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IOTELINIKOV) V. A., akademiki GUS'KOV, G. Ya.; DUBROVIN, V. M.1 DUBINSKIY, B. A.; KISLIK, M. D.; KORENEFM, Te. B.; MIYASHIN, V. P.1 MOF.OZGVR V. A.1 NIKITcKlY, N. I.; MTROV, G. M.; PODOPRIGORA, 0. A.; RZHIGAV 0. N.: FRANTSESSON, A. V.: SHAKHOVSKOY, 1. M. Radar trac)dng of the planet Mercury. DokI AN SSSR 147 no,b; 1120-1323 D 162. iKIRA 1A:l) 1. Institut radlotekhniki I elek-troniki AN SSSR. (Yercury(Planst)) (Radar in astronomy) W7-1.`I~ - , V.A., , -'-' ~l 7-'-, 7 ". ; -:'- - -!, -,.A. ; '- Y-~. - WR~-' -.", 67L~X' ~-M-; 3rl- , -A.; ~.Y. r nt,nervi t 1, r, ar ',fpr. is in tht- SovA~t during D'~I. AN Szl"R 1~1 J" 10. (?URA 1, :',) 1. Instit-it r%dI,'Aki.r '~.(i I Z Sj--R. ('lorois (Planot) ) (Rnd&r In adtr3nr)rV) &IT (1) /FBD/F CC, w)1BD3/EZC--2'/EW 2,1 M MD-3 Pe -4/F~ -L/Pj FT -21WR A=810N IMs AF300h417 8/0020/63/151/004/08LI/C,,!, A=OR: Kotellaikov. V. A. Dubrovin, V._M_,L Du ski A.; I~Lgllk, D.; ,znctoov, B. I Pe % trov, 0. Mt RqjbotYrwor, 1i,; Shilluhovs?oy' K A. 14. #1 A Tr=: Radar obaervatLons of the gJane in the Soviet Union SOURCE: All OSSR. Doklady*, V. 151, no. 4, 1963, 8u-814, TOPIC TAGS! Mare radar observations, Mare reflected-signal apectr=, I/arb Doppler-frequency shifts Mare rotation time, Mars reflection-coefficient \Y \ 140 ABSTRACT: Radar observations of-M northern hemisphere from 14*301 to latitude and'~~oW_316 to ~6_0* and from 0 to 140* longitude were carried out in the Soviet Union on 6-10 February 1963 at a frequency of approximately 700 Mc- The polarization of radiated vaves vas circular, with antenna polarization changing to linear during reception. The energy of the signal incident on the visible surface of Mare vas 1.2 v. Both transmission and reception lasted approximately 11 minutes. The sigma had the shape of alternate rectangular transmissions and Intervals of a &wation of 4.096 see each, at two frequencies Card 1/4:~' L 142 55-63 ACCESSION IM: AP3004417 differing by 62.5 cps, The signals were recorded on a magnetic tape together w-Ith a 2000-cpa oscillation, which served w a scale. Receiver sensitivity was calibrated before and after operation on the ba.sis of Casaiopeia-A dis- crete-source radiation. The correction for frequency shift due to the Doppler effect was regulated by an electronic d1gital frequency meter. In all, 99 observations were made, and the signal reflected from Mare was reliably de- tected on the nights of February 7-8 (28 observations) and February 8-9 (20 observations). The results of spectral analysis of these 48 observations, carried out with 4-cps filters and a storage time of 8.5 hr. are shown in Fig. I of In the reflected signal spectrum, there is a darrowband com- ponent whose energy exceeded by 4 times the P14S measurement error cuwed by noise. The average reflection coefficient, determined as the ratio of the reflected-signal energy to received-signal energy under the assumption that Mars was an even, ideally conductive sphere, was found to be 1%. "The authors thank J.,_~XAk_elA, Y,._Q._Y_Qy_t9_Y, M.- M. Dedlovskiy, G. A. Zhtirkina, A. M. Luki , M.,_HL~nodkizip E[. A. Stevanov, &_Y, Frantsesson., PLjjj~yKetkov, end I. A. SharabarIg for their assistance." Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 1 table, and 1 formula. Association: Inst. of Radio and Engineering and Electronics Card 2/d~;_ 499 1154 at iflilj-:6"'th rom" t -and the radar,frequency a*- A:11 the.vat Wej ~'obt& r a ast Ice unt t I '~~tn;dfc'atii.'t6eit'any~'afte:ct of theAnterplametary Oedium on the' measure-am ts 1 s. within the'llmIts-of em drimental',error. 