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Relaxation Phenomena in Pure Metals and Alloys SOV-3-58-9-25/36 manganese and molybdenum. 1.N. Chernikova (Yoscow Institute of Steel), B.G. Livshits and N.G. Makhukov (Moscow Institute of Steel and Groznyy Petroleum Institute) told of processes of annealing in different alloys. Reports on the internal friction of "metastable" solid solutions were delivered by B.G. Livshits, Yu-S. Avraamov, 3.0. Mezheanaya, V.B. Osven- skiy, and L.N. Belyakov (moscow Institute of Steel). G.M. Ashmarin (Moscow Institute of Steel) reported on the tempera- ture dependence of internal friction of iron alloys with vanadium. The reports of K. Mishek and K. Toman (Institute of Technical Physics of the Czechoslovakian Academy of Scien- ces, Prague), G.K. Mal'tseva and V.S. Postnikov (Kemerovo Pedagogical Institute) were devoted to the decomposition of supersaturated solid solutions. L.F. Usova (Moscow Institute of Steel), A.V. Grin', V.A. Pavlov (Institute of Physics of Metals USSR AS in Sverdlovsk), R.S. Lebedev and V.S. Post- nikov (Kemerovo Pedagogical Institute), 0.1. Dat8ko, R.I. Garber, T.T. Mogillnikova (the latter two of the Physico- Technical Institute, UkrSSR AS in Khar1kov) and B.S. Borisov and V.M. Rozenberg (Institute for the Science of Metals and Physics of Metal TsNIIChM) delivered reports on a number of Card 3/4 related subjects. S.O. Tsobkallo (Leningrad Polytechnical Relaxation Phenomena in Pure Metals and Alloys SOV-3-58-9-29/36 Institute) covered the resilient reaction of spring alloys, various physical and technological effects on it and the methods of its measurement. Ya-P. Seliaskiy (Institute of Precision Alloys TBNIIChM) told of subsiding oscillations of ultrasonic frequency in some ferromagnetic solid solutions. R.I. Garber and A.I. Kovalev (Physico-Technical Institute UkrSSR AS in Khar1kov) spoke of the temperature dependency of moduli of elasticity of iron. Card 4/4 ;I ACCESSION NR: AP4o'28445 AUTHORS1 Shtrakhman, K. Me,- Piguzov, Yu- V- S/M8l/64/0o6/0O4/1l52/1157 .TITLE: Temperature and concentration dependence of the relaxation effect in homogeneous solid replacement solutions of silver and cadmium SOURCE: Fizika tvardogo tela, ve 6, no. 4, 1964~ 1152-1157 :TOPIC TAGS: temperature dependence, concentration dependence$ relaxation effect, i I ;silver, cadmium, solid solution, relaxation oscillator RKF MIS iABSTRACT: Measurements of internal friction were made in an WF MIS relaxation .oscillator, on samples containing 21.4, 26.6, 31.0, and 35-3% Cd. The samples werei ivery carefully prepared and treated, and (after measurements) they were chemically ' *1analyzed and the lattice constants and structures were determined. By means of thei internal-friction measurements and determination of elastic aftereffects, the authors observed the relaxation affect in homogeneous solid replacement solutions Ag and Cd for different tomperatures'and the indicated values of Cd concentration-ol IThe reLaxation time and activation energy of the relaxation process were found to differ but insignificantly from the corresponding values obtained during investiga- ----------- Card 1/2 'ClIns-10- - lAr "I' NR: AP4028445 tion Of Cd diffusion by the itration), .measuring the inelastic effe ordinary method (in solid f It is thus possible to study diffusion 'Coefficient and plotted ct. Solutions at a single concen-I I On this basis Processes in Ag_Cd allOY's by its temperature depende the authors !to depend directly on in the solid soluti nce- The act computed the diffusion jattice the energy Of elastic distortion, for 'vatiOn ene One By examining this norg, one at rgy is found: :explained between activa tion energies Of Cd arid Ag diff May be T 3 the dif ference ' ifusion rates Of the two Under identical 04 Of Cd Of the UsiOn and between thq dif_ ill he authors consider it their duty to conditions of ter4per 'Professor Be K. ;now deceased. Finkel, shteYn, Doctor point out aturO and concentratiozu i Orig. art that thU topic was suggested b ;the work.; They also thank yu. Kh.Of the physical i and mathelutical sc - has, 6 figures Vekilov for discussions on the rosiences, 7 ;ASSOC1:ATICK, and I tablee Ults of Alloys) XoskOvskjy institut stal, splavoy, (Moscow SUBM'TTED' 05Nov63 Ir"itute Of St-861 and I 5UB ODDE: SS DATE AM I 27Apr64 rd. No REF SOVS 001 ENCLI 00 OMERS 007 I , ' -1 7 ',~6 ACCI75SIGN N:~., A~'.) 4 0 4 3 3 4 3 AUTilORS: Slit i:aKhman. K. M.; Pi~ju.,Ov, 'Cu. V. T 1 -11, EOr, Cre Of -'lon effect ir, homogeneOUE; substitutional sc!~Ld solution5 s-'ver SOURCE: Fizika tvord'orjo Lela, v. 6, -.o. 6, 1964, 2274-2280 -'OPIC TAGS: so--' solu-cion, ef'fect, silver alloy, :atti-ce ieformat~on, temperature d(-peridence I.k B S T RA C7 :1r. of t--,e i-rcomplott2ness of the existing theories of t'ile relaxation process, the authors attempted to obtain a more sar-isfactory qua,-,tLtatLve agreement with the experimental results of the relaxatIon effect in solid solutions of the systems Aq-~ri, Aq-Cd, and Ag-Mg. A new formula is derived for the degree of re- axat on, including relaxation boch due to the change in the ener%, of the atomic interaction and due to the change in the energy of Card 1/3 ACCESSION NRz AP4043340 the solid-solution lattice deformation. This theorem is based on the theory of LeClaire and Lommer concerning the Zener relaxation effect as a result of the change in the degree of the short-range order. The results are compared with the experimental values and temperature and concentration dependences of the degree of relaxa- tion in these systems are plotted. It is concluded that a theory of LeClaire and ;-s more consistent in all respects than the Zener concept of reorientation of pairs of dissolved atoms. The relaxation effect proposed by LeClaire and Lommer is refiiie,'. I)y introducing not only the change in the energy of interactio~i of the atoms during the relaxation but also the energy of the elaFti7 de- formation of the lattice. The formula derived for the deg.e(- of relaxation takes into account the changes in the energy of i,kterac- tion of the atoms and the energy of the elastic deformati)n. The contributions from both types of energy are evaluated separi,tely. The temperature dependence and the concentration dependence of the degree of relaxation were investigated by measuring the internal Card 2/3 Card 3/3 LITSHITS, Boris Grigorlyevich. prof.. doktor tekhn.nsuk~ Prinimali uchastlys: PURMOT, Tu.T., kand.t~khn.nm*; SMOTIUTA. N.A.. kand.tokhn.neuk. KOND6MIT, Te,I., prof., doktor fiz.