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LEMAN, N.F. [Lipkan, M.F. !; P1101C11P M.T. [Pindych, M.T. .1 Nuc-'eic acid content of tissues of anizAls Lrrad.ated and treatel with an mntiradiation coml.lex. Ukr. blokhim. zhur. Y no.,-.~14-'19 163. (KUU 171l1) 1. Department of Medical Radiology of the Kiyev Fostgraduate Insti- tute for Ptysictans. PINDICH, S.F. '; RiBINOTICH, A., rodaktor; STVANOTA, N., takhnichook.y remal"U [Repair of tractor engines; the experience of agricultural repair enterprises] Remont tractornykh dylgatelet; is opyte mallskokhozimi- stveWkh remontnykh prodpriiatii. Minsk, Goo. ied-vo BSSR. 1956. 141 p. (M12A 9:12) (Tractor*-Ingines-Repairin,g) 068 O.'t a 4~ 64 44-111r. "A 69 A" 86 sr. Sli. Table" rLs"SCOMPIP es-,al.-twele," L GOMM 11'1~61fiv. 444*09 -6 #@1 US IS IN 0 so a 0 UP 0 a towels -No I T MA , L I . ! III !, COPP w" soU 9*2 too 0 IL T. d 1b "go t1oo so 1 4 a -W 0 4 We' - Annular distributions in the reaction p+ p--jj*r+ Bul Ae Pol mat 12 no. 1: 61-65 164. k 1. Institute of Theoretical Physics, University, Waranw. Presented by L. Infeld. p all o . a Is h - - 47 - - ttl 9 of 70 16 f i " 0 It got Teak. G. a.. L ~T sm"Ife"Ol U.11 wjpklvy. 411.7,10-13 4 1 NMI '10"Mi Out ""OpnA, W to 11"'$n m lrftfwornl to twiftlav bilb Ormir W." Wol :71 oo *alk "Alt"Iffilt 1,7"96711140 tvm1st"WO a IY' =;x f I : o - tairt'ary C14Y skow"d "tWl., pirm" 900 '"Iftipt-lowrl", I aw, ." Wilims Om In*m G;1 meet p 00 0116111 ;, to"" jr 00 ogo e so too too 000 00 0 fl- 0 ow 00 04r 0o - T -- v l 1 A IT wo w, Tv".W6 W O o 4D ; 00000000000000 0;000:0:00000 1 0000000t o 0 00000-000000000 00000 0 00000 !1 l l 1 0000000 0 pv 0 loot -00 1 w 10 to 4. 41, 10 Ip .4 teebm G 9, ~&4 ?Mt-11 L.; - "A I ".1-4 )-,. h -- 1-1-"Itnt t." t rtw ..i 007 00, 00, 00-1 00. 00- 9 00 0 0 e a 0 0 4 1 00 so 00 PI 1 Sol Wig": 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IN 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 90 ,a ac So j 4 IN 9 a a a III III a IN a a a 40 a 419* A-1 A A It 11111111 I- smon* 40 libb aboarbod -00 -000 of 111111P OW SU MMIS PPIPPINFIAMIN. A. "Id v6ps". Kiiw Khoo? 0 310 _07(im 5 f i 0 mift - The - pow (He I c , ve I-Ira b7 06&v m 11017W w WASItMalmiobed d 4 Am, 0" '1 -00 . . . that relm the absor"We concHy ed do cb Tbi *s- -00 H 690 00 1119KII 10110 Il IM la s Vkh an smammr 6a e hi xaW k merp 9e apet y ly y, t 00 I ism arkh an brrmw is K of No wail a den cam W Cm ag Me. memcork" in 64. edge. raw the phaqwky. Am. coo mg it" . ads a(dratt" OW stme so". M rm sin SWA a** rr*idb. Addise dextrin camwd Swum Is the mispim -turbo dryi". S. 1. K"AWIN ce 9 POW .0 Q.. 444 Z : : 0 0 v : : Z : *go* 0000000000 go* Coo ViDe 000 i * ; o 0 0 0 0 0 & 0409669GOIL944609969 , , 7- r 40cs W.. ow ;t:_ , to. I V 4 W ilid "Wp- . 00"60 USSR / Diffus. in. 7, . ri E_, Abs Jour Ref 7hur F, ~a, N Author -hLqs.5~" Title On the 311nterin,- or Multiphase Fk^~,es- I. The Couies-ence of Heteragene~-,v; Grain,;. Or i g Pub Zh. tekhri. ftz~kll , . -'t- Ii - ~, 206t-)-2~"4 Abstra,-t The character of ,i~nl-er'n f valtiphase bod;f?!; ~ihod;l le- pen(i )n the relatians beLw(--en the -,Iefri(~icnt or ~-~ilrface tenslon c)f Lne -omponenLa "'A and('- an,l the ooeffl ient 'nterphase surfa-c tf-InG onk 7~ -~'~Iieacen e f dir thWi-aAWi, ' Ae c I'n*,* Ifi 13, ~ 6?. feren-l', e s PM W1 lCnequal I ty the ~oalcs-en-e w.11 .)f f the rthmis between tho q-ndl thp -m-Linc torether of their -en- L(--r,, by self-diffij-, .)n )f uUms if tv~)th kLn(k Car," It, Z, USSSR / Diffus~on. Sinti--rini;. E-1 Abs J )ur Ref Zhur - Fizlka, N- Abstra,t ri )w" ;r of bo,.h s When the -)mp- nent n are mu t ually i ni, ~ I tO 3 le ( th er -, no hetern-il f ff 119 ion the ,;r -en,~ sh u1,1 -:top a,, a -ertain 11,-3tan e between par- ~i-le -en'.ers. In the -use ~~, > the -oales-en.