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LIVSHITS, M.A.; PIKELINER, S.B. -,- ..... .I ~ - Diamgnetic ejection of gas concentrations from sunspot areas. Astron. zhur. 41 no,3:464-472 Fq-Je 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery i raspredeleniya radiovoln AN SSSR i Gosudarstvennyv astronomicheskiy institut im. P.M. Shternberga. Ai~001 un _p 7-A -:a o' ar~ ' irei -t ~e-_bilgllet* for c , l a fi i 4t -i --prominences iihi e ~:con gura4 Onaj an C ititract t gas-- 4er certa n -e~-Sab-~~blbu a -coro grea t'~ eight, -in -.the h Ila The nu ~,r p ng to a- - . , -;L ......... --centbr,.o t the Bource.~ :b nuM f 0 f c fb - Ii' iflair-b-a'! and c rayjg ac~'_i6ilea~'account, r t e, -protu erances.- co~am ; 3 I e~':to~ e~-extent for big': from 't 6- laree c an may e -r6s p6nii4 ormati -of .~ta iation- 1 4if.::~ia'i 6' figures~._ e to around it~ on , 30jan64~~`-- SIM - CODE: -: .W `gavi _ 000 l ~~ - 3.11. . -, r Bari-Ej:i srira' z3 ., " ~,.- I f c=rm %-t c,:-. , 31 - rT- - a.-Ms. on. zhLi. 2 nc.-:)-iA U-- " !~ i~ : e, i. Frjsudarsl-v,,rir,:.,y ins' ;-tl.t im. 11,A. ~hternberva. PIKELINER, S.B. The galactic magnetic field (thevet of a report). Trud7 Astrofiz. Inst, AN Kazakh* SSR 5002 165. (MIPA 18:6) PIKELINER, S.B. Spiral arms and interacting galaxies. Astron. zhur. 42 no.3: 515-526 W-Je 165. (KIRA 18-5) 1. Gosudarstvannyy astronomicheskiy institut im. P.K.Shternberga. i S B. , prc.". Spirai a-rms of galaxies and thelr magnetic f'eid. Zem. i vse'.. I no.4-24-32 165. !*-~:'-- ZEL I WIVICII, Ya. Ft.; C-E',*,Nl~ - " , . -; -- ~, F L I N"Fl i , ~ . 11, Quar te ts I a 9 t r 0 r~--i F, ! -!j -~ -,~ -, 1 , I- i- -- , - ~ -'- C-- - - - 5 , - --, :~ f-~ - ~ .Uan. f,Z. -, I - , . nauk P7 no. 1 ; 1, -1 -21, :8, ~j :, I : .1 KAPLAN, S.A.; '- 'FL -, , . .7. Tne a.- - -"- ~'; -f~ " - C, I-C. I , -, -- :~-k 12 : -- -- I 2? no.1',:'; .1 ~E 7AIdovich. ya. B.1 Man U Bel I'Mor, 30' Be ;.:_6062 TAbb TMEs stropiwidoal &M liwidul-dwo1=1 "pdA Sdimc Uipidd fidmbeekM -wuko, v. e7,. no. it 19659 mi24 TAGSs mud2oon, aoside rjw, mom, bftVmv mmum spect"noW appros pi to the iii"b"f6r,new, stable Ps V6011111" ch wrevlewede rpmel 9 'GAON a" -so WND assumed quarks haTinS charges ~,7-w)~" 1/jig Slid .I/)y192j, of well 08 others havlas Integral charsem, The lightest fmetiormd-charge quark Is aWposed to be stable In vacuum as well In contact with oralmary matter AnUD2619, 03.00trons). 9M t1om are given under which integral. 'ChiWee leles cm be stable, Various possible sommes of q aw"M Owed# the most DW rful being cosmic ~ Mys - fm Superstars 0 Ithe -ndbIlation of quarks is Won diseiissed In *%arm Uft$ quarks STO b*&VL*7'th&n VAGIODMi Me PrOCON5 411 4 qf --v q3 +. q-1 is posellple 9 followed br q, + q.1 -9 a% (where ~W Mpt 1mloates t1a musbor of quarks and tbe minum sign Aindloates ". ant1partiolel ) q to thus on, ordlaW.baryovi of thres' At q" As a soni pre tbarefore ammilbils via tia WC i SM.22 ACC HL - Ap6016ah a series of podr conletons, OtIor lilmly voym we also traoodo Possibilities of detaftl" quorks we reviewed, Inalmd1w AM mom spectrosoopic i , - ds U 0 i b 34 f t U mo ko i, ok r ass or go ar . nA s o SUB, CM, 20: MM DA23f mm ., ~-OM PXFs 017 4, orif Wk~ O.U . 4 T- 1j: Ilk i N", I 4A, aw L 4 ti I ACC NRI AP6016849 ~qOTJRCF, CODE: V11/0026/66/000/005,'01 I 1 '01 1 AUTI-1011: Pikel'ner, S. B. (Moscow) ORG: none TITLr: Magnetic fields and solar atn)().qph(~re. Dvnar-nics of the solar SOURCE: Priroda, no. 5. 1966, 111-112 TOPIC 'FA(-,F): sun, solar atmosphrrc, snlar zi~ li-.~Iy, solar flare,, -(dar v1? wil, solar magnetic field, sunspot, solar rriroria, solar- (-1),rorylosphorf" I wave, photosphere, solar wind, toroidal inagnetic fiek], cosmic ra', ABSTRACT: The author reviews1riefly quiet-star sr)lar pheziorri(na. Ili, ~,Xplaj:j~~ the mechanism of solar convection, and analyzes the dimensions and pr~,perli,"s nf solar granules, and the vertical and horizontal movements of tile granular s, r-i, ', of the solar magnetic field. The differential rotation of the Sun is discussori, and the activity and changes of magnetic fields in sunspot.,; are explained. The sun is said to resemble a magnetic star with a variable field. The author also re~',iews he Card 112 L 44195-66 ACC MR, AP6016849 information of a magnetic field in an active area and the probable existen( e of toroidal magnetic fields, as well as the convective movements which produce various waves which heat the chromosphere and the corona. Calculations of their move- ment, the energy they carry, and their periodicity are mentioned. The chromo- sphere is stated to be favorable to the appearance of gravitation waves. It is possible that granulation and some types of photospheric movements are closely related to these waves. Temperatures in the solar, atmosphere and in sunspot centers are examined, the origin of solar wind. and differences between photosphere and chromosphere in an active area and in a normal area arepxplained. The correla- tion between chromospherii6 flares and splar cQsmic- \11 emission is assumed. Lay Solar flares which are considerably weaker and smaller than ordinary flares are called "whiskers", but the cause for their appearance is not yet known. JGCI CODE: 04, 03 SUBM DATE- none/ I Cmd 2 / 2_ ACC NR& AP6013952 SOURCE CODE: UR/0026/66/000/004/0018/0028 AU7HOR: P.Ail-el'ner, S. B. (Profeasor) ORG: State Astronomical Institute im. P. K. Shternberg, Moscow (Gosudarstvennyy as- ,tronomicheskiy institut) TITIZ: Cosmic explosions, giant stars and galaxies .SOURCE: Priroda, no. 4, 1966, 18-28 TOPIC TAGS: galactic structure, galaxy, cosmic radio source, gravitation effect !ABSTRACT: A popular account of present day knowledpe concerning explosions which take' I .place in the nuclei of galaxies is presented. The following topics are covered: an !explosion in the M82 galaxy, galaxies with high speed movement of gas in the nucleus, iradio galaxies, quasi-stellar sources, energy of explosions, explosions in gaseous pro- 'togalaxies, galactic subsystems and the formation of rectilinear bridges. The author concludes that an explosion at the very early period of galaxy development leads to the ,formi,ation of a galaxy with a bridge instead of a conventional spiral galaxy. This ifirst period is relativel short--the stars of a spherical subsystem are formed over a- y ,period of less than 5-108 years. At the same time, approximately half of all the spi-: Val systems have a bridge. This means that the explosions in the earlier stage of i ;gal"y development were rather probable. If the probability of explosion at this timet- I UDC: 523.038.85 Card 1/ 2 i ACC-NRt -AP6013952 -were the same as in the initial period, i. e. , if, in the last half of a billion years ~strong explosions took place in half of all the observed spiral galaxies , the number !of radio galaxies would be much greater than the actual number. Consequently, in the learly period of galaxy development when they contained a large amount of gas. explo- ~sions took place much more frequently than they do today. This supports the hypothesisi that it is precisely the gaseous concentrations which explode, i. e., the energy of ex plosion is the gravitational energy of the contracting gas. Orig. art. has: 9 figures.1 i SIM CODE: 03/ SUBM DA77;: none I Card L A112-66 EWT(I) ACC NRt - AF603IM6 SOURCE CODE: UlVO053/66-TO-88/003/0505/0526 ill ...