-matem. nauk, reteenzent; RAIMMADT, A.G., doteent, Itand.takhn.nauk, red.; ILIKM. T.D., [Physical properties wtallov i splavoy. etroit.lit-ry, 1959. of metals and alloys] Fitichaskie avoistwi Moskva, Goo. nouchno-taklui. izd-vo wshino- 366 p. (Metals) (MIRA 13:5) E;s v c, - v .3 VIP L8 4, vs j0 PIGUZOV. Yu.V.; BAYAZITOV. M.I. Investigating the te"r brittleness of high chromium ateel by the Internal friction method. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; charn. met. no.3:14'7-152 '60. (KRA 132-10 1. Moskovskiy institut stali. (Chromium steel-.Brittleness) (Internal friction) S/126/6o/olO/02/015/020 AUTHORS: Piguzov, Yu.V., Krishta,,EA~J~E~Ag Golovin. S.A. TITLE: The Nature of the Maximum of Internal Friction in Steel After Thermal Treatment PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960. Vol. 10. No. 2, pp 285 - 290 TEXT: Experiments were carried out on three steels - WA, U9A and U12A - the compositions of which are given in Table 1. Measurements of internal friction were taken on ajelaxator at a frequency of I cps. Results for two steels are given in Fig. 1, where the internal friction is plotted against tempera- ture. The curves contain the usual maxima at 200 0C. The curves with the higher peaks are for the steel with the greater amount of carbon. The absolute values of the peaks are given in Table 2. Working in the cold leads to a decrease in the value of the peak corresponding to the decrease in the retained quantity of austenite. Fig. 2 shows the internal friction - temperature curves for U9A steel after quenching from Bub-critical temperatures (720 OC and 670 OC). A low maximum is obtained at 200 0C, much less than that0after quenching from the austenitic condition. Thus, the 200 C peak can be explained by two phenomena taking Card 1/3 S/126/6o/oiO/02/015/020 9021/E335 The Nature of the Maximum of Internal Friction in Steel After Thermal Treatment place simultaneously: diffusion of carbon atoms in the retained austenitA and migration of carbon atoms to the dislocation regions forming on account of the martensitic transformation and thermal stresses. Further experiments were carried out on armco iron containing 0.0190/~ carbon after 255'0' and 759' deformation, Fig. 3 shows the curves obtained. Deformation of 25% leads to two peaks at 40 and 200 0C. 751". deformation gives one peak at 2000C. The disappearance of the first peak can be explained by migration of carbon atoms in the alpha-iron to more energetic positions - in dislocations. The peak at 200 0C is much lower than for quenched steels because of the smaller amount of austenite There are 2 tables, 5 figures and 10 references. 2 German 2 English and 6 Soviet. Card 2/3 5/126/6o/oiO/02/015/020 ET21/E;a The Nature of the Maximum of n er i Friction in Steel After Thermal Treatment ASSOCIATIONS: Tullskiy mekhanicheskiy institut (Tulsk Mechanical Institute Moskovskiy institut stali im, I.V. Stalina Moscow Institute of Steel im. 1.V. Stalin SUBMITTED: Fenruary 18, 1960 Card 3/3 2h 210 S/148/6 1/000,,"0u ~,-'UQ91/0 15 Albl/Al 3,1 AUTHOASt Vishnyakov, D. Ya.; Pig-uzov, Yu. V., and Lei Tling-chldan TITLE: Tpm,)er brittleness of structural manganese steel an'. the effect of mol.,Ibdenum on it investigated by the internal-fr:,:- method PLRIODI~ALt lzvostiya vysehikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, no. 1, 143 - 150 TEXTt Experimental data are presented proving that the temper brittl&- nose in manganese steel is Caused by the separation of carbon and nitrogen from alpha solution on dislocations, and that molybdenum inhibits this pro- cess. Two steel compositions were studiedt ( 7--') C Mn Mo Si 3 P 11 0 no. 1 0.42 1.60 - U.21. 0.020 0.013 0.01(-, 0.00020 no. 2 0.40 1.;19 0.54 0.14 0.032 0.015 0.0~'! 0.00019 The st~-ol -xaq melle.! in a high-frequen,y induction furnace, ast into 37-kg ingots, :orged at 1,2500C and annealed a- 8500. Impact te-*. specimens were Card 1 5 24210 S/148/61/000/001/009/015; Temper brittleness of structural manganese steel-A161/A13! cu,, from square billets and hardened in oil-heat no. I at 8300C, heat no. 2 at 8900 (which correeponda to the AcrWo point). Part of thcj quPnched specimens were tempered at 350 - 6',0 (with 500 intervals) with 2 hours soaking. Half of these specimens w;re rapid-cooled (in water), half of them slowly (in the furnace). Other specimens were tempered at 6500, oooled rapidly (producing a tough state), then part of them was embrittled by hold- ing at 5000 for 12 hours. Rods cf annealed steel 6 mm in diameter were drawn with intermittent annealin6s (6500, 1 hr) in a vacuum furrace to 0.8 mm diameter, and this wire annealed in a vacuum at 8500C for 2 hrs. The 0.6 mm diameter and 1.15 mm long specimens were heated at Ac3+500 (5 min) inside austenite steel pipes, and cooled in oil. This quenching method pro- tected the specimens from decarbonizing. The internal friction and the shear modulus were measured simultaneously in a fNI-MV-'_(RKF-MIS) vacuum relaxator at a frequency of 1 c that had been described previously 'Ref, 9s Yu. V. Piguzov, V.,S. Postnikov. _~_-55-448 (PS-55-448) instrumenis and stands. ITEI, 19;5j using a mpthod that made the experiment data comparable. This method had ueen described in two publicationst Ref. 10i Yu. V. Piguzov, L. S. Fedotova, M. F. Alekseyenko. Trudy konferentsii po relaksatsionnym Card 2/5 'W10 S,'148,'61 /000/0011/009/019 Temper briztleneBs of struct_~ral man,,~anes~ stee~-..A!61,Ai~3 yavlen.,yam v chistykh metallakh i splavakn (Pr,,~,~eedings of tht~ conference on relaxation phenomena in pure metals wid alloys), Idetallurgizdat, 11960; Ref. 11- Yu. V. Figuzov, IA. 1. Baya-2-.-),;. Izv. iys5h. uch. zavedenly. Cher- naya weTallurgija, 1.960, no. A. A dr)p of impact resistance was fo'.