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:7 ~7 hil no I", Atei And. ChampyrIte, in the -quartz yebs 31th. AM .1Jpd -P.N.'Pokronkif. TW - Gow-Geol, cj Akad.' NIGA S S.SA, vw-. F174,11195,.M. 20, B'S!,7"Tw-Wthe .1-tb.,- M-tera WntaCt.2406 Of tI2WShi1OV6- .j (especk Vyankovo J~ Ify the groulp of. the Ppite crystals show regular Inclusions of tPhaterite haj~jcterbtk cqientatwn, Imlicating I a very _ -Eub 014h. IlOjtcry~tals and paratici-r=1soid, - ' - linmL The A late bvundary zonts m o ten jj i'A'MeACP inAu.1nn%_- 7 U te, CITA* with !.K:- - er --in- e t 1 ITIF mb -k"' Atl - ailjlVtkuI 4xaJu i n, of the Cu Spectral ',-'-Wnttnts of the sphalcrltc -filled with chalcopyritt Ineftwons -jive the'i;ime resulti us that of a sphateriteof the boundary: zone in which' the Tolcrwcople examn, could not detect any concludes:; that: hbttegcneous_~ solid the, w m mixed i .11fide j~jn~mis were gradually un -in tbe'diffirant types of sinictures observed In the polisbed ~'he er--olu*,' pro~cw took pldce oder4he*post- On$ e humou.. lyLrdthirihal, condition.- of the, deposits In the _ -quartz mi~ P. refutes the byp'otbesis A. secondar y aeemmit escri iepl for the d bid structurcs. Every grain of mt,closed -4--the briginal solid:SoIns. belaves as anAndepe de. h ech -P 37s, ni system. . The -zonal differences o 0j,,: ~br tile iljimix~d jnijjc;r~I- jn~._jhe host -crystals. are CXP a n I i ed, sind,diffusion pilenothena. A-crYft,. I., of migration y C_ . . iipplied to them showl: Y, curve for the F - ' a-function af the diam. 01; the prtwes, U,.x This-, m fw~ a for u distinct- Mie, nod u threallold Eitel. Ipm. ow whIcb no 9min jrawtli mcurs W. - 7 d. POKROVSKIY, P.V.~ GRIGORIYEV, N.A.; POTASHKO, K.A. Secondary phosphates of beryllium and their distribution in the weathering suiface of mica-fluorite greisens. Trudy Inst. geol. UFAN SSSR nc.70:205-209 165. (MIRA 18:12) POKROVSKIYI, P.V.; GRIGORIYEV, N.A. Mechanism of the formation of rhy-thmic-banded structures in the process of diffusion metasomatosis. Trudy Inst. geol. U 4 SSSR no.70:211-219 165. FAI, (MIRA 18:12) POKROVSKIY,1 P.V.; TORMOSOVA, G.F.; KOLENKO, L.I. Weinschenkite from the Central UralB. Dokl. AN SSSR 116-2 no.1:173-1'75 Hy 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Institut geologii Ural'skogo filiala AN SSSR. Submittcd December 21, 1964. POKROVSKIY, P.V.; GRIGORIYEV, N.A. - ---- ....... ~ :-,- Crandallite from the hydrothermal-pneumatIolytic zone in the Central Ural Mountains. Zap. VBes. min. ob-va 92 no.5t601-607 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Urallskiy filial AN SSSR, institut geologiis Sverdlovsk. POKROVSKIYJ, F.V.; GRIGORIYEV, N.A.; POTASHKO, K.A.; AYZIKOVICH, A.N. 14oriiesite from the Urals. Zsp.Vses.min.ob-va. 92 no.2:232-239 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Institut geologii Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR i Urallskoye goologicheakoye upravleniye. (Ural Mountaine-Moraes#e) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION Sovl6l 81 Urallskoye soveshchanlye po'spektroakopil. 3d, Sverdlovsk, 1960. Materialy (Materials of the Third Ural Conference on Spectros- copy) Sverdlovsk, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 197 P. Errata slip Inserted. 3000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Institut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk SSSR.: Komlosiya po Bpektroskopii; and Ural'skly dom tekhniki VSNTO. Edo. (Title page): 0. P. Skornyakov, A. B. Shayevich, and S. G. Bogomolov; Ed.: Gennadiy Pavlovich Skornyakov; Ed. of Publish-! ing House: M,. L. Kryzhova; Tech. Ed.: N. T. Mallkova. PURPOSE: The book, a collection of articles, is intended for staff members of spectral analysis laboratories in industry and scien- tific research organizations, as well as for students of related disciplines and for technologists utilizing analytical results. COVERAGE: The collection presents theoretical and practical prob lems of the application of atomic and molecular spectral analy- sis in controllina the nhemical composition of'various materials in ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, geology, chemical Indus- try, and medicine. The authors express their thanks to 0. V. Chentsova for help In preparing the materials for the pr*ss. References follow the individual articles. At Materials of the Third Ural Conference (Cont.) Shchebleva, V. P. Spectral analysis of manganese orep titanium concentrate, and weld deposits Narbutovskikh, T. S., D. Ye. Katkova, and A. P. Zelenkina. Spectral determination of cadmium In the products of hydrometallurgical reprocessing of sublimates from copper smelters Prokhorov, V. 0. Arbitrary standard method Kolenko, L. X., and Pokrovskiy. Determination of small amounts of DeFy-11-fulE -in Crin-itoids Trayanova,.M. V. Quantitative spectrographic determination of lead in zircons and monazites Zotin, M. A., and A. M.: Shavrin. Spectral-analytical deter- mination of nickel In ores by the dilution method Card 10/15 SOV/6181 125 126 1~7 129 131 133 110 ~',P,o IC-k-61 V \f, V-. PHASE I BCQK EXPLOITATION sov/6181 Urallakoye soveahchanlye po spektroakopli. 3d, Sverdlovsk, 1960. Katerlal~ (Materials of the Third Ural Conference on Spectros- copy) Sverdlovsk, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 197 P. Errata slip Inserted. 3000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agenciest Institut fiziki metallov Akademil nauk SSSR. Komiselya po spektrookopii; and Urallskly dom tekhniki VSNTO. Eds. (Title page): G. P. Skorhyakov, A. B.