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f -- / I. I . I .1 Z-5 (1 S- ) PHASE I BOOK EXFLOTLTATION Moscow. Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy invmni F.E. Novoye v tekhnologii vysokoproizvoditellnoy listovoy shtampovKl; sbornik trudov konferentsii (New Features in the Methods uf High-productivity Sheet Metal Stamping; Collection of Co.."e- enc~, Transactions) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1959. 228 p. copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Ob3hchestvo po rasprostranenly-u politiche3kikh 1 nauch-nykh znaniy RSPSH. Resp. Ed.: V.T. Meshcherin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prc~fe33U-; Eds.: V.D. Golovlev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Do,~ent, an3 Ye.N. Lanskoy, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; E,~. Publishing House; G.N. 3okolev; Tech. Ed.t B.I. Model,; Managing Ed. for Literature on Heavy Machine Building (Mashgiz~-. S.Ya. Golovin, Engineer. PURPOSE: This collection of papers is intended for engineers ancl technicians in sheet metal stamping. It may also be useful to Card 1A New Features (Cont ) 1';OV//---.- "I, students of vuzes and tekhnikums. COVER,4NjE: This collection deals 41th the design and feato.---,~ ji' come current prGblems in sheet metal itamping. Alio are processing methods still In the exporimental stag,,. articlo,q deal with the mechanizatl on and automatJ on nf processes an,l describ(, r(~cently develop,--d methods, :iu -h e,,Pl1o.qIon f'orming, the !lsr-. of automatic rotary tranj,'o- I h u,5(~ of' ra~' -)active hnJ1 prt--ss wi- L, personalities ar-e mentlonel. Re f e re nott 3 " o 1] ~ i the articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Py-pface Me3hcherin, V.T.,[Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Stankoinstrumentallnyy institut, Moskva (Moscow Machine T(,.-)-' and Instrument Institute]. Basic Manufacturing P:-oblem,,, o" the Neaj- F~,ture C a rd 219 New Feature3 (COT-I-.. ) The author disr~usses labor product.-i~y, ~ihape3 o,, w,:-,- pieces, the materials used, stamping ope:,ations and que, production lines, working speed, and the correct of basic operat Ional time, Pi1(ht,.,vnIkov,-R.V. [Doctor of Technical ScJence3, Professor, Kha rkov sk iy a v lat si onnyy In st I tu t (Khar'kov A.11 rc ra fns!. 1. t Use of an Explosive Wave f,.)r Drawing arid Forming Medium %J!': Large Parts in Stnall-3cale Production "he author d1jcusz3t-s experimental of shall, w 11sh-type par,,j of an explosive wavo ~_,aus-u -.y gunpowit E-isol'-ne, Dr n.,,tu .-t1 ,~a3. Kos~ikin, L.N. [Candideite of Techni-al f3ciences). New Possibilities In the Development of Sheet Metal Stampln,,,) in Connection With the 113e of Automati, Rotary Transfe:, Mac-Ines Mechanical and Iiyd:-auli,, rotary -scrlbed. Tlie 1"exibillty of facility of control, Inclusion ment In the p:-)(~e ~s, and smooth matIc lines. Card 3/9 transfer machines art. theqv~ maciiine3 allj,,,4s of chemical and heat trea.- transition into fully auto- ,v ve or IN oj~ Ice 0~1 ;> e ef ?J!, Ike 55 . '[N. re e e 5T, t5 -V:~ o,; 9,0 O-C e~l e, *0 V~~ cx,~ - N)~, 111 ~,eo- e) I o,*.~, e e o(I ef, "N e$ Ig -,,A 0, )-~ 1~ CNlb 0 6 1- ~, ;* e 0 N'O 0 5~, cl\e 0 51 ov. NC 0, New Fea~--e-' ((-,Or kiy Poly- Gorlkl-Y Fea Fri, ~ekhn vInir-ai St t r o )ne a 3 e 0 c ~,,Id- 3t~11,1111,_ r me I i M~` norl, Del, boratO'r:~' a Z! 0'. no", - GF! m P~ p',-ant ead. anci mad' F, n _"Cnn~ C 1e a I id y c -,pj. '"he on all! Amens- An pinc". rL8 E n t h,, nkimbe r u ra n a on '.,0 0'1~i (-, 'It OW- opi 1r, ii, Y hi. -hi f o, an,i plin- Ing d rj p -e -1 speed3 ar 4- 1r)n card 6/9 New Features (Cont.) Artes, A.E. [Engineer, Moscow Machine Tool and Instrxment Institutel. Press Blocking With the Use of Radioactive Isotopes The article presents information on the use of beta- radiation to stop presses in processes where two or more blanks are being fed, and on the principle of operation and the description of a beta-ray electronic relay. Suggestions for placing the emitter and receiver are given, and sa4-ety measures are discussed. Artem'yev, S.I. [Engineer, Go~kiy Motor New Features in the Automation of Sheet the Gorkiy Motor Vehicle Plant The article discusses devices for automatic formed parts from the press, devices ing of sheet metal into the die, and automation of the forming process. Vehicle Plant]. Metal Stamping at 160 removal of for automatic feed- devices for cumplete Card 7/9 New Features (Cowl. i ', k 1V ,'Z'9 4 Nikolayev, V.V., and B.V. Sorokin [Avtozavod imeni Likhacheva, Moskva (Moscow, Motor" Veh tt- le I'la-t ;1ine,ii T-ikha- c'i~- '',. - Fxper.Lence of t-he Motor Vehicle Plant imeni Ukhachev with HLgh-productivitv Progressive Die Sets lp,q Compound, combination, and progressive die sets with rectilinear ano circular feeding motion of blanks are described. Mechaiii-zation of feeding and removal of stamped parts and scrap are discussed. Filina, I.S. IEngineer, Zavod "Krasnava Zarya," Leningrad (Lenirigrad "Red Sunrise" Plant)]. Transfer Machine for Mixing Contact Springs 19~ Arrangement and operation of a universal transfer machine for making springs for flat relays is described. Reductionsin costs, time, and man-hours are ghown. Card 8/19 New Features (Cont.) Konovalova, I.I. [Engineer, Zavod "Metalloizdeliye, Leningr;1' (Leningrad Metal Products Plant)]. Transfer Machines for Making Safety-razor Blades _;^)O Fabricating processes and machinery for automatic lines are described, and information on tool life, heat treat- ment, grinding, and packing of blades is given. Lanskoy, Ye.N. [Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, Moscow Machine Tool and Instrument Institute). Selection of a Crank Press for Required Force and Work Parameters The author discusses flywheel effect, the meaning of nominal force (capacity), the magnitude of force at various angles of the crank, the work delivered by inotor and flywheel, and the work of deformation. Recommendatio,.~, for selecting the proper press for a given stampIng operation are presented. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 9/9 air 10 _1_59 VOROBITEV, S.A., kand.tekhn.rwuk. KONOVALOV, A.I.. inzh., red.; KAK,LqSNKO, V.P., inzh., red.; MIKHRYKV, N.Y., in2h., red.; NOVIKOVA, N.T., lnzh., red.; PIKHTOVNIKOV, R.Y.. prof.. red.; POM",QMOV. P.M., inzh., red.; S.4fid, prof.. red.; TOROPOT, A.I., inizh.. red.; TSIMOVNTT, I.M.. inzh., red.; MMIKASHIN, I.P., inzh., red.; SHEVCEMiKO, M.G.,; LIMM40VA, K.I., [Machnnization and automtion of production processee; proceediws of the city technical conference] Makhanizatsiin i avtometizateiia proizvodetvanafth DrotBeaBov; 9bornik materinlov gorodskoi te1zhni- chaskoi konferentoll. Khnrlkov, Khar'kw.