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oil0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 # q Q A_J 6 14 1% 10 10 11 it I $-!P- - . $ I, it A! .00 Wildfic gmvItI#a 01 j0dimis, sviad-s. Va. A. pofishcholk. 31,011. last- "M- I R II- " aj. &I. A ,A26-7. its 64-mout X-173)(M47): d. 1 .4. j0, 40716. I' ' 17 77 l .. oto . ,, for KI up to 2 "nir 4p. gr. wax drid. at 130 ' n slid (or Pla up to 14k1 KI, for 71 up its 35 nxjh. % 00 d d =00 64 iol- sol Ifir q.- at. uselta"ris, Nrl thrit it In-finq it) . 4 "", KI In, at the Nivill li-ifirl" lb~ I,mr*t villo" sit 23 look 0 at Which the For Ille 1,. 0 ~ intlemisrs with III cuwvrfl~ F(st Pl.-I. the q'. a#. .1 a fir,;. &M-aws with min incTra-v in Pl. conen. up 14,17 imb. I il t`l, their it incirrx%r~ I*2N%. their drops agaill. and flirts 1114"l1 114S flu4s.17. thr .1'. St. tiw, fill t Kall'i'll -00 0 ~00 0 0 DOI .00 0 16* -40 cp x I L 411 IAL tj (,K At L#yf p, Lpt 00 Dip IN -.00 It - 1 8. n 0 0 0 0 0 0 I i a fir 0 f rA~. u0 0 o 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O 41d 0 0 0 0 - 00 USSR/Mines and Mining Aug l9h7 Mineral Industries "Deep Slits for Cutting for Ores at the Works Imeni Dzerzhinskiy," A. D. Polishchuk, I. P. Zabolotnyy, and V. M. Ryng, 7 PP "Gornyy Zhurnal" No 8 Discusses new equipment for horizontal drilling of deep slits. Describes various types of deep slits cut at the workings imeni Dzerzhinskiy. Tables and diagrams. 17T67 PoLISHCHUX, A. D. U38%41ining Methods Explosives Feb 49 "The Development of Exploitation Systems 'Using Torpedo Holes for Ore Breaking in Vie Krivoy Rog Basin," G. M. Malakhov, A. D. Polishchuk, F. 1. Volkov, 6 pp "Gor Zhur" No 2 Deep torpedo holes for ore breaking may be used on ores with strength less than 8, wbere width of the vein is not less than 10 meters. The system is being used auccessfully in Krivoy Rog Basin. F-A 40/49T82 SHILIMAN, A. N.; POLISHCHUK, A._ , USSR (600) Iron Mines and Mining New t:,yetem of caving in blocks. Gor. zhur. no. 2, 1952- Monthly Liet of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. 1) ~_ I ~S ti C /Yu N 19. U). FOLISHCHUK, &.D.,L SHOSTAK. &.G. [Graduated caving at mines of the Krivoy Rog Iron Ore Basin] .Ztazhnoe saLmoobrushenie na rudnikskh Krivorozhakogo zhelezo- rudnogo basseina. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi metallurgii, 1953. 191 P. (MIRA 7:3) (Mining engineering) (Ukraine--Iron mines and mining) IVI-SHGHUE, A. D. G. ;~. 1,1alaldiov, anA A. D. Polishchuk, Peredov,,-.7p mr!+J)d", 061:1SI-1107, 711'emki v Vxivbalse Z,Tdvance(l i-lethols of Ore Extraction 6n Vie Krivba,-~!W, 7 i-: '~he booklet d?sc;-ibcs exp-,rienc,-~ of inm)-afqrn DI -I ir-i ,re field - stal,hano-Ate workers, enrine,~rs anJ technicl'am! -- in ,i,e raL.'--)n,LIiZ,Uon :)f Lx-stiti!, sysi-ems, and developm~,nt of new variants uf -,, e estracti~.)n with tn:- aL-, of inczeasing tneir efiiciency, am! descr-Lbes advanc.-ld methDls of -a,"-[ imprc,%,Inf~. nim, production. The booklet is entended for enfrincerS i,;id te:.hbicians of ti-Le mininf- industr~y. SO: U-602, 12 Nov 1-254 I-OL-, S I!,--! flUK, A. D. A. ',';. Polishchuk, and it. G. Snostak, Sisste-,!~a bloko-io, na rjdr,-,!ka*-r, Krivbas-a "o -.)bru iT-h(.! -)lock-PreciPitati:,n ~' sten in .,.ines c~f the KM"vr)ass/, :~etaIIsLr--Iz a~,, 12 -Y ihe bo klet describes the Ut4 1J zati -)n of '7)lock-precipitation in tj,c-, Krivby Hog m nes describes the res..lts f scien,,ific inves,.i,-.~,.ions in ezt t::e parameters for th~e system, the ordf-.,r, the metr-.-o.,Is 3f undercAtin:T `)locII:s, and precipitatiun ir. min(~s. ,he booklet is intended f;,r engineers and '--c-c:-n~ici,ins -- -r.,ducti,~n s, Iis-iFners and for students of mininu. inEtituti~s and technical schools. SO: U-6472, 12 Nov F GULIY, V.11. SiMlMkaOVfCH, D.Kh., brigadir sharoshechriogo bureniva (Sokol'nyy ruanik); BEKETOV, F.Ye.; DZEEMARDUIDZE, N.M.; MOCHALIN, M.P.; PRIGOZ-HIN, Ye.I., gornyy inzhener (Metalliche- skiy rudnik): POLISHCHUK. A.D. Speeches by participants in a conference. Gor.zhur. no.1:20-24 Ja '56. (ML'RA 9:5) 1. Nachal'nik Proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheakovo otdela Dzhezkazgan- skogo rudoupravlonlya (for Dzhemardzhidze); 2. Nauchnyy sotrudnik Instituta gornogo dela All SSSR (for Mochalin); 3. Glavnyy inzhener Ukrglavrudy (for Polishchuk); 4. Glavnyv. inzhener Bystrushinskogo rudnika (for Guliy); 5. Glavnyy inzhener Salair- skogo rudnika (for Beketov). (Mining engineering) (Mining machinery) 1071S. Stanislav Leonidovich; KULIKOY. Aleksandr Vasillyevich; KULIKOV, Yladimir Vasil'yevIchILMWLRGIH.IUK Afanasty Dwitr ey PROKOP,'Yll, Ye.?,, orolessor, QVKV -,SWK=rem knnau?i rateensent: RIVAZOT. A.A.. gornyy inzhener. retsensent; RTCHII. Y.F., kandidat tokhnichaskikh nauk. redaktor; PARTSNVSKIT, V.N., redaktor izdatell- stya; MIKHATIMA, V.V., takhatcheakiy redaktor LForce4 roof!cavingj Prinuditellnoo etashnoe obrushente. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-t*khn.Izd-vc lit-ry po chernoi t tovetnot metallurgil, 1957. 34 p. (MLRA 10:7) (Xining engineering) KULIKOV, V.V., gornyy luzhener.:POLISHOUK, A.D., gornyy blighaner.;BORISENKO, S.G.. gornyy inzhene - -.*rT-gornyy inzliener.;SUPRUNSHKO, L.V., gornyy inzhener. "Mining syste= for thick ore depositsO by V. R. Imenitov. Gor. zhur. no.2:76-78 7 '57. (MLRA 10:4) (Mining engineering) KULIKOV, V.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; ZENIMR, P.S.; POLISHCHUK, A.D., gorny7 inth. ?:-.'~. I - - . . Hoisting and oonveyer belt ore haulage (from foreign journals). Gor.zhur. no.3:71-72 Mr 158. (MMA 11:3) l.Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut (for Zender). 2. Gosplan USSR (for Polishchuk). (Mine haulage) (Conveying machinery) BORISFANO. Sergey Grigorlyevich; KOPITSA, Fedor Andreyev!Lchc Prinimali uchastiye: KMIXOT, T.V.; TARIOM10. D.Y.. BUYIN, A.I., inzh., retsenzent; POLISHCHN, A.D., kand.takhn.nauk, rotsenzent; TMOIMIKO, K.I.,; SIPYAGINA, Z.A., red.i2d-va; SABI- TOY. A., [Chamber and pillar system of ore mining] Kamernain sistems razrabotki v gornoradnoi promyshlennosti. Morkira. Gos.nauchno- takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1960. 