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RYAZANOVSKIT, Serafim Konstantinovich; POGODIN-ALNKSKYRV, G.I., prof.,
obahchiy red.: RODIMOT. A.V.. --
(Reading drawings; a textbook] Ghtenie charteshei; uchobnoe
posobie. Koekva, Izd-vo VM i AON pri TsK KM. 1959. 60 p.
1. Rulcovoditell kafedry o9nov promyshlennogo proizvodetva i
stroitellstva Vysshey partiynoy shkoly pri TSentrallnom
komitete Koumunistichaskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyacs (for
(Keehanical drawing)
KUZNETSOV, Vasiliy Ivanovi' nauk; NIKITIN,
qh prof., doktor takhn.
Boris Tlsdi4rovich, inzh.-mekhanik; rOWDI&AMSTM,
prof., doktor takhn. nauk, red.;.KOKDMUO-,.A.G., red.
[Plastics and their main physical and mechanical properties]
Plasticheakie mazy i ikh osnovn
.ye fiziko-mekhanicheskie avoi-
stva. Pod red. G.I.Pogodins-Alskeeave. Moskva, Izd-vo YPSh
I Aon pri TaK NP53, 1959. 91 p. (MIRA 14-5)
14oscov. Vyssheye tel~hnlchesltoye nchtlishche im. Ii. E. Bamana.
Povysheniye dolgovechnosti detaley mashin; abornik statey (Extendins the service
'Lite of Machine Parts; Collection of Articles) MoBcow, 14asligiz, 1959. 161 P.
(Series: Its: [Tradv] 91) Errata Blip inserted. 6,000 copies printed.
Bas. (Title -page): E. A. Satell, Honored Worker in Science and Technology,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor and D. K. Reshetov, Doctor of
Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. (Inside book)t R. M. Korableva., Enginei~r;
Tech. Ed.: V. D. ElIkind; Managing Ed. for Literature on General Technical
and Transport Machine Building (Mashgiz): K. A. Ponomareva, Engineer.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for mechanical and metallurgical
engineers an& technicians.
COVERAGE: Articles included in this collection were presented to the Scientific
and Technical Convention held at the Moscow Higher Technical School in 1957.
The Convention met to explore the possibilities of extending the service life
of machines and their -parts. The articles cover problems -pertaining to machine
Card 1/4
Extending the Service Life of Machine Parts (Cont.) SOV/1947
building, engineering, and the thermal and chemical treatment of the materials
used for machine parts. Pretreatment and proces4ing of machine parts and the
materials from which they are made are reviewed, and ways of extending their
service life explored. Causes of material corrosion, fatigue, and deteriora-
tion are investigated. Problems of extending the service life of automobiles,
lowering their weight, improving the vear resistance of brake linings, and
eliminating overheating are discussed. In addition, low temperature
cyanidation of structural steel is describedY and the durability of tractor
transmissions and ways of Improving it dealt with. The book contains
numerous graphs, tables, illustrations and formulas. Individual articles
axe accompanced by references.
Reshetov, D. N. Service Life of Machines and the Most Effective Ways of
Extending It 5
Card 2/4
Extending the Service Life of Machine Parts (Cont.) SOV/1947
Satelf., E. A. Extension of the Service Life of Machine Parts By
Strengthening Methods 31
Pogodin-Alekseyevj, G. I. Stress Conditioning - One of the Ways of Improv-
~e ~re o Machines and Extending Their Life
Lipgart, A. A. Extending the Service Life of Automobiles and Lowering
Their Weight
Aleksandrov, M. P. Increasing the Wear Resistance of the Friction Brake
Linings Used for Cranes 81
Khromeyenkov., M. F. Studying Overheating and Wear of Automobile Brakes
and Ways of Improving Their Durability 95
U11yanova, N. V. Structural Instability of Low Alloyed Steel Used For
Steam Boilers 113
Shkalikov,. M. S. Studying the Wear Resistance of the Highly Durable Cast
Iron Under Friction 125
Card 3/4
I c)G- oDiN - A LE~~ SQ L-: V' C-v I
Nikifordv, Vikentiy Markianovich, Geo ly Ivanovich PogDdin-Alekseyev Doctor of
T&Wmtcal Sciences, Rrofessor, Vasiliy Alekseyevich Pros- A.1ek-
sandrovich Proskmryakov, and Konstantin Ivanovich Tkachev
.Tekhnologiya vazhneyshikh otrasley promyshlennosti. Ch. It MeUllurgiya i
met&31 vedeniye; uchobnoye posobiya dlys vysshikh partiynykh shkol (Technology
of the Most bWortant Industries. Pt. 1: Metallurgy and the Science of Metals;
a Textbook for Higber Party Schools) Moscov, Izd-vo VPSh i AON pri TsK KPSS,
1959- 271 p. Errata slip inserted. 25,000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: KawmnlsticheskAya partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza. Tsentrallnyi
kDmitet. Vysshaya putiynays shkola. Kafedra pronorgshlennogo proizvodstva i
Zd.~(Tltle page): G. 1. Pogodina-Alekse'yeva, Boctor of Technical Sciences,
Profe asor; Ids. -(Tn-ol3i-b-o-okT,.-4.--Y&-.--G--olovin, and D. 0. SlALvin; Tech. Ed.
K. K. Naumove
Card 11f Y
Techdology of the Most Important (Cont.) SOV11933
PUMSE: This book is intended to serve as a -nual in higher Party schools, and
my also be used by general readers interested in widening their knowledge of
the given branch of industry.
COVERAM This manual was vritten in accordance with the curriculum of the four-
year covirse entitled "Technology of the Most larportant Branches of Industry"
given at higher Party schools. The book is divided into two partst "Metal-
lurgy and Mining of Raw Materials and Fuels" and nPhysical Metallurgy and Heat
-Tteatment of Metals." The authors present the fundamentals of the mining and
exploitation of the basic raw materials and fuels and the basic principles of
metallurgy. There are numerous diagrams and illustrations explaining the
basic underground and open pit mining methods. Cross-sections of oil wells show
the principles of oil production. The authors trace the flow in the metal-
lureLal industry from the smelting of ores to the 0-1 heat treatment of
the metals. Special features in producing nonferrous metals and the most
commonly used alloys are explained. Problems of corrosion and corrosion pre-
vention are discussed. In the introduction the authors give a brief outline
of the new Seven-Year V3an 1959-1965, mentioning the production targets in
metallurgy for those years and the new establishments under construction.
