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On the basis of the examinations, a number of measures with a view toward improving hygienic -6anitar'i e nditions at the sh p and protecting of the workers' health are recommended. Among them are ( 1) the exclusion from employment In the shop of persons who may be susceptibie to diseases of the upper respiratory tract, 2) proper ventilation, (i) the instal- lation of facilities for Irawing oCf the gases directly Crom the baths, (4) orgarlad periodic washing of the mouth during work huurs, and the a lication of vaseline to nasal mucous membrane before work begins, and orgaidaidaystematic inspectior of the air in the shop. PITINO, N.Y.. doteent Upper respiratory tract changes in underground workers of Sadon polynstallic wines [with sunvary In Inglishl. Test.oto-rin. 19 no.2: 31-36 Nr-Ap 157. (KLRA 10:6) 1. Is Imfedry bolesney ukha, gorla I nosa (say. - dotsent 1-111yu Pltenko) Sever-Osetingkogo weditsinskogo instituta i patologoansto- a e askogo otdeleniya (sav. - prof. F-P-DwIghkov) Instituta gigiyeny truda I protsabolovaniy Akademli medl-slask1kh nauk SSSR- (SILICOSIS In underground workers of polymetallic mines In Rissla (Run)) -7Y:Y, L. V I TY? KO t'. F , j -i o- -, . - . r - L ~.- ',% : - . '. . .D~ -RF-,m - ~.e ~,&r, nrFe, ~. , lo. E T, ~, T At 0 Z, -, ~ . j - . ,~ : , ~ i, - , k, . ~ - - . r-, . , ~ - 43C N- D (PIR-A I- -') ((Y:OP,: 1: OLAIR'~'. Ob0',`,, I Z;," , . I I I's K I ',' , L. ;, . FITMIKOP N.Y., prof. Effect of silicon dust of various composition on the mu(:(,uB membrane of the upper respiratory tract and lung tissue. Zhur.ush. nos. i gorl. bol. 23 no.2:52-56 Mr-Ap'63-(MIhA It-:F) 1. Iz Nauchno-iseledovatelfBkogo instituta otolaringologii Ministerstva. zdravookhraneniya UkrWR (direktor - zaaluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. k.I.Kolomiychenko). (DUST-PHYSIOLOGlCA-L LFFECT) (RESPIWORI CHGANS.-DISFASES) (ALKALIES-PHYSIOLOCICAL EMXT) PITENKO, N.F , prof. P.- "Occupational ~Jso-ases of the upper reipiralory tract anr ~he organ or hearing" by G.-TramtItskil and A.E.Tamarina. ~Pvlf-wr-(4. by N.F,PItenko. Zhur.ush , nos, I gorl.l-x)l. 22 no.2:88-90 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15~11) (PInKhATIDRY ORGkV-,-1)ISF-ASES) (XCUFArl-NAL bl-'~~F3) (FAR-D IS U~S ES ) (7KAMBI'nAll, G.-~.)(TAMARIMA,A.h.) PITEMO, lu. Boris Ilkavlarich Chcrrltv~'. :i. Vest.oto-In. no.6:116 1(1. Oa-RA 15:1) (CIOTIAVSKII, '-'ORIS IAKCVLEVICHP 1871-1c,(-I) PITENKO, N.F.j, doktor med.nauk; GliU-iYAVUV, G.G.; SABAMV, S.V. Angina incidence among min~3rs of th-- Sadonsk ore deposits. Zhur. ush. nos. i gorl. bol. 21 no.4:61-63 JI-Ag 161. (141.,iA 19: 1 ) 1. Iz iLlinlki boloznoy ukha, gorla i nose. (sav. - doktor med.nauk N.F.Pitenko Sevoro-Oaetinakogo moditainskogo inatituta. I.SADONS&-j4DILRS--DlStAiLS ARD IIYGi-Nr.) (TIL-LAT-DISLASui) PITENK0. N.F. (Ord7honlkidze). I'Viltering function of the rose in silicosis; er. PrImentn'l Gig. tnida i Drof. tab. 2 no.6:56-58 N-D 158 (MIRA 11-12) 1. Ilinika ultha. gorla. noaa Severo-09etinskogo meditainakogo inatituta i pntolot;onnntomicheskoye otdelmniye Instituta pigiyeny truda i profanbolevaniy AMN SSSR. (NOSE) (LUNGS--DUST DISEASES) Lit 6ec L `VFc~-, 1-,L Ut ;,.n ryn,,0 :, 7 2026. 1PITENKO N. F. Ordjonkidze. ~Changes in the ipper res,~,. r6 :ory tracT-i-n-lu-n-Ter1round wo rKers of , te Sac'':, m.nes I Russian texi ) VESTVOTO RINO-LARA"'C'. Extensive observation and examination of a Largt group of underground workers of the polymetallic mines revealed some specific lesions in the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. caused by silicic dust. Clinical observations and experimental investigations proved that the development of silicosis c~cisely de- pends on the state of the antidust defensive reaction of the upper respiratory tract. Some measures are recommended for the preservation of the defensive reaction of the upper respiratory tract against dust and also for decrease of sklicosis among underground workers. PITURD. NJ.. doteent (Ordshonikidso) Forelo bodlem of the naeopherynz. Trach.delo no.11:1205 1 156. (MIRA 100) 1. MUM& Wft . gorls. sees (savedurushchir -.doteent N.Y. Piteaka) Sev*rno-osetiaskago madttainskogo instiluts. ("SOPHARTKI--FMIGN 3CIDLZB) PlTXlKO9 N.Y. t Upper respiratory tract changes in underground workers of Sadon polymetallic mines [with summary in linglisb]. Teat.oto-rin. 19 no.2: 31-36 mr-Ap '57. (MIaA 10:6) 1. Is kafedry bolesney ukha. gorla I nova (say. - dotsent N.Y. Piteako) Sever-Osetinskogo meditainskogo Instituta. I patologoanato- micheekogo otdeleniya, (sav. - Prof. P.P.Dwishkov) Instituta giglyeny truda I profsabolovanly Akademil medl-oluelclkh nauk SSSR. (SILICOSIS In underground workers of polymetallic mines in Riesia (Rue)) III --m W. I dot oon t ; o JILTTOV, A . 