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POL70RATSKIYO V.G. 513 Zak'posadit' kartofell kyadratnD-Wsdovym sposobox. Frunze, Kir i cosisdat 1954o 24a- a 'ill. 20sm. 5-OW ekz. 30 K,, -c4g2'4fp 635.21t 631-531.24 (564-8) 7 1 SOt KnizhWa lottopis, Vol. 1., 1955 GORBOVSKAU, T.G.; MAKOGONCHUK, P4.; F0120RATS*.1Y,.V.G. Characteristics of bacterial flora In postgonorrhoal diseases of urogenital organs in men. Vest.ven. i derm. 30 no.2:35-37 Mr-Ap '56 (MLRA 9:7) 1. Iz baktariologichaskoy laboratorii (zav.-kandidat meditsinskikh nauk T.G.GorbovskiLya) Kiyevskogo aaucno-iseledovatellskogo dermato- venerologichaskogo instituts, (dir. G.X.Koryakin) i gonorroynogo otdola Kiyevskogo ogorodskogo vendispansera (glavWy vrach A.S. ivanov) (UROGENITAL SYSTEH, dis. postgonorrheal in men, bacterial flora in) (GONORRHU pontgortorrheal dis. of urogenital system in men bacterial flora in) GORBOVSKAYA, T.G.; MAXOGONCHIM, P.A.; POINORATSKIY. V.G. Characteristics of bacterial flora in poatgonorrheal diseases of urogenital organs in man. Vest.ven. I derm. 30 no.2:35-37 Mr-4 '56. (XIBA 9:7) 1.12 baktariologichaskoy laboratorii (zav.-kandidat meditsinskikh nauk T.G.Gorbovslu&ya) Xiyovskogo naucno-issledovatellskogo dermato- venerologichaskogo instituta (dir. G.I.Koryakin) I gonorroynogo otdela Kiyevskogo ogorodskogo vendispansera (glavLqy vrach A.S. ivanov) (UROGENITAL SYSTEM. dis. postgonorrheal in men. bacterial flora in) (GONORRHEA postgonorrheal dis. of urogenitftl system In men bacterial flora in) -ACCESSION NR: AP4022711 S/0020/64/155/002/0306/0308 AUTHOR: Arifov, U. A. (Academician); Ayukhanov, A. Kh.; Sustrov, V. A.; Khasanov, R. M.; Poltoratskiy, V. 1. TITLE: Cathode sputtering of tungsten by potassium ions ~OUHCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 15 5, no. 2, 1964, 306- 308 TOPIC TAGS: cathode sputtering, tungsten sputtering, tungsten surface purifica- tion, tungsten, potassium ion, 74W 184 , potassium ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the sputtering of tungsten in a form of chemical compounds and also studied the conditions for obtaining a pure tungsten surface. Radioactive tracera were used for determination of the amount of sputtered material. Polycrystalline tungsten targets with induced activity, (74W 184) w'ere bombarded:with potassium ions. The sensitivity of detection was 10-9 gm. The experimental details were given in author's paper Uz. AN UzSSR, No. 2, 1963). It was found, 'by using retarding or accelerating potentials, that 1/ 2 POLTORATSKIT, V.T.. nauchnyysotrudnik vetrooner-icheskoy gruppy; FROTOKKVO B.A., naucl~jvy notrudnik vetroenergeticheskoy gruppy. Conference on wind power utilization. Blektrichostvo no-5:94 My 153. (KII-12A 6:6) 1. Inergeticheakiy inatitut Akademii nauk SSSR. (Wind power) This first coordination conference on problems of wind-power utilization in USSR national econorV, held 6-9 Jan 53,, heard papers from affiliate of Cent Aero-Ilydrodynarics Inst; Power Engineerin~ Dist of AS USSR,, Kazakh SSR, and Azerbayd2han S and All-Union Inat of 41ectrification of Agriculture. Use of wind electrification in spar 1y populated semidesert regions is mentioned. 258T43 POLTCRATSKIT, Viktor Vasillyevich; CHXRNOV, A.A., red.; ROZIN, B.A., (Neat of the cry3tal goose; a story about the past, present, and future of t1vt Russian glass city. the remarkBble artisans and artists of Wissian cut glass] Onazdo khrustal'nogo gusia; rauskaz o proohlom. nastotashcham I budushcham ronciiskogo staklograda, o zamachatellaykh meternkh i khudozhnikakh rua- skogo khruatalia. Moskva, Sovetskaia Rouniia, 1959. 70 P. (MIRA 13:5) (Gus'-Khrui,tn1'nyy--G1asa manufacture) ~Cjl .'I JA, , , -I C, -., f -ac ;~ . I ;, ; ) -,*Noi,~,-I, 5, )",;C~-Jc , 1 11 - POLTORATZKAYA, 0. S. KARPACHEV, ZhFKh, 5, 793-801(1934) POLTORATZKAYA, 0. 1. I. G. SHCHERBAKOV, ZhYh Prom, 7, nos. 31-3, 1900-4(1930) FOLTORYGIN, V.K.; SOSKD1, A., red.; SERBIN, Ye., tekhn. red. (Economics of construction; a visual aid) Ekonomika stroitellstval nagliadnoe posobie. Moskva, Politizdats 1963. 79 P. (MIR; 17:2) POLTDRYGIE, Viktor Kuz*mdzh ,f--'cor,3rdcs of indus~.-rj-:L2 enterpri----:~-; visoal aidsml I.10miku Preciprilatll; ji,qg1indri-ye pcscblia. Tzd. 2., dop. Mosk-vn., Gospolitizdat, 1963. 20 plates --- ['~Methodolcgf-cal ricte for the albuml "Hetodicheskaia zapiska k al'boint." 4 1;. OMIRA 17:4) PC),LT-ORYG.INJI.Vi.k.tor-Kuzl-mic)i; KOKOSHKO, A.G., red., NAUMOV, K.M., tekhn. red. [Building materials production base] Proizvodstvenpaia baza stroitel'stva. Moskva, Izd-vo VPSh i AON pri TsK KPSS, 1963. 