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AUTHORS: Petukhov, P.Z. (Dr.Tech.Sc.qProf.) and 3 ~)r~khi V.N.
(ZO-tff yla-O-ZM3
TITLE: Rational operation of soakinE pit cranes. (Rat3ional,naa
ekspluatatsiya kolodtsevykh kranov).
PERIODICAL: "Stall', (Steel), 1957, No.6, pp.550-552 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: As soaking pit cranes are often used for purposes other
than the handling of ingots (e.g., for cleaning bottoms
from slar, and scale), they are often submitted to stresses
which were not taken into consideration in their design.
This often leads to a breakdown of various parts of cranes.
In order to establish the operating conditions and to de-
termine stresses and deformation appearing during the work
of these cranes, the Uralskiy Polytechnical Institute
carried out an investigation of two cranes operating on
the Nov-Tagilsk and Chelyabinsk Works. The results of
tV4ese investigations are tabulated. It was found that tLe
actual forces, stresses and tortion moments were often
higher t1ian those determined theoretically. The use of
cranes for cleaning pit bottoms from slag was found to be
unsafe in oFeration and the use of specially designed
separate crane for this purpose is recommended.
Card 1/2
Rational operat-ion of soaking pit cranes. (Cont. )
There is 1 table and 1 figure. 133-6-21/33
ASSOCIATION: Ural Polytechnical Institute. (Urallskiy
Politekhnicheskiy Institut).
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Cm~d 2/2
--- Z-
PWUIHOVI PA., doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk. professor; SUTORIKHII, V.N.,
Zfficient use of soaking pit cranes. Stall 17 no.6:550-552
Je '57. (KLRA 10:7)
(Metallurgical plants~--Iquiplment and supplies)
(Hoisting machinery)
Optimum parameters for shock-absorbing- devices. Sl>or.Bt.Ural.
politek-h.inBt. no.65:5-17 '58. (:bEMA 12:4)
(shock absorbers)
FirfuKlit V, P. Z.
Range of application of ahock-absorbing devices in cranes. no.65:18-21 '58. (MR& 12:4)
(Cranes, derricks, ate.)
(Shock absorbers)
7091h, Aleksey Fedorovich; UTUMqY, P.Z-,.-doktor telchn.nauk, retsenzent;
[The T-107 bucket loader] Odnokovshovyi pogruzahik T-107. Koskva,
Gos.n,9uchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostrolt.lit-ry, 1959. 143 p.
(MIRA 12:12)
(larthmoving machinery)
POPOV, N.Y.. Inzh., retsenzent; PETUEHOT, P.Z,, doirtor tekhn.nauk,
retsenzent; SUSWV, fi.l., inzh., red.; DUGINA. N.A., Wk-hn.
red.: UVAROYA, A.F.,
[Developing the use of plastics in the manufacture of machineej
RasBhirenis vozmozhnostal primaneniia plastmans v konstruktaiinkh
mashin. Koskva, Goo.nauchno-teklin.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry.
1959. 183 P. (MIRA 13:3)
(plastics) (Machinery industry)
SO11/1 15- 5zj--1'-7 9,
AUTHOR: FeUahm P. ?rofessor, boctor of T(,(!hn1ca1
ac-i n
A.L'., Lngineer and boych, G.
TITLE: ing Mani j.uJI-ators (0 PT-irfl(renfl
On the App]-ication of ror
kovochnykh manipulyz~torov
PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya ~roizvo(;stva, 1J!J,
Nr 3, pp (USZR)
ABSTRACT: An important part in machine building is playe(, by
forging work, and, -,herefcre, the forging press tcpart-
ments of larg.. piants are already and in fulure Aill be
still more fully e,,uippea Y,ith first-rate fc-ging presses.
Alloys, weigiiing tens of and even huncreas ci tons, are
forged by suc iresses. The translortation of heated
alloys to the presses is carric-d out by bridge cranes.
Experience shows, triat presses with forging manipulators
possess a rate of jroduction t0-80% higher than that of
presses with forging cranes. Their fuel consumItion is
lower by JL)-Lj5,. The authors are of' the oi,inicr, that
Cara presses with pressures of up to I- tons, can be adequately
On the Application of ~ori:,Ing
SOVII 18-f
opc~-atc~, :., ~r~Inj,c.`Lng crane-, only. Having a
detL,ileo ;iccoup.1- of r,,)(,,,ictior, costs anc ,ricE of
the machin( the iiuthors conc,udE, as lol~ow-s:
The Statc Technical 6c,:cntific Com:,,JttEc of USSP of'
the Councii of. Minist.(~rs ;~nc the Gospian shoulu be giv~-n
the task of fin~-inj, tht. very b(--st possibi.1i ties 'or corn-
plex mec~kanization (,I' ierpinf, pr(ss departmfnt-~, ana
specially for t~., -i-truction of forging maniltuL;,+.ors
with various loa" ca;aclitiEs.
Card OE/I
PWUKHOV P.Z. doktor tekhn.nauk; DIESPRROV, V.F., Inzh.
