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3W/ 16 - "~C Z~luboklna, A.1.. Kabanova. YA.A., L-evina. Ye N., F~l :1 F The Method ~f Preraring and Using Sera Labeled With FluorP57-r Isocyanate In Mftorobiol2gy V) VFYTOD1r7Ai..- Zhurn&l m1kroblologli. epidemlo'ogll I Immunoblologli, 1W., jj- PP 3 - 8 MIISR) ABSTRA The authors deecribe a method of preparing sera labeled wl'h fuor--s(,-1n Isocyanate, used for dete~Alng vaLrIous antigens in mlcrosc,~~pl, slides prepared from bacterial suspensions, smears, impressions and s-7*1oni of "Assues and organs, and a-lso for detecting antibodies. The lumineszen' sera are prepa"d from the globulin fractions of Immune antibacter-lal. antiviral. antiglobulin (specific) or normal sera and fluorescent dye- in the form of fluorescein isocyanate. The method of using tba lab-,'r~d Card 1/2 sera Is aliko des,3rlbed. SOV, (, -4~,( - T 1h,9 Method oil Freparing and Using Sera Labeled With Fluoresceir lsocy3nq- biology rhere are 28 referen-:es, '.2 ~,f ar- Sovl-pt, 11 EnglIsh ar,,j German. ASS071ATION: rnstit;ut. I m-1kr-A-IolDgIl llmenl Gama, e I AMN 35314 of R-mddtmIn!~Ogv and Mt ~roh-lolo2 IMer-I IAMAley JBM-177M- April 1, 1c)5q Card 212 USSRA41crobiology - General ~'Acrobiology F-1 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol., No. 18, 1958, 81321 Author : Meysell, M.N., Kabanoval Ye.N., FishchurinagN.M. J-..4 - 'hu ~.1~~ Inst : 'Afi=Lem Title ; Fluorescent Antibodies and Their Use in Cytology and Microbiology Orig Pub: Izv. AN SSR. Ser. biol., 1957, No. 61 718-732 Abstract: The possibility of obtaining fluorochrome immune sera through the use of fluorescein Isocyanate, isocyanate of acridin yellow and an amino of acridin yellow was inlicated and some improve- ments of the Kuns method ware added. The best results were obtained with fluorescein isocys- note. The possibility was shown of finding and studying the dynamics of accumulating vaccine virus In the cells of a rabbit's corneal Card 1/2 a a to a * a a a a fill FW73W MR oo. a 49 j S i 's _ A a IF 041 !8 1 m 0 4 to a a I a a 1-0 coolol 6.0 a AL *ftnestal ..w .10cwtol.16 N. is as -'w NoIt. and A. 0. Askimewto. A ~I~A-Ym 1"- "31001 db F (0 A N 11 . . 0 Us. &,m c=Wd. el I j,4.C.H.i -Mwlwr~-Tvis" wilim of C6 Lh" Fe" MA FrO. we" d murb so "~". Cm k w = 1' . see m s. Ow *bag &a&. T, dal d I and dw umt.. of bbm*Ud N uwaval f I 1,66 00,31 un ch". RINSW to we md & bad no egwt an tw pm a00 00's a c 00, see W c#0 e r e 1 wo '00 00 blo' ' oo bw~ It Al MITALLOWMAt killOATIMI CLAIMP llem t 09 Ka 3L L 0 10#403 A. 41". got w-y T' 1- to, 2 00 1 , L.A., dottiontl YISHF111,11NA, Ye.S. EvaluAtion of the cardiac glycoside arysimoside for ercral une. 28 no.7195-98 Jl 165. OCRA 18:8, 1. Kafedra gos;-itallnoy terapli lzhavskogo maditsinskogo inst",uta. PISHEK, Taroslav IPI9ek Jaroalav] (Chokhoolovatakay& Sotsiallstl- cheskaya'Reupuklka) Movable drilling ri~ ZIY-300 (PBU-300). Razved. I okh. nedr 31 no.7t54-55 JI ' 5. (MIF.A 18,11) J'ISHFK, Y. Czechoilovak Pent,!Is. LDA lR("l9fLFY,,7, (Lipht Indunlryl 4t4gtArril ~5 FROLOV, 11,1.; VARLAMOV, G.T.; PISif-K, Y&O Practice of uning a ZIF-650A rig to drill deep holes. Razved. ~ okh. nedr 29 no.7:56-58 n '63. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Gosudarstvennyy geologicheakiy komiwt SSSR (for Frolov, VarlaMov), 2. Cheskoye n,,xodnoye predpriy&tiye "Goologicheakaya razvedkaO (for Pishek). (L'oring machinery) C %L.try : USSR ry: fluuan vi,. i~; -.1 !"jysi I _y Vhysl I r Lab, r 3 iA .,bs j -.;r: Fah 1~ i 1 69299 ..,,it i r ostishk v K V i Shr-1 Y, t Vinnits,i T1 L'- Th(. C-iLh~ 7 11,ur .-.uscal-.i ~us t, Na,n ls f M rs )u r 1 n, W~;.u-., Ml Ll A )ri, iuL: St l'-wc . Ll Atal, A-I I. 231-237 :"Jstr-ct: N, '%bstr-.c' C-Ir 1 7-12-Y ALIPEROVICH. P.M.. prof.. PISHEL'. Trij.. BILYK. V.D. MIX, D.Ta. Some problems in locnl diR-nent-iry trentment fvr neurologlrAl nptis-nla In a rural district. VrRch.delo no.1:269-272 Mr'59 (MIRA 1. Kafedra nervnykh bolemay (zpv. - rrof. P.N. Wrorovich) Vinnitgkogo rieditoinskogo inatitutR, (NMVOUS SYSTU-DISMASES) min" Y:~'. V. PISHELI, YEE. V. - "Sleep Therapy of Some Disorders of the Nervous *(Dissert,,tlons For Depre-s In Science and Engineo?ri-," Defendel At U-"~'-.R Highnr Educatir,nal Institutions)( !G~ Kiev State Medical RomatOIORICAI Tnst, ChTiir of 'nervous Diseases, Vinnitsa, 1954 SO: 0IZH%AY., LE'MrIS1 No 30, 23 July 195' 0 For t,-,,9 Dngree -f C Mld te -. .1,.- 1. . . 4, - 1 #4 7 i L ,, !-~ . '; - i.'. , .. . r,ollert ive Farms H-)(A,keePer cf jet r-el I 1t:- 'n~--mcjr-., f *~ Y" Vn~qt 1 4. a nk a 3 - ", . 4: 1 --' 7 A - ' - . 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congr~ss, , -l". I .~ I". "PIKI 1-11-1r, . . C OU, `7 CATIGORY Small Horned Cattlea. ABS. JOUR. 10 I WhBlol, No. 69 1959, No. 2`854 AUTFOR PjshePkjp_t--L D. I :lttral Sh'!~~P LOY S~-] t,Ln.,: bo-h PkreA.ts. ORIG. PU B. Visnik sillslkogoepod. nauki, Ukr. akn(i. sillslkogaspod. nauk, 1958, No 39 31-37 A193TRACT The studies were carried out on sheep of tf" Pr~t,~oop, ore-ad which were born. at vartour sea- ::r,, s of the yc~nr and werE- thr-, product of re- I ~ -, A and urlrr.1 ated breading. The select ior, of eweF and rams was conducted according to t~,- method of group analogies. Tt wan esttib- !I---had *-hot matinp among sheep which were b,-,-- .1'. different seasons is more effertiv,. fir-jrr, sheep born a'. the s, , t Imo MI:jorIty of Indic8tors (fertllJty, of live lambs, livo weipht of lamb,l r e. rd C_ Y MWX,IA/FXLM Animla. Cattle. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 17, 1958, 7OT34. Author :ftEUbev, D.; Prakhov, R.; Goorgiyev, G.; Ser Inst Title Cervical Forceps wA the Appearance of a Suppurative Excretion after Artificial Insemination of Cows. Orig Pub: Zhivotncrv"detvo i vet. delo, 1957, U, No 6, 26-30. Abstract: Inseminntion of caws vithaut the aid of cervical forceps and a vagina spreader gave the same per- centage of appearance of mucous-suppurative ex- cretions as inserdnation without forceps but with the use of vagina spreader. Miltiple stran- gulation and retraction of the cervix of the uterus by the forceps is not the reason for the Card 1/2 26 BULGARIA/Discasea of Pam Animls - Diseases Caused by Protozoa R Abs Jour Ref Mix Biol., No 5, 1959, 21431 Author Fishev, D., Konstwitinov, P., Kateriaov, Y. Inst Title Studies on Trichomoa6asis of Cattle in bulWia Orig Pub Selskostop. mis"l, 1958, 3, No 1, 49-56 Abstract As a result of investigation or 4195 cove at trichorao- niasis infested farms and of 102 artificially infected cows, the correlation of trichomniasis an the one haid and sterlity and abortions on the other was demonstrated. Twenty to 65 percent of cows affected with trichononiasis were sterile, 0.3-40 percent (3-8 percent on the nverage) of cove aborted. Most abortions occurred on fams where the disease had appeared a short time previously. Li all of the aborted cove atid in 11-100 percent (64 percent on the average) of the sterile cove inflammatory processes were found in the sex apparatus; trichomonadee, however, Card 1/2 00 "viol OSKIPS1 440 f**Met*$ .649 NNW i t l - 4d an 40 0 $,see 6*0 4 124 L i T.4 J." ACC NR, A116()1'r 492 SOUMCE CODE: AUTHOR: ishikin, A. M. Z.. P TITLE: Aging of electrolytic deposits of zinc, bi-amuth-and tin according to tr.e veri- ation in their electrical resistance .-7 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abu. 11139 ,REF SOURCE: Sb. Elektroooathd. met. i ul'trazvuk. mtkrodefektonkoplyn -Iatallov. Novosibirak, 1965, 32-40 TOPIC TAGS: bismuth, zinc, metal film, tn, elec*rir rf-tilstance, t r Iz-~ I or !metal aging ABSTRACT: Thin filmr, (t--P ij) of zinc, 1 . rrciln iri(~ ',V W"11 ,nickel substrates. The 1ec1rirF,,1 r-r-!~t it,c- er- f'unction of aging time tf-~orv II- i- the combinat ion of rubn t. rate and I r, i I. --i ~!- n. -I,,- r r t&nce of the film was c Fi 1cul Fit-(! 1,y i I Fi ar, (Ii i~ i r par ai 1 e 1coi-iductors. The electricfl. QfA 1 11 v Ii vubstrate increases only ulightly with sirtance of a zinc layer on a nickr, sul,nl r,itv ls an~-Ahvr or,ier When biGmuth is applied to a bismuth out,otrate a re 1,1( 1, Inn JE, ni.1jerve r,- i, f" - tunce of the deposit with time (0.47% in the first hour after d,-i~(-vlt 1-i, r , :.,- Card --UDC-:- 669.-5+669.76+6(,c,. t J-- .3 L 07614-67 ACC NR, a6w'Th92 authors' opinion, the change ir. eiect.ricrt. -r the mry be due to mutual dif'usion of the atnm.-, r, *.he dcjc!i~ r. FnG tio? siAGtrfC,,. nickel atoms have a lower mobility than I.r,(.GC of hinm~lth, dirfusicn ,f nk rei r, zinc is much lower than diffusion of bismuth in z,,ri(. Thf, reduction in rei~ifitrincp w,li, aging in the case of a bismuth deposit oil n hillmuth Flubsti-ILte is expilkilled by "t~" (Ir- Aion of spontaneous ordering processes in the crystal lattice. The authorn ccrsider the given method for investigation or aging impractical due to the small variation in electrical resistance during aging of electrolytic deposits. L. Rokhlin. [Trans- Ilation of abstract] SUB CODE.- 20 07 Card 2/2 Mc go c 008 it Goa GO 00 004 00- li 10006 Is 0- M# 0""vf** Not# NUM AIM XRAS CVJCTICN OF PIP= 720 WAI 6MURNO kb 0. f. Alelmlebmebw ad IL 8. Altomme (Mallesis 194. val. P. 0 et. p,-. 1"), This is a ?ruck tromeloties of an "Oels, Allk appeared la bomism, In ftal$ 194, 10 pp. 51-A goo (ses jews6 1. mA I. 1.. 104. vol. 159. jey p. 33k. LF.F. 1990i !1900 P. S : age 0900 0 : :0 goo goo goo Moo woo i r 0060096900000600066 0000000000000000&0001,16A 'A :o*ooJoooq*oo**::::O:Z:: 0000*09090600 0 Seft NOW OW lll~~ P. MA U&%Af. 101. W, 7IS--7171.--Frqp W"-Cl"mwwty &w " abw im "Obi a MMUL A im "Ps aft" snw"bratwm triks" sm"fw is ""m to weashibus n1 taw skis. 40.1 ax"hund to the Pon sumlsw the gs&u* aft &Ncnbm -- --te-om fk-'nw amd n"ag ftP~ ii%"AvW do mitka of tlw tcunk. loml aiml limbo T6 efints we abo6bud tbum .4 th, m , - In= tb, shin D ALASIEVSKrY, M.F.); TIVOVAIL, M.G. [Iyvovar, M.11.1; I -B.A.[Pyohkin, B.A.], otv. OIZITIK, O.ya..[Ollirork, O.Ya.]; FISUB., red.;FYECHKOVSMA, O.F.fFiechkovs1ka, 0.14.), red.izd-va; YEFIFOVA, M.I.Mfimova, 11.1.1, takhn. red. [Calculating tho conjugation of houd and tt;il waters and the stxengthening of the bottor, below spillwtq dams) Aozrakhunky spriazhonnia bliefiv i kriplen' dne za vodozlyvnyrq hrebliaLV. ~.~iv, Vyd-vo Akad. rauk U.LS,-~, 1961. 166 p. (M.tA 15 12) 1. Chlen-korreopondent Akttder.ii r~auk- UttbR (fcr Fishkir.). (Spillways) PISHKIN, B.A. [Pyshkin, B.A. J, doktor tokhn.nauk River regulation in China. Visti InBt.Cidrol.1 gidr.Ali UJZh 18:55-59 '(al. (: M-j, I,, i , ) 1. Chlen,--korrespondent All USSR. (China-Rivors-Regulation) PISHKIM, B.A.-fPyshkin, B.A.].; ARISTOVSEIY. V.V. (Arintovalkyi, V.V.J. doktor tekhn.nauk. red.;: GUZOT, H.2. [Husov, X.Z.J. kand.tekhn. nauk, rP4.; ZAGUXANS", O.G. (Zahumnnyi. O.H.1, m-'.; PECHEOVSEATd, O.X. [P-lechkovalka, O.X.J, red.izd-va; MILIOKIIIN. 