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KAPLAN, 112ya Abramovich; BA5-'HR G.K., prof., doktor fiz.-matem.nauk, retsenzentL.~!~T,IH R T dotsent. kand.fiz.-mtemnauk, retsenzent; GORDUMIT, dotsent,;--BAZ]LUNSuU. I,L,, red.; TROFIKMO,, A.SA,-tekhred. ~Practicsl problems in higher mathenatics] Prakticheakie zania- tiia po vysshei matematilue. Kharikov. Izd-vo Kbarikovskogo gon. -univ.,im. A.K.Gorlkogo. Pt.l. Plane and solid analytic geometry] Analitichealmia geomatriia ne plookoati i v prontranstve. 1960. 226 p. (KIRA 14:3) (Geometry, Analytic) %3/599/62/000/031/006/006 A0661A126 ATYTHOR: Polovina, -.,,-Tr=: The temperatixre dependence of the phase structure of St, So, and Ac clouds skiy gidrometeorologiche- SOURQE: Ki v. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel ye skiy institute Trudy, no. 31, ~962. Voprosy f~ziki atmosfery, 158 s c t, So and Ac clouds;; is studied from the .-.TEXT: The pha e stinx . ture of S results such clouds, carried out at"' -of airplane probing6 of the:microstructure of four point6-over,the.Ukraine between January 1955 and July 1959. Results: 1) The phase of St,. So, and Ao clouds is dependent upon the temperature .~conditions 2)~.At a temperature of -5*c, the clouds had a drop phase in 97 98% of all cases, the mixed phase amounting i;o no more than 2%. Crystal: clouds were not observed. 3) Between - 5.1 and -10.0*C the portion of the drop phase decreases down to'88.1% while the mixed phasolincreases to 11.4%. So and Ao :clouds seletom'have a.purely crystalline phase. 4) The percentage of drop struc- Card 1/2 1. [foluv-y"Ia re, pl,t- xiria on 6: 71",--.-'f;,- t~ Q~ universitA. Predst.,tvleriil) P01,01;.", I.. . ne,., rl~-ta ,,r. 'I'lle water r:.,,ntcn." ruf clouds cf 2tratus fr=s (S-'tlvSc). Tn-i.-iy U;kr~GIGMII no-42:3-10 '64 01~1.--Lfl 18:1) n'. d~s'i],htion in w,,(-i iif-z-.r i.,:eir boniers. Tbil. :11-21 - p - Water reserves of strat-Us and stratoewmilus clouds In the cold half of the year over the 111-,Ta~ne. Trudy UkrNIGPa no.47t69-78 165. NIRA 180) POLOVINAj, I.F. Some characteristics of clouds in relation to their preci- pitation. Trudy UkrNIGMI no.31:145-157 t62. Dependence of the phase structure of St.,Sc. -nd Ac clouds on the temperature, E POT,OVIR,k. I.P. Yearly march of specific humidity in the free atmosphern over the European part of the U.S.S.R. Trudy UkrIIIGMI an.13:97-104 1 58. (MIRA 11:12) (Humidity) P01OVINA I.P. DjurDal variation of specific humidity in the free atmosphere. Trudy UkrNIGMI no.18:70-75 '59- (MIRA 13:7) (Moscow region-Humidity) I;OLOVINA, :1. P. , C;ind Goog, Sci -- (d j_,,,u) I'speci, l'i c huilli(li ty coll(ij - tions in the free atmosphere in the European Territory of Lhe 60vIv1% Union-" Leningrad, 14 pp; (Main Administration o f Hydromet earol oi,~ic a! Services under the Council of Ministers USSR, Main Geophysical Observ- atory im A. I. Voyeykov); 225 CODies; price not given; (YCL, 19-60, 130 POLOVINk. I.P. Accuracy of aeraclimatic characteristics of specific humidity. Trudy IIIIAK no.3:74-81 157. (WRA 11:10) (Humidity) POLJVINA., I.P. --V V --in calculating the specific humidity uoing data from maxare- ments of relative humidity in the free atmosphere. Trudy TSAO no.22t 40-50 '57. (NIU 11:4) (Humidit-.7) AN TONOV, VS. ; VAN MPLKAN ["Warig, It"iniv, -~ ',It! ~'! I ~ i 01~1001` I i I il , J, ~ '1~ ~ Thermodynamir- nondition-, '.-or the efficiency of super-looled stratus modification to induce D-zecipitation, Izv, AN SSSIR, Ser~ geoftz, no.12!IM5-11.~88 l) '6,', (IGRA 18-3) -~ I) ~. 1?~ 1] 11 ., 1, ip," --i-t: or - c Y .,'~ . t t - JOVAIIOVIC,, Dusan, A., san.4tet9ki puku", --'k, doc. dr. mr. ph.; FULDVINIA, Jelena, zdravstven-i tehnicar. Contribution to Ihp problem of pa'Ll.adometric deterzmlnfit-~cn of carbon monoxide in the blood under laboratory and field conditions. Vojnosanit pregi. 21 no.""165-168 Mr '64. 1. Higijenskohemijsk.- institut i Odelienje za higijenu radu Vojnomedicinaka akademija u Beogradu. JOVAROUC, Dusan, sanitetski pukovyjik doe. dr mr pll.;,_"L.0U_NAjp-lena, zdravatveni tehnicar Contribution to the paladometric determination of carbon monoxide in air. Vojnosanit. p"regl. 19 no.10:689L-691 0 162. 