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Pin RDV, M. Playgrounds orEpnized 'by the aprtement house offices. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 7 no.1:6-7 '57. (MLRA 10:4) 1. Nachal'nik Upravlemiya zhlllRhehnogo khozyayatva Holotovskopo gorsoveta. (Molotov--Playgrounds) FFTRCV, P. PETROV, "'. The basis is the economic accounts. T.In. Vol. 11, no. 0, Sept. 1056 KOOPERATIVI~O 'ZI-1-U11-TE AGRICIATURY Sofiia, TILIgaria SO: East Furopean Accession, Vol. F, 'o. 1, arch 1957 FETP~-V, I PE~ '-' V, 0--r ex:,t- ijfoc~w f. s, -v iq ---t-us Vol. 1; No. Sept. 1~~, i' 01-,~s KC S" C.; V., FO ry VMROV, M., polkovnik. Tn Divulje. Sov.nor.16 no.18:IQ-20 S156. (MLRA 10:1) (Yugos IAN, in--Navy) / - " " ~ -- I-, HAM, I., Inzhener; FMCIT--H---Amj&gper. Steamer OSovetsiril Solus." Mor.flot 17 1. G1-qvf1ot (for Petrov). I. (Sovetskii Bolus (Steamer)) no-5:21-22 MY '57. (MERA 10:7) MWV, M.; VASILYRV, V. Storming the nucleus. Znan-alla 31 no.4:6-11 AP 156. (XLRA 9:7) Okolear physics) PSMY, M. Now sethed of preparing rolled ham. Mi&~.ind.SSSR 27 se.3:51 '56. ()CIRA 9: 9) l.Kaliningradakiy Wasekombizat. (HAM) PEMVP M. 1~ ---------- Volunteer firemen of a Bukovina village. Pozh.delo 8 no.2s27- 28 F 162. (MIRA 15t2) (Bukovina-Fire extinction-Soeifties) FETROV, M. The U.S.S.R.icebreaker fleet. Mor.flot 7 no-11:37-41 X 147. (MLRA 9:6) 1.11achallnik Upravlonlya arktichmakogo flota I portov Glavsovmor- puti. (lee breaking vessels) . ...1 3, . 3 - . - ~ I 1. . i. I " - I lL . m I . . . . 3 . I . . - I - ) . . . . FZTROV, M., polkovnik From the experiences of tank firing training maneuvers. Voen. vest. )9 to.9:67-71 S 159. (MRA L2:12) (Tanks (Military scienap)) (Tarret -Dractice) 4?6-rP_C Vj I-r) , USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their ApplicaticL -- Food industry, 1-28 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 2, 1957, 6713 Author: Petrov., M. Institution; none Title: lew Method for the Production of Meat RoliB Original Publication: Wasnaya industriya SSSH, 1956, No 3, 51 Abstract: 11b the preparation of rolls directly following the cutting of pork carcasses., the side of pork is divided into forward part, vi-xich is cut to give Rostov or Belorussian rolls, chest and rib portion, for Soviet rolls, and hi&. portion from which the Leningrad rolls are cut. The pork cuts are dry-salted for 2-3 days (using 2.5 kg Balt, 100 g sugar and 50 9 saltpeter per 100 kg meat) and kept for 10-15 days in 160 Be brine containing 0.5% saltpeter and 0.5% sugar. After soaking in water for 30-40 minutes, at 20-250, and washinE with warm water,, the roll cuts are rolled, tied and cooked. The method enhances Card 1/2 11 1 FZTROV ~'..14 , - - A;9~- In 250 harbors of the world. Mor.flot 17 no.11:28-30 N '57. (MIRA 10: 12) - (Merchant marine) ,000,-. FE7ROVY ml- A progressive collective. Pozh.delo 8 no.11:21~27 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Bukovina-Factories-Fires and fire prevention) F. YA',"Ku,', :-!. P--7'WV Z,71~ Docenz Tv. Colo.. s, XC (Poikovnitit ,i't I - I I .- I a S I ULId, -I) "Tr-P Pro'jlc.:i of Surgica.' ly Untran-~portable Patient:-: Sofia, Voonno Ncd;tsinsko "(!]a, Vc,' Ic!, ,o 2, 1963; ri ~-7. ,,Qne:-.~I revio,,.- of t~-.e prcblIcns presented by the confliCLing require-ment o: minL3izin-- &ny ditionLl zrau.--.a to severely woundeL! soldit~rs and of i!iving them medical aid as can only be made avail-Ibit in ia-.