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PITSTI,I.K. Screw conveyor for supplementary mixing of line mortars and preparation of lime-gypsun mortars. Rate. I Izobr. predl. v strol. no.86ill-15 t54. (IM" 8:8) 1. Grathdanstroy tresta Krivorothatroy (Plastering) (Conveying machinery) PITSEHFI.AURI, Ye.N.; SEMIOMN, I.A.; KOBOZFV, N.I. Hydrogen-oxygen interaction in a silent electric d15&,arge. Fart 2: Effect of the specific energy and duration of the experiment. Zhur.fiz.khim. )5 no.10:2)83-2386 0 161. (M1RA 14:11) 1. Moskovskly rosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lominosova. (Electric discharres through gases) (Hydrogen) (oxygen) BUYXO,, V.D.; GOROI,.'.OSOVA, S.A.; PITSYK, G.I,.; FEDDRINA, A. I. Dynwjc# of zooplankton in the Black Sea according to observations made during 1956-1958. Trudy Azcherniro no.18:29-49 160. (YIRA 14t10) (Black Sea-Zooplankton) PITSYN, I.M.; PURYGIN, L.Ye. Construction or a large ainterinp, plant in Yrivoy Rop. Pr,)m. strol. In no.lPrII-3P 0 '~i. ( VIRA " 4. , ( I, 1. Treat Krlvororhyuz~mvlostroy. (Krivoy Rop-JIstallurrical plants) SIROTA. i~n tle 50) AUSIM Tastrebov, V. V., EkAt441.91suri, YG- ~11-9 SOV/'16-33-6-7/44 Kob~3zev. N. 1. TIM: "ical Chemistry of Concentrated Oi,one (FizJkLiAchimiya kontsantrirovamcgo osona). TI- Explosion SUBOOptibility vf Or,'wa9--vjg&n Solutions With Re"ot to Thermal Impulses (VI. V&ryirnaya ah-,:.vstvitel'nosV ozono-kislorodnA rast-mmv po otnosheniyu k t5plov)m impullsam) FMODICALt Mama; fizicheakoy khivdi, 1959, Vol 33c Nr 6, pp 1209-1213 (USSR) AMWRACT t An investigation was o&rried o-t of the explosi= sz~soeptibility (93) of liquid ozone - oxygew (1) mirt-z*s (with 15 - 90% ozone) with re"ot to boat impulaes by the method of eleotric ignition. The (1) Lirtures in different accoantrati.ins w*x-a melted in glass ampoules, in whiah tun~Wem mires were introdLead by a spe4.i?.l pruoodure. Two series of e4eriments were made (with Ligher ooncentrated mixtures (with respoot to ozone) and sm&ller sampling (riantiti*a an the one hand, and o"rinents with low oon3ent-rated mixtures and larger sampling amounts (up to 150 =3) ca the c-ther). whioh differed somewhat as to the working teohnique. Fer *"h experimental series, dotermization was viade, of the tw-- ralues ;'burning energy of the wire, Card 1/2 and the Jo%ile beat libttrated with the jurrent passage througb the Physical Obemistry of Concentrated Ozone. VI. Explosion SOV/76-33-6-7/44 Mumptibility of Ozone-Oxygen Solutions with Respect to Thermal impulses wire). Seven exporiEmital series were carried out, five of which under laboratory eonditions, and two = a larger scale. "rimental date for each of those series am given separately (Table 1) as well as data oonoorning the (ES) with respect to the differset thermal i2yuless (Table 2). Results show that the (93) of ozone drops sharply with dilution by oxygen. The explosion limit is set at the asme concentration a (in vt%), in which the thermal impulse exhibits a lower energy Z (in oal) than would be required ot the strength of equatlow I a 186 exp (- o/6.9). There are 1 fi8urs, 2 tables, and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIMCOr Moskovskiy gopudarstvamyy univernitot in. V. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lonanosov) SURaTTEDt September 5, 1957 Card Z/2 C7.MHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application. (Part 1) Processes and Apparatusery of C hemic al Tec bnology. Abe Jour Ref Zhur - XhImiya, .7o 10, 1959, No. 'J5122 Author Pittauer, 3vatopluk Inst FVF'~I-Ven Title : A General Mothod of Calculation of Heat Exchanpora in the Sugar Industry Orig Pub :Listy cukrovarn., 19r'k, 74, No j, 61-64 Abstract :Equationa for the determination of the heat tramfer coefficient, of the heating surface, arxi of the final temperature of the liquid in the heat exchanger, are given. The heat carrier was subjected to constant and tn variable temperatures. -- R. Terekhin Card 1/1 A r.