399 P. WMA 13:5) (Mining engineering) doktor sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk, prof. Effect of various nutrients on speeding-up the fruiting of apples on Doucin rootstock. Rauch. trudy UASHN 10:131-137 (MIRA 14:3) (Apple) FOLISHC = A.D., professor Iffect of munganese and boron on the growth of grape seedlings. VIn.SSSR 15 no-3:35-36 155. (KLRA 8:8) 1. Irlyerokly seliskokhozyaystvenrqy Institut. (Grapes) (Plants. Iffect of boron on) (Plants. Iffect of manganese on) USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Fermentation industry, 1-27 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khim-iya, No 2, 1957, 6470 Alathor: Chexmyavskiy,, A. I., Cherevko, N. G., Polishchuk, A. G. Ims'~~itution: LIvov Polytechnic Institute Title: Steeping of Grain by Irrigation Origimal Publication: Nauch. zap. L'vovsk. politekhn. in-ta, 1956, No 22, 135-139 Abstract: Iaboratory investigations have shmin that on steeping of grain by the irrigation method, with intervals of up to 2 hours, steeping of the grain and its sprouting are accelerated considerably in compari- son with the generally utilized method of air-water steeping (4 hours under water and 2 hours without water), while retaining the same qualitative indices of the resulting malt. A project has been worked out of an industrial unit for continuous steeping of grain by the ir- rigation method', which Consists of a washing apparatus (of the potato washing type) and a steeping chamber which comprises a vertical shaft Card 1/2 USSR/-'Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -_ Fermentation indust-_,~y, 1-27 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - IQh~miya, No 2, 1957, &70 Abstract: inside of which are set, in horizontal position, several rows of screens disposed in a roof-like manner, checkerboard fashion in the vertical direction. There is given a diagram of the unit as well as its principal dimensions and a description of its opera- tion. It is assumed that the proposed unit will make it possible to reduce the duration of malt production, decrease expenditure of water for steeping, eliminate the need of compreE;sed air and de- crease the over-all dimensions of the steeping department building. Card 2/2 POLISHCHUK. A.G.; SHAROWV, M.N.; SKLUR, V.T- Using bentonites from the GorbkI deposit for clarif7ing wines. 3ent. gliny Ukr. no.1:86-93 '55. (KRA 12:12) 1.LIvovskly politakhnicheakly institut. (Transcarpathia-Bentonite) (IdquidB--Clarification) POLISHCHUK. A.G.; OSHCHAPOVSKIT, V.V. Detormimixg the acidity of diluted molasses. Spirt.prom.22 jko.1:18 156. (nHA 9:7) l.Llvovskiy politakhmichookly imstitut. (molasses) KOLENCITEITKO, V.A.; =,.A.G. 'Washing funel oil. Spirt. prom. 24 no-3:34 15~. Ou-u. 11:10 (Fusel oil) FOL I SHC H,,U,K,.. A-. G. Utilizing the wash liquor in the production of molassos airups. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; pishch.takh. no-3:81-85 '59. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Llvovskaya Vysshaya partiynaya shkola. (MolasseB) FOLISHCHUK, A.G. Fermenting molaases with t be addition of fuael liquor. Izv.vy8.uchsb.sav.; pisbcb.tekh. no.4:86-91 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. LIvovskaya Vysshaya partiynaya shkola. (Distillation) (Molasaes) ;_ 11 1 T-1 - ~- i. : ,i- POLISHCHUX, A.K., inzh.; GUREVICH. Yu..L., inzh4 , Experience in manufacturing reinforced concrete components bv production-line techniques. Bet. i zhel. -bet. no.8:314-317 Ag 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Moscow--Concrete plants) ~- II I tj L~-' D. Y i 1, 5 6 c- , A,Ill~ '14, ~ -' . KUOSXAN, Villyam Villyamovich; POLISHCEUK, Anatolly ftvlovich;. GIL3V, N.M., red.; PITIRW, Te.L., 'iiicl." ift--*a'~, SKITS, V.P., tekhn. red. [UniTersal chain saws] Univerzallnye pillnye toopi. Noskva, Gos- lesbuzdzdat, 1957. 42p. (MIRA 11:7) (Chain saws) _7 r- KWSMAN, V.V. "MLI44CHUK, A.P. ToXIINIC-K6 electric saw. Loo.prom. 35 no.4:13-14 Ap '57. (MLRA 10:5) 1. TS~ntrallmyy naucbno-ineledovatellekly institut mekhanizateit i energetiki. (saws) P(rb!SHCHbK, A. P.: J-;asl~or Tech Sci (disa) -- `Jnvostui~pt-lon of the of cutting parts of chain ijaws and methodj3 of lncr-z)aalW.,r thoir .mar rot3istance,". Ploscaw, 1958. 22 pp (Min Higher Educ USSR, Moscow ForeBtx1i Engineering lnot)., L.?" copies (KL, No 6, 1959, 135) TELISEYEV, Anisim Va8il'yevicW_jQLj�UjU red,.; SVEMATEVA, A.S., red.isd-va; PROKOFT MA, L.N., tel&i*.red. [Mierpening save at saw maintenance points; manual for working circles and groups] Zatochka I.eso:-ubochnogo instruments na pilopravnykh punktakh; posobie d1la leekhoZOT i lesnichestv. Moskva, Goolosbumizdat, 1958. 25 P. (MIRA 12:2) (Saw filing) KUOSFAII. Vill-yam Villyamovich, POLISKiUY, -A-At,:--IJY NiA'D'3A*C6, M-F., red,;- NIKOLAMA. 1. 1'.- . red. - SHM. , V.P. - t v1din-~ red. 0 1 (TsUIM-K6 ele--tric chain sawj Elektromotonala plin T&NIIPF--X6. Moskva, Goslepbu-pizdat, 1958. .53, p. (MIRA 11:8) (Chain saws) 30V/129-59-4--13/17 AUTHORS: Engineers Vasil',yev, H.M., and.Polishchu.k. A.P_ TITLE: Increasing the Hardness of Timber-Cutting Tools by High Frequency Hardening (Uprochneniye rezhushchego lesozagotovitellnogo instrumenta zakalkoy T.V.Ch.) PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, 1959, Nr 1+, pp 55-57 (USSR) A3STRACT: Saw chains are series manufactured in three variants depending on the applications. Production of wear resistant and strong saw chains was solved by TsNIDiE by producing cutting bits of a high hardness of 6o-62Rc; through-hardening with high frequency current was applied. In the case of the saw chain PTs-15M the cutting elements were subjected to hardening. The high frequency hardening of the cutting elements pene,trated to depths up to 3 mm; the sketch (Fig 1) gives a full picture of the depths of the hardened and the transient (thermally affected) zones7 both of which are located above the bending point of the cutting elements thus ensuring the necessary high strength in the dangerous cross section itself. The current ' is fed from a 72 kW,130-2OOxlO3 kc/sea oscillator. The heating as effected by means of a loop inductor made of copper C,ard 1/3 wtubing and cooled internally with water. The heating SOV/129-5:-4-13/17 Increasing the Hardness of Timber-Cuttiin~:, Tools by High Hardening temperature is monitored by means of a photo-electric pyrometer. Individual elements were heated singly for durations slightly over one second and7 following that, they were dropped into an oil containing tank. After