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RATUSHNYY, G.D.; XOMAROVA, S.N.; LYGINA, N.I.; 1'OGREBYNYAK, E.G. Application of ion exchange for the acidification of fruit and berry juices. Trudy KIPP no.22t371-374 161. OMU l6s4) (Fruit juices) (Ion exchange) POGY!CMITILT, I.I., tnbp.,;~-ha= L!nfl fried ra-~,: u7, the g1drcb! C-1 . j In. z-,C, PrIchor. [no. I (Shabolato -Marine flora) PWWNUK 1.1. ~ Bottom vegetation of the Dniester Dniester River. Hat. po gidrobiol. no.2:63-74 '53. (Dniester Liman--Yresh-water (Dniester River-Fresh-water Liman and the lower course of the i rybol. lim. severozap. Fricher. (MIRA 12:8) flora) flora) FOG,RF,BNY.kK, I. I. "Phytobenthos of the Dnepr Estuary". Tr In-ta Gidrobiol AN S&IRS No 31, 1953, PP 154-189. Detailed characteristics of the flora composition , of the plant group composition, of the dimensions of the biological mass# and of the seasonal develop- ment of water plants are given. The vegetation differs according to the character of the water: 1. Western part of the estuary~ the group Cladophora glomerata including many species of green algae, (Cladophora gracillis, Enteromorpha compressa, E. Intestinalis, Spirogyra. sp. sp., Spirulina,, etc.), and diatomous algae, predominates. 2. Middle part of the estuary~the compostion of the vegetation is the same in general, but the marine form is encountered less frequently. 3. Eastern part of the estuary-the muddy-sandy part is occupied by the group Vallisneria spiralis- aja marina, along with the higher plants and algae -which accompany them. Nymphoides peltate was encountered on the muddy, bottom. In May and June, 123 species of algae and 25 higher plants were found. The assumption arises that the vegetation of the estuary may change in connection with the construction of the Kakhovsk hydroelecttic station. (RZhBiol, No 10, 1955) SO: Sum No 884, 9 Apr 1956 POGRRBNYAYL.I.I. I . - - Scientific vork of the Department of Yorphology and Classification of Plants of the Odessa Mechnikov State University. Bot.zhur. 1Ukr-1 12 no.2:112-113 '55. (MLRA 8:10) (Ukraine--Botany) POGFMMAK, I.I. [Pohrebniak, I.I.], dots. Bottom vegetption in thg Bug Liman. Pratei Od. un. Ser.biol.nauk no.S(vol.147):101-109 157. (MIRA 12:4) (Bug Liman-Aquatic Plants) POGRIMNYAK, I.I. [Fobrebniak, I.I.1, dots. Using certain aquatic plants as orientation marks in trawling for Phyllophora in the Black Sea. NR dOPDM.3il'.bosp. ta vyr. no.5:43-44 158. (MM 13:3) 1. Xafedra sistematiki rastenly Odesskogo gosuniverBiteta. (Black Sea--Aquatic plants) POGREBNYAK, I.I. [Pohrebniak, I.I.] Researcb carried out by tbo Department of Plant Morpbology and Systematics of the Odessa University during tb#- 40 7Pars of Soviet rule. 15 no.4:107-109 158. (MIRA 12:5) (Ulcraine-B ot ani cal. research) ,..IPOGMMAK.P-I-,S--I-i-[-Pohrebniaks, I.I.] Role of pby-tobenthos in the feeding of gray nullets and gobies in sme limans on the northwestern shore of the Mack Sea. Ymk. sape0debiol.sta, no.2%104.-106 160. (MIRA 14%11) (BLACK SEA R3GION-FISHEIII.-FOOD) (FRESH-WATER FLORA) FOGREPM-YAK) I.I. .-- - . 7.11: , ~ ~ Genesis of the bottom vw-,etation in the lim-ans of the north- western Black Sea region. Trudy Od, un. 152. Ser. geol. i goo-g. 0 nauk no.9:173-179 162. (HIP-A 2?~6) PMROMSKIY, Ivan Ivanovich; YAXTOVSKIVY, I.A., inzh... red. - -f, --, .... .. (Automatic control of the utilization of industrial equip- ment] AvtomatizirovaraVi kontroll ispolizovaniia oborudovaniia. Moskvas Mashgiz, 1962. 65 P. (Seriia: Novoe v ekonomike i or- ganizatsii proizvodstva, no.2) (MIRA 1714) N BORNATSKIY, Ivan Ivanovich; TERESHCHENKO, Nikolay Aleksandrovich; POGREBNYAK, I.T., inzh., reteenzent; COWCHEPEO, T.I., ii J, red-.;hk-- ij- - V.H., tekhn. red. (Expansion of ferrous metallurgy in the Ukrainian S.S.R.) Razvitie c,hernoi metallurgii Ukrainskoi SSR. Kiev, Gos- tekhizdat, USSR, 1963. 268 p. (MIRA 17:3) POGTMNYAK, L. P. 6862. Pogrebnyak, L. P. Ghstnyee sabolevaniya sviney. YAyev, Izd-vo Akad. Nauk Ukr. SSR, 1954. 32s. s ill. 20sm. Mad. nauk Ukr. SSR. Sovet Nauch. -- Tekhn. Propagandy) 10.000 ekz. 45k. -- Na ukr. yaz. -- (55-2400) 619.4:616.962 SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 6. 