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B=:: ZUDOITATION s(r/35=2 Akademi7a nauk Ve--SSR. rZL3titut teploenerGetl;d Tep, oojr..- ka (Beat Tran3rer and Hydrodynamics) 'Uyev, It< ) -.1 1 Sidj_djrw;r_ Its: Sbornik t-%~dov, no. 14) 2,CDO :Lg-,B. '19o p. (Se:'-es:, copies printed. Eds. of Publishing House: Ta.L. Kaplan and W.M. Labin=a* Tech. ,V1 torda.1 B3ard: I.T. Stweta 6z;s;- F-,.) yerimova; =- Zop Acad-m-'al.&A, Acade=7 of Sciences UkrSS=t; G-X- -1cheg'olt- ( Pe3p. 34.ri. Candidate of Technical Sciences; H.X. XOndZk (ae5p Zeerettr'), Candidate of !:echr-Ical SClerlte3; V.I. Cor.-v*;ondIrZ M:mber. Ac"emy of Sciences mir=; I.Z. Mr-Moty-l'- sm-y' Doz-or of Techmical sciences; H.K. Lazarclwk. C4=111.,te cC_, Fec~:acai sciences; P.T- Lavrov. Car4itaze of Tem~:mtce- Sci- D pvetsov. )-cfeasor; and N.M. 1'r-t7shkin. C=%=date of Mlrm --,%is collection Gf articles is Intended for ac. v3=kers and technical personnel in the fields of tteat- -.-s--srer -Z and h- . drodynamic3. CTWAU.- MU3 collectIc .1 of 28 articles deals with ex'~r!-~ental t tmn3fer ar-d hydro- ore- ical studies of proble=3 inhC4 &.rr.fl4---c3 as they affect steam and gas turbine* an,! hezt-tr3,:mfer ddlVl~r*3. tbe results of t"cretical Inveatigationa of trans- rer Im turbine components and In ele=p=ts cf heat-ut- 4;p-- atus are d-scribed,=d new calculation =et-hod3 am suzZe~%tel S~vercl p tlez3 of the and aeroey-=Lcs or o.eam : iow each article. nd g3s tu:-Unea ax~ d!3=--z3ed. lnereren=e3 fol a Investigatio n or,tl..e ~--=unt cf Fea t C I 7exoff .juz linder "&cjr= he or HUE,= 4--ctide s_-d L,, rk:) lied1 M16 Paper deals wdth a stud, 4)r the heat;-'rawfer cce:nc.-ent for aqueous solutcz~3 of Lip_ & ,A UCI under cc. n: ti G_ boll1n6 under v'd=t=. Me effects of tmhe cc, ncentratim= at the t-he a=tae::- preaa,:,e, mined. ard cther P&ru:zeter3 are ete, d MrO=Ut~ I ve. App-o,4~-c Y wthad cf C*2cu-1atdrZ -,e1r,4 - ;ids fc~, t~ht C&je c~, T_j_- ?,D. of a Cc=p. rez'. ;Fluid 0 1-`^A-Tr4n3fer A und az Cbject I N.I. an the Po3s-*ouity or Ft,&-ztir.,g ti,, mrre,,:Lt-& u-47 - o.- .1 1-yer to =ferv=-Ira 217 S1.1 - -et!Z~_P.D_ and T.I. Inve3t1gationj cc the Sy3t~=-b: Intc-cj-j.~ -!~=~jaige of Ste= !m p-2uvrft:1 Turbl .'s IZ2 The authors presert the -ezjlts of tests -a amdy I,, terT7Z!x-d-r txc!-A=Ze 1-2 s-e= turtilnc3- 'Me study 13 concerned ve-t-h the h.Td=2u21a lo3so3 F&ecc=~nda- t-lons for retriallng tm Internal drag of -:%e 3yste= 1--e- ;-xv. se='el. 1.L. Effect or FA---'acturing Ve.'ectz cn End 'L~sffvs In thj7-GC,Z,F-,1.~ -!:Ine MaptC-3 13-1 .3 or Welded Tu~ y7, Tu. P. , A_ &h. and M. 1. S4 Eff", or and Fitc, %u h id5 m '.~~zmttudZ Lc=4.1 L r its Sa7kcvjkjy, X.Z., and A.Mi. Dort=an. C---ter!a far Z3t-'-&t1'?v the Efficiency of Intake Nozzles .Yar~ndnko, A.S., a.*Y-l A.?. Ptdosenko. LoSee-3 In Tu.-bln* .7Cn~-s--bf-tFW-Ca3cade Tormme.-,ko, A.S., and A.F. Yedosenko. 1-"e3t1g&t-Cn of t!~* ir. Turtine Blade Ca3cale3 The above t.o pap-rs deal with an imwst-~atton or t":s in turbine guide yt---3 ef the cascade t5-,,e. T'he efrlcle,~y or Me cazc&Je Is detex---Ined 4.1 a fwlct-'am of t" Inf2o- blado-41mcidence *--Zle, Uade pi-tch, and cther parv=dters. Sn-iels, I.T., V.M. and L.I. FM==;~ (Dacva3ed). Xn7t3t1gallon-o!-Eni !"z Ccn&activIty of Si23 Uzed In arvv1tP'eu5e3 ff laL AUICAZZ Llbraz- 0: C*.-~-J-33 CILrd 7/7, rz S/123/60/000/02()/016/019 LIJ C) A00,5/A001 Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1960, No. 20, P, 321, 112165 AUTHORS: Nazarchuk, M. M., Pollskiy, N. 1. ly TPTLE: On the Crisis at the Flow of a VIscous Gas in a Plane-Parallel Channel PERIODICAL: Tr. Soveshchaniya po prik).. gaz, dinamike, 1956, Alma-Ata, AN KazSSR, 1959, pp. 69-76. Diskus., pp. 751-76 I IMT: The plane-parallel adiabatic motion of a viscous gas is considered in a channel under the assumption that the pressure is const-ant in every cross section perpendicular to the channel axis. It is shown that -the maximum velocity component cannot exceed the sound velocity because the crisis of the stream sets in. The rit is always lower than magnitude of the average mass velocity at the critical instaa the velocity of sDund, K, V. D. Translator's note: This is the flill translation of the original Russian abstract. Card I/I. 8WO 8/12 /60/=1/002/005/012 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Melchanika, 1960, No. 2, p. 49, # 1928 AWICHORSs Gorbatyy, Yu.P., Dorfman, A.S.h., Pol'skiy, N.Y., Saykovskiy, M.I. TITLE: Aerodynamic Investigation of ExhAust Branch.Lij,e Model.,, of a Gas Turbine PERIODICAL: Sb. prats'. In-t teploenerg. AN UkrSSR, 1959, No. 16, pp. 25 - 34 Mr., Russ. summTTY-) TEXT: Results of an aerodynamic investigation of models of a gas turbine .exhaust branch pipe are presented. The branch pipe consists of a -radical ring diffuser, being the main pa-,t of the branch pipe, the snail, and the diffuser outlet duct. Some variants of the branch pipe were ex-nanined 'Kith difnisers having different widening ratios. It turned out that the optimum widening ratio of the diffuser is close to three. The loss factor of taiis branch pLpe prcved to be E loss - 0.53 (taking into account the losses wi-U-. outlet velocity). The muanting of ahnular guide surfaces within the diffuser, aiming at a dei,-rease in the diffuser -atlon of such i~urfa, opening angle, leads to a noticeably lowered loss. ThoappLft. ces led in.the present case to a decrease of the ~ loss value dcim to 0.45 and -to a pressure recovery factor 0.59 (at the Mach number 0.4 a1v 2je branch pipe entrance). Card 1/1 V.W, Abiante 83143 3/1 7o/6o/oo:s/oo6/007/011 BOI 3/Bo67 A 9400: AUTHORS:: Nizarchuk', TITLE: Solution of a Theri6physical Problem PERIODICAL:- Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, 1960'9 Vol- 3, No. 6, ppe 76 TEM. The pro,bl em of heat transfer between.