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coij, ~: 1 /-o , " I ~ Z~,, I PBMOT, N. T. Treatment of neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve with intra-arterial injection of nDvocaine. Vest. khir. 71 nD.1:13-15 1951. (CIML 20:8) 1. Of the Faculty Surgical Clinic, Minsk Medical Institute (Director of Clinic-N.T. Petrov.). o ~. fJ I - IRBEDSV, A.P., kaa(lidat mot',itr~ inF.I-.ikh ruxl-; PETROV. N.T.. 7:-7LUzh(-r..- -y dey"Ae), nauyrip air-k-tor 71 Fa-Iculltetsk(-..,a kairur6ic':eskaya kliriki. Minsl.-ogo ueditFiriskoro Iris t it-,,,tE;L. (Blood--Trt-i,sf-is ion) P E- N - ( 7 LIBNEV. A.P.. kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; PRMOV, N.T., professor, zusluzhennyy deyatel' umaki. direktor. Case of polyneuritia in subacute osteonVelitia. Vest.khir. 73 no-5:55-56 S-0 153. (MLRA 6:11) 1. Fakul'tetskava khirargicheekaya klinika Minskogo meditsinakogoinatitlita. (Dateomyelitio) (Neuritis) FJRRDX,jTiko1ay Vasilly-evich- VYSOFIVSKAYA, R.S., redaktor; GOLUBKOVA, L.A.. I t e k hn i c-'HJ W1 y--r--e--dfflnff (Inspecting the quality of grain products and oil --akes] Inspektiro- vante kacheatva zernoproduktov i zhmykhov. Moskva. Izd-vo tekhn. i ekon. lit-ry po voproBam mukomollaoi. krupianoi. kombikormovoi promyshl. i elevatorno-skladakogo khoziaistva. 1956. 55 P. (Oilseeds) (Grain) (MLTIA 10:3 ) .-,,p 0m, r,c.- o FMROVA, Z.D.,; KOTOVSHCHIKOVA, M.A., kand.biolop.nauk; zaaluzhennyy vrach Estonskoy SSR Some observations on the use of BK-8. Akt.vop.paral.icrovi no.7: 352-357 '59. (MIRA 11:1) 1. laboratoriya sukhikh preparatov krovi i krovozaTrieniteley (zav. - prof. L.G. Bogomolova) Lening-radskogo Institata perelivaniya Icrovi I klinika obahchey, khlrurgii I Leningradskogo moditainskogo institua im. akad. 1.P. Pavlova (zav. klinikoy - chlen-Vorrospondent AMN SSSR prof. A.N. riLntav) jBLOOD FLASMA SUBSTITUTES) V. and '!IA'PA':, 11. L.allny-e za-- o-, -.orr7z :.!oskva, !'-'asll:,~iz, 1.950. 213 (.i.e. 232) dia-,rs. Piblioi-rap'iy: 3c,,7- Eteel sprilb- -r a:,ain7,1. ','--!:!ifacturir,-- anr~ -ecliamcal r-- -iieer.-c., t---e -)vif t ~:ri-)n, II.-r-irv of C,,:)n,,ress, 14- PETROV9 N.V.,, kand.tokhn.nauk Synthetic materialB for the s,perstructure. Putl i put.khoz. 8 no.3tl6-19 164o (MIRA 17:3.) ! ~ - - - I r I I . . . -- . . I . . I . I 71 . ~j ~, I / ( ~ 4 t PETROV, N.V., kand.tekhn.nauk '144MP-Wd~qyistem of ballast Drism cieaning is needed. Put, i put.khoz. no.12:33-35 D '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Ballast (Railroads)) FZTRDV, N.V.. kand.tekhn. nauk.; PINUS, A-D-, inzh. - ~Olonging the life of poles. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 2 no.10:1L-16 pww~ -- 0 158. (Km 11: 10) (Railroads-Communicativu systems) -----FBSdw v ,,Imnd. tekhn. jiauk. Determining the ac4m=LLatjon of clogging matter in crushed stone ballast. Vest. TSNII MPS 17 no.2:34-38 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:4) (Ballast (Railroads)) KUTEYNIKOV, A.F.; PETROV, N.V.; CITUMAKOV, V.D. Indirect complexometric determination of carbon. Zav. ~-- no.11:1326 '65. (MIr-A . -,: - , FETROV, N.V. , kand. tekhn.;.auk ; Y, ~j;' -. ~ 21 , V . V. , i r. zh. Spring fastenings with doublf~--Iayer clamps fcr reinfcrce6 ties. Vest.TSNII MPS 22 nc.6:P-11 163. X R.A 1 - , 1,'. ) PE?ROV, N.V.; PATENOVSKAYA, M.I., red.; BOROVNEV, N.K., tekhn. red. [Safety mamal for fitters engaged in interior sanitar-y e--gineeringj Pamiatka po tekhnike bezopasnosti dlia sle- saria-santekhnika po vnutrGnnim sanitarno-tekhnicheskim rabotam. lzd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 23 P. (MIRA 17:2) ZVEREV, B.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; ZFJ2QI,-_NV., kand, tekhn. nauk; GAYDAMAKA, P.S., Insh.; YAXHCV,, M.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; PETRDVA, V.L.9 red.; DWOOVA, N.D., tekhr- red. (New design for rail fastenings] Novye k,)nstruktsil rell- sovvkh skreplenil. (By] B.N.Zverev i dr. Moskva, Tran5shel- doAzdat, 1963. 62 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Railroads-Pb9i18-Fastenings) SEI;CFIW, Ye.A., (leningrad, u1. Rakova, d.16, kv.68); PETROV, N.V., dotsent Some data on the cliniep-1 effective-ness r-f polywinal. Vest. khir. no.6:79-83 161. (MIRA 1z,:3) 1. lz laboratorii Rukhikh preparatov krovi (zav. - prof. L.G. Bogomolova), khirt=gicheskoy kliniki (zav. -- prof. A.INI. Filatov) Leningradskogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni nauchno-issledovatellskogo institilta perelivaniya krovi i kliniki cbshche7 khirurgii 1-go Leningradskogo meditsinskogo instituta im. I.P. Favlova. (MMD PLASliA SUPSTITUTES) BRUKP 1.1.0 inzh.; KON, M.L., inzh.; PETROV, N.V., inzh. Performance of the steam superheaters of coiler I-lutenov waste- heat boilers. Prom.energ. 