-c ssh~.)uil bef-in wit,h lie ;3ur ra e hetero-d f f fus lon, lead ' nj., the --~~verino- %hu -,ixrare w1th the .3absLan,-c havin,~ tte smalle-t.* . Th!-, will be fc;llowed by a development )f Lhe -hance ~n the form -,~~lf-diffuslan of the subsLan e with the minimum Upon f rm.*_1on )f new intermetal-li -phas e s in the qv,;1_em, '.ht~ phon~)mena -an be(7i_)me more 'ated. Car,' 2 2 USSR D~ffuslun. l.n!vr xi Abs J,,tL- Ref hur - F, - I.,A, 11 N ) '4~ Auth.-)r Pl-n,-r,, B. ya-1 T1 tle Yn Ch e ~-*) I n t,~ r L n,,, o f Mul L I I it I ['. c, B- 1 if Compressed Powder Mixtu,,-ec. ContrarLLon is ck Fi-ui ti-n of Concentrati,in. Orii-, i~d~ Zb. telthn. f . : 4 k i , 19'),,, 21-,, N lliX) - ?10 Abstrart Me shrinkaj7,c , up~)n ;.atcr~nj~ -,mpressed mixture f powders is non-afl(litive and in the -ase of random 1~ ' strit tion of ,-ralns )f Lh~ :7omponents, the shrinkint-, depends on the bulk concentration In ac,)rlafice wtth the f,rmula: -j . I . lki , , '_ C , -# ~~- - I , where 1, and -~;, are the va-~aes o f th e sh r i ri~age n i i nt er i n,7, under the same cjn~iti,lns) of the pure ~-omponents, rmi .~ is a -onstant -haracter ,--In the rela*,,.ve rpdirt~,on in tnr- . - 1~1 f t.-raIns )f !'.stan,,e tetween ',,n- , I' Carl 2 USSR ' Diffuqion. Sinter,n,- - E-1. Abq Jour : Ref Zhur - Flzlya, N') 14, -")' , N,) )34i AbstracL : rials. In mixtures ..' K)vlers .,f me*-als that show rniil-ilj., -11, frus 1 (,n ( for e=-ip, - --,opper an I ni ?reel ) ,nhr-l:,- kage is obta,ned in s!',nj:, ow.n.- to thr, nvw'Lj-rt,rme,! porosity (in the :7a.ns of -opper, In the czsc or Lh4~-- ~:,- Ni system) in -onnerton a:th the Inequality ~if the par- tiai ! efficientn of heter(-,J.'ffusI,)n. Carl : 2 2 CARD Z 7HA P:NES, a. -,A 7- TLE ~;n the Com~4tatlon of tLe :4oat Simple Equilibrium Diagrams of Three-Component Alloys. 7 j' : --AL LLrn techn, f I a, 2', fasc, 9, P~)8-2118 '19'6 lssued~ C; revieved~ I 1 1 icj~,6 ,i,e pr~-ser.t aork demonstrates ~-eneralized computations of the most N'mFe E-q--briurn diagrams for three-component alloys. These computationu were ,,r:ied c,,, on t~,.e ba-3;2 -,f the same assumptions and simplifications as was tne :,is~ .n irevious works ZErF,-L~, fusc-11-12, 411 ;%1(1445), ISFHA Ib, fasc.l. t4 1 'A 7TH 2'. fasc DAN SSSR. I - 1, fasc, ', ~19')G), --FH 1, :,)i- tivc-component alloys. These asgumptions were the followine: Tn,.~ potential eneri-y of trie alloy U is considered to be th#-- sum of recipro- enerFies '-Tik of tne atoms located in tne closest proximity to Dne ir. anich cvis" the value of TJ I K, should, for the given pair of atoms, be Df tr.e reciproctil ieti,~ntal energy of t-.e Individual atom with re- to tne- vth-~?r adjoining nt.!ighbors, and also Independent of trie amount of :ntf-rutomic distance Jn tre occasion of th,? dett~rraination of entropy only BOLTZMANN'S summand if "mixinw entropy" is taken Into account as well as the "additive summand" of trie. entropy for the giv(!n phase, which to independent of concentration and of tht- nature of the utibstance irr. t e ctin f is. 2 , f as c . 4 , , 1 Cil- -~ 1 ' ~ ~ ' i I GAFD , 1/ 2 ?A - ' - C), The effa-t of "corre.'ation" is neglected. Satisfactory numerical &4~r?i!aent compiited and r(itiults can be attained on,y ~T' tringe a.; ~jtem a for wt- ~n t ne is a ~,Li terns ~nunt.~onel hold F-ood ~ - n , r a I #? , -,ia t - ,,, f )r a tw~ tiAr t, :A f ~, u r - p na 9 e u b r i u.