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(tranalqtorl; ZZLITSAR, G.I. (tranalatorj; WaMG, _LP;14 I-kh-'. [translator); KONSTANTINOV, O.T. [tronel-storl; SIM IKO.A.T. (translator): SLITA.L.A., red.; BMTSAY.A.E.. red.; SOKOWYA,T.S., (Nfornation of atomic nuclei; generslized nucleus model and the Coulomb excit-tion matted. Articles trnnslated from the Ragrlishl Deforrmtelle stomnyich War; obobahchennnia nodal' indrg i natod kulonovskogo vozbu!!hder4in. Sbornik statoi. Moskva. Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1958. 383 P. (MIRA 14:5) Ohiclear shell theory) (Nuclei, Atomic) 0(. 1. - ILI 0(- - I(_ - . . . - I I I It I . . I .~ W., - ".i . . .. . I 0- The &-D.?cay of Non-.iphuri-fil 'Iu-l;,i . V 1: are 5oviet. -3 U B;d I T'r.-- D : February 17, I'sl)h Card 5115 A.D. :),-A rp~ rf (o :* T~ - u '-: c0', - I - "' ~ - I I ... te4~1. fiz. 39 'a 'ek j-', I ~ " !:.. 1 1. , - 1. ike- :.. - "'. ., . , ef, - - Fil'in, tj V. lb: t "Ac' o 0 V63/000/00- /0112/0116 I i 3 RPiliya, A. D. T I T;'Z: Method of determining Lhe grad.ent of plaama concentration, based in the diffraction of electromagnetic waves SOURCE: Diagnostika plazmy* (Plasma diagnostics); sb. statey. Mos- cow, Gosatomizdat, 1963. 112-116 TOPIC TAGS: plasma concentration, plasma electromagnetic property, electromagnetic diffraction, electromagnetic scattering, refractive ~ndix ABSTRACT: The scattering of an electromagnetic wave by a plasma cylinder is considered under the condition that the plasma concentra- tion near the cylinder axis is large compared with the critical con- centration, and that ka >> 1 (k -- wave number, a -- radius of cylin- der). in this case the scattering has a diffraction character and is Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4025300 determined by a single parameter, namely the concentration gradient on the plasma boundary, which can be determined by measuring wave scattered from a dielectric cylinder filled with plasma. The method is the same, with slight modification, as used by V. A. Fok for diffraction on a sphere (V. A. Fok, Difraktailra radiovoln vokrug zemnoy poverkhnosti. h., Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1946). The formula derived for the gradient is k. V. Lg 2 ) dn kAr 5,188 ".kArYN I.. A Ar tiA-' Vo 2 where N -- refractive index of the dielectric material in which the plasma in contained, Ar -- thicknaes of wells %P 10" antLeal plasma Card 2/3 ";i(: AT44-)25~00 ylindrical caordinates. q is a real par&- ,7oi,cor,LI-at~ion, r, .7, z -- c- r-.,oter, Lhe valuer. of which a,--e tabulated in the article. 7he formu- la presented is derived in an appendix. Orig. art. han, 9 formulas and 1 table. ASSOCIA710N: None SUBMITTED: 190ct,63 DATE ACQi 16Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ME, EM NR REF SOVt 002 OTHERt 000 0 Card 3/3 21(7),24(5) AUTHL)R: Piliya, A. D. TITLE: Excitation of Rotational Nuclear Levels by Ch a rged cart (Vozbuzhdeniye rotatsion-.ykh urovney y,der zaryazhannymi chastitsami) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooreticheakoy fl-..iki, Vol 36, Nr 4, PP 1185-1191 (USSR) ABSTRACT. The nuclear excitation of charged particles has already been investigated theoretically as well as exper1rentally (Ref - for the case in which the energy of the impinging particles is considerably lower than the Coulomb barrier As, however the excitation cross section increases rapidly with increasing collision energy, it is of interest to investigate nuclear excitation fo~, the cage in which particle energies are near the Coulomb barrier Interpretation of ouch ex,,Priments is rendere-I difficult by two circumstances. the consid-rable nucleur interactions and the electromagnetic intera-tion between the particles and the nucleus, which can n i )nt7er be neglected. The latter is connected above all with the excitation of rotational levels; its invesLigation forms the 7-ird present pa,,er The author investi,-at-s the - 1/,2 object of the Excitati_n c-i Ritationsil N-ur.-~Eir ~'evels 1,~~ S -Vilc y I articles scattt-ring of protons or a particles on dofo r-r,,, di ir J- conditions when the central part of the electrl- ; . cannot be considered tc be a minor porturbati-ii; I h irLsel f t,, settint: up the wave functi on of th- s I n the e x to rnal rant:,o , f e f f ec t i venvat; u f nuc Ii poanibility of an ex-c-itaton of vibrational r b, (not rotational~ levels of the target nucleus -.E. :.-C1. Cons--deration of nuclear interaction will form ti. & it a later paper Thc~ author finally thanks Y A T - 7 !.';1 917- for supgestirw_- the t-~i,: There are I fijure ur_~ ' rk n.,s. 2 of -*!,ich are Soviet ASSOCIATION. Leningradakiy fiziko-telchniclieskiy institit Akadqr,-,-., ! c~k SSSIR (Leningrad Physicc-7echnicel In8tit,ite of thp A-,I-., Sciences, USSC SUBMITTED: OctobRr 9, 1956 Card 1-12 ;-COESSION X.11: AP4009925 S/0057/64/034/001/0093/0098 AU710R-. Piliya, A.D. TITLE: On the absorption of cyclotron waves in a non-uniform magnetic fieW SOURCE: Zhurnal tokhnichoskoy fiziki, v.34, no.1, 1964, 93-98 TOPIC TAGS: plasma, cyclotron waves, cyclotron waves absorption, cyclotron waves reflection, cold plasma, plasma heating ABSTRACT: By "cyclotron waves" the author understands the nearly transverse olec- tromaGnetic waves in a plasna in a magnetic field, with frequencies somewhat less than the ion cyclotron frequency. These wavus are strongly absorbed where the cyclo- tron frequency is close to the wave frequency, and they cannot propagate in a region where the