hardening the individual elements were tempered in an oil bath for 2 hours at 1700C. The high frequency heating was effected in accordance with two regimes with heating_temperatures of goo - 9600C and heating speeds of 130 1500C/sec. respectively. T11-a temperature curve for heating according to the first-mentioned regime is graphed in Fig 2. On the basis of the obtained result it is concluded that high frequency hardening ensures in the given case a 2-3 fold increase in the wear resistance. For One of the types of saw chains d-iscussed (PTs-15M) the author recommends high frequency hardening only for the cutting elements themselves, which should be carried out by means of specially built automatic hardening Card 2/3 machines. The high frequency hardening ine.reases the manufacturing cost .of the product by 10 to 15% but this SOV/129-59-4-13/17 Increasing the Hardness of Timber-Cutting Tools by High Frequency Fardening is out-weighed by the manufactured tools is There are 2 figures ASSOCIATIONS: VNII and TsNIIME fact that the life of the doubled. and 1 table. t ,a " rd 3/3 POLISHCHUK Anatol' Pavlovicb, kand. polit. nauk; SHCHEPOTIYEV, Oleg e-'=MicE; GILEV, Nikolay Konstantinovich; DREKHSLER, M.M., red. izd-va PAPUILIMIA N.L. A, red.; PROTAIISFAYA, I.V,, ~ekh.-- red. [Sawn and cutting tools in lumbering) Instrumentallno- pilopravnoe delo na lesorazrabotk&kh. Moskvap Gosl()sbumizdat 1961. 231 p. (MIRA 15: 61 ,(Lumbering-Equipment and supplies) 4 06006 0 16104114 0-0 4140-7700 Soo 0 00 0 0 00 0*0 go so -it -4- -Ah A -4-v v 11 a if IV uki a M v x v 4 if 41 Q as Kiw 0 lob 086 a# N at GUI(KISVOG W SPJ1JO!I'Pd"'A%ayd '1'6, No. M, 4 I'l -00 _kMT-al M.=11eiMb tit dirnensions. wall thickne". tire All" ~hsjve of cbwgW Inlet and other stturtutal features fol, Iisru"W in "wmecti-m with jwtfcwzn&ncc rccioitenicnIA. .00 )ulian F. 1%oith _!!TALI-MGICAL Lill!& CLAstr all** Dial 41"481va F&OCIMI AM 1,400141111 "I *a : 0 @1: goo go* goo too ,go- t3l 90 TA= Joe* 4-C. r= 1-0 -Ka. .-j --- ------------------- toy Wo 0 0 o A-1--A -JL A.D ~W' ciwws J_--~;wLzk-v If. clot OOA "ICOCNIal -W. oop Gas 4200gims in Stem bouers.--r i huk,, 'M 7 prom 09-4 . 1 NO. 6. iiw~ lelKwIff V1 mc, C& In@ are di -c A i h 00 . um% w t re-jKvt to COUSCA slid picvelitiml 1 li 00 . Ju an F. . 411ith Ogg r '66 004 -00 of .00 00 -09 00 =60 06 19*0 00 0 00 Zoo ago WISO t!o 0 Its** UTEIRATWE CLAIJIFKATt" lad wo rid 0 It If I IF IN 5 a a u Ii AV 10 It Tr It III IS 0 00 too 6 0 It 0 00000000 0 IS : 00 a gh a a 0 6 0 00 0 41 0 0 0 0 WRKOVp B.F.; POLISHCHUK, A.F. Conductance of salts in the region of crystal - malt phase transition. Halides of some bivalent metals. Ukr. khim. zhur. 31 no.10:1065-1071 165. (MIRA 19-1) 1. Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. Submitted February 22, 1965. KiRYWI, B.F.; FOLISHCHUR, A.F. Gonductance of salts in the region of crystal - melt phase trarsition.. Effect of impurities. Ukr. khiui. zhur. 31 no. 11: 1133-1-136 165 WIRA 19:1) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimli AN UkrSSR. AARKOV, B.F.; PRISYA7BNYY, V.D.; POLISBCIIUK. A.F. Measurement of molar volume of salt in me2ting, a new varia-.-J= of the pycnometric method. Ukr. khim.. zhur. 31 nc)-4:43-12-420 165. (MJRA 18:5) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii All UkrSSR. MI-RKOV, B.F.; FOLISHICHUK, A.F. Charge of conda,~uance during ~,I-e ph-ase trans i ti rn in rhe sys.~P-m salt crystal - fused a'"uah me,'~&]. nitrates and n~Ir-ites. Ukr. khi-m.zhur. 31 nc.2.182-185 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Institut obshchey i neorgaricheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. POLISHCHM, A.G. [Polishchuk, A.H.) Use of fusel Liquor from the oil washer for detfoaming. K-har. prom. no.1:46-48 Ja-Mr 162. (MJRA 15:3) (Distillation) ACC NRI AP7011845 sintered in a hydrogen medium at 1280+100C for three hours. After thermo- magnetic treatment in a magnetic field of 250 ka/m intensity, the magnets were ready for use. The properties were equivalent to those of metalloceramic magne'.,:s made by ordinary methods. This process allows a considerable reduction in tho cost of netallocerasift magnets, Origo art* has$ 2 figures'and 3 tables. LJPRst 40,45.0 P VYM j 1r; o' n. - - , F, cr . 'an, r a v v. T P 110 I. K rc. k~ y Io n! n", tilt, a, ed roy ra-,rjabotyi r,%-2=tor,-zhdendya is'Fopavemvlkl~.. u nini t ed 21~ l9b4~ K!LIS)it',fMYJI A.K. Ifiethodr., of Farameters for r,'i-p P-.bJ,- ~,,- - - :-,- ' Trudy Inst. gor. dela All Kazakh.5SR 12:178-182 1 6',l . (1,., -1 -, -1 RA 1,7: t.) BE-,'UKH, V.R., inzh.; POLISHCHUX, A.K., inzh. Distribution of ore losses in stoped-out areas. Met. i gornorud. prom. no-5:46-48 S-0 163. (14IRA 16:11) 1. Krivorozhskiy gomorudnyy institut. AW'SEYEV, F.K.; ANDRIYUTS, G.L.; ARSENTIYEV, A.I.; ASTAFIIEV, Yu.P.; BEVZ, N.D.; BMWVSKIY, A.I.; GENERALOV, G.S.; DOROSHENKO, V.I.; YESHCHENKO, A.A.; ZAPARA, S.A.; UUNICHENKC, V.F.; KARNAUSHENKO, I.K.; KIKOVKA, Ye.I.; KOBOZKV, V.N.; KUPIN, V.Ye.; LOTOUS, V.K.; LYAKHOV, N.I.; MALYUTA, D.I.; NETS, Yu.S.; MCDENKO, B.K.; OKSANICH, I.F.; PANOV, V.A.; POVZNER, Z.B.; PODORVANOV, A.Z.; POLISHCHUK, A.K.; POLYAKOV, V.G.; POTAFOV, A.I.; SAVITSKIY, I.!.; SERBIN-,7777v,-~-GEYEV, N.N.; SOVETOV, G.A.; STATKEVICH, A.A.; TERESHCHENKO, A.A.; TITOV, b.S.; FEDIN, A.F.; KHOMYAKOV, N.P.; SHEYKO, V.G.; SHEKUN, O.G.; SESTAKOV, M.M.; SHTANIKO, V.I. Practice of co4struction and exploitation of open pits of Krivoy Rog Basin mining and ore dressing combines. Gor. zhur. no.6: 8-56 Je 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Krivoy Rog Basin-Strip mining) kLMITIM, A.1., dotsent; POILISHCHUK, A.K., i-nzh.;ADICAPJIOV) Ya.K., inzh. Effect of indices of losses and depletion during development mining deposits at the end boundaries of a strip mine. Izv.vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 7 no.3:9-IJ+ 16/+ (WERN 17-.8) 1 Krilrothskiy gornorudnyy institut (for jb~sentlyaevv Polishchuk). 