~ I n t - e t t, r 4~ C Imp3nent %)-~it.?M drv' 1 ne same equat.,ons are t 1, -~ i ioxi~i -it~y f ivk!i, ; ri, ad '~ I t I 'n thit tqproximhted eiuatlons ~or tne free eri-~r~V )f tt,~: 9,,;Iuti.~ns. wt,icn had form,~rl~ beer. ,Qe~ or tiie pLr i6 f -.i ji t, n,; t r e liagrams of two-component systems. viere t i z e -i ft s ',, rc t i (, n s ,on~-entration r. c o n c I a a i 0 u , t ne n -~) a t s I m TI I e '* syTme t - i c a o I u t r. a o f t tie e I Li a t I o n s C h correspond t,- tw- and phasp equilibrium on the occasion Cf ttle iecoMTc- 61 ti on of V~Ic Fir-utl ocs t,,, ~).It I hsis-? trang i ti on are analyzed I N,,- r1 T" T : 01: F, ~i c " 6 ~ X SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS J AU 2 PA - 1565 AUTHOR PINES,B.JA , SIRENKO,A F TITLE Some Rules Goveraing the Mechanic Properties of Samples Produced by the Baking of Metal Powders II. Tests at Increased Temperatures. PERIODICAL gurn.techn.fie, 26, fasc.10, 2376-2386 (1956) Issued: 11 / 1957 The first report (B.JA PINES, N I,SUCHININ, Zurn techn fis,26, 7 (1956)) showed that the mechanic strength of porous "metallic ceramic" eam;-les (obtained by pressing and annealing metal powders at one and the same temperature) depends linearly on porosity The present work describes breaking strength tests oarried out at temperatures of up to 9000 C in a R2 atmosphere with samples of -,ompressed powder which had previously been annealed for different length& of time at a temperature of 10000 G. On thle occasion load velocity was modified by 100 time 110its original amount. For samples of equal porosity which were tested at - 900 C the linear connection between the logarithm of load velocity and the value 2)r strength re- sulting from the dependence of "life" on itress wae -,onfirmed Samples with different porosity show a linear decrease of the strength p with a growing poro 11 ity ~ also when tested at high temperatures (with load velocity re- maining constant), so that it is possible to determine the value for strength which is extrapolated for a growing porosity The aforementioned linear connection 4 A Wtiqu at th4 paper by Walmwo and x IL- 0. X. smallman Tb6 Um of FQwieLAuAlydA In the Interip#3- flou d - Fio U, 10d. t" W. f4A A., Ails Cryd., I M4, 7, A" 4Jf A U, W. 11 How ClAt inctio. i6te-ticics atid givt,-s mwkms fur rx-jectilig Ote : 't7 XjA AUTHOR: PIIIES,B.YA., dAJK0VSK1J,i,-F- FA - Iiccl TITLE: TE9 X-R-a-7-VoThod for the botQrv~ination of thio Cofyfrlf~.'Urta 11 Heterodiffusion in Alloys forming Solid Supplcmentary 5jjutj~,ns. PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademit Nauk SSSR, 1956, Vol 111, Nr 6, pp 1234-1237 (U.S.S.R.( Received: 2 / 1957 Reviewed: 3 / 19517 ABSTRACT: The determination of the dependency of concentration of the dif- fusion coefficient D necessitates tho explanation of the tintribution of con- centrations in the sample. This problem can bu aolvod successfully In a system in which the lattice constant shows a noticeable dependence on concentyntion. Such dependence mostly exists in the case of metal alloys which form supplemen- tary solutions. By realizing a one-dimensional distribution of concentration for reasons of simplicity, the problem can be solved in the following manner: on to a plane massive plate of the component I a plane layer of the component II of the thickness I < I 16AA is applied. In this connection A denotes the absorptior coefficient of the X-ray radiation used. It is possible to obtain an X-ray pic- ture with the interference lines of both components from such a sample. If both components have a homogeneous lattice with