81 P. (MIRA 16:8) (Building materials industry) POLTORYGIN, Viktor Kuzimi(.,h; BOINLEVA, L.V., red.; GERASIMOVA, Ye.S., (Capital assets and production capacities in construction and their utilization]O,-novnye fondy i proizvodstvennye moshch- nosti v stroitellstve i ikh obrazovanie. Moskva.* Ekonomizdat, 1962. 99 P. (I-mu 15: 10) (Construction industry) v So or Kuzm h Sl&p A., red* [Induatries in tba U.S.S.R, from 1913 to 19651 Procyahla=ontl SSsR 1913.-1965 gg,, Moskvat Gospolitizdatp 1961. 46 p jMIU Ua6) (Industrial statistics) RUZEBNYY, V.S., BEDAIM, B.P.; FOLT.ORYIQU-NIP-P.J. Types of fold structures in the Bouth~estern wing 0~ the Aleysk anticlinorium in.the Rudnyy Altai. Geol. i goofiz. no.2:86-96 163, - (ImriA 16 3 5) 1. Garnometalltxgicheakiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy inatitut,, Usti-Kamenogorsk. - (Altai ~buntains--Folds (Geology)) UPLYANSK37, Aleksandr Yerseywrich, doktor tekhn. uaukq prof.1 LYSIV KO, Alekoey Petrovicb, kand. tekhn. naukp dotsent;.FDLTQY-A1~;j, Lev-- Solomanovicb,, kamd. takhn. nauk, dotsent; KAZAPIIOVSKIY, D.fl., red.; 750BOLEW, Ye.M.,, tekhn. red. (Theoretical fundamentals of eletrical enjineeringlTeoraticheskie o9novy elektrotekbniki. Moskva, Goo. energ. izd-va, 1961. 526 (Electric engineering) (MIRA 14:14 ~7 ? POLA~ID POLTOWICZI, Stefan Potroleum Ex,)loratiom Entcr~)rlsc (Przedsiebiors'uwo Pos--uld-wan Ijaftovrych), Crakow Warsaw., Kwar-.-alnik pcoloricznv, No 3, 1906j), j,,) 431-37- "Salt-bearinT Formations in the Bore-hole Pogorsica "Nol a., ti Near Tarnow FOLTOWICZ, Stefan The importance ot recognizing the age of tectonics for the docuzwnta- tion of hard coal deposits. Przegl geol 9 no.6:307-313 -Te 161. 1. Akademia Gorniezo-Hatnicza. (Coal wivt3s and mining) (Geology) POLTSMOP A. .-Ave rinIMMAOS X#ortm In 19 A. Poltsenko, 3 pp "Thesh Tore vol, viii, No 8 Raw reasons I or Increase in Finland I is trade are pro- -pente&. Psr6eiitage 4 product Im ii*reases In ipwl- .fled products such ".cellulose, newspriAt,, plywood =d ImMer prcduots also noted. Charts concerning values and ancunts of commoditleo' exported ahanges lam IWortanoe- of camodities, emported.,, price. indexes t-'and distributI.Wof Finland's exports auang the pri- mry purchasug comtries for 1938 and.1946 are In- (ailded. SOBOLIWA, 0. N.; POLTSOVA, A. 1. Preparation of liqidd extracta by repercolation. Apt.delo 4 no.l: 8-11 Ja-IF 155 (MLRA 19:4) 1. Iz Teentrallnogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo aptechnogo Inati- tuts, Ministersiva mlruvooMiranentya SSSR. (PLANTS, extracts, counterflow technic) rOLTULNITSKIY. r. i. Dandelions; Weeds; Kok-SaFh,-Tz Origin of non-rubb(~r-bearinj-, dandelions as weeds in the kok-saghyz. A---grobiologiia no. 2:45-54 Mr-Ap 152. Yandidat Sellskokhozyaystvcnn~vkh Nauk Kafedra Botaniki Cherkasskogo Pedagogicheskogo Institut USSR IMbnthly List of Russian AccBssions, Library of Congress, July 1952. Uncla3sified. S.. USSR/Human and Animal Physiology - DiGestion6 V-7 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biole., No 1.,, 1958, 4,o74 Author : A. Sharygin., Inst : Ivanovsk Agricultural Institute, Title : The Mechan:'Lsm of the Developnent of Abnormalities in the Gastric Functions and That of Their Restoration in Experi- neutal PuLconary and Pleural Pathology. Orig Pub : Sbe nauch. tr, Ivanovsk. s,-kh. in-ta.. 1956, issue 13) 188.190 Abstract : When an AgIO3 solution vas injected intrapleurally after a preliminary novocaine blockade of the pleural interore- ceptors,, or after a neck vaEpsymDathetic blockade (Vish- nyevskiy's method), a relatively weak inflammator pro- cess vas doserved. Abnormalities of the secretory-excre- tory gastric activity and of the nitrogen metabolism in Card 1/2 POLTYREV,, S. "Role des Portions infericures du colon dms la regulation de Ilactivite jLastrJ4que.1, Poltyrev, S., (p. 81) SO: Journal of General Chemist r (Zhurnal Obshchei Khimi-i) 1940, Volume 18, No. 1. POILTYIEVY S. S. Poltyrev, S. S. - 'WiSctro-visceral reflexes ~n anivials," ShGrnik miuch. trudov lvzm. in-tu, J~~stje 10, P;0, 2, 19111~, P. 3-157 -- BiblioC: p. 155-57 SO: LI-3566 15 March.53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Iny1m, St~-,tey, No. 14, YR'; S. S. FC-LTYREV, S. S. Profe-isor. The teaching concerning the viscerovescoral reflexes and its siEnificance in clinic. Sourcer'Veterinariya; 25, 9,- September 194E..; uncl. TkBCON 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1. POT'TYRE-V~ S. S. 2. ussR (6m) 4. Brain 7. Damage of vegetative function in experimental internal diseases as a conseqlience of cortical disorders. Arkhiv pat. 14, no. 6, 1% 2. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, MaY -1953. Unclassified. 7326. TsFolTzovar' 'a-vlma v -:L-- ucherdyj T. 7 1z'd., 19514. 94- s. s 20" sm. 7 *00-3 1 72 F 636 + 519 : 612- SO: Kinizluiai-a Le Lopis Vol. 7, 19~,5 POLTYREV, S.S., professor. 