-,AUTHOR: Pikellner, S. Be ORG: Astronomy Institite im. P. K. ShternbM (Astronamicheskiy institu~) B -;TITI,E: Dynamics of solar Atmosphere SOURCE:. Uspekhi, fiziebeskikh nauk, vo 88# no, 3P 1966, 505-526 TOKC TAGS: thermodynamic equilibrium, gravitation wave,, solar atmospherep bremostrahlungs, solar photospheres, solar coronas solar wind,, solar energy, entropys, olair magnetic fields, solar prominence, sunspots, solar activity.. solar chrom6aphere 4f, ABSTRACT: Sma.11P erlodic verticpl motions in the photosvhere and horizontal motions in large nucleus-like formations were observed on the solar Large motions occur I our. ace.. .0 meridiops), circulations and in differ- lential rotatio-n-whete the 4ngular velocity increases f. - thepolestothe.~ equator. Motions in the photosphere create waves whose energy dissi- 1pateo.; Those waves deliver little energy by radiation and heat the upper ayers causing th e high coronal temperature. The coronal heat gene- !-I.rates the solar wind or outflow of ionized gas. 'Deviations from thermo- dynamic equilibrium are caused by the emanation of thermal and mechant- _J,~cal energy from the photosphere. Studying the convective motions in the 74blar atmosp _~ejrci facilitates understanding'of stellu atmospheric phe i1iii-E~iiif6iria-ifon of iadfitfii s6laienergy inio me chanfEdI7en_e-r-~V' 'e~" ... Ir UDC 1 523-745 L 26112-66: Acc NR, AP-6M3M6 causes, convection. Convective instability occurs in layers of ionized hydrogen in which the logarithmic gradient of radiation is greater than Ithe algebraic' one. Gas rises by convection to the height of homogeneous f atmosphere, and Is assimilated there. The velocity of the gas elerhent determined by the lifting force, and reaches 2 km /sec in the rarefied 1.upper layer. The entropy of the system decreases in this layer because of radiative energy transfer. 7te instability of convection to very In- there, and convective transfer reaches its maximum. The importanbe'x~ of convective transfer decreases in the highest layeri because of the Ismall absorption coefficient. Granules are not caused by convection; their mean size is about 700 km and their lifetime is about 8-10 minutes. Bright granulei move upward, and the maximum speed is attained 40 seconds after the maximum bright- iiess. The period of upward motion is 2.5 minutes. Very large granules t?;~- J,have horizontal motions and are found deeper than normal granulati6n.' 'Mhe horizontal motion in large granules.' or supergranules, may be caused by the magnetic field. In addition to convective motions, a regular solar motion covers Ljarge~ areas -puzja~~t~~ This. motion consists of the differential io-.. -POhe `CWd.2AI. 26112-66 ..:ACC NR, AP60n4196 LO tation and the meridional circulation. 7be differential rotation is char-. acterized by an increase in the angular'velocity from the poles to the equa- p j tor for. upper layersof the surface. The meridional'circulation shows a dMt of prominences. and other characteristics of long-lived phenom- ps ow. 11-A;ena tr A ansber. from middle latitudes to the pole s'lasts; about 6 - 7 -yeais., -The latifitdinal change of sunpots during a s ar cycle shows a 016* cii6lkion. from low lafif~des'to the' e"'qiuat6r. 'the . merldional ciicu- atio'n- rhayW, e3iplainect-b a sph rotation. of the sun which may turn 'y 6 a 6aroclink rotation. ' The rise e the* 'circulation changes e thi angular, oicifty, a- d ti -th n ansfers e angular moment 'from layer, to layer forming jrhetiroien*eous ro,tation., V 7he,mcition in the: s ar atmosphere is also caused .01 _by Its magnetic ',Aeld. A- strong magnetic field e7dsts in sunspot groups where individual "~spots have their own polarities. The spot polarities ofthe solar Northern Hemisphere are opposite to those of the Southern Hemisphere; but the lpolarities are reversed in both hemispheres at the beginning. of a new solar ,activity cycle. - Before the magnetic field appears on the surface, action motions take place in the solar photosphere.' Outside -magnetically-active i. regions a weak magnetic field covers the whole solar surface. This !fleld in stronger in near-polar regions and polarities are opposite in C~. ACC NRs AP6011486 ki the &rf6d of in f fin d -each hemisphere. a urn solar activi y the crease polar field reverses polarity. Active belts and bip6lar regions in the North and South may beexplained by a toroidal field beneath the solar A surface. Convective motions in the solar atmosphere create waves of a dif- -.1erent kind which dissipate in the solar atmosphere and heat the chromo- phere and the corona. There are accelerated and decelerated magnetic sound waves, Aliven's waves, and inner gravitationat waves. Alfven's J~ J;vaves are predominant in the chromosphere, especially above the active regILOns. Acoustic waves are generated with isotropic turbulence and very'l, small Mach numbers. The total flux of energy carried by waves i1i equal to id? erg/cm see and its intensity increases above the active regions. i7be change of this flux to determined by reflection, r0raction, and ab sorption. The photosphere reflects waves having periods larger than 13 min- the other waves penetrate into the chromosphere. '- -The propagation of waves in the -solar atmosphere is caused by.interchange of their ener- gies. The temperature of the solar atmosphere is determined, by the 7q balance between heating by weak shock waves and gravitational waves and Oling,by radiation. The density decreases with the altitude and the ra- c I diatiow Wave'energy heats the upper stmosphpr!c,ltkyorm,'cat~!1!