Photoelectric automatic atop for bridge cranea.
v pron. I no.9:21-22 3 159. ktm!IL% 13:,,)
1. Ural'okiy pollteVhnichnakiy institut.
(Cranes, clarrici-B, atc.--BrakRa)
ZHROV, Pavel Alekiwndrovlahi PrInimal uchautiye SUIRNITSKIT, Ta.K.,
lcaud.ekou.n.auk. SHABASHOV. A.P., kmnd.tekhn.nBuk~ retBenzent;
PMUKHOV. P.Z., doktor tekhn.aeuk, red.; KARCIM7=7, I.A.,
. ----
[Development of the excavator indUBtry in the U.S.S.R.] Razvitie
ekskovatorostrooniis v SSSR. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. i 2d-vo
mashinostroit.lit-ry. 1960. 92 p.
(MIRA 1):12)
(Excavating machinery)
KORMB, L11fred Genrikhovich; KUZNETSDV, A.V., inzh., red.; LUKOVTSEV, AJ.,
inzh.,, red.; .~~TPWY, P.Z., doktor tekhn. nauk., ret.; RUDIN, S.N. ,
inzb... red.; SUSTIVOV,'R-.T.' inzh.,, red.; MISANOV, M.I., kaM .
tekbn. nauk.. red.; DUGINA, N.A., tekhn. red.
[Mechanization of assembly work) Mekhanizatsiia montazb3nykh rabot.
Moskva, MaihgIz, 1960. 100 p. (Biblioteka slesaria.-montazhnika, po-3)
(MIRA 14,11)
(Machine-shop practice)
MURZIN, Ivan Konstantimovichp kand.tekbn.nauk; KHRISANOV, H.I., kand.
tekhn.nauk, red.vypuska,- FETUKHOVy P.Z., doktor teklm.nauk,
r6d.; SUTCR , V.N., dotsent, red.; SOMA, T.M., insh., red.;
GUMI119 A.I., inzb,, red,; DUGI~A, N.A.,
jlnspecti~= or repair operations) Kontroll remontmykh operataii.
Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekbn.izd-vo mashinostroit.3it-ry, 1960.
105 P. (Biblioteka slesaria-remontnika, no.10). (HIRA 14:7)
(Machizery-Maintenance and repair)
(Measuring instruments)
NNYW, Vladimir AlekaBndrovich; GCRSEIKOV, S.N., inzh. , re&.; LUKOVTSW,
A.A., inzh., red.;J~!~OV, F.Z., doktor tekhn.nauk. red.;
RUDIN, S.N.. inzh.. red.; OSTAVOV, K.I., inzh., re.d.; EMISANOV,
M.I., kand.tekhn.nauk. red.; KAKAROV, Ye.M., red.izd-va;
[Assembling centralized lubrication systems] Montazh teentrali-
zovannykh smazoehnykh sistem. Moskva, Gos.nnuchno--tekhn.izd-vo
mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 109 p. (Biblioteka slosaria-montazhni-
ka, vypusk 8). (MIRA 14:1)
(Lubrication and lubricants)
RUDIH, Sillvestr Ilikolayevich. insh.; LUKOVTSKV, A.A., inth., red.;
MOT-,-P-2., doktor tekhn.neuk, red.; RTABOV, A.15., inzh.. red.;
SMAVOV. M.I., inzh.. red.; EMUSANCIV. K.L. imnd.tekhn.r--uk.
red.; SAWANMOVA, G.A.. red.; DUGIIU, N.A..
(Assembly tools) Montazhnys instramenty. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.
izd-vo mehinostroit.lit-ry. 1960. 127 P. (Bibliotochka Fklesaria-
montashnika, no-7). (mIRA 14:2)
(Machinists' tools)
KASW, Vyacheelav Andrianovich; LIUKOVTM , A.A.. inzh.i red.;'PITUKHOV,
F.S., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; RUDIB, S.I., inth., red.;
iiMb-A-VOT, N.I., lnzh., red.; KHR UNOV, N.I., kand.'wkhn.nauk,
red.; SARAPANNIKOVA. G.A.. red.izd-va; KARCHINKOV, I.A.,
(Increasing labor productivity in assembling mechanIcal equipment]
PovyBhenis proisvoditallnosti tru4a na monteshe makhanicheakogo
oborudavaniia. Koskva, Goo.nouchno-tokhn.ind-vo mashinostroit.
lit-ry, 1960. 105 P. (Bibliotechke slesaria-monteziu,1ka, no.10).
(MIRA 14:2)
(Kschine-shop practice)
'. I
i%, PETUKHOV p P Z.-* prof . ,
-- -- -- I
Improve the depign of the 1-102 crane. Bezop.truda v prom 4 no.6:18
Je 160. (MnA 24:3)
(Cranes, d3rricket etc.)
f '
UKOV, M.I.; PETUKH(,V, P.Z. doktor teklin.nauk; BUTOUKRIN, V.N., kand.tekhn.