1. Vojnomedicinska Akademija u Beogradu, Higijensko-hemijski institi:t-- Odeljenje za Iligijenu rada. (CARBON MONOXIDE) (kIR POLLUTION) I I POLOV13CUIKI-Di--,-*CrI=IIROT, YU., uchernyy isela-etarl (Kiyev); LOUJISKIYI H. Bff1cient promotion of technological kmowled NTO no.11: 46-47 N '59. FMIIRA 13:4) 1. Zamestitel' prodaedatelya i3oveta, pervichnoy organizataii Mauchno-takhnichaskogo obahchastva zavoda "Stroydormash." liyev (for PolavinchlOo 29 Chlen Nauzhno-tekhnicheskogo obahchostva zavoda "Stroydor-mash," Kiyev (for Lozanskly). (Technical education) POLOVINKA, I.G.; y~OVRIGO, A.F., kand.tekbn.nauk System of working a steep layer of average thickness with a KVET-53k machine unit. Sbor. nauch. trud. Kaz GKI no.19:66-7o 1-4o. (MIRA 15-3) (coal mining inachinery) POLOVINU,V. (Krasnodarskiy kray) Rewinding shellac covered windings. Radio n0-7:20 JI'55- (Electric transformers) (M1RA 8:10) POLOVINCEM LYALYUK, I.P., red.; LIMANOVA, M.I., fto [Kharkov plastics] Khar'kovskis plaStMaBBY. Khar1kov, KnarIkovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1959. 52 P. (KIR.A 14:4) 1. Zaveduyushchays laboratoriyey zavoda "Kharplastmass" (for Polovinchanko). (Kharkov--Plastics Industry) Card - -2/2 HT ENCL-. 00 POLOVINKIN witt othern Nlzovoe veshchanie v Donbasse. CRadio broadcastinz in the Donets brisin7. (Govorit SSSR, 1936, no. 2, p. ?-8). DLC: TK65bo. G6 SO; Soviet Transportation and Conumn icat ions, A 3iblio&r&-p',,,y,, Library of Congress, Reference Denartment. Washington. 1952, Un~lassified. - POU)VINK111,19 A& Use of free-lying unload.Lrg platf,)=5 for anchorage. Renh. transp. 23 no.12:37-38 D 164. (N-C-RA 18-,6'~ 1. Soyumorlillproyekt. POLOVINKIN, A., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Investigating free-lying unloading plates. Rech.transp. 22 no.108-40 Ja 163. (MIPA 16:2) 1. Laboratoriya portovykh sooruzheniy Novosibirokogo filiala Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo Instituta transportnogo stroitel'stva. (Loading and unloading-Safety measures) POLOVINKIN, A., sportsmen pervogo razryada (Krivoy Rog) Television should be mamxfactured of good quality and at low", cost. Radio no-4:5-6 Ap 163. (miRA 16:3) (Television-Receivers and reception) PCLLOVINKIN, A. A. "General Physical Geograpbv," Moscow, 1948. GTIRASI*10VA, T.P.: POLOVINKIN, A.A., doktor geograficheskikh nauk, professor, redaktor; GAMM, V.P. , tekb'.Iiche5kiy redak- tor. [Weather observations In teaching of geography in the soven-yon.- school] Nabliudenie nad -oogodoi v prepadovanii geografil v semiletnei shkole. Pod red. A.A. Polovinkina, Moskva, Izd-vo Alcad.pedagog. nauk RSY"SR, 1951. 103 P. (MLRA B: 8) 1. Chlen-korrespondnnt Akademii pedagogicheskikh na-ak I-L5FSR (for Polovinkin) (Metooroloa-r-Observations) professor; VASILIYNVA, O.S., redaktor; TYUTYUNIK, S.G., rodaktor kart. SLKHLROVA, N.V., tekhnicheskly redaktor. [Oeneral physical geography; textbook for pedagogical Institutes] 03shchaia fizicheskala geografiia; uchebnik dlia uchitelsskikh institu.- tov. lzd. 2-e. Moskva, Goa. uchabno-pedagog. izd-vo Hiniaterstva prosveshchenlia IMR, 1952. 303 P. [Microfilm] (MLRL 8?-2) (Physical geography) professor; GALKIN. P.D., reduktor; SAKHAROVA, N.V., ttikhnicheskiy redaktor. [Metbods for teaching physical geography] Ketodika prepodavanlia fizicheakol geografil. Izd. 3-0. Koskva, Goa. uchebno-pedagog. ixd-vo Kinisterstva proaveshcheniia 3SYSR, 1953. 350 P,(MMA 7:10) (Physical geography--Study and teaching) POLOVINKIN, A. A. 4888. BAIUKOV, A. S. i POIDVDM, A. A. Fiziebeskaya geograriya. UchebnJ-k dlya 5-go klassa semilet. i sred. shkoly. Per i strellnikov. Izd. -'r'-e, s 18-go rus. Yoshkar-ola, Marlyskoye MI. IZD.. 1954 (pereplet 1955). 170 s. s Ill. i Kart. ; 2. otd. L. Kart., 23sm. 5.000 EKZ. 2r. 55k. V per.--na mariysk. yaz---(54-56079) 551-4075) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis'. Vol. 1, 1955 POLOVINKIN, A.A. -0 SubJect "climate" in the 5th-7th clasnes. Geog. v shkole no.,": 46-53 Jl-A9 '54. (KLRA 7:8) (Cllmatoloa~-Study- and teaching) POLOVINKIII, A.A., professor, doktor geografichookikh nauk-, TROSTHIKOV, Y.N., , wNska 02NEW.W Tm . m NL, T.N.. tekhnichemkir redaktor. [Weather observation in classes 5-7; lecture to teachers] Nabliudeniia nA pogodol v T-TII klasmakh; lektolia dli& uchitelei. Moskva, Izd- vo Akademli pedagog.nm* RSFSR, 1955. 