1. . It I Ini Mioekiy ordins t or : EA IAIAIVA, R. I -=nicheskiy 1013STAB. A.S.. criln-atcr Condition of the u.Dper respiratory tract in workers of the electrolytic shop of the Ollectrotair.10 plant. Gig. I son. ?I no.12:4P"g D 11;6. (KIII-ft 10: 1) 1. Is kliniki bolozney ukha, gorla I nosa Severo-Osetinskogo moditainakogo institute. (SUIYURIC ACID. inj. off upper resp. tract die. in :Pinc factcry workers) (ZINC, InJ. off. sinc sulphate. c-Ausing upper soap. tract dis. In zinc factory workers) (HASAL CAVITY. die. caused by sulfuric acid & zinc 4,; -.,iln in %Inc fnctory w orke re ) KOLOXIMIENKC, A.:.. nnuk L' K(;'. F , L.A. Zkl- Z red.; "LALKC'.', A.A., irofl., r(-c.; F"- red.; red.; bAhLYAY., -A., pr f., MC~r'NO'- S.-, cioklor med. nauk, red.; SFJAriTK( , L-A., ciols., rec.; '-~=;,`IAUZ, :.YI,,.l doi,-l red. ; Klik-T 'k:, b.Y,. fj~ I s. , -ed . t---IEilJ.OVA, I A. kand Med. nauk, red. LCurrent i vnx ol' i Y. i cfi 1 an.- x1,(- r, mentfi: nt,(,. oj,,,, Ak It un 1 1 nyf, 1.- .1 --o:,,,, kli i it i I,: #-w it iw i ol c) iar I n#,c)lc),,i i t i-v, ZL-c v 3'0 !;au0u.o-;---sledova*,e' IskA,, instAut otala:-ingologii I.e' i-rof; at-of-ii '.a~-cYu.o-it,s - -d ova ;koro 4r-~*,-' tula o*o- larn.rolorii (for Fitenko). "Tmt-A. "ven and machines. " p. 5 (DnL-ul Belsugului' No. 9, ent. 1')",7 Bucharest, iZiLmariia ,o: 'ionthlX Index of Rmt '.uropean Accessionn LZ. Vol. 7, no. ~, April 1?5P Ir, III P, : el x 141 :' i - - -1 . -,Roe c." F, q.9 ,, I , ., . " , -: ~ , - : Tr~~ , '. 'k , '~ !frj~ '. -- , . -.. .1, . f,.;nr,e : r :.-- :i ', * ! , ru ', q ' I - 1 P , Tie, 14ttv" , - ' : : : ` q o f th o '- " ', rm. ! . ; - .. ...", .. .' k .. r. - . ' . ~ : ' IP- - ' ! .. . I . I : " , " T . *' r,,1-. I ,I, 1; ';'Q! : ; , j ' ', 'j , I ~ ~ (I pro f . I r. irc 'I.'I I , . w.;- i~ -' jJ i i - . . :1 . .. , ~ ~ : , w: . , , 1. 1. - 11 . I , f, I . 11 . I . I 'h rc e e tr r, h A V r,-. 0 0 0 0 * 0 000000 000 * 0 0 - 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ' V44,410 Moo u .1 w U boU NO a , 11 a a 30 a A 17 a Is a 1, v u w re A ' 47 60 t 09 00 00 3 a beg"* trmgw~g tu mall bathsI I b. 'I" in 00 0 w d P o .90 00 too - - I u 11 .9 40 at a a A It a vi n m 41 .6 or .-a ~ 0 O o A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i ~Ocl; U Ij w U16 If a * V a , I 400 -00 es -00 so -00 -00 00 06 00 a: 111, We 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UtIM7 all a w I A 00 00 00 00 rr 00 -00 -00 .00 00 1 00 0 j .00 go 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 - ~ts 00 bi= **a Sow- 4-4 . . : & ON 004 A-44"-- &I P - -- 'IM, ---T - -v vlh= sea 0e '72 Slow mail oil 0 09490 logo I,, 0110,106oui w7jawj AS& #Doff af-1009,04 's lee lee see goo no* goo Ste* 909 ,goo so*,' 000 see SOO woo so* wes 6 a 0 a 0 4 4 0, u 11 .1 4 6,11 a a 0 8 4 1 4 11 ail wustabb) 3101,411 w", Oro of athyd MIS It, A 00, 91-1 1 s % R 7. 4-1 00 AIL,d wilh I"itial and I.. ... I.".1 h, h.-Atng -00 phihmix (1'. 1" x -0* sl~4 and 2%1 0 1 w" h -00 00 Mwrd w f1kie'llighly 1-%'d'1" he -In ~tasncd ewvw dL&" -00 00 W hfl~ v 14 1hr 1"In- -4man- Ict will" ft" -00 t"t'ho's I.-, And 11-h .11"111tilt L hill. 00 o r 00 00 00 00 COO zoo see a boo kr~ _01 stilsi,t .1-0, 30.1 ft r I--' 41 a d IN tiles 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~60 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 a PI , % lad i.:7.i:- K,~ns- antinovich, b--i~-~,d ii,; OURCA, S. , red.; rVZN-'I~I)VVA A. , +-khr. !-d. [Rade at thm 3.- f~ fr7i ,&ieDtnn v J nor. kor.:~truktorrxc~r lbiu:-c. Moskv , Vosk. rii~xxh-'I, 1 6,2. 4' (1-01, A I 1: 12 ) (Ict.ato :It-ger (M.-chine)) P ITEMA. A. 1. DT11-5/3 tower crane. Shmkht.stroi. ro.4:21-22 " '5". (Ku--' (Crones. derricks, etc.) PITERKAN, -0 . ~-. - s". ~ .,A. ?" I 1 .1 . ~ . . . 1. 1. U1 0 . ~)Ulk : . A.'t i": . '. -, -IZ - - " I I . ',- C~ . I. Inf titut stroite V stv a i ark ~itekturv AN BSSR. F red s ti v ~ e.