cyclotron frequency is loss than the wave frequency. A proposal oy T.H. Stix (Phys.Rov.106,1146,1957) for heating plasmas is based on this fact. In the present paper the absorption of cyclotron waves in a region where the cyclotron fre- quency approximates the wave frequency, and their reflection from such a region are treated theoretically for a cool plasma. It is assumed that the distance travolea by an ion in one cyclotron period due to its thermal motion is small compared with Card 1/2 ACC.?M: AP4009925 the distance in which the magnetic field changes significantly. With this assumpticn the principal term in the dielectric tensor for frequencies near the cyclotron fre- quency is calculated by (approximately) solving the equations of motion of a char[;W particle in the inhamogeneous field and averaging over a Maxwell velocity dintribu- tion. The resulting dielectric tensor indicates that absorption occurs only within a narrow region ubout the "barrier" where the cyclotron frequency becomes equal to the wave frequency. The absorption process is accordingly appropriately described in terms of a reflection coeff:6ciont. (There is no transmitted wave.) The wave equa- tinn is solved (approximately) and the reflection coefficient is calculated for cy- clotron waves incident on the absorbing region. The reflection coefficient is found to be independent of the temperature and the ion density; its value is 1/3. This re- sult is valid for sufficiently low temperatures when the inhomogeneity of the mag- netic field is not too great. "The author Is grateful to V.Ye.Golant for a valu- able discussion of the work." 31 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhn1cheskiy Institut im.A.F.loffe AN SSSR, Leningrad (Physi- cal-Technical Institute, AN SSSR) SUMMITTED: ISDoc,62 DATE AOQ: 1OFab64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 7d NR REF SOV'-. 004 OTHER- 001 Card 2/2 21(7j, 24(5/' f i I iya, A. D. SO-1/56 - 56 -3/7 6 TITLE: Consideration of Nuclear Interaction in the Scattering of Charged Particles on NonBpherical Nuclei. I Ochet yadernogo vzaimodejstviya pri rasseyanii zaryazher,~Vkh chastits na neaferic'neakikh yadrakh) PEAIODICAL% Zhurnal eksperimentallnoj .' teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 56, Nr 5, Pp 1393-1397 ~'USSRI', ST RACT Alreadj in a previous ;aper 'Ref 1, the author derived an expression fur the wave functicn of a char(,ed particle that is scattered on a nonspi-ierical n-icleus (nuclear amplitude In the present paper this amplitude in to be ca-culated for the case of an opaque nucleus. The author bases upon the expressions obtained in reference 1 and uueo thn expresolona defined there. The problem of determining the nucluar amplitudo in the gonorul unuo cc,nsists of two tasks, because the potential and also t1te wave functions outside and within the nucleus have Card 112 totally different symmetries. For the limiting case of Consideration of Nuclear interaction in the SOY/56-36-5-1 5/"'~ Scattering of Charged Farticles or. Ncns;herical Nuclei a black nucleus, the wave function of the nuclear surface obeys the condition (r where K denotes the comilex wave veclor of the particle in the nucleus. In the first part of this paper the author investigates the boundary condition for the case of a diffuse boundary. The charged particles are to have energies that are a near approach to the height of the Coulomb barrier. The method developed by Gribov (Hef 3) is used. In the second chapter the equilibrium system is set up for the amplitudes b-nl, and in the last chapter the limiting value of the amplitudes is investigated for L (B. bf' - 0 is obtained forfl A, and for b a cvrnpl~cated exproLisior. (formula in derived. The author thanks K. A. Ter-14artirosyan fcr valuable advice and discuBait-ns. There are u references, 5 of whic'. are joviet. SUBUTTEDi October 9, 1958 Card 2/2 21(7) AUTHOA; Pilija, A. D- TITLE: On th,~ Formation Croo~ Section of R C)m~ound Nu,,, t~ ee PBrtiCle8 PER10DICALi Zhurnal ek6perimvntallno~ i teoreticheskuy flziki, Vol 37, Nr 2(8), i~[) 583-585 (USSR) AB:;TRACT: Th~- well-knowr. formula by Blatt-;teissk-.)pf (higt. .0 491KH r~-,aorjtance) 17 - -2- Z- (21+1) 'VID f C k 2 1.0 + (KH + 2 of little practical use for churged artial 4 ~it ~ it-.~ v,,,i. of' the Couloml, parameter z1z2e2/9. Far t'h-- th, thor developed the folloain,7 formula: T . 81rq (.K) rc tg V(Z 0) - -- k V(Z 0) c 2 K 777 2, -1 k 0 (2~)'"K U(Z )[U'(Z,'+V '7,L 0 \ , which is tin tijproxi.rantive expression in so far Fis .u.-i:,:- r. to rr a - Card tion an expansion into a series was made and thia 3 w;io SOV/56- 37-2- 52/56 .1-i th-i Formatiun CrDn3 Section of a Compound Nucleus Dy Charged Farticle3 broken off after the ancond term. Derivation of the formula iti ,..iven i:, large autlines. There are 3 rs~ferences, 2 of v;-Lich are Soviet. A',;,.t)C I ATI c NLortiril-riidukiy fiziko-tekhjilcheBkiy inctitut Akademii riuuk (L,~nlngrad Ph.;slco-toohnical 1natitute of tho Acndemy of Sciences, USSP) SUbkITTiD: 161-y 2 1 , 19 5 9 ItIrd 2 Z - , .1 " , - , -1 ' !, - - * I - ' .. , ) , : W. 'r q - nil I , ., r.. Ek 11 j;,. -:~J, . u . 