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APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 Category PO~ID~Theoretical Physics -Quantum F~.e1.d Theory B-6 Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957, ~To 219 Author :,P:Lebanski, Jo, and Sawicki, J,> Inst Univ~ o ~leissaz~; Inst ~ Ph Title :Remarks on the Relativ~.stic ^TwolBody Problem initheeCln,ss ` Meson Field. Theory, .cal Scalar Orig Pub Acta phys � polon ~ , 1955, 11}, No 6, 45 5 -x+70 Abstract :The circula;t� mot-:Con mes f of tT~ro part:tcl.e , interactin thro a on ield ta,nd i;he scr~l,ar field. proeluce 1~.nea:r motion of a :~3ngle particltl d b th a.nce~ernal c~usxitization~ 1t; is y e secbbd sho~m tY~ t ~ip ` c ~ _ ~ u fences , It is sY:town . xepul n fox� e that; neg]-eating the dampin occtu at l d wmall d r.. i g; physical, coritradl, c-t ions � ea s to cert,ain Card : l~l APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 ~- )) POLAND~'T71eoretical Pl~,,ysir~, .- Gen~x~;.l D_1 Abs Jour 1:~ ~:~ ~~u:e - Fiz,ika., Ido 5, ? ~jfS, I1~~ 992 Author IT~~~'~:_~.]. L. , Pl~^ ~ ~� r1.~._..T..---~- 2nst Tn,. ;~_c~.r~~; o_F l'Yi;,rsics~ Polish Aca.~?E~r~r of Sciences; The Un1.vel�- ci ~cy, i~1F~:L r~a~>>, Poland. Title ur. a l~zrther of Ji.r;;.c's -F~uictions Orin Pub lfi:;:l.l. Ar:~,d. polon. sci., l~5 (, Cl~ 3, 5, I'~Io 1, 5151E Abstract : Gu~?a,invi]~zg i;l~c~ir earlier ~aurk (I~efiuhur Fizika 1957, No 11, ?7;02) f �the atrthors a ~!:hx~ee-diraensiora.1 ,~, (~:) f'un- c:-ci on of a neT1t t;~'pe, which .,a.,,ir~~if;s the conclition G~hr re .~ !, (G) i ~~ ari axbi trary vi. cinii;y of the point V - 0 ~ W G --1, a.~.~.~~] a.;~e p~~e~��assi~IF.;d IlUI'i!~~CY'.~. An e~.~.mple n~ a ~ {x)-f'uriction Card : 1~1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 The General Fokker Action Principle and Zts pgLl~J_~g_~;~,4~~ Application in the General Theory of Relativity ASSOCIAT:EON: SUBMITT~A: Card 3/3 approximation, and the .resultant equations are described. The individual terms of the Lag~rangian appee,ring in these calcula- tions .are interpreted on the assumption that a perfect Yluid be separated into groups of drops, where rotations and deform~~,tions are neglected. The behavior of the Lr.~grangian gor drl~p dimetiaiona ter~din~ to zero is investigated, and the r~enormalization of the equations of motion for point singularities in the general theory of relativity is dis~ c~aesed� The rather ample calculations are completed by 2 a;ppendjlces. The authors express their gratitude to Professor L,, Inf~~ld Yor his interest in this work, There ar.e 15 ri3ferences, 2 of which are Soviet. Izlstitltte of Physics, Polish Academy aY Sciences, 49s.rsaw Je-nuary 21, 1859 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 The General Fokker lltction Principle and Its _ Application in the L-eneral Theory of Relativity pol'/45~18 .4-4~8 the F'okkex Lagrangian (ioe, the Lagrangi~~ in whic;tz only tlrf~ dynarn;ie vririr.~bles +3pper~r) of tllE~ dynarnio r.~ystftrn i. ,z 9f7t up n}iose k~ule'r-Lagrange equations Trill ba the desi:reel equations of motion, Part 1 defines the action principle of the Fokker ' typed Such a p~inciple is a variational principle ~~ G where VY~, ' ~ WF f ~ al F L .1 , from which the equations of motion of the t.t~i d kind (.108) result in a direct manner ~iiN a Fokker aotioia~ J world l~ne of a particle), Studies a,.