-Bkoe knizlinoe izd-vo, 1959. 295 P. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Kommuni8ticheakaya partiya Ukrainy. Kharlkovskiy gorodakoy komitet. 2. Nachallnik Ukrainskoy proyaktno-konstruktorskoy kontory OPrommekhanizateiya' (for TSorkovnyy). (Automation) (Technological innovations) I J-61 c) - ~ J/ i M,'j T ACC NR: AP6027486 SOURCE CODE: LjR/o418/66/O00/003/O005/ooo8 AUTHOR: Pikhtovnikov, R. V. (Doctor of technical sciences) ORG: None TITLE: Industrial experience and future developments in explosive sheet forming SOURCE: Tekhnologiya i organizatsiya proizvodstva, no. 3, 1966, 5-8 TOPIC TAGS: metal forming, reliability, explosive forming, explosive charge, detona- tion ABSTRACT: The author describes various types of explosive forming units and their re- cent improvements. Among these is the use of a perforated pipe placed around the peri- meter of a water container and pumping compressed air through the pipe at the moment i lof explosion thus forming an air curtain and relieving the pressure on the metal cas- ,ing of the container by 40-50%, This practice makes it possible to use thinner walls ifor the containers and improve their reliability. Another development which is dis- cussed by the author is the use of a sloping container wall for placing dies within the container. A dolly takes a die, weighing from 4o to 70 tons, along t~,p EjcpirlF wa.11s to the bottom of the container and passes over a concrete column. The dc,!.y 's lowered by several centimeters until its bottom rests on the column. Thus the f(,rce ,of the explosion is transmitted from the die to the floor of the container by the il~'Ily L-Cord 1/2 LJDC; t,L I G 3 L 0637o-67 1 ACC NR, AP6027486 and the concrete column. Such a pr-~cedure spee~:s u~. r-xplosj,.,e forming and ma?es possible to handle parts up to 30 mm in thickness. Studies have shown Thai the use of the multiple impact method is very efficient in smali-scale and mass production of Parts. Its main advantage is that it eliminates extreme impact on container walis by using successive small charges for forming parts. Experience has shown that exp'o- sives with slow detonation are better suited for explosive forming. The use of slow detonation explosives produces a smaller peak load and effective explosion tilne iF ;longer. It is recommended that ammcnite should be used under industrial conditions in--, .stead of RDX or MT. The reverse forming method is considered for large parts and the 'microbasin method for production of small parts. The microbasin method consists of placing a charge in a polyethylene bag with water on top of the part to le formed. 'Hot sheet explosive forming is also considered. This method is applied mainly to heav,y gauge alloy steel sheets which cannot be formed by plastic deformation in the .cold state. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 1 formula. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE- None cc,"I __j PrKETOVNIKOV, R.V., doktor tekhn. nauk; VOLKOV, A.I. Explosive forming of sheet metal. Xashi-nostroitell no.Ilt22-25 N 164 (141RA 18:2) 1 20213 . Mir' Z=N ! 7 1 CZ=AZ czo:> aw i;i a- Usin'with bubbli'. shield Vr;:~the 14~; -t4vinva 140 03 in 4 93: or'. iiritfi~ ~co 77 S/137/6 jytoo/o 12/11 _3/149 A0o6/A 10 1 AUTHORS: Lysenko, M.D., Pikhtovnikova, L.R. TITLE: Ultrasonic control of weld joint quality in pipelines FERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Wtallargiya, no. 12, 1961, 67. abstract 12E416 (V ab. "Energ. 8tr-vo", 1 (11), Mosoow-laningrad, 1959, 116 - 120) MT: Information is given on a method of ultrasonic control of high- pressure pipeline welded butts. The method was proposed by TsNIITMASh and im- proved by the laboratories of the "Donbassenergo" administration and the "Teplo- energomontazh7 Trust. It is inteaded for pipes with 12-40 mm thick walls. The metallographical evaluations are in a 85% agreement with ultrasonic flaw detec- tion. The LLItras"Ic me-thod makes It possible to reveal the most dangerous de- fects such as cracks, and to observe the development of defects during operation. It Is most efficient. Ye. Terpugov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 85137 is %I V0 ZI u s/io4/6o/ooo/oo9/ool/005 E073/E335 AUTHOR: Pikhtovnikova, L,,~~ngineer TITLE., Ultrasonic Quality Control of Welded Joints by the Immersion Method "'A 1~_ PERIODICAL~ Elektricheskiye stantsii, 1960, No~ 9i pp. 13 - 16 TEXT- In the first part of the paper the disadvantages of direct-contact methods of ultrasonic inspection are discussed. the main one being that only a fraction of the generated ultrasonic energy penetrates into the component By immersion into a liquid the loss of ultrasonic energy can be reduced verY considerably, Particularly, provision of a local thin liquid layer is advantageous, the function of which is solely to act as an acoustic contact medium. In particular, the merits of a system described in the USA patent No. 2852707, 1958. of C.G. Kaehms are emphasised. In this system the dip probe can operate in the horizontal as well as in the vertical position or through a stream of liquid which carries ultrasonics into the component to be investigated, On the basis of these ideas equipment was designed for detecting defects in weld joints Card 1/3 Ultrasonic Quality Control of Method 851,37 5/104/60/000/009/001/005 E073/E335 Welded Joints by the Immersion of high-pressure steam piping (273 X 30 mm). The system consists essentially of a water container with a hollow bottom (the bottom is formed by the se(tion of the pipe surface) which is pressed onto the pipe to be investigate4j. This water container also contains two dip probes The equipment is designed for use on pipes of diameters exceeding 133 mm and there are certain components which have to fit the particular pipe diameter The entire system is designed so that it can move along the whole circumference of the pipe- Reciprocal movement is effected by means of a semi- mechanised system, The angle of the dip probes can be varied between 30 and 50 0 to the verti,:al, which enables searching for defects in all the necessary directions The system enables semi-automatic detection of defe.ts in weld 3oin-~s of piping. The obtained oscillograms are similar to that obtained in contact ultrasonic defectoscopy work However. in the case of the immersion