No references are listed.
Card 2/(# ~/
Technology of the Most Important (Cont.) 307/1933
2. Production of copper aa6
3. Production of aluminum and magnesium 123
4. Production of other nonferrous and rare metals 130
Ch. 1. Properties of Metals and Masting Methods (Pogodin-Alekseyev, G.I.,
Professor, and V.M. Nikiforov, Engineer)
1. Mechanical testing methods 137
2. Mechanical properties of metals 150
3. Physical,, chemical3and technological properties 156
Ch. M Fundamental Theories of Alloys (Pogodin-A-1ekseyev, G.I.,
Professor, and V.M. Nildforov, nxxtwwr~~~
1. Crystalline structure of metals 165
2. Crystallization and recrystallization 169
3. Composition diagrams of alloys 173
Card (b 3/~
Technology of the Most Important (Cont.) SOV/1933
Ch. III. Alloys of Iron and Carbon (Fogodin-Alekseyev, G.I., Professor,
and V.M. Nikiforov,, Rngineer~~-
1. Iron-carbon composition diagram 184
2. MAssification and marking of carbon steel 189
3- Structure of vhite and gray cast iron 192
4. Classification and kinds of cast iron 3.95
Ch. IV. Beat and Chemical Treatment of Steel (Pbgodin-Alekseyev, Gjj.,
1. Yetastable structures and varieties of heat treatment of steel 201
2. General elements of beat treatment 211
3. Annealing and normalizing 221
4. uardening and tempering 226
5- Chemical and beat treatment 23.'J,-
Ch. V. Special Steels and Yard Alloys (Nikiforov, V.M., Engineer)
1. Classification and marking of alloy steel 237
2. Structural alloyed steel 241
3. Alloyed tool steel 244
4. Ceramic products and hard alloys 247
Spravochnik po mashinostroltellnym materialam, tom 3: Chugun
(Handbook on Materials for Machine Construction, Vol 3: Cast
Iron') Moscow, Mashgiz 1959. 359 P. Errata'slip Inserted.
26,000 copies printed.
4P..: G.I. Pogodin-Alekseyev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Profess,or;
Ed6-.-o-r-thl-s--v-o-f.---U-.F-.--B-o-lkhovitinov, Doctor of Technical
Sciences, Professor, and A.F. Landa, DodtdP of Technical Sciences,
Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: V.1 Rybakova, Engineer;
Tech. Ed.: T.F. Sokolova; Managing Ed. for Handbook Literature:
1-.M. Monastyrskiy, Engineer.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and metallurgists
working with cast iron and the techniques used in the design and
production of cast-iron parts.
COVERAGE: This book deals with the technology of cast iron, including
the classification, metallurgy, physical properties and foundry
techniques associated with types of cast iron as well as the en-
gineering design of cast-iron parts and the molds for producing
Card 1/1A -Z
Handbook on Materials (Cont.)
them. No personalities are mentioned. References follow each
Ch.-I-. 'General Data on the Structure and Heat-TIreatment of Cast
Iron 5
General classification of cast iron for castings used In ma-
chinO'construction (A.F. Landa, Doctor*of Technical Sciences) 5
Classification according to chemical composition 6
Classification according to structure and conditions of
graphite formation 6
Classification according to properties 26
Classification according to the method of production of
cast iron and castings and the method of treatment 27
Basic factors affecting the structure and tnechanical proper-
ties of cast-iron castings (A.F. Ianda) 27
Effect of graphite 27
Effect of the cooling rate 31
Effect of the chemical composition 34
Card 21OL2
j-;') Azy
Berezin, BoAs Prokoplyevich, Aron Abramovich Mosyak, Vikently Markianovich
Nikiforov, q!orgiy Ivanovich o6odin-Alekseyev, Nikolay Dmitriyevich Titov,
Boris Gavrilovich Shpitallnyy, ~-n-d-N-ik-o-l-ay--Aksentlyevich Shcherbina,
Tekhnologiya vazhneysh:Lkh otrasley promyshlennosti,'chast' 2: Mashinostroyenike;
uchebnoye posobiye d1ya vysshikh partiynykh shkol ~,Jmanufacturlng Processes.of
the More Important Branches of Industry, Part 2.-'-Machinery Wnufacture.;-
Manual for Higher Party Schools) Moscow, Izd-vo VPSh i AON pri TsK KPSS, 1959-
376 p. 15,600 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Ko-nmisticheskaya partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza. Vysshaya partly-
naya shkola. Kafedra promyshlennogo proizvodstva i stroitelletva.
Eds.-. G.I.-Fogodin-Alekseyev, A;G. Kokoshko, and D.R. Beyzellman; Tech. Ed.:
K.`~~WufiWv-. ---
RURPOSE:. This textbook Is intended for stWents or huowrvarty ischaois.
COMM:. ' The book deas vith mntftcturing promons In Ow. n&chLne'LMu#trj!'
Rolling, draving.. pressing.. forging,, and stmVing of wtals are discussed in Part I,
founding in Part II, welding and gas cutting in Part III, and metal cutting in
Part IV. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references.
Card 1/$ -7
Manufacturing Processes of'the- Mrv~ (Cont. SDV/3281
Doctor of Thchnical Sclenoes, essorT
Developoent of Electric Welding, 16chnical and Economic
Advantages 125
Ch. L , Electri c-e= and Slectroslag. Welding 129
1. Manual electric-ara.welding 129
2. Automtic flux-shielded are welding 138
3. Seni-autmatic O= welding 144
4. Zlectrdelag welding 147
5. aae-shielded am we'dirk 151
Ch. 11. Klectrical-resistance Welding (A.A. Hoeyak., Candidate of
Technical Sciences, Docent) 158
1. Types of electrIcal-rosistance welding 158
2. Butt-welding 160
3. Spot welding 163
4. Beau welding 167
Cb.-~ M. Cke Welding and CattIng (A.A. Xosyak) 170
1. Game used in ps welding 170
Card 5/
6 O-D I A/ - 6 L-Ck'.5 -)/,E V
UKHOV. B.S.. prof., doktor tekbn.nauk [deceased]; VOROBITEV, V.A., prof.,
doktor takhn.nauk, z9aluzhennyy dayatell nauk-i i takhniki; TEGOROV,
Tu.A., prof.. doktor iskanstvovedcheakikh nmik; STRA)MOV, A.Te.,
prof,, doktor tekhn.nauk; SIROTKIN, V.P.. prof., doktor tekhn.nauk;
TCROPOV, A.S., dotsent. kand.tekhn.nauk; PTLOT, B.A., kand.teklin.
nauk-, SMYM , A.K., kand.tekhn.nouki OSHOLOVSKIT, H.S., dotsent.
kand.orkhitertury, in2h.-arkhitektor; POGODIN-_ALW,,SEYE!9 G.I., prof.,
daktor teklm.nauk, obshchiy red.; NAiXOY-,T-.A-`., doisenC*~'ka~niidetekhn.
nauk, nauchnvy red.; KOKOSHKO. A.G., red.; HAUKOV, K.H.,
[Industrial and residential construction; textbook for higher party
schools) Promyshlennoe i. grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo; uchebnoe poso-
bie dlia vysmhikh partiinykh shkol. Koskva, 1959. 434-o.