~nd :.n no. ' steel in thi, 450 - 55000 range (F.,,;. I, a) The addition of Mo raised the impact resistance after tempering at 350 - t500C and reduced it after tempering at b500C (this phenomenon was noticed in a previous iri- vestigation, too). Tde presence of Mo in steel (as in no. 2) completely eliminated the difference in impact resistance after different coolingE from the tempering temicerat,ire (Fig. 1, b), a general iecrease of im- pact resistance at 500 - 600' tempering was noticeable. Ccnclusionst ~, Structural manganese steel (0-41a' C, Mn' tends to temper hrittlene.3s both at slow coolinl.afier high-temperature ''empering and after embrittl- ment (c~OOOC, 12 hrs Tne addilion of 0.54,, Ido had a hgh r--dacing effe~!*, in this tendency. 2) The internal-friction met.hod is well s,.i:+ed for ing the temper brittlei5es3 phenomenon and i,s nature. The pl.yaical mech anism of temper brittleneo~ in mazi6anese steol revealed by the Me'hod Con- sists in the liberation of :arbon (and nitrogen) from the s,)I;d --L--soliitiorj (due to different solubil.ty at different 'emperatures) on dislocations ! V, Card 3!, 24 2 10 S/14a/6,,/ooo,/ooi//Ocq//015 Temper 'cr.~ttleness Lf structurai manganese steel...A'6'/A133 (mainly on the boundaries of grains azj,, blocks), which prevents plastic de- formation preceding ruptire, i.e. maces rupture brittle. Molybdenum in- hibits the liberation of intersti!ia. atoms from X~solid solutions and thus effect:vely reduces the tendency to temper brittleness in manganeue. steel. There are 7 figures and 11 referenceet 9 iuviet-bloc and 2 noa-Soviet-bloc. The two references to Engliah-language publications read as fcil-~wst E. Klier. Tr. A.S.M , 43, 1951, 9~'; Lo-ching Chang J. Mech. Phys.cs of solids, 3, 1955, 212. ASSOCIATION; h'LLV_V5K.Y .11IS-ItUt z:tU._' ~Mcs_~,w Steel lnqt~tute) SUBMITTE-1: March '4, 1964i Card 4/5 rV?l 3 1 /011/002/012/025 AUTHORS. E.1; t i- i ri El zilyc. va ~.I' Maks I mo%~a 0,P, and P I g U Yu, V T I TLE t1 1, 1 o I - I v Iri 4) 1 11 t -- 1 11, 0 1 F I I C t I Un F f I (,. c t s A-,i-,(,, I Ll tUd W I th t lie [)I t f-1 t and Iteverse Mart onsitic 'r ra ri ;3 fr r; ia t ion PERIODICAL i, i z i ka itie, t is I I o v t rzie ta I e d 0 n i V e . 1 1) 61 . V o I , 11 , N o 2 j,p..2'-)2 :260 TEXT. The ol)ljs-, ~ ~t itiv 1,1 III-.,e6l igation was to study the phenomena vf "j)Kasr- tvc;r 1v ~iard-?ning" ; . e he structural changes brought about in the ( phase of the 73,5 Fe 23.7 Ni-2,8 Mn alloy during the marionsit 1~ franNforniatikii Tr) --his end, the variation of the kineti -b )I the -ransformation during cooling was btudied wc,11 as the char,.i er 3f the temperature dependence of internol fi.,-tion -f .9pitimc-ris subjected to one of the following heal lre~%Impnts (1) xran8formatlon, carried Out t0 VarIOUS fje&~J-t!e-14 Of onip I e I I oil ( L~ ) transf orma t ion carried ou* ~ o at~ ain vaj i ~,)u3 jeg7 f-es of ~tabiltty of austenite; (3) f oi lo-&d by zinnealing under Londitions Card 1/4 ~i/126/61/011/002/012/025 On the Probic-m of Internil Elt)VE483 en our in g tlj(- n)-,t x)LIM1111 ;uppl em--ni oi v a i it, 1 13 Lat ion of the y-phase 0 h a t 5 Z). 5 'C ) , Ths kinet i, !-. :A T tv~ mtir-en5it ir transformation were studied bs. i lit, III j qnt-! r, i r I ( i on emetits the torsional vibrat ion me !I-, I h,t% tritz been used to flt~t ei mine the tc-niperature dependence of intf'rn~A) f I. T ion, In hoth -ire ape~imens (0.7 mn in die%m-,~ier ) J~- I IT! ina., -,I y v~-.u,im inn%~aled at 1100"C were used, extra pre:-aut xon-~ ie*-t*. to avoid any plastic deformation of rh,- qI. dtir;nik handl ing Specimens, C.OntalnLng var io,ir p i , - T, r t ri 9 ( 1 1 -14 -'111 and 4801~) of inartensite Wf'. e p? F 1~a - ed i)N rijpid qu,-n, htni~ in 1.iquid nitrogen, followed by heat ini. , u i tw~lm tempef titut t. at var henting rates The a --4,f t ran4t oriivO. i n wo , ,,I i ic d ont I,v immer ging the specimpns fol 10 ~'e III it I'aill '11 r'IjOOC and water quenching, The result8 (if lh~- fIidy of thi! 1~ ine t ;L!~ of the '1,-+ct transformation in wire SY)e- I(Ll(-.nS con'. irmed the r obtained earlier on s tandard e p ?, Lme n s ( Re f ~ 2 and It ) with increasing degree of "phase work- bar lening" thu stallil',ty i,f aLlStenite Increased after both y-4a and tr'Arl" I oil The stabil-ity of martensite w4~ furth~.r InLrea~;Pd i-y annt---,aling at 525'Cc Th e Card 2/4 - - -,I , S/1:~(/61/011/002/012/025 On the Problf~a; of 1nterrial E P) ) /E 4 8 3 results of the atudy of thr, tewpf~r.-itui e dependence of Internal friction can be sumittarized as f )ilows (I) no anomalies were observed on the Internoll f t i-tion for the fully annealed specimens-, III ) LUIVES fnr spel,imenA haT ha,l undergone partial y~4a transforp:ation had tt.,~ followin.w. ~pr!~ific features a peak (A) at 1'70'C . the magnitUd, of which Lncrea--qed with increasing proportion of marteniite in the -,;pec imenai a peak (8) at 2900C, a ledge (C) at 580*C a ledgP (0) at 730"C. a sharp peak (E) at 81o--c, ~ iii) after vhko tran-ifctrn~xt.Lon, the specific features (A) anl 'C ) dii,ii i,eur~-d comt-li, t elv, ~Arid the ledge (D) almost completely peai% Ml Ue . nt.,r- pT onouvi~pd and shifted to a lower temperatur? (ayprox 2WA ) I iv) af tr-r --t supplementary annealing 'the he-.ght of peok i.B) dc~reased. Since the specifi- featurf--% (4) (D) xno (E) have no d-ire,:t bearing on the probit-m unacir inve-3t igal ion, peahs (D) and (C) are discussed tn d,,-tail It 1-3 6hown that the internal fr-1.:tIon peak at 250'C is as.~---lated -1?11 the x of pairs of carbon atoms whLrh taiet-; %., a , c~-,Alt of' ttressos set up in the allov, it hein~,, pumtulated that thr- rc-loxation processes leading to the appearance of peal, (h) cannot tal%e place in the absence of Card 3/4 On the Problem of litternal S/126/61/011/002/012/025 E193/e483 la t t i c (-- di F~ t,-,y t inn ii Revardin.v thp T~eak ~C) the fact that it was observed only in -q,ecimenri martensite and that it occurted in the te-poEtattire rwi(,vl ot the reverse martensitic transformitt ion itiklt_o*~t that titiq jwni,~ is ditc to the increase in the internol ft i(kion (,ltlsed 1),~ the a-,by tran;;formation, [\.