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1 0 ~;
Undelr~ound water bala=e in the Bukhara oasis. Dokl. AN Uz.
SSR no.9:23-27 157. (MIRA 11:5)
lOkbekslarn gldrogeologicheska7a akepeditsiya. Predstavleno
chlonom-korrespondentom AN UzSSR R.A. Alimovym.
(bikhnrn province-Wnter, Un4ergromid)
Effect of the drainaue on the regi-Me cf Zro-und ,-ater" Jn the
Bukhara Clasis. Trudy VSEGIIINGEO rio.10:210-218 164.
(IMl-il 17. 10)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-i-sledovatellskly institut Fi, n
_, ji-ogeoloaii
i inzhenernoy geologii.
Modulation method for measuring small electric voltages in the
acoustic frequency range. Akust. zbur. 2 no-3:248-254 J1-5 '56.
(MLRA 9:12)
1. Leningradskiy Korablestroitellnyy institut.
(NIIIlvoltmeter) (Sound-Measurement)
AUTHOR: plutser-Sarno, YU.N., Engineer SOV/110-58-12-6/22
PERIODICAL:Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti, 1958,14r 12,pp 21-25 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; This is a formal mathematical article about traction
motor design and is concerned principally with permissible
values of voltage developed in the motors during
different conditions of operation. The main point
considered is that traction motors must operate under
variable speed conditions with constant output.
Expression (15) is derived: if the conditions given
in this expression are observed the machine can operate
over a wide speed-range without affecting the volume of
active material in the motor armature. The limiting
values of electro-magnetic loading can be fixed as if
the machine worked at constant speed. This expression
can be used to predetermine approximately the control
conditions of the motor, given the speed schedule and
various otbe r information. The terminal voltage
Card 1/2 conditions of the motors should satisfy expressions (22)
Efficient Control of the Traction Motors of an Blectric
and (25): ways of doing this are considered. A brief
numerical example of the use of the formulae is given.
There a:ia 2 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: 17th January 1958
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Plutser-Sarno, Yu.N., Engineer SOV/110-59-2-14/21
TITLE; The Selection of Pa--ram6ters of the Earth Protection Relay
of a Diesel Electric Locomotive (Ratsionallnyy vybor
parametrov-,too rele zazemleniya teplovoza)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Blektropromyshlemosti2l959,Nr 27pp 60-62(USSR)
ABSTRACT: The earth protection relay in a diesel electric
locomotive disconnects the supply to the generator field
when earth faults occur in the power circuits. Usually
the relay operating coil-in series with an additional
resistance is connected between earth and the negative
pole of the supply. The relay must operate fast enough
to prevent damage to the main equipment in the event of a
fault. A formula is given for the most important
components of the operating time,and the influence of
design characteristics of the relay operating coil on this
time are examined. It is shown that to keep the time
Card 1/2 short it is necessary to reduce both the inductance and
the ohmic resistance of the relay coil. Design formulae
W1 y
Tile BajaoLlati or PiAlliAlubLolto of Lho IWAV
Diesel Electric Locomotive
are given for the coil and a mimerical example of design
Card 2/2 is given in a brief appendix.
There are 3 figures.
SUBMITTED: September 15, 1958
PLIUTSER-SARI,70 Yu.N., inzh.; MIKHNEVICH, G.A., inzh.; LIPOVKA, V.I., inzh.;
ARONOV.1 M.I., inzh.; BUDNITSKIY, A.A., inzh.
Improving the circuit of d.c.electric driving for diesel locomotives.
Vest.elektroprom. 33 no.1:47-52 Ja 1,62. (MIRA 14:12)
(Diesel locomotives--Electric driving)
AROWOVP M.I., inzh. (Kharlkov); FLUTUR-SARNO,. Yu.N.p inzh. Me Ikov)
Arrangement and operation. of the-magnetic amplifter Elek.i
tepl.tiaga 6 no.2-.28-30 F 162. iMIRA 15:2)
(Magnetic amplifiers)
(Diesel locomotives)
PLUTSIR-SARNO, TuAL. insh. (Kharlkov)
Excitation system of the traction generator of the 22-10
diesel locomotive. BlekA toPl-tiaga 3 no.8:7-11
Ag '59. (14IRA 12:12)
(Diesel locomotives)
lit! 4 1!, ill ml I. IV 410, V -1911, JI I 901~ 1, P 4 tj
(141 IIA I I
Efficient control of the traction electric motor of dienel- -
electric locomotives. Vest.olektroprom. 29 no.12:21-25 D 156.
OGRA 11:12)
(Diesel locomotives)
"-~~SAMO! Yd. X. , inshener.
OneratIM a gas turbine locomotive. Vest. elektr(mron. 28 no.l.-30-32
ja 157. (NLR& 10:4)
1. M2apikovskly elektroturbinraFy savad Ministerstva, elektrotakhnicho-
skay prou7shlonnosti,
(Oas turbine locomotives)
5W SOV120-123-4-43153
AUTHORS: Khodakov, G. 3., Plutaia, R.
TITLE: On the Solubility of Finely Crushed Quartz in Water (0 rast-
vorimosti tonkoizmellchennogo kvartsa. v vode)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958t Vol 123, Xr 4s PP 725-726
ABSTRACT: The present paper deals with the solubility of quartz powder
in distilled water. The degree of dispersion of thu powder
under investigation was estimated accordinp to its specific
surface. The quantity of quartz contained in the solution was
photocolorimetrically determined. Also the influence of the
glass from which the vessel is made and of the silicon in the
steel container -was taken into account. The first diagram shows
the curves of the kinetics of the dissolution of finely ground
quartz sand in water. The course taken by these curves con-
firms the formation of a true (and not of a colloidal) solu-
tion. These curves are well described by the kinetic equation
(1 - e- k-r ). Here C denotes the concentration
C = C
Card 1/3 of the SiO passing into the solution within the time T,
ln Gsolubility = kT ; it is confirmed by experimental
Csolubility - C
data. The constant k does not depend on the duration of quartz
crushing and amounted in'be case of the experiments discussed
here to 0-056 days-'. A prolongation of the duration of the
dry crushing of the quartz increases the values of C solubility*
According to the data obtained, the investigated powders of
finely ground quartz sand have practically the same surface.
