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Importance of DOL Mendeleevs Study in the field of solutions for
the dmiopment, of physicoehemical analysis. Izv. Sekt. f is. thin.
anal. 3,8s247-258 149. (NIEL 1114)
1. Institut obnhohey i neorganicheskoy khWi im. N.S. Xurnakova.
(Solution (chemistry))
ANOSOV, Viktor Yakovlevich, professor, doktor khimicheakikh nsuk; POGODIIT. Sergey
A.I. qvich. professor. zaaluzheanyy deyatell nauki i tek - -
IMM-Iff'Sweskikh nauk [authors]; VOLIMVICH, S.I., akad mik; ~,:Ixo,
K.Ae. professor. doktor khimicheskikh naak, laureat Stalinskoy premli [re-
Secand awarding of N.S.1hruakov's prize (OFUndamentals of physicochemical
analysis.". V.IA.Anosov, S.A.Fogodin. Reviewed by S.I.Vollfkovich, M.A-
Klochko). Isv.Sekt.fiz.-khin.&n&l. 21;5-9 '52. (MLHA 6:7)
(Chemistry, Analytical) (Pogodin, Sergei Aleksandrovich)
(Anosov, Viktor Iakovlevich, 1891- ) (Chemistry, Physical and
'i -i f-- t. -1
- J~Ivm j 4 R a
r~ IN , D
Chemistry, Analytical
N. S. Kurnakov's priority in originating and developing basic methods and concepts of
physicochemical analysis. Usp. khim. 21 No. 9, 1952.
9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952 ZQ, Uncl.
ARBUZOV. A.Te., akademik-, KAZANSKIY, B.A., akademik; PZTROV, A.D., chlon-korrespon-
dent AN SSSR; NIKITIN. N.I., chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR; YIGUROVSKIT, N.A.,
piofeBsor, otvetstvennyy redaktor; POGODIN. BOAU,professor; ZVTAGINTSEV,
O.Te., professor; YBVTXYNVA,P.M., ucFen-yi-sairetir'.
(Katerials on the history of Soviet chemistry; reports given at the 2nd
All-Union Conference on the History of Soviet Chemistry. 21-26 April 19513
Katerialy po istorii otechostvonnot khimil; abornIk dokladov na vtorom
Yeasoiusnom soveshchanii po istorii otechostvannoi khimii, 21-26 aprelia
1951 g. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1953. 318 P. (KLRA. 7:4)
1?IiSAND, M.A.; SDWOVA, Ye. I.; POGODIN,,.S.A., zaslushenW dayatell
nauki i tekhniki, professzy-,16fi~i, reteensent; MIYUSON, G.A.,
professor, doktor, laureat Stalinskoy premii; SMONOV, G.V.,
redaktor; KAKAYBYA, O.K., redaktor; KUMAYWYA, V.T., tekhni-
aheskiy redaktor.
[Properties of rare elesents; handbook] 3vointra rodkikh slementov;
spravochnik. Moskva, Go*. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi
i tovetnol metallurgii, 195). 414 p. (MM 7:11)
(Chemical elements)
P 0 G, -S; A,
ZZLI . A-N--. SAHSONOV, G.V.; MTN. 0-ye.; STIPANOV, I-S-, inzhoner,
retsensent; TANANAUV* I-V-9 retsenzent; POGODIN, S.A.. professor.
&oktor, s&sluzhannyy deratell nauki i tey-M11:17ye, ms'zent; ROEN,
Tojee, professor,.doktor, retsenzent; ABRIKOSOV, N.-Kh, doktor
khimicheskM nauk, reteenzent; SHAHRAT, ?,.r., doktor kHmicheakikh
na" , retsenzent; XCROZOV, I.S.. kawUdat khisichookikh nauk.
retsenzent; BOOK, Ye.A., kandidat khimicheskikh nauk, retsbuzent;
NIKOLAYIV, N.S., kandidat kbiwichaskikh usuk, retsenzent; ZVORYKIN,
A.Ya, kandidat k-himicheskikh nauk. retsenzent; RASHILOVA, N.I..
kandidat kh!Lmicheskikh nauk, retsenzent; VYSOTSKATA, V.N., redaktor;
KAXAMA, O.K., redaktor; ATTOPOTICH, K.K., takhnichookiy redaktor
[Netallurar of rare metals] Metallurgila rodkikh metallov. Moskva,
Gom. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi t tevetnoi astallurgli.
1954. 414 p. (MIRK 7:9)
1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademif nauk SSSR (for Tananayev)
(Metals, Rare-Metallurgy)
Mbri-ation, of the 25th volme of the ftlletla of the Seater of
Physteochomica,l Analysis. Izv,S*kt.fiz-khim.&A&l* no.25:17-18
1544 (MTBA 8:5)
11 Inotitut obahchey I noorganichoskoy khtuil in. N.S.Xurnakeya
Akadoxii sauk SSBR*
Alloys of nickel with zirconium. Ixv.Sekt.fiz.-khiv.&=l. no.25:70-80
-54 (MIRA W
1e IrAtitut obahchey I nearganicheakey khimit in. N.S.1mraakova
exii sauk SSSR.