WkA 13:2)
1. Kommunisticheskaya partiya Sovetskogo soyuza. Vysahaya partiynaya
shkols. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii stroitelletva i arkhitek-
tury (for Stramentov). 3. Rukovoditell kafedry promyshlennogo proiz-
vodetva i stroitel'stva Vysshey partiynoy shkoly pri TSentrallnom
komitete Kommunisticheskoy partii Sovetskogo soyuza (for Po.-odin-
(Construction industry) (City planning)
ZOLOTARRY, T.L., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.;,_;~R~
..j prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, obahchiy red.; NIKOLAYEV, V.V., red.;--
(Industrial power engineering; a textbook for higher party schools)
BnergetikA promyshlennosti; uchobnoe posobie dlia vysshikh partiinykh
shkol. Pod red. T.L.Zolotareva. Moskva, Izd-vo VPSh i ACN pri-
T*K KPSS. 1959. 455 P. (KIRA 12:5)
1. Xommmaistichookaya partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza. Vysshaya partiynaya
shkola,. 2. Rukovoditell kafedry osnov prou7shlonnogo proizvodetva i
stroitel'stva Vysshey -partiynoy shkoly pri Ts.K KPSS (for Pogodin-
(Electric engineering) (Power resources)
BALISHIN, M.Yu., kand.tekhn.nauk; VINGGRADOV, S.V., inzh.; GLAZUNOV, S.G.,
kand.tekhn.nauk; ZELIWAN, A.M., kand.khim.nauk,- KISLYAKOV. I.P.,
kand.tekhn.n.auk; KURITSYNA, A.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; LEB=, A.A.,
A.A., inzh.; LU21MIKOV, L.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; POKKRANTS3V, S.N.,
insh.; RUDNITSKIY. A.A., doktor khim.nauk; SMIRYAGIN, A.P., kand.
tekhn.nauk-, TRETIYAKOV, V.I., kand.takhn.nauk-; CHURSIN, V.M..
kand.tekhn.nauk; CHTJKHROV, M.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; SIL4ROV, M.V.,
kand.tekhn.nauk-. SHPAGIN, A.I.. kand.tekhn.nouk; SHFICHINETISKIY,
Ye.S., kand.teldin.nau)c;,POGODI&ALEKS917V, prof., doktor tekhn.
nauk. red.; BOCHVAR, IA.k..-rn-z-h.,--~ed-.t~~,~RYBAKOVA, V.I., inzh.,
red.izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.F.,; MODEL', B.I.,
[Handbook of materials used in the machinery industry; in four
volumes] Spravochnik -Do mashinostroitellnym materialam; v chety-
rekh tomakh. Pod red. G.I.Pogodina-Alekseeva. Moskva, Gos.nanchno-
tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry. Vol.2. [Nonferrous metals and
alloys] TSvetnye metally i ikh splavy. Red.toma M.A.Bochvar.
1959. 639 P. (MIRA 13:1)
tNonferrous metals) (Nonferrous alloys)
(Machinery industry)
AUMORS: Pogodin-Alekseyev, G. I., and Zhuravlev, S. V.
INTLE! The effect of preparatory strain on the ductility of steel 20 at
various speeds and test temperatures
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no. 3, 1961, 53, abstract 3V430
(Tr. Nauchno-tekhn, o-va chern. metallurgii, 19.59, v. 15, 131-143)
TEM: The authors report on experimental investigations of steel 20 speci-
mens turnzed from.round rods which were subjected to cold hardening. A portion of
specimens were tempered at 7500C during 2 hours, the other portion of specimens
were tempered at 400 0C. The relative variation of the residual relative stretch
was taken as a measure of initial cold-hardening. The obtained three groups of
specimens, distinct by initial cold-hardening, were subjected to tensile tests
with variable deformation speed as well as constant deformation speed at tempera-
tures ranging from +1000 to -196 0C. During the tests the ductility characteristics
and the distribution of the plastic deformation over. the specimen length were
determined, There are 19 references. D. Akimov-Peretts
[Abstractor's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
POOODIN-ALIKSILTEV. G.I., doktor tekbn.nauk, prof.
-Preloading Is one of the ways to Increase the durability of
maebines. [Trudy] MM no.91:60-70 '59. (MMk 12-:7)
(*eblne-shop practice)
[Achievements in-scibneb and technology and the progressive.,
practices of indusU7 and constriietion]-Dostizheniia nauki i
tekhniki i peredovoi'opyt v promyshlennosti-i stroitellstve.
M6skvay Izd-vo VPSh i AON pri TaK KPSS. 1958-60.
(MMA 14:7)
POGODIN-ALERSEYEV, Gerbert Ivanovich, Ed.
Soviet Production !",achinery Statistics; U.S.S.R. ?k--w York, USHR3, 1960.
19 P. tables. OPRS: 3370)
Translated Tram the original Russian: Dostizheniya Nauki i Te-khr-iki i
Peredovoy Opty v Promyshlennosti i Stroitellstie, Moscow, 1960.
RAZUMOV, Hikolay Alokaeyevich,-_.POGODIK-ALXKSEYNV. G.I., prof.. doktor
tekhn.nauk, red.; KOKO~Ii0_,AdT._, -red.-,
[Over-all mechanization and automation of production processes
and labor productivity; practice of the Moscow City Bconomia
Council] Komplekenaia makhanizataiia i avtomatizataiis pro-
izvodstvennykh protsessov i proizvoditellnost' truda; opyt
Moskovskogo gorodskogo sovnarkhoze. Pod obshchel red. G.I.