23 P- [Kicrofilal (MIRA 8:5) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AP2 (for Polovinkin) (Meteorology-Study and teaching) POWTINXIN Aleksandrovich, dekt*r geografichookikh nauk, pro- fesser; RDDIONOVA, redaktor F.A.; SAJOIAROVA, N.V., tekhnichaskiy, redaktor. (Geography and drawing-, a drawing manual for teachers of geography in secondary schools] Geograftia i risovanie; posebis po risovaniiu dlia uchitelei geografii aradnei shkoly. Izd. 3-8. Moskva, Goa. uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo Ministerstva proavoshchaniia RSFSR, 1955. 151 P. (mLRA 9:6) 1.Chlen-korrespondent APN RSFSR (for Polovinkin) (Drawing--Instruction) FOLOVIIIIi.., /i. A. A 7039- BARKOV, A. .3. 1 POLOVI'FIN, A. A. Fizicheskaya geogr~-Xiya. Uchebni'- dlys 5-.go klassa semilet, i sre-J. 5hko2-y, 5-~ye.. s 19-go nus, f nl-za, Kirgizuelipedgiz, 1955. 167 s. s ill. i kart. 22sm. 14.-DOC, -^*-z. --- r. :--' k. V Der. -Na kirgiz. yaz. -,b5-199f 551.4(075) Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 6, 1955 POLOYMIN, A. A. 4M. BARKOV, A. S. i POLOVINKIN, A. A. Fizicheskaya geografiya. uchebink dlya 5-go klassa semilet. i ared. shkoly. 4-s ispr. izd., s 18-go rus. alra-ata, kazuchpedgiz, 1955. 184 s. s ill, i kart.; 2 otd., L. Kart. 21sm. 8.000 ekz. 2r.. 35k. v per. - na uygur yaz. - (54-58289) 551.4(075) SO: Knizhnaya Latopis', Vol. 1, 1955 FOLOVINKIN, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich. prof. [deceased]; ORWV, V.I.. af.uauk; SMIRNOV, S.M., kand.geologo-mineralog. nauk; TASILOYETA, O.S., red.; CHUTALDIN, A.M., red.kart; MAKHOVA. N.N.. (Physical geography; teachers' manlial] Fizicheskaia geografiia; posobis dlia uchitelei. Moskva, Goo.uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo N-va prosy.RSFSR, 1959. 551 P. (MIRA 12:8) (Physical geography) AleIrsandrovich. Prof. [deceased]-. ORWV, V.I., icand. gnograf.naulr, red.; UTENY-OV, N.A., kand.,geograf.nauk, red.; VASILITEVA, O.S., red.; CHUVALDIN, L.M., red.1cart; MkKHOVk, U.N.. [Principles of general geography; a textbook for pedagogical ~nstltutesl Osnovy obahchego zemlevedenila; uchobnik dlia pedagogicbeakikh Institutov. Moskva, Goa. ucbebno-podagog. izd-vo lq-va proav. RSFSR. 1958. 494 p. (MIRA 19:1) (Gnograp'ny) FOLOVINKIN, A.I. Frictional distortion of the kinematics of the movements of soil particles ly-ing near the side walls of a trough. Osn., fund. i mekh. grun. 5 no.l.-11-13 163. (MA 16:5) (Soil mechanics) POLOVINK A.I. 4nzh. - I Mooring wane with relieving anchor plates. Tranap.stroi. 12 no.lOt25-26 0 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Anchorage) (Concrete slabs) ACC NRt AT7008332 SOURCE CODE: UR/3243/66/ooo/003/0101/0105 D..; Kokh, G. A. AUTHOR: Polovin;~ .ORG: Kharkov Polytechnical Institute (Kharkovskiy politekhnicheakiy inatitut) ;TITLE: Characteristics of the new D70 diesel locomotive engine 'SOURCE: Kharkov. Politekhnicheskiy institut. Dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniya, :no. 3, 1966, 101-105 TOPIC TAGS: locomotive engineering, diesel engine, gas turbine, engine turbine system 1ABSTRACT: The authors give the characteristics of the D70 diesel locomotive engine Ideveloped in 1962,on the basis of theoretical and experimental work done at the Kharkov Transportation Machine Building Plant im. V~ A. Malyshev and the Kharkov Polytechnical.Institute im. V. I. Lenin. The engine is a four-cycle supercharged V-16 with a 240 mm bore and 270 mm stroke with a rated horsepower of 3000 at 1000 rpm. The engine is made in two modifications, one with supercharging by a free turbocompressor and the other a combination diesel-turbine installation with free turbocompressor and an additional gas power turbine which transmits approximately hGO horsepower through a special speed reducer to the crankshaft of the engine. The characteriaticu of both i !modifications under rated conditions are tabulated and discussed and grapbs are given showing the variation in basic paiameters as a function of loading characteristics at Card 1/2 ACC NR, AT7008332 a constant speed of 1000 rpm. The fuel consumption of the D70 engine is 13-14 kg/hr as compared with 22-23 kg/hr under identical conditions for the 1OD100 engine. This is an important economic factor since the engine operates under idling conditions 40- 50% of the time. Orig. art. has: figures, 1 table. 1SUB CODE: 13, 15, 21/ SURM DATE: None/ ORIG REF: 002 i L;9rq!