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NAS9 I aO09 W1,01TATION %M/1826
Akedenlys nauk SSSR. Uorlotichoskly Institut
I tsPlovoye model1r,oldinly. (Meet Transfer and
Nod-ling of 9 t Procos:* 111sco;6. Isd - %1e.AV'SSSI1. 59.
s 3t:*611 !I . 3
'9 '. rra P Ins -ad P p Inted
30%it9d.1 M. A. Mikheyev, A,-ewlctar; U. of Publishing
set D. A. lvanova; To,eb. Ed. 1 0. a. Show-houlto.
M"WR I ?h* book In Intended for scientists coAcAM- th heat
re It a f 1 t:1
ty4m P. e11 on, aM hyd u c . Iquld me
COVZUGZI This collection Is dodlost9d. to he memory of Acadotilcian
girpichow who In the t"ntles Int-141tod 4 SyTtOest-Ic
I;.Ltigatioa of heat trahm for processes and the offIctency of
heat apparatus "ter he led the do,-lopSont, of res-s-ch work
this field. i~o Epee 181 collo,ctlons devoted to works or Xlrplcrv?'~
school have been published. one in 1938. Raterialy soweanchanij,
p0 outdoltrovanlys (Materials of the Conference an Rode: Ing) and
2951. Toorlys podoblya I modellrovanlyo C'h*ory of Simllt.d.
&M Modeling). The present collection p.~par*d In '1446 '.P"
further development of the work of this school. This 'h,ary in
rundatmental for the analysis of many heat proolenia lm ,he r%.Id cr
electrical and radio ittigittaoring. Of greet tSPcrtaZw-6 are the
first 6Y2t*44tI0 Investigations of heat transfer &W tne
hydraulles of liquid metals which as a new kind of "A' carrier
any be used In the various bro=thes of modern ong- n~~' rw. As a
result or special LtivosticatiocLe or some, case. of,
host transfer, a dependence of the Process Do the kind of ~JqUjd,
tOOPErlittl". PP*�Sur*, direction of the heat flow, a=-- othar
factors, was discovered and established. On the h&a' 2 Of A wide
fameralization or Experimental data. no. dependable -0-1d,stlons
Vheat analysis or ongl"ErIzig *q.lp-=- %tora Of no
a:tths, corkson Ing liquids
=1.41 Interesettil
112 and 11 1.1. llgatlo.s a"o based
10 r , po".
0 1 .
the th: " of similitude, the nature of accordrg I M V.
girpichow, to that of Owiparisentation.0 Work on -he -hoory or
a regular regime applied to 4 system or t~.dles -Ith = t.t.,nal
source of host Is of Interest for the futu-
Card 2/20
Relt T,,Lr~~er SOWISZ6
;S."HITF 0;3~shilm',;4 Tr-mrivi- -ndr r~d -IT'.2 -or
Im"u" TI " or
Substantial ChanCe of Viazocity
The article descrilms r4sults or recent 11 r-st lent Lon$ Df
local ho^t tr~nsrer. This prob.,tv to *sP-'-I)r lcrort--
In apparatus with rol^tlvely &P-Irt pipes. -jrront
or caticul4ting avv-go heat ~,hsre- In a f- or -sco--s
liquids are not reliab.a and -,;, 1,o the pt-osort. tno vrob-~
has not boon In.estigatol for 41'. P_ctll..
XoId*Z::ixte!.tre aurho, the
rat ra 5 o
_-ZiLf'ru'a"Tows, B.O.Poand H-: 7risnsf.,- ~n
In H - -.r
A a
fIpe I aqlz~d 3oundft.-y _ajer
This articl axes vmbleez o~ visc-s r.>, for
n c t V
he ri I yn dn. be- 1~
relatively short pl;wts. In x..n c...s &.I.:Ing, ro-.'.d r_~r n.
ca IculAtIor or h-n! t~ncf- %. ~*.&~o.. il.--
or flow sho, Id not be led* 7hC ~w-t$ or
re Is to toaeaseI" Ich.I, -~ ...... IC, 11' :1 1-t!" I
flew oY the IIq.1d. There .r o,'-t. , ne. I
and I Go'ean~
Card 12120
~eneraiized reiat.ions *(~r notil. tr..-xf(,r during turbul,~nt F,
I _,flfl flow
in circular tubes. Teplofiz. vys. temp. 2 no.1:78--81 Ja-F '64.
