdanoTa. g. Gorlkly, (Drying appsratue) PMUSHKO, A.A.,,',- kand. tekhn. asuk. -113 Combined dryixg of chemical products. Khim. prom. no.2.111 mr 1 C,8. (MIR& 110) 1. Gorikovskly politekhnicheekly institut im. 4A. Zhdanova. (Drying apparatus) POLUSHKIN, A.A. Convective h-3at exchange in problema involving an internal heat source.. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. no.2:103-105 F 158. (14IRk 13:1) 1. Politekhnichoskiy institut im.A.A.Zhdanova. g.Gor'kiy. (Hout-Convection) 06h02 24(8) SOV/1 70-510-2-20/223; AUTHOR: Polushkin, A.A. TITLE: On Criteria of Similaritv of Heat and Mass Transfer in Pro::esses of E*vp-- poration of Liquids PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizi.,3heskly zhurral, 1959, Nr 2, pp 129-144 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Many studies in the USSR and abroad deal with the process of liquid eva- poration from the free surface, which were reviewed by A,V, Nesterenko ZAef 37 and in the monographs ZR-efs 4,5.7. However, there is no firmly established standpoint on many basic problems in this process. Varlou5 oriteria. of similarity are proposed, In particular by L.D, Berman /-Refs 6-lL7. The author starts his analysii3 by deriving basic differential equations of heat and mass transfer, Formulae 17 and 18, and transfer equations for the case of evaporation of a liquid from a free surface. Formulae 32-35, from which the well-known criteria of slmilarlty, Ar, Re, Pr, Pr', Nu, Nul, Kn can be obtained,, if bo--mdary conditions ar,~ taken into consideratiofi. Berman PPODoses other equations and other criteria which are, as the author shows, inoorrectly derived, In,,en the author analyzes a so-called Gukhman's criterion which was introduced by Card 1/3 P.M. Polonskaya ZR-e-f' 1V and dealt with In the papers of L,,S, Klyachko 0602 SOV/170-59-2-20/P-3 On Criteria of Similarity of Heat and Maczs Transfer in Processes of Evaporation of Liquids ,/Ref 2Q7, A.A. Oukhman L"Ref 1?7 and AN. Lykov ZR-ef 17. The author holds that the introduction of this and other analogous criteria needs a special and more profound substantiation, Another process of heat and mass trans- fer, that occurring duripg the drying of moist bodies, was experimentally investigated by N.S. Mikheyeva ZP-.,:f 217, *,A. Maksimov 2~Fef 2V, P~D. Lebedev ZR-ef V and B.M. Smol'skly ZR-ef 4 7. Lebedev proposed a calculating formula in the form of criterial relationships, Fornrala 59 in the text, which is valid for the period of decreasing rate of the drying process. The author hold.-i that transfer phenomena in the bound=.7 layer should be in- vestigated by studying the fields of temperaturm, moisture oontert and the velocity of the vapor-gas mixture close to the surface of the b---Jy., The Card 2/3 problem of the offeat of body dimensions on the process of heat. and mass GARMG, Sergay Vasillyevich; DMKOV, Dmitriy Mikhailovich; POLUSHKIN, Alek*V Mitroftnovich: AVATIF, S.A.. retsenzent; 00 retB:nX:Z2XT-XRftOV, A.P., retsenzent; POLOWV, A.I., retsensent, [dec as ij: SIWV, D.A., retsenzent; LIOZNOV, A.G.. redaktor; NIKRASOVA, O.L' takhnicheskiy redaktor. [Manual for emi,pineers in textile industry] Spravochnik energetiks tekstillnoy proaWshlennosti. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhnA%d-vo Ministerstva Tr?oZ,,h ovarov shirokogo potrableniia SSSR. Vol. tn;t (Electric englao ] 1955. 630 P. (MLRA 8:12) (Ilectric engineering) POLUSHKIN, B. V.t CAND J.AED SCII "OVALBUMIN SHOCK AND CERTAIN PROBLEMS OF TACHYPHYLAXISell BARNAUL9 1958. \A) (SECOND MOOCOA STATE MED IN&T IM M. I . PIROCiOV). (KL, 3-61V 234). 4-50 POLUUMN. B. V. '19ode of actioli of 'bacteria on the nervous system. Zhur. rjikrobiol. epid. i imus. 29 no.'12:115-116 D '58. (MBA 12: 1) (VACCt M) BARKAGAN, Z.S.; POLUSHKIN B.V..(Barnaul) Significance of blood coagulation in the mechanism of snake venom poisoning. Patefiziol.i ekop. terap. /+ no.2:48-~4 Mr-Ap 160.' (HIPA 14--5) 1. Iz kafedry propedevtiki vrrutrennikh bolezney (zav. - dotsent Z.S.Barkagan) i kafedry patofiziologii (zav. - dotsent R.bkTeregulov) Altayskogo meiiitsinskogo instituta. (BLD,',D-COAGUIATION) (VENOM) POLUSHr,jj,T, fj.V. (birnaul ) High sensitivity of rats to the parenteral administration of ovalbumin; rer7lew of literature. Pat. fiziol. i ekep. terap. 