1.D., [Calculation of seepage through hydraulic structures; collection of scientific works] Filltratelini rozrakhwiky gidrotakhnichnykh sporud; zbIrnyk naukovykh prate'. Kylv, 1959. 161 P. (XLRA 13:2) 1. Akndemila nmik IT011N, Kiev. Rndn po vyvchanniu produktyvnykh syl URSR. 2. Chlen-korespondent AN URSR, golova Komisil T)o problemi komplokenogo vikorintannys vodnikh resursiv URSR RPS AN URSR (for Pishkin). (Hydraulic angineerina-Tables, calculations. etc.) PIWMI. R, B.A. [Pyslikin, B.A.J,; TYUL&NEV, R.O. [Tiulnniov, k.O.J. red.; ARISTOVSKIT, V.V. [Aristovallcyi, V.V.J, doktor tokhn.nauk, red.; ALPATITAY, S.M. [Alpnt'iev, S.H.J. ivtnd. sellskolchoz.nauk, rod.; ZHELgZNTAK. T.A. [Zhalieznink. I.A.J. kand.telchn.nauk, red.-, MAKSIHCMX. V.L. (Hakaymchnk. V.L.1, kand.lekhn.nsuk. red.; &MU'DICY, K.S., knnd.tekhn.nmik, red.; PWHKI~SKATAO O.M. [Plechkova'kn, O.M.1, red.izd-vn-, UDASILKVI-,'~, 0.0., (Over-nll utilizntion of Ukrainian wnter resources. collected studies] Komplekene vykorystnnnin vodnykh rewirniv Ukrniny; abirnyk nmikovvkh Drntal. Kyiv, 1959. 17) p. (MIR-A 13:1) 1. Akndemiin mnuk UM. Kiev. Rndn po vyvcqenn1ii nrodnktrvnykh syl URSR. 2. Chlogn-kor9snordpnt AN URM; golovn Komiaii po proble- mi komDlekgncgo vikoristamya vodniKh reaurniv URSR, Radn vo viv- chennyu vroduktivnikh all U,q%-R Akndomll nnuk URSH (for Pishkin). 3. Chlen-korqmnondent kH TJRSq-, 1krnino'kly nnuknvo-doalidniy institiit gidrotekhniki tA noliorataii (for Tyulenov). 4. lnstitiit g,idrologii i gidrote'~:hnikrl All TJHSR (for Zheloznyak. M.1kminnhnk. Pifthkin). (Ukrnino-Water reitwircos devolomont) BELTASIWVSLIT. Hikolay Nikolayevich (Bilinshove0kyi K.M.); 1'129(KIN, B.A,, oty,red,; KWHIII, G.F. (Nel'nyk, H.F.I. red.izd-val KILIOKHIH. 1.D., [Tail-water enlemlations for low-hend spillway structures provided with apronal Rosrakhunok ny1thn'oho bliefu an nyvIkonaptimyov vodook7dnywv sporudamy. obladnanywy slyrny" Dolamy. Xviv, Tyd-vo Aknd.nnuk URSR, 1959. 177 p. (MIRA I)i)) 1. ChlAn-koms--Pondent All URSR (for Pishkin). (Spillways) ZHILTBZNYAI. lostf Aronovich. kandidat tokhnfchnykh nauk; PISHXLN. V.A.. vidpovIdalluly redaktor; SOZOLOTSIKIT, L.I., radaktor vidavaitsifis (The great Volga] 1~17im Volha. Kyiv. Vyd-vo Airadexii nauk URSE, 1956. 46 p. (KLRA 10-4) 1. Chlon-korespondent AN URSH (for Pishirin) (Volga River) I pis KI N j V, IV. VIRMTS. A.M.. Professor: BAMNKO. To.l.. inthener; SUDOVSKIT, HAP, in- zhener: GORILKIN. L.?., inzhener; MIATSXATA, N.M., Inihener,# ZXU- CHINKO, L.B.. inzhener; IVAIM , V.P., inzhner; X&MKSIIIH, I-G., iD- zhaner; KOSINOV. M.Ya., inzhener; LALRIV. D.A.. inzhener; K&UXRXR. T. G. inzherer; HEYTSIV. S.V.. inthener; SOLOVITEVA, N.V.. Inzhener; R4.SMIt,V.R.,; RTTOV, A.V., redak-tor; SEURIMKIT. I.A., tekhnicheakly redaktor. (Tables of the rectangular enordinates of map fram angles and of cap frame and area dimensions of trapezoids gf topographic survey-a. using the scale 1-5000; for latitudes 360- 68 . Krasovskit's ellipsoid] Tablitay priamougolInfth koordInat uglov ramok. razmerov ramok I plosh- chadei; trapetaii topograficheakikh s8emok c3asshtaba 10000. DlIa 0 shirot ot 36v- 68 . Ellipsoid KrasovPkogo. Moskva. lid-ro geodezi- cheskot lit-ry, 195). 909 P. (KCRA 8:4) (Surve7ing-Tables. etc.) (Coordinates) (Trigonometry-Tables, etc.) RAGCWV , N.A.; RCNVUNA, N.F.; j,&p,&SHCHENKO, Ye.R.; RISIIKOV, N.N. Quality of jet fuels of forelp countries. Khim. I tekh. toPl. i masel 8 no.7:68--69 J1 163. (miRA 16:7) 1. Grazhdanskiy vozdushnyy flot. (Jet plams-Fuel) CZECHOSLANAKIA/Forestry. Forestry and Forest Cultivation. Abs Jaur: Referat Zh-BIol., No 6, 25 March, 1957, 22597 Author Pishkula, Pospishil Inst C - Title Comparative Tests of Forest Planting Shovels. Orig Pub: Sbor. Ceskosl. akad. zeuied. ved. Leon. 1955, 28, No 5, 683-708. Abstract: The results of testing 19 types of planting shovels, utilized until now in forest cultivations, are described. A shovel of new construction is suggested. The most suitable shovel types under local conditions am described. Card 1/1 -34- PISIDW(hZOV, A.M. Sowing S~adan prnns and Japanane mlllmt on iotubble for the purpose of seed production. Zenledelie I no.6035 J" ~(). (MIRA 1j:Fi) 1. Azerbaydshanekiy sel'skolchozynyetvannyy inntititt. (millet) (Sudan gmes) PISHNAMAZOV, 0. A. C d Agr Sol -- (dims) "Effootivsness of ohloroorganto preparations againxl4Ztton stem-borer$ under oonditions of Azarbaydzhan SSR." , o Kirovabad. 1969. 16 pp (Aoad Agr Sol UzSSR. Tashkent Agr Inst), 150 oopies M, 46-59, 139) -50. I&K fill', I Y?IV I I S.J. , PIS fP;JV,'AZZkjE, B.F. ; !-,A! tX!)OVA, A.M. I ;I I I X . A. .fljl,,icn of etrer3 uy Aik- AN Azerb, SSR 20 '64- (!~: i,A , :, i . I rM t i t. u t n,! '.'I,o k h I V, ': ii ~. k '~ k ', r,, ts * in v , ~ v ~ -., . Y i i .; , . ~-'Jjj :. ~ ~~ ~, . I , ~ - ., ~ ~ I AN AzurSSR. - - 1 , .~ I I , . - - I I . I - . . . c . . :., - , I , - I . I . . -, I . coho: - . , ", T. -,,. -~ , .- 4 - I i FLOHNAMAMDE, B.F. Formulas for calculating the number of theoretically possible isomers of ethers, eaters, and methylene glycol. Axerb. khim zhur. no.5t6l-71 163 (MIRA l7t8) PISHUMAZUDE, B.F.; GASA OVA, KERTMOVA, R.M. Alkylation of Dome ch-loromethyl esters of carboxylic acids w- butene and 1-pentene. Dokl. AN Azerb, SSH 19 no.11:23-29 '63. (ml Ju , ": 3) 1. Institut neftekidmicheskikh proteassov AN AzerSSR. 