Accordinp to the authors'data, the sol"bility of the finely
ground quartz in water at room temperature in some cases at-
tains the value of 120 mg/:L, which surpasses the solubility
of coarse-crystalline quar~-,z by 20 times its amount. This
abnormally high solubility may be explained by a destruction
of the crystal structure of quartz in the grinding mill. The
here discussed data make it possible to explain the mechanism
Card 2/3 of the formation of the hydrosilicates of calcium and magnesium
On the Solubility of Finely Crushed quartz in Water SOV/2o-123-4-43/53
in the interaction of their hydroxides with the finely ground
sand in water at room temperature. Also the part played by
sand filling medium of concrete with a low cement content,
which was ground in a vibration mill, may be explained in a
similar manner. The authors thank Academician P. A. Rebinder,
D. 3. 30minskiy, V. B. Ratinov and L. A. Fey.-in for discussing
results and for their valuable advice, and they also thank
N. I. Gludina for her assistance. Thereare 3 figures, 1
table, and 16 references, 12 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauclino-iscledovateltakiy institut tonkogo iz-
mellcheniya Akademii stroitellstva i %rldhitektury SS3R
(All-Union Scientific Rooonrch Int7tituto for Fine Grinding
,if' Uln Aooilomv or iiiii'hliiij, nto Ai-hlI-lI,ilt-, 11"'I'll?)
ijil flit j;l,j,fr1jf, it: I,
Solubility of fine quartz in vater. DokI.AN SM 123 no.4:
723-728 D'58- (KIRA 11:12)
1. VoesoyuzWy nauchno-tvaledovatellekly Institut tonkogo Ismell-
chenlyn. Akademil stroltalletva I arkhitaktury SMe Predstayleno
akadepikom P.A.Robinderom. I
(Qaartz) (-Solubility)
A 11'1' 1 V.Al 11 ~V ,~ t, t A.I wAh, I ~;t 1! 1 fit i All . Y i4 - I - .I 010i, I" f,'!, I "'I V 0; 1 Y ,V .. , I i :I
I '-h. j 10101114, 1, , 14 , I , , I ii~ilk, 11,1111014 ii ;10141 , 1 It ~ I., - jI 01,41~ I
,401, 'Y ANIN0\1 j A.~o. , busli. I 01VAK , Va.L. , Itmh. I .
inzII., EPSIrlWyll, A.S., inzh.; BAZO14OV, A.G., inzh~,
red.; USENKO, L.A... tekhn. red.
[The TE10 diesel freight locomotive3 Gruzovoi teplovoz TE10.
Moskva, Transzheldorizdat,, 1962. 1?l p. (MIRA 15:10)
(Diesel locomotives)
PLUTUS, Karl; ROOPALU, 1enn: LU=-, A., red.; KOHU, 11., tekhn.
(Shall we have cooperative, collective or individual dwc-l-
lings?] Kooperatiiv-, kol2ektiiv-voi irdividuaalelan!u?
Tallinn, Eeati Riiklik Kirjastus, 1963. 93 p.
(MIRA 16:12)
There is curde oil. It is necessary to bore. p.21
PRZEGLAD TECHNICZNY. (Nacze1na Organizacja Techniczna) Warszawa, Poland
Vol.80, no.42, Oct. 1959
Monthly list of East European Accessions ('--'EA'R) LC, Vol.9, no.1, Jan. 1960
Use of reloading pallets in Polish and international
transportation. P. 72. NOFNALIZACJA, Warszawa. Vol. Z4, no. 2,
Feb. 1956.
SOU.4,CE: East European Acession (EEAL) Librar7 of Congress
Vol- 5, no. 8. August 1956.
Pluty;ls)ilKThe TiobnoUsify,of Ilandling Bur roduefs.
POTITTIPffta przoladmiku lokvnr:6w beezkowonych". VchnikaI Go-
spodarka Morska. Na.-D, 053, pp. 310-321, 6 fig5.
y. of ~ bar In barrels,
A survey of
-the presqnt technolol, pfaduct,
drums wid tl I it andling
n5. 01JUllib of a nproved technology of In
fnivchio Q
by mealiff a Acal!c uIpmerit wrid plllclizallorj~
PLUTYNSKIJ, Kazimierz, Mgr&j,(Warszawa)
Storage manipulations in Polish sea harbors. Przegl mech 20 no.23.
708-713 161.
(Poland-Harbors) (Poland-Storage)
Phda6mUk., Prof. I'm K"bles Cetus# at 08% Tomperatems.
Ot'stbk& skr&vsnk- PrXY WYMILich tomperaturach". Prwgl4d
mechankmir. No 1-4. IM, pp. S"?, 3 figs.. 3 t&bL
jL description of tests made at tba MeW Working Institute of
Uw Wsmw polytectLnic School an oz&cblw eutUbg at bigh tempers-
sum. Rawt4 obtained and concludOrA dmwm Research carried Out
abreed on nwAming at hWh t4mlwmtwle~
;'I-rf'. I'nr. 'ro" I-a
A description of tests mr?.ft at the -etal 'Jorki-nc Institute of the rrai,
ljol-vtechnic ~ehool on rim-bine cW.tinu at hich tc,-,verat'~ies. Recults oltai ned
and concli-sions draim. _Rescavcli carri,ed oi-t alroarl on m-ach-frinC at hi-Ch
_10: Polish -Lbstracts - No. 2, 19,11
Standardization of flat jaws for thread rolling. P, 500~
MCHANIK. (Stowarzyszenie Inzynieraw i Technikow 14echanikaw Polskich)
Warszawa, Poland. vol. 31, no. 10, Oct. 1958,
Mont-lily list of East P~uropean Accessions Index, (EEAI), IZ, Vol. 8, no. 6,
411mo 1959
0110 0.
BIZON, Zdzislaw; PANKOW, Tadeusz,- FLUZEK,.qqnt'pena,- WINID, Boguchwal;
Introduction to the ecology of suicides in Krakow. (lat report).
