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Aj I I CLA -t ACC NR, jv,6oL10O7 3 SOURCE CODI-':-uR/ol24/66/ooo/ool/iii~,i/iii4:- A=,i0?. Pilatovsriy, V. F. ;;,-"w plane P]-ob1(;-. iii tr,(~ m-tion f Fin interface between two fluidij ~n Ei 7, 7U: - ,eneous filtration f, ~w ar~rd their exac', solution omoi- o06RCE: Ref zh. Mekhani&a, Abb. !Bgl)2 Vses. ne: N-1 . lo -t , vy!). 4z, TOPIC TAGS: f-luirl flow, bowidary layer, petroleum engin(-erlng ABSTRAC-,. The author solves several i)r,-~b~cmn ~n fil'-rati,)n )" two fiulios 5,--; -y a movabie interface in a thin inclined stratum. The possibility of a ~-ompr--~ ~i -wn F,:,.)ck. zit, tne'-.*-erf-ce due to cai,iilar-, foi es is t~L?er, Arito f1croX!L -Cnns-'' - ~ -E; given to th-- possibility of a change in boundary conditions at the interface due to formation, cf a mixture of the given flui~ir "hind the interface. 7he co','uti-n is sought in the form at W,~ - I aw I ~^ (D (c, 1) j- - F (w, 1) + j1- '--- - - du z tj (Y - LCard 112 L 11206-67 ACC NRt AR6020673 where z is a complex coordinate of a point in Lne flow regJon, t ;E, characLeristic function of tne flow in one of I~ne rez_ions separate'i t7 F(w,t) 'is a given function depending on the number find position of source,,-, itnq sinxs' ,w is tui auxiliary complex variable, 4, and f are I.Iie unknown functionri. Probl,-mji ;ir,- .solved on the flow of oil into an isolated well, a symmetric system of wf-1-6 and an .infinite c~iain of wells. The proposed method is recommended by the auth~:,r for so~'Vlng problems on gas-capped petroleum deposits. Bibliography of 11 titles. N. V, Lambin. :[Translation of abstract] ~SUB CODE: 08, 20 Cord 2/2 J b ..j ar. x1l s e a 7 I V.F. A P-roba-Wifty met.r,cc., !(,z- 6eter-mi.-.-n'q Petrolj,.UlL reserves in ~'()-!s. sbor. po dob, nefl.,, 1 C)2 - (MIRA 17, 8) , . '.' -rtc - -'; ' - - , " " ! J." " . , ~ ; ~.- - vii t f- -1 1* -- ~ risti Lu t . " t3'. .' f! , - . if! - Fi" 1. 1 ~ 'U.) . PILAT"'117K!Y, 7.i. A s 7-- t em . f , -- - I - n & . r . .. - - r -. 4' - . , - : . ~r. - . : . - W. : - " - 'M'T n,).4': ~61 V. ~ -1 . KAZYMOV, A. Sh.; P:;-Ji'~VMY, V.P. Displacernw.t 7f t~,e -ta-wa'~~r '.nt(--,fac-e t,-, a limriar 'i.[:e .-I in an Inclinod Inver. Trady VNIIJ rio.40cl57-1(A 10 (V!hA I".") PIIAWVSKIYj V.P. Equations of a nonhomogeneous fluid flow in a thin inclined laver. Trudy YNII no.37t14-28 962. (MIRA 1616) (Oil reservoir engineering) PILATOVSKIY, V.P. Using the least squares method in mapping the most probfible distribution of geophysical and hydrodynamic characteristics of a layer. Trudy VNII no.37z253-270 162. (KRA l6s6) (Oil sands-Maps) PILAMSKIY, V.P. Numerical solution of a problem of flooding oil from an inclined thin layer obtained on a digital computer. Nauch.-tekh. abor. po dob. nefti no.15.-5-10 161. (MIRA 15-9) 1. Vassoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-iseledovatel'akiy institut. (Oil field flooding) (Electronic digital computers) PILATOVSKIY, V.P.; ROZEHBERG, M.D.; EFROS, D.A. [deceased] Sow numerical methods for solving problems of two-phase fluid flow. Nauch.-tekh. sbDr. po dob. nefti no-15:43-44 '61. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut. (Oil reservoir engineering) PILATOVSKIYI AIP-1- Method for the numerical solution of problems of the displace- ment of water-oil interface in a thin layer. Nauch.-tekh. abor. po, dob. nefti no.16sl3-20 162. OURA 15:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nefte azovyy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy institut. 10i1 reservoir engineering) YLIUSTEA, 4 N.], .o;~tor inzh.; AKOSI , Ban(Acos, iian 'cl-tor fiz,vLt., red.; LWiUKHI:.-'-., Ye.l., re--:.; A.-S., tekhn. red. [Underj;rounc hydi-aulics) Pod zemnaia ,-id.--avltka. !(,kwi, top,~ckhizuat. Vol.2. 19621. 4-0 1, Trarointed Crom the 1,Lu:.. A, -.. I Uil re:~arvoir ci:jineerirq;) (',,IRA a'I. 11) PIIATOVSKIY, V.P. (Moskva) Analytical solution of the problem of the displacement of petroleum by water with formation of a urater-oil mixture in a thin inclined layer and constant pressure drop. PMTF no.l,'.143-152 Ja-F 162. 041RA 15 -.4) (Petroleum geology) (Soil percolation) ECIBOVO S.D., profq; IAWDD,# K*Sop kandsmed.nauk; KUZ114I?ISKAYA, G.Ya,; RIKOLAYMM, G.P.; ITMMIS, F.G.; VINTOVSKINA, I.S.; KOMOVICH, N.I.v ZHUKOVA, L.D.; HILIVER, B.I.; OSHEROVICH, A.M. PIIATSKAYA, Ye.P. Clinical epidemiological characteristics of certain viral infections in children's institutions. Pediatriia 39 no./+s6-13 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. 