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POLOSHCHUK, Yu.; KULIKOVA, A.-, PISKOV, G. Facts, events, people. Kryl.rod. 12 no.6:14-15 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. ZamestitelInachal'nika Upravleniya perevozak i obaluzhivanlya passazhirov Glavnogo upravleniya Grazhdanskogo vozdushnogo flota (for Piskav). (Aeronautics) FISKGV, 3. VASE 301 ' Sh(- VT. '7~A.- ~"F Or, T Z 0. I f * ranq,, c,.~ t r, C. 1 (:Ira 7 an f: ~ ri, -' L)I~C: T' ~07 SC: Soviet. Trans,, crtat' r. ariu~ Com-unlcuti ns, A BLb'~~' ; .3 ra Re fer nce Del ar'- ei t, Washir.gton, 119'2.. Uric I,ts!, I f'. (d. PISIOV, G. - - iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1w Give care and attention to passengers. Grazbd.&v. 1) no.9.-24-26 S 156. NLRA 9!11) 1. NachsVnik otdola perevosok Upravleniva, transportnoy aviataii Glavnogo upr&vlouiya gr&zheL&nekogo vosdushnogo flot&. (Aeronautics. Comercis,l) Subject USSR/Aeronautics - Civil Aviation AID P - 5285 Card 1/1 Pub. 58 - 3/11 Author Piskov, G., Head, Transportation Dept., Central -A-d`mTn-1-�-"r tion of Civil Aviation, Council of Ministers, USSR. Title Aerial highways of the Soviet Union Periodical Kryl. rod., 9, 6-8, 3 1956 Abstract The development of aerial communications In the USSR is sketchily described. Some Indications are given as to the new aIrliner projected by the designer A. N. Tupolev, and a picture Is drawn of what will be a flight Moscow- Khabarovsk in 1960. 6 photos (Including one of a new liner designed by 0. K. Antonov). Institution Nc-ne Submitted No date PISKOV, G. On the Soviet UnInn's air rnutno. VnmRh.tor '10 nn.WI-35 l6o. ~M*IRA 13:3) (Airlines) PISKOV. 0.1 MUSA V. L. Facto, events, people. Xryl.rod. 11 no.2:12-13 7 '60. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Umestitell mehhlgalim QDP"laftiVa Dorevollok i oboluMvpwin asbirov Glavuogo UpravlonlYs GraShdauskogo 'wosdumbnogo flota ore PI 8 XOT ) . M (Aeronautics) PISKMI G. Entering into 1965... Kryl. rod. 16 ne,li2l Ja 161,. (Mi?-A IF. 3" 1. Zamestitell nachallnika Upravlenlya Ministarstva grazhdanakoy aviatsil SSSR. AUTHDR: Piskov, G. 811-12-39/49 TITLE: Organization of Passenger Services on the SAS Airlines (Organizatsiya obaluzhivamiya passazhirov v aviakampanii SAS) PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskays aviatsiya, 1957, Nr 12, pp 31-34 (M JR) ABSTRACT: The article reports on vhat a group of Soviet airline officials sav and learned on their visit to Svedish and Danish agencies of the Scandinavian Airlines System. Servicing passengers in the city agency and the airport terminal of Copenhagenp as vell as in flight, is described in detail. Four photographs accampwiy the tert. AVAIUBLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 PUXOV, G.- For air travelers Grazhd. av. 15 no.1:10-11 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:2) 1.11achallnik otdela perevozok Upravleni" transportnoy aviateli Glavnogo upravleniya Grazhdanskogo vozdushnogo flota. (Aeronautics, CommerCi&l--PRS9enger traffic) ,Ae I e, .-ic PIMP1 7-1 &i r -c' e--, PISKOV, I . I ', - Damages in the Urozhat-F type radio statlDns nnd their removal. p. 5~,. RAVIO . Vol. 5, no. 7, 1956 Softia, Bulgaria SOURGEt Fast Suropean Accessions List (FYnL) Library of Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1,11~7 FLACV, 1. Reconstructizig the frequency in radio receivers. P- 33. (RA= I TELEWIZIIA, Vol. 6, no. 6, 195?, Sofia. Bulgaria,' SD: Monthly Lint of East -European Accessions (MUL) LC. Vol. 6, no. li. lecember Ily,,7 Uncl. ~IsYtNp I. Receiving nonmodu-lAted telegraph sliznals by ear. p.19. (~WTIO I -ELEVIZIIA, Vol. 6, no. 7, 1957, Sofin, Bulgaria.) SOI Monthly List of East European Ac essions (~.FJL) L.C, Vol. 6, no. 12, December 1957 Uncl. PI3KC,v, I.; F. Attachment for 11- and 13- meter ra4io wnves. P.11. (:-,ALIC) I -I.LEVIZIIA, Vol. b, no. 7, 1957, Sofia, Pulrpria.) SO: Monthly List. of East Europern Ac-esaicns (EI!IAL,' "', Vol. 6, no. I.', December IQ57 Uncl. FISKOV , Ivan, in1b.; "KSIF.V, lli. Radiometers. Radio i televiziia 1.1 no.7.218-2-21 162. 2/.5300 AUTHORS Piskov, M.P. and t;sova, I.N. S0V11-''(:-;'i- TITLE - A Differential lonisatton Chamber as a Monitoz foi the bremsstralilung from a Synchrotron PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta. 1959, Nr 5. pp 127 - 128 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Bremsstrahlung of a synclirotron is conveniently monitored usin,,~ a thin-walled ionisatiuu chamber placed in the photon beam in front of experimental apparatus. However, experience with the synchrotron at the Physics Institute of the Ac.Sc., USSR has shown that because of the presence of a considerable electron back~;rctund which accompanies the photon beam, the monitor zeadinL.s depend on the maximum energy lit tlie spectrum of the Hrems- strahlung (Figure 1, 1). This fact, togvther ifith some instability in the maximum energy. leads to a tedu,~.tiun in the accuracy of such a monitor In order tL, improve the accuracy of thin-walled ionisation chambr-r~ used as monitors, Veksler has suggested that a differential t11111- walled chamber may be used since the sensitivity of such Cardl/3 a chamber to the electron background can be made 1*11' h 0 k .11) SOV/1-20-59-5 3-'/4C, A Differential Ionisation Chamber as a Monitor for the Bremsi~tranlun~~ from a Syrichrotron sufficiently low. The differential monitor chaiiiber is in the form of tWo ionisation charibers placed directly one after another atid cul-Itiected so that tile currvxit~ subtract. The frortwall of tile first chamber i~i a co-,;wr foil, 12 ~j thick. It also serves at; the high-volta,,,V electrode. Tile rear wall of' tile first cliamber 15 a t~iick- collecting, electrode iiiade of aluminium. whith is also tile collecting electrode and the front wall ol t,,e -,ecuiid chamber. The rear wall of the second chamber is n1so made of copper foil, 12 " thlck~ A voltage of -1 1,V -1-,, ap,,Iied to tile first chajisbiir aiid +1 kV to the -iei.