~gthe -'Cwd 4/ L 26112-" ACC NRI AP6011486 'te*mperatur,e In the corona, to rise t WK. At the coronai level the ther-* o imal-velocity of.protons is equal to the solar parabolic velocity# and dis- f or isipation o the c ona eliminates surplus energy. The flow.'of waves from the chromo*phere:to the'corann above active regions is increased and the omes, denser and hotter. ,,~~orona bec The bremestrahlung ("braking radiation") of relativistic electrons generates X and gamma radiation. The cosmic ray pressure creates 0 1bursts and eJections of gases with velocities up to 15 0. km /sec. The 7ihock.wave propagated in the corona generates plasma 'Waves which are ,~Aransfdrrned into electromagnetic waves. Relativistic electrons b6hind ~,Jhe shock wave cr' lung. DAg art has: 4 ffgures eate magnetic bremsstrah and 21 fornm1as. [ATD_ PRE~~S SUB COIDE 03 20 SUM DATE,.- -none ORIG REF 027 OTH REF: 042 PIKSBUMI.M. - Some problems of preparatory operations in sbiv repair. Nor. f lot 15 no.6:16-17 Je '55. (KIRA 8:8) 1. Nachallnik planovo-proisvodstvennogo otdela zavoda imeni X godovshchiny OktyabrIskoy revolyutsit. (Ships-Maintenance and repair) nlyoj, I El -'1 02 L~'IyCj C-%l J,,'ar: "".:f 93737. V,~ le Uiaract,~ristics of :,rcsl--u i-loill-eys 19:17) 2) i,ir 4, 'U. -ne" C U: 1, -clis .XL:ct(:.'. 11"'t. a twc:,ty-f 1,1- .,-)U.r culturL f 250 !'L-, I Ll- v b-,rc I- -cif ic "L Z,!, y rL y DL N .A/ '/ /- YAKOV19VA, L.A. LOIN. B.A.; MXPIKAU. S.M.; NOVIKOVA, M.I.; AVETISOVA, S.A. Characteristics of Breslau perat hold fever in monkeys in radiation sickness C-ith summary in i;ngliahl . Med.rad. 2 no.4-.58-65 Jl-Ag '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Iz laboratorli radiologii Sukhumskoy mediko-biologicheakoy stantsii AMU SSSR. (RCENTGEN RAY6, effects, on exper. paratyphoid fever in monkeys (Rus)) (PARATYPHOM FEV&;RS, experimental, eff. of x-rayo In monkeys (HUB)) FLATONCIV, F., doktor tekhn.nauk; PIKEPSGILI, A., inzh. I - Automatic electronic humidity meter for determining the humidity of grain. Radio no.8:27-30 Ag 162. (IIII,.A 15:8) (Humidity-&asurements) (Grain elevators--Electronic equipment) PIATONOV, P., doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk; PIKERSGILI, A., dotsent Automatic electronic molature meter. Muk.--elev. prom. 28 no.7:13-15 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheakiy institut imeni Lomonosova. (Grain-Drying) ~ I k - A, 'I I , -, IVAIROT. A., kand.tekhn.nauk; PIIMSGILI, A., Inshener. Using electronic indicators for controlling the work of contilmous transportation systems. Xuk.-elev.nrom. 21 no.8:16-18 Ag 15?. (MIRA 10.11) 1. Odesskiy takhnologicheakty institut im. I.Y.Stalina. (Conveying machinery) (Electronic instruments) AUTHOR: Pikeragill, A. and Derzhavets, A. TITLE: The HF Dynamic Loudspeaker (Vysokochastotnyy dihamicheskiy gromkogovoritell) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, 9 9o p 45 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article deals with the application of the HF spherical dynamic loudspeaker described in the German "Funkschau" # 22, 1956. The authors of this article stated that the performance of the loudspeaker was satisfactory with a 3-5 watt amplifier. When a 8-10 watt amplifier is used, such loudspeakers practically would not influence the tone color, which is damped by the other loudspeakers. The power increase caused also considerable non- linear distortions. The authors developed a similar design of a HF loudspeaker free from the aforementioned deficiencies, which is to be used only in combination with other loudspeakers reproducing frequencies of 1-15 kilocycles. It has a consider- able directivity because of the diffuser. The design of this loudspeaker is described in detail. The article contains 1 figure and I German reference. AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 1/1 05418 9(2) 3CV/107-59-8-3~/4r- AUTHOR: Pikersgill, A. TITLE: A-n Amplifier and Acoustical Unit PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr F, pp 48 - 51 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author provides a detailed description of a console designed for large rooms. It consists of a phonograph, tape recorder, radio receiver and a 40 watt LF amplifier. The dimensions of the con- sole are 12?5x57Ox4OO mm. Two series-connected, cophased _-_-1A9 woofers having 30 and 50 cps as a re- sonance frequency, two 5GD-14 woofers with -C and 10 cycles resonance frequency and four 2GD-11-1 tweetel- reproducing frequencies up to 15 kc are insti'Lled. V%' e louds,eakers 2GD-3, 5GD-14 are not suit3ble for this purpose, since they cause distortions at hi,7her frequencies. The arrangement of the loudspeakers Card 1/2 is shown in the diagrams of Figure 6. The circuit 05418 An Amplifier and Acoustical Unit diagram of the LF amplifier is shown in Fitlure 1. 1he amplifier contains the following tubes: tAo 6N?S, one 6Zh8, one 6N70, three 6NBS and four ",-PO';. The rectifier unit is composed of two 5Ts3S ker. otro,-,.p and a selenium rectifier with VS-45 discs. Tubes 6N8S may be replaced by 6N1P tubes. When replacing tubes 6ZhB by 6Zh3P or 6Zh1P, circuit adjustments are necessary. Replacing the 6N?S tubes is not advisable. A tone color control is also provided. The tape sye,~-d is 385 mm/sec (type of recorder not indicated). The pass band is 30cps to 15 kc. There are 2 circ--;it dia- grams, 10 diagrams, 2 graphs and 1 table. Card 212 PIK19RSGILI, A.; DKRZHAVITS, A. ....... - 1"..... High frequency dynamic loudspeaker. Radio no.9:45 S 1;7. (PIRA 10:10) (Loud-speakers) PIMMGTLLI . A* Mramnovodsk) 'Baku" radio receiver. Radlo no.1:21 J& 154. (VLRA 7-.1) (Badlo-Rec*Ivers and-reception) PIXFP'7")ILI A.; DIMHAVETS, A. Low-frequisacy amplifier with an acoustic aggregate. Rallo no. 6:37- 39 Je 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Amolifiers. Electron-tube) 197-57-1-53/60 AUTHOR: Pikeragill, A. (Odessa) TITLE: Filter for Effective Noise Suppression. E om7erience Exchange (Filltr dlya effektivnogo podavleniya pomekh. Obmen opytom PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 1, p 58 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In designing superheterodyne receivers with double-frequency conversion, a very difficult problem is that of suppressing signals whose frequency equals the first intermediate frequency. The ordigary rejection filter in.#'the input of the receiver provide inadequate attenuation. The author suggests a new filter-stage circuit designed with me 6Zh4 tube and deep negative feedback. It was tested by the author at 3.550 kc and killed almost all noise in the 23.2 -6 me broadcast receiver. There are 2 figures in the article. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHORS- Pikersgil A. TITLE: LF Amp I A:, z S s akusticheskim. at,ref.'h' x. PERIODICAL: Hadio, NT R ABST,:ACT: The authors w, ;t:jp-~F.or for hij-h-qL;a1ily !C'To- duction of* ar,~ t~,_vp instructi-r,s fcr as- sembling su-_:, a ievii;r=. several "cudsperakers may he used, the :~,.),,nd frequencies ran(-,7 ef r 0 m 14,000' cycles. nas an -utput of 2G va witin a nor.-1,.nc,;;r ~r`.,. ~-i r Dl." not more 71;e -Ps. t e : c r w. t,-.a :-;i.,x- I I- 1:' t ne am-, fi r r f0 'win" t it t~ .5 a~ a-, n., J' Lie .'e it a S - - v; S r a7 r. e - . ...erp arc, Card 1/1 1. Amplifier5-Oharacteri3tics PIMSGILI p A. (Odessa). - -W" 1-.11 .- I Filter for effective suppression of noise. Radio no.1:58 Ja '57. (Electric filters) (KGRA 10-2) PIRF,RSGILI, A.A.; PIATONGV, P*N. Selecting the work parameters of automatic capacitance moisture meters for grains in a flow. Izv, vys, ucheb, zav.; pishch. tekh. no*2tl47-154 963* (MIRA 16: 5) 1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lomonosova, kafedra mekhanizataii i av-tonatizatsii proizvodstva. (Moisture-Heasurement) (Grain-Testing) AUTHOR: Piker,.~ ~-i 1 G. R. 5,_V1 1/ 21 TITLE: Unusual -'hononena ( leobyknovennyye javleniya po PERIODIC,I.L: Meteorolo.-i-.'a i _-ilrolol-iya, Nr 6, ~4_ 7,L (`S~'R) ABSCRACT- Card 1/2 In t-e Kul--r? - re i:)~i the sum;:ier of 1957 w--c dry az~d hot. AlreF-,Iy in t~,~: mi'dle of April the air te.,:t ' er-.ture rose up to 3.) - 370 -nd in sone ;il-.ces reached 40-410. It r%i.~.ed seldom and ir--e--ularly. On July 25 th, there was an extre--ely violer.t dovmpour with ail in the dictrict of Stanitsc, Vozneseriskaya (Labinskiy district). Within 5o rainutes 1.1,1 ni dreci,_itation fell, The rei,,-,`it of t'.e ~i-.ilstonea anounted to '-c)--) - 2*~'o t'.%t of several 'n_,ilstozies to hoo arid 14oo ,. T E. f I -t . multif.,-,ce sh- ,c, or t.,(,- form of shape.'ess ur,1- i C hunks. T) i e damL,7e, caizsed b `- -. Jl anJ floodo was co.-,L;_~ 1 _-~ -i'. ' . A I f 1',-)n t sect or ( in c on o )-i wit~~ % doe-) c,,-rl,)::(! o -; (2:- t 0 per!etr.- to ! i:;tc) t. L.- rircul:~tioll System of r ne which vi~_s for:ic~' ovcz, t~,e coritral re,-i:) t. of ';),.-th Caucasun. Another 1- re phor,-) enon was P ctron,~ list of irl" ill t 10:~ of the Kr!!snodar :,.jr,~ort (Sei)to:-1)(.lr 4~h , 1 7 t, i~ - ;-, - ~ . Wit"in 15 - 20 mili!lt-q t (' velocit.; _'J - Sec Unusual We-_t,~er Pheno len,,-- j, 11, ~0- ;/ - _,_ - '.I z 24 and more. This velocity could te nepsured oni. 4 n t 18 r i on in other places it nover exceeded 15 - 2o m, sec. T,,.c .reci-d- tations amounted to 3o - ~o mn near in ot::or places 7 - 11 mm .;e:-c nu-;er exceeded. T.e of . i_~~ -:: s conne,:Aed -;,ith t-~e evoliAion and shift of th,11 )r7.- 1A downpour center )el-red on t h t c,,. . r Sei,te r. p.m. '~o - 6o km. wcot of Krzinnodar. First it with~)ut siderable variatiwis of inte:.sity tor-trds , t~ C-.,. 0~_t- ward. A_,,proxin-tuly 3o klm Wore Kr~_snodar t:..-, cr::A, r move towards nort'.e~,..,;t whille its intengity ; e -,, 1, e -. f, 1 7,.-- i n c -2 -12 e d rapidly. Its inte.-.,ty reached its maximii.. at Kr-~sno4lIr -,;~ th velocit,~ of ifo - 5o I-r.-,.hour. Later the center e -in ~!,. t i - 1k- vii3e loot) with a ~,Ii - t-r of approxin..-,ely 1 ~o 1. Meteorology--USSR 2. Climatic factors 3. Precipitati-Dii 4. Storms C.A rd 2,12 _0' /I Czechoslovakia / Analytical Chemistry. E-2 Analysis of Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur - Khtmiya No. 2, 1958, 4326 Author : Bardodey, Krivutsova, Kukachkova, Pikha, Zdraz.hil Title : The Photometric Micro Determination of Hydrocy- anic Acid and Cyanides Grig Pub: Ceskoel. hyg., 1957, 2, No. 4, 244-250 Abstract: A previously described method (Epstein, E. Analyst. Chem, 1947, 19, 272) has been modified. In the HCN determination I liter of the air to be passes through 2 wash bottles containing 3 ml. of 0.1N NaOH for about 10 minutes. The con- tents are washed and neutralized by the addition of 0.3 ml. of 2M Na H2P04. To 2 ml. of the re- G ard IA Czechoslovakia / Analytical Chemistr-y. E-2 Analysis of Inorganic Substances. Abe Jour: Ref. Zhur - Khlniya No. 2, 1958, 4326 sulting solution is added 0.2 ml. of 1% solution of chloramine T and shook for I minute. To that, ml. of the pyridine-pyrazolone (PPR) reagent I vol. pyridine - 4 vol. of 1% of I-phenyl-3- ? methyl-5-pyrazolone) Is added 6 heated for 7 minutes on a water bath at 70 C. and cooled. The extinction is measured in the photometer us- Ing an S 61 light filter. The resulting red- violet coloration changing Into blue with time Is stable for 20 minutes. The detection minimum Of HON is 0.1Y ; the limit of dilution 1:10( Instead of PFR, pyridine-phloroglucinol (PFRJ reagent (1 vol. of pyridine + 4 vol. of 1% phloroglucinol solution) can be used. In this case the readings are taken after a 7 minute Card 2A AccaSsION Us AR4033593 I/0169/64/000/002/oNT/002r SOURCSs\ Ref, sho Geofise, Abe* 20191 ,AUT11ORs Ootrovokiya A* 14#1 Pikhap Taol Bkallskiys Loj Hironovap L, Iol Vitmanp N. G. TITLEs Tidal tilts ind iouted by observations with photoelectric tiltwters at Prahibrain (near Prague) CITED SOURCBs Sb. Isuch. sesm. prilivov. No. 3. M., 0 GSBR, 1963, 69-69 TOPIC TAC-St gravity field, tiltmeter, photoelectric tiltmeter, earth tide,, tidal Itilt, earth tide component !TRANSLLTIONt Photoelectric tiltmeters of the institute of Physics of the Earth Of ' ,the Academy of Sciences USSR were met up at Przhibram in 1960 at a depth of 1,300 a near the horizontal pendulums of the Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences. The electrodynamic constants of the tiltmtera were determined to an accuracy of 0.1- 0%3%. The record of the tidal tilts was continuous with small gaps from June to ~,Dooamber 1960. The behavior of individual components differed sharply from one !another* Over a 7-month period the tilt in the north-mouth direction was 3" and in Lco,d 1/2 ACCMION Us AR4033593 Itho east-mot direction We This tilt was caused by the movement of two block$ IsIong whose contact a mine working had been excavated* Us rate of the tIltIMg did not reinaln constant with time, which appreciably worsened the results of analysis of the tidal observations* Harsonio analysis gave the following mean values I determined fram the 1~ waves T,-, a 0.665 1 O.Ou YB.W a 0.702 10.019. These figures indicate the existence of a real difference between YN-S and YN-W at Prahlbroose Be Pertsey DAIS ACQs 3Uhwft 60 COM AB Ems 00 KAFKA, V. (Praga, 2-ya Sallovskaya, 10, Chekhoslovakiya); KJSIL, M. (Praga, Chekhoslovakiya); SOVOTNYY, A. (Novotny, A.] (Praga, Chakhoolovakiya); PADOVFD, I. [Padoved, J.) (Praga, Chekhoslovakiya); PIHA, Z. [Picha, Z-1 (Praga, Chakhoslovakiya); SHORM, F. (Sorm, F.] ff~-aga, Chekhoslovakiya) TrOatmenL of ma; "gnoLnl neoplasms I n female sex organs by means of 6-azauracil. Vup on.K. 8 no. 10ill-14 162. (KRA 170) k..M E~ W WIT-01 S 190 --cases- eza 0 som th- e -spiTade - svioatbness as,-vl) -~ThU':Point# to _-the :pipservation. of dyzidmi6 s ityqf-flov in irdividus, cross .sections: of the boundary layer, vhich. also confirms the c6ir6i -of the--form factor -Rl~ 6'j, vhIch-In A suffitiently developed turbulent boundary, la ~NT -, - - -- - ' - - - . .