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AUTHORSs Plisov, A. K., Bulatova, 11. V. 79-2-48/64
TITLE: The Configuration and Properties of Unsaturated Acids and Their
Derivatives (Ywnfiguratsiya i svoystva nepredelInykh kislot i
ikh proizvodnykh). VIII. On the Reactivity of Erucic-and Bras-
sidic Acid and Their Esters (VIII. 0 reaktsionnoy sposobnosti
erukovoy i brassidinovoy kislot i ikh efirov).
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 2, pp. 496-5o3 (USSR)
A13STRACT: The reactions of hydrogenation, oxidation, and saponification
of the above acids were investigated in order to chemically
determine their precise configuration. On the banis of the de-
terminations of cryoscopic constants Mascarelli (ref. 2) a-
scribed to the erucic acid a ci*nd to the b:~assidic acid a
trans-configuration. The s5me configuration was observed also
by G. V. Pigulevskiy and P. A. Artamonov (ref. 3) by means of
investigations carried out in the Raman spectram. The chemical
investigations described in the present work confirm the con-
figurations found by means of phy6ical methods. Erucic acid
and its eaters hydrogenize and oxidize faster than h-reks-sidic
acid and its esters while they are slowlier saponifi,-.ble. The
erucic acid isisolated according to a new method based on the
Card 1/2 solubility of lead erucate in alcohol. According to Holde the
The Configuration and Properties of Unsaturated Acids and Their 79-2-48/64
Derivatives. VIII. On the Reactivity of Erucic- and 3rassidic Acid and Their
brassidic acid is obtained from erucie acid. Brassidic acid
butyl ester was isolated for the first tiue. The oxidation of
the acids and their esters was carried out by meqns of potas-
sium bichromate in acetic acid at 4o and 550C. Ilydrogenaiion
was carried out with Pd on BaS 04 as catalyst on which occas-
ion comparisons are made with works by Paal (ref. 6) and Fokin
(ref. 7).The saponification of the erucates and brassidates was
observed by means of the measurings of electric conductivity.
The constants of reaction velocity of oxidation, hydrogenation,
and saponification are given in a table. There are 4 tables,
9 references, 6 of which are Slavic.
ASSOCIATION: Odessa State University (Odesskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet).
SUBMITTED: January 19, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
AUTHCHS: ---'~2D A. K., Paladiyenko, N. P. 79-2-449/64
1P e Configuration and Properties of Unsaturated Acids and Their
Derivatives (Konf1pratalya I svoyatva nepredelinykh kislot i ikh
Ix. on the Properties of a-Methyl Crotonic Acids and Their Esters
(IX. 0 svoystvakh a-metilkrotonovykh kislot i ikh efirov).
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, 1958, Vol. 28,, Nr 2, PP. 503-507 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: Continuing previous investigations the angelic- and the tiglinic
acids as well as their esters are investigated in order to determine
their cis- and trans- configuration respectively. The result of the
irwestigation obtained by Chyarosh (reference 2) is refuted and his
results are explained by the excess of the applied quantity of cata=
lyst. The differences of reactivity of the cis- and trans-forms are
explained by the fact that in the case of trans-form the space of
the double bond is filled from both sides by atomic groups with con=
siderably greater volume than that of hydrogen, while in the case of
cis-form one side of the space is less filled (planar projection).
Butyl- and benzyl esters of angelic acid as well as butiyl-, isob'Utyl-
and benzyl esters of tiglinic acid hitherto not yet synthesized were
Card 1/2 produced. It was observed and graphically represented that the hydro=
The Configuration and Properties of Unsaturated Acids and Their 710-2-4-9/6h
genation of a-methyl crotonic acid occurs much slowlier than that of
the crotonic acid, i.'e. that the CH3-group in the a-position to
carbo-xyl obviously renders m-re difficult the addition of hydrogen
to the double bond. it can also be seen from the grapbical represen=
tation that the velocity of hydrogenation of ester is the slowler
the greater the alcohol radical. The lowering of temperati=e by 1000
on the occasion of the hydrogenation of the Pd-catalyst considerably
slows down the addii~ionn velocity of hydrogen. According to the re=
sult3 obtained -1t is stated that ancelic acid and its esters have
cis-configuration whi',-e tialinic acid and its esters show transcon=
figuration. The co--responding experimental data are given.
There are 4 figures, and 5 references, 3 of which are 5lavic,
ASSOCIATION: Odessa 5tate University (Odesskiy gosudarstvenrc)ry universitet).
SUBMITTED: January 26, 1957.
AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress.
Card 2/2
P41-5-OV / ~ , /I
Category: USSR / Physical Chemistry / Kinetics. Combustion.
Ex:plosiven. Topochemistry. Catalysis. B-9
Abs Jour; Referat Vaur-Rhimiya, No 9, 1957., 3oo67
Author : Plisav A. K., Stepanova 0. S.
Iast :-Oaebs~+Yerulty
Title Preparation of Benzoic Acid by Decarboxylation of Phthalic Anhydride
with Odetisa Green Clay
Orig Pub: Tr- Odesisk. un-ta, 1956, ser. khim., 146, No 5: 91-93
Abstract: On passing a mixture of phthalic anhydride and water vapor (at a
ratio of, about I : 6) at 4000 and tnhydride space velocity of about
0.1 g pez g of catalyst per hour, over catalysts prepared from clay
of the deposits of Shkodova Gora (1) and Arkadiyskoye Poberezh'ye
(II), benzoic acid was obtained with a yield of about 31% over I.
and of about 76% over II. With a catalyst (Al.,.q,+ Zn^.) deposited
on pumice, under the same conditions, the yield is of 87-90%.