Neurol. neurochir. psychiat. pol. 13 no.l.*62-74 1,63o
1. Z Wojewodzkiej Przychodni Zdrowla Psychicznego v Krakowie
Dyrektors lek. med. T. Pankow.
-1"*,'h-; J)1113(UV. V.S., Jnzh. V r.-thoto
MALIKOV, V.G., 111zil.: V.I.. . I
prinimn I I uselm tit iyo; !~ji I L' 90, M.M., in zh. ; MERS I: iCH I Y, !1.1'. , inz1h.
CHMMIKOV, V.Ya., innit.; inzli.; RATNER, 3.R., inzh.;
MLYCHEV, G.D., inzh.; ALMOV, K.S., inzh.; FAURIKO, N.M., inzh.;
FIAMISHTYM. M.M., inzh.; PL~!~Lj.,-- inzh.; WISMOV, T.F.,
inzh.; BABEIKO, NOT., inzh.-, AWYANOV, N.I., inzh.; TUPILIKO, V.S.,
Deoxidizing and alloying 25G2C steel with ferromanganese and ferro-
sili6on in 200-ton ladles. Stall 20 no.9:803-806 S 160.(MIRA 13:9)
(Steel, Structural-Metallurg7)
FLUZRNICIENKOP T.F., starshiy prepodavatell (Dublyany, Llvovskoy obl.)
Hexachloran in controllil'39 flax fleas. Zdaboh. rast. ot vred.
i bol. 7 no.]-lt53 N 162.
(MIRA 2.60)
UZARINM, A.S.; FALIY, V.7i; PLUZHUICHIM, T.F, [Pluzhuvohenko, T.F.]
Mosses an food for flax flea beetles. Dop.All TJRSR n0-7:955-959
16o. (MIRA 13:8)
1. Livovskiv muzey nauchnago prirodovedeniya AN USM 2-chlen-
korreepondent AN USSR (for TAzarenko),
(Mosses) (Flea beetles)
The polyclinic section in the basis of the consolidated hospital.
Sov.zdrav. 18 no.12:3-6 159.' (MM 13:4)
1. Iz klintebeekoy bolinitsy N0.1 TSentrallnogo rayon& 0aemsy.
laying ceramic recuperstors. Metallurg
1. Zavod "Krivorozhatnl' " (for KrustAll).
(for Fluzhnik).
(Hent regeneratorn)
no.3:28-30 Mr 158.
(MMA 11:3)
2. Treat "Soyuzteplostroy"
AUTEOR,S: Krustall Plu--l-t-nik,
TITLI: Tlic lavill- of cerLZIAC recuperators.- (__ladha
1.:er,-,_,iichesI7i'_-~h rokuperatorov).
P.ERIODICI.ALL: '11.1otallur,., 1958, Eo.3, pp.28-30 (USSR).
AFSTR,i*iC;T; Pointini- out that even i.qith the Stal'proye'_~It dc-_--ic~111
Of ejectoi- hot -as ~:_nd air burner_- the -are_-,ure
elifference betv;e~n th~_- air and flue nassaf%-ec of
ceramic recuperatorf. ca2_1 aDowat to 25 - 30 1_,a wa-'Cer
i~a%e, 'the authorf3 diEcuss the layini_-- of recuperatoa:-s
in relation to air losseL. Thev de2cribe ~_' iioll:
Uechnique jaol.: adopted at th,- "Krivoroshstal " ~Vorks
... hich enables the nu-Tabc-r of brichla,:,rarf~ of
si.-,,ultanaously to be doubled by th-- u1se. of
v.,ooden platfora-s restin on t"!e divi(liia v,,~~Jls
(Fi,-s. 3 and L~) Y.-h.-ich are built ur) as the
rnjje'~aidop,tion of V-- new technri~jue_is said LJ
U QC; '!,'.Vc
enabled oir lea-1-.c. bo be reduced to 2W, th-_ la-in- ti,.-Ie
UO be rr-,dB-ced b~' 25 clall's :,J_r of
COD 650 C to I-)e :,c1deve6.
.J~Ifl Ij I
A !);;()(U AT.Ii i-,- I I, i,O ..., t 11.
AVA,J_J,APJ,.i:, of,
PpuliSKI S.
%odsie,, statki J okrVt (Boatas vessels and ships) by S. Pluzanski. Reported
in New Books (Novo KaiaakM March 1. 1956.
4-,- ~
Manhine tools for the chemico mechanic,~! machininF of sintered carbides.
. ~j . Vol. *19, No. 1j, 'pr 1()56, W,%r3nw, Poland)
p. I J.
50; Monthly List of East European Accession.9 (EEAL) LC, Vol . 6, 1111c). 3, Aug 1957. Uncl.
FillizEK) j.
Applyinc pressure-forldrif- mroc, sses b; the fviiiss produc!-.Inn of thre-,jOlilF Lools.
it - i
p. 288.
I p
I~sr,,WJK (S'llowarzyszente Inzynierow i T-,~clhnilcow Epec'nardkow PolskIc*'.)
Ifol. ~8, no. 8, Auf . .1955
So. East Euro-4ean Accessions Li5t T,
Ol. 5, No. 9 3entpmber 1956
An example of surface treatment in the production of gear
cutters. P. 60 MECIIANIK Warszawa (Stowarzynenia In-
zierow i techikowPolskich) Vol. 28, no. 2, February 191,5
SOURCE: EE-a ID Vol- 5, no- 7, July 1956
Pujzm,~, J.
PLIZEK9 J. Cooperation between technical control personnel and other
departments of an industrial establishment. P. 468.
Vol. 27, no. 11/1-2, Nov./Deo. 1954,
MMIK. Wanzowa Poland
SOURCE., East European Accessions List (EEAL) LC Vol. 5, no. 6, June 1956
"Tc-chntdo! v of "ric 1. Tre;,i r,f
(? -~Tj: I - ~ . . ...
- ~ , Vol. -7, -!o. 5,
io I
ntIlly JA~A oi 71,-A. Tic).
Oenters of technical progress. Sov. profsoital- 16 no-18:39 S 160.