1z otdola detskikh infektaii (zav. - prof. S*D* ]Nosov) Twtituta pediatril AMN SSSR i epidemiologichookogo otdela (zav. - S.A. Sawmelovo-) Moskovskoy gorodskoy sanitarmo-epidemiologicheakoy stantaii. (VIRUS DISWES) KHAPKINA. V-V-j PUATAIY, P.O. Automatic machlae for assembliag cardan axle crosspieces. Avl..prar- no.11:37-)8 N '60. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Moskovskiy zavod malolitrazhnykh avtomobiley i lauchno-issledo- vatel'okly institut tokhLologil avtomobillnoy pronWshelnnosti. (Machirm-shop practice) PIIATOVSKIY,--V.P. Qjo.Ava) Displacement of vater-oil interface in & st~rarx---. AN SM. Otd. tekh.nauk Mekh. i vtshinostr. Y.o. 1:127-130 Ja-F ,6o. 041RA 14:2) (Oil well flooding) PILLTOVSKIT, V.P., doteent, doktor fiziko-matematicheskikh nw, Distribution of disturbances along the contact surface in case of inhomDgensous percolating flow formed by relative sliding of liquids. Nauch.tap.HIIVKH 22:74-85 160. (KIRA 1318) (Water, Underground) PIIATOVSKIY, V.P.. doteent, doktor fixiko-matecaticheskikh nauk Interaction of well@ draining artesian aquifers containing a foreign simply comected region. fiauch.zap. MIIM 22:86-91 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Water, Undercround) FIL&TOVSKIT, V.P., doteent, kand.fisikomateastichaskikh nauk Formulation and investigation of problets off tne Cf displacement of separtiting, boundaries betweer Ilquids in an lnioxr- geneous percolating flow. Nauch.zap. MIIVKH ?0;330-352 '~A* (MIRA 11:b) (Hydraul ice ) 17. ti L/ ~,O 83513 S/ 124 1'6C A005/AO( i /coo (-, Translation from: ~eferativnyy zhurnal, Mekhari~.a, 19bO, Na. 6, p. 12". AUTHOR: Piiatovskiy, V.P. TITLE: On Certain General Concepts Related to the Twr-Dlmer.~.r~ni. Piltratior, Strea.,r PERIODICAL: Nauchno-tekhn. sh. po dobyche refti. Vses. nefteghz. n-i. iT--. 1959, No. 4, pp. 19-21 TEXT: A uniform filtration str-011in of an Incompressible I lquId hi r,E'l which has constant viscosity ~L= const. within the region A of' a two-dimenSi0hl) homogeneous horizontal stratum of a unit thickness. The filtration is determined by the presoribed complex potential w = ~~ -f I V . Under these conditions, formulae are derived for determining the liquid discharge throuo- a pre5crih-! ar-, ?and the circulation of the filtration speed along the arc ~ ; moreover. the formula Is given for determining the average va)ue of the velocity in case of r bel-rig a Pircular are. P.F. Fll'chakov Translator's note, ThIs Is the full.' translation of the original Russla.--, Card 1/1 PTIATOVSKIYL V. P., PISKUNOV, N. S., ROSENBERG, M. D., EFROS, D. A., BoRIS-A', Y-,. P.. KRYTIOVP ff. P. (Moscww) "T -L- FielJ Expljit-atfon." ihe Hydrodynaml., Pr-3,blem,3 I report presented at the Firslu All-Union ~.ongi'ess on Thuor- icuL ami Aplil If, 1 Mechanics, Moscov, "I'll Jan - ~ Feb L,)6(-. PILATOVSKIY, V. P. (Mosco,) "On the Motion (A' the --rintact 5urrace Betwuen T-wr, Fllul,l.,; a Layer." report presentect at th(- Firs* ldl-Unl~jn Congress in Theoretilcal and Apl-I Mechanics, Mcsc-,w, P7 Jan - 4 Fel, I)tk. I I-ILA-'OVSKI-Y. V. i-. Dor, Phy s - Un *- h ~c i - - ( -b P, a )' "Sc:ution of prs-'_,~!, S of underground hydrodynamica." Moo, 114b'I. 17 ~p (IMin of Africkilture Tic-P. Mos Inst nf Engineers of Resouroes im 11. P. Villyams). 110 copies. Lis! of' author's mrka, p 16-17 (17 titles). ;KL, 6-58, 98) -I- AUTHOR, Filatovski,7 V. P, (Moscow) TITLE, On the Problem of t~e Unstearly Flow of Ground Water intc, a Drain Placed in a Stratum of Infinite Dej)th (K zadacfie o neust.anovivshemsya pritok9 gruntov-3,kh vod k irenc. v j,f,)yf, beskonecluiov glubiny) PLL~IICIDICAJL 17,vestiya Aka,~, nauk SSSR Gtdeleniye nauk 1958, i~i '7.-" '75 (US--:R) ABSTRACT The autlv~r 3 system of the functi,-,na; eq-,ati--ns d e s -- r i b in -- t llt~is L 6 n c f tw,, Iq -z i I s fo r m i nj~ -3 f,~ r z: flow ir. tLe thin I ined :ayer Oxy divajed, I., -n D Las D2 pa r t s. by f tie b c,,,Lnd a i-y I i nf~; liquil I i a specifir wc-iFht 1, = -Onst v1scos.,,ty u, = -onst- while the liquid in D "as a-na botli (ons~ant, T~ie 2 1 ) soLLrces of supply ar-~ S4tjjate,j at the points Z.) t. n I.he inten,,4ites ,f wni, t, are taicixlat~d from A~, 2 Ti Thess, )oints rep,,,,,sent ~..ard 1/4 On the Problem ct tne Uazteady F-cw ~;f Grc-and Water intc, a Llrain lia,,ed in a Stratum of li.Lfinite Depth the welll~ wl~h a prod-.i_i-Lon q_v -d TnE, merit of th-, di---isicn line car, be deLned ~y a omplex function cf twc; variables. 