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POKROVSKIY, YII.N.', nd. tokhn. nauk. Determining the coefficient ~e in calculating rigidity of reinforced concrete elements being bent. Biul. tekh. inform. 3 no.11:27-28 N '57. (MIRA 11:1) (Girders) (Prestressed concrete) SUBBOTIN, V.I., dokt,)r takhn. nauk; KRIVTSOV, V.A.. trizi.; POKROVSKIY, Yu.N~~ inzh,; IBHAGTj1jO*V, J4j:Cjj. P kand. tekhn. nauk; KHARITONO'V',- y a 6d,."-t-khn. 'Y n au, Small thermocOUP103 for measuring temperature In the reactor of the first atomic electric power plant. Teploenergetika 12 no-5%91-94 My 165- (MIRA l&5) 3K_YI~S F-Wo !t:" L 01~0~Lt-_67 Arc-mr. --"-AT6o-7 931' SOMICE CODE: UR/0000/66/ooo/000/0175/0183 ;AUTHOR: Voznesenskiy, R. M.; Gi~b ~h ~hina~N,_ A,; _~qjr~ va i ~' ~gr-'Ynl ORG: None TITLE: Radiation heating of -the screen for the thermal shield in tile TES-3 reactpr vessel SOURCE: Voprosy fiziki zashchity reaktorov (Problems in physics of reactor shielding);~ sbornik statey, no. 2. Moscow, Atomizdat, 19606, 175-183 TOPIC TAGS: reactor shielding, heating, atomic energy plant equipment ABSTRACT: The authors discuss experimental data on radiation heating of the thermal shield in the pressure vessel of the water-water reactor used in the 1500 kw TES-3 atomic electric power station. Chromel-alumel thermocouples were used for measuring the temperature of the screen in the thermal shield. The thermocouple emf was poten- tiometrically registered. Curves are given showing heat release in the screen as function of thickmess. A maxiinum density of totall heat release of 9.9 w/cm3 is Ob_ iserved on the inner surface of the screen. Formulas are derived for determining the itemperature distribution in the screen and curves are given showing 'the temperature !difference in the screen and on its inner surface for various reactor power levels. A I comparison of theoretical and experimental results shows satisfactory areement in spite,- o" scveral sources of error. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 1 table, 5 formulas. suii coDE: 18/ SUBM DATE: 12Jan66/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 001 I - Ca-d fonm till F. 0outherri no!. i~~'vop. no.~i 1,64. 1. Geologlcche.~tkly AN MoBk-va, -.- POKRUCHIN, A.F.,, inzh. IrrveStiga4ing the crushing of concr-te -llnlnn~s of mine by aggressive waters in the Krivoy Rog Basin. Trudy -MTj(~X-jh:2a I no.15:164-190 164. 18:2) POKRUCHIN, A.F., inzh. Form removal strength of concrete during the sinking of vertical mine shafts. Shakht. stroi. 7 no.12:14-15 D163. (MMA 17: 5) 1. Krivorozhskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issl--dovatellskogo instituta organizatsii i mekhanizatsli shakhtnogo stroiteltstva. IMAVA, V.Te.. kand.sel'skokhoryaystvennykh nauk; POKRYSHCHENKO, N.Y., vat.vrach -.,- -- -.- --, -------- - --"- Antibiotics for increasing fertility in cows. Vaterinarlia 35 no.5:105-106 My 158. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Za"atekays, sollskokhozyaystvennaya opytnaya otantsiya. , (Antibiotics) (Fertility in animals) P"ll)-i"Rys'.111 C, :i- I", I T. '-r. lbtaLion of Crops Introducing productive grass mixtLres into crop rotation of t.-e Transcarpathian province. Sov. agron. 1-0 ';Io. 3, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1952, IM, Uncl. USSR/Clultivated Plants - Fodders. m-4 Abs Jourr : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 20, 1958, 91715 Author : POkryshchenko, T.M. Inst Title : The Effect of Mineral Fertilizers and Lime on the Yield of Leguminous Herbaceous Grass Mixtures. Orig Pub : Sb. nauchn. tr. Zakarpatsk. obl. gos, s.-kh.) opytn. st., 1950-1955 (1957), 1, 24-30. Abstract In the Transcarpatian region soil timing is the chief means of raising the yield of perennial grasses. The application of 4 tons/hectare of lime, P40 and K40 kg/ hectare wider the covering crops increases the bay yield by 34 centners/hectare and also contributes to the preven- tion of clover bli&it. When the same amount of lime and PK was applied after harvesting, the coverccrops, the in- crease in hay yield amounted to 28 centners/hectare. The application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in Card 1/2 POITIMiCITRIT-0 V F- -inzh., YUUVCIIMO, Ye.I., -.*nzh.; CHIGRIKSKIY, A.A., --~inzh. ' Shipyard exporience in a theoretical plan to scale. Sudos-troenie 26 no.2:61-62 (208) Feb 16o. (MIRA 14:11) (Shipbuilding) POKRYSHGH MIIK .4 ~Ientir. ~Fedorovich; 191AMGMIKO, levgeniy Ivanovich; ORLOV, N.L., plazovyy razmetol&. retsenzent: SUMIOV, A.I., inzh., retsenzent; HUZ'M=O-- V 1~9,nsuabW red.j WSIFAFaRONT, O.A.,.red.; FRUIUM, P.S., tekhn. red. I (Manuel of a mold loftsymn] Spravoelhillc rabochego- plazovshchika. Leningrad, Sadpromgiz, 1961. 