Increasing the capacity of a pouring crane. Metallarg 5 no,5:2.4-2~
My 160. WRA 14-3)
1. Zamestitell glavnogo mekhanika Nizhno-Tagillskogo metallargi-
cheakogo lombinata (for Rykov). 2. Ura;lskiy politekhnicheskiy in-
stitut imeni S.M. Kirova (for Petukhov, Butvrikhin).
(Open-hearth furnaces-Equipment and supplies)
New engineering process of excavating frozen and hard
by means of vilbration-impact breaking. Trudy Ura'. ~'
inst. no.128:5-14 163.
Performance efficiency of powerful excavators. Ibid.:44-53
(MlRA 1'7 :2)
Study of the performance of a rotary bucket excavat)~. Trudy
Ural. poliLekh. inst. no.128:6C-67 '63. (M'~.,,I 1,:4-)
KONOBOV, Yuriy Veniarinovicb; NIKIFMOVp Aleksey Smenovicb; LUKOVTM,
A.A., in2h., red.; PETLUOVs Y.Z., doktor t*kkj6xip*., red.;
RUDIN, S.B.9 inzh., red.1 SUSTROV, K.I., inzh., -z;od.j
IRRISANOV, M.I., kand.tekbn.wak, red.; SHLBAM, ?.A., kand.
tekhn.naukt red.; BEZUMONIKUF, M.A., red.izd-va; DUGINA,, N.A.,
[Improvements in the technique of assembling bridge orange]
Usovershenstv,ovaniia v tekhnologii aborki mostavykh kranov.
Moskva Gos.nauchno-tekbn.izd-ro nasbinostroit.lit--ryp 1961.
90 p. Niblioteka ale sari&,-monIAzbnika p n0-5).
(MIRA 14:7)
(Cranes, derricks, etc.)
Accelerations of trolleys and bridges of bridge cmnaz. Trudy Ural.
politekh.imt. no.104:5-14 161. (MM 1,/+, 6)
(Cranes, derricks, etc.)
Stresses in trusses of bridge craneB. Trudy Ural.politekh.inst*
no.104:71-73 161& (ICMA DI.: 6)
(Cranes, derriaks, etc.)
PITUKHOV, P.Z. I doktor tekhn.nauk; KAUNTSEV,, A.V. , inzh.-mekhanik;
GUSAROVP M.I., gornyy inzh.; ETINGOV, S.I., gornyy inzh.
Effect of blasting on rod bolting. Gor. zhur. no.12:27-
30 D 161* (MIU 15:2)
1. Urallakiy politekhuicheskiy institut im. Kirm-a (for Petukhov,,
Kazantsev). 2. Severourallskiya boksitovyye rudniki (for
Gusarov, Etingov).
(Mine roof boltIM)
SHURENRO, N.S., kanc. texhr, nauk; tAKI'Lill, A,iJ., inzlj.; 31EK"'OF.E.
M.D., kand. tekkLr.. naii-k; Cl-ARIN, V.A., irizh.; FET,.(Yf~V, j,Z.,
doktor tekhr.. nauk; GURII,', M.A., kand. tekhn. nauk;
B.N., inzh.
[Vinration method of workirig frozen groundl Vibrouetnd ~-~~7,
rabotki merzlykh grurstov. MosKva, Str(,iizdat, Iq t,5. X
1. Kafedra 1 od": eimc~transsportnykh musi,dn Ural ' skogc, ul i
nicheskovo I.Tistituta im. (fnr Gurin, Klscev)
PETUKHOV P.Z. doktor tekhn.nauk; GURIN, M.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; GUBEIWAN, F.S.;
- : A.V.; KISELEV, B.N.
Vibratory percussion ripper. Biul.tekh.-ekon.iriform.Gos.nauch.-is-~,-'~.
inst.nauch.i tekh.inform 17 no.11:57-58 N 164.
(MIRA 18:3)
PETUKHOV, prof.j SHAMANOV, P.M., inzh.; GURIN, M.A., inzh.;
Machine for working frozen ground. Mekh.stroi. 19 no.1.1:16-17
N 162. (MIRA 15:11)
(~Yozen ground) (Earthwork)
LUKOVTSEV, Aleksey Alekseyevich; doktor tekhn. naul,
red.; RUDIN, S.N., inzh., red.; SU�T-AVOV, M.I., inzh., red.;
KHRISANOV, M.I., kand. tekhn. nauk., red.; DUGINA, N.A.,
tekhn. red.
(Efficient methids for installing nochines on a foundation]
RatsionalInye s- soby ustanovki mashin na fundament. Izd.2.
Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 53 p. (MIRL 16:1)
PR7MOV R.N. . kandidAt takhnicheakikh nauk
_~ ~-'_ "--
Unification coefficients for machinery parts and linite;. Standarti-
zatsiia no.5:34-37 S-0'55. (MLR~ 8:11)
T k-"
PETUKHOV, R.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; NEDLINA, M.N.
Using the method of linear programminr in schedulin~7 the output
of articles in lot production. Vest.mash. 41 no.9,-69-76 5 '61.