-Shayevich, and S. G. -Bogomolov; Ed.: Gennadly Pavlovich Skornyakov; Ed. of Publish- Ing Hounea, M. L. Kryzhova; Tech. Ed.: N. T. Mallkova. PURPOSE: The book, a,collection of articles, Is Intended for staff members of spectral analysis laboratories In industry and scien- 'tifici research organizations, an well an for students of related disciplines and for technologists utilizing aralytloal results. Katerials of-the Third Ural Conference (Cont.) $07/6181 COVERAGEt The collection presents theoretical and prectieal.prob-I lems of the application of atomic and molecular spectral analy-D sin In controlling the chemical composition or various materiali In ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, geology, chemical Indus-' try, and medicine. The authors express their thanks to 0. V. Chenteova for help In preparing the materlalO for the press. References follow the individual articles. TABLE OF CONTEMSt Foreword PART I Sheratkov, Yu. A., and L. F. Makelsovskly. Investliation of tho dependence of the total intensity of spectral lines on the concentretion of elements In an arc-d19ch*Me Plasm& 4 Caft 2/15 Materials of the Third Ural Conference (cont.) . 30VI6181 'Shchableva, V. P. Spectral analysis of manganese are, titanium oncentrate, and weld deposits 125 Narbutovaklkh, T. S., D. Ye. Katkova, and A. P. ZelenkIna. Speotral determination of cadmium in the producto of hydrometallurgical,reprocessing of sublimates from copper smelters 126 .-Prokhorov, V. 0. Arbitrary standard method 12T Kolenko. L. I.. and & _V. Pokrovskly, Determ1nation of small amounts of bery-111-um-1h granitolds. 129 Tmyanova,.N. V. Quantitative speatrographic 4ptermination of lead In zlreons and monazites 131 -Zotin, M. A. and A. M! Shavrin. Spectral-analytIcal,deUr- 'f nickel in area by the dilution method u1nation a 133 card 10/15 -PDIM=SXIX,-Z,Y. ,., inzh.; LOGINOV, V.N., inzh. Correlation between the contents of trace and basic elewnts in ores of the Karabash pyritic copper deposit. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; Cor. zhur. 5 no.3;9-17 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. GornWologicheskiy institut Urallskogo filiala AN SSIR. Rekomendovana laboratorivey gookhimii rodkikh elementov Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR. (Karabash region (Chelyabinsk Pravince)--Chalcopyrite) FOKROVSKIYJ P.V. Stolzite. Trudy Gor.-geol.inst. UFAN SSSR nc,56:53-,60 t6l. (14IIU. 15: 7) (Stolzite) jopusKly. S. A handy adjustment. ZhIvotnovodstvo 21 no-11:79 N 159 (MIRA 13:3) 1. Glavnyy zootekhnik Kuybyshevskoy goaudarstvenrLoy stantsii po ulemennoma delu i iskusetvennoru osemeneniyu sellskokhozyaystvefinykh zhivotnykh. (Veterinary instruments and apparatus) f POKPOVSKly ~ S 'A,;. . 1, FETROVA, 1. S- ASEF I Y nrauk. rej.- c rgaris [Pr.-~b.l ew in I nta -ov d t cf -the, atd:-m-nal ;i.,, f,", za. bnlleva-n-j.~. . rg~~a: )v 71~~I-. .I'IF 3.965. 8 1. K"'IeVSk',y c, he s k ly i c. nk - .. g, i - h ~ F, V, c!.;? l:"YT'F-3::Tyt S.A., prof. (Kiyev, r.4, u1. Chkalova, d.79, kv.10). BAFkN, L.A,, kand. med. nauk Spontaneous dissolution of the tones. Ortrip. travm 1 protez. 26 no.6:69-72 Je 165. iMIRA 18o--8) 1. Iz Klyevskogo, rentgeno-radiologicheskogo i onkologicheskogo instituta (dir.-zaaluzhennyry deyatell naukA prof. 1.T. Chevchenka). ?0KROVSK~Y,.Z.A., prof.(Nlyev) "Rew apparatus and methods for X-ray examination" by M.S. Ovoshchnikov. Reviewed by S.A.Pokrovokii. Vrach.delo no./+ 154-156 Ap'63- (MIRA 16:7) (RADIOGRAPHY-EQUIPMENT AFD SUPPLIES) (OVOSHCHI,'IKOV, M.S.) VOINOV, Ye A - OPANASENKO) V.G.; POERQyq~Iy_,__~.A. (Kiyev, ul.Chkalova, d.79, kv:16~ -- Clinical X-ray diagnosis of tumors of the soft tissues of the extremities. Klin.khir. no.7:2&33 Jl 162. (MIRA 15-9) 1. Kiyevskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy rentgeno-radiologicheskiy i onkologicheskiy institut. (EXTREMITIES (ANATOMY)--TUM3RS) (DIAGNOSIS, RADIOSCOPIC) PCKRO-VSKIY, S.A., prof. '_;-, - On the 80th birthday of Fani Illinichna Lapidus, 18U. Vest. rent. i rad. 39 no.4t84-85 Jl-Ag 164. (MA 38t7) TITOVA, A.I. prof.; GOLIKOVA, T.M.; VOLKOVA, A.T.; POKROVSKIY, S.A.; DAVYDOVp B.N.; NAZARETSKIY, F. Ye. Clinical aspects and treatment of chronic pneumonia in children. Sbor. nauch. trud. Ivan. gos. med. inst. no. 28:3-11 1 63 (MIRA 19:1) 1. Iz kafedry detskikh bolezney ( zav. kafedroy - prof. A.I.Titova) Yaroslqvskogo gosudarstyennogo meditsinskogo instituts, (rektor - prof. 9. Ye. Yarygin). G, !KOVA, 1'~*-, ,`-i'!drerI with rh t, i&. 2i,~',2--, ~ 63, ~Y.Tdl 19,1) I z lc f J-! bol-vzn~-; -.av. ~:.--fc.-drt~y - prof. T]. I ouY. irin,-Itutln ircktor 11- Y~ll POIROVSF.IY, S.A. [1--ray diagnosis of bone tumrs] Rentgenodiagnostika opukhole'L ko- stet. Kiev, Gos. med. izd-vv USSR, 1954, 214 p. (MM 7:12) (Diagnosis, Radioscopic) (3ones-Tumore) POXPOVSHIY,,SuA. prof. Activitien of the Kiev Society of Roentgenrloidsts and- Radiologists. ' i rad. .13 no-3:91-93 )t-Jo '58 (9VIA 11:8) (RADIOLOGY, MDICAL) MYCHIM0. I.T., prof. (Kiyev, ul. Panfilov-teev, d.18); FOKROTSKIT, S.A., prof.; GANINA, X.P., starshly Ykauchayy notrudnik 1"mary malignant bone tumors; analysis of one hudwed twenty-one cmees. Nov.khir.arkh. no.6:56-66 N-D 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1'.. Kiyevskly ueuchno-issledovatellskiy rentgeno-radiologichaskiy I onkologichookly institut. (BOMCS-CANCIM) FOKRGVSH3:y, S.JL. bAR w 1 -11 1 Cardiovascular eyeten. in chronic pneumonia in children during reminaton. Pediatriia 37 no-7:26-31 J1 '59. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Iz Icliniki detakikh bolezno.,r Yaroalavakogo meditsinakogo inatituta (zav. kafedroy - pro-7.A.I.Titova). (PIMMONik, in inf. & child, cardlovan. system during reninuion (Rna)) POKROVSKIY S.A. (Kiyev, ul. Talstogo, d.7, kv.1); SEMLNOVA, A.M.; --~-KEKWOV, F-ya- Radiotherapy in malignant bone tumors. Nov. khir. arkh. no.2: E-9-96 Mr-Ap 160. (MIRA 14: 1-1) L Kiyevskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy rentugeno-radiologicheskiy 1. oWcologicheW.y institut. WNES--CANCER) (RADIOTHERAPY) BARKAIICIV, LV.