(jnd I I t h 1.!~ way, tile (-iiargv r(-ceived 1j,,, the coim.,t)ii coliecLiit.~- electrode i.s proportional to tile difference 1-11 the currelits LtirouLji the two chambers. As a result of the f.-ict t~iat tlie froiit wall al tii(,- first chamber is very thiii, the curz*eiit iii t;lc first chamber is wain1v due to the electioii back~;rouzid, Conversely, the current th;-OU.LJ1 tile secorld (11amber is mainly due to secondary ele,-txon~j ptu(Iviced 1,~, pitot Card 2d/- A Diff,rojitial jonisatior, Chaf,ib-r a.-, a Moi,itor for t,ir bi al,lung from a Synchrotron irl aluruiniuln. The cozitribution of the electro-i lac~,Sxouiid to the ionisation in this chamber wa~~ determined by studying, tlie change in the ioiiisation curro-nt 011alL identical subBidiary chamber by varying, the ti,~,cknes,~ of its front wall between 15vi and I nun of aluminium. The contribution turns out to be about '~06, of' the total ionisation produced in the s"cond fliamber The depenLlellCe of the readings of the relative monitor witli the thin- walled differential chamber on the maxitnwn onergy of the Dremsstrahlung spectrum of the synchrotron mentioned ftbOVe i5 show-n by Curve ~_' tn Fi,,;ure I. As call he seen. the effect of the electron background is zedu(~ed There is I figure. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSP (Physi,~-3 1,'I~itiLuL, of the Ac.Sc., USSR) SUBMIT'TED: August 21, 1958 card 3/3 USSR/Nuclear Physics - ggsmic Rays 21 Or 50 overs "Relation Betveen Electron-Nuclear and Narrow Showers of Cosmic Rays," S. A. bubrovina, M. P. Piskov, 1. L. Rozentall, Phys InBt imeni Lebe- dev, Acad Sci USSR Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXI, No 6, PP 1049-1052 Data used here was gathered in su=er 1949 at alt of 3,860 m (vide nZhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" 19, a26, 1949). First study vas of influence of scounterflow" of particles in electron-nuclear shavers from lead upon frequency of "vear" of - L;os=c xays Apr )v (Contd) system of closely placed counters included in coin- cidence scheme. Second study vas on coxpn of narrow sbWers for comparison of compn with that of elec- tron-nuclear shovers. Submitted 20 Feb 50 by Acad D. V. Skobelltsyn. 17"67 FISKOV, Y.. yurist Old-age T~ensioas with inr-o=plete length of service. Ckhr. tr-udp i sota.atrakn. 3 no.4:?2-74 AP 160. (MIRA 1):b) ~Old-ago pensions) 11 is Ov yV. B. - - General method of synthesizing paraconic acids. Zhur.ab.rh'm. ,1;, nc.' 2046 -~V50 Je '62. (, " IRA 1 r : f-~ I" 1. Insitut blologichskoy i medltsinskoykHmii Akademi' 7; j A nauk SSSR. (P&raconic acid) CHEIUJOV, V. A.; PISKOV, V. D.; SORKINA, Yu. A.; LYTKINA, L. G.; LYTMIA, V. B. Antiblastic activity of compoundB containing an ethylene bond joined to carbonyl. Vorp. onk. 8 no.5:24-32 162. (MIRA 11-:7) 1. Iz laboratoril eksperimental'noy khimioterapil opukholey Vaesoyuanogo nauchno-isoledovatellskogo khimiko-farmateevti- cheBkogo instituta im. S. Ordzhonikidze i laboratorli radiologif institute maditsinskoy i biologichaskay khimii AMN SSSR. Adres avtorov:Moskva, G-21, ul. Zubovskava, d. 7, Voesayuznrr nauchno-iseledovatells"y khirniko-farmatsevt1cheskiy inst* tut imenj S. Ordzhonil-ldze. (EnffLENE) (CARBONYL GROUP) (CYTOTOXIC DRUGS) :. r. " , 1, , -1, - Z. " 1. -.. - '' 11 ., - , , . - - , , . LE'. - . . *-At,,. I,- '1U:- -, , ,. ~ G r : 1,~ . . " - . . - . . , - . 1-,( . - : - - r - 4 , . , , 1. . I I - .. I I . 11 . : - ' t~ K '.' , :. . . . PISKCYV, V.B. Derivatives of paraconic acid in the Hoflumun and Friedel-Crafts reactions. Zhur.ob.khi-. 32 no.10-34M-3408 0 162. (MIRA 15:1-1) 1. Institut meditainskoy i biologicheskoy khimi.'L AHN SSSR. (Paraconic acid) (Friedel-Crafte reaction) Nofmaw reaction) PIS?,DV, V.B. Preparation of ettyl ester-~: of f -methylene a-ylpropionic .ind rulated ~ompoundB. Z -,4 r o~, r - ~ m .3' nt--: In, ~ .- 2-,Ll S '~- ( y : -%,,-I (Propl:mic a-nd) P 1 V.B. 3--~yc cnexenone .,~ jry A ~ a- . -, - 5; - . ',:!