1955 PWREBNYAK, L.P. Zpisootology of trichina in the Ukraine. Dop AN URSR no.4: 406-410 155. (KLRA 9:2) l.Institut soologii AN UJISR. Preastaviv diyoniy chlen AN URM V,G.Kme0yanenko. (Ukraine-Trichina and trichinoxis) FOGMNYAK. L. P. , ~ The problem of the distrubution of trichinosis. Dop. AN tMSX n0-5: 505-509 155. (KIBA 9:3) 1. Inutitut zoologil AN UNSR. Predstaviv diysniy, chlen AN URSR V.G. Haslyanenko. (Ukraine--Trichina and trichinosis) POGIMBITYAK, L.P. I- The Conference of ParRsitologists. Visnyk AN URSR 28 no.5:59-61 my 157. (MLRA 10:7) (Ukraine-Parnsitology) POGRZBNYAX. L.?. "- --m- 1"IMMIMM pods of fishes of the U.34S.R." by A.P. Karkevich. Reviewed by L.P. Pohrabniak. Visnyk AN URIM 28 no.6:76-77 Je 157. (Copepoda) (Markevich, A.P.) (KLBA 10:8) ~n 1) ~ M K L ,~- ~~ C-I F- f3 1 , Category: USSR / Tarm Animal Diseases Caused by Helminths. V-3 Abs. Jour: Refer. Zhur-Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 72321 Author : Pogrebnyak, L. P. Inst : Not given Title : The Significance of the Importanc Helminthoses in Pigs in the Economy of Animal Husbandry. Orig Pub: Probl. Parasitologii, Kiev, AN USSR, 1956, 180-182 Abstract: No abstract. Card : 1/1 -8- ,',,I . / ~,P- -C /_ e ~ / , _ , /FOGHZB~YAK. LIP..,-, . _~_~OSWWN no.7:68 Jl 157. (Ukraine--Endocrinology) /1, Conference on the Problems in Bndocrinology. Vien,-rk AN URSR 28 11:1) (MIR& POGRIBNYAK, L.P.. kandidat biolpgicheakikh nauk (Kiyov). Gonference on parasitology. Priroda 46 no.g.-114-115 S 157. (Ukraine--Farasitology) (KM lor8) POGRONYIK, L.P. "Copepods parasitic on fishes of the U.S.S.R." by A.P.Markevich. Reviewed by L.P.Pogrebnlak. Zool.zhur. 36 no-10:1588-1589 0 '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Parasites--Fishes) (Copepoda) Warkevich,A.P.) USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals - Diseases Caused by Helminths., H. Abs Jour ; Ref Zhur - Biol., No 6, 1956, 26333 Author : Pogrebnyak, L.P, Inst : Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR Title : Metastrongy1osis in Pigs of the Ukraine. Orig Pub : Tr. In-tu zool. AN USSR, 1957, 14, 25-27 Abstract : Diffusion and seasonal dymanics of metastrongylosis in Ukrainian conditions were investigated. The characte- ristic decrease in the live-stock's infected condition takes place from January to May. There follows its increase until October. Then a second decrease is ob- served, which is followed in turn by an increase conti- nuing to the end of the year. The summer increase in the infected condition of the pig live-stock can be explained by the spring infection of the animals after Card 1/2 USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals - Disca---,cs Caused by Helminths. 11-3 Abs Jour Pef Zlitir - Biol., No 11, 1956, 50226 Author Pogrebnyak, L.P. Inst Institute of Zoology AS MrSSR. Title The Problem of Epizoot'olo~~7 in Ascariasis of PiGs in the Ulcraine. Orig Pub Tr. in-ta zool. AN URf,r,, 1957, 14, 28-31. Abstract During April and August --.;o October ascaridac egg )-nfcst-a- tion vas observed. The basic source for the invasion i,; the brood stock of piG herds. Card 1/1 SOV-26-58-8-33/51 AUTHOR: Pogrebnyak, L.P., Candidate of Biological Sciences (iayev) I-------------- TITLE.- (M A Conference on the Acclimatization of Amur Fishes 0ove- shchaniye po akklimatizatsii amurskikh ryb) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 8, PP 115-116 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The first conference on the acclimatization of Amur fishes in water bodies of the European part of the USSR was held in Kiyev at the beginning of February 1958. Representatives of the scientific establishments of Moscow, Leningrad, Kiyev, Riga, Kishinev; Ashkhabad, Khar1kov, Khabarovsk and other cities participated in the conference. At 3 sessions, 10 papers were delivered that dealt with problems of acclimat- ization, cultivation, biological particularities, parasito- fauna and narasites of such fishes of the Amur as the white amur (a camp species), Hesperiidae, the white bream, Drago- cephalum. Special attention was devoted to the white amur and Dragocephalum. Pond cultivation of these two species increases thoir growth and conserves their valuable qualities. It was found out that these two species feeding on water.plants can be successfully cultivated together with carps in ponds. Card 1/2 Dragocephalum that becomes sexually mature within 3 years has A Conference on the Acclimatization of Amur Fishes SO V-26-11; 5 - 5- 3 -/51 hatched young in the Moscow area. It has been suggested to acclimate the Amur fishes also in the natural rivers and lakes of West Russia. 1. Fishes--USSR Card 2/2 PO,'RIjiIYAK, L.P. [Fohrmbidak, L.P.] '2F"!"~ - - - ~ ~ - ~ ~-* ~ - I Scientific vnd indus trial conference on problemi of bee culture. Vispyk 414 URSR 29 no. 6:60 Js '58. (MIRA-11;7) (Wraine-Bee culture) FOGRIBNrAK. L.P. [Pohrebniak, L.P.], kand.biol.nnu Conference on proble= dealing with the effect of ionizing radiation on the animal organism. Viazqk AN URSR 29 no.8: 67-68 Ag 158. 