2: Vsesbyu;myy nauchno-issledovatel ,-91iy gornometallurgicheskiy institut tsvetnykh metallov. (for Adigamov). Rekomendovano kafedroy razrabotki mestorozhdeniy polezriykh i,-,kopayemykh Krivorozhskogo gornorudnogo instituta. ARS--,NT'-fEV, A.I., dotsent, inzh, Deteridning the limits of n .9trip mine for the selectiva mining of several ty-pes of' ore. lzv~vys-uchev.zav.iaor.zhur. 7 no. 4-38-42 1 b" 4' . (1-1,IIIA 17 -,.7) 1. Krivorozhskiy ,-,ornorudnyy 1rist.1tut. Rakomendovaria kafedroy razrabotld mestorozhdfjniy polezriykh iskopayemykh. NIKONENYO, O.F.,, gornyy irjzh,; ANF.F.1j"71109 COLO, gc;riiyy inzh.; t9L~S~lqkl Is ,AoFoj gormyy inzh. , VOI YN-,TS' H. k. , gornyy inzh~ Tr I - I 01xintion of Lhe _SIDC"l Wt-tireasing muLhirio, r:bor,, nauch. trud. FGRI no.l5x82-86 t63. -(MIRA 17-.8) ADIUMOV, Yaj!., De tc-n-T-' :-ill n~, the cverbu-.--Jcn a tn- o:,!-j 4.1 - r-.j L "r" 77.~,., botuida r i e a ~Gor. zhur. no.8:17.-22 *,,g 164~ 1. Vsesoyuzryy fnstftut metallurgil, Ust'-Kumenogorsk (for '-df~RMOV 2. gornor-adnyy institut -'07 (miw, t~-i.2tnoy f:T.4vOroIhz,,-- PCLISHCHUK A.M. Effect of natural pyrimidires on the growth of Ehrlich'a tumor in mice and lymphosarcoma in rats. Up. onk. 11 no-3: 59-61 165. OURA 18:6) 1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentallnoy onkologii (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. N.V. Iazarev) Instituta onkologii AIIN SSSR (dir. - deystvitelInyy chlen AIIN SSSR prof. A.I. Serebrov). POLISHCHUR Allbert nikliaylo-vlch; Ki(YLOV, IN.A.) red. [Usin- mech-amn-al -.-Jibrat-i~nS to the cu-a-ii.t-, o., tTaildin,--, materials and products) Lspollzo-vanie mekhani- cheskikh koleba-n-i-i d.ia povyslieniia k~ichestva stroitell- Wkh inaterialov i izdelii. Leningrad, 1964. 17 p. (MIqA 17:9) POLISHCH'Iff, A.M., inzh.; SOLOGUB, D.M. [Solohub, D.M. ] Thinning machine for sugar beet fields. Mekh. sill. bosp. 13 no.4:11-12 AD 162. (MI RA 17 ~ 3) MA&IENNIKOVS, B.A.; POLIS,9GFLIK,, A.N. IkT&rocyclons vitb an na~:~e~4c Gor. 70 Mr 163. - = '- - . - -- ,-,- - , " ~C L 4J -POLISHCHUK, A.P., dotsent, Analysis of safety c-onditions in Krivoy Rog Basin mirle stopea. Sbor. nauch. trud. KGRI no.7%18?-194 t59. (MIRA 16-9) (Krivoy Rog Basin--Mine safety) ALYABIYEV, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; VINOGOROV, G.K., kand. tekhn. nauk; POLISHCHUK., A.P., kand. tekhn. nauk,- Prinimal uchastiye KRALIKIN, DDLBILIN, I.P., inzh., retsenzent; YERMOLIN, I.P., inzh., otv. red.; KOZLOV, A.D., red.izd-va; GRECHISHCHEVA, V.G., tekhn. red. (Lumbering camps; mechanization of logging operations. A handbook] Lesozagotovki; mekhanizataiia lesoBechnykh rabot. Spravochnik. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 10,62. 450 P. (MIRA 16;6) (Lumbering) BIBIK, A,,I.; GOHI,7K, V~I.; KORCUOV, V,G~, PO-SJCFUJ~ A,'.',, Efficient procadure for manufacture I'La of -ng ro, rolling mills. Met. 1 Cornorud, prom-, m: P-.. 10 USSR/Statistical Physics Thermodynamics D-3 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957) 11415 Author : Fedoseyev, V.A., Polishchuk, D.I. Inst Title : Evaporation of Drops of Combustible Liquids. Orig Bib : Zh- tekhn. fiziki, 1956, 26, No 7, 1509-1518 Abstra2t : An investigation 'was made of the evaporation of drops of benzol, toluol, ethyl alcohol, and xylol (the dimensions ranged from 1.52 to 0.81 mm), with changing temperature, speed of air flow, and concentration of vapors of the cor- responding liquid iii the air. The investigELticn has shown that from the qualitative point of view the evaporation of drops of these liquids does not differ from thE.- evapora- tion of drops of water. The kinetic law ds/dt--const holds under all the investigated evaporation conditions. The temperature of the drop increases somewhat as the evapora- tion proceeds and as the vapor content of a given liquid Card .1 /20 L-/ NIRILOV, Ye.A Nrrylov, IZ.A.1; POLISHCHU~ D.I.; SIORA, T.Ya. [Sto;a. T.IAJ Physics at Odessa University. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 3 no-1:3-9 Ja-F 158. (MIR& 11- 4) 1.0dealkir derzhavniy universitet. (Physics) SUV/81-60-1-470 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, 1960, Nr 1, p 63 (USSR) AUTHORS: Fedoseyev, V.O., Polishchuk, D.I., Selivanov, Ye.D. TITLE: The Evaporation of a Liquid Drop During Its Barning PERIODICALt Tr. Odessk. un-ta. Ser. fiz. n., 1958, Vol 148, Nr 6, pp 43 - 48 (Uk;ainianT ABSTRACT: It has been established by the method 'of motion picture photography that during burning of drops of individual organic fuel substances, as well as during burning of drops of mixed (multi-component) fuel substances, the surface of the drops decreases linearly with time. In the case of blowing air around a drop of burning multi-component liquid and artificial removal of the flame from its surface it was possible to obtain deviatdons from the linear dependence, under these conditions a gr*Wal lowering of the rate of the drop surface decrease was observed. Thi~~phenomenon described is explained by the fractional evaporation of the components of the fuel mixture. Card 1/1 11. Kaplan 31299 S/124/61/000/010/034/056 D251/V301 Ib 7Yi ~1=011: Polishchuk, D.I. TITLE: Evaporation and combustion of drops of certain organic liquids PERIC)DICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, no.-lot 1961, 850 abstract 10 B607 (Pratsi Odealk. un-tu, Ser. fiz. n.' Tr. Odeask. un-ta, Ser. fiz. n., 19601, 150, no: 7, 33-37) TMCT: The evaporation or combustion of drops of various fluids.,suspended on a thermocouple is investigated under a micro- scope with the aid'of cine- or photo-apparatus. In the evaporation of individual readily volatile liquids, the temperature of the drops is 3lightly increased (by 2-30) beyond the calculation of the supply of "heat by the suspension. The dependence of the square of the dia- meter on time remains linear as in the case of weter. The depen- dence of the speed of evaporation on the concentration of the vapor Card 1/2 1 9 S/12~r6(11/000/010/034/0.56 Evaporation and combustion... D251 301 3 of the liquid in the air is also close to linear. For slow evapora- tion of a multifractional liquid (benzene etc) the temperature of the drop increases with the passage of time, to beyond the calcula- tion of the distillation of light fractions. For high speeds of evaporation (high air temperature) the liquid does not have'time to become perturbed in the volume of the drop, it burns "by layers" without fractional distillation and as a result, the temperature remains constant and the dependence of the square of the diameter on the temperature remains constant. A similar dependence relation- ship :Es obtained for the evaporation of a drop of burning fuel if the flame encompasses the entire drop. If