6 no.6-.86-88 N-D'62 (MUFLA 170) 1. 1z kafedr:i patologichaskoy fiziologii ( zav. - dotsent R.G. Tereplov) X-Itayskogo meditsinskogo instituta. - POLUSHKIN, B.V, L71~,trnuul:) On S.M.Pavlenhols article nShortcomings in the cio-riculum of medical schoo'~,.s and a reorganization of instruction in patho- physiology inthe light of the law 'On the strengthening the bond between achool and society..'" Pa~t.fiziol.i eksp.terap. 4 no-4:91- Jf-fi.z '60. (MIRA 14-5) . (PH3:3IbLOGY., PATHOLOGICAL-STUDY AND TFACHING) (PAVLENKO, S.M.) ,-- 19 , B.V. (Barnaul) 1~&' N D 160. t,Tacbypbjrj&xjs. USP. q-c-.rr. =:101. :'0 no.,:349-, - --, I ~.Il 14.., i C-IC31 (inimliTY) POLUMUlb_ 11, V. I ~,-;IAIIOVVEVA, Ye. Y&. Content of serotonin (5-hydroxytr7ptamins) in the blood of patients with different forms of hemophilia. Probl. gemat. perel. krovi ao.8:31-33 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. 1z kafedrY 31*opeaevtiki vnutrennikh bolazncy (zdv. - doteent Z. S. Barb - i patologicheskoy fiziologii (zav. - dotsent A. V. letly n) Alta7skogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo insti- tuta. (HEMOPHILIA) (SEROTIONTIN) FOLUSMIM, B. V. (Bazmtul) w?aasive* sensitization of rabbits to egg white using the serum of white rats. Arkh. pat. 25 no.7t68-72,163 (MIRA- 16:12) 1. Iz kafedry latologichookoy fiziologii (zav. - dotoent A,V. Intlyon) AtfillApgo Modit"ArIOD.R"I inotAlmtA, DO.P,OFz-Yz-V,, V.M.,- POLI)SHKIN, B.V.; TSYM., N,.I. Thermal and aiiaplVlactoid edemas in acute radiation aickliess. Vest.-ANK-SSER 20 no.9:78-83 165. (MIRA 18zli) 1. Institut m,-ditsinskoy radiologii AMN SSSR, Obninsk. DYKIIIOVSKI"Y, U.; KOMOVNIKOV, G.S.; POLUSHKIN, B.V. Effect of zymman on them macrophagic reactirm of ;,~ lungs and phagocytosis in acute radiation oickness. Vast. AMN SSSR 20 no.9:1~3-86 165. (MqRA 18:11) 1. Inatitut m-aditsinskoy radialogii 91N MST, Obainsk. BOGDANOV, N.G.; PORISIIKINO~B.V. Increase of iiensitivity to seroton-In (5-hydrcx7trYp',a---Jre) -'- segments of rat colon in K-avitamincBin rAused by ligation of the bile duci. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 60 no.11:28-30 N 165. (MIRA 19: 1) 1. Kafedra. b:Lokhimii (zav. - prof. I.I. Matusis) Altayskogo meditsinskogo instituta, Barnaul. Submitted April 15, 1964. DEDERTERP YUJI-,- POL1,611FIN, B.V.; GORDELADZE, A.S. (BLrnaul) Changes in the ,serotonln content of the gastrointestinal tra,:-t in experimental. intestinal obstruction in rats. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 13 no.1:52-55 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Kafedry gospitallnoy Ir-hirurgii, patofiziologii, patoanatordi Altayskogo riedLtsinskogo instituta, Barnaul. 1V5 67n 1. . ielrl FOLUSHKIN, GEIINADFY FEDOROVICH Osnovy UstroystvEt I Teorii Morskikh Sudov (Principles of Construction and Theory of Paval Vessels) Moskva, Izd-vo 'Norskoy Transport", 1956. 172 P, Mus., Disgrs. I'Literaturall: P. 170 POWSHKIN,., Geana~kt We gF liph; OGTJRTSOvSXiy. G.A.. redaktor-, AIJMANMOV ~Iaoir~,Pllstva; TIKHOHOVA, Ye.A.. tekhnichaskiy Or rz rZ~tor CTheory of seagoing vessels and the fundamentals of equipping them] Ounovy ustroistva i teorii morskikh sudov. Koskys, lzd-vo "Korskol transport,s 1956. 172 p. (KIAA 10;f) (Shipa) MOGILAT, Ya.Ya.; IMIKLIVETS, R.N.; POLUSHKIN,.G.P. Prevention of the clogging of slag and-a'sh ash removal sy6tems. Energetik 10 no.9:12 lines in hydraulic S 162. (MIRA 17.-1) ~-WLUSHIN, Ivan Dmitri3revich; SEMINA, V.F., red.; PECHERKAYA, T.I. , tekhn. red, __-- (Warm hearts] Goriachie serdt9a. Irkutsk,, Irkutskoe knizimoo izd-vo, 1960. 