-liquid or gaseous heat car- riers-,.and the.~solid particles suspended therein was solved by~the matrix theory and functional analysis. It is assumed that a heat-insulated tank contains a heat.carrier with.s. weight G, specific heat o , and a tempera- p ture'ic.' At the time t- TO a.mixture of solid particles with a tempera- :_t e. -in this-mixture are to is filled into the tank. The particles ola sified into n classes according to.their:aurface. Assuming that heat exchange takes place only between t4e heat carrier and the particles, itis easy to give.a system of equations describing the,temperature of the heat'- carrier and of the particles of n classes. The authors deduce-~~--, -the differential equation (2):~ dRkId (0 Qk)9 (k 1, 2 n), k qard ip M- m POLISKIY, N.I. Adiabatic flows of a conducting gas in channels. Teplofiz. 117-3. 2 no.2:238-242 Mr- Ap 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Institut tekhnicheskoy teplofiziki Akademii neuk SSSR. ACCESSION NR: AP4024189 S/0294/64/ooo/bol/0053/0057 AUTHOR: Pollskiy, N. I.; Shchegolev, 0. M. TITLE: Isothermal flow of conducting gas in ebannels SOURCE: Teplofizika vy*sokikb temperatur, no. 1, 1964, 53-57 TOPIC TAGS: magnetobydrodynamics, isothermal-conducting gas flow, one dimensional gas flow,. channelled conducting gas flow, flow in crossed fields, power generation, effect of induced field, Reynolds number, magnetic Reynolds number, electric field variation, friction effect ABSTRACT: Although the one-dimensional differential equations for the stationary flow of a conducting gas in crossed fields are known and can be solved numerically Xor specified boundary conditions, it is shown to be advisable to check, before undertaking the laborious calculations, that the flow,in question can.actually be I described bytheoretical equations, since the accuracy of the one- idimensional scheme cannot exceed th& accuracy with which the electric':--- field iintensity or the induced field is maintained constant or the I I GUM ACCESSION NR: AP4024189 extent to which the magnetic Reynolds number remains small. The author therefore derives in dimensionless form, by variational means,1 relations for the extremal values of the power generated by the stream, the pressure ratio, and the electric field Intensity. The effects of the Induced magnetic field (the magnetic Reynolds number),, of the pressure dependence of the conductivity, and of friction are also taken into account. It is pointed out that for isotbermal flow with constant velocity the dimensionless field intensity is a measure of the thermal efficiency.andtbatthadimensionless pressure ratio is a measure of the channel broadening. tThe authors are grateful to Z. P. Bogdanovich and T. Ye. Milleryan for performing all the calcula- tions connected with this work.' Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 22 !formulas. ASSOCIATION: inst'Itut teklihicbeskoy teplofizAki AN Ukr.SSR (Institutel lof Technical Thermophysics-, AN UkrSSR) [SUMITTED: 27Sep63 DATE ACQ: 16Apr6k ENCL: 01 ;SUB CODE: PH NO REP SOV:-Y 000-- OTHER: 0001- _2/1 POLISKIY? N.I.; GOKHBERG, I.TS.; DYNIN, A.S.; SOLOMYAK, M..Z.; VILENKIN, N.Ya.; '-`~B9ODSIUY, M.L.; SKLYARENKO, Ye.G. Summaries of papers accepted for publication by the Moscow Mathematierl Society* Usp. mat. nauk 18 no.2:179-188 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Moscow-Hathematical societies) POLISKIYp N. [Pollolkyip N.], kand.fiziko-mat-am.nauk Geometry and real space. Nauka i rhyttia 12 no-41l5-17 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Gecmtry, Modern) POLISKIY, Naftul losifovich; TITOVA, N.M., red.; KADASEEVICH, O.A. -l ~ - - -- * - --- - - - - - I (On the various geomotrioa]O razlichrykli geomotriiakh. lzd.2., dop. i perer. Kiev,, lzd-.vo Alcad. nauk USSR., 1962. 99 P. (14IRA 15t9) (Geometry) DORRIAN, A.Sh. (Kiyev); POLISKIY, N.I. (Kiyev); SAYYOVSI*.IY, m.j. (Kiyev) Concerning the drawing-off of the boundary layer in annular diffusers. Izv. All SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Energ. i avtom. no.6:156-162- N-D 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Diffusers) S/020/62/143/004/003/027 B112/B102 AUTHOR: Pol skiy. N I TITLE: ProjectivG methods in applied mathematics ::-PERIODICAL: Akademiya nark SSSR. 1~,aklady, v. 143, no- 4* 1961, 757-790 TEXT: A so called projective method to solve the operator equation Lz - f, xfiHJ , f CH is investifit-Aed., A sequence of projection operators 2 P is said to be projectively coaplete in a Hilbert space H if n r -Pfl-+O (n-+oo) forea,,jhfEH. Asequence L - LR I whereR are n n n n finite-dimensional euJDspaces of H19 is assumed to be projectively complete j (in H2- The sequence L n is transformed into a proji-itively complete sequence N P L by orthogonal projection. The solution x of the equa- n n n tion Lx f is approximated by the aolutions x 6 R of' the equations n a P Lit P f. The convergence'of this method under a ciertain ,i n n n / .0 Swurl1w .7- A3% J31) 28330 S,/124/61/000/005/016/032 A005/A130 AUTRORS: , Dorfman, A. Sh., Polli:;kiy, N. I., Romanenko, P. N. TITLE:. Self-simulating solutions of equations for the laminar boundary layer in a compressible fluid in the presence of heat exchange PERIODICAL.: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no. 5 1961, 73, abstract 5B457- (Nauchn. tr. Mosk. lesotekhn. in-t, 1958, no. 9, 165 - 174) . TEXT: The authors give a compendium of all possible self-simulating solu- tions of the problem of'a laminar compressible boundary layer with a pressure gra- dient and heat exchange; they apply Dorodnitsyn variables. For a Prandtl number P / 1, self-simulating can be obtained only under the conditions u1 - const and TW-= const (u1 is the velocity outside the layer, TW is the wall temperature). For P = 1, self-simulating solutions are possib.',,~ grily in cases when 1) u1 - const, TW ( f + c)n 2) u1 = (ag + b)n' T~ = const 3) ul = aeb~' TW = const Card 1/2 AL-Atm, 15?~-6 Tr,l!y 10 ;rItImAnoy EMt-r0Y C. AL-A-Atm, 195,5 r (Tranzactto- of the Conf~rcn- 01, 0.2 Dynac.1!3, ECId In Al-Ata, I-d-vo JL1 Kmz-~-hslcy =, 1959. October 1956) 235 p. Errat. slip ircorted. 9LV copies printed. Sp=.e,-rlxz ASrney: A),Adrmiy~ rnuk. F=s%,hs1m7 GSA. 1-1~ersitct Imcni S.M. Edl'.:-rial Boara- R~sp. t.A. Vulix; V.P. F~rhknm,; T.P. Im=t')0vf% and S.?. Ustiremko. Ed.: V.V. Tech. Fd.: Z.P. P.Dremn.. POLPWZ: This took is int~ndzd for ;~rvonml of scientific rcscarrl~ Institut" Lm! lnd%=tr1sI cr.& In the field of applied fluid ~.hwAc,, and may b-- of interest to s-uicnts of advv.4ed coursen In the ficlA. Transez-iona of the Conference (Cent.) SO,*/5290 CCW'u%fl-=: The book co"ists or the eranulcriptions Of )I papers re-lA at the rclsference on &" dynm--ics which wass convenej under the ioj-,-zt.,~ Or th, L&z*.XhtkIy CoGuditzstrurnyi, universitet J.~Onl G.M. Kirava (Xmza~rh State Univer. si"y 'ce-I S.M. xirov) =4 the 1--ti-Lut encreetiki Alkn!ectil :-A rAz&khaj,,oy S~, Institute of F~cr E~-�lnel,rlmg of tht: Az-Zemy or Sciences X&:&khzkay. SW) and bild October 1956. Three branches of applice. Call dynamlc3 ~-m discussed, ramly- jet flow of liquids n1 ga"s, of furnace ra.cas and the Outr2wd of liquids. Thr pmct1c&l of the t-be conft-nce cc-sists -o !~- aiartAtion of t2u~eory to cethDIS Of teChnic-51 COZrUtLtI0c. ani measuring methods rolat~l -~ iOdwtrLkl :=~Zces and Other Industrial pror 9"s in which mcrO4Yrv-,c ;econoWna play 4 ;~-dOmin`nt mle- ti&ht Papers read at th~ Conference are wt included - this collection for various masons. Th- authorz of -he papers az~: L.D. L'vov (Thdrnml &-4 Aerodym-aLc Character!stiez of Z-21wrized Co&1 ftrrers) and A.A. Coleyevskii, (0-utIjn,,3 On& physical K:,!,tl5 a., the Jet %=!oft Mechanics of Tluld_)$ N.j. NrAtnov, Ye. P. BoCdAnems S.V. BukiLmr, T'X- 111ronenko, A.B. RczcyOkcv, st'i G.V. Y.kub*v. L.C. Loyts~.-kiy Is w=t.lalicd as beirS In chmrCc of a seportnent or the r%za~ Univercity, a--& I.D. Mmlyu;t~* CanUdst, of n1ysical anj M~thtjc&l Sci, _cz, Docent, a ==her of --~& mne unive-r3il. :Iuferen"a a.-c found &% thv end or Session of 0--oter 24, 1956 Oorrirc) C.S. 1rve=t!-ratL-.c Turtralene- Ch~64~~crltitlcs of a free r~ovinotherml. Ttt and an Op.-r. 45 V.P. e phyalctl snj CT Pr-rallel -d ~:-tz-ry Hoti.z, or -.~- UnIforn TI-Z or Gos 55 th~ C-f-r." (ccrt.) T.F. or T. -~,imj of Sym~~trl-l Icts In Fe.rt--el tu'.1 cmtrarx Flo--- S.V. RIV%ill-Ity Of Mot-c-, " Combuntion of CmI Xs,=~-htm, N.M., %~J V.Z. On t?*,? Crttlir in tt, Vj-, rL-. of Gn,; In % Cc~-.,"tv of the Dlt~slv. In Sr,f of Ocwk~r 24, 195,r T--thir., t:,I;. of -% '~Jnlly Z;y-, :,I,,l jet !- C,- of Difl-nt *,.-Zity TT P.V, (r-TYujn--Y Intltttut (A"l-UrLoll C- ir lm-stie.-C FIw. C5 a~-z GOR:3A!rYy, Yu.P. [Horbutyii III.P.]; DORFMAIi, A.Sh.; PC]-ISKIY N, I.~ --[- o1 s1kyi, 14.1.1; SAMOSKIY. M.I. [Saikovs-kyi- ' lierodyaAmic studylof models of g-as-tarbine exhaust nozzles. Zbir. prats' Inst.tepl. AN URSH no.16:25-34 '59. (MIR-~ 13:'-rj) (Gas turbines-Aerodynamics) (Nozzles) 20353 S/020/61/136/005/011/032 B104/B204 AUTHORS: Pollskiy, 14. 1. andShvets, I. T., Academician AS Ukr$SR TITLE: Progressive solutions of lamirar boundary-lay6r equations in magnetohydrodynamics PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 136, no. 5, 1961, 1051-1054 TEXT: For an in-zoripressible liquid, the laminar boundary-layer equation may be written -.torn in the form an au I dp au 11 +v -ay -P 7x- OY2 P CIO 80 V C12 2U r Y (�U-)2 + - 2 U -j-- + VW -F -a'U +V OB x ily P Here, e(x,y) is the difference between the enthalpy of the mass any point and in the'outer flow; the last two terms in.the energy equations characterize the viscous and the Joulean dissipation. The boundary condi- tions are: u(x'0) v(x'0) - 0; U(X,co.) - U (x); e(x,o) - -r (x) ; 9 (?c, ooo e 2). The function U'-N) is now defined with the aid of the equation Card 115 20353 S10201611136100510111032 -Progressive-solutions of... ~104/B204 -ldp/Qdx - UU1, and it is found that this function differs-.froift,'the distribution of the velocities U (x) on the boundar.-,- layer if there exist. e volume forces which are produced by a magnetic fie lt_--~in the outer flow. The if' distributions of U(x) and T(x) are now sought, at rhich the cquations of system (1) may be reduced to ordinary differential equations with the help of a similarity transformation via the velocity profiles and the enthalpies. The interrelation between U(x) and U (x) is found. By means of substitu- e tions (3), the equation of continuity'and the two other equations of-the. system (1) may be'rritten down in the for ..of the system U (X,A UT, M; E YK W; (X, Y) -C W g (a) UA. U UK, V (X, Y) ET' m; KII JK UK B, U. 9T +V-Or9 -FIR 7 K (4) V K, U2 A '2 + V g '71 1g,T- g- + 11, U2 T UIK Wr V P.V i-. -r V. 