Card 1/1 -30-
Configuration and properties of nonsaturated acids and their
derivatives. Part 6: Reactivity of stereo-iRomeric crotonle acids
and their.esters. Xhur. ob. khIm. 27 nOO2.'360-364 1 157.
(KM 10.-6)
1. Odesskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
(Isocrotonlc &aid)'
Vol. -69.)
LOSSIYXTSKIY, Vladimir Leonidovich; PLISKIN. Leyb Gavrilovich; SJFJKI-
LOVSKIT. N.N.. prof., dok-tor'*'tikhh~.fiiiii.-"-O't*. red,; XOTOT, V.A.,
red.izd--ya; SINKIIA, G.S.,,
(Automatic control of continuous industrial Pr-aesseal Toprosy
avtonatizataii nepreryvnykh proizvodetvennykh protsessov. Moskva.
Izd-vo Akad.nauk SWR, 1960. ill p. (MIRA 13.7)
(Automatic control)
PLIYE;V, S. B. Cand Phy44Wath Sal -- (diss) 'On the equilibrium o'fAelp-stic,
cylinder~cf finite dimensions*' Baku, 1966. 6 pp (Min of Higher Education
USSR. Azerbaydzhan State Univ im, S. M. Kirov). (KL, 41-59, 103)
ITANOV. Ye.R., kand. takhn. nauk;.-,PI4MTSUT,,X.A., kand. tekhn. nauk
Automatic control of the X63-3 ballaster. Pat' i put. khoz. no.8:5-6
Ag 159. (Railroadm-Squipment and supplies) (MIRA 13:3)
(Automatic control)
AUTHORS: Voronin, V. A., Pik, L. I., Plonskiyq S. S.
TITLEs Testing of the Optical Range Finder PA-300 (GD-300)
PERIODICALs Geodeziya i kartografiyal 1960, No. 6v ppo 14 - 23
TEXT& This is a. report on tests of a model of the optical_range finder
q, PA-300 (GD-300) carried out by the Gidroproyekt Ministerstva stroitel'stva
elektrostantsiy (qidroprovekt of the linistry for the Construction of
Electric Power I'liantn) in the fall of 1959- It was developed on the basis
of the range finder P0W(,Gf1) with light modulation by diffraction (Ref.,
Footnote on p. 14).--Th-e levice consists of an optical blocky a phase-
measuring block, a current source, and a reflector (Figs. 1,2). Fig. 3
shows a simplified scheme of the device. The device has some advantages
over other optical range finders. It has a light modulator with some
counter-ultrasonio transmitters, and the phase comparison is done by a
separate phase detector (Fig. 3). On account of these two characteristicBp
distances up to 7 km can be measured in bright sunshine, up to 15 km in
Card 1/3
Testingof the Optical Range Finder 5/006/60/000/06/04/025
PA -360 (GD-300) BOO7/BOO5
dull weather, anti much longer distances at night. Three light-modulation
frequencies (101-10.0259 and 10-5 NO/9) are used for range finding in this
device. kone-siaed optical telephone i.s used to maintain the connection
to the operators of the reflector. The mode of operation of the device is
explained. The following measurements were made during the field tests of
the devicet 1) measurement of the side of the "frame triangulation" %,v the Gidroproyekt in 1955-1959 according to the program of
the State triangulation of the 2nd order (used for observing the horizontal
shifts of the Vcjlzhskaya gidroolektrostantsiya im. V. I. Lenina (Volga jg
Water Power Plant imeni V. I. Lenin)), and 2) measurement of the side of
the triangulation of the 2nd order established by the Gidroproyekt in 1950-
1952 (Figs,.4,5). The data for estimating the accuracy of measurement are
given in Tables. To estimate the errors in longitudinal measurements,
Tables 3 and 4 compare the sides measured by the optical range finder
rA -300 (DD-300) with those obtained by triangulation. On the basis of the
tests carried oat, some recommendations are given to improve the construc-
tion of the device. the test results showed that the device is well suited
for the establishment of a network of topographic surveys in the planning
of large hydraulic constructions. There are 5 figures, 4 tables, and
Card 2/3
Efficiency promoters of the Ulan-Ude Meat Combine. Mias. ind.
SSSR 29 no.5:47-48 158. (MIRA 11:10)
(Illan-Ude-Paicing housos-Equipment and supplies)
- 0
HOBLER, Tade"%; FLISS, A.V.[ ranalator); ROMANKUPP.G., red.
(Heat tranefer and heat exchangers]Teploperedacha i teplo- Leningrad, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo khim.lit-ry,
1961. 819 p. (MIRA 16:2)
(Thermodynamics) (Heat exchangers)
TSIBOROVSXIY,. Yanush (Ciborowski, Janusz), prof., doktor-inzh., laureat
Gosudzirstvannoy Premii; HASLYABXA. B. [translator]: PLISS, A.V.
Etranvlato~rl; ROWIXOT, F.G., prof., red.: MMOCAKINA7XI~.', iW.;
[Unit operations of chemical engineering] Proteeney khimicheskoi
takhnologii. Leningrad, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.Izd-vo khim.lit-ry,
1958. 932 P. (MIRA 12:12)
1. Vn:rshavokiy politekhnicheekly Inatitut (for Mborovekiy).
(Chemical engineering)
v c. 66558
Translation from: Referittivnyy zhurnal. 1(himiya, 1959, Nr.15, P 130 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Stepin, VS., Pliss, A.M., Silayeva, Ye.V.