-ger far from the front linc, as based on of CIAC S,Ali,L Arzme~~ Forces during World War 11. Thirteen SOViCL referei,ce~;. BAR;IBIIINOV, A., bripndir-, ARU'YFV, 13.., MOSHNIN, G.; CHISITAN, V.-, PFT116,0111N, V.1 VLtWlMIHOV, L.; BY11OV, it., J( ... ". " , . TV,p narty'!: prorram is a banner for a nation-widp effort in Inr rommuW.SM. Reclh. transp. 20 no-P-3-4 i~p '(I. MIRh IZ4*10' 1. Brirada kommunistic-pskoro truda Moskovskopo sudostroitpl'noio I sudoremon8tnopo moda (for Barabanov). 2. Rektor LpninFradskop instituta vodnim transporta (for Aref' ev). 3. Kapitan vo,zYshoro teplokl~oda "Ta'lin" (for Moshkin). 4. 4aster stanochnoro ucl'-ast~a derevoobdelochno o tsekha Moskovskoro sudostroitel*nopo i sudore- montnopo 2avoda Mr ChIstyakov). 5. Ma5ter mekhanicbeFki~~ mas- terskiO, moskovskogo Zapadnogo porta (for Petrusbin). 6. vejus~,-,.\ konstruktor TSpntral'noro proyektno-konstruktorskoro byuro XAnis- terstva rechnoro flota (for Vladimirov). 7. Nachal'nik. skogo porta (for Bykov). 8. Nachal'nik tekhnicheskovo )t;-'- moskovskoFo Yuzbnoro porta (for Petrov). 9. hapill-an ~eplokhoda "Zaraysk" MoFkovE~ovo rec),noro parokhodstva (for ('Jommunism) (Inland water transportation) 1116w*, ~N`iO ko'.r. I k c -i me d, t s i nska t3 s iij I ~%ns r.': !V. std b y '.,A I mone II a 'yj h imuriirl it resj~aq), NO I , Feb 1 9h,3 - 4 3 severe cane of fooi r-(iF(-n;ng [it R r or, fl-,4,'J LISP gunt to une c"' thaD ~v pstrenLs: x~-,wal and car,ljovgscujqr c.)mplications-, e;isodp 'hosuitalization in r!irnta: slur in another nn-2. S. brpsleu was isolated. f r ~5m j-,ffnr.Art:,, of JAsl-~- Dingram, ':' Eluigarian, 5 Soviet and " West,~~rr. ref 'a. PETROV, M. ChaniZe t7UMiCIDS1 services in Tsganrog. Zhil.-kon- khOz- HS ~lw I- -ml I (MIRA 11:7) 8 no. 6:3-5 '58. 1. Gjavuyy inshener TsganrogskOgO garoaskogo otdala koffmunallnogo khozYOYBtvs- (Taganrog-Rupicipal services) Y%T--.%V, M.. i-rof.; "ON, K.; DBUTROV, Iv.; DDICHINOVA, N.; RACHEV, D.; BAIMADMIWJ~L. M. Phlebitis and e-ibolism in fmrgery, Khirurgiin, Sofia 11 no.5-6:527-529 1958. (PHLIBITLS, surgery, (BUM (MOGLISM. -turgery. (Bul)) PBMV- Karin As. Prof. d-r.; GANOHBV,-G., d-r.; CHOKAITOV, Kr., D-r. Cervical rib & the scalenus cyndrome. Izv. MD-rob. inat., Sofia no-8: 303-338 1957- 1. Katedrik no 1-hirurpichnn nroT)edev-tikn (zav: prof. d-r G. KapitRnov) 'pri visshiia nediteinaki institut v Sofiia. (SCADM ANTICUS SYUROMIC (Ru"O) PETRCIV, M. Moscow Nake- r1rc-parati-irib !r,)r ?Af '!r-.1 er~JtO5 of, U& ~'Orjyjl , : Y "'. " f r%) fAv,7J . no . *i 1/ 12: '/'/-P 1N - b'(1 . ( Y . I.: - . I \'Trade unlonF--Ga,,rrf-sFPF~) (moscow--h-,le ; KHARINAP N.; HCHEDLISHVILI, I. (Tbilisi); PETROV M (stantsiya Agryz, Kazenskoy zheleznoy dorogi); ZB - 'I t~v ENOV, W-~ 9-Sovetak, Kaliningradskoy zheleznoy doragi); DOROFM, A.; TIM0FEY9V, U.9 gaZOappOLratChik; ZHORZP.OIADZE, G.; TURUTrN, 1~ (Minsk) Letters to the eclitora. Sov. profsoluzy 17 no-1:39-42 Ja '61. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Brigadir brigady kommunisticheskogo truda Novosibirskogo kozhevenno.. obL*nogo kombinata (for Kharina'). 2. Predeedat,11 rayonnogo komiteta profsoyuza zheleznodorozhnikov, Velikiye Luki (for Dorofeyev). 3. Chlen bibilotechnogo soveta g.Stalino (for Timofeyev). 4. Predsedatel' Dorozhnogo komitets. profsoyuza rabotnikov zheleznodorozhnogo trans- porta ZakavkazEtkoy zheleznoy doroki (for Zhorsholadze). (Trade unions) ?-TRO-, M. Art Indi~3trieq Arl "Industri c, 1 ev ~ ,, ~~. : - C"--' ~)';. "Vnesh, Or.