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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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~~~,- ~Tt~ n~~:~ t/ i~ ~-Ch
akaclem~.ya Weak SSSA:. Sovet po i.zuch,eniyu protzvodite:l'nykk~ sil
Ocherki osadochnykY~, mestorozhdeniy poleznykh iskopayemykh (Description
of Sedimentary ~Lineral Deposits) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1958.
~~ p. 5,000 aop~iee printed.
Reap. Ed.: L,~V'. Pustovalov, Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of
3cienees; Ed. of Publishing House; G. Y. Noeov; Tech."`Sd.:
S. (~. Markovich
Pt1RP03E: This publication is intended for mining geologists,
stratigraphers, petrographers, and mineralogists.
COVERAGE: This eol,lection of articles ig devoted to a description
of several minerals found in Eastern Siberia, and a discussion of
the conditions e~f their deposition by regions, Individual
articles repQ~t on the Berezovskoye iron ore deposits, the
titaniferous minerals of the Bakal'skoe deposit, the iron ore
deposits of the Angaro-Pitskiy basin and the Khoperskiy region.
The articles ar~~ accompanied by diagrams,, and biblio-
graphic references.
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-~~ ~~` ~~
. ~ ,
s -
_ `' t { , ~ ~ ~-, kle. p~incip~l. ~k,nsea Iiz the 1~u+~lorsSs crysl~fiine zztai~s~ ~ ,
_ .Rl ' GTCf1~tl~n. kh. -rv : lloktttdy flkrut., N~tuk y (, (; t
t1or- of stations by lonf,itudinal zones yields beUlfferent~SQnfieldween ,I
computed and obaorved values of S -variations.
values in longltiuidentl ZMaea ofde~rrenthwhirla arecgivenlfornbothivity
of zaneo is differ P
hemiaphoroa. Orig. art. haes 10 Cigurea~ 10 tablast~ and 11 formu are.
SUB. CODI;s 08/ iUBM DA2'~s none/ OAYO Ai;Ps 005/ OTtfi Al;ns 006
I ~ ..
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ncc NR. nT6o346og
~~ coDGs vn%3148/G67ooo~008/~031/0
U ~ E1azi~rzhapov A. D.; Miahin, V. M.;
~ ~ AUT}tOR: Afraymovich, ~E. ., e
' INemtoova, L. l.; Qs-ipov, N. K.; Ylatonove M. I..; Urbanoviche V. D.
j Ot1G : none
T1TLl;: Nean Sq-fields aecordin~; to data for September 195
SOURCC: IIN SSSR. i�lerhduvedomstvennyy ~;eofizlcheakiy kc:nitet. ZII
ra~del programmy idl,(~ (Ceamagnet;izm i zemnyye toki). Sbo~^nik :Matey,
i~o, �3, l9GG. Geoma~;nitnyye isaledovaniya (GcomaFnetlc research), 31-51
TOPIC TAC;y; i;coma~nGtic F~E~~ , algorithm, spheric harmonic,
l;eomay;netie coordinate, gcoi;raphic coordinate, elcctrvconduetivity
i113S'iit11C'i': The nature of the l;eomaE;net;ic Sc}-variations io unknown.
Prcviou3 investiF;ations made by the same authors are continued here
ucinr~, the same methods as before. A contpa>;�ison was rnade between
VaI'10U3 groupings of otations and the systems of coordinates uo~~dht~ B
The alb,
3t;udying the magnetic variations Burin(; a quiet Sun.
used in earlier publications was insufficient far the volution of the
roblem of S variations, The algorithm Thus ifielduwaa aosumedsto
pnalogoua to4that of oausn and Shuster. q
~be oqual to the magnetic hold potentiale and lts components wore
Card 1/2 - ~--- ------------ ---~_ ._......._.__~__._....__....__..___---------....___._ ----
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� The diurnal variation of th~~ ... A16O/Aloe
delay -~ as regards the m~ament, of.' the r;r;nt,.n~; of the flux with the .Earth. 2) ~,'he
inequality of `~nb { `~kb may be c;xx;7_a.:Ix;ed 13;~ tnf� fact that the fluxes causing the
a-storms have a shack front , 3) `.t'hc ra.; i.n i~QSU1t c;f' t;hi:~ work is thQ dF,~scription
given of the clearly-expressed vrir.Lat:tons :;nC? and ,Sl.b~ and the possibili ty of
explaining these variations as a. t~~esu:Lt ~~.f aa, There are ~# figures,. and 1 table.