the flame is blown away from -the drop, then the linearity between the square of the diameter and the time breaks down. Z7Abstracter's note: Complete transla- tion~7 Card 2/2 31298 S/124/61/000,/010/033/056 D251/D301 AIJITHORS: Latonina, L.P., Fedoseyev, V.A. and,P,Dlishchuk, D.I. TITIE Experimental investigation of the combustion of drops of certain fuels in a current, of hot air PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Melchanika, no. 10, 1961, 85, abstract 10 B606 (Pratsi Odealk un-tu, Ser. fiz. n., Tr. Odessk. un-ta, Ser. fiz. n., 1960, 150, no. 7, 85-96) TEXT: The combustion of drops of benzene, kerosene, liquid T-P (T,-R) and iso-octane of dimensions 1 - 2.5 mm is investigated by two methods: The kino-surveying of an enlarged drop, burning on a thin platinum support, and by creating "stationary drops". For the latter, a small porous ceramic sphere is used, onto which the necessary a-aount of fuel is continuously applied by means of a sy- ringe. In both cases particular attention is paid to the instant when the flame separates from the frontal point of the drop. The Card 1/2 Experimental investigation... 31298 S/124Z61/000/010/033/056 D251/L)301 results obtained by both methods coincide. At a definite velocity of the air, the flame separates from the drop. For a further in- crease in velocity it moves away still further becoming smaller all the tine, although without vanishing completely. The velocity at which the flmn:e separates from the drop increases with the increase in diameter of the drop and temperature, and depends on the type of fuel. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete translatioil-7 Card 2/2 S/12 62/000/005/026/048 D251YD308 AUTHORS: Fedoseyev, V.A.', Polishchukv D.I., and Latonina, L.P. TITLE; The effect of the ignition conditions on the kinetic combustion of a drop of fuel PBRICDICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanikat no. 5, 1962, 101, abstract 5B653 (Nauchn. Yezhegodnik, Odessk. un-t, Fiz. matem. fak. i. N. -i. in-t Fiz. no. 2, Odessav 1961, 191 - 195) TEXT: It was shown experimentally that the velocity of combustion of a drop with a current of air blowing round it depends on the means of ignition and the position of the flame front with respect to the drop. The ignition was studied with the aid of a burner and of an electric spark both with the drop completely enveloped by the flamo and with it half-enveloped. In both cases the velocity of combustion was greater with ignition from the burner. 4 references. [Abstractor's note: Complete translation]. Card 1/1 S/185/61/006/002/020/020 D210/D304 AU1.1HOR; Polishchuk, D.I. TI11LE: Second conference of higher educational institutions on problems of gas dynamics, evaporation and combus- tion of dispersive systems PERIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 6, no. 2, 1961, 285 - 287 12EXT: The conference was held at Mechnikov state university of Odessa from 3 to 7 October (1960). 130 delegates from 45 scienti- fic institutions were present. There were 29 lectures on phenomena in combustion chambers and 16 on aerosols. G.A. Varshavskyy and L.H. Pishchanslka: "Investigation of the kinetics of combustion of drops of some fuels". G.A. Varshavskyy: "The solution of equations of mass and heat exchange, taking into account the dependence of the coefficient of heat conductivity on the composition of the fuel". It was shown that the velocity of evapofttion depends dief- Card 1/4 S/185/61/006/002/020/020 Secor-d conference of higher ... D210/D304 also on the dimensions of the drops). B.S. Brounsh.teyn and O.M. Tode.,:j: "The turbulent flows around solid spherical. particles up to Re = lo5,, (equations for pulsation velocities of particles and flow for heat and mass exchange). B.V. Deryagin, S.P. Bakanov, and Yu.S, Xurg-in: "The results of investigations of the kinetics of evapora- tion of liquid drops covered by non-soluble films of extraneous substance". Formulae were obtained for the velocity of quasi-sta- tionary evaporation of such drops, for non-stationary evaporation, for evaporation from a flat surface covered by a layer of a diffe- rent substance. M.V. Byukov: "Two lectures on the theory of iso- thermal distillatim in a mixture of polydispersive aerosols," A.A. Shcherbakov: "The investigation of evaporation of drops moving un- der conditions of variable vapor concentration in the surrounding medium, and variable temperature". H.A. Martynov, and S.P. Bakanov: "The coagulation of aerosols" (an equation describing the variation of total number of particles). V.0. Fedoseyev: IIBasJc results of the investigation of coagulation growth of drops solutions of hy- groscopic substances in a flow of aerosol" (carried out together Card 3/4 S/185/61/006/002/020/020 Seco-,qd converence of'higher ... D210/D304 with other members of staff of the laboratory of aero-dispersive systam of Odessn Universitv). B.V.Deryagin, P.S. Prokhorov, L.F. Leonov and Di-V- Veivchko, developed a new method for investigating condensing processes in a diffusion chamber, consis-Ling of making use of periodical changes of heat regime of the moistened walls of the 2hamber containing the gas-vapor mixture. L.V~ Radushkevicb and V.A. Kolganov: "Properties of aerosols formed at high tempera- iureB from metallic tungsten in gases". Ye.T. Sir.~y: "The applica- tion of radioactive radiations for monodispersation of condensatio- nal aerosols". H.M. Martynkevych: "The problem of determining eva- poration heat of diatomic and more complex structures". H.Ya, Vla- .gpnk,): "Tile further improvement of the counter of aerosol partic- les and the use of the method of flow ultramicroscopy for investi- gating aerosols with liquid dispersive phase". V,O. Fedoseyev told of results -~f investigations on the use of aerosols against agri- cultural p--ests and for the protection of plants agairL9t frost. Card 4/4 , e EPA a "-2/EM (M)/EPF(e)/iN1/BPA(0_2/T Pab4o/pr- - /EPA( _7 RP, _ i Mt CCPr%.SlON Ms:~ A 50-04221':i' S/0000/64[000106ON16310166 AU,THOR . j;3 ton na, L P Fedos No A: (Doctor.of 6 comathe evev. P i cal, s cl en.ce-0-1; -Pol isl,ithuk gr". dri~plets In an ~_airstreata 7 ~'JSOURCE.* UkrSSR Inw.~,Ltut tekhniches,koy- t e lofiziki i -Te lofizika 4 tioplot eki nika (Thernopliysics and heat engin ering) Fiev, Naukova ',du a 196:4 ,:163-166-, ~Comb'ustion, liq-uid, fuel .