Pogodina-Alekseave. KoBkva, Izd-vo VPSh i ACH pri TaX KPSS,
1960. 54 P. (KnU 14:2)
(Moscow--Automation) (Moscow--Technological innovations)
(Labor productivity)
K=TZTSOV, Yasiliy Ivenovich, prof.. doktor tekhn.nank; P& Y-AL-W.-9
G.I. -, doktor tekhn.nauk. prof., red.; KOKOMO, A.G., ~a'd.-!: NAUMOT.
(Main trends of technical progress in the U.S.S.R. from 1959 to
., essa v 35SR v
19651 Osnovnve napravleniis tekhnicheakogo propT
1959-1965 godakh. Pod red. G.I.Pogodina-Alekseeva. Moskva, Izd-vo
TPSh i AON pri ToN KPSS, 1960. 106 p. (MIRA 13:2)
(Russia-Zoonomic policy)
ULANDIN9 Gennadiy Fedorovich; POGODIN-=KSEYEWG-4rgiy--Lvano i ht doktor
tekhn..nauk, prof.; RLZUMOV,-Nikolay Alekseyevich; 8HPIT&LINYY, Boris
Gavrilovich; SHCHMINA,, Ilikolay Avksenttyevich; KOKOSEKO, A.G.,
red.; KAUMOVp.K.M.f tekhn.r6d.
[Hot-working of metals] Goriae*ia obrabotka metallov. Mosk7av
Izv-vo VPSh i AW-~pri TsK KPSS.. 196o. P. (Dectizhentia nauki
i tekhniki i peredovoi opyt v promyihlennosti i stroitei'stve;
no.3) . (MIRA 8)
Nauchno-takhnichaskoye obahchestvo mashinostraltal-noy promyshlen-
nosti. Saktalys metallovedaniya I termicheakoy obrabotkl metal-
Metallovedeniye I termlaheskaya obrabatka metallov; trudy 3 ektall
metallovedonlya I tormicheakoy obrabotki metallov (Physical
Metallurgy and Heat Treatment or Metals; Tran3aCtiona or the
Section of Physical Metallurgy and Heat Treatment of Metals)
no. 2. Moscow, MashgIz, 1960. 242 p. 6,000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agenov Nauohno-takhnicheakoye obahabostyc
mashinoatroitallnoy promyshlennosti. Towntrallnoye pravleniye.
Editorial Boards 0. 1. Pogodln-klekseyov, Yu. A. Geller, A. 0.
Rakhahtadt, and 0. X. Shreyber, Ed. of Publishing Houses 1. 1.
fAsnichenkc, Tech. Ed.i B. 1. ModeV; Managing Ed. for Liters-
ture an Metalworking and Machine-Tool MakIngi V. 1. Mitin.
PURPOSEI This collection or articles is Intended for metallurglats,
mechanical eng~~nez~j. ntLI sea~r!~~
__!ad !!Al - --- .
COVERACIEs The collection contains articles desoribing results
of reseamh conducted by members of NTO (Scientific Technical
3ocietyl moftthe machine-building inlustry in the field or
physics allurgy, and in the heat treatment of steel, cast
Iron,and nonferrous metals and alloys. No p*rmonalition are
mentioned. Most of articles are abacapanLed by Soviet and non-
Soviet references and contain conallasions drawn from Investi-
Blanter, M. Ye., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, and
L. 1. Kazhetsov and I. A. Meta5hop# Engineers. Softening and
Rscrystalll a& Lion Processes In Iron and Nickel Alloys 3
Trunin, 1. 1., Engineer. Effect of Cold-Worklng Conditions an
the Endurance of Steel 12
Bernsht a R. L- Candidate of Technical Sciences, and L. V.
Folyannjka a, Engineer. Effect of Cold Working an the Structure
and FropiFtles or the VT2 Titaniun Alloy is
Kidin Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. On the
-11 Nr the Improvement of Iron-Alloy Properties After High-
Reasons J.-
It%quener Qiench Hardening 25
Zakharg-xa M~J- Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor.
Conditions or the Sigma-Phan* Formation In Alloys 39
7-kharovas X. 1. Structural Transformations In Righly Coeralie
Alloys 52
Pagodin-Alskso A-1., Doctor of Technical Sciences* Professorand
y_uvuxayw, CUSUdate of Technical S lances [docenaedl.
Miarontructure on the Development of Reversible
24caper-BrIttlenean In low-Carbon Manganese Steel 59
PoW'.-jna-AIekseyevft' K. M.2 Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent.
'ZrrrcV-of-34b~Fei'M6talliir-ecal Factors on Strain Aging or Construe-
tional Carbon Steel 67
Q sun R P., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, a6d R. 1.
Engineer. lxr~mm3ng the Praheating Temperature %n Forging
]Physical Metallurgy and Heat Treatment tC*nt. SOV/1545T
Cpnotruetlonal Alloy Stools
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, and
Engineer. One BoronizIng of Steel 92
Candidate of TechnicAl Sciences, and A. N.
ozkovieh A
.5 - ftan
OV , Weer Mr
Ro o S eer. Thermochemloal Treatment of Copper and
Increasing Their Surface Hardness and Scale Resistance io6
Nakhimov. D. M., Candidate of'Technical Sciences. The Fo=a- Nil
-1 t-i-Qn--oT-Cr-a-oWz- During the QAonch Hardening of Steel and Mhair
Itakhtath tod't jjYA. G., Candidate of Technical 3clencesp Docent, and
U;~ Engineer., Transformation. Properties, and
iin-F-cf-Moys of the Cu-Ni-Mn Sy3tem Used for Springs 13~
KLllnklnap To. 1.0 Candidate of Techninal Sciences. Dete=1-
natlon-VI-OVerstIonal P ortles of Tool Steels and Alloys 160
0027*YOV A P Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, S. L
lhtaQ~ ~a; I _. Orekhov,
Kto of Technical Sciences Docent, G_P
aftd:E'P. Alolcasyeva, Engineers. Now Steels for Die,
Beat-R531-st-Unt-Mloyt 179
i Geller, YU. A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Ye. X.
d V. N. Lomakin, Engineer. HardenabIlIty of Alloyed
Candidate of TschnIcal Sciences, and X. Z. ShopolZakov-
-%-0"7L;4 Transformers for HIsh-Prequenor lZaench-MILIaeWME
-stalatmlono 220
Pogodin-Aloketyev, 0. 1., and V. Vj.~:b;j:j:;;Z Effect of
in Mszal julc7s 229
AVAILABLXs Library of Congress (TN672.N34)
Pogodin-Alekseyev, 0. T., and Sarglyevskaya, T. V.