200 p. (Shipbuilding) (MIRA 15:3) POKRYSHKINI A., general-polkovnik aviatsii, trizhdy Geroy Sovetskogo -.-- Sky of war (to be continued)* Av. i kosm. 46 no.3:78-85 W 164o (MM 170) POMSIBUIN, AL-~YXSK-IDR. ) , Kryllia istrebitelia. 1-loskva, Voen. izd-vo, lgb-14. 63 P., port. Title tr. : ",.i-n,-s of a f ii,hter plane. D792.R9P6h 1944 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet iTnion, LibrarS of Cono,ress, 1955. POKF N7--,:j ~~ !'-! AL7W-czAItmIR. 1, "-, .Kryllia istrebitelia. Moskva, Voen. izd-vo, 1948. 138 D., illus. Title tr. : VIings of a fighter plane. D'792.R9P6h 190 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union Libram, of .1 Conrrress, 1955. C POIRY,SHKIN.A.I., tr12hdy geory Sovetskogo Spyima, gwardii polkornik 1~ Great victory. Kryl.rod- 3 no.5:4-6 MY 152. (KIM 8:8) (World War, 1939-1945) POKRYSHKI.U,A., trizhdv Geroy Sovetskogo Soyuza gvardii general- , - IM iateii Persistence In air combat. Vest.Yozd.Fl. 37 no.5:9-15 N7 #54. (Air warfare) (W.RA 8:8) PO A Subject USSR/Aeronautics AID P - 1843 Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 4/18 Author Pokryshkin., A., Maj. Gen. Title Search for air targets Periodical Vest. voz. flota, 4, 21-30, AP 1955 Abstract The author discusses a tactical problem of search and interception of air targets, taking as an example an episode from World War II. He stresses the importance of continuity of search, detection over larger distances, search for jet aircraft at high altitudes, correct evaluation and Use of meteorological conditions, systems of observation, etc. He mentions some names. Diagrams. Institution None Submitted No date I AID P - 5323 Subject USSR/Aeronautics - fighter aviation Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 2/24 Author : Pokryshkin, A. I., Guards Maj. General, Thrice the Hero of the Soviet Union. Title : On the elements making up the combat capabilities of fighters in aerial battle. Periodical : Vest. vozd. flota, 12, 8-12, D 1956 Abstract : The importance of political-morale indoctrination and physical conditioning of pilots and of improving the speed and rate of climb characteristics and the armament of fighter aircraft is stressed by the author. The article is of interest. Institution : None Submitted : No date T, R Y;V1 ON' 86-2-25/45 AUTHOR: si~hkin A.&,, MajGen of the Air Force, Thrice Hero _~~e i~e on Sov t TITLE- New Tactical Methods Developed in Battle (Novyye taktlcheskiye prl7mW rozhdalis, Y boyu) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 2, pp. 41-46 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes some new tactical maneuvers which were developed on the basis of experience gained in air battles during the Great Patriotic War. One of the maneuvers used by the Soviet pilots during the last war was the so-called "Eagle's Attack". The main advantage of this maneuver was the surprise and the swiftness with which It was carried out. When this maneuver was used, the pilot made a steep dive not directly at the enemy aircraft but at a point at some distance behind it. At a proper distance and altitude from the enemy air- craft, the fighter decreased the angle of dive and attacked the enemy from behind and above at a great speed but at a smaller angle of dive. Another maneuver was the so-called "scissoring" used while escorting the shturmoviks. The fighters, in order to maintain their Card 1/5 main advantage over the enemy, their high speed, New Tactical Methods Developed in Battle (conQ 86-2-25/45 and could not open fire because of the danger of hitting their own bombers. One of the vertical maneuvers, which was widely practiced by Soviet pilots, was performed in the following manner: the instant the enemy fighter approached a Soviet fighter to the distance at which he could open fire, the Soviet fighter would execute a half roll and then put his plane into an almost vertical dive. The enemy plane fell a little behind but, nevertheless, continued to chase the Soviet fighter. The Soviet pilot then with a vigorous movement of the controls recovered from the dive, zoomed, and performed a vertical spiral, at the end of which he dropped his plane on one wing. After such a performance he got into a position from which he would see the enemy plane below and in front of him, a favorable position for the opening of fire against the enemy. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 so,05-58-10-6/34. AUTHOR: Pokryshkin. A.,, Lt Gen of Aviation, Three Times Hero of the Soviet Tl=-. Good Luck in Flyingl (Shchastlivogo nebal) PERIODICAL: Kryllys rodiny., 1958, Nr 10, p 5 (USSR) ,ABSTRACT: The author briefly revievs his personal history, vhich carried him a vorker"s bench to the Krasnodarskiy aeroklub (Krasnodar Aero- club)Avlation School. His training served him well during World War 11 in fighting the enemy at the front. There is 1 photograph of the author. Card 1/1 POKRYSHKIN. A.I., general-uk-,vor aviataii, trizhdy geroy Sovetakogo Sovuzu. To" 1"MMOW~~ Now tactical methods were born in battles. Vest. votd. fl. 40 no,2: 41-h6 7 158. (KIRA IIt2) (Air warfare) POKUSHKIN, A,.I,._,. Gvardii goneral-leytonant aviatsii, trizhdyGeroy , sovoti6go SOyuza Know your field and how to organize -work. Vest.Vozd.Fl. no.3:21-23 mr 161. (IaRA 24 -.6) (Russia-Air 1:)rce) POKRYSMIN, A. 9 general-polkovnik a,,riatsii,, trizhdy Geroy Sovetskogo SGyUza - Sky of war (to be continued)* Av.i kosm. 46 no.201-79 F 164, (MIU 17: 3) POKRYSHKIN, A., general-leytenant aViateii, trizhdv Geroy Sovetskogo Soyuza 0 Lafty militarZ dutZ. Starsh,,-.~-rzh, no.2:2-3 F 162. (PaRA 15:4) (Russia-Armed forces) FOMSHKIV, Aleksandr Ivanovich, Trimhdy Geroy Sovetskogo Soyuza -1-16i~i' ralm~polkovnik-4VIR-isii; SVIRIDDCHKIN, I.I.,, red. [Sky of varl Nebo voir7. Moskva, Voenizdat,, 1966. 443 p. (KIRA 18:12) -POMYSIMINY O.V. Conditions of wood debarking. s 65. Der. prom. 14 no.9:9-9 (MIU. 18:12) 1. Institut KirNlILP. PURYS11KIN, V.I. Cub-an "rhohots". -Frlroda 54 nc.8:112 1,g 1"r I 111T?~A i8: 8; I POKRYSHKIN, V.L., kand. tekhn. nauk Operation of' a 2, ooOA3-capacity blast furnace with oxygen-enriched blowing. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.6:13 11-D 164. (14MA IS: 3) NEKWOV., Z.I,; VOLOVIK, G.A.; POKRYSHKINI V,L, Sulfur distribution in blaist furnaces operating with a rich charge nixture. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.2: 26-33 '64. (MMA 17:3) 1. Institut chernoy metallurgii Gosudarstvennogo konLiteta po chernoy i tovetnoy.metallurgii i Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgi- cheskiy institut. NEKRASOV,, Z.I.; U4ftaWIN,._jj,.L.; NETREBKO, P.G.; RABINOVICH, G.B.; KAMENEV, R.D. Blast furnace performance with a high-grade fluxed sinter. Stall 23 to-5:389-393 MV 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Institut chernoy metallurgii Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po chernoy i tsvetnoy metallurgii pri Gosplane SSSR i Krivorozhskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. (Blast furnaces--Equipment and supplies) PAI t~ djan"mce- of i~&sed bissi jrCssure on tht~miw Com; z"Powtion of iron. V. L. Pokryslikin. Stal' 16, 487-9j' J per orn ce of 2 fumaces working (191%).-A study of' on 67 % sinter an.1 33,1 Ore and casting hGn in the ranze of J -2.W, 2.01-2.607o I% and 1.13-1.16. t.15- 1.17, 1.17-1.19 slag basicity, resp., abowed that wItb the increaseof es=e by 1.1 atm. the F1 content of iron dr IT Ir 0.78T-911 to 0.1-D.5% and that of INIn from 2.0- 2. 6 ChaUgO in thCM-21 CjWaCtejjStjC3 of the ~ furnaza do not h2ve aDY Effect on this relation; only ab3f ues v igher pres=e leads to a hliber blot con H Ith Increase-3 up to 20D cu. m./mIu. on pres- Aptcn e n= I to 1.61-1.70 atm., afte-- which the C.... P D. 0t 7 POKRYSHKINO V-1- , inzhener. WOMM-2USOW Effect of increased gas pressure on the chemical composition of cast iron. Stall 16 no.6:487-492 Je '56. (MLRA 9:8) 1. Ukrainskly institut metallov. (Blast furnaces) (Cast iron--Analysis) PCI,-RysllJa:!) V.L., Cfnd Tcch Sci-(dj=4 tiltl.,,- 0, t'nc of pi- iron nuid form-,Aion in tho bl.,-~.,-,t of L. -) , t L Y.hnrtkov, 1958- 17 pp (Inat of Yotallurf,,y iiii A.A.B-y]--v I a _) A c - (I Sci 160 co iec (I"L, 45-50, 148) ONOPRITENKO, V.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; SURSHINOV, B.N., kand.tean.nauk; POIMSHKIN, V.L., Inzh.; SINITSKIY, V.D., inzh. Investigating the composition of cast Iron produced In blast furnaces operating with different gas pressures in the throat. Trudy Ukr.nauch.-IsslAnot.met. no-5:83-91 '59. (MIRA 13:1) (Cast iron-Analyelo) (BlaBt furnaces) SUV/133-59-9-2/31 AUTHORS: Ryazanovj F. F. I xetrebko I P. G. , Pokryghkin, V. L. Yalovoy, D.S., Brusov, L.P. and Itabinovicb, G-.D. TITLE: ~Jastering of a High Capacity Blast Furnace PERIODICAL: Stalg PP 770-1-76 ~USSR) Nr 9 1959 s 1 , ABSTRACTt In SeptGmber 1958, the largest furnace in the USSR (and- Western Europe) was blown ixt, its -vorking volume 1719 in~'. The profile and main dimensicns of the furnaco are shown in Fig 1. The blast is neat-ad in k stloves of 27135 m2 heating area each, allowing a blast teriperature. of 1000 - 1030 aC to be maintained. The blast is supplied by a blower off' a t;apacity of 4ooo -n3/min at 3.6 atm abs. The furnace was operating -with about 85% of fluxed sinter (basicity 0.8 - 1.0) contai'.Lillg 4C--4k5'/o of fines 0 - 12 mm) and a high top pressure of 1.25 to 1-40 atm- Changes in the output, ore load and blast volume during the first months of operation aze shown in Fig 