23 P. (MIlU 14:9) (Angara River-Dams) (Bratsk ltdroelectric Power Station) POLUSHKI14Y j. .1 Dlen%LM Of the Central Administration of the Scientific and "'h i rd Techni~al Society of the Power Industry. Elektrichestvo no.2:94 F '65- (MIRIL 180) 67 _'___'EwT(m)/EWP(Q/'ETi - ijP(c) JD/JW/JG/AT AP6030802 SOURCE CODE: UR/0185/66/011/009/0950/0956 AUTHOR: 1~olushkjn, I. Id. -- N. ; Dudko, D. Ya. ,ORG: Kiev State University im. T. H. Shevchenko (Kyyvslkyy derzhuniversytet) TITLE: Effective cross section of electron scattering in plasma, helium, and argon Xvith a cesium vapor admixture '~- 1 10 SOURCE: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 9, 1966, 950-956 TOPIC TAGS: e1i discharge plasma ABSTRACT: The authors measured the effective cross section of electron scatter- ing by neutral atoms of a binary gas discharge plasma in inert gases of He and Ar with an admixture of Cs vapor at a pressure of /--., 2mm Hg. Measurements were carried out by a method employing a superhigh- frequency resonator in the three- centimeter band and by a method of plasma conductivity in a d-c network. The cross section of electron scattering equals 6 x 10-16 cm2 for plasma in He. 2 x 10-16 cm2 for plasma in Ar, and 2 x 10-14 cm2 for plasma in Cs. Dependences- of the electric-field strength and plasma conductivity in He-Cs and Ar-Cs L 01267-67 ACC NR: AP6030802 on the Cs vaR2E_pLessure)are given for various electric -current densities. The authors thank Professor fj.__P. _Morgulis for his guidance in the study and graduate student Yu, Ya, Polishchuk for taking part in the work. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 3 formulas. [Based on authors' abstract] [NT) SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 23Nov65/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 005/ card' 2/2 i7i r, r, r :j yj j- r,;Ir &nl Tachr~7Caj ty :, f %he Po~.-- iniustry. no.2.-91 P 16r. 1. Zamestitell wedsedlitclya pravl~-nliiya N-~-uchno-tehhn'cheskogo nbi~hwhostvq e ne:-ge h~- -n~: oy Tromy3hlennosti. POLUSHKIN, I.P. -'-, Third conference of the Scientific and Technical Society of ~he Power Industry, Prom. energ, 19 no.3:40 Mr 164. (IG-eA 17:4) I. p~ inzh. 11 - " I ~ !! of the SCiPrt' r'c Pr;,j Technical S-3c4et" of ""' ' S." -' Third ror:gr-~s I - * -4~~, Industry. Elel(trinhestvo no.4i92 AD '64. ( xi,:~ , 1,7 - ., POLUSHKIN, I.P. More attention should be paid to public In3pection. Elek. sta. 34 no.9-75-76 S 163. (14IRA 16;10) 1. Zamestitell predsedatelya TSentrallnogo pravieniya Nauchno- tekhnicheskofro obahchestva energeticheskoy promyshlennosti. L'255:L!2-66 EWT UVE~~r (m) ATC W 1EWG W An ~(1) awk (I j /blpf KPE(~)-L' ACC NRs AP6011403 , - . SOURCE COM. UR/0051/66/036/003/6542,fOS48 J~p (c J H-4 AT/ ~"/JG AUTHORV".' .'Uorguli is ~--'N, D, :,P)lushk 7-, ORG; -Kiev State, UnlVersitj~ (Kiyevskly gosudarstvennyy un1vers"tat) k7,K!" TITLE: chiri ~roc ur I In helium og,argon'.at high Ig qcay.o re 4ith" AD '.adjsfttureJDf cesium vapor, U: V SOURCEf ~fii Zhu al-tokhniches4oy f iniki'. v. 36, no.3,,1966, 542-w548, on, 70PIO'TAGS'--~ I -.-recdtd)fnatkon~ recombinatioin coefficient, plasma decay, helium,. argon Feg~tumt, gas dis~hargti. plasn~ high,pressure ABSTRACT 'As' t6-1irs't a ag o of an investigation of.discharge plasmas in-inert gases c~ontaining- a mall..admixtu S~of alk4li;metal vapors,'the authors.have investigated decay - of 017p] asmasf c tainin helium and.aEff on g--cesium. The plasmas,were produced in I :cm diimeter,- ~O cm long sealed glass.tubes containing helium.or argon at 100-150 mm Bg by discharge of a 5 kv, 10 gF capacitor, The discharge tube was shart circuited with,a thyratron some 40-100 microsee after initiation of the discharge, when the ~2 ed after a further current density was.3720 A/cm , and probe measurements were start 40--80 psec delay. The partisil pressure of cesium'in the discharge tube was varied from 10-8 to 0#1 us Ng by adjusting the temperature'of a side tube containing metallic cesium. spectra of continuous arc discharges were.observed and electron temperatures were derived from line intewilty ratios. When' the cesium pressure was high Ir Mrd 1/3 card 2 3 ACC NRt AP6011403 decay curve (reciprocal ion density versus time) consisted of two straight lines with _.