The effeat of the microst-lacture on the development of reversible
temper brittleness in low-carbon manganese steel
PERIODICAL: Referattivnyy zhurn&l. Metalluzgiya, no. 5, 1961, 19, abstract 5Zh156
(V sb. "Metallovedenlye i term. obrabotka metallov" [Tr. Sektsii
metalloved. i term. obrabotki metallov. Tsentr. pravl. Nauchno-tekhn.
o-va mashinostroit. prom-sti, no. 2] Moscow, 1960, 59-66)
TMM The effect of the grain size of an 06-solid solution, obtained in
various products by the decomposition of austenite, on the.development of rovers-
ible temper brittleness was studied on steel with 0.04% C and 1.56% Mn by Impact
teats at +40, -40 and -60 0C. The temper brittleness of various austenite deoompo_
sition products is different. A slight increase of ferrite dispersity reduces
sharply the coeM~ient of temper brittleness; ferrite grains enlarged from
70-80 to 500-6001A, raise the coefficient of temper brittleness, which is also
affected by the magnitude and nature of carbide distribution and the degree of
alloying of the ferrite. There are 11 references. L. V.
[Abstracter's note: Complete treansiation]
Card 1/31
POGODIN--ALECSEXEL G.I.,, doktor tekhn.nal4kp prof.; ZABOLEYEV-ZOTOV, V.V.j,
Effect of ultransonico on processes of structure formation in metal
alloys, Trudy Sek,netalloved,i term.obr.met,VTO mash.prom, no.2:
229-21+3 f60. (14IRA 14:4)
(Ultra#,onic waves-Industrial applications)
AUTHORS% Pogodin-Alckseyev, G._I., flonourect Scientist and
Artamonov, B. A., Engineer
TITLE: Diagram of Deformation of Steel Quenched from the
Temperatures A c-A c
1 3
VERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov,
1961. No-3. pp.47-51
TEXT: The authors studied the dynamic and static strength
of steel after quenching from the most characteristic recrystalliza-
tion'temperature range. From normalised blanks of steel (0.24Y. C,
o.6oq/. Mn, 0.37% Si and 0.83% Cr) specimens of 10 x 10 mm cross-
section and 55 mm long were produced. No notch was made so as to
avoid creating a three-dimensional stress state and to avoid high
relative errors in measuring the mechanicnl properties. Specimens
in batches of five were heated to the test temperatures (700, 720
740. 750. 760. 780, 790, 8oo, 820, 84o, 86o and 88oOc) in boric
acid, held at the temperature for 40 min and then tempered for
two hours at 1000C to reduce the internal stresses. After determin-
ing the hardness, the specimens were subjected to impact-bending
Card 1/4 ('
Diagram of Deformation of S/129/61/000/003/009/011
tests by means of an impact machine with a maximum energy of 35 k9m.
In addition to the work reqvi.r ed for the fracturing, the residual
bending was determined and,for unfractured specimens, the angle of
elastic rebound of the impact pendulum was measured. The average
results for specimens quenched in water from various temperatures
are given in Fig.l. showing the hardness HB, the work required for
fracturing the specimen A kv the bending arc f and the angle of
elastic rebound ~ of specimens from the steel a0)( (20 Kh) after
heating to 700-8800C and quenching in water. Specimens without
quenching (heating temperature 700-75000and also specimens quenched
from 820-BBOOC proved to have the highest toughness. Specimens
quenched from 760-8000C showed a sharp drop in the impact strength
and ductility. Particularly characteristic is the change in
impact plasticity; the flexure arc of non-quenched specimens
(heating to 700-7500C) equalled 15.6 nun, whilst for specimens
quenched from temperatures not exceeding greatly the A temperature
the arc decreased to 4.8 mm, increasing again to
6.7-6.9 mm at quenching temperatures of 8000C and above. An increase
in the angle of rebound of the iendulum from 4.50 for non-quenched
Card' 24 ~ J
Diagram of Deformation of ... S/129/6i/000/003/009/011
specimens to 110 for specimens quenched from 8200C and higher
temperatures indicates a considerable increase in strength with
increasing quenching temperature. This leads to an increase in the
toughness of the specimens which is more intensive than the increase
In ductility. Therefore, specimens without notches quenched from
temperatures above 8000C did not fracture during the tests. Thus,
the preliminary investigetions showed a sharp decrease in
plasticity and 'toughness of steels quenched from teml)eratures that
did not exceed greatly the temperature of pearlitic-austenitic
transformation, which was in agreement with earlier made observa-
tions on other steels and was designated by the authors as
11recrystallization brittlenesslt. The authors considered it of
interest to study in detail the strength of steel quenched from the
temperature of maximum embrittlement',.during recryBtallization
(7700C) and to compare the properties of such steel with the
corresponding properties of steel which has not been quenched and
also of steel which has been given the full quenching treatment.
From the obtained results, diagrams of static and impact deformation
during bending of the specimens were plotted for the following
Card 3/6) 1-1
Diagram of Deformation of S/I?.9/61/000/003/009/011
three types of heat treatment., a) normalisation at 8700C,
b) normalisation, quenching from 7700C and tempering at 1000C
(maximum embrittlement after quenching), c) normalisation, quenching
from 8800C and tempering at 1000C (normal full quenching treatment).
The average values are given in Fig.2 in terms of the flexure arc f
in mm as a function of the applied force P, kg. Curves 1 - static
deformation, curves 2 - impact deformation (method of elastic
characteristics). curves 3 - impact deformation (method of plastic
characteristics). The plot, Fig.2a, relates to normalised specimens;
plot Fig.21S relates to specimens which were normalised, quenched
from 7700C and tempered at 1000C; plot, Fig.213, relates to
specimens which were normalised. quenched from 8800C and tempered
from 1000C. It can be seen that dynamic application of the load
increases appreciably the yield point, particularly for steels with
a high ductility. There are 3 figures, I table and 4 Soviet
Card 4/0
2 grik
AUTHORSi Pogodin-AlekseY-9Y-,-X-&.~, Honoured Scientist and
Technologist, and Dolmatov, Ye.G., Engineer.