2. Furnace operating data for subsequent operation (up to the end of 1915-3) are given in table 1 and analyses of iron and slag in Table 3. During Desember 1958, the average daily output of the furnace rose to 2231 tons (7 c:asts per day) all a Card 1/3 coke rate of 749-6 kg/ton and slag --rolume of 882.5 k-/ton Mastering of a High Capacity Blast Furnace SOV/133-59-9-2/31 (slag basicity 1.26). It was found that the furnace was very sensitive to the degree of filling of the hearth with liquid products (Fig 3). Any retardation in the casting or removal of slag considerably decreases the rate of descent of burden materials. Changes in the composition of the gas phase along the hearth radius (tuyere level) - Fig 4, changes in the C02 content of the top gas along the throat radius - Fig 5; operating conditions and material balances for two operating periods - table 3. From the operating experience gained it is concluded that large furnaces can operate efficiently at large outputs. An increase in the sinter basicity of 0.1 increases the output of the furnace by 1.2%. Some deterioration in the size distribution of sinter caused by an increase in basicity did not cause any noticeable deterioration in the furnace operation. An increase in the blast volume of loo m3/min increases the output by 1.3%. The depth of the combustion zone in the furnace was found to be about 1200 mm which for a furnace of 9100 mm diameter is insufficient and some Card 2/3 measures should be taken to iTIcrease it. An increase in ),Iastering of a High Capacity Blast Furnace SOV/133-59-9-2/31 the blast temperature from 8400 to 9700C and the moisture content from 30 to 4o g1m3 decreased the coke consumption by 2.6% and increased the output by 3.7%. Whereupon the utilization of carbon monoxide for reduction increased from 39 to 41%, the degree of direct reduction somewhat increased and the participation of hydrogen in the reduction amounted to abolut 69/9'. The following deficiencies in the furnace design are listed: a) blast main with three 90* bends which lead to an increase in the pressure drop; b) lack uf balance between the capacity of the scale car and skips which causes some difficulties in the furnace charging (not specified) and c) the positioning of tunnels for power cables and water mains in places -where, in case of a break out, the penetration of liquid iron is possible. There are 5 figures and 3 tables. Card 3/3 ONOPRIYENKO., V.P.j ASTAKHOV, A.G.; STARSEINOV,'B.F.; ORLOV, V.S.; BURDYMOV., D.P.; ROVFI?SKIY, I.I.; KUSHNIREV, V.A.1 POKRYSHKIN, T.L. Obtaining a high-l*oicity sinter out of Krivoy Rog Iron ores. Trudy M~r:- nauch.-iosl. inst. met. mc).6:7-22 160. (MIRA 14:3) (Krivoy Rog Basi#.-Irov bres) (Sintering) ONOPRIYFVXO, V.P.; STARSHINOV B.N.; .9 _P(ERYSHKIN V.L.,- SINITSKIY, V.D. Expansion of iron reduction processes with use in the blast furnace of fluxed sinter and increased pressure. Trudy Ukr. nauch.-isel.,inst. met. no.6:45-60 t60. (MIRA 14:3) (Iron--Metallurgy) (Blast furnaces) STLRSIIINOV, B.N., kand.teldm.nauk; ONOPILIYEMO. V.P., Imnd.tekhn.nauk; ZqKHYSHKIN, V.L,, kand.tekhn.nauk; NETH 0, F.G., inzh.; TAWTOY, D.S.. inzh. Slag formation during blaet-furnace smelting with fluxed sinter. Stall 20 no.8:673-680 Ag 160. (MIR& 13:7) (Blast furnaces) (Slag) V,L. Y'aterial ba2vances of individual stages of tile bla.A fi=ace process vs.-Ingp aintoro of varying basicity. Biiil -o.5:33-38 161. 14:10) 1. Institut chernoy iaotaUurgii .11. USIS". (Blast furnaces) (Sintering) ONOPRIYENKO, V.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; STiViSHINOV, B.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; POKRYSHKIN, V.L., kand.tekhn.nauk; SINITSKIY, V.D., inzb.; BRUSOV, . ~nz . Limestone behavior in blast furnaces. Trudy Ukr. naucb.-issl. inst. met. no.7:17-35 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Blast furnaces) (Limestone) WEMASOV, Z.1.) akademik; POKRYSHKIN, V.L., kand.teklm.nauk; ZAGIHEDA) A.V., .. inzh. - insh.; MUENEV, RX-. Operation of blast furnaces having a capacity of 1719 =3 with injection of natural gas. Stall 22 no.3:199-205 Yr 162. OHIRA 15 -.3) 1. AN USSR (for Nekrasov). (Blast furnaces) POKRYSMN, V.L. Magnesia sinter. Mlotallw-g 10 no.12:E-8 D 165. (MPtA 18: 12 I'lo 1. Institut chernoy metallurgii g. Dnepropetrovska. k- W / 7 1 '- ~- , \-- POKRrffU, V. 