1% -- 1 1. . . I : '. - I, I . t 1345&46 tn(3,)/ETC(:F)/gP~lt(2i)-2/EWG(A) %JP(6) A'T ACC Nks APOW2440 SDIMCE CMZ: W0057/63/035/012/21761219K AVIMt 001=11h To 10e; 186am'skly, 160-i OVOYNOMIkOve V.A# Pillys, A.ID*. aftes Mmico-tecbsical l"titute In. A. FA loffe.. AN SM. Leningrad (Flalk*4 tekbalebaskly Imstitat M TIM: A toroidal awbime for adiabatic comPression of pla WUWJ: Unreal tekbalchaskoy fislkl, v. 35, no. 22, IM, 2176-2184 70PIC TAOSt plasma heating, plasma renall somhomagessms vmqMetIc field h ADS77tACT: There Is briefly described a new machine, the "Tumanif, for ohmlo,-heatlng and subampent adiabatic - gression of plusma. The chamber In In the form of a racetrack with 60 cm loft straightaways and 20 em radius semicircular ends. In order to met the conflicting requirements for stable, efficient ohmic heating and high adiabatic compression ratio, the quesistationary longitudinal magnetic field (haif- period 3 willisec) was made strong (up to 50 109) to the semicircular and regions and weak (1.5-3 k0s) In the straightaways. The radius of the chamber In the sent- ~*.Iavulmr end regions Is 2 cm, and the plasm Is stabilized by a 5 mm thick copper Umerg, which Is slotted to permit penetration of the magnetic field. The radius el tht, ebamber In the straightaways In 8.5 ca and the walls are of gleam, tbere being so metallic liners that slot reftce tb* rate of rise of the compressiag magnetic VDC: 533.9 _L 13450-bb ACC NR3 AMW2440 field. 7be quasIstatIonary magnetic field I* produced by discharge of two Gp" kV capacitors thraCgh suitable windings. preliminary loslastion Is affected by a 30 p see rf pulse. -Chate basting in accomplished with the aid of a 0.2 V see demountable transformer powered by a 25 p 7 10 kV capacitor bank and having a gap In the core of not k7re than Oe5 mm. Duration of ohmic beating Is ordinarily 300 p sec. The magnetic field In the straightaways can be raised from a tow We or less to as high an 30 We In from 20 to 260 p sec by discharge of an adjustable capscIto,,r bank (pingIble values are 600 p F and 20 XV) throqm* special windings. 7bese windings are similar to those described by Bartels (Naturwissmochaften, 50, 3969 2962); they were made In two layer of four turns each with the tum.9 In the two layers Inclined oppositely to the axis of the chamber in order to aftialza the transverse component of the field. The machine was designed to compress 25 liters of plasma to a volume of I liter. The inhomogeneous quaslatationary magnetic field was mapped out by means of probes with the windings ex- cited at 400 Rz; the results are presented graWcally and discussed briefly. In an appendix there Is a brief theoretical discussion of the stability of the plasma. The authors thank A.Z.AnIalmonN.I.Vimcgradow, WON. FO (deceased), who participated In the design of the machine, and S,I.Kos , VA,Paut .P.S.Seraivenko, and MJ, W.zaMv- fto participated In Its construction. OrIg. art. bass 9 formulas and 5 six"". M CWN: 20 DATZ: 2MY88 GRIL saw* 005 On Raw: 005 ACC NR; A ~~00131G SOUiCZ CODE: Fronkel' , V.7a. C:"]: Instit--to in. A.F.Ioife, AIN SSSR, Lonin,;rad .1.1stitut AS SSSR) rusonance in a ia~;nuLic Lr.." I -:_ Z X-rao."'.ion at the electron cyclota*on to'-'c-hes',(oy fiziki, v. 36, n~~). 12, IOGG, 2190-219". T".3j : pla5ro confinement, plasma heatirg, cyclotron resonance, Lr" P, L:I S 7 ', ~A C7 ':Ie authors calculate the iiiton-sity of x-ray& due to th2 of a plas..,,a in a ni~;;-.otic trap Strl"Kin,- L',!O wall of the chamber o: -o p- oy a hi~:.Ii froquoncy fielc at t1lio o;ectron cyclotron fr, i6 'Dised oa a differential ec,,U.ition fol' the ulactroa on Lc,-ived clsewicre by the aut-.ors (Z!7~7F, :i-1, No.10, 1752, L" ~~,-,ion is intc-Zrata(l under Tnu appropriaLe boundary -1,11 C"', Some "I:.1plify.111~: assunptions, and tl'iuru kb dorivod an appro.~i -01' L-v X-I*~'I li'lLeaslLy as a furction 0: L,,ti tII;,.U since tile hI[;h fl%:,~ ... ... WI!, on. For a plasm" of finite (or with u finite purctr- -.4-y f-'old), the x-ray intensity passes through a c Li:_o, ow~nj to doplution of the plasma of cloctron6. For an Cora 1/2 333.9 ACC NR: A~",3313316 ;.s -..ls4ed as a rusult of the ~.tro:-.g d-,-pendenco of the x-r~,y vu-oc'lty. 7no theorutical curve i~ cuz.pared with an of i..tersiLy versus time, and qiizlit,~',Ive agrecTacnt is shown. ,AtJ -Ljj0, I Zlr,4 K.MNovik, and K.,,,,4-.(.ova for their interest in the word and for ssioa-,. Orig. art. has; 13 formulas and 2 fig-aros. SUB CODF; 20 SUBM DALTE: 09JU166 ORIG. REF: 003 071 ALF: 002 Cord 2/2 ACC NR. A~2~-,001317 SOURCE CODE: Pil-,,yj, A.D. 0~13: phy.,~icoteehnical Instituto Im. A.F.1offe, AN SSSR, Leningrad ia.qtitut "'N SSSA) 71 ~za*,Lcring of waves in a plasma n '~he presence of conversion --;14M.11 t0,ihj--.-9),coy fizikl, v. .36, tic, 12, 1966, 2195-219~1 b a, plasma elcctroraagnetic wave, WiAve "G:I:C TAGS: ifthomo-oncou5 plasu s.:4tteriL,1-, electron te,.,.poraturc, ion tempcraiure A -3 S 7 RA C-1 wu tho r dis cu s s e s sc a t t e r i ng wi L'~ c h a nge o f f rC(Z L en c y 0 f cz -c, T.-. t i c Plasma- Tile scaLt(;ring is treate~l as duc to -c'~; c"~.-rc%ts uct of the 01,1rctri': ~Iu- of the 1rielt:t"'It 'xaVu I to '-~Iv Prod Id ~.'u ions in the of Lhe lic."Lterud fon--a :.a,,L0n from a pa,-)c-r shortly LL be publishea by the ai.=,or 3 7, ,.u. I of t~'e notation Is "Iso takea fi-or, this forLhCo.-ailir pai,ec. r,., ~:e- an for the scattering cofficiont as an lntc~:ral invulv._; r'c-irier o:' the correlation functc~.-. of the Fourier time fluctuations and otLer the T-ieaninj~ of re-'-valed in the paper cited abo'.'C. 7he behavior of th--. -."vr *-'le condition that a certain quantity be small. It Is ACC NR: A~30113 17 'C r.~ ! r to a lar~;e increase C'unsity and to a Of U'le spectrum. 711L, scatterin,; dupeads on the ratio of -,;,L- tLa ion temperature, and iLn ;~rlncl.plcj this ratio can to~- uoLer.