(MIRA 14:9)
(Factory management)
PETUKHOV , Rem M ikhay lov ich; ZAV I YAiIOVA, A . N .. red..
[Method of the economic e~aluatior. of the wear anc
operational life of machinery! Metcdika ekonou-icheskc--
otsenki iznosa i srokov sluzhby mashAn. Moskva, Elcono-
mike, 1965. 163 P. ~MIhA IP-3,
25(5) SOV/2-59-2-4/12
AUTHOR: Petukhov, R.
TITLE: The Specialization Ind-ices in Industry (0 pokazate.1-
yakh spetsializatsii v promyshlennosti.)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik statistiki, 1959, Nr 2, pp 45 - 51 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The planned "specialization" of some plants in V~a
USSR in the mass production of standardized machine
parts and major oomponentB that are common to vfarious
machinery requires a system of indices for the propor
evaluation of the level of "specialization". Many
authors suggested using the indices of the share of
the specialized production in the total of the kind
of products in an industry branch or one plant. The
author points out the difficulties which such an in-
dies system would cause in practice, and suggests a
different evaluation system: by the work hours re-
Card 112 quired, calling this index "coefficient of item
SO V/-,--- ?
The Specialization Ind-ices in 1ndus*.ry
specialization". The example calculations included
are made with the use of the formulae developed by
the institute "Giprosellkhoz" for the "Norms of Tech-
nically-Economical Indices for Repair Plants." There
are 3 tabloo.
Card 2/2
SOKOLOVA, Te.l.[decemsedl; BRAYNZAR:VA, G.T.; DCHANOVA, N.s.;
IMAWBATEVA, U.A.; KRIVOShEYEV, Tu., ; K T_T-,.kT7-E "--I- ::! - - V, ,
kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.;
--311UFDWAP X.=.' red.; LEVIN, M.L., red.; ROROKINA, Z.P.,
takhn. red.
(Food industry of Kazakhstan] Pishchovnia promy5tilennoat'
Kazakhstana. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo AN K&zSSR, 1963. 172 p.
1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Alma-Ata. Institut eko-
(Kazakhstan--Food industry)
AUTHORS: Petukhov,__S_._, Engineer of Main La 1, or h ~ se r v P A I a-, ! r, is t r ~i D r,
Yakubov, I., En~,Inf,er ~', f Trade schr)ol No. I 1,ChiMkfn!
TITLEt Reed Board P-1-so (Kamyshitovyy press)
PER10DICAL: '-'rofess.;onallno-Tekhnicheekoye 0brazovaniVe, 1958,
PP 24-25 (USSR)
AB6ThA_-T: A press, type rIKTP-3 is simple and valua'-_Ie
for I-ressing reeds for 'tuilding material. The first of I~ese
machines was turned out by the -himkent fa-tory Nc. 4 to con-
form with I'OCT 7452-55 , which dictates dimensions of the
slabs into which the reed-stuff is rolled. The slabs are sewn
with coid-drawn wire of at least 1.6 mm. '4eight must be '_-0-
400 kg per m3' when machine-prepared (200-260 when by hand).
About 100 of these presses will be manufact-ired- in 1~~'J~.
preenes are lencribed in detail.
There are 4 figures and I photograph.
AWOUATIOD: GlAvnbYe upravleniye truaov-ykh mzervov (Main Labor Reserver,
AVAITMLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
FETUKH . S., insh.; YAMOV, I., inzh. (g. Ghimkent).
Fit -
Press for reed panels. Prof.-tekh. obr. 15 no.4:24-25 Ap #58
(NM 11:5)
1. Glamoye upravleniye trudovykh rezervoy (for Petukhov). 2. Rewes-
lennoye uchilishche Ho.4 (for Yakubov).
(Building materials) (]Pbver presses)
SHKOWNIKOV, E.M.; L&ML,'jl4SKIj, t.V.;BQNDtiWM0q L.G.; ABRAMNK~, Yu.Ye.;
Cast camhafts for the ZIL-111 engine. Lit. proizv. n0.5:7-8 my 162.