0(M& 13; 6) (Radiation-Physiological effect) POGREBNYAK, L.P. [Pohrebniak, L.P.] Conference on the phy131olog7 and patholog7 of blood circulation. Visiol.zhur. 1Ukr-1 5 no.4:562-563 JI-Ag '59. (MIU 12-11) (CARDIOVASCULAR STSTZY,-CCEGnSSPS) POGREBNYAK, L.P. Confereene of parasitologists of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Med.D--raz. i paraz.bol. 28 no.4:508-509 Jl-Ag '59. (MIRA 12:12) (UKRAINE-PAR&SITOLOGT) PWBEBNYAK, L.P, [Pohrebniak, L.P.], kand.biol.nauk Coordinating conference on the problems of higher nervous activity. Vienyk AN URSR 30 no.1:59-60 Ja '59- (MMA 12:4) (Nervous system-Congresses) FOGRE'BNYAK, L.P. Congress of Ukrainian parasitologists. Vish7k AN URSR 30 no.3:73-74 Mr 159. (MIRA, 12:6) (Parasitology-Congresses) POGREBEYAK, L.P. LPohrabniak, L.Pj~ kand. biol. nauk - Conference on Pathology and Physiology of the Circulation of the Blood. Visuft AN URSR 30 no-7:62-63 JI '59. (MIRA 12:10) (MMD--CIRCULATION) POGMKBNTAX, I.-P. All-lftlam Oenfersues on the Phytonelde Problms. Zhur.m1kroblol., spid.1 1~, 30 no.12tl44 D 159. (NMA 13 t5) (PRYTONierm) .- FOGRBBNYAKp L.P. [I?ohrebniakp L.P.) Conference of parasitologists. Dop.AJI MIR no.42-256-259 18-1. (KMA 14-2) (F~arasitology--Congressqs) POGREBNYAK, L.P. [Pohrebniak, L.P.] Morphology of 2arval stages in Oesophagosto== dentat= parasitic in domestic swine. Dop. All URSR no.1:128-130 162. (MIA 15:2) 1. Inatitut zoologii AN USSR. Predstavleno ak-ademikom AN USSR A.P.Markevichem [Markevych, A.P.] (Nomatoda) (Parasites--Swine) TAREMA, A.A.; POGRE,11WYAK, L.P.[Fohrobni.-RJ., L.P.]; 071,11RTSOIA, A.S., red. [Russian-bkrainian veterinai~; dictionai-i. 12,CgCk ter--s! Rosiislko-ukrainslkyi veterynarnyi sloviVk. 12 GOO ter- miniv. K-.viv, Vauk-ova dunka, 1964. 360 P. (MIRA 18:1) YESIPENKO, B.Ye.[IEsypenko, B.IE]; KONDRATOVICH, M.A.[Kondratovych, __ F.[Pohmbniak, L.P.), red.; DANE M.A.]; MGREBNYAK, L VICH, A.V.[Danevych, A.V.], red.-leksikograf; LIBEMi, TiR., tekhn. red. [Russian-Ukrainian,diationary of physiological term,inology] Rosiialko-ukrainsfii slovnyk f.-Lziologichnoi terminologii. 15000 terminiv. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad. nauk UPISR, 1963. 201 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Physiology-Dictionaries) (Rassian language-Dictionaries--Ukrainian) YESIPENKOI B.YOJIEsypenko,.:B.IE.]; KONDRATOVICH, M.A.[Kondr-atovych, M.A 1; POGFILBNXUIX,[Pohrebniak, L.P.], red-; DANEVICH, A.ViDaneUch, A.V.], red.-leksikograf; LIMHW, t.P., tekhn. red,,. [Russian-Ukrainian dictionary of physiologibal terpWlogy; 15,000 terms]'"Rde'iis'ko-ukr&ins'kyi slovnyk fiziologtchnoi terminologii. 15 000 terminiv. Uk-lad. B.IE.IEsypenko, M.A.Kondratovych, Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad. nai* URSR, 201*p. 1 (MIRA 16:6) (Physiology~--Dictionaries) (Russian language--Dictionaries--Ukra'PA") Ya ! 959 'IGR Pog r ob i-,, Forent r(OR' 4V , - 6, 14. -r, C, - io P, I e~v F. z, v, J~k~A. 1958 115-179 rp 3 . , 31 . , VianAtslcaya Oblast. 2./i kaild.veterin.nauk; Lu^ nau(:*iai,,7 sotrczdn`~.k LEBEDEW, P. T. . PlXta, _ 14 ~ P. y ltoose hcruslng of ecrus i- Siberia. Vaterinarila 41 noJtU-86 Mr 165. (MIPA -18:4) a. Sjbirsk!7 veterinarnyy L-SSR/Mqsiology of Plamts. Photosynthesis. Abs Jour: Bef. Zhur-Biologiya., No 1, 1958, 1132. posted watering of the soil in the hothouse vith a 1ft04 and borax solution caused an increase in the chlorophyll content of the lemon leaves. 1-2 QLrd : 2/2 -17- POCiREBNYAY,, O.K. [Poltirebruial, O.K." New medical remedle-n. F~!:-7~11xit:3PV. zhar. l.'7 nr,.5:1315-T~ 1~1- OZ. 1, Ir- ~tA 17:')' -POGRMNYAK, P. (Pohrebniak. P.], akademik Forests of the Ukraine. Hauka i zkvttia 8 no.4:22-26 Ap 158. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Ali USSR, pradvedatell Ukrainakogo obehohestva okhrany priroay. (Ukraine-Forests and forestry) POGRKBNYA-K, P.S. Role of roots and organic litter of deciduous forests In the origin of forest-steppe soils, Dop.AN UM no,2:55-62 148. (KRA 9:9) l.Chlon-korrespondent AN URSR. (Ukraine--Forest soils) ,jrWRRBMYAK, P. S. Exchange of ash substances between trees and the soil. Dop.AN URSR no.3:27-33 148. (RUA 9:9) I.Institut 11sivnitstva Akademii nmak Ukrainalko.i RSR.2.Diyanty chlen AN URSR. (Trees) (Soil chemistry) POGRRBUW, P.S. "MMOMR-Ow - MENOWNWAW Composing cenoses and Acadeny of Sciences of URSR l-.22-28 149. (Kiev--Botanical cenogroups In the Botanical Garden of the the Ukrainian S.S.R. Trudy Bbt. sada .0 OCZ& 10-.8) gardeus~ (Ukraine--Botany--loology) POGRIBMAK, P.S. Stalin's great plan for the transformation of nature. Viazyk AN URSR 21 no. 1:32-37 J& 149. (MLRA 9:9) 1. Dlyanty'chlen AS URSR. (Windbreaks,,sielterbelts, etc.) _4 ~Uo* olou - ftees., -punting NOY1,11n 50 soil Conservation -,"Interlocking of Tops of Oaks Set Out by the Clus- ~-ter,Xethod," P. S. Pogrebnyak, Act Mem.,Acad Sci Ukriinian SSR, Kiev _"AV~biol" No 3, pp _u&iP3 Defends method of planting young oak trees in clusters of square wpter each, 670 cluster per ..hoc'tare, from criticism that tops interlock qfter 20_25wyeard. Cites advantages of method in.