- GRUSHEVOYP V.G.; DENISOVA, M.B.- KULIBAKH-GLFBGVA, G.O.; .4 POICROVSKIY., S.D.; POLFrMOV, D.V.; UNKS6~, V.A.; KHOLMOV, G.V. --- In memory of D.F.Marashov. Geol.rud.mastorozh. no.4:UO n-Ag 161. NMA 14:10) (Hwashov, Dmitrii Fedorovich., 1889-1961) POKROVSKIT. S.F. wMqMv=M--' " Observation and experiment in home assignments in physics for the 6th and 7th gradits of secondary schools. Fiz.v shkole 7 no.2:58-74 '47. (MLaA 6:11) 1. Moakva, 103-Ya shkola. (PhysicB-Problems, exercises, etc.) C) Vs K POKROVSKIY, S.F.; YALA IKOV. A.G., redaktor. [Axl3oriments and obser. tions in home physics assignments; teachers' manmill Opy-ty i nabliudeniia v domahnikh zadaniiakh po fizike; posobie dlia. uchitelei. Pod 672shehei red. A.G.Kalaphnikova. Moskva, Izd-iro Akademil pedagog. nauk RS?SR, 1951. 215 P. (KUA 7:3) (Physics-Hiperiments) )C, CC) VS K I 'S, P, r-T-I H90; o ~u iuy~: No q! ,- e Ex :i f -g -4 3 pr w I a F F A. Fig 1 High-Voltage Testing (Cont.) SOVA809 8. Voltage measurement and stabilization of an electrostatic generator with a moving belt 125 9. Description of designs of electrostatic generators with moving belts 141 10. Principle of operation of electrostatic rotor generators with a di- blect,tic transporter 152 11. Description and technical characteristics of electrostatic rotor generators 164 12. Characteristics of electrostatic generators 168 13. Electrostatic transformers 178 14. Nuclear generators 184 Bibliography 196 Ch. III. Rectification Circuits. Cascade Generators 1- Rectifiers and certain a-c rectification circuits 198 2. Voltage-multiplication circuits 218 3. Circuits illustrating the principle of operation and the theory of performance of a loaded cascade generator 228 4. Effect of spurious capacitance on the output voltage of a cascade . generator under no-load conditions 253 5. Cascade-generator circuits for generating high currents at low pulsa- tion 267 Card -*/-6- A/C 0 S/089/400)9/004/010/020 B006/BO70 AUTHORSt Voroblyev, A. A, Pokrovskiy., S. F. 2): TITLE-. Comparison of Circuits of Cascade Gener&12Zs for the Production of Large Currents With Small Pulsation PEnIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1960, Vol~ 9, No, 4; PP. 305 - 308 TEXTs For making exact measurements on thin targets in the energy range of 2 3 Meir, it is necessary that the particle ezergy be constant up to OA 0-5% for a beam current of the order of 5 - t0 ma.. The authors have investigated the possibility of using for this purpose an electrostatic accelerator which works with a cascade generator of a power of up to 30 kw. They have compared the calculations of cascade-generator circuits according to different theories with one another and with experimental data. The formulas of calculations for four cascade generators are collected in Table 1. They are taken from papers of V. S., Melikhov.. V~ S. Novikovskiy, A. Bouwers? and the authors of the present "Letter to the Editor", Fig 1 7q-hows the dependence of the pulsation of the output potential bU on the number of stages n for a cascade generator with a Card i/3 84230 Comparison of Circuits of Cascade Generators 5/089/60/009/004/010/020 for the Production of Large Currents With B006/BO70 Small Pulsation selenium rectifier, which has a charging current of I ma,, an input potential of frequency 50 cps, and 2 - 7 stages- Fig. 2 shows the dependence of the fall in the output potential on n for a charging current of 2 ma for one and the same generator circuit. The results of comparison between the theoretical and experimental results are summa- rized as follows (the methods of calculation are named after their authors)s 1) For a Cockcroft-Walton generator, the best agreement is obtained by using the formulas of Vorob,-'yev and Melikhov; 2) for calculating -the voltage pulsation for a symmetric circuit, the best formula is that of Novikovskiy~ and for a more exact calculation, that of Pokrovskiy; for calculating the fall of potentialv the best formula is that of Novikovskiy and Pokrovskiy; 3) for a three-phase circuit, the beat formula is that of Pokrovskiy. The properties of four types of cascade generator are compared in Table 2,. This leads to the following conoluaions? 1) The Cockcroft-Wilton c*ircuit is the simplest, but pulsation and voltage fall are large., 2) Cascade-generator circuits with capacitances which deerease linearly with the distance from the source of potential have 13 times less puleation and 17 times less fall of Card 2/3 FOKROVSKrY, Sergoy Fedorovich; SHAPOSHNIKOVA, A.A., red.1 I I I.'', - POLUKAROVA, Ye.K., tekhn. red. -[Experiments and observations In home work in physics; ~~extbook for teachers] Opyty I nabliudeniia v domashnikh zadaniiakh PO fizike; posobio (ilia uebitelei. lzd.2., pe- rer. I dop. Moskva, APN RSFSR, 1963, 415 P. (MIRA 17:3) I y I :,~ I. '. ho ,I" ~ ~ "'l, 'A P! tl0j , V, V. . 1 Vorkva '~ 1 4 (;raa~ ninr~ anir,ni a ry f~Z irn exCrvani~a. '.ab. de I.c. no, - -;r 11 OGF~ 1?.