-, '2, ':j. 5.y I " I-'. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of CongreEs, !.uvu3t 1953r. Unclassified. 2 MARKOV, 14., po.Lkovr..ik maditsirtbkoy si, ,x, by K IE N(IV N,., meditsi risk oy a! uzhby- y DBFETFN(JV , od k c. v., a lu 71~ by; G Cmpetitlon in tne fieltj (f 1:vIt,, .. - '. ~ , Ii , ~. ( , - :;~ a-id cultural recreaL.Jon arvi bulgtir4an Feoples A-my. V PETROV. M. Housing New homes for Soviet people. V Txm. profaki.1vu 13 no. 18'~ 1952. Monthly List 2f Russlan Accessions, Library of Conf-ress, December 1952, UNCLASSIFIFT) PETROV, '~. ftners - Foh'J'a-Jarve, 7's-.o,.ia For the 3oviet man. V pom.-,)rofakitv-u 14, No. 3, 1953. Monthly List of Au5sian Accessions, Library of congress, J.LiE2 1953. UnCla3Sifj.~~d. 1. 'PETP6V, V. 2. 7-41.5T ~6GIO'/ 4. Kohtla-.rarve, Estonia-Finers 7. -abho the Soviet man. V Dom. profaktivu 14, 11c). 8, 1953A 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. PLT1,0V , 1-411-11, Comm-,mist i-abor brJLt-adtis, &ali; Lr un rD.,'t2C--'l '61. z 1. Loader of ft brigade Est the "Fasan" Caotoly ill Au'50 i a. SOU.Rer" CODEI-----7 ACC Nn, A"2OD82 m 0i17/ ARMORI Potrovq flavrodi (Colonal of the ry-lical service) ORGI none TITWt Air evacuation of wmiywlo!~d nnd sick SOURCK- Vo9nno-mdttslns)co delo, v, 20, no,, 4, 1965. )-7 TOPIC TArSr idlitAry rwwlioinn, hnIlcorter, arrW aircraft ATUIRAM Review of capAhillting of varims airplaneg anti helleoptors and s)-clfj- cally suitability for evacuation of woturladl Jjylicatlons and contra-Irviiention..? fol. such evaountion; organization of ovncuatlon service wri data all four PlAnns arri two belicoptere premmbly itand in TWrarban rdlitary anrviceso Lift-37 SUB CODEa 06, 01 / SURM VATMt 22Feb05 ORTG PJ--,Ft W4 / SOV PJ-"F: F Card - 1/1- PSTROV, M.Ye. From the work practices of mixed brigades. Geod.l. kart. no-3:44-45 Mr 6o. (MIR& 13:6)--* (Topographical survnying) PEnov, ~UWHC. Petrov, Kilcho -~eovdeziia v stroitc..Is,"voto. (bjf iya ) N-uka i -; zkistvc- : -;21 ', 1 -, -- (Tekhnicheska litfrLtura) (-tr cti~ral ~,ojesy; a '-exl-.,o,,k f r 5_,u~~-' uj zi- the Stalin Sta,e ?ulytech.ical ~,chool. ) So; ~Ionthjy Li~:t Of Ew t Europ~ ans Accessions, L. ~-. Vol. 3 No. I Jan. ',,~ '-'!.c- . ; t~ , .'- PETROV. M.A Power '-apply syste for passengor trains. Zhel. dor. trL~nsr. 4-C, no.1:56-60 Ja '58. (vIRAL 11-1) (Railroads-Blectric equipment) SOV/ 137- 58-10- 20614 Translation from Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiva. 1958, Nr 10. -)1 AUTHOR: Petrov, M.A. TITLE Oxygen Applicat)ons in High-alloy Steelmaking (Prirneneni%-e kisloroda pri vyplavke vysokolegirovannoy stali) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nevsk. mashinostroit. z da, 1957 Nr 2, pp 6-1 - 70 ABSTRACT- The use of 02 in the remelting of high-alloy s( rap steel at the Neva Plant made it possible to make use of greater quanti- ties of the latter, to redu,-e ferroalloy consumption and tile cost of the steel, and to expand tbe assortment of the steels smelted, particularly in the arbon cateoorv. On the basis of the accurn-ulated experienc e it is recommended that the metal be heated to 1600()C and higher prior to 0 2 blow, to perform the blow at 10-20 acyn excess pressure 02, to diminish power feed after the blow so as to rool the metal and to deoxide the metal and the Elag with lump and ground Fe-Si, Si-Ca, and Al. When the metal contains 12-16% Cr, loss thereof bv burning cornes