- akademik3m AN BSSR f.P.Vinokurovyr. (Soil Mee,--i-nics) VINOKUROV, Fedor Petrovich; TETERKIN, Arkadiy Yefimovich; YZERMAN, M-rk AlokAgpdrovigb; TSYTIOVICH, N.A., akademik, red.; HARARANDVA, Ye., red. Izd-va; VOLOKHAROVICH, I., tekhn. red. (Structural propertioa of peat soil~]Stroitellnyo avoistva torfianykh gruntov. Pod red. N.A.TSytovicha i F.P.Vinokurova. Minsk, Izd-vo kkad. nauk BSSR, 1962. 282 p. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR, Chlen-korreapondent Akadmii nauk SSSR (for TSytovich). (Peat soils) (Soil mechanics) FITERYAN, M.A. Effect af structural -k aracteri st 1,-s un tY,- aeformati,.-. D! [ .! Dokl. Ali BSSR 6 Mr ".- ( M.1 rti, : , - " , I. Institut vodn 'W prk-Allem A14 bS.~R. Fredstavleno a~adem,.~,- A14 BLSR F.P.Vinokurovym. (Peat) (501, mechan!,-O VINGUMV, F.P., prof.; TITZRKIII, A.Ye.. kBnd.tekhn.nauk-, MEOW, K.A.. inzh.; TSTTOVICH. S.A., prof@@ red.; BARABANOVA. Te., red.lzd-ve; VOL40KHANOVICH, I., [Pont In constructionj Torf v stroitelstye. Pod red. F.P.Tinoinirova I H.A.TSytovichm. Kinsk. Izd-vo Akmd.nauk BSSR, 1959. 241 P. (KIU 14:1) 1. DaystvitellaM chleny AkBdemii strottellstva I arkiiitektury SSSR (for Vinokurov, TSytovich). Z. Chlen-korrespondent AN S= (for TSytovich). (Peat) I 1 $ : - . . ; 0 1 W, . I I .t ) ARTAMMIOV. HILkhail Dmitriyevich-, P41KHATLOVbTIT, Turty Veavolodovich-, P02NTAKOV, V.P.. inthener, retsentent: GATSKEVICH, V.A.. inzhoner. retsenzent; SOIkVITIV. N.S.. redaktor; FITIRMAX, X.L. -, redaktor; IrOLSS171KOVA, A.P.. takhnicheaki7 redaktur-i 0 "R. S. 0 takhnichaRkiy redaktor [Mechanical traction for lumber transportation roads] Kekhanicheakata tiaga lesovozVkh dorog. Most-va. Goslesbumi7dat, 1954. 406 p. (Lumbering-Transportation) (Transportation) (KIRA R14) RLXBWIOV, Sergey Ivanovich; PITJRKAN, Te.A.. red&ktor; KARASIK,N.P.. tokhnichaskiy rod&ktor-.,-. '-, - .1 [Machizos and equipmeat for lumberiwj Mushiny i oborwlovanis dIL& losorazrabotok. Moskva. GoolembumizdAt. 1955. 48o p. (Iumbering-Nachinery) (KIRA 9:.)) GhVrT, J.W.; MA1tZL,%;, L.; GI:;', \.,WT-DZI,4 ILL, W.; KOAZON, J. [deceased); Prr-am, A.; POSKUT., W.; J-W.ZUUOWUKI- Studies on the haza----4 of d!abetes mellitus In 100 obese a:,-. c~x:i--Y- prone subjects over 40 yeaws of age. I. Evaluation of the cartj,-hydr - metabolism. Polarski tygod. lek. 16 no.41:1569-1573 9 0 '61. 1. Z Osrodka Naukowo-Leczn1czegc w Busku-Zdroj-a oraz 1 Kliniki -",cr 1) Wevnetrwiych A.M. w Lod21; kierownik: prof. dr nauk mod. J.W.Gro,,. (OBESIT'.1 com 1) (DIABI.TES I-ELLITUS otiol) (a D SUGA.~) SUKOF. Veeiliy Vaell'ywwich: PZRRLINUTER. N.A.. redaktor; PITKRM, Ye.L.. redale.or; SHITS, V.P., tokhalchesitly redektor. [Repair of three-phase asynchronous motors] Remost trewasnykb astakhroanykh dvigat*1el. Moskva. Goslebbmis"t.1956. 106 p. (Blectric motors, Induction) (KIRA 9:5) PITERSKAYA -A.M., nauchny-y sotrudnik Bugs as pests of sunflower seeds. Zaahch. rant. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.9:25-27 S 161. OaRA 16: " " 1. Vaesoyuznyy institut maslichnykh i ofiromaslichnykh kul'tur, Krasnodar. (Krasnodar Territory--Sunflower seed--Di9eames and pests) (Krasnodar Territory-Hoteroptera) PITFIRSNAYA, A.M., nauchnyy sotrudnik Preparation for treating sunflower seeds. Zaahch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 7 no.2:27 F 162. (KIRA 15:12) 1. Voesoyuznyy institut maelichnyk~ i efiromaslichnykh kulltur, Krasnodar. (KraBnodar Terri tory-Sunnever-Diseases and pests) - lk(lhvafmodw--.T*=I:L.Pry-wlxvworao) SWIMMKO, Povel Grigorlyevich. Imnd. Bel I skokhoz.nouk; KLYUCHNIKOV, A.1., kand. eel I skokhoz.aBuk; TCLARV, T.M., kand.sellskoknoz.aauk; TAGOIKINA, T.F.1 PITKR-WATA. A.M.; Ah'TONOTA, N.K.. red.; ISTIVA. V.M.. (Sunn over cultivation] Xul'tura podBolnechniim. Koakva. Gos. izd-vo sallkhos.lit-ry. 1960. 275 p. (KIRA 13:10) (Sunflowers) GOLOVANOVA, E.N. , kand.Li 'r.,.nw)k , ~ Ab ~ ; , '.'.; FiTrRS.KAYA, A.M.; DERYABIN, V.I., nq,irhnyi srtrvinik,; BALAYAIT, L.N., nouchnyy sotrudnik; BUIRDA, Tu.N., naurhnyZ sotr,jjnlk Controlling sparrows. Zaahvh. rFiqt. -,f vred. I bol. 8 no.9i 19-20 S 161. (MIRA lbilO) 1. Swmrkandakftya nblFtistriaya tit, I '04hozynystvenimyn opytnnyn stantalyn (frr boryabin, hoil,tpin. USSR/General and Specialized Zoology - Insects. Harmful Inaects 11 and Acarlds. Chemical Means in the Control of Harmftl Insects and Acarids. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Diol., No 6, 1959, 25426 Autl to r Piterskaya, A.M. Inst The All-Union Sc.entific-Resuarch 1nst.4-tute Df Oil and Essential Oil Cultivati3no Title : Application of Hexachloran in the Control of Pests uf the Sunflower and Corn Sprouts Orig Pub : V. Sb.: Kratkiy otchet o nauchno-issled. rabote Vscr,. n.-i. in-ta maslichn. i efiroms lichn. kul'tur za 195o g Krasnodar, "Sov. Ktiuaa" 1957, lQ2_lcj4 Abstract : Sunflowr seeds were sprayed with water (2-5-3-1/0, niiyc~d careful1y with 12% BHC and sowed by a nest sowing macnii~e. Application of the duBt 1'10-15 kg/c) proti~ct the sLu-.f1)wer Card 1/2 PITMKAIAPI I.V.; BAKHSHITEVP N.G. Quantitative vftdbr of the temperature dependence of absorption and fluorescence spectra of complex molecules in solutions. lav. AN SSSR Ser. fis. 27 no.5:623-627 My '63. (MIRA 16:6) (Mol:cular "etra) L 28351," IJV(0- M -'-A AftM76U 30M= COM W00%V010191M10b961aW AV=1 Im Cps PUMMIM.- I, V, Cog am* ?1TWs %Iversal Istermlea4er rosatlons &M their *treat an the position of 41seum prowmi or mlocules In two-00my""t solutions 0 Is Study of the ab~&MUm md fj"Mmoe speottwat j!~tbalawida Im a wide temperature range SCUMs Wks I yal ve 19v no* 50 29610 6"-700 TOPIC TAM Intermiolecular complex# electron spectrumt solution property# beat effeft,, fluorescence spectrum AbSTRAM The result& are given of wavAring at 20-30D0 the fluorescence speotra Of sU p1atbalandds, oompamds Wasino; 3-amino; 3 wnowtbyl mino; 3964manino; 3.6-d1&0*V1msdA0j and 3v6-t9tr&imvthy2d1&11d,n9ybt1m1m1d*s) dissolved In solvmts Variable A - d"1 and "Iftl propertlee (bensenev ethylaostatap ivommW; alcoholp solep sarbw tetrachImIdeq yy"dft*# tolumej, and dlo=2m*)~ A acetmet ml VMS 539*196o3 L 2OU-"- ACC Ul AM3027664 Nflow ~Sm or the experinenua 4ata with the theory &dv"c" by tba Wee Raft outhor " the effect of universol Intem2e=Lbw rmations on the position or eiect... VOID specUis or solemles Ix 2-ocuponent, so2utions. 2be experlumtel data we" in ved Smonutative age t with the tbeoryj thfte Is a ooWlete, parane2lem betvoon the depowlemos, or t1le ahmeter of W spectra on the tomMaturs M the one bad me the effect of vorlow solvents at . tomperatwo, an tbe other bond, lbe effect or - W- GO the Foaltion of the spectra Is exInwood tbrouab ,v alteration is go solviost proportleep I.** j, by damps in t1w wer1r. of the Intermlesaw rellstion. Qd& wt. bus.1 rormlaj, 4 Ubaft ond /L flit. M CM8 W/ WS8 OWMW aucl owl M/ on Ave 006 L 36431-66 EWPOVEWT(WERT(m) IJF(c) RM ACC NRj Ap6015420 SOURCE CODES UR/0051/66/020/005/0783/0792 AUTHORS Bakhshiyevs N. G.; Piterskaya, L V. O.AGI none TIT"71 Universal Intermolecula ong and their effect on the position of electron spectra of molecules in Wo-component solutions. Part 121 Dependence of ab- sorption and fluorescence spectra of phthallmidiAderivatives on tesperature and the state of aggregation of the solvent (+20 to -196-wC) SOURCES Optika i spektroskoplya, v. 2o. no. 5. t966, 783-792 TOPIC TAGS1 absorption spectrum, fluorescence "metrum, electron spectrum, molecular Interaction ABSTRAM Using the concept of the Important part played by universal molecular in- ter&ctions In the ohenamenon of spectral shifts In solutions for any relative values of T; (time of orientational relaxation of the molecules of the sodium) and (time aDent by the molecule studied in the electronic state), the authors Investigated the absorption and fluorescence spectra of a series of organic molecules in solutions- between +20 and -1960C. This temperature range was chosen because any relative values of' 'r,' and TOP (from -r,' V ?-0 t o 7,' N> 70 ) can be obtained in It. The compounds studied (4-amino, 3-amino, 3~monomethylamino~, 3-acetylamino, 3,6-diodno, 3,6-tetra- methyldlimlno-, and 3,6-diacetylaminophthalimide) had contintious fluorescence and ab- Card 1/2 Mcs 539-196-3 L 36h3l-66 ACC Nits AP6015420 01 sorption spectra, and the solvents used were Isobutyl, butyl and propyl alcohol, and I glycerin. The results show that the imnortant role of universal intermolecular inter- actions in the Lemperature shifts of electron spectra of molsoales in solvents is co firmed in the low-ta"rature range as well. It to concluded that the theory (N. Bakhahlyev, Opt. i speirtr., 16, 821, 1964) permits a satisfactory description of the Influenc4 of temperature and state of aggregation on the position of electron spectral of molecules in & temperature range reaching 450-5WOC. Orig. art. hass 3 figures, 3 tables, and 2 formal". ej SUB CMI 071 