1're-istavlonc a.kademi.kom All AzSSH I-I.F. llagiyevym, t 31551-66 EWW~J/T MA. NMi M-GO05106 (A) SOURCE COM UR/0316/65/000/005/0010/0013 AUTHOIL- Pishnamazzade, B. F.; Shikhaltyeva, R. A.; Marnedava, R. M.; Gasanova, M-_q. ORG: JNKhP_AN Azerb. SSR TITLE- Synthesis of eaters of petroleum napbthenic acids SOURCE. Azerbaydzhanskiy khimicheakly zhurnal, no. 5, 1965, 10-13 TOPIC TAGS: naphthenic acid. ester, plasticizer, aliphatic alcohol 06M.'zAt ABSTRACT: The paper gives the results of a synthesis of a series of naphthenateR formed by reacting naphthenic acids from Baku petroleum with aliphatic alcohols (butyl, amyl, hexyl, heptyl, octyl alcohol and cyclohexanol) in the presence Of NS04 on a water bath. Butyl, amyl, hexyl, heptyl, octyl, and cyclohc"l naphthenates with yields of 93.37, 89.38, 94.9, 78.5, 85.7, and 67.03%, respectively, were thus obtained. Comparison of the physicochemi- cal constants of narrow fractionfi of these esters shows that as the boiling point of the frac- tions rises, their specific gravity, refractive Index, viscosity, and surface tennion Increase. It was found that as the molecular wekj;hL of the alcohol increases, the specific gravity diminishes, and the refractive index and viscosity rise. The physicochemical properties of the synthesized esters permit their use as plasticizers of kydraulic fluid and in the produc- tion of synthetic oUs.\\ Orig. art. has- 5 tables. ~UB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATE: 01Jul64 / ORIG REF: 004 NTV,, p. !3 and F1 C, fl t. tl t 7 V 4 , . t - .: ; '~'- i I . . . I. . " ., , W.~ ., . ~ o - ') -! . , -~ -1 1 ", 'k - -,- I ~ - . -~ T-0 '.r. y" . fy I f, I --A - 'd - r" --.- ,1, . 4 K! -'M. V Ur . -) . ' ". ~ I I lr~- . " I I ~. -. 1.-: :" 1). ~. ;- k l-f I % t- ! - 1~ 11 'll.. ~f r I . :~ , ,- . . . ; i . II . 1.1 1 4 . ; :- -, , -.I , I . -1: , , , - ~ -:I '. J(~ , , . -,I ~ I. : - tsc~ ~ PISHNAMAZZADS, B.F* SHIKIMAEVA, R.A.1 KERIMOVA, R.M.; hAMbABOVA, . .., Sy-nthmsis of es-,*r of ai-- by reaster-Ification. Azerb.khim.ahur. no.4s38-41 '65. ~MIRA ') 1. IWAtut neftekh'imicheskikh proteassov AN Az.,Sk. KMTIM. D.S.; PISHNAMZZMZ, B.F.; G&SAMOVA. Sh.D.. NkNEDOVA. R.14. Alkylation of simple and compound oL-chloro eaters by olofias. Dokl.AN Aserb.SSR 15 no.12:1115-1118 '59. (14IRA 13-4) 1. Inatitut naftekhtmicheakikh protasasnr AM AzerSSR. (later*) (Alkylation) (019fins) XAMEDOV, Shakhmal; PISHNAXAZZAIZ, B. Glycol others and derivatives. Part 33: Various chemical conversions of aliphatic i - bromo others. Zhttr. ob. khim. 28 no.7,1831-11334 Jl '58. (MIRA 11:9) I.Azarbaydzhanskiy gosudarstvennyT podagogichoskiy Inatitut. (Glycols) (Ithers) AUTHORS: M;'. ." dov 5: '.~n!'." TITLE: Inv(--,,,tif.,- tior. in t~,A! of ~k vcol Et ez-,i T (Iv,sledovur~i-,'e v oll,t~-ti ;r -it '-h ef vodnykh,' XXXIV. T'x I Coz.vor~.-,io~~s of t' Chl-)ri '- (XXXIV. Khi~-~ic-coki. c! ~rzovr irhotiei.iya v firov) PERIODICAL: obs.,.r~.ey khi7-~ii, I` V--,1 r 7 !, i-, 1 34. - 1 7- 5 1, ( V F)Sli 11 AL45TRACT: It ims of irt(,-t tc the aut~iors to investi.-:.te t~.( r of the ether homol,~,-s of t..e a1.,-1 x1cohol (F.-,r I'l I I I detail , -Aii C.1i lliris rem%iried litt 'e i n v p r t i id -.1 ~i frnn pUbl1C,Lti0',F. Y~ ttio actit)r. of be ji!di-ed 0 on allyletiex~n)the :-itlp et, ~r com, kinl r, only tne oxy,-er~ In !ertroycd urlei- t, " ir- t saturated (II I ".atrr-~~ted ~jv' h~'10 -er I ('I i v h~-drocarbona. The ex; eri-o: t, :-~,mved, h,iirev, r, t cold (00) HCI -And '!Pr c)~n o--b--~e in tl'ie pi-erpi.- of Card 1/'3 (ZnCl 2 ) with t~4e others A tl,(Ii- Ioi.!,',- bc- j. T Inveotij:ation in the Field of Glycol Et.erc ar,d Tt,nir SCV, Derivative a. XXX IV. The Cn&7i c a l Cc nvc r- i -_ r.p of the y-Et %y I e: e C M r. correopording y-h.,tl-) -(,- ot corn qn roRct, r acco-,!ir,J, to the mule. The rorwt i -it v~', 1. car. be reprei;er. t el hy t; c ac c i , I r j- t (-) K,)r) ! n iIt Hyd ro -,em hr -.7,1 fie tc trt oy t _,~ I t-t f, -.,i In t ,v z, ZnBr 2 un,Jer the f,)t- ~tior of y-,,t Y1 br- 1 V). of excess 11Br, how-vor, i c,rt ,r t tives of t'-.e hydrnr~trt-,)- r (s of tne d-,, o -1 of t ~.e mor o -.~- frl vr! o I , t - e r ~3 r--, -1.,3 r), I-, CO 2 acts on t~J? ".r chl,)r;,le ur !(,r t f rtw~t -. r e 3 C,:~ -I ASSOCIATIO': ( A-,,- r1)a:,, SUBL~I,TED: C -i rd 2, 3 In ve at ic;at ion in t,.e Fi e I i of G I yc-) I Et.,.orv -r, I A 4-, 1 r.. I - -1 J, ~ - - -, De:-ivatives. XXXIV. T:ie C. e-.1 cal Converri or, a of tr.c y-Et .~, " , c -,:.I '. ., 1. Uycol ethers--Chemiral properties 2. Ethylene chlorlden-chem'-Fi. I I P - - Z, 3. Ethylene chlorides-Catalysis Card 3/3 PISHNAMAZZA , B.F. Forsaas for calculating the quantity of theoretically possible Isomrs of dialkyl benzenes and their derivatives. Aserb.khim.shur. no.2:41-53 162. (MIRA 16-3) (Benzene derivatives) (Isomers) S n- F! aif~ H KR, (1) KOH. CI t- -Af, Ur w~t, m...,ey of fifir 5jdLH3I:j Wag 112P. mov! ,vr the Vie M,I wt, (4 thr cm Vd Irl &b. Whpo I W=~A L -:f ,th,:r! mid L ir"-ttd rradii~~, ~i,h C'011 9-1 Pmd'w-~ bY,-'-:Ly r KAMFDOV, Shamkhal; SULTANOV, N.T.; SA[)YKHZADE, S.I.; MOIJZHAMA, Jh.ya.; FISHNAM77.A[jF, B.F. Alkylation of(j, -chloromethylaWl others with metkinilyl chluride. Azerb. khIm. zhur. no.1:81-87 '(34. 