~ made in order to find WF l~,J~ Part 2 applies the method to a d nami y c eysteca in general relativityy especially to a relat:vistic fluid (other dynamic r�ystems were investigated by ;3,,ga~a�~$ki and Ra Michalaka)o The use of the EZH approximation method (expax;~sion of field quantities tznd c~etc~rminr~tion o]' the ~3ynamie quantiticfl from the equr~.tians o#" motiorr) gj.naplifiet~ . I~alculationg and is described in the present caper, part ~ Beals eith the action principle and the equations of motion ~'or a perfect relativistic fluid Gaza 2/3 Fokker action for the fluid is madeTin the~posttNew~t~oniane APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 X4(5) AUTHORS: Pleba~iaki Jerzy, Za ansk"i`; ~u~"a'n~a~- I'OL/45-18-~~-~q/8 TITLE; The General Fokker Action Principle and Its Application in the Ge.r~eral Theory of Relativity PERIODICAL: Acta PJZysica Polonica, 1959p voi 18 Nr ~ 4r Pp 307T.345 (Poland) ABSTRACT; The getleral theory of relativity is so far the ~-hich t;he field equations embrace the equationsoofycnotiony in Studied were carried aut by Einstein , (1938), Pock (1939), ~;instein and Infeldf e1 d and Papapetrou (1951) and Infeld 1 ( 940,1949), ]principle leadin to the ( 954,1957)� A variati.anal B post-Newtonian equation of motion i�or bodies was given and discussed in papers by Fich.tenholz (1950) and Infeld (1857}, The treatment of the e uati bodies on the level of a variational rinci le q �ns of action principle in which only the dynamic variCbleskaprear yielded the equations of motion in the general relat:i�vit ) theory, The calculations proved to be more economic,aa than hose mE>.de by the methods used till now. H�~rever, this met discussed hears cannot be used to find hod Card 1/3 fj;eld equations and the equations of mot~`lation between the on, By thi~~ method, 1/ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/'1'1: CIA-R~P86-005'13800134'1200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/'1'1: CIA-RDP86-005'13800'134'1200020-6 PLEBAr1~JKI, ~~~ ~,-_._. On a]lge~aic ~~roperties vg skew tensors. But Ac Pol rat 9 no. ~: 5~7-5~~1 '61. 1, Tristitute of Physics, Polish Academy o� Sciences and Institute of Theo~Retical Y1't~sios, University, Warsaw, Presented key L, Infald. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-R~P86-005138001341200020-6 aQ,,.,,~wr'~+~� ~~ ,~Ji~`� 611.311.121 .~~~ .l~L1{ 1 1119.1 ~,~k�t~tl{ Pr.~lt e polish)' with ~- i3-`' ~~ 1 tQ~t., 1`15) { wPP~ � the tw+~ ~"Che ~ ~ tba t~"~' ~ ~~ t~~~ ~in~ �~hiM �r ~~~ a �flit~+ a wip~� tt~ ore in tcx~ cn-t0'~~ lion ~ tb'a ~ ~. ~Onserati~~ ��~' ~ oacr~t-utauo ~, ~~~,,~1RCK, ana-Y~~ ~~` xrn~-a. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 :~ ~A V Eatlmation of certain quality characteristics of i.~-a-t~- for ~, Gredita~ 7~. ~tt~1`tuvYlCZ, H-----"-"'- rocesswork. Witold Romelnst, Tecli.~ Wt'orlaty, Poland). ~~ek, and t ' e . n~f .' 