-.ctd4- - ----- 17OT3 P06::RCI-33 A1)-W/( 1) /p, 5, ce 1. P. S. PCKM14YAK 2. USSR (600) 4. Bladdernut - Southern Bug Valley 7. New natural site of the bladdernut (Staphylea pinata L.) in the Southern Bug Bsin. Dop. AN URSR no. 2. 1951- 9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. ";r- POKHITON. P.P.; POPMNYAK. P.S., diyonyy chlen. Aki Distribution of potassium In forest soil profiles. Dop.AM URSR no.3;194-197 151. (MT-RA 6:9) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukr&ylnslkoyi ISR (for Pohrobayak). 2. Inetytut lisivnytst badenlyl nank Ukrayinalkoyl ASR (for Pokhtton). (Forest soils) (Potassium) -el- PORZHZNKO, V.V.; Po$~MNYAK. P.S., diyonyy chlen. Ommvi& Analysis of the preparations ONIUIFI and "formaldehyde-norbent earth' for the control of cotton plant rootrot. Dop.AN UMM no.4:287-290 '51. (XLRA 6:9) 1. Almdoulys nwak Ukrayins'koyl PSR (for Pohrobnyak). 2. Ukr&Yins'kyy u.-d. instytut bavoynytetva, a. Kherson. (Rootrot) (Amgici(tes) ARUffMVAI V.D.; Piliga-MNYAK. P.S., diyonyy chlon. m; Now disease of acorns. Dup.AU UM no.4:297-301 '51. (NUIA 6:9) 1. Almdoulya nauk Ukrayinolkoyl IRSR (for Pbhrobuyak). 2. Instytut yentono- lohW ta fitopatolohiyi Akadoutyi "-1r Ukrayinalkoyl PSR (for Arkbypova). (Acorns-Diseases and posts) .1 , - -r~ . -I 1 .3. Pine Plantin~: pum! in clust:,,r5 on sand, !--B. i step, It, no. d" 1052. J~ -, 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, J.qi~p -t9,lx4:; Uncl.. C- KHRZHANOVSIKYY, Y.H.; POPM ~E - IEffect of menilite shale on the growth and development of trees and shrubs. Dop.AN UPSR no-5:424-429 '52. (MLRA 6:10) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR (for Pbhrabnyak). 2. L'vivs'kyy filial Akademiyi nank Ukrayinalkoyi ESH (for Khrzhauovs'kyy). (Menilits) (Wertilizers and manures) POG~TMNYAK, P. S., FLOBOVSKIY. A. M.. ILI M. G. M- USSR 600 Tree Planting *Peat-nest" method of planting. Lee. khoz. 5 no. 2(41). 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, LibrFz7 of Congress, JulY 1952. UNCLASSMID. 1. Pogrebnik, P.S. 2. USSR (600) 4. Forest Ecology 7. Bioaeocoenosis, its origin and nature., Les i step', 14, No.11, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. KOVALEVS'KYI, A.K.; PWRKMTAK, P.S., diienyi chlen Akademiyi nauk URSR. Interrelation of various species of trees In deciduous forests. Don. AN UFSR no.4:255-258 153. (MLR& 6:8) 1. 1-ustvtut lisivn3rtstva Akademlyi nauk URSR. 2. Akademiya nauk URSR (for Pbgrebnyak). (Forest ecology) PASTXRM. P.S.; POGRZBNUX, P.S., diisnyi chlen Akademiyi naull, UBSR. Iffect of the Siberian pea shrub on the unstable forms of nitrogen in forest oils. Dop.AN UFAR no.4:259-263 153. (MT-HA 6:8) : . Instytut lisinytetva, Akademiyi nauk UFAR. 2. Akw1emiya, nauk URSR (for bgrobnyak). (Curagana) it SKORODUMOV. O.S.; PO NYAK, F.S., diyonvy chlen. Chemical composition of ground and lake waters of the lower Dnieper sands. DoD.AIT URSR no.5:327-332 153. W-Rk 6:10 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinglkoyi RSR (for Pohrebnyak). (Daieper valley--Hydrology) (kdrology--Diiieper valley) A Po"'FL-Blar, P. "Planting Pine in Clusters in Sand" Tr. from Russian. D. 139, Vol- 9, no. 6, Jime 1953, Praha, Czechoslovakia). SO: Tknthly List of East European Accessions, LC, Vol. 2, No. 11, Nov. 10,53, Uncl. PWRZBNUK, P.S.. professor. deyetvitelinyy chlen. .*"W4;VW.W Lower Dnieper sands and the problem of utilizing them. Prixoda 42 no.8: 56-61 Ag 153. (MLOA 6:7) 1. Akademiy& nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. (Dnieper vallsy-~~Sand dunes) (Sand dunes--Dnieper valley) L ZAHCRIY, P.K.. professori vidpovidalInty redaktor; MARIVICH, O.M.. dotsent. redektor; MUKONELI. IJ., dotment, redaktor; RAZAROT. Y.0.. professor, radektor; OOGRABBYAK. P.S.. professor. redaktor; POPOT, V-P.. profs so oi-,"A"W%ilt LIs K.P., dotme6t, redaktor [Papers on the nature and agriculture of the Ukrainian Polesys) Mar7sy pro pryrodu i silOolke hospodarstvo Ukrainolkoho Poliests. [Xyivj Tyd-vo Kylvalkoho, T-H-Shevchenka 1955, 529 p. NLRA 10:7) 1. Klyev. Universitat.