~ : , :-, . , , , " n c . '7 , 12 1.; - 1-2 44 .; -. '~, -) . V, . ~ I I : . &-.,,3,.dnrstvenrxy-y nsu~-n, , ~ ,-.1 -,,1 InTy 'net' I !,~, '- v-,~,, 7- !.R-, r repar a I,,% ~J'ntpters * vex .9- : ' kh,, 2.YAY P !,V5 -,-~Fh~ PISKOV, V.S. - C&rdiac &neurysm of rheumatic etiology. Vrach. deio no. 1:123,124 161. (KIRA 14:4) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy terapii (zav. - dotsent A.B. Zborovskiy) Stalingradskogo moditsinskogo instituta. (AI&ORYSMS) (HEART) (RHEUMATIC F-EVE111) PISKOVATSKAYA, Z.M., aspirant Now fabrics manufactured by the Nukha Silk Combine. Tekst.pram. 23 no.5:48-50 IW~r 163. (MIFLA 1b-.5) 1. Leningradskly tekstillnyy inatitut imeni S.M.Kirova (byvahiy sotrudnik TSentrallnoy nauchno-issledovatsl'akoy laboratorii Nukhinskogo shelkovogo kombin&ta). olukha-Silk manuf,cture) RUDANKOP I.F., inzh.; PISKCVITINP M.I., iazh. Some studies of the quality of molding by the vibration stamping method. Trudy NIIZHB no.27:68-83 162. (KIRA 15:9) (Vibrated concrete) MIKHAYIDV, V.V., doktor takhn.nauk, prof.; GITMA.N, F.Ye., ".tekhn.nauz; PISKOVITIN, H.I., lnzh. Ma=facture of prestressed concrete elements on the mechanized unit developed by the Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Research Institute. Trudy NIIZHB no.27:5-48 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Prestressed concrete) PISKOVITIN, M.I., in2h. Test stand for the production of prestressed elements of industrial buildings. Mekh. strol. 19 nc.4:12-14 Ap '62. (MIRA 15,q) (Prestressed concrete) Y"D 01 46 Aqdnj fL4 rmic t" bud 0. is C ksv. Nos W. (ikrdiv. K OF Uf. I 11tret lnoulh.4 of shaking 4 ich Oro- 1,2.3.4--tetramt. thyl- cyciobutcur (1) hrx ubs. etht.-r with frobly pptd. Cu and witli Ag tobt~tinvl hvju the solm. *I the prg-reitmOult spIts With Zn thist) In the abwfwt of aij~ tbt rtaOauts renmived~ ~ uriclzmigrj. The reactiou ofl(I.0 g.) in 30 pit. ntm, cther with Zu (3.6 g.) was exothermic, y1elditiq a mixt. of ImAticts. After two distillations it wap possible to Isolate 40 ing. of tht dimer, in. 113 t (o, w )I lelt the structure M te: CUC, C Me: - wari msignvd. W%ea 3 jt~ of I Mu DraT t1w. 1AAJH,-in 10 iitl_on' el ic 4 Vey CD Let re*c aftcr Inin, '111c ppoduct- accux"d which subsided i wu vushed with dil. HCI, the &ktl c1her layci (Am &ith -Men CoLC4 and - INA) -gave -21ta- di%tit. throuO, a short "colutart (about 4 phtes) J_9,3,4-tetmwcthykvrjvbute 37.11 nit COMM- I$ UnAUNO And i0 Air it 9TA4UAJIY - 1 -0. 11NrOxCnA6'U of 11 M r4mn tes'..p. with N(h catalyst gave an hirit h3dr.;~arlvm, t~~ 114-X" MIJ 1-41M da U.PAI. SIR .741.82 . Tik-%t tm-rr~-jx)nd' to Zhe MiAl. Of %TeTri-met* L'I pl"pe"larm 7 1 1 cf, ' S4;IiM'v-Zd;-1kOv, C'A 47, 27QV' K ")13. 1 I I A ALMI b SMIUUV-Z&WOVI I.V.; PlSKOVITIKA, G.A. Stereochemistr7 mid mechanism of addition of hydrobromic acid to cyclobwmne. Ukr.khi zhur. 28 n0.41531 162- (MIRA 15: 8) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AD USSR. (Hydrobroadc acid) (Cycloboxons) AUTHORS: Smirnov-Zamkov, I.V. and Piskovitina, G.;,. 73-2-10/22 TITLE: The mechanism of bromine addition to the dimettylester '~f acetylenedicarboxylic acid. (0 mekhanizme prisoyedinE-rilya broma k dimetilovomu efiru atsetilendikarbonovoy kisluty). PERIODICAL. "Ukrainskiy KhimicheskiZ Zhurnal" (Ukrainian JourrAul of Uftemistry), V01.73, No.", March-April, 1957, -,F.?08-?14 (USSR). A5STRACT: E.A.Shilov and I.V.Smirnov-Zamkov (Ref.l: E.A.Shilov itnd I.V.Smirnov-Zamkov, Izv.AN SSSR,OKIiN,1951,32) proved that the bromination of the ester of acetylene dicarb- ixylic acid in some organic solvents, under the absence ,)f light, can proceed in 2 ways. In the absence of ad- mixtures of bromide salts complete addition of bromine occurs and approximately equal quantities of dibromofum- arate and dibromomaleate are formed. In the presqnce of bromide salts bromine is added acoordin6 to the trans- 3 mp-liunisrm of the acceptor-donor mechanism in uccordunce .1th the kiLetic equation: - dt = kM [Br2] [LiBr] where M = the concentration of the ester of aceuylene T3-2-10/22 The mechanLism of bromine addition to the dimethylester of aoetylenedicarboxylic acid. (Cont.) dioarboxylic acid. The kinetics of bromi" addition to the above compound under the absence of light and in pre- sence of light (in acetic acid) were investigated. Brom- ination was found to proceed quickly in the beginning, but then to slow down without termination. 1 2, NO and molecu- lar oxygen were shown to act as reaction inhibitors. Diagrams 4 to 6 show the effect of various inhibitors, under various conditions. B&I-ts of various acidB inhibit also the reaction. Br- has apparently the strongest and most specific inhibiting activity. Light accelerates the reaction. Lighting interrupts or lowers the inhibiting activity of the saltb of various acids but does not affect the speed of bromination in the presence of lithium card 2/3 bromide. A special apparatus, designed for this investigation, is described. I I . . I I. . . I . - I . : * - . I I , : . . . - : . . , I . ,5-- 3 ~ OC) AUTHORS: 67894 Smirnov-Zamkov, I.V-Plakovitina 5,1020 16o/1 50 /06,102','O'c~ G.A. Boll/Bol~ TITLE: Stereochemistr~~ and Mechanism of Hydro6en Bromide Add1ticn to the Dimethyl Ester of Acetylenedicarboxylic Acid'in Organic Acids PERIODICAL, Doklady kkademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 130, Nr 6, pp 1,264-'266 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For the reaction mentioned in the title the authors used propionic acid, an equimolar mixture of monochloro- and tri- chloroacetic acid as well as glacial acetic acid iis a ruedium at various temperatures. The equation of third order v - k 3 [A' [EEBri2~1) proved to hold for the reaction rqte in all these cases , Table 1 gives the velocity constants k3. ThL stereodirection of the reaction depends on solvent and tem~er,- ture. The highest yield in cis-adduct forms in thp mixt!,ir(- of monochloro- and trichloroncetic acid, the smallest yield in bromomaleic ester yield, in propionic acid- Tempertiture is Card 1/4 effective in certain raniges only: 1) The cig-adduct .