- -1 - ---- -- -b -- Wer is approximately NI --is.- f(IIe*) - that -the - change - 6anbe-e-stablished fran. he cour 6f Vi. of the turbulence- of the main f lov does affec Fihe entire area layer -but ain part of outer edge.- At the va ito ouhdM7 it at on4. a.cert the v611-knm law,of almilarity-holds Orig art has: 6.figures,and 1 good. rM o-:~.%-..-F-~.;.' V8tAV..tG==O-dhaniXy-tW,': prai" ftnititutavf Ther,momechanics- '-0 i6 L 0 A 11 ;FIKHALENKO, I. G., gornyy inzh.-elektromekh. j SIDORUK , N.S.., gornyy inzh.- --viektramakh.; FAYERHARK, A.A.; gornyy inzh.-elektromekh. Automation of the production processes in the Southern Mining and Dressing Combine crushing plant. Gor.zhur. no-3:53-55 Mr 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Yuzhnyy gorno-obogatitellnyy kombinat, Krivoy Rog. (Ore d ressing) (Automatic control) FINHARTY Josef Effect of latticelike poymerization and porosity of katexes on separation of sodium and otassium. Rudy 12 no. 6tl8O- Je 164. 1. Research Institut of organic Syntheses, Pardubice- Rybitvi. ?TKRAR:, M. 1ADERA, K. Mechanical thickener in cellulr,se nrrduct~on. P. 374. VCDN IfCSuIODAR.-)'V' .(,inisterstvo enerfetiky a vodniho hospodarstvi a Vedecka technicka spoleenost pro vodni hospodarstvi) Praha, Czochoslovaki~i. No. 9, Sept. 1959 Monthly Ust of East European Accessions (ELAI) 1L, Vol. 8, No. 11, November 1959. Uncl. 7SVID, A.p kand.tekhn.nauk; LUTSEYKO, I.; PIKHAY, G.; SAMAROV, M.; ZILDEM, P.; rENISET-10, V. We get word. Stroltel*;~ no.7:7n 161. (14IRA 14:8) (Construction industry--Technological innovations) PIKMY, G.V.; PYATKOVSKIY.. A.G. Manufacture of roof channel slabs in reinforced concrete dies. Bet. i zhel.-bet. 8 no.8:366-368 Ag 162. OERA 15:9) 1. Nachallnik laboratorii zavoda shelesobetonnykh izdally No.1 Kommmarskstroy (for Pikhay). (Roofing, Concrete) PIKHAYS G.V. Manufacture of bw= and roof slabs in dies. Prom. stroi. 40 no.2:48- 49 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Precast concrete) LIVANOVA, N.B.; PIKHEIGAS, V.Ya.; Sli;'ICTER, V.C. Transformations c' Dokl. AN SSSR lcl no.r:12.-4 ~n s-id, in:, alxali-~r- Ap I ~. X~ ~A I ~'; 1. S~jbmltted July 3, IlivZ. sli 37/160/000/011/0 30~04 3 AOO6/A0O I Translation from: Referatinvyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1960, No.11, p. 241, # 27170 AUTHOR: Pikhel'son, V.F. TITLE: Changes in the Magnitude of Microstresses During the Run-In Process of a Copper-Steel Pseudo-Alloy PERIODICAL: Tr. Rostovsk-n/D. in-ta a.-kh. mashinostr., 1959, No. 12, pp. 28 - 31 TE(T: The author studied changes in the magnitude of microstresses during the run-in process of a copper-steel pseudo-alloy. The tests were made with two series of ring specimens, used for the investigation of the friction process, namely: rings with crude and annealed pseudo-alloy. Run-in process was conducted up o a specific pressure of 60 kg/am2; loading was performed by steps of 10 kg/cm each; microphotograms were taken after each alternate loading. It is shown that the initial run-in process, which is accompanied by a high fric- tion coefficient and high wear, is characterized by lesser changes in the magni- Card 1/2 8/137/tO/COO/01 1/03C)/043 A006/AOOl Changes in the Magnitude of Nicrostresses During the Run-In Process of a Copper- Steel Pseudo-Alloy tude of microstresses than Uie subsequent periods. In due course the specimen surface is more and more cold hardened and strengthened, as the deformation spreads In the layer depth. This causes a still higher increase of microstresses. It is established that the gradient of stress changes of crude pseudo-alloy is lower than that of annealed pseudo-alloy; this predetermines is greater wear resistance. Z.F. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 I/ PIKHEL'SON, V. F., Cand Tecn 3cl -- "Study of physico- me0innical EAnd anti-CrIctlon propevtleB of tne copper-Bteel . k r. t" al I oy. "Novoc:.erkassk, 19b1. (Yin o,' H~.- ei- and Sec jp#--c Ed USSR. Novocrierkasek Order of LaLor Red Banner Tolytech Inst Im S. Ordzhonikidze) (KL, 9-61, 247) - 284 - 83720 S/137/60/000/011/026/043 A006/AOOI Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, 1960, No. 11, p. 199, # 26862 AUTHORS: Krasnichenko, L.V., Pikhel'son _V.F., Shapkin, V.M. TITLE: Run-in Ability of a Copper-Steel Pseudo-Alloy PERIODICAL: Tr. Rostovsk.-n/d. in-ta a.-kh. mashinostr., 1959, No. 12, pp. 32- 38 TEXT: The authors describe the effect of stepped and stepless loading on the run-in process of a Cu-steel pseudo-alloy. They investigated three groups of the ClCr, ,"1 20 (PSt, M20) pseudo alloy lith an initial roughness of about o.4 mm, which were loaded by steps of 4.5 kg1cm , 11.2 kglcm2 and with a continuously In- creasing load of 0.562 kg/cm2 per minute. The loading time lasted in all the three cases 80 minutes with bringing the specific load to 45 kg/cm2. The dependen- ae of the friction moment, the temperature of the operating surface and the coef- ficient of friction, on the load applied and the run-in time, was investigated. Moreover, changes in the oil-film state along the friction path were studied. It Card 1/2 88720 s/j37/60/ooo/*Oji/026/o43 Run-in Ability of a Copper-Steel Pseudo-Alloy A006/AO01 was established that the Cu-steel pseudo-alloy showed satisfactory short-time run- In ability, which Is explained by the rapid recovery of the oil film at the ex- pense of the oil accumulated in the pores. The run-in process should preferable be conducted with stepless loading, since the time required to obtain constant friction moment and temper ature is in this case twice as short as in stepped load- Ing. The Cu-steel pseudo-alloy can be recommended as an antifriction bearing material. I.A. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 POD',ND/.',aalytical Chuudotry iialyBis -)f Inurganic Substanccs E-2 Abs Jour Rof Z!iur - Khtaiya-, N-j 3, 1958, fic, 7642 Author Ventslevskayn, ZL~ ~cl Inst Not Given Title 'Bic Polarogr!iphic Detemiiniti.)i~ )f Tracc L~I-li.Lits )f Wt,,ds in Pure Orig Pub : Cho:-~. 