1- Reflex disturbance of the functions of the Internal organs . TaterInarya 33 ne.L:43-49 Ja 156. KRA 9!4) l.Ivanovokiy ~el's11cokhozyaystvennyy institut. (PAT90U)GY, VIRTIMINART) (DIGESTITZ ORGANS--DISUUS) POLTMT, S.S., professor. VbYsIologleal prin,ziples for Increasing the productivity of agricultural animals. Friroda k5 ne.3:45-51 Mr '56. (MI2A 9:7) (Yeeding and feedi23g, staffs) (Stock and stock breading) POLTYREVY S.S., prof. Results of the ort?arjlzation of scientific work and '~Iraining of scientific personnel in the Pathophysiological Department. Kul. Uch. med. scrv. 3 no.3:28-31 My-Je 162. (MIRA 17:10) KULIKOVA, Ya. I., assisteit; POLTYRW, S.S., prof., nauchnyy konsul I tant; KONOKOTILTIA) S.A., doitoi med.'nauk. rukovoditell raboty. Some clinical and laboratory datLin chr aic fneumonia.Sbor. .-iauch. trud. Ivan. gos. raed. inst. no. 26;x8-31 1 63. 1. Iz kafedry de-.~sklkh bolezney lechebnogo fakullteta (zav. - doktc med. nauk 1B.A. Konokotina) Ivanovskogo gosudarstvennogo mediisinskogo ins-Atuta (rektor - dotsent Ya.M. Romanov). LAGO, O.M., dotsent; TUR. A.F., prof., konaulltant; POLTYREV, S.S., prof. konsulltant Therapeutic nutrition in anemias in children. Sbor. nauch. trud. Ivan. gos."ILed. inst. no. 28:80-84 1 63 (MIRA 19:1) 1. 1z kafedry fakulltetskoy pediatril ( zav. - dotsent O.M. lago) i kafedry neorganicheskoy khimii ( zav. - dotsent N.M. Chistyakov) Ivanovskogo gosudE.rstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta (rektor - dotsent Ya.M. Romenov). 2. Nystvitellnyy chlen AMN- SSSR (for Tur). LAGO, O.M., Ff;-!,I'nF.Vy S.S.. prof., kon3u,"'trint rabol-y Study, of Br-me trice elements wid bllrpod p-:~tein Irl puppies -jith alj;aentarv. anemia. Sbor. nauch. tnxad. Pa-n. g-os. med. inst. no. 2;,.85-92 1 63 (Mll TIA ial ~' I ciiitri- ( I Tz, Rafedj--, fa~uliltetskav pF~' i kafednj obshchey kh'Imll zav. - d(~-tsc-nl, T%Y~ Chis'Lyeakol-'*) lvanovskogn gom-Aarstvan-nogo mc-ditsiriskrigo inut."ll-t.- lrel-LO!- dotgent Ya.M. Rc~aanov). SEDW, %1.1., vi-ach; POLTYREV, S.S., prof., naiiculmmyy konoul'Lant Experience in tTvatj-ng enuresis In children al a rural- d3striat hoBpital. Sbor. nauch. trud. Ivan. gos. med. inst. no. 282 185-188 v 63. (MIRA 29,1) 1. Tw Ty-chugfikoy rayonnoy bollnitsy No. 1. lvtmovskoy oblasti (glav-nyy vrach 11,A, Kokorin). w~, 'ar :...- . Chl, Z.J~h. (Du~3iianho) ; POLTIL,.-~', (I i,, ~lj:,),; *,!!~::"-.: ., N ( !,.r a no v o ) lloview5 and bibliofraphy. Fiziol. zhlir. 51 1 -.j [-,, 'i ...~ ~/:- L.. - - 165- KHOKHLOVA, T.I.; Tq~TYRFY, S.S., prof., nauchnyy rukovoditell Effect of artificially induced hypothermia on the work of gastric and intestinal gla"g in animals subjected to the disruption of higher nervous activity. Sbor. nauch. trud. Ivan. sellkhoz. Inst. no.19:190-193 162. (KRA 17:1) 1. Kafedra anatomii i fiziologii sel'skokhozyaystvennykh shivotnykh Ivanoskogo sellskokhozyaystvennogo instituta (zav. - dotsent A.K. Potrov) i patologicheskoy fiziologii Ivanovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (zav.- prof. S.S. Poltyr6v),, WGINOVA, V.N., assistent; POLTYREV, S.S., prof*, nauchnyy konsulltant Raising Yaroslavl calves by the method of dam-suckling. Sbor. nauch. trud. Ivan. sel'khoz. Inst. no.19:238-242 162. Zootechnical and some physiological and biochemical indices of the growth and development of'Yaroslavl calves. Ibid.:243-250 (MI RA 17: 1) 1. Kafedra chastnogo zhivotnovodstva (zav. - prof. M.P. Korzonev) Ivanovskogo sel'skokhozyaystvennogo instituta. KOHOLEVAY N.A.,;,PQ4 V, S.S.t nauchnyy kozioulltant,prof.; SEIMREIIIKOV. S.3 ). . nauchnyy koii6ul I tant, prof . A.fferent influemes on some indicators of metabolic processes in exinerimental peritonitis. Sbor. nauch. trud. Ivan. goo. med. inst. no.2,7:138-142162. (MIJA 16:8) 1. Iz kafedry normallnoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. 3.S. Serebrenikov) Ivanovskogo goaudarstvennogo meditsinskogo in- Stituta (rektor dotsent Ya. M. Romanov). PER rf 0 N.'.T IS (ICTABOUSM., DISORDERS OF) BOKSER, O.Ya.; MISHAKHIN, D.A.; POLTYREV, S.S. [Philosophical significance of the prokem of reticular formation of the brain] Filosofskoe znachenie problemy re- tikuliamoi formatsii golovnogo mozga. 2., dop. izd. Ivanovo, 1961. 40 p. (BRAID) (MIRA 16:6) .1 - . red.; IYMKOVSKAYA., N.I.,, TeJ.4"olo pnoy#h; BYKCVq V.D. POLUM t~ iWklimored, [Problems in the pathogenesis and treatment of some diseases of the interwa organe in tbe. light of experimental data] Voprosy patogoneza i terapii nekotorykh zabolevanii vnutremnilch organov v avete eksperimentallzWkh damVkh. Moskva., Medgiz, 1962. 