~different slopes joined by h short knee, Thb:fact that the cesium recombination co- is the same In tho pres.ence of a large excess of inert gas as In pure cesium vapor and remains unchanged over a wide range of ionization indicates that molecular -Aons do not play a significiint role in cesium.recombination. it issuggested that -;ium recombination is eff(*jcted mainly in three-body collisions between an ion and -:,.,two electronsO Tho*recombitintion.coofficientsobserved for helium.and argon are too be accounted for by analogous three-body collisions, however, and it is sug- ."--.gested that molecular ions.participate in'the.ineirt. gas,-recombination process.- Orig. has,.,2 f ormulas, apd,- F.1 igurf3i 26 SUMUDATM- lWan66','', 04 ~:ORZGAEFt 0 -OTH RKF*.:-.008 % YDM,'7kNOV, I.Ya.; DELINS, P.A.; ZVCVOV, N.V.; ALEYSEMO, PQ Yu.I.,- GROZDU7, I.I.; UZUEMOV, S.P.; SIRODMI, A.P.; TOYAPX7,, Yu.I.; LAVROYMY, X.P.; BRODSKIY, A.M.; BELOV, A.R.; BORISUK., YP.11.; GRYAZKV, V.D.; POPOV, D.N.; KORYAKIN, Yu.I.; FILIPPOV., A.G.; F-EMCHUKI K.11.; KHOROSHAVIN, V.D.; SAVINOV, V.P.; 14ESHCHERYAKOV, M.i,.; PUSHKARET, V.P.; SUROYEGIN, V.A.; GAVRILOV, P.A.; PODLAZOV, L.N.; ROGOZFK-Di, I.N.; TETYUKOVV.D. i "Arbus"' atomic power plant with organic heat transfer agent and moderator. Atom. energ. 17 no.6*.439 D 164 (MIRA 18-.1) H PJ,EKSENKO, "Yu. N.; 1OLUS11KIN, K. K.; ZVONOV, N. V.; TETTYUKOV, V. D. "Organic moderated nuclear ro-w-er plant. " report submitted for 3rd Intl Conf, Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva 31 Aug-9 Sep 64. -Xazev 'POLUSHRIN, X.P., inzh. Welding elemtentUj of a hydrauldc turbine spAral chamher on aasse=bly platforms. [Trudy]IJAZ no.11:244-254 164. (f-f! RA 17: 12) Welding radial-axial bydraulic turbine rotors in assembly. lbid.i255- 258 POLUSHKIN. Konstantin Petrovich; I.PJRZD7, A.P., retsenzent; ZUBOV, I -.11,.-,:' _ red ,.; , ,SrjBOIM'A -,- Y e-M., tekhn. red. [Installation of bydraulic turbine-generator units] Mon- tazh gidroarregatov. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 534 p. (MIRA 17:2) POL,ljpg;~O, X~notaptin ~:~ -, , - I - -re 110.., -_._.l- .1 1 turbine-generator stov. moal-va, Go RatsionBlln7i .izd-vo, 1957. (MIRA 11:4) POWSHKIN. K.F., inzh. ideational planning in,cor4ucting mechanzied assembly operations. Nov.-tekh. mott. i spots. rab. v stroi. 21:26-27 is '59. 12:8) (MIRA (Building machinery) (Precast concrete construction) POWSHKIN, K.P., inzh. Contemporary Inatallation of hydraulic unitB ind the taskfi of power machine--jr manufacturers. Inergomshinovtroenle 6 no.4.*I,'2- 46 AP 16o. (MIRA 13:8) (Hydraulic machinery) IIIKIFOROV, I.V.t inzh.; RUDIUK, A.G., inzh.- FOLUSHKIN, IEVA inzh., red.; YINBAYEV, M.F.., red.; ALII-TIY .1 1'.V., red.; G.D.2 teldm. red. [Practictices in the assenbly of the hydraulic units of the Volga fl~ydroelectric Poiter Station (Lenin)]Iz opyta monta-zha gidroagregatoy Volzhskoi GES ineni V.I.Lenina. Kuibyshev, Energostroi, 1959. 82 p. (MR-A, 15:8) (Volga Rydroelectric Power Station (Lenin)) 112-57-7-14219 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 7, p 64 (USSR) AUTHOR: Polushkin, KI P. -Power Equipment TITLE: Shortening the Erection Time of Water (0 sokrashchenii tsikla montazha gidrosilovogo oborudovaniya) PERIODICAL, Tr. 2-go nauch. -tekhn. soveshchaniya, po proyektirov. i str-%,u gidroelektrostantsiy. M. - L. (Transactions of the Second Scientific and Engineering Conference on Designing and Building of Hydroelectric Stations), 1956, pp 149-161 ABSTRACT: In 1952, for the fir9t time, a new method of speedy (simult-Aneous) erection of water-power equipment was used at the Upper Svir' hydroelectric station, as suggested by engineer Barkovskiy in 1949. Turbine Darts to be em- bedded in the foundation were laid right on the spot, without rough surfaces of the concrete joints, long bcdore the turbine room was built. The gate appara- tus was erected simultaneously with concrete work, and large subassemblies of turbines and generators were prepared on outdoor platforms. Later on, at Tsimlyanskaya hydroelectric station, a specially- equipped outdoor assembling Card I IZ SAVELtYEV, ~;-F-; KOVALI-SKAYA, A.V.. BERUYOV, F.V.; GALKIIII, YU.P. KROMOTIN, LISU 11 A , I . S. ; TSI_RKTN, M-Z.; LA6-. N A. GUBEIIII., H A.A. UMKIN, -M.K.; LIBE, N.A.; IVA'KV, N.P.; D'YACHENKC, G.P.; RUSOV, Ye.Kh.; ~:.l FILIPPOV, I.F.; KII-1W)RETSIUY, G V- - VARTA, All b Af 1, L.Z.; K01,011'rSAYA, L.M.; GCTBA70110, F.1, Inventions, Erlerg, 4- Plelr:trotekh. prcap. nc..4:"Q C--D lb~. (MIRA 1-8:31 POi,*,ISHKTN, N.A-, inzh., '.LGAYOVI in-zh. E -,,p r2 Improvi.niE the technolngy of :-'Akilng KhIE!"OT V7 2 'stall '15 no.12-1(07-1098 D 65. 