_ 2/2 ZFAROV, N.T.; DUBININ, N.P., dok,or tekim~ nalik, praf., retsenzent; FOLOVINKTN, 1',T,, 6ots., retsenzent; CHM-I'IN, E.A., inzh., retsenzent; ZFE-'STKOVA,1.N., inzh. red. [Automation of certaln foundr~%r processes) AvtoiAtiza- -Lsija nekotorykb liteinykh protsessov. Moskva., Mashino- stroenie, 1964, 278 p. (""mu 18:1) GAKHOV, Fedor Dmitriyevich; ROGOZHIN, V.S., dots., red.; BAOURINA, T.A., aspirant, red.; GOVORUKHINA, A.I., aspirant, red.; ZMPOV, R.Kh., aspirant, red.; MELINIK, I.M., aspirant, red.; MIKHAYLOV, L.G., aspirant,.red.; LITVINCHU, G.S., aspirant, red.; PARADOKSOVA, LA,~, aspirant, red.; KHASABOV, B.G., aspirant, red.; CBERSKIY, Yu.I., aspirant, red.; YANOVSKIY, S.V., aspirant, red.; ARAMANOVICH, I.G.I. red.; Prinimali uchastiye: BOROVSKAYA, N.I., red.; RYSYUK, N.A., red.; SMAGINA, V.I., red.; KHAYRnLIN, I.Kh., red.; CHUMAKOV, F.V.J. red.; ~~Pyp"i -SA., red.; KEPPEN, I.V.., red.; MIMIN, E.I., tekhn. red. [Bondary value problems)Kraevye zadachi. lzd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Fizmatgiz, 1963. 639 P. (MIRA 16:3) (Boundary value problems) ANTONOV, Nikolay Petrovich; VYGODSKIY, Mark Yakovlevich; NIKITIN, Vladimir Vasillyevichj SA14KIN, Aleksandr Iosifovich; POLOVINKB4, -S.M.I red.; AKSELIROD, I.Sh., tekhn. red. [Collection of problems in elementary mathematics; a textbook for self-education] Sbornik zadach po elementarnoi matematike; posobie dlia samoobrazovaniia. Izd.8., stereotipnoe. Moskva, Fizmatgiz, 1962. 528 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Mathematics-Problems, exercises, etc.) MUSHELISHVILI, Nikolay Ivanovich, akademilk; POLOVINKIN, S.M., red 13RUDNO, K.F.J. tekbn. red. [Singular integral equations; boundary value problems in the theory of functions and some of their applications to mathematical physics] Singuili&rr7e integralln-ye uravneniia; granichnye zadachi teorii funktsii i nekotorye ikh prilozheniia k matematicheskoi fizike. Izd.2., perer. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry, 1962. 599 p. (MRA 15:7) (Integral equations) (Functions) (Boundary value problems) GELIFAND, Izraill Moiaeyeviah~ FOMPI, Sergey VasiVyevich; POIDVIUKIN, S.Nq red.; TMARKDA, ly.A,x takhri. red. (Calculus of variations] Variatsionnoe ischislenie. I-,, Gos. izd-.vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry, 1961. 228 (1,111RA 14-12) (Calculus of variationX GURIVICIIj Grigoriy Borisovich; red.; PlaKSa. L.Yu., i J (projecti-ra goomtryl Proaktivuaia geomtriia. *sicva, Goo. .izd-vo fisiko-matem.lit-ry, ig6o. 320 p, (KIRA 14:4) (Geomtry--Projective) GOLOVIINIA, Lidiya Ivanovna; YAGIoOM, laaak Moiseyevich;_POLDVINKIN, S-11. red.; AKHL.-'VOV, S.N., tekhn. red. (Induction in geometry] Induktsiia v geometrii. lzd.2.y isp. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo fiziko-piatem. lit-ry, 1961. 98 PiM 15:3) (M (Induction (Mathematics)) (Geometry) KOLIMAN, E.; YUSFKEVICII, Adollf Favlovich; R0711FELID, B.A., otv. red.; UGKROVA, N.A., red.; FOLOVINKE, S.M., red.; AnLAMOV, - (Mathematics before the Renaissance] Matematika do epokhi Voz- rozhdeniia. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo fiziko-matem. lit-ry. Book 2. [History of mathematics in the Middle Ages] Istoriia matematiki v Srednie veka. 1961. 448 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Mathematics) YEFIMOV, Nikolay Vladimirovich; KOFYLOVA, A.N., red. - POLOVINKIN, S.M., red.; PIAKSHE'j L.1u., tekhn. red. I i; [Higher geometry Vyqphaja geometrila. Izd.4., isPr. i dop. Mo-- skva, Gos. i - fiziko-matem. lit-ry, 1961. 560 p. 0,URA 14:9) (Geometry) ANTONOY. Nikolay Petrovich; IY Mark Yakovlavich; NIKITIN, Vladimir Vasillyevic7l.,ri=IX: hleks,,dr lo.ifovich; PMOVINKIB. -1 S.K.0 red.; BRnSO, K. ECollection of problems on elementary mathematics; aid for self-study] Sbornik zadach po alemantarnoi matematike; posobie dlia samoobrazovaniia. Izd.6. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo fiziko.-matem. lit-ry, 1960. 532 p. (MIRA 13:6) (Kathematics--Problems, exercises, etc.) 1. POLMNK3-NA,, A. A. 2. USSR (600) 4e GeograpIqr and Geology 7. Weather observations in teaching geography in the seven-year school. (author) Gerastmova, T. P. Moskva,, Akad* p*A mank RSFSR, 1951, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January, -1953. Unclassified. P. I. , M. V. CHUNAEV, and V. A. GEL I MEL - pOjVjrj4K- Konstruktsiia i raschet formovochnvkh mashin. Moskva. Mashgiz, 1950. 