(MIRA 17:3)
1. Moskovskiy energ~tic!~e.kiy institut.
PITUKMV, B.S.. dok-tor takhn.nauk: MLIDE, L.D., kand.takhn.nauk
Heat exchange during a vIscou3 gravitational flow of a liquid
In pipes [with summary In Bnglish). Teploonorgetika 6 no.l:
72:80 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:1)
1. Mookovskly onergetichesk-ly inatitut.
(Heat-Tranamissinn) (Fluid dynamics)
AUTHjR Pe t ur- n,~~ V, B. IS: D
ITLa; Ttie Pre zL e --,t Cund i
(,f t.,-ie 6tuay -f
PERIODICAL. `eplotn,:..T,~,:tika,
I ": _ r- j .. I
ABSTRACT: The systematic sttjuy )f x,
arid in the USSR firsL
the subject wt re t, ~y M, , V KiL
heat exchanr-,~:
3 0 y e a r s a - o nd, s
he w a r t ~. e w r ir ~a t e- n, f;
demands of nuclear
.L,roblexs in heat
c ontro i led r he -~m(; -rvic i
nurmal pow,,~r
in heat exchan-;e.
importance in rocket In
prospective rapJ11 developm-int
Presen r, art ic le a t ',~?MTts t 1 L.
in new ;i-lethociv of
.4,-re -i'
as,,,E wh
D ,tj Pre E e L z; Co na
Study of' Heaz Exch,,.,-e
v 1'2
e !L
condi c L 1' r V i.L,
-ic ::tul
be i n., .,l..,A:i e c, rwo'-
-1 v
u tVV 0 LU I
iric re si!.,, -euri ru c,~ c:,, r1 r, ti
r-,. ,, I - t., -V~ I :~ ".11
u:. V
S t ud f He -a '- -Lj~x c r,
-A'PT) 1 0 X ir-I t e
of such
'j-, jor
0 f ;-A :7 r G X 1 t -1
.1,1 rc
'.X 1:11"!
:iiuch mon--
:Jisadva-th of C-1 V I-
1 i t I
f f
conductiva, -,v juLI
by f i n i t~j -" I f ~,- re n c P i a Is f
if-r,,- ne--it flows L'
s ur f a c ~- s _i n c u r. ,, ai c rs 0
to 'be done u.,.i -~Ihis aspect, TI-e of
nev. materiali of o1a mateij5jE jr, ;,ew
Card 3/13 re~.uiie much moi-e stud,v,, Tr:-~ ro-, ~ F r.
t Curid
of' plual~ Excfi~lrlw:~
c) Lz 3
T, r
r! i i, t.
The Present C,.~noi tiol, !irid rcspect
Study oil' Heat Exc.,,_-tj
turbulent flow of viscous fluid,_-. T,-~, I.
Jon ti.aL Lhe
a~:-.sumpt I
identical with ILI,at of Of
benerally valid is not nt~ce--aril-:
cies betv;een theory and practice ar,", A,~`e!--J-_11
case (I heat exchaiq-,,e in -~, -,, k_~ -
with tnis circumstance. Trt~- Re.-jiiuldi_ yp(j t ~e - ~; :-, :~;,
no t bet:.n gene ra I ly ve r if ied ey. ,e_ rime;.t ~, 11:1,, H I t.,~ CU;~
it cannot alwavs 'be strictl,; true. Mea,.wl.iiu-, tl.e
semi-empirical theory has to be ap;~lieo. ~.o crcblems
of hear, exchange and friction In flows covtfr_-nE- --i v-,-,,.,
wide range of Prandtl numbers. Civer
may be a considerabit;! c,.Eirlt~e in ~he ph,"sica.
characteristics of both aL incimpresLible fluid ana
compressible gas. It is evident that witr,
semi-empirical theor,~ of heat oxchanp,e in 11-,jA*.-_-,,~ -
depends on eXDeriffierit8l inv-,~stigaLion of t~~e
in tLe flow of the coefficieits of turbulen-~
exchant,e and impulse. Such inveEtiga,~ions call -for
very accurate ieaEurements of tempe_rat.ure na v e I c c
'lard 5/1.1 distributions in turbulent flovis of heat t~ :.r.sfer me,~,iuai,
The Present Conditicn -,-.r1 t,.,-- J
Study of Heat Exchwi~,,e
wilich pre.~~erlt, -ol,rl 1-
i,c~ goiit~ on ui, ~:ume ;jSp.,
still far from full',-,- so1ve,-;.