method, there are one or iwo Card 2/3 85137 S/104/60/000/009/ool/005 E073/E335 Ultrasonic Quality Control of Welded Joints by the Immersion Method additional pulses which are reflected from the top surface of the component. In an editorial note it is mentioned that the contents of the article prove that quite a lot of work has still to be done in perfecting this method of "immersion" with the use of very small quantities of liquid., There are 3 figures and 3 references I German and 2 Soviet Card 3/3 MMIMIKOVA, L.R., inzh. Ultrasonic checking of welded junctions by use of a method which involves immersion. Zlek. eta. 31 no.9:13-i6 s 16o. WRA 14sio) (Pipelines-Welding) (Ultrasonic teating) LYSENKO, M.D.: PIKHTOVNHOVA, L.R. nothods for ultrasonic determination of thn churttetnr of infects in welded joints of pipes and cast parts of steam iripply lines. ZAV.lal). ?S nn.7:816-R18 '59. (MIR& 12:10) 1. Gosudaratvannyy treat "Toploannrgosontazh". NnIding-Teating) 28 (5) AUTHORS: Lysenko M D Pikht,7~nikova, L. H S-V/32--,:: PITLE. _; * 1-1.1 1 ,-. r '. 4 f. - 1',e t,~~t of Def--' ts --z. 4eld--ng Seams of Tubes and Cast PIPP-S f~DT SteaM Conductl.-rl 114eodika opr-z~deleniya ul'trazvukcm kharaktera def,-kt--, ia-arnykh soyedineniyakh trub 1 litykh deta-I-v par. Provo IG j " PERIODICAL. Zavodeka7a 'ay,,.iratortya -511 Vc,! 25, Nr L' "USSR ABSThACT: A , o in p a Y ~ a-Y ~ a T, ad -e - r t h e (-, sc, 111,- p, rain sb t P- i n a d t del~e~~t,,T (CD) di-,,,ng the ultrasonic control of f-luity weldinE seams of high pressure pipes. and the app,~aran-p of defeats metallographinally found after ruttin,- the seams. About !00 simples with different faults weTe examinel Ultras:)n.i,-- control was carried out with (CD) UZD 'TN ac,--jrJ-,r,,K to the method of the TsNIITMASh (Ref 1) and b~r means of pr,-s~ mat;c f-e-ler gauges (FC) under an angle of 400 The 5-.Lmpl,~s of steel 20, I?YhM and IMMF were examined a~ of 1.8 meEacy,~les. The method of examination consisted ir. ple 4n the fact that. ultrasonics either were :cmpletely rp Card 1/2 flo-cted -,/ the faulty pcint which caused an impulse or -t wao U-1 trasonic Method for E~e_tei7n~Lnlng the 3 2.- Character of Defects in sielding Seams of Tubes and Cast Pipes for Steam Conduction only partly ref'.acted, so that a ray of the asket was 7-pfle-.ted and two impulses occurred on the screen. Points nct we-ded throuGh, or enclosed slags caused further impulses. From the explanations of the obtained oscillographB the fact results that a "splitting" of impulses into several small impulses in- dicates the presence of cracks in the welding seam. The test method described in the present paper was alplied for the con- trcl cf welding seams in steam pipes and tubes witi. walls ,3 - 36 mm tbick. There are 2 figures and I Soviet refpr,?r,.-e ASSOCIATION: Grsudarstvennyy trest "Teploenergomontazh" (State Trus! "Teploenergomontazh" Card 212 LTSENKO. M.D., lnzh.; PIMOYNIKOVA, L.R., inzh. Ultrasonic control of welded pipe joints. Inerg. stroi. no.1:116-120 '59. (KIRA 13:2) l.Trest "Teploenergomontazh". (Pipe--Welding) (Ultrasonic waves--Industrial applications) PIKHU, E. R. Cand Biol Sci - (diss) "PropaFation of commercial fish.-as of Lake Vyrtslyarv." Tartu, 1961. 19 pp; 2 pp tables; (Academy of Sci- ences Estonian SSR, Division of Biological and Medical Sciences); 300 copies; free; list of author's works on p39 (11 entries); (KL, 5-61 sup, 185) S 2S4 62 W) (9)7 (W (90 102S 122s AUTHOR Pikh1ovP-Ju_v_R. TITLL Treatment (if metals bN explosion PERIODICAL Nauka i zhittNa, no. 7. 1962, 13 14 TEXT: A procedure to replace the usual method of pressing, hammering etc is for the apparatus. con taming the matrix, the object of stamping, and the plate on which it repose% etc. to he submergCd in a rescr~ oit full of water. An explosion is [lien made with it high-cKplosive, the sliock-%%ave producing a perfect ~.taniping Bct%%ccn the object and the matrix there must he vacuum. Advantages noiseless. gases are cli~sol\ecl in the water and the atmosphere is not polluted. elimination of accidents to service personnel ard people in the vicmitN The matrix can he of any size. allowing stamping of large objects The installation is rim ex- pensive, as the pressure can reach 200 atmospheres It is verN effective in cutting iron plates A combination is made of a gun serving for e,(plosion with two knives, above and below the object Another application of importance is the drilling of holes in sheets, ships etc Also applicable in machine construction Card 1, 1 KOROTICH, A,S,, dvtvent; SHCHERBAK, Yu.N., nauchnyy sotrudnik; KONONMP G.Y&.L.ZUUZjjA,,,XtF.; ROMV, I.V., kand. veter. ,-,t nauk; LEDIN, V.Ye.; KURAMA, -I.- Analysis of the vaginoll mucus In cattle as a method for diagnosing brveellosis. VeterinArtia 39 no.10:78-86 0 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Kiyevskty nAuchno-iseledovatellakiy institut epidemiologii I mikrobiolq?ii (for Korotich, Shcherbak). 2. Donetskmya ob3.pvtnnya vwterinRrno-bakteriologichesk-ya lqboratoriya (for Konorrak). 3. Donetsk-mya oblastnaya sanitarno-epidemio- logicheakaya stantmiya (for Pikhulya). 4. Dallnevostoohnyy nauchno-iouledovatellskiy veterinx;rmyy institut (for Rotov). 5. RsBpubl11vmskRya veterina-no-bakteriologichesknya lAbora- toriya. Ministerstva sel'skogo khozyayotva UkrSSR (for ledin). 6. ZaveduyushchAya serologicheekim, otdelom Llvovskoy oblastnoy veterimrno-bakteriologicheakoy lAboratorii (for KurakinR). (Brucellosis in cattle) (Vaginal smears) PIEHWO, S.Y. (Livov. ul. loreenko. d.46, kv.8) C&Uulous anuria; bneed in mAterinl from Iwov Keaiepil Instituts. Nov.khir.arkh. no.2:IP,20 MrvAp '58 (MIRA 11:6) 1. Irafedra urologli (zav. - dota. H.B. PlaEtunov) Llvcvskopo moditainakogo institutn. (URIUS-RETENTION) (CAWULI, URINARY) -0 -9921 ON .-NR: ''APS ;ACCFZM 603855, SSOCUTjb*i ' ~ SUS E MTT i D., SUW CODE . - ' - ' ,- ' '*-: -~,--, -- - ,- .-- ;_,-- ;~ - ., ' - ~-- , : ~ 000 I OTHEW - - . ~,. . - - , ~ .- ,~ -. ~ ~~ ,; . , . . , ,t ~ ; T F, - 41 7 Pi A - AGAPOV, M.V.; PIKHUTA, A.V. Protection of the transistors of transistor voltage stabilizers using silicon stabilotrons. ElektrosviazI 18 no.3s38-51 Yx 164. (MIRA 1'1:4) BW, &ia; PIKIEL, Leonard Contribution, to pathDgmesis of endonardial fibrcela3to.:'Is in children. Acta b1cl. med. (Gdansk) F n-.1-1-9 164 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Pat,,!ogirznej -Akademll Medyczr,&.4 w Gdansku (Kierownik? pi-of. dr. W11holin Czarnocki). TEN'CZYNSKI, Leon, 14ALECKA-DY14INCKA, Stanielawa; NI WBBZYC. Stan.