- 12' 222UM66 -43Mm)___ ACC NRs -AP6019404 scum CODEt. uR/b24o/6,5/boo/b1Vbo86/bo9j AUTHORi jFIet;iIIIdI;IM_ NO'VaI(Chemical engineer); Po V. K 0; T Ryadovs Ve- G date of medical sale nces',,M~scow) ORG* none ion 'of Vad TME: :Deteridnat 16cesium in' environmental objects SWRCS* GiAyeria 1-.sanitariyap no* 32# 1965j# 86-91 ~_Wnc,~%Wbi oe aim$ radioisotopes radiomett7, radiation chemistry,9 scintillation spectrometer- 'illy a'review'-6f the'llierature. -After - ~,AWTUM The, article is essenti t briefly dis .137 cuising ~he distribution and biological characterist-Ics of Cs the authors describe in detail ihethods of preparing samples (liquids, solids, soil) for analysiso The various radiochemical methods of deteraining :_'radiocesium are-based 6n the principle of precipitation with specific reagents; (12 are listed with the published source mhere they were first described) and an isotopic aarrlor.,. followed by measurement of the activity of the precipate. iThe airrier generally used is stable Os, i4hich as a chloride or nitrate sol:u- added to-the solution obtained in the course of preparing the sample ifor analysis. Radiametry of the preparations is the final procedure. The 'author notes-that spectrometric methods are coming into increasing use. They irequirs crystalline or Uquid adintillation plemonts with.analy.zers of dif- Isrent kinds oil -pulses as rP~PrdinP OVices-' Orig. art* hast 2 tables. NO SJBM DATEs BJB 0012t 1M765 opm REFs o33 oTH REFS o2f UDG& 614-73t546.176.02-337-074 Cmd 2A~ 66 SOV/121-58-10-18/25-1 AUTHOR: Pokrovs TITLE-. 'WEr-Shaping Read for a Gear Hobbing Machine (Zubodolb ezhnaya golovka K zuboftezernomu stanku) PERIODICAL:Stanki I Instrument, 1958 1q Nr 10P P 39 (USSR) 1 A ABSTRAM: A gear.shaping-attachment working on the "Fellows" principle suitable for operation on a gear hobbing machine is shown in the photograph and a perspective sketch of the mechanism. There are 2 i2lustrations including 1 photo. Card 1/1 POKROVSKIY, S.M. Cmaputation of heat transfer in liquid-fuel atean boiler fmm.aaes. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. 5 no.12:84-85 D 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transports, Moskva. (Purnaces) (Heat-Transmission) POKROVSJUY, S.M. Improvement of footvww quality. Leg.prom. 16 no-5:10 Vq '56 (NLRL 9:8) 1. Zmwstltell nwhallailm otdel& tekhnicheskogo kontrolya fabriki *Skorokhod". (Shoo industry) )PIC1, L-zi.: -_-EnerMOaynaM1C ana.LYSIS',-: D-Lar-K Doay, 7C11 rM L C1 -CIQ-1 e a ra ia L ;--Ihis- article p'r'esents_ --results.. Of'experimental determination of the degree' ness of -6;--jet,dorin-, C~~Iistion of a-liquid.-fu6i (k6 __ ene) d of a-ga's g, ros an AC(TS13ION AT5016492~., -an ideal,black.~body. -1116 results are tabulated. - Orig. art mulas,12 tables has 3 -.IristltA, flihenerov elezuddomb rans rth ASSOCIA1 p0 Moscow (Institute r a ,Dortation Eng ~eiire) LO-fgaii 00 ENCL _ SUB CODt: OP, NP - t 2 d k . 1 I- -F - I , I f DAKHSHLEYGPlt, G~.F., Alekscii Ivanovich Butakov, the dieting-mished explorer of the Aral Sea. Veat.AH Kazakh.SSR 11 no.2:81-86 Y 154. (MLRA 7:4) 1. Predstaviena. deystvitellaym chlenom Akademii nauk K&zSSR S.N.Po- krovskim. (Aral Sea-Description and travel) (Butakov, Alelzsei Ivanovich, 1816- SATPAYAV, K.I., akademik, red.; -BAISHXV, S.B., skedemik. red.; 3AZANOIVA, N.U., skademik, red.; POLOSUKFIN, A.P., skademik, red skademik, red.; ZYKOV. D.A., skademik, red.; CH; e'.. red.; GORSHBUIN. D.S., red.; ROROKINA, Z.P., [Science in Kazakhstan during the forty years of the Soviet regime] Nauke v Kazakhstane za sorok let sovotBkoi vlasti. Alm-Ata, 1957. 452 P. [in Kazakh and Russian] (MIRA 11:2) 1. Akedemiya nau~- Kazakhokoy SSR. Alma-Ata. (Kazakhetan--goonomic conditions) (Kazakhstan--Science) PCKROVEKIY, S.M., assistent Complex heat exchange in combustion chambers operating on liquid fuel. Trudy NUT no.123:122-131 1600 (KMA 13:10) (Heat-Transmission) (Combustion) POKR ",SKY) S-;7-11: U3W/Xedicim - Malaria Feb 1947 Medicine - Influenza "The Seasonal Incidences of Malaria and Grippe," S. N. Pokrowsky, Institute of Malaria, Medicinal Perasitology,and Halmintbology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, 4 pp '14editsinskaya Perazitologlya" Vol XVI, No 2 11rief statistical discuasion fully illustrated vith graphs. Covers 19,11 - 1938 in Stalingrad Oblast. 16T3i a POI,Rovari, 3. ... Ualarial Fever .-I Principles in the study of malaria.,d. 16, no. 14, 191f2. .'.';ON`IRLY UST OF IJSiLIN ACC-:13310-i-IS, LIMU--d GF ;1*0:!(iII-S3, 1952. POKROV-bKIY, MITAJ314OVSKIY. V.M.; POIA)VODOVA. V.P. za^- Organization of anti-malurial measures in connection with the construction of the Stalingrad hydroelectric power station (survey of work of 1952). Med.-paraz.i paraz.bol. no.2:185-i86 Mr-Ap '53. (MI-RA 6:6) (Stalingrad-Malurial fever) POKROVSKIY, Sergey Nikandrovich. State Sci Res Inst of Malaria and Medical Parasitology of the Min of Health RSFSR. Academic degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, based on his defense 29 April 1954 in the Council of Rostov-on-Don State Medical InstV of his dissertation entitled: "Materials for the Study of Malaria in the Southeastern RSFSR." Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences SO: Decisions of VAK, List no. 12, 28 May 55, Byulleten' MVO SSSR, No. 15, Aug 56, Moscow, pp. 5-24, Unel. JPRS/NY-537 PCIKROVSKIY, S.N. ~ Prosence of mosquitoes in the AruLpa area. Med.paraz.i parez.bol. no.1:42 Ja-Mr '54. (KLRA ?:)) (Anapa District--Mosquitoes) (Mosquitoes--Anapa District) POKROVSKIY S N. Prof., LErzIRMAN, L. I., Cand. of Med Sci;MITARNOVSKIY, V. M. Cond of Yed __I) =.I_=W Sci; RFIAENNIKOVA, V. M., Cand of fied Sci; KASIMOV, A. A., BERDIYEV, Kh. B.. "Plans for liquidating mialaris during the Five-Year Plan" a paper read at the fill-Union Conference for Combating Parasitic Diseases held in Moscow, 10-11 Apr. 1956. SO: Sum 1239 FOKROVSKIY,_�jI--- r leonid Iosifovich Ioeizerman; on his 60th birthday. Med.paraz. i partiz.bol. 25 no-3:274 Jl-S '56. (MLRA 9:10) (LB17,R'RYAN, IAONrD IOSIFOVICH, 1896- ) POKROVSKj~Y,,-,.B,...N.,.. prof Role of lWdroulic engineer in public health. Ked.parez. i parsz. bol. 26 no.4:439-440 Jl-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:11) (PUBLIC HEALTH, funct. of engineers (WATER SUPPLY, pub. health funct. of bydrotechnology (Rue)) of engineers fo ITdrotechnology (Rua)) POKROVSKIY. S.N.; LiCY7JMHAN,L.I. galaria control in-the R.S.7.S.R. following World War 11; 1946- 1956. HeLpares. i paraz.bol. 26 no-5:575-578 S-0 '57. (RDA 11:2) 1. Iz Instituta malyarit i meditsinekoy parazitologii Ministeretva R5751R. (KC&QUITCES, eradication in Pussia Otun)) POKj1OVSK1Y.::S:.N.;- DOTSMIKO. A.A. "Reservoir construction and probleme of malaria." Reviewaii by S.N&Pokrovs.kii, A.A.Dotsenko. Medeparat. I Darez.bol. 27 no.1: 112-114'Jit-Y 158. (MIRA 3-1:4) (MAIARIA) IJITZraial. L.I., POKROVSKIY, S.W. IrEisnoyarsk interprovince emiference on diseases with nntural endemic area. Medpmraze i parRz. bol* 27 no.1:381-182 KY-Je 158 (MIRA 11:7) (COMMMICABIM DISEASES) .