210 pq WRA 15:4) (PK.,'HOIA)CM, EaWDENTAL) ROSHCHIMA, B.A., dot a entj-FOLT1YXM,-S-S,.prof . Studies on the mechanism of interoceptive influences from intestines on the scretory fuwtions ofitomach. Sbor.nauch. trud. lvan.sellkho:.inst. no.16:165-170 158. (MIRA 13: 11) 1. Kafedra fisiologit i anatowli Ivanovskogo sel'skokhozyaystvennogo Instituta (for Roshchina). (STOMACH-SECRETIONS) SKOVORODIH. N.M.; FOLTIMY, S.S.,prof. Bffect of induced lung and pleura diseases on the filn tions of liver. Sbor.nauch.trud. Ivan.sellkhoz.inst. no.16:172-174 158. (MIU 13:11) 1. 1[4fedra fisiologii I anstomii instituta (for Skovorodin). (LT=) (LUW--rD=A Ivanovskogo sallskokhozyaystvennogo (PLOW-DISUM) SKOVORODIN, N.M.,assistent; POLTYRF.V, S.S,.prof. Functional restoration of lifer after induced luzig and pleura diseases in relation to therapeutic measures. Sbor. nauch.trud. Ivan.sellkhoz.inst. no,16:175-180 1~8. (14IRk 13: 11) 1. Kafedra fisiologii i anstomii Ivanovskogo sellskokhozyavatvennogo instituta (for -Skovorodin). (LMR) (LUM-DISEA ) (FUURL-DISEA IMSIND I*T9q prof,i red.; PWYM , S.S., prof., red. ---- - ---------------- LFroceedings of the Conference on Problems in the Physiology and Pathology of Digestion, dedicated to the memory of Academician K.H.Bykov] Trudy Nsuchnoi konferentaii -po problesam fiziologii I patologli pishcheyarenlia, poeviashchannoi pamiati skademike K.H.Dykove. Ivanovo. 1960. 935 p. (MIRA- 14:2) 1. Nauchnsys konferentsiya po problemam fiziologii i Vatologii pishchovareniye, poevyashchannoy panyati skademika K,M.Bykove, 2. Institut fisziologli i=. Pavlova AN.SSSR (for Kurtain). 3. Ivanovskiy reditainakly institut (for Poltyrev). tDIGENTIOR-CONGRISSM) MOR Ewmn and Aniw-l Physiolod~ (Normal an-d-Fatho-Logical).- Norvoua Syetem, Aba Jour : Rof thur - Biologlya, No 13, 1958, No. 6o821 Author : Sharygin, A. A.; I~oAyrov, S. S. inst : Ivanovo 1,gricultural Tn-BUtu-t-o Titlo :~Somo Vogotative Diaorders in Exporimental Pathology of the Lvu~p and tho Ploura Orig Pub :-Sb. naucim. tr. Ivanovak. a.-kh. in-ta, 1956, vyp. 13, 108-115 Abetract ::No abstract givon Card 1/1 153 USSR / Human and AnLmal Physiology. Metabolism. T fts. Jour: Ref Shur-Blol., No 22, 1958, 101563. Author :_Lolty ev, S. S Inst : Not Title : Disturbance of Functions of Internal Organs and Some Problems of Experimental Therapy. Orig Pub: Patol. fiziologiya i eksperim. terapiya, 1958, 2, No 2, 7-12. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 POLTYREV. (IVANOVO) Functional diso-.ders of internal nr mis And note questi,-)nz of erperl--en-.- al therapy [with summaY7 in iZ- .: s Pat-.f t?U1. I ekrp. tern-P. 2 no.2:7-12 Mr-AP 158 N-110A 13 :7) lo Is kafedry pAtologicheakoy fiziolorii (zav. prof. Poltyrpv' Ivanovskogo mediteinskogo institutN. (OFLAIWTICK, eyper. causing reflex. disord. of internAl organs. eff. of various agpnts in animals (Rua)) POLTMV, S.S.. dok-tor biologicheskikh nauk, professor. .b0 Textbo tho pathological DIWsioloff of farm animals for veterinary Institutes and department. Veterinarila 34 no-3:83-86 Mr '57. (NLRA 10:4) (Vet(trinary pathologY--Study and teaching) KURT.SIN, I.T.; POLTYREV, S.S. (Leningrad) Scientific Conforence on Problems in the Physiology and Pathology of Digegtion dedicat6d to the memory of KC.M.Bykov. Fiziol. zhur. 47. no.1:131-134 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:1) (PHYSIOU)GY-CONGRESSES) (DIGESTIVE ORGANS) ACC NRs AP5026798 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/017/0078/00- Flo, AUTHORI; PoLtyreva, Ye. S;; Gallpern,.D. Yu. JITLE: An apochromatic. Pttzval lens. Class 42, No. 174395 [announced by Ong 10 _anizat' -of the Ministry ofAhe Defense Industry. (Organizatsiya ministerstva oboronnoy pr1omy- s9le-nn-osti. 3 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy j tovarnykh znakov, no. 17, 19655 78 TOPIC TAGS; photographic lens, Petzval lens ABSTRACT- This 'Authorls:Cortificate introduces an Apochromatic Petzval lens made up of two positive elements, oach,of which is combined with a negative element placed behind the positive element: and separated from it by an air gap. Correction for spher-ochmmatic abberation is provided by two meniscus elements, one negative and the ve, with thecc.ncave surface facing the image. This compound correction other positi system has a positive power,and is located behindthe first four lenses. UDC:~ 535.824.28 SUSAMAKlY., Nibaly; FQLTZERI-~n~-- A olmplev cbeap, and amateur TV picture transmission equipment suitable for Industrial purposes. Hadiotechnika 22 no*9.