-'slav, PIKIEL, Leonard. Three cases of endocardi-al fibroelastosis in adolescents. Pol. aren. mod. vewnFA. 34 n-.3i)'71-19? %(,4 1. Z I-I Kllin~k-i Clho-ob We~,meT.-,ny(-, AM w Sljansk-u (klerowr--~. I KiLnLki Dziecie(-Ych AM w Gdansini prni'. dr.mod. K.Er-e,,ILnski) z Za-kladu Anatomil Patologiczne.' AM w Gdanqlqi prc,f.dr. med W.Czarmocki ...Urlt; RAZA;i,-,A~Z, Tema.,; KONUFA, Jerzy; L--DOGIIOWOiU, Zy~-- STENZa) Studi.-s on antlneoT-a2tic properties of PDria data and in vitro :3tudics. I'lowotwory 1-1 no.3/4:3 3-,,C)Q 161. 1. Z Katedry Teelmologil Srodkow Loczniczych Volitochniki ']i(la .,i Ki :rownik* prof. dr Z. Ledochmrski Z Zakladu Anatomti Fjt., Akader.ii l,;edycznej w Gdansx-a Kierowni-k: prof. dr med. W. Z Pracowni Nr 8 Za~cladu Syntezy Or.-anicznej PA" w 3dwis,-~ .1 ~ "'k. prof. 6r Z. Le..ochowski, (A-.'TI.),-OIILASTI~ AG--'IM; pliaj-~%accj) IL I NAZAIL41(IZ, Ter03a; L',DUCtiUWS)i~i, Zygaum; KJI,'Ji-Aq Jerz .)-T Z J Ja,.; PiKl;-", Loorairdi FA!.dWWjil, Loonard; WiAlZUSN, flon,-,,-!,, Studies en antineoplastic properties of Foria olu_i~'ta 1 on the eff,ict of Po~rla obliqua on Lhe growth of in anirrals, 1; vntwory _'! no.3/4-1401-~ll 161. 1. Z Zakla6u A.iatomii Pawlogicznej AkadcilLLI Medymiej w I~da Kierownik: prof dr me--: ',4. ~zarnccki z Katedry T-chnoic7li Src,:.:O%, Lecznlczych PoLitechnik_i Gdan,,3!-iej Kioroimik: prof. cir i z Praccwn! Nr 8 Zal,.---,, ada 3:ritvzv Organi-~znej Pols'-i j A~:: Kilerownik. prof. dr 4". Ledochowski, (Al,:T~NLOFI.ASTIC AC~i,.'ITO' phar-aacol) ohi e '_a Pa t Fc, 1 1 Z Zak I adu Ana tom i i Pa toi e' Aladtv I A M e. d.v (Kierowrik: prof. i-. -z~j-r- ~.-` [dp:,E-~)Fed K,-I' 4 , v.a syl. , tng-r. :;. -,,. , .,[, ~ ~ e - 2 ":r '1gy,tal jltsg---~f, -,- '~ . . I . ,-,7-36(1 Til-;.: I , Jerzy A congress in Yamich on the processing of information. Pomiary 9 no.1:40 Ja 163. PIKIELFY, jqrzy, mgr inz. Simple criteria for the quality of automatic control systems, Pomiary 8 n6.12s552-553 D '62. e E. r i n, i . 19c,2 5 2 S TC_XT V_,11W Iuvomatic control system error cri L)Ver!~.hoot and sett- ling time. '~'ho I I ::.tro(",1ced by I .". Jurns for a sin~je point _onf. V. 8, 1 ..62, 22 S statec, to .)e ra*,:,ikfr primitive an c! non-re I,, L to hi,~her Q> order system s. 7 t :-~cw .)er:.orm,~nce criter- ion, of t tie ove r,, hoo *L .,i-c ~, '%:k, I-0 MAX X~ max (te 1111ax) where t is t11r, -e !.Lates that tile . M" , " weighting results in ~t s~--."l t~7 w,,, ,,~,iio t I;i,. rhat tnis cri teriol-L, being more selecLivo, ic ev'Crc:,. as The criter- Card 1/2 Simple performance ion S2 s ''"c(" f 0"- ing coefficicat oi- a -?n~,' r -,v from those obtained ',.)y ot,",wr 12/00 1/0 ~2 J20i/:)308 o~' Liku nonaalize(i dam,)- resullt ciifferinv little I-,cre are 9 figures. Card 2/2 cf, -700 0 AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 27025 P/021/61/000/008/002/002 D250/D302 Pikielny, J. Applying a differential equation analyzer for tests of automatic regulation processes Przegled elektrotechniczny, no. 8, 1961, p 343-345 TEXT: The article describes transformations necessary in preparing a differential equation for solution with the aid of a differential equation analyzer, gives a calculation example of a turbine revolution speed regulation system and lists the preparation and calculation pro- cedures with the ARR electronic analyzer. The principles of preparing a problem for solution by means of the ARR are discussed. The ARR (differential equation electronic analyzer) has been in operation at the Zak-tad aparat6w matematycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk (Computer Department of the Polish Academy of Sciences) since June 1954. In the ARR the independent variable is time t. Each dependent variable pro- duces a voltage line on the screen of an oscilloscope, whose Krid permits Card 1/5 27025 P/021/61/000/008/002/002 Applying a differential ... D250/D302 the reading of numerical values of a function. The maximum voltage change permitted by distortion constitutes a unit of the dependent variable of the analyzer. On the screen, this corresponds to a line distant 10 cm from the zero level. The voltage changes periodically-, the change period is T + T ; the T interval facilitates proper solution of the equation. A 20 cm section on the screen corresponds the inter- V val T. The machine is prepared for the next solution in intervals V . Transformation of the independent variable; Assuming that T t, the timp unit of the machine equals a time unit of the equation. In order to extend or reduce the time interval of the solution observation, the fo)lowing transformation is performed: T 144 t (1) where OL is t t the dimensional coefficient of the time meale with t lie dimenm I oil machine time unit Assuming the designations. d equation time unit. p _dt (2) p. d dT the reliition is obta:ned Card 2/5 27025 P/021/61/000/008/002/002 Applying a differential... D250/1)302 d d _dt - at aT = a tP (3) Examples: if u - 20, then pu = 20; if T = 10t, then '40 Pu = 20 or Pu=2. Transformation of the dependent variable. Apart from the time scale, the dependent variable must be transformed according to the following formula; R = a r r (4) On equation recording in machine language, the ARR is capable of solving such differential equations which can be set apart with respect to the highest derivative and which can be recorded with the aid of the ARI? operations. The ARR has addition, integration and multiplication cir- cuits and function generators which facilitate the performance of complex and non-linear functions. On the choice of time scale and scale coeffi- cients, the choice of' the time-scale coefficient depends on the period of time in which the solution is to be observed. rhe scale coefficient is selected according to the rule a I The maximum expected value /r/ maximum factor at the output of the integration cir,.uit. in the ARR is Card 3/5 27025 P/021/61/000/008/002/002 Applying a differential... D250/D302 250. The ARR is equipped with a photoelectric function generator. In order to perform the dependence y ~/x/, when for instance x - sin Z, it is necessary to cut out a y = /x/ shaped blind, where 11x11 is a linear function, and then accomplish superposition in such a way that potentials, whose difference is proportional to sin Z are applied to "Y" axis plates deflection. Initial conditions of a differential equation are set directly on proper integration systems. The addition and integration systems work w i*h an accuracy of about 0.5%; the multiplication systems and photoelectric function generators with ar. accuracy of the order of I%.