TITLE: Methods for Determining Admixtures in Vanadium Metal. Communication 1.
PERIODICAL: Byul. naucli2o-tekbn. inform. Urallakiy n.-i. in-t chern. metallov, 1958,
Nr 4,* pp 103-109
PWTRACT: A photometric method has been developed for determining P in vanadium
metal in the form of a blue phosphorus-molybdenum complex with preliminary
separation: of V on a H-cationite filter. For increasing the sensitivity
of the method extraction of the blue complex by butyl alcohol has been
applied. The method permits the determination of small quantities of P
with an error of t 0.0005%. A photometric method has also been developed
for determining Si in vanadium metal in the form of a blue silicon-molyb-
denum complex with preliminary separation of V on a H-cationite filter.
It haa beenestablished that for the preparation of the blue complex it
is more expedient to apply Mohris salt as a reducing agent; the error of
determination is t 0.0075%. The gravimetric method for determining Si in
Card,1/2, vanadium metal which is based on the separation of a gel of the silicic
STEPIN, Vasili)- Vasillyevich; SILAYEVA, Yelizaveta Vasillyevna;
J~,4aylovna; KURBATIOVA., Vera Ivanovna;
KRYUGHKOVA., Lidiya Merkurlyevna; P0110SOV, Vladimir Illich;
DYMOY, A.M., doktor khim. naukp prof.9 red.; FEDOROV, A.A-y
st. nauchn. sotr.9 red.; TKACHE!,K0, N.S., inzh., red.;
D0BRZHANSK1Y, A.V.0 at. iwih*; LEVIT, Ye.I.,, red.izd-
va; ISLENTIYEVA, P.O.V tekhn. red.
[Analysis of ferrous metal-sp alloys sod manganese ores] Ana-
liz .-herrqkh metallov, splavov i margamtsevykh rud. [BY) V.V.
Stepin i dr. Moskva,, Metallurgizdats 1964. 498 p.
(MIRA 17:3)
1. TSentraltrqy nauehno-issledovatellskiy inatitut chernoy
metallurgii (for Dymov, Fedorov, Tkachenkop Dobrzhanskiyy.
4:90000*0111008 06 0 0 0 0':
a a, nap rAl I L--kl-" f, 1, AA 0 IX 0 a
POMISUS -D .0011614$ .14-I
:0 Js
*0 This CbMAlWY Of UtuMdft. A, V. j!Y",-'S4kAar 16.
No. 1, 17-1WIM38); Chimmit & isWigiWe 41, 140-The
008 pr(OM of min. of CA manomcd&Amte Molus. with -S(h in
00 8 sintilar to the PrOMW d CWbMbtim.- &bWVliOn Of the -00
008 gat withmi fortsmatim al ppL, twbidity. cos"tim an4" -00
crysin.olibeeds. Adft.4#KH9MmAm.tamnmr%mc-
00 charmlesulm.p. . --- ple"Nomm obl*w to those which .00
.0 L-Ccul an adda. al N&HCOs. It emmmi Its'emd6md that
during cWtvtomatiost fartmation of COCOS W" phsce by no*
decompri. 4 the maccherate which reaction is - partied
by a series of collokhtl phenomena. The cause of tl -
*so i~ for"W60" of colkAlls KV0 0 to be The high Viscosity am! =419
&fit, reactions of the nummaccharmit soln. A. P.-C.
set 2 Colo
b U a AV 00 Ali,' let-'a ad a 0 W 9 Is I do a 3 9
- ;[ - i S"I
0 o4 0 0 0
-IP440 * 0 * &*I* o * so 0 so q w0 0 0 0 *41f 00 so 90 0
ACC N'; AP7005389 S01JRrR1r_0DR.- TIP IMIA 1917 M[M/Affl /Anq f-~ MA-47
AUTHOR: Batshcv, S. M. (Engineer); Pliss, D. A. (Engineer); Chemyakov, M. G. (Engi-
ORG: none
TITLE: Spray-on heat insulation of power equipment
SOURCE.- Energoinashinostroyeniye, no. 1, 1967, 35-37
TOPIC TAGS- asbc!stos'product, heat insulation, atomization, turbine stage
ABSTRACT: A nevi improved method of heat-insulation of turbines, employed in the West, is
deposition of this insulation with the aid of a spray gun by uskig amphibole (blue) asbestos pre-
viously mbzed with 9. binder and pneumatically supplied to the spray gun; on ejection from the
spray guii the mLxALre is wetted with water and in this form settles on the surface of the equip-
ment. This method has been introduced in the I~SSR on using chrysotile (serpentine) asbestos.
The recipes for this mixture as used in the USSR provide for the use of asbestos in various
proportions (chiefly 40 to 80%) to pearlite, water glassbasaltic _'Iber or vermiculite or cement..