1fie ,more a Inatidn' of P courate4sterm the, drbI .t ;rtd,jIze,o'f,Ven .us: by: prolonged. radar. Ip.robt ag _(Octobir~December, t962) f s i '-`1.'d scussed;and the diste 'ces to this planet obtalhed,by'ghe authors are presented;j n Ion CC.: Ion of the dlstan ca -the .n a xA0 lan. The i ayes .tigat bserved wasAo, Ahloi-siirfac~e oftplanets.'by mesitirinj-the~.reffe'ctfbn-'co-efficient of the surface li discu Sed anJ~the, results- obtalned for- Venus~ In the SSSft (RAO. CM) Usk .69-Aind-12.6 dit) aire.discussed and cmpared.. The:effect of the Istaticiii:'r feequeW -4M - th* an I -of toct deta .ce i the.intensity,of the re- fle~ted radar~wave Is, discui4s'e4. to Mi'dir-Is'66 -'of,- tfid-'dim~`obtslned haz~shoknthst ..foe'A-46 the.' rfaces, of Venus and of the Moo ha4e,fnhomag ' tf i of 'about Cm Su n enel e 'th6_,same Istructure. The radar study: of ~ Mars In the the,sm in 1963 is Aso,d1kU*sO4-. The Mean reflectloWcoofficlent of~ Mars as found W the authors y "I s *1the.- s8 -me 1, a Wthe Ca of the. Kom) I ic V r*n the datit,obtained In the~- so 'USAAhis coefficient Is half 'the a6ve valdei Jhl~ may-be due to,a change to the tactlon~-weff Iclent 'of the P'lonetts surface with frequency. The character of! h L of,. wave Indicat6s,the presence ' Kars of large :,;t 6 - spfttr mi he reflected on _ftat regtons.~'Rid*r.memtsurements of'the period of.rotat[66 _' of Venus, madelm the Sisict'. And UsA t a 1962; arii then: di sclussdd; thi%good agre6iminc (n the pariodi of 'rotatro4i 2 r coWuted _fe6wth ned at dt, f ferent f reqcj"et ei aw th,days) e4itat obtat 7 5 3 35 StjURCE CODE: UR/0269/66/000/004/0011/0011 R: Petrov, G,M, i i:: Meridional observat ion of the ~un and of the large planets k I 1~tl'v: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 4.51.97 'I r y A s t r one t ro n f - r- - 1 V, M. -L. N-tuk:i T, I .. i V altrono~y, r onom i c me ti i -A ,a5trometrics, T x I te%-- '1/ "o L017.ef. .'_'/V, 'r .U:)"Fi(ACT: Realization of the re5olution of the 15th astrometric conference the 1_~~SR on the observation of trio- Sun a-nd tne larW Planets in soviet obser-vatories is analyzed. The results are evaluated. in Nikolaev, the Sukharev mirrorfilter is used for solar ob~ servdtions: the RMS error with this filter is 1.5 times less than with a dark filter on the evepiece. It has been proposed to obseive the Sun through narrow slils in front U~ the obJective. To a-,sure processiiq: 4 tne ~,,un Prid planets by all possible means, one should observe a maxirqum number of stars in the daytime, guarding the instrument from scattered light. Diurnal behaviour of the torld line azimuth is an imortant pro- blem. In Nikolaev, a difference of -.027 t .004 between night and day azimuth was fo- und; at noon the azi-muth changed, apparently by a step jump. This is to be verified on as large& number of instruments as possible. To increase observation homogenuity, it A is proposed to make all day time observations thru a window in a screen. A most purpo- seful screen is described. [Translation of abstrac t1_ Card 1" 1 SUB CODE: 03 UDC 52.087.23:T523.41523.1_ I .. I , , . ~, I . , T , . , . - I -~ , I - - KCTELINACV , V.A., akademik; A: , ; ~ 13~?( V:rl, V.Y. ; K:-'l 7K , M. ~. ; 117 7 , Z. . . . ; ;~.: -~( , , , - 1-1 : ' F'G,'. , ' . N. ; --- I ',-7L: ~ -( Y. - . . - .. 0 ~.. . ; -- - A.V. ; SHAY!!( V.--"YOY , A.Y. Aadar contact with '-ip~tpr. Dokl. AN 3 E~S P 15 5 no. 5-1037-1,3F A p I t,4. ( M I TL"k " - : , 1. institut radiotekhniki i elektroniki AN SSSR. PWROV. G.M.. iti%h. Ez~.Primnce -111 A.M. Erorov ir~ lat,~eq. n~.9. 3 ' )-o. !~IqA 13:2) l."i0ml ~r.dlt i !1%:*jlllty K, 'evil'or( 3. :1 ;" ( lqi 0~'Pq ) PMOV. G. M. Work of lathe operator and a4jumter A. Eurushkin. Mas~ilnostroitei' no.10:16-28 0 159. (KIRA 13:2) l.Inzhener otdela truda i zarplaty Kuybyshavskogo sovnarkhoza. (Mach,ine-shop practice) RAKHU.M, G.I.; ISIROTIN, A.S.; Pr"IITFihli ich~ist~y": ADIGAMLV, Yft.M., 4nzty.; KISELFV, Yu.Ya., 'nzr., i-A : - Z~.. ; -- -, n zi- . I . I . I .- I .M,. . . ... Some problems in general mechanization sui(! autou-'Ac control of the Vr-),ducti(-,ns irocess~s ~n the Z(-lrt,.is~.'nsxiy Yinp. Sbur. trud. VIIIMV~M,T , C.,. " K:- A '~, : Q (Mining machinery) (A~it,matlc ~-)n~rf,l , MROV, GJI., Inzh. Ey-,~e7jence cl 7.Z. Keledin Ir. -,,14ustin4 *'urning ;ind cuttirW,-off ilasMnostroltel' '~l 1; 1 r,). kvlu 13-.3) I.Otdal tr,ida I zarplat,7 Kuy)y0ievslcogo sovnitrkhoza. (Le thes ) PET,,tOV, ~.M. Workers themselves guarantee the quality of ~roductian, Mashinost oitell n0,":36 MY '60. d-'I -A 14: ~ ~ Kuybyshev-Bearing industry) ,,I " . . I" . , 14 -, . . . . Pi . . . I I . I . . r , A ~ ! , . . 