-PUIMOVSKIY, S.H.. TARABUKHIN, I.A., BOYKO, N.F.. SEMBNOVA, A.S. Malaria in the TaImt A.S.S.R., and the methods for its eradication Ew-itb summnry in English], Ned.pnraz. i 1)nraz.bol. 27 no.3:275-2 7 W-Je 158 (MIRA 11:7; 1, Iz Instituta mlyarli I meditainskoy parazitologil HiniRterstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR (dir. instituta - prof. S.N. Pokrovskiy) j Respublikanskoy sanitarno-ODidemiologichesioy stantsii Hinisterntva zdraVt)dkhraneniya Yakutskoy ASSR (glavnyy.vrach F.I. Savchenko). NALARIA. prevention and control. in Russia (Rus)) HCONIaVA.-UKROVA, V.P.; BUSIA-n,'V, M.A.; KAIXYKOV. Ye.S.; KON', Ya.S.; 14IM&SUILI, G.H.; IIASLOV,A.Y.; NNTSKIY, G.I.; PIRTJ140V, Kh.H.; P-ORROVS-KIY,'S-.],'.-- SELIVABOV, K.B. Problems of the sanitary-epidemiological service in the control o:! parasitic diseases in various zones of the U.S.S.R. Med. paraz. t para2.bol. 28 no-3:287-294 MY-Je 159. WIM 12:9) (PARASITIC DISEASES. prev. & control, in Russia (Rue)) Pappysm-, s.N. Fbasibility of utilizing sea water in ancylostcmiasis control. Mbd.paraz.i paraw.bol. 29 no.2a235 160. (KMA 130-2) (HOOKWORK) (SE.A WATER) POKROVSKIY, S.N.; LEIZERKAN, L.I.; MITARNOVSKH, V.M. ------------ Cou~ise-of zaIA is, control in the R.S.F.S.R. during 1959. Ned,,paraz.i paraz.bol, 29 no-5:516-521 B-0 t60. (KMA 13:12) 1. Iz Beepublikanskogo naucbno-isoledavatellskogo instituta wdyarR i meditainskoy parasitologii Ministerstva zdravookh- raneniya RSM (dir. instituta - prof. S.W. Pbkrovskiy), (MUM) F-UMVSKIY;, SOL; GORYACHEVA, L.K.; DARSANIYA, G.I.; CLIWICHEVA, M.V. Averulootomiasia and ways of eliminating it along the Black Sea coust of the Krasnodar region. Med.paraz.i prraz.bol. no.3:268- 273. 161. (MIFU 14:9) 1e Iz Respublikanskogo nauchno-isoledovatellskogo imstituta malyarii i zteditsinskoy parazitologii Hinisterstva, zdravocLvhraneniya RSFSR v Rostove-na-Dony (dir, inatituta - prof. S.N. Poirovskiy, zav. gellmintolo ichaskim otdolom L.K. Goryacheva). RRAMODAR TEWTORY-HOOKWOF44S) POKROVSKIY, 8.1%; KANCHAVELI, M. I M alaria in Togo. Med.par-azi paraz.bol. no.r.-608--,612 '61. (MIIII 14~10) (TOGO-MALARIA) L 31816-66 ACC NR, AP6021657 SOURCE CODE: UR/0104/66/000/004/0056/006 k 0 AUTHOR: Bezrukikh# P. P. (Engineer); Pokrovskiy, S. N. (Engineer) - ORG: none TITLE: Experience in adjusting ion excitation at the Bratskaya Hydroelectric Station SOURCE: Elektricheskiye stantsii, no. 4, 1966, 56-60 TOPIC TAGS: ion, hydroelectric power plant, electric generator, electronic circuit, electric current, ion energy, power generating station ABSTRACT: A report on a series of investigations conducted at the Bratskaya. Hydroelectric station, designed to determine the actual angles of control, commutation angles, and to construct diagrams of current and voltage of the principle operating states of a generator operating with two groups of ion- excitation valves, connected to the rotor of the generator with a three-phase bridge circuit. The source of power is a secondary generator on the same shaft with the main generator. Operating states of the valves are described. Oscil- lograms are presented showing the voltage and current curves for the three main operating states of the generator. Orig. art. has: 8 figures. [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 10, 09, 20 / SUBM DATE: none Card 1/1 01J UDG: 621.3.013-8:621,313.322-82 Z;" ACC NR- AP6025233 SGURCE COM: UV0104/66/000/006/0043/0048 110 AUTHOR: Bezrukikh, P. P. (Engineer); Pokrovskiy, S. N. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: Tests of the ion excitation system in the hydroelectric generators at the Bratsk hydroelectric power station SOURCE: Elektricheskiye stantsii, no. 6, 1966, 43-48 TOPIC TAGS: hydroelectric power plant, electric generator, magnetiv~atio-n,-twbine -AB~S-HACT: i The paper is'a report on .the adjustment and testing of 16 units for ion excitation of the hydroelectric generators at the Bratsk Hydroelectric. Station (AWINV-1000Kh6mmercury converters). The following table gives'times for quenching the rotor field of the main generator and magnitization Icurrents for the static phase generator In the acceleration group for three 'sets of operating conditions. Wo load AcceleraLed I - 3200a I 800a U) after lim4ing d C 0 94 Time for Magnetization lu Time for Magnetization W quenching current quenching current for the the static phase regu- tile for the stat)c 0 0 Z, U %D rotor field phase rotor field lator, In the ac- -4 of the main regulator I of the main celeration group on generatorp ma genwratotp the accelerati $4 813C group fi 04 sec at~ start after W 0 ~ I r. Z of accel- limit- W ma er tion Ing L 3474o_66 ACC NR,~ AZ4925 33 1 0.7 280 1.14 1 860 700 2 0.7 250 1e12 - - - 3 0.66 310 0.82 - 1 840 1 000 4 0.66 260 0,82 - 1 400 - 5 0.68 310 1.08 - 1 840 900 6 0..74 230 1,20 1.62 1 900 870 9 0.,88 300 1.12 1.53 1 780 740 10 0.74 330 1.14 1.76 1 920 780 11 0.66 320 1.0 1.26 1 920 780 '12 0.64. 290 1.02 1.68. 