theor,-y -is tr~-- in!:,, c)r,,- i,i;;,:- i!- !,-val I 1 1.-
forseeable futLire 2r, i.i,
simplified A'
exchan6e Thei e i,~ Ifuj- m,
rhe,- r~, c, 1-.e L, ~ exc k? j f ~c; I' r c j r, 1, '-1
r,~ t-, r r~ qc, , Lit ionp t I-I ~:x
1I V~,lueF -f Re -~Iiu I-, IN u
h i,~
boundar-,--layer t h e c, r~, r e r-c, w I
used in -ractice. A- r rc,.x. i
a e i - c, f f i n ]L i C ?a 1 1 j
~,nose of ar, as mptutlc -L a
methoa needs furtnt-, ntteiitiori. An 'Lmpoi-,,;,nL
of' the theory of t.,Ie buu-noai,y er, is iii
and friction ve., i;-!~ iI-.j,fIP--,~-,--;~--~,S
~,bove Z5U00K, sucri --:s ai-ise of ol,
Car~ 6/12 `-15 aLmOsP~1~~Ie su'
of HFat nxcha.,.,-,3
or vridot 1 -:.-1
iljc: 71 H. 1, t- rut, Ii A,
him/her 'ue.-npera~urt:,-F, c.f !.h- '100000K.
of the bas ~,Iay lu t:
concluctiri-- sA.,.
f la
the equa~ionE~ of'
of Doundat--,/-Ia,-;ej, L!,eorv jiik~
_~,e in the e cond Laui,~- i,~
i!,xperimental mtjt~.odL.
of Leat
t~,C~~leu in ti-is W~-..Y,
assume impor, "alice a!"
method f S:~Ud- 1:- ..'s
practical v ~- 1 a,-~A
zonvec,~ive held,, a 5
C c):L;.,- II F1
and resis,,a:.c,2 w, '~:L~ 1--.e
tr.7`~.Sf,.~r meJium are A. 1 1,-ii v, r,
1 been done oii specif'i-
ms i f i I,
Tne Pre se _rt Cor~d itu i~- :ii- i -.,e
of Heat Elx-chai~Ce
is ~_, rieel lo
v;..-1-, zhe oru'L-e-i
C 0 1 L e [up 0 r*a r"y 1 1 L:,
of ii-jul"I 1 A
(I e L; i c, f
n_~ed fo---
lie 'e
of Re,vnc-,,,Is num b~, i,
flow conjl-~ions. on V, c, V, a o I ri a t, - I' ill f
problems aris,- ' m,! T~_-,n C
__. I , pe- T !~e
aje,~iu, at hi_." ~j; 1 7-
ne t a r b ul,_--r~T, 1L f,
'3 1~
eX I - I Hie I, t
Ftud.y I I I
I ICI ax i , 1 ly i L UI L: "ti.;
i h 111 a c h , u m`.-e
The Pre sent, Cui.ait i,_,.
of heat Exc~.anp~le
of 10 anil above, vlliicl~
very hir
clo~-e inveLti6,~i;l i 11
,~ F
aitituctes ai,d Ir: ~~rLiCe ~!,e tMeci'll 1- :~6,- i
e x-- h an,_e ana re s 1' E. a ;~,_ e a ur ii.~. i ~z"~ -- S; a :Lo o n r,
a rarefied as. D i stInc. t i ie ole ~as
hibh vacua because of the presence of a free. molecu_-lar
path, A number of investiga,,ors I , ave applied TrIedern
molecular-kinetic theory to slobjec-, and
solutions have been ol-I-aiiied fo~- f;eat tr!uiEfer and
resistance of plateS. cv_ ILinclel-E aria
coziditions. Tiie intprmedl~,t~- re~lion of'
pressures present elreale~ ~iflf`~
only very approximate ttieoreticai t.e~L
achieved. LilCtle expe_-I::Y- rit~tl data-, Is Tja for,
either of tliese re~,Juns :_I:,,i s!-_c)uL;
carried out at hi~,*I-I M~,.rh va!-_ie_--, over a
pressures. Heat excl.,--in~e -JurlnE~ bc,- 'in: L;:.o
0 _L I :0n,1
is then considered L-1 t t le -).c):-k has :,t5ii dor~e 11
Card 9/15 theory of bc)iliri,-)-; hu%,.,Pv- r Aaier`,~aii con- ut lo I; C:
The Pre sent Cc, rid it icri :,r- Pr'c-qpe c)" Dt-,;- I cqz,,-
of Heat Exchan.6e
t Il i s s u b Ij e r, E~ hv -e ~v, --! ~j
j~,j. 4 v
~o develop ~~,e ti,.e~lr-
required about t:.(,,14 sm o -1
c o n c e n t r a t e d iiia a ri ly , i , b (, I I i n_ I u i, n,-._ c); i i -~A":
rlatur-~I cullvect'joll, ~~J~d 1'~:~~ ll"~Jjkwj "y !,)!.'