TITLE- Variation of properties of steel during hardness
testing with the aid of a spherical indenter
PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov,
no.10, 19619 34-37
TEXT: one of the standard methods of hardness testing
consists in pressing a spherical indenter into the surface of the
metal tested and measuring the size of the indentation obtained
under a predetermined load. As the indenter enters the metal, the
latter undergoes plastic deformation and the resultant strain-
hardening is bound to affect the test results, The object of the
present investigation was to study plastic deformation of metals
during hardness testing and its effect on the results obtained.
Technical iron, steel 3 (in the annealedq hardened, or aged
condition), steel 20, and steel 45 were used in the experiments
which consisted in taking hardness measurements on a Rockwell
hardness testing machine with a spherical indenter 1,589 mm dia.,
Card 1/0
2 8 5-32
Variation of properties of steel S/129/vi/'UUO/010/007/012
and determining the effect of the variation of the load, P,
(50, go, and 140 kg) on tne indentation depth, h~ indentation
modulus P/h, and hardness number HB. Some of the results are
reproduced in Fig.1, showing the variation of HB determined for
the 0-50o 50-90, and 90-140 kg intervals (graph a) and for the .509
90, and 140 kg loads (graph 6). Curves 1-7 relate to; I - steel
45; 2 - steel 3 aged for 15 days; 3 - ateel 3 aged for 5 days;
4 - hardened steel 3; 5 - ateel 20; 6 - annealed steel 33
7 - technical iron. Analysis of these and other results has led
the present authors to the following conclusions. 1) When a
spherical indenter is used, h is not proportional to P because
both the geometry of the system and the structural state of the
metal tested change with increasing P. In contrast to conical or
pyramidal indenters for which both the angle of taper and the
indentation angle remain conztant and which consequently produce
geometrically similar indentations, irrespective of the magnitude
of P, the angle of taper and the indentation angle of a sphere
(equal, respectively, 180 and almost zero degrees at the initial
moment of a hardness test) change in the course of the test.
Card 215
Variation of properties of steel ... S/l29/6ljooo/oio/oo7/0l2
As the spherical indenter enters the metal under test, the angle
of taper decreases and the indentation angle increases. The
8maller the angle of taper, the easier it becomes for the indenter
to enter the metal. Consequently, a two-fold increase in P will
produce more than a two-fold increase in h which means that the
effect of the geometrical factor discussed above is to reduce HB
with increasing P. The effect of the structural factor is
opposite, since the degree of plastic deformation and, therefore,
the degree of strain-hardening increase with increasing P.
2) In the case of metals that do not strain-harden readily, HB
may remain constant or even decrease initially as progressively
higher P is applied. Howeverg a stage will be reached when the
effect of strain-hardening becomes more pronounced than that of
the geometrical factor, and further increases in P will bring
about an increase in HB. 3) The rate at which HB of plastic
metals increases with increasing P is faster than that for
relatively hard materials. As a results a soft metal tested under
a sufficiently high P may have a HB higher than that of a
relatively hard metal tested under the same conditions. it is
for this reason that differences in hardness of various steels tend
Card 3/5
Variation of properties of steel S/129/CL/000/010/007/012
to be obliterated when high P in conjunction with a spherical
indenter are used in hardness testing. 4) The strain-
hardenability of the materials studied in the course of the
present investigation increased in the order of decreasing
There are 2 figures and 1 table.
ASSOCIAT10N: Zavod obrabotki tavetnykh metallov
(Plant for Treatment of Non-ferrous Metals)
Card 4/5
AUTHOR: irl-Al glea a_av Honoured Scientist and Y ~
-TITLZ,-,---- -Some problems of hardness -testing
PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov,
no. 11, 1961, pp. 48 - 54
TEXT: As a result of automation of many metal-treatment
processes need has arisen for speeding-up various process-control
and acceptance tests, including hardness tests. Various auto-
matic and seml-automatle hardness -testers have been designed,
both in the Soviet Union and abroad. Satisfactory operation of
equipment of this type depends on selecting optimum shape and
size of the indenter and the correct test load,and it is in order
to assist the designers in solving this problem that the present
investigation has been undertaken. The experimental work
consisted of measuring hardness of standard specimens with the
&1d of spherical indenters (1/16l' and 2.5 mm in diameter), a
pyramid,and a cone used under test loads, P , ranging from
10 - 25Q kg. The hardness number was determined by the Brinell
Card lIA13
Some problems of .... E193/9383
method (i.e. by calculating the P/S ratio, where S is the
area of the impression), by the Meier method (i.e. by calculating
the P/A ratio, where A is the projected impression area and
by calculating the, so-called, plastic indentation modulus given
by P/h , where h is the depth of the impression. The results
obtained by these three methods are reproduced graphically. In
Fig- 3, the Brinell hardness number (HB) is plotted against
P (kg), graphs a, ra and B relating to results obtained, respec-
tively, with a spherical indenter (of a diameter shown by the
corresponding curves), pyramid and cone; the hardness (on the
Rockwell scale) of standard specimens is indicated by each curve.
The fact that spherical indenters of different diameters yielded
different values of HB was attributed to the earlier established
fact (Ref. 2 - the author and Ye.G. Dolmatov, "MiTOM", no. 10,
1961) that in this case the condition of neither mechanical nor
geometrical similarity is satisfied when different P is applied.
The tests with the cone and pyramid indenters-y:Lelded rather
unexpected results since it is held generaTLy that the value -3f
HB obtained with this type of Indenter is independent of P. These
Card 2/~J
Soi-,ie probleras of .... Si 93/ E3 33
results indicated that when a :,ointed in(~entor uas used t'ie P/3
L A.
rnt-io coLtld not be rar-arded as a roliab'e and cons--sten,
crItc=ion of 'liardness. Sii-.Alar results were obtai-~ied when the
effect of the variation of P on the Meier licardness nuribor
(P/A) uns datertained. I-lost realistic results ware obtained when
~Iie hardne_-~; was nicasured in tex-ms of the plastic indentation
t- .I
modulus (P/h); these are reproduced in Fis- 5, ithere P/h is
plotted a-ainst P (Icg), graphs a, 1-3 and B relating, respectively,
to Spliere, pyramid and cone indenters; the continuous and
:3rollzen curves in graph a relate to spheres 2.5 mm and 1/16" in
dia.,:ietcr, respectively; tne hardness of the standard -specimens-
is indicated by each curve. It was inferrer: from the results
obtained that a pyramid-(diamond or sintered carbide) indenter
is -.:iost suitable for automatic bordness-t esters designed for use
-is process-control tools. The P/h ratio should be used*as tiie
i-aasure of hardness, with h ineasured while the specimen is
still under load (the dP/dh ratio is a inore accurate criterion
of hardness; since,. however, its deterniination is ilore co::iplcx,
it cannot be recomi:iended for routinz acceptanco tests). The
best load should be either so hi-h that the ransre of aaximtu:,
OURCE:...: Sbornik izobrateniy; ulttrazvuk i yago primenaniye.