'MIPA PISHNAYAZZADE, B.F. Sy-ntheals of chloro ethers based on vinyl others. Dokl. AN Azerb. SM 19 no.12:19-23 '63, (?C"A 1':,I 1. Institut neftekhImiche3kikh protsessov AN AzarSSR Iment Yu.G.MwwdaIIyeYR. Prodstavleno Ptkademikom AN AzASR M.F.Naglyevy-m. D 158/31133 F. -.,iil zzad eI i:o., he I ev.. i1c) i,ybaLov.., -11. ?. - Ex it.;. iL i u-) '0th- natt -o of !icxnIVdroaronatic in '..1. 14--175 -- fraction of Balal-,hano iieavy oil IGD LI: Roferttiv:.yy zhurnal'. KAmiya, no. 18, 1962, 44-1. a-,-,tra--t 16,1101 ~,~zerb. khim. zh., no.. 6, 1961, 27-56 [summriry 'Ir. TFX '."-_~nty-five ..oixa!~jdroiromatic !-,Ydrocarbona 23 of a;,2 Taoriocyclic and 2 bicyclic, been found by optical metnod: ir. 'i.o 0, dearowatized 140-175 fractior of Aieavy-~ela~nuno oil. r ed o -, i r, an r":Ior,r, I-, xronocyclic .',yJrocarbons are: proylcycloiiexane 1.5)"1 5"' -m"thyl-3-eth loycloileAqn" ~2.6 '), 1 Y ..nd l-,.-c.ii,11-4-ethylcycloliexane (2.07,.); among tneIbicyclic - hydrir~da.%4, (2-3~,-) -Of the T:F found, t,ie lar6est groui,, 43-6~,-, was the disul-mi'Lutedi the mono-, tri- and tetrasubstituted were, re!pectivoly, Card 112 Examin&tion'of tno nature'of B15i-/330 20.09, 24.80 and 12-5,-. 1& hyd ro c a rb o n o r. i t . a al d e c Im i r. c 0 > 4 0 ato-,n, %are dijcovere~ in i::: comiAe4. IAbstracter'~, rx.-, Complete translation." 6. Card 121,e HAHEUVO, Shankhal; PISHNAMAZZOE, B.F. Soise chexice, transformations of T -chloro ethers. Dokl. AIN Azerb. SSR 18 no.701-35 '62. (KIRA 17t2) 1. Institur, neftekhimicheskikh proteessov AN AzSSR. Predstavleno akademikorA AN AzSSR M.A. Dalinym. PISHNAMAZZADE, B.F. Formulas for calculating the quantity of theoretically possible isomers of monosubstituted alcohols. Azerb.khim.zhur. no.6: 69-76 163. (KIRA 170) PISHNAKAZZA B F. F roulas for calculating the number of theoretically possible isomers trialkyl bensenes and their derivatives. Report No. 2t Formulas for calculating the number of tamer@ of trialkyl benzenes and their derivatives in the case of a different' number of carbon stoma in alkyl radicals. Aserb.khia.zhur. no.507-84 '62. (MIRA 16-5) (Bonq" ) (Alkylation) (Isamers) PISHNAMAZZADE, B.F. Formulas for calculating the quantity of theoretically possible Isomrs of trialkyAbenzense and their derivatives. Asorb. khis. zhur. no.3t27-.37 162. OGRA 16t12) Y P19MMkWZADE B.F.j KOSUAMAj L.~L; SULETWOV, G.M. Production of low molecular waftht aromatic hydrocarbons from the high boiling petroleum fractions. AserbAhIn.shur. no.51l7-24 160. (KMA 14:8) (Hydrocarbons) (Petroleum-Refining) PISHNAMAZZADE, S.F.; KO,311ELEVA, L.M.; SULEYMANOV, G.N. Production of jqlenes based on aromatic b7drocarbons of the intermediate petroleum fraction. AzerbAdLiA.shar. no.609-68 160. (MDU 14 18) (Xylene) (Hydrocarbons) 3V,67 '6 7)" /4 C/020 -.1 U T,.: C. "1.3 3 1, i i i z r) vr n Z o)v c 3 f:oi, tj.o ~uzzoviinskiv t L 220 OC of ,:,,ution .,here tl~ t t h12 I i f rinal b. -0 C no ii ro t 11,0 C an2 17,1-1 4. :e-3 D cc 161 vcly. The vddc ~A3~)l i r0in Z-;.i On t' fr,iction vith ic hy-Jrocartons were founl in the fraction of b. p. Zard 112 PISHNAKkZZA,DF,, B.F.; KML1tW,, A.M.; Y.OJIIEUVA, L.M.; .YBATCVI,, --road, -S.Z.; 1'.A. Individual hydrocarbon compooitior. of straignt-run gasolifw.s from the Gyurgyan maxitime petroleum field of the Sub-Kirmaki series. Azorb. kh1m.zhur. n(,.445-58 I",r,. 4"MA 14:q) (Gauollnc) (hydrocarborw) (Gyurgrn-Petraleun PISIULAIIAZZAVE B-F ; ISMAILZADE, I.G.; KOSIMLEVA, L.M.; WEDOV, F.A.; C,ASJMW6VA'F.A.; EYLIATOVA, 0 Nature of armatic and hydroaromatic hydrocarbons in the fraction Imlow "'(,('0(; of the Buzovna oil field of the Kirmaki series. Aterb. khim.zhur. no.3:41-53 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Buzovna-Petrolcum) (HydrocarbonB) .- pISHMMZUM 0- aj.1-ISKULZM, I*G*; KOSHRIEVA, L.M.; ZYBATOVA, Sh.g. KAMM, F.A.; KULIKOVA, S.A. Nature of hexahydroarmatic hydrocarbons frcm the 140-175* C fraction of Surakhany selective oil. Aserb.khim.&hur. no.5: 9-21 161. (MIRA 150) (Hydrocarbons) (Surakhany-Petroloua-Analysis) PISHNAMIAZUDE, B.F.; ISMAILZADE, I.G.; KOSHELEVA, L.I.I.; EYBA-.'('VA, Sh.E.; MAMEDOV, F.A.; ORUIr..fEVA, T.M.; MA~EDOV, G.M. Nature of hydroaromatic hydrocarbons of the fraction boillng at 140-1750C from Kirinaki series in the Neftyanyye Kamni offshore field. Azerb. khim. zhur. no.2:3-11 163. (MIRA lr~:F, i M PIMINAMAZZADF,__B,F.; ISMAILZADE, I.G.; KCSH-71-FVA, L.H. ; ETBATOVA, Sh.F.; V - HAMM, F.A.; ORUD2MVA, T.M. Investigation of the nnture of the hydroaromatic hydrocarbons of the fracticn of 140-175* from the petroleum of the Neftyanyye Kam-- ni field. Nerteper. i neftakhim. no.lOsI2-14 163. (MIRA l712) 1. Institut neftr-khLmicheskikh prctnessov, g. Baku. AccA-.v,uoz; as A?4o22= AUTHDRs S/O2h9/63/019/M2/OD19/0023 Tr=s Synthesis of chlorowthers an the base of simple vinyl others (Pre3ented by M. F. Magiyows academician of the Aserb4ydzhan AN SSR) SOUICSt AX AswWoM. Dolaadyo# v. 190 no. 22,, IM,, 1943 TMI Otherp ddw**hwg VIqA etbers ddaveftA eUM& chlow-09thylaIlW1 *tbws catalptp Obbat Wderl". aim chlerid*# dieIdw*AhA&UWIL Other AMMON New- wd %%AAjkyi ethwe were synthoolsed occerding to the + >C C< ROCH - CHI ROCH - C - ck4 1 1 1 +Cis Cl >C-C< CHs OROCH-( ROCH-C-C-0 CHICI 9CEMON NRt 04M2011 Into a 250-61 container were placed 136.5 ex c(-daoroethylbutyl other (CME) and, 1.0 Va anhydrous CoOL2,, the mix was cooled to -90, and throuO it was passed 0,-butylene for an 18-hour period, The obtained reaction product was washed with'; water and with a 2WX solution of sodium carbonate, followed by drying over CaC12.: Vacuum distillation followed,, the main fraction (19,2$ of the total yield) having a boiling rainge of 67-69G at 2 in Hg. Chemical analysis revealed it to be 24mtoxy-4-chlorohexans. It was established that the reaction did not take place in the absence of a catalyst and that in the presence of 1.46,, 2.5 and 3.5% CoG12 the yields of the chloroethers amounted to 35.6, 54.3,, and 66.'t~ respectively The alkylation of ME with propylene and isobutylene was conducted similArly, also the alkylation of a-chloroethylethyl other with m-butylene and i3obutylene. In another series., using a 100-ml chamber and Ze,, 12 as catalyst 0 O(P ~-dicl-aoro- ethylethyl ether was alkylated with a-butylene. 