1. Gorlkovskiy motallurgicheskiy, zavod. AKIW,NKO, A.D.; ASTIRCV, Ye-,I.,- SKVORTSOV, A.A.,--POLUSHKIN,...,N.A.; KILIPOV, A.D. Effect of the intensity of secondaz-f cooling on the quality of continuous casting. Stall 24 no.12:1088-1089 D 164. (MIRA 180) 1. Gorlkovskiy pohtekhnicho3kly Institut Ii, Zhdinova, TSentrallnyy nAuchno-issledowttellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii imeni L.P. i Gorlkoiskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. .POLUSHKIN, D.P.. Anzh. ' - -'c g 'n- - .1 &nd gone-.-4,c,- units, a l-,upia U --nun v, ,rol of hydrali-li c turbira E3ek. sta. 36 no.1006-59 0 165. (MIRA 18- 10) POWSHKIN, N.P., inzh. Results of tests under actual operating conditions de3igned to determine the pove), characteristics of the gate apparatus of adjustable-blade b-draulic turbines. Energo_-.-ashinostroenie 11 no-5138-40 My 165. (MIRA .18-6) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3843 Polushkin, Nikolay Petrovich Montazh, nalafts i ispyt&uUY_- avtomaticheakikh regulyatorov skorosti gidroturbin (Assembling, Adjusting, azad Testing Hydraulic Turbine Governors) Moscow,, Gosenergoizdat, 1959. 201 p. 2.,500 copies printed. Ed.: I.N. Zubov; Tech. Fd.: Ye. M. Soboleva. MOM This book is intended to improve the quLlifleatims of workers and fore- men enga~qd in the assembly and operation of hydraulic turbine speed regulatlug systems. It may also be of valve to young specialists in this field. CMRAGE: The book contains general Information on automatic speed regulation of hydraulic turbines. Basic systems of governors the simplest mechanisms to the more complex are described. The most counonly used governors and their mechaai- are explained and Illustv-sted. Problems of installing governors on turbines are covered and troubleshooting is described. The author expresees his thank to N.K. Barkovj, I.N. Zubov,, B.A. Rabotov, K.P. Pblushkin, and M. P. Sviyazheninova for help In preparing the book. Mere am 13 references., all Soviet. Cft*_IiA__ POLUSHKIN, N.P... Inzh, Study of the autosiatic closing of distributors on turbines of the Volga Hydroelectric Power Station of the CPSU). Gidr. stroi. 33 no.11:27-30 N (Automatic control) (Volga Hydroelectric Power Station (22d Congress Hydi~aulie turbines) ,4 hydraulic (22d Congress 162. (MIRA 16:1) of the CVSU)- POLUSUIN, N.P., inzh. Some shortcomings of' automatic hydraulic turbine contrQl-systems and methods for elirr~lnating them. Energomashinostroanie 9 no.11: 35-39 N 163. (MIRA 17:2) POLUSHKIN. N,P., inzh. ProspeC'U3 for illCred-Sjing T'rle of ""nnc-; , -,- ~S , 'S 'Wirbines operating them at decreased pressures. Energ. stroi. no.3-1.66-69 -163. (IJ-1RA 17:1) I. LeningrEdgkiy f-_*.llal organizatsly Ltroltol'stva. POLUSHKIN, N.P,, inzh. Improved method for statistical balancing of the rotor wheels of hydraulic turbines and centrifugal pumps. Energetik 11 no.3:1-4 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:A) (Hydraulic turbines) (Pumping machinery) LASHKOV9 Anatoliy Stepimovich; FOLUSHKIP, Vikolay Potrovich; BOZHKO- W-~~ -. . , ~. , ~-~YN, STEPANWO, G.M.9 Jmzh., r d.; 0 , V.L90-tekbno red., [Results obtained rrom testing hydraulic units of bydroolectric power stations in dams] Vekotorye rezul!taty ispyt-anii gidroagrega- tov priplotinn-.Ykh gidroelaktrostantsii. Moskva, Orgenergostroll 1959. 58 p. (MM 14:6) (FWdroelectric power stations) POWMIN, Nikolay Fatrovich:.-BARKOV, N.K., retsenzent; ZUBOV, I.N. red., WBOL-,io'VA, te.M.. [Assembly. adjustment, and testing of automatic speed regulators for the hydraulic turbines] Montszh. naladka I ispytanie wrtomaticheskikh regulistorov skoro8ti gidroturbin. Moskva, Gos.energAzd-vo, 1959. 