17 no.5:16-21 Yq 162. 04IRA 15.5) (Boilers) (Superheaters) ROMANYEVICH, Ye.A.; PETROV, N.V. Oxidation-reduction potential and the PH of sedimcn*66 in the north- eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. Trudy Inst.okean. 45:72-85 '61. (MIRA 15:2) (Pacific Ocean--Sediments (Geology)) (Oxidation-reduction react~_~)n) (Hydrogen-ion concentration) FETRUV, N.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; RABINOVICH, G.D., kand.tekhn.nauk Electric resistance of reinforced-concrete ties. Pat' i put.khoz. 5 no.4113-15 Ap 161. (KIRA 14:7) (Railroads-Ties, Concrete) - FETRUV, N.V.; PINUS. A.D. [Measures to prolong the life of the poles of communication lines and of high-voltage automatic blockc-siCnal lines] Meropriiatiia po prod- leniiu aroka sluzhby stolbov linii eviazi i vysokovol'tno-signalInykh liaii avtoblokirovlr-i. Moskva, 1959. 18 p. (Moscow. Veaeoiusnyi nauchno-isaledovatellskii inatitut zheleznodor02hnogo transporta. Soobahchenie, no.2). (MIRA 13:9) (Wood-41reservation) (Elect-ic lines--Poles) of A goo so a eon god god god so, god A-7 to sw ODOM use ON &a; 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 a 0-0 O.&A W-AW. _4 4 , 36,74.4 a 4 a 4; 'a a l '-X X. M~ ee lee too, 40 maw edded to 180 'd so drop ;dlL Mae Iwo one is dpbwmhwd Po goo quo lt T . . goo Iwo 00 00 Mae ] l j Boom w"law % mop v9saall m an 991 b 0 0 0 a I v a 9 a a 20 va OA ol Goo 0 0 00 0,0 0 0 : : : : : : 0 0 0 0 000 P&ROV, H.V. [Inspecting the quality of grain products and oileeed ca)oaBj InBpektirovanie kaohestva zernoprodi7A-tov i thmykhov. Izd.2., dop. Moskva. Izd-vo tekhn. I okon.lit-ry po vopr(mam muko- mollno-krapianoi, kombikormovol promyshl. I elevatorno-skladBko- go kho2., 1959. 85 p. (MIRA 13:10) (Grain-Grading) PETROV, 0. .L mFin whc outdistan-~el +lmo ~"Zlnikovslcilft by H.Arlazi.,r:,-;. ae- viewed by C.Pe-,rov). Zr.takh. 4 xLo.2:64--65 F 160. (MUUI, 13:6) (Zhukovskii, Nikolai Agorovich, 1847 - 1921) (Arlazorov, M.) PETROV, 0., inzh. Large panel apartment houses in areas under development. Zhil.- stroi. no.3:32 162. (MA 15:9) (Apartment houses) FETHOV, O.A., ine..; PYASTACLOV, V.I., inzh. Using arc su 'ppres3ion coLls in 6 !ca 3-*:-cuits in m'nes. Ugoll 4C., no.,11:30-3~- f65- fM I 1'-~ 1 F : 11 )' SHIKHOV, V.N.; SITNIKOV, V.P.; PETROV, O.A. Semiconductor meter of the magnitudes of charges of stat--- electricity. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; prib. 8 no.5:24-26 (MIRA 18:10 1. Dral'skiy politakhnicheakiy institut. Rekomendovana kafedrcy tekhniki bezopasnosti. L 16909-66 EWT (d /T/WP 6 1.'P(c) GO/BB/aS ACC NR: AT6004687 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0025/0029 AUTHOR: Turbovich, 1. T Petrov, 0. ORG: none TITLE: A method for the complete description of unidimensional patterns by means of' the totality of simple functions (applicable to speech signals) [Paper presented at a Scientific Conference of IPPI AN SSSR 11 December 1963) SOURCE: AN MR. Insti chi informasit tu Opoznaniye obrazov. Teoriya per ac atsit (Pattern recognition. Theory of information transmission). Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka, 1965, 25-29 TOPIC TAGS: pattern recognition, speech recognition ABSTRACT: One of the basic problems in unidimensional pattern recognition is the establishment of appropriate characteristics (functionals) which differ little for all the realizations of the given pattern and differ substantially from the realizations of all other possible patterns. A significant simplification can be achieved by performing a preliminary decomposition of a complete description into a set of several simple descriptions. The present article outlines theoretically and experimentally one of Card 1/3 L 16909-66 ACC NR: AT6004687 Olf it) 4hf It) Jf A 00-0 401 Fig. I . Block diagram 5 of the device for the extraction J of primary characteristics of speech. it/ I - Microphone amplifier; 2 - differentiator; 3 - low frequency filter (0-400 cps); 4 - band filter (400 - 7, 000 cps); 6 - detector; 6 - low frequency filter (0 - 50 cps); 7 - balancer modulator; 8 - band filter (25 400 - 3,200 cps); 9 - limiter; 10 - low fre- quency filter (0 - 7, 000 cps); 11 - standard pulse sbaper; 12 - band filter (400 - 900 cps); 13 - band filter (900 - 2. 