- (Polopye-Agriculturs) UWR/Forestry. Forestry and Forest Cultivation. J-3 Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol.,, No 6, 1957) 22584 Author 12gobnyaL P.S. Inst 0 Title A Typological Estimate of Poorly Yielding Soils For Forest Cultivation Purposes. Orig Pub: Tr. In-ta lesokhoz. problem AN LatvSSR, 1955, 9, 29-39 Abstract: The soil conditions of pine-growing locations of Nizhnednepr sands are described. The chief areas here are those of well- drained, poorly-developed, sandy soils with ground waters deeper tban 2.5 m. The character of their morphological pe- ailiarities is stated. The adaptation of these soils for a thick pine plantation (15-20 thousand units per hectare) was not satisfactory, in the author's opinion, for the reason that the local soil--hydrological conditions were not properly taken into account. A turf-nidus method of pine cultivation Is suggested. Card 1/1 IAVRINENKO, Dmitriy Danilovich; FLOROVSKIY, Anatoliy Mikhaylovich; KOVALEV- SKIY. knton Konstantinovich; FOGRIBNYAK, P.S., otvetstvemyy t~ - redaktor; GRUDZMKAYA, O.S., "r-iaik*,`oi~'ftdd`te1' stva; SIVACHENKO. Ye.K., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Foreat types for the Ukraine] Tipjv lesnyl-ch kulltur dlia Ukraizw. Kiev, Izd-vo Akademil nauk USSR. 1956. 286 p. (14U&. 9:12) 1. DeystvitelInyy chlen All USSR (for Fogrebnyak) (Ukraine-Forests and forestry) KHOLODNYY, Nikolay, Grigorlyevich; BELOKON', I.P.j redaktor; ZNROV. D.K., redaktor-. OUNINKO, A.S., redaktor; POGRIBNTAK, P.S., redaktor; RUBINCHIK, L.I.. redaktor; SHIIA), VX. Mm"Or4l2fdatel'stva; SIUCHINKO, Te.K., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Selected works; in three volumes] lzbrannve trudy; v trekh tomakh. liev. Izd-vo Almdemii nauk USSR. Tol.2. (Works on the physiology of plants] Raboty po fiziologit reatenii. 1956. 388 P. (MLRA 9111) (Botany-Physiology) KHOLODNTY. Nikolay Grigorlyevich; BILOKONO, I.. rodaktor; ZNROV, D.K.. redaktor; OKAIUMO, A.S.. redaktor; POGRABNTAK. P.S. reclaktor; RUBBICH11, L.I., redaktor; SHILO, V.N.,n"re&W' r Ifuntelstva; SITACERAKO. Ye.k.. tokhoichookiy redaktor [Selected works; In three volumes) IsbranzWe tru4y; v trokh tomakh. &toy, Isd-vo Almd.nauk USSR. TOW [Vorks on microbiology and plant ecology) Raboty po nikrobiologil I okologil rastenii. 1957. 525 P. (KL#A 10:7) (Microbiology) (Botany-Acology) POGRIBNYAK. F.S., akadomik.;SKOIjoj)VMOV. O.S. - . 0 . 1 1 _"FW ~~10 ~__dwkbk_ Water regime of ghernyy Iss 80ils- [with suUmILrY in Znglichl. Dop. AN UPSR no. 1:81-85 '57. (XLRA 10: 4) IL. Akade4y& nauk UM ( for Pogrebuyak). 2. Institut lieu AN JMsR 034srmwy Les-Soil moisture) 'E- L AUTHOR# POGREBIKiYAK.P.S., Member of the Academy of PA - 3375 Science of the Ukrainian SSR, ILIKUN,G.M., SOLOPKO, A.A. TITLEs The Registration of later Expenditure by Forests with the Help of the Evaporation Gradient. (Uchet rashkods. vlagi lesom po gradientu isp&j7sW=ost1, Russian) PERIODICALa Doklady Akadenii Nauk 8SSR, 1957, Vol 113, Nr 2, PP 454 - 457 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRkCTt In soil science, in the physiology of plants, and in forestry two methods of registering the transpiration of wood plants have come into ussi 1~ an indirect one - the ground balance method (Vysotskiy) and 2 a airect, physiological one (Ivanov). Although they are sufficiently exact and the difference of their results does not exceed + 5 %, they are technically oomplicated and require too intense manipulation. The recently elaborated gradient measuring of the diffusion transformation of water vapor and the determination of the coefficient of the turbulent diffusion were not satisfactory, The last mentioned author sug- gested taking the evaporation capacity in form of an exponent which integrates the factors causing the evaporation an basis of the gradient method instead of the specific humidity and of Card 1/3 the coefficient of the turbulent diffusion. The elementary case The Registration of Water Expenditure by Forests P1 - 3375 with the Help of the Evaporation Gradient. is based on the hypothesis that the evaporation process of the active surface of the investigated object is proportional to the difference of the evaporation capacity in two different heights between which the diffusion exchan#e takes place. A paper filter of 25 022 was chosen as evaporation surface. The authors investi- gated one year old red pine seedlings and one year old stand of Canadian poplars, moreover 4 year old stands of pine and red oak groups. The evaporators were located to in the leafiest parts of the tress and 10 m above