(Nickel-zirconius 961loys)
Stu&y of the system: nickel - rhenium. IzvoSskt.,fiz#-kb1s.au1.
ne.25:81-88 154. (MMA 815 )
le Iantitut obahchey i ne*rgenichesk*y khinii Im. N.S.Kurwilrova
Almdemij nauk SSSR,
(Nickel-rhanium alloys)
NIKITIN.N.I.; POGODIN,S.A., professor, redaktor; GOLOVNIN,M.I., redaktor;
Sm . --'.,'l0=lcheskiy redaktor
[Career of a chmist; sketches of the past] N& putl usuchnogo
rabotulks-khialks; ocherki is proshlogo. Moskva. Isd-yo Akademll
nank SSSR. 1955. 106 p. (MLRA 9:2)
1, Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Nikitla)
1.V. Avd"v's studios in the chemistry of beryllium. Trud7 InNt.
i9t.estA tekh. vol.6:125-151 155. (MIJU 9:5)
(Avdeev. Ivan Vasillevich, d. 1865) (Beryllium)
FIGaROVS]aY. Nikolay Aleks&n(irovich; POGODIR. S.A.. otvetwtvennyy redaktor;
USEUOTA, R.N.. redaktor izd&te1"-st-va`,--2VftTIYZVA, G.A., takhnichs-
skiy redaktor
[A remrk&ble Russian invention; the 40th anniversary of the invention
of the coal gas mask by N.D.Zelinskll] Zamechatelluos russkoe izo-
bretenie; k 40-letilu Izobreteulla ug6llnogo protivogaza I.D.
Zelinskogo. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademil nauk SSSR. 1956. 51 P. (MM 9:7)
(Guezasks) (Zelinskii. Nikolai Duitrievich. 1861-1953)
Nik*]Lai Nikolaevich Efremov; biographical sketch. Irv.Se).,t.fiz.-khim.
anal. 27:7-14 '56. (MLRA 9: 9)
1.1metitut obehehey i neorganicheskey Wail imeni NA.Earsakova AN
(Zfremov, Nikelal Nikolaevich, 1886-1947)(Bibliograptq--Chemistr]r)
Sale of lavoisier's personal things, documents and books. Vop. ist.
est.11 tekh. no.6:182 159. (Y-TRA 12:6)
(Lavoisier, Antoine laurent, 1743-1794)
ulavoisier as a theorist and experimentatorm Lin Frenchj b7 H.Dapmes.
Heviewed'b7 6.A. kogodin. Yap. ist. est. i takh. no.6:190-194 159.
(KIRA 12-16)
(lavoiaier, Antoine laurent, 1743-1794)
(Daums, M.)
"Lavoisier's works"; correspondence, nos. 1-2 Lin YrenchJ. Reviewed
b.v S.A. Yogodin. Yop. ist. est. I tekh. no.6:195-199 '59.
(MIRA 12:6)
(Iovoisier. Antoine laurent, 1743-1794)
TAKOWAY. Vladlen Borinovicht-YOGODIN.-SA,. prof.. zaalushannyy deyatell
nauki. I tekhniki RNSR,; BRUNTA, L.K.. red.itd-ve;
[Davelopmnt of methods of producing wrought Iron) Rosvitie
sposobov proisvodstva avarochnogo shelexe v Rosaii. Ko9kva,
lid-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 217 P. (KIRA 14:2)
(Wrought iron)
I- -------
mcbymia; anrowl studies in the history of chemistry".
est.i tekh. no.10:151-157 160, (KRA 14:3)
SOLOVIYEV, Yuriy Ivanovich; KURIBNOT. Viktor Iva4vich; POGODIN, S.A.,
prof.,; FRANTS, V.I., red.izd-va; GCLUB5', -S.P.,
[Jakob Be ~blius; his life and works] IAkob Bertselius;
shizue i delatelluost'. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SM.
1961. 172 P. (KIRA 14:2)
(Berselius. J5ns Jakob. 1779-1848)
BUTLEROV, AlekBandr Mikhaylovich [182&18863; ANGIRT, G.A. [translator];
HOHKA. K. [translator]; SMOLOVSKIT, A.A. Ctranslator3; VASILIUVA,
Z.H. [translator]; A SANDHOV, L. [translator]; ILADO, '2.M.
[translator]; rWTB, A.F. [translator], red.; -?~ ~S-A.~.; BUOY. G.V.. red.; RASKIN, NX,,red.; POLYAKOVA, T.T.,
[A.M.Butlerov; his scientific and pedagogical endeavors. A collection
of documuts] A.H.Butlerov; usuchnaia i pedagogicheaknia daistell-
nost'. Sbornik dokumentov. Koakva, 1961. 416 p.
(MIRA 14:3)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR.
(Batlerov. Aleksandr Mikhail6vich,"1828-1886) -
FARSHTEYN, Moisey GertBevich, kand. khim. nauk , zasl.
deyatell nauki i tekhD-Ud RSFSR, prof... otv. red.; FAUSIOVA,
D.G,, red. izd-va; SB-%3]IA, G.S., teldm. red.
[Historical survey of the molecular theory in chemistry (before
1860A Istoriia ucheniia o molekule v khimii do 1860 g. Mo-
skva,, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1961. 365 P. (MIRA 15:2)
BMLIROY, Aleksendr Mikheylovich (deceased]; Z22qRjR,-�,A-,,,ctv.
red.; BYKOY,G.T., red.; PLATE, A.F., red.; RASKIN,N.M., red.;
[Scientific and educational activities; collection of
documents] Nauchnais i podagogicheakaia doiatellnost'; abornik
documentov.*14ookwa, Izd-vo Aked nauk BSSR, 1961. 416 p.