Card 1/3 UDC: 662.998.621.3.002.5
ACC NR: AP7005389
Special machinery has been developed for this purpose, as exemplified by -the machine shown
: in Fig. 1, 'S"
1, -'? Q -I.e %. Iz I - I Q ~ ty
ACC NR: AP7005389
devc1oped by the Ts(!ntioonergotcl)loizolyatsiya Combine In Moscow: 011s machine purforms the';
operations of proportioning and fiberizing of asbestos, proportioning of pearlite, mixing of
pearlite witli fiberized asbestos and supplying the ready mix to the spray gun. The heat insu-
lation tlius produced has been tested on 12 turbines with capacities of 50, 100 and 200 V35W. The
continuing extensive studies of the turbines witJi spray-on heat insulation indicate that all the
advantages of aniphibole asbestos insulation also are largely inherent in spray-on insulation
consisting of chrysotile asbestos, pearlite and potash water glass (the binder). Such a heat
insulation tightly adheres to the surface of even intricately shaped equipment and co-mPletcly
covers it, which contributes to a decrease in the temperature difference between the top and
bottom of the metal of turbine cylinders and prolongs cooling time so as to preclude complete
shutdown of the turbizzie,. and it is resistant to vibrations and shocks and it chemically inert.
Operating experience shows that, given an efficlent organization. of operatic, s, the proportion I
of manual labor in the total volume of the operations involved in the production and deposition i
of spray-on insulation can diminish to as little as 12%. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 1 tcable. I
SUB CODE: 11, US/ /SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 003
Card 3/3
PLISS, D.S., nauchnyy sotrudnik
Eacnomics of secondary crops. Mivotnovodstvo 24 no.5:20-23
162. (MIRA 16t10)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut kormov.
ptlss$ ~D. S. I
Feeding and Feeding Staffs
Feed sup 1 and increased yield of cows in the V. R. Vilfiams Feed Institute. Korm. baza 3
110..7) lyt~-
9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 195240, Uncl.
Cancerogenic properties of orthotoluidine. Zhur.VKHO 10
jio.4:464 165. (KRA 18:11)
I. InStitut onkologJi AMN SSSR.
, -,
Carcinogenicity of benzidine. Vop. onk. 10 no.5:50-55 t64,
(MIRA 18:8)
1. 1z laboratorii eksperimentallnoy onkologii (zav. - zasluzhennyy
deyatell nauki prof. N.V.Lazarev) Instituta onkologii AMN SSSR
(dir. - daystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.I.Serebrov),
Adres avtora: Leningrad, P-129, 2-yu berezovaya al]eYa,, 3s
InstLtut onkologiJ AMN SSSR.
1. Iz 'InistituLa
AM SSSR pruf. A. S(I.,,,6h--I-.,,,,,
ul . Leningrac sk-.--p
Gj, B
New strain of osteogenic sarcoma in rats. Vop. onk. 11 no-3:
77--84 165. 041RA 18: 6)
1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentallnoy onkologii (zav. - zaal.uzbennyy
deyatell nauki prof. N.V. Lazarev) Instituts, onkologii AMN SSSR
(dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMI SSSR prof. A.I. Serebrov).
50), 171M SOV/63-4-2-30/39
AUTHOR: Pliss,*G.B.
TlTLE: The Problem of the Cancerogenic Effect of 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine
PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya nauka i promyshlemost', 1959, vol 4, Nr 2, p 281 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Dichlorobenzidine easily penetrates the uninjured skin, especially at
high air temperature and humidity Z-Ref 3, 6~7. The cancerogenic action
of the substance was investigated on 111 white laboratory rats and 163
mice. The preparation in the form of a suspension was fed during 10 -
12 months. Among the rats 81%, among the mice 41,3% showed malignant
tumors after this time. It has been proved that the tested substance
has a high blastomogenic activity.
Thereare 9 references, I of which is Soviet, 6 &)glish, 1 German, and
1 Swiss.
ASSOCIATION: Institut onkologii (Institute of Oncology)
SUBMITTED: October 14, 1958
Card 1/1
Characteri6tics of the carcinogenic effect of N,Nl-
diacetylbenzidine. Vop. onk. 8 no-11:11-15 162.
(MIRA 17:6)
1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentallnoy onkologii (zav.- zaaluzhennyy
deyatell narld, prof. N.V. Lazarev, konsultItant raboty - deystvitell-
nyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. L.M. Shabad) Instituta onkologii ANN
SSSR (dir, deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.1. Serebrov).
EXCEFC>TA VEDICA See 16 VO& 7/6 Cancer June 59
1977- Experimental tumours induced by dichlorbenzidine (Russian text)
Puss G. B. Inst. of Oncol., USSR Acad. of Med. Scis, Leningrad Bytill. Eksprr. Biol. j
-MIeT -09!,T, 46/10 (83-86) Tablcs i
These experiments were carried out.on i i i white rats. Oil or glycerine emulsions of
the compound were administered s.c. or perorally. Of the 64 rats which survived till
the appearance of the first tumour, 30 showed tumours at various sites, including 5
sarcomas at the site of administration.
PLISS, G.B. (Leningrad, u1. Plekhanova, d. 60, kv. 25)
Carofmogenic activity of dicyclohoWlmine and of its nitrite salts
Evith wommary in zngllsh~ Vop.onke 4 no.6:659-669 '58.
(MIRA 12:1)
1. Ir. laboratorli 9"perimentallnoy onkologii (say. - chlon-korres-
ondeat ANN SSSR pre. ~LK. Shabad) Instituts, onk-ologii M SSSR
r. - deVoty. chl.'-AMN SSSR prof..A.I. Serebrov).