them. Out off branches served as control according to Ivanov. From schedule 2 it is evident that the results of both methods are close to each other. In further investigations an additional pair of the gradient apparatuses of L.I.Solopko was used at two pointst 1) open on the ground surface, 2) at the same height, covered by tar paper. In the summer of 1956 single standing pines, birohtrees and oaks, 10 - 15 years old, were investigated.. Transpiration wags computed by means of the formulai 2 T - XRLU - XE U0 , XR(lu . RU 0)9 where R - in the radius of the lower top cross-section and 1 - the cons constituent. Schedule 3 prove* the applicability of this method. In a dense stand there is no necessity of measuring Card 2/3 the tape of the trees. Transpiration conditions in a forest are The Registration of Water Expenditure by Forests PA - 3375 with the Help of the Evaporation Gradient. different to those of a single tree: in open land the gradient of the evaporation capacity increases from 1 - 2m following a straight line. In the vertical profile of the forest there are two minima of the evaporation capacity: in the air layer near to the ground and inside the top cover. As known, the daily curve of plant transpiration is comparable with the saturation de- ficiency. In the case under investigation the proportionality between the gradient of the evaporation capacity and the trans- piration of the stand is confirmed. (3 schedules, 6 citations from Slav publications) ASSOCILTION: Starosel'sk Biological Station of the Research Institute of the Academy of Science of the Ukrainian SSR PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/3 POGRMAIC, PRO? P. S., (ACTIVE mombor, Acad Sol Ukr SSR) USSR/Geoybysice - Sands Aug 53 "The Lower Dnepr Sands and the Problem of Utilizing Them,lil-'Prof P. S.'Pogrebnyak, Active Member, Sci Ukr SSR Priroda~ No 8, pp 56-61 Describes improvement of more than 210tOOO hectares of sandy soil by means of a forestation program to prevent shifting of sdnd. 276T6o POGREBNY-'K, PETR STEPANOVICH N15 632.7 .P7 1955 Osnovy lesnoy Tipologii (Principles of Forest Typology) 2, Isprav. 1 Dop. Tzd. Kiyev, Akademkniga USSR, 1955. 455 P. Illus., Diagrs., Tables. At Head of Title; Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Institut Lesovodstva. FOGREBNYAK, F.S. LFohrebuiftK, F.B.I. akademik Development of plant ecology in the Ukraine during 1917-1957. Vismyk Bot.sada AN UM no.1:11-20 159. (MIU 13:8) 1. Al USSR. ftraine--Botagy~Zcology) SMATOV, Anatoliy Gavrilovich.[Soldstov, A.H.1,-kand;sel'akokhoz.nauk; TYUKOV, Sergey Yefimovich [Tiukov, SJUJ, -uchenyy lesovod; TURKEVICH, Nikolay Vesillyevich,[Turkevveh, H.Vj, ksnd.~iolog. nauk;_ CBNTAK._!!.S. [Pohr~bniak. P.S.I. akBdamik, red.; FLOROVaIY, A.M. [Flo-r-ovslkyi. A.M.]. knnd.sellskokhoz.nouk, red.; VASIKOVSKIT, Tu.I., red.; KTITKA, S.P., [Uk--ainian forestal Lisy Mcrainy. Kylv, Vyd-vo Ukrainalk I Akad.sillalkohospodarB'kykh nauk. 1960. 459 p. (mm 14a) 1. AN USM (f or Pogre bnyak) - (Ukraine-Forests and forestry) POMONYAK, P.S. Uohrebniak, P.S.j Protection of rare and vanishing tree and shrub species. Ukr. no.2:48-53 16o. (MIRA 13:8) (Ukraine--Plants, Protection of) (Trees) (Shrubs) POGREBNYAK, P.S. Pohrebniak,, P.S.1, akademik; GAYDUGHOK, A.[Haiduchok, 0.1, red.; RIBYA, V,.B.[Rybkay V,B.), red.; YWKOVA, tekhn. red. (Let rustling forests cover our land] Khai shurqt' zemla haiamy. Kyiv., Molod', 1961. 88 p. (MIRA 15;7) 1. Akademiya naukUSSR, predsedatell Ukrainskogo obshchestva po okhrane prirody (for Pogrebnyak). (Ukraine--Forests and forestry) ZAGAYKEVICH, N.K., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk; ILION, G.M., kand. biolog. naukj _ FQOEBNXAL,-FTZ., akademik; RUDNEV, D.F., Prof., doktor biolog. nauk; FIDROVSKIYp A.E.1, kand. sellskokhoz, nauk Ldeceased); BREDIEDY9 A.M.9 red.; TRU1910A, 0.1r.9 tekbn. red. [New methods for the afforestation of rolling sandal Novye sposoby ob- leseniia, bugristfth peskov. By N.K.Zagaikevich i dr. Moskva, Gos. ~zd-iA sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1961. 216 p. (MIRA 14:8) 1. AN Ukrainskoy SSR (for Pogreboyak) (Afforestation) (Sandy soils) POGREBNYAK, P.S. LPohrebniak, F.S.] Paleogeography of the Oleshlye. Geog. zbir. no-4;227-V&/+ 161. (MIRA 14:8) - (Dnieper Valley-Faleogeography) POGREBITIAK, P.Se --- . 'y t Ancient soils in :. Y". TrudY Od. un. 152. Ser. Veol. i geog. I. nauk no.9:.~3-46 162. (MIRA 17:6) POPOV1 V.P., prof., otv. red.; WGATYR, T.K., red.; DTBROVA, O.T., prof., red.; ZAMDRIT, P.K., prof., red.; MARYNICH, O.M., doktor geogr. nauk, red.; PCGRIZBNYAK, P.S. [Pohrebniak, P.S.], akademik, red.; PYSHKIN,B.A.',, red.; STAROVOYTENKO, I.P.