1956, ND 2-3, i8o-i83 Abstract : Your g. )f thc :1lurAnur.. beiag rn-nalyz,~d ir di3solved ir. HCI (1-.1) r--nd w'ien U,.e r,-)IubilIzati,,n is alri,-)st conplete-d, a sr-iall quantity A H202 's addod. Tiio s,)lutijn is boilcd to rei.jove the excess H202 and dilutedtj 100 Ll. Pb, Zai, Cu, PC nad 141 arc dctcr-Anod In Uiquots polarogmphically. Wheri the contunt of tlie, detenAnad "otals in th%2 aludnwi boing analyzed is C10-2% thcy %re c~)ncuntmted by treatoLnt with NaOR. Card 1/1 PIM, Xh.0. [Pihl,H.] b- tonlan S.S.R. Trudy Lev inst.apid. i m1kroblol. 21s210-215160. iMIRA 1616) 1. I2 Tallinskogo instituta apidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny. (ESTOVIA-SAIROKELLA INFFLTICRIS) TERAS, Yu.Kh.[Teras., J.], red.; LAAN, I A red - PIKHL Kh.O. (Pihlp H.1, red.; TALUTYSTU1, E:T:1Tal3;ei-~ter,". ~,re~d.; YANUS, L.E.[Jannw. L.1, red.; 1M=SK11, X.S., nauchT77 red.; SL%IASTIYANOV, A.,, red.; TOOMSALU, E., teklui. rod. [Investigations In microbiology] lssledovaniia po mikrobiologii. Tallinn. Vol.l. 1961. 22-1 p. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia. Eksperimentaalso ja Kliiniliqe Neditsiini Instituut. (MEDICAL MICAOBIOLOGY) FIRM* Kh.0. Oatbreak of Salmonella newport infection in a nursery. Zhur. ml~wobiol.epid.i immin. 32 no.2:124,126 F 161 . (KLRA 14: 6) 1. Is Tallinskogo instituta apidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiy-ony. (SMONE:LlA) ESTONIA/Chamicad Technology - Ceramics, Giusci, Binding Materials, Concretes. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - E21imiyal No 16, 1958, 54726 Author : PikKlak Inst : Title : Industrial Technology ~-n the Manufacture of Glazed TiL~-E; Orig Pub, : Tehnika ja tootmine, 1958, No 1, 1.1-13 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 SILIA, R.V., kand. med. nauk; PIKHL, Kh.O.[Pihl, H.1; KAPLAN, A. w -- - (Reports of the Third Scientific Conference of the Talli-nn Sci- entific Research Institute of Epidemiology, microbiology, and Hygiene]Sbornik dokladov tretlel nailchnot konferents1i Tallinskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo institute, epidemiologil, mikrobiologii i gigieny. Tallinn, 1961. 318 P. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Tallinn. Epidemioloogia, Mlkrobioloogia ja Hugieeni Teadusliku Uurimise Instituut. Konverets, 3d, 1960. 2. TaIlin- skiy nauchno-issiedovatellskiy institut epidemiologii, mikrobio- logii I gigiyeny (for Sills, Pikhl). (INTESTINES--DISEASES) (POLIOMYELITIS) (CHILDREN--CARE AND HYGIENE) PIM.All, A. A. (Noril'sk) Monquitoes and nothAns. Priroda 52 no.1:70 163. (MM 16: 1) (Mmquitoes) (Methane) PIK-HLAY,, E.G. (Moskva) Gout. Med. sestra 22 rio&9t4l-46 S'63* OURA 16: 10) (GOUT) PIKHLAK, E. G. Genesis, prevention, and treatment of gastroduodenal hemorrhages complicating steroid therapy. Terap. arkh. no.12:83-90 '61. (MIRA 1l;:2) 1. Iz otdeleniya infektartrita (zav. - prof. M. G. Astapenko) Gosudaretvennogo instituta revmatizma (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A. I. Nesterov) Ministeratva zdravookhraneniya R_qFSR. (STEROIDS-TOXICOLOGY) (HEMORRHAGE) (DIGESTIVE ORGANS-DISEASES) FIKHLAA, B.G. Blood transfusion in treating infectious nonspecific polyarthritis. 25 no.6:90-9.4 Je 161. (MIAA 15:1) 1. Iz kafedry fakul'tetskoy terapii 11 Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. imeni N.I.Firogova i Institute. revmatizma Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSJh prof. A.I.Nosterov). (ARTHRITIS) (BLOOD-TiWISFUSION) -plKaff, Ye. G. kcal aftinistration of hydrocortisone in the treatment of nonspeoific infectious polyrthritis. Terap.arkh. 32 no.10t 71-76 160. (KIRA 14 d) 1. Oz otdoleniya Infektartrita, (zav. - doktor med.nauk H.G. Astapenko) Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledavatellskogo insti- tuta rematima, Moskva, (ARTHRITIS, RWJMATOID) (CORTISOVE) BE30VTSEVA, A.G.; 3 I,ICV, A.G.; I'~AU-IME91 E.; LILLEMU,A., kand. 3ellkhoz. nauk; FIKYLAS"TE, L.K.!HhILste, L.1; F!iOKV0i,CYVA, ZJ.; I-JL,.T*Z,-, VJ.; I:-,AYII,'A, Z. I. ; T. ~'. FFi~,.-e, _,Cj=.'A, I_V. ; SUi~hCTMA, V.1 .:ZHDANOVA, L.P., red BkAYNDIII, M.1., tekhn. red. (Ai-riciinatoloj,icul m:xuttl Cor the ~.vtoiiian Ag- roklimtiche~kii spravochnil: pc ",:,ton.-koi Ss". Lenin- (Mli"A 17: 1) 1. Estonian Up-n,%Iuriip_, tjd.-oi eteoroloFichet-koy sluzhb3-. -. I-E,-tail. kiy nauc~mr)-isslpdovatellsskiy ir:7titut i rclioi-ats~'i (for Lillema). 3. GI:vrwy ;.gronor. "'.1ravloniya sadovoustva i pchelovodstva Minister- stva Ih!czyQ-stva Estonshoy SSR (for Kullbin). (Estor&--C_,ops and climate) PIKHLER, G.; KHOLITSER, Y.; ULIRIKH, R.; FREYDORFER, K.; FETTS, E. Unforgettable UVreasione. Ayt.tranap. 40 no.9i12,13 3 062. (MIRA 15:9) (4ustria-Relations (General) with Russia) L 3;~~- lip( ACCMIOW WR; UR/0369/65/000 ~jXWJ/00~0421 -APS022409 0 /0 Boltarovich, A. V. Pi skly, V. I. Gutman, E. M. AUTHORt ~gers n q, t;~ ..... boftwo~- Karp- V V., enko, G TITLE t -,Corrosiop fatigu f VT3-1 titanium alloy SOURCE- Fiziko-khimicheskaya nekhaniks materialov, no. 4, 1965, 499-502 TOPIC TAGS: titanium alloy, alloy corrosion, alloy corrosion resistance's alloy fat igue strength, corrosion fatigue strength/VT3-1 titanium alloy ABSTRACT: Unnotched and notched specimens of VT3-1 titanium [U.S. Til55A) alloy in.thei-as-delivered condition (annealed for 1 hr at 870C, furnace cooled to 650C, held for 1 hr,.air room temperature) or after aging at 400-900C for 1 hr OC for 2-100 hr were tested for corrosion'resistance in 40-78% It 804 and or at J for fatigue behavior in air or in a 3% solution of NaCl. The alloy aged at 700C the highest and.the alloy aged at 800-90DC.had the lowest corrosion rate: -O..IhO and 0.121 mm per year, respectively, compared with 0,124 mm per year for alloy in the si.~delivered-condition...PA6,bigb~at corroition-rate results from the maximum -th -phase structure'~vhich Increases the active area of microscopic, alspersion of e 0 galvanic' pairs that cause c6irr;oxion With, aging at; tenperatures. higher than 700C, 1 C L. 35,90-66, ACCMI ON NR: AP50 22409 tbe-structure components coagulate,~thuB decreasing the active area of microgalvanic' pairs and, correspondingly,,the corrosion rate. In isothermal aging, the corrosion rate increased with exposure time, eig., at 50dC from 0-123 to 0.140 mm per year fot' 2 and 100 hr, iispectively. The corrosion Incubation period of identically aged VT3-1 alloy Increased witb,the exposure time and decreased,with increasing acid con-i, centiation. The alloy had1high corrosion rates at acid concentrations of 40-70 and 78$ and a minimm r at a_53$ concentration. ate 1n:fatIgue and corrosion fatigue tests, unnotched'and notched alloy specimens were subjected to rotating bend test at~_4oc in air (.107 cycles) and in humid' air (97X humidity) and in a 3% NAM solu- tion (5.107 cycles).L.The test results (see Fig. I of Enclosure) showed that the /mm2. an' fatigue strength in air..was'52 dan Under thb Action of 3% NAM solutionj tbei-conditional endurance limit continuously'de'ereased to 48 dan/UM2 at 5.107 cyclei. Aging at 50M for 2 hr had no effect on the endurance limit of the alloy in all in- vestigated media.' In corrosive media, the effect of stress concentrators on fatigue strength was.negligible. Previous corrosion decreased the fatigue strength of VT3-1 alloy. in: air frois 52 to 39.5 dan/=2.11.In.