(MIRA 13:10)
(Factory libraries)
PLU911 K. A.I.; KORMVSKIY, V.P.. vedushchiy red.
[Plastics in the manufacture of machinery; review of Russian
and foreign patent literature] Plastichaskie mossy v maBhino-
stroanil; obzor otechestvannoi i 2arub82hnoi patentnoi liters-
tury. Moskva. nauchn.i tokhn.informteii,
1959. 64 p. (MIRA 13:12)
(Plastics) (Machinery industry)
Work practices of draftexas V.P.Perumova. G*od.i
Ap 156. (Cartography) (Kw 9:10)
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-FLU".IINIK, AloksAndr Ivanovich.: SYInOV, Gennadi~y Mikhaylovich;
Nvolaw, V-1.. I-pa,
LPatontti and putunt iiil'ovimitAuit] hitmisLy i ptitt-jit'lalitt
informatsiia. Leningrad, 1964. 40 P. (Mll-(A 18:4)
Aboess of'the brain following tomallectomy; Zhuroush. noo. i
gorl.bol.23 no*3486-87 My-Je'63. [MIRA 16s7)
1. Iz 1-y Sevastopollsloy gorodskoy bollaifty (glavnyy vrach-
zaaluzhennyy vrakh UkrSSR A.V.Donepova).
PLUZHN-IKI I.N., Mayor mad. aluzhby.*, KDRDTKOV. N.T., starshiy laytenant mad. sluzh-
- - - -,W
Case of lung injury due to pressure and burns of the mmoosa of the eyes
and upper respiratory tract. Vosii.-xed.zhur. no.3-1:79-80 N 156.
PLUZHNIK, M., master sushki.
For 420 revolutions of the tunnel dryers per year. Strol.mat.
3 no.7:5-6 JT1 '57.. (MIRA 10:10)
l.Korchevatakiy zavod No. 11.
(Kiev--Drying apparatus)
Selective camrinution of ore in a field of ultrasonic waves.
Izv. DGI 42:281-285 164. (14IRA 18:11 )
Of' flotdtiun tallings by electrocoaplation.
1,.v. DGI 41 P11.2g56-60 !62.
Fields for applying electrocoagrulation methods. Ibid.g6l-64
?%KLRA 1839)
PIJJZHNIK,,_V.1., inzh.
Intensification of the washing of ores by the ultrasonic
method. lzv.vys.ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. 6 no. 12:202-2CY7 163.
(MIRA 17:5)
1. Dnepropetrovskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gorny-y
institut imeni Artema. Rekomendovana. kafedroy gornoy elektrome-
tc~:Iiri na, il,.- i nzh
F.-imlsifleatlan of -with th;~ he-l.o ro' ulltraron`c
1~7v. vyg. ucheb. ZP 7 1-0: 17' - -, W:
; gf 11mr. 7 -o .4 1 ~ Z,.
PLUZHNIK, V.I.,,inzh.
Principles of autamtion of a centrliupl, air-lift unit for the
flotation of coal. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav,; gor. zhurno.2:137-140
161. (MIRA 14-3)
1. Unepropetrovskiy ordena Tradovogo, Krasnogo 7-a ni gornyy
Inatitut 'men' artema.Rakamendovana kafedroy obogasMbeniya
.jA&nykh,i#kopayemykh Ebepropetrovskogo'gbrnogo instituta.
(Flotation) (Automatic control)
AUTHORS: Tsarev, M.N., Shpakhler, A.G., Korchagin, L.V.,_P1uzbai
Yj , &-l'din, B.B. and Bul'shteyn, B.M.
TITIE: Utilisation of Pitch and Pitch Distillates as Binders for
Briquetting Coal Fi-nes.
PERIODICAL: Koks i khimiya, 1959, Nr 91 pp 45 - 49 (USSIZ)
ABSTRACT: Binding properties of pitches from various works and the
application of pitch distillates as binders in briquetting
coal fines was investigated. It was established that the
binding properties of pitches from various works (prop-
erties, Table 1) differ considerably. Binding properties
of pitches were correlated with their crushing strength.
With increasing crushing strength the quality of the
briquettes improves. TEe crushing strength of pitch
depends on the content of fre'e carbon and insoluble in
carbon disulphide residue. Physico-chemical properties of
pitches depend mainly on the composition of coking blends
and tar distillation conditions. Pitch produced from a
blend containing an increased proportion of lean coals
contain more carbon disulphide insoluble residue and possess
poorer binding properties. Pitch produced by batch dis-
Card 1/3 tillation posses-s lower mechanical-strength and poorer
~ 11 t ~?-Is I ~
Utilisation of Pitch arld Pi"11 for
Coal Fines
binding properties than those produced on continuous
distillation plants. Liquid pitch distillates cannot be
used directly as binders (due to thoir low viscosity).
Additions of 20 - 3(ylo of pitch distillates to pitch
increases the quality of the briquettes due to a decrease
in the melting temperature of pitch and a more uniform
coating of coal grains. Preparation of water emulsion from
mixtures of pitch and liquid pitch distillate (Table 4)
and its application as a binder improves the quality of
the briquettes and decreases the consumption of pitch.
oxidation of liquid pitch distillate' mith air transfers
it into the solid state with a softening temperature about
6000. The product so obtained possesses high bindng prop-
erties and if used in a proportion of 8 - 10~L (of coal)
can replace pitch. Water emulsion can be produced from
the oxidation product which when applied as a binder
improves the -quality of the bricluettes'. Additions of
pitch distillate to the coal permits decreasin the prop-
Card 2/3 ortion of binder (pitch) by 10 - 12%, (Table ?5.
Utilisation of Pitch and Pitch Distillates as Binders for
Briquetting Coal Anes
There are 7 tables and 6 Soviet references.
ASWCIAT--L,-Oi-*W,- Stalinskiy sovnarlr-hoz (Stualino Jovnarldioz)(Tsarev);
Dnepropetrovskiy go 'titut (Dnepropetrovsk
Llinin~-- Institute); (Shjayk1=
Kox~chagin, Pbazhnik);
Mospir,.Cava br axetunaya fabrik-a (Mospino Briq7aetting Works 1) (Zel I din,
Bal I shte-~m)
Ourd 3/5
Under community control. Grazhd. av. 19 no.3:10 Mr 162.