7 , . . I . . - . - . I I . 1~ - . i - . . , : - . - , - , . . . . ACCESSIO11 XR: AT3012141 S/2967/63/000/---:,':~26"/3,-'7;'~ AUTHORS: Ushakov., V. B.; Petrov, 0. M. TITLE - Analog mathematical ru chine M-IL with input and -output inf ormation in digital form SOURCE: Voprosy* vy*chislitellnoy matematJ-ki i vy*cbLislitellnoy tekhniki. Xoscow, 1963, 26L-275 TOPIC TAGIS: analog computer, digital input, digital output, high stability, constant current amplifier, stabilized zero, no-dinear diffsrential equations ABSTRACT: The authors describe the T14-14 analog computer in some detail. The nachine is extremely stable due to the constant current amplifiers with stab-l"ized zeros. The nathematical and logical operations of which the machine is capable are designed for solution of systems of ordinary nonlinear dJ-fferentw equaticar, containing a large c 'uantity of various nonline~.r dependencies. 7he se"up of blacks in the 1-2J-lL males it possible to solve cor%)Iicated systems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations of up to 30th order. With two such machines working in parallel, still mora comp.11cated problems can be solved. The basic machine Card l1k ACCESSION NR- AT3012141 operationa are aummation, multiplication by a constant coefficient., integration, multiplical.ion of two dependent variables, reproduction of a nonlinear function of one variable, and use of the logical operation of conditional unp. The Maching has provision for introducing low-frequency random inputs and for oncil-lograph vienwing of the output. Some pertinent data are given: Number of removable type blocks (including 176 matched constant current amplifiers) 372 Number of vacuun tubes 3109 Number of semiconducting diodes (germanium and silicon) 71, " - C) Number of semiconducting triodea i2:) Number of resistors about 33 Number of condensors 7C20 Length of wiring, in meters about L5 Doo Electrical capacity, required of a three-phase network of 220 v, 50 cp.% in,kva 2 12 General area occupied by machine, In m 10 In comparing the Ml-lL with the best P-merican machines, the authors claim. that 1.21-14 yields nothing to the others. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 1 table and 1 f orrrul a. Cofd 2/)* L 10415-66 EWr(d)/Ewr(m)AwP(w)/EWV(v)/t/Et?(k)/Etv(h)A.~ip(,)/ErIA(h)/ETC(m) IJP(c) AN5023593 Bh/VAI/EWGG/JXT Monograph UR/ A~ Vitenberg, 1. H.,,.!etrov, G. H.: Pukh G. Ye.. eds. Problems of theory and application of mathematical modoling (Voprosy teorLL I prLmenenLya mstematLcheskoRo modefirovaniyo). Moscow, Izd-vo "Sovetskoye radio," 1965. 646 p. Lllus., biblio. 5800 copies printed. TOPtC TAGSt analog computer, simulation. mathematical modeling PURPOSE AND COVERAGEs This book presents, he present state and development of Soviet analog coytg_ IhnoloRy and its signifi- cance In various brances of Soviet science and national economy. Problems of the theory of analog computers and mathematical mod- sling of systems described by partial differential equations and ordinary differential equations are discussed. Readers are famLl- larized with experience gained In operating modern computers. The book contalt.a articles by several well-known specialists in com- puter technology which are based on material from the First All- Union Conforenco on Analog Computer, This b-ooi -I*' --I----- ____ 11 . / YX ~T- Card 1/9 UDCt 681.142.1.01 L 10415-66 .'AH5023898 1 nK Intended for a wide range of specialists engaged In designing and operating analog and digital computers, also teachers and students In ensintering institutes and State universities. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface -- 3 Ch. 1. Problems of the theory of analog computers --_5 Methods of quasi-analog modeling (C. Ya. Pukhovf" 5 Theory of quasi-analoR integrators asi-d-o- the' modeling of n algebraic operator@ with the aid of inductorg and capacitors (Be A& BorkovskiyY*-- 23 The7 _9yfiifie'sis__ of qualitative multiloop control systems including analog controllers (K. D. ZhuO~~-'- 39 The development of analog methods and means for solving boundary- value problems in the USSR (8, A. Volynakiy, L.