OHIM, effects,
cyclohootylamloW & nitrite dart Y., carcinogenic
activity (RUOY
cyclaboWlsoulues & nitrite deriv. (Run))
KHOLDIN, S.A.,, prof.; PLISS, G.B.,, kand-ned.nauk
The 93-rd meeting of the Scientific Society of Oncologl6ts of
looniiigr4ed-and,LoniW&d,region,,.Vop, onk. 11 no.8:119 165.
(MIRA 18til)
1. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Kholdin)* .
Carainogerxic effeot of 3#31-benzidlnediox~diacetic acid (dipotassium.
salt). Vop. onk. 6 no.5:209-215 My 160. 1
(MIRA 140)
EXCERPTA MEDICA sEr, 5 Vol 12/6 Gen. Path. June 59 q
t",.t) - I') iss G. B. Inst. of Onvol. . U3SR Acad. of Med. Scis, Lenin-
grad --BYTJT.T._.T' KIUYER. BIOL. I MED. 1958, 46/10 (83-86) Tables I
These experiments were carried out on I I I white rats. Oil or glycerine emulsions
of the compound were adminisiered s. c. or perorally. Of the 64 rats which sur-
vived till the appearance of the first tumour. 30 showed tumours at various sites
including 5 sarcomas at the site of administration.
(V, 16)
PLISS, G.B. (Leningrad, TSentr, ul. Plekhanova, d.60. kv.25)
Nxperimental studies on the carcinogenic effects of certain aromtic
amines; aminodiphanyl derivatives. Vop.onk. 5 no.7:101-112 159.
()CW. 12:12)
1. Is laboratorli eksperimentallnoy onkologit (zav. - chlen-korres-
pondent AMN SSSR prof. L.M. Shabad) Instituts, onkologil AMN SSST-
(dir. - deyetvitellnyy ehlen AMN SSSR, Prof. A.I, Serebrov),
(BIPHIM GOMPOUNDS - effect InJurlous)
(CARGINOGINS pharmacology)
PLISS, G. B. Cand Mod 3ci -- (diss) "ftperimental morphological study of
the blastomogenic action of a number of now products
of the chemical industry(of the3 benzidine and dicyclohexylani WI
group *_ -
--- --.-
Lon, 1959. 18 pp (min of Health USSR. Central Sol. Ron Inst of Mod Radiology),
300 copies (KL, 50-59, 129)
PLISSP- G.B. (Leningrad)
-- - -
Study of the oancerogenic Properties of s=e products of the
aniline dye industr7 (1,5-naphthalenediamine and 1,&naph-
thalenediamine hydroebloride). Gig.truda i prof.zab. 6 no.62
44-48 Je 162. (MIRA 15312)
1. Institut, onkologU AMN SSSR.
,--~~Zljjerlmental tumors induced in rats by dichlorobenzidine
Cw:lth summary in Jncllshl. Blul.aksp.blol. I mad. 46 no*10
83--86 0 158 (MIRA 11:3-1)
1*' In Isboratorii eksperimentallnoy onkologii (sav. - chlen-
ko.rrespondent ANN SSSR L#X* Shabad) Instituta onkologii (dir;
de(lativtollWy chlen ANN SSSR Aelo Serebrov) ANN SSSRv
Leningrad. Predstavlana daystvitelinym chlenom AMR SSSR X.N.
(CARGINOGIMS, effects,
dichlorobensidinso-Indueed carainogeneris in rate
PLISS, G.- S..-_
Novye standarty na kranovy(.- I metallurgicheskie eleittrodvigateli.
(Veatn. Muh., 19h6, no. 3, p. 62-63)
New standards for crane and metallurgical electric motors.
SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library
of Congress, 1953.
PLISS, G.B.(Tikhvin)
Now method for In vivo microscopic ezaaInation of tissue
strvrturem. Usp.sovr. biol. 39 no-3:374-379 MY-Jo 155.
of living tissue)
PLISS, G.B. (Leningrad, ul. Plekhanova, d.6o, kv. 25)
The '3,31-dichlorobenzidine as a blastomogenic agent. Vop.onk
no-5,.524-533 159. (HIBA 12:12)
1. h laboratorii eksperimentalinoy onkologii (zav. - chlen-korres-
pondent AMN SSSR prof. L.M. Shabad) Institute, onkologii AMN SSSR
(dir. - deystvitellnyv chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.I. Serebrov).
(BINZIDIN3, related cpds.
3,31-dichlorobanzidine, blastomogenic action In rats
& mice (Ras))
Oncological characteristics of the new strain of IyMphosarcorna
rats. Biul.ekBp. biol. i med. no.2:95-99 F 161. WIRA 14:5)
1. Iz labpratorii eksperimentallnoy onkologii (zav. chlen-korredpondent
AMR SSSR prof. L.M.Shabad) Instituta onkologii (dir. deystvitellnyy
chlen AM9 SSSR A.I.Serebrov) AEN SSSR, Leningrad. Predstavlena
deystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR N.G.Khlopinym.
'EXGE-RPTA YEDICA See 2 Vol 12/10 PhYsiolca Oct 59
G. B. Inst. of Oncol., AMS USSR, Leningrad - VOPR.ONKOL,-r9ST,-4/6
69) Tables 2 Illus. 6
The carcinogenic activities of cyclohexylamine (1), dicyclohexylamine (II) and di-
cyclohexylamine nitrite (III) were investigated on 186 albino rate and I I I mice of
the lower cancer strain 'D'. The compounds were administered orally and a. c.
for about 12 months. No tumours were obtained after 23 months in rats fed 1.