-3%.X&C1 solution the conditional endurance 't 7. I:hdt a the .5410 - cycle basist.4" he tkhd'* .38: dimhii precor- 1~for roded opect CU44*;; suitable. material wt," 14 - 57-6- 124 2 1 D .ranslation from: Referstivn zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 6, p 100 (USSR7 AUTHOR: Pikho, A. P. TITLE: Agrochemical Properties of Podzol and Swamp Soils in the Estonian SSR (Ob agrokhimichaskikh svoystvakh podzolistykh t zabolochennykh pochv ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences., pre- sented to Est. 9-kh. akad.(Estonian Agricultural Academy), Tartu, 1956 ASSOCIATION: Est. a-kh. akad.(Estonian Agricultural Academy) Card 1/1 Name .1 PIKHOP A. F. --- -- Dissertaticn I Cultivation properties of Podzolic and swampy soils of the Fstonian SSR Degref- Cand Agr Sci Dprpn(lre At Estonian Agricultural Academy I Publication Date, Place 1 1956, lartu Source Knizhnaya Lpton'.sl No 5, 1957 PIKHDDYA, R.I.. glavWy veterinarmyy vrach KamenskogD rayona. Kalininakoy oblasti. Propbylaxis of noninfectious diseases in young animals.'Teterinariis 33 no.7:20-23 Jl 136. (Kw 9:9) (KamBnskiy District--Stock and stockbreeding)(Vaterinar7 m9dicine) ELIM&N, A.; j=OVKTNj F., ekonomist; FOLYANSKIY, Mi; ANMNENKO, Ye. (Roqtav-na-j)onu)- ZHWINIKOVA, T., takhnik Chkalovek,, Gorlkovskoy obM; PANFIIDVA, V., tekhnik (Chkalavsk, GorIkov- skoy obl.); GOIDVANOV9 A. We discuss 0. Gabarov's letter entitled "We must not work this way $ny longer*. Zhil.-koya.khos. 12 no.8slO,.ll kg162. (MIRA 16Q) 1. Nachallnik zhilishchno-kommallnogo otdola g. Rolpino, laningradekoy obl. (for Ellman). 2. Zhilishchno-kaummal naya kontora treata OlraBnodarstroy", Krasnodar (for Pikhovkin;. 3. Glavnyy inzh. filiala Moskovskogo oblastnogo proTektnogo in.stituta, g. Klin, MDskavskoy obl. (for Polyanakiy). 4. Nachallnik shilishchno-kon#nallnoy kontory Khabarovskogo soveta narodnogo, khozyayatva (for Golovanav). (Housing management) T IIIKHCTVKi.;t ~.V. 1,mir~jving ~-hc- -.,pu rf n.nwoviar, llabric~. Lcl.. i.rr,.--. ii-S I i'li, 17-.Il-)) k . I j ACC NRI AP7003155 SOURCE CODE: UR/00/66/005/006/0793/0794 AUTHOR: Obukhova, Ye. S.; Pikhtelev, A. I.; Rudnevskiy, N. K. ORG: none TITLE: Spectral investigations of a rubidium light source SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopii, V. 5, no. 6, 19a, 793-794 TOPIC TAGS: rubidium, optic pumping, electric lamp, signal to noise ratio, optic I spectrum, hyperfine structure, temperature dependence, pressure effect ABSTRACT: To obtain an optical pumping source suitable for use in precision magneto- meters and in frequency standards, the authors investigated the spectra of electrode-i less.rubidium lamps similar to those described by W. E. Bell et al. (Rev. Sci. In- sirum. V. 32, no. 6, 688, 1961). Rb87 Was used as the working gas and Kr and Ar as buffers. The exciting-generator frequency was 90 - 100 M. 7he tests consisted of determining the fine-structure components of the various lines present in the spec- s trum of the lamp (besides the main 78W and 7947 A doublet), which affect adversely the signal/nois ratio, the dependence of the line intensities on the voltage applied to the lamp, the effect of different argon and krypton pressures, and the variation of the half-width and intensity of the byperfine components of the main doublet as functions of the voltage and temperature. The latter tests have shown that a change of voltage from 90 to 150 v (corresponding to an increase in power from ) to 8 watts) changes the line width by not more than a factor of 2., while the line intensity is ACC NRt AP7003155 increased by a factor 4 - 5. When the line width more than doubles, self reversal sets in, and this reduces the usefulness of the lamp. The higher the voltage, the. , lower the temperature at which self-reversal sets in (it ranges from 110 to 60C as the voltage is changed from IW to 150 v). The lamp becomes unstable at voltages i alwe 1W. Orig. art. bas: 2 figures and 1 table. I SUB CME: 2D/ sum DATz: 15Nov65/ OTH REF: 002/ ATD PRESS: 5113 ri,vTvvvt., S. PIIRTBUTA, S.. washinist elektrovoma. I-, -, ~ I, Accelerated hauling work. PAst.ugi. 3 no.?. 6 JI 154. OWA 7:7) (Mine haulage) SUBJECT USSR/MATHEMATICS/Differential equations CARD 1/3 ?a - 32 AUTHOR PICHTEJEV G.N. TITYX On the problem concerning the flow around a curved bow by liquid stream in a bounded and in an unbounded flow of an ideal in- compressible fluid. PERIODICAL Priklad. Mat. Mech. j.L 421-432 (1955) reviewed 5/1956 The author considers the flow around a symmetric bow by liquid rays of a stream of an ideal incompressible fluid limited by two plates. The axis of symmetry of the bow L is the middle line of the two platesi the points of separation of the liquid rays from L then are also symmetric. The distribution of the velocities on the bow L is supposed to be given. The form of the bow and the equations of the liquid rays are required. The solution is obtained by applying the classical method of conformal mapping. The solvability of the mixed problem thus appearing is proved. The most important difficulty for concrete problems consists in the calculation of the occuring definite integral +1 _2 ln f(t) dt ~7j a V where f is a contiztuous, positive and bounded function of the are length s of L Priklad. Hat. Hech. 1 421-432 (1955) CAU 2/3 PG - 32 12-L 4 with f(O) 0, f(l) - 1. By f the distribution of the velocity Is detez---'ned: V - v f( Transformations and set ups are given which permit to repre- 0 a 0 sent J as an infinite trigonometric series. The required general equation of the bow and the equations of the liquid rays are obtained in a parameter re- presentation. These general considerations are followed by some special casest 1) For V - v tg( n ) the bow is given by the equations 0 4s0 0086 X - 4s0 1 in L g(t) dt, 0 f 1 + t2 4 0 cose t 413 2 Y M -0 f cos g(t) dt g(t) - -1 1n 1+t dt. 7C 1 + t2 4 r2 t 1-t 2) 0 0 The flow around L is considered in an infinite stream and the equations for the bow and for the liquid rays are given. 