281 p. illus. Design and calculations of pattern-making machines. DLC: TS24O.G45 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress 1953. SIROTINA, G.N., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; POLOVINKIN, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; UKFOVA, E.P.,, red. --~- [Theory and the arrangement of a ship and its propellers; manual for the mechanical branch of a correspondence coursel Teoriia, ustroistvo korablia i dvizhiteli; uchabnoe posobia dlia mekhanicheskoi spetsiallnosti zaochnogo fakullteta. GorIkii, GorIkovskii in-t inzhenerov vodnogo transp. Pt.l. 1963. 75 p. (MIRA 17:4) MALI11. N.; POIA)VKIIU, 11. (Ryazan' ) Crystallization of substances In thin films. Khim. v shkole 13 no.5:63-64 S-0 '58. (MIRA 11:9) (Crystallization) LXVIN, L.S.; POLOVINKIM, R.A.; POLUNINA, O.M. Completeness of the precipitation of indium from tin.-containing tuLterials. Zav.lab. 26 no.2:148-149 '60. (MIRt 13:5) 1., Ilauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut olova Zapadno-isibirekogo P"Lliala Akademii nauk SSSR. (Indium--Analysis) POLOVINKINAY R.A.; ZABOLOTSKIY, T.V. [deceatied] Themographic study of the system In - In2O3- lzv. 30 AN SSSR no.7 Ser.khim.nauk no.2:34-39 163. (MIRA 16;10) 1. Khimiko-metallurgicheskly institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. ACC NRs SOURCE CODE1 UR/OO2OJV9r171/OO1 0147 01 AUTHORS M:LkhiWlovp Ve Ae; Kornlyevlchp Me V.; Polovinkinap R. A. ORGI Institute of Inorganic Chemistryp Siberian Section# AcadejW of Sciences, SSSR (Institut neoirganichaskey khinii Sibirskogo otdoloniya Akadsmii nank SSSR)j Novosi- birsk State Uidversity (Novosibirskly gosudarstvomvy universitst) TITIXI Method of determining the electric mobility of topurities in liquid metals and the mobilLty of bismuth in liquid gallium SOURCE# AN WSR. Dokladyp Y. 1719 no. ig t9669 147-130 TOPIC TAGS1 bismuthp galliumv nonferrous liquid mital ABSTRACT# In order to find a method for extrapolating apparent values of the mobil- ity u of-an impurity in a'liquid metal to zero time, an analysis -was made of the kinetic curveip of the accumulation of an impurity in &,capillary, curves obtained by L Pononsimova by solving with a computer the slectrodiffusion equation ac Me ac S where c 13 a dimensionless concentration N/Nop z a dimegsionleiss length X/L (L being the length of the oapi2lary)p 0 dimensionless time Dt/W (D iv the diffusion coefft- cientp t.the time) said 8 a dimensionless parameter equal to BJWD (B is the velocity C,rd 1/2 UDCe 54t.i3i546.3-t9'68t987 AKOLIZ7N, P.A., doktor tekhn.nauk; KOROLEV, N.I., inzh.; LAZAREVA, K.I., inzh.; ZAYTSEVA, Z.I., inzh.; POIDVINKINA, T.A., takhnik Use of film-forming amines for preventing corrosion in condenser systems. Teploenergetika 8 no-3:49-52 Mr- 161 ' (KIRA 14:9) t' 1. Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut - ]Anewrgo. (Condensers (Steam))-Corrosion) POLOVINKINA, Yu.I., doktor geologo-mineralogicheskikh nauk So-called Karnavatka rocks of the Krivoy Rog Basin, Sbor, nauch. trud. NIGRI no.2:24-33 159. (~DRA 14:1) (Krivoy Rog Basin-Petrology) YANOV E.N.; STRAKHOV, N.M.; KRASHENNIKOV, G.F.; ARUSTAMOV, A.A.; GEYELER1 A.N.; GRAMBERG, I.S.; LIBPOVICH, V.L.; MIKHAYLOV, B.M.; NEKPLA-SOVA, 0.1.; PISARCHIK, Ya.K.; I - TATAF"~';`_Y SHUIENKO., S. I. Reviews and discussions. Lit. i pol. iskop. no.6:85-89 and 91-119 N-D 165, (MIRA 18tl2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatollskJy geologricheskly institut, Leningrad. (for Yanov). 2. Geologicheakiy institut Ali 14oskva. Submitted July 120 1965 (for Strakhov). 3. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (for KrashE!nnikov). 4. Kazakhskiy nalichno-issledovatellskiy institut minerallnogo syr1ya, g. Alma-Ata (for Arustamov). I It It it 14 is 14 111$ "Jurl") 11141% 1611jin .1. u II mo us/ -f ."PO A- -A-A I -A -1. if P 9k I V I , IF -A-AA AA OLE W194e I I 14 - 41 Two now accurmsem (,j CUmockft# ts 00 11mi", 00 Taa~, I'm "'k *0 0 '00 00 00 0 Zv 0 400 -0 0 voo --o o too up 0 a. A01 1&% 1 %hV6k at L It IN A I Lift Ct &%tW Ka I JC6 s4naep I, S.Iukj j. 0., Q.( Is AV an "-I I W 0 1at a v - I[ Or flettrapal Millis dq4 00*0000000000000# 00000000000000*00000~ : : : 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 & a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 di 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 1F ; Z-i at M P 7 I Ia 16 1 i9 14 It u 11 It It 16 1? 