--rec; ty co7:,par;.",; theoretical curves wJtb experimental curves. Orig. art. ha~i: !~) form-~as iUB COD-7; 20 SUBM DATE: 28JUIGG ORIG.REF: 009 0 -'Li R~ 2/2 ~- 31412-66- EWT(LVEr I il) liPlel - -r" ACC NRi APGO1530,1 0 SOURCE CODE:-Ug-R/005WW03G/005/Mlg/O82G ALr,,-110il: lliliyn, A.D._ G.L: iraysicotechniCal Institute im. A-F.Ioffo, AN SSSR, LonArTrad Fimiko-toklinichos- kiy InsLitut) T171:43- On conversion of waves in a nonuniform plasma SOUXE: Zhurnal teldiniclieskoy fiziki, vo. 36, no. 5, 1966, 61fi-826 TOPIC TAGS: plasma filectroma6-notic wave, dielectric constant, isotropic plasma, non- -iniform plasma, plasma wave %B3TX%CT: The author discusses the proplgation. of alentromagnalic wayea-in an ISO- tropic noi.uniforra"'plasma and their reflection, absorption, and conversion at a plane surface where the dielectric constant vanishes. Ion motions are neglected and the plasma density n Is assumed lo depend only on the single coordinate z of a Cartesian system, to vanish for large negative values of z, and to increase monotonically with increasing z. Collisions are first neglected and the dielectric constant at the wave frequency is assuned to vanish at the plano z = 0. The Debye radius is assumed 1_ to be small compared with the Inhomogeneity length a = ndz/dm of the plasma. With theso assumptions approximate equations are deriven &or the propagation of electro- ma[;netic waves. These equations are solved (using different approximations in the reaJunz near and far from the singular plane z = 0) for a transverse electromaGnetic Card 1/2 UDC: 533.9 L 33412-66 ACC NR. AP601 "3i wave polarized with the electric vector in the plane of incidence (the magnetic vector parallel to the z = 0 plane) and the coofficlent describing conversion of the trzns- verse waves to IGn-itudinal waves is calculated. Dissipation of energy by electron collisions is then ta:wn into account and the results are briefly compared with those of I.G.Donisov (Z4777, 31, 609, 1956), who ne(;Iected spatial dispersion. Spatial dispersion is shown to be sit;nificant near the sinrulnr plane even when the collision frequency is h1gi. Incidence of n lonuitud1nal wave onto the singular p1nnf, is also discussed briefly. Orig. art. has: 51 formulas and I figure. SUB CXE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 2GJuIG5/ ORIG REF: D03/ CMI IWF: 000 Card. 2/2 /- C- t' -Z7; 7 7-t 7- rp 16 /*ft(b)/ZbD(tI) Zili av~ AP4M333- GAMT/641/034/010/1102/IM P AM t elect M1911ttig j9rj:Oi "IThe On-', Ilmot on -2703 3C. Iww --TAGS f P'Lwas "Im4pet-16 wirror~ cyclotron resonance'. electromgnttic wave ";,.Iplasii~ ~164iti die irAbutlqw~lwi'iiion' U"ililitad" for tb A'electrons'In a pla sun f~ The istriWtiofil~iit~ an #-as An swially. a tric. syttelm between two nagnetic mirro"-while ItAm- eated', .,r -wavas at - tba electron rmor~ roq h 41*0~ tic Incident axiall _1=49W . . I ~ ~ i : Z_' OM theL _13,01deit,_ bStV~ --trowb :the Resom=4 wtrror~ elactromgnetio 'WAVeq ~ 2M. electron TArs" . frequency- is nab-mmoid -to occur only n, the regiod of Ur.-i-drrom' ~Cpllllmlom are negleatedJe and the drift approxizati4M JS in the In_' employed except zuedists vicinity of the idmors The total kinetic on r" and the ratio of the i e verse kinetic. ener" to the wAguetic f,Ield: streqIft arp_"cordirgly adiabitic-InVa- Vianto _iUW __Ch%W_ only dUring.relleotio3j"WI wi WO, ObUins's The than"$' ilk 4V % Acmit* skr-AN046333 -3 0i quint-I't I es disring 'eiiection:w", calculated by~solving the i4uatlons of MOM6 tho,loweat'brder of the ratio of'the electron lArx6r:.radlus to L,,ths lo characterizing: the: Inboniogeneivy - the I fteld, and the result of thio'calculatica employed. in, the kinetic equation an a collislon'tern. The kinetic equation is olved for. tbe~ time Aspeadent distribufiO4 function under.two diM)rent conditionvI4 --.are- AnItially..-cold, and their number Awsumpt~ cn~4h& c4upply of cold 919 ot a con inuilly'replanishod by lonirtatlon of-'-the neivAZU2 ce4onept of. tile the second -case, - although Ahe problem remains essentially a non-stationary one., a -piewostationary -vordit ion skloss J'A *blob the' distribution function becomes tize- leg l"fi_'t'han Independent for velocit value. -No-auitable_ Mtal 44ts. are avallable with vhich to ocapars -6sent -theory. The lol- the pi, -am - pin examl -00 electric flo2d. at 10 inal4ent waves is 5W V/OC -the d ty-of- -hydrogail atolin As 10 of the neutral cx_3 , the iArMi frequency I Is 2016 oycle/sea- and L. w 16 ca,.then the avarage oleo tron energy (in the pasudoststionary condition) Is - 300 OV and the time character- 0 -91**trw to produce anoth of the procesw (the UL or by man time rej rot .9 r an -h 76 9 -x- 10- --stbe _Orlej~ I *A-,havr87 formaas and I igure 107 'S -2 ~V7_3 /9" -2. PO r ASD AT (d) IMj -AP4046334-.. -1 Frankell"VOYAO . MiST77Cyclatroo vosceg 'of 6lectirow In a marmt,16 nag 7 N',,, of. the high: frequency field into the pl"ma t alki v#34, no. 10 1 *9 2"4-1768 I; Zhum .agnstio -*rftr, _4260tiolimineut -wave Me'- 17 ~7 troungttatic -waves ti 'of 4n, ~Axia y _bymetr miagne r- t IM 10, Ug PIM, kMa. 'MeIrOqUoInD tw y, of the -waves Is asouWA to lot' equal to~: the'elect ion lArmagr fisquency'In- the region, ofthemirror, and thwelea- CaUu- iric'"~tor-As-'.aseWW +to rotate, in the_ mama direction -as the electrons. Its 2&tlop+~Vaz ~Mdertwwn ~ because Ite'relevance. to tW probles of beating coafinw oy lhs- electron'4istribution funotion. vhIch* tbsy dariviid, -jp lung The AWWW's 0MPI --jin the.