(MIRA 14:5)
(Butlerov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich, 1828-1886)
KNUDYANTS, I.L., glav. red.; BAIOUROVSKIY, G.Ya., zam, glav, red.;
N.I.J. red.; DOLIN, P.I., red.; K=- KV, V.A-, red.; Y-77-~,
G.A.,, red.; HURBI, A.N.., red; POGODIN S , red.; RZbIItD&i,
_En 'N j_ ,A
P.A.$ red.; SLONIMSKIY, G.S., red.; STEPAHENKO, B.N., red.;
EPSHTErNj D.A., red.; VASKEVICII, D.N., nauchnyy red.; GALLE,
R.R., nauchnyy red.; GARKOVENKO, R.V., nauchMy red.; GODIII,
Z.I., nauclinyy red.; MOSTOVENKO, N.P., nauchnyy red.;
..LEBEDEVA, V.A., mladshiy red.; TRUIOIANOVA, Me.., mladshiy
red.; FILIPPOVA, K.V., mladsbiy red.; ZHAROVA, Ye.I., red.;
KULIDZHAIIOVA, I.D., telchn. red.
[Concise chemical encyclopedia) Kratkaia khimicheskaia entsiklo-
pediia. Red. koll.: I.L.Knuniants i dr. Moskva, Gos.nauchn.
izd-vo "Sovetskaia entsiklopediia.0 Vol.l. A - E. 1961.
1262 columns. (MIRA 15:2)
-- PO=3:pa-.8,A,,; SHOSTIIN, N.A.
*Studies on the history of Soviet chemical societies" by
V,V. Koz1ov. Reviewed by S.A. Pogodin, N.A. Shost'In. i tekh. no.11:155-156 161. (14IRA 14:11)
(Chemical societies)
(Koz1ov, V.V.,)
------ ---
M.V.Lomonosov, the great Russian chemist. Zhur.VKHO 0' no.5:570-
571 161. (MIRA 14:10)
(Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasillevich, 1711-1765)
FILYAND, Mikhail Abramovich; SEMENOVA, Yelizaveta Ivanovna.
POGOM.L~A- - z;"Iuzheruwy deyatell --nk' -J--tekh-
niki.4SFSRjt Vmfessor doktor, retsenzent;
MEYERSON) G.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk., retsenzent;
ZELIKMAN, A.N., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent;
O.M., red.izd-va
[Properties of rare elements; a handbook] Svoistva redkikh
elementov; spravochnik. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva,
Izd-vo Metallurgiia, 1964. 912 p. (MIRA 17:3)
14.V.Lomonosov and the cheemistri of the l8th c=ntiri.
ost.i tekh. no.l2j28-43 162. (KRA 15:4)
(Lomonosov, Milchail Vasillevich, 1711-1765)
aTAa;OSEL%Ska'A-NIKITINA. Ollga Andreye,.rm; FOGODIN, �qKgqy A~qksandrovich,
zasl. deyateell I na-uld, D-~Of.) V. r6d-.-- OV Ye.M., red.izd-
va; NOVIChYGJA., "'.D., tleLklm. red.; KASIMIA, P.S., t-ekhn.r=----.
(History of radioactivity and the genesis of nuclear pbysics]
Istoriia radioaktivnosti i vozniknoveniia iadernoi fiziki.
Moskva, Izd-.vo AN SSSR, 1963. 427 p. (MIRA 17: 1)
POGODIN, S. 1. -- "Agrotechnical Means of Combating Couch Grass and Cortf-in Proluleirs
of Its Biology in the Latvian SSR." Latvian AgTicultural Ace-demy, 19-';,+ (Dissertation
for the Degree of Candidate of Agricultural, Sciences)
SO: Izv2stjXa Ak. Nauk Latylysha SSR, No. 9, Sept., 1955
PORTNOV, D.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; KOSHKIN, V.K., doktor
tekhn. nauk, pror.y retoenzent; ORLIN, A.S., doktor tekhn.
nauk, prof., kand. takhn. nauk,
red.; ZYUZIN, N.M., red. lzd-vaj KihD~ V.D,~ takhn. red.
(High-speed piston and turbine engines with compression
AVition; theory,, operation, and characteristics] Bystrokhod-
Ve turbo~orshnevye dvigateli a vosplameneniem'*6t szhatiia;
teoriia, rabochii protsess i kbarakteriatiki. Moskva, Mash-
giz, 1963. 638 p. (MIRA 16:7)
(Internal combustion engines)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 4, p48 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Portnov, D.A., Pogodin, S. 1.
TITLE: Comparative Evaluation of Methods for the Calculation of the
Characteristics of Transport-type Gas-turbine Engines
(Sravnitell naya otsenka metodov rascheta kharakteristik
transportnogo gazoturbinnogo dvigatelya)
PERIODICAL: Tr. N. -i. labor. dvigateley M-va transp. mashinostr. SSSR,
1957, Nr 3, pp 5-Z9
ABSTRACT: Formulas for computations are derived, and computations
for two-spool transport-type gas-turbine engines are described
for three cases: 1) When the characteristics of the compressor
and turbines are available; 2) When turbine characteristics are
not available, but compressor characteristics are available;
and 3) when neither the turbine nor the compressor characteris-
tics are available. For the cases Nrs 2 and 3 it is assumed
that the turbine efficiency is a parabolic function of the ratio of
the mean peripheral blade velocity to the gas velocity corres-
ponding to adiabatic expansion in the turbine. Therein it is
Card 1/2 assumed that the flow of gas is independent of the turbine rpm.