__q_. Kogan, 1. Me Totellbauvj,, and H.&_ D. The applicsiio'n of-ii-i-ctrical m6 els to solving problems of the thersophysics (Lo A. Kozdobs) 11 Card. Z/ 9. L Iq415-66 ~AM5023898 The application of electronic digital computers to the designing of analog computers (I. B. Vaysman) -- 36 Unt L L s Procedures for setting up mathematical problems on analog computers -- 102 Calculation of multiple integrals on analog computers (V. L. Krasnikov, and N. 1. Tltov) -- 102 Some methode for modeling integral equations (A. F. Verlan') -- 130 The structure of an electronic model with an extended range of problems (G. 1. Grezdov) -- 141 Solving linear programming problems by analog computers (I. H. Vitenberg, and Ye. F. Yefremovs) -- 150 Solving a class of mathematical programming problems on analog computers (S. S. Shishman) -- 176 The application of analog computers to determining and transforming distribution functions of low-frequency noise (S. K. Vosityus, and Ro Yu* Yasinysvichus) -- 187 Problems in applying analog computers to da~Lgning,electrophysical apparatus (D. M* Dem'yananko) -- 195 Application of the MR-14 analog computer to solving the Schrodinger ICard 3/9 L 1.0415-66 AMS023898 equations of complex systems by the HO LKAO [molecular orbits constructed in the form of linoor combtastions of atomic orbital method (V, Do Skomorokhov# and V. M. Tapilin) -- 208 Certain methods and schemes for applying analog computer elements to experimental studies of automatic control systems (Yu 0 Shterenberg ) -- 212 Iq Methods for Investigating automatic scanning cransients (Yeo A. Yerokhin) -- 223 The application of relay circuits In modeling (V. L. Krasnikov, and No 1. TLtov) -- 238 A method for'constructing an approximating broken line (Yu. M. Totrokhin) -- 250 An electrical model for solving systems of hyperbolic equations (A, To Luklyanov, and 1. Do Rolyukov) -- 264 Cho 111, Methods and means for solving partial differential equa- tLons -- 268 Commercial EGDA integrators (Po F. Ftltchakov and V. 1. Panchishfn--268 Solving certain problems for parabolic equations with the aid of the.EGDA integrator (V. To Chernoval) -- 273 Card 4/9 L 10415-66 AM5023898 Principles of modeling three-dimensional static fields (0. V. Tozoni) -- 284 Simplified analogs of infinite media (L. V. Hitsetskiy) -- 296 An approach to the problem of designing analog computers for jij9-j-y-Uy,-Aroblems of structural mechanics (A. Ye. St anov) -- 309 flodelLng problems of the Applied theory of elastici y on ohmic resistance networks with introduction of additional currents M It. Samus'.', -- 316 The design of certain integrating circuits and their application to the solution of nonlinear differential equations (V. V. Klimov, and V. V. Petrov) -- 329 An analog computer for solving three-dimensional Laplace equations by the induced current method (G. M. Gerahteyn, V. P..Pronin, V. A. Sedin, and Go K. Fedonin) -- 339 A specialized static model for solving nonlinear equations of mathematical physics (A. To Luklyanov) -- 352 The application of static models to solving problems of the beat conduction type (I. P. Zherebyatlyev, and A. To Luklyanov) -- 369 A combined model (conducting paper-R-network) for solving nonsta- tionary heat conduction problems (to. A. Kosdobo, and L. V. Card 5/9 L 10415-66 !AM5023898 i Knyazev) -- 388 Modeling nonstatLonary heat transfer in a rod (I. G. Vintizenko, A, V, Kozhevnikov, and A. 1. Kuznetsov) -- 400 The use of reeLstor netuorks for solving three-dimensional and two-dimensional problems of prospecting geophysics (L. V. ULtsetakiy, and A. P. Pokin) -- 410 Determination of filtration flows in inhomogeneous media by electric integrators and calculating the resistance of networks (L. C. Kogan) -- 415 ICh. IV. Applications of and operational experience with analog computing machinery -- 433 The application of the HN-14 analog computer to modeling