to 2.2- 3.9% and loss of Ni to 1- 3%. A c onsid(- rable amount of swarf is utilized in the charge. It is remarked that Card 112 OZ is employed to accelerate the melting down of the charge. SOV/ 137, -58- 10-20t~14 I Oxygen Applications in High-alloy Steeirnaking with the result that the duration of the melting period is shortened bN, i0- W min and the consumption of electric power is diminished by 40-60 k w'h/t steel. A. S Ii. 1. Steel--Processirig 2. Oxygen-Applications Card 2/2 FETRCIVV M.A. New method of adding ferrotitanium to M18119T steel. Lit. proiz-v. no.5:40-41 MW '62. (MIRA 16.3) (Stool alloys- 1A) tallurgy) VANEMP 1-1-; PETROV, I-V.- PETRDV M.A.; LAZAREVSKIY, A.F. -t Use of a recirculating water sup!Ay in the flo-uaticn of co~per-nickel ores. Dbog. rud 7 no.5.25-29 162. (MIRA 16-4) supply) (Flotation-Water PETRO.V, M.A.; _LURIYE, Tu.Yu. Determination dithlophosphates in industrial waste waters. Zav.-Imb. 29 no.4:416-418 163. OURA 16: 5) 1. Vsesovuznyy nauchno-issladovRtellskiy i proyektnyy institut mekhanicheskoy obrabotki poleznvkh iskopayemykh. (Sewage-Analysis) (Thiophosphates) PETROV, H.A.,kand.tekhn.nank Selecting gear ratio and gear ratio series for autonobile transmissions. Trudy Sib.avt.-dor.inst. no.6:49-72 '57. (141RA 1-2:2) (Automobiles-TransmisBion devices) PETRO M.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk - -7-- __ Xlectric power supply for passenger trains. Trudy, NUIT no-95:4-15 156, ( MDRA 1!: 12 /' (Railroads--Electric equipment) (Railroads--Passenger cars) PETROV, V.A.; J~OiaW, E.A.; VOLODZ, A.P.; DF2~~SOV, V.A.; KOCHKONOGOV, V.P.; BEGAM, L.G.; &AR.00V, M.A.; T.AVLD-",)V, V.K.; YENIKEY'KV, G.Sh.; BARU.OVA, A.I.; KUDhYAVTSFI;, G.P.; MALYAVSKIY, D.K.; CREGODAYEY, N.N -, 3UHD,, V.S.; GONIKBERG, I.V, retser-zent; ENGELIKE, V A., retserzent; KHRAPKOV, V.A., retsenzent; ALIF&C, G.A., retsenzent; ALEKMEV, B.N., retsenzent; IKLYAROY, A.A., retsenzent ALEKSEYEV, Ye.P., retsenzent (Railroad surveying; reference and methodological hand- book] Izyskaniia zheleznykh dorog spravochnoe i metodi- cheskoe rukovodstvo. Moskva, Transport, 1964. 495 P. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Babushkin. Vsesoyuznyy nauchne-issladovatellskiy in- stitut transportnogo stroitel'stva. 2. Leningradskiy go- sudarstvonnyy proyektno-izyskatel'skiy institut Gosudar- stvennogo proiz-iodstvennogo komiteta po transportnomu stroitellstvu SSSR (for Gonikberg, EngelIke, Khrapkov). 3. Sibirskiy gosudarstvennyy proyektno-izyskatel'skiy in- Aitut Gosuda-rstvennogo proizvodstvenncgo kordteta po transportnomu stroitellstvu SSSR (for Alekseyev, YeP.). 4. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy proyektno-izyskatellskiy institut Gosudarstver~nogo proizvodstvennogo komiteta po Lransportnouru stroitellstvu SSSR (for Allpert). 7 - CZ 2 - 1 1 -7 A ME RS - _~~etrov, '~'..A- , --larionov, Candidates of Technici! I TLE Jn the Determinati,)n ef V-.e -_oefficient of Irregular .~nerat- ing ondi-.,),n ~.' in En,_-inp 0b ooredclenii kopffitsl.yenta neustanovivs*h(-Cos.~a rat_,ty jvlgatol~.,a' VE'l? 11) 1 C A L i v t o m r, a y ri - r,) my s 1 i I & nn o s t5' 1 , N r A B R A C T J'ontinuous `ian(~-Z cf s,-,-,c(1 occur in an automol)i2e .1nder act~aal oreration whereaq all tractiori cnl~~jlhq- tiDns are "nood static .3pood T'~o r-5ults of it-and tests of ".c encine ("A'.71-','1, carried out acccrding t~, the mentioned metior,-A, ti:-o srio.Ar. in Fizure 1. is a -:~n- si4.crable ~-;isnersi~n u." the c~tnined exncrimentai -ial,;es. If the deviations arg correzted by mpai.