000 cps); 14 - band filter (2,000 - 4, 000 cps); 15 - band Card 2/3 filter (4, 000 - 7, 000 cps); 16 - quartz generator (251(c). L 16909-66 ACC NR; AT6004687 such possible decompositions in which a quasi-harmonto signal is split Into an Instan- taneous amplitude signal and an Instantaneous frequency signal. The basic theoreticrd i relationships are applied to human speech and the results of the theoretical development are tested by means of an experimental setup (Fig. 1). The unit processed the primary characteristics of 15 letter sounds dictated by 40 persons. The analysis of the statistical data showed that the set of primary characteristics simplifies sufficiently the original signals and allows the establishment. of invariant characteristics needed for reliable identification of leiters. Authors thank Cand. of Techn. Sci. AN. Knipper for his help in the development of the experimental equipment. Orig. art. has: 7 formulas iand I table. SUB CODE: 05 / rSUBM DATE- 25Sep65 ORIG HEF: 006/ OTH REF: 001 0 Card 3 777 L 3.6908-66 EWT(d)/T/WP(!) 1JF(c) GG/BB/GS ~7 ACC N11- AT6004688 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0030/0036 3 AUTHOR: Petrov, O.A. ORG: none TITLE: Statistical processing of primary characterislics of speech-signals an elec- tronic computers 1P, r presented at a seminar of IPPI AN SSSR 11 November 19641 SOURCE: AN Ijie ,tut )blem E2redqchP0jgr!!ats1j. Opoznaniye obrazov. Teorlya p6re-da-c%-i-nf-or-m-a-t-sfi-(P-aTfe-r-nl' recogniiion. Theory of information transmis- sion). Moscow, Izd-voNauka, 1965, 30-36 TOPIC TAGS: pattern recognition, speech recognition, data processing, electronic computer ABSTRACT: The article reports on the qualitative estimate of a newly proposed act of primary speech signal characteristics by the statistical processing on an electronic computer of 15 letter sounds dictated by 40 persons. The study covers 1) the estimate of the feasibility of a simple establishment of invariant functional s ch; tracterizing a group of sounds or separate sounds; 2) the estimate of the feasibility o'primary functionals description by averaging the characteristics over the various speakers Card 1/2 L 16908-66 ACC NR: AT6004688 involved; 3) the study of the effectiveness of a linear normalization of letter sound production duration; and 4) the feasibility of primary functional description by means of normal distribution low parameters. An analysis of the statistical results shows that it Is possible to extract by simple devices a sufficient number of invariant chRr- acteristics needed for a reliable recognition of a set of letter sounds. However, C~e problem of the establishment of characteristics by means of normal distribution para- meter; still remains unclear. It Is possible that this approach may work in conjurtCUOD with the sound production duration normalization. Author thanks Dr. of Tech. Sci. I.J.. Turbovich and Cand. of Techn. Sci. A-V- &illper for valuable advice, and Engineers-V. Ye. Gumenyuk-andl, A, Myslivets for their help. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and I table. SUB CODE: 05. 09 SUBM DATE: 26Sep65 ORIG REF: 002 Card 2/2 41 L 29672-66 EEC (k ) -2 ~EVIT (d ACC NR.AP6009172 SOURCE CODE: UR/0146/65/006/005/0024/0026 3h1khov, V. N.; Sitnikov, V. P.; w - - A. ORG: Ur~-" Polytechnic Institute im. S. M. Kirov (Urallskiy politekhniehosl;' iris t.; tut 4 u~ Chelyabinsk Poly7Eechnic Institute (C_ --yabinsk politekhnicheskiy instit t TITLE: Semiconc_ictor instrument for measuring .5tatic-electriSIV charge SOURCE: I'VUZ. PriborostroyerLiye, V. 8, no. 5, 1965, 24-26 TOPIC TAGS: electricity,'slatta electricttZk measurement ABSTRACT: The development ol a now sGaiconductor instrumeni, for measuring eloctro- static potential or surface charge density is briefly reported. Operating on the well-knowr, electrostatic-generator principle, the instrument includes a 3-st,..,e I - .rans'storized (Pl~A) amplifier with a gain of 30--40 in each stage; the ills Is circul-6 d~'-gram is shown. The laboratory model has a range of 10-12--10-9 co,i_'ombs/cA The instrument is intended for measuring static electricity charges in the text-l'a, printing, petroleum, paper,and other industries. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: 04ju_164 / ORIG REF: 008 Card I/1. UDC_: --- 6-21.317-713 ACC NR: AT6004685 SOURCE CODE: UR/00Q0/65/000/()oo/nn16/002Q AUTIIOR- Knipper, A. V. ; Petrov. 0. A. : Turbovich, 1. T. ORG: none TITLE: The feasibility (if obtaining the cluiracteristics of unidimensional patterris which are scale invariant (Paper presented ;it a Scientific Conforence of IPPI AN SSSR on 10 April 19641 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut orobleni tieredachl informatpil. Opoznaniye obrazov. peredacRT To-rmatsij (Pattern recognition. Theory of information trans Fn mission). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 16-20 TOPIC TAGS: speech tecognition, pattern recogrnition, speech sipial ABSTRACT: In the classification of functionswhich describe patterns, it is oftf-i) pedlent to put into a single class function,,; which are similar in form but which 6iffer in the scale of the independent variable and of the function itself. Thus, the fun-tions y ~ flit) and y, = Af(Ltt) would belong to the same class for arbitrarv A and ji. Th- pre- sent paper outlines a method for the description of the y(t) function which is invariant to both ty-pes of scale changes. This approach for the establishment of appronriate Card 1/2 ZHILINSKIYJ, O.V.; KOZLOV, V.A.; 9IKHALIKEVICH, I.V.; PETROV,, O.D. Hxdraulic system of a broaching machine with two-position Bafet valves. StanJ instr. 32 no.6-.36-37 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6~ (Broaching machines-Hydraulic driving) ZHILINSKIY, O.V., inah.; KOVZELI, N.I., inzh.; LEMSHONCK, V.D., inzh.; PETROV, O.D., inzh. Automatic broackiing machine for machining bimetallic bushings. Vest.mashinostr. 43 no-8:57-60 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Broaching machines) RABINOVICH, YO.Ya., inzli., n.PROV, O.D., in0i.; ZILIMMUIXIm., AM, 111701. The nfof D-451 blickot lmder. Strol. I dor.mashinostr. 4 no.6:15-19 Je '50. (MIRA 12:8) (Road machinery) 40223 AUTHORS: Kurmayev, A. D.,-,Petrg_y, Q. L. S/081 /61/000/019/07211085 B1 17/B1 10 TITLEt Antifriction material Yl'.-52 (ETS-52) on the basis of epoxy resin and tniccol PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 19, 1961, 481, abstract 19P40 (Tr. Kazansk, khim.-tekhnol. in-ta. no. 29, 1960, 115 - 120) TEXT: A new antifriction material, ETS-52, is proposed. It was obtained from 100 g of epoxy resin 4A -6 (ED-6), 25 g of low-molecular thiocol An -2 (LP-2), 10 g of dibutyl phthalate, 10 g of polyethylene polyamine, 100 - 200 g of marshalite, 50 - 100 9 of second-quality graphite of the type CXA14 (SKhAN). After the components were mixed a homogeneous mass was obtained, which was filled into various molds for hardening. At -2J0 C -00 hardening takes 5 - 6 hours, and at 600 - i C it takes 1.5 - 2 hours. For comparison the finished samples, together with bronze samples (bPAX 9-4 (13PAZh 9-4)), were subjected, to comparative frictional tests lasting Card 1/2 30223 S/081,1`61/00c,iVi 9/0-172/.085 Antifrict--'~on material '4TC -52 (ETIS-52).- B117/ ,B110 5 minutes without lubrication, using a steel disk haidened to 160 kcg/'.,3m 2 2, (specific pressure 10 kg/cm rate 0.63 m/sec. 600 rpm). In all the test., the bronze samples suffered greater losses (0.0162 as against 0.0014 with. cooling and 0.0041 without cooling). ETS-92 possesses good physical and mechanical properties; its wear resistance is 5-6 times higher than that of bronze; specific gravity 1.35 - 1.c~2; frictional coefficient on polished steel, without lubrication, 0.020; it does not swell in gasoline. ETS--'.2 absorbs 1/10 - 1/30 of the amount of water absorbed by polyuwides (L),Ul within 24 hours at 200C). Its therinal conductivity and Nardness are higher than in polyamides. The strong adhesion of ETS-52 to metal makes it possible to take it as a basis for the creatio!~ of bimetallic produ~:ts, A disadvantage of ETS-52 is its low tensile and static bending strenth in comparison with polyamides. I Abstracturlb notei Coinj.lete tran.slation. L/ Card 212 Ed.";~by-A. M mjrno 1961, PAWy. Moscow. d-tiii~p4pt~!*g~~t~Do~pe-riatures (TT) F~4c I"PMpe the '6' esignat, kjEI 2-68)-. T t""fe"r-illi; y;. '~,qQrrqp, anAl" h4w,propertieglio. eje',_ _,jgoo rei -toughness) of ;e!~qe-. no, dh h,crosi an- -fe ritic 0t me r ~C. 'Pr~ - ~w qy"yby~,~~ .Th-*,# endeamo e 4truitura th it--.- Iwaussian). In 195 em ea i6 44ulaled by the rem Ji 1~t iiid, Ni~ijil eAig t of .6~tix-~Lal e, a ion heat- mpositiack ca co Dit C44ke'aftme'', t rem _W41-,hiii n.-proce St!3_7/61 -/000/000/006/010 -.7"20, - M 0. Si 0. 42*j;~; C r~~--.j it- 0 76, Ni 1. 90). Tensile- P. t6stbig.~4ii& it I U_ hneio-t~iting_ speqm6i4..';ke're --made in accordance with 04ch -St4fidardsi Thii, 60e~imiens-:-weve, quenched in oil from Union I 0 tixak otio',,~ornpeirAi;ures.,(;t4O,t axiii I 4 5500C) and o 'k-0 9q _Ood mam-tenni e strength was _0 SM tr-163V,7`QT~~' zhiiM4t,-980 ;--thdiiie"I d-u- ri-4i t-h' those of oth D aMe ,Z m-firil, 0 1 -di- -,_;d'xx ng# e ad Ors;~~-;Tlempermg:rai-s-'e-'sth"*- U t a- b- 0 -140 kg/mm t 6ut:450, C ensi e..s reng strq#g_th~":A he ten-pjAd',: d plow-that'requirei, by the engineer- 6~ 1, Lpg-~ .a -e ~i fici&6ii' ~(ksy specimeniv., ~p r h- 0 -7~4 :, _'M - ' -_T --at'500 Ahere is a 0 V! a ii~ crease in pene e 9 TT f r obtains in steel'with o 'VP. g~ hieVed, ~4T t..