catalytic processes (V. V. Skomorokhov, and V. 1. Prosvirnin) -- 433 Modeling the IRT-2000 nuclear reactor on analog computers (I. G. VLntLzanko, and V. Ya. Durnovtoev) -- 438 The use of analog computer and discrete logical devices in a scheme for optimal controll%f the process of completing open- hearth furnace melts (I. He Borzenko~ L. He ZaydenberR, and L* A@ Sapoxhalkov) Card 6/9 L 10415-66 .AM5023598 An investigation of the dynamics of controlling the rpm of a Diesel engine by means of an electrical model (V. ff. Lobastov, and le'l, DavydkLn) -- 469 An investigation of the vertical vibrations of an autobus by an electronic HPT-9 computer (g.LA.-KozLL Ya-~IH.*-Pevzner, I. B, SkLnder# and Ye.'' I., _FLILpp_~tj~ich) -- 482 The application of analog computers to calculating transients in a circuit with diodes (V. A. Kochegurov, and A. A. Teresh- chenko) -- 490 A method for calculating circuits with rectifier elements by means of analog computers (I. A. Gruzdev, L, A. Kuchumov, and Yu. A. Maksimov) -- 494 Experience in using analog computers for electric power calcula- tions (I. A. Gruzdev, and L. A. Kuchumov) -- 508 The application of nonILnear-analog models for modeling electro- mechanical and magnetic amplifiers (L, He Osipov, and I. D. CherepeoLn) -- 524 0 Modeling one-cycle magnetic amplifiers with asymmetrical design parameters (V, Ya, BoyarevLch, and E. T. Beyners) -- 341 The application of an HUD-1 analog computer to selecting and Card 7/9 L 10415-66 !AMS023898 Calculating systems for forming an electron beam (V. A. Kochegurov, N. V, Trikhenova, and Po H. ShchauLn) -- 552 The solution of certain problems with the aid of analog computers (L. S. G*iakhic&ShVLLL, N. P. Kandel&kL, A. H. Kv&vLlashvili, T. 1. HarusshvLIL, and 0. G. OkroashvilL) -- 560 Analog models for investigating "man-and-machine" systems (V. F. Venda) -- 570 Zxperience gained in applying electronic analog computers to scientific and engineering investigations (G. M. Zhdanov. 1. H. Tatellbaum, and N. 1. Chelnokov) -- 579 Experience in operating HN-7 and EHU-8 electronic computers (N. C. VLntLzanko, V. Ya. Durnovtsev, A. V. KozhevaLkov, and V. V. Tsygankov) -- 587 The application of analog comRuters to investigations of thermal proceoffios_in a cutting tooll"(A. N. ReznLkov, A. V. TemnLkov. V r7-7 - .- - - - - and .144~~Badov) -- 592' An attacfiment to an RC-network for periodization. measuring. and formulating boundary conditions when modeling nonstationary thermal processes in a cutting toot (A. V. Tema _ 0 _tkov M. Yaq Likhttsinderl and V, H. GavrLlov) 611 Olt/ IAV Card 8/9 L 10415-66 'AII5023898 Electrical modeling of problems of the dynamics of certain machan-- ical structures (APG.~Y,Levin) -- 615 The application of analog computers to investigating processes in a main gas pipeline (M. A. ZhIdkova) -- 62a ,SUB CODEs DPg MA/ SUBM DAM l9Feb6S/ ORIC Mrs 335/ OTH -REF: 033 jCard. 9/9. C 7- L 6o859-6s E EC - 4/_ JQ FdT ( 1 ) /F RD OW/^dS-4 ACCESSION NR: AP5018071 UP/0020/65/163/001/005010053 167 ALMIOR7 Kotel'nikov, V, A. ; Alekaandrov, Yu. N ; ~pra~sin, L. V. - C Dubrovin, V I Kislik. M. D. _I - - ~; . Gy K . M. _j!~znetP_ov_�.._ 1. . Pct Frantsesson 'A V.-- Shakovsk6j, A. M. TTTLE: Radar observations of Venus In the Soviet Union in 196h sf.~ SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady. v. 163. no. 1, 1965, 50-53 TOPIC TAGS: radio wave reflection, Venus radar observation, radio emission measure- ment, radar observation, radio astron 5-:F. ABSTRACT: Radar observations of Venus at 40 cm were conducted between 11 and 33 June 1964 by the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Academy of Sciences USSR. Frequency modulation and periodic linear frequency modulation of radiated signals were employed. Paramagnetic and parametric amplifiers were used at the receiver output. 