~ JW4~4013*__ palper. (1W$344753101 see-Abstract AP4046333)~,.an&:thoy all) t _p#~ TWicalmla R I W 14 FI1 IPOVIC, i. ; F rL.TkC, I . ; COX, Z. ; HADMA)VI , ~'. ; VAI ENT&KCVIC, Dj. Folarorraphic I -veo jpnt I ons r f so ~e metal tro-1c,7arboxv' at c nr - complexes. II. MonocarhoxyInto conTi,ixes of zinc. Croat chem a(,.ta 33 no-1 :45-9) '61. 1. Institute of Inorvaric Chemisiry, rncultv of Tochnology, Uni- versity of Zagreb, Zalreb, Croatia, Yigoslavia 2. Member of the FAitortal Board, "CroatJca chemica actn, Arhiv za kemiju" (frr F12 I povic). , ~-- . . KL,), , dIM., 1 4~L, , i ~, i 4,,o- i '17u f 11 'ID I , 1.4-1 -, f 1 LFA , ~Award New model of a slottel sieve for centr!fuga! drainerF. 'A 41 a -~, -- gern 11 no. 9:31F-319 "' 160. '% %A?,4~f K. A., "anti Tech Bel d I 8S of t,~,e drslnerst::~~~ of wle-draln&~xo In7troomts In minernl soils." I (Acad Set R*1Wiws5'-'R, Dl~v Phys-Math '41nak,1958. XSXMM 15 Pr. and Tech Bel), 1~10 coplos. (KL, 3-c'3, 1119) - 37 - 8/123/62/000/024/004 /005 Aoo6/A I () I ALI'THOR: PlIkauskene, V. A. TITLE: (:nemical nickel-plating of ceramic parts MUODICAL. Beferativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyenlye, no. 24, 1962, 43, Abstrac*- ;14LIP32 (In collection: "Vopr. usoversh. gnltvanopokrytly", V11'i,Yi7_-, )(Y31, b1 - 65) TaT: The author analyzes the process of chemical nickel-plating radl'_- ,ruid eiectric-engineering cerimic parts, replacing the long-lasting and expensive me',hod of not-dip silver platintr. To produce catalytic properties on the s~lr- faves of ceramic parts, it is recommended to activate same with a palladium chloride solution (0-5 9/1 at PH 3). applied with a soft brush; the sulution subsequently transformed Into non-soluble state by means of hypopho8phlt.P ~)f P('- tassium, sodium or calcium (in a 30 9/1 concentration). Good rellulti, are A)- tained by chemical nickel-plating In acid solutions of the following three compo- 61tions (in g/1): 1) nickel chloride 2.), potassium or calcium hypophosp.~,itc it), sodium acetate 10, pli 4.0 - 5.5; 2) nickel sulfate 20, sodium hypophosphite 1U, Card 1/2 if cer-amic ;-ar-*,:4 A00b/A 10 1 Sol:~Inl ac~,-LaLe 1~, pH NiCK01 chloride 41), potassium ,I :-,i, I- 3) -LyPop1%.OSph1 Le '111v par, ~'(), sodium citrate 4,), ammoilia tip to pH 0 activated witti pailadium chloride are dipped Into the firnt for 3 - u minutes, washed with cold ajid not water, and are trarisferved lrit,, a second tAckel-plating uatn for 50 - Gj m1n; they are then washed and dried ~i, a thermostat at b0 - 900C. A stabilizing effect upon the chemicai nickel-[)IfIT process and an accelerated growth of' the nickel layer are achieved by a buffer admixture, namely sodium acetate (10 &/1). L. Kamlonskly LAbstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 212 1. ~~ ., ( ~ 11 , I . I .1, . .!. ~ ~ 11 :.~, . . I ~ I , , 1 1. 1 '.1 . , ,: r j ;. P11-1z-q. B. Extending the use of low-gr-ade silon In the knittlxT industry; silor cr-?jw~. -. ljo. (Textil, PrahA, Vol. '~. rr-. 4. Apr Y)~I-,- SO: Monthly list of F-a!t -European Accessions (--'F-AL), U ol, 4. No. 6. June 195~, Unc: 7w, - m A. 11 U U a V r A -L- A-A -1 U L a AA a t I IRS 00 ' 1047. W"'M INA C1146. will. -I 'N' we 00 -J .*I. hs- (hat f1w .0". 00 1.1 .4 1", t~ hist., t. 4. h- h. A, 00 00 Al 0 0 6 go 06 00 00 ve 00 00 00, .00 00 00 AJLJ9 00 100 00 00 &is it a got '00 4, 1 V'Ik r ;00 tj ) u a 0 11 M " V ' a " q a a a P.S. 000000000000*60000, 0000~00*0*0000400 000000 0 'I-L,. - ,I 1 ,-II . . . -On .i .1. .. . 9:.,- , ~ a - - Ly&,O:. ") - - .- : I j - u 11 4 '11 0 1111 1, u A w -A. All h p 6 1 1 Z A CL a a k I I UWARI 60tyessm wykmu pulawinow mks zwommacamma ill# WO. gla-l- od n4m 1924 do 1937. N-o- m I It-, 11., 0. it, . of I It,, it, Ow pr-%iii- ~.( Sil,-sm Inwi f4h, tit J . ........ ............ .pp .,Vi 11, A It .,k lm. 1-11 lit ill fit. f h. 1.1-1 1. it %..4r. Ill lit im :1~ -,$I 1.~ 1!137 Ilw Stra 11&, 1-1 I)ad f4flet, I., orwit- 000 .00 00 100 0 1 U M 14 m .1 0; 40 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 1 VFSUTESVAUU. X.; tILLAI. Krishna VDIecular vibratlDas of a-u2fur compounds. sl?4- ()Pt-i 9PL--k-tT- L-1 no .1 - 51- 54 JI EIA . ( !,ff~ i~~ - I ~; ) 1. FlZicheskiy f&kL! tet Ann&mlayskogo univeraiteta, Annama-laJragar YuzILnaya Indlya. (Sull'ur oumpoiundt3) (11~blaculus) PILL&ROVA, A.; PILLAR, T. Hereditary frag'llity of the fexur. Ceak. pediat. 18 no-4- 337-342 kP '63. 1. Detsim oddelenie ODIC v Michalorveiacb, veduci MUDr. J. fhwaak. Interne oddelenie OUNZ v Hichaloveiach, veducl MUDr. J. Reaetar. (OSTROGEMIS i-MFERFZCTA", (FEMUR) PILIAR, Toms Mechanical respiration in the treatment of &oute respiratory insuf- ficiency. Cas. Lek. Cook. 101 no.13:389-391 30 Mr 162. 1. Interne add. OUNZ v HichaSoveiach, prednoste, HUDr. Jan Resetar. (RESPIRATION ARTIFICIAL) PILLAROVA, A.; PILLAR, T. Hereditary fragility of the femur. Gesk. pectiat, 18 n0-4, 337-342 AP '63. 1. Detake oddelenie OUNL v Kichaluveiacb, veducl MUDr. J. Rusnak. Interne odd6lonie 011W, v Kichalovciach, reducl MUDr. J. Resetax. (OSTEOGEIM I'- IMPERFECTA) (FEMUR) V A rAIV , !:1 ntir, ftirnA I :ivv t ; ~ , :,' ' " , V . . rod . I ( .,I.c :cfz-) m., ni. -I tin . : .,r-. I s~lkus*. tni Win, !- ~ ' . . F, . - '.~ 1 ~7p ~~ I I ~- : ~ ? ~ 4 K ~' I r , 'A., , , - , . , lo , '. .9" ;-. I .- .. . I EIM.', Arnold, wriuk, za:-I. v.-rtcl. Et-torivk0% ',S:.; R F ,ILLAU, V., re--,.; %'AM".,E, I., tnkhn. red. [Yother and child; ~ivndbtuk for chilc. care ,ir,(: rr,,-itne~ Erz ja kii:iiraamat 1,apsse i~- :,,a tp:-vAA,c~u alal. 1, 18 tiii Ild(ItW; tH'kk. 7R.Iinr- :- ! i i ik I V. i. i.