~L.Rozin 13 . XFiril,(- i sh7 f yu . r,Kp an,l Ch Tszen are mentioned foi- their contr tbutiont~ in thit; field, There are It figures, l tabli, and 20 v e f e r v n < e s1,~ sfiviet 111d -,, noll - Sov 1.1 t . ASSOCIATION Institut metillovs~Aerii,~a IsNIlChM (Inst itute of :; -1 f Me ' a I ST 6N I I C hH) SUBMIT7 ED Mal r 11 1 1, 960 i fi?.tki metallov itill-, of Metals and Physics Card 4/4 L i~r(m)/E!4A(d)/T/EWP(tt)/Ett'P(Z)AWP(b)/EWA(t) ID .12171 ACC NRt Ap 6000176 M/014IB/65/m/009/0155/0157 Amu% M:: M1251 X141", 1, No; 71 Too M: Moscow- institute of Stoo and Alloys Oloskovokly institut stall I oplovov) TIM*- Xff4ct of lattice defects the solubility of carbon In jklphs-iroa Soma: Mz. Cbermaya metallurstys, no. 9, 1965, 135-137 lOttics.deftet, alpha ITont carbon, solubility, Internal friction, solid solution A392MM- To fill the gap I'm kowledge of the effect of dislocation density on the -~$Olublllty of C at bl5b - tomporatur%~ WbIcb Is one of I the factors ~ determining prone- uses. to' -aslax,IftlOw-COTbOn GtOO181%m rapidly cooled from the" temperatures, the ~..authors Investigated the effect of various dial' ocation densities on the solubility -Of-C :in the lattice of V-1ron at elevated temperatures, Specimens of stool containing o-ol, miandloan c were subjected to dilatational strain (I to 10% elongation) in order to producoviricus dislocation densities, After quenchlog from 600% the solu- bility of C in the:lattice of a-Iron. Woo'dat Iendow by investigating: Internet frict- atectric wmoistome* (at liquid-OltrOW ItOWCAture) and coercive force. Find- Insi At 1300. OC doe - beeftromM of internal frict same VhIch indicates that curve of internal frirti:XM14T=cW in the direction of low tommatures ~for spatimeam darox-M-0 Scro ~n, which may be attributed to the con- Cmd "9-1111,42M.111332,67 113 L 12171-66 0 . IL 12171-66 ACC Nib "6000176, :comitant charge'In the kinetics of segregation of C from the solid solution- 'Anc height of the 40 !deXroo =Rim= of internal fyietion, electric resistance, and c0 ercive force m .soured after quenching of pre-deformid specimens from WDOC (Fig. ramin unaffected. Apparently the cyclic stresses applied to the specimen during the masuremai of Internal friction are too mall to upset the equilibrium of the C -atoms.present ~ia- Owdisloca*ion zones near the grain boundariez.,Zart of the dis- solved atems. will be arrayed in a more ordered manor in the neighborhood of lattice defects and thus reduce the height of the 40-dogres saxi:mum of internal friction. On the other hand., the raturs, of treatment (quenching from 6001C) Is sufficiently higb-to cause part of the C atoms bound in both the old defects (grain boundaries) wA the now defects caused during deformation, passes Into the solid solution. Thus It sams that these conditions of experiment result In* am equilibrium state' pf the solution, at wbich the C concentration and boace also all the physical charac- -toristics Investigated tu this study differ little from the Initial state* Orig. act& ,has.-'3 figures, WS, CMj 11; 201 SM VAT19: 14by63/ GRIC MWt Wb/. On IUW.- 003 Card 3/3 SOME CWP"V! '&101111"'I" 49/65/ODD/012/0101/0107 1VPU V.; Clihman, Too I.; Figusov, To. V. AMM Grdins To _5 Siberian Metallurgical Institute (Sibirskiy metal lurgichaskiy inatitut); MOSCOW rusti.tute og Steel and Allija ftakovakiy Institut stali I splavov) brittlenesel of steel _TMA..o. Study of reversible temper WURCN: 1=6 Cbernsys notallurgiya,- no. 12, 19630 101-107 TOPIC TAGS; brittleness, steel, Internal friction, Pho 8, metal grain structure 431TRACTs The discovery inskiyq A. Yo. Fedorovemy, (M,C. Lea SSSR, OTH, 6' A958, re and others) of the litionabi tween internal fricti A6 processes afths,enbrittlemsnt~of technically Pure-steals.duiring tempering (450-5500C) still eavem unclariftedAbs machanismof twphenomenon of reversible temper brittleness in ibis. at r ction in flvs~steels connection. the authors investigated intern: I distlect, #roneness to tamper brittlenes*'--by mounting'wirs specimens (diameter =t 1.4math flbl~ am) In a relaiiation oscillator. internal -friction was measured over al raturexame fromi rom tamperaiturs -to9600*C at a frequency of 1.1 cps, where- -upua' isothermal embrittlement was carried out In the oscillator I a furnace for 8-12 hr; after cooling to rom temperature the Internal friction of the aebrittled specimens r-A .1/3 UN: "9.011.7 1 12999-66 ACC NPh AP60DIU4 4&s determined over the 20-600*C,range. A-definite correlatt a established between .10 t 'prommess to.TB and,the internal'frictiono to t sphorus-free steel ;:!YrhZ -for.which tempering a rise inthe threshold cold,brittleness and or ,Intensification of the etchobility of boundaries In picric act 14, the Internal friction background increases, whereas In the phosphorus-containing steals (0.032-0.05% P) the .internal friction background decreases: this change maybe attributed to the enrich- $rata-boundaries with P, an enrichment that is of adsorptional nature. The 1!" .1.ements- in the steels (Mi, Ni, Si) do not of fect.TM: brittleness deve- *.,IlDps even pure carbon steel if it contains a sufficient amount of P. On high- the grain boundaries are minty enriched with C, while then jet* distributed uniformly throughout the grain volume. Low-temperature tempe- -ring, on the other hand, causes the grain boundaries to be enriched with P, which leads to some decrease in the internal friction background level: this may be associa- ted,with the. di I ent of part of Catoms,from the boundary zones into the grain in t :c" in ;'teriovowing' 11 UtL usifted'adoorption of P. Theattendaut increase to the number of'-dislo'cation into I"do to a decrease in the Internal friction background I e1 After iii-W -towering the steel assumes a brittle state with enhancedpronenessCofin;er .granular fractures wbich to associated with the decrease In the surface energ f In-bouideries oving,to the adsorption of P and the concomitant fat Itat on of the gra doislopomt.of Intercrystallins; cracks. Reheating to 650*C again re- stricts the Intercrystallins adsorption of P and Incrosais the concentration of C in 2/3 ACd Nib AP the solid solution- at the puts boundaries. As a result, following rapid cooling, 14'alijainstei: tMg, in the Outboyst opinjos, accounts for dw wall-known fact of the FAR"AsIbIlity of T& Grig. art. bas: I table and 4 figures. =a 0=2 lit 201 vkTs:, Ojjvl6S/ Cale =3 012/ ON MWg Oo3 jrn Cwd 313 BAYAZITOV, M.I.; PIGUZOV, YU.V. 1~ .z,2 Eff6ct of Lhe grain si&G on Lhe tnight of Lke 4r of internal frict-lon, Fit. wg~t. i met.