- An example of ARR application for turbine regulation system tests is given. The principles of calculation procbdures with the ARR can be determined as follows: a) The equation of the investigated system's dynamics is presented in a non-dimensional form; it is made sure that all coefficients are within the 1:mits of o4t~ a --**'- 1. If not, they are divided by the largest of them. b) The independent variable is properly transformed and time scale chosen. It is ensured that all equation coefficients meet the conditions of point a) above. c) The Card 4/5 27025 P/021/61/000/008/002/002 Applying a differential~o. D250/D302 equation is recorded in machine language. d) An appropriately shaped blind is prepared for the ftinction generator. e) 'rne circuits are linked according to the stheme obtained in the equation record in machine language. f) Observation of the oscilloscope screer. 'rhere are 9 figures. Card 5/5 FIKIEIKII J. Application of the anslyver of differential equations for atudy-ing autonstic control procooses. Przegl slektrotechn 37 no.8:343-3,45 161, (Automatic control) POLAND/Radin Physics General Abs jour : Ref Zhur Fizika, Ne) 9, 1958, Nr IF;553 Authnr : Pikielivy J. Inst Not Given TItle retoomination -f Self-Oscillations 1~,y Means nf the Harn-nnic Linearization Methrd Irig Pub Prace Przeraysl. inst. teledonun., 1957, 6, N, 22, 1.r'-24 Abstract A method is develcped for the Linearizatirn ~f thc- rcnlincar equatiins self-rscillatinn as applied to nonlinear probleLis in autoLiatic regulation. This zetb-)d follows fr-.,.3 the -~sy.,.:- pt,Dtic methods cf Krylcv and Bcgolyubnv. Ibe physical inter- pretation if the methrd is given, and specific exarqlps ar- discussed. Card 1/1 PIKIFUH. J. Modern trends in the development of automatic control systems; nonlinear systems. p.h92 (POKARY, AVITMIAT"TKA, FnNTFVLA, Vol. 2, No. 12, Dec. 1956, Warsaw, Poland) SO: Monthly List of Fast Furopean Accessions (FYAL) ir, voi. 6, No. 9, Sent. 1957, Uncl. arfo t BMW ie f"Ption _pej~.!~ F~pqlati~i t t~rul -su-c --an- Pos~ ;-at:a-baiii9--f6f- cons --cting ,166- v r46 -ato :t e- t- q iently used tbods based on Newton's e*t- IM 0 U Ve .r xami .:.. Ta lor's series and.the leaSt-Bquare method. The essence 6 t 0 a, pro' ed method is extrapolation In segments in such a way that the err- r "i at the ~~.:~d:oif an ~-extrapolation, segment is.equal to zero when the extrapolation no I 'a-- quadratic a ln~ this case$' the maximum error occurs at the midpoin,- s-eqUaL to 1. 4, tho coaffiai6i he indepe: .8"0&j.'nt andi nt x2 .. (where. x is t a -Oktrap4UfeCfunction xtrapolation *in cao-h oepent beginz GOLIP M.; PIXILINER, D. Use of lonites for water desalting. Heat.pron.1 khW,pron7s, 3 no.lJ~30-31 D 162. (KUU 16:4) 1. Glavnyy inzh. Leningradskoy zerkallnoy fabriki (for Goll). Ilon exchange) (Saline waters-Demineralization) PIKIN At,--Inzhenez-pulkovrik Role aznd tasKs of &rtil.'e.-y recz),.;.aiss&nLs. *,iren.-ms--. 43 n:,.7. 4t~49 JI '63. (AURA !(-:11) A.I.; VINEK, N.Te. State artificial inseminatl,n stations and stations maintained jointly by collective farms in Poltava Province. Vaterinartia 35 no.2:61-66 F 158. WIRA 11:2) l.Poltavokoye oblastnoye upravleniya sellakogo khozyaystva. 2.11achallnik otdola veterinarit (for Pikin). 3.Glavn7y vetvrach otdele. veterinexii (for Vinnik). (Poltavk Province--Artificial insemination) Ye.F.j, dots.; BREGELI, E.Ya., Prof-; BUKlif Te.V-p dots.; BORISOV, VASMTSEVA, V.M..9 dots.; GOLEEVA YU.P. , kand. ekon. nauk; GOLEVA, A.P.p kand. ekon. nauk' LF24DUK-Ul, 3-V-1 dots.; P - YERmOIDVICH' I.I.0 dots.; DONABEDOV, G.T., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; KTJZNET'-;CVA, KALYUZBM , V-M-, dots.; KORNEYEVA, K.G-, WASNIKOV, 1.7a.p A.S., Prof.; MIAOSIDUCHENKO, V-S-P dots.; V, V.A.; WIRNOV, kand. ekon. nauk; PIKIN, A.S., dots.; SIDORO dots.; dots.; SOROKINAY I.F.P A.D., dots.; 3OL0V'jttAq K,F,p k- KHARAKHASHIIAN, G.M., prof.; TARUNIN, A.F-j, kand. ekon. naW p Ye.K. MMELISON, A.S., red.; SHVEYTSERI red.; ROTOVA, R.S., red.; GkRBA, T.D.p tekhn. red. (Economics of socialism] Politicheskaia okonomi1a sotsializ- ma. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola," 1963. 476 p. (MIRA 17:2) UPSHINA, Genriyetta Yevgenlyevna, kand.ekonom.neuk; FIKIN, Aleksandr Somenovich, kand.ekonoz.nauk. BANNIKOV, N.A., red.; DXMI, V.K., [Triumph of the collective farm system) Torzhestvo kolkhoznogo stroia. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo sel'kho2.1it-ry, 1960. 316 p. waA 13:6) (Collective farms) FUNP K.J., prof.; KITYUNIN, N.K., kand. med. nauk 92mumatic shock." lb*lwed by K.T.Pi-kin,, II.K.Mitiunin* Orto tr-avme i proteze 24 no~6881-84 J*163 (MTRA 16:12~11 LEVIN, Mark Mironovich, prof.; ZADOROZHNYY, B.A., dotsent, red.; BEIDUSCYVI V-&., prof., red.; BDURIUS, N.N., prof., red.; VOROBlYEVJ* F.P., assiatent, red.; GRISHGHENKO, I.I., pror., red.; DERUCH, V.S., prof., red.; KORSUNI, A.Ya., dotsent, red.; KOSHKIN., m.L., prof., red.; KUDINTSEV, V.I., doteent, red.; ~IIKINP K.I., prof., red.; PRIKHODMOVA, Ye.l., prof., red.; POPOVIV I.D., dotsent, red.; SOLOVIYEV, M.N., prof., red.; SHTEYNBERG, S.Ya., prof., red.; KHARCHENNO, N.S., prof.1 red. [Repeated surgery in stomach diseases follawing operational Partornye operatsii pri zabolevaniiakh operirovannogo zheludka. Kharlkov, Izd-vo Kharlkovskogo gos.univ., 1961. 177 P. (Kharkov. liedychrWi institut. Trudy, vol.58). (MIRA 16:2) (STOWY.-SURGERY) PIKIN, K.I., prof*; HITYUND, N.K.,; KUDINTSEV, V.I., dotsent "Military field surgery* by A.A. Vishnovskii, M.I.Shraibmr. Reviewed by K.I.Mkin, N.K.Mitlunin, V.I.Eudintsev. Vest. kh1r. 91 no.7tl4l-W J1263 (MIRA 16:12) PIKIN, K.I., prof. Varicocele. Nov. khir. arkh. no.12:86 D 161. (1-111:~A 14: 12') 1. Kafedra fakulltetskoy i gospitallnoy khirurgii pediatricheskogo i saziitarno-gigiyenicheskogo fakullteta (zav. - prof. K.I.Pikin) Kharlkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (VAiUCOCr,L2,) 1, . -,., 11.1, F. 1. - , 7 "- , - y - - - I . r., -.- . . -. ..., ,;-~ ~ vo.3 i 1.x "c . ; I ~ C., 0 2) ! ~ 1-17 - - . - = . - -1 f , 0. v . .)-" . ~ I .. -;~- : - 1. . - - - I . . .1 ., - , PIKIN, K.L. T)rof. Xonogrm)h on gunshot wounds (OThe Punahnt wound' by S.S. Girgolav. R evieved by K.I. Pikin) 7oen --*d. zhur. no.1:93 1 -94 A '59. (GURSHM WOUNM) (KIRA 12:4) (GFMLAV, S.S. ) DANIWV, G.M.; KUNIN, Yu.I.; POPFE, E.I.; PIKIN,, N.G.; PETRUV, V.P.; LISTOV, Yu.A. - -11- --- - I Discussing the article Modulus or micromodulua?n Priborostroonis no.10:15-19 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) PIKIN, N. N. "The Fxperience With the Sanitary arA Hygie.