201 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Hydraulic turbines) POLUWMN, N.P., kandidat teldmicheskikh nauk. "Governing hydraulic turbines.* IU.N. Garkavi, R.I. Smirnov. Revieved by X.P. Polushkin. Xlek.sta. 27 no.9:62-64 S '56. (MLRA 9:11) (Hydraulic turbines) (Gar1mvi, 1U.N.) (Smirnov, M.I.) POWSHKIN, N.P., in -zhoutir. -~ - ..... .., ImproTing frequoicy control Ilek.sta. 28 no.1:44-49 Ja 157- (MLRA 10:3) (Hydraulic turbines) AUTHOR: Polushkin, N.P., Engineer. io4-2-5/38, TITLE: _ffh_e ~deteiml~ ~tioH_of forces in the control apparatus of radial-axial water turbines. (OSrodeleniye U-siliy v napravlyayushchikh apparatakh radialno-osevykh -sidro- turbin) PERIODICAL: "Elektricheskie StantaiLL~ (Power Stations), 195?, Vol.0j, No.2, pp. 25 - 2? (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Owing tr- a fault in the house service supply of a power station the oil pressure pumps operating the turbine control equipment ceased 4-0 work. The emergency low oil pressure relay operated to stop the set. However, the valves were not fully closed and the set was not properly stopped because the oil pressure was not sufficient to complete the cycle of emergency stopping. In order to investigate what had happened special tests were carried out to measure the forces acting on the control gear of the turbine. The forces required to move the control equipment were determined by measuring the pressures in the cavities of the servomotor of the control apparatus when it was first slowly closed and then slowly opened. This slow movement of the servomotor piston was achieved by slow rot- Card 1/2 ation of the handwheel of the speed change mechanism. POLUSHKINp N.P.p inzh. ------ Some remarke eolloolrnizw the development of turbine$ fOr yq&*016atrie ptwor Btettiono. En6rgo stroio no*31157-63 162. (MIRA 16:7) 3. IoningradskiY filial Voesoyuznogo instituta Po PrOYektirc>- vaniyu organizatsiY energeticheskogo stroitelletva. (Hydraulic turbines) 1 , POLTISITIN, I.P., ENG. 2. USSR (600) 4. Water Wheels 7. Determining the combined fa,tors of relationship of hydraulic turbines with adjustable blades. Elek.sta. 23 no.c), 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. POWSHKIN. N. V. Chuck for cormacting armored cables with the sonde on the sub- surface instrument. Razved.i prom.geofix. no.lo.'48-49 '54. (MIRA 13:2) (Prospect ing-ICquipment and supplies) BRUDNOP I.; POLUSHKIN., V. 0 Approve but do not introdum". Izobr. i rats. no.7:5 Jl '61. (MIRA 14: 6) (Motor vebi(!les--Engines-TecbnologicaI innovations) POLUSHYD", M. The orgainzation and methods of staff training courses. iio 11. T,!*.ist, !lo 12, 190. POLUSII',.I'-., S. L. ItThe Geochemical Principles in D. I. Mendeleyev's Table," Priroda, 110. 7, 1949. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 ago 4 4a-T- I I lots 14 vlellililt4t$ I If IS - It AI A-1 I L Al I", I 1111 11Y T-A I I OfQ Wtt Polyroetallic uo"Its ol AJE.Chao in the northwestern 00 or Halkhmill DimVid. - 00 C Sol, k*%I '110 V,, Ill. 111-1 13t1111391, - of, 00 .3 F~ 11, 14.1thmalm 060 1-06 00 a 00 00 :00 ILAW zoo 0.0 # i;* 0 moo 0 or e.5 a ra u It A- -0 it C1,11, clodd Wd 11111 If ftIl If tv"Alln 1'.0 *,c 0 0 0 0 0 0 4; 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 00 0 00 00 000 09 0 0 00 9 0. ;*a: : : : : : * 0 * 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *1* 00 G Ogg * 0 0 * 0 0 41 goo *'~i 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *10 0 6,0 0 so* 0 I I I I I It 1111~$$41116 ON 11 P It A 0 A b Is 1111b kip V"4. 1; 44 1) 61 -1 a L-1 6 _x I I 'L a it f tt I i 004 00 depoCts of Kasksitif-WD11118W ' 00 6' m" Sond 6".'L 8. "~" go crrrti3itc. Pb And !At 00 jf1 vart"u. opal, clukrAl,my and kaulan air f,,Utj'l : 00 .3 00 00 PAO of As! 00 1 00 00 of 00 woo 00 2 z:** .0 _410 00 z.:* 0 A I S L 4.11.LLURGIC.t. WERtYPE CLAWFIC.M. -7 It M It It 11 r* of ff I R 0 It It ?I It CA! 1,10 0 0 0 0 a 1 0 - 0 I I 1 13 11 11 JJ W 1) It If LA It X j 21 2: V 24 Z 26 77 n It X 11 3: 11 J4 D M 17 M 1-1 a 01 1 1 AA MCC PP U.1 W 1 0 1, ."1 *0 of 00 Cadsh" is dw pdy=SWUC at*$ of the "rthmmem Awkhask room Xju",A. Tswim tv Metal. 