(KU! 16:3)
(Autombiles.-Engines) (Iron founcling)
ATITHOR: n e o e c c
T'etukl,ov, 7n,,ineer
TITT.E: o i r P of 'Fir t I ron of ~omol i le
T-0i.-Voo.!~tV0 - c-, ')
4F~TRA-T: T-,:),- thr- pro"~;ctjo.. uF intp---,:~l com,--~ 'inr, en--r-
Corlkiy I-Rs P-r',-(i t-)
c,,.l '! -Ap- ),-10c c
i e c P-e fro- corrosin-
e o' szT~ecial 'r cr--
1!~rly formed
-7"qe exTRnF4-,,e nic:~el an~ con--
rp~- 4,,~crerpp t~,p -)rice of +I-e C,~P, 0,-~
4. o!-obile Va,oalavlv 1-!F! en,-, 1-
nr F -.n, e ro7-~ f,,,-(--c 4 pe I over e
c er. T~- t~i s ir 7,
e C- 4 e + t 9_0~ i le T
no liners! ~-e F-o~,icpl 1-1!t the e c, f,i
n P
C 0-~
T"L,:,-+ f-.n7 fo-r
co--o,4,r. n-1 1-e-
ckr cor, -1-
a rd,
-:(A -2-7-31-7---f-A-,
-M nograph
";:ACC,.NRs AM6003226
6V*:-'Yu1 Maifulko4jj F. H Pstukhov, So jij.Stevanov* Go
qPrincipi rations in "Llit:r7jechnics
so in t e Investigation of ope
(0 is n v-'y -1
khn cow,
-asledovani7a operatsiy.v voyeanoy ik Mdsi
T d vo "Sowttskoye- radio 1965* 591 pe illusep biblioo, indexo
.6000 copies printed*
,,-,.TOPIC:.T GSt operations research~ military op4krationg villitary
engl coring, veapon test, antiaircraft defense system
-,.PURPOSE AIND COVERAGE: This book is intended for.engineera engaged in
A o~L'Dilltary operations research* The reliability and efficiency of
6 variety of products of military technology are critically
reviewed. Analytical methods used in evaluating these charac-
teriatics in diverse combat situations are p"sented. The book
180 contains information on the classical and the latest mathe-
-metho'do used In solving military engineering
matical optimization
problems& Special attention Is given to statistical combat
modeling using computers, Tits text is illustrated by numerous
--~Card 1/3 .4 UDC1 519.8
~i Ch VIII.; modeling,of arcoub&t 51 V,-
..'AivendIx 366
p 7 575 . ... .
'Subjeet index !o82
SVB-~CODE3.- 151.'~~7 SJBM DATE:. 18S6P651,-!,.: ORIG REFf OTH REFs
FIETVKHOV, S.I., J-nzh,.-rodpolkovWk
A=,thod of statistical tests. Mor. sbo~. -o.1-:33-j!-,
I/ - 1.-- :,4.
. '4 -1 A - ~ - '
11----, -1
NP-chins accounting of materials. Ugoll Ukr. 4 zw.12:,,,6 D 96o. ,
(KM 13:12)
(*whine account
(Coal mines and miniag-AacotmtiLl
P17MOV, SMGRY TJIDORDVICH, slosarl-mekhanik, laureht Stalinskoy premii;
)WHAMINIKOV, 1; VOZMXNSKIY, A.B., konsulltant.
CHIgh degree of precision] Vyeokaia tochnost'. Literaturnaia obrabotk:&
I.Korabellnikova. [Moskval Profirdat, 1952. 60 P. (MIRA 6:5)
(clock and watab making-
Machinery )
r?,tll, it's n ary
C.; eratF:
: "* ,~ V I . .
. . I ; . I . .
Snafl-size installation for demonstrating the spinning of poly-ners. Knin-
v shkole 18 no.1;75-78 Ja-F 10. (MIRA 16:4)
1. Institut khimicheakoy fiziki AB SSSR, Moskva.
(Polymers) (Chemistry-Experiments)
Pouring machine. Lab. delo 8 no-8:54-58 Ag 't2. - ~c Z.:.
1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Moskva.
ZHIMAKOV. V.A.. Insh.; PETMOV, S.M.. -iush.
Use of thervit for breaAdqg oversize rock lumps. ShWcht.
stroi. 4 no.7:25 JI 160. ()LIJU 13 --7)
(Thermit) (Mining engineering)
BYXOVA, M.D., red.1 TRUKHINA, O.N., tekhn. red.
(Orowing )jbmy muftery stockjvyrashchivanie pandochnogo mate-
riala lagodnykh kulltur. Moskva, Sellkhosisdat, 1962. 206 p.
(MIlU 16 t 2)
(Berries) (Nursery stock)
Cutting tapered straight-toothed gears by the method of circular
broaching. Stan. I Instr.26 no.10:27-29 0155. (MLBA 9:1)
(Gear cutting) (Broaching machines)
KRA91-N, G.A.; GHIKINA, V.G.; KASHIN, YU.A.; Prinimali uchastlye: PETUKHCIV,
S.P. [deceased]; VALENTOVA, R.L; RANNEV, G.G.
Warm drawing of steel wir4. Stall 23 no.3:271-273 Mr '63.
(NIRA 16:5)
1. ZlEtoustovskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod i Nauchno-lasledovatel'skiy
institut metiznoy promyshlennosti.
(Wire drawing)
PETUKHOY, S.S.. inzh.-, VAGIII, Ye.V., kand. khim. nauk; ZHUKHOVITSKIY, A.A.,
d'oZlt?o"r' -khim. nauk.
Using adsorption in krvpton production. Kislorod 10 rLo.3-17-21 147.
(Adsorption) (Krypton) (MIMA 10:11)
VAGIN, Ye.V., kand. kbim. nauk; PRTUKHOTS.S., inzh.: L'VOVA, A.P., in2h.