'C"'. - - --, * Brought up by the state. Hor.flot 17 no.11:21-22 N 157. (KIRA 10:12) l.Dallnevostoohnoye oblyedinennoys parokhodstvo. (Biankin, Valentin Petrovich) (Merchant aeamen) -PORMALOV. L.P.. dotsent, Imnd.toldm.nauk Improvement in the operational and technical indices of car7xwator engines in railroad transportation. Sbor. LIIZHT no.168:152-168 160. (MIRA 13: 10) (Gas and oil engines--Carburetors) TIMOFETX, N.V.; POKFIYVALOVA, K.P. I-n- Age modifications of the thresholds of hearing. Probl.fiziol. akust., Moskva VOI-2:8-13 1950- (CLHL 20-5) 1. Physiological Department of the Central Scientific-Research Institute of Otorhinolaryngology of the Ministry of Public Health RSFSRI Moscow. TIMOF&W, N.V.; POE:ffVALOVA, K.P. - Pain threshold in a free sound auditory field. Probl.fiziol. akust., Moskva Vol.2:141,-18 1950. (CIML 20:5) 1. Physiological Department of the Central ScUntlfic-Reswwch Institute of Otorhinolaryngolog3r of the Ministry of Public Health RSFSR, Moscow. POKIRYVALOVA. X.P. - The diapason of frequencies Probl.fiziol.akust., Moskva perceptible through bone conduction. Vol.2:51-56 1950. (CIAML 20:5) 1. Physiological Department of the Central Scientific-Research Institute of'Otorhlnolaryngolog7 of the Ministry of Public Health RSJW, Moscow. POKRTIrALOVA, K.P. hw-,~~59WUK,Wwzt--,~ ~ Date for the physiology of mono-and binaural hearing (in free sound field). Probl.fiziol.akust.,Mookya Vol,2:57-64 1950, (CLML 20:5) 1. Physiological Department of the Central Scientific-Research In- stitute of Otorbinolaryagology of the Ministry of Public Health RsnR, Moscow. TIMOVEYEV, N.V.; POKRYVALOVA, K.P. ...... It " - , - ~ Growth modifications of thresholds of hearing in ossems conduction. Vest. otorinolar., Moskva 15 no. 1:31-33 Jan-Yeb 1953. (CLML 24:1) 1. Of the Central Scientific-Research Institute of Otorhinolaryugology of the Ministry of Public Health RSYSR (Director -- Honored Worker in Science Prof. V. K. Trutney). POKRYVALOVA, X.P., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Method of determination of hearing disorders in children 4-11 ypare old. Veot. oto-rin. 16 no.6:15-19 N-D 154. (KL'RA 8:1) 1. Is fiziologicheskoy laboratorii (zav.-prof. N.Y.Timof-eyev) Nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta boletney ukha. gorla i nosa Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya WSR (dir.-zaaluzhennyy deyatell nAnki Prof. V.K.Tratnev) (HURING DisaRms, in infant and child determ., method) (HOARING TIST in child.. determ. of hearing disord.) POIGLYVJ,LGVA, X.P Speech comprehension training by means of a bone conduction telephone in normal and in disturbed hearing. Trudy gos. nauch.-isal.innt.ukha, gorla I Aoaa. 6:2,23-236 '55. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Iz Alaistichoskoy laboratorli otdela fiziologii (zav. - prof. 11-V-Tinofeyev) Gosudarstvannogo nauchno-iaeledovatel'skogo inatituta ifldvt, gorla i nosa. (HURING) T -YIV. .;-ff-o6soor; TOLCKCRiNIKOV. essors PCIKRYVALOVA, K.P., kandidat seditsinskikh nauk. Method and some results of studying tinnitus. Test. oto-rin. 17 no.5: -33-38 S-0 '55. (KLRA 3.2) l.-Is fitiologicheakogo otdela (sav.--prof. N.Y. Timofeyev) Nauchno- Issledowatel'skogo initituta bolezuey ukhal, gorla i noss, (dir.-- sasluzhennyy-diyatell nauki prof. V.K. Tratney) MinisterstTa zdravookhraneniya RBFSFL. (TDWITUS, subjective) POKRYVAIANA, K.P.. starshly nauchnvy sotrudnik (Moskva) for determining hearing disorders in 3-year old children. Veat.oto-rin. 21 nool:70-72 Ja-1P 159 (MIRA 12:1) I*' Is fiziologicheakoy laboratorii Hauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta Ministerstva zdravookhroneniya RSFSR nauki prof. V-11* Trutnev). (HURIDG TESTS, speech audiometry in (zave - prof. N.V. Timofeyev) bolozney ukhaggorla, i nose. (dire - zaslyzhennyy deyntell 3-Year old child (Rua)) SAGALOVICH, B,14.; POKRYVALOVA,. K.P. Possibility of -.he periception of ultrahigh-freqiiency sounds by the himan ear. Biofizika 9 no, 1:139-141 164. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Sosiidarstvennyy naiieb -~-issledovatellskiy institut ukha, ~,orla i nosa 14inisterstva zdravoo~.hraneniya. llc;FSR, Moskva. SAGAI-OVICHY Auditory perce-p-,icn of allrascunln and .1 for differential diagnos:.s off, ricaring . -. Vest. c'-orin, 25 no.501-37 S.-O 163. k' m T. a 1. lz labo-ratorii patofiziologli (zav, doktor med. naul, R.M.9agalovich) Nailchno-ls3 -'c-dovitel'skL)p,) instUlutla ukhti, nout :L gorlst (dir. - praf. N.Jt.Y3-)brovskiy) MiriLsterstva zdravc,.