a different lattice constant, two lines with equal reflection indices can be observed in each aaeo in the X-.raj picture. If the composed plate is heated to such temperatures as are sufficient for diffusion, a certain distribution c - c(x) of concentrations over the depth occurs in the plate as a consequence of diffusion and an equivalentIchange of the lattice constant a occurs correspondinr to depth. From the linear deFend- CARD 1 / 2 PHASE 11 BOOK EXPLOITATION 605 Pines, Boris Yakavlevich Lektoll po struktummu analizu (lActures on Structural Analysis) 2d ed., rev. KbArIkov, Izd-vo Khar1kovskogo gos. unly-ta, 1957. 454 P. 10,000 copies printed. Rasp. Ed.: Bublik, A. I.,- Docent, Candidate of Physical and Kathenatic&I Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: Tretlyakova, A. N. Tech. Ed.: Trofinenko, A. S. PURPOSE: This handbook was approved by the Ministry of Higher Education as a -viuskI for university students majoring in physics. COVERJUS: This book, the second revised edition, is brought W to date by the inclusion of new subject matterP e.g.: electronographic methods, harmonic synthesis of structures, non-equllibrium states in real crystals. The prac- tical aspects of I-req crystallography in metallography am also considered. The author stresses the contributions of Soviet scientists vbo represent schools and trends in the field of structural analysis, e.g.: N. V. Belov, C &At-t79 Lwcture on Structural Analysis 6o5 Academician; G. V. Kudrymov, Academician; G. B. Bokly, Professor; A. I. Kitaygorodakiy, Professor; G. S. Zhdanov, Professor ; Z. G. Pinak*r, Professor. AcknovIedgpent is given to T. A. "inakays for the preparation of the text of this book, based on lectures ran by the author. There are 2B9 figures, 16 tables, and 143 references, f5 of which are Soviet, 42 English, 16 Germn, and 1 French. TABLE OF CONTMITS Preface 7 PART I. THE CRYSTALLINE STATR Section L. lece.etrical crystanography Ch. 1. Fundamental Concepts of Geametrical Cryst&llography 3 1. The concPpt of symmetry. Elements of symmetry 2. Possible order of symetry axes 15 3- Systems of coordinate axes 16 4. Analytical description of gecaetrical elements of crystals 18 Indices of points, straigbt lines and planes 18 a~ 22 b The fourth index in a hexagonal system c Relation betveen Indices of points, lines and planes 2~ Card 2 -9 tilcl than PUTA)dltr i'diami" I as Elm-. LO&Mm 4 A~ A UMC R: I I n 0 a a.. T I TLE: T I~Cte Of the 3elculation of the 31:arlest Equilibrium Diagrams of TeniAry Alloys. II Some Solutions of' ~;eneral E,4uRtions for the Case of Disintegration of Solutions Associated with the Phase Transition 'K raschetu prosteyshikh diagr - -,vesiya trc)iV~-. 61,lavov. 11 Nekotoryye resheniya obshchik~. uravnen:W 'Iya sluchaya raspada rastvorov, idushchege a fazov~,r. pore: , o.. PERICDICAL: Zhurnal Tekhn. Piz. 1957, Vol 27, Nr 8, pp 18o6-1 _ "j3R) APSTRACT: The solutions of the equations for a bi-phase state of equilibr-itin in a ternary system are investigated which correspond to that oase where an unlimited solubility is given for three double systems with the same components in every phase. Special solutions of e-,uations of a phase equilibriuw for a ternary alloy are in- vestigated for that case where the disintegration of the sclutior is connected with a phase transition. The phases in which al! three oompo"ents are situated are equal. The relations for t~.e ternar.1 diagram are made olear for that oase where in three binax-i systems with the same oomponents an anlimite(i srlublllt~ In each of the two phases is given. There nre 4 figures and Slavic references. 