&Iloved. ~O no-l", ~ 634 0 1b5, (mltR", ",q ]I) I. Moakovskiy InstAtut stait i j3plavcv. t 1.1i ACC NR% AT6026903 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/UOU/0018/0021 AUTHOR: Piguzov, Yu. V.j Verner, V. D.; Shulepov, V. 1.; Rzhevskaya, 1. Ya. ORG: none TITU: A study of the behavior of interstitial atoms in molybdenLmi by mear.s of iri- ternal friction SGjRCE: AN SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Vnutr,--nneye trenive v metallak,', i splavaj'_'l (Internal friction in metals and alloys). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, l9b6, 18-2i 70PIC TAGS: internal friction, moiybdenum, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, activation cner- gy, tem?eracure dependence, solid solution, quenching, tempering, plastic deformation ABSTRACT: An internal friction study was made of the effects of C, OW and N;~ additions in molybdenum. The temperature dependence of internal friction ~as 'measurdVI-11 a vacu- izzi, on samples of 1 iiim width and 0.35 mm thickness. Oscillation frequencies rangea from 0.5 to 2.1. cps. Quenched samples exhibited a wide internal friction peak, spread over the range 60-4000C, the height of which increased linearly as a function of quenching temperature due to the higher solubilities of the interstitial atoms. The concentra- tion ratio C/C max for C, N2 and 02 corresponded with the internal friction ratio Q 1/ /(~' . The peak itself consisted of three components--I, II, 111--a high central por- ax ,_Ccurd- 1/2 L 0419&-67 ACC NR, AT6026903 tion (II) and two neighboring plateaus (1, 111). The related activation energies as determined by the Wert-Harx method were 26, 32, and 39 Kcal/mol for 1, 11 and III ne - spectively. Component M was associated with carbon since it vanished after quenching from 10000C, and the concentration of carbon in solid solution is negligible below 12000C. The central component II may have been caused by oxygen since oxygen is the most soluble interstitial in molybdenum; also Q-1/ I correlated best with 02/02 'Qx max Canponent I was probably caused by nitrogen. The activation energy for nitrogen di-ffu- sion in molybdenum was previously determined by Hartley and Wilson to be 25.1 t 2.7 Kcal/mol. The peaks and the low temperature background decreased in magnitude after tempering at 6000C for 30 min, or in quenched sTples after annealing in hy~drogen at 16000C. Deformation of vacuum annealed samples pushed the high temperature side toward the left, either as a rwsult of the breakaway of dislocations from Cottrell atmospheres, or because of localizee differences in deformation conditions. Orig. art. has: 6 figums. SUB CODE: 11.20/ SUBM DATE: 02Apr66/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 004 rard 2/2 zr_ 3/181/62/004/005/004/055 B102/B104 AUTHORS: Vekilov, Yu. Kh. and Piguzov,_Yu. V.' TIT'LL: Internal friction in silver chloride at low temperatures ,IER13DICAL. Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no- 5, 1 1962, 1099 - 1102 'j'L":-'XT: '2he internal friction and the shear modulus of deformed AgCl samples with and without irradiation vere measured in a relaxator with inversion pendulum for the region -190 - 4200C. The logarithmic decrement of low- amplitude free flexural vibrations ras taken to be a measure of internal friction. The de6ree of predeformation amounted to -99~, and the frt.;uency oP vioi-ations was '. Cps. All- measurements were made on heated samples, the rate of heating being 50 OC/hr. The non-irradiated samples -ere . a qtudied first. These were then irradiated with ultr -violet rays for 10 to 50 min at the temperature of liquid nitrogen. The tempe ature dependences of internal friction ("Cl) and shear modulus (G-f , f - frequency) were measured; the results are shown in the figure. The results can be explained by assuming that the tiltra-violot radiation Card 1/3 I *-r,r-, ion in s;..Iver ... 1 ~. Tu:: erat,;~-c de,endence of intcrnal ~ri,:'.~on un` Si-.,LLr ;::0 L.IUS in silver ncf rc irracii ,il-on; 12, irrwii~ted at (5) after L, Scn-na C3 -,! ir.~, of the sample irrad,.ted at -P)JOC. 3/181/62/004/005/004/055 B102/BIG4 r too Nz 00 50 40 go a r. Pm,, ed CIO .048 0 46 044 04Z ,040 -ard 3/3 0 -ZOO -f60 -t20 -80 -400 40 CC BAYAZITOV, M.I.; KIDIN, I.N.; PIGUZOV, Yu. . Effect of lattice defects on the solubilit7 of carbon in alpha iron. Izv. vys. ucheb, zave; chern, met, 8 no.91155-157 065. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Moskovskiy institut stall i splavov. KILIN, Y~..V.i FA,"NA, 1-i ve s ga rig trift " i rma 1, de - ~~rr.:,,).s i t n ii a.; interna- Fiz. me'-. i me:,al'i(v,~d. 164. 317 Ag 1 . MIC i~ r:, V.- k - y BAYAZlTOV M.I.; KIDIN, T.N.; IGUZOV Yu.V. .V Diffudbility of carbon in alpha-iron. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. mt. 8 no.7tl37-140 165# (MIRA ISO) 1. Moskovskiy institut. stalt t splavov. KRECHMI-M, V.(,'.; i'A:~nv, I.Y.; 1 Yu.11. CP71,.r -n cnara-ter 16 1. 4 -'s Of -.:-- tp-r'al fr-',- '-' c~r' ;r -'OMT,-P. --- .17 - -es A stance Ltec- I. I Z,',r . V-Y~~, . u h-bo za-.-o , ,nc--Irl. mc . F M gt I ~ - . no.1 lt,~ (~!, Ti A, - , " I . Moskovsk -- y -Li!- I i t,-" t st I ~ 1 '. - I-" V`~"e ) h-. A 'ert fl. K111SHIAL, Mikhail Aronovich; FIGUZOv, Yueiy Vasillyevich; GOLOVIN 5tanislav Alekseyevicb; GARBM, prof., retsenzer.1 (Internal friction in metals and alloys] Vnutrennee trenie v metallakh i splavakh. Moskva, Izd-vo 1,1,etallurgiia, 196, 245 ~,. (mi.'CA 17: 0 EEYLIN., V.M.; VFKILOV, Yu.Kh.; KADYSHEVICH, A.Ye.; tIGUW~, Yu.V.; RATTKE, R. Influence of the intrinsic photoeffect on the damping of elastic waves in Ge. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no.8:2371 Ag 163. (MIRA 16%9) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i splavoy. (Elastic waves) (Photoelectricity) On -65 3W0C)/VA(c_)AWW b)/*T/SWA(d) V Vau Aw W-~4 /JD ION,' IOWW`140431M DDOX RIPWITAT Itria NOW - WW An::116tais and anojs,---~- (v 6~miye rentys v mtaUsA I n. o Oplave _~*Ullurgiya" 1964,t- Ih5- Oi illus, biblio. Errate )M I Nosed V is ins, ~rtOd 3 -350. copies printed, Uotv us oni'~.p n 4 -070-i bte, super tursted a alp -aa Aid - i6litliuis Rapers hardOningy -metal. aging, 31 old-13MAD f4ti, iL!atLr*en&th -rietal rhysjgq~ crystal lattice defect hJ61 PUPM&AND GOVERAG%t.':'T` ~66'f exordnes- the basic experimixital and -theoretical researchl-on Internel-frictich in metals-and alloyes'-There is a detailed -experim l. -methods -6hd th of---thd - ent& aAesign. 