- okhraiianiya ITISFS4t, MOSkVL. LUKOV, B.N., prof. (Kuybyshev); IIETROV, V.I., dotsent (Moskva); RAVLENK0 T 14 aspirant (Moskva); 'YEIU-iOLAYEV, V.G., prof. (Leningrad);' ~D'O, A.D., prof.; VCVSI, M.S., prof.; vaiDiAmV., V G., prof. (Leningrad); KUPRIYANOVA N A (Kazanl); PETROV, G. I. ~Moskva); DOLGOPOLOVA, A.V. (Moskva~; ~11AROV, P.P., prof.; BYKHOVSKIY., Z.Ye., prof.; ~1IRIKOVSKIY, prof. (Chelyabinsk); Ydn,W,L1CHONOK, I.P. (frkutsk); TEITIN, Ya.S., prof. (Moskva); 1,11INIKOVSKIYY A.Kh., prof. (Chelyabinsk); MILISHTLYN, T.N., doktor med.nauk (Leninkrad); TRUTNEV, V.K., zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, prof.; TSYRSSHKIN, B.D., (Moskva); SOBOLI, I.M., prof. (Stavropol'); TURIK, G.M. (Moskva); FREIHELI, M.M. (Moskva); MAZO, I.L.; POKRYVALOVA. K.F.; PROSKURYAKOV, S.A., prof.; ATKARSKAYA, A.A., prof.; GOLIDFARB, I.V., prof. (Izhevsk); PORIJBINOVSKAYAJ, NJI. (Nosk-vra); RUDIEV, G,P J. prof.; VOLIFS011, I.Z., Prof. (Stalingrad); DOROSHENKO .91-T.3 prof: (Kalinin); , ROZENFELID, M.O,, prof. (Leningrad); SHULIGA, A.O., prof. (Orenburg); MIKHLIN, Ye*G., prof.; TRETIUKOVA, Z.V. (Moskva); I-VINUYLOV, Ye.N., prof. (Moskva); DOROSIMIE0, !.T., prof. (Kalinin); YETIU40IAYEVA, V.G., prof. Speeches in the discussion. Trudy gos. nauch.-issl. inst. ukha, gorla i nosa no.11:79-87,129-146,179-186,233-248,311-333 159. (MIRA 15: 6) 1. Ghlen-korrespondent AM14 SSSR (for Ado). 2. Direktor Moskov- skogo gosudarstvennogo instituta ukha, gorla i nosa (for Trutnev). (OTORHINaLUMMOLOGI-CONGRESSF.S) PGKRYVAIDVA, K.P. Mechanism and the reversibility of subjective noises in the ea~. trudy gos. nauch.-issl. inst. ukha, gorla i nosa no.11:251-260 '59- (laRA 15:6) 1. Iz akusticheskoy laboratorii Gosudarstvennogo nauchno- issledavatellskogo instituta ukha, gorla i nosa. (HEARING) ,'j-C'IKIL7,YX, Wcjan Single, closed i-njuyy of the pancreas. Wiad. lek. 18 no.5t 4.45-448 1 Mr 165 1. Z'Oddzialu Chirurgiu-nego Miejskiego w Chrzanowit (G-r- 0 dynator'. dr. med. S. Qmwalibog). J. "Metorites as Cosmic Matter." p. 40, (FIrBLFNy, Vol. 1.0.. no. 1, Jan. 1954.. %razawa, Poldnd) - ~0: Monthly Lists of East European Accessions, LC, Vol. 3. no. 5, May 1954/Unel. Jerzy The Owruez nateorite. Acts, geophys Pol 12 no. 3:179-180 164. POERZYWNICKI,, Jerzy (Warrpsawa) Ch Ihe so-called Czechoslovak bolide. Acta geophys pol 10no.1:69-71+ 162e POBZYWNICKI. Jerzy Specific veights of meteors. Acts, geophye pol 10 no.2:191-191+ 162. 1. ZakInd Nauk Goologicznych i Muzeum Ziemi, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa. .POKRZ)%'NICKI, JERZY. POKRZYMICKI, JERZY. Meteorites in western parts of Poland. Urania, 1955, nu. 6, p. 165-172. PCKRUAICKII_ J. Some little-known Polish meteorites. P. 427. AC7A OEOWGICA FOUNICA. Vol. 5,, no. 3,, 1M. Warszawa. SOURMs East R=Vean Accessions List (EM),, LC,, Vol,, 5,, no. 3, March 1956 POKRYWWICKI, J. Polish meteorites. In Frencb p.21. I*trazawa Vol, h. no. 1, 1956 ACTA GrOPHYSICA POLONICA SOURCE: East European Acession List (ERAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 5. no. 8, August 1956 7 -'T,~'~ -1 1 . . - ~ . 4- I.J., %) . On the Gstrzeszoi' - Lolide and the cearch for the Ywteorit~~ f-ell P Iron it. In English. P. 11b (Acta Geoph-ysica 1--olonica, Vol 5, no. 1, 1957. Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7, JulY 1957. Uncl. POKRZYWNICKI, J. GEOGWHY & GE01-OGY PERIODICALS: ACTA GEEOPIMICA POLONICA. Vol. 6, no. 2, 1956- pC)KRZyWN,-jCKj, j. Specific weight of meteorites. p. 127. Nonthly List of East European Aamssions (EEAI) LC. Vol. b, No.'s, -Nay 1959, Unclass. COUNTRY Poland D CAT-EGORY Ar'.3. JOUR. 19-5), io. 85687 AUTHOR Pokrz~~nicki, J. T115T. s' Aca6crmy of Sciences TITLE The Sulechow Meteorite. 0R111. 'PUB. Bull. ft"cad. polon. Sci. 6Gr. Sci, chiin., geol.i et ) 1~59~ ", 'NO 17 57_6"') A B!^:)T RA C TA study of a sider-'Lte fragment discovered by ~Ihe al~fthor in the 3c,13-ection of Wroclaw Universilf~y (due t,, incon'Plete --'eco-vd the fall is not knvwn exac-,.Ly). z:.-,,:-cific gravity 7.33, st_:'_UCt11rE '.P_Xt!bC_-drL1 with inclusions of sch.-eibersite, C.hemical com-cosition (in ~b): '-2' 30 oii. (.~Oj Go 0.51, P 0,22, S 0.01, Cu 0.12, C 0.025 4- otal & 785. Traces of E*nj Cr, j~'Lj Mig and Mo were found. A com-parison of se~:ured data with data on ~6e,-_lasgen raetecrite .p 1.oui~d in tht.- sanne a.----a, leads 11o conciusion of non-j-dentity 'J_'hiz, author considers that speelmen under. study Is due to bolide which was observed between towns of Zelena Gora and SiAechow on 20 january 1845. -- R. Khmellnitskly. CJ,'. RD : POKRZYWINICKI. I On the apparent fal3ing directions of some meteorites (a statistical outline). Postepy astronom 10 no.3:237-251 162. POKRZYWNICKI, J. . The Belaya Tserkov meteorite. P-72. ACTA GEOPHYSICA POLONICA. Warszawa, Poland. Vol-7, no.1, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions Indax(EEAI), LC. Vol. 8, no. 9, September 1959 Uncl. 3i i~: i'. i. sr 3.') 9 A B JOUR. R'7 hlia No A-,, -H 0 R 71L I 1r! p A T RA C T I - o' aZ C 4 1 C' t pa- r3 a v i t e s 3ruiips of 1' 5 L ILI 6t C- Ct i t C S . --e o" .1 -ct."L Ura-i ia. 1, s ka 7 10 0 A 71D -'E:V"4-CW. J~ A" Al Mill a 'a AOU-~ giv P. h g,p rg w41 49 15 i i 7 7. a, ,2-.- :L2 12 p .