'P" Card..2/5 20353 S/020/61/136/005/011/032 Progressive solutions of ... B104/B204 It may easily be seen that this system is nothing but the system of ordinary differential equations if with a suitable normalization function K(x) the following holds; 2/T a; Ul,/U,T _ r I - LTK I /U I K . 1 /~ ; 9 . K2/U1 U (5)- On the assumption that the magnetic field strength B on the wall is describe& by the function Bw (x), which changes in the Y-direction in inverse proportion to the s-th power of y, and that fixther the relation B e(x)/BW (X) - M, which characterizes the attenuation of the field across the flow, does not depend on x, it is necessary for obtaining progressive solutions that for .the magnetic parameter the following holds: a B2 w P. on these assumptions, the boundary conditions (2) and the Eq ~Z'assume the formi (7) + (W + t'p .2 + -,n 0; (8) Pr g' + g (P "T (1-+ W . - - (0) 0; "-,p, (.0) ='C; g (0)g 0. -(9) Card 3/5 20353 B/020/61/136/005/011/032 Progressive solutions of ... B104/B204 Furthermore, the authors show a way of obtaining analogous results for a compressible liquid. In this, they proceed from the boundary-layer equation dp 0 C1 P.(,, _~u +V 0 Fu aB2u; Ox dy + -FY j (10) U (PU) + a (P-) P ( Ox + V dy) 4,-- (IL wy -F.': ay = 0. with which the Joulean dissipation is neglected for the purpose of simplification, and where "l holdo for'Pr. The new variables x X (P/P.)r V )dy (11) are introduced, which are analogous dx and (Q/Qo 0 to Dorodnitsyn variables. By means of the substitution U(p /p)'ax/ax + V(p /p)r-'T /T and by introduction of dimensionless 0 n N Ou. UU, 2) - EVU variables, the system U 7x- + V -j7 ;i= (0 +Ut) F--- U,+(I-U aBs + U (9 U2)- -Y Card 4/5 Ax OF dx Pr jY k~l Card 5/5 the na.-lba'p- The T ME D ___L 26h79-66 EWT(d) ACC Nit, AT6 8142 U.R/0000/65/1)00/000/0037/0041 AUTHOR: Poilsk iy, N. I. ORG. None TITLE: On the automodeling solutions of the( Mises equation -SOURCE:, ALI UkrSSR. Techeniya zhidkostry j gazov (Flows of liquids and gases), Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965,-.37-41 TOPICTAGS; Prandtl boundary layer# boundar;r layer-theory ATISTRACT: 'This paper is a study of autumodj!ling solutions of the Mises boundary layer equation-The author intxoduces the transfomation P(X, g(x, P(X) M* into the Mises equation (2), shown as obtainable from the Prandtl's equation by anoth- er transformation u g PW U2/2 The Mises equation is written as c 2. ~g AY (2) 1' Card 1/2 ACC NRt AT6008142 lie re, is the dynamic y1scosity and u u 0, the operator L - ZS + A has no eigenvalues the real part of which would agree with one of the AV In each interval ( L ); .... ('n Ll ); ( A , +0D It A2)1 ( L2' A3 n-11 n n there is at least one oigenvalue of the operator M A + EB, where E > 0 holds, and B is given by a matrix, the elements of which are all equal to unity. Theorem I of the present paper says: All eigenvaluou 4 V 12t "'t 2Ln of the atatrix L are real and they all lie within the above-mentioned intervale. The general solution of the initially written down system of equations may be written down in the form n (k) - Xk X ai e T (i . 1, 2, ..., n). k -1 q/ Card 3/4 Here the a (k) a (k) *.., a (k ) denote tho couponents of the 1 79- Card 4/4 vt Transactlons of the Third All-union Jun-Jul '56,.D7udy '5b, V. 1, Sect. Rpts., Pentkovskiy, M. V. (Leningrad). On of Nomograms From Adjusted Points. Call Nr: AF 11088 5 Mathematical Congress -v(Cont.lmoscaw Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR, moscow, 1956, 237 pp. the Beat Transformation 194-195 Pentkovskiy, M. V. (Leningrad). New Method of Projective Transformation of Nomograms on a Net. 195 Pollski N I (Kiyev). Galerkin's Method and its ~s t 195-196 Men-bion--is made of Galerk .in, A. A., Keldys!). M.'V., Petro*.,,"'G. I., Kantoroyreh, L. V., Mikhliff, S' a '9~, N. N., Krylov, N. M., Krasnosek---s-ki Bogolyub y: M.-A., and Vislfik, M. I.' There are 8 references, all of them USSR. Purto..'V. A. (Moscow), Moloshnaya, T. N. (Moscow). On Translation by Machinery From English Into R-assian. 196 Card 63/ 80 ~4 S/124/63 -/000/002/008/052 ': D134/0 0B "j. vian,- AU Nazarchu1c; 11.11H.; and Poll, ~Skiyj- Nele jr, A "fir a-- C ur. ~te: jv ris a.. d ti f o gas in a plane- o vise us . , all. ar el channel P PERIODICAL: -, Ref erativnVy . zhurnal 14ekhanika, no. 2, 1963, '68, abstract,2 B426 (Tr. Soveshchaniya po prikl. gaz. din-maike 1956, Alma-,Ata, M. ICa,,.SS R, .1959, 69-76. Discussion~73-76) 4 -allel adiab atic Theoretical inve6tigation of plane par tion. of a m0 viscoUs- gas in a channel of constant cross-section. Us-~ ding 11randtl 's'equationa and assumingthat the velocity profile is he. d' tl-j-- authors show that, when crisis c onve-x. in t itection of motion, i s reached, the velocity on the channel axis is equal to the local V610city of and the average velocity of the stream is less ,A, -than the vel city. of sound. 71-d-s conclusion is reaclaed for both 0 lamilaar and .turbulent flow. However, the results of the paper do ..,.-,-.:,-1-,,_enab1e the. position of this criticatsection to be determined. The, Card 1/2 POLISKIY, N.I# Projection methods in applied mathematics. Dokl. k4 SSSR 143 no.4087-790 Ap 162. 