6 and ~Eq (1) where 5 parameter deTermining the p-gition of a poin' M along t - parametc-r de,err.:_ning the pcsition cf at an irLstant t), The corresp:)ndang flow on the plane z x iy can be descr-ibed ty t~ir- --,-,;.--'Lex porent;a_', v., ( z t) E ~ ,o - function of I- - .~/110.,iynami~_~ pressure at the point 2 -r, tt,,e IaTer Ox7 k - r-ffective permeabilfty -.)f the layer k k. if 7 :is 4n D or k = R _~f z is in D Tt- H X 1 oc i i. i-j i s f o Lind f r ~-) m E q o k U Ox and Qj re. ec',iveiy) The di: 1he pcrit M(~) n 1~-- de~,-_z t,, d ,y t, h c I m u i a w_:t-ra L L (, ~, ) depend6 hi~ t f T va 1 ue s f 3 ,:ia r ~- i at v-d as shown in Eq 5) T, e ~,rojected rtit~L-,: 'I er in., 6n the tange nt, and 11-rma-, I,V "fc- z ~ 4,, ) ar-n found '-)m Eq ,0- (F-ig j Tt~-_ ~,~,ns cl disc,' acement c f are as foil- o W 's i e lv,~ ~,y , iain i,- -:,3 U_ C, P ~3 II ~.111.:!,Id varv as 2/4 Eq (P* ;.I- - P I -e Ca-rd I L~ _-,_Lr,es a'.- 0 ri On the Problem of the U..-,-~caay F--,,,w of Wa*er Placed in a St-ratum C, Tnfinir.e Depth relat,~ to D, zid B r- 3 pe f.~ t.:1 ve ly th, variat.a ~-f the pr,,jecte~! :--it e f 'I 11-i-at :-in )r, t.LiE normal f ^1 in" th( ".1 ., ~ " -~ " ca.,,, te ler- ved MT) exi r~c,-, n 'V - ratC- f ~f tl-.E- linc- a t .1, direction ~.f the m = ~;(jnjt = pcrDsity cf -,ne layer t e 7. dw/d at t~.e p~~,J_n, C n al, defnpl by Eqi~ ~'I) and Ll~ 3 IV f r j P~-: W(, z P_ r, b e d i- m i r i F.- v, i a:i,:i t1a,, s.v:i+-,,-- 1, rIn equation-, d iA a,- wmei+ s -, f a.,. t: as Eq ~15) gt~riei5l e x - -, F. so i -,,l - - X? -, I !,-R n wi-II *i.f, , _M 1 e I Fiw k is pia'_ed a- .)f WaIL!, Tue dLsplar em:~ rit i 4' 1 ,,1, u4 a r v'I i n tile d-Ls-,-JCirw~~ of the d r,Fi i-n arid L~ d' f e:) C! f 1. CS A p i. gven tft1C).S1 ~If th- IT--~-,r tl'.-I 1'-~ ~ e ir C~i an A,-- I- v- i t Le bard 3/4 I-V ~6 On the Problem of uhe Jasteady Flow of Grr -ind Water 1-nf- -) a ',)rFj Placed in a Stratum of Infinite Depth formulae (28) and (33),. The dischaxge: found from Eq (55). determines the potential ,-'(p as a function of ti-me, In t h e case when q(t) - qc = coast., the formula (34) can be used instead of Eqs (28) and (33). The calculation can be applied to any number of drains placed at anj position below the horizontal level of the ground water. There are 2 figures and 3 Soviet references. SUBMITTED- NovPmb(-tr Ib Card 4/4 FIIATOVSKff, V.P. (Moskva). Investigation of the stability of an inhomogensous seepage flow in a thin conical layer. Izv. AB SSSR. Otd. takh. nauk. no.11: 43-49 H $58. (MIRA 12-1) l.moskovskiy institut inzhenerov vodnogo khozyaystva. kHydrod3rnamics) AUTHuR: pilatovskiy, V. J-. (M"scow) SOV/24-58-il-12/42 TITLP~-. Investi6ation of the Sta.,Iity uf ,i Non-unifl-,ri. Filti~atiun Stream in a .'hin Cortic~.;l Str~itu::j (Iseledovaniye ustoyc~.ivljsti neudnorodnoilo fil'tratsionno~,o potok~i v *,onkom koniche.,-ku., PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akadeinii ki;iuk 8L)SR, Otdeleniye Tokrii,i-tl-,.,-~!,,;~ Nauk, 1956, Nr 11, pp Lt-~-4cj (USSR) ABSERACT: Formulation of Lhe problem-. Lhe n~,n-uxiifor.:, flow is considered of tvo hydro-mechanically differiii, liquids in a thin conical layer (see earlier %ork of Lrit- author, Ref 1), the t~ejieraLrices of which form witi: horizontal plane E equal ant;les a Let UE that the filterin.~, 1~!.,;er z;t th-,2 surf:%ce of' ci, cone AOB is sut-divided into tv;o coni,ect~,-j" regions D and D- with a mc~ile boundary ul' vi f- the liquiAs r The i-et;ion D with apex- 1 the cone AOB is saturated Aii,h a liquid of -11, !7rl ... :;I-, t;ravity y, = const --.~nd tKe viscusit,~ 'a, c,):-.E~ ret,ior, D is I j,~uj,; jj t"v1 Y Cardl/3 ty = SOV/24-58-11-12/1~2 -uLiIL3r:a Fi I tr- Investit;ation of' the Stahii-ty of jicn in a Thin Conical Stratum 1 respectivel,y k const and k cons.. "he permeability of the stratuz is everyuhere equ~!I, The law of -aove~auut of the line r for cert~j in I ~,un,i r-, and initial conditIons is expressed by the co;:ij-,It-x function: aii(I D effective permeabilities of thu reLjoris D (s,t) = R (s,t) e -Tr s n R(s,t) = () (s,t). s = no n L3 i--;, i Card2/3 where R(s,t) is some real function o1' tw~, re,l r S and t which determin,~ the loc~ticn 6f ,,e by the values of ~he pL~ra;:ieter S Brl~i tfte ti:llt-, t. 9 (s,t) deFignates the listance of ~oiiit -,f surface AOB froin the apex 0-, edeter,:,ines *.r.- Lim,; i e betv;e,n the ~uneratrices OB and UNI after devulo,,,in.. conical surface AOB oiAo ,;ome coi:iplex plune Z. I of equatioiis (7), p 44, perinits investiatirit the gubllitative zhrirLicter of' T-,.e ,.isturbej A va-': n SOV/24--,8-11-12/42 ILVeStib~;tion o f tne St a bi I in a rhiD COniChl StPatUl non-uniforin flow iri 1,he first s-;ste:a of' equat iuns 1 li~,,d foil ~~jl v it,,, ,lie conclitions u=er ..hich a 1,:nuv.ri flow wil- be StaLle oi- unst:IL I- In ttie the paper the author with syste.:is of - 4uli*~~.