ccnc~rned with tr,,~ jut,oim~iiiWicln
Iicieri~-.s and u a ~A I -
coei li.
has bet:r. mo.-e w-'--h
01, A
of attt2ntiol; :t-n
darin,.- free, flox How(~ v,! z, i,e e r-1- Li I
previukis-; c~c. nI-
ol" ce 1 u i,o n J',;:
bel'L'e". ill read I Ul. . 1. . ;:' ,*
Th e re is E; rit, e d ii, -;j 1 j se e x pe i'i m t-, i, t, z t' O f
exch an i,,(- uur in~, bo JL I in,,, : n P-' 'r)E,,- e [I; f'e
'he f~aL-ur'11- loll
a t-e re (juiT-ed un ;j:, f 1, , rj 1~''
i"(" 1.~-i u I ic r~! - i :'c OV V.,1 U 1
IL-~[IeOus 01~t'~'
The Pr,--ent Ck,n(iiti,-.n 7:.- P:-~ ~-e f "'C
of Hoat Exchaii,.-,e
wide raji-,2, Data art.- "'u.- fiu-,S
w~i te,-. Americbri u:, bui lir,, vi~If~ij v u I v
v, ithirl t-"Le volu-m~-- U1, ai~sf'~ .-~
reviewed. Most avaiiatle ..u-,k ori f 4 -,N i
condensation has be,~!n cczice:--ned w-''~h
theory for lamintir flow, Frid -I,ne ',,heor,7 of Su.D,11 e -- z
is now fairly complete. Whilst a good d-h! of ar,-,,ention
has been given to film-wise coridens~itiun of ote;im
movin~~ at low speed, much 1~--cs i,;Is bet:,,n Joiie at
film speed's. T-;ere iF a iieefl for
formulae for this case, IdeaE ~,re- ab-,
the phys.'cs of ~:i-op-wlse co:,densrt,,ion but
::methods of mjklr,~~ theor-~~ticE.,l on
subject are not yet availarI4~.
required about oundensation ~Df st---a:,,, frc:r,
mixture. This v;,--rk coula b-"
0 1
various vapuurs aria uases in coLltai-ne- I I e "e 11'~
proportions. Furti-.e:~ viu-k -S on
durlnE -.,cilinL, E, rid con ~en s a U iur' 0 C ih i)' T,r SCI
RaJii;nt heat-exchb,, -e is t~,e:. A
~ar,j ll/!~reviev, is Jv~.-ri ~A' t,r,, -i- -I'
ANTSYFEROV, H.S., kand.fiz.-rast.nauk; WMALOVICH. M.P., prof.. doktor
tekhn.nauk, laureat Loninskoy premii; IRIPETS, B.S., inzh.;
LA V. L.P., prof., doktor tokhn,nauk; MAZYRIN, I.Y., inzh.;
NIKITIN, N.H., kand.fiz.-mat.nauk; OCHKIN, A.V.. Inzh.; PAHICHKIN,
I.A.. prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk; FZTWOV, B.S., prof.. doktor
tekhn.nauk; PODVIDZ, L.G., A.F., inzh.;
SKIRTAGIN, A.P., kand.tokhn.nauk; TCKMAKOV, G.A., kand.tekhn.nauk;
YAYNZILIBER. N.9., prof., doktor takhn.nouk; XMIZ3V. G.P., kand.
takhn.nauk; CHNSACHENKO, V.F., kand.takhn.nauk; TUISKIVI B.I.,
kand.tekhn.nauk; ACHZHKAN, U.S., prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk, red.;
KIMYAVTSU, V.N., prof., doktor tokhn.nauk, red.; PONOMAREV,
S.D., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, laureat Laninskoy premili red.; SATALI,
B.A., prof., doktor takhn.nauk, red.; MM 96, S.V., akademik, red,;
RRSWOV, D.E., prof., doktor telthn.nauk, red.; KARGANOV, V.G.,
inzh., red.graficheakikh materialov; GILIE011BERG, M.I., red.izd-vE,;
EKanual of a mechanical engineer in six volume) Spravochnik ma-
shinostroitelis 9 shosti tomakh. Red.sovet N.S.Acherkan i dr.