ASSOCIATION: Institut zemnogo m~1~;r~c~t.C:~m~, J.ono;,f'ery i raspror~traneniya radiovoln
SO AN SSSR (Instit~~te of. '.t~c~~~~rettti~ia:1 Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio
Wave Propagation off' ~Q, AS C.lSSF{)
SUDMxTT�; June 23, 19E~2
FigurQ 1, ~"8 .. _.
card 3/3
Figure 2.
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1}1.~t~.~~ ~n~pp~/C06/10/020
I ? ,.`,~~
J, J L.
Mishin, V. M,, Nayc3ertc)'+~~~, td. Y.~:~., ..~'l.r~tonov, M~
A'JTNORS t __. earance of the
7'hp diurna:~ varistlon of the probability of the app
its the activ"~ peri.Gds and the onda of magnetic storms
commencemet ~ .. 1112
oma netizm 1 aerona[niyf~, v . ?, no . 6, 1~2, 1107
PEftI01)ICAL. Oe g ea,~~ance of the
~ dtt' '~hf% pY~Obability Of the aRP
TEXTS The authors ineriods and tha ends of magnetic storms on the basis
the p ~ ~~ 1c~25 - 1959 � The catalog
commencements, for 1905 - lgl, radual commence
of~the Irkutsk Storms Catalog of them are storms with a B Or'
A total. of 539 SaII ~ap} and Sa for Irkutsk.
describes 824 storms.
ment, Figure 1 presents the curves Sx6 (nb},
esent the frequencies of the commenceamna in curve ~_~ttheg
dinai;es in curve-lthepfrequencies of the active hours naps were also
Similar distinctions between Sa: and nb
nnb' in curve 2
tuna. These data, characterizing the phases of the
equivalent amplitudes RN� a table. The
observed at all tither sta esented in
,tc and S * ~~ ` may b13 considered as` a re-
maxi~mum of the fire8e ~e~u~~~ b~ p.rU~~ositY~;b nb
authors explain th
Cara: 1/3 '
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the use of Coni al Y r ~~ ~F ~- ~ ,~ ~. -~ D
c 1 For~~ed .~... ~ ~ .~aR: s :.r~r ~ ee.~ .1;."3~r~ ,~.~._~>,~Y,
Jam:. 'Li'r l~'JJ
degree of compress~_oz:~ o f t�.e material at the rim ire the
case of a conical ;~al~f: ~~e~.~:g d::~awn in orie operation
without use of a b~.a.r_~~::~o?_de:^. ~'rovided that the conical
part has ,~, value N -' e5s ';;l~.r o:~ equal to the limit
value given in the tv, ~1~. .f_ ~~x trae carre sponding value of
S, then it cats bE d,:~aKT~~ in c;r.s oparata-on. The table trus
enables the ati~;1Q o~' thc, c;):I.E~ t^ca:.~ blar~c holders to be
worked out from a r~;:,.~,~; ~,c,r_sr~,� p wrt~_~;h { s given. Phis
relationship invol~'res bT 'Ze b1an:K diameter D, and
the part diameter ~;:. `"hE ~:ngle beta is as indicated in
Fig la. The tab1E a.s app?.ica.-~le for aluminium, soft
steel and for alloys w:~':tt r~~.~~:~.lar pJ..asticity. Uther
dimensions for the tca'_s ;;4iou~.c' bo as for tools with
normal flat blar~k r.c~~.clc=r~ . T~;.e bottom edge of tine ccnical
holder should k,e rada.usfjd :~_~ x bia.z~~k thic~mess.
There are 1 figure and) tv,ble.
Card 2/2
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SOV/].22_ 5~~12-11/3
AUT~iOR : Platanov, r;. A. , ~~i"eer ll,. awr.