,An apparatus for determination of krypton. Kislorod 10 no-3r24-25
'57. (MLRA 10:11)
:ETITKHOV, S.S., Cand recn ici -- (diss) "Wlication
of adsorption metnods in Lne orodaction of krypton."
mos 1958, 13 pp (Min of Aigher Mucati-n USSR. Mos
Inst of Gnem Machine ZQ40umc?") 100 copies
(KL, 21-58, go)
- 3o -
AUTHORS: Petukhov, S.S., En ineer, 58
Vagin, I andidate of Chemical Sciences
TITLE: A Method of the Automatic Determination of the Krypton Content
in its Original Corcentration (Yetod avtomatichesk0go
opredeleniya soderzhaniya kriptona. v pervichnom kontsentrate')
PERIODICAL: Kislorod, 19,58, Nr 2. pp. 4.4-1.6 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the production of technical krypton two stares must be dis-
tinguished: 1.) Production of the primary concentrate with
0.1-2.2/1". kryptor.- and -Aenon conteni. 2.) Production of the tech-
nical krypton itself. In contrast to antiquated methods which are
mentioned but described as of 'little practical. use, the laboratory
of rare gases of W7IRMASh (All-Union Scientific Research In-
stitute for the Construction of Oxygen Machines) developed a nex
method of analysis for the determination of primary concentration,
which is based on the process of continuous chromothermographj Je-
velorped by A.A.Zhukhovitskiy and Turkel'taub and which is used in
the analysis of gas mixtures that contain hydrocarbons. On the
basis of this method the said in3titute developed an automatic
Card 1/2 gas analyzer which is described. The normal sen3itivity of the ga3
A Method of the Automatic Determ~.nation of' the
Krypton Content in its Cr-igina'l Concent--stion
6 7 - 5 8,-,,,- q/ 2
analyzer described amounts to 0.01/"" krypton and xenon, but in the
same laboratory it was ri-cently possible to increase this sensi-
tivity to C.0005%, which fact is -articularly streS3ed. The m3del
of the apparatus reconmiended here ha-9 already undergone tests and
has already been ordered for the projecting of E. gas analyzer,
There are 3 figur-es, and 3 references, 3 of t%,hich are Soviet.
Library of Congress
1. Krypton-Propertiev 2. Xmton-Analysiv 3. Gas analyzers
--Zharacteristi cs
Card 2,12
AUTHORS: Vagi,, Ye. V., Candidate of Chemical SOV/ 6 7- 58 -4 -4/ 29
Sciences,, Fetukhov, S. S., Engineer
TITLE: Technical Conditions for Krypton (0 tekhnicheskikh uslov2yakh na
PERIODICAL: Kislorod, 1958, Nr 4, prp. 26-28 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A krypton-xenon mixture is obtained in the USSR as a by-product
at larger oxygen stations. The process itnelf and the necessary
control work are n(,t carried out in a unifazzi manner, and there-
fore the quality of the krypton thus produced often varies con-
siderably. Therefore, the characteristics a-mi always mentioned
whenever krypton is supplied to consumers in the USSR. As this
product is mainly used in electro-vacuum production, it is
suggested that a plan be worked out which establishes uniform con-
ditions which must be fulfilled by all oxygen stations that
produce krypton. As crude krypton at the same time serves as an
initial material for the production of xenon,, a formula has been
developed concerning the xenon-content in crude krypton. The
project mc-tioned contains the following points: Technical krip-
Ca7~d 1/3 ton - gas mixture with at least 88% krypton and xenon content,
Technical Conditions for KrTDton
SOV/67- 58-4-LV'29
including not less than 5 volume % xenDn; The mixture destined to
be used for filling electrovacuum apparatus. Conditions to be
fulfilled in r)roduction: 1.) The gas must have neither a smell
nor a. color. 2.) Secondary components must not exceed 12% of -the
entire contint. 7.) The content of hydmoarbons must riot excead
0,03%~ I..'] The gas must not ountain any Mo .43ture in form of drops,
Containera and marking: Steel cylinders able to hold 4D I in
a--cordance with GOST 49-41 , painted black ivith EL yellow stripe,
The cylindprs must be fitted witK membrane -,nilves and must be
adapted for being filled at 50-100 atmospheres excess pressure
reat pressure not below 1 at. excess pressure.) Terms of dellv-
irr. Each cylinder must have a label on which the serial proauo-
tJor. nwaber, vcium~_ late of filling, pressure and temperature
-i mad-~ vislbl,~. Bes iue~5 , Ek written chamcteristic of the COM-
po.~_"Lion of the technical krypton delivered im, t be sent by post
to the receiver. Testing methods: For this purpose the apparat"s
SV 1622 of the VNIIKIMash (All-Union Scientific Research Inst:Ltute
for the ConBtruction of Oxygen Apparatus) is used. For determining
the content of oxygen the apparatus VTI (abaorption by pyrogallol)
Card V3 is used. A formula is given for the permissible content of
Technical Conditions for Krypton
nitrogen and argon. The content of hyArocar~bon is determined 'Ly
means of a titrometric gas analyzei M -5. The quantity of
~.echnical krypton supplied is determined by weight, calculation
of the content of krypton and xenon being carried out separately
according to the aforementioned fozmula. A formula is also giv:-n
for the determination of the specific volume of the techr-ioal
krypton delivered.