-,:,~: determine disturbanceE- of the f irst order -~nd ii~v- of the stabili ty c f L, noti-wii I oi m sy;ameti icl!il Conical Stratum. In the 1,-,st nart of Lh,.- paper , r -x i s inc I uden of inve st i. b ti i~t. s t,tt i I i : :- ,. - uniforta syw-ueti icE~l -unic:.i flj~% ~, ~,, L -- - , J, I' UJ V , - " ,* 7 - ASSOCIATION: NloskovsViy insLi~ut irizt.e:,eruv vocn-. Ii~ h- V (Nioscow Institute of' Water in~,irwerF;, SUBMITTED: April ~, 1~5-" Card 3/3 Translation from.: Rt:~ferar-ivr,v~' zhurnal, Geol Fiva, AUTHOR: Filatuvskiv, V. 1. TITLE: Problem of '.,orking Oval Fetroleum Deposits. ~tf Ier- mination of Production and of bottom 1're.~,sureL, of Illiptical Batterie6 (K voprosu o razrabotke oval neftyanykh mestorozY,deniy. Cpredeleniye d-biLov I zahoynykh davleniy ellipticheskikh batarey) PERIODICAL: Tr. V-,es. neftet,,az. n.-i. in-t, 1956, T,r 3, Tj 1:4-141 ABSTRACT: Uibliop-,raj !.ic enury Card 1/1 1ranslation from: Referativny z~,urnal, ~;eolok,iya, 1557, :,r p 252 (U")jR~ AUTHOR: Pilatovskiy, V. F. TITLE: Interacti-on-o-r-M-n3riz-3es Which Drain a traturij, Worked by the 8uoyaiat, ~ Method Under ~;onstant Pressures on the (~all;rie5 (Vzaimodeystviye galerey, dreniruyushchikh ['last v usloviyakh uprugo~o rezh.~ma pri postoyannykh davleniyakh na galereyakh) PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. neftegaz. n.-i. in-t, 1956, Nr 8, pT ---9- ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entrv C:ird 1/1 .*,.i..,y, *j.P. ( r-row) 0. -.1 . Pj~r)'-T~ -i- -'z r . n s -, ~, -, ~ r r. t - - i n f* 1 -,e , f e- 11, ~! '; I ' '! t - r ' ' i i f I r, i t. p Iny-rs. _z %I . . - _I.'l,_IR . . , . *.,. . 1, ;,: . : _. , JI 15~: . ( , : "c' 11 - ') -() 'r Orh i i;.,-p ) (4z~t-r, ATJTIIOR% Pilatovski-7, V.P. "Moscow) ~-, V/4 , - I o- - - t/i , TITLE- '.'he Formulation and Investigation of Stability Prot~lems for the Displacement of the Boundary of two Liquids D,;ring ar, homogeneous Flor of Filtration (Poetanovl:a i isslelovani,te zadach ob ustoychivosti paremeshcheniva (7ranits rizileln kostey v neodnorodnom fil'tratsionnom potoke) PERIODICALt Ukrainskiy matematicheskiy zhurnal,1958, Vol 10,:;r 29 P T 1 6G - 1 7 7 SR'. ABSTRACTs Let a porous medium be flown through by t-o liq-;ils with vis- cosities ~Vi, ?2 and specific gravities ~',, . If a sur- face F is laid through the medium, then the boundary of the two liquids may be represented by the curve f- running on F. F' varies according to a certain law durinF the inhomogeneous filtration flow, whereby also disturbances can cccur. If the normal component of the disturbance becomes smit']-r with the time, then the author denotes f_ as beini.-, statl :11,, stability conditions are investigated. After this eneral formulation the author r,s'rilts !iim- self in more detailed investigations to a thin I,Iarv ',Iyor Df Card 112 the porous medium which forms the angle 00-' with the hor izontal The Formulation and Investioution of stability Problems for the Displacement of the Boundary of two Lij,,ida an :r,- Flow of Filtration plane, and late+n he even restricts himsel f only tc, -,P 71113e of a rectilinear boundary f- with translation ri-)t ,cr special case the author gives a statility condition w,.-" he has already formerly published LRef 9j There are 2 f ILf-ures , and 1.1 refert-?nces 1 2 of wYir h ar, 1 American, and 1 English. S U B ]a TTE D t October 28, 1956 1. Liquids-Boundary layc-,- 2. 3. Fluid flow-'heory 4. "ILqtheMqt"P3 Card 212 PILATOVSKIT, V.P. Propegatl6A of turbulences along the boundary of unhomogeneous flow is formed in porous media by of fluidB (with summary in SnglishJ. Ukr. mat. 280-288 158. separation when an relative elldiag shur. 10 no.3% (MIRA 11:11) (Fluid dynamics) 124-58-Q-10118iD Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekharika, 1 1?58, Nr 9, p'USSR AUTHOR: Pilatovskiy, V. P. TITLE: Solution of Some Problems of Underground Hvdrodynarr-c s (Resheniye nekotorykh zadach podzemnoy gidrodinamiki.) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Physic al-Mathematical Sciences, presented to the Mosk. in-t inzh. vodn. kh-va (Moscow Institute of Hydrologi(al Engineering), Moscow, 1957 ASSOCIATION: Mosk. in-t inzh. vodn. kh-va (Moscow Institute of Hvdru'.,,W,~~ a~ Engineering), Mofcow 1. Hydrclogy Hydrodyrami,s Card 1/1 PIIATOVSKIY. V.P. Definition and Invostigation of problems on the stability of boundw7 shifts of liquids In a heterogeneous filtration stream [with suzzuLry in ftlich], Ukr. mat. whur. 10 no.2r160-177 158. (MIRA 11W (Wdrodynamics) (lunctional equations) PILAMIC7, Andrzej, mgr inz. Influence of Q.e OjaractmriBtlr~B of the fes~dJnp vG!Lage on the quality of TV reception. Prmifyi nip.-ktr-otnchn 11 no. 4:174-1"6 Ap 164. PILATOWICZ Ar . mgr., inz. dr"_j Harmonic contents In the voltare curve. Fnerge-tyka pr2em 10 n-.1: 24-28 162. PILLTOWICZ. 4W - -~aj, mgr ius. DjJJW spatial a=aagement of pole-ftud capacitors In n,wWorke of mediua voltap. PraegI elektrotechn 39 no.) -~,-' 163. PILATOWICZ,-Irena (W&rBzawa) Method of settl-ing up the general cost account inducing thm shcrtening of the producticn processes In the apartment building Industry, Przegl budowl i bud mieszk 34 no.1-40-42 Ja 162. LADWOP K.S.,; VATOMNA, I.S.; SUN LIN'-LIN' (Sung Lin-Linj; PILATSKAYAY Ye.F.; ND~JLLMSIM, G.P. Clinical characteristics of influenza caused by the A2 virus in restricted children's institutions, according to data from 1960 to 1961. Pediatriia 42 no.1:42-47 J&163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Iz otdela ostrykh detskikh infekstiy (zav. - prof. S.D.Nosov) InBtituta pediatrii (dir. - dotsent M.Ya. Studenikin) AMN SSSR i epidemiologicheskogo oidela (zav. S.A.Sambelova) fWkovskoy gorodskoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stantsii. (DFLULNZk_-MICROBIOLOGY) (GHILDREN-DISEASES) 44 M mam ma mm Arm k *sees sees 0000 sa 10 ouiluuioubi?v 31 v x - it .1 1 I 0 1 J : 1 l . o . . . I es -L- A I ' -1 1 r . . a a 0 a A _ i - A - - A A ldo 6.0 of. O ei T M 'Do C1 . 7W sedw d biefts"D em bummal minsebw POOL" Am abim i s t ftj4V, Meow Opmemi Archivema A a7-410930-Thle 66"861~* orm Olu 00 9 6. mn6&j&bb SD-BO wAs. OM mbmt&Dt- illi-O- of on" dms ( -6 pa body awt)af bistaimlor. This efiWI b IIIIAbuted WOY t0 IbI &b" -c' () OJOS . , SUWI W"Wh wA pdaid, to Ow cbwwtrrb& histandide iffiatelbetim It tb* .00 00 H Two= -00 .00 .0 see j =00 00 00 coo ge see 001 j r I& ~16 S goo 1 t . '09 00 did It. CLA-11VOICAT10- of) i -.11- . I all, I l GOO.. - t's* Deep log to 1 Yj RA 0 0 1 W im do a b u a aw ~ 3 d" 0 04 *Is 0000 0 * 0 0 0 0 *see , as 0714, -- goo so 16,10 0 0 00 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *Is 0 0 -G~s 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 goes 0 a PILAVA, N. Sulfide deposits of central Sweden. Geol.y-iid.mestorozI-. 5 no.1t105-108 Ja-F 163. (KRA lt,:3) (Sweden-Sul-f idea) VIE'.4( LYIC-*: A -h-5~-m ph clre e,7t nc,. C) 4. ;;C,Pbr cf' 5cfr-n,~e,5. not z;-*Vt;,-_,/ -'o,- CL L)r,- Lo Vol 2'-;, .o 2, ."olur-1-i 67, P? !C),--!C)C; -,3r L:-o r: -.,2 CO- 3 5 0." r c L' I.;-, L' e-c Ic iLL:- "r:~s were SL-uc:-'C~ Dy ,;v '--y accurac:' of -0.6 'o -1-3" "s cia -' 1 2 -'s Jz'eL' "able an, 19referencea (16 ?0115h) 11~' -ua - e 44 CEZAY Les zek , ITYN I Z of 4. a Tqn, I .1,WSY. It, Ha I I na Re3,llt of 5'~,~dles -jr. m-trA ~' I-idfri6 I~iren In sra c" Szrze7:,.n 77~-vonesnlr. zn panst. zaki n- 3: 2-' - 2 82 lkllvodoq~-,iT "Itriti-in r).*' 3ar,.,,,il-.on and F;pl-Jemlo-)gy, Svzeclin recto- I e ,, me~ , Mar Y. ow-' c z , PILAWSKA, Halina Evaluation of the physica.1 development and health status of children in the Icrwer grades, born and living in Szczecin. Roczn. pom. akad. med. Swierczewski. 0:181-210 162. 1. Z Zakladu Higieny Pomorskiej Akademii Modycznej lUerownik: doe. dr med. 1. Gadzikiewicz. (GROWTH) (SOCIAL CONDITIONS) PnAWSKA, Halina --- - --- - -.-. -,-- I Accidenta in vaWol children in the territory of the Szczecin Region. ftdiat Pol 37 no.2.*191-198 F 162. 1. Z Zakladu Higieny PAM v Sscsocinie Kierownik: doe. dr nod. L Wzikievicz. (ACCIDENTS in inf & child) 7 Vcl nc. 19,t i C -.,.;r, ear. Ac--essi r v, r '7 I,;,...' ~', , -",I , ., ~ i-~ --,. - PIMHOWSKA, Wanda; PILAWSKI, I~iorzej., (Ir. Effect of roentgen rays on the size of peripheral red b1ood cells in mice. Acts, physiol. Pol. 16 no.2:235-238 ~b-Ap'65. 1. Katedra Fizyki Lekarskie~ Akademii Medycznej w Poznaniu (Kierovnikt dr. A. Pilavski). POLOD/Eloctricity Dielectrics ,',be Jour : Rof Zhur Fizi~m, 110 12, 1958, 14o 27773 G-2 Au tho r : C-4'lawski 2&O Inst : Inatituto of-7-xporinontal Physics, The Univc,-rsity, Pozmn, Poland. Titlo : InvostiCption of Forrocloctrics by To~,pcraturc Measuru.-1--nts. Orig Pub % Bull. 'cad. pnlon. sci. Sor. sci. 7-nth., ftstron. A rhys., 1958, ~, No 1, 61-65 ..bstrqct : An invostiEntion is -n&~ of th-.~ to:ipcraturo dcp,-ndc;ncc; ~)f the to-ipcrnture diffcronco 6 T between the ter-_pcrAum- of -i ccra-,ic spoci.