-i of the average error, the graph in Fij-urc 3 is obtaine-~. 3f-verai in- vestieators propose to f.etermine the coefficip-A ~cck-ff,-J,nt of irreCular or,eratine- -lef ! 7 -oans z-, c-:-- par-,nF tl~e calcu__&te~~ anj -y-erimfnta.'~ da-a error in this cafe is also eytremely -',rpat. At It ~S not known -i.., efficci,~ncy factor o~ the i-ear ~han,7eq 1.;n~er :;ard 112 irre6ular operatinr conlitions. A method is de~cribee, ~e- rn the Determination of the 'opff~ci-rt of 1'rre~-u'ar -ertltin.- an -n61ne veloped b:: "AMT. which hns be-n anplied to enj,,i-ios -f tyke 'B It consists in determi!;inr tho spef-d cl:aruct(-'risfi:.s of )y means of an Plectric ~)alarice brake (FiCure 6). .1i, r0- sults nhow that even small chan,~~es may ho d-ter-in-l an exactness of There are 5 Eraphs and ~ ".oviet referr-nces. ASSO--'IATIDN3: Sibirskiy avtomobilInc-~orozhnvy institut mo~-,ile-'ioad insti I,,;' e 'las%ovskiy avtomobil In-dorozhn.,ly institut (,',Ioscow Alltomo~)i2e-.Road Institute) Card 21C. PETROV. M.A., inzh. HyAraulic jnv-Ft:--~ti-)ne -)f hep-f'~ter f1cu atrol. nc.~:21L-22L 15P. 1. Rekomendowna 'mfeclroy ridrotol,:-nic~oskik'o sooruzhani.7 inzhenerno-stroital'jo-o i-)stitutr i-ier! V.V. Kuybys!-Rvf-. ( Sp I I 1'.-J: , ys ) ITTROV, M.A., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk Study of the temperature distribution in discrete components of electric traction motors. Trudy NIIT no.117:32-38 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Mectric railway motors) (Electric insulators and insulation) - PETROV, M.A., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk Study of nonstat4onar7 Ffcres-c- -L =~-*,c-s : ~,- (IM -F-A . .. . z excitation. Tr-,.iv M'~IT nr'. 163, 1 PETROV, M.A.__ Complex surgical and medical treatment of pa-inf:',. ankylosing and deforming types of polyarthritis. Stud. cercet.endocr. 13 no.2. 273-275 162- 1. Institut 14 de medioina., cqtedra de 1,ropqdautica chirurgicala. (ARTHRITIS theraili) (PkittMEM01D -GLANDS sur (THYROID GLAND surgery) (PROCAME therapyl".7) S 262 6-1 001 001 YJ'7 010 1014 1252 AUTHOR: Petrov M. A. and Gornushkin Yu. G. TITLE- Engine performance under abrupt shutting of the ihrottic. PERIODICAL Rcferativnyyzhurnal, Silovyye Ustanovki, no. 1, 1962, 74,Abstract 42.1.392 ("Aviomob prom.-st'." 1961, no. 3, 18-21). TEXT: The performance is studico of the I-A'-)-5 I (GAZ-5 1) engine at decreasing specd.With t lie crigiric t uniling at high idling speed (forced idling) the throttle was abruptly shvt to the position corresponding to minim-im idling speed. The change in rotational velocity of the crankshaft and the number ofexplosions in the cylinders were recorded on a magnet o-electric oscillograph. Graphic relationships of the angular deceleration of the cr:~tnkshaft were deduced, as well as that between the numbtr of explosions and the rotational velocity rhcrc are 5 figures and 2 references. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card l,il PNMV, N.A., )mnd. takhn. nauk; ILARIM'OV, V.A., kand. te)din.nauk Determining the coefficient of nonBtationary operating conditionB of engines. Avt. prom. ne.12-.15-19 -D 158. (MIRA ll::2) l.Sibirskiy avtomebillno-darozhny7 institut i Moskovskiy avtomobillno- dor)2hnyy inotitut. (Automoblles--Engines) PRTROV M.