SOV/124 -58-4 -4020
Comparative Evaluation of Methods (cont. )
Besides, for the third case it is assumed that the adiabatic work of the com-
pressor is a function of the square of the compressor rpm. The following
conclusion is made on the basis of the computations performed: For com-
pressor speeds within 80 to 1000/o design rpm, and for power-turbine speeds
within 60 to 800/6 of design rpm, all three of the methods produce fairly close
results. For these conditions the engine power lies between 40 and 1000/0
of the design value.
A.I. Loshkarev
1. Gas turbines--Design 2. Compressors--Design
3. Mathematics
Card 2/2
00c) E194/E455
AUTHOR: Pogodino S.I. (Moscow)
TITLEs -6fiii-if-dTiiiation of a Gas Turbine and Free-Piston
Com e
Gas Generator
PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
nauk, Energetika i avtomatikag 1960, Nr 3, pp 111-122 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs Operating experience of gas turbines combined with free
piston gas generators shows that the range of variation
of load is limited. Low outputs of power and gas can
only be obtained if special control arrangements are made.
This article presents a theoretical investigation of
various methods of extending the range of combined
operation with the object of determining the most
favourable method. Under all operating conditions, the
quantity and properties of the gas generated by the free-
piston generator should correspond to the turbine nozzle
conditions. The conditions of combined operation of
turbine and generator may, to a first approximation, be
written in the form of Eq (1.1), where G, T and p
relate to the flow, temperature and pressure of the gas
Card 1/8 delivered to the turbine. A gas turbine connect d to a
Combined Operation of a Gas Turbine and Free-Piston Gas Generator
generator of this type operates with a high level of
gas expansion and, therefore, the referred coefficient
of gas flow, given by Eq (1.1), changes relatively
little when the turbine operating conditions are changed.
The curves in Fig 1 show changes in gas flow and
temperature as functions of pressure at the generator
exhaust. The curves relate to various values of piston
travel in a generator with low-pressure buffer. They
show that the generator can operate together with the
turbine only under certain definite conditions of gas
pressure and piston travel. When the generator operates
in conjunction with the gas turbine the possibilities of
reducing the pressure and travel simultaneously are very
limited. If the gas generator is working alone, it can
operate down to the very lightest of loads. What is
needed then is to modify the operation of either the
generator or the turbine in such a way that they have a
wider range of stable combined operation. This involves
Card 2/8 direct selection of the gas conditions in the turbine ~_r
Combined Operation of a Gas Turbine and Free-Piston Gas Generator
and generator and finding suitable methods of controlling
the generator and turbine in power equipment. The
selection of gas conditions for the turbine when it
operates in conjunction with a free-piston gasifier is
then considered. Curves of gas horse-power and specific
fuel consumption are plotted as functions of gas pressure
and piston stroke, as shown in Fig 2. The method of
using these curves to determine the most favourable gas
conditions for the turbine is then explained. In general,
it may be stated that the greater the gas pressure at
maximum output of gasifier and turbine, the more
efficient the full-load operation, but the lower the
efficiency at partial loads. increasing the gas
pressure at maximum output appreciably reduces the range
of combined operation of gasifier and turbine. Special
features of gas-turbine performance in locomotive
service are briefly discussed. The main factors that
influence the range of combined operation of gasifier
and turbine are then enumerated. The permissible range
Card 3/8 of loading is characterized by two factors% the relativ
Combined Operation of a Gas Turbine and Free-Piston Gas Generator
output expressed as a proportion of the rated output;
the relative gas pressure at which this output is
achieved. Obviously the lower the permissible gas flow,
temperature and pressure, the lower the load at which
the turbine may be operated. The least possible quantity
of gas that can be delivered to the gasifier is given by
Eq (3~1)- Other expressions are derived to show that the
range of loading of the set is influenced by the following
factors; the gasifier circuit; the gasifier geometry
under rated conditions, particularly in respect of
compressor characteristics and piston travel; operating
data such as compression ratios, gas temperatures,
pressure drops in valves and the like; the minimum
travel of the gasifier piston; variations in compressor
efficiency under different operating conditions; the
method of controlling the gasifier, particularly by
alteration in compression ratio and by diverting air
from the receiver to the back-pressure or gasifier exhaust.
Of these, the gasifier circuit used is most important and
Card 4/8 the merits of the various kinds are discussed. The L-r
Combined Operation of a Gas Turbine and Free-Piston Gas Generator
compressor design is also important. Changes in
efficiency of the turbine and compressor under different
conditions are of secondary importance. If air is
by-passed from the receiver to the turbine, there is, as
will be seen from the performance curves of Fig 5, some
improvement in gasifier efficiency at part-load but
little change in the permissible loading range. The
results given in Fig 6 show that a reduction of the
compression ratio at part-load appreciably extends the
range of combined operation of gasifier and turbine.
However, if the turbine inlet pressure is reduced too
far, operation may be unstable. The widest possible
range of load is best obtained by using gasifiers with
high-pressure buffers compressing air during the working
stroke of the piston. If a low-pressure buffer system
is used and the air is compressed on the return stroke,
the load range is much less, particularly if the gasifier
piston travel cannot be altered much. Therefore, in
Card 5/8 gasifiers with low-pressure buffers, special measures are
Combined Operation of a Gas Turbine and Free-Piston Gas Generator
required to extend the range of operation with a
turbine. In order to extend the working range of the
set, it is necessary either to alter the characteristics
of the gasifier, by reducing the quantity of air
delivered by the compressor at partial load, or to
alter the turbine characteristics so that at light loads
the turbine can operate with an extra high discharge
factor. The quantity of gas delivered to the turbine
may be reduced by discharging excess gas to atmosphere,
by throttling the air intake to the piston compressor
or by by-passing air from the receiver to the compressor
inlet. The turbine characteristics can be adjusted by
control of the nozzles. These various methods are then
considered in more detail. The method of discharging
gas to air is, as will be seen from the curves of Fig 7,
the simplest but least efficient. By throttling the air
at the intake to the piston compressor the range of load
may be appreciably extended, as will be seen from the
curves of Fig 8, but the efficiency still falls off
Card 6/8 somewhat. In recent vears, gasifiers with low-pressure
Combined Operation of a Gas Turbine and Free-Piston Gas Generator
buffers and air compression during the return stroke have
used the third method of governing. At part loads,
excess air from the receiver is delivered not to the
turbine but to the inlet system of the piston compressor.