0AIRA 15:3) 1. Institut tgploe:nergetiki AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.Yu. Ishl-inakim. (Projection) FOLISKI-Y, P. I. RA 17OT7(,) US�R/Meteorolcgy - Circulation Dec' 48 "Practical Use of Data on the Store of Circula- tion Solenoids in the Atmosphere," P. I. Poll- skiy "Meteorol i Mirol" No 6, PP 34-41 Calculates speo;ific nvonber of circulation sole- noids (nutaber :in vertical slice 1 km high and 10 long in ler4yth) for 4 different sypoptic situations. Rocommends use of this character- istic in airways forecasting procedure, since it can be used to determine vhether layer con- tains frontal tone, inversion zone, or hom- gewous air uu~s Submitted 28 Jul 47 POLISKIY, P.I. WWW"., Aerosynoptic conditions for significant rainfalls in the Crimea. Trudy Ti-krNIGMI no.27-.26-36 t6l. (MIRA 16:7) (Crimea-Rain and rainfall) POLA ZIY I - P. 1. Atmesohare PracticiO. use for data on the rez7orlre of cir~--lation ai;lenaids In the atmosphere. Yj.,t. i gidrol. No. 6, l9z'j-8 9. Month List of Russian Acceasions, Library of Congress, -; -1955' Uncl. irssoxg.TA40VICII, Ivan Parfirlyevich. ROGOT07,; P001 ftakaj $6zh, OVA-rr8TP_8fRfiiii_(tn the and thotY aeonemi c development] Poimy rek --~06pri, Bosbi-A. Priplati. (v predelakh BSSR) i Ikh khozitist"nnoo Ispollsoverde. Minsk. Goo.izd-vo BSSK. 1957. 237 p. (MLRA 10:9) (White Russia--Alluvial land*) ii. LIB9RT,- B.Ya, professor, za6sluzhennyy cleyatoll nauki; RUBINSHTEY14, I.S., dotsent; SAKQVICH, A~O., doteent; VILEITCHIK G.Yu., kandidat wedttaluskikh nauk; GURIVICH, G.TS, kandidat meditelaskikh nauk; IZRAITLELI, R.A., kandidat meditainakikh nauk; KIIIGA, A.t., kandidat meditainakikh nauk; LESVIRA, P.I., kandidat meditsinakikh nauk; MCHRITKO,L.O., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; RABINOVICH, Ye.M., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; RUBIRSHTEYN, B.B. kandidat meditsinskikh n&uk; SAMOKRINA. Z.7., kandidat meditainakikh nauk; KRASILINIKOV: A.P.. kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; ZMUSHKD* I'SO, Rauchuyy sotrudnik; HISERBAUM, I.H.. nauchuyy sotrudnik; SOIDVIYANCHIK,0.1., sauchnyy sotrudnik; SUSIA)VA, M.N.. nauchay sotrudnik;zjwiL&TWMA,r,redaktor; KLTFTINA, P., tekhMcheskiy redaktor; KALECRITS, G., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Practical manual ou medical microbiology and bacteriological methods of sanitation researchJ -Praktichaskoe posobie po medi- tsinskoi mikrobiologii i hanitarno-bakteriologichookim metodam iselodovanil. mingk, Gos.izd-vo B3SR. Redaktsiia nauchno-tekhn. lit-ry, 1957- 356 p. (mLRA lo:6) (MICROBIOLOGY) KAXHNACH. Aleksandr &-imanovich; VOZIIYACHUK Leonid Nikolayevich (Vaznia- chuk, L.M.]4 K6!SKjy.,-s. (Fol'ski: S.I. red.; SMANOVA, H. (Stiiifripanava. N.]. (Geological past of White Russia; touring mineral resources] Gealagichnae minulae Belarusi; padarozhzha u netry Belarusi. Kinak. Dziarzhaunae vyd-va BSSR. Red.navukova-takhn.lit-ry, 1959. 213 P. (MMA 13:4) (1hite Runsia--Geology) I- '. i I I P " ~," ;~-.-, 'I I- MOLOCBKOV, A.V.; UiC. red. to road bliteprints] Kak chitat' takhnichookit tzd-vo BSSR. Rod. nmuclin.-tckhn.lit-r-y. 1958. (Blueprinta) charterh. Hinmk. 145 P. (MIRA 1l14) SUPRON, L.F.; ZTXW, F.P.; KUKHIN. A.P. . prof . , red.; IF-OIL-I'~IRRTS--# red.; WZPANOVA, X., tekhn.reh. [Medical care of the population subjected to methods of mass destruction] Maditsinskoe obespechanis naseleniia v usloviiakh primeneniia sredstv massovogo porazheniia. Pod red. A.P.Mukhina. Minsk, Gos.Izd-vo BSSR. Red.nauchno-tekhn.lit-ry, 1959, 407 p. (MIRA 12:9) (ATOKIC MEDICINE) CHISTOPOYANOV. Dmitriy Fedorovich [Chystapl ianau. D.F. 1; [Pollski, 5.1, red.; STEPANOVA. N. f.Stsiapanova, N.J. [Mysterious continent] Tsiamnichy iwtsiaryk. Minsk, D21arzh. vyd-va BSSR, Red.navukova-tekhn.lit-ry, 1959. 136--p. (KM 13:12) (Antarctic regions) MAKAROCHKIN. Mikhail Yedorovich, prof.; PETROVICH. Aleksandr Grigorlyevich, in2h..--PQL'S1IYL-S.x_red.; KARPINOVICH, Ya,, (Foundations and their construction for buildings of few stories] Fundamenty dlis maloetazhnogo stroitellstva i proizvodstvo rabot po ikh vozvedenliu. Minsk, Goo.izd-vo BSM. Red.nouchno-takhn. lit-,ry, 196o. 71 P. (KIRA 13:12) (Foundations) HAMOCMaN, Mikhail Fedorovich; SRARAY, Vera Neaterovna; LOTYGIN. Hikolay Ivenovich;-POLISKIY, S., red.; WEPANOVA, N., :lGomposition and engineering properties of the loess-type soils ef White Russia) Sostav i stroitelinye avoistva lessovidnykh gruntov BSSR. Minsk. Gos.izd-vo BSSR. Red.nauchno-tekhn.lit-ry. 1959. 122 p. (MIRA 13:12) (White RusBia--Loess) ZABULOTNIKOVA, Liliya Kikhaylovna; KOZZ. Vladimir Ignatlyevich; . POLISKIY, S.. red.: SrEPANOVA, N., [Plastics in the national economy] PlasticheBkie massy v narod- nom khoziaistve. Kinsk, Gos.izd-vo BSSR, Red.nauchno-tekhn. lit-ry, 1960. 53 p. (MIRA 13:11) MasticO RUTSKIYJ, A.I., kand. tekhr.. nauk, zasl. deyat6l -nauki i tekhniki BSSR; Z-4GO"2W4--Y, Ye.N., inzh.;.-SLEff-AN., Ya,Yu.? kand. tekhn. nank; LOMB, V.!,,, kand. tekbo.*uk; TDYAKOV, N.A., kand. tekhn. nauk- POLISIMY S red.; F-MCHITS, G., tekhn. red.; DOMOVSKAYA, C-1., 7te (Electrician's manual] Spravochnoe posobie clektromontera. 2., perer. izd. Pod red. A.I.Rutakogo. Minsk, Gos. izd-vo BSSR. Red. nauchno-tekhn. lit-ry, 1961. 