813M&l analysis was performed by www of a 20-channel analyzer with a filter bandwidth of 1.2 cps for each channel. The reflected signal spectrum and measurements of the radial velocity of the motion of Venus vere determIna4 on the basis of the Doppler shift of the signal spectrum of the central frequency In relation to the ra&atioo frequency. "uency manipulation L 60859-65 ACMSICR IM: AP50180TI ASSOCIA7IONt Institut redlotekhniki i radioelektronikl Akadeali bauk SSSIR fIu- #tLtute of Radio Englacerim pad Clectronics, Acadew of 6clanced MR) 5f BIJBK17TED: 12Apr65 ENCL: 02 MM CODS: DC AA NO RE? SOVt 003 MHER 1 000 ATD FREBS t C-A 7 127 3/169j63/000/002/074/ D263/1)307 TITLE s Some characteristics of the methods of exploration of -skarn orebodies ~-'PZRIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 2, 19639 119 ab- stract 2D69 (Razvedka i okhrana nedr., 1962, no. 7. 49-50) TEXT Cold ore deposits in skarns-are gererally small, and the the .1orebodies are in the shape of nests,and pockets. They occur in ne of.limestone or-non-ore-bearing skarnst without apparent re- W ulart~y. During exploration of such deposits, drilling from special- rg ,ly inspected holes was-succesefully employed. Holes were made at in ,.,.,..,distances of 100 - 150 m from each other, to depths of 3 - 4 m, relatively, dense rocks.-1717-1, (OP-1) machines-were placed in special ..,.1chambers. Horizontal 50-- 70 m wells were first drilled. When ore- :bodieq were~located, their-exact position was ascertained by drill- !,ing further wells. To confirm the,sides of the mineralized areas,, lCard 112 S/169/63/000/002/074/127 -Some. characteristics of ... D263/D307 the 300 (EIP-300) equipment is used in place of GP-I allowing -.200 M.-e wells to be drilled. Drill bits armored wi th AK-9 (VF,-a) d r-53 FG-53) pobedites /-Abstracter's notes-composition unknown a n -7 were e Un -Ab uied,,allowing drilliRg of rocks to X th category. .a ract t er's uotot Complete translation, tw iCard 2. T,-LKACHl,V, G.M.i PL-111N, G.M. Pructice -~f an Integrated drilling crew. ftazved.1 ,P no.1147-.48 Ja I i~;, . -~ 1 , 1 ~ I 1. TreL3t *Zapaibzolotn". (DDring, -ekhn. nauk, red I.Y., tekhr. nau-k, rec. 1 recl. Fru:,Ierns of' t:,t, neO-Y an,~ ppl ing,' Vc,~rosy teo---* i va,ni ia -Po.kv-I, (for ARARAW-HYL11. A.Z., kanri.okon.vauk: BiOl. Sh.M.. Irwid.okon.rouk; HAROTAN, O.V.. d,)I:tor mod.nauk; 8A6HKI.,tUV, A.V., kiind.elcon.nauk; BU~HEV, P.P., kBrid. lst.pauk; UMOiWD, V.S.; DURO?AY-9VA, L.Y., inand.fllol.oauk. DC-Ro- S"NKO. Ye.A..; 4A'1I6TLVICH, A.A.; IVA140VA, H.ii., int.vjauk; IVANUV, M.S., aoktor ist.nauk; IL'BAlY, G.N., muk; KI.SLYAKOV, N.A., doVtor Ist.nauk; KOMI~iSARUV, J-5., kand.filol. nauk; KUWCYEV. K.K., Imnd.filol.nauk; MOISAY-0, P.P., kand.ek-on. nauk; PAKFALI14A,, kond.filol.nnuk; PETROV, M.P., doktor reogra- ficheskikh nauk, Drcf.; P&TROV G.M., SOKOLOVk, V.b., doktor filol.nauk; TRU;Olmr-Lr~r i?ARKHADIYA!i. A-1.. kand.19t. wuk; SHOYTOV. A.M.. ka-id.filol.nau~; ZAUOD9R, B.N., doktor tatort- chaskikh nauk, orof. , otvetstvennyy red.; AKHRAKVICH, R.T.. kand. lBt.nauk. red.; FALIRA, A.I., kand.i5t.muk, red.; l1UZliNTZ3UVA, A.A., rod. izd-vs-, SHVII-KOVSKAYA, Y.R., red. izd-va: PRU4AK(,VA, T.A., tekhn. red. [Provent-day Irfin-, a manutill Sovremennyi Irtin; BprFivnrhnik. Moskva, N 57. 71" p. (Mv~A 13 1. AVis(lqmiyFj naL07 ~)SSI( -Infitit it vo!~tokovojoriipi. ( I r,~ n) GRABOVSKIT, M.A.; PETROVA, G,N -- =j---- Stabilit7 or residual magnetized rocks. Izv.M! SSSR Ser.gtnsfiz. R0-3 2go-296 Kr 156. (~a; 9:7) I.Akademiya sauk SSSR, Goofizichaskiy iistittit. (Rocks-MagnatIc properties) -?M N. ~.v fertilization and first stages of cleavage of human aeg, in ritro [with stunmary in Flnelish). ATirb.anst.gtot. I mbr. 3; no.1:8"l J8-F 158- (MIRA 1114) 1. 1z ~:afodry gisto)oeil I embrIologil kzav. - prof. B.P.Khvatov) Xrymskogo goaudaretvennogo meditsinekogo itietituts. Adres avtora: Simferopol'. bullver Lorina, d. -5/7, Keditsinsicty institut, k9fedra O"tologil. (YERTILIZATICH. first stages of cloavage of fortilized, human egg In vitr-n (Pus)) PLTROV. r,.N. Survey of ms,-thodp for nroducirW, r-lief maps. Good. I Yart. no.~: 4n-47 MY 456. (KLRA 9:10) (Cartography) (Rolief maps) PETROV, G.N. State of the hydroloeical study of small rivers in the middle Volga Valley and further patsh of streamflow investigation. Trudy Kazan. fil. AN SSSR. Ser. energ. i vod. khoz. no.415-11 '59. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Otdel energetiki i vodnogo khozyaystva Kazanskogo filiala All SSS-1. (Volpa Valley--Hydrology--Research) PASMIEVA, S.I.; PETROV. G.N. Methodological problems In studying the rolp of climatic factors in runoff formation. Trudy Kazan. fil. AN SSSR. Ser. energ. i vod. khoz. no.4:112-125 159. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Otdol energetiki i Yodnoeo ichozyaystva Kazansicogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSYL. (Volga Valley-Runoff) PETROV, G.N., icand.tekhn.nimik, doteent Mechanics of the notion of parts in a vibrating mill. Izv.v7s. ucheb.zav.; masbinostr. no-5:3-10 '60. OQU 13: 7) 1. Hookovsk070 vyseheyo tekhnichoskoyo uchilishche im. Baumana. (Killing machinery) ?YBOV, We prctect '_-ve track against drifts. P-.~ *; ' ,_ , 2 : ii~-i6 N 159. -_ . - '140A 1,: ~) n 1. Zuro!itjtal' nAchaj'nIku Ber-Chogirnke-, .' '. , t. , :~ t q '. 4 , star,'st.ya Ber-Chogur, Kazakhakoy doroe,. fBr,:-,- ~~ o0r.= --Railroad a-Snow protect ion ary.1 ) AVER'YAN(NA, ri. A, ; PF'N()V, (;.N. Densit.3r of *ne nydrographic network in ~ne ;- --.7a Va- --.. . Izv. Kaz-in. ~il. AIN 'ISSR. S,-r. gner,;. i 7:-.. ~rncz. z 'bl . ,~~ ~,, A . - : (Volga Valley--Hydrograpr,y) AW-'RIYANCVA, 3.A.; PETROV, 'j.N. Prevqiling slopes of' *.no earth's surface and - over *.he rjasins of sma, I rivers if' midfile 7-, ig~i 7k - --,. , Izv. Kazqn. ~11. a Ser. onerg. i vod. - . - ' 01 . 1-~ . -- : (Volga 'IsAlley-Slopes (Physical. gp(.grqp.-.., BACITIM01i, 11. 1., ir~zh. ; V(;Lh~,V, S. , Inzh. ; M-01JE, SKD ~`. S., J~rof .' dok-tor te-k-Im. neuk; S.A., -,ot::ert, kan,~. tekhr. n-ruk; ot.., iarr. nplak; A.V.p 00t.-~., k%iic. , watk; KI:U I.I., dots., kanti. tekhi nituk; !G'A"111~, A.A., vuirshiy pre- podawtell; Knnuv, cictF.; NIKULD", r;ots., klind. 1 --~:7 '.-E%, :rof. tekhr. nauk; PODYA!.'KCN' A.b.. .;,t~.; T -~, zl cioktor tekhr.. nauk; L.A., .-.ots., ~nno. nauk; SGbOIEV, V.L., clots., tekhr..rauk; '-*I~FCV~', VJ;., inzh. ; TDJiOFI-CV, 1 .11. , cot f. ki~nd. 'vkh: . mulr; FaG:-.OV, A.A., dotc., k~unci. --ekhn. nauk; CPGNIKFI!~, A.A., clots., kand. tekhn. nauk; CUILIKB, prof., i_-lav. red.; G(,LC,A];, A.71., prof., red.; GO"DINS~JY, E.G., prof., red.; 3.1;., Prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, r-d.; FEDCITYEV, A.:.,., '~-of., red.; A171K, I.V., inzh., red.; N.I.) tA!klx,. red. [E-lectric,il en;-ineerii-C sj,ra- vachnik. 3., jerr,7. i :nj. i:!,c-. loc ot)rhchei red. A.T. Golow.ra i o--kvp, So.-enerf-oiv,- t. Vo 1. 1. 19~..'. 732 p. (MI.-A 1':10 1. Moskovskly (,n(-rf-.otichoqki- ir,:titut (for Golovan, Gnidin.,3kiy, Petrov, Fedose:.~,v, Chilikin, Ar.tik). (Eir.-ctric enri,-,ering--Fand~x,oks, iwnuaiL, etc.) LIFSHITS, V.S., inzh.; PET.IOV, "j.N., inzh. Evnluatina ~.he quality ~~r FJp-lina ~,utt joints made b)r resistance welding. 3var. prcizv. m .4: 2 -'- 2,. AP I o 3. "Nou 1 , : 4.1 1. Vse soy-uznyy naurhno- i -m 1" lowt tp 1 ' sk ii I na ti t1i t po stro i tp I I stxni magistraltykh truboprovodov. (Pipelines--Welding) (Wplding-Testing) MALYSHEVA, Z.S., st. prepod.; GLUKHOV, N.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; YINUT, S.B., dots.; PETROV, G.N., kand.tekhn.nauk,- dots.; RESHETOV, L.N., doktor tekhn.neuk, prof., red.; (Theory of mechanisms and machines] Teoriia mekhanizmov i mashin; kurs lektsii [By)Z.S.Kalysheva I dr. Pod red. L.N. Reshetova. Moskva, No.4.(Dynamics of mechanisms and machines] Dinamika mekhanlzmov t mashin. 1959. 91 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Moscow. Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche. I'Mechanisms) (Machinery, Kinematics of) PETROV, G.N. aeographical z(~nh.' ~ 14 and ~,.(drologirhl protlemp ' , - , - -- - r mapping. 1 zv. Kazar. ',I' . A,11" iSa. spr. -nerj-. - -.- :. . - -,. no. 2: 5-26 '6 1, 1'-~: ?, A . -- - (Hydrography) PETROV, J.N. Roughness coefficient of small rivers and its ct~arartr-r-.Sl. during -ow-water periods In (-onnecti5r, with stream channel with aquatir vegelation and the dise~rqr,,- ,r.