This raises the temperature at the compressor inlet and
so the amount of air delivered to the gasifier is reduced.
The total result is that the region of stable operation
of the gasifier is displaced towards lighter loads as
indicated in Fig 10. Although there is some reduction
in efficiency it is not serious. This method of control
can be combined with reduction in compression ratio at
partial loads. Nozzle control of the turbine is a very
effective method of controlling the set.. Compared with
methods of control that act only on the gasifier, it
improves the efficiency at partial loads and, in addition,
makes for greater reliability of the turbine at partial
loads. In general, the best results are obtained by
methods based on alterations of compressor performance
and turbine nozzle control, though these methods ax-e
Card 7/8 mechanically the most complir-ated. Of the simpler methods~4
Combined Operation of a Gas Turbine and-Free-Piston Gas Generator
that of throttling the air-compressor intake and also
passing air from the receiver to the gasifier intake
with simultaneous reduction in compression ratio of the
turbine are worth attention. In stations with a number
of gasifiers, the problem of operation at light loads
may be simplified by shutting down individual gasifiersi
performance curves for this case are given in Fig 11.
It is concluded that many of the limitations on the
loading range of gasifier-turbine sets may be relaxed
by appropriate application of the methods described.
There are 11 figures and 4 references, 3 of which are
English and 1 Soviet.
SUBMITTED: March 18, 1959
card 8/8
POGODIII, S.I., kand.tekhn.nauk
IlFree-piston gas producers" by P.A. Shelest. Reviewed by 3.1.
Pogodin. Vest.mash. 41 no.U:88-90 N 161. (11,IRA 14:11)
(Gas producers)
(Shelest, P.A.)
LYAKHOV., Konstantin Stepanovich, inzh.; CHENTSOV, Konstantin Peti,ovichy
inzh.3 9VIRIDOV, A.A., retsenzent; FOGODIN,, ret--enzent;
BARAKIN, A.P., red.; MAYMSHINA, A N.*, re izd-va; RIDEAU,
LV., tekhn. red.
(Practical rmnual for a dispatcher in the river fleet] Prak--
ticheskoe posobie diqpetcharu rechnogo flota. Moskva, Izd-vo
"Rechnoi transport," 1963. 197 p. (MIRA 16:12)
(Inland water transportation-Handbooks, manuals, etc.)
L 7655-66 E;WT(d)l~W(C)IEW(V)ITIW(k)AW(h)IEWP(I)IEM(tt) W
ACC VR:~ AP5025045 SOURCE COIE: LM/0286/65/000/016/0087/0087
AUTHORS:. Borshchenko, Ye, I Kotenko, G. I.; Pogodin, V. L
ORG: none
TITLE% Method for contactlessteasurement of the roughness of a conducting surface
and a device for its accomplishment. Glass 42, Do. 173959
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy'iJovarnykh znakov, no. 16,, 1965, 87
TO PIC TAGS so "MIR- 6AvAL+- metal surface, Hall generator
ISTRACT: Th .s'Autho$ Certificate presents a method for contactless measurement
of the royghness f a conducting surface according to the total magnetic flux
passing through Vgalvanomagnetic detector. To increase the sensitivity of the
integral measurement, an electric current is passed through the part. The magnetic
field of the current interacts with the magnetic field of the detector, and the
monitored parameter is determined according to the resulting value of the Hall emf.
The device for measuring the roughness of a conducting surface, including small
linear displacements of the surface, contains a magnetic circuit Vith a ferrite
junction placed in the gap and a galvanomagnetic deteetor (see Fig. 1).
Card 1/3 UDG: 531,717-8:621.3
3 5 z I
Fig. 1. 1- investigated part; 2- ferrite backings; 3- Hall emf detector;
4- magnetic rod determining initial value of Hall emf;
5- magnetic flux determining surface roughness; 6- magnetic
circuit of device; 7- recording device; 8- supply source of HaU
To increase*the sensitivity., the ferrite junction is in the form of flat backings,
between which the gelvanomagnotic detector Is mounted. The magnetic
Card 2/3
L 7655-66,
ACC NR: AP5025045
Permeability of the ferritobackings is less than that of the magnetic circuit
and the part material. Orig, art, has: I diagram.
SUB CODE: 14,2o/ SUBMDATE: 29Apr63
Current-senBitive reproducing heads on Blender Hall tranaducers
made from indium antimonide. Izv. AN Turk. SSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh.,
kh" i geol. nauk no,6%97-99 164. (MIRA 18--4)
1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN Turkmenskoy SSR.