-.i- 4ater Su, --he-t,,u-, .;,,. a With Limited 'eiater Resources" Vcyenno-MeditsinskLy Lhurnal, N-,. '.1', Feor,iar-~, - :1, ,n. 6(,. PIKIN, N.N..Podpolkovulk meditainskoy aluzhby Sanitary Inspection of water oupply in an area with limited water resources. Voen-med. zhur. no.2:60-64 7 '56 (KLRA 10-5) WATER SUPPLY. sanit. control) (Rue) Y, ~, ,~ I ',~ i , . z - .1 r i : . 'r --, C):~ . -'. e I "f,r ., , I ~ . ,, : :.or..,31 cc I - i - - - - . cal -.-rcv- n- . I , (-~, I I -rce ' , , j : ! I - ,, - .~T, r ~ , -,ci - I's 1-n1-- -, ;-Y I ) - j~ . ) Y Voy,nmo-v - L 40173-66 -~,JT (I J.", ACC NRs AP6ol88lT SOURCE CODEi UR/0056/66/o5o/005/137T/1380 AUTHOR: Pikin, S. A.; Tsukernik. V. M. ORGt none TITLEi Thermodynamic* of linear spin chains in a transverse magnetic field SOURCE: Zh eksper I teor fiz, v. 50, no. 5, 1966, 1377-1380 TOPIC TAGS: spin system, transverse magnetic field. magnetic suscepti- bility s#ie~1Y70C-FA)F0CJ13 n-)A17A_>FrJ*C ABSTRACT: A one-dimensional system of a_dline (s - 112) vith a strongly anisotropic interaction of the immediate neighbors has been examined. The system in assumed to be in a homogeneous magnetic field directed along a given axis. Exact equations have been obtained for the thermo-~ 'dynamic characteristics of the system. It has been shovn that at T = 0: and an absolute value of the magnetic-field strength H0, the magnetic susceptibility has a logarithmic or root nature, dependent, like 1100 on the relation betveen the interaction constants. The authors thank V. G. Vaks and A. I. Larkin for valuable iscussions. Orig. art has: 11 formulas. [Based on authors' abstractl tNT) SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 03Dec65/ ORIG REVt 003/ OTH REF: 002 A 11LC:~46 A=,~011: Vaks, V. G.; TArkdn, A. I.; Min, S. A. 01' G: none TITLE: On the self-consistent field method in the description of phase transition s SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 51, no. 1, 1966, 361- 375 TOPIC TAGS: phase transition, correlation function, thermodynamic Punction, crystal syrLnetry, ferroelectric material, dipole interaction, superconductivity ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to determine the region of applicabil- ity of the Landau phenomenological theory for phase transitions, inasmuch as this the- ory disagrees with experiment in the direct vicinity of the phase transition point. Since the phenomenological theory is equivalent to the zeroth approximation of the self consistent field method from 'he microscopic point of view, the authors consider 'I the phase transitions in an Ising model and in crystals for a large interaction radius ro. -Lnen the method of constructing the successive approximations is illustrated with the Ising model as an example. The first two terms of the expansion in terms of the tparameter r63 are obtained in the correlation function and in the thermodynamic quan- tities. The methods developed for the Ising model are then applied to the more cont- plicated case of phase transitions accompanied by a change in crystal symmetry. -Die influence of the electric dipole-dipole interaction in ferroelectrics is analyzed and 1/2 L o8179_67 ACC NR: Ar6o24896 it is shown that the results of the phenomenological theory are valid in a wide range of temperatures. The question of the phase transitions in one-dimennio.-A.1 !:v!;',v'Is is considerea. It is shown that as the teriperature approaches the trUnsItiurk the parameter r-3 increases like T531T - Tc!-1/2 for forces of finite radius and like cl 0 r631nlT - T for dipole-dipole interaction in uniaxial ferroelectrics. aie results show that when the interaction radius is large, r0 >> 1, the self-consistent approxi- ration describes the phase transitions in crystals and in the Ising model correctl~y everywhere except a narrow region near the transition point. The phenomenological ti-zeory is best applicable to superconductors, where the role of the interaction rr-dius is played by the pair dimension. -ine authors 'hank A. F. 11-,yany for a uself'al d's- cussion. Orig. art. has: 51 formulas. SUB CODE: 201 SUBM DATE: 25Feb66/ ORIG IUF: 015/ OTH REF: 005 Card 2/2 ne t FROKOFIYE;V, A.D.; PIXIN, Ye.l. High-.output double-acting drawing Fxess. Flashinostroltell no.9:28 S 162. (Sheet-metal work) OURA 15:9) Are L t b it, & k i 4 1wifies IRS z 4U')Iwl)hoU%' Pak yr1o"W Im""drT 1111 Shk'h an Ifestutent with 11 in 'it, .1 1--- 1--- 1 1". *0 jp~ -c .11, ";a, 1, IV It I- .-a.4 IV . " 1, 1 IV -.Idv I------ .. k I V . ,, 1'.. w1 0 M 1.1 M IV Kit j 041,7, --CJI, I'm() W. An"Itpho", VI 4111 In AQ, ah- sti-r, -C .14 JfK 00 of ~1 hi-alt'.1 it *I *I'll IV k -11 00 .11 so 00 j V1 -00 ji, ",al ... 00 I. $.s.4 1'.." IV and \41 Ill''t I I I,q .1 hit I I.*., it, a -1 1 1.. 1. 1 V I; 00 '. 1 .11 Vol I 00 411 0 ki II. and hm 1 0, loci %%.Ill I'h\li,. = _ Sol I Vil Ih.- ~1-1-11tlg .111-1 '.link)- Vol iih flotfLA, in all. ah jv- V tMv .411110 7 : 111 Ph'StI lls it, .-IfIerl fit. 1-.In" 00 r' 00 SO 8 tv of I I .1a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a to-; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I It tt I III tree -.-A- L ON Ing- Yc-- T 00 -00 V. V. T 00 "00 MMML. low. .00 .00 log r-ge *00 log or 2%0 I-00 ago S 00A MIVA&MOM" UMATM CLAWMATM age 9 &No 91"SpAva -- 1 t&0- Woo labew *at a" an jouspi off DISS11 so Vol "i F V T-rlm As A I a ad 0 a 0 1 W 0 5 a 0 sanw 1 sets a a I a BORISOV, S., doktor tekhn.nauk; PIKINER, Yu. Story about large pipes. NTO 6 no.lt48-50 Ja 164. (KRA 1-:2) 1. Predsedatell soveta Nauchno-takhnichaskogo obshchestva Lfkr,~inskogo nauchno-lasledavatellskogo trubnogo instituta (for Borisov). 2. Uchenyy sekretarl soveta Nauchno-tekhnichaskogo obahcheatva Ukrainskogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo trubnogo instituta (for Pikiner). FIKLIIKIFWICZI H. High-speed excavators on tires, a new achipvement in the field of corstm~tf-n. r.2f~A (PRZF",LAP MDMUNTY, Vol. 28, No. h, Apr. 19r,6, Warsaw, Poland) SO: ~bnthly List of Fast Furopean Accosri, ns (FI-AL) W, Vol. 6, No. 9, Sert. Icr7 , TTncl. A* I" 0 a IM G41041414140 or a I I w 11 IS 0 m a a u F w a m 0 6 w a 0 a 61 6) 63 a ats, 0 L I y I h :0 6 -00 00 -00 90 00 dwareal Isft on ussaw fes"Fau" A-A-AWI&I and (1 VA- Kurtsons 1'. . , I I'vems., . : 00 4. N, 4.M MOKIA) jimald .lots mwr.w,'.wmd aml toll mi, PO&KV Ouse active () rMsump1b."I :00 o I. the Eve, MA.kWwy lk__ th- & ustd. #at, "Wh a- =00 "Suit"" tat Cd.b,,,4,d -14-11- -bOw ~Iwwhst N- &-tm 0 tm%U11,11tum. pwtm I'D the fff'mth-hmmk;ono ago 0 In.t. A War wMiumts Vol 4rm dwts -mlial- ul n.0 alway,,. ow b4hri 0 comumptitm ittand". "mix n1u, 00.1 goal ago so* 0 0 Fj ::Oo moo 00 m 06 1 ~: A%. die Iroo too - , ; , ; ; . a a o 0 **of 0 0 0 a 0 0 9 ;1 00 00 009 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 of** got 00 so-Its 1-862 1A S if ID 63 0 P,-vr- 01 wa M 4 a v a 0 a a) 41 a f WiM410-K Of OlUce mow #A' d sea mi dmmw A., xv~AWdx. Lmw SO a Al. No. dift Nam colon WSW so 0 .00 at- ib-1020 sad coo la, Aim. .0 0 lose afffA&LURSKat LIT9997601 CLA$bwlc&fwp - D"T ON it r. -- - - .0 - ".6-9 iiwas.. 