Card 3/3 1. Krypton-Production 2. Krypton-Standaxds 3. Krypton-
Storage 4. Krypton-Applications
'UT!ICP'J: Vagin, Ye. V., C;indidate of Chemical '67-59-2-6/1~;
Sciences, Pefukhovt Candilate of Tec.~.rical ~cienc-:F.:
TITLE: Determination of the Content of Krypton and Xenon (Opred?-
leniye soderzhariya kriptona i ksenona~
PERIODICAL: Kislorod, 1959, Nr 2, PP 3'~-~6 (V~ISR)
ABSTRACT: The determina*ior, of the content of krypton and xen3n in t:~
primary krypton concentrate i~.- of special importance in 4:-'i-
nical production. In this connection several methods have
already been devised which are Jiscussed in brief ~Faatjvskiy,
Ref 1, VNIIPODZE47,AZ, Ref 2, Jana"k, Ref 3, VNIIKIMA3h with
the authors of a previous paper Ref 4, Burto ani Rodzinek
Ref 6). The analysis was made by means of an apparatus deF!i.,-.-
ed by the VseBoyuznyy nauchnyy ~qsledovatellskiy inst~tut
ki3lorodnogomasliinop.troitel't3tvrL (All-Union Scienticic
Research Institute for the fonstr~ction of Oxygen Plants) by
the authors in cooperation with EnFineer A., 1'. L'vova,9n,] the
Laboratory Assistant Ye. N. 7~azheva. The principal dia,7ra:ii
of the apparatus is illustrated in figure 1. It is equipped
Yrith a dosint, Fauge by means of which the pressure and quan-
Card 1/3 tity of the z-as mixture to be investiCated (primary krypton
Determination of the Content of Krypton and Xenon SOV/67-59-2-6/18
c(,ncentrate) is maintained constant throughout the analysis.
After the gas has been heated for eight to ten minutes all
chemically active impurities enter reaction with calcium,
while the remaining gases are then adsorbed in a KSM-Bilica-
gel adsorber it temperatures of liquid nitrogen. By repeated-
ly freezing out Xr and X an well as by sucking off Ar from
the mixture, argon Is removed from the denorbod mixture of
argon-krypton-xenon. The content of xenon anti krypton of' the
primary concent.-ate is determined by means of the lower scale
of the vacuometer. T".1Z scale was computed according tc the
formula C n n 100, where C denotes the content of'
, V
Kr Kr
0 0
krypton in the ras to be analyze,.,, Fn the pressure of krypton
in the calibrated volume, V n the calibrated volume corre-
sponding to the pressure 11 n'P0 the initial preostire of the
mixture, and V 0 the volume of the pipette I (Fig 1). The
Card 2/3 dependence V n - f(Pn ) is a linear one. The afore-mentioned
Determination of the Content of Krypton and Xenon SOV/67-59-2-6/le
apparatus secures accuracy of determination of up to
(Tables 1 and 2). The apparatus is introduced in Soviet
industry and is used in several works for the purpose of
checking the production of crypton. There are 2 figures,
2 tables, and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet and
Card 3/3
Z/z V-2
.-TITVZ.. -.1 31 li .... T
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IT:4.z -aaraLsirv
(99$m) 'P-j-T-lj IITDTCOTE74
TA-3 A -930BLAT
VAGIIN. Y9.V., kand. khim. nauk; PETIMMOV. S.S., kand. tekhn. nauk
All-Union Conference on Gae Chromtography. Kislaroet 12 no.1:52
'59. ()'IqA 12-6)
(Gas ctiromatographr)
Chromatographic method for determining microconcent3mitions of
carbon dioxide in oxygen. Zav.lab. 28 no.2*.140-141 16Z.
OMA 15:3)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy inatitut kislorodnogo
(Carbon dioxide) (Oxygen-Analysis) (Chromatographic analysis)
Lse of -~ir for 3,e,~4nv -o'aS ;,..z LI-- .
proizv. Ap '62 - ( ~ 1: -- ,
~D-e castinF) (I-ompressed air)
---lu" 7the cdee of the faulty operation of the No.222 engineer's
valve we are using the valve of the auxiliar-7 '---ake. Blek.
i tepl. tiage 4 no. 9:20 8 160. (MIMA 13:12)
1. Pomoshchnik mashinista teplovoza depo Krasnoufimok Kazanakoy
(Diesel locomotives) (RailroadB--Brakes)
4) IF C. 's t 0 0 PC I
.0fifyidlIA") falilsaill 1% v
~:Jplee lee
00, 00
**-j- 00
0 0" 00
4q, u1 im,laid al anp A" 2,00
14.u I ligAwl aqi Atj Pailluti t so
1.41 J1111-11% Akma-q V
-, V N 411.1 P, ~11 41 Ml Pf fv"u ~.'# 00
I p, All-It' 'I- "I """ 11 lj"A&
00 s C[ V- (vallitl 41" 00
of- fs.All
oe~ --yri-prim 04P
ir S 0
jr 00
;" W m ~ a
ts 11 0 1 tf if 99 fin 1111,41na" OWN v to 4w all "finfitilf a I 1 0
0 0 0
00 0 0 0 o 0 see 090000 * 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 1*,,*
7T 0 0 hr. a 0 0 0.