-,,ry tot ic , ro!,f~rt!et: o!' : n.' wir" [it or. (,f ',r~orp Is 7h,7,e, . pro bl . -,P-red. I nfom, . 1 nr,.3 :0(-,_i 11' '~,5- lm:". I ~~: . - PITTELI, B.G. Use of the small-parameter method in solving a dynamic stability problem. Metod. vych. no.lt66-75 163. (V_'RA 16:8) (Dy-namics) (Differential equations) B.G. (Laningr&d) Some problew or optimirn -nitrol. AVtOM. I L0113m- .:4 n,, . It 1187-1201 S 163. (MIRA Ib- ) (Automatic control) PITTAR, Jaroslav;RUBM, Rudolf Radio-surgical therapy of mligmant tumrs of the orbit. Cask. ofth. 16 no-3/4:233-237 Me 16o 1. Ocni a onkologicke oddeleni krujoke mamocnice v Caskych Budejovicich. primar MUDr. Jaroolav Pitter a priawr MUDr. Rudolf Rubes. (ORBIT ntopl. ) PITM--, .Pali, AUOS. Frigyes; HORVATH, Antal; DOMDNY, Andras, dr.; TEVARDI, Ferenc, dr.; ~E'~MFCI, Bela; FEKETF, Sandor; MARTOS, Ferenc, dr.; MAGSAY, 'Tozsef, okleveles gepeszmarnok; TARCZT-HOHNDCH, Antal, dr., akademikus, egyetemi tanar; CACTI PALFFY, Andras, dr.; KICSINDI, Janoo, oklawles kohoxernok; HEIRICH, Jozsef, okleveles banyamernok The 1063 general meetinv of the Hungarian Association for Mining " Metallurgy. Koh lap % no. 6:241-264 Je 163. 1. Chairman, Division of Iran Metallurgy, Hungarian Association for Mining and 14tallurgy (for Pitter). 2. Editor-in-Chlef,"KohasvAti LaDok" ffor Arkos). 3. Secretary, Jivision J* -aiiurgy, wngarian jissociation for Mining and Metallurgy (for Horvath). 4. Editorial board member, "Kohaszati Lapok" (for Domony). 5. President, Hungarian Association for Mining and Metallurgy (for Levardi). 6. Secretary General, flungarinn AssociRtion for Mining and Metallurgy ~for Sel*ci). ". Head, Anditing Comipission, Hungarian Association for Mining and Metallurgy (for Fekete). 8. Head, Medal Commission, Hungarian Association for Mining and Metallurgy rfor MaLrtos). 9. Ozd Metallurgical Works, Ozd (for Macsay). 10. Fsztergom Machine Tool Factory, FszterRom tror Kicsindi). 2, * ,000 P 0 089KO1,146 MAS Ploptst-11 Mpg. 00 C dd f f l " 00 go" ri rom in, crystg. a . sugar aws, o . h d h '00 00 enable 911161horn w W him to control used C17 the winp. lit followed The lavvedures estabb-hed by -00 tkill. Clartallen. I.Aeudle. Cauta land isclurved %upauti, result, witli a modifird ltrocellurt Ile riMed only colough water to be 44)'v of the dirld rim,1111aft. Conit.1 tbr molasses to a temp. in the Vicinity of NS in , A hr. 0 !,ul 63. adtled the rrataindri .# the and toU-Iy qu"lwn h d h *0 r. was not enoug , to omtPU . _., i~upt ;- uprrvato . be rausid The temp. 3*--"X*-d ral-kily 1. be tenip. of centrifuging. allowed the main to rilt, ti fur at k-ast lit hirs , and then warmstt the liquor %-% in,,tv the if ,ntt liging temp briorc pouring the I,--- jolu lilt tvatyl- ; . 71W 6naj warming r.1-i lht~ 4-0-1 -1 .,,rlfy zoo -A- ass ID q* a a it a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-j" '09 low .-I- 111,AJ, 0111 am. 4011 1 S 0 01111, 0 0 0 1 IF 0 9 a a I 0 0 0 0 0 0 ACCESSION ?M: Apwis862 S/00413/64/000/001/0076/0087 AUTHOR: Pittell, B. G. TITLE: One of the problems of optimal control SOURCEs Leningrad. Universitst. Vestaik. Seriya matematiki, makhaniki i as- tronomii. no. 1, 1964, 7 " 7. TOPIC TAGS: space exploration. applied mathematics. satellite orbit, automatic control, high speed control, Poutryagin maxi ABSTRACT: This analysis of the problems of optimal control uses the Pontryagin maxi== principle to 'ptove a theorem similar to th6 on6 an the finiteness of the number of changes in linear optizial variations. A second order equation with two controlled parameters is investigated in detail. An example is given shoving that in optimal control problems, variable optimal control is possible. The pro- blem of optisial high-speed control of an object, the motion of which is described by the equation: X4.) + U.Xi4 - 11++ U-JX0 Use is considered. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. Card 1/2 I 9 . ACCESSION NIL: AP4018662 ASSOCIATION: None su&4mzD: lojul62 DATE ACQ: 23M&r64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ACR Sv - NO REY SOV: 005 OTHEU. 002 1 4 . Card 2/2 FITTELI, B.G. (Leningrad) Ows probl~ of optima control. Part 2. Avtou. i toles. u no.ntl"1-1453 10 163. (MIRA 16:12) PITTEII, 1-.G.; YUZFFOVICII, G.I. 3onstruct-I)n DF dynamic instatility reFiDns In canonical with poriodir r!oefficients. Vo-st. L4GU 17 no.1:H9-1C1 '6e . ( MIRA 1 ~: 1 ) (Differential equations, Linear) (Stability) 33533 S/04 62/000/001/003/009 L4 D299YD303 AUTHORSi Pit-,el', B.G., and Yuzefovich, G-1. TITLE: Constructing dynamic-instability regions for canoni- --a! systems wi-.h periodic coefficients PERIODICAL: Leningrad. "nversitet. Vestnik. Seriya natematJkl mekhaniki I astronoynii, no. 1, 10 1962, FQ - 1C1 TEXT; The canonical system of linear lifferential eql.;ations dx JH(-r, E, y)x dT r is considered, where x is a 2k-dimenBional vector and H -- a real symmtrical 2k x 2k matrix-function with period 211. To eq~iation (0.1) there reduces the eq-,.ation d [ M(-r, E a] ~ C (-r, E , Y )y = 0, (0-3) dT Irequently met in practice; C arA M are real matrix functions. A Card 1/5 33533 S/043 62/000/001/003/009 Constructing dynamic-instability D299YD303 point set is considered J.n the plane of the parameters E and y, for which system (0.3) has unnounded solutions for T ---* oD . The totali- ty of interior points of this set decomposes into regions of I'dy- na.mic-inBtability" which are contiguous to the points (0, y 0), whe- re y0 Is the critical value of the parameter y. Formulas are deri- ved for the angul,r coeff.cients of the tangents to the boundaries of the instability regions; ti,ese formulas are derived for the so- called general c,,Ise, when the m;.tri,-es H, M and C are arbitrary functions of the parameter y, The main result is formulated, for system (0.5), as the theorem: Let yo be the root of equation W j(Y) - '.' h(Y) ~ M, (1.1) where m is a positive interer; the genera. Lase Is consAered, i.e. from w (T ) . W (T ) M foliz)ws ~j h, ~ h, m, = m, and a,- 0 h 0 so ( Lu (A) 0 Card 2.,5 TO '4 S/043/62/000/001/003/009 Constructing dynamic-inetability D299/D303 The numbers are defined by the formulas -L I (C"00) - ""MT")) .11 MI) 2., fou, GV0 -'hM(IOOI) uh, uh), )) Uj. (1-3) A -j-ho-O uh), 2 2 1 d + dj where C(k) and M(k) are the Fourier coefficients of the matrices C and M. Assume 1, (1) ','(2). Then the region of dynamical instabi- lity TO + + Y - TO + _t (2) ~ + -0 (1.4) is contiguous to the point (0, yo).. Corollary: The region of insta- bility will be large. if, and only if, Card 3/5 I i ~ , S/043/62/000/(101/003/009 Constructing dynamic-instability ... D299/D303 , W W MW )" %jh ((Clo + WiW h 10 it uh) 1 0. This criterion aimplifies If M in the unit matrix and C 0 -_ a dia- gonal matrix. The formulas for the angular coefficients lare (1,2) _ 1 - (t 21'X(M)I- .( - -" (1-13) X d G1 + W jh ii hh dy i h where X ii, X hh and X jh are determined by formulas (1-3). Two exam- ples are considered. First, the differential equations for the ver- tical oscillations of a double mathematical pendulum which has a spring (instead of the lower bar), are considered: d2_V + C(,[, Y)y = 0. (2.1) dT2 In the first approMation, the region of instability is yo + Y(')~ + . . . ::~ I _:~- y 0 + -L 2 ~ + The second example concerns small Card 4/5 1 1'~33 8/043/62/000/001/003/()09 Constructing dynamic-instability ... D299/1)303 trar.sverse oscillations of circular saws, loaded by periodic shear- ing stresses. Galerkin's method is applied to the differential equ;itions for the oscilli,tions, yielding an infinite system of li- near equations with periodic coefficients. The first-approximRtion formula for the boundaries of the Instr.bility region is 00 .--O