1~7- -A -3 ',,' " 6 A Note cf the Oalculation of the SI,-.rIest E-iulli~-rlum D',&6ra--s of Temar-f Alloys. 11. Some Sclutions cf ~enara'- E,-~iations for Case of Diaint*gration of Solutions Assoolated -dth the Phase TrnnaltIon. ASSOCIATIM State Univsrslt~ I=. A.H.Ilori*, Khar'koy ',-%udar*tv#nmyy uni- versitst im. A.L~.Gor' kogo, Khar' L-4, 3UM:ITTEDs November 24, 1956 A VA ILAB LE - Library of Congress ward 2/2 AUTHORS "I TLE z'lnos, B.Ta. 3,.renko, A.F. Suke.inln N.I. 57-6-1~2,'36 ~Tn t-ering of Non-Sine; I- Bod 1 .9. Sir, teri n, -f Yixtures Containing Lov-wltiag Campments. (Spr3kaniye reodnofaznjkh tel. 111. Spekanlye nmesey, soderzhashchikh legkoplavkiye komponenty.) Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., 1957, Vol. 27, Nr 6, pp. 1891~-1903 (USSR) LBSI'RACT The authors show that the contraction of pressed material of a single-component (oopper-)powder essentially depends on the initial porosit,7 caused by the pressure of compres- sion, or more exactly by the presence of the closed gas- filled pores. With the increase of pressure the contraction mat;nitude becomes smaller and furtheron Its sign changes, i.e. the contraction is replaced by an "increase", the measur.-_~ments of the pressed material beooming greater the sin'ering. The dependence of contraction after on pressure creases and bu-oomes more complioated in the case of the sintering of powder-mixtures of cooper with lowmeltinE additions of Pb, Sn, Bi. Cd. The add-tions romote the formation of closed pores which can lead to an "anomalous decrease of contraction and also to "increase". The cc paring inveatilations in vacuum and fee at atmospheric pressure, as well as an invesl.i.fttion of thH sintering of in- CARD 1/2 57-13-'2/16 Sinterin#., of Non-Single-Phase Bodies. 111. Sinter,.n, of Mlxl.urea Cantaining LowmeltinC Components. samples of diffor-ffnt initial porosity i3howed t1ait the anomaly of ginlorini; procised mator al of Cu-powder with low-melting additions depends on 'ho foimation of an Increased numher of closed pores with additions beint presont. In the case of the sintering of piled powder mixturea all contraction anomalies disappear and the dirt2ct nfluence of the low-melting additions become evident, namely the acceleration of sinterinj,. Furthermore a 6reat acceleration of the re-cr~qtallization of samples takes place if these additions are present. (With I' illustrations, I tabl,,! and 5 SIRvic references) &SSOCIATIOV : Khar'kov State University in. A. M. Gorlkiy ~Kharlkovskiy 6osudarotvenn,~y universite~ im.A.M: V*orlko6o.) SUBMIT7ED: Se~;tember 27, 1956. AVAILABLE: Librar~ of ConCreqn. CARD 212 Pines, B.Ta., Sirenko, A.F., Sukhinin, N.J. -S-om-elre-gulari ties of Mechanical StrenEth of Bodies Prepared by Sintering of Metal Powders. III. The Gase of Powder Mixtures Containing Low-melting Components. (Nekotorjye zakonomernosti mekhanicheskoy prochnosti u tel, poluchenn~kh spekaniyom poroshkov --in1lov. 111. Sluohaj, kogda smeal poroshkov soderzhat legkoplaftlys, componenty.) The authors show that the -echanical strength p of sinLle- phase-powderpressedXeces which were burned of a powder of plastic metal (C dnd at high temperature (10000C) decreases with the increase of porosity w.thin wide limits (0-40%) in such a way as would have to be expected in the onse of a reduction of cross-sectional area. Here p depends only or. the fir,A porosity but not on the initial porosity oil the pressed mater al. In the case of pieces pressed of Cu-powder mixture with low-melting components (like Pb and Sb) at 10000 an anomalous dependence