**Osseo** 77- 0 S
??tiff fftfoossevoo sese
AJF~ ;j
Mdmkj~" d kk 40M.
tandica and 6t& *Wd As ~09
*W -I. ~;w we * vak modkud by Oamm a
fma of wbikoff aw Few
47. 706) is probalAy dw to age
in T. 0. P. go*
@Dow 41-18il..
~Kl S~aa -1 1"Sabo .0 wov an
b I OD U;
00000000000000006600 00
;T"48:0::o 00000066000q.09 00
Model layouts for controlling electric centralization atatiorB.
Transp. strol. 13 no-4:11-12 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:4)
(Railroads-Electric equipment)
PETUKHOV, V., doktor fiz.-matem.nauk (Moskva)
Goamic diapson of energies. Nauka i zhyttia 12 no.4tl8-20
Ap 162. (MIRA 15:8)
(Particle accelerators)
UKEIOV, V. , inzhener.
Improve the (technical) courses given in Shcherbalwy. Nuk.-elev.
prom. 20 no.2:28 Y 154. (NLRA 7:7)
1. Shcherbakovskiye mezhoblastWe statsionarnyve kursy Zagot-
(Shcherbakov--Technical education) (Technical education--
P,Nui.Ak ; V
Ln h or nrodue- t r i tv , nr been I- ou t I ed .Pror.kocn. no.~:2? Ar -
(V 1.10 ,, i
TAkhrnrlik nromarteli, Kinry-
,.Lanor Droductivity'l
84-58-i',-48 59
AUMOR: Petukhov, V., Leading Department Engineer
TITLE: Answers to Queries (Otvechayem na voprosy chitateley)
PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 1958, Nr 4), p 37 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Three queries by G. Grube, radio operator of an Alma-Ata
operational unit, ask the coefficients of thermal expansion
of materials used for the fuselage and the control cables, their
effect on the tigbtness of these controls in changing tempera-
tures, and the elimination of such effects. The answers admit
a difference and give a method for its computation in materials
nou in use. The solution of the probiem is seen in selecting
materials with equal coefficients of expansion and in the
IntToductIon of rigid lever systems Instead of cable controls.
Ai-planes- -Mate,- ~o_s exparis!on
Card l.'1
IT TO, H C v,
Tlctoi7 of Soviet nodel airplane builders. K2-jrl.rod. ? no.11:13-
14 N '56, (MIRA 10:1)
PETUKPOV, V., kapitan transporta; RONANOV, p., starshiy pomoshchnik
apitana tankera
Cargoes arp delivered in time. Tyl i snat. Siv. Voir. Sil Zl
n0-7:46-49 J1 '61. (MLL4 14: 8)
(Russia--Navy--Trdnsport service) (Cargo handling)
0 vozmozhnosti neytronnykh izverzheniy na 6ointse v svyazi s nablyudeniyami polyarn_vkh
bur' (Possiblity of Neutron Emission on the Sun with Rclation to Obi;ervations of Jkurorae
Boreales and Magnetic Storms). Soveshchaniye po veprosam kosmogonii, 3rd. Mr-.y 14 1",,
1953- Trudy, 1,),,,4, p. 21~ 218, ;~ refs.
QB~,31 - S72 1', - 3
Pr7mov I V.
"Solar Neutron Emission as Sources of Ma~etlc Disturbances and
The International Association of Geomagnetiam and Aeronomy. Abstracts
of the Reports at the XI General Assembly of the International Union of
Geodesy and Geophysics) Moscow, lzd-vo AN SSW , 19~i7. 46 p.
Abstract: The author discusses the neutron theory explainin4.,, the relationship
between solar activity and Processes occurring on earth, the peossibly Physical
processes leading to the formation Of a lar6e number of neutrons and the
experimntal findings in this field, and the determination of velocities of
solar particles by time interva" between phenomena occurri47, on the sun end
on earth.
1, 7 '' -.*- 7. 9=11111will
, . . - 77,--l -.- * - - -------------
---- -- a~: - " ~, ~. ~ ~-:r -A -_ 7~- - , -- -- .-.
Possibility of element f rnmtton under the tn-fluerxe o" ra:vs
[v4-th swwwry in English'. Vop. kown. 5.196-10>9 157. ~'MUV 10:U
(COST'Ic rays) (Gho-ilcal ele-no-ite)
Ultraviolet spectra and structure of unsaturated compomds of
the elements of group IV. Tzv. AN SSSR Ser. khim. no.12&2203-2206
D 164 (MIRA 18W
1. Institut organicheskoy kh~mii imeni N.D. Zelinskogo A14 SSSR.
Nitration products of o