1 820 770 13 0.67 - 0.88 1.13 - - 14 0.73 320 1.13 1.8 2 000 900 15 0.70 360 1.06 1.56 1 800 760 16 0,62 410 1.06 1.46 1 960 930 17 0,56 - 0.90 1.16 1 600 830 18 0,60 490 0.91 - 1 950 960 J The'-wide variation In'qu .enching times. Is due to the v ari ations In adjustment of -the regulators for excitation of the auxiliary generators, differences in the idlying speed of the turbines, temperature variation during adjustment of the Irotors and difference in rotor current* The changes made in the system on the .basis of tbB test data-are discussed. It was found that manual control of the Card 2/3 POKROVSKIYP-qt-,-.,-A,;,-~3YZMMLI, L.I.; IVANOVA, L.M.; PIM, G.G. Brief news. 1,%d. paraz. i paraz. bol. 32 no.1t:L24-125 Ja-F'63. (MMA 16tlo) Ile- POKROVSM,'.; LEYZ;,.'-J-!Alll, L.I.; STET-S12,1KOV, P.A. First scientific and practical conference on toxopiasros-i~: at, the Institute of Mledical Parasitology of the of Health of the R.S.FeSsIR, Meds paraz. i pr-raz. bol. 32 Po.6:755-7156 N-D 163 IF:!) AVR079 P.Ya.; ATTY.LIT-W, Zh. A.; AUEZOV, M.O.; AF~fl*,DSAFIJv', IT.M.; 13ATISHCHEV- TARASOV, S.D.; RA7ANOVA, N.U.; BAISHEV, S;13.; 3AYYONUROV, A.3.; B'3KTUROY, A.B., BOGATYR37, A.S.; BO.K'. 1. 7 .,- BORTJKAY311, R. A.; K-7-71 N.L.; YrICOVA, 14.S., ZHILUTSKTY, - ZYXOV. D.A.; IVA-ININ, P. F.; KAZAITLI, D.N.; KAYUPOV, A.K.; ZENWAYN , S.K.; KOLOTILIN, K-UITAYEV, D.k.; 1MSHEV, G.L.; i.l.; 14ASHANOV, O.Zh.,- lr,&,DO",','lF, G.TS.; MOITICH. V.K.; tTIUNTOV, S.; MUSREPOV. G.; MUIMAMEWHAITOV, S.14.; FARSHIll, A.V.; POTROVSKIT, S.N.; POLOSUOIN. A.F.; RUSAKOV. M.P.; SigRGIYNV, N.G:; 5RYFULLIN, TAZHIBAYEV, P.T.; FES3,11KOV, V.G.; SnYGIT-1, Ye.D.; SHCHPTLRA, G.N.; CHOUIP, Sh.Ch.; GHOLP1Jl"YCUWV, T.Gh. Sixtieth birthday of Academician Kanysh Imantaevich Satpaev. Vest. All Kazal-ch. SSR 15 no.4:5B-61 Ap 159 (MIRA 12:7) Ium)ntao;ich. (Satpaev, Kanysh 1899-) SAPARGALIYEVq G.S., kand. yurid.nauk,-PAL'GOV,V.F., ahad.; BOGATYREV, A.S.; AFAVIASIYEV, A.V., prof.; BYKOV, B.A.; SHAKWATOV, V.F., kand. istor. nauk; POKROVSKJX,-S.~ akad.; SAVOSIKO, V.K., kand. istor. nEuk; NUSUPBEKOV, A.R., kand. istor. nauk; BAISFEV, S.B., akad.; GOIRW.H- VCDATSKIYv I.S.v kand. istor. nauk; AKHMETOV, A.v keAld. istor. nauk; RAKH324OV9 A.y kand. istor. nauk; PIVEN', W.F.; CHULOOV, G.Ch., doktor ekonam. nauk; BOROVSKIYp V.A.9 kand. ekonom. nauk; SYDYKOVp A.S., kand. podagog. nauk; ZHAVGILIDIN, T., kand. filos. nauk; KARASAYEV, L.K.; KAFAPIN, A.K., kand. istor. nauk; BEMOV9 M.D.9 kand. ekonom. nauk; KARMAYEV9 S.R.9 kand. mod. nauk; AKHKETOV, K.A.9; SMIRNOVA, U.S., dcktor filolog.nauk; SILICHENKO, M.S., doktor filolog. nauk; YERZA- KOVICH9 B.G.9 kand. iskusstvovedcheakikh nauk; RYBAKOVA, F.; MUKHTA- RCIV, A.I.; BOGATENKOVA, L.I.; K'JVDAKBAYEV, B.; SIRANOV, K.S.; SHVYD- KCI, Z.A.j red.; HAMTSOVA, L.B., red.; ZLOBINq M.V., tekhn. red. D'he Soviet Kazakh Socialist Republic] KazakhskaJ.a Sovetskaia So- tsialisticho6kaia Respublika. Alma-Ata, Kazakhskoe gos izd-vo 1960. 477 p. (Mi~'A 14:61 1. Akademiya nauk Kaz.SSR (for Pallgov, Pokrovskiy, Baishev) 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk KazSSR (for Bykov, Smirnova,. SJ.ltchenko) (Kazakhstan) SATPAYEV, K.I., glavnyy red.; CHOKIN, Sh.Ch.,; BAZANOVA, N.U., red.; BWUROV, A.B., red.; POKROVE-KIY. S.N., red.; POLOSUKIIIN, A.P., red.; TAKIBAYNT, Zh.:~., N.A., red.; POGOZM, A.S., r4d.; SWNOV, M.N., red.; PRMCROV, T.P., [Science in Soviet Kazakhstan, 1920-1960] Nauke Sovetskogo Kazakhatana, 1920-1960. Alma-Ata, 196o. 688 p. (KIRA 13:10 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhakoy SM. Alma-Ata. (Kazakhstan--Science) POKROVSK11Y. SIN., akademik The 22d Congress of the CPSU and the development of social sciences at the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh S.S.R. 1'est. AN Kazakh. SSR 17 Ao.12,-6342 D 161. O-ORA 15:3) 3.4, Akademik-sakretart Ot-deleniya obshchestvennykh nailk AN Kazakhskoy SSR. (K&zakh9tan--So-,i&1 science research) POKROVSKIYJ, Sergey Vasillyevich, kand.t-ekhn.naukv dotsent Practical techniques in designIng static frequency doublers. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 6 no.6:714-722 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Kafedra elaktrifikatsii promyshlennykh predpriyatiy i ustanovok- Dallnevostochnogo politekhnicheskogo instituta. (Electric current transformers) POKROVSKIT, Sorgay Viktorovich, 1974- Elatilre caleniml Ulendarl prirody. lz&. 4, ispr. Moakv&. Goa. Ucheb. -podagog. lzd-vo. 1953. 218 p. (MLRA 8:5) (Nature study) POKROVSKIYJ, S.V. Problem concerning the transmission of electric power f om the r U primary winding of a static frequency doubler to the second winding. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 5 no.21224-228 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Electric transformers) (Frequency multipliers) Falamny, S. V. Okhotnild na mamontov ff4a=oth hunters- /. Mos]-va, Detgiz, 1953. 160 D. SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 7 No. I April 1954. POKROVSKIY, S. V. Kalendart prirody ( Nature calendar). Izd- 4-e, ispr. Moskva, Uchpedgiz, 1953. 219 p. SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 7, Mo. 6. Sep* 1954 6 POKBDVSXIT,, SeTp -' y,-.Viktorovich; NEMTUDDYA, A.S., redaktor; PZTROVA, M.D., takhnichookiy rodaktor. [Calendar of natural Kalendarl prirody. Izd. 5-oe. Moskva, Goa. uchebno-podagog. izd-vo Ministerstva preaveshchaniia RSFSR, 1955. 229 p. (Phonology) (K[aA 9:6) Candidate T at the [Soviet] Par-East Institute (Dalinevostochnyy fit-) Nanchny" v T.ol, t olor-din rurv! n i t Yin _i:-. 'Loo !on,- m-.L1 too i.t pro.,:c-nt it is lir- Cticrl ~1-1-01.L,-- I.:!. ..not"!er ru Ullo'! l, ;- rvc:omraonded '---h cm, i ir~, nc Y jiib I r! -.- c or ~j _i- t!, of t o egu-,l 1 11-:,% n!3 f -..: i t"I t I f, (" t i n t r, ri o:, Uln-, t-.:o o-.~z:o~:~;d to ot; 1 n t',. it 't; , o c: -D i* ru c 1~ lid J --:cs4 n in '),act' on ct ~-,:e -he 2 oc ond; ry !-lJ in.,-,- L r.