- j a.- t-,,: , - I ~ ' ) . 4 ( .' j . 1"..j) ZIITLTONOX. N.A.; PILLB, R.R.; KONOGH, O.V. A study of the nhyRiology of repro(biction of vaccinia and iaflueaxa viruses using metabolic inhibitors. Acts virol. Ingl. Id., Praha 1 no.2-.65-77 Apr-June 57. 1. Institute of Viroloig, Acndemy of Hedical Sciences, Moscow. USSR. (VACCINIA. virus. reprod. physiol., eff. of metab. inhibitors, application to ahemother.) (INYIAMZA, VIRUSES, eff. of drugs on metab. inhibitors on reprod. pYysiol., apidication to chemother. Plux" L.k. Intratypo antigenic distinctions among poliamyelitia r~.r-jn stm.-.C. Vop. viruc. 6 no.6t6917-700 11-D 161. (hliiA 1. Vloskcvskly nauchno-issiedovatellskiy Institut virugnykli prepar,tov, (tPOLIOMILLI'A 16) rILU~, - P,.,. and ZLMIUNOK, N. A. "Observation of 'ases of the Disease and 3eservoirs of Q-Fever Virus in Altay Kray," a report discussed at one of six meetings of the Virolorical Section, Aoscow Dept. A.U-Union -iociety of "icrobiol.)irists, Epidemiologists, and Infectionists imeni 1. 1. Machnikov in 1955. Voprosy Viruso.Logli, 1, No -11, 1956 3um. 1003, 20 Jul ~6 "k. -7' 477 zm ION "In, m i0117 NaC Iod- to- a. " I eal it was UVIA Q wnbryb.'~- III I "~=w"V44,14d tathomfile spot. dy' cc metW the 010tat Vas (1pp)IW U11011m tba. ~r' mi dm W Der at, a0V ilimids- 71jo lamilak(Liumb" wm then _b" a then - Opened e beiftted- at 36.6 lot 48 ad dwtnbme;r ne Evots, were -ezcw, Mid -"itd - to-,-p I. _-Mu. and- cantrlfssw~. .111e"- flemautilnims agaiml CIA PJvvuoI,-pmftVW, and acr"Ine cequjiletti suppr t9sed the deve*rueat 61 the lymarglutint0i of the '~Lus OUS1=114. ox and timMed-Ahe _devtIqpnteu" -visibim--damWto p -1w- - _Wntole tnembrauc -of the chick trobuo,: Thi - ~'~Ft same wu ttue of actidlue-YtIlimr, dwtiophosphent. ad 7-' uitroatri;~~. ' Injectlon tnto the Amnloile cavity I nto or the yolk suck cd dmol I MW to suppren the developmeat at the smallpox virus on the albutoic wembraric. Rlvunot is. active only whan It Is applied directly to the chorioct Ila n role, Membrane or mom Ili) Injection Into the allentola cavity. This was takvit to Indicate that acrWir-c couipmad-i exert --------------- their vhus4nhllAdnXetTect_-,mly vvh-,n thektown.stAhL. &Z A 7 ZJffTLIMOK. N.A., Tj4X, j1,R. Detection of Q fever cases and viral reservolre In Altai Territory. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid. I immuo. 27 no.7:17-22 If 156. (MLRA 9-9) 1. lz Instituta virusologil iment D.I.Ivanovskogo AMN SSSR. (q YXVJCR. epidemiol. in Russia. propagation by cattle In Altai region) PILLE p E. R. Study of the chemic&l otructum of ECHO v-.rueeso Vopo virus 8 nn.2t210-213 ~b-Ap'63 (MIRA 16t12) 1. Moskovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut virusnykh preparatav. "A Dleaws of the Crium sawrrhMic Fever Type In AstrakhawkLya Gba"t, N by W. A. Zeytlmok, K. A. VWMC, SM S. R. Pine, Institute of Vir2logy imeni D. I. Ivanovskiy, Voprosy Virusologii, Vol 2, No 2, ~~r Apr 57, pp 92-97 This work reports study of 11 cases of hemorrhagic fever which occured In 1953 and 1954 in a geographic location which bad not been previously k=wn as a focus of the disease. Charts are included showing general daLi eMcerning the patients, symptoms, hematological changes, temperature curves, MW results of the complement fixation reaction with convalescent serum eW serum from domestic animals in Astrakhanskaya Oblast. The clinical picture of the disease is discussed In detail. All clinical manifestations or the cases observed were typical for hemorrhagic fever, as were the epidemiolog. .3.1 particulars, A tick ver-tor was established; according to A. L. Dumim and data from the Rostov-na-Donu Institute of medical parasitolo&f, Hyalomma plumbeum plumbeum -jar- the parasite most co=-only encountered in pastures in the affected area. The work states that tick-borne encephalitis virus obtained from Ye. W. Levkovich and hemorrhagic fever virus obtained from A.A. Avakyan were useO in complement fixation tCSt3. Points are listed on the basis of which the ecocluelve dialposle vas mad . An extensive summary in English ia provided. (U) 1 1) / / L-4z~ , ~ . J~ '. AUTHORS, Zeytlenok, N. A., Konosh, 0. V., 20-~-51/59 Pills, E. R. TITLE: The Influence of Metabolites and Antimetabolitea Belonging to the Trioarbonic Acid Cycle Upon the Multiplication of Vaccine Virus in Chicken Embryos (Vliyaniye metabolitov i antimetabolitov taikla trikarbonovykh kislot na razmnozheniye virusa ospovaktainy v kurinykh embrionakh). PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1958, Vol. 118, Nr 3, pp. 595-597 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The problem of the importance of the oxidation process for the propagation of the vir'A has been raised already sincb the first years of the study of the physiology of viri (references 3-10, 15, 18). As is known that the respiratory cycle of the trioarbonio acids is in the centre of the tissue reaction process of animals and planta. This problem of the Importance of this cycle for the propagation of viri, of course, attracted attention. The authors give a literatire survey of the papers dealing with the same subject (references 2,4,5,7, 11-13, 17). There are only few data concerning the vaccine virus in this connection (except reference 10). Therefore the present paper was carried out. Card 1/4 Adenosin-triphosphoric acid, succinic acid, pyroaoemio-, mal- The Influence of Metabolites and Artimetabolitos Belongine 20-3-51/59 to