L 3491a=" ET-1-(m)/F-p(t~ ~~p('b, Tji-ic Riil".JD
ACCESSION NA: AP5004992 S/0202/64/000/006/0097/0099
AUTHORS: _Sukban0v,__S-; Petrova, I. V., Pogodin, V. I., Gerloiin,- J
TITLE: Flux-sensitive pickup heads using thin Hall pickups of
indium antimonide
SOURCE: AN TurkmSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-tekhnicheskikh,
khimicheskikh i geologicheskikh nauk, no. 6, 1964, 97-99
i TOPIC TAGS: indium antimonide, Hall pickup, magnetic recording,
pickup head
ABSTRACT: The-article describes some _XeLiiultg--cLf-experirftenta~i--inves~-
eA a.-,wi-t __-Hal-l-
h d
ekirdental ifi`v- iest igat ions were madefor the purpose of improving
The exp
their sensitivity and resolution, as compared with the pickups pro-
posed by other authors. It is shown first that the best semiconduc-
Card 1/4
L 34912-65
CESS1014 ZIR: APS004992
tor material for Hall pickups is one with maximum product of Hall
constant and electron mobility. This has led to the choice of
single-crystal InSb, which also has a low noise level. The construc-
tion of the magnetic heads and of the Hall pickup is shown in Fig. i
of the Enclosure. An optimal shape for the pickup head is described.
it is shown that the best pickup is one in which the maximum field
is picked off the magnetic tape by using as thin a semiconductor as
possible, secured between ferrite plates which concentrate the mag-
netic field. A reading gap of 2-3 microns can be obtained, with a
isensitivity up to 500 microvolts at a recording level of 200 milli-
Maxwell. The Hall pickup was specially shaped to facilitate connec-
tion of the leads. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 3 formulas, and 1
ASSOCIATION: Piziko-td'Ythnicheskiy institut'AN Turkmenskoy SSR
(Physicotechnical Institute, Academy_q~_P_qiences Turkmenian SSR)
Card 2/4
L 34912-g5
NR REF SOV.- 001
ENCL: 01
OTHER: 002
Card 3/4
---w m
! . WFF
~ Card 4/4 ..... . 1. - --l. -- -1 - - - ~ ---- .- --- - - ----- -- --
L008n F
CESSION NR: AP50.15912. UR/0103/65/026/006/1112/1114
Bo (Leningrad) I -PlDgodin, Ar.: 1.
AUTHOR: N. (Iran gerayZade. A. P.
(M - gomolov, A grad ; I
ningrad)l Fomenko. Te.- P. (Leningrad)
Galvanomagnetle oscMator
SOURM-4vtinatika i telemek-hanika, v. 26, no. 6, 1965, 1112-1114
OPIC TAGS: ga3vanomagnetie oscillator
ABSMACT: An experimental galvanomagnetic oscillator with an InSb magnetoresiator
is.briefly described. The oscillator doveloped 4.4 w continuously or 10 v for a
~'short time at 28 cps and watercooling (was immrsed in'water); the efficiency was
1 at 10 V. It is pointed ouT, that, the existing theorf corr 'tly describes the
actual oscillator behavior: the discrepancy between the theoretical and experi-
0%. A method of measuring the escUlator
mental oscillatory-currents is only 1
characteristics is,given. Orig . art. has 3 figures, 3 formulas, and 2.- table.
------- NO-BEF SOV:.- 002 OTM;
B1 07/ZI 01
AUTHORSi Sarkisov# E. 5,p Sentyurev, V. P., Pogodin# Vo Pe
TITLEs Intercrystalline oorrosion of OX18H9T (OKhIBN9T) steel in
water at high temperatures
PERIODIOALt Referatijrzyy zhurnal. Xhimiyat no. 20, 1961f 260j abstraot
'Sb. "Zorromiya roaktorn. materialov". M,,, Atomisdatp
20X156 1~
1960t 145 - 148)
EXTe The standard method (AM(AX) methodo FOCT 6032-50 (GOST 6032-50)) for
eating the tend*noy of stools to form interorystalline oorrosion in,
suitable in water at high temperatures of 300 - 35000. The method *
Am rOCT 6032-58 (AN GOST 6032-58) yielded negative, results when testing
OXIBOT (OKh18N9T) steel for interorystalline oorrosion in water at pH
3.2 - 7-0t 36000p and 200 ata.during 4000 hre LAbstracter's notat
Complete translation.3
Card Vi
Gerasimov, Valentin Vladimirovich, ed., Candidate of Chemical Sciences.
Korrozlya renktornykit materialov; abornik statey (Corrosion of Nuclear-
Reactor Materials; a Collection of Articles) Moscow, Atomizdat. 1960.
284 p. 3, 700 copies printed.
Ed.: A.I. Zavodchikova; Tech. Ed.: Ye. 1. Mazell.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles in Intended for mechanicnl find
metallurgical engineers as well as for scientific research workers con-
cerned with the construction of nuclear reactors.
COVERAGE- The water corrosion of various types of stainless steel and
alloys under high pressures and temperatures is Investigated from the
point of view of the use of these materials for the construction of niuclear
reactors. Attention Is given to the following: the
tecting steel against corrosion, the behavior of steel in high -temp eratur e
Corrosion of Nuclear- (Cant. SOV/5256
water with various compositions, factors of metal stress corrosion,
intergranular corrosion, the mechanism of corrosion cracking, and the
corrosion resistance of aluminum and zirconium alloys, Conclusions
based on test resulti are included. No personalities are mentioned.
Most of the articles are accompanied by references. Of 238 references
97 are Soviet.