3) The Kirchhoff condition (the rays are not allowed to intersect with one another) is fulfilled if and only if f satisfies the inequality Priklad. Mat. Mech. 19. 421-432 ('955) CARD 3/3 PG - 32 t 2 f(t) in f(t) f(s) ds) dt - C_ 4 0. f f 0 0 4) A more exact solution of the problem in questiot. for bounded strea-T, ~s carried out for -t -t f t(I-t)(P -t) dt 0 1 (i+t)( -tq 0 (a 2.t11) t ~)( 1 The solution gives, for certain values of the parameter, either a curve similar to a parabola or to a cycloide. 5) The well-known equations for the flow around plates follow as special cases from the general results. ACC NRI AP7005337 SOURCE CODE: UiVol8l/67/009/001/0145/01-49 AUTHOR: Pi ~A .; Yas1kov, D. A. ORG: Lenin~-.rad Zlectrotechnical Institute im. V. 1. Ul'yanov (Lenin) (LenL-q~radzfiy elektrotekh.aicheskiy institut) TITLE: Dispersion of the refractive index of light in gallium phosphide SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 9, no. 1, 1967, 145-149 TOPIC TAGS: gallium phosphide, light dispersion, refractive index, light reflection, laser optic material ABSTMCT: In view of the lack of detailed data on this subject, and of the im->Or- tance of GaP as an injection-laser material, the authors study in detail the re- fraction of light in this substance and present an analytic expression with which the refractive index can be determined over a wide range of photon energiez (1.0 - 2.35 ev) and for different temperatures (80 - 290K). The theoretical formula was derived from the dispersion relations. The experiments consisted of absolu-.e mea- surements of the specular-reflection coefficient of polished n- and P-type GaP plates and determining the refractive index by measuring the angle of least deflec- tion of the radiation by a prism made of the investigated GaP. The test procedureS are described briefly. The refractive index drops from an approximate value of 3.1, at 2.5 ev to 2.oo6 at 290K and 2.983 at 80K at zero photon energy. The temperature coefficient of the refractive index is -(-5 X 10-4) ev/'Y. at 290K. Orig. art. haz; Ca,d 112 ; 'ACC NR& AP7005337 3 figures, 9 formulas, and 1 table. SUB CODE: 2p/ Sum DATE: o4jm%/ ORIG REF: oo4/ OTH REF: 007 An- PRESS: 5116 [02) Card 2/2 A 7 0.; qrver c9 ej~pqrary' it gn v _e tit Winnik Or labor4tor* 30 - 2 i7 B:- 1064-) ka im-d I al Iii uvyl3n6va U e jO,-pz. ENCLC~-z ITTED J -OW:~ '4092: O%mi w: . .............. 77, - PIKHTOVNIKOV, R. [Pikhtovnykov, R.), prof. (Kharlkov) Explosion treats metals. Nauka i abyttia 12 no.7:13-14 JI 162. OaRA 16: 1) (Explosives in sheet metal work) ISACHENKC1, Ye. I., PIKIII'MITKV, R. - Defcrr,at4()nS (Y.,echanics) "Effect of the speed of deformation on the process of stamping TflrtS from sterl sheet." Vest mash. 32 no. 5, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October -1959. Unclassified. 2 / ' 137-58-5-9588 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5. p 108 'USSRj A UTHOR: Pikhtovnikov, R. V. TITLE: The Latest in Forming Techniques: Sheet Metal Drawing (Novoye v tekhnologil shtarnpovki-vytyazhki listovogo metalla) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Progressivn. rnetody shtampovki i kovki. Khar'kov, Oblizdat, 1957, pp 164-170 ABSTRACT: The problem of intensifying the cold forming (F) process by increasing the reduction ratio per working stroke of the press, employment of simplified forms of equipment, and the develop- ment of high-speed and superspeed methods is examined. To in- crease the reduction ratio, heating of the flange is recommended in the case of Al and Mg alloys and deep cooling of the zone of maximum stresses in the case of structural steels, as well as the use of reversible dies permitting the drawing and the re- drawing operation to be performed at a single stroke of the press. F with simplified fixtures is advantageous not only in terms of cost but through the reduction in the number of opera- tions afforded by it. Development of high-speed and superspeed methods of cold F is possible if lubricants of optimum viscosity Card 1/1 are employed. This makes F by shock wave pressure possible. V. F. 1. Brakes ~.Metaiworkingj--Operation 2. t4etals--Processing l37-5H-t)-l2,'Z2 Translation from R(-ft-rd,,.-.n I% zh~ rraa115 8, '; r'_'5 5 R AUTHOR Pikhto%niko% R.V. TITLE Supei ~pcvd Slanipin~4 iitd Draxing of Sheet Metal (Sverklisku- rostna~,,i lislovogo metalla) PERIODIC AL Tr~ Kha r ko% - k. d \, iat s. i n - ta. 19 57 N r 17. pp i - (I ABSTRACT A rat:oi,alt- i,~ 1)r,),.-:dt-d for the possibilit% of emplovir.,_, high spceds ,:-. 1he pte-,%orking, of rnetals- This proposition :s proved experil-Tientalk as it applies to cold drawing (Dj in a speL ial equil)MVI)t %vherc the pun(h actuated b~ the explosion of gunpov.-dur ga,~cs, attain(-d speeds of as high as 300 zn/sv( Drawinq proceeded without breakage or noticeable de(line in the redul lion ratio mheri lubricants of optimum vis(osit% %%ere (11'r1pioved, ab lhes(- ehininated the pronounced rise in tl1C for(es of friLtI011 Up to V010( 1TjeS of the order of 100 ni/seL Further in( rvase in did lead to a de( line in the redut tioll ratio due to a rise in file forL es of inertia The (.on(. lusion drawn to the effe( t that a virtually unlimited in( rease in the speeds of pressv,,orking is possible provides a foundation for Card 112 the development of new pro( esses of production and in ( ertain 137-58-6-12222 Superspevd Stamping and of Shf-vt Metal (ases of exc ecclingly simple mcit hining tools and equipincilt. NII I 1-10~ -~ , ! ., - - : !- : - - , , F-.. I . N- .; --.-! I a :.; I.(- - -,- ; ~ . : - % : ~ 7 Card 2/2 137 - ~8- 7- 14802 Translation from Rvferativry-.,, zhurndl. Metallurgiya. 1958 '.'r 7 p ' 24 (U55R, AUTHOR Pikhtovniko,,, P V TITLE Some Questioris in the Theory of Single-pass Drawing (Nt~ko- Ior~\(- voprusy teorii odriopervkhodnoy shtarnpovki-,.,\*1~azh),-.ii PERIODICAL. Trudy Khar'kuvskogo jviatsionnogo instituta, 114';7, Nr 17 pl) 6 1 90 ABSTRACT An tnalvsis is made of the prouess of dra%ving iDi. Aji exani- inat:ori is made of the r-rie(Aianism of single-pa~,s D, and form 111as a-t- derived to duteri-riine kinematic relationships and to determine the forces arid stresses at work. An approximatt, equation is provided for determination of the magnitude of Ifir ,,vork donu in 1). An i1v,(-stiv n sm td ,ation is made of tht- mv( li,i i deformation of th(- maturidl on the drawing edge of the div. and it is -,h(,Nvn that plastic -b,fiding con(epts at-(- riot apph( able in this ( ase. A iriethod for kilh ulating the resistant (I oI Ilit- riwt,j] tu forging is proviflvd I's Card I/ I