'rt was found that the reactivity of the obtained chloroethers of both series diminished with increased molecular weight. Orig. art. hass 2 tables and 2 formulas. MOCIATIOU: IMP im. Yu. 0. I..amedaliveva (IMP) Ce,d 2/$ - -~ PISHNAMAZZUE, B. F.; ISHAMADE, I. G.; ~U~ID3V, F.A. Hatur* of proftets obtained in the conjugated dealkylation- alkylation of an aromatic concentrate from the 250-2750C boil,lig fraction of Balakha.Ry heavy oila. Azarb.khim.zhur. no.4:31-43 161. (MIRA 14111) (Balakhny-Petroleum-Aimlysia) ( "i groups) MKHTIUV, S.D.; PISHIIAW7,ZE, B.F.; KOSHEIZVA, L.M,,; EYBATOVA, Sh,F. Separation of Individual hydrocarbons from petroleum. Report No.2,- Separation of mathy'ryclopontans and mathyleyclohaxane. Azerb.khim.shur. no.6:3-12 159. (MIW, 14:()) (Cyclohexanti) (Cyclopentara) ilSIll:;uAJluljLp L.F.; KGSHEL.'VA, L.$'*!.; :XLEITAEOV, G.11. Synthesis of lov rclecular weiglit aro-vit , hydrocarbons fror- a natural- aromatic concentrate. Azer.- Ablva -hur. no.4:35-i.3 160. (1-',MA 14:8) ,lipiroc-T bona) (Alkylation) FISHHAKAZZAIX. B-F- ; CliliYEVA, Sh.D. Alkylation of chloromethyl esters of carboxylic acids witb hYdroc&rbons of the sthylene series. Dokl.Al Arerb.SSR 1.2 no.12: 895-900 '56. (MLRA 10:8) l.Institut nefti Akademil nauk AzarbWzhanmkor SSR. Predstavleno akadenikom Akademit nauk Aserbaydzhanskoy SSR N.Y. Akgjy6vy%. (AlkYlation) (Olefins) (Acids, Organic) USSR/Oreanic Chemistry. Synthetic CrWI,- Cheraletry. Ab6 Jour: Ref Zhur-KIft-dya, lic 6, 1957P 19052 Author PishnAmAzzadc D. F. Titlu Ulylation of Alphahaloidoethere with Olefines. Orig Pub: Tr. In-ta ldiiuiyi All Gr-uz3SR, 1956, 12, 259-267. Abstract: A review. DiblioGraphy with 35 references. Card : 1/1 PLSML&WZAIM, B.F.. GULIYEVI. Sh.D. Synthesis of now representatives of ~~chloroethers. Dokl Xf Aserb.SSR 13 no.3:271-275 '57. (KWA 10: 7) 1. Institut nefti Almdemii nAuk Axerb%ydzhAasiroy SSR. Predstqvlenc skademikom AkRdemil nauk Aterbsydhanskoy SSR N.Y. Iviglyevym . (11ther) PISHNIYJ,.Z7.ADE, B.F.; GASANDVA, bh.D. ----------- - Alkylation of gk.-chloromethylalkyl etherp vW ally] cH~)rlde- A7prb.kbIm.zhur. no.1135-" '60. ( MI ItA ' LI: Q ) (Ethers) (Alicylation) ACC NM AM29"O SWAM C Us URAMMS1000/004/00n/041 5 =I low TITUS sj"~!Wlslvr 41-0 obwt as-2)-Pb aster of Athalle add%; '*star Later- SOUMM: 1601 1 1 1 BUY kbialdwokly sburnalf no. 140 ins$ 30-41 7WIC TAGS: phtholic acid, esterification, chlarimated organic rx, feund, polyweAza- tun, evelymer. aster AWTVACT: The object of the study was to find optimum conditions for using 1,3-di- eblorabuteme-2, a byproduct of the commercial production of chloropronel In this ayn- 1honle. Mw 1.3-dichlorvbutme-2 wn fint converted to 3-daiiaiuaw-2-ol-l by aspo m1fication with a lot solution of Xa,1CO3-A M yield (theavy based an reacted dimethyl pbtbalate) of di-O-chlorebutow-2)-ft ester of phthalic acid was obtoln*4 using the JbIlowift aster laterchaW t&cbnlque: a mixture of 16 pat-to of 3-chlombutene-2-ol-I with doolvte dLethyl- and dhwthyl estate and phthaUc acid was heated for 30 minutes at SOOC siodw egitation mad the product settled for 66 hm # The mlar ratio of starting ph"Salse to 3-chlowoobuteme-2-ol-I was 1%10. About 0,1023-0.1123 sales of watallic wadium we used per mole of startimo alcobol. The reaction product wee wash 1/2 L M54-56 ACC Nib APS029990 ,wA,, trantod with KI, extracted with other and distilled under vacuum. Elemental anal sis of the product ladlemted the formulai CIGN160%Cll. It was found that d1-(3-chl*- rebutese-O-Pb enter of pbtbaUc acid can be copolyinerized, with styrorto and mothyl- astbacrylate. Sueb capolymarixation0j'*1olds various products depending upon the prv- portion of starting wtorialas "Cip-olymerization reactions were conducted In the pro- sum* of bmsepormlLds at 1409C for 4-4 bows. Orig. wt. bat 3 tables. so owl 07/ sm vAnt i9jumew oxic Fzrt ocs/ OTH YSF: 003 Cmd S/123/61/0W/C, I I /C ', 5/0 34 A004/A 10 1 AUTHORS: Pishik. N. S.; Vdovin, F. V.; Chukmasov, A. S.; Bernshteyn. M. M. TITM Investigating centrifugal castings from l)(l34l8B2E;(lKhl3N18V2B) steel for the production of particularly thin-walled tubes PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyaniye, no. 11, 1961, 66, abstract 11B511 (V sb. "Proiz-vo trub! no. 3. Khar'kov, 1960, 123-130) TEXTs The authors investigated the microstructure of lKhl3Nl8VlB steel specimens in the cast and heat-treated state. To check the quality of hot-rolled 89 x 6.5 mm tubes from this steel after heat treatment, their mechanical proper- ties were determined, the macro- and microstruature analyzed and the Intercr-ts- talline corrosion tested. The obtained results confirm the possibility of produ- ing especially thin-walled tubes (25 x I and 19.5 x 0.2 mm) from lKhl3Nl8VlB steel blanks cast by the centrifugal method, There are 3 figures and I refer- ences. N. 1111n& [Abstracter's notei Complete translation) Card 1/1 r i PISIITAWV; Ste, inzh. Interpretation of the results of tt.,,. conbined elpctri(.:al profi-ling in the Madan ore region. MIn delo IF no. 12: 3-8 D 163 1. Minno-geolozhki Inat.1tut. il ' , - . , V . t . n . , t. I . ; :,~' .',l- IV ' . ' . , I - z I - . ;P ~ if' 'A ~,( 'I, ~ r M, . . . , ti-,e r 't ! . ~ i v- - . - , - ,afi i, -- - ~ - ' o . i ' r q, ~ V . r v j r-,p . I , . " 1 , g - (, pr, t, ~~ .9 nn -. k 11.1 r ~re ~ 1 . n s ! 