-292-294 3 162. SUSAMMY, XLklos; KOLTZER, Gyorgy A simple.. cheaD TV picture transmission installation su-itable for amateur and industrial purposes. Pt. 2. Paidiotechnika 12 no.10:334-335 0 162o GERTSEU, R.V.; TSYBULISKAYA, M.S.; AMBARTSUMYAN, TS.L.; NAZARENKO, N.G.; -POIX-ARSIIINOV, G.P.1 KHODZHAYEVA, R.P. New data on hydraus pitchblende and urgite. Z&p.Vses.min.ob--vI 90 no.5:549-556 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Urgite) Oitchblends) ONCHLSK9, Nikolay [Oncescu, N.], Laureat gosWaretvennoy premii, geolog,,doktor,, prof.; POLUARSHIIIOV,, G.P.-Itrawlator); VYSOTSKIY, I.V., red.; ZNA- M.A., tekhn. red. kGoology of the Rumanian Peoplele Republic) Geologiia Runyokoi Na- rodnoi. Respubliki, Pod red. 1 9 predisl. I.V.V-ysotskogo. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry; Bucharest.. Izd-vo "MeridiarW.," 196o. 520 Pe Tranalated from the Rumanian. (MIRA 14: 10) 1. Universitet im. Parkhona v Bukhareate(for Onchesku). (Rumania-Geology) POLUBABKIN, A. Device for flat~-.anirg kingpin lhu-shlrgs. ~-;t. tra-'~p. 43 no.8:43 Ag 165. !,,7-9) i I - .--. . ... ....... .... :ACCESSION NR: AP4037584 S/qOS6/64/046/005/1715/1711 AUTHORS: Xopy*lov, G. I.Y Kulyukina, L. A.; PolubarinoW...I. V. TITLE: Photoproduction of electron and muon pairs on electrons ;!'SOURCE; Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 46, no. 5, 1964, 1715-1721 TOPIC TAGS: photoproductioni electron, muon, pair production, pho- ton, photon energy ABSTRACT: The random~ .3tar method described elsewhere by two of the .authors (Kopy*lov and Polubarinov, Preprint OIYaI D-821, 1961) is + - and ~C pairs on ele ,used to calculate the photoproduction of e e C-1 trons, under conditions when none of the third-order diagrams con- tributing to the photo,production process rye- -+ e-e-e+ can be neglect-1- ;ed. The calculations -were made in the Born approximation, using a !desk calculator, without any neglect, for the intermediate photon energy range, (up to 60%).for which no approximate formulae are ';.Card._ POLUBARINOV, I. V. Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, DUbna, USSR 11 "Bound States and Scattering of Baryons in Contact Interaction, Nuclear Physics, v. 8 (1958) pp. 444-46o, (North-Holland Publishing Co., Ameterdam) Abstract: The possibility oJ* treating and K mesons as bound states in the four- baryon interaction theory is considered. The cross section for baryon-baryon scattering is derived within the framework of this theory in the chain approsimation The validity of the first approximation of perturbation theory for the cross section is discussed. 24(5) BOV/56-37-2-21/56 AUTHORS: Ogiyevetakiy, V. I., -- V. TITLE: On Wave Equations With Zero and Won-zero Rest Mass PERIODICAL; Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, 19599 Vol 37, Nr 2(8), PP 470-476 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this paper it is shown that the wave equations with non- zero rest mass (including the Klein-Gordon equation and the Dirac equation) are invariant with respect to the 15- parametric transformation group G (which is a representation 15 of the conformal group C 4). For the Dirac equation there exists also the analogon of the Pauli group. The.operators of these transformations all contain the mass m as a parameter. If in the limit m = 0, they transform into the known operators. In the group G15 some operators representing the Lorentz- group must be given a form differing from the usual one. This, however, leads into difficulties. The momentum of the parti- cle under a Lorentz rotation does not transform as a four- vector. When deriving the transformations for non-zero rest mass the well-known form of the transformations for m - 0 will, to a large extentg also be used. In this connection Card 1/3 the first section of this article is concerned with an inves- On Wave Equations With Zero and Non-zero Rest Mass SOV/56-37-2-21/56 tigation of the representations of the conformal group C 4 for a zero rest mass. The actual conformal mappinqs form 2a product of an inversion in the unit-hypersphere x /X of a translation and of another inversion. In a ta;lxegthe transformation laws for the solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation and of the Dirac equation with zero rest mass are given 2~0(x) - 0, Y -2-- ~0(x) - 0. Even the solution A ax of the Klein-Gordon equation is no scalar with respect to real conformal transformations and to compressional trans- formations. In the sequel structural relationships for the operators of the conformal group and their representations are given. The infinitesimal operators are given for both the solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation and for the Dirac equation for m - 0. In the third section the interrelation between the wave equations for m j 0 and m - 0 are discussed. In the last section the infinitesimal operators of the 15- parametric group for the Klein-Gordon- and Dirac equations with m j 0 are derived. The finite transformations of the 15-parametric group G for m ~ 0 are very long. As, howeverg they are completely dPined by their infinitesimal proper- Card 2/3 tiesp the author gives only the latter. The authors express On Wave Equations With Zero and Non-zero Rest Mass SOV/56-37-2-21/56 their gratitude to Professor M. A. Markov for the constant interest shown in this work and L.G. Zastavenko for valuable discussion. There are 1 table and 15 references. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedin-mayy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: February 27, 1959 Card 3/3 OGIXEVETSKIY, V.I.; POLUBARINOVp I.V. I - On meaning of gauge iuvariano*. Dubna., lzdatellskii otdel Ob"edi- nennogo instituta iadernykh issledavani , 1961. 9 p. (No subject heading V.I.; POLUBARINOV I Y. e-~ invariant formlation of ni , teor.fiz. /+1 no.1:247-Z Ob"yedinennyy inotitut, yadernykh ia (Vector analysis) (Quantum lop Z, roinLov, a. i. me airmwo.,ov v "A *~-w m:~tl!oa or ca~.cuir-,uon of Fiyrynar. report prcr;,-,!nUd L~t lnt~.. Confcrew:-z on IfIl-li rhy.-,Ica, h-li ildy 1r?"" Laboratory of Iligh P.-,cry Physlc3 Laboratory of Theorcticia PIVaicn, Dubna, 1c,162 m Cx3l,lF%'FTJK'fY, V. 1. illid por,.ITUdZINIOV, 1. V. Tnvr-rJvrcc an3 Vt-ctor T.I~Iils" mq)ort preocnt-cd at thc Intl. Conference on High EricrU F"IyElics, Gcneva. 4-11 July 196-2 Laboratory of Theoretica:. Physice, 'Dubna, 1962 OPYLOV, G. I. and POLLIPAI INOV, 1. V. - ------------ "Vector Yeson Pair P~.otoproductlon" report presented at the Intl. Confererce on High Energy Physics, Geneva, h -11 July 1962 Joint Institute for Nucleur Research Laboratory of High Energy~Phynica Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Dubna, 1962 KOPYLOV9 G.I.;POLUBARBOV I V A nwnerical method cf calmlation of Foymman graphs. Dubna,, Ob"edinennyi in-t iadernykh isol. 1962' 5 P. (No subject ;eading) OGIYEVETSKIY, V.I.; POLUBARINOV, I.V.; SARANTSEVA, V.R. (translator] Quantum electodynanics in terms of electromagnetic -field strengths. Dubna, 0"edinermyi in-t iadernykh, iss-ledavaniy, 1962. 8 p. (Vo subject heading) Ll AUTFORS: S/056/62/043/004/033/061 BlOB/B102 Ogiyevetskiy.. V. I., Polubarinov, I. V. TITLE: Quantum electrodynamics in terms of the electromagnetic field intensities PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekspe.rimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 43, no. 4(10), 1962, 1365'-1370 T4XT- Or. the basis Of 4Drevious work (Nuovo 23, 173, 1962) the authors il present a Lorentz-invariant; formulation of quantum electrodynamics in terms of the electromagnetic field strengths. The calculations are based on a non-local field-photon intt~raction. The S-matrix for the interaction Lagrangian is constructed -according to the method of D. A. Krizhnits (ZhETF, 41, 551, 1961). The matrix element*for a process with n photqns is found to be (q_ s )F ..F (q s 4fl S I i>r' 9~kj ... RtAn... up,.14 1 1 JA24(92s2)' ikn 4 n n Equivalent forms may be obtained when the field strength tensor F (x) is replaced' by or F +~ . ~ UY P-i Chrd 1/2 OGIYEVETSKIY, V-I-; POLUBARINDVO, I.V. ~---'-S- Theory of a neutral vector field with spin 1. 'Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.3:70VII2 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Ob*yedinennyy institut yadernykh isoledovani.T. (Spinor )malysis) (Quantum electrodynamice) OGIX=SKIY.? V.1.; POLUM111Y)V, 1.V. Interacting fieldii with spin 1 and symmetry prolAfties. Zhur. ekspe i teor, fiz,- 45 no-4:966-977 0 163, (MIRA 16:11) 1. Obl'yedinamiyy lustitut yadernykh i.ssledovaniy. CGIYEVETSKIY, POLUM.UINOV, 1. V, interacLic-ns 1 p. i teor.fiz. fields with spim . 3.1048--1055 Fir ACCESSXON NR: AP4031153 8/0056/64/0"/004/1320/1330- AUTHORS2 Xopy*loi, 0. 1.;- Polubariwwo Semashko. 0. L. TITLE:. Estimate of the cross section for the photoproduction of vector boson pairs SOURCE: Zh. eksp~r.' i tear. fiz., v. no. 4, 1964, 1320-1330 TOPIC TAGS: vector boson, intermediate vector boson, weak interac- t'- on, vector boson pair photoproduction, pbotoproduction in proton,- p~otqproduction in nucleus, nonrelativistic limit, -random star cal-W. culation, Monte Carlo-calculation, Duffin Kamer algebra AB�TRACT: The cross section for the pbotoproduction of pairs of vector bosons with magnetic,moment -y - 1 in nuclei and in protons is calculated in the Born approximation. This in the first publisbeid calculation pertaining to ?air production in protons. The random star method is used and,the calculations cover the entire range of :Card,-.. .1/3 ACCESSION NRt AP4031IS3 energies for whicb the Wdsting approximate formulas are applicable (up to qO - 100 GeV). The region of applicability of the obtained nonrelativistic and existing ultrarelativistic formulas in deter- t 7' mined. The calculations were made with an electronic computer diree 1y from the Feyrwan diagrams, using a procedure developed by the authors and described elsewhere (preprint, Mal D-821, 1961). A iformula a - a U + KT rqo) is proposed for estimating purposes I nonrel. 