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk. Special systems used in a.c. 81actric circlilts. T7-jAy MIIT ro.9c: 60-65 '5R. (WIRA 1~.-2.2) (Electric circuits) T,- - V ) P"' . ,I AGGHTEN, P.K. , prof. -, ANDJUr-YVA-GALAN1NA, Ye.TS. , prof.; BASIDZIN, V.A. , prof.; BlMiMSON, M.Ye., doktor ned.nailk; VYSHBG0iODTTSJieVA, V.b., prof.; GESSEN, A.I., dotsent; GMIN, A.Ya., prof.; ZHDANOV, D.A., prof., laiireat Stalinskoy premii; ZNARMNSKII, V.F., prof.; KLIONSKIY' Ye.Ye., prof.; MONASTYRSKAYA, B.I., prof.; MOSEVIN, I.A., prof.; MUCHNIK, L.S.,, PETROV-RASIAAKOV. M.A., prof.; RUBINOV, I.S.. prof.; RYSS, S.M., prof.: SM1RNOV, A.V., prof.. zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki; TWHOHIROV, P.Ye., prof.; TROITSKAYA, A.D., prof.; UDJNTSI~V, G.U., prof.; UFLYAND. Yu.M., prof.; FEDOROV, V.K., prof.; KHILOV, K.L., prof.. zasluziiennyy deystell nauki; VADYOVSKAYA, Yu.V.. prof.; MARSHAK, H.S., prof.; PWROV. M.A.,; POSTINILOVA, V.H.,; RAPOPORT, K.A., kand.biolog.ngiik; ROZENTUL, M.A., prof.; YAITU- LEVICH, Ye.i.,; LYUDKOVSEAYA, N.I., LBook on healthj Eniga o zdorovle. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry, Medgiz, 1959. 446 p. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Ohlen-korresuondent Akade:.iii neditsinskikh miuk SS.T. (for Zhanov, Udintsev). 2. Lenini~radskiy salLitarno-i,-i.-iyf-ni,.ios~--iy me- ditsinskiy institut (for all, except V~jdkovskaya, tinfrahak, Petrov, PoBtnikovs, Rapoport. Rozentul, Yankelevich, LyudkovBkaya). (HYGIMM) MSR/Metals - Foundry, Furnaces oct 51 .Increasing the Life of the Lining in Basic Electric-Arc Furnaces," M. A. Petrov, Engr, We-.a Plant imeni Lenin, Leningrad 'Litey Proizvod" No 10, PP 30,31 Describes various measures due to which plant decreased consumption of magnesite and dinas refractories by 50-65% and considerably im- proved endurance of lining- Life of walls reached 70-80 beats and life of roof--80-100 UBSR/Metals - Foundry, Furnaces Oct 51 (Contd) heats. N.-press ion of cooling rings into arch and Sealing of gaps around them with ground chrome aft ins-cead of fire clay are some of these Measures. 19ft73 A 'tA.n thropom,t". J c -nd - " [On 0 r S rd oot TOe,,j, or, f _rLillin, 0i. - , -; L.,t f j,4 Se r, or De ees Di lsl-~ert - t I.n ese:,teu FAITROVP N.A. inshener. AccountitS and distributing costs arising from the construction of hydroelectric pover otatione. Mr. stroi. 26 no.3:55-56 Kr 157. (Bydroolectric power stations) (KIMA 10:4) PFMOV2 M.A., inzh. More about the efficient profile of the new railroad. Tranap. stroi. 12 no.1023840 0 P62. (MIRA 15:12) (Railroads-Track) PETROV, M. A. P letrav., M. A. ItInvestd!,ati-)n of 'come Pro% loms in tl~e 7'ieom- (,f' ;'Aesal Automo! iles." Min '!ipher Education IU;R. Moscow Automo, Un- wid Road Inst. imeni I V. X. Molotov. Omsk, 19~ (Dis~3prtation 'or '.~)p De~-mp of "andidat- I in Technical Science,, So: Knizhna-a leto;~isl, 1.1o. 2.19 2 J-,dY FMROV-, Uikbail A1ekakr4Tqyjcb; TKACM4KO, Vladimir Geresimovich; T.qBULEVSKIY , 13.L. . red.; YERKIIOVA, le.A., tekhn. red. [Black guard of the Pentagon] Chernaia gvardiia Pentagona. Moskva, Izd-vo In-ta mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii, 1962. '15 p. (United States--ArnW) (MIRA 15:6) nTROV4, Mikhail kleksandrovich, OTOCHRVA, N.A., redektor izdatelletva; XURFASHIM, A., tekhnicheekiy redaktor Lflow we organized continuous repair of trolley cars; work practice of the Sokolnikov car repairing factory in Moscow] Kak my organi- zovalt potochn:t remont tramvainykh vagonov; is opyta raboty sokolinicheskogo vagonoremontnogo zavods g.Moskvy. Moskva, Izd-vo HintaterBtva kommunallnogo khoziaistva RSFSR. 