. ~--~r~--~us~e ~~'t"~o~rri~eally Formed Blank Holders for Deed
TITLE. rimenenii konusnykh skl,adkoc~erzhateley
Components (0 p
pri vytyazhke detaley) 1 lg 5$~ Nr 12, pp 3?-33 (LjSSR)
PERTODTCAL: Vestnik riashinost:~~oyen ya,
Aluminium cups 114 mm deep, 120 mm ddalemmrthickness in
drawn from blanks 265 mrn diamconically formed blank
one press operation by using
ers (Fib 1a). At this, the depth/diamw~th normalls
some 50~ grea.ter than is usually W~thethe ,,ame type �f
blank holder�, in any opera , th ~o diameter ratio
holder blanks can ~~e drawn with dep ~"
of 1.2~ with simul~caneaus ~�ed~~ ~y~i~alntypec febla~om
2 mm to 1.3 mm. Tri3 rc,te".,~ co
friction and is useful
holder (Fig lb) prof; .des grea'rer ~.ven shr,wing tine
for spherical parts. A taY~~.43 j�s g-
rimentally date~~mined 'a.~atior.si1ip betwblan_kothick-~
expe p S ;s the ra;,io. ~
ents S and N t~thc~r.. N is the
ness divided by bla~lk d:~amete-') x 100 and
ratiop blank diame"ar d~_vided. by diameter of conical
Card 1/2 art at outside ri~r... N expresses the permissible
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S/177 61/000/OC~,,~:'~~,~,/U10
Controversial and resolved ~.. D211~306
tes for flying training e.g. the US instrument reading test deter-
mines the candidates readiness to fly under complicated meteorolo-
gical conditions, but does not determine his flying abilities in
:;ombat~ c) In the USA9 many psychological tests are developed and
carried out by persons who have no knowledge of psychology whatso-
ever. The author concludes that more attention ;~houl.d be paid t;o
the observation and testing of flying students during; their t:i~s.l~,-
ing9 especially of those whose progress is unsati9factory. There
are 13 referencesa 12 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. Cbstz~s,~;--
tor�a r~otea The editors of this article ask readers to discuss it
in future issue.
~UBIu'IITZ'ED ~ ~aay 1 g 60
Card 3/3
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S/1 rl ? 61 /000/001 /00 3/010
Contro~-ersial and resolved .a. D211/D306
the theory of inborn abilities to be utterly incorrect but9 never
theles:3y refers to Karl Marx (Ref. 1o Soch. (Works), T. XVII, 185)
applying the letter's theories to fly=i_ng abilities, 3_n an effort tc~
determine the most ~'avorab:l.e chars.ctex~ traits tbs.t a good p:il.~~t
must possess. In the author's opinion the best way to determine
these c:haracteristics is to compare date of experimental ps.ycriolc-~
gical i;ests taken before the indl~dual entered school with his be-
haviour in every day life and especially in sports and physical.
training. The author states that many specialists s,re asking why
the US~iR does not apply flying selection testsy used in the USA and
all NATO countries. He points to 3 main causes: a) selection tests
have bE:en found unsatlsfactor,y even in the NATO countries, as has
been shown during a special. symposium, held in 1953 abstractor.' ~~
note riot gpecif:i.e~. Checks du.r. ing the Kore~.n wa.r, pr.oveyc~
that prognoses which were jus~tifis.ble in peF~,ce-time did not hs~lra
under war time conditions; b) US selection methods are aimed at de- not flying abilities but general suitability of candida-
Card 2/'3
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M .