-,.cn BaTiO5 ancl th,; surroundinE -~cdiir-.,-_)ccurring undL-r tho Influ.-nc-, :;f rn rilt,.,matinr; flold -)f 50-cYcl,-- f r(;qu(j ncy. 6T hnB -i -nxi:v- it 1100CP '-nd - :An1.-u-. -A tho Curic point, 12C" C. % cotistant fit.-I(! m-tin.- JAritly with 7m -~ltornatin~ roducos onT -it t_--.puraturcs b.Aov thu Curio point and incr-jascs the--. 7ibovc the Curi,~ point. The -ff,)ct of the biqs fi.Ae. on ZIT chani;cs in accordance- with the t,--,.poratur(, int.-,rvnl: AT incroasce nt stron-or intonsi- tios of tho constant MV bolow 6000, 6 T hr,,s a Card 1/2 36 Distrt 4E3d DdL AtsL "wn. Ad. I*F;owmm- sam. phys., Vd. s, me, 1, 61-5 (190M. no kes a buiva titamto cormot okvqb s*gd is a ft 08 ISM d am V/cn Was 1wrostiptes by ausvsrw *I us. P*"*m fift AT PrDdlA-d IS 00 SSMPIS- TU ww*W= CC AT wft fouporth" ohm a pe" d to as c I" ond Illec bum" by a Mudamn d I d" c @t go cork P" 14 Swc. 7%0 poa 10 ow visa" Aft a I&M &me Mas Rom is "Olet beft6av Mu IIIM pieftes a fall b AT at bw tomperstares wd u alwo lisw Istrow at MO loloProbroo. proboUl An to an borow M com- &"oft. At tomproftm am IWC. AT Mo a aWOM vg!;,,j for a pardtaw Was IIVA TWAPMSZ, Wladyalaw; PILO-k)UA-A-~ Pbotophleth3ramographic studies In Ra7naud's disease. Polski przpgl. c)iir. 28 no.7:681-683 JuI7 56. 1. Z.1. Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Poznantu Kiprownik: prof. dr. St. Nmwickl Z Zakladu Firyki Lakarskiej A.M. w Poznaniu Kierownik: z prof. A. Pilawski. Poznan. u1. Dluga 1. (RAYNAUDIS DISRASIC, diagnosis, phntophlethysmography (Pol)) (PLF.TffYSMOGRAPITT, in various diseases. photophlethyanograpby in Raynaud's dis. (Pol)) PILAWSKI, A.; TWARDDSZ, WI.-. JASINSKI, K. ClinIcal applications of photopleth7smography. Polski tygod. lek. 11 nn.16:67i-67q 16 Apr 56. 1. Z Zakladu Fizyki Lekarskiej AM w Poznaniu. ki"r. z. Prof. A. Pilawsy-I z I Kllnlki Chlrur. AM w Pozn.. kier. prof. dr. St. Nnwicki; z I Kliniki Chorob Wown. AM w Poznaniu: kler. rjrof. (Ir. W. Kwasniewski, Poznan, ul. Mug& 112. (PLETRTS40GRAP" . photoplPthysmography (Pol)) PIIMK:E, B. Examples of the calculation of the payment for rationalization projects. p. 80. FRZ3GIAD WYNAIAZCZOSCI. (Nactelna Organizacja Tecbn;kczna i Urzed Patentory) Warszawa, PolAnd. Vol. 6, no. 3, Mar. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEA.I) W. Vol. 8, no. 1, July 1959. Uncl. FILAWSY1, B. Official dutit-s and technical progress. o. 485. MECHANIK. (Stowarzyszenie Inzynieraw i Technikow 1-fechanikaw Polskich) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 31, no. 10, Oct. 1956. Monthly list of Last European Accessions Index, MAI), -C, Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959 uncla. , 13tanislaw 3pecies of spiders new "or the "auna of Lover Przegl zoolog - no. 1:43-Q 163. 1. ";i;zeum Zoolc,,-i,-zne, lr,stvtu* !Iniwersytet, ., rc-c ~ aw. I PZLAWSKZ. Zbigniew Endocrine wtivity of the ovaries after removal of the uterus. Gin.polska 11 no.2:225-217 Kr-Ap 160. 1. Z Kliniki Polomictwa i Chorob Koblecych P.A.M. w Szczecinie. Klerovnik- prof.dr med. T. Zwolinski. (HTSTERECTMT) (OVARIES physiol.) PILAWSKI, Zbigniew; BAJOREK, Jadwiga Developmental aronalies in twins. Pol. ty'g. lek. 18 no.41:1529- 1521 7 0 163. 1. Z Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych Pom. AM w Szczecinie; kierownik: prof. dr mod. Tadeusz Zvolinski. (DISEASES IN IWINS) (ABNORMaITIES) (MONSTERS) PIJAWSKIq Zbigniew Utero-gluteal fistula. Gin. ?oIska 32 n0.39345-347 161. 1. Z Kliniki Polomictura i Chorob Kobiecych Pomorskiej AM w Szose- cizie Dyrektors prof. dr T. Zwolinski (UTERUS dio) (FISTUU case reports) (BUTTOCKS dis) FILCE-SAVICKA. Wanda; PILAWSKI, Zbigniew Colposcopy in the management of premature labor. Gin.polgim 29 no-1:51-58 -Tan-yeb 58. 1. Z Iliniki Polosuictwa i Chorob Kobiecych Pomorskiej A.M. w Szczecinie. Kierovnik: prof. dr med. T. Zwolinski. Adres: Hrubieszow. u1. Dzierzynaklego 25. (LABOR. premature, value of colposcopy in management. statist. (Poi)) PILAWSKI. Zbigniew SpontaneouB delivery of mature infant 'hroagh aperture in placenta previa. Gin. polska 28 no.2-139-191 Mr-Apr 57- 1. Z Kliniki Poloznictwa I Chorob Koblacych Pomorskiej A.M. w Szczecinis Kierownik: prof. dr. T. Zwolinski. Adres: Szczacin, ul. M. Fornalskiaj. (DSLIVEW spontaneous, throuph aperture in placenta previa (POI)) (PLACENTA PRSVIA, aase reports spontanenus delivery through aperture In placenta previa (POW PIIJ.YNV,I.; G=F0,V. Committee on mass invention and innovption Rmong workers. Sov. profsoiUZY 3 no-7:41-43 J1155. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Predeedstall zqvodskogo komitetA Bakinskogo neftepererabaty- vayushchego sAvoda (for Pilnyev) 2. Starshly inahener otdeIR ratsionnlizataii i izobratatelletva (for GRlko) (Baku-Efficiency, Industrial) Pliz, Aleksander; KUROWSKI, Stanislaw Danger of explosion of inflam-,able mixtures of vhpcrs qn., gasps with air. X. Determination of tne inflarunation temperature as a measurement of' the activation energy of the Durning o; Ie mixtures of limit density. Przem chem 41 no.u:324-3,1,1 Je I t,,,. 1. Zaklad Technologiczny, Instftut Chemii Ogolnej, Wa-rszawa. %47 42? *2! 911 6148 _L0, A A J'!I%10,.~ 0%ide rimet, -.10. im I" 'Twil""( 11 I'V11 1, 1 Ilia v Ni, 11 17, 19"o 111, 413 Q I. - 4 fab. I hr pr Off, flon 11111" -% uIld nit 111(i fit of Pint Im! 011,11prip 9NI(I" Involv- rwa' Wwrvr mairr to tnxlrllit pirv r1l, -, ml Its Ivehly I liplo-nr I hara, 1, r I)r-ljnt afi,.n of Ilih (Iarl"r awl of m -thr)(11 and rmirily nit i,we, ',- IN- yrilli , -,I ill handlinr effiO ,v nicifir 11h),1- ,,1 and Ov ml,:fl 1-.1), If ,v -1 h iiWirtil,ir cm-4i , , , .n dan---vt 4.1-W . I r W, h wr .0 1.1 to , v- 0.11, !, I"t f., p1-1" , -'f,j,rIf '. -1 1. T. irnW t,rwu fill ,f prWw-I mi W -* h ~ n- -, At- for din I n ;cc I Intl Pbenyt "bet tram pbomoodes and chiorabrarene A and L. kyl.rk, 1*,w-rJ h- 6. Wereaud vwl-l 4 VbrO if'. Ph(ik .-i ,hcI Will. uWan-t 'he', th, &hvk~t.- .I Ihn, I'll.IK 11--fed Ill, It-II) u"Jer alm. p'-wor fib r., -1 '10111 Au :ncea~j v,,I.i car% I., 1~ j,Ajj_j I,v let,( ......s met -1 the Philk -ith PhOX,. bub ~n tepj...r, ~jj jt,~ 'box it an J'awtv x "it I- jer~ew. A asuip), umk-sl "Irthod is suslested for bandling the Isy-prtnju, is of the rc4ctw,. I funk G-let too fmm-- ethanowhfix-bacy ii~di6li of, aic -Thq'idile .wibg'dafA obtMi n 380 iho- few "We .- of thi. c0 fi #1 TM ltm,.-ili6 -A ug"s of --. fal,ym-l-,Is 11) '-to- "cv one Al~ 77777~ V-Mil'~Ureg of, v -01 O's, o6fixf b4a~M w4 In I -M. oft, on- h nin 61 re -TheAlm relof Aween the, theb;oo im bi -61 aiabuilwi-'bt; ifie Jiliumi 4401,46d. the t' nde '3f I ~ - combus "Ap "'flind-air) has bm - ~ftl lond M b4i; 5S r.. befiev lhal.21his I eery ail 1~ilkO Si% -Vt"'v -o" voi Elkin --Pure L~ Rybadd-- Prqo* M*A, 09-0 COMM _-Z 434 oeti. outoalve, Provided 'with "firro i64, :ftNili the; . -'th ~-r'AOU)elavt 06th V19orodi -Wrting 10 his; nt IW24100; t silirrhis ds~orgll 434w,10 hrsi beging ire-the pvtbm mak It waslused W sdl~ exptii* ishik' the- wat_'Of ruriect:wIthifi-S OS.CC A-Ili &,-I-:.I6~, twe.; ould won ..w mak-ra -Ibol~est - ram tactants I ll d ph Nbl 4a b44 e ii L ou th i diffe nce .1 i of their ot a ded ttepwbt Jul all d to thi Ixt. of th~ sulfates; the sulfate firg afid then: the sulfate of 1 (7(170 of the theoretical V ith- JdV-Tho:s r ~~4111 m L r M oll rw r i. to w e ep ; y pu ' e l And,1 pm;bk- The sulffit of .1 contab2s 2 woks 4: if _w ; 1 . A lp y F, nde r , _, . - :, ?4. , lp . I '. ! " f , r~ , -,w I . I I '. , , ' ,~ ; *.i,.-p,, r-' !j(l -; ' ., ., , , .- p - ~ r. -I - , - - f I :I ') (' 7 ':L 11 rll~ ~;' .~ . : rz-m 4, n. I. , I -ill 1 1. . PIL-C A. we-pcrjk IIIIAMUFS-90h 41crw mid'. Chemical Abstracts llrwmyl Chem. 31(8), May 25, 1954 (195:~ -Sonic of the -inost frequently used incthritis (it Organic Chemistry ~rej)g. Fne),1111ine froin dicyandiandde have twen exttind. Y expt. and a ncw niethod of prcpg. tech. triclandne (twire than 99% PU-) it, a simple app. is prewnted, 18 references. Frank Gonct s4, --.62 11 547 62107 Pile A R)-backt L and OSM6111kl H VASMS*b 00 ft*P"at'*n *1 Dl- v1sr"71 Fiber from pbraelsift and clitlartsbm"ar. . lisdania nad otrfrymywarilem eteru dwulenylowego x Irnolanow I clikrobentA-flu Pryerriyal Chertilmny No 4. 1950. pp 194 10,1 fti; Tn (.t)tatn a high yield in diphenyl ether preparnUon from pht- nolatex and chlitriottentrne It is nrcvstsary previotisly tv clehydrate potamium 1whenoiste I)v distillation A yield sUntlar to thost, rsta blixtin) In lite literature was obtained by using 3nd potassium Phe-inLat,, under prealUre of a few attRoaphrreh. ~na a simple mpthod was worked out for exp)Wtation of the p&%1-rrjr- lion mixture Part of the potassium phenolaW can be supplaw,d bs andluin phrimlair but only in the prejwntr of an Inoritantr xMium "it M UK usaw awd in AWINS&I so Our "bass"0101 al, No~ 3. 36 tinvV), ladti.trw $8, )at) MOM Win. Wn-J. wit xUal), dism4mi kmap-dil-ld. asset wo vory A P.