6f equipment. for VhO BtUdy of pation~iwa rmit6iisl Ain there are vibrations of low and high SP,a 41 on-is, gi 'VMAO no _the_amplitWe~.depende 9 of.internal ':;-AlAdtion and and its piact:Wal Aheors*tioal ivuportaacei dA reviw of data from literature- and -the research of the authors on diffuniAs. thermodynamic BajjyW, !-crystal lattice-defects# plastic deformations faet particle irradiations and the bigh taVeri behavior-6f alloys -using -the 'mothode of -internal Triction =~O C, M01 ]AV JUW1n ACCEMiON M- AP-5003499 B/0148/66/000/001/0091/0094 014 ltt~hmar, V.G -, Palsov. LV-, some peculiarities of,internd fric 9n complexly 41loyed high strength 13 no-1, 1965,,91-94 wTA -Iddirnd allay steel,-sted beat treatment 46KhW ded 's qW 46XhGSKT`0't6eL Ibis paper to a study of Internal friction I& highly alloyed 4SKhGSNT and ~J~.Wteds in relation to' their mechanical properties after beat trda-tr~-ent. -1figots an Induction furnace, and forged into 20 mm diameter rods at temperatures -fg%Mnnv.M A+ Qftflv.- and arinnAIM nf AFAnr- ~'-ACC 0034" 0Q.--iban-ibcs"Ample, was cotedAtit 30/660i and the internal a -mem-ured litsaim Tben, the operation was reo"ted, - ho'aflng to 200C and so fordi at SOC intervals up to 600C. Various friction peaks at temperabirets f rom 200 to 600C were observed and plotted depending on the temperature peaks. These pealm are &xplalned by structural changes in the steel. The two steia types are compared as to the r relantion, rigidity modulus and impact toughneBo. Steel 451WNT shows a more rnnid wankAnina than sttaid 4MORMT with rinincr barnnaraftirn - -dun bn It-q lowar narhnn -02 : ID 2 211#urds aid 1 table. CIATION.- -Maskova Btall I splaww (Mbpcowito& im& alloys y4wotut -institute) 7. Id SUBMTTED: -05Jtuift ENCL.- 00 sm No REP BOV: 004 OTHER: 000 2/2 Card PIGUZOVA, L.I.; NIKOLINA, V.YFi.; ImBINIF, M.M..; SHISHAKOVA, I.N. Resistance to ~jcidB of frynthetic erl-mite zeolltf-.9. topl. i masel Ik'j no.IG:32-34 0 '65. kml~.A lpt- 1. Vsesnyuznyy nauclinc-igsledovatellskiy Iristitut po percratK-k,~ neftl i gazov i polucheniyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo torl'-va. BOMKOVAP Ye.G.; TOPCHIYEVA, K.V.; PIGUZOVA, L.I. Catalytic activIty of wynthetio zeolites in the cracking of cumene. Kin. i kat. 5 no-52903-909 S-0 164. (MMA 17tl2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy wniversitet imeni Lomonosova, khImieheskf.y f&kulltst. L 5303-66 EWT(Wf AGG NR.-- A15024964 SOURGE GODEs UR/0286/65/000/016/0024/0024 AUTHORS: Piguzova,, L. I.; Dimova N. P. I- --------- none K)~ :TITLE: A method for obtaining n-zoolite Class 12, No. 173721 SWIME: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh anakov, no. 16, 1965, 24 TOPIC TAGS: zeolite,, hydrochloric acid 'ABSrRAGTs_This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining n-zeolite tilwed on the natural mineral. To obtain an acid-resistant neolitev chebasite ftreated with bydrochloric acid of 0*01N concentration at the temperature of 96-98C ;-is used an the raw material-. SO CODEa MT, GC/ SUBM DATE: o9PAY64/ oRiG Rat ooo/ OTH REFs ODO Card 1 uvc: 661.183.6 rl! I I i I I __L_ja08.66 VdT(p)/-T- ACC NR., APS024950 UR/0665/000/010/0032/0034 AUTHOR-.'.,. in guzova, L. L; Nikolina, V. Ya.; Dubinin M. M~; ;hLeho ova~'T_ N., TITLE, B istance o the sy, -0l, ..~Acld re f nthetic k, Oricite S6URGT Khinlya i tekhno1qL*&tcpltv I masell no. 10' 19650 32-34 10PIC TAGS: 'zedlits, hydrochloric acid s adeEption adsorption, desorption '0. 4Na20- A1203 ABSTRACT: Pynthetic erionits having the formula 0. SK2P. .6.6SiO2.5. ~H20p was treated,with solutions of hydrochloric ~acid of various concentrations for I hr at 96 - 98C. W-Was found that undim drastic ~ 6-ondItions (acid of pH 2, 1 - 2.4) 'the structure of Chfa zeditte .,rems N ha, e q c nges In the crystal, lattice of the seditet even when treated with Pr 'k'l N:HCI 'could be detected w4ay structural analysis.- The water. adsorption capacity also ch0ted Ve4 little. th led under stationary condi- The syn etle zvolitezin the H-form was stud Vans, in the adiorption-desorption of an N02-N204 gas mixture- - after 8 adsorption cycles, no L M1 chanje in adsorption properties was observed., Very. slight amounts of benzene Pprec e A adsorbed, on: synthetic arlonite showed that its effective par radius to about SA. "ThoNO2- ii~Oj idrsorptio*-desorption experiments were carried -out at the Katan khImiko-tekhnol ogiche- 11)oy institut lin S. M. Kirovsi (Kaxan themigJA ED L W XwA=and dWadag WVUUftLby T. Gil: Mush I who used a tedinhius, which they developed~ Orig. art. ban: 5 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: VNII NP care) 1/2 ACC NR. AP5024051D UBM=ED: 00 ENC14 00 M CODE.,' MT, GG -NO.REP BOV.- 004 OTHER: -,005 :;~-. z,7 2/2 Cord - 6 LWOO62 .17 7 183+0 9,26. -'IDt:bInih,, No* M.; ~-Nik6lLnaj, No .'Za* 0, PtguxoVa~~* ShishAkoVas To No S;' f hatic. . tructum?o synt erionite (Zeolite T) ~--'-SOVRCS.-_L -AN- SSSR.:. Tzvei kht cheskaya,~ nof -6#~1965.1-1116-1118 r~X~ imic ~p4tao~"' Z"At OtruotdrV -Lz- Cry*talline z'eolitims'-T vieta synthes ed"In iihic t 6 m=imm content- C to Studies, of -the -..ok a4iorbed Va ~er ~ at. 20C vae abouV 16%#', : X-ray diffri- t n Aies.-vire c-arr'i ed out,'vitb'filtered radiation fromchromium, iron, and ow-~t at-t e7dr _A.-belong-, to- a-boxagonal ~""-Oystetd lattic a constanti`a-'i~l _-:01 .25'kand-c _15042 -Aj _'Whicli are the . esm e as f cone ta6i a ofAe natural z6olite ~erionifeo: The -str ture o I,erionite is'also discussed in terms:of,data reported in the literature. The ACCESSION -UR: AP3 017-96T- Atut-fitichookoy Akademit. houk SSSR-(lhetitute o :Assoclkiolt.. ins f SR): Chemiatty- -Adadelird sciancess 86 '120ct64 - 0b ENCLt - SUB CODRs SUBRITTEDi IC - _ Ovi ooo_-~~ OTIMR-._~ -007 - 4 2 PIG-UPUS . L.I.; VITUKHINA, A.S. Production of the sorbent C&X (109) and some of its catalytic properties. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel 8 no.6-.17-21 Je 163. (MMA 16:6) (Sorbents) (Catalysis) SALTANGVA , V.. . ; '. j ',-, : (:V . , i . - . ;. , ( 1.'I ) I .. .. Develo , c t c.-' -. v%r;.~'.,' -. -4'*or ti.-. c--i-atic~- -: -- di (-.-ciclo .1 ". C C cr, .n Ce ~, - L~ t. , c c -('; tic,- r 0 ' ft :1 1:-i --i' .:. o-.11 *L)( , i. Trud-,- lil. . : . ('. ll:tA ll,:?i ) (., 'a;- "., hr') (S." I,.-,- z/oll/62/019/008/001/003 E073/E435 AUTHORS: Lulova, N.I., Piguzova, L.I. et al TITLE: Investigation of adsorbents of the molecular sieves typo by means of gas chromatography PERIODICAL: Chemie a chemicka' technologie. Pi~ehled technicke' a hospoda'i;ske"literatury, v.19, no.8, 1962, 366, abstract Ch 62-4958. (Khimiya i tokhnologiya topliv i masel, Y-7. no.5, 1962, 70-73) TEXT: Gas chromatography was used for examining the efficiency of molecular sieves NaX, C&X of the sodium type, calcium type and the sieves partly converted from the sodium to the calcium type and for studying the affect of synthesis conditions on their physical and,chemical properties. Another possible application is for monitoring the quality of molecular sieve samples. Examples of chromatographic tests are given. 6 figures, 5 roferences. [Abstractor's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 LULOVAP N.1.; PIGUZOVA, L.I.; TAMSOV, A.I.; FEDDSOVA, A.K. Gas chromatography method used in the quality control of synthesized adsorbent specimens of the molecular sieve type. Khim.i tekh.topl.i masel 6 no.8:59-63 Ag 161. (MIRA 14!8) 1. Vsesoyuzn,,ry nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut p0 pererabotke nefti i gaza i polucheniyu iskusstvennogo zhidk-ogo topliva. (Adsorbents) (Gas chromatography) PwUZOVA, L. I. 1777~- Stability of the activit,,., nf a ritreous spherold aluninosilleate catnlyst. XhIm. I takh. topl. I meal I no.1:47-52 A 15-9. (MIRA 11:21) 1, Vessoyuznyy nauchno-Issledovatellskiy Institut po pererabotki, nefti i gaza t poluchontyu lskusetvannogo zhidkogo topliva. (catalyets) SULIMOV, A.D.; IDDS1 V, N.V.; EDZHINA. 1.N.; PIGUZOVA, L.I.; PAPKO, T.S. Iffect of the chemical composition of an aluminwip.-cobalt- molybdenum catalyst on its activity during hydrefining and autefining. Khim. i tekh. top. i masel 3 no.12:32-36 D '58. (MIRA 11:12) l.Vseso"n" nauchno-iBsledovatellskiy Institut neftyaney pronVehlonnosti. (Catalysts--Analysis) (Petroleum--Refining) WA, L. 1. , T0?CHE-YVA, K. V., 'Vil 1K", I . A. , A-,AFO'r%-, % l. , r. , N. ~ . , I- 1Y, Y. ~,. "tuoyin~ t~)f -~, -)f' '.rlivitv (if AI'mo:,ilical,ci 'atjj.,-st' , . S., fteport subrritt, ri at t"c Fiftn % )rlj 'etr-)IeuR. ongressx 3c I-a',- - r- , . I~une 19F9. 'lew lork. S/065PIO/000/008/009/010/xx E0301E112 AUTHORS: __JJpA2Z=a,_L.I., Nikittn, Yu,S., and P TITLE: Dependence of Pore Structure and Alumiria/Silica Catalys on Change Composition I Activity of an in Chemical PERIODICAL: Khimiya i tekhnologlya topliv i masel, pp. 15-21 1960 No. 8, TEXT: Ads isotnerms of a series of alumina/sIlica catalysts have been obtained using methanol. The effect of the chemical composition on the pore size, catalytic activity, and chemical stability, was determined by studying catalysts wit-Y, alumina contents from 0.5 up to 80%, and it appears to dominate most other effects, including the pore size distribution of the fresh catalyst, The differential pore size distribution of f7esh catalyst has three types -)f behaviour, depending on the cbemical composition; for alumina contents greater than 40% it is very uniform, but for smaller contents It has strong peaks, around 40 1. for 15-40% alumina content. and around 120 1 for alumina contents between 15 and 1.5%, The effect of subjecting the Card 1/3 S/ot5/60/000/008/009/010/XX E030/Ell? Dependence of Pore Structure and Activity of an Alamina/Sili.a Catalyst on Change in Chemical Composition catalyst to water vapour at 750 "C is always to decrease the p,-e volume and specific surface area, and shift the differentii], P07~- size distribution peaks towards the lar&er dimensions ' the decrease in volume is greatest (55 to 60%) for alumina c(~nten+~ of 30 to 40%. The effect on catalytl,- a.-tivity was 11,idged by the cracking of a straight run benzine and a kerosine/gas :ILI fTa-!,--r No definite correlation was obtained between catalytIc a(t-!it,,, and specific surface area. The peak in surface area at 15-0% alumina content did not have a correspondingly marked peak ,r; activity, and the minimum in area at 30 L-O% alumina -.-ontent ~.a! no norresponding minimum in atlvity so that apart f73M ~the- oonditions known to affect the cataly*,i- a-tivity, the ma4rl Correlation of activity is with chemi-al composition. of the catalyst towards 0-1N HC1 and a1kBIt at 20 '~C Wa-z 27e(itez* for LO% alumina (where AI-O-Si gr,~iips vc-uld be dominan') az~ least at very small or high alumina c,,,nf-entra'ionS Card 2/1 S/0~~~~,'/60/000/00~/009/0".O/xx 8010/Ellcl Dependence of Pore Structure an~ A,,t,-,,'.'ty of an Catalyst on Change In Chemical Composition (wher,4 A-1-0-AJ or S!-O-S1 groups would be dominant) as is con-ftrmed by stability of the catalyst in practi~,al use, These effec~ts are attributable to the differing Ionic radii of S;li:a and alumina, t~e nature of the bond between them, and tl-.e degTee of ooordination of the aluminium. There are 5 figures, 1 table and 8 referen~,-ast Soviet (tw- cf which are translations) and 1 English. ASSOCIATION- VNII NP Card 3/3 4j"PVA, L. I. 7bermal etabillty of the structure of molecular sieve-type sorbents. KhimA tekh.topl.i masel 6 n04*a4 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1, Ve*soy-uznyy nauchno-iseledovatel'okly inetitut po pererabotke nefti i gazov i polucheniyu inkunstvamogo thidkogo topliva. (Sorbents) SOV/65-58-12-7/1 6 AIJTHORS-. Sulimov, A. D; Lobeye-.-, M. V; Kozhina, I. N; _Zjguzaua,J.-I, and Papl,,- _-, T. S. TITLE: The Effect of the Chemi,al Composition of an Aluminium- Cobalt-l-lolybdenum Catalyst an its Activity DurinL Hydrc- purification and Auto-Hydrogarif icat ion Processe3 (Vliyaniye 'chimlches'-.L)~;o sostava alyumokoballtmolib- denovoCo 1catalizatora na yego aktivnost' v protseqsa,~!