1956. 66 p. (KLTM 9:11) (Streetcars--Maintenance and repair) IPSTROV, N.A.. professor, doktor takhnichaskikh nauk. redsktor. LTechnical reference book for railroad engineers) Takhnjc)7aakIi apravoch- nik zheleznodor02hnIka. Vol.209chnical calculationeJ "ekhnicheakle raschety. Moskva, Goa. tranap. zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1951. 796 p. MRA 7:2) (Railroad engineering) PETROV, M.A..,_professor, doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk; ZAKHARCHMO, D.D., sent. Ways of improving the use of power of electric mchinery on electric rolling stock and diesel locomotives. Ilek. i tepl. tiaga no.6:16-17 Je 157. (XLRA 10-8) (Ilectric railroads) PMOV, M.A., kand.tekhn.nouk; GORMHKIN, Yu.G. Using the "running out method" for determining mechanical losses In engines. Avt.1 trakt.prom. no.9:21 S '57. (NDIA 10: 11) 1. Sibirskiy avtodorozhnyy Instill-ut im. Kuybyaheva. (Gas and oil engines--Testiag) --PBT.P-.DV. N.A.. professor, doktor tokhmicheakikh sauk. 11-~~~~ Problems of proloagiag the life of electric loconotlye trarr.11ox engines. Trudy MIT se-90/13:232-242 156. (MLRL 10:4) (31actric locomotives) PETROV, M~A~j kand.tekhn.nnilk; GORNUSMKINt Yu-.G. Engine performance during sudden closing of the t-lirott-IIe. Avt.r)roja. no.3:18--21 14r 161. ( IIRA 14-3) 1. SibJrskiy avtomobillno-dorozhnyy institut (SIRADI). (Automobiles--Engines) S/128/62/000/005/004/0C~-) AO04/A127 AUTHOR: TITLE: New methei of adding ferrotitanium to the I X18H9T (1Kh18Ncfr) grade steel PERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, no. 5, 1962, 40 - 41 .LEXT: Since the castings of 1Khl8N9T grade steel for gas blower parts did not meet the anti-corrosion specifications in a sat&actory way because of the low titanium conteA, new ways had to be found to ensure that, according to the tecl-Lnical speclCications, a Ti-content fIvE: times higher than the carbon content was achieved. Thus after heating the metal In the furnace to 1,630 - 1,6500C the slag was completely drained off and the red-hot preheated ferrotitanium was applied to the bath surface, after which lime and fluorspar were added. To avoid titanium burning losses, aluminum powder In quantities of 0.5 - 0.8%/ton of charge was applied to the bath surface after draining off thi slag. After heating the metal, the ferrotitanium was poured into the bath from a charging box suspended from a bridge crane. This method of ferrotitanium addition made Card 1/2 S/1 28/6VCOXJ/Cosed with resection of tile aliteriot %(AvIle "It- 1e, or (it tile allteriol S( Actic mriscle and tile anicrior parts I)[ ifir (cmtal aoid first ribs together with peri- subclavictilar sympathectomy. Thk is .1 diffillill ;11141 time-mlistlilling opciatiol) which requires a wide operative a( (ess. I it ( aws with it small cervical rib, sillialed I"tCriOTly Or ill tile 311SC1117C Of CVTVi(aI rill, tile Itypeltrophled %caletle IlIttwics are resected with freeing of all adhebimis of tile regimi ;%till of tile ar(h of the subclavian artery, combined with peri-SAII)CIavi(Idar syllipathruloilly, alld. whele necessary,with sectionol the branchesimiRditigthe loweringol theaticilal at(h If the MCF11111TWIeS enVCIOI)ing the brafflial plexilsare St leroti(, exiellsive TICIII-olys1% must be carried nitt. Ili