Kom. po dolam.izobr. i otkrytiy. Moscow, Tsentr. byijro
inform., 1961,89.
TEXT According to the given method, the least refractory
'the alloy is, melted and the other components are
component of-
introduced into the melt in-a.dispersed solid state, with ultra-
sonic energy used to secure uniform d*stribution of these particles
in the alloy. In contrast to'the orthodox methods of alloy
preparation based on melting the initial components and their
mixing in the liquid 'state, the proposed method does not depend on
id the solubility or wettability of.the components in the liquid state,
nor on the diffusional processes-in the solid state. The use of
ultrasonics and the.introduction of heavy components in a dispersed
solid state means that alloys can even be made of com onents which
Method of preparing metallic and
are non-soluble in the liquid state. Likewise thone exhibiting
ong segregation or great difference in specific gravity, can
-o handled withm
b uch less difficulty than by orthodox methods.
As a result,-dispersed and suspended alloys may have a
coniiderably,wider range of composition than that of orthodox
alloys prepared by casting or sintering. Dispersed or suspended
alloys may be.prepared from-practically any metals and metalloids
and their-compounds usually present in solid solution. At the
sam6_time the combination-and proportions of the components may be
selected almost at liberty. For that reason this method widens
coInsiderably the register-of the applicable Alloys. This
application was. accepted as useful by the Nauchno-issledovatellsILiy
i proyektnyy institut po obrabotke tsvetnykh metallov
(Scientific Research and Design Institute for-processing of
Nonferrous Metals).,
[Abstracterl's-note: Co*mplete.translation.]
Card 2/2
Effect of the rate of defomtion on the critical temperature
for cold brittleness in 45G2 steel with temper friability.
Stall 21 no.8:732-735 Ag 161. (1,111RA 14-9)
1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut chernoy
metillurgii (for Lityinanko, Yakushin).
(Deformations (Nachanics))
xlyao E021/E435
AUTHORS: Pogodin-Alckseyev_ Gavrilov, V.m.,
KOPO-lev, 7.V,
TITLE: The use of low-frequency vibrations in continuous
casting of beryllium bronze
PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye metally, no.4, 1962, 69-73
TEXT: Vibrations were used in order to try and eliminate the
columnar structure in the billets, which makes subsequent
rolling more difficult. The metal was melted in a high-frequency
furnace with a graphite crucible of 60 kg capacity. The billets
produced were up to 400 mm long. Vibrations were produced-from
an eccentric vibrator. The frequency could be varied from
0 to 100 c/s and the amplitude from 0 to 2 mm. The temperature.
of the molten metal was held at 1050 to 1060% and that of the
pouring fun '~.ael at 650 to 7500C since freezing occurred in the
funnel at 16~wer temperatures. With amplitudes of 0-7 to 0-8 mm
and frequencies of 25, 50 and 75 c/s the vibration arrangement
worked satisfactorily. With this amplitude drops of liquid'metal
were ejected at 100 c/s; at higher amplitudes ejection occurred'
Card' 1/2
The use of low-frequency ... Eo2l/E435
at lower frequencies. All the macrostructures of the billets
were finer after the vibration treatment, the maximum refinement
occurring at an amplitude of I mm and frequencies of 50 and 75 c/s.
With these conditions the columnar structure is completely
eliminated. Chemical analysis across the section of the billet
showed that inverse segregation was reduced and could be
completely eliminated by the vibration treatment and intensive
cooling of the billet. The treatment resulted in a decrease in
hardness by 2 to 5 units, which is explained by a smaller quantity
of P-phase in the treated'billets-. There are 5 figures and
1 table.
Card 2/2
-NOU A. to
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IV 0 Q)
The application of ultrasonics in the .... A004/AI27
good results are also achieved with fine powders of so-called micron dispersity,
which, under the effect of ultrasonics of a given intensity, penetrate into the
base metal. He points out that the known methods of producing alloys by cast-
ing and sintering are thus supplemented by a new process, in which the low-melt-
ing constituent is transformed into the liquid state, while the alloying ele-
ments are added in a dispersed form in the solid state. [see iLlso "Liteynoye
proizvodstvo", no. 7, 1958.] A uniform distribution of the dispersed phase in'
the *matrix metal is ensured by elastic sonic oscillations, while it may not be
impossible to introduce some constituents also in the liquid state. One or
more constituents can be introduced into the alloy through a waveguide; in that
case the necessity of preparing powders is eliminated. The characteristic 'Lea-
ture of this method of producing alloys is the possibility of obtaining phases
of a given composition and of the required quantity, depending on the intended
use of the alloy - carbides, silicides, nitrides, intermetallic compounds and
others, Which'in cast alloys is not always possible. By increasing the radia-
tion intensity and duration, it is possible to considerably increase the degree
of dispersion of the-constituent phases being introduced. The author enumerates
a number of applications for the new alloys. There are 4 figures.
Card 2/2
G. I.
Ultrasonic waves in the production of now alloys. Lit. proizv. w-5:2&30
MY 162.
(MM 16:3)
Alloys-Metallurgy) (ultrasonic waves-Industrial applications)
AUTHORS: Fogodin-Aleksoyev, G. I., and Artamonov, B. A.
TITLE: Methods of plotting deformation diagrams by impact tension
of steel
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 28, no. ~-', 1962, 215-219
TEXT: An attempt has been made to extend the ran;e of -pplication of
impact tests performed with a pendulum impact machine lifted to different
amplitudes, and to carry out a comparative study of plastic and elastic
properties of steels exposed to tensile stresses, with either the sag or
the angle of resilience of the pendulum after deformation of the sample
being measured. 20X (20Kh) and 40X (40Kh) steels were tested, the former
after normalizing for 20 minutes, and the latter after oil hardening at
8500C and tempering at 5000C. The following mechanical pr operties were
established by static tensile tests: tensile strength a S= 35.3 kg mm 2,
ultimate tensile strength a 52.1 kg/mm2 , relative elongation Or= 24.5%,
Card 1/3
Methods of plotting deformbtion B31241B101
and reduction of cross-sectional area Y = 72,1,~, f6r ,'OXh ,iteel; the
corresponding values for 40Kh steel were 97.8; 106.2, 10-7;'~", and 56.3%.