4-i. !I-e.i.t) I: t I . 1( 3 ' . L 11232-66 !"WT(m)/EPF(n ) -21SWT (b ACC UR/00 4-JAUTHOR: Kyrohl, X; Selutskle P,; PlebtektoP LJP(c) JD/WW/JG VOW012 4A, ORG: Institute for Nuclear Investigations,, Pragueo Czechoslovakia Unbtltut yadeMkh Iseledovenly). TIM: Xxtractlon f sircouluorilth a beftsene solution of fatty &aid@ SOURCE: Zhurnal noorganloh*skoy khluli, YAO, no.12, 1965, 2764-2T73 TOP10 TAGS: zirconium, fatty sold, solvent extraction* hafnlum ABSTUCT: 2he mixture Of 07-00 fatty &Old@ used had the following in- dloes: sold number--393.9; othbr number--0*8; unesponlflabloo--0.4; per- sent molsturo--0.1; fractional composition: 2150g--4.0%; 251-26000-1 92.6%;- above 26000--3.2%. 2he radioactive Isotope Zr9 was obtained in the form oxallo &old solution. A working solution of 10 N HN03 was prepared. Radioactive hafnlum was obtained by Irradiation of spool- ally purified hafalum dioxide; noinganome by Irradiation of chroulun In a cyclotron.. For extraction of siroonium a solution of fatty acids with a concentration of 100 Dolop/lIter was added to a zirconium solution taggei -the zr95 IGOtOPsv In 0-1 1 HV03- with 2henj with agitation, there was edited a 2.5 solar solution Of 0830DON& In a 0.5 molar solution of X&OH to obtain tba'doolred Pa In the equilibrium aqueous pbsa@ (as a rule 5.9. 6.0)o &ter addition of-the acetate' the solution us~ stirred for 30 cow I a hail L ACC 0 min. The phase volume ratio was I and the re-extractlon time was 30 min After extractIont both phase@ were completely transparent. The autodi- ffuslon coofflelents were determined by diffusion from capillaries. Scattering of light by the solutions of streonlus and fatty acids was determined by a conventional method. A 10-.7 molar solution of ZrIV in a IoG% solution of fatty acids In benzene was ultraoontrlfuged for 4 hours at a rate of $90800 riv/mIno and the optical diffraction was measured. A22 propertlen.masured are shown In tables and graphs. The article con, olude's w1th a discussion of the possible meahattlem of the - extraction. Thi data'Indlosto that zirconium exists In the orgmdo phase In the form of assoclated compounds of a colloidal net=*. The co-extraction of trace qUantltles of yttrlum, aloblua,, and other metals was obierved during the extraotlon,of alroonlus wIth fatty acids., It was also found that siroon, I'Me :b"Mus, and yttrlum are offiolently worbod by ollloa Sol from the o an4o ph"** 1% wag establIshed that Qw dItforemose In the extraotloi of sirsoalve =4 hafalum In the-system stwAled we not sufflolon% for 16opmation: of the two motals, OrIg. arte Met 9 figures and !5 tables. MW DA22: OlFeb64/ ORIGIAM 010/ OIN RM 009 Pishul:Ull, i7. S. A.moni-. the papers presented by the -'!rat All-Uni, n ~;- nferenco (,,n Aerohydrod,ynarica ~8-1) Dec 1952) corivenod b~ *.he Ins"Itule f flechnnics. Acf.deqv of Sciences JoSit, w-,P: "Extraction of Petrolour. ircm 'dater-Ull '30113" ")., Pisklinov, !~. 0. ( P"i , ',A - - * I - , lnititute Imeal V.A. 5teklov) So. l7veHtt3*a Al; U~;Sji, Utdelenl_Q Toklmicneskikh Nauk. ljo. ~, I(ir,w, June 19~), 1.1 Jul~~ 1g,,4) ACCESSION M AP4009786 S/0065/64/000/001/0051/0055 AUTHORS: Marinchenko, 3.1,; Chertkov, Ya. B.; Pishurloy, V.A. TITLEi Scale fo=ation In turbojet engines SOURCEl rhimlya 1 talchnologlya topliv I masel, nOo' It 1964, 51-55 TOPIC TAGSs jet chamber,soaling ABSTRACT: Scale formation In jet engines was stu4ied and the par- ticular purpose of the present work Is a study of some of these problems, Deposits were investigated which acouw--Iated on the In- jection fuel nozzle and on the whirler of engine I after 100 hours operation on fuel TS-1; on the injection nozzlo and walls of the heat pipe of the combustion chamber in engine Il aftor 200 hours operation on fuel T-2; and on the heat pipe of the combustion chamber of engine III after 300 hours operation on fuel T-1, The engines were operated within their warranty period under same con- ditions as In airplanes* Temperature of fuel nozzles and whirlers in working operations reached 250-3400 UhUe the wall temperature Card 1/2 ACOESSION NR: AP4009786 In the combustion chamber within the scaling zone did not exceed 250-4000; gas temperatures In front of the turbine were 500-7200, It was concluded that scaling In turbojet combustion chambers is formed In zones having inadequate teaperature (250-4000) and too loir oxygen concentration for adequate combustion. The scale was found to consist of multistage, consecutive, deep-destruotion products of the organic molecule with considerable enrichment of carbon in the final product. The material carbonized because the doposit contained considerable quantities of sulfur,-oxygen- and nitrogen compounds. The deposit also consisted of oxidizable hydrocarbons and