SUEN =91 02Y*b651 MM IUWt 034/ M Ws 007 2 ABOVACIRs In, an mw2lw pow me at the authorep lekbohiMp No Ck (opt. I ftdttr.p 10, 717,p 1961) vv*a a wImple but Smarul thaory descrIbl" the Innumme = the eloctroule spectm of molecuUm In llqtdd - 902MUG" at =Ivurml of the iuftction" 414mmum MA lWpem, fte k4W oqvatlm cbmwtwises the fr*quamw ~Uft In gWft this vqW to moluUm as a fvwU= oC Vw ftelectrIc constant, baw at reftsetion other pu"Wtme or ut wAtum and solvent molecul". Cwd 1/2 L AFPW313 n: pokhowev tAeary to to owlicatlan. at tbo vok, to dqWdOnt remits as refu4s tupwat- aWAM &ZA 3Mt4olvetwoo, ~Ce wwwow 4-eodnov 3 ~Ufflwt4ptadk CIORWROAS vw* fl, acoute MA Isawl alchole In AN peouried at towas" fr(= ands, in the form am 6.20"fled Ilsia re'llreillisw 0. I to 0013WO =~S AA~ restate E~Ippwqr. vftjal%~ at US aqw. taues, IbUe a awbausa tlw Cass of Mono- and tmt- in Ad 0296*0re, it is Pdated Mt aqpwotwe an the W0027tim vlU be pd"Sk tw effect at dwivatives tbox7o jb0silidde pvItatea, W tkw Dmkbddy" Is utatively VIM a decisive role Inumbtims udvuoa uAssadecular in Iblat or WN~stlptod CMVW=dffi aSt4W tm*w*W* bobavio of the qwtM at. kiss: 3OqXWUcms, 2 fj4pxm and 2 Ubl"o now 00 00 Wn 12:=63 006 MY: 017 COO rod 2 M12 KASATKIN, A.G.; DYTNER-'KrY, Yu.I.; VITER5XIM, D.G.; WING KHLA M1111T Design of columns wIth tubular grid plateB. Khim. prom. no.4:279-186 Ap '63. (MIRA 1, : 9) 1. Moskovskiy Drdena Leniaa kI,',mIko-tekhnoloVIcheskiy inftlt-it im. Mandeleyeva. PIMS1101, G.P.; WASUK, To.R. 21traction In a turbulent mtreaz. J&-F 156. (Ixtraction appwatus) (KLU ').'7) 1"i ~w g UWAIda a fawcol ibd 1wit "Jw, loot, Par* '10C NO rl 4 *IW j~ j~ 240, is 0 Okelv*840; M- It"S'We low 1.71 do iky, wab"i COO -t Uot - Vi I A. r r ra v t -,-i i iERICDI-AL: P-, in i" k a yh I r r T R,% T f e ra, i n, n i t o, r ia ro --ir. f-A 'y t a r% t 77 7~ % c:7 r :n c) w:iy t~.e 1!~ rr.r-, t t o Dr." e s ~,a S t V e t t el r. f;- :1 :3 t',l 'h c. n e r -r :.i v, ri s r. c, e t 1, en n t tl,,, deris i ty and -r i n s r rve s t 1 -Pt ons wo c;k r t a I -k f m a,-n e t i t n t r i i n ,f the sus,, er..9 i 1-51 Vil?ro~ ~t- ter.,-. ine i t w , 2 r D r 7 e Ft s,. n, - t j v e r r ? v o t i es bard I w r3 v e r r ii ri, - tr, Irocy-I -)res e ve r t 1 v- i I, w s, r ar L:. y ~1~1 or. MK Wj t', c--: s ri or, f t iv r Fi .-r - i n f ws, Lr it i* tp -. - t. 't :- t - ... . t., ar- t w( ar j i -iven 11, ,:.t r, t s y rl r P x 71.- f, r 'I r .a r PLUL0111H, G.P., prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk.; ANGSIOV, A.I. "-w-Ww-"vw0ww, Mechanism of the separation o! minerals In heavy suspensions In hydrocyclones. Mm. prom. no.6:364-"70 S '58. (MIRA 11:10) (Separators (Machines)) (Ore treatment) PrTMUNIZE. 3.F.; TAIASHZK, Te.R. % - 6 CentrifuOl axt 4c tore. Uim.prom. no-3-158-165 Ap-k '57. (KLAA 10: 7) (Ixtriction 4pparetue) WSR/Chem stry Heat transfer Card 1/1 Pub. 50- '25 Author Piterskikh, G. P., Prof, Dr Tech Sci Title Friction and heat transfer in turbulent flow Periodical Kh1m. prom., No ~--, pp 1,80-85 (~2---,7), Dee lc~54 Abstract Derives new mathematical relationships pertaining to stabilized heat transfer in turbulent flow along a straight tube with smooth walls. According to the author, these relationships are in closer agreement with experimental data than the formulas developed formerly. Seven references, all USSR, 5 since 194C. Five graphs. Institution Submitted 4 u~ 711 -n:~- F.7 VE' '77 f !mist;4 -'Ch'emical engineering; Evaporation and drying Card I 'l Pub 50-10/19 Authcr Prof Piterskikh, G. P., Dr Tech Sci Title Evaporation of a liquid in a gas at a high temperature PericKlical Khim. prom., No 2, 98-102 (34-30), Mar 1955 Abstract Subjects to a mathematical and theoretical treatment the Pr-cess f evaporation of liquids in gases which have a higher temperature liquids. Five references, 2 MSR, rine since 1940. lps PITERSKINH. G.P.. professor, dektor tekhnicheekikh nauk traporation of licpAds in r"es at high temperatures. 11himeproms no.2:98--102 Mr 'c5. (MIRA P:R) 0tvaporations) BAR IN, I.; BXMN. R.; UKHTIN, N.: BOTIO V.- BORISOV, A.; PYCHKOV. T.; TASUBNED, S.; VINOGR&DOV, V.; VIhHiiiSKIT. A.; VaWV. G.; MORIN, G.. WH&PARMU, To. ; DIDANKO. V.; D'YAKONOT, N.; ZKMTLNV. S.; UXH&ROV, A.; ITANOT. I... KIRS&NOT. M.- ROLTADA, G.; KGROPOY. P.; Lasloy, A.; LUXICH, L.; LYUBINDY, A.; MISHKIN, S.; KMSTMOV, A.; PWMV. N.. MRUSHA, Y.; PITM11Y. A.; POPOT, I.; RATUR, D.; ROSHKOV, A.; WWHNIKOV, L.