's, -T W- "moo, 1 * *so** go o04 ago *o**00 96 0 ** 1 I I v it , 1 .1 11 16 It0 VIP A A 16 Jo 11L It U 0 JI-A --A J. 0 0 It 911' ft it COMP&I'llb" Ovillustim of the IMPOWUst method. to, the detwomimptift of We thrides, in tipstwe I %alblet and K"m -00 06 a V-0-j"t I'llamm 4. N,- ;. 11.1, -',1 % 0o r 10:10 , - -+Yftm drom madilei Ain. livong $-t, into mil -icffft~. "r , P and K coax 'hat h. K ~- h,.f o whrn a w-rir, -of cf-tn- tilia-, too, .......... go -00 00 09 0* if -00 00 gi A 0 00 00 00 .09 9 ZOO 00 It ~. a, !140 to I Iff b 9 11 u at .0 Ll ; f a a a0 aif Of 3P 4 t ;0 D rk l w o 0 6 o o 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 Synthms, and hydrdpb cif th"thisof in fludimpsaw Srowtbb S k %lar,lA%hw &nil A K Pikkat VZW6 I C-d Vu-k 1; ~; % R 79 M #(1OSI)' - Vtff1V"*'ArtIV.IIY Ph rc~jpect to the Isep" linkaw, exem, plifi'cd hv the gluto. mol- fte. drt& in "Ycornas &a such and in thp livers if mw~ Willing cats mynthrlic O"Itity a- hoswo in nV f " "I funux-Isriarm. and only in 3D" al nornial wilinals; fivilmly(Ir rtivity wall shavin hy atrauhnAt% (livirf alk. C%I,I. I T: rate of IyulbrAls was much hishrr In 1111111ir Iwayers, wW The bydrWysis rate a little higher. The Win- tissue itwit shamed no in vitro synthetic activifT and "4 I'V41folyfic activity was km-,? normal, Istat this I.- -m-I with dirvirlinmunt of the lunior, The m4ual gluls- dsk,oir level In the IIvrf of a tumor-bram a as atiovir nornial. while in dw fumor the kvtj orm jawv than in the IjVw but wwcral times bfStm than in tnuK$e or in comective tissues &nil Akin. G. lit Komoutoft 7: -7- - "T w- - 717. - F . .~7 dIQ ollat On the, fato ut No (160t. Nwritionj'Al Pure- auct Anysiyu- i2,; Na, Oj 34-7(1053) b4d Ir - , .1mil 1 d b e $ fl il It i t f i t f ze u no a stu un ower o mrac er , r , ) y ( ( - '32 -61 6wihal -UT= d.- -47 and 127--m Sind the wnc.- ~99 tlu tio-nal i ~ f lag u r As ter! -F A6 (61t6wir 44 It bah , cood W. day-10-0 611L. 4 N SUPPIM Zlh 1 -Ar elm 2=1 IL44 tht, umt. Of N utMixt! 2;W -W i ffi 1 la k m 6 t w sup E b PIKKAT. A.K. Synthesis of glutathione by hapatoms and escitic cancer cells [with summary In Bnglish] 2 no-5:32)-327 S-0 156. (MLRA 9:12) 1. Isfedra b1ologicheskoy khImIi I Moskovskogo ordens Lenine meditsin- skogo institute. (GIMATHIOUN. metabolism. ascites carcinoma & hepatoma calls. synthesis (Rue)) OIRPATONA. metabolism tn. glutathione, synthesis in tumor cell (Rue)) (NgOPIASMS, metabolism, tumor call glutathione synthesis in necttea carcinoma & hepatoma (Rue)) I - L", & 4,x rj~j * I', p GUMWTSKIY, V.A.; PIMT-ORDYNSKAYA, '- A.P-. Possible intensification of sulfide flotation by means of combining zanthogenates and sodium oleats. Trudy Inst.gor. dela l'-2)5-241 154. (MLRA 7:12) Motation) (Sulfides) PIKKAT-ORDYNSKAYA, A.P. Flotatlan method for the sepay-rit'lon of monowineral frazt--min. Tri3ft IMGRE no.16tl5l-1'8 163. (?ORA I ~ ; : I- -- -------- -YA S 0 v i 1A Translation f rom: Refe rat. vnvv zn_rria" M e "a: I . r.-a I AUTHORS: Glembotski~ , V. A. Dn-, i i r i1, 6. hi T I T L E: Impru,,ing :tie FIL,tatIL111 0 t c Varlt-M-1 COIICL_tur~ arit~ Ct~nif of Guilt', r., ~'Ji' i". chs hen L I poka ZaLe if- ) f I ~.,, it t t i poli mct a I ~ ~t, he sk tkh ru (I p,itt !1' pTjn1e1)VjjjV,j -a7,jjk hilykil S01), :J!' !L-~ I ~ ot hcl"n!~ PERIODICAL: Byul ',svc!n_ inetallurgiiIIN r '2 p p I 'j - ABSTRAc r: A s t u d y i s m a (A c u t I n v i ( , ,, I r II S ( , I I ( , t. r Id and ~ ctmb,nations the i eof ~.( j ru ut c Y(~ K ate i iv~ Bia deposit. )t is found 0:at imdt r ne (_)?*'~ J! t sheet, butyl xanthate, bt-CaUSU A Its SCItC t! % " V, Lr - mearis the best -ollet tcr. V ~t - . z , ( ) t I t* L t o r , 0 i_ t' ~- , , '~ r; -.! IC 1: for use at varIOLIS points ir~ tfiv t)rL)( vdure as rricans ~jt ra; flotation kndiceb. Isoprop-il 'Ear.-r-irt- should be kised it, '~ - ,- mary lead-fh)tatton opera!t,m whi1v k mstr(d ~'h-lid Iw run with more p(,\kerf'ul- ( uilector-s or mixtu-t-s of isuprl_j,~'~ 'J' amyl xaRthates and catr-3tic da)-,ophosphate, while et~.v: ur .,c.- propyl xanthate should be used ~r 'f],e primary zinc flotat~~7.. Tests of DS reactant gave reasor top ,A- the que 5 t i ()r,. of s;j Card 1. 1 tuting DS reactant for phe,iull k(.%taining frothers. A S t 1. Ores--Flutatioi. SOV1160- 59- 3- 3/43 A', THORS., GlembotskiN, V~A. I r I' er-anoVa A.Ye and Pi1d,a t, - ` r d Yn ska ya A.P. No sc a-) 1 1 rLE Locking tor Neii Methods of Separating Collective Flotat ion Concentrates IFRIODICAL. IzvestiYa Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye teklinicheskikh nauk. Metallargiya 1. 1959. Nr 3, pp 13-19 (USSR) This arti,le is a report approved by a session of the Ucherivy Scret (Scientific Council) of the Institut Gorncgo dela (Mining Institute) AN SSSR (AS USSR) in December 11456. The authors mention the promising proposals of A.S.Konev and L~B. Dr:`t,z!N-_,;S-Y4-, adopted at the Leninogerskaya ch3gatitel naya fabrika (Leninugorsk Benef_,ciation Works) (Ref I and 2) for the separation of collective lead-zinc concentrates To extend the range of application of colloctive flotation the nothors decided to study other possible methods. This has led them to laboratory-scale studies of the stability of' the adsorbed layers of collector on particle surfaces in relation to different factors. For this the minerai suspension was treated for a given time with a cullertor Card 1/4 and then subjected to flotation under normal conaitions sov/18o-59-3-3/43 Looking for New Methods of Separating Collective Flotation Concentrates The product was exposed to the action of the factor being studied and again flotated: with complete destruction of the adsorbed layer hardly any flotation occurred. Abrasive factors were studied using quartz, which was mixed to~;ether with the mineral (talenite~, in the flotation chamber (Fig I shows the f owsheet the effectiveness depended on