-droplet, air. breathing propu s: on, ,A,BS.T1RACT:-j;_1he_ blow-off Yelocities of B-70 gasolime T_ I kerosine, .--.:and i.sooc t*te -, drop lets have been -atu died at- the~_,Combustion Laboratory . OU--the Odessa7 State. the' temperature of the d'roplet, the air,veloci.ty, -and; the droplet diameter at, I)Iow-off. :-Thi*g As:'th -Jatest in a series:begun inA953 which--iticludes studies ~of..the',.kineticv6f -_dro*p.let combustion,, the effect of-thii air velocity .,-on. 'combus'ftonj'. and the relatloa ships bi e tween the blots-off velocity _..'and',thia:.di6plet diameter At, 25-1000.C# It was found tha t- the blow- r . . L h E4T(1)/EWT'(m)/E"fiT(m) 'T D3,/~-.N/JW/JWD//R0 NRi AP602l222_______ W)---SOURCC-CObE'.-Uk-/O~IIT/66-/004-/003/646C/OL168--7 AUTHOR: Polishchuk, D. I. ORG: none TITLE: Fifth scientific conference an lems of vat)orization, combustion and Gynamic-i or Gaspersion svscem 7 SOURCE: Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, v. 4, no. 3, 1966, 1166-1166 TOPIC TAGS: physics conference, aerosol, gas dynamics ABSTRACr: A resume of the'\Fifth 1.11-Union Inter-University Conference on the vapori- zation, combustion and 1~~s~)dynamics of dispersion systems is given. The Conference was held at Odessa University,with an attendance of 216 delegates. 51 papers or. the theory of and experience withJaerosoY]formation, aerosol stability and heat exchange and gas dynamics of two-phase -st_r_e_-w_ns1 were rciad. ,,,Another 58 papers dealt with theore-! ,t.3 "~ and vaporization processes of aero tical and experimental investigation of_qwb_34q _pll Sol materials at high temperatures. The most important papers presented at each of two sections (phase transition section and gasdynamics section) as well as those giv-1 en in plenary sessions are briefly described. The more intemsting approaches and GO- lutions are briefly mentioned without going into the significance of the experimental results. At the conference, the study of smokes, fogs and clouds was also discussed. In addition, there was some discussion of solid fuels and Metal 4der combustion.0 SUB COIE: 20/ SUBM DATE: none L~~ard ACC NRt AT700029 DE: UR/31 2[66/i~Qob7/0033,'00 7 2 SOURCE CO iAUTHOR: Polishchuk, D. I. IORG: None TITLE: Vaporization and combustion of drops of some organic liquids ~SOURCE: Odessa. Universitet. Trudy, v. 150. Seriya fizicheskikh nauk, no. 7, 1960. :Voprosy isparenlya i goreniya v dispersnom vide (Problems of evaporation and combus- Ition in the dispersed state), 33-37 TOPIC TAGS: vaporization, combustion kinetics, liquid fuel ABSTRACT: Dat-a are given from experimental research conducted at the Laboratory of Combustion Physics, Odessa State University on the process of combustion and vapori- zation cf drops of liquid fuel. Comparatively large (up to 2 irun) drops were slispen- ded from. a special device consisting of a glass sphere on a thin nichrome filriment. The vaporizing or burning drops were photographed through a microscope using a 'Motion picture or still camera specially modified for photographing rapid processes. The experimental setup provided for vaporization of drops in a stream of air at a given I.. temperature (from room temperatures to 1000C) and velocity (from 0 tri 6 VLM/sec). I Provision was also made for maintaining a given vapor concentration (from 0 to satura-! tion). Changes in the dimensions of vaporizing drops of a number of organic liquids ACC NR: R27000297 SOURCE CODE: UR/31)42/60/.*L50/007/00fj'5/cic"!U- AUTHOR: latonina, L. P.; Fedoseyev, V. A.; Polishchuk, D. I. ORG: None :TITLE: Experimental research on combustion of drops of various fuels in a hot air !stream SOURCE: Odessa. Universitet. Trudy, v. 150. Seriya fizicheakilih nauk, no. 7, 19060. Voprosy ispareniya i goreniya v dispersnom vide (Problems of evaporation and corribus- tion in the dispersed state), 85-96 TOPIC TAGS: combustion kinetics, liquid fuel, fuel ignition, vaporization),9/x-,-.-6,%) ABSTRACT: The authors study "separation" of the flame from a cb-op of burning fuel in a moving air stream. Motion picture photography was used for studying the '.are separation phenomenon in the case of a drop with continuously decreasing diameter. 7he flow conditions (Reynolds number) change with a reduction in the size of the burn-' ing drop when the velocity of the air stream remains constant, and the distance be- tween f1sme and drop increases with combustion. The "stationary drop unit" shown in the figure was used for measuring the velocities at which fading of the flame was Co- served on the frontal surface of the drop by vaporization from a sphere 2 of calcined clay fastened to the tip of a hypodermic syringe. The piston 4 of the syringe is cor.-:- Card 1/2 ACC PR: AP6016055 AUTHOR: Poli8hchuk, D. I. ORG: nor..e r SOURCE CODE: UR/0185/66/011/005/0575/0578 TITLE: Fifth Scientific Conference on the Problems of Evaporation, Combustion, and Gas Dynamics of Dispersed Systems . SOURCE: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 11, no- 5, 1966P 575-578 7 70PIC TAGS: physics conference, gas dynamics, combustion, phase transition, aerosol, metal conbustion, oscillatory combustion ,ABSTRACT:. The Fifth Scientific Conference on Evaporation, Combustion, and Gas Dynami :s of Dispersed Systems was held at Odessa State University from 27 September through 2 October 1965. The conference was convened by the University; the Council for High -Temperature Thermodynamics and Thermal Physics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences also participated. Some 216 scientists representing various institutes and more than 100 ,sci-entis':s and students of Odessa State University took part in the work of the conference. The conference was divided into two sections: one on phase transitions in aerodispersed systems and the other on combustion and gas dynamics. L ACC NRt AP6016055 At the plenary session of both sections, 51 papers dealing with the theory and practice of the formation and stability of aerosols, heat exchange, and gas dynamics of two-phase flows and 58 papers on theoretical and ex- perimental studies of combustion,and evaporation of dispersed materials at high Wmperatures were presented. In the section on dispersed systems, B. V. Deryagin, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences USSR, reported on new progress in the stud,! of course -dispersed aeros'olsq and pVyfessor M. S. Shishkin re- ported on the conditions of the growth of snow, sleet, and hail particles in supercooled clouds. Deryagin's paper and Yu. A. Yalamova's paper on the theo-,-y of diffusiophoresis and thermophoresis of large aerosol particles, were discussed -in, great detail. 