[Starovoitenko., I.P.1, kand. geogr. nauk, red.; KHARCHENKO, A.S., dotes., red.; HELINIK, G.F.[Mellnyk, R.F.1, red.izd-va; TURBANOVA, N.A., tekhn. red. [1-11aterials on the meteorology and hydrology of the Ukraine] Materialy z meteorologii i gidrologii Ukrainy. Kyiv, Vyd- vo AN URSR., 1963. 140 p. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev, Ukrains'ke geografichne to- varystvo. 2. AN Ukr..SSR (for Pogrebnyak). 3. Chlen-korres- pondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Pyahkin). (Ukraine-Fleteorology) (Ukraine--Hydrology) popOVI V.P., pmf., otv. red.; BOGATYR, T.K.[Bohatyr, T.K.1, red.; DIBRDVA, O.T., prof., red.; ZAMORIY, P.K.[Zamorii--. P.K.1, prof., red.; MARINICH, O.M.[Maryuich, O.M.], doktor geogr. nauk, red.; POGREBNYAK, P.S_.(Pohrebniak, P.S.], akademik, red.; PYSHKIIq, B.A., rea*; STAROVOYTENKO, I.P. [Starovoitenko, I.P.], kand. geogr. nauk, red.; KHARCHENKO, A.S., dots., red.; MELINIK, G.F.(Mellnyk, H.F.1, red.izd-va; TURBANOVA, N.A., tekhn. red. [Materials on the meteorology and hydrology of the Ukraine) Materialy z meteorologil i gidrologii Ukrainy. Kyiv, Vyd-vo AN URSR, 1963. 140 P. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Ki~v. Ukr~insfke geografichne tova- rystvo. 2. AN Ukr.SSR (for Pogrebnyak). 3. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Pishkin). Wk.-~aine--Meteorology) (Ukraine--Hydrology) REVEZOV, Nil Petrovit~b, prof. [deceased); FD~~EYLI~, Fetr_ , Ster, ademik (Forest soil science] Lesnoe pochvovedenie. Moskva, Lesnaia promyshlennost', 1965. 323 p. (MIRA .18:8) 1. AN Ukr.SSR (for PogrebrWak). POGREBNYAK, V., inzh.-Impitan Centralized pover system. Av. i kosm. 48 no.12:13-15 D 165. (MIPJI 18: 1-1) LVT(d)/EWTW AP6000621- SOURCE CODE: Uk/0209/65/000/012/0013/0015 AUTHOR: Poslakp*~~ ~Zngineer, Captain) PM ORG: None 'TITLE: Centralized power-supply system SOURCE: Aviataiya i kosmDnavtika, no. 12, .1965, 13-15 TOPIC TAGS: aircraft actuating eq uipment,!aircraft electric7power equipment, Jet aircraft, airfield facility ABSTRACT: The author describes a centralized power-supply system which can be used for the engine starting of up to 20 aircraft parked alongside each other'bn,a j300-meter long deployment ramp (Fig. 1). The system, which makes possible a sub- stantial economizing of short-supply cable as well as a considerable reduction in waiting time for automatic mobile starting equipment, operates on a three-conductor system, in which the two main motor generators, driven by the 380/220-volt utility mains, feed three power busses: a common minus (also used as the ground return), plus 24 volts and plus 48 volts. Modified power outlet terminals, type KPA-4, are used for the direct feed of the aircraft power systems. Because of the surge character of the current consumption during the starting sequence, the system calls Card.-1/3 A L -Abd'I#C.-7__AP600062l IB IKPA44 Im Fig. 1. Basic arrangev _nt of the centra zed power system for park-posi- Y 10 pk tion aircraft: 1 -4 power terminal% - aircraft power_line;,". 3 - power station; 4 - 380-volt cable; 5 - conmol panel; 6 Ai3PS motor Ren rator"units 35/27.5; 7 - distributor unit; 8 - AIA-7.5 converter 9 - control panel V - 24/48 volts; 10 - 24/48 d-c cable. 10 for the simultaneous starting of the two aircraft standing to either side of one of the ten KPA-4 power outlets, with each adjacent.notor fired after a ten-second Ldelay. In this way, all the moto,re on.the ramp can be started in 5 minutes. "Card 2/3 D POGREBNYAK, V.A..[Pohrebniak, V.0.1 Stratigraphy and Foraminifera of Carboniferous sediments in the northern margin of the Donets Basin as revealed by the study of the North-Lugansk test hole. Geol.zhur. 23 no.3:23-35 163. (MM 16:9) 1. Ukrainalkiy filial VNDIPGaz. (Donets Basin-Foraminifera, Fossil) (Donets Basin-Geology, Stratigraphic) DOLUDA, M.Ye.; LITVIN., S.V.; POGREBNYAK, V.A. Lithology and stratigraphy of the Upper Carboniferous of the transition zone between the Donets Basin and the Dnieper-Donets Lowland. Dok3..AN SSSR 145 no.6:1356-1359 Ag 162. (MIU 15:8) 1. Ukrainskiy filial Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta prirodnogo gaza. Predstavleno akademikom D.V.Na3-ivkinym. (U]&aine-Petrology) (Ukraine--Geology,, Stratigraphic) POGREBNYAK., V.A. [Pohrebniak, V.A.) Consolidation of the rural dist'rIct. pharmacy network. Faz-matsev. zhur. 16 no.4:66-68 161. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Aptechnoye upravleniye Zhitomirskogo oblastnogo zdravootdela. POGRE:BNYAK, V.A. Foraminiferal genus Monotaxinoides and Eolasi (0 "c 9:7) Paleont. zhur. no. 1:3-9 164. )a 17. 