the origin of the mineral and the collector used. Quartz was found ineffective with a pyrite. a chalcopyrite and a sphalerite. Thermal disruption of the adsorbed layers was studied using hot water. steam or electric (induction or ordinary frequency) heating of the froth flotation product. Results for water at IOOOC are shown as plots of mineral recovery in the second flotation against time of heating (Fig 2 and 3) for a galenite, sphalerite and pyrite with ethyl and amyl xanthates. The treatment was most effective with the galenite. Steam was less effective than hot water, Electric heating was effective for materials relatively insusceptible to hot water Card 2/4 treatment- high-frequency heating heat.Lng in sov/180-59-3-3/43 Looking for New Methods of Separating Collective Flotation Concentrates experiments in which G.M.Dmitr-iyeva participated showed no advantages. To elu:idate details of the adsorption lekyer disruption process special determinations were made of the rate and degrees of decomposition of xanthate solutions at elevated temperatures and also the quantity of xanthate leaving the mineral surface under the action of mechanical or thermal factors. Fig 5 allows plots of amount of undacomposod potassium ethyl xanthates against time for 30 GO, 80 and 1006C. Fig b shows plots of undecomposed ethyl, butyl and amyl xanthates after 30 minutes treatment against temperature. The authors conclude provisionally that with thermal decomposition of the adsorbed layer there is no appearance of free xanthate ions in the solutions; the stability of a freshly separated ion is considerably reduced. Since 1956, the authors have been working in collaboration with the laboratorlya ul'trazvuka (Ultrasonics Laboratory) (head 1.D.Rozenberg) of the Akusticheskiy institut (Acoust�=1 Institute) of the Card 3/4 AN SSSR (AS USSR). A magnetostruction vibrator (frequency SOV/186-59-3-3/43 Looking for New Methods of Separating Collective Flotation Concentrates 20 k Hertz, intensity 2 watt/cm2), Wag used on froth products of galenite, pyrite, spalerite, chalcopyrite, scheelite, calcite, beryl zircon, ilmenite and some other minerals, a chalcopyrite-galenite flotation roduct could lie neparatod, the galenite being depressed. t is not clear in what form the xanthate is removed ~ from the sulphide surface. It is doubtful if either the abrasive cavitation or temperature rises produced by the ultrasonic beam remove the xanthate. Adsorbed oleate layers an beryl and ilmenite were removed but in general such layers proved stable. Technical- economic calculations are said by the authors to be favourable to the use of ultrasonics. There are 6 figures I table and 10 references, 8 of which are Soviet and 2 English. SUBMITTED: January 29. 1959 Card 4/4 KIASM, V.I.. professor, doktor; UMVICH. R.1. Increasing flotation efficiency by means of foam sprinkling. Met. mt. 29 no.5:12-16 My '56. (KLRA 9:8) 1. Moskovskly gornyy institut. (Flotation) P11X1,T-01_WYN,'iU_1, G. A. 68-1-5/21 AUTHOR: Klassen V.I.P Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, and PiUat-Or kiy. G.A., Engineer. TITIN: Au Improvement in the Flotation of Goals by Spraying of Foam. (Uluchsheniye 7lotatsii uglya primenen4em oroshen- iya pony.) PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, 1957, no-1, PP. 15 - 19 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The pr&cess of secondary concentration which takes place in the foam layer was investigated in the flotation laboratory of the Moscow Mining Institute directed by Prof. I.M. Verkhov- skiy. Changes in the ash content with the &pth of foam during flotation of coal on the Karagandinsk TsOF are shown in Fig.l. Experimental investigations indicated that the secondary con- centration which takes place in foam deperids to a large extent onihe structure and stability of foam and on the thickness of water layers separating foam bubbles and the velocity of drain- ing of this water. It was established that an artificial in- crease of the thickness of inter-bubble water and the velocity of its draining gives a positive effect. This was done by spraying the foam. Optimum condition of Bpraying: water con- sumption 6 1/min per tM-2-5 machine; height of spraying installation 200 mm over the foam surface. With higher water consumption or excessive height of spray the destruction of Card 1/2 foam takes place. Spraying of foam during flotation (Fig.2) GIAMOTMT, V.A., prof., dektor tekhn. man ; DUTRITNA. GA., kand. tokhn. nauk; PIMT-CMDYN=TA# AeP- - - IWreving flotatiom Indissm for Polywtallic ores by using varions collector* and oombimtiono of collectors. Blul. TSIII twat. wt. no.22tlO614 157. (MIRA 1128) (Flotation) 1 3 I i, N I- AUTHORS Klasst,i.. V I A T I T 1, E I r r I ~,,at ioti of the F roth in Flotat Ion Mac hine C"hambe r s to III i prove the Flotation Proo. ess (Primenenive orosheniya perl\ ~ kanicrakh fIOta'SI0T1T1,%'kh niashm s tsel'vu uluch sheniva pro- tsrssa PERIODICAL h vu I I's v I,, t rin-t inform NI-va ts%-vtIi tiletallurg'11 SSSR' Nr -), ")p 6-11 A 'S I'R AC T On irri-ation of flotation froth with water, the process of secondary concentration of minerals, which is chiefly dependent upon the thickness of the aqueous layers in the froth and the amount of %,,a-,(-i between the bubbles. is significantly improved Th(- i,ii:,rovement of the qualitv of !h1-- on( entrates results from he washing away of the gan,,,ur P.. ICS i arried into tht- froth rne(.hani(alIv and loosely adhei-1:1 "'Ctk) - tanvouslo,' there is an inL reast- in recoverv dut- tu 1) Zt,.e irol.o.ti; Ir, the total surfa( v of the hkibblvs, whi( h are (-Jar!,,(-d to i lv~,si~r di-grer and int-t-gv, Z) the thii. kening of the wai(,r Carol I.,-) dnd thr possibility of retention of the larger particirs of niairrai Irri,!ation .-)f Fr I,- T in -1c fr,. ,f sl-ni:s lrr~ a.:on I)f -i,.- --r .:iin- rail Z:I.!, 1- her of %%hi, *i inav thud 1w --t-dii, , *. -sts at t1i .-a i and iumsten Plan: showed Z111011 t',.siil, in a ~Oc .() I 1:1k. r(,~AIC de,,rec of concen.raticin. .a~)I, s are ad(~u,-(, ' for -,~iv of the flov. of irri~,ation water t)n '~hc rci~ul's aid I'lle Size of ;raliis -I.X-racted In ti,,e froth in flutation of Lvan ai or-~ Possible variants bf irri aiin , Elr-\i, vs irr dc~k- Card Z14" KLISSEN, V.I., doktDr tekhnicheskikh nou . professor; PIKKAT-ORDYNSKly. G.A. ~ -- -7 - inthener. Froth Irrigation for the improvement of coal flotation. Koko I khIme no.1:15-19 '57o KRA 10:3) 1, Koskovskiy gornyy inst1tut. (coal preparation) (Flotation)