Foreword 3
Gulyayev, V. N. , and P.A. Akollzin. Methods of Testing the Corro-
sion-Creep Strength of Metals at High Pressureq and Temperatures
Corrosion of Nuclear- (Cont.)
Environment and the State of the Metal
Gerasimov, V. V. , A. 1. Gromova, and E. T. Shapovalov.
Corrosion Cracking of the M18N9T Steel 139
Sarkisov, E. S. , V. P. Sentyurev, and YE,-Pogodin. Inter-
granular Water Corrosion of the OKhN9T Steel at High Tem-
peratures 145
Gerasimov, V. V. , and K. A. Popova. Intergranular Water
and Steam Corrosion of the lKhN9T Steel at High Temperatures
and Pressures 148
IKONNIKOV,VY., pror,~Prinim&U uchastiye: GUSAKOV, A.D., prof.; SHENGER,
Yujo., prof.; BATYREV, V.M., doktor ekon. nauk; KAZANTSEV, A.I.,
dote.; BUZYREV, V.M., prof.; BYSTRDV, F.P., prof.; NADEZHDINA, A.,
red.; POGODIN, Yu., red.; TELEGIRA, T., tekhn. red.
(monetar7 circulation and credit in the U.S.S.P.]Denezhnoe ob-
rashchenie i kredit SSSR. Kollektiv avtorov pod rukovodstvom
V.Ikonnikova. Moskva, Goofinizdat, 1962. /+70 p. (MIRA 16:1)
(Money) (Credit)
SITARYA1., , Stepan Arwiaisovich, kand. ekon. nauk; KOSYACEENKO, G. j . ,
prof., otv. red.;,,P.OGODIIN, Yu., red.; KINUDY'A, Ye., rec;-
[Ret income and budget; distribution of the net inc-orne of*
the national economy and its flow into the budget of tbe
U.S.S.R.] Chistyi dokhod i biudzhet; voprosy rasprede-lenlia
chi5togo dokhoda gosudarstvenno.-o khoziaistva i ego
zatsii v biudzhet SSSR. Eoskva, Finansy, j9c~'- p.
KALAMKAROV, Kh. A., kand. med. nauk;_POGODIN, V. S., assistent
Taking impressions from edentulaus jawa and determinirg centric
occlusion In one visit. Trudy KCM1 no.2;191-195 '60.
(MIRA 15: 7)
1. 1z kafedry ortopedicheakoy stomatologii - zav. kafedroy
dotsent M. A. Solomonov.
- PO-GODIN,-V. S.-,-ansistent
Changes in the rhythum of the cardiac activity during th~i pro-
paration of teeth for crowns. Trudy KGMI no.10:438-/J~O '63.
(MIRA 18:1)
1. Iz ka"qdry ortopedicheskoy stomatologil (zav. kafedroy - prof.
Ye.I.Gmrilov) Kalininskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsiriskogo insti-
'KALAMKAROV,- Kh. A., kand. med. nauk; POGODIN, V. S., assistent
Iffectiveness of applying prosthesis to edentulous jaws while
taking Impressions by Vainshtein's method. Trudy KGII no.2:
182-190 160. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Iz kafedry ortopedicheskoy stomatologii - zav. kafedroy dotsent
M. A. Solomonov.
MITEL'Iclill, Tefim Lazarevich; FOGODIN, Y,i., red.; LUGUROVA, L., red.
[Financing and credit in indurtry] Finar.2irovanir i kredi-
tovanie promyshlw.moati. Moskva, lzd-vo "Financyll 1964
359 P. (MIRA 17:8i
.AFANASIYEV, Anatoliy Aleksandrovich; BYSTROV, F.F., doktor ekonom. nauk,
prof., otv. red.; POGODIN,_Yt.,_red.; LEREDEV, L., tekhn. red.
(The gold mining industry of
stran; ekonomicheskii obzor.
(Gold mines and mining)
capitalist countries; an economic
promyshlennost' kapitalisticheskikh
Moskva, Gosfinizdat, 1963. 61 p.
(MIRA 16:3)
IWSAF3TA& Z#De; BABUSHM# V.I., red.; POGODIN, Tu.. red.;
22MINA, T., takhn,red,
[Alandbook for tax workers]
Vloakra, Goafinisdat. 1958.
Spravochnik nalogovago rabotulks.
367 P. (mim 12:6)
RYAUZOV, Nikolay Nikolayevich, prof.; TERTUS, Andrey Fomich,-POGODIN, lu...
red.; TELEGIVA, T.j tekhn. red.
[Bank statistics] Bankovskaia, statistika. Izd.2., perer. i gop.
Moskvax Gosfinizdat, 1961. 235 p. (MIRA 14:11)
(Banks and banking-Statistics)
IKONNIKOV, V.V., prof.; VASILIYEV, P.G., and, ekon.nauk; IAVROV,
V.V., prof.; RYUMIN, S.M.; KOI:fCHEV, L.I., kand. ekoh.
kand. ekon. nauk; MITELIMAN, Ye.L., kand. ekon. nauk;
BELIKINA, R.K., kand. ekon. nauk; SHTEYNSHLEYGER, S.B.9
kand. ekor). nauk; ROTLEYDER, A.Ya.,, kand. ekon. nauk;
POGODIN, Yu.1, red.; TELEGINA, T.p tekhn. red.
""I, ------ wnz-llzly
(Finance and credit in the U.S.S.R.] Finansy i kredit SSSR.