-A. so ute. peak-yalues, ake:46 with a QT of g ei~~ c,-_.,,, .9 ~ep. . * -, ",z ' --6 __ - I d;ftorri~-980- -6iod','at-, 0( 5 falls even..below'the lower ,_q4ep!p_, p. p z the heat- -9 ll~-VjiioW ZOST 5949- _T lij -longer times rIng" -;mttq eesji~i empe- iiike~.~, 9 1 por an_ -w- fjl-~~;~pe Tpoghness -and x 0- :TT ~aj dictiuty;- prl`~550 -~TT'-iari6_' b6st 4' ffi- h- 6 (tei Practical _A:: h pioa - ' .1 . action: bi d' t oa *ariationa in composition e.rp~ esvp& (diailbutid'121requm' Wofthe'speelmens had a I t w iieatj~!*e4trpent,~ j ddries S/737 pr9ce x. /6rjo6b/d00/006/010.--~-, tv 30 35 k'-- `u iiiiii ripe,cirilens with a- Ong 0 If'o thaV 6 i7,;~iith it.-OT __070,,,.,~4the sarhe occurs in JWL OW. recommend'a ratio of. T Andica' d i rnarked,. ~H;i -a's ~tistivti`l~e`-Int _f te a 10300-~-,a.,eivejii V - P-hi ne-mjm.,.-ntimberx,~ bet 4 -41*48. -th Qdiff I 'Al h- 0700 andlempere-a A pep ~;h i. 170 500C-16 0- Oe~~erat icbirbsiofiAe ate were made k- 6g-.-,-'.c4*M~er- with-a Nib-i ijdo-.7 ~y 10 in a H20, 1 S/191/61/000/001JO-o B 101/B205 AUTHORSi Petrov, 0. L., Kurmayev, A. D, TITIX., Antifriction compositions on the basis of thiecols and ernyv resins PERIODICALi Plasticheskiye massy, no. 1, 1961, 46-46 TEXTt In view of the fact that: 1) epoxy resins can be renot-r-,d iin- soluble and unswelling in petroleum products by adding th.,.oc-18; L' s-;cn compositions have a high bending strength and are water-repe2lent. tn'~- application of such compositions as antifriction material rias be(-r. s ' ladied. High-molqcular thiocols of the types "A" ("A"), "P-A" .~"DA" ("FT-111) easily combine with epoxy resins (ER) when sligh"Ay hea'~-,a L:w-molocular ~hiocols of the type ",q7" ("LP") combine with FR 6'. ---)m *emperature! 2R1-CH 2- CH-~H2+ 2RSH -> -R'-CH2IH-CH 2 R S S-P 0 H (Rs thiocal radical; RIt ER radical), The results of abras-on tes!s fr a lathe were compared with FpA19-4 (BrAZh9-4) br?nze. The *Ps's w---F- rr,c,;- with a steel disk (maximum strengths !60 kg/'mm ) without lubrzca-i~~n: Card 1/5 Antifriction compositions on ... B1011iB205 durationi 5 min; specific pressures 10 kg/cm 2 ; ratej 0.63 m/sec. Wi 'th the use of compressed air, the steel disk had a temperature of '10-00 C. and without compressed air, 170-2100C. The composition with the bP3* properties has been designated 3TC-52 (ETS-52). Its weight loss by abrasion was 4.1 mg without compressed air, and 1.4 mg with compressed air (bronzes 16.2 mg). Abrasion caused neither piercing noises nor smoke. The following physlco-mechanic~l data are presented for this compositions limit of strength (kg/cm ) on elongation, '166.0; on 7om pressiont on bendingt 380.0; specific gravity! 1,43 g/,CM31 1009.4; 4 coefficient of friction on steel without lubrication, 0.020; no swe'~ing in gasoline at 200C for 24 hr; in transformer oil, swelling by water adsorption at 200C for 24 h-? 0.01%i at boiling porit af,'Pr 0.1%, ETS-52 has only 1/10-1/30 of the hygroscopicity of polyamides, ol'. is harder. can be used without lubrication, and has a lower coeff:c:pTi, of friction. On account of its good adhesiveness, bimetall2c produt-i may be obtained by the following method- Thiocnl, a plasticizer, a hardener, and a filler are successively added tr. slightly heated ~.R. -5~-r. the mass is mixed and poured into molds for hard.-ning hardeningt 1~5 6 hr Neither H2S nor mercapranes are 1-irmp-i B!:qn-; Card 2/5 Antifriction cor-Positions on ... S/19 6 1/000/00 1 B101YB205 the gear box of a T'-135 (TS-135) lathe and fr-'Iction bearings for the cantilever of a "Wanderer" horizontal milling machine were made from LTS-52. The following conditions are given for the treatment of the non- ferrous alioy .",167* (D16T), (ZOKhGS:.) steel, and 'g)-, (V95T): feedi 36-85 mm/min; speed: 80-200/min. The test results obtained for three b,.ishes of the TS-135 lathe are illustrated in Fig.4. There are 4 fig-..~res. and 4 Soviet-bloc references. U.UG Legend to Fig-4: a) Duration of test, 0,061 mcnths; b) increase in internal ,04 0 diameter. 04 ZI 0.0 0 Z 6' a) bpe,o urnvinc-v-~ -eeguv Fig.4 Card 3/3 Heat treatment of low-carbon structural steels (with vu.~-7 in English). Stal' 19 no.1:81-85 Ja '59. (KIU 12: 1 ) (Steel, Str-uctural-.