14 111 11 va I01 a AHM)f )OV un Idis kV JOHNII L-41 , L i 'k 1. Not I M W the es Z9 At 1937. popo w. Thl Imam x 1 .. . bw P"Wirated awl fortillA a in at ti d h - n &r a c .u juhi P tc (SMY, misr--gntini atul C. Sift-wad Sea =04 000 sea ir It I. It aCTALLLINCICAL Lorcitan" CLAUVICAUGO %.Job, .41 II It0a H I *0 0 * 0 1 90009 90001 Zee see !200 0.. too UO A71''i 00 0, *0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 9 0 of Ws 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 te 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 24, 2 ~76- -t 0 a 0 0 411: 6 0 a 0 111 11 13 11 A, lu It u Is m nu It$ UN It is SIC &C"bilbuies, Itoln ffi~ rocks of 1hr Iron life d- Itillikam in the Maly -Chinlialts region In the Fill aft. V. ih.. Miss- kA,rt t.414 Iv. list I -J a ",Z. ::~Ii It .I fill' :1 wl-I-A V,411rty. (11.11 1 . .... III dr(ail Jost all 'a list Ow fit's -wtv. so "llich wal finifol Its I.' A '%a 114-1,4 ~% high cml- I. tit .4 I-rt )e IIII, W1 ~I 41,11 M01 12 (;V'; set Of a - so of S I I a rid .1 It it It v Its A 11 it 11 JI o I a 0 zoo 041 zoo ~111141111 Is. I 00 0 0 0 3i I ollif'?IIIIT611tolit it It 4, It It J) I U to m w 31 v It m 9% it 11 F& 41 U 41 an -J~fp A A -L-.L 1. P. 1 7. .2 m- 14 (C W 114,t k I 0o 4 -00 00 00 00 1-00 00 Petr Composition "d age of the crystalline rocke phic * o ~ I District) porous spriap, X of tb* MAI (MONOW C 4 1943 1-00 go Ir . Lwhif-LO and 1. Vii. PoloviAIIII. SOMel 61, 10"111P %illimailile Karvi,f 141 N; 1 -00 * ~ . . %#. , O kvamle Ir-111,11ox tho" f I I ooJ , , ,Iwr RI go 3 I'lIrv air It- I(MIMIAIM Ze 0 Vo 0 00 14-SLA _61TALLUOIGICAL LITERATURE CLaSSWICATION 0 Ag a At K PC Cc t( it 0 0 0 0 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000010000 0 0000 o o 0 o Uo i~o 0 ZOO ho 0 t~00 TV- 009 too 1 171 n I a Ant is ,do A, 0 a q 0 0 0 0. 0 0 a a & 0 bi ,Is 06 00 00 lee t OW j~ K 4,L J4, It S04lum metilasunistodis In the formation of ferriferous Islicstios deposits (if Swouth Afric-A, or in the 11'stil-FRI'l, S- qualruite depossits. Vo. Jr. P-Anvinkina. Zipiiks, J*ir-- Ranges M Au-tralia). In ell cu-w ihirre is a paral ya" 1clism betil the introdurlii)o of N'a#O und an cuslith 78, merit in FeA (up to 211,`~O, while FeO is reductil, %hich i. (pl.irtliti-i at,, inji.n.t.kni, i,tr j_ te; laced by MgO and CaO. If the PC content of the pirmil,ii in S.S.S.R., t-po-ially (if Krivoi Itoi:, K"r- P. I-Opkal ....I )]jll, iTr.lIWmik.Ji,0. original cultullitiOnflite in Krival Rog rocks is calcd. dur- P rol-IM S Owl u-4 Rrmlit"s, 1,1;1 lja~ic il)t,U,ivr, j,,,,l I- ins its change to li'llic aulphiliol". it lievotnes evident fit that c is eliminated froin the silicate and folinis free Fr r"11-1 an ifillowiltilt Jill 11.111e1 ion of %a P. into t:hc boill- 'flit, J~ for the 'llong Ore inctusions in the rncl:%. In Kfiv-1 Rog cml-nat,- totinauct, -( Na urinite) -if 141111.111 - (Sideritil rocks are chailged fly tillittasomatois to ;, sol" (gUlmiphim., egitife-laugitc In fadial 'Nunis," The content if . riv)~-Ckit., arlsi-(11-nitO such formations go" up to nearly 44"i. Thir Ni incIA `0 in the char-t-ristic t-ossistry 0 the I's, quarizites pr0p(T. Thin cllroii~lry j~ 1,irtivolaTly ~Jjowla fly routism is also cliaracterir.4,41 by Ali exteni,ive, allinixati w"virt lbititt and calcitt-albitites ititernsedims: b"wCes. Opf allAyli'.) Ir"In Kril Rog atid other . e.g. in 'jo-ilijill. 1,111 Ol, v :itl, ;,I-- b'r "cur, PC quartzil" of Thi. citniva be riplairled Iq tv"Cltz Ili bovigil ties, o.% ill liuli~. auto-metamorphisin of avlo-pneum;ll Imt only Ij, - -mot lfv-jr). in jilt bydrotherinal Inomws. SirniLir neatly mono -oulleralIC are known front El Rog, Although pirviously (Yinklilcred 0. "iyellitril 'Ilse Illicrawl,pir drimix ate it. agrectrient with thk Oiviry: Ili, relic structure of the ruckil. the radiA mini suit%, asW Ilse sclusterlike mineral agSlossurralion. The trjokitionq of these albitites into chisifile and simphibole qchim% and Fe sures, ate continuous. Ilse correlation of the NA Meta- go -0 0 ; I' .700 Coe Zee 296 somatosis with deep-seatild basic and ultrabasic magmas of verMfinite or dunite character are shown in the numer- eo 0 Dusdiablim and gpilite occurrences, in all the world. Thus the phencirmencia is not imtrictrd to the Fe quisiWites of S.S.S.R.. but a general law of inctasomati,ot i. le~tah- lished in post-macniatir s"teins. W Fitrl s), r j-1 -7 9 AT M3 It' IT 1~ 5 r3 U :0 tv P I# W It It it It a n a it 14 it "fiz is 1 14 a 1. 