13, No. 13, Its- I JIMU), zf0ar. 1950. 1. cf. C. 4 113, 4111tis.- be Cd occurs chWy in the light it) bmicy- Colored sjohalcrites. 71u: black alphalciftes 4 GulichAd with 0-"9-OM% C4 are an exception. which ig L1111WOM ;,!I due to local mitwn4ctic peculiacities. CA10d. on the ba~i% o# loo% Zn, the Kasksigir-A-Vial ores contain I Cd. G. Muore 00 zoo A I& I L. A &tTALLLrrKAL LITER4741RE Ci.AjSiFI(AT#Ck I I --so U Al 43 it L 1 9 rw a rA vi 11 1 1 0 0 N v 6 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 , ) . I I ~ 16 IT .i~ 0 0 t 0 0 A a _r 00 4( '4" 06 7 v . 11 lia It U U Willett 1110411, AA TV) ;4 tv U 4 Ito 0 00 00 C Ojewisemy of Softalesteira MaHASA'S. f N. L. Polushkin. .11bei. loc. rusie miethat. dl, tj(r.1-14 00 Zhur, 1240, No, 6. 23; cf. C. A. 00 K 7W-Thtfe art 6 main Oroups of deposits In the re- 00 gion. (1) The Ak-Soran 11 deposits contist of distictsed I'll or" with Impurities of pyrite, chalcoftyritt and sphal- 00 4aitc. The ram elements are str~nt. The including for- -00 mat Ion-, limestones, are tran-Jormed 1mritially into wolls.- 1*0 041 :wtitc-quartz rocks. (2j The Kryl-I '-'qw deposits con- itin galem. sphiderite. arsetwopyrite, chalcopytite. poly- -00 00 Im,i1c.etc. The ores contain Ait. Mo, V, HI. Te, Sri, Cd goo 00 slid fit. The depoefts are situated in limotone-, near the =00 vrin acid minerals. The zone of oxidized Ism is also very 00 rich in mintsab. The depcisits we very important indu- 09 trially. (3)lnthcKcpskat-Tyr-Akddialdepoaitsspbater- 00 ite predominates ovtr gaSena. Cheelcopyrite. pyrite. stih. nit e and arsenopyrit c aloe. are prewnt. Therareelement. in these deposits are Cd, So. AS, Mo, hl,'re, Ga and lit. of (4) The Ak-Chsifyl ores cutisist of 3 twits In itarnet and ago pyroxene rocks near quaru.porphyrift. Galettia and 0 sphisferite, as well as arsenopyrite. chakopyrite and py. rite. are preseltit. The oxidized zone contains carbonate, Zo 0 n(Cu and oxides and hy&oxWs of Fe. Mn and Ph. The goo elements are As. Bi. Te, Se. Cd, Sri. lit and Ga. 200 The Gul'shad deposits are small. Carbonaceous time- ones vwe respoinsible for the pptn. of ore-bearing sotns. The Pb-Zn orres contain covisiderable anits. of arsetiopy- rite. The rue elements alre At. Cd. %to, Di. Tc, Se and Sri. ),fogt of thest deposits are mesothermal. The vcin mintrals consist of quarti and caldle. W. R. Ife"n i ti 2.1 .1. 00 0 so 04 000 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 6916,949 46 066 0 0 see 0 000040 go 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 11 ~ 06 0 a 4 1 4 a F 4 It 1: Is It 1. M I? Is H ana if 0 A A 6 L L-M-11 A go C 00 41- -0-0 40 - o- a VJI V11 On JOU XPOW 41 'Vis main* I- a .0 0 A. S. 00 -00 God go -r C55 Geochemical Regularities in Mendelyeev's Table. o S Us. Prircda No. 7, 43(1949)(in Russian). - L. ~etuph In a short note, with no Illustrative examples or a reference 00 to a more explicit work. the author given the following rule: I be atomic numbers of grochemically related elements form repetitions of the sequence of numbers 2. 6, 18, and 32, i.e.. ' t1w series 2 x 1 . 2 x r. 22 x 32.and 2 x 4s. Them numbers sow I, .!I re the.same that form periods In Mendelyeev's table. G o AIM-SLA 81ULLUPSIC L 1.179041tal Ct&$SWKATOP 110.1 a" Ift v -00 .04 see coo zoo Xoo ago* 8:00 Coo INDID Apo /-14wao -A is " " SL I IZA op al a a a a W a ff It a 0 o to 0 0 *IV 0 0 * 0 0 : : :. : 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 00 %. 