3 .'J'at intermediate energies and is found to fit the calculated values quite well. The dependence of the era" section of pair production I on the atomic number in-the case of pair production an nuclei is also evaluated. "In conclusion we are Profess= K. A. M=kov for suggesting the problem and for interest in the moxt. to 10m San He for great help in solving the problez6 and to'S. N. Valuyev, V., 1. Ogievetskiy and K., 1. ShLrokaw for useful discussions.,! Orig. art. bass S figures, 49 fonalas, and I table. Cwd 2/3 Card 3/3 ACCESSION NRs AP403115:1 ASSOCIATIONt ObOyeftnenny*y Lnutitut yadeihW*kh LssledovanLy (JoLnt Institute of Nuclear Reiseareb) SUMUTTEDs 129op63 DATZ AMs O7May64 ZNCLt 00 !-.SUB CODE: PH NO REP SOVt -006 OTHERs OIL Photoproduct-40--l 0" Zhur. eksp, 1 teo:^. and rrmon pa.1ras no.5:17-;,~,-1721 ACCESSION NR: AP40425711 S/0056/64/046/006/2102/2107 AUTHORS: Ogiyevetskiy, V. I.; Polubarinov,. 1. V. TITLE: On the choice of vector field propagators SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 46, no. 6, 1964, 210~-2107 1 TOPIC TAGS: perturbation theory, causality, quantum electrodynamics,.. vector space, Green function ABSTRACT: In order to ascertain in which local theories one cail choose the propagators of vector fields in transverse form, the authors demonstrate tha,: the propagators can be chosen in transverse forms'only in theories in which the longitudinal part of the'propa- I gators is simply inessential (electrodynamics, Yang-Mills theory for massless vector fields, or the theory of a massive mutual ' vector field). Such theories were previously described by the authors (ZhETF v. 45, 166 and 7:39, 1963), where they were called class A or 1d_1 1/3 C ~.--ACCRSSION NR: AP4042574 ;theories. In the theories which the authors have defined as class''B,.,, iand for which a complete listing is not possible,'the propagators 1cannot be chosen in transverse form, since this leads to violation of unitarity or causality. This includes local theories of massive charged..vector fields. in theories of class A with zero mass of vector fields, 'unity spin is ensured by gauge inVariance, so that it is possible to add arbitrary gradient additions to the propagator. In particular, the propagator can be chosen transverse. If th6'mass of the vector fields in class'A theories differs from zero, then the choice of the propagator in the transverse form for all the compo- .nents of the vector field is simultaneously inadmissible, since it leads in the local'theories to violation of either causality or uni- tarity. No attempt waslinade to go outside the framework of pertur- bation theory. "The authors are grateful to B. N. Valuyev and D. V. Shirkov for stimulating discussions." Orig. art. has: 1-figure and 24 formulas. Card 2/3 'ACCESSION NR: AP4042574 ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinenny*y institut y aderny*kh issledovaniy (joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED:- 13Dec63 .'DATE ACQ: ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: GP NR REF SOV: 008 OTHER: Oll Card 3/3 OGITYEW TFTIY, ~-:-'-IIUBARINOV, Fln.s ~.t: in -,-,a t, I; jn,- a 111th spir, lic.'Ki. All 5:;SR 164' r.; 66. (min-A Y~,: a ins-t-itut -a(h--rr-y-,-.~'-i May 15, L 09215-67 bl?f (m) Ar-C NRs AP7002776 SOURCE- CODE: U-If/66iC~/66/i6~/ooi,/6di-~/684i, AUTHOR: Ogiyrevetskiy, V. I.; Polubarinov, I. V! ORG: _lLoIDLInstitute for Nuclear Research (Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy) i TITLE: Theory of a neutral mas!iive tensor field with spin 2_ ir SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 166, no- 4, 1966, 839-842 TOPIC TAGS. nuclear physics, nuclear spin ABSTRACT: An interacting syine-~rical ten5or field h?'/'(hyl' hVY) may define spins 2 and 1 and two spins 0. A theory of such interacting mass tensor field was developed, deriving a supplementary Hilbert-Lorentz type generalized condition from the equation of motion. In this theory, the ht'?'field may define-only spins 2 and 0, excluding the other 0 spin and the spin I because the sign of'the spin 1 energy is opposite of- that of spins 2 and 0. The interaction of the tensor field with itself and with the scalar field was examined; a two-parameter family of nonequivalent theories was obtained for the mass tensor field. The equation obtained differed from Einstein's equation by possessing a cosmo-~~_ogical term which disturbs the general covariance and the theory o.