-Heat treatment) '.A .1 PETROV# O.L..; TSYGANKOV, A.A. Use of anodized aluminum shells. Lit. proizv. no-1:38 Ja 'Q. (MIRA 16:,1) (Shell moldin,~ Vowriding)) AUTHOR: -Ite~~. L Engineer SOV/133-59-1-iVL-3 TITIE: Thermal Treatment of Structural Low-carbon Steels (Termicheskaya obrabotka konstruktsionnykh malouglerod- istykh staley) PERIODICAL: Stal', 1959, lir 1, pp 81 - 85 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The possibility of improving strength and some other mechanical properties of low-carbon structural steels by an appropriate thermal treatment was investigated. Specimeas from rolled steels St. 3kp, 20 and St. 0 were taken for the invek3tigation. In order to establish the optimum annealing tempgrature, tensile and i.Rpact specimens were hardened fro.n 920 C in water gabout 16 0C) and annealed at temperatures from 200 to 700 C at 100 intervals with the soaking time of L~O min. The dependence of mechan~Cal propErties of har- dened steels on the annealing temperatures are shown in Figure 1; the microstructure of St.3 steel before 0 and after hardening and annealing at 200, 450 and 200 C - Figure 2; the results of tests for hardenability, the dependence of impact strength on the temperature of the test and the results of fatigue tests are shown in Figures 3, 4 and ~, respectively. 0 It was found that hardening from Cardl/2 920 C in water (16 C) w-Lth subsequent annealing at 450 OC SOV/133-59-1-19/23 Thermal Treatment o1 Structural Low-carbon Steels considerably increases the strength of* machine i~axts, Dermitting a corresponding decrease in their weight. The metal and machine parts sg treated can be used at low temperatures (up to - 70 C). There are 5 figures and 6 Soviet references. Card 212 PETROV, 0. M. "Pleisto.-enf- strativnLI.:I., ,Lrt,: ,_t~ ir,- 'A' tio. ~ ', " .!. .!~ I , ";. e Peninsula, rioithcu.,;t,~:m f-luo--ria. .1 re _M4 t port SU: ~tted for th~ !tti L-,t- " (_' n I.',t ~ , -.S S' C~ ,!'~ l' uat,: ll'..~i -~- R~ -. - - %2- - :. , , .- -ado, A BoLdder j~, 'enver C)~ol ~IRKLIN, Roman LIvovich ; PETROV. Q-le- MjkhayInvj-Qh4 AMUIROV, Oleg Vladimirovich; 1 $ V.V., otv. red.; NEVESSKAYA, L.A., red. izd-va; SII-IKDIA, G.S., tekhn. red. (Atlas for the identification of mollusks in Quaternary sediments of the Chukchi Peninsula] Atlas-opredelitell rwl- liuskov chetvertichnykh otlozhenii Chukotskogo poluostrova. 1-:oskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 56 p. 12 tables. (YJAA 1 :5) (Chukchi Peninsula-Mollusks, Fossil-Classification~ I-ERKLIN, j FEMC'V L.M.; GCPENS, b-f-1. 1 Hopkin~i, .1 S. Attempting the ccrrt-'a,.-or f :;,Le the Chukchi ?eninsula, northeusterr. Siberi&, alA westt'rr. A-asKfl. 17,v. AN Ser. ~!.eol. 2'4 1. Paleontologicheski.y institi,' All ZSS;~, Geologif~',.eshly AN SSt~'R, Moskva i Geolngl-:~hes~aya shmiba ~',:li,.A, KalJornlya. .1 - , -; *..' -: , . ~, * : I-F-, y - ~. ~ - : , -I tt.,- 't.--k t,-' !,erjzns,-,8,. ;,: I , ') FAMOV 0. S. Application of the unitary transformstion method to the waculation of atom therm. Trudy Ural. politekh* Insto no*92:5-18 159o (K1" 13:12) (Atom) (Qaantun theory) MTFLOV, 0. S. Calculating the spectrum of lithiumm-like ions. Trudy Ural. politekh. inBt. no-92:19-24 '599 : (MIJU 13:12) (Ionic crystals-Spectia) PETROV, O.S. 0 Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of P~Zc!icomathematice.l Sciences at the Institute of Metal Physics In 19 2: OApplication of the Mathod of Successive Unitary Transformations to Calculations of Atomic Spectra.' Vest. Akad. Nauk SSSR. No. 4, Moscow, 1963, pages 119-145 -PETROV, O.S. Application of the unitar7 transformation for calculation of atomic states. Opt. I spectr. 5 no.3:225-215 S '58. (KIRA 11:10) l.Urallakly politakhnicheakiy institut im. S.M. Kirova. (Quantum theory) Applicationof -uhe Uni ry .atuirle Tlerm~, (PrL.tananiye a t cm I 31tL 0 t i i-_,' c t r c - ~ i ica inl-Arnc~i~r. 5 b , V .~6JS T -,A C T --he ewazt sclution ~f h d 14 & oils To t n-; of approxi,nate ,lettoee are used , su--h us tho statis tical -I'rc: Lj.,- mothod , Hartr3e-Foclc wet~mc- aud , ~mdtioual aet!*-,'~ A --t; pras ent paper descrilt-eii an -tp.-rou -h wii - is I-U-121' L". -.11 ;..~ ~ perturbations by ieanfi C." suc--essive unitilry trans form-! tc. --, diaxonalize the Hud1toniai; -,perat..j.- ol' G,,a at=,-c, 9-vst%;i. ~Lq Z~Ojsibilitl~, of -,Be of tra-,,sf iT~ o3rt-rba'~-.Ion t~iaary -waf .-lactio- The prasaLt althOr dOSCri!.---IS u I" tl -L ;.;atl-.On of i'amuer U1113, irl (,.DLr,!-Ast t- 9 a matri-c dacraasa6 tne value oli' -t-j ao-z-i-;u---).'IUl ala-,Oat3 -,:c ADplicati or, of th3 Unitary TnLLsft,r-,.i; tir;~ tc, ;a! --1lat-' r: c ea eh -, ra r s f o niat,4 m.. ; n -.;-,a a:~ c~:i --) -,a - 1 ii litt"iWOL-lik.6 ions it ma~,- fa-~~-l tj~,t .