Dynamic elongation was measured with the standard ram impact machine
MK-30 (MK-30) with 16 adjustable amplitude positions of the pendulum.
The sample was used as dynamometer in each case. The amount of elastic
energy Ael for sample deformation can be calculated from the angle of
resilience. Elastic deformation stress is given by
p V-2-EF. AA
i A JA (1). Its mean value is P = (2), where JA
el el mean 1871671
is the increment of energy spent on transition from one amplitude position
to the other, and A(dl) is the corresponding increment of absolute
elongation of samples. In addition, P AA total (2a), where AA
mean ITP71 total
is the total increment of resilience, and Al P1 is the absolute plastic
elongation, and P = dA total -4A e1 (2b). Values of elastic deformation
Card 2/3 mean A (A 1p1)
S/03 62/028/002/023/037
Methods of plotting deformation ... B124Y33101
energy, AS - 0.3 kgm, plastic deformation energy PS = 1660 kg (with
k~j 2 2
E = 20,700 = ) and a 84.6 kg/mm were found for 20Kh steel; the
corresponding values for 40Kh steel were 1.0 kgm, 3125 kg (with
E=21,850 kg/mm2) , and 159.3 kg/mm2. Both strength and liquid-flow limits
are increase d when impact tests are performed as compared to the results
of tensile tests. This increase is more pronounced with 20Kh than with
40Kh steels. Consistent results are obtained by dynamic tests based on
both plastic and elastic characteristics. Impact deformation curves are
close to each other or even coincide when the relative stresses are
calculated from Eq. (2b). The numerical value of dynamic elongation at
break was determined by the method of plastic characteristics, since tests
with small pendulum amplitudes are difficult to carry out.with the given
setup. S. I. Gubkin is mentioned. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 5
Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy zavod po obrabotke tsvetnykh metallov (Moscow
Factory for Working of Non-ferrous Metals)
Card 3/3
L 18io64~ Z")YkW(m)1BDS AFftolLSD JD-
ACCESSION NR: AP3001706 S/0126/63/01S./005/0793/0795
AUTHOR: Pogodin-Alskoeyevi,.'G. I.
TITIE: A phenomenon opposite to aging in alloys (two kinds of alloy aging)
SOURCE: Fizika metallov i mefallovedeniye, v. 15, no. 5, 1963, 793-795
TOPIC TAGS: brass L62, alloy aging, brass structure* brass hardness, excess
I ABSTRACT: Experiments were conducted on brass L621(per cent composition:
Cu 62.12, Ln -- 37.82, Fe -- 0.05, S 0.064, P'-. 0.001) in order
termine the changes in this alloy during the aging process. In its natural con-'
dition brass had Brinell hardness of 52, and microstructurally represented a
mixture of phases andj&! Variations in its hardness and structure were in-
vestigated after:X11`) different rates of cooling followed heating to 80OC; 2)
different periods of aging at 600C followed heating to 800C; 3) second heating,
to 600C followed hardening at 80OC; 4) second heating to 600C followed heating
to 800C and air-cooling. These experiments proved that alloys in which the con-
Caed 1/2
L-1810643 -------
centration of solid solutions increases at lower-temperatures show an unstable
structure at room temperature.' After the second heating the superfluous phases
are dissolved and the properties become different than those of normally hardenedl
1 alloys. The author proposes that two types of aging be recognized, one
characterized by the decomposition of a supersaturated solution, the other
characterized by the solution of excess phases. The second type ahould be con-
sidered when heat-processing of such alloys is planned and when products made of'~ I
these alloys are used at high temperatures. Orig. art. has: 3 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy zavod po, obrabotke tsvetny*kh metallov (Moscow Nonferroui.-
'Metals Processing Plant).
SUMrMD: 25Sep62 DATE ACQ: llJul63 iNCL: 0.0
card ;/2
4LUTHORS: Syrovatki, A. A., Logodin-Alekseyev, G.' 1.
'ZITLE: Some peculiarities in electric-slag remelting of copper
PfRIODICAL: Avton-idticheskaya svarka, no. 2, 1963, 77 - 78
TIM'. The investigation was made with 10 x 50 mm plate electrodes made
of MO grade copper sheets. The electrodes were remelted to 50x 60 mm size in a
water-cooled copper crystallizer on an A-550 unit. Fluorspar was used as a
flux. The formation of a slag pool was accelerated by using TiO2 or C -1 (3-1)
flux, containing aluminum powder, potassium, nitric-acid spar and fluor spar.
S~-l flux is recommended, being less scarce and expensive than TiO2. The remelt-
ing process,'conducted under conditions given in Table 1, was stable without
splashing of metal or slag; the ingot surface was smooth; the slag crust could
be easily removed, and there were no pores and slag inclusions in the metal..
The maerostructure of the copper ingots shows coarse columnar crystals oriented
in the direction of the ingot formation. Hardness tests of the remelted metal
show that the hardness of copper., remelted at a higher current intensity, is
Card 1/2
Some peculiarities in... W0681AI01
somewhat reduced; this is exp le4ned by the reduced content of copper oxide in
the metal. There are 2 figures and 1 table.
Currect Voltage in the Electrode Microhar P ess
intensity welding circuit feed rate HB kG/mm
amps v mA
a 1,500 29 - 30 5.16 52.8 100.1
b 1,800 29 -30 6.72 51.5 95.4
2,100 29 -30 7-08 49.3 97-7
CaLrd 2/2
L 11075=0 BWP(')/kWT(M)/WS ..AFFTC/ASD~.~._,JD/JT-
ACM810N - NR: AP3001015 J/0193/63/OW/W4/0015/0018
AUTHOR: Pm~in-Alekseyev, G. I.. (Dr. of technical sciences);-Romadin, y1r. P;
P ~4. iroy-TIE ~-,
TITLE: Producing cast all a from nohfusible opaonents under the effect of
ultrasonic vibration,
-,SOURGE: _Byul tekhniko-ekonomichoskqy informatsii, hb. 4 -18
s 1963s 15
TOPIC TAGS~-. diaper ion-strengthened alloy, ultrasound casting
i--: -ABSTRA6T.- The.Laboratoriya ul'trazvuka by*vsh
Volgogradskogo sovnarl,