~:-ld Stereochemistry and Mechanism of Hydrogen Bromide Boll/ Olr Addition to the Dimethyl Eater of Acetylene- 1B dicarboxylic Acid in Organic Acids increases with the temperature decrease. 2) Outside this range the stereodirection of the reaction at higher te--Iperature Is prar!ticallj Independent of the latter. In propionic acid, 0~ zth the second case holds b,?tween 0 and 60 In acetic ac..1, 0 cases hold: the first nase between 10 and 40 , the seconl one between 40 and 800 In the -.ixture of monochloro- and tri- chloroacetic acid, only the first case is valid between 2, und 0 40 Equation (" holds for each individual reaction tip-E- sinc- the common third reaction order holds for all temperatures in! all solvents Value kA is therefore the Bum of the reaction zon- stant8 of the cis- anI trans-addition,, The values cf t-.e individual c-)nstants mV be ietermined from the relat,,2_ t- ti'e stereolsomer yields Thus, t-.e authors obtained the for each individual iroces3, and calculated the activat'-D.. enereies (Table 2). The activation energies of the trans-iiditon proved to remain constant along the entire temperitture rarCe investigated The energies of the cis-additions are, hoAevtr, either very hlgl. or low The authors ---)nclude the-from Card 2/4 that the tran3-adiition fcllovYB in all cages the shim, a-chanism. 67894 Stersochemistry and Mechanism of Hydrogen Bromide S/0201160/130/06/023/059 Additlon to the Disethyl Eater of Acetylene- BO11/BO15 dicarboxylic Laid in Organic kcids There are two mechanisms for the cis-aidition one of them requires a high activation energy which is by 2 kcal. hi6her than that of the trans-addition. This mechanism o-curs, therefore, at higher temperRtures; the other mechanism rr-ji.ires a very low activation energy and is, therefore, preva,,lin6 at low temperatures. The authors assume that both trans- and cis- addition with a high activation energy are due to open tri- molecular complexes (see Scheme), Cis-addition with a small activation enerCy a:)parently proceeds over a ring -complex fsee Scheme). The energy resulting from the ~roc(-sg 'taking place in two stages) (Ref 1) Is obviously determined 'tj- tne detachment energy of the proton in tne final sttL6-? Th- sol- vent may serve as a proton acceptor. The more basic th~,. vent, the lower is the activation energy due to the ener6, for the proton ailition, e.g. to the carbanyll of t~.e solvent. The activation enerCy of the proce~;ses t~iking lack? over open complexes therefore decreases in the follovi,,r.~- Dr~v-r: mixture of monochloro- and trichloroac-etic acid - aceti,, Ficil - Card 3,'4 propionic acid. In a ring complex, the detachment -f tirie ~.,r~_itor. I 7~ ?L. Stereochemi stry and Mechanism of Hydrogen Bromide S,'020 /-`,0,'I 3o 10~ '02",,C Addition to the Dimethyl Ester of Acetylene- BO I 1,'BO I dicarboxylic Acid in Oreanic Acids occurs with the formation of a new non-dissociattiJ H3r-molecie. .Ln additional energy' gain results therefrom.. The differencc- in the basicity of the solvents as compared to hylrcCen bromide is also the reason for the different reacti3n rat,-s in these acids the more loosely HBr is connected wish the solvent, the more quick% proceeds the reaction The ~,uth~-rs mention Ya.K. Syrkin. There are I fieure, 2 tablLs, anl Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy kh1mi4i Akademli nauk USSR 'Inst".;t-2 of Organic Chemistry of the Academ,)- of Sciences, Uk-~`SS.R,-- PRESENTED: November 20, 1 ~11Q, b~ B.A. Kazanski., , Acaler, ci tire SUBMITTED: July 20, Card 4,4 -Ew(m)/EPF(C)/EWP(J)/T/DA(c)-,--PC;-4/PY-4 RPL J" ACCESSION MRt -UR/0073/65/0311005/0517/0518 t:7 541.127+541,64+678.675 .30 AUTHOR: Smirnov-Zamkov, 1. V.'; Tiskovitina. 4. A. TITLE: Interphase polyc~ndensatlon of'n- tb dichlorpanhydride i of lsoDbtbalic acid at-the water-benzene Interface I'SOURM Ukrainskly k~mi.cheskly thumal, v. 31; no., 5, 517-518 'kinetics, olyconde-neation,-polymer, olymerchain, polyamine TOPIC 1AGS: p p ABSTR&CT: n7e rate of growth of a polymer ch exw4ned as a function 01 a~t~as det the time of contact of the reagents. The initial'compounds used were n-pbenylen's diamlni~ ~ and the dichloroanhydride of lsopbthalio acid. The:dIchloroahbydride was purIfied by distillation In a vacuum and recrystallization, The jet method of polycondensation was used so that the tine of- contact. of W? two solutions could bell... varied from -several hundredths to sever41--tenths -of, a -secc6d.: The reaction was '.04"lied.-out -0--tho.