(KRA 15: 5)
(Housing) (Construction)
AVMM: Pluzhnikov, A.,, TAK Inspector of the Aviation Vorkero Trade Union
TT=-. Bigger almd Better Building (Stroit' bol'she I 3=bzbe)
MIODXCAL# Grazhdanakaya aviatuiya, 1958, Nr JL2,, P 35 (UM)
lt'h~ I"* ti '1f'00" W-1 141 141- 1'Pq11 he-m"Ivip Of-mmoAritit ""t
11: qt~' I ty ti I I b41 m iiiii 111114 1- 4141" 14,4 V4 v I
WOO.Orll (111104'Ift, 411A 104 ,
Kazakhstan, and the Holiftylan and LithumAmi I(clRifolium,
Card 1/1
Keep her so! Mor.flot 23 no.6:3-4 JO 163. (MM 16;9)
1. Kapitan teplokhoda "Amur" (for Livshits). 2. Pervyy pomoshchnik
kapitana toplakhoda. "Amur" (for Pluzhnikov).
(Merchant ships-Passenger accommodations)
Build bigger and better. Grazhd.av. 15 no.12;35 D '58-
(KIRA 12:2)
1. Inspektor TSentrallnogo komiteta profsoyuza aviarabotnikov.
A. A,
W ip A ~ I
e fl, 4- of
-91 gL-1 f-, :)r
izm. v
rcylat,40TI. tekh.
'the ar-c- I I
PLUZHNIKOXAA.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.; KRYMSKIY, A. N.p
xana.Tekw, nauk, red.; ZHURAVLEVA, M.N., redAzd-vs;
DEMKINA, N.F., tekbn. red.
(Using stepless transmissions in tractors and agricultural
machines] Primenenie beastupenchatykh peredach v traktorakh
i sellskokhoziaistvemykh mishihakh; abornik dokladov. Mo-
skva, Mashgiz, 1963. 157 p. (MIRA 16:9)
1. Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo, mashinostroitellnoy
promyshlennosti. TSentrallnoye pravleniye.
(Agricultural machinery--Transmission devices)
(Tractors--Transmission devices)
r,SMTN, G.I.; PLUZUKIKOV9 A.!.; CHURAKOV, A.M., inzh.; ZHILIN, I.S., inzh.;
MAKAI(OV, OdC. iiidli.1 IVIWORV. Nil), SliT,1311LOV, D.D., inzh.-,
1 (11.0 , V .11. hlAlk. I Y'Kql-AYKV , , I itil'ol. Alit, I K I 'IKIXV , V,V. ,
liOrti-AIII'l , VV, Ifflowlkill't TY1119141INA. 4,1.. Antuiramt,
A ~fo wj till I "r H 0
!40 1-101 w
0 4A ti 110911.1
Beat balance in a recuperative, steel- swltUc recirculation furnace.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met* 3 no.9:288-292 162. (MRA 25;20)
1. MDakovskiy institut stali i splavov.
(Smelting Virnaces) (Heat-w-TrA---ission)
- PLIJZHNIKOV,,--A.I., kand.takhn.nauk, dotsent
Using differential hydraulic drives with intracoax-i-a-1 arz-an.'e---ent
for machine tools. Issl.v obl.metallorezh.stan. no.4:208-219
161. (MIRA 14:12)
(Machine tools-Hydraulic driving)
VKMIN, G.I., dotnont) PLUZIINIKOV, AJ.1, IlIzIl.
Iliscallto 0110itlwd 1W Out %lod of .%I% afoal okmoltA%kc
LP 1 .1
All-woo". "Itall "I no.911152-856 1, )(,1. * lo())
1. I-tOdkOVdkiy inatitUt d(AIJ.
(Ileat regenamtora)
DEBIN, G. I.; PLUZH=OV, A. 1. ,
Design ot 'Wrup-Ta ToT seU-texbwatting gas, Izv%vysucheb.zav.;
chern.met. 4 no.9:162-170 161. MU 14'.10)
1. 14oskovski-y iwtitut.otali.
(Gas bamers)
-, PLUZHNIKOXA-.I., kand.tekhn.nauk
Arecivion analysis, of --gkr and screv cutting machines. ETrUd7j
lzh.mekh.inst. no.2:3-15 159. (MIRA 13:10)
(Gear-cutting machines) (Screw-cufting machines)
I'LUMNIKOV, A.I., aspirant.
Precision of cylindrical varying-ratio gear drives, IssI.
v obl. metallomb.atan. no-3:60-73 '55. (MM 10:2)
(Gearing) (Machine tools)
25 (1) SOV/145-58-7/8-23/24
AUTHORS: Pluzhnikov A I Candidate of Technical Sciencesq
. and
Se e
TITIE- Cutting Multiturn Non-Round Toothed Wheels with Cha-
sing Tool by the Method of Rolling
PERIODICALt Izvoutlyn vypoliilth ijo)jobj-iyIoj zavedoni. Mashino-
atroyeniye, 1958, Nr 7-6, pp 202-206
ABSTRACT: Non-round toothed wheels find application in certain
branches of precision machine building. Up to the pre-
sent,-manufacturing of such wheels was performed by
the method of copying with the application of slott-
ing tool. This method possesses a number of shortcom-
ings; reference F.L. Litvin and N.S. Yablonskiy, I'De-
~signing and Cutting Teeth on Muatiturn Non-Round
Wheels", "Priborostro eniye", Nr 6, 1957 Z-17. The
f rolling was firstly intro-
cutting by the method
duced by the firms "Fe low" and "Bopp and Reyter".