Sarcomas at the site of injection of Il were induced in 4 mice after 12-16 months.
The same compound administered perorally caused omental and hepatic tumours
in 1 rats. Visceral tumours were observed in 13 rats and mice receiving III orally
or by injection, (V, 2, 16)
Carcinogenic properties of 3j31-dibydrox7benzidine (should
3931-dibydrozybenzidine be considered a basic carcinogenic
metabolite of benzidine?) Vop.onk. 7 no.2:33-41 161-.
(MIRA 1485)
PLISS... G.S., J~a~.tekhn.nauk
Covaorning the starAardization of electric machi ry. Vest.
alektroprom. 32 no,.11:72-75-N 161,, (MIFLA 11,:11)
(ilectric moiors-standards)
(Electric generator"tandards)
Special spectral featurcs' c" stable gftneration of orin-ilItAl ",a In
generators with delayed feedback in a weak mode of operation.
Raeliotekh. i elektron. 10 no.9;1628-1634 S 165.
(YJRA 18:9)
KOCCUMN7NIF-AP5022426-7- UR-/0109/65/010/009/1628/1634.
AUTHOR s Ko tyiev Ye. A.'j Plies, L. Ye.
TITLEs Sp et 'al eh no generated by
a r aracteristica:of stable docillatio
oscillators with weak delayed feedback
SOURM Radio tikhnika i elektronika, v. 10, no. 9. 1965, 1628-163 4
TAGS: t:rav6ling:wsve tuba microwave delay, microwave oscil Or
ABSTRACT t: Expitrimenta I studies of amicrowave oscillator with de layed'
f eedback~ are r4tported *. The oscillator, exhibiting, several hundred
natural frequencies, included a TWT amplifier and a'waveguide delay
_line.~ The frequency characteristics were variedby the use of d variety
of TV tubes' and 'by varying tube voltages, With a sufficiently high
gain - (7-4 db)j( an oscillation with a complex spectrum iiao generated.+~'e
The spaitrum-, consisted of the sum ';f -a: large number, of oscillations at!
natural fr:quez,-,cLee.-. The,aumber of components reached aeveral hundre
with each oopc ni! at te-resenting a noise-modulated oscillation. With I
f ilters iiitrodi~cej - into the feedback circuit~the
spectrum of each .1
colspon6nt cofi~t'acted.;- in the limiting -case,.when,the filter band was
less -thin~Af t~.-slngle ponochromatic oscillation was-obser ved, Con-
.t on to
tr U theta ctrum changed.the~
shape-*of the ispectral
pe envelope
f r ou -,on a 7r es em,~! n -,t he f, r* qy-en I Icy response-of 'an. open-loop .
to one bilig -pha lated-oscillation. ~Ev
-resem se-modU en with
a relativel
small nunbit, ~o
41 components (f ilter,- 50 Heq hf,'m 5-7 Hc) a large nun
ber-oV-0table spectkal:fdros.,were obsbived" Origi arta ha s t 7 figure
ant YJ oroulas (PWI
ENCL% --00 -~SUV
C06Et EC
.REF SOvi 0
1 7.
LIPATOV, S.M. [Lipatau,, S.M.] [deceased); P41SS, N.M.,.jP1is2 N.M.]
Phase demixing in the system polymer - polymer - solvent.
Veatsi AN BSSR, Ser. fiz.-tekh. nav. no.3:64-68- 162.
(MIRA 180)
tuation and In addition that
00 (,)d,,
p(x)dx-DT,:.r. doesnot intersect L, then x(1)-j4,as,14+6o
(b) thereisa, function v(x) defined,on Lsuch that v(O)u_-O,
-origin, v(x) -~+oo witb x on L-
v(x)>O.for x t'L~-tfie
-the pith-Af(t) inettsl itAwo Poin -M(tk)~'-M(Q,-1
t10 and x 0 and x 0> 0 such that for Jxl;~,x0 also
f1(x)-1.- I , then there exists an R such that for y 24z ?,R2 on If(p,t)
Doklady Akad.Nauk 111. 1178-1180 (1956) CARD 3/3 PO - 613
the condition y I(t 2(t 2+Z2 is satisfied and for y 2+Z 2< R2 on
2)+z 2)'"Vo 0 0 0
?(pot) the cond:,*.tion y2 (tl)+s 2(t1)< R2 is valid. Every trajectory which
does not go through 0, intersects the domain P(x-O, y 2+22e. R, y >0, z >0).
A father theorem gives necessary and sufficient conditions for atawtot of
periodic s6lutiorts. The pe!msibility of the existence of periodic solutions
is shown by an example.
INSTITUTIONs Idanov-Univ*rsityp Leningrad.
ACCESSION 1?R: A.114016498 S/0020/64/154/005/1044/1046
AUTHOR: Pliss, V. A.
TITLE: On a reduction principle in the theory of stability of motion
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Do.'i-.lady*, v. 154, no. 5, 1964, 1044-1046
TOPIC TAGS: stability theory, Lyapunov theory, ordinary differential
equation, nonlinear mechanics, nonlinear differential equation
ABSTRACT: Given system dx
= Ax + p (x. y), ~!Y = By + q (x, y),
W, di
where x is an n-vector, y an m-vector; A and B nxn and mxm matrices,
respectively; p and q vector functions with normslpp , //q//
which are small in comparison with jjxj1 and 11y)) . The problem Is
that, of the existence and construction of a vector function p*(X) such
that the zero solution of dx
Ax + p'(x) (2)
has,the same stability properties as the zero solution of (1). Ear-
lier results apply only to the algebraic case, for only in that case
doe's It make sense to speak of a solution "unstable Independently of
Card 1115 ". *
terms of degree greater than N." The reduction principle proved In
this paper applies to the transcendental as well as the algebraic cam
The -oroof (not gi*i-en) is based on Banach's principle following Ideas
suggested by Bogolyubov, so that f can be constructed by successive
approximations. In the case of instability, the proof given uses the
Invarianoe of the hyDersurface y=f(x),- In the case of stability (or
asymptotic stability), the change of variable Is used so that 4?