nonhydrocarbon organic compounds with sulfur, oxygen and nitrogen contents. At temperatures of 200-4000 in an oxygen environment, oxidizing processes transform nonhydrocarbon compounds Into resins and ultimately Into scalee- Origo art. has no figures, no formulas,, 6 tables, ASSOOIATIONt Sons SUBMITTEDo 00 M 00=1 OX DATE AM 1OPeb64 NNOL: 00 NO 22P BOVI 006 OTHM 001 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4019215 S/0056/64/046/002/0508/0510 AUTHORS: Xubarev, A. M., Piskarev, V. I. TITLEi some results of an experimental investigation of the effect of a magnetic field on the radiation spectrum of a ruby laser SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 46, no. 2, 1964, 508-510 TOPIC TAGS: laser, ruby laser, laser in magnetic field, laser line splitting, laser frequency variation, laser cavityaxial mode, ruby laser spectrum, laser pulse modulation ABSTRACT: A study was made of the time variation of the spectral composition of radiation from a ruby laser to which a pulsed mag- netic homogeneous field was applied. The delay between the start of the field pulre and the laser flash could be varied. Splitting of the ruby emission linen was obtained at 1206K near the maximum of the magnetic field. With decreasing field the mean value of the Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4019215 frequency decreased in the stronger of the two lines and increased in the weaker. The transitior-L_corresponding to the stronger line is identified as but that of the weaker is not identified. It is noted that the frequency variation is not smooth, but is changed by discrete amounts from one cavity axial mode to another. A regular decrease in the generation frequency is observed at room temperature. "The authors are deeply grateful to V. I. Bespalov and A. V. Gaponov for interest in the work and for a dis- cussion of the results." Orig. art. has: 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovateV~skiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gor1kovskom universitete (Scie4ific Research Radiophysics In- titute at Gor'kiy University) : UMZTTEDe 09AuVG3 IDATB AL 27M&r64 ZNCLs 00 aus CODBI PH NO ftar SOVI 001 OTHM 006 card 2/2 MALIKOV, K.V.; PISHVANOV, V.L.; ANDRFjYFV, Ye.I.; RYNIKOV, V.I.; SFMAVIN, P.I. Two-years of experience in the operation of blqst furnaces vi-~e, the blowing-in of highly sulfurous mazut. Metallurg 8 nc.121 5-8 D 163. (MIRA 17W WGUMM IN---. MALIKOV, K.V PISHVANOV, V.L.; SUNTSOV, G.N.; STAROVEROV, A.A.; rNK Ovc~~M ; V.I.; MAZIN, B.S.; RUNIKCV, Ir.l.; SEHAVIN, P.I. Using sulfurous mizut in blast furnaces. Stall 23 no.5094-3Q7 Vq 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nnuchno-losledovatel'skly institut met-rillur-ich-skoy teplotekhniki i Betoretskiy metallurgichf-skiy kombinnt. (Blast furnacps-Equipment and supplies) (Mazut-Analysis) GLUSHKO, V.V. [Illunliko, V.V.jj PITIVANOVA, L.S. Tortonian In the Dabromill Carpathisna. Dop. Ali URSR no.lls 1515-1518 161. OGFLA Ib:-) 1. Ukrainakly nauchno-inaledovatellakiy goologorazvodoq" inatitut. Prodatavlono akademikom AN Ukr.M O.S.Vyalovym. (Berezov r4ginn (Ukraine)-Cooology, Stratigraphic) UALOW, O.S.[Vyalov, O.S.); PISVAVCVA, L.S. (Pishva!jQTw&-L*S.h GRISKEVICI, G.N. [GrishkovicL, G.Ii.) Sketct4 of the Tramcarpathian Klocone stratigraphy. Amlel~ geo. geogr 17 no.,4:58-.68 04 1~3. P I Z-1i V ANON A, I . S . St.:-%tlgraph.',~ allgnlfeari,~--. ,F f - - , - , - .' the Tortonian orAdIlments In tho sout've9' -n ~,--,rn;, - . , , h. Bussian Platform. Trudy 1N-rNGR,' 1. '. ki ., I p , SUBBOTINA, N.N.; PISHVANOVA, L.S.; IVANCVA, L.V. Stratigraphy if Oligocene and Mocene deposits of Ciscurpathia, based on the study of fornxminifers. Trudy VNIGRI no.15)i5-155 960. (KIRA 13:7) (Carpathian Mountain region--Poleontology, Stratigraphic) (Foraminifera, Fossil) SUBBOTIRA, N.N.; GLUSMID, T.T.;--PI,SKYANOTA, L.S, Age of the lower Torotyahobeask series in the outer Precarpathian dePression. D*kl.AX 3331 104 zoAt605-607 0 '55. (MI&A 9:2) I.Prodstavlem akademiken S.I.Mi4novym. (Carp&Waa Mountain region-Goology, Stratigraphic) DABAGTAN N.V.; KYATLTUI Te.T.; PISHVANOVA. L.S. low data on the strattgrap~i-~f--To-rlTa-r-f7t"wstto of Trassearpathia on ths, b"Is of a study of Foraninifora.Gool.sbor. LWOTJ no.21)3220- 236 '56, (KLJtA M3) 1. Ukrainekly vseooyusnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skly gooloro-r&zvq&dochnYY neft.ranoy Institut. L'vov. (Transcarpathia-yoraminifera, Fossil) n i,7 HT 'r-k -Pevy- t L,-,t rn I tnr- r-ran.9 a r php. t t', k( f knpu , --r. M; lkad~-m~ AN i'jr Vynjur~. ! IN , " 11 in PISHVAJIOVA, L.S. Quinqueloculina distorta: a nevo Helvetian Foraminifera speces. Paleont.shur. no.3sl2j.-125 161. (MIRA 15.2) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno.-iseledovatel,'skiy geologomzvedochnyy InBtitut. (Carpathian Mountain region -Foraminifera, Fosell, GWBIIKO. V.V.. PIST(VANOVA, L.S. Strpktip,kph.v of lover f6rtonlsp deposits of the Cftrpathlan frontal fRult. Gool.abor.[L"v) no.1:30-36 1549 (MLRA 10:1) 1. Vaesovu%W naurhno-tavilsdavmtel'skly goologo-mzvedochryy nmftyRnqy institut. LIvow. (C^rpmthi#4n Mount-On rmgion--A#ml*j7, Strpttirmphic) t.-j/,:) H VI-i /Y, 0 V,~i -., GOLUBKOV, Visff'VANOVA, L.S. Stratigraphic aspects of the Kalushm beds in Transcarpmtftla Dokl.AN SSSR 94 no.4:7"1-743 F '54. (Ml-FLA - ' ) (Kalusha--Geology. Stratigraphle) (Geology. Stratigrriphic- Kalu~ha)