8},-= ;ricxnsitontetrtC criteria arc --`~J, p7tot. Scc. 1 proposed for measuring the "effective contr:~t" of P tata- graphie nrateo vrti for~wter of nhterials in like p okolgrnpl~y est .the res g p an~ of d�t the halftone iGo�cceiscoar~eelntion between .dot quality COe~� rs formutacr,d. the. contrastl taet~orbu do ~oc~elations�iordmate nls �ef dot c�cfventi�na yl. :~ f, "lath"-tYPe� A linear relation is found between quttlit~ coefl'. ar~d the contrast coefi. for both conventional and ltth-type onaterials� Latitude requirements None of tfntrous tone c�;pYtng of originals ar of rc yents~ AgthoFs--, ,thamaterials te~5tt~ satiafv these req .. _ ___. c~~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 ~ FOR RELEASE;,,n~/~~/~ ~ - i7~.,li l �~ ,nn ~' '.' 1 s, ~ Y I,C){ ~iiC~! .,, " _.i ,t ,, ~ _~ , t' , i ~~ - . t).~Y _i 1~1..IG..1 I ~ I.-.1. t ~t ~ 1!') ~1. ~ it ~ t t ~ ' t t. h i~l~ITIfLT'ii.`t ~ '� l"tJ ~l fl { 1! 1 I Tt_t f l ~'~t71~ ~:_ l~?;' y`. UTtL, !SI l; ~.~: ,~.,, -' ~h~ ~k,f~~L~tl~�l.~ill'"~"~ti~il~a';.1,. ~{'~;t n . "'~ v ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/'1'1: CIA-RDP86-005'13800'134'1200020-6 T,;- ., ~5~ J ~ ~ ~(, ' t S 'a,La,1 9 e~ ~1 ar c ~ �1,.. ~" ~ q Y ~ v~ AU,~ro Za~'c ~ err, ~ ;~~' ~~~ ,~~~ y~~ ~.t)`~~' 9 (,~Jn~(`;~~ ~~~l~~f C - -(~ .~~,"; 1n V~,LG'~C~ C~~C ~ hf'Y1 aC~U ~~.~~,r~ ~~1Cxt,~u ~, S~v~~ ~y ~ ran b ,-~ ~c,~,l eal a ~ ~ Ala try` ~1`~, ~'c' ~x a'~''�~ ~ 3'~ ~ e a~ l a~';,1 yr `~~^ ~~.,~~ . a ~raJ ~ti~ -~ e 5 ~ tiro rah 'nr,X'? ~; ~~~~~, ;; `''~~ ~~ .yc - ,,.. ~a ytr~ ~r r gaz ~ . c)~ 5'~ ~l~~l~� E''~1U~ ~ .. ~~ F, 1 i (G JarU APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 Rte, W:t told; C~'FDKA P1:EBANCZyK ,Maria; JACKIEWTCZ, ZofiaA pAS~K ~~ ~ , Wiesll~wa , 1 na, PhotogrAph:ta chemistry, Cbemia stoso 1, Katedra Fotateat~niki P , � alitachnik~,, Wa:rsza,WS,, APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 '~'.r ~^ ~~ ,.~ ~ i4 II ~Jf~ i / r, A s~. -"' \ r r~r ~ ~ - _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 ~LNl~tiriVs~~J(ii ';1 _. 121E ~ ~ ~i';_ a ti~ ~'~ l 58.~ t .. ~ ~ u2aY"Vi:~ 2.'".3 1~1fl ~lT'Qyrll LnElr~etykzt Pot .1i roe:It~;F~~~F~~Uu3C~ ~~3�~lectr.~.c ~~~;~,.f~z, r-~r~)._,..~_.~~~._~.~___.___.~ ~ r~ i TOPIC TAGS: radiorr.etry, measuring; in stz~urnent, transistorized c.i.rcuit, puts+. counter, gamma counter, scintillation counter, radiation instrument ABSTRIIC'I': On the basis of analysis of the propertif~.~a of int;e~;r,Lting ci.rctu.ts, the article discusses problf;ms in the: de.}:i.~~ri:i.n~; o.f tx~~itlsi3tarized radiometric instruments workir~; on the principle of a pulse counter. An instrument is described which serves for the control of eoratarru.rlation of the object and also an instrument having the character of a g,~rruna relay and scintillation counter for work in the field. This article was presented by V. Slezak. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 8 formulas. [JPRS: 35,3$6) SUB CODE: 18, 09 ,/ SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 002 / SOV REF: 003 Card 1/1 � K APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/'1'1: CIA-RDP86-005'13800'134'1200020-6 is valid for ionized ComponenLS Oz ae iwv n~ ~,~iu tip ~si~: ~~ii:;~~ tempFxature x�an~;~e from t ~OOOo to 20000oK. CaXcul.ation i`ox~m~.~l~.s f'..' ; j ;~ init~;ally mantio'ned temperature� snd pressure xarY~;es are given; ~~:; ~?;'`. the calculated values ~of the thermo~dyns.laic Function find the c;c>t~aZ;'.,i?