1. I'd. Yurlyev, V. M. Volushchuk., and E. M. Ovchinnikova. presented papers an the calculation of the coefficients of capture of aerosol particles, and 1. 1. Paleyev, F. 0. Agafonova, and M. Ye. Lavrentlyev reported on results of experimental studies of the flow of aerodispersed systems. Re- aults of experimental studies were also presented on the motion of dis- persed materials in vertical closed tubes by S. M. Reprintseva and M. V. Card L 42056-66 ACC Nit, A. 1).-Malkina, and his colleagues disclosed the results of using ,organic compounds for crystallization of water in clouds, and a series of papers on the evaporation of a drop of solution were read. The behavior of a droo of solution- on a hot surface in an acoustic field was. discussed ,by I. I.. Paleyev and his colleagues. In the section of the conference dealing with combustion and gas dynamics, Ya. B. Zelldovich, A. G. Istratov, and V. B. Librovich discussed the pre- sent shate of the theory of combus!!qn instabiliLy, The instability criterion of a normal -flame was reviewed by K. 1. Shchel)dn and S. K. Aslanov, and L. A. Klyachko reported on,the ignition and combustion of metal particles G. Istratov and V. B. Librovich presented a paper on spherical flame stability and diffusion effects on the stabili-ty of a laminar flame front. A. Varsheys and D_ V_ Fednaeya presented a paper on the igni f a single drop of liquid fuel, while L. A. Kly~chko gave a de- I tion V tailed arAlysis of the Ignition of a cluster of dropis.' I Card f 5 V. 2, no. ;~'~~~~carbons SUB CODE: 20t 21J SUBM DATE: none a fluidized POLISHCHUK, D.I. Fourth Scientific Conference on the Evaporation, Combustion, and Gas Dynamics of Disperse Systems. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 10 no.5:574-576 My 165. (MIRA 18:5) -W 4; iL VO L 62902-6 EPA:/tWT(I)AW I - N ICL-1 A t 1 N 13 nY ne: lum.. T 'r~lwn~ /6 u Terence lh~ univeisity and thl, CO 11--foi unc High- TpOM 'Thermal -Pbysics - of ih6,,:A6ljAepiy of SrA'- ence. 6~-attendedi r d' epr vfussn: aild f its 7m ~vlA AM6706 ii of 6ififici -rd e r itutL -the. Moscow ~~Leningrad,: Kiev,. - K__ d Mor-e-thari.100 members', ar azan - 4m DnEliropetrovs k Universities 6fi` ln~ w0 e i g $tAf4,::,'s616ntifi6' ikers.~ and advanced students'of.the uni- I -'oth6i-h!66r-edu: )art. versi and -cation institutions in Odessa also took 1 The cohference~was- conducted in two sections. dealing with th,6-low-tempiifl~-~;Vl' ces aproso -and d ics, helad~d -.;I ture, pi ses t lso and, With cbmb t n gas ynam , gcl -2 _V C i e by- Pr6 r.~ x:~ Mj Tod Ar ec V ly. Praii7s., - e ~ec e j _ Ie ing: Ole in eetfngs~ -papers. were ~delfver'6d- byK. .~Shchelkln p and Der V L ~ g Members.q th ~'Academ ; r of Sciences- Y. d JSISR,7~jih&z~~,P~_,_ -.`of.Techntcal-Scj es- -Shchelkin's paper tor L Hight-11re4uenqy, Is 6s; Durin - 11010n~g6h-of- Solid" pgliai Pu its, coyered ~J t -th- ersion of:combukl6n -at ion Etherhechahibm, n econv energy into ostill , pn e, ai~piffl I , jenergy-j tb 'chtion of 6scil ad 6s Gorbi#!o "Heat Trans- 0 * -paper. , . __ - ; V 11 - . . , It se.FIOWB#. ~gavethe_resu ts-of_'e~tperh 'eht and eoretical -ij th .1 vestigoi6nB~, on heat -transfer~-`.cdi~red out- at the 0 Ali- .0de'ssa T_ 777- 6~9 E P fi& -evaporae fud~is,directly Ion' 946 t 6lemperat rt differdh6e, etweeri the surro Ing - m edium! opo u that' it first Aecreases and t f theniricreases~ With increasing ue V e -All Ab~,-Wi-W investxjtiltlolrv~~ci ignition Orocess mum er- _~phpdri; of :of F el:Eva~'' h 1grat on Delay n a*pj~per- entitled-- The -Effect u oratiop on t e "F~-Time` A TwoPhas U-46ITesented methods for. e- Mixtures, V., Kud Ain th n, f dispez~se combus-. g. e: spontaneou 9 ignitto delay- time. o mono -sh i own that'at -I is ixtures. With nonh6mogeneous ~plWes, ow tem-- aft t A trideme ignition -,delak Of. p4as o mixture on res ofthe e ep e _44d pressiure U Analogo4old the- dep6idence of the omoge- T eaftre~. h -~,neous. m r6~.-,`_Vithiwthe highi-tbrnt)iirEitui-e--jrang,b, the dep6ndence of .*.e-- b- mpetatur and urci is'-&ftj~ed,, basiciwy~-. y-* the press f, ici ~6v ~Ltion Aid- 11064 Unitioh-, 14* 1 appi r s~ D Part es of Homo 7i J -C s re, is- n- f~j,;*hik- -the high-teriaperdl it Is dif- _gime ure riiji 6 burnin '4elocity At temperaiures- excei,- us on i p roll ding 4500C ni ignit' delay dec;,ea6es -with increasing does nq' epen on: pressure; the ion pressW M4 ..:.--Mv IY capers, dealt- with combustiori problem's of- solid d I- ersefue is isp F ranpng dation of individual particleid tb'the combustion of a rom the oxi M rs e L w~'. St flo' OrAtion. of M nesWrn Particles in eam" by V. Ye. ~o]ydW e' sented 4 Aeftnined th 0 etho,c[and,40 rr oxi a6tivati 0 !r&. &iing low-ate iverature' dat of m neslum particles ene activati 6 ton: ag - - . !-A t pum (580-400. -flame- h t st paperby R..~ - eactip e n ~7 Y '4 F, DzI, effect of t4 jsbcW_ V' i - and,T' luzkWdealt with the e MUM '~,Aegree:, Of dispersion" of rna#hesixim powde *.d -in-kerosine -on thQ_*. i r suspen& cAl anOysis of rning..*velociW,of.t e-ldrqjAksi, -1t, vn by cl~6mt mbuition.produbts that the....Cambudion efficiency-Ancreases with de" entitled-- Cornbus Conlo Coinv6sitions ti -M Based 4 in Potaisi itp~.'(h dtzer umi-Pbr6hlor iind d alid Fuel CoT~tjsti~14~~. !7.7; _ji !~-,_-Or~k.~71_ 6206j;~65 a W. Ng z AP%a6706 N" er 'the'jnv id I-nuiffib s dealt with e gaticir of the eli~ctiic of paper b 'Of fla~n~es;' Cert tivitl 'in Flaxne ~ty. Pr obleins~ trofis '?&~Yq, T~retia Terik ature of i T. okhl ar per laihiis. ~byl.)~ 5nd IT Aim in Rarefied Ace, Igiect nst andJ6 Co -tyk !Tr66 to n- ncentr ja!Hlydrogern Flarmn Is Cont-aininj AlkOZ-Metal Additives bt]E. N and V. 1, Ifii6ipietation-6f.Diial Probe W_lt-Ampore ci- Iter ane lam ;'IbimpheilpPress ~jre!! in Meth Y e9 al Ained ;Anisi 4 that th ~~e"InVeidk t -ItA&-nme e tit ons - ar a, very imo$rtant because J~ n 'd k t ~_Iionitj Mon in-Ifie-1161ne- Is of. great. s gn gance fbr.