of the real strength limit on the poroaityyt is observed. The dependent strength limit P, (in relation to the initial sample orose-sootion) changes with in a norinal way. These anomalies disappear in tho case of weakly pressed samples and of samples with A LiG R Pines, b. Ya., TITLEi On Diffuaicnal Cree~ing of Soliua "0 diffuzionnoj ,clzuc~-.esti tverdjkh tel) PLRIODICALt Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., 1957, Vol.27, Nr lo, pp. 2314-232o ','J55R'1 kBSTUICT It is snown that the diffasicrial creeping of all solids takes place in all Kinds of stress states with th,~ exception of general com,,re8sior, or general tension. It is shown that in tne case of existence of the gradient of one of the main normal stresses as -sell as in the case of existence of the gradient of a general 7res- sure a carrey-.t of "direcped 8pif uiffusi,.n" of t!,e ~itoms wri -urres~ cn as to t~~e ;reei, ~Iq-' 1!3 L) ou nc to occ a r . It ~ ~q n ot 1 ~ ^,; tne fir"it V-4--ositj coeffic:ojA wh; :,~ 7hara ~terizes the --ree- :r.,7 it. the mere iitivar ( or for i buaj ) nas i.-, t:.- caso. of Sol I Liki t he '1441P Ur(106r ul, ajagl,l tudis till t h to n econ(4, v I ,I C fib I tj .)efficient ana is exi;reti~ie-d !~,, 'if, e! untiet. c-' theb tiathe kll,~; at) c I t~.o- second viscos ity coeMcient, wt-ch in special tc the effect of the uirected se-l' -(iiffusioi, w~,ich is it.: b., tP,P pressure ~:radient . Thrre ar- -, Slav,,c referer~:-!s ~Rrd 1 '2 Or, Llf.,-,Asional Creepirg of Soll:s. ASSOCIATIOgi XhiLr'kov State University imeni A. 9. Gorlkiy I goeudar8tvenzi,,y universitet ii. A. M. "crrcogo, 5jilYITT12i March 7, 1957, AVAILABLE-i Library of torgreas ~: 7 - IC -. I I" 7 kKhar'kOVSKi., Mard 4~2 p1m. B. I-- - Collection of trnnslated articles: "Progress in Metal Physics. Usp.fix.nauk 62 no.4:519-540 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:10) metallurgy) (Phynical -L - 00664,,67 ___Prr(M)LEMMZffI ACC "It APWA340 SOM63 CODEt ON/003D/66/013/001/0225/0231 AVTHORI Pirlesp B. Ya.; Non XUM Znh /~V guy OHM State 11nIversity, Xharkov TXTLE: Strength and structure of thin vacuum-evaporated metal films SOURCE: Physics status solidis v. 13, no. 1. 1966# 225-231 TOPIC TAGS: metal filmp electron diffraction, - JI ABSTRAM The a ructure, and substructure of thin Alo Ago Geo and NI filmso 100-T00-1 thickp have been Investigated with the use of an electron microscope and electron diffraction techniques, The results obtained were compared with a previous determination by the same authors showing the relationship between thickness and strength of tilms (Piz. Metallov I Netallovede Ye 190 T39 (1965)- The structure and substrpeture of Au. Ago and Ge 11me of uniform thickness (200-300 A) were changed by ftl e nt heat treatments following the measurement of their strength, The origin of the higher strength L 4CC M& AP6018340 of the rilms was discussed on the baslo of the results obtained. ?he authorm waro assisted by No D. Beznosyk In the enerimental work, OrU. art, Met 7 r1gureso- lBased on authors' abstract] ENT] So 0=1 U/ sms DATzo moot65/ om Rut oo2/ on mw: oo Vir PUMS. B.Ya.; bIREMO, A.F. Temperature dependence of the mechanical strength and durability of powdered metals under lead. Fix. tvar. tela 1 no.2*275-2M3 Y ,58. (MIRA 12:5) (Cervets-Testing) PIM. B.Ta.-, SIRRNKO, A.F.; SUKIIINIII, N.I. Regularity of mechanical strength in solids prepared by the sintering of metal powders. Isel. po sharopr. splav. 