377 p. WIRA 15:4) (Electric engineering-Handbooks, manuals., etc.) KjO.EZHT'jSKIY, K.F.; POLIGUY, S., red.; ST-11TANOVA, N., (Mode of action and biological role of vitomins- rujin grcmp of vitaminB connected with biological oxidationJ Mokhtinizia doistviia i biologicheskain roll vitaminov; osnovnaia grappn vitaminov biologicheekogo okialer-iia. Minnk. Gos.izd-vo BSSRi-7-Red.nauchno-takhn.lit-ry, 1959. 271 p. WIRA 13. 1 ) (VITAMINS) (OXIDATION, PHYSICLOGICAL) LEZHNEV, G.G.; MEVZHINSKIT, A.I.; POY_'~KIT, S., red.; TRUERANOVA, A., [Settlement-g In capital congtruction] Raschety v kapitallsom stroitel'stva. Minsk, GosAzd-ve BSSR. 1958. 322 p. (MIRA 11:12) (Construction ladustry-Finance) FOLISKIY, S. -, Bliminate admitted errors. left.khes-33 no.6:91 D 155 (Petroleum) (MTRA 9:2; WADIMIROV, Tevgeniy Vladimirovich. inzh.; INMOVSKIT, Tevgeniy Vasillye- vich, inzh. Priniml uchastiye GORANSKIT, G.K., kand.tekhn.nauk; PCLISKIT, S., red.; W3PANOVA, N., [Bffective and automatic checking of machined parts on automatic machine tools aud automatic lines] Aktivnyi i avtomaticheskii kontroll detalei na atankakh-avtomatakh i avtomaticheskikh liniiakh. Minsk, Goa.izd-vo BSSR. Red.nauchno-tekhn.lit-ry, 1960. 138 P. (MIRA 13:10) (Machinery, Automatic) (Kachine-shop practice) AID P - 3979 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 24/27 Author Pollskiy, .3. Title Olenev, N. M. Khraneniye nefti, nefteproduktov i gaza (Storage of oil, oil products and gas). Gostoptekhizdat, 1954 and Baysh, L. G. and V. A. Nikitina. Izmereniye raskhoda i urovniya zhidkostey i gazov v neftepere- rabotke (Measurements of the output and the level of liquids and gases in oil processing). Gostoptekhizdat, 1954. (Book reviews). Periodical : Neft. khoz., v. 33, #12, 91,, D 1955 Abstract : The author critically appraises these two textbooks published in 1954 by Gostoptekhizdat. lie points out many mistakes, especially in the description of liquid and gas volume meters. Institution : None Submitted : No date GORANSKIYq Georgiy Konstantinovich- POLISIMp S.9 red.; STEPANCYVA9 N., tekhn. red. k-~-: - [Efficient operation of machine tools] Ratsionallnoe ispolIzovanie metallorezbushchikh stankov. Minsk, Gos. izd-vo BSSR. Red,, nauchno- tekbn. lit-ry, 1960. 226 p. (MIRA 14:7) (MachIine tools) SITVIKOV, Oleg Stepanovich; POLISM t S.9 red.; STEPANOVAp N;t tekbn. red. (MultiRtwpose attacbments with interchangeable parta used in piec and small-19,t manufacture of machinery] Universalluo-aborr7e prii;~- sobleniia. v edinichnom i melkoaeriinom mashinootroanii. Minskq Goo. izd-vo BSSR Red. nauchno-tekbn lit-ryp 1961. 91 P. (K[RA 1418) (Interchangeable mechaniiqs) DOBROMUBOV, Anatoliy Ivanovich; POLISKIY, S.. red.; STEPANOVA, N., tekhn. red. ------- [Improving the performance of hydraulic electric control devices of machine tools; detection and elimination of defects] Metody povysheniia ekspluatatsionnykh kacbestv gidroelektroavtomatiki stankov; nakhozhdonis i ustranenie neispravnostei. Minsk, Gos. izd-vo BSSR. Red.nauchno-tekhn.lit-ry, 1961. 156 p. (MIRA 15: 1) (Machine tools) (Electric controllers) (Hydraulic control) GORBATSEVICH, Aleksandr Feliksovich; KUZNETSOV, Vladindr Petrovicb; TUDOVIN, Lev Grigorlyevicb; POLISKIY, S., red.; DONOVSKAYA, G., +,ekhn. red. (Automatic lines of broaching machines arA the automation of broach- ing operational Avtomaticheskie linii iz protiazInVICh stantkov i avtorAtizatsiia protlagivaniia. Minsk, Gos. Izd-vo BSSI.. Red. nauchno-tekhn. lit-ry, 1961. 110 p. (1:DA -14110) (Broaching machines) (lutomation) - -;* .41 TAKOVIEV, Nikolay Feofilovich, kand.tekhn.nauk;' POLISKff, S., red.; STZPANOVAj, N.,, (Mamisal for mechanics of woodworking enterprises] Spravochnik makhanika derevoobrabatyvaiushchogo predpriiatiia* Minsk, Goo. izd-To BSSRv Red.nauchno-tekbnlit-ry, 1961. 4M p. NIU 3.4-.6) (Woodworking machinery) KARYAGIN, Anatoliy Vasillyevich; SOLOVIYEV, Georgiy Ilikhaylovich; POLISK37, S., red.; STEPANOVA, N., [Driver's tra4nin manual] Posobie dlia podgotovki shoferov. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo BSM. Red.nauchno-tekhn.lit-ry, 1961. 383 P. (MIRA IL4:6) (Automobile drivers) S. MAKAROCHLIN, Mikhail Fedorovich, doktor tekhn. nauk; SITNIKOV, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; POLISKIY, S., red.; BELENIKAYA, I., tekhn. red. -.. rPrefabricated foundations oF.buildings]Industrialinys ow;damenty zdanii. Minsk, Gps.izd-vo ESSR. Red.nauchno- tekhn.lit-ry, 1962. 303 P.- (MIRA 16:3) (Foundations) MAKAROCHKIN, Mikhail YeAorovich, doktor tekhn.nauk; SITNIKOV, Mikhail Alef-sandrovich, kand. tekhn. nauk- POLISKIY S., red.; BELEN''KAYA, I., tekhn. red. (Prefabicat(:d foundations for buildings]Industri"'luye fundamenty -Aanii. Minsk, Gos--lzd-vo BSSR 1962. 300 p. ~MIRA 16:7) (Foundations) VENDILOVSKIY, Ifladimir StoptAnovicb; FUMM, Nikolay Abramovich; POLISKIY) S., red.; STEPAPOVA, N., tekhn. red. [Fanual for television owners] V pomoshchl telezri,~;--Iiu. Minsk, Gos. izd-vo BSSR. Red. nauchno-tekhn. lit-ry, 1961. 121 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Television---44aintenance and repair) ITAYEV, Sergey Sergeyevich; VINOKUROV, F.P., prof.. red.: POLISKIY, S., red.; WSPANOVA, N.,, (Mechanization of opera-z4ons in modern housing construction; mechanization of conveying and assembling operational Nekhani- zatsiia rabot v movremonnom zhilishchnom stroitel'stve; mekhani- zatsiia transportno-monta2hnykh rabot. Pod red. F.P.Vinokurova. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo, BSSR. Rod.nauchno-takhn.lit-ry. 1960. 356 n. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Daystvitelinyy chlen Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Vinokurov). (Cranes, derricks, etc.) (Conveying machinery) POLISKIY S.M.; TSOTSIFXR, X.B., vedushchiy redaktor; TROFIKOV, A.V., '*~~~heekiy redaktor [Volim-stric measuring devices for petroleum products] Ob"emnye achetchiki dlia neftepro(luktov. Koakva. Goa. nauehno-takhn. izd-vo neftianol i gorno-toplivaol lit-ry, 1956. 519 p. (HLRA 9;7) (Flow meters) (Petroleum-Pipelines) '.SKI M7BJRG, S.I., prof., red. [Ptesent-&y desiVe of volunotric motors used for petrolena products] SovromenVe konstrukteft ob*einykh schetchDwy d1la nefteproduktor. Pbd red' S I.APre1b r9a* Xvokm, Taos. in-t nauchnol i tokhn. info;;at-;ii, 19580. 68 pe (KIRA 11191) (Flow meters) (Petroleum industr7-3quipment and supplies) -, POIIISKIYD Some Selecting the indtz~us f or thp po-wrwmi'. af ctY of ali 4~ A .. cont-rel on tank fa,---s. W-%. lrhoz. 411 92~66 Mr ("IXJIZA .*~- -- , -.*. 1. BLEYKHER, E.M.; POLISKIY, S.-M.; CHEXNIKIN, V.I. Determining the optimal number of pourirg devices in distribu- tion tank farms. Transp. i khran. nefti i nefteprod. no.?:10-13 164, (MIRA 17:8) 1. Moskovskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti im. akad. Gubkina i Vsesoyuznyy institut, nauchnoy i tekhnicheskoy informatsii. FOLISKIY, Svyatoslav Mikhaylovich; ZUBAREVA, Ye.I., ved. red,; -----BASHYAK(YVAi-- GjMi., tekhn, red, [N:iw flowmeters and consumption meters in the petroleum and petrochemical industries abroad]Novye zhidkostnye schet---hiki i raekbodoriery v neftekhimichaskoi promyshlennooti za rube- zhom. NoAva, Gosto tekhizdat, 1962. 76 p. (MBIA 15:10) ~YT'Iowmeters) (Petroleur. iMustry-Equipment and supplies) B125/B102 AUTHORt Pollskivq V. G. TITLE& Study of the effect of dynamic fatigue on photocathodes PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheakaya, v. 26, no. 11, 1962,.1396 - 139a TEXTt Certain types of photoelectronic multipliers show a dependence of the pulse heights on the counting rate and on the amplification. The de- pendence of the "second" pulse amplitude on the time interval between the pulses vas studied on photomultipliers of the-types ~~?Y-33 (FEU-33)9 d-;Y-36 (FEU-36), 43Y -19 (FEU-1V), OY-13 (FEU-15), 03-11 (FEU-11), RCA -6sio, Rck-6342 in orderoto estimate the possible errors of measurement and to investigate the dependence of the amplification on the pulse * amplitude. The dependence of the amplification factor of some Soviet ,multipliers on the pulse amplitude makes it very-difficult to analyze cer- tain nuclear processes by using scintillation counters. The nominal value of the amplification factor of all FEU-33 aodele studied is restored after Trest 4 3 )~sec* T rest of FEU-36, RCA-6owand Rckr6342 is 15 to 20,rLsec. Card 1/3 S/048/62/026/011/009/021 811orter B/046/62/026/011/009/021 Study of the effect of ... B125/B102 anodic pulses. Fatigue can be used practically in devices for producing I,\' electric standard pulses of r,,10-9 nee with arbitrary durations of the light pulses. Card 3/3 SOV/48-22-6-,8/20 AUTHORS: Berkovskiy, A. G., Leyteyzer, L. G.~ Pol~tkxl, TITLE: Industrial Photoelectranic Multipliers With an Improyed Time Resolution and Strong Output Cu--Ter~ts "Promyshlennyye 'Joto- elz~k~ronnyye umnozhite.'i s uluchshennym vremennym razra-sheniyem i 'o-(,11shimi vykhod-nymi tokam-i) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSFj Seriya fizicheskaya., 1958, Vol. 22, Nr 89 pp. 1002 1004 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the conference (Ref last year preliminary data, on thL. new 13-cascade multiplier (FEU =photoelectronic miiitiplier FEM) were communicated. This' aevice ser7es for 'he investigation of nuclear processes with a fast. seqLenr;e. The in-y-ebtigat'-1-Dris of the parameteTs and of the characteristJz3z3 cf the FEM-33 recently carried out by the autho:rs yielded the follow.`Lng results: according tc the t-3chnfc;al assumptions the integral sensitivity of the cathodes of tile FEM--33 as well as of the FEM-29 should not be below 30t-tA The mean integral sensitivity of the multiplier cathode which was de-v'eloped in Card 1/3 the last two months amounted to 40~~A 1-m-4 . The de,--ndence SOV/48-22-8-18/20 Industrial Photoelectronic Multipliers With an improved Time Resolut,'On and Strong Output Currents of the amp'Lification of the supply Yoltage of three apeo-imens of the FEM-33 are gi-fen in figure 2 (continuous curves). For comparison the cha:,,acteristics of three 14-cascade multipliers RCA-6B10 are given with dotted lines. These curves were taken under the same conditions. Measurements of the amplitude re- solution of the FEM-33 showed -that 'it is by no means inferior to other FEMIS. The noise le-rel of the FEM-33 according to the scale of the NaJ-(Tl)_C8137 is of the order 3 - 4 keV (a-. a counting rate of 50 pulses per se3). The classification of 50 specimens of FEM-33 according to the pulsed output current is given in figure 3. The weakest currents equaled 0,3 A, the highest about I A,, Investigations of the linearity of the output currents at a voltage of the order of 4 kV showed that on the average the PEM-33 operate linearly up to 0,5 A. The deviations range from 0,4 to 0,8 A (Fig 8). The width of the coincidence curve of specimens of FEM-33 with a crystal and with a preparation Co9O in the coincidence cirou'4 is between the limits of 2 to 4 microcoulomb . sec (at a coun ";ing efficiency Card 2/3 of 50%). The