0 at 1. Ukrainskiy filial Vsesoy-uznogo nauchno-issle~d allskogo instituta pr$rodnogo gaza. VITENKOJ, V.A (Vitenko,, V.0.1; POrMBNM, 'V.A (Pohrebniak, V.0.1; POLYAK, R.Ya. Sediments of the MDscovian stage of the north Inganak key well. Geol.zhur. 21 no.3:87-93 161. (KM 14;7) 1. UkrNDGRI. (Novoaydar District-Geology., Stratigraphic) POG.RBBNYAK, V.O.-FPohrebniqk. V.V.j ~- Naw tYpes of Fusulins from niddle Carboniferm.,F spdinen- in the r~ , northern vorgin of the Donst-s Bgein. Gepl. zhur. 18 ro. ?-4'-"7r) 15B. 11 -) (Don6ts Basin-4usuling. losail) ACC NR AR7000947 SOURCE CODE: UR/0275166/000/0111AO18/AO18 AUTHOR: Isakov, V. L.; Pogrebnyak, V. P. TITLE: Approximate analysis of traveling -wave -tube stability SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, Abs. 11A124 REF SOURCE: Vestn. Kiyevsk. politekhn. in-ta Ser. radiotekhn., no. 2, 1965, 31-36 TOPIC TAGS: traveling wave, traveling wave tube ABSTRACT: Formulas are introduced for an approximate calculation of an absorber's attenuation (designed to maintain the stability of a traveling wave tube) according to the amplification required and the experimentally obtained maximum reflection factor. The absorber's effect on the magnitude of current and on the length of the self- excitation wave of the traveling wave tube is analyzed. An Iattenuation incr.ease of 8 decibels makes it possible to increase the self-excitation current in the traveling-wave tube by four times. There is a bibliography with 2 titles. [Translation of abstract], [KP] SUB CODE: 09/ Card 1 1 UDC: 621. 385. 632 KARPUKHIN, V.I.; kand. mod. nauk (Moskv!,-~; NAM"IERINA, N.P. (YoAva); POGREBOAK, V.S. (Yaskvul Surgical treatment of ac-ulue ~~holecvs-~-J-tiq- -'n the sur-fcal dHpartbment, cf a hospital, air-arglia 40 no.3t49-5L Yr 164. 17: 9'-. KRAYTSER, L.I.; SFMEVNIN, V. V. ; B19,"D'WN, M-P-; POGREB?=, V-S- Effectiveness of splenoportography in metastasis symptoms of cancer of the stomach and pancreas. Vest.khir. no.9:45-49 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Iz 3-y kafedry khirurgii TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenst- vovaniya vrachey (zav. - prof. V.I. Kazanskiy) i rentgeno-radio- logicheskogo otdeleniya (nach. - dotsent S.A. Sviridov) na baze TSentrallhoy klinichoskoy bollnitsy Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya. Adres avtorov: Moskva, Volokolmskoye shosse., d-34, TSentrallnaya klinicheskaya bollnitsa Ministerstvo putey soobshcheniya. (STOMACH-CANCER) - (PARCREAS-CANCER) (SPLM7--RADIOGRAPHY) (PORTAL VEIN-RADIOGRAPHY) KRYLOVY G.N.; MTYNENKO, I.A.; POGREBNYAK, Ye.B.; SERGEYEVA, M.K. Independent optical method for determining the orientation of an artificial earth satellite in space. Isk.sput.Zem. no.14:145-153 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Artificial satellites-Tracking) ?OGREBNYAK, V.A.; DOLUDA, M.Ye. Carboniferous sediments of the Shelbelinka gas field. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no.2:348-351 Ja164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Ukrainskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo instituta prirodnogo gaza. Predstavleno akademikom D.V. Nalivkinym. U839 S/560/62/000/014/011/011 A001/A101 :-AUTHORSt Krylov, 0.1 N., Martynenko, I. A., Pogre~qak,ja. B., Sergeyeva, M.K. .TTTLEt An autonomous optical method of determining orientation of an Earth's satellite In space Akademiya r(puk SSSR. Iskusstvennyye sputniki Zemll. no. 14, 1962, 145 - 153 T: The purpose of this Investigation Is determination of orientation of TE E I - .,anYarth s artificial satellite in space from the readings of solar radiation pic~cups mounted on the satellite. In the first pakrt-of the article the problem of36etermining the vector,'denotin direction from the satellite to the Sun,. Is -solved in terms of three direction,cosines. The-4econd part deals with the prob- lem- of determining the matrix of transformation from the coordinate system "Earth to~the system of "Sputnik". As a result, the matrix was obtainedeach of whose . elements contained the unknown angle of turn of one system relative to the other, This angle can be determined from the reading of at'least one scanning pickup whose optical system fixes the line of horizonj. provid.ed that the'altitude of the C.ard 1/2 Its POGUBNYAK, Z. [Pohribniak, Z.3, kand.sol'skokhozyaystvenRyIeh nauk -Making planks using agricultural waste materiale. Bud.mat.-' konstro'. 2 no.1:25-27 F 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Building materials)