3:126-338 '58. (MBA 11:11) (Powder metallurgy) (Strength of materials) AUTHORs 78-5 - 3-7/4 7 TITLEs Discussion of Lectures (bbsuzndeniye dckladcv PERIODICALt Zhurnal Reorganicheskoy Khimii, 1958, Vol. 3, Nr pp. 601-602 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The lecturer takes an attitude to a lecture by 1.1. Xcrn4_lcv in the first plenary meeting and says that these exllanallicns had been very interesting. It turned that in a pclycc..-,~Lnent alloy there is great solubility of various metals. The in- formation that in a polycomponent system there can be utiservei a two-phase, three-phase and four-phase equilibrium was not. sur prising as this corresponds to the phase rules by Gibbs A certain interaction between the number of comlonents, the 1hases and the degree of freedom is not to be understood that way that witl~ such a great number of components there must inevitably also be a Kreat number of phases. 1.I. Kurnilov believed that it would be possible to represent grarhically the equilibrium of a ko:ycom- ponent system on a diagram of a three-component system. T!,js seems to be based on a misunderstanding on behalf of the lecturer Card 112 He s7mys that the phase diagrams represented by Kornilov in fact Discussion of Lectures 78-3-~-7/47 do not represent diai,-rame of n-com- onent ayate=s tut three-dimensional sections. They corresiond to a cer,air, action of the concentration of comIcnents, or relresent er'lar", diaFrams of equilibrium between the intermetal coiniciinds -C)II taining 6-7 elcmenta, which, however, are no conj ~ nent .9 cf I he system. This in su: posed to be a warning that Ow air.1 j i " ~-d ox planation in not )uBtified and thRt it does not Five description of the whole n-conponent system. ASSOCIATIOR: KharIkovskiy Fosunversitet'kov -,-tqtt- Card 2/2 4, 4- AUTHORi Pines, B. Ya. TITLEs Approximate Thermodynamic Calculations of Simple Equilibrium Diagrams of Ternary and Polycomponent Alloys (Priblizhennyy termodinamicheskiy raschet prosteyshikh diagramm ravnovesiya troynykh i boleye mnogokomponentnykh splavov) PER10DICALs Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Kh1mil 1958 Vol.3 11r 3 pp.bll 629 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The equations for the calculation of ternary diagrams. con- eisting of two, three and four phase-equilibria were set up The equation for two phase-equilibria Is as follows, f 9 1 f 9 1 f Xj X f Y. Y 9 "g x2 Y2 x 3 y3 X2 3 x - Y2 3 y3 The equations for three phase-equilibria is as followst f 9 1 1 f 9 f x f x f x2 Y2. z 2 x3' z 3 2 x20 3 x3 Card 1/3 9 - Y29 Y2_ y39y3. z21z2 z3iz3 78-3 3 14/47 Approximate Thermodynamic Calculations of Simple Equilibrium DiaCrams of Ternary and Polycomponent Alloys The equation for four--equilibria ig as follows! fx y Iz - ku ; f X - 9V kki 2 2 2 2 3 13 3 3 1 f - X f x f 9 y 9 "' y 9 z I z 1 2 x2 3 X3 2 Y2 3 y 3 2 Y2 3 z3 2 1A 2 3 U1 By these equtions the following simple diagrams can be calculated# 1) When the decomposition of the solution takes place without any phase transition, I.e. when in the two-phase equilibrium two equal phases existj 2) At the presence of the same phase transition in all three components and of unlimited solubility in higher and lower temperature phaseal 3) When diagrams with eutectic lines and points occur. The agreement between calculated ande xperimental values was Card 2/3 found. Equations for r-phase equilibria and n component '175-3 3 14/1.7 Approximate Thermodynamic Calcul;itionq rf ~'imple E'lLilitriL.;:. --f Ternary and Polycomponent Alloys alloys were set up with any si.Cnificunce for r and n. There are 8 fiCuros tind 14 references 12 of which arf! 50viet. ASSOCIATIOIN KharIkovskiy Eoaudarstvennyy -irvergitet im.. A. r