data obtained by oscillographa showed that tH SOV/48-22-8-18/20 Industrial Photoelectronic Multipliers With an Impro-fed Time Resolution and Strong Output Currents pulse rise times approximately equal from 2.5 to 3 mioro- ooulomb.seo and their general resolution is somewhat abo-we 10 microcoulomb.seo (Fig 5)- There are 5 figures and 1, rrierence, which is Soviet. Card 3/3 S104~6010241031191019 B006 B014 AUTHORS: Berkovskiy, A. G., Pol'skiy, V. G. V;=~~' .2.ex' TITLE: Dependence of the Amplification of Photoelectronio Multipliers on the Amplitude of Pulses and the Time Intervals Between Them PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya f12icheakaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 3, PP- 377-379 TEXT: The article under review was read at the Tenth All-Union Confer- ence of Nuclear Speotros2W (Moscow, January 19 - '719 1960 . e dependence of the amplification of photomultiplieri?~oi the mode of pulse operation leads to considerable difficulties in the cave of certain energy measurements. In order to be able to estimate the errors arising within a large range of the counting rate, the authors developed a special apparatus to be used for the investigation of photomultipliers (above allp such of the type FEU-33). Fig. 1 shows the principal circuit diagram of the apparatus, which is described by way of introduction. The Card 1/2 ZF5 Dependence of the Amplification of S/048/60/024/03/19/019 Photoeleotronic Multipliers on the B006/BO14 Amplitude of Pulses and the Time Intervals Between Them apparatus used an 10-4 oscilloscope. A special quick oscilloscope (Ref. 4) had to be employed for investigations in the range of nanoseconds. The dependence of the amplitudes of the "second" pulses on the time interval between I: Flu (30 unit FRU-11 2 un erlses wat investigated on the4,typee JE-4 &." n:LA "7"134 it qj%U-13?(2 units)9 jSA-6810A*(1 uni )9 and RSA units. The feed voltage was 3 - 4 kv. No relationship between amplitude and time interval was found on FEU-11 and FEU-139 whereas it was very strong in the case of RSA-6810A and RSA-6342, Fig. 2 shows the amplification coefficient as a function of the time interval between two pulses. FEU-33 had a recovery time !E-3, which was between 15 and 20psec in the case of RSA multipliers. The same instrument also served to investigate -.-he dependence of the amplitudes of the "second" pulse on those of the "firatt' pulse at time intervals of between 0.1 and 2.59800. Results obtained for an FEU-33 multiplier are shown in Fig. 3. With widening amplitude of the "first" pulse, the amplitude of the "second" decreases. The slopes of curves may vary greatly from one photomultiplier to another. There are 3 figures and 4 references, 1 of which is Soviet. Card 2/2 ZARINSKIT, V.A.; KDSMaN, D.I.- FOLISKIY V, r; GFMINA, L.A. Control of water purification by electrical conductivity. Vest. AN SSSR 26 no.4:36-38 Ap 156. (MLRA 9:7) (Water--Pm-Ification) (Electric measurements) s/iog/60/005/009/027/030/XX E032/E514 AUTHORS: Berkovskiy, A. G. and Po3'skiy, V. G. TITLE.* A Study of the Time Resolut -qn of Pho-tomultipliers Using the Oscillographic Method PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1960, Voi.5, No.9., pp~1475-i477 + I plate TEXT: A description is given of a method of measuring tha time resolution of photomultipliers using a fast oacillograph. and pezi.odic light flashes of nanosecond duration. The oscillograph employed was described by Pollskiy in Ref.1 and the light flashes were obtained by spark discharge. The flash repetition frequency was adjusted to a few hundreds of kc/s and the time base of the oscillograph was X. triggered by synchronizing pulses from the flash generator, For each photomultiplier optimum supply conditions were first determined, giving rise to the maximum pulse amplitude. The slope of the leading edge of anode pulses S and the amplitude of the pulses were measured. The length of the leading edge was defined as the 10%-90% rise. The slope S was defined as the amplitude of the pulse divided by the length of the leading edge (in units of mA/nanosec). Thirty J)DY -33 (FEU-33) photomultipli-ars were investigated. The Card 1/3 81194 2 s/iog/60/005/009/017/030/XX E032/E514 A Study of the Time Resolution of Photomultipliers Using the Oscillographic Method maximum value of S was found to be 350 mA/nanosec. Other photo- multipliers tested were two FEU-11 (S = 20 and 100 mA/nanosec,,, respectively), one FEU-13 (S = 150-200 mA/nanosec) and RCA 6810A (S = 200 MA/nanosec). In the case of the FEU-33 photomultipliers the amplitude was found to lie between O-3.and 1.1 A and in 75% 0i them the amplitudes were between 0.4 and 0.8 A. The output pulse amplitudes for the other photomultipliers were roughly within the same limits. The measured pulse length t (measured at the base of the pulse) was found to be~ 20 nanosec (AU-33), 100 nanosec (FEU-11), 40 nanosec (FEU-13), 30 nanosec (RCA-6810A), 20 nanosec (RCA-6342) and 6-9 nanosec (special photomultiplier with time spread compensation). In the latter case the leading edge slope was found to be 400 mA/nanosec on the average. The spread in the transit times of photoelectrons was rr-!~asured by illuminating the central part of the cathode (diameter 5 min) and then~,using special screens with narrow annular apertures, the peripheral parts of the cathode. The results obtained for the time spread are summarised Card 2/3