z~, b3~~
S/177 ~ ~ /ooo/oo ~ /~~ 3/~~ 10
D211 306
Platonov, K.K., Professor
Controversial and resolved problems on the theory of
flying abilities
PER.IODtCAEs Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, no. 1, 1961, 24 - 29
TE~Ta The author discusses two theories concerning man's aptitude
for flying. One of these asserts that flying capabilities are in-
born and immutable like artistic talentsf the other affirms that
they ar.e not innate a.nd can be developed by proper training. The
author states that although special health requirements for airmen
were introduced in Russia as early as 1811 the controversy of these
two theories is still not resolved. Recently a discussion was held
(,Ref o ~~ s Sovetskaya e:viatsiya (Soviet Aviation , January 30, 1 ~~6G ~
with P. Belkin claiming that correct training is the only valid
criterion. The authoz~ then states that Soviet science has proven
Ce,z~d 1,/3
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~"~.o,+~.Qx~ Paycht~lr~~y
~7nCif /J/~ ~1 ~.,~
~n~ Kh, C~urvi~,h, Ye. A, Dc~rF.vyar.'rr~, V. Ya, I)ymerakiy, T.T. 1'~''a~~~',"a,
~.~~� Z BV ~ 10V8,~ Ye �T 5 � 7 aV ~ ya1,~JV, I ~ P. IV8:t0V~::~.~i j'c3, ~'E: ~ ;i ~ ,~ ~�,-- ~. ,
Z,A,, E~.T, rCanovalcv, I,I: , Lependira, .~. :'!Pk or.o,r~`. _ ,�, , - '~
G.D. Narodi.tskaya, I�T. Nikif'orov, C, ~ ~ ,~ .' ', ", ;, ~~ '~
D Nilov, P, Ya. Iruray~;~n, A.Y: G7 ' ;;; ;,. j :J. ; ~�~
Yu. A.. Petrov A.M. F'ilu~vakiy, P,L, Pokrovski M.F,
A,M, Pos~:lov T,,M, F~ozt:t " y~ Ponamc~rc.~r, ,r,/',, "c,;}~;~'~
Sh ' , U. Ya. Rubinahteyn, T,T, Tc~pt~:tlit,t-~yri~,., :~ ~~,; ,
,. A, Sarnkharac~~ e, R,I, Ul ~nc~nka, Xu I, Sh i c1 ~ - ' ~ ~ ..' ,
P.A. kubav. Thczc are 233 refercancer3� 1~Q Soviet ( '' +r,~.�:.;?_,,,'~,~.I._~`'~
35 Is'nglish, 3 French, 3 Gez~rn.~.n, 1 Polish, and ]. Czechasl.rr~.k,
PART T. , SUB,TF~;CT APdD N~r;THODS OF ~IVIAT~~A1 P;~`1(;ITC>7,~1mt
C;h. 1. ub jec;t M~itt;er ~:(' Aviation P:;ychal.o~y
Tasks of ;~vit~.L~.un D;;y~,Yu~1o~y
C~~nerfLl r,c~t.ton ~~r! i'l.y:i.r;c;
v". ~ 1_.~it,, t~(' a : ,:Lc~r; ~~.,y~'}~t~,~1r>i';;I
TI'i ;;tt~r ref' [; .~~
-;I US7 cLVj.~ifiC;n r,,,ti~'it~~~_r,,Y-,,
~ ,~.
Carl ~'~'~
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-0051 3 8001 341 200031-6
1'iI~~S~ :[ ?s(~QK ~?Xl't.Gi'1'~1'.I'xOPd ;aU4J',I~GE1.',
t latorlo�:, Knnstant;~tn Konstant~.r-~avir.h, Rc'-tired Colonel ir. i }1t. T`:~_ ?; .. .
1='x~c~fessor, ~OCTrjr Qx" 1~Ic:dical ^,icr:~e +. ~. ~ - '
~~~ii:'~rln~.l'1 j. .t 1.~~t;nQ t~ t,x".i(~t~. flv i ' 1 (r 1~~~ r~ } '
.~` l:~ ( i,,.l.~ 1 Uyr,Y~rJIo~,J~ 1'~1~~)ii(..~'~l, r~(?~(;.i!.;'!~. I 'i._. r~~ ~~~~1
iS:~Ei, l~~~i'), 350 p. Tvo, of co~tcls ~~rinted not given, ~ y ..