'satisfy differential system.
0 A(p:-+ p~ ((p.
di dt
and initial conditions P, (0, 0. E. 00, q~(O. 0. 0
Any solution x(t,xs,y,),*.7'(tx. of (1), for sufficiently small,
X. can be written in the form
X V, X0. go) = X V, L f M,) +a). Y Y, X0, yo) = Y Y, L / (0), t U. L 4).
(be-c-ause there exist I and a such that x0= Y + 0, 00, y =f
+ Vi ( o , !r. a.).) Orig. art. has; 19 sets of equations or inSquall-
1- S S 0 C DL TION: Leningrads1fty gosudarstve;ny*y universitat,im. A. A.
Cord Zhdanova.(Leningrad State,University)
P I&
4Na,,-Y,A._Cand Phys-YAth Sci -- (diss) *7be qualitative study of -4w Y
nonlinear differential equation of the third order." Lon, 19579 7 pp
(Len Order of Lanin State Tyniv im A. A. Zhdanov), 100 copies IKL, 44-57, 99)
PlisB, V.A-
Kachestvennoye issledovaniye odnogo nelineynogo differezrtsialtnogo uravneniya
tretlyego por7adka; avtoreferat dissertatall na solskonlye uchenoy stepeni
kandidats, fiziko-matematicheakikh nauk (Qualitative Study of a Nonlinear
Differential Ekpmtion of the Third Order; Author's Abstract of a Disserta-
tion Offered for the Degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical
Sciences) Leningrad, Leningradskiy Universitet, 1957. 6 p. 100 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agen--y-, Leningrad. Universitet.
FUMIIOSE: This booklet is the author's abstract of a dissertation offered for the
degree of candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.,
COVERAGE*. Accorling to the abstraA.,,the dissertation consists of six sections,
The content of each chapter is briefly described. The first section states
that the dissertation deals with the study of a particular case of Ayzerman's
problem (Ayzerrmn.. M.A.,, Ob odnoy probleme Kasayushcheyeys. ustoychivoBti "v
bollshom" dinamicheskikh sistem - One Problem Concerning the Stability of
Dynamic Systems in the Large IUbp6khi megematicheskikh nauk/1949, Vol.IV.,No.4.)
Card 1/3
Qualitative Study of a Nonlinear Differential (Cont.) 851
The nonlinear equation of the third order
+ d + + s =0 0)
Tt-3 H
is investigated,vhich by substitution of variables can be reauced to a system
of differential equations. dx 7-
-=Y-Rx)~ Z -X N
where (X' satisfies generalized Hurwitz conditions:
(0) 0 , X'j (Y') > x O-t x 76 0.
the author states that many mathematicians have studied particular cases of
the s;~stem of three equations of the Ayzerman type, and have succeeded in
constructing Lyapunov's function of special form (integral of a nonlinearity
plus quadric form of coordinates of a phase space), It is stated that for
system (2) it is impossible to construct Lyapmov's function of such a form
and therefore study of system (2) is of special interest. Section 2 contains
a detailed study of the behavior of Integral curves of system (2). Using
qualitative methods three theorems are proved concerning the behavior of
integral curves, In Section 3., sufficient conditions are given for the
stability of zero solutions of system (2) in the large. Proof in given
Card 2/3
,zalitative Stud;r of a Nonlinear Differential (Cont.) 851
all 1 4*
for a theorem vhich states that if fI(x)> 1 for real va. ues, then the
trivial solutibn of system (2) is stable in the large. Sections 4 and 5 deal
vith the beharior of the trajectories of system (2) vhen the condition of the
theorem of Section 3 is satisfied only in infinity, Four theorems are proved
concer4ing the behavior of trajectotles and sufficient and necessary condi-
tioM'for the stability of the trivial., solution of system (2) are given.
In Section 6 fmfficient conditions are given fbr the existence of periodic
motion of system (2) distinct from the state of equilibrium. No personali-
ties are mentioned. There are no references. No Table of Contents is given.
AVAILABIZ: Llbriwy of Cangress (QA372.P68)
Card 3/3 LK/mas
AUTHOR: PLISS, V.A. 20-2-6/50
TITLE: nveB igation of a Ron-linear System of Three Differential
Equations (Issledovariye odnoy nelineynoy sistenT trekh diffe-
rentsiallnykh uravneniy)
PERIODICAL., Doklady Akademii NAM-19579vol 117,Nr 2,.pp 184-187 (USSR)
U r, -
ABSTRACTs Under the assumption a 22 + a33 = 0 the author considers the
(1) ~=fj(x) + a 12Y + a13z' j=a 21x + a22Y + a23 Z'
~=a 31 x + a32Y + a 33 Z .
After a transformation of the coordinates one obtains:
(2) i - y - f(x) , ~ = Z - X , ~ - -ax -bf(x) .