the Tricarbonio Acid Cycle Upon the Multiplication of Vaccine Virus in Chicken Embryos leinic-, and malonic acid were neutralized with Na2CO 3 or with WaOH and sterilized by boiling up to 1000 or with antibiotics. A quantity of 0,1 ml was applied to the chorion-allantole aheath of 10-12 days old chicken embryos through the air sac. 5-10 minutes later the virus in question was injected as suspension of the same sheathe of infected chicken embryos. After an incubation of 42 hours at 350 the development of the virt was determined by the existence of the virus hemaglutinines in ratio to the erythrocytes of chicks which were susceptible for the vaccine virus. Table I shows the results. They show that the salts of the malonic-, succinic-, citrio-, and pyroacemic acid have not influenced considerably the development of the vaccine virus. The salts of fumaric acid and of its isomer - the malleinic acid - turned out to be toziral for the embryos, had, however, also no influence on the virus. From all tested substances It was only succinto acid-nothyl-other which yielded a statistically reliable suppression of this virus. An experiment with the Card 2/4 neutralization of a possible suppressinr effect of the The Influence of Metabolites and Antimetabolites Belonging 20-3-51/59 to the Tricarbonio Acid Cycle Upon the Multiplication of Vaccine Virus in Chicken Embryos reaction of the two species of virl to the introduction of adenosin-triphosphate can give informations as to the differences of these virt with respect to their energy sources. There are 2 tables, and 18 references, 7 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Institute for Virueology imeni D. I. Ivanovskiy Acadmq of H"Jama Selmeen (Institut virusologii im. D. 1. Ivanovskogo kkademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR) PRESENTED: May 10, 1957, by V. A. Engellgardt, Academician SUBRITTED: may 10, 1957 AVAILkBLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 ZBTTIAIJOX, U.A.; PILLS. M.R.; XONGSH. O.V. Zffect of dye, on viral hemagglutination [with oummr7 in Inglish]. Vop.virus. 2 no.:273-278 3-0 '57. (MIIU 10:1?) 1. lAborstoriya fiziolbgii virueov lnrtituta virusologii Imenj D.I. Ivnnovskogo ARN SSSR, Moakcvn. (QUIUACRII&. effects. an hemagglut-by va(-.cinia virus (Rua)) (H&MAGGLVI-INATION, by vaccinis virue. off. of qutnAcrine (Rue)) (VACCINLA9 virus. hemngglut., off. of quinscrine (Rua)) ZATTIABOX. F.A.; VANAG. I.A.; FILIS, B.B. Cases of the type of crimean homorrhogic fever observed In Astrakhan Frovince (vith summary In Sngltehl. Vop.vtrus. 2 no.2:192-98 Mr-Ap '5 (KIRA 10-Z* 1. Institut virusologit Imeni D.I.Ivanovskogo Akademit maditsinskikh neuk SSSN, Kosirve. (APLDSHIC HEMORRHAGIC FIVAR, apidemiol. in Russis (BUD)) C)J, 7-. Md PILIS, A.R.; KOLYANOVA, I. S. Pathogenesis of experimental policoyelitis. Trudy Moak. nauch.-isel. inst. v~rua. prop. 2:65-69 161. (WRA 17: 1) VORMINA, F.11.; PILLE E.R. Study of the multiplicat,"., )." r -, 81miar- vins-9 'I. "legi-P cl,lture by the. flynroscent aT'ilx-(i-,, method. Vop. virus. 8 r. .5:514-4,00 rr, ~ (MmA 1 ,, I I ) 1. Inst - ~ ~ epioe;:~ (.1 .- 1 :71 ~ 1. -1 ',meni V.F. C*Lnalpl k-UISSSr , Xlaskovekiy I'skiy '-nut,ltut v~nlsnAh prejaratnv. KHF-~IN, Yaje.; VORONINA, F.V.; PILLF, R.R. Sizes of the cell nuclei In normal monostratal cultures of monkey kidne, tissue and In those spontaneously Infected with viruses. Vop.virus 7 no.5t602-606 S-0 162. (MIRA 15tll) 1. Moskovskly nauchno-Issladovaluel'skly institut vIrusnykh preparatov. (TISSUF CULTURE) (CELL NUCLEI) (VIBUSPS) FILL6,; -- MOILKOVA, le.Ya.; ULNA, Yu.N.; 11ADAYCHIK, L.V. StiAdy of viruses isolated from monkeys. Vop. virus. 6 no.6:701-7l) W-D 161. (I-U~LA 15t2) 1. Mookcmski nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut virusnykh preparRtov. Killusis) (MwKEYS) VoliorlIKA, F.V.j Ya.Te. Cytological and cytochemical study of kidney cell cultures from monkeys infected with simian viruses. Vop. virus. 6 no,6:710-716 N-D 161. k~UnA i5:2) 1. Moskovskiy nawknio-i3sledovatellskiy institut virusnykh preparatov. (ViitwEs) (moll"'Jai) - P-I4~j- -~. R. - Virus "BO infection in monkeys. Vop.virus. 6 rw.5:542-547 S-C '6C. (Ml.iA 14:7) 1. Moskovskiy institut virusnykh preparatav. (HERPES) LOZOVSKAYA, L.S.; FILLE, A.R. Determination of the entigenic properties of an inactivated polio,.- myelitis vascine. Vop.viruo. 6 rio.2sI66-;70 Mr-Ap 161. (MIM 14: 6) 1. Hoakovskly nauchno4inBledovatellskly institut preparatov protiv voliomielita. (POLIaNYELITIS) ZITTLINOK, N.A.; KONOSH, O.V.; PIUZ, S.R. Relationship between various acridiae compounds in their effect on vaccinia virus multiplication and on its er7throcyte-agglutinatiag capacity. Vop. virus. 4 no.1:108-1)-l Ja-F '59. (KIRA 12:4) 1. lAboratoriya fiziologil virusov Inntituta virusologii imeni D.I. Ivanevakogo tAN SSSR, Monkva. (VACCINES. vixiis. eff. of nerldines (AGRID11111G. effects, on vaccinin virus (AGMETINATION, by vaccinin virus, on develop. & heWIlut. capacity (RuB)) develov. & hemLwllut. capacity (Rue)) eff. of ricridines (Rua)) USSR / Virology. Human and Aninal Viruses. Viruses of the Pox E-3 Group. Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 20, 19%, No 048 Authors Zeytlenok, N. A.; Fille, E. R.; Konosh, 0. V. Inst Not given Tte Eff ect of Dye Title a on V emgglutination. 0;,ig Pub Vbpr. virusologii, 1957, No. 5, 273-278 Abstract Hemagglutination (EU) produced by the virus of thQ smallpox vaccine was inhibited by most of the 14 tested acridin.