Later on, this method was developed in the USSR. Re-
Card 1/3 ference: F.L. Litvin, "Non-Round Toothed Wheels
Cutting Multiturn Non-Round Toothed Wheels-with Chasing Tool by the
Method of Rolling
Mashgiz, 1956 L"-_27; F.L. Litvin, "Non-Round Toothed
Wheels"9 "Stanki i instrument", Nr 9, 1956 Z7f. The
present article deals with the multiturn toothed wheel
cutting by the method of'rolling offered by the au-
thors. The general outlay of the cutting machine is
illustrated in Fig 1. The main components of this ma-
chine are a toothed calibrating pair consisting of a
rack 3 and wheel 4, and a cam calibrating pair com-
prising the smooth rack 5 and cam 6. These two pairs
represent the rolling mechanism,~ it ensures both the
reception of the required pitch on the wheel surface
and the obtaining of given dividing radii. The kine-
matic outlay of the cutting machine is given in Fig
2; its cross section in Fig 3. The installation is
intended for a large serial production. It is expec-
ted thol; after tbe introduction of this metbod of
1,111!1.111g, Iin nrCh'inficy will lio illcronf:od hy,
till r.1 it plivi ) V Ii, 1 :1 111r, ti fin ,f wi 1~ti i-od I (~ v;h~l I. ~t i~vj
Cutting Multiturn Non-Round Toothed Wheels with Chasing Tool by
the Method of Rolling
when the copying method was applied. There are 3 fi-
gures and 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Izhevskiy mekhanicheskiy institut (Izhevsk Mechanics
SUBMITTED: March 10, 1958
Card 3/3
Machining miltiturn noncircular gears by rolling with chasers.
Izvovysouaheb.zuv.; mnshinontr. no.7/8:202-2o6 '58.
(MIRA 12:8)
1. lzhovakty malftmichonkly Inutitut.
Wonr mittivin)
"A I-6-ans of Calculating the Precision of Gear-Cuttirg and Thread-Cuttin,-,
Machine Tools Operating by the Forced-kll Method." Cand Tech Sci, MOSCON,
c4. (V--1, 19 ', 'ov
--cMme Tool and Tool Inst imeni T. V. Stalin, 1 Dee -54
Survey of Scientific and 5~ec,,mical Dissertations Defended at U-Esi Higher
Educational Institutions (11)
SO'. Sum. 1:o. 521, 2 J-wi 55
Ye.A., kand. tekhnmuk, red.; A.A., red.;.~GQRINA,
V.A., tekhn. red.
[Color photograpby] TSvetanaia fotografiia. Izd.2., ispr. i
dop. Pod red. E.A.Iofisa. Moskva, Iskusstvo, 1961. 228 p.
(Bibliotaka fotoliubitelia, no.13) (MIRA 160)
(Color photograpby)
A.Tu.; MIKOSU, V.V.; PLUZHNIKOV, B.F,; IOVIS. Ye.A.. k-and.tekhn.
nauki red.; T=SHICV, A.N.. red.; CHI-MMRIN, A.N.,
[Color photographfl TSvetnaia fotografiia. Pod red. E.A.1ofisa.
Koskva, Gos.izd-vo "Iskusstvo,l 1958s Z08 p. (Biblioteka foto-
Ilubitelia, no.12) (MIRA 12:4)
(Color photography)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 8, p I I I (USSR)
AUTHOR: Pluzhnikov, G. T.
TITLE: The Natural Vibrations of Ribbed Slabs of Reinforced Concrete
(Svobodnyye kolebaniya rebristykh plit)
PERIODICAL: Nauchn. zap. Kiyevsk. finans.-ekon. in-ta, 1953, Nr 3, pp 190-193
ABSTRACT: A method is proposed for determining the natural- vibration fre-
quencies of a reinforced-concrete slab having ribs within it running
parallel to one of its edges, the ribs being spaced at uniform intervals
and possessing uniform ntiffness. It is assumed that the ribs and
alab together conFAiLute j ~tingle solid contin 13y imapinitij)
UOU13 pic-ce.
01ir :0103 brokell doml ifflo h1divi(Itlill T-.1cctlotis wid (Ict-cl-milling Hit-
stiffness of one such T-section, the author obtains a supple me nta ry
stiffness which he then adds to the stiffness of the rib thereof, There
after the problem is solved by a method developed by A. S. Lokshin
(PrikI. matem. i mekhan. , 1935, Vol 2, Nr 2). Experimental data
and calculations are included. The discrepancy between the two amounts
to Pj 10 0/0 -
Card 1/1 A. V. Karmishin
SOV/IZ4-58- 3-3221
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 3, p 99 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Pluzhnikov,_G.--T..
TITLE: Oscillations of Beams Under Concentrated Loads (Kolebaniya
balok, zagruzhennykh sosredotochennymi gruzami)
PERIODICAL: Nauchn. zap. Kiyevsk. finans.-ekonom. in-ta, 1955, Nr 4,
pp 194-Z02
ABSTRACT: The natural -f reque ncy spectrum of a beam on two supports subject
to equally spaced identical concentrated loads is determined by the
energy method. The equation of the oscillating beam axis is expressed
by beam functions. As a limit case, the frequency of a beam with a
distributed load is obtained. Comparison of the calculations obtained
with the results of exact solution demonstrates only a small discrep-
ancy in the result of the approximate solution. The forced oscilla-
tions of a beam with supported ends, loaded with several pulsating
concentrated loads, are also investigated by the energy method.
Expressions are obtained for the elastic-line equation of the stationary
Card 1/1 portion of induced vibrations. V. M. Makushin
DIM'TB3RG. P.M.. doktor tekhn.nauk; LMXSRIN, V.S., kand.fiz.-Mat.nauk;
NIBIW, N.Ta.. kand.tekhn.nauk; OBKORSH3T, A.H., prof.. doktor
tekhn.nauk; PLU2ENIKOV. I.S., kand.fiz.-mat.nauk; UNANSKIT, A.A.,
prof., doktWU U.S.. prof.. doktor takhn.nauk,
red.; VUKALOVICA-. -N.P.. prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, laureat Leninskoy
premii, red.; KUDRYAVTSIT, V.N., -prof.. doktor takhn.naiik, red.;
PONOMARN, S.D., prof.. doktor tekhn.nnuk, laureat Leninskoy premil,
red.; SATELI.-Z.A., prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; SRTMSM. S.V.,
akedemik, red.; RESHMTOV, D.N., prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; GILIDEN-
IBIW, K.I., red.izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.F.,
[Reference book for macliinery designers in six volumsel Spravochnik
mashinostroitell.a; v shesti tomakh. Red.sovet: N.S.Acherkan i dr.
lzd.3.. isp-r. i dop. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-tekJm.izd-vo mashinostroit.
lit-ry. Vol.l. Pod red.N.S.Acherkana. 1960. 592 p. (MIRA l)-.10)
1. AN TJSSH (for Serensen). (Kochinery-Design)
Opyt Primeneniya Metoda E. Cartanla K Issledovaniyu Dr--ystvitelinykh Lincychatykh
Poverkhnostoy. M.p Trud..,, Stankoinstnun. In-Taim. Stalina, 7 (3,940), 83 - 144.