_r, ~ ~~r of rxir~ ~'he calculations far the pressure ran~ca from G~~r)O1 to ~~ F~.~, ;s=~~~" carried out with consideration oP a dissocie,tion of N2 and 02, ar~cl simple and double ionization of N9 OG and Ar~ In the pressure rarge fro~u 1 to 1000 at the disz~ociation of N2 grad 02, the i'orme.tion of NUV and simple ionization of Np 0~ and Ar were considered The results are g . diagrammtztically (Fig 7} ~ Qn electronic computer of the type eta (~'" c,f the A1J SSSR (AS IISSR} was used for the cs.lcu].ritians-, This work e'~r,;;, ca,rr~~.ed out in course of a research program under the direction of I'rofQssor Ao S~~ Predvaditelev in the institute reamed belo4v., There a~~" 7 fi~;urA:~9 1 tables and 10 references, 5 Soviet and 5 German.. Card 2f~ hard 3I F' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 U~~07~/~G~~~~~, i~G~ ~,; _, AUTHORSS Stu~ocher~~;o ~lr .~ .,.~~ V' o ' ~Rozhde the .. g S~tlr~uy:lo~r, ~, , ,, e ~ y ~'.:t: ;Z~ TTTi,E, 'i'hermod namic Func~tion~ at High Temperatures PERIO~:CCAL ~,hurnal flzicheskoy kt'iimii 1~~n, 'Jal� 3~ , !10 , ~ , pp., 126~...127~ y , TEXT4 The therr~od namio examir:ed at tem y propertie;~ of air and its' c peratures from 12000� to 20OO0oK ~ om;~onents were _ 0.001 to 10_00 ,at.,~,The calculations had td }~~ and pressures from for surri hip.h.temperatures, 1 tried aut if, of t'ri~ components of air:, ~ Cal, ulation of t three S $Fi~,E.',; and a c he theta>o~iynaa~ic fund ~ ~. for di9;;ociatic~ aleulation of the e ui~. n and Ionization; 2 ~ Aihrium cor,st~, . , at ciff~~rent temperatures and ~ Calculation of thF; thern~odynr~mic propertie,~ of a.irreasur~yr3 cotnF;r~siti~,r: t,f C , tsr~d j) Cfitt;ulr~tlon of t;~',~' dynamic t`unetion:3 of air can be calrulated t~ilished that thF> r~c~triods of statistical th sufficient tr``�'''fLC;., interac=t,' PhYsicsp witp.- cor_9ideration of thE, '^cur.~^y ~, ion: of the charged particle; by the Deb e._ Co+.~ior~b Card ~ y guckel equa,ti:;~r:,, ,...,~c; s~~_� 13 ~~ - ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001341200020-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-R~P86-005'13800134'1200020-6 s�r�eN-+reep+r+Me�e~-~r~lr~~ f ���e����ee��e�e�~ �ri~~ ~ r ~ S e f R ~~ it 1 a r: is 4 to t4 ~' 1 1 ~~~ ` ! 4 ' : ~ a d 1 la h w J! b: li I! s'. w. ), sE M w ~i w rl M tt,I:� Jti , ! L. t._.F__._f. .,....w. % ~S _. L k � r C 1: I It Y.,.!>ni>. al.:1:.-;,F~ ,irr-:` nt! c�d r ~ r to 8Q� daring lb aria '11*i~ }-r,'`I heatin ' � u,ti ` ~ g , 1C>U n-1. fI~Q, neutrah7~~r1 u~ttlt f:~~f~s' -. ~, : toned. Nlfa. 'I'!-e elrieci ;:r.v fuodrrt , i~{ K� ith 10 mt d i ~_:: ,; . w n Iy dissah~e lnixt. of 2-un-inn-5- at3d -?-nitr:r~y:t.i-uej t7 and 11-1 g. ice, turd ~li:uc-- I t l J. ; , ' 21.5 g. III, punted into 115 m > anti 48 sn1. II�,n. '1�Uc lnixt. is tined with 13.1,, g. NnNOi d fillcrect ��hile hot. i4 � ~ , an , hoiir'd with stirred 4Q min. at 0 to the tiltrcll:~ cuttdensed filtered nf'F i tJ y- iyd t , ~l The ppt. r l and neutralised in pIt 4 to oUtanl fu:tf-cr pt ( ' ~- nitropyridirlesl, The dried pint. is uitrtltccl in the s l~wSktY ICr A +~t; ~ - . , u as I to obtain 37 ~a IL ~ , ~ Card l~],