0 1 ;*;66 04111 00 0:00 0 00 00 000 *:: *::1000;0000 eo* *040000 Go****!** 00 0 0410,90 0 0 0 41011110:40 * 9 0 *0 00 111111 00 ego* *SE2 POLOVINKIYA, Yu. Ir. Nomenclature 71-77 '50. of some rocks of the Krivoy Rog region. Tz-ady VS3GICI no.2; (MIM,' 6:6) (Krivoy Rog Repon-Petrology) , POLOVINK1.1a, tualf Iled trachytoid granite in the Ingul-Ingulets region of the Mcraine, Fe;uk.xap.KieT.Un. 9 n0.10:53-57 150. (MLRA-9:10) (Ingml Valleyi--Granits) (ifWilets Valley-Granite) POIA)VINXIM, Tu. 1r. Aegirites of the Irivoy Rog iron ore deposits. Nin.sbor. n0-5: 167-178 '51. (NLRA 9:12) 1. Teemoyuznyy goologicheskiy Institut, Leningrad. (Irivoy Rog-Aegirite) POLOVINKINA. Yu.Ir. 19~- ---- I - . -6womingstonite shales of Krivoy Rog. Kln.sbor. no.5:342-344 051. (NLRA 9:12) 1. Toesoyuznyy nauebno-Imeledowatelskiy geologichaskiy institut Kluisterstva geologil, Leningrad. (Irivoy Rog-Granite) P:)D3VD.'K-1'!A, Y.U.I. Osnovnye i ul'traosnovnye porody Karsakpaia v sviazi s problemoi gene2is zhelezistykh kvarUi-bov (Basic and ultrabasic rocks of Karsakpai in conn!~ction with the Droblem of the venesis of ferrous quarzites). Irloskva, Gosgeolizdat, 1952. 88 p. SO- Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 6, No. 1, April 1953 i~~. call, from Krivoi Rog. Yu. 1r- C-, PolovinkinaandV.P.Ivanova. 2. 1614111953).-Tlie formation 0 chlorite ralnerals in the Fe-ort dt:pasits'of "vol Rog 5hows r- f n t i l duca t t th t l i o on ca s o n cusc rat amo an e" pro y as yp phI*n but also of a progressl4e diaplithoresis (tettomor- phosh). , The chloritization fin)gresses fit a very charac terlstk relation toAhe ch"n. chatacter of the surrounding 'j- -"7 rocks. with a remarkably good pTeservation of the exterior forms of the original Sulnerlds. t is thus fXMIbIC to estab- lish In. every case from whIcb, primary mlaeml chlorites have been derived., Riotite, cummingtonite, amphibole, and gamet are clikily changed to 61orites. lit the middle will of Krivol 10t; upper scetions *I the Metarnorplile complex the chlorites aw ItrMInous aphroshierite and thuringite. Mg chloritei e.g.. prochlorite; and chem"lly Intennedlate rItIorites. eg., ripidolite.aro dwerved only lit the so-called t4le horitou which is particularly filch In Mg bectitist: it Is, derived front ultrabasic effusivo zacks. Aphrosiderite fit the special mptacement prolluct of"blatita and cuinutingtoulte: thuringite Is formett In the firog~csslve metamorphism unit also grows on blatite. All at tliechlorltes tire Iduntifiable by differential-therinal mialysis. iihich is particularly miltable. -far-WR lex,minerall assocris;-:0ptical data are also gIvLu. k i-higites allow a higtir btrerriuSentv., inid abo'n ThesO highm- alkali content (tip to'4,570) Man On OIL differerillal-thenual curVes the exothermic taletiono tire III)- 'vervet1knihartu Q"I")O* 4111CU(SIMINI"d Its all Itte".,; gamet, or otl flg$U 'We' Identified In the thloritixed rocks. -These hydrom contabi Nall) bot are not yet sufficiently chn he surprising WIWI racterixed T 'content of tile thuringites I In by u Intergiown is elp a t4 rellet mica. - The optical 0 of tile imzulikr ripid.' e--ctipti n 'rilite from arnphlbol"Worl nt . albile, hematite. te rocks c0 and catbomteg ts, Interesting Its utlusuca pleo-, bomusc 11 throlant In ;~rmt ruid omnxe- low. Such a phenojumiQn Is only obkrved In'cliforites of NI-burIng dcposltm~: the present rip1dollic allows Im, tile spectral annlyslz dixti6it NI and V - contents. A chem. analysis Is given of tilt Fe;-rklt variety* 14.30%PcO, 5.60%Fc#0j- v" Ora hrosiderite (with _ylow .-,1421:111 nce; 0 - 1,060). also 1111te onwil w1lif towcco. Mootite; Its content In NOP(LoWtind R 100.20P) fildleatelAht Intimate hittigrowth or - of both mbl"Als. the thurh:tlite P varies between LW4 and'i.662. the blrem frin4mce from 0,000 to -0,010, and In Lhm d vived from - blioute even 0.020. The Oem. analyses therelcre show be- y sides PtO (up to 22%) odd FeA (up to 10%) t6nsiderable ul kall contents, eg. 1.68% and even 4.2B% lCtCl,- but tittle' NarO. The fine scaly, grembb hydromica shovis y m-1 M5934.047,a~-1-573-1.032; 2P 0 300 t1call :'..:.