SO: Mathematics in the Ul:.SR, 1917 - 1947
edited by Kurosh, A. G.,
Mark-ushevich, A. I.,
Rashevskiy, P. K.
~I,oscow- Leningrad, 1948.
TO be continued:
L 44811-66 EWT(1)/EWT(m)/T/EWP(t)
ACC NRs 032022
AUTHOR: Ivanov., N. R.; Shuvalov, L. A.; Fedosyukp R. M.; Pluzhnikovi, K. A. 6,
ORG: Institute of Crystallography, Acadeqr of Sciences, SSSIR (Institut kri 0-
grafii Akademli nauk SSSR)
TITLE* Proof of the existence of tvo sharply distinct ferr;~Iectric phasJ in
SOURCE: Zhurnal 6koperimental-noy i teoreticheskay fiziki. Pis$ma Y redaktsiyu.
Prilozheniye,, v. 4, no. 6, 1966, 22o-226
TOPIC TAGS: ferroelectricity, phase transition, second order phase transition,
electric polarizationp dielectric constant, temperature dependence
, STRACT: The authors inVatigated the ferroelectric properties of large hostogeneous
Aingle crystals of N&H,3(SeO3)21grawn from the aqueous solution by the method of
dropping the tmq=ature-,-'having a Curie point T - -78.6c and a melting temperature
1U * O-5C- Measurements of the low-frequency (&Z cps) dielectric constant at a
measuring-field intensity 10 v/cm vere made for three mutually perpendicular cuts
oriented parallel to the principal sections of the optical indicatrix: the crystal-
lographic directions were taken to be the principal axes of the Indicatrix, so that,
the x, y, and z axes were directed respectively along the acute and obtuse b1sector#
and the normal to the plane of the optical axes. The temperature dependence of the.'
rotation of the indicatrix 4P(T) about the y axis and the components of the spontane6ui
L 44811-66
ACC Nit,
polarization were measured. The measurements have demonstrated conclusively the P;:P-
Bence of one more phase transition in N&H3(Se%)2 at -172.5C, at which a juxpwise
decrease takes place in the components of the dielectric constant. The transitions'!'
has a temperature bWateresin of 10.5% Consequentlv, the transition it of first
order. The temperature dependence of the various components of the dielectric con-4
stant, ~of the spontaneous polarization, ea~d of the coercive field were also investl~r
gated. ' 'Ananal~~zis of the obtained information leads to the following conclusion4
1. NaH3(Se%)2 undergoes two phase transitions, one at -78.6C (second order but
close to first order) from the parselectric a phase to the ferroelectric 13 phase.
2. In the absence of external action, the 7 phase (or part of it) can remain met&-
stable in the crystal in the range -162C < T < TC. An external electric field or
mechanical action can transform the crystal to the 13 phase which to stable In this
temperature region. 3. In the y phase, the vector of spontaneous polarization lies
in the xz plane (m plane), but in the jS phase there appears a y component of the
c. 4. As a result of
polarization, as a result of which the crystal becomes triclini
these stresses and of the noncollinearity of the polarization vector Ps in different
domain systems, it becomes possible to display visually the trace of the domain struc.
ture. 5. Since the motion of the domain walls takes place in a field of inhomogene-
ous mechanical deformation, an appreciable domain contribution to the dielectric con-
stant is produced. 6. The difference between the effects brought about by the x and-
y polarization components,, and the different behavior of these components themselves
and of the coercive fields correopo!iding to them offer definite evidence of two es-
Card 2/3
L 44811-66
Improve the organization of liner services. Mor. flot. 25
no. 12:16-17 D 165. (MIRA 18:12)
1. Direktor kontory lineynykh perevozok "Sovfrakhtan.
PLITZ,hill; K'4.. K.
ablishing lines of sealgoing vessels of the U.S.E.R. --*s-- mg
foreign ports. Mor. flot 24 no.12:7-3 D 164.
(mi.RA 18;8)
1. Diraktor kontory lJneynykh rerevozok Vsesoyuznogo Wly-edineniya
Distinctive elastic and internal friction properties near the
Curie point in triglyoine sulfate crystals. Kristallografiia t,
m.5:692-699 S-0 161. (MIRA 1/+ - 10)
1. Institut kristallografli AN SSSR.
(Crystallography) (Glycin.e)
L 2M46-66- -EWT (I I--- -SCTB -,-DD--
ACt NR: AP600 SOURCE CODE: UR/ 020/66/166/006/1488/1490
9430 0
!AUTHOR: Komarovich,, G. M PluzhnikoL, M. S.; Titova, R. I.