-Ej 5 tv I p -a A S S -P 3,2.q-00 AUTHOR: P6krzywnicki, Jerzy Tl=: Bolides Observed in Poland 87894 P/026/60/008/003/003/004 A224/AO26 PERIODICAL: Acta Geophysica Pblonica, 1960, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 224 - 257 TM: The paper represents the first statistical elaboration of bolides observed over Poland since-former days until 1959, inclusively. Included are 160 observations of bolides and fireballsi 66 of which fell down, or may have fallen in the author's opinion, as meteorites. Figure 6 represents the distrihi- tion of bolide observations by months. This graph diverges considerably fromtl-e graphs given by Farrington and Leonard (Fig. 7). Figure 8 shows the distributLon of meteoric falls by hours, according to Farrington and Leonard. Figure 9 shows the annual distribution of observed meteorites by months and hours, as submitted by I.S. Astapovich (Ref. 113) of the Ashkhabad Astrophysical Laboratory. Again, the last two graphs diverge considerably. There are 5 photographs, 4 figuresand 117 references! 66 Polish, 45 German, 4 Soviet and 2 English. ASSOCIATION: Zaklad Nauk Geologicznych i Muzeum Ziemi PAN (Institute of Geolog- . ical Sciences and Earth Museum of PAS) SUBMITTED: April 27, 1960 Card 1/3 Bolides Observed in Poland Figure 6. Distribution of bolide observations 171months SV t Card 2/3 87894-- P/026/60/008/003/003/004 A224/AO26 Figure 7. Distribution by months ac- cording to Farrington and Leonard. 24- 22- 20- 78 - 75- 10-0-1 8. /y y Y/ Y/I ;W/ if A x/ X/I P/011 60~031/010/001/001 0) B ' AUTHOR: Pokrzywnicki, Jerzy, Chairman (Warsaw) TITLE: Some remarks and conclusions on the nomenclature of meteorites PERIODICAL: Urania, v. 31, no. 10, 1960, 297-302 TEXT: The author suggests a terminology basing on the scale of brightness to do away with the terminological misinterpretations of the concepts of 11meteor" and "meteorite" constantly occurring in literature. In his last book U~ S. Astapovich suggests the following nomenclature: 1 ) Ultratelescope meteors: +16 to +12 stellar magnitudes (mg), 2) weak telemeteors: +11 to +7mg, 3) telemeteors: +6 to-Q mg, 4) ordinary meteors: +6 to +2mg, 5) bright meteors: +1 to -3 mg, 6) bolides: -4 to -6 mg, 7) large bolides: -9 to -13 mg, 8) superbolides: -14 mg and brighter. To simplify Astapovidib classification, the author suggests that meteors that are only visible with optical instruments be called telemeteors; in his opinion, a terminological differentiation between the bright and the ordinary meteors is unnecessary. For bolides he suggests three terms: 1) bolides, 2) superbolides, and 3) gigantic and crater-forming bolides. Parts of meteorsy falling to the Card 1/3 P/611/60/031/010/001/001 Some remarks and ... B115/B207 Earth are, as ever, called meteorites. All masses suspended in space in tl-e form of cosmic clumps and clumplets and/or other rotating "fragments", splinters or cosmic dust, should be called cosmolithes. They are further- more subdivided into: 1) asteroides, 2) cosmolithes with the effect of a bolide and the fall of a meteorite, 3) meteolithes - small clumps, and 4) microcosmolithes having the same effect as telemeteors. The science of meteorites should be called "meteoritics" and the scientists "mete oriticis&.1 If a larger quantity of meteors or meteorites falls down simultaneously, this phenomenon should be called "rain". Extended meteoritics, comprising apart from the four greatest planetoids, also the entire solid cosmic matter, should be called "cosmolithics". The author also suggests to abol- ish the term "swarm" for meteorite accumulations. He gives a survey of the respective terminology of Plavec and, following the English and Russian terminology he suggests the term "stream". He discusses the matter with some members of the Section of Meteoritics P. T. M. A., who do not fully agree with his suggestions. He mentions the following names: A. Piaskowdd, Master, A. Wr6blewski, Master, Jan Gadomski, Doctor. Papers by Fesenkov, Academician, Krinov, Scientific Secretary of the Meteorite Committee AS USSR, Kulikovskiy and Putilin are also mentioned. The Commission of Nomen- Card 2/3 POKRZYWNICKIf J.; WIESER, T. The Grzempy meteorite - its mineral and chemical composition. Bul geolog PAN 9 no.1:63-69 161. 1. Presented by K. Saulikovski. (Meteorites) FOKRZ'B1N1CK1j' J. Astroblemes ~n the earth crust. Postepy astronom 12 no.2:129-133 '64. 1. Institute of Geologic Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. POKRZ11,1NICKI , J. Hypothesis of panspermy facing contemporary astronomical and meteorologic learning. Postepy astronom, 11 no. 3: 221-223 163. -PCKRZYWI?ICKI, Jerzy An alleged fall of a fragment similar to slag in the village of Dylevo., Minsk Mazoviecki. District. Archiv. min. 24 225-238 260 [publ. 1631. 