cases where there is it simple lowering of the %hollider girdle physiotherapy and a change of occullation will bring alIolit recover)% In case of genuirle aneurysm the arieurysmal sac must be rese(ted with I estoratioll of the continuity of tile arterial trunk, and in case of arterial Obliteration aricrivi - tomy rimst he carried out. X, g, I)) FETROV. M.I., 1nzh. Rapid turner S.M. Bushuev. K-Ldhinostroi tell no.11:23-27 V 157. (MIRA 10:10) i.Moskovskly avtomobillnvy zavod im. I.A. Likhacheva. (Bushuev, Sergei. Mikhailovich) (Metal cutting) PETROV Powerful presses. Mashinostroitel' no.12:7-8 1) '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Nachallnik tekhnologichenkogo byuro po pr6asoetroyeniyu AvtozAvoda imeni I.A.Likhacheva. (Power presses) V_ I I I- r Fetrov, Y.'., Fraineer lurner-Innovntor A.V. i3pkov 1-o~-nr-nDvptor A.V. 7'ork-)v PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitel', 195P, Nr Q. pp 3C-~2 AB~TRACT: Information is presented on Aleksandr Vasil'yevi-h ~',ork,~,v, q tur-ner at the Moskovskiy avlozavod imeni I ik',acheva Automobile Plant imeni '.ikhachev, whose unceasinF- -onc- to develop new work methods and operptions. 71e Prticle mentions some of the ievices designed by Fopkov, includinw: a new cut~ing-off tr)ol I.Fip,. I': R floa~.inp ngnArel for ~-ri -W spertures (Fig. ?~ F;nd its improved design (Fiv. '; a c!;tting face-edge of improved design for machining casinrs of we~ee gate valves (Fig. 4,~); a special cutter for mpchining purD supports and plates (Fig. 6): a simple device for machinint, supports of six-spinile semi-nutomnts (Fig. 7~; a we',Iing device for boring crankcases of power trucks There are P dipgrams and I T,~oto. 1. Automobile industry--1J,',,'-,'R 2 Machine Lools--Desj~r,,: llerd 1,'l PMS)V, M. I. Interaction of the mechanisms of warp tension and beaming. Tekst.prom. 18 no.12:16-38 D 158. (KIPA 11: 12) (Warping machines) I PETROV, M.I., inzh. Importance of an elagtic mountinp of the reed. Tekst. prom. 19 no.7:49-51 Jl '59. (MIRA 12:1i) (Looma) C~1-1111" 4~, It--t,4 1-67510'. , i. OttnG TF-f~!. -,-~ -- t,:' I:.,- A EMMM& - VP \1 4*11~, o f -*Wu rr. o c I f .; . ~ ~,-. of , - f. I f. I F : '. '' -,. *: " V., P ;,-; P : . ;v i r 1,-: i -, o I ~ , j - - wwv-~ "!,,: - , !.-. ( , -,2 er ti!.- -~ c(;n.:! - :~;,. '. i ~ -. i ; E . . - t 1, - P'., . ~.;, s 7e ~ I : ~ - ~, (-.L, 1~46) PETROV, M.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Warp thruad tension mechaniams for silk looms. -i--kst..prom. 21 no.2;47-49 Ja 161. (~flhA 14:3) I* T53ntralfw naucbno-issledovatellskiy irstitut sheikovoy promyshlennosti. (I'CoMs) PETROV. P.I.. kand.istor.nauk, Geroy Sovr-tillc(p~- snylun (Kiyev) In memory of F.M.Mlic-n6ilov, PrIyo"ALn and partisan; on the 15th anniversary -f his death. Vrb&.-Jplo no.10:1101-1103 0 1571 (MIR,A 10:12) (MI)MAILOV, MOR MI)MAILOVICH, --,1942) (SLARJTA DISTRICT-WORLD WAR, lq~9-1945--UIQKRGROLJND MOVEMMS) YEFTWIVA, F.V.; R" from tha M T HA I J Kuf,?Ira farriak,)j., - - i (aiv. iotser; t D.A. Ml I V-C- v a.% 0g k z a C gor-rk -,go og C, --n ~a PETROV, M.K. , katAtan dnllnego plavaniya; BUKHANOVSXIY, I.L., retsenzent, DENISOV, K.I., qVats. red.; BOCHEK, A.F., spets. red.; TRCTIMCV, A.V., tekhn. red. (Marine signaling] Morskaia signalizatsiia. MbskTa, Izd-vo "Morskol transport," 1952, 271 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Merchant marine-Signaling) PEMOV, M. K. MCEASED Navigation see ILV,