Ed.~, ; A.T., Licut~,rant-Caloncl in ~h~; 41~dical. ic:r~i~�~ ~, c.~ ;3 ', ,' ,
Gavrilov, Colonel in th~~ Id~~~dical service; Fd.: a',~', hi;r:,,.~,: i '- ~-,,~ ;,,
~fJRPO ~~~: 'Lh:~s ~~oak is i.nteuded ~'ar ::specialists in flying training methods flight
sur,~xeons, flying per~~anne.l of the Soviet rli.~ ~ tary and ~~ivil air flc�~�L, ~;.r.~,
DOaAAF. Tt rr~.y a1,~o be useful to readers i.nterosted in th~~ rs4~r:~~~i.~~-;;; ~~;'
CQ~!{,;~.~G~,: ThF~ boc~l: ii.i:;iJ.:~ wii;r~ the sta~ect mt~ter,m+~thoc~a, t~ay;l. il.i.;,~,c~r~; :;' -+.i ,
F: ~;~cholagy, The c,i~~cia1. ara~~c~tU of 1'li ht ~ iulo~;y ~ ~,
rat'.Lonalization of trainir.~~, analysis of f~.yin~; mistakes ~.n~3 fl,f;~t :~ �' ;+ ,, }
are eovercd. The author ths,nkn: 0, Xs,, Bolc,~er, G,C,, ~rc)]~)7u;~r~ ~;.fr. `,,',~ ',; � ~ ,~: ,
C n z'd ~.~~"j
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Man j'.n Flight
COVEA'AGE � The basic, 177
a knowlPd ~ problems of aviation medicine are discussed,
ge of which is necessary for all fliers. This book
was started in 1,937 and first published in 1946, In v
rapid progress of aviation and aviation medicine it iew of the
t:harough revision in 1957 j.n which the author was required a
collective of the Scientific Research and Test xnsassisted by the
A'v~.a tion Medicine . titute for
c o~rTEr~TS :
I ~~ On. Russian Aviat~.on Medicine in the P s 3
at 5
First flights
Development of theory 5
On ;heavier-than-air machines 11
Beginnings of physical qualifications for fli t 13
Sov:tet aviation medicine ~ 14
Card 2j 5 17
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� ~ - ,,
,~ ,
Platoriov, Konstantin Konstantinovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences,
~'"Pro~e`ssor, C-oTone1 of~- Me~ica~Ser~ices
Chelovek v polete (Man in Flight) 2d ed., rev. and enl. Moscow,
Vo~Ten. izd-vo Mi.n-va obor. SSSR, 1957. 28~+ p. Number of copies
pr:Lnted not given.
Ed.: Druzhininskiy, M. V., Engineer-Mayor; Tech. Ed.:
Koilova lova , Ye . K
PURPOSE: The book is intended for members of flying clubs, students
of flying schools, and the flying staff of the Air Force, combat
un:lts of the Soviet Army ss well as young peop7.e interested in
av:Lation. It w~.11 also be useful for physicians giving service to
fl;~ring sections, schools, anal clubs.
Card .1/5
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~'XCERPTA ~i~~zCA Sec. g Vol.ll f ~ N�uro. ^Psychiatry Apr 5g
~:~~ . ~ ,r--.
H1GIlER NEItVUUS ACTIVITY (Russian text) � P 1 a t o n o v K . I , - ZE, NE- ~'
1~()PAT. PS
Uynnrnrr. stcreotyprKHIAT. 1956, 11 (854.85fij ---~----- ------_____.____
's fr,rm the basis of man's habitual behaviour and c3etcrYninr ~~
the r~rlurl~briurn of the organism and the environment, The question is posed wlye-
4her it is t,ossible to change the character of such a fixed cortical stereotype by
Imeans of verbal influence of suitable content on the waking or sleeping (hypnotic-
ally induc~.~d sleep) Subject if this particular stereotype no longer meets the Chang-
ed circumstances of 1;he person's existence and so interferes with either the remo- a~
oral of unfavourable consequences of the breakdown of the previous ster~atypc or ',
the formation of a new dynamic stereotype determined by the new circumstances, ~_
!!'atients with various diagnoses are described (psychogenic neuroses with a pict-
ure of disturbance of the basic cortical processes and development of inertness,
emotional shock with fixation of the mechanism of pathological reaction, break- i~
clown with overstrain of the inhibitory process and developement of a neurotic state
as the result of breakdown of stereotype) . These patients had had a strongly fixed dy- `'
rlamic stereotype and a change in circumstances (living, work, 'loss of purpose') ~~
led to the appearance of a complex neurotic state as the result of the breakdown of
the habitual Stereotype. It is concluded that in neurotic conditions determined by
disturbance s of cortical Stereotypes verbal therapy has an important role to play,
h~oth in the .~orm of'rax;planation and persuasion and of verbal Suggestion during sug-
gestion-induced slei.p necessary in those cases where verbal therapy in the waking '
state is inel"Eective, c'
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