-wate2-banxAbo~I'litsifaci,with eq*1 Initial Conc6ntraticns-of the! "Zo si~6 hy&VxIde was added to the %of potas aqueous. card 1/3. ACCESSION MR- AP5013783 16 e diamine salt In order, to "lease the diamine,ana neutralize the c y&-6 h gen -hlorld6. The resulting polyamine was isolated by.filtering, vasbed with aos .tone and water.'until the chlorine Ions disappeared$ and dried until a constant -weight 'was attained, after which its viscosity was messurvd In aliulfuric ac id solution (0t5 grams per.100 ml) at 200. The results of ~ the tist - are shown In f I of the Enclosure.' The growth of the polymer chain has two cleirl ekpressed Y periods. The first Is characterized by rapid.growtV. at a rate;vbiob Is practicall Lnd~pendent ofthe concentration of the Initial reagents, varying within a range of 0.03-0.24,1m01/1. Upon reaching a certain-value the viscosity of solutions of the polymer drbps to some minimumj after which slow growth begins lsecond~psriod)4 Orig. art. hasi I figure. ------- vysokomo1eku1Yarnykb soyedineMy AN,UkrSSR '111ilifftute of the Cbemisti -of High Molecular CmTounds, AN MrSSR) ry. SUBMITTEW 16Dec64 ENCLr 01. SUB, COM CC$ OC NO RE F. PO-V s003' OTHER: .001 -~2/3 .* L--- 1 .3/3 .Z'I~" z , ~ r.. Ll~~ - ~ '..- 1 w ,-- I -~,, A r a trud"ted e5d"t Wen. Sb.'23 (1956), 89-93. (Rmsian) stability problem of a conical shell solved by the energy. me'thol was Presentex 95Q-1 3- M --use, a, "~W;irjhbthOd to solv6 the stability -robler~o a truncated Fr ~h satisfy boun&ty conditions after the I~ss of stability art- assumed and the total energ em is derived by uGn th e Y of the syst aed dJsp)acazn t 1! reAons for dfsplace- a5sun en S. a.exp ments contain three undetermined p=meters which are found by taking partial. derivatives of - the energy ex- prmic )n ~vifli respect.tacarh parameter and sWing the'n equal to zero. The formula for tile. critital pressure which the aiitliom durive b~ valid for cylindricd and. conical_:__ ~bclls as aAd Yj* W the radii MlbeVases and 2,z be the angle- at the vertex. Setting to-ri and cit- =_O -the: authors'~ form,ula b4o on Mises~'Wmula for mes- the, V C Unibiad shells; on setthf~ V-10 We AutharVJormulli y r come Grigol Ws forniola- jo does hot Ix r conical shelJs Yu mice zsabm-c) 1)~A, deviations from it turn out to be T. Leser (Aberdeen, verV SM 7 KUDRIN, A.I.,kand.tekhn.nauk; YISKOVITINA, I.A.,inzh. Calculating the strength of tnrispherical ahells. Sudoetr eL!,~ 4t no.10:9-14 0160. (Al" 1--:Ij) (Pressure vessels) J~ q~o-) A THJR.: - K , :1 .. . . I . . . . ................. ..., s ~ -, ,-- f . . A . : , . '. . , I . ; , -j r . i I . C C u I ~1 t It, ;-t i s e rn m - r, s w:,ere Mi sure )r. ve x i f~ d i u s o r e article 1,.,-)te,; e,q-i t oiH i. s tr e e z~ t om a f r v i r : ) ~-i s :n t~i1 ,3 1y i il., T r. wh i L, h r e e r, t t,. p t e. r- i i ev ) I v e1 f r U -, t t t e i j ing t~,;-it t).eir t.i, ', P.r,esseti -it i r trans f c- rs ijr,)v i e:- 1;!, 1 ine w f--, r.esses -i re I The s~tm,- 1 6 t:. - CU1B t Ing t!.e St r'e!.4t1, )7j ei u f va r I o i r~ !. e s i e s . 7!, ~,'ard ca I Cu t 1 n,-, suf f el, r, T: ses durir,.- e e:, t.,. e t r t ~d s t re.,; sir,t,. V,i 1 d . n e r e7. lard 4 7 p i r! Jz~ 112,'61,10,)0, )J~ Cal cui,i tin,; the stre.,-If-,th . . . ill tile C:'A,;C Of U Gphf-'I'L' :t1'(! ',IV-t! by 0 0 1 1 ') H T (A COS + A 'girl )e 3 4 in the case o -A on e 0 T-= (C cos 2 in 5)e pr L 1 k is u8ed. The tota' stres.,~c,,; ir, *,!.r~ b:)tt,)rq are )bt--iined by Card 5/ 1 1 2 '.,'alculating the strength ... 4 1 0, 455 On sin$ sino 'it f, P, p, sin I". r,. c ns- In Card 6/ 1 ,'!il(,u I it in S(n e sin R ~b - I i, n and Card 71' C';'lcul:ttin6 uie treitt), C a rd 8/ 1 1 p A' qn, I) 2:, A %in C SO -6. ri e -i t -,..I . I - I I,/ '/I I I I , v! I - - PIMOVOY. F. Ft. Diseases wW posts of boas Kookvs, 000. Lad-To molkhos. lit-ry. 19N. 68 p. (BIbIlotoks kolkhosmks) IA 1. goos - 01"Soom. rimy", F.R. [Massees and natural enemies of be") Doleani I vreditell pchel. Moskva, Goa. isd-vo seliskokhostaistvannoi lit-ry. 1950. 68 p. (KLFA 6: 19 (Bass) FISKOVOY, F. R. Bolezni I vrediteli pchel (diseases and Pests of Bees). Moscow. Sellkhozgis. 1950. 72 pages with Illustrations. L1-5235 I. F. R. PISKOVOI - JSSR (600) 4. Bees - Diseases 7. Protecting bees from puisoning. Pct,e.'ovo~istvc, 2,y nu. L- ~,j 5, 9. Month, L i s t , r s 1,1r, Ar,, ~,s 6! rl,.j , 1, 11- r-j rly, , ~ f (.',-,ngr-f3 s. , ___-ApTi-l - - -- 4* ~ ,~ . PISKOVOY. F.R. Bees - Diseases Using soulltsimid" and oulfanthrol in treating bee colonies infected with fou! brood. Pcholorodstvo, 29. No. 7. 1952. Q. M,)nth, List nf Russian Ac-,-,-ssi!,ns, Lit-r-try c f -()ngr.-ss, art,her 1952-1111, , I tti, 0- ti.L, L;s-, i -.s. Or4 --L)c)ut Lx r~ L .~,S C _uc'~c--. f or f ~ ur ye: ra f ar'.i.-icl-.- ~Qcsw~ was -Y tw -,t;!~ Ir. c -V, ic: W'. w w,-rk- .J-1%: ~I,inxy w7 !3 r-. -.nll fr--.: z.'., W-.3 1, 2 I P]9MDTOT,-j.jL, TerraWcIn as an effective treatment for pasteurellosis In birds. Ptitsevodstvo 8 no.12:37-39 D 'S8. (KRA 11.12) 1. Krasnodaraluaya nauchno-lealedovatel'skaya vaterinarnaya atantelya. (TerrwVcin) (Chicken cht-lera) ,. PIWVQT, ~ vet . nauk Torrow7clA as an effective treatment for pasteurellosis in birds. Ptlteevodetvo 9 no.12:37-39 D '58. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Krannodarskaya nauchno-iseladovatel'skaya voterinarnRya Btantelya. (Terranvcin) (Chicken chnlora) i'ISKD*I,')Y, F. P. Su I f anilamides 1 9i rW "37.1 ' tSi -id" an brn,ld. PcI-,& I Dv?15tv 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, )ctober 1953. Unclassified. PISKOVOY, Fill nd. vtotter. zauka, IKISPIIKIN, V.S., DA7&y Rh "t, - "a. I Fj I um, . ., red. (Bee diseases and pests! Bolesni i vrediteli pchel. lid.2., perer. i dop. Monkma, Selkhosisdat, 1% 3. 83 p. (KIRA 16ag) (Bess--Diseases and posts) . .. I . I . ) - - f ." . - . - I ~. I . I , . .. . " f A - ~ 1. 1. , I . 1, . I I r - '. 1, , , . ! I ., . . , - - , ~. 11 V '. ~ , . .I . - I:rl" " "' t' ! ' ' " ' 1 " ' ,I ' 'I' - f' ' I - I I ', ~! ~' f J - ", ,r .- r , t , , - - - f 1~ ),1,w . t IF, I ,I a 11 f i - "!). ) r - ~ 1, .1 . z~. ur . I ~ . , . r, I -, - r " j i vr ... , , - . . - t .1 , ~, I it . ., , . PISKOVOY. V N Dependence of the dispersion frequencies of cr7stals on the direction of light propagation. Fia. tver. tela 5 no.6: 1747-1749 Je 163. (MIRA 16z7) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN LTkr&SR, Kiy-ev. L =MXM XRJ MarA UR/O1ft/65/WT/00h/=/n41 I-AMMIL 'V No I Tsekwavak S. Tv _tM _tb*Q*L4f AN"" _. -t oomtor- L--;71: teU 2j~ 1965 tr*rd*V p I IVIVIC TANt polar'rAtiont Green a funetIon, ft"ell*a *V&tionip polsritability fil" JVton#ityp 'Cleet lies 4WVMTt It Is sbom that for powe-M! light.sources such is I n- lasers tberela- tionboWeen the dielectric polarization rector P and the fleld intensity I can no longtr 'us regarded as linear and consequently the authors construct tbe-polari2x- iition, operator of -the, first, 0 second , and third order vith the aid of a di&gram t? C11- nique - for maxw-tim Green I a functiow. Particlular. attention Is paid to the Jntr'~*?-_ 4%wtlou,gf the total field into the XzxweU's material equationsp and to a Jattr_ abuttiWot polaritability. tobsors, of different order, The couna 'baftwen Uese tonsors and the mwW-tim Green's fwactions in do vod. The relation P-sWo- lished tetween the polarization operators and the corresponding jKxIarizabIIit7- makes it possIble In 'principl* -to calculs;+.* the polarizabIlitles by using ~jtsrtva COM rSe 7-.-o,.ri.kov M: ','~r vov iftwok b~~ Em "Mom- I I.' , 11 ~ - r- , #, . f" , - 9 . I - :I 1 , T -1 - - e . --. " py- , . , , - . - I ~ - I - , ."2c" ( I - '. . I - a , - - . - - -1, 1. 'V' , , , I V I : . . . - . . r ~t , : , . . I A (d)/T/ ACCESSION Nft: AP40,44167 Pf-4/Pi-4 S/0185/641009/008/084610850 AUTHOR: P~gkovy V. ?V1. Va V, N, _quencieo of cubic symmetry crysla~s on deformation tlv SOURCE; Ukr14Y1ni%1ky*y flzy*chny*y zhurnal, v. 0, no, 8;,,j96j,, 846-850 TOPIC TAGS: cry&141.djg;pArsjon fregpqrac deformation e1ject,' dispersion fi-e- quency, exciton theory, Maxwell equations '12 nclos--of- tubic symmetry -lit f-7 xw ns; ~equerf~- 6 dipole- permitted.excilon states. For i ar~ obtained which. do not. depend, on PS the excito model. It is sbown that'the 011tting and line shift depend essentially n on the direction of excitation propagation. A direct connection was found betwean the phenomenon studied and the properties oftbe long range'Coulomb field in the C6rd -1/2 -mmffq"~ L 41517w65 ACCESSION NR: AP4044167 theory of exciton'. Orig. art. hha: 14 equations L 22128-66 1UTWITIEWN(h) IJP(o) AT ACC XR: AP6004M SOW= CODR: UB/00%/66/0~0/001/0124/01X AUTHOR: Demidenko, A* A.; Pekar, S. .; tiakovoy, V. N.; Tsekvavas B. Ye. ~;4- ORG: Xnatitute of Semiconductors, Academy of bqcieneea4Ukr&jn1&n RSR (Inatitut poluprovodnikov Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR) f TITLE: Current-voltage characteristic of a-Ilemicon!juStor wfth an electron-phonon coupling proportioria to the applied field SOME: Zhurnal eksperimental'nay I teoreticheakoy fiziki,, v. 50, no. 1, X966, 124-W TOPIC TAGS: volt ampere characteristic# phonon Interaction# electron interaction, semiconductor condwtivilyc' dielectric constant, ultrasonic wave, kinetic equation, current carrier, electr c ffe-IcT ABSTRAM This is a continuation of earlier work by one of the authors (Pekar, zhzTp v. 49., 621, 1965).. where an electron-phonon coupling was introduced, arising Jn an applied electric field as a result of the dependence of the dielectric con- stant on the deformation of the sodium* In the earlier article this interaction :~vas treated in connection with the amplification and genmtlon of ultrasonic waves In a crystal. In the present paper It is treated &a a carrier-scattering sechaniamp and is used together with the deformation potential wA other scattering mechanism i CWd 1/2 L 22128-66 ACC Us A16OC4929 40 I to calculate the carrier mobility. This new Interaction In also used to solve the kinetic equAtion. It in abown that the conventional scattering meebanisms pre- dominate In external fieldsp and give rise to Clot's lAw,, but In crystals witb a Yery large dielectric constant the electron-pbonon coupling becomes predominant and this explaim AW the current in the semiconductor passes tbrough a maximum vith Incre"Ing field and tben decreases. Numerical calculations are presented for the awe wbon the dielectric constant is of the order of 2500 mid 2OpOOO,, vbm the x=1=m of the r1eld occurs at approximatelY 1015 V/eu. The 1Wtatlons Imherent, In this metbod are brief2y discussed. Orig. aft. bass 1 figure and 24 MM CMt 2D/ MEN DAM 22J"5/ ORIG Ws 004/ OM RM OD2 BUTNISTROT, T. IL ; FISKOTOY, V.I. Investigating the accuracy of the variational method in the pro- blem on absorbilon of light by logwities in silicon. Piz. tvar. tola, 2 no.4:600-610 Ap 160. (NIRA 1)t10) 1. lastitut f1z1k1 AN USSR. Klyev. (Silicon-Optical properties) (Quantum theory) PISKOVOY, V.N. Prenkell excitons in crratals of different symmetry. Piz. tver. tela 4 no.6:1393-1399 Je '62. rMIRA 16j5) 1. InBtitut poluprovodnikov AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. (Zxcitons) PiSKGVOYJ VON. Light dispersiDn In the exciton ubsorption region. Piz. tver. tela 5 D-0.3: 701-708 Mr 163. (MIFLA 16:4) 3. Inistitut poluprovodnikov kN UkrSSa, Kiyev. (Light-Soattering) (Excitons) (Gryst&lo--Absorptiun spe '.rfi) Pr; KO 1-1-11- --, Vol N the dielectric constant, tbemT. Fis. tver. telA 5 no.113-14 A 163. (NM 1611) 1. InM"bA poluprovodnikov AN UkrSSR, Kilby. (Dielectric oonotart) PISKOVOY, V. N. Cryatal optics and the exciton theory. Fis. tver. tela 5 no.l. 158-169 Ja 161. (mnu 16, V 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. (Excitons) (Crystal optics) B 132 S r -4 ~,e,) ry , 3c n ri i n,-e r A -c, r t ~i -;a t ion ,vi.,, I 11 c o f" taining currents an r--qpi t,,,e kinetic enezr~.',~ t.. t: I~Ittice anl W~ t!~ 'A e r ~it~n Ir7. lescribinf- t n. t I t 0 41K 18 a a S~j me jt o r Pj -batj()n-theoret, r x 'erej t j 7he vi,ers r. t j r,t r u je -7. C, V I t i. v A nr s t ;i o i e I:- r ~l sex ~ltT. e ce II j g 7 7 ;1 i, V I t e r sr ep .3 r t e i I r, 1, it Ie 1.1 T, A r a T-t t i ti iwork ,': j: X I j e r v I it v it ~ t C rj t r!1 A x r i i.' lyev I S1 18 1/63/005/001/026/064 B102/B186 A U ThJii PI 11 K I)V Oy , V optic-9 and excitor~ theory ry n t a 1 )I, ; "A 1 Z I K a t ve rd ogo t e I a , vno. 1, 19t,5, 1 1,8 - I WO TrX" Tne ronnection between exciton I theory and crystal !i vestigated for the case where the iatter takes account of spatia, dispersion. By introducing Pexur's conception of the light exc,,tor. defined as a mixed eltctromagnetic-mechanical wave in a crystal h ~,'r I 78o , 1 96J ) - one can der 1 ve t hi a conne c t i on on t he bas i s of L h- int(-r(-,;,t ion between the light exciton and the usual inf',Ltiftn~(--j transition from the light exci t or, e "'ne to the mechanical vxciln: i out by t:ie i imit ing process C . . This is done for a uniform p, electromagnetic wave in a crystal not bellow rhombic symmetry, wh,~ioo 'Yt reaul, t -Q obtained previously V . N . r i t3kovoy , FTT , 5 , 4 , 1 9f, ~ ' it re t iv,, as a base. . (~ ; ') or , ( - ,are assumed to be expanauble in ofries )" tho components of the wave vector, and Sp( 0, denotes the ;~ dyad, ;h yi; E, :P SP P 02 - 0. Th-rPfrom Cardc112 1 1 :;/ 18 1/6 -f-,4 crystal optice, and exciton theory 13102 /B 186 an (I f rom t lie it(, r 1 4- r; ex pa n -i i onn of r d - , t tic I (I I a t I I Pn 1, l',( k 4 - 0 1 s ocit,iined that determinen K t he meenanica; PIci ton enerKy. Tho solut ion of thin equat , on 1 r. t in tne form JK for 1) the cubir synt-n. 0 2, the tetra6onal, rhom botied ru i and hexagonal systems, and f'o r t ne rhomvir system. For the same systems the effect due to taking ac -unt spatiaA dispersion is studied. In ali cases expressions for the r-'r;irtiv~- index are jerived. For crystals ull,.)wing for natural optical a -iti n dna -(~, are determined. For rhumvic crystals A(9) - ~). r ~ i effect of' appi ieu fieiija is studied neglecting spatial dispersi,)r, Expreasions for tne field-induced iine shift and splitting art, df-rivwi- AZiouC 1 AT I ON !no t i tu t pol upro vodn i kov AIN USSR , Kiyov ( I nn t i t u f. - o f ',etn conductors A6 UKrS5R, Kiyev) ~)Ub,m 1'i T r.D july 2~, 1961" Caro 1`12 S/ 18 1/ b3/,)05/003/001/046 BI 02/B1 80 AUTHOR: Piskovoy, V. N. TITLE: Light dispersion in the exciton absorption range PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. ~, no. 3, 1965, 701-708 TEXT: The dependencc of the c-tensor or, frequency and wave vector is investigated for crystals of the 0 h and C6v symmetry groups. The author continues hie prev-'ous investigations (FTT, 4, 6, 1962; 5, 3, 1963) using the main theoretical results there obtained. The 0W. tensor is again appliod to describe the relation between the external field and induced current (-k),r.. (k) J;. W /,,. (-k) .,IV W. (k) V which is connected with ;- by Card 1/4 5/18 1/63/005/003/001/046 Light disper3ion in the exciton ... B102/B180 G= 1-+-4na= I -+-p;II 4rE5 L I - 4- Sp (EP) (2) where' is the ~S'-dyad and a - k/ k For conditions near resonances of allowed dipole transitions the Y( tensor (inverse of the f. -tensor) is introduced. For the Flu band and the 0 h symmetry (AAw -4- P fa a -4- a 41ta (10) kk, (a, -4- 4rdl (10a) xz and I?YZ are obtained by cyclic substitution In (10a). These relations, together with the Maxwell equations, show that four types of electro- magnetic wave may exist in the crystal noar frequencies at which 2 -.,0 and with given i. For the phototransitions allowed in quadrupole approxim&- tion (F 2band, 0h symmetry) when Card 2/4 S/161/65/005/003/001/046 Light dispersion in the exciton B102/B%80 M ~- 2 and a 0. ,1T 21A m2ki 1 (0) C' (0) I E, - A. [.'Cj' (0).YC" (0)11 E, - hw 4,ta.,. D = n'[E - s (sE)I, For any direction of light in the z-G-plane there may be five waves, two for which 1 lies in the z-0-plane and three with kij. For this case and for hexagonal symmetry in the C6v group formulae for the refractive index and the polarization tensor are also derived. Card 3/4 S/iv/65/005/005/001/046 Light dispersion in tne exc.ton . . B1021B160 ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnlk,ov AN USSR, Kiyev (Institute of Semi- conductors AS Ukr,)!.)N, Kiyov) SUBMITTED: July 6, 1962 Card 4/4 -4,1- 3 V T. l e a -x: 1h, U ,,,iadr ole--padru c I c. i r. t - r t a vn rito u,~count i n h. e xpre a s i D:-.6 r t h ~~ x r'. 