-~vaL i-i Ei rc.; I i 3 V 1 r i:l t i L) D U I 11I -3tri D-4. -S a of -:,r -i pra :1 5 3 u I k tn-3 ra~,, ItT cra ('i V k!", 4-nolr al,4 r .3 ~L j j-t 1 of whi,~h is Scvlet, 3 -'43~03L.717, 'ir-11'sici-f t P.,,-ytEl:~ujl,:.ll- Irv:tlt,:tc- S 1. Wa-a ."7D - I Tons-Mathernat'cal arla-'p--~:- PETROV, O.S., Cand Phys-Math Scl -- "Applicpition of' the method of consecutive unitary transformations to the cal- ~; i -dlovsk, 1961. (Ura Q/, JA " , I culation of atomic spectra." Sve~ 1 .t i I Acad Sci USSR) (KL 8-61, 228) - 35 - 1-454-04-66 ELYT (d) IJP(c) ACC NRt AR6o16621 SOURCE CODEt UR/00441/65/000/012/Bl23/BI23 ,AUTHOR: -~?trov: 0: --ao TITLE: Use of the saddle point method for obtaining asymptotic expansions of oertail', Coulomb integEals -6 SGMCE: Ref. zh. Matematika, Abe. 12B649 .REF SOURCE: Tr. Urallskogo politekhn. in-ta., 9b. 144, 1965, 15-23 TOPIC TAGS: asymptotic expansion, Coulomb field iABSTRACT: It is shown that one can obtain expressions for Coulomb integrala in the Iforz of simple functions of smooth quantum numbers if one uses the formula K-.-z(s,-s,-s,) !where Z is the ordinal number of an element in the Mendelian periodic table; Sit 9 1 2 iand S are functions of the smooth quantum numbers m and n. By means of passing to t 3 'the Euler integral representation for hypergeometric functions, one finds the asympto- Itic expansion for S in the form 4n -M n+M (n - m), M-n (11 + M) ;where L-' 2' d,. ,--Card 1/2 W. z -Xs UDC: 518 OMMMU L 45404-66 ACC NRj AR6oi6621 The saddle point method is used to obtain the asymptotic expansion of L. Lfter substitution of the numerical values of the appropriate -(-funotione, the final asymptotic expansion for S has the form 0.5635720 In' - 4m%n' + W X I - 0.016,131 Y n#-2n'in'-2nv M4 + T"- 1. Shelikhova anslation of abstrac!7 Or STB CODEt 12 hs Card 2/2 PETROV, O.V. Significance or forest raviries 4r. Q- 'Ife -,f mi:-ine , : Steppe oak forests. Vest. IZE. ~) nl,-~':-'~-32 (141RA 18:f ! FMOVI O.V.; YOKIN, I.M. Distribution and population densit7 of murine rodents on seed plots of the forest-steppe oak woods. Vest WU 15 no.15:69-81 160. (KIM 13:8) (Belgorod Province--Field mice) (Forest fauna) PITROV, O.V.; EWNYUK, A.A. Measures for increasing the sumption by rodents on seed WU 15 no-3:122-134 '60. (AcornB) acorn crop and the rate of their ccn- plots of the forest-steppe-zone. Vest. (M IU 13: 1 ) (Rodentia) PFI-KV, O.V. "I ...... .,~r,y Y,~-Urs C~ *fie ~C- :-.h - 71~-37 1 1 -,. ~.-- -~ : ~ , . C. - ~ ; -. . . . . - -- I - ~e searc-. t i cri. ','e.- t. :.C,~ . :j .., . -,: , , r - I ~"! Ir . . C, cont---~, c,-rr*L.,-rL; c- PETROV, O.V. Concentration of murine rodentB in the habitats of st4~ppe- oak forests. VW'. LGU 19 no,21ID2?-33 264 (MIRA 1&1) IU, C.V.; ALLh.-T Reproductinn ---d the f irct f:t .-as of .,o:-t?- r clcvp-!.c c:-.t in the red-bacl:ed b:=I- vc)p rlnthriono!,,- ~, -3--..r imder laboratcr, Voot MV mo.21:51-61 161. 1c. cc) PFITROVP O.V. Applioation of the Bergman rmle in studying the intraspecific variety of ermine. Vest. LGU 17 no.9tl44-148 162. (KMA 150.! (Weasels) (Bioclimatology) PMMOV, O.V.; SHMATKO, G.I. I- - -- - Distribution nad an bers of murine rodents in the forest steppe deciduous forest stands of commercial importance [with summary in Inglishl. Zool.zhur. 36 no.5:762-772 My '57. (KLRA 10.7) 1. KpSedra zoologii pozvonochuykh Leningradskogo gosudsrstventogo universitets Im. A.A. Zhdanova. (Forest fauna) (Nice) PETROV, O.V. Sexual dimorphism of the skull in ermines (Mustela erminea L.). Vast. Len. un. 11 no.15:41-56 '56. (qLRA 9:10) (DIMDRPHISM (ANIMALS)) (WEASELS) (SKULL) . PETROV, 0. V. ww ' - -wv;_W, n ~- ~ -~~ - n the irffestation of ermine (Kistela erminea L.) by Skrjabingylua nasicola Leucart. Vest. Len. un. 11 no.21: 56-60 ,s6. (MLIU 10:2) (WEASELS--DlSEASES AND PESTS) (WORMS, INTESTINAL AND PARASITIC) PLTRM, O.V. Structure of the ermine fur. UCh.ZAP. Len. un. no.181:122-132 155 (weasels) (Flur) (MIRA 8:11) PETROV, O.V. Feeding ha~J,Ts of murine rodents of the forest-5tr-ppe ---K groven under Inty)ratory conditionn. Vop. ekol. I r-iotm~n. no. 8: 119- 17 ~ (MI! A I'': ! '; PsTROV. 0. V. Studying adaDtiVe characters in the ex-tremital sti-ictures of the ernine [with awmnary in English]. Veat.LGU 13 no.21:73-78 158. (HIRk 11:12) (Weasels) (Extremitiee (Anatomy)) (Adaptation (Biology)) PETROV,O.V. Rev1sion of fur standards for ermine pelts; some results of a study of intraspecific variation in the fur. Uch.zap.Len. un. no.181:133- 143 '55. (Weasels) (Fur) (MLRA 8:11) FITROV. 0. L. - - - - -- Replacing bronze machine parts with cast iron parts. Stan. i instr. 28 no.10r4O 0 157. N13A 10:11) (Machinery--Construction) - PETROVf O.Z., doktor fiz.