-C 00 -00 zoo 09 sell ~00 00 .0 .0 ~w O Ke W ~!o 0 sip too I;oo ."too 0 u I- " l, fl sma 000000-0 : 0e ;:90900690990906 0000000000 :r~oe 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 010 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 91, 0 P, too 1. If,-? It LL a If Th. xidabon of squaw.& solutions by P&tAMu= Par ,U&&"t& &Mordlillg to the improved Kub*l and Schulz , 110- Ill,jk- method I.,111111f r G* Ily (,IS %tiltoam-t-,viii III tht litt-tht, -,I k1 ~ ..f ..... r., III--- \11.LlI 0- 1" IN ......II.- Iq -.16 1 , , .0, 1. , : 3 U-1 he . 00 ank Mmul~ll Pr Go * 0 06 Lee 00 -:0 0 09 -00 to 49 09 -%s ."` too 9 It 4 91 U it 0-0-9 Q, 9 049 0,11110 9,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 KUBICA, Jan; RYBACKI, luejan; IZSZCZYIZKI, Zbigniev, PILC-, Alcksander Dehydration of maleic aced from its aqueous solutions to maleic anhydride of high purity. Przem chem 41 no.8:458-461 Ag 162, 1. Zaklad Technologiczny, Instytut Chemii Ogolnej, Warszawa. ~ILC) A I ," The dula of explo" of flarumble inbtures of vapm "642M with Af. IV. Factors influencing the values for , lower Wnito of Ovploolvity of the individual com- bustible Compountle. 04 the appoxiffAts Catidatim Cd 410 wh UnAls. iA.AW&A&kW TecliuA. Inst. Chm. Oghloo. PoUnd). Prx-rMyW Germ. 33 443-1 UUM), El. C.A. $2. 21M.-The lower limits ;I 7plosibility were deid. for 'ILL (CN),. NH., M! toluene. CH4 CO C He Ht. *-C4His, W-C-*H ropylene. MO. *:~Mjs' ei~y~ne' oxide. cy ~44M. Deptaut. Von&, "Its, nib, ana V~- .AICS., " Is NnCtil(on Of WVCrSl factors, like teMp., premre. nuistwe in the x1r. and eqwtions, were derived on the ban of older known equations for the approx. culens. of the Iowa expSosibility UMIU. The new formulas contain C,t4 the dame prAnt; they much better values than do the older formul". =y for gas mists, warmer than room i~M-P, Js references. Werner Jftsb*,- Pegg (84 dogma). eo=- ME CA.TrI66 SWINOW tkavy tbe ant. of N MXI=MA to do. dwMI we ww - a to ltuder it to be ad" to I t .0h. Theya"law- DAW" uf t-IrPlOsitin of flammable mixtures of vapors a~nd ~-es wiM air. VI. Kintitive of cambustion occar- 1111r, ap'lat"lleou-3y at atinnsphefic preF--iore tinder condi- flonq which are Clofie it) Mulling concentrAtiono, Alck- ..111der ~I dc (Iu-,jI. Chem. 0g,,1tu-j, %Vamaw). Prze"qvi 329-37( flj,58~,rligfish silintuary); cf. C.A. 52, 21Mv, -III(- Arrhmius eqti,imn relating to tile rate of cheta. r-utions was e,,tiverttit so as to olitnin "letup." yehicily (I c. tile v;tltlr (if it-111P. Changei In a unit tittle) instead J "concil." velocity. Undei these conditintiq the ~araiuvtcr corresponding to the actual conen. of 0 (U'l tile III c"Illp"Ilvalt) t1kappears froin the equation and the V0,11s 'A it,,- eqnati ... ~ I-C tile chumcteristics of itidividual 11autilluable volliptim-Ills (being common for soule Of these ciatillow-nis). 11. shows that there Iii a quant. relaUrin be. fit,- 1,41-vinp. l),,ramvtcr%! the temp. uf flammability, he energy rif activation. tile inin. combustion ternp., and tht- lowel fi!uit of etploWAlity. The results described in ptevioici papers art explained and somewhat corrected. F. J. Ifendtf- CZBCHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical Technology, Cheniml Products and 7r-.cir ",pplication. Loathor, Fur, Gclatin. Tarr-Inq A-atorials . Industrial Prat--Ana. Abs Jour Ref ZbAr - Khli.OlyL, No '~, 1T~q, No. 17981 Author Pilcl V. Inst Not given Title Washing and Rcnovr.1 of SulfooErters In the manufacture of Greasing Substancus fcr Luathcr Orig Pub Kazarstvi, 1957, 7, No 6, 154-157 Abt3tract Sulfonation is accomplishod by thu addition of C.)2 - 94-, H2S04 to fatty substancos in tho form of a fine strop-= wtilo coolivq and mixing in tho cotwac of 3 hours. 3ulfonation of fish and vogotablu oils to conductod at 0. 11, - 2- Mixing Is rontinuod after aU of tlic. acid haa boun addod whilo tomporaturo is xinintiiinud at t! aam Ijv(jl. Tho formod oators f-xo washod with tho r3,,,-Lt Card 1/3 CUCHOSLOVAKIA / rholaictil Tuchnology, Chomical ProductB and Th(Ar H-3) Appliention. Lonthor, Fur, Gelatin. Ttauiing ~ntartala. Industrial Proteins. J No Nc. l'), hba Jour Rof Zhux - KUL.,Iyap solution in order to roiwvf, the oxcoso of icid. Tho foruod emulsion Is okilmDd and is allowed to outtli- o,,- until the noxt day. AfUx tho decantation qf waal. wAor, sulfocators are noutrollzod with a=nln iritil p1l' )f 'U. 1% oLiulsion reaches 6.2 - 7-0 lovel- In tl:( L-ruv-Sac-an- of Bulfonatod oilig, wastAng and suparntion nf am iiaportant opcTiAiono- If toi,ijvntin-o oapi.oyod In the washing oporation ia too Ugh, tMa lundO tO tl,t- ruvorsing gonoration of sulfuric acid. Whon tuLapor-,A-.Lr(- c-ployod in washing is low (