~"MHD'gv eir ors roe ~wee_`td -hu floiri4rodu'd 'mo 61 -and bthi4.Aev6ei~ "Interaction, Rd n., m a also~ created-considerabl lbw~ahd_] W V Kwltoroyic qintc 7. .7 '7- v j T 77 POLISHCWK, DO I., FEDOSEYEV, V, A. and LATONTNOY, L. P. (Institute ')f phys-l-cs of Odessi-State university) "Investigation of combustion of droplets in air cuarrents". Repc,rt presented at the Section on Physics of Cnmbusstion, Scientif, c Session, Council of Acad. Sci. Ukr SSR on High T--mperature Physics, Kiev.. 2-4, Apr 1963. Reported in Teplofizilta Vysokikh temperatur, No. 2, Sep-Oct 196'~, p. JPRS 24,651. 19 may ig6b POLISHCHUK, D.I. --1-- Third 14tercollegiate Conference on EvaporatIaL., f-l-oubia-tion, and Gas Dynamics of Disperse Systems. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 8 no.4, 498-500 Ap 163. (MMA 16s8) (Physics-Congresses) U-krayinslkyy fizichnyy zhurnal, v. 8, no, 4, Apr lfj63, 498j-.1,00, 1185 / 63 / 0081004 / 015 / 015 S A pc_-*..:-.-!,'ic conference devoted to problems of evaporation, combustion, and gap dynamics of dispersed systems was held at Odessa State University imeni 1. 11. Mechinikov from I to 6 October .1962. J :51xty-iive paper's -were presented, 24 of which dealt I -witEtY6-thiibi~y-d-rfd'-]~facti-ce of production and stability of aerosols and the n thp Ath- 41 effect on these uracesses of varioun nhvajcochQ=jcal fact r workin-t processes in combustion chambers of various power plants. Some of the titl;s were "Investigating oxidation processes of high hydrogenous fuels by oxygen from compressed air, " S. S. Kraynnrcnka; "Burning of metal j3us- pension in hydrocarbon fuelt3, to D. 1. Polighchuk, L, P, Latonina, and V. L. Yankevich; and "Experimental investigation of two-phase flow in axially---yrn- r-actrical nozzles, "'G. A. Komov, Included also were discussions of the moth- ds of soh-ing equation:; of dissociating gas flovi in ducts and gas dynamic Ocalculations for jot cn,-.;nl~a, 0. A. B. Ya; Gubcr, and A. YAis-ellov; th~- _,or,~rLtion of plane chock wavc~, Ln chock tubes and pa:;.;a~,:c 47- Enoch. '~hrou- an flame front, D. V. Fc:~:oncj nd gh _~,Y, G, D. Sadama r, N. experimental rez-alt3 on the flow c~f combustion produclv, mixture around cambered surfaces with diffraction of dclt- onation L. G. Gvozd1ova the stability of a~atcady;-,state- name front S. K. ~%sianov; the relationship between the flame and the diameter Y a burn- ir,- drop, V...0. Redoseyew, and theoretical and experimental investigation of of i;pherical metal particles. by J- A. 2gyach1w. [AS].. Card -2/2. USSR/Miz'~ellaneous Industrial Processes Card 1/3 kuthor Polishchuk, D. Ya. Title Automatization.of universal. hydraulic oresses Periodical Stan. i Instr., No. 5, 4 7, May 1954 Abstract. The deficiencies of existing hydraulic nresses ChMZ, IZh and "Metallist" used by Soviet industry for the manufacture of plastic products are des- cribed. The author proposes certain modifications which would fully aut6matize the operations of t1he existing universal hydraulic presses. Drawings. Institution Subtritt6d S/081/61/000/003/016/019 A166/AI2-9 AMMIle Polishchuk, D..Ya. TITLE.- The technological effectiveness of parts from thermosetting plastics PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 3, 1961, 546, abstract 3P77. 7! (Vestn. priborostroyeniya, 1959, 40. 1, 51 - 56) TM(T- The article states the basic factors which must ix! taken into account ~n d4signifig-pressed parts so*as to facilitate extraction of the parts frorh the incild And--to'Caiiiiia-i-e high-strength characteristics and high-quality pressing. Ex- amples are given. Summary by Ye. Zambrovskaya [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 E. 5 i I -yIvan Ival-1--vIch, 1 -3. .. Shisi-I.-In. Rall-otnitsa 31, ~;C- 3, lf7.r u I ~ Ilonth1v List of Russian Acc&ssions, 1,111-.r,ary of ConEress June 10/53. U' .-,CL. USSR /themical Technology. Chamical Products H-2 and Their Application Processes and Apparatus for Chemical Technology Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - KhLmlya, No 1, 1958, 1503 Aut",nor : Pavlushenko I.S., Polishchuk E.R.- Inst : Leningrad Technclogical Institute imeni Lensovet. Title : New Computation Graph for Determining Frictiona:1 Pressure Losses. Orig Pub: Tr. Lenin r. tekhnol. Iri-ta Im. Lensoveta, 1957, No 39, 20t-.215 Ab3tract: A comparison is made of the calculation equations derived by a number of investigators for deter- mining the coefficient of external friction >1- in pipe lines, and it Is shown that moBt of the corre- lations yield results that are in good agreement. Card 112 USSF. //Chemical Technology. Chemical Product& H-2 and Their Application Processes and Apparatus fcr Chemical Technology A general graph has been plotted for the correk- tion between criterion Eu ax-ld Be up to Re= 10 For the turbulent and the automodel regions 5 curves have been plotted which correspond to the difPrent viluea of' relative roughness (from 10- to 10- ) and also a curve for smooth pipes. The plotted curves correspond to the averaged values of Eu criterion, calculated on the basis of the equations being compared. It is shown that in scope of applicability and simplicity of calculations, the most convenient is the equation of Filonenko- 0-302(lg Re - 0-903)-'~- /4 Card 2 2 KOCHETFOVA, Z.V.; LEKHNO, S.M.; POLISHCHUK, F.M. Experimental unit for the mamifp-ture oil vitaminized grarpilated sugar. Sakh.prom. 38 no.3:28-30 Mr 164. (~M 17:4) 1. Institut pitaniya AMN SSSR (for Kochetkova). 2.. Krasnopres- nenskiy sakharo-rafinadnyy zavod im. Mamtulina (for Lekhno, Poli- shchuk). V.P.; KLEYRAN, M.B.; POLISHGHUK, F.M. ~JUKIN, O.A.; 14ELFISIIKOP Experimental unit for refinery juice purification by :-.e,-n of anion exchange resins. Sakh.prom. 38 no.2:25-31 F '64. NIRA 17-3) 1. Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (for 6hikin, 14eleshko). 2. Krasnopresnenskiy salcharo-rafinadnyy zavod ini. Mantulina (for Kleyman, Polishchuk). FOLISHCHU, _ - 0 0 -_- Effect of cobalt isotope rays on sugar-beat quality. Sakh.prom, 30 no.1:54-55 Js 156. NIPA 9:6) 1.1ramsopresnenakays. gruppovays, laboratoriya. (Sugar beets) (Cobalt--Isotopes) X&SIYABDV, S.F., inzhener; OVCHARNIIID, A.I., inzhener;_,POLISHCHU,..F.Ta., inzhener. Methods of improving the mechanization of work in metallurgical plants. Nekh.trud.rab.10 no.4:8-13 Ap 156. (MIaA 9:7) (Netallurgical plants)