-matem.nauk Riddles of gravitation. Znan. ta pratsia no.12:3-5 D Ib2. (~ff RA 16: 1 /1 (Gravitation) STAKULOV, N., inzh.; ILIIEV, U., inah,j RTROV F. inzh. The model studies of the axially radiating antenna system for mediuz-wave broadcasting. Radio i televiaiia 12 no.1:20-21 063,, PMOV, P. - Regulating the settling of accounts Jamtween spart me nt -house OffiCe,3 and communication enterprises. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 10 no.2:19-20 16o. (MIRA 13:5) (Radio) '177 /* 0/9 WA a ux to 6,Q ew iw LO ,Zt T-.Z ciz V-S A.--v Plar.,Md -11 -,m (A3-T-W J. -WPTP-:) :,i,.l -n.Tv.1 -lz T.-I --a "T~LLO -Q m WP-!~D "~7-qo jo ="~rMa -InA -10 r.-q. J. .7--am M-a -TI-TP- n-n ..j-d "-..,Wxcr pl, ~T-TW -nA -r-TV-1 P-1-0 *IA --TZ-JJ- J. Ld--U *.I__LM ~.q- --n TP-2 -Tt.2- cr. ~n~Tp~ =T~oqjn.Ta X.;A I'a -TI-Tpa 'A xa V--ft. M-M J~rljr~Av I T in 'v-.-wd PE TROV, -- -P.; RUSKOV, M. Effect of planted grain seed treated with disinfectants on partridges. p. 1715. NAUCHNI TPUDDIIE. Vissh lesotekJinicheski institut. Sofita, Bulgaria, Vol. 6, 1958. Monthl,v list of East European Accessions (I-EZAI) LC, Vol. 9, No. 1, January 1960. Unal. PMOV, P. "A review of Dimitur Popivanov's Progresivni metodi v kamenovuglenata promish- lenost (Progressive Methods in the Coal Mining Industry." P.104 (Minno Delo, Vol. 12, no. 2, Mar./Apr. 1957, Sofiia, Bulgaria) Monthly Index of East European Acce8sions (EEkl) LC, Vol. 7, No. 8, August 1958 PHrROV, P. "Methods of fighting sudden outbursts of coal and gas in the Yegorshina anthra- cite coal fields, in the USSR, and possibilities of their application in the Balkan coal basin." p.b7 (Minno Delo, Vol* 12, no, 6, Nov./Dec. 1957, Sofiia, Bulgaria) Monthly Index of East biropean Accessions (EUI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 8, August 1958 PENCMA$, Ye. [PenChOTa, E.J) PETROV, -P. "- -- Geochemioal studies Of helium and argon in natural gases of northern Bulgaria. Daklady BAN 17 no.llilO39-1042 164. 1. Geologic Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Scianc.tis. Subuitted July 15, 1964. I I PHTWV, P. Buildinp a now automobile and motorcycle club. Za nil. 17 no.1:2 Ja '59. (MI M~ 12: 3) (Kabardia-Public buildinpa) PWROV, P. A nev feed mill tobe completed for the 41st anniverear7 of the Great October Revolution. Muk.-elev. prom. 24 no.10:12 0 '5P. (MIRA 11-12) 1.Redaktsiya zhurnals, "Sellskoys khozyaystve Kazakhstana." (Alma-Ata--Feed mills) : ;. ,, Pm'v , - . 6 . . 'i . , . - ~ y a . an a I :~ , , ~as*-e .1-1 - : ~t , ;-q s t ~ ne ~ rld - s . . !Ir. . . L ii ~ a L, t 4 i ~; za ti or, for re :-' :~ - z ~ .i' 1 a rTr ' - 1 ~ ',, r `~ 5 - r, ~? r - - -- -- - .- iL~. , . ; '.. ; '. ~ ~ - ..:- '. " '.' "a ~"-IfnmS7, . P I BUMIRLI/Cosmochemistry. Geochenistry. 1~ydrochemistry. D ,',bs Juur: Ref Zhur-Khim-, Nc 24, 1958, 81229. Author Petrov P., Oshanova N. Inst Title Plankton, Denthos and 11ydrochenieal Characteristics of the Dolnorakovskiy Mineral Springs. Cri(,~ Pub: Nanchni tr. Vissh. selskostop. in-t " G. Dmitrov". Zootekhn. fak., 1956, 6, 235-244. Abstz-act: Investigation of the hypothernal mineral springs located near Dolni - Rakovets village of the Phdomirskiy rayon, that were conducted from September 1953 to December 1954, revealed that due tc pi. even and higher temperature (15-2V ), to nore suitable hydrochemical conditions (pH of 6.8-8.o; free Ck of 12.2 - 39.0 mg/l, and others) and to constant presence of plankton and benthos type organisms in the Milenin,:~ Card 1/2 20 USUNOV, G.; BQZHII]OV, S.; GRORGIEV, I.; PNM'V. P.,IANKOV, la.; SAKUTCHIZU, L.; VRTSKA, P. Symptomatic epilepsy in Rupra- and sub-tentorial tumors of the brain. Suvrem. med., Sofia 8 no.11:51-59 1957. (MIN NEOPIASMS, complications, aupratentorial & subtentorial, causing epilepsy (Rul)) (EPIIZPSY, etiol. & pathogen. Bubtentorial & Runratentorial tumors (Dul)) P1851MV, D.; AIWMV, T.; BALM, IU.; GIIW, I.; KALV, N.; KIM DZHUN, KIM CH3 MION.; LI CHAN SO.; LI ZON I.; P2;TRUV, P.; SIKDDNOV, L. Etiopathogenetic aurgical treatment of torpid infection with various localizations in the light of I. P. Pavlov's teaching. Xhix-argiia. Sofia 11 no,3:207-215 Mar 58. (DaWTION, surg. in torpid infect. in vnrioue localizations (Bul)) FLUIHO~, F. ; *...,.I 1~.. .iverdlcvsk, city w-pic., mir. f.irtim-r :i~ C.", Y. . (I. ~ol.. 5, no. 7, a(- ~ ii, 7 i lit 3of iya, -0: ~~asterr. -.1ror-in , () -.: .11 !, 0. ly J:l 1. . I (" 17! XICTROly, P.,dotsent "Chief characteristics of the development of medicine in Russia during the period of capitalism (1861-1917)" by L.O. Kanevskli. B.I. Lotova, Kh. I. Idal'cbik. Reviewed by P. Petrov. Sov. zdrav. 16 no.2:77-80 F 157 (KLRA 10:4) (KPbDIC INF,-HI STORY)