It is assumed that f(x) satisfies the Lipschitz condition and
the generalized Hurwitz conditionBt
f(x) > a + b f(x) > 0 for x j 0 f(0) - 0
x x
By applying qualitative and Lyapunov methods the author obtains
a great number of statements (among them 12 theorems) e.ges
Card 1/2 each of the following conditions iB necessary and sufficient
Investigation of a Non-linear System of Three Differerial 20-2-6/50
for the asymptotic stability of the trivial solution of (2)
for an arbitrary function f(x) z
1). a < 0 b > 0
2). a . 0 0 < b 1
3). a > 0 b < 0 a2 + b(1-b)2 < 0
6 Soviet references are quoted.
ASSOCIATIOVs State University imeni A.A. Zhdanov, Leningrad (Leningradskiy go-
sudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.A. Zhdanova)
PRESENTEDs By V.I. Smirnov, Academician, 27 MaYP 1957
SUBMITTEDt 21 MaY 1957
AVAILkBLEs LiLbrary of Congress
Card 2/2
Pliss, Viktoi~_~ ~ndr~ovich
Ndkotoryye problemy teorii ustoychivosti dvizheniya
Problems of the Theory of Stability of Motion in
[Leningrad) Izd-vo Leningradskogo univ-ta,, 1958.
3,300 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Leningrad, Universitet.
v tselom (certain
the Large)
181 P.
Ed.: Ye.V. Shchemeleva; Tech. Ed.: A.V. Semenova,
PURPOSE: The book contains original results of the authot's studies
and may be useful to specialists in the qualitative theory of
differential equations and the theory of automatic control.
COVERAGE: Some nonlinear systems of three differential equations of
the Ayzerman type are studied. It is'assumed that nonlinearities
contained in the systems satisfy the generalized Hurwitz condi-
tions. Sufficient conditions of stability in the large and con-
ditionB wider which the systems studied have periodic solutions
are given. Upon the parameters of a system, necessary and
Card 1/3
Certain ProbLems of the Theory (Cont.) sov/M47
sufficient conditions of stability-in the large are imposed, which
are valid for any nonlinearity. Soviet personalities mentioned
in connection with publications used in the authorts study Include
M.A. Ayzeisman, N.N. Krasovskiy,, N.P. Yerugin., I.G. Malkin,
A.A. Andronov, A.G. Mayyer, and V.V. Nemytskiy. The author thanks
N.P. Yerugin, V.I. Smirnov and V.P. Basov for their help In
preparinl~ the book. There are 44 references, of which 37 are
SoViet, 4 English, 2 German and 1 Italian..
Preface 3
Introduction 5
Ch. 1. One General Theorem 9
Ch. 2. Certain Transformations 13
Ch. 3. Theorems Concerning the General Character of the
Behavior of Trajectories of the System Under Study 20
Card 2A
Certain Problems of the Theory (Cont.) SOV/1647
Ch. 4. On the Stability of Motion on the Iarge 33
Ch. 5. On B3unded Solutions 78
Ch, 6. On Poriodic Notions 104
Ch. 7. On Nonstability of Motion and Periodic Solutions'.
Genexal Case 160
Conclusion 179
References 181
AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3 LK/ad
Uniformity of motion determin6d by a system of three differential
equations. Dokl.AU BSSR 2 4.10:403-407 N 158-
(MIRA 12:8)
1. Predstavleno akademikom AN 3SSR N.P.Yeruginym.
(Differential equations)
AUTHORt Pliast V.A. 20-120-4-6/67
TITLEz ecessary and Sufficient Stability Conditions in the Large
for a System of Three Differential Equations (1-Teobkhodimyye i
dostatochnyye usloviya i,stoychivosti v tselom dlya odnoy
sistemy trekh differentbiallnykh uravneniy)
PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk 33SR, 1958,Vol 120,Nr 4,PP 708-710(US-)R)
ABSTUCTs The author considers the syatem
(1) -~Lx = y-ax-f (x) 22 = z-bf (x) . dz ef (:X)
dt dt dt
where ab>c b>O a> 0 , f(O) - 0 0 xf(x)> 0 for x / 0
and f(x) is so that there exists a unique solutlion.
Theorems In order that the vanishing solution of (1) is stable
in the large it is necessary and sufficient that
Irm (f (x) + f (X) dX) = + CD
X-4p +00
Ti-M (-f(x) + f (x)dx) - + oD
Card 1/2 X-4 -00
Necessary alid Sufficient Stability Conditions in the 20-120-,1-6/67
Large for a System of Three Differential Equations
By the construction of a Lyapunov function [Ref 1,2] it re-
sults that the conditions are sufficient. The necessity is
proved by a very difficult indirect proof.
There are 2 Soviet references.
PRESENTED.- January 24, 1958, by V.I. Smirnov, Academician
SUBMITTEDs January 19, 1958
1. Differential equations
Card 2/2
'AUTHORs plisso V.A. SOV/20-121-3-7/4T
TI TLE s -~-~n MePr'oblem-of 1:yzerman in the Case of a System of Three
Differential Equations (0 probleme Ayzermana dlya sluchaya
siatemy trekh differentsiallnykh uravneniv)
PERIODICAM Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1958,Vol 121vNr 3,PP 422-425 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The author oonsiders the system
(1) y + f (x) z+ax+bf (x) , dz cx+df (x)
dt dt dt
where f(O)=0 . !-(x1,l) numbers x 0