Moskva, Izd-vo "Finansy," 1964. 447 p. MIRA 17:3)
LOGACHEV, N.A., red.; 11,IVEYEV, I.K., red.; ODIIIT,';OVj red.;
POGODINj Yu.~, red.; TAR]IOVSYJY, G.P., red.; T11111-OLISKIY,
rie-d.; PERLOVICHI B.F.J red.; KARALSI, V.D., --ekhn. red.
[Summaries of the reports of the Conference on Mineral Re-
sources and the Geology of the Siberian Platform]Tezisy dok:La-
dov Soveshchaniia po geologicheskomu stroenUm i rninerallrVn
resursam Sibirsi~oi platfo=7. Irkutsk, Ak~d. nauk SSSR, Si-
birskoe otd-nie. No.4. 10,60. 138 p. (MIRA 15:11)
1. Sovoshchaniye po geologicheskojm stroyeniyu i iriinerallrqm
resursam Sibirskoy platformy.
(Siberian Platform-Goology)
(Siberian Platform-Mines and mineral resources)
Regulariti*v in the location of copper mineralization in the southern
Siberian Platform. Zakonom. razm. pol*zn'. iskoP. 5:408-434 162.
WIRA 15:12 )
1. Vostoohno-Sibirskiy geologichaskiy inatitut Sibirskogo otdeleniya
(Siberian Platform-Copper oreB)
Translation froin: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 5,
P 114 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Pogodin, Yu. V.
TITLE: Problems on the Origin of the Lead-Zinc Deposits of
Podkamennay4- Tunguska (Voprosy genezisa polimetalli-
cheskikh mestorozhdeniy Podkamennoy Tunguski)
PERIODICAL: Sov. geologiya, 1956, sb. Nr 50, pp 3-11
ABSTRACT: The author has studied a number of lead-zinc deposits
in the basin 6f the Podkamennaya Tunguska River. Two
hypotheses exist on the origin of these deposits;
sedimentary and hydrothermal. The author cites and
compares the factors favoring both the first and the
second hypotheses. In this discussion he notes a
divergence of opinion relative to the association of
mineralization and magmatism among the adherents of
Card 1/2 the hydrothermal theory. He examines the problems of
AUTHOR: PgzadlaT-YAft1fl", Suchkov, V.A., and 40-22-2-6/21
Yanenko, r.N. (Chelyabinsk)
TITLEs On Running Waves in the Equation of Gas Dynamics (0 begushchikh
volnakh uravneniy gazovoy dinamiki)
PERIODICALt Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 1958,Vol 22, Nr 2,
pp 188-1/06 (USSR)
A13STRACT: The authors investigate running waves in quasilinear different-
ial equations of the type
Axjk(ul)""um) ~Ya - 0 (i,jlkf = 1'...,M)
They denote a running wave to be of rank r, if it satisfies
m - r functional dependences of the form
um) - 0 ( c . 1, ...' m - r)
In a former paper there were investigated running waves of the
rank 1 . In the present paper now waves of the rank m - I are
investigated. A method for finding such waves is given and
Card 1/2 applied to gasdynamical problems. It can be shown that the
On Running Waves in the Equation of Gas Dynamics 40-22-2-6/21
gasdynamical equations possess the given form for polytropic
gases. Running waves for plane motions of rank 2 for poly -
tropic gases are particularly investigated and the solutions
are discussed. 3everal practical examples of application are
calculated in the last section. E.g. the motion of a gas
between two plane walls, the motion of isothermal gases,and
motions in which strong discontinuities occur.
There are 5 figures, and I Soviet reference.
SUBMITTEN October 89 1957
1. Gases--Properties 2. Wave analysis--Applications
Card 2/2
AUTHORS Pogodin, Yu.Ya., Suchkov, V.A. and Yanenko, E.N.
TITLES On Progressive Waves of the Equations of Gas Dynamics (0 be-
gushchikh volnakh uravneniy gazovoy dinamiki)
PERIODICALS Doklady Akademii Nauk, 19569 Vol 110/t 1Tr 3, PP 443-445 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: As a progressive wave of rank r the solution ni = u i(x1Y--fXm)
of the quasilinear system
'~ U.
a ijk (U1 .*.Ik M) _7X 1 = 0 i9j,k = I .... m
.Ls denoted which satisfies m - r functional relations
,f~, (u, 9 .... %) = 0 . d, = I , . . . , ra-r . In the example of the
equations of motion of a polytropic gas the progressive waves
of rank 2 are conaidered in the adiabatic case.
ThGorems If P(u 1' U2) sa,"Visfies the equation
1 1f2'?1 2+ _'~i 11 2 2 + 1 0
where is the exponent of the adiabatic curve, then the pro-
gressive wave depends on two arbitrary functions of one ar-
Card 1/2
On Progressive Waves of the Equations of Gas 20-11(li-3-!1165
gument, 2 2
uI + U,
Theoremi If C0+ C1 U1 + C2 U2 then all
flows are conic. For other solutions ~ of (1) in cencral they
are not conio~ however, to each solution %P there corresponds
a certain solution of a transformed initial equation which des-
cribee a conio flow.
These theoretioal results are used for the solution of the
problem of two plane pistoxis. There is I Soviet reference.
PRESEXTEDs September 2219 1957, by A.D. Sakharov, Academician
SUBMITTED: November 21, '957
Card 2/2
6f 1517
AUTHORS: Yanenko, N.N., Suchkov, V.A., Pogodin, Yu.Ya.
TITLE: Difference Solution of the Thermal Conductivity Equation
in Curvilinear Coordinates
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,Vol 126, Nr 5,PP 903-905(USSR)
ABSTRACT. In the domain D(O