-, SIDUY P., SOKOLOV, P.: TIVOSTAN, I.; TIKHONOW, M.; TISHCHRIK0. S.; YlLIPPOT, B.; ?OWNIO, X.; SHM&OV, A.; SHIRMNIT'TIV. A. Fodor Aloksandrovich Markuloy. Koko I khtm.ria.7-62 '56. (NLRA 9:12) (Workulov, Fodor Alakeandrovlch. 1900-1956) LNWCHMO.G.I.. admiral, otvatstvonw red.; DMIN, L.A.. dote., )Mnd. geogr. nauk, inth.-kontr-admiral, glavnyy red., YMMKIN. N.S.. polkovrdk, zanestitall otvetotremogo red.; AW'KIN, P.S., admiral. red.; AIANMOT, V.A.. prof.. kand. voonno-morsk:ikh nank, admiral, red.; AW11CH, V.1b., kontr admiral sapaea. red.; AGHKASOV. V.I., kwd. Istor. nauk, kapltan I rang&. red.; BARANOT. A.S.. red.. BJUIJ. V.A., prof., kontr-admiral v otatavkB, red.; BISKROYNTY, L.G., prof., doktor istor. nauk, polkovulk sapasa, red.; BOLTIN. Te.A.. khnd. voen. nauk, general-mayor, red.; TOSHININ. D.A., Impitan 1 rar4ga. red.; TIMM, I.A., prof., doktor geogr. nauk, red.; ULIPOD, G.K.. dote., kand. voonno-morskikh nauk. Impitan 1 ranga, red.* GLI]MOT, Te.G., insh.-kontr-admiral v otstavks, red.; MISSM, I.D., vitae-admiral. red.; ZOZULTA, T.V., admiral, red.; ISAKOT. 1.S., prof.. Admiral Flota Sovetskogo Soyuza, red.; XAVRAYSKIT, V.V. [deceased], prof.. doktor fiz.-mat. nauk. inzh.- kontp-admiral v otstavke, red.; XALISNIX, S.V., red.; KOZL(YV, I.A., dots. kLud. voonno-morskikh nauk, kapitan I rang&. red.; ZMAROY. A.V., vitse-admiral, red.; KU13RYAVTSW. N.K., general loytenant tokhaichookikh voyak, red.; LYUSHICOFSKIY. N.V., dote., kand. istor. nanir. polkovuik. red.; MAKSINOT. S.N.. dote., kand. voenno-morakikh nank, kapitan I ranga. red.; OMI. S.B.. prof.. doktor ictor. nank, red.; GRUM, B.P.. prof., doktor geogr. nauk, red.; PAYWVICH. N.B.. prof., kontr-adidral v otstayke. red.; PANT=TJW, Yu.A., admiral, rod.. TV U A , kand. voonno-morskikh nauk. icontr-admiral, red.; PULTONOT. S.F., general- layteumt, red.; POZNYAK. V.G., dote., general loytonant, red., SALISHCHV, K.A., prof.. doktor takhn. nank. (Continued on next card) LETCHNAKO. G.I.-(coutinued) Gard 2. red.; SIDCMV, A.L.. prof., doktor istor. nauk., red.; SKMMUMOV, L.A., kontr-admiral, red.. SHMIMIT. V.A., prof., doirtor voonw-morsklkh nauk, inzh.-impitan I ranga, red.; SOLOVITAT. I.N., dote., bod. voonno-morskikh nauk, kapitan I raug&, red.; STALBO. K.A., kontr-admiral, red.; STZPANDY. G.A. (deceased], dote., vitse- admiral. red.; TOMLSHWICE. A.V., prof., doktor voonno-corokikh muk, kontr-admiral Y otstayke, red.; TRIBUTS, V.P., kand. voenno- norakikh rmis , admiral. red.; CHNMMOV. F.I., kontr-admiral. red.; SHY=. Te.Te., Drof. doktor voonno-mrskikh nauk. kontr-admiral, red.; CHURMOV, A.I.,,takhn. red,; VASILIYNFA. Z.?.. tekhn. red.; VIZIROTA, G.R., tekhn. red.; GaIUMOV, V.I., tekhn. red.; GRIN'KO. A.M.. teldm. red.; OBLIKOTA, N.M., tekhn. red.; YALINIM, V.I., tekhn. red.; STIDAMATA, G.V., takhn. red.; MURNOGOROVA, L.P.. tektin. red.; GUMITICH, I-V-, tekhn. red.; MIKUNUFA. W.I., tekhn. red.; NRCUYVA. I.I.. tekhn. red.; RADOVILISK&U. 2.O., tekhn. red.; TMOKIROVA, A.S.. tekhu. red.; BZIMMN. P.D., takhn. red.; WTKO, V.I.. tekhn. red.; ROXOM, I.G.. tekhn. red.; TAROSHIffICH, K.Te.. tekhn. red. [Sea atlas] Norskoi atlas. Otv. red. G.1. levchenko. Glav. red. L.A. Demin. [Moskva] Isd. Glav. shtaba Voeww-morskogo flota. Vol.3- [Y1111tary wA historical. Pt.l. Fhges 1-451 Toonno-istori- cheskii. Zamsetitell otv. red. po III tomu N.S. Yrumkin. Pt.l. Idsty 1-45. 1958. _ [Military and historical maps. pages 46-521 (Continued on next card) IMFCHjmW, G.I.--- (continued) Card 3. Toenno-I st ort che side imrty, Usty 46-52. 1957. (gm 11:10) 1. Passia (1923- U.S.S.R.) YdrAsteretyo oborozW. 2. Hachal'nik Glavnogo upraylenlys odexii i bLrtografii Ministeretva vnutrannikh del SSSR (for Bamn:vf. 3. Chlon-korrespondent Akademli nauk SSSR (for Ulemnlk). 4. Daystvitelln" chlen Akademii pedagogicheskikh na,uk RSFSR (for Orlov). (Ocean-Naps) AC'. KASOV, Y.I., kand. ist. nauk, klivitan I ASM , A.V., kud. wv)wmno-sorBkikh neuk kapitu, b(jL'SHAKUV, !:.V., Paplltan 1 :-anga zapasa; GELIrMIL, G.M., dots., kand. vm-amno-u-Qrakikt nauk kapitan I ranga; VORDVILCV, A.I;., kand. voyanno-morskikh nauk kapitan 1 ranga zapasa; N05YiiEV, V.I... j-,o-.jcI-kovnikV- SMIN, A.I.p kand. I- t. nauk ImpiUn 1 range; FITMSM, R.A., kanc. voyenno-morskikh nauk kontr-adriral zapasa, otv. red.; KLASEV, A.Ye., red. kap'tan I rrinea zapstsa (Battle tiatory of the Soviet Navy] Boevoi '~Utl sovetqkUp.." Voewm)--~rskogo Flota. Mo3k-va, Voenizdijt, 1964. 