Izd.3., ispr. i dop. Moskva. Goa.n&uchno-tekhn.izd--o mashino-
stroit.lit-ry. Vol.2. ig6o. 74o p. (MIRA 14:1)
1. AN USSR (for Sorenson).
(Mechanical engineering) (Machinery-Construction)
AUTHORS: PgtUkh0Wg-W'--fi',_ Doctor of Technical Sciences and
Kirillov. V. V., Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE: Heat Exchangelburing Turbulent Flow of a Compressible
as n ipe Jn the Region of Mach Number up to 4
M IODICAL: Teploener~etika, 1960, Nr 5, pp 64-?3 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Because of developments in high-speed aircraft and in
gas turbines, the question of heat exchange during high-
speed gas flow is acquiring considerable practical
importance. Most of the theoretical work that has been
done on heat exchange and resistance during turbulent flow
of a compressible gas relates only to the single case of
a flat sheet in a longitudinal flow of gas. Heat exchange
and resistance in pipes and nozzles has received much
less study. The least study has been devoted to heat
exchange and resistance conditions during the flow of
a compressible gas in pipes, though experimental work
has been done on this subject in the USSR and in the USA.
The influence of gas compressibility on heat exchange
durinE flow in pipes is still obscure, and the present
Card 1/8 article describes experimental work on the subject.
S/096/60/000/0 5/014/021
Heat Exchange During Turbulent Flow of a Compressible Gas in Pipes
in the Region of Mach Rumber up to 4
Preliminary results of this work have already been
published. The experimental equipment and procedure is
first described. The thick-walled pipe method was used,
because it permits very accurate measurement of local
heat flows during heating or cooling of fluid in a pipe.
The method is based on determination of local heat
flow from measurements of the temperature distribution
on the inside and outside surfaces of the experimental
pipes. In the general case, the temperature field in
the pipe wall is two-dimensional, and equations for
heat-flow density are of complex form. However, if
changes in axial heat-flow are neglected, the problem
is much simplified and the local heat flow is given by
Eq (1). The tests were made with air delivered from a
compressor which could give a flow of up to 900 kg/hour
at a pressure of 7 atm. The air was cleaned and dried.
The experimental pipe is illustrated diagrammatically
in Fig 1. Its internal diameter of 15.95 mm was chosen
to give the maximum value of Reynolds number for the
Card 2/8 available rate of air I'low and retardation pressure.
Heat Exchange During Turbulent Flow of a Compressible Gas in Pi-:)(!s
in the Region of Mach Number up to 4
The pipe was made of steel grade lKhlBN9T which has a
low coefficient of thermal conductivity; special
attention was paid to the internal finish. Arrangements
were made to measure the temperature with thermo-couples.
Seven different nozzles could be used, giving one
subsonic and six supersonic speeds corresponding to
Mach numbers of 2. 2.5 (two nozzles), 3, 3.5 and 4. Air
cooling tests were made. In working out the test results,
the flow velocity and temperature were determined on the
assumption of unidimensional flow, The local heat-
transfer coefficient is given by expression (2). For
supersonic flow, the restoration factor is given by
expression (4), which represents the experimenta)
results with an accuracy of +- 1%. During the irvestiga-
tions, 83 tests were made consisting of seven Feries,
each for a definite Mach number at the inlet ti the
tube, Some of the tests were made with artif'.cial
turbulation of the boundary layer. The teStF cover the
Card 3/8 Mach number range from 0.5 to 4 and Reynolds numbers ~f
Heat Exchange During Turbulent Flow of a Compressible Gas in Pi-Pes
in thp Region of Mach Number up to 4
from 40000 to 900000. The retardation temperature and
the wall tem erature were approximately constant and
equal to 420RK and 3000K. The flow temperature ranged
from 400 to 1000K. Graphs showing the change of heat
transfer over the length of the pipe are shown in Fig 4.