*,' equivalence. This paper was presented by academician 9. N. Pngnl viffiny M 15 May 1965. The authors thank B. N. Valuye , M. A. Markov,and Ya. A. Smorodin r useful discussions. Orig. art. has: 22 formulas. (NAJ _s~f o~ SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE. 10May65 ORIG RU: 003 Card 1/i n,-L, UDC: 530.124 POLUBARINOVA-KOCHINA, P. Ya. "On The Continuity of Variation of the Velocity Hodograph In a Plane Steady Motion of Ground Waters," Dok. iffl, 24, No 11, 1939- Institute of Mechanics; Mbr. AS POLUBARIMVA-KOCHINA, P. Ta. "Calculation of Filtration Through an Earth Dam," Prik. Ma-temat. i Mekh., 4, ljo 1, 194o. POLUBARIIIOVA-KOCIIINA, P. Ya. "Concerning Filtration in Anisotropic Soil," Prik. f4aterrat. i mej:h., 4, No 2, 194o. !IOI,JW3AhINOVA-KOC!MNA, Pela~,eii IakovIevna. Problems of the two-dimensiona-1 flow of ground waters. YoLkva, Izd-vo Akade--ii nauk SSSR, 1942. 14z p. (44-1413") QA913 - P6 POLUBARTNOVA-KOCHINA, P. Ya. 1942. "Inflow, of Fluids to Oil Wells in a Heterogeneous Medium," Dok- AN, 34, No 2, Institute of Mech., AS. POLUBARINOVA-KOCHINA, P. Ya. It On the Displacement of the Oil-Bearing Contour," Dok. AN, 47, i~io 4, 1945. Institute of Mechan.; Mr. AS POMBARINOVA-KOCIINAY P. Ya. USSR/Water, Ground Hydrostatics Feb 190 "The Unsteady 11-jotion of Ground Water *With a Free Surface," N. K. Kalil-.'I., 1. Ya. Polubarinova-Kochina, (pp IjPrik Mate i Mekh" Vol X1, No 2 Discussion of the problem of -.msteady influx of ground water in a horizontal drain. Treatment of the determination of the form of the free surface, and the calculation of the relationship between the discharlf--e into the drain and time. PA 15% Folubarinova-Kochina, P.Ya. Aly, Hydraulics Adel Hyaraullo Thoery of ~101113 ina Stratified Medl=,"' P.'Y& Polubarinova-Kochins., Moscow, 5 pp "Prik ladnaya Matematika I Mkhanika:" Vol Xj', No 3 ThO Problem Of the infiltration of liquids -into Vella in so-called vater-tight and slightly premeable layers Is set UP. The eqimtions Involve n (the number of the vater-layer), En (piezometric head), Kh (filtrati ,on' Omfficient), and nki (the power) and Bessel. functions. 91T37 PA 121T37 p ing~s ca yan qoq"po a liia-,sOrfac' e." Tb~- Lo - 7 77 7- A a -,C- o to to t! to V! It 11 14 a n h H Ill h x I, o, It It I- I. h r (t W it , 0 A r Ai Cowersing ubriorallen by M- of Oil Huk- 411k ! vships. hrrs iYa Ya. Polubarinoy I Rujudan.) P l " Yor kikh i h a ors khm c l s Akadrwii h f e t Nisuk illullptin of the Academy of Sciences o USSR. Oreth'" (If Technical SclOnOrl'), Feb. 110ois- 161 - 170. Prrs-.-uts a thevrot-tical inatherns6cal Anstlypip 4 the above prublem under the falitswing bradingot. rotaltlishinir the motion of similar liquidp; suo 114juMa having ilifftriprit vip"wities. but sinflittr two) lilluills III` diff-ront dimpille" R114 00 vilw(toltirs; and Irregular flim I)( twit lititilil- ott., the holou because 4 the ft.rev #,f gravity, g 111111111t (L41UPKATION 14- opt .. ......... LL a !V a It 4 to ".1 I i pit , 0;0 0 0 '04 low 10" 04 04 ** a a 11; i I 0 090 0 006 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 00 00 0000 0 0000 a so U60 coo A** too 100 *P0 Jeo to 0 too Ills* POLTJBARINOVA-KOMINA, P. YA A 43/43T94 . - 4" POLtMARINOVA-KOCHIM P. YA. PA 35/49T99 /4ftpi 09 Doc 48 Hydraulics Mathemation Applied ."One Nonlinear Equation in Partial Derivatives Which Is Encountered in the, Theory of Filtration, P. Ya. Polubarinora-Kochina, Corr Mem, Acad Sci /,,/ IMSR, 4 pp "Dok Ak Nauk SSSE" Vol MII,, No 6 Rztensions of Darcy's equation for unidimensional, nonstationary flcw of subsurface vaters for vary- ing conclitions or.. the water level in the medium (river or ca'mal). Subimitted 20 oat 48.. Aw 35ASm9_0 POLUBARINOVA-KOCHINA, P. Ya. "I.rregular Motions in tiae Theory of Filtration," 1949. Mbr., Dept. Technical Sci., AS All sh'&MO 4- r. Ye. P-, flow"-smimme. It ,0 fewlt smal"Oly 91A as of soil trat its' fill' ltwmtft")~- for. A1,01. Nault "R, t4q. Ickh. No"& ItIVI, pp. 1M4 Otte (June 11491, The sullaw deww~ the diracullics i9dwival in probiv-no of am"fin"Pionst UnIA.,&dy teetw4em, OW drWribra jhr exprel_ ""bj Amly of the fiAbIwins itim lWol4mm: (1) Flow in thp virooly oil drAno. (2) Flow holw"-n a eaaal owl a onil book. vA the bwel of the vtotter in the fortmer in o"Imly rhanvA. Thr, raiptvintents Itawt, Wen pprIttermad an " w" turvielm earl Ow rMillary Am1ba. involving Ow flow of illyverinp betamet twngkml4%tm Tipp remiltamn, rf-volutmi with thromthenmii- ral 1"fillia"A, both mom myovalp " Winialfiml. t,61"m "bath.- mmirml forroul.. m givre, Alpsou"ler lin-nmikoff. Vahm4n.