~Thethem. analysis shows up to a it tob=66.brown "hydrobintite"buly 1.48ra K20. but 3.24 Na,O, suid the type fannula (Nm 11 IV ul.el-/ POLOVINKINA, Yu.Ir.; DOMOM, V.S., red-ktor; SEKXNOVA,M.V.,redsktor; tekhnicheskiy rectaktor. Xxtrusive-sedimentary and magmatic complexes of the Ukranian crystalline shield; tectonic and magrLqtic analysis. Trudy VSEGEI 1:3-92 154. (KM 9:1) (Ukraine--Rocks) (Ukraine---Geolog7, Structural) nV4 POLOTINKINA, Yu.Ir. , , A.P. Nikollakil's articles on the geology of Krivoy Rog. Izv. AN SM. Ser.geol. 19 no.2;152-136 Xr-Ap 154. (MUtA 7:7) (KrIvoy Rog--Geology) (likollskil, A.P.) POLOVINKI.NA.Yu.Ir. Tale schists of Krivoy Rog, their genesis and stratigraphic position. Mat. VS]IGBI. Petr. i min. no.1:5-42 '55- (MLRA 8:6) (Krivoy Rog-Schistn) POLOVINKINA Yu.Ir.- NALIVKINA, E.B. vwnwirmiii~'-~- p Inform# Watence of the Podolia charnockite-norite formation* sbor. VSEGEI no.1:12-17 155. (~ 9:12) (Podolia--Charnockites) (Podolia--Norite) POLOVINKIRAP Tu.1r. Age co"elations of Pro-Cambrian deposits on the right bank of the Dnieper. Inform.sbor. VSICGLFI no.1:18-24 '55. (MLRA 9:12) (Dnieper Valley--Geology, Stratigrapbic) POLOVINKINA.Yu.1r.; SHUDEROVA,A.G. Here on the ago interrelationships of the Krivoy Rog metamorphic etratus and plagioclastic granite. flat. VSRGII- Petr. i min. no.l: 138-143 '55. (MMA 8:6) (Krivoy Rog-Geology. Stratigraphic) POLOVINKIRL, Yu.1r. Stratigraphic nomenclature of Krivoy Rog. Inform.abor.VUGII no.2: 20-24 '55. (HLBA 9:11) (Irivoy Rog--Geology, Stratigraphic) POIDVIIIKINA,, Yu Ir N ryffilp- ZRVM Mineralogical peculiarities of rocks from the village of Pakrovskoy*, caused by sodine matasomatimm. Min.aber. no.9:172-180 '55-(MLBA 9:9) l.Laningrad. VFiesoyuznyy nauchno-isalod*vatolfskly geologiche"kiy Institut MinisterstvR geologii. (Mets"emstism) POLOVIIIKIVA, Yu.Ir. Origin of Krivoy Rog iron ores. Inform.sbor.VSEGEI no.3:86-90 1 56. (MLR.A 101) (r-ivoy- Rog-Iron ores) POLOVINKIIiA, Tu.Ir.; ROZINA, B.B. Ferruginous quartz of Kareal-pay. Mat.VSFGEI no-8:87-104 156. (MLRA 10:2) (Karsakpay--Quartz) POIDVIEKINA, Yu.Ir. Tasks of petrological departments of institutions in the system of the Ministry of Geology and Conservation of Mineral Resources. Razved.i okhr.nedr 22 no.5-16-20 My '56. (MLRA 9:9) (Petrology) V Ff AUTHOR: .--Polovinkina,-Yu.Ir. 132-10-2/13 TITLE: About Mistakes Made in Initial Field Recording at Geologic Surveying Work (0 nedostatkakh vedeniya pervichnoy doliumentstaii pri geologicheskoy s4yemke) PERIODICAL: Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 1957, # 10, p 7-11 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author drams attention to numerous mistakes made duriAg in- itial surveying work. He stresses the importance of correct procedures when marking samples of rocks or test holes and mak- ing entries on geological maps and log books. ASSOCIATION: All-Ohion GeoUglftl Iseleaftfle Research Institute, (T=AI) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 PCOLOV IT, K it' Yu. 1r. 1,01 7'*,.~"--"-q,i Ma Ln geochr-nr- ,gi,7,, stagee in the 1:-2E:'Lrry of the fomation of the l1krainfan Crystalline Shlali. Dokl. Ali SSSR 159 no-42 811-813 D t64 (MIRA 1E..-1) 1. ly~-esoyumriyy geol~~glcheskiy institut, Pred5tavleno akaderr;'-~om Yi 88 m RA OBRUCHEV, S.V., otv. red.; VELIKOSLAVIIISKIY, D.A., red.; KELLER, B.M., red.; KRATS, K.O., red.; HEYLUV, A.N., red.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.V., red.; POWVIIIKI14A , Yu.1r.,. red.; SEZ.MKO, N.P., red.; [Pre-Cambrian geology] Geologiia dokembriia. Moskva, Nedra, 1964. 284 p. (Its Doklady sovetakikh geologov. Problems 10) (MIRA 17:8) I 1. International G6ological Congress. 22d, 1964. I BILTPSIIT~~ . T V.; GORE'r6KAYA, Ye.N., DOMINIKOVSKIY, VA,; 1TS I UOII~ '- 7,, POIJ)VINKINA, _ Yu.1r. Vladimir Mkitich Lodochnikov; on his 75th birthday. Trudy VSEGEI 98:5-11 163. (MIR-A 1.7!~ 5) POL.OINKINA, OrIgIn of c-,ord,,erlte grenites, the Berdlichev"garani-~-" ~n A - Ukraine. Trudy VSEGEI 984174-193, 16-1/6 17.:~ POLOVINKINA, Yu.Ir.; SOKOLOVA, Ye.P. Micas-from some rocks of the Ukraine. Min. sbor. no.16:240- 252 162, (MM 16:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy geologicheskiy institut, Leningrad. (Ukraine--Mica) POLOVINKINA, YU.Ir.; IVM~'OVA, T.N. Viktor Arsenlevich Ilikolaev; obituary. ,62. (Vikolaev, Viktor Arsenlevich, Trudy VSEGEI 73:4-6 (NIRA 15:9) 1893-1960) -POLOVIIIKINA., Yu.Ix-. Hypersthenite of the Koxopk-Mogila and Kamennaya Mogila in the western region of the Sea of Azov. Trudy VSEGEI 73:217--~iZ 162. (MIRA 15.9) (Azov Sea region-Hypersthene)