They indicate that at the start of the pipe there is a
region of laminar flow and a transitional boundary
layer. As the Reynolds number increases the size of
this section diminishes. The first graph of Fig 2 shows
that heat transfer in the transitional region depends
considerably on the degree of turbulence of flow at the
inlet to the tube. Analysis of the process of heat
exchange during the flow of a compressible gas in pipes
based on the theory of similarity shows that under these
conditions heat exchange depends on five criteria, as
in expression (5). It is then shown how the influence
of the gas compressibility on heat exchange may be
determined, using expression (6). The curve correspanding
to this formula is plotted in Fig 3a, and it will be
Card 4/8 seen that most of the experimental points lie within L/r
Card 5/8 Indicate that the experimental points Ii; ~Joseiy- -aro*ando
Heat Exchange During Turbult-rit Flow :)f a Comprf-!s,,iible Gas in Pi,-Ie.
in the Region of Mach Numbrtr up to 4
line given by expression (10). Comparison of formulae
(10) and (7) shows that in both the relationship between
the hoat transfer and the Reynolds number is the same,
though at Mach 0 formula ~10) ~Jves rosulto about 7%
lower than formula (?). It is concluded that for the case
of flow in pipes the method of governing temperature ma.-y
be used to allow for the influence of gas compressibility
on heat exchange. In the tests described, heat transfer
was measured in a comparatively short tube; during flo-N
in short tubes, much of the tube is occupied by the
so-called initial section in which the distributions of
velocity and temperature are set up, Strictly speaking
the influence of the walls extends to the entire section
of the tube, but at the beginning of the tube there is
only appreciable disturbance of flow in a thin layer near
the walls, which increases in thickness as the distance
from the inlet increases. In order to study the
relationship between the heat *transfer during flow in
pipes and with external flow over a plate, the
Card 6/8 data were worked out in the form of the so-called . _K
Reat Exchange During Turbulent Flow of a Compressible Gas in Pipes
in the Region of Mach Number up to 4
two-dimensional model of flow. According to this, the
flow in the initial section of the tube is sub-divided
into a boundary layer and an iso-entropic core. It is
assumed that the retardation temperature and pressure
in the core are constant. On this basis, expression (12)
is derird and is vglid for Reynolds numbers from
40 x 10 to 30 x 10 . The relationship between heat
transfer and Reynolds number in this case is plotted in
Fig 6; the scatter of experimental points is approximately
the same as in the single-dimensional case. Formula (12)
for heat transfer in the initial section of the tube was
compared with the published formula for heat transfer
from a flat sheet in the subsonic region of air flow.
It is found that the relationship between heat transfer
and the Reynolds number is approximately the same in the
two cases, though heat transfer is a bit IeSS in the tubes
than on the sheet. The results of the comparison, plotted
Card 7/8 in Fig 7, show the experimental data to be in good
02 S/Z/6o/ooo/olO/Ol*/022
B19 /E135
AUTHORS: Pgtukhny~B.S. Shlykov, Yu.P., Kurayeva, IIY-.,-,
Kazakova, Ye.D-, and Prozorov, V-K,.
TITLE: Calculation of Transient Temperature Fields in
Multi-Layer Walls with Internal Heat. Evolution by
the Hydrothermal Analogy Method
PERIODICALs Teploenergetika, 1960, No 10, p 95
TEXT: The temperature distribution Is calculated in two
and three layer walls with internal sources of heat, required
to Jetermine the temperature gradients during calculation of
the strength of assemblies In several types of heat exchange
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskly energetlcheskiy institut
(Moscow Power Institute)
Card 1/1
Experimental study of heat transfer during turbulent gas f--ow -'n
circular tubes. Teplofiz. vya. temp. I no.3:146-424 "~-D 1611.
01-'IJU. 17:3)
1. MloskovsKiy energetic~eskiy irwtitut.
J'a'O'so 3/1 70/60/oo
//. v, ev #- 46 /Y go 1 9/Bo6o
AUTHORS: Petukbovt B. S., Cenin, L. G., Mallt,~r, V~ L~
TITLE: Heat Exchan in Tubes in the Presence of Inner Heat
Sources in the Liquid Flow
PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, V;,-I, 1), Nc,
pp, 3-9
TEXT: The authors start from the differential equation (1) %hich je3cribes
the steady flow of a liquid with uniformly distributed inner heat sDurces
and a constant density of heat flow on the tube walls. They obta.n for-
mula (4) for the temperature distribution of a laminar flow. The linep
calculated by (4) are graphically shown in Fig. 1. The authors alsc found
the heat exchange coeffi 'cients to be proportional to the Jifference
tw - tat' Here, tA denotes the wall temperature when the tube is t.-raversed
by a liquid with inner heat sources, and t at is the adiabatic v~ail temper-
ature, i.e., the wall temperature at which there is no heat exchange
between wall and surrounding medium. Based on results and (JaUi by
Card 112
- !-11
"Tleat Transfer anA Hydraulic Resistance at Turbulent Flow of a
Liquid with Variable Physical Properties in Tubes."