-., rhodamine, fluoran, thiazole and other iyeatuffs of various chemical structures Irrespective of their acidity or basic characteristics. Atabrine (quinacrine' bad the grec-t~jst ef- f,~ct. It not only prevented hemagglutination but renovud that which had already act in. Erythrocytes treated with atabrine (quinacrine) and washed out of it Ic,,3t their ability to adsorb hemagglutinins of the vaccine v`-rus or be Ca. 11, 2 18 EITTIJNOX. N.A.; KONOSH. 0.V.; FILIX. E.R. Influence of metabolites azA antimetabolites belonging to the tricarbonic acid cycle on the multiplication of vaccine virus in -thick embryos. Dokl. AN SSSR 118 w.3:595-597 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:4) I.Institut virusologit im. D.1. Ivanovskogo Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR. Predetavleno akademikom V.A. Bngellgardtow. (AWIMITABDLITIS) At t, e T. 1r) .tic nt, 3 1 -:vory"' ~71` -i'd no Ah% -t-, -i v r LI r t tot[.( It_ a ru mnt~ ~)~at j'!jO.i ihe i'lthoi 0, e ~wa %,I ro i i t4 tiol n si- -Ah - s )f arrotii, ir,irp-ndem 1~it ru., nf thC A p in 1, I~c 1, r Y'). C 11 - 1, 1 c, -!,n ! t i; Ji, i -,n /.,i % . r vi. i r j-ntl y I s .' % W th r . xi ~ t-n of d 0 fv r -- ro c' s t-11 h I- -,C twO I -N with respc~-t tij (,f)orcpi4 of nerRY Wtll('I'. Ulc) il%(' I. ()f vIl-Uj U~)S1_2inCeS. -- YU. N'. Mil 3 '3 L ACC NR, AP601216,' I. CO~Et upfo4ii/66100[00100~5/00qS INVENTr)R Pille ORG: TI T1.1. I e Lhod 1,r viectroplatinf4 with cobalt. Class 48, No. 180453 SOU zob re t u n I romy 9 1) 1 e nn yye ob ra z to y tovarnyye znaki, no. 7, 196t) , T01'11' ;A4;S1 Plec-fr,plating, cobalt electroplating All'- ~-. This Author (ertificate Introduce@ a method for electro- with cobalt from a sulfate solution. To obtain dense, hard, and (~..-tly adhering cobalt deposits, the electroplating Process is carrio,j nut in A solution containing (g/l)i 280-320 cobalt sulfate, 64-i,t, ! ormi c a c I d , 39-42 and ium f arms te . 70-7 5 mod Ium sul f a te , and 3-4 1 -irion Lurn su I f a te , a t a tempe rature a f 98-100C, a current denei ty of 100- 250 a/dm2, and an electrolyte pH of 2.0-2.5. JAZ) SUB I)r I I I SUBM DATEt 30Mar63/ ATD PRESSI q;? -I., I... . r . !,cros*.r-,enle , , n , ..I- ,.I (M:FLA 1813) nLLE, E. R., KONOSH, 0. V., ZETTLEUOK, U. A. "Effect of x-rays on the resist"ce of the organism of experimental animals to viral infections, on the course of infection, and on the development of specific antivirus Imnmity." report submitted at the 11th All-U nion GonpTess of Hygienists, Epidemologists and Infectionister, 1959. P111a, A. The way I got good production results in CoUective pond fiaheri6s. ~. 18. GOSPMAKU MBU (PaUkie Wydawtictu-& Gospodarcze) Warszawa. o1. 7, m-o- 18, 1955. So. 16tist European Iccessions List. Vol. 5, no. 1, Jan. 1956. -FILUM, B.- - - Technical and economical aspects of the development of synthetic high-bulked yam production in -Czechoslovakia. Ind text f~um 13 no.9057-361 S 162. 1. Director al Inetitutul do ceroetari tricotaje din Brno, fj~S.C. PILLI:IP B.A.,, inzh. Hydraulic system of lo4ders. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 31 [i.e.32) no.11:31-33 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Vessoyuznyy nauAno-issledovatellskiy institut sallskokhozyay-stvennogo vashimstroyeniya. (Tractore-Hydraulic equipment) PILIER, B.A. , inzh. Agricultural hyd~ullz loaders. Trakt. i seltkho-,=-si~.-3-2 rc.7:,",-44 J1 I 1~12. (:,-- -- i ~'. 7) (Agrinultural machinery) PILLWI. B.A., insh. PG-0,5 g-.rab-type loader. Trek%. I sel'ichozzash. D0-11:36-38 N 159. (KIRA 13.3) 1. Veesorusnyy nauchno- lea lo dove to Vok iy inatitut sellskokho- tyayotvannogo mehinostroyentya. (Hoisting machinery) V, Dowlto #or 4rowing c4 pirdficl-I Aberis Imm the spinneret, FUM, *votWly Abors spun ZMAnts, ftl~AL 1, AW AN PINKAVA (Elite, ovarby miiftc lu~ Putt . ir, uvwy vre chcookku "ytobu, noodivy poddk), V. L 2,MA*4 April 2J. 11132. Mom; filywro uv drawn by namns of rulk" Imated :wiuw v Of pit I PnM Begumil [Pillar. Bohumill; TnVNICHII. Zdenek (Trevnigsk, Zd9nW; KODWASK. M. [translator); SiALOT, I.I., doktor takhm.nouk, red.; MMWA, T.M., red.: LWITWYA. N.N., tekhn. red. [Synthetic fibers and characteristics of their processing in the textile industry) Sintatichaskis volokne I osoben, nosti Ikh perarabotki v tekstillnot promyshlennosti. Pod red. 1.1.3halovs. Moskva, Ind-vo nauchno-tokhn.Ilt-ry BUSH, 1960. 177 P. Translated from the Czech. (NMA 140) (Textile fibers, Synthetic) (Textile Industry-Nquipment and mpplies) I I-I LM, -B . Freventii~g the forruition of creases in imit aA jolyamide fiber fabrics. ?ekst. rom. 20 no.10:&j-81 0'60. (#44-RA 13:11) 1. Direktnr Isauchno-laslodovatellskogo instituta trikotitzhnoy promyshlonnoetl v gorode Brfio (Chokhoslovakiya). kGzochoolovnkin--'Nxtilo flnishlrVr) PTLL_-'ri, Fol"U"Y"T:- )ynthetirka vifiArai, zpragoviinl it -,)ou.iti v .-,.,,,nyalu. technickv literatury. Z-) flkmra; or oe~.slnj- Ist ed. -~n list., 3um- qri"s. 11 1,-is. , , Vol. 2. 1c,'V- . Z-1 1 12Prai.u, :ind. usm Ir. r., . Ili rri. , I nd-7. I 3~-ZaC~S: ~;az;t -.'uroo,-~an List 1, Ll' I r,- --if n,~ ~i r-.- ko" f., tow'.1) pro r1o"nichou yrotm %41..Ilu IN.Ifuk~ aml Vbts -wlrna." 1-4ray Purk'Ath Narmint PvAnik fl)Sll 2,8",919. 11 1241 41-14 21044 (avtomb,v 21944) 1)- i-Ay,wr to timn -.4"1. &Iwt Imm.halAy dr"41 11w IdAnw."I an qb~n t. stnr~l ~thmt dvtmm,nt to ctA(Wralming privjwn" F F. UALKIN PILLIR, B.A. -f-.- The FG-0,5 grab loader. Blul.takh.-ekDn.inforp. no.5:57-59 '58. 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