~ --idroochistki I avtoLidro3chistki) PERIODICAL: Khimiya I Tekhnoloc,lya Topliv I Masel, 195~3, Nr 12, pp 32 - 36 (U33,1) ABSTRACT: Hydrogenatioii-.Iesulphurlsation over oxide catalysts at 10 70 atms pressure of hydro-en, and temperatures cf 360 4200C Is the most effpctive method for purifying petroleum products. The authors investi-ated the de- sulphurisation and lehydro-enation activity of aluminium- cobalt-molybdenum catal7st and defined its optimum chemical composition. Diesel fuel from Romashkinsk Petroleum was used in these tests. The composition of the diesel fuel Is tabulated. Samples of the catalysts were prepared accordin_- to a pro-less similar to that used in industry. ',Yet aluminium oxide was suspended Card 1/4 in aqueous solutions oil ammonium molybdate and ~~obalt SOV/65-59-12-7/18 The Effect of the Chemical Compoaitior, of an Alumlnium-Coballtt-~;clyb- denum Catalyst on its Activity _nirinL riy1ropurificatior inl Aut-c- Hydropurificat,ion Processes n1tratp. The suspension was f Iltered on a vacuum fil- ter until the moisture content equalled 7011~- and t1len pressed. The 4 x 4 mm tablets were dried first on air, then at 120 - 15003, and finally at 65000 for 8 hours. A series of cat-Ayst a-imples containin- 20,'-V1 of V'oO and L003, but with -a diff9rent ratio of '~oO:I'L'oO3 ware pre- pared. Characteristics of these samples are ,iven in Table 1. 1:1ost satis-l';-ictory results were obtained When the catalyst contained 1.9,~p CoO and 18.14 L!c03 which corresponds to a molar ratio CoO:MoOjoeq~aj to 1:5. Other samples Ina-d tlie S~Lme mol,ir rat 0 ut the total content of CoO and '-IcO~ varied between 5 and 3o/:O~. Af- ter thermal treatment the catalyst' was sulphonatei dur- inL the hydropurification of the kerosine fractirn be- tween 120 and 2400C containinE 0.6% sulphur; this p ro - cess was carried out at 3300C, a pressure of 2C atm-s and a volume rate of t,e taw material supplied of 0.5 hoiar-1. The catcAlyst -;,ras sulp'.-ion-tted for 1-4 hours. Card 2/4 The same catalyst was t,~-sted for its Jehydro[:enati->n acti- 60V/6.15-59-12 -7/16 The Effect of the Chemical Composition of an Aluminium-Cob-alt-1,101Y13- denum Catalyst on its Activity Durine, H yd ropurification .-ind Auto- Hydropurification Processes vity during auto-hydropu rif icat Ion. The initial conce-,- tratIon of hydro!,en In the circulatir-C gas equalled 60;b. Details on the concentration of hydroEer., ten- perature, initial pressure etc. are given. The con- stant pressure and concentration of h7droeen in '.'-.e circulatin!- Las were determined after 40 - 50 hours. Tables 2 and 3 dive data on the desulphurisation and dehydro_-enation activity )f the catalyst. At con- stant partial_,pressure of hydroCen, catalysts cont---4in- inC 1. 9 - B. 9,-, CoO and 16. 1 - 10.. 7% M003 have similar activity after desulphurisation. Catalys-L containin,r_ more than 10,~ cobalt oxide and less t1iun 1W~o o' -nlybdenu-i trio-cide '7ere much less e--'ective durin, d e sulphurisat ion. The dehydrogenation a3ti_ vity of the c~.Lt_ilyst- increases on Increasing Its molybdenum-trio,cide content. Aluminium-molybdenurr, cat-,Jy,gts .-,,t-,re most satisfactory, and aluminium -cobalt Card 3/4 catalysts showed less activitir. The authors recom-end j - SOV/85-5 9-12 -7/1 B The Effect of the Chemical Composition of an Aluminium,-,obalt-"'ojyb- denum Catalyst on its Activity X-rinL hydropurification -and Aullo- Hydropurification Processes a s m o s t juitable c.,ttly8ts tKose containinc 1.4 - 3, 'JoO and 13 - 1",/, 1,:oO-z. There are 3 Tables -ind 7 References. 4 German and 2 Soviet. ASaOCIA,TION: VNII N-P card 4/4 LUMNA., N.I.; PIDUZOVA. Lq.L.j TARASOV, A*I*; FIMOSDVA, A.K. Gas chromatograpby used for investigatIft adsorbents of molecular sieve type. Kbim.i tekh.topl.1 masel 7 no.5:70-73 Vq 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Aftorbents) (Gas chromatograpby) PHASE I BDOK MCPLOITATION SUV/6246 Soveshchaniye po toeolitam. let, Leningrad, 1961. Sintetlahooklye taeolity; poluchenlye, looledovanlye I prinenenlye (Synthetic Zeolitee: Production, Investigation,ard Use). XDs- cow, Xzd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. 286 p. (Seriest Itst Doklady) Errata slip inserted. 25M copies printed. Sponsoring Agencyt Akadendya nauk SSSR. Otdolonlys khIj&ioh*skIkh nauk. Komislya po taeolitam. Reap. Eds.t N. X./Vubinln, Academdolan and V. V. 3orpinakiy, Doctor of Chwdeal-Solences; Ed.i To. 0. Zhukovskaya; Tech. Nd.s S. F. Golub'. PURPOSEt This book Is Intended for scientists and engineers engaged in the production of synthetic aeolites (molvoular sieves). and for chemists In general. cam l/20 -n- r. P 3ynthetIc Zeolltesi (Cont.) SOV/16246 COVEMORs The book In a collection of reports presented at the First Conference on Zoolites, hold In Leningrad 16 throup 19 March 1961 at the Leningrad Technological Institute Imeni Lensovet, and is purportedly the first monograph on thin subject. The reports are grouped Into 3 subject areast 1) theoretical problwas of adsorp- tion on various typos or z*Dlitos and nothoda for their Inveotl- gatlon, 2) the production of secolltes, " 3) application of zoolltes. No personalities are montioned. References follow In- dividual articles. TABLE OF CONTZNTSt Foreword 3 Dabinin, X. M. Introduction 5 Card 2132,5- Synthetic Zeolltes: (Cont.) SOVA246 Taltsishvill, G. V., and 9. D. Bagratishvili. IR Spectra of Water and Heavy Water Adsorbed on Zeolltes 38 Shirinskaya, L. P., an and L. S. Urin. Produation 0 _ _ and AgX Uolites and Ads rpTjLun Frupury.3.60 of Nal, CiX ~A. V. Agafonov, A. S. Vltukhlna, V.-F. jov- ,Dmltrl~eva, k.- T Slepneva V,.-A,Buj7 , avid W. k. -mopurQYZ-Synfli-se-is-Fo;-iRions and Thermal Stability of Type X Zeollt*s IV sov/*6246 135 143 152 Wrakly, Ya. V., X..-Q~~trqftnov, " T. N. BredIkb1na. Ion 1kcUrig-6-6t NiC for Ca In Type A Sytithetic Uo-Ute Mirskly, Ta. V., X. 0. Ritrofanov, B. R. Popkov, L,__Tj_ Bolotov, and A. I. Nezhlvmove. ProduotIon 6f Win-thetle Zoolitis Obde-r-75du-s-t-Fla-1-CMitions Cald ?Joe 5,/~ 16T 169 Synthetic Z6011tee: (Cont.) ftlotearkovakly, 0. M.p K. 0. Zone, and T. 0. Plaahenov. Production of Granular Synthetic Zoolites and Study 1 of Their Porous Structure Beloteerkovskiy, V.,F.p Karel'- ekays,