Report submitted for the Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, Minsk,
BSSR, june 1961.
.-. t
I ,
PEITF~01'1 ;I. S.
I'Hep.t-axchi;nv-~ ~m,l hylraullc in th-~ turl,ul-nt c-L.~~r - '-f .-
-!,~Uil .~?ith V~-ryln,7 -,r ! rtie- flowin thr.)i;~,,h L tuba."
Rr,,-ort ~-~ th- I ~t A Corlerencp xi ".9 a ~ - --n-4 Au.-; -- i~xch;,i.
Tunp 1,)",l
Uaits for checking teehaolofioal processes in preparing abrasive
materials. Mas:dnostroitel no.2t18 F 161. (KLRA 14:2)
(Abrasives) (Electric controllers)
B I17/B
AUTEORS. Petukhov, B. S., Tsvetkov, F. F.
TITLE, Calculation beat exchange in laminar liquid flow in tubes
within the jange of low P6clpt numbers
PERIODICALx Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, v. 4, no. 3. 1961. 10-1'
TEXT~ The authors used an approximation method in calculating the heat
exchange in a laminar flow of liquid within the range of low Pe numbers.
This method is base on a stepped, instead of a continuous, radial tempera-
ture variation with the longitudinal temperature distribution remainingcon-
tinuous. During these studies on stabilized flow and heat exchange in a
cylindrical tube it is assumed that he liquid is not compressed, that its
physical parameters are constant, that frictional heat is b'ut ittle. and
that the flow is hydrodynamically stabilized. The tube is d-ivided alone-
its radius into a number of coaxial layers whose thickness ~'j may differ in
any general case. The wall of the tube is -ounted as one of those layers.
By dividing the tube into n layers and establishing a heat balance c-qual.1tin
for each of these layers one obtains n ordinary second-order differertia:
(761.4 ",I
Calculation of heat ... B1 17/1
equat'.on~ which take the boundary conditions at the wall into ~onsideratloll.
The ~,oiljtion of th~-se equations yields the temperature variation as dpper,~'-
j njr ~r, x accurate ex,~ept for a constant, for each of these layers. The
~n~ejlra*iTn constants aie determined from the boundary rcriditiong at the
inf!cw and at the outflow end oi the tube (or in infinity). After the equa-
tior,q lor the temperature field have been found it is easy to calculate tne
loc-al heat exchange coefficient, For a more exact calculation of the inte-
gral, the temperature distribut'on is apprcximated by a discontinuous line.
The suggested method is the mor; effective, the smaller the number of lay-
erg securing an accurate computation. Comparison of the -esults obtainei
by this method with the accurately computed values of heat exchange in
laminar flo,. through tubes, known from competent publications, showed thal.
on di~4ision o~' the tiabe into three layers the error amount to '~ at
and to !Yo in the case of four layers. The sup,,Kested method wris used in
Boiving the problem of heat exz~hange in a laminar flow of liquid throurh
ro,L-,.a tube with constant heat flux density at the wall (the wall was as-
quiried to be infiniteiy thin), Formulas were derived for the
fir,ld ('~' a)
Card ?/0
3/1 70/6 -/004/00'1,'r;~2 1.
Calculation of heat B117/B209
9i = 4X 4 A exp.- X) + A (X~O) and (11.b) 0 = 4 B X~;:X 0~'.
ij i4 i
J.1 j=1
Fig. 1, for the mean calorimetric temperaturE- 01 the 11.quid (12 a'
3 i1
4X C exp(-~- X) + C (X50) and (12.b) 0 -1) eXP(' X)(X,O'.
liq 4 liq L
J. j-)
(Fig, 2), and for the local Nusselt number ('3) 1/Nu E exp(-," X)
(Fig. 3),~ Here. A B I C E and denote constants de),endini.- on
1j, ij j;
the Pe number the values of which are given in Table 1. It was shown tnht
the temperature gradient at the wall, in accordance with the boundary cond~.-
tions, remains constant for X.,O and vanishes at X