000 0 0 0 0 0 000000 000000 POLUSHKIN,__V*A*,.,- . Fr-incipal initla-l assumptions in information theory, --he -.L-3ory of optimal codinp- NITI no.1c.54-5,7 164. (MLU 17'- 3) POLUSHKIN, V. A. ImprovIng thE; scientific qimlificatiOn-9 Of workers in scientific ir.formation institutions; practice of the All-Union. in.,~titute of Scientific and Technical Informa- tion. NTI no.!:I,/-:i7 163. (MIR-4, :L6-.8) POLUSHKIN., V.A. Defining the concept "information." NTI no.9t6-3 163. (Y-TRA 16:12) POLUSHKIN, V.A., kand. geograf. nauk Mechanization apd aut=ation of informtion work. Vest. Ali SSSR 33 no.11:82-85 N 163. (MJRA 17:1) 1. Vsesoy-uznyy institut nauchno-tekhnicheskoy informatsii Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po koordinatsii nauchno-issledo- vatellskikh rabot SSSR i Akademii nauk SSSR. NIKWLOVP A.I.; POLUSHKIN, -V.Ao The theory of scientific information in a new independent scientific discipline. NTI no.3:3-5 163. (MM 16:1-1) FOLUSHKIN, V.A. More efficient use of scientific information in the field of oceanology. Olceanologiia 3 no.3.-537-539 163. (MIIRA 16:8) (Cceanographic research) L U AID F - 3062 SubJect USSR/Mining Card 1A Pub. 78 - 16/20 Author : Pblusbkinj V. A. Title : FaqMrience Of the brigade of S. A. Chumakov in oil well general repair work Periodical : Neft. khoz.9 v. 33v no. 8, 80-83, Ag 1955 Abstract : Description of various repair works in oil wells of the Tuymazy district performed in 1954 and 1955. Institution None Submitted So date POLUSHKIN, V.A., kandgeograf.nauk Tenth annivernary of the All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information. Vest. AN SSSR 33 no.3sl27-.128 Yx "3. 0 (MIRA 16-31%, (Information services) POLUSHKIN, V.A. Studying the currents of the Caspian Sea. Okeanolog-iia 2 no,!: 143-145 '62, (MIRA 15::2 1' 1. Vsesoyuznyy, institut nauchnoy i tekhnicheskoy informatsii. (Caspian Sea--Ocean currents) POLUSHKINY V.A. Abstracts office of the Inte'rnaticnal Council of Scientific UnLons, NTI no.5g45-46 165. (MIRA 18:7) XOZLOV. Vladimir Aleksoyevich; EMMOV, Valentin Ylad1m1rovich;,j!q4UAHKk1,, SMWICVo V~scbeslav Ivanovich; SMCIRUXOT, P.A. MUM.; TIXHONOVA, Ye.A., tek) OPIrs alarm systems and temperature control for sesgoing ships] Posharnats sigoalisatsila I tomperaturnyt koutroll no morokcs transport** Moskvag lad-vo OKorskot transport.' 1957. 118,.o. (MIRA 11:2) (8hipe-Jires and fire prevention) POLUSHKIN, V.I., starshiy inzh.; ELAKHTIOZI14, R.A., starshiy inzh. There is somethimg to be learned from construction workers of the Chelyabinsk railroad district. Avtom., telem. i aviaz' 5 no.6:42 Je 161. (MIRk 14:9) 1. Laboratoriya signalizatsii i svyazi Kazakhskoy dorogi. (Chelyabinsk-Railroads--Sigmling) (Chelyabinsk~-Railroads-Employees) POLUSHKIN, V.I.J. itizh. (1eningrad) Merging of air currents flowing from openings of a perforated grating. V.A. i san. tekh. no.8:11-14 Ag '65. (MIRA 18:12) POLUSIiKIN, V.P. Efticient corAitions of reduction on a 2500 wide-strip mmill. Met~llurg 8 no.8-26-28 Ag 163. (WRA 16:10) 1. Mngnitogorskiy motallurgichoskly Ikombinat. Inr C..- n 4 V 1. t lli=acb~~My komlinat. ACC NR, AP609871 SOURCE QDE: UR/0413/66./000/015/06 INVENTOR ': Voronov, F. D.; Filatov, A. D.; Gun, S. B.; Selivanov, n, M.; Nosov, V. D.; Savel'yev, G. V.; Goncharov, F. I.; Plotnikov, P. I.; Roshkov, S. A,.; --ru-st6bayevo G. G.; shkin, V..-Px; Arkbipov, V. M.: Uzivenko, A. M.; Kolovt M.-I.; Kozhevnikov, V. P.'M Tap iFT-B. S.; Kalugin, V. F.; Grudev, F.J.; Aksenov, B._N.; Khomyachko-v, A. P4:, Rudakov, Ye-. A.; Kuzema- - , -I. D.; Gomzhin, V.. V.; Poydyshev, B. N.; -Shternov, H. M. 5- ORG: none b TITLE: Method of making high-strengt~ steel plates by pack rolling. Class 7, No. 184232 1~ SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 22 TOPIC TAGS: high strength steel, high strength steel plate, high strength steel sheet, steel plate rolling, steel sheet rolling ABSTRACT:. This Author CertificaLe introd es a method of pack rolling high-strength steel plates and sheets tip to 10 mm thic~aand up to 3500 mm wide in a carbon steel 0 en.velope. The method includes cleaningj oating, making of the pack, heating, t rolling.and sub equent heat tria-tment. To ensure an accurate thickness of the plate Cwd 1/2 UDC: 621.771.23 L 44005-66 ACC NR: AP6029871 or sheets regardless of their location in the pack, the thickness of the envelope must be at least 016 of the total Initial thickness of the high-strength plates of the pack. ~[INDI :S~6 COE: 13/ -ISUIM 6ATE: 183un64/ ATD PRESS: S 070 bl