620 p. (MIRA 17:7) . - -, - .-- ., . - -,: -, - - - , -- -" . . ~- o.,4 . L . I . u- I , - .-.-- I- - kF, - I - , I I ,I - - : I . FITWI _ Itkolay Alakegy6vich; IAJPAGH. V.5., reduktor; ANDRIANOV. B. I.. , _4X. -tekhnicheskiy r*daktor CInow your navy; manual for members of the All-Union Wountser Society for Assistance to the Army, Air Yorce. and Navy] Snai flot; pamiatnois knishka chlena DOBAAF. Moskva. Izd-vo DOSAAF. 1956. 229 p. (KLRA 9:12) (Rung ia--savy) PITERSLITt V., lnzh, Krasno7arsk., ZhA. atrol. no.ll:P-J) N kU. I f-: l?') (Lrasnoy&rsk-Ap&rt=ant houses) (Erna noyarsk-?m nus t conrroto construction, PITERSKIY, V. Producing wire-reinforced beams. Ha stroi. Roe. no.2:12-14 F '61. (KEPA 14: 6) 1. Machallnik otdela Upravloniya promyshlennosti stroymaterialov Krasnoyarskogo sovnarkhoza. (Krasnoyarsk-Precast concrete) (Girders) PMRSKI'Y, V.A. (Leningrad) Periodic flights of woodcock on a white northern night. Prlroda 53 no.5;126-1.27 lb4. (MIRA 17:5) PITMKIY. T.A.,ARAPOW, N.V. ., Adjusting a tuanol kilt for firing structural ceramics without &aggore. Stek. I ker. 12 no.11:25-28 N 153. MIA 9:1) l.Loningrodskeye otdolonlye institute 'Topleproyekt*. (Ceramic industries) (Kilns) PrTERSKOV., N.J. inzh.; RYAZAN7SEV, K., lnzh.; TVLEV, N., inzh.; KLTJTS, L., inzh.; BARANOV, L., inzh. Duty of every worker is to work without accidents. Ckhr. truda I Bote. strakh. 6 no.6:28-31 Je 163. (MIRA 16z8) I I ; - . .. If :, - 17. .. ~ .- I . -- . tri! * . I . I . . . I . I , - II . I I " 11 1 . . "I . . . . . . PITERSKOV, N.I.; PATENOVSU)A, M.I., -u., ', .AWWOVA, T.D., .--- - - tb1chn, red. (Organizing the promotion of safety engineering in construction mid in enterprises mnufacturing building materla.1sli Organizatslis propagandy po takhnike bez- Opasnosti ril stroltelBtw; i pred-priiatil-kh stroitell- nykh mntr.-Jalov. Muskv~i, Gcq,~trclizdFit, 1963. F'7 p. (M.IhA 17:2) NIXMATZVSKIT, Te.Ta., Lash.; 9"WHANT, L.B.. inzh.: DATTDOV, A.M., insh.; SIKACHXV, L.T., red.; BATINCHN. A.N., insh., red.; IPATOV, F.P..;.jRTLOT, 7.A., lash., red.; PZUSHU , M.I.. insh., red.; PITEMOV, N.I., red.; SHUBOT, L.B., red. jinstructions for industrial safety measures in the assembly of technological equipment and piping] Instniktivnya ukazoniia po taklmilm bezopasnosti pri montexho takhnologicheakogo oboru- doyaniis I truboprovodov. lad.2.. parer. i dop. Moskva, TSentr. biura tokhn.informataii, 1959. 160 pe WRA 13:6) 1. Russia (1917- H.S.F.S.R.) Ministerstvo stroitelletya. Glav- metallurgwontash. 2. Glavnyy inzhaner G1avwtallurgmontazh& Ministerstva stroitelletva RSPSR (for Simachev). (Industrial safety) ,,- nTIWKOV, 19.1.; CHMOVSKMA, T.P., red.izd-va; ABRAMOVA, V%M.9 tekhn. red. [Pamphlet on safety engineering for the operators ~f clrc-,il-.r and peDdulum saws] Pamiatka po tekhnike bezopasnoti dlia rabotaiushchikh ta tairkullnol I malatmikovoi pilakh. Moskva, Gos.lzd-vo lit-ry Pb strait., arkhIt. i strait. materialamo 1961. 13 p. (MIRA 14:6) (Sawmills-Safety measures) FITERSKOV, &L) DWHCUMIT, I.N., nauchnyy red.; CHMOVSKAYA,T.P., - ~7;7e-a. izd-va; BOROVNgV, N.K., tokbn. red. [Pamphlet on safety measures for wood preservation workers] ?a- miatka, po tokhnike bezopasnosti d1la rabochlkh po entisoptirovanUu dr*vesby. Noskvaq Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po atrolt., arkhlt. I stroit. materiAlamt 1961. 23 p. (MIRA 14:6) (Wood pres9rvatives-4afety measures) PlTgftgKCV. N. 1. j PATFJX VSKAYA, M. 1. , red. izd-va; GU I HERG, T. M. , -tokhn. red. (Safety regulations for fitter and assembler of hoisting and conveying mch1wrylPasiatka po tekhnike basopasnosti dlIa slosaria-wntashnUm pod*wmw-transportnykh amshin. Moskva, Goestrolisdat, 1962. 34 p. (MIRh 15M) (HolstIng mach1ner7--%Bafety regulations) (Conveying machlnery--Wety regulations) PITERSKOV, N.I.; PATENOVSKATA, M.A., red.; BIDROVNEV,N.K., [Handbook on accident prevention for drainage pump operstorm) Pwiatka po, tokhnike besopoemosti dlia mashinists Yodootliv- mykh masosov. Moskva, Gosstroiisdat, 1962. 13 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Pumping mchinery, Electric-Zafety messurem) PjTER$XM,__NUq1ay Illarionovich; ZVORIKINA, L.N., red. izd-va; MOCHALINA, Z.S., tekhn. red. [Guide to safety meaeures for a sheet-metal worker] Famiatka ~c tekhnike bezopasnosti dlia zhestianshchika. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 14 P. (F I RA 15: 6) (Sheet-metal ~)rk--Safety measures) PIIERSKOV N I irzh,; TA3UNINA, I.I.A., red. izd-v1I; SInTHENEC, ~~~khn. red. [Safety regulations for tranrport (suppler-entary) wo-reerel Pa.miatka po tekhnike bezopasnosti dlia transportnogo (podsobnogo) rabochego. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 29 p. (14DA 15-7) (Materials handling-Safet:, measures) BARANOT, L.A.: GCRBATOT. V. I.: YIMINOV, D. V. - TERMOT. To. I.; R ILITSV, A.N.; RYAUNTSXV, E.G.: TCRCIPOV, A.S.; TAROSM.D.M.: TMIN, V.A., gllavnn red.; SMIJI. A.V., zam.glavnogo red.; RAKITIN. G.A., red.; GRINIVICH. G.B., red.; TRPIFAYOV. S.P., red.; ONMIYEV. I.A.. red.; KHOUMOT, B.A., red.; ZIKIN. P.A., red.- TABUNINA. N.A., red.lzd-va; 06MO. L.K., [Kanual on accident prevention and iridustrial sanitation during construction and repair operational Spravochnoe posobie po tekhnike bazopannosti ~ promasniterii pri proixvodatva atroitelono-sontazh- nykh rabot. Pod red. G.A.Rokitina. Koskva, Goa.izd-vo lit-ry po strolt.. arirhlt. I strolt.moterialam, 1961. 359 P. (KIRA 14:4) 1. Akedemlya stroltel'atva I arichitaktury SSSR. Institut orggni- zatmil. mekhmalzatail i tekhnicheskny pomoshchi stroitel'stvU. (Conetraction industry- -Hygienic aspects) PITERSKOV, W.I., inzhener. Enforce safety valea In bulldIng and installRtlon works. Bezop. truda v Dram. ! no.5:16-18 IS7. (KLRA 11(1-7) (BiiildInp--8nf~tY measuro-9) PrTmov, w. r. 7546 PIM*pl. 5. 1.. RYAZ#,NTSZV. ~, &6,01M DLYA CHLENOV KWWrY I ORSHCMTVZMFrEH INSMUM Fu OUMM 7WM NA STMInM$STVE 3 YE IZD. N. GOS. UD. LIT. PO SUDITELOST" I AMITIRKM., 1955. 64 S. 13 SM. I=OM MOPASNO-STI). 25.000 Ma. 45 K.--AIA OBOHOTE M. L. 3DSTt V. 1. PIURSKOV, 1. G. KYAUNTSKV- -(55-4329) 2-TE IZD. VYSHL0 POD ZAGL: PAKYATKA DLYA. OBMCHF.STVENNOGO INSPEKTORA PO ORMUM ?WDA. SOt K ZHNAYA LETOPIS--Vol. 7, 1955 P1Tz=OT,._jj,,; XHLUMTEVA. Ye.O.. red.izd-va; BCOLOYM. NA.. [Booklet on safety engineering for workers producing re- inforced conoretej Famiatke po tekhnike besopasnoBti dlia armaturshchika. Izd.2. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkh1t. i stroit.materialam. 1959. 14 p. (MIRA 13:3) (Reinforced concrete) (Industrial safety) PITERSKOV, Nikolax 11.1arionovich, inzh.; TABUVINA, M.A., red. izd- va, GM-EEAG, T.H,; takhn, red. [Salety instructions for assembler-fitters in general as- sembling operational Pamiatka po tekhnike bezopasnosti dlia alesaria-montazhnika po obshchemontazhnym rabotan. Moskva Goactrolizdat, 1962. 31 p. (MIRA 150~ (Building, Iron and steel-Safety moasuros) PITSRSIOV, N.I., Inxh. Using safety note at building sites in last Germany. Bezop. truda v prom. 2 no.9:35-36 B '58. (KIRA U:q) (Germn7, Zast-3uIlding-Safety measures) PITIMOV, N.I.; RTAZANTSBV. 9.G.; DUVAINOV. G.S.. rodaktor-, UDCD, Y.U., FORENTOP; LIAAJWVV, V.S., redAirtor [Booklet for members of the commission and public inspectors for the protection of 1A'~or in the building industry) Pamt&tks, dlia chlenov komisaii i obshchostvennyke Inspektornv po okhrane trida n& strettelletye. 3-9 izd. Moskva, Goo. Izd-vo lit-ry po strott. I arkhtt.. 1955. 61 p. (MLRA ';;6) (Construction industry) (Labor laws and legislation) I -YITZRS=.-jj.; CHMOVSKA7A. T.P., red. isd-va; BOROVNEV, NA., tekhn. rod. [Safety instructions for concrete reinforcement workers] Pariatka po tekhnike bezopasnosti dlia amaturshchika. lzd.3., dop. Mo- skva, Goa. iad-vo lit-ry po stroit., &rkhit., i stroit. materialam 1961. 16 p. NIFLA 14.10~ (Concrete r*inforeement-Safety measures) PIW.OVA,A.; KOSTOINY,I. "riences with the resection treatnepyt of carcinoma of the lungs. Bratial. lek. listy 44 no.4s230-238 164. 1. 11. chirurgicka klinika lek.fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislave; veducit akad. K.Siskao -V- PITXRSKOT, L. Photographers' groups in evor7 school. Sov.foto. 19 m-8:35 Ag '59. (MA 13-1) (Lent ngrad-Photography) PITIMSIDT, L. (Ieningrad) Recover bygone fame. Sov. fote 19 no.4:64--66 Ap '59. (MIRA 1-2:5) (Ph* tography-Axhi bit ions) PITSMOY. L. Contest for the best photographic postcard. Sov. foto 17 no.4:29 Ap 157. (mLRA lo:6) (Postal awrds) (Fh*t*a&PhY--GWtitI*a9) PITEMOT. L. teningraAers. Soy. f0to 18 no.5tlO-13 Mir 158. (MM-k 11:5) (Ioningr~A-Photogmphy, Journallatic) PITXMOY. L. %o I&ndoc&po prov&ilod. Soy. foto 17 no.3:66-68 Mr '57. (Lmnivgrad-Photagraphy- Uhlbitions) (KulA lo:6)