RG: First-Leninerad Medical Institute im. I. P. Pavlov (Pervyy
oningrads'kiy moditsinskiy'-instit-U)
!ITLE41concentration of electrolytes in biological fluids during
oxJa and the function of the cochlea
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 166, no. 6, 1966, 1488-1490
TOPIC TAGS: animal experiment, hypoxia, electrolyte,
potassium., sodiump biochemistry
A13STRACT: Potassium and sodium olootrolyto concontrations of oar lymph,
blood, bi.d oorobrospinal fluid wore investigated simultaneously under
ox 0 conditions in experiments on oats. The endolymph-peril-ymph
lu d system is Important because the Corti organ is not vascularized
and is-trophically dependent on this system. Also, the auditory
receptorb are reported to be extremely sensitive to potassium, sodium,
and oxygen changes in the endolymph-peril7mph system. An experimental
group of 27 cats aild a control group of 15 cats weighing from 1 to 5 kg
here injected intrAperitoneally with 0.8 g of urethane per 1 kg of bod-y
eight to induce a state of light anesthesia, Electrolytes In the
L -20746-66--- - -----
ACC NR- AP6009430
perilymphp cerebrospinal fluidand blood were determined by a
photometric method, Function of the Corti organ hair calls was
measured by the microphonic currents of the cochlea, A ZG-12 audiometer
was used as a sound source. Hypoxia was induced by a subcutaneous
injection of sodium nitrite of 100 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Findings
show that shifts in the balance of electrolytes take place in the
perilymph, cerebrospinal fluid, and blood under hypoxic conditions,
rho shifts are of a similar nature and are'marked by a concentration
increase of potassium ions and a concentration decrease of sodium ions.-
rhe concentration Increase of potassium ions was less in the peril-ymph
(19%) than in the cerebrospinal fluid (37%) and blood serum (26%).
iypoxia produces serious disturbances,in cellular respiration which
affects the cell.' s capacity tb retain potassium and accounts for the
arge number of potassium ions leaving the calls and entering the
xtracellular media. Apparently this process is accompanied by a
averse flow of sodium Into the cell accounting for the sodium
oncentration decrease in the extracellular fluids* The electrolytic
omposi~ion changes of the perilymphs are less expressed.than in the
erebrospinal fluid or blood. Potassium ions do not enter the perilymph
romthe endol7mph as could be expected with increased permeability undex
Ypoxic conditions. The interrelationship of the endol~mph-porilyzph
system requires further study. Orig, art'i has: 1 table and I figura,[06',
2 2
Met,hod of mioroalattrophoraois la-agar for ex&idAing, proteinB
of the aqueoun humor of the anterior chamber of the eye --nd
the perilymph of the inner oar. Biul.eksp.blcl. i med. 59
no.5ala7-.120 165. (ICRA 180.1)
I.-Kafedra,oft&-llmologii (zav. - prof. E.E.Andrazen) i.
otorinolaringologii (zav. - doktDr med. nauk D.A.Pigulevskiy)
(rv,uehnyy-konsul'tant - zav. kafedroy biokhimil. prof. Yu.M.
Cofter) I Leningradskogo mediTsinskogo instituta imeni I.P.
Pavlova. Submitted February 3j, 1964o
PLUZHNIKOV, V., master; RETLING, B., inzhener.
_:zIW! lzikN,
Uperience with assembling precast reinforced concrete roof trus-
ses* Stroitell 2 no.1:16-17 Ja 956. (MLRA 10:1)
(Roofs) (Precast concrete construction)
aster; RETLING, B., inzhener.
Experience vith assembling precast reinforced concrete roof trus-
ses. Stroitell 2 no.1:16-17 J& 1560 (MLRA 10:1)
(Roof*) (Precast concrete construction)
u S
gry,71;i A v P
IvIor. px~,der from a* c. -f 6d v-' -e redu--ea by cor.-rer~-sd
natitral gaa, 0 '65.
(IGRA )Ssll)
I. Orsnburgskiy filie-
110 - ~-~ - ~-- ~, f
Rare case of a perforating wound of the abdominal cavity. thirurgiia
33 Mr 157. (MLRA 10-6)
1 , I A J-4: 0~4404 V ~ 11- 1 tIAW-14V I- I i 14 Ii4 jO olkW Oiv-il 4- 1 i i4 i ~t 4 ( #40 , J-4 0.4 ,
I , V . FIIIINH I VIV ) A IfIsO I I!" I Ift,1414psi I limi, i i-iik, ,
tAtilm"414. Woo 0, t ,j,
parfatIrW wound. aurg. (Auu))
PLUZHNIKOV, V.I., inzh. `~
Efficiency and qaallty- of the w3rk of a sil-age h-3-r-resting cam-crine.
Trakt. i sellkhozmash. no.5:15-16 ~ty 165. (MIRA 18s6)
1. Chelyabinskly inst-Itut mekhanizatsii i elektrifikatsii
sellskogo khozyaystva.
OVSYAMIKOV, B.P., inzh.; PLIJZHNIKOV,, V.I., inzh.
Stability of the work of double-brush collectors. Trakt. i Bell-
khozmash. 33 no.6:27-28 A, 163. (MIRA 16:7)
1, Chelyabinskiy institut makhanizatsii i elektrifikataii sel'skogo
(Brushes,, Electric)
1 ~ ~ , i j~ ~ . : , f '! '' i 1 a . 7 .
. . ; i
"%4 k L, ~ I ~44,t -. i " ~ 's . 4'.. A , . 4~ ~~ 'e., - . k". o i
Mf,o~av V.i k 4 *1." 0 1 k 4, ;o '. .
Khm, . %III . Ito . 9129 14Y 1 "12. (M1,11A )III)
(occlul tAt lens )
KUZIMMO, K.N.;,..PUrAHNUOL-.V..._)j.
Observations of lunar occultations if stars at the Kharka-v Astronomical
Observatory. Astron.tsir. no.135:22-23 7 153. (MLEL 6-6)
1. KharlkoTskaya astronomicheskays, obserT&toriy&. (Occultations)
Observations of occultations of stars at the Kharkov Astrono-
mical Observatory. Astron.tsir. no.143:23-24 N '53.(MLRA 7:8)
1. Kharlkovskaya Antronomicheakaya Observatoriya
I L U ""'U'1 i- , I :., -
\j F , 10 "1,
,i ,
. i .
Observations of lunar occultations of the stars at the Eftarkov
Astronomical Observatory. Astron.tsir. no.151:28-29 Jl 154.
(HLRA 8--3)
1. Kharlkovokaya Antronomichookaya Observatoriya.
( N r.14 t Ft b I nn n )
Observations of lunmr occultRtions of stars at the Miarkov Astro-
nomical Observatory. Ja'55- (MLRA 8:10)