-- (-- onno c t as to be -1 u L -1 -2he b ~ -,:.- i! I -* --, - ;., - ; : - t or t. (.,I! (-. " in, - - . I ;. f .161 C,n o' "I o: u n oi, cre: t4l]--, i, o c c- i t tl'-e freqiiency, Vie C t C)n I f(C-W .'~iffc.rentiated r.~, V.e t.-:I: 'no 4- - t f) u 1l.., t i on 2 c o:-.-0 -c, i t s ,.n-. 4 1 i c -.i- -,ond.c .. . ... IaO c U. v c b ;.1 11 b lm -0 CW;~, n enot o tructed tho - . -..,I (I I t cl in -,-.ias -.n.-nc~4 4,/L,tioa, - 'i 4 i::-- ( (I T LAC` C12- V-U C. ".7 0 6 -1 n r) If 1 0 T t b,, curve (B on-, M) - s t f 1u, t t,,c c c-,n:- t. -5c 1 0 n o, t.'! r-, curve + c i lb c u f -C -n-. "fo f -A v:-rYin- CIE. /17 !c ry ov`,ut (juency Ioublei- fee,is 'wi-Ae fre- qi-,c:,ncy lur:.-crlt o,-,curo I n :,econ~ltur- -in,, f. o: -11' on oi tl:c. fo--ce.~ I c col". 0 M 'or ~ -i -- - -c L n. t.10 -i7 of c a vi -- c- t h eIivs -n u t -i 7, t i cu~--rcnll is --l 7 'in Card 2 1A ho~.-!evea~, in thi. !.-;o o', o~:Jtc "D ;,hQ -(")I t11;2 0." ct-i on. .[` thL- *.-,um of t'.,c- bins m~vrn-_~t on an T, secondary ui:,F~n(Ai-ation to IVO tot~zl i-ition., the operrltion of the fruaticnoy r'Uu",jlf:,,r ~!t nm -lrbl- I.rary load c,..ii lb, regardad an idling o-,LZ27atiol: ti-I on).:r f ~ f( I,f an alt-Ermati-n,l; mapetiv;_Aion. The fulletion U,)_ L , V2f denot-Inf- the cecond~;ry output voltrage cy.,d"-!,f the,- out- put current, which repretzents !he outrjut churacteristic leads to the con5ideration of the function Ef = f(i,f), 3, 2f denot- ing the 2econd,,~ry Tha nost J, pori,,!nt feature in comput- i.np_ the Output Cl-L"..racteri-stic is considered to be : variation of the 8econd harmonic ojMhe output curront nnd 4-t- phave t, - ~, nd ( 21 61 n th -_ I t ~-s -to atteriDt to 2atisfy e0lt'iom, (25) Eection the choice of the dimensions of a frequency doubler. i~-- diocu3qed. There art-, 15 figuvo.!, 1 tublt-,, r-.nd /4 referejtccc, ahich are Soviet. Card 3/4 the 0: t",-..o-" :: o-,' t i c ".'rc:, i-,(,ncy The pabUestiod'of this wticle was zftawAnW by the Chair of Electrical Maebi s at the Ilbscow Institute of Power Engineer- ing (Kafedra.'elektricbeskiklm masbin Wskovskogo energetlebeeskogo I in stj ULU) ABSOCIATIeff: Kafedrs.'ejaktrIcbesk1kh mashin i ayboimatiki Dallnevostoobnogo institata (Chair of Electrical Machines and of Aatomtim at the [Soviet] Par-Fast Institmte) SURCUM: janu=7 6: 1958 .,~_rd 4/4 I- FM()VSKIY, S.Y., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "oil the problen. "1 11 of k method~z designing statistical frequenay duplicators. Mos, 19~5.93 12 pp (1,in of Higher 1~1(ticatuion USSR. 11os Order of Lenin Povww hngineering Inst) 11,~O copies (KL, 34-59, 11h) - 51 - POKROVSKEY, S.V,, kand.tokhn.nauk Ril-anc-ing of the F,-ImaturEa utindinge of cdneator-type mauhiner7. Tast, alaktroprom. 32 no.2208-39 D 161, (1,1=1 144zl2) (Elaotriz macW.nery,-4.'Jndingx) POKRCIVSKlY, S.V. . inzh. EYeitation controller of an aBynchronized aynchronous generator of the Iovi3k HydT'OPlcctric Power SUition. F,Iektrotekhnika 36 no.12:19--'20 D 165. (Milul 19: 1) '00 '00 11 12 11 m 11 11 m a it 12 n Id 1$ IT WIT v 11 u It 34 is m L, m I L AA fee 014WINIIII forvaj Sol vm*immi Gg us QMNM TUM al V A. Krmuk (I'taxick INVatrov i Ru"isn-] OW, (And.). 19K (6). 2 pwn of 141tice 01metuvis ootwj&fw ittaufficient to ex 11w ekvti Ht I disc ftum the pint ()Iwiew of quantu, pt"tjcddonn&tj_, t out) to uffftd um t=-N. A. 09 a =0 0 2 'Ve see roe we fee "'D a 1* 3 L A S9 TALL WMICAL LITCRAIM CLAUIPICATON so SIA021" spaw BOVA" idnadc .77 161440 wit *It alit 411411401 OR&ANI Out Gv 114 a ad 0 a a I v a 9 a a 3 1 9 U : AV : it 0 0 I Room 0 A 6 6 0 0-0 0 0 0 6' 6 0 r1`0176 616-670s 0 0 6 too 0 9 6 IS 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o1-0 or 41 0 *~~* 0 0 *1* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 a * 0 a 0 of 1 0 10 It U 11 14 Is U 11 Is a I is 1124B 24 Zrazi loll 11 U 14 U 36 V a 43 V A 1' Z 4A N CC 1110 11 4 11 . 41 U 41 4S40 . - .. ... + 00 -Ge, Daft as Plealls DdWalffift d I Mob f. IL pbk.,.Aiy (Vad- I-W- i T#A- (Not. TedL MmeW 1SW 01,11111111111. -00 OR Alumainiurn sing6 er),lials, ON led in dUk v It . 9 r ' - , %&;im vmrs subjm4ed toelortgaLlon at various rates. Adiminutionintherstle, : 9 4 . :: Ijilne am oftbo deforming load for ono and the sisme orkutation may rmk cc I . inaninertsovin the plestiepro"irsof25400A. Foroneandthessiateraft , 111401 of Olt L derlding on the orWta- the plastic propertiefil may he increased by = o th d i f f k 00 01 e orm t e o one Y thm. Curves wbichare given to show the wor ng - - it i; the direction of Ohm han idi 71 d f b 2 coo , w c t rnniummr . stfintan rimelow p ) ~ OR at eur%lm deprada in the ::3ain on thli orientation of Iho cryfital. 11W me@ Of coo defiterusti(m ofiect4lat, amount of work absorbed by the 6ptall. Tbework 00 done by the deformation forom is connected witi; and deterntined by tbo A h go . Curv 0 t e t.0 0 of 1, $1 A , OIIALLbPGKAL 1.11fMATUS9 CLASSIFICATION tSOO 00 Ij A.., t- . i-1 00 - E) U is A " ; 0 ; 91,11,10 Cv* Ka s of " It If If - . -- 1- ~- --- ~ -- , . .1j.J1 11. Q- Is. too I v IrA od 0 0 0 -- - 3 I !Is Is IN 9 4 0000 0 0 0 0~ T 0 goo 0 1 0 0 see 0 o0 : * O!ooo*ooooo 666666 0006 6060000 4 - 00809600*0099 0 4P 1 9 a 1# U Is M Is 16 U to 19 it v a IS IS It I.. 1* 16 U . . . At - 0 Is M U'. b A I A I., I A a -1 TV* cA causticil4tion of sodium carbonate in soap loctortril V it, Ow 1.1'.11wholl .4 lAondiv Mll% tliv N.1011 Jo -Ait N' -lblaillill IlY W111111K No.1111. oi(h II --1 1 wtIll "lo .0i't U is .1 do 0 e 0 li0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of or All A 1 4 Ild dM a -00 -00 0.6 Millie '00 '00 '90 tie P A LEVENBERG, I.; POKRCVSKIY, V.; DE--JIOU, Rljf',TI, TARASOVA, L.; I The (p, pn) ar ' (p,n) reactions or, sc45 induced by high- energy protors, Dubna, ObIledinenryi in~t iadernykh is- sladovanii, 1963. 