1, '.1 '1n r t; s o -,-, ~ -, iv-n f or va r i -19 -n.'q~ tal systt-l:'s rh i r r,, t - trtit- )-.,Il ]~)i- Cnl.N these a ru-x t c'I 'q g ~i I r -A ri 9 a:-v ull,-wed in r x 1 V w vo r~, t n s a t 'Ate'i r a tit: 9 A f n s i r- into wi,ich i r, d i~ c)!;, 'A X :I I T- f r I I 'i Ir, most irryort~int i:,nL; i at. - j tC~. re f- r, i a F- 5 K no x j hy 9 . C e M Sol., Card 1 1 - I . , I -1, ? - - I/ - -- I k 'he Fron~. e ~ -, x - i t,,n ~ ri , r..,!j ta, o... ., I , ,I',I I ~ ", ASS,,C I AT I C N : : r. s I, , t , *~ - ) 1 u, r ;,~ , -, . ., - :t.. ' ').3 it ; ly e v ( 1 n a t i t u t f- , f 5 e ai i c o nuluI- t - r a 1, S ',k r, Sl-' :I i. , , - ~ v " SU U IT T ED: Novembe r 1 ~ , I lit. 1 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP404131,5 S/0181/64/006/008/2428/2434 AUTHORS: Pinkovoy. V. N.; Tsokvava, B. Ye. TITLE: Nonlinear polarizability of condensed media SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 8, 1964, 2428-2434 TOPIC TAGS: polarizat ion, polarized radi.0 ion, tensor anal~,!,is, quanturn equat ion, Mixw- I I equal i on, ABSTRACT: The polarizability of -(-)r)dPnsf-ri nv-~,t i j,itf, ~ on the basis of a semiclassical theory, with in iii;,i it,scr ri-j t:le- nonlinear interaction between monocl-ronv,itic w,i,ics. 7he TI(q1I ine,ir polarizability tensors of hirgher or are int-ioflkic-,(] in ! j erLi;r- bat ion theory is employed for a (11,j ill' ilin-lnt,t-llani co I cu it- ion of the polarizabi Ii ty current in an :ipprnx imaL i oil tha t is in-ar and quadratic in the electric field ampl i t udr, . Particular aLtenLion is paid to the introduction of the total field in the Maxwell material Card 1/2 ACCESSION NP.: AP4043365 equations and to the associated sop ir,it inn of I n- macrosc:cyi(7 larizability. A connect i on i!-, or-, t -il~ I i slwd hot woorj thf, m, r, r izabi I i ty and the macro-pol a r i zal) 1 1, 1 1 ,- f (-)r i n i i, f 1 ni t , hom0-jr,:w(1,-)s, dielectric. I t I s po i nt ed oki t i r) t h-, conc I us i ons, t h,i t cnn- r et '' calculations, of the tensnrs part-icul,tr model!; of t w ( Y,( ited states in the crystal, r,() that furthk,r in tniB diro- ion is qtill necessary. "The aut.hni-F, ! hank Ac,-tdomirian S. 1. Pj-K. ir and F. I . Pashl)a for a oiscunsion (,)f tho work." art h'i": .'t, f r) rmu 1 a q . 4- V-~ 'O~- I AT T ON lri!3t-il ;,. poluprovc),~ii~r.~iv AN r!',:-P, i v ~)f Serni-ondw-t-org, AN U'KrSS1?) B CO iF" S .1; L-12929-65 M (1)/T/~MC (b) -2 IJP(a)AwL/Asr) W-51BOISSMS (mp)-2/RM(a)/ ACC ION(tf&:' AP4046594- S/0181/64/006/010/2689/2896 Pis v N. Dependence of'tbe dispersion.frequencits on the external -allowed exciton bands in cubic-symetEy crystal ipole -fields (d izika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 10 1964, 2889-2896 SOURCEs F IMPIC TAGSs__ cubic symmetry,_dizpersion~frequenqy, ~,axciton band, 'an-effect, Stark effect, refractive index, lWht-pola-rization a n ABSTRACTt The dependence of the Stark and Zeeman effect.on the rel Iative orientation of the external field and.tbe direction of ligbt An elect propagation in a crystal-is investigated' rodynamics approacb used inlwbich all the singularities connected with the long-range Coulomb-field are taken into a-ccount-automatically. Mathematically this-involves taking, thelimit of infinite light ve1ocity in the in- vestigation of the dependence:of the dispersion frequencies of cubic- ~qmrd L 22929-65 ACCUSION NR: AP4046594 symmetry - crystals on the external a ic fields)i. 'The 'fundamental :-relations the paper were Aerived by the author earlier (FTT v.-5,-158# 1963). For weaklelectric and-magnetic fields, 'veneral relations are obtained which,are.ind ependent of the model of.the exciton __Gt%.tes. The Zeeman and Starksplittings,and tbe Bbift the dipole-allowed exciton lines are found to.depen'd essentially ''on the directionlof propagation of the excitation. Two cases are --r.onsidered,--one- _-vith _a_pheqomqnqk9gic ally chosen dielectric tensor, .~An_a -other--w-ith --- a -mi-c-r-owp-opi c- detex-i-inat ion of the dielectr-~fc _"tabl-i-sbed between.tbe --Zeeman ',band U 00 --vel-I ca a' -Pro employed here over a procedure ihvolvl-ng tile Sol-ution of the Schro- ~.dinger equation in that an expression Is obtained not,o'nly for the dispersion-.frequencies but also for the corresponding refractivie in- dices and polarization of light* which are important'for a compari- son of theory with experiment. .-Orig.. art. has.- 24 formulas. Card 2/3 PISKOVSKAIA, N.I.,- RONENSKAYA, L.I. Case of pulseless disease. Klin. med. 38 no. 2:L43 F 160. OMIRA 14: 1, (ARTERILS-DISEASES) --P I q - . .. . - . . : I