1. Zaklad Nauk Geologicznych, Polska Akademia. Naak, Warszawa. -POKRZYWNICKI, Jerzy . A bol-ide over Poland on October 6, 1959. Acta geopbys pol 9 no.3: 304-310 161. (Po-land-Meteors) s/oal/62/000/009/026/075 B158/B101 AUTHCRS: Porkrzy-,~.,nicki, J. , '3ieser, T. TITLE: 4ineral and chemical composition of the Ck2empy meteorite PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 9, 12 111, abstract. 0G4 (Bull. Acad. 2olon. sci. Ser. sci. et g6opr., v. 9,, no. 1., 1"61, 60) TEXT: The meteorite fell on September 3, 1961 in Grzempy village (Poznah poviiat) where the coordinates are; 1~ - 520521, ~ - 16038'. Its original v.eiglit was ~90 g. There vlas'a fusion crust and trio crushed surfaces forflied. on impact -.-,ith wood and in the atmosphere. No splintered fragments were 7-~/ found. T'he meteori-te is a chondrite. The voluiie of the chondrules-does not ex0eed 15~-- of the total volume. The following minerals contribute to the composition of the metoorite: olivine, bronzite, troilite, nickeliferous iron, and chromite.- Based on the optical characteristioB, the composition of the olivine 1. coicresponds to the formula Fo go Fa 10' The composition of the bronzite is En 81 Fs 19. Results of chemical analysis of the meteorite (A are: Card-1/2 51"081/62/000/009/026/075 ,.:i-neral and chemical composition ... B153/B101 Sio 34.08, Al 0 2.51-, Cr 0 0.34, Fe 0 0.95, PeO 12.13, MgO 23.65, :..n0 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 0.139" NiO 0;24.7 CaO 0:25,: Ila 0 1.04, P 0 0.04, CuO 0.023, 3 1.73, Fe 20.02, 2 2 5 Ni*1.46, Co 0.12' total 99.643. The meteorite is classified as a bronzite- clivine chondrite. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.1 Card 2/2 POKRZYWNICKI, Jerzy (Warssaus.) A strange meteoritic phenomenon over North America on FebruAry 2, 1913. Urania 32 no.9:258-265 S 161. (Tektite) t, ,,, ~zy. J o metclrcie Suic"nicti Gorne. i 1, tl)*Iy List of East Eurr-)v'(!311 k-cec,'!~'Qns on I . r,,,.i ll~ui , e - r "I I .;, . I - L .., - I - i ~~ y . is I . 1'.,' -I RUTKOWSKI, J.; POXHZMIGKI. S.; MA I 1e2. J. Gontrol2od brpotomion. Polskl tygod. lek. 7 no. 43:1358-1362 27 Oct 1"2. (C L14L 24: 1 ) 1, Of the Sqoon4 Sugical Clinic (Hoad--ftof. Jeror lhtkovski. N.D. ) of 36ds Nedloal Acadow. Chwat S., and Pokrz3-,,,nicki B., 11. Kli-n. chir., Akad, med., Lodz. *Leczenie zatorow p1jucnych pendiomiden. Pendiamed. in the treatrent of pi.13ronary embolism POISK TYG. LEK. 1953, V/27 Vli"(-9U) Report on a case of ras-ive pulnonary embolism resulting from thrornbo-~hilc-bitis of the leg following Fillin's operation for aderriona of the prostate. Earked acute cyanosis, dyspnoea, involenent. of the aw:iliary muscles and disturbances of consciousness disappenred 20 rAn. after fractional intr-venous administration of 'T Yrg. pendiarid (--,i:oa). X-ray revealed a t.~pical triagnular pulmonary in- farction shadow. After he,?arinpenicilain treatment. the patient was di-3cha-roed. Pendiamid blocks t'lix anglia of the autoncaric nervous systErr, an6 there:~ore the refle., from the obstructed vessels to the snoot-ii ruscles of t,e anri vascular wall-s. Paralysis of Vhese nusclcs irpr,)v,:s the pulhnoniry circulat 'ion and learis to a richer supply of oxygen to vital org,~.ns, which is of dccisive therapeutic irporl.ance. It is eY;1:);)asi7ed that on2y pendianid (-~iba) is e-'ficacious in piilr!onPry enbo~isr. (other gangl ion-bli c king substances had no effect.) 'hwat - Lodz Orl, 1_9 MMKOWSKI. Jerzy; POKRZYWNICK 1, Stanislaw. - ~ -- Arterial hypotension in surpry. Postepy chir.1:29.42 1954. 1. Z II Iliniki Chirurgicsnej Akadealt Me4ycznoj w LodzI. Kisrownik: prof.dr mad. Jerzy Rutkowski. (HMTMION, artificid, controlled In surgery) PMRZYVNEKID Stanislaw Anesthesia of the mucous membrane with cocaine or substitutes. Polski tygods lak. 9 no.43:1386-1388 25 Oct 54. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgietnej A.M. w Lodzi; kierownik- prof. dr J.Rutkowski. (KIMIDINN, anesthesia and analgesia,) POKRZYWNICKI, S.; HLNKIZWXCZ, J. Observations on the application of pendiomide and C6 in controlled bypotension in surger7. Polski przegl.chir. 26 no.11 SupPl-:334-337 195LL (HYPO M SION. artificial. controlled. with methonium cpda.) (HUSCIA FALAUNTS, methonium cpds. in controlled hypotension) SIEMINICZ, Franciazek; KRZ F1 Stanislaw YOM U. I. Surgical treatment of circulatory insufficiency by Interventions on the venous system; one year observations. Kardiol. polska I no.3-4:111-118 1955. 1. Ze Sspitala Mejskiego im. Ludwika. Hydygiera w Kutnis. UUMTIC HEART DISEASE, surgery, (POW POKRMMI . tanislaw Trichloroothylens in anestbasiology; report of 158 cases. Polski tygod. l9k. 10 n0-3:65-68 17 Jan 55. 1. Z II Xliuiki Chirurgiesnej A.M. v Lodzi; kier. prof. dr. JAutkowski. (TRICHLMCSTEMNE, anestbesia and analgesia,)