15 p. ACCESSION-M AP4031;74~ 3/0056/64/046/004/1475/1476 AUTHOR: Jan, To-hou; Levenberg, 1'.; Pokrovskly, V.; Tarasova, L.; Yutlandov, 1: TITLE: The reactions (p, pn) and (pp n) on So-45 under the Influ- ence of high-energy protons. -SOURCE: Z116 eksper. I teor. fiz,, v. 46t no. 40 1964t 1475-1476 TOPIC TAGS: (ps pa) reaction, (p. n) reaction, soandium 45, high energy protons, scandium isomer, reaction cross section, nuclear structure, zip scattering cross section, differential cross section ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier experiments (WTP v. 43, 1619, 1963) on radiochemical studies of simple nuclear reactions with bombarding proton energies close to several hundred MeV. The results are listed In the table, which shows for comparison similar results on calcium. The now data confirm the assumption made In the tirst study that the direct knook-on mechanism begins to predominate In the (pl, pn) reaction already at energies close to several hundred YeV. Calculation of the ratio of 'the cross sections for Isomer pro- ;ACCESSION NR: A M 31174 1duotion in this reaction offers further:proof of this ~ypothesjs. 'It is concluded that only neutrons from the uppermost completely or partially filled level participate In the (pg n) reaction, which conprises quasielastic scattering of the proton on the neutron of thenucleus, uhich carrIes away most ot.the energy, Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 -table. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinenny*y Institut yaderny*kh Issledoviudy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) ISUBXXTTZD: 10JU163 WE ACQ: May64 ENOL: 02 MM COM P11 NO REP SOV: 001 OTMM: 003 Card 2# 7- LEVENBERG, I.; WHOVSKII, V.; TARASOVA, L.; YUTLANDOV, I. The (p, pn) and (p, n) reactions on Se 45 induced by high- energy protons. Dubna, Ob"edinennyi in-t iadernykh issle- dovanii,, 1961. 8 p. (No subject heading) IMMBEERG~ IkLPO11ROVSKIY V-; YUTLANDOV, I. I _ Simple nuclear reactions on Ca48 induced by high-energy protons. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 43 no.5:1619-1621+ N 162. (MIM 15:12) 1, O~Nyedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. (Calcium.-Isotopes) (Nuclear reactions) (Protons) GERASIMV, V.; PQE~~~ - "Technique of investigating vater-tapping wells in the Volga-ijral region" by I.K.Zerchanikova. Reviewed by V.Geraaimov, V. Pokrovskii. Geol.nefti i gaza 6 no.8:60-62 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Volga-Ural region-Oil field brines) (Zerchanikova, I.K.) S/05 62/043/005/009/058 B102YB1O4 AUTHORS: Levenberg, I., Pokrovskiy, V., Yutlandov, 1. TITLE: simple Ca48 nuclear reactions induced by high-energy protons PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheekoy fiziki, V. 43, no. 5(11), 1962, 1619-1624 TEXT: To help explain why the measured ar6as sections of simple nuclear reactions on complex nuclei differ so much from those calculated by Serber's theory those of the (p,pn), (p.-en) and (p,n) reactions on 20Ca48 were measured. The target, a CaCO 3 tablet 15'- 5 - 1.5 mm3 (natural isotope composition), was bombarded by protons of 120 - 660 Mev from the synchrocyclotron of the OIYal for 15 - 20 min. It was enclosed by three aluminum foils (20 U) so that the proton beam intensity could be measured from the yield of the Al 27 (P,3pn)Na 24 reactions occurring in the jacket. The fractions of the final reaction products (Na24, Ca479 SC47f SC46 ) were separated by chemical means and their activity was measured with a Nal(TI) Card 1/4 dja S/05 62/043/005/009/058 Simple Ca nuclear reactions ... B102YB104 scintilla-tionjv-specti-ometer and a 128-channelAHA-3c (AMA-3s) analyzer. Secondary neutrons were found to contribute only negligibly to the reactions examined. The results from 2 - 3 series of measurements with a root-mean-aquare error of about 15% are given in Table 2. On comparing these cross sections with those of heavier nuclei, the ratio ap,2n/(l P,n was found. to be almost independent of EP (for y/100 Mev) and highly dependent on Aq whereas the ratio optpn/dptn did not depend on A but increased rapidly with Ep . Conclusions: The (p,n) and (p,2n) reactions are direct interactions between protons and peripheral nuclear neutrons. The mechanism of (p,n) and that of the first stage of (p,2n) are identical. Not less than 95% of the (p,pn) reactions are knock-out reactions, not only for Y 1 Bev (Phys. Rev. 119, 324, 196o) but also at proton energies of the order of 100 Mev. There are 3 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: June 6, 1962 Card 2/1~ 41) 9/056j62/043/oo5/ooq/o5a Simple Ca nuclear reactions ... B102/BI04 Table 2. Reaction cross sections in millibarns. 48 Fig. 1. Excitation curves for Ca E,-M 1 200 3M 400 500 coo 1 660 (P, Pn) "8�2 f3�10 JO 10r,�4 101�4 1 "4 1 HO�8 2 "0 (p, 2n) It (; 20,3 816�0,6 1 1 1,0�0 8,7�0,1 8 7 01 6,2�1 11 ~ 57 0'3 4 (P, n) 7,8�0:3 I 4,7�1,2 4,t�O 3 : 3,6�0, 1 3:9�0:2 2,2�0:2 2 0 1 kill (P, 1P n) 10,2 9't 11,0 11,3 it'i 11,0 10,9 Table 2 Card 3/4 S/056/62/043/005/009/G58 Simple Ca48 nuclear reactions ... B102/BI04 f2q (P. 9n) 'P, 'fl) fP. n) M CUU JUU 4490 J,9,9 Tag -,,. Fig. card 4/4 POKROVSKIY,, V. . -InLh*; PROSKIRYAKOV p Yee,, inzh, Hy&Aulic mecbanization in open pit mines. Sov.shakht. 10 no.22:3.2 D 161. - (MM 34:12) (Chelya~inek Basin-Hydraulic -inin ) 1. 7 om~,7 ^J"gxly, V. 2. USSR (600) 4. Bee Culture 7- Letter Box. tchelovodstvo- 29. no. 11. 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress. FebruarY -1953. Unclassified. volalmin" Irzhersr: Rolllollcv. B, . it n rl(o Tier. Interprovinnial rer--.'Lr or?anl-za, are needed. Sots. Ir-A T--),'~: .i 036 11 157, ~MLRA 1--ol' I 1. Penzonrkii spirtrArost. (RepairIne- 1)