-RF ment technique. Iz,/. Kazan. fil. AN SSSR. Ser. Pner.-. i v khoz. no.2:61-"~ '61. . (Stream measurpmF-nts) . I I-CV . - . . ; 1_1 ) . .1 . I. . . .; .-. ? . .~. ; I . . 1 -.1. C. 1. ~ I . ,; Ual-J. ., .' Lvt;( rl~ ~ .. i, 'ev , . ~ tr (lie t. ;~od,:' 1 4 61 . ~ " X. !,:, (";" tusc,,,, - v vi-,hp 1~,,5-1,,61) HTROV, G.N.; KOROTKOV, A.A. Composition of the reaction products of vanadi,um oxytric:-loride with triethylaluminum. Lokl. All ~-,~R 14.1 no.3:632-6351 1; '~-. (NifCA 14:11) 1. Vsoaoyuznyy nauchno-iculadovatollskiy inatitLt uintotichoskogt knuchuka im. S.V. babedeva. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN' S5,,R (for Korotkov). (Vanadium chloride) (Aluminum) KCVAIZV, Mikhail Prokliorovich; HORULKOV, Sergey Petrovich; TEREKHOVA, Klavdiya Sergeyevnal PETROV, G.N.p kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent, retsenzent; GORTSUMA, F.A., red.; NOVIK, A.Ya., (Dynamic balancing of the wheels of gyro systems] Dinamicheskoe uravuoveshivanie rotorov giroskopicheskikh sistem. Koskva, Oborongiz, 1962. 257 P. (KUU 15:5) (Balancing of machinery) (Gyroscope) t r AS rER'~Z~ICAL; A,, TUT : "-.e wc r?. was 7* ew es ta r-iles erah:e an aiva:- ~t :~f the reacti~,n I A: C s A- C W~is ;I s a ,~nd,r str~c*. exc: j.9- z .9 3 13 r (f ft W L;l ar.A difin,jivo!] a I'! v met ri c a! lywt!. 7a e ar.j "r.- "lltrate a Tne etnane, e t 7. Card '/s S s -i an ty f C 0 f r,-,. e -iw u s .5 - a s e t I 7r .,j s f A I an -,/a r. a tat:vc: y and t,.,*. n s -, a S e t.,. e q 1 a r, t 7- a,~ 13L "r, f A I ra, e 7 t',.e react'. -- n 7, '. x ~r~ was _i r; rea c t e dethj: gr-j~s cal I r these data , the A' 'C w~., re :a* -~j' oit,- Al;j -1 tan e r 4~ a ac C,; r Card 214 a r ':.ane a - a t t'. e 1 1 /C 031r, 21 St-;-Ij a f t L e z~si t I, :i . . . + Et, w~.,~re V_Cl + Al ( C H, C H Vocl_ 3 2 5 1 Et are the ethyl groups determi,.1 as Gael, i,._-arbcnqj (2) at tLe V - C bond: OAI (C41ioi VOCI, + Al (C2H,). - CI,v ---,V(:], +A I (OC4H,) (C-,Ks),* ~;2HB T',.,-is the valency of 7 (Irci a by one ini t d i- tI-I the for!-,ation of 1 mc~' e A',C!.(C R and by 2 initq Aue to the of Al(OC II )(C H The 2 5 2 5 2 5 values of the 7 valency, calculated f-r reacticns are in good P-F.reement. The present ;., describes t~,e s-Lm~'Ie9t system formed at n~ 2. '1 ',. einsoluble complex c,_m~ounds fjr:re~ -J-;ring the reduction are composed of equimol'ar amounts of vanadium _-.Iurideq and alkyl aluminum compounds, which are able to underj-,,_~ an equ."libri,irr. exchange with !,.e a_~.~,! aluminum in solution. At n >2, the CI c=tent of the solutic)n at3ve t-.,2 precipitate :ncreases. With ex-cess I the and 3 tetrava.Lent 7 compounds formei are Card 510 Studj cf the composition ... VCle + Al.(Gulls)s - (:,II,V(-I, I A1(:1 (C,11,), - + NIC] t Pl- OA I VOCI, + A] (C4H.). - Cl,\, vc], -4- A I (01~2Yis) (C4HO2. Since no further reduction of V occurs C: rease i ii r,~ba' 4 to an equilibrium; VC I A I C 1 ( C 11 + A I ( C 11 VC1, A 1 'C -!'C H A , reaction is aaa--r..ell fir AI(OC- :1, iesiFna'i-r. Used: M total content of AlC, C (-.D n t Al ( CT )I,)( C -.115 1 n the reac t I on iroduc ts 21 a 2 1 :, :-e3 ively , t,'.e content of these compounds in the sclut' 1 the quantities of , these compo,inds which are clemosorhed ty t~., ~i.;rface of tl:e ~reci;ita*-. It .'a assumed that m - m + m and I 7r-.,,i *.:.e rtsults 0 and the equation of the equilihrium constants -f 'he re3pect ive rea- the following equations are derivcd: M r, h u a t quant i t of Al C! r C h e I of t,-.e reduced vane,:. Card 4/6 I / I _''..~/61/141/003/CCO/021. . , - Study of the composition ... chlorides is invergely proportional to tne ~f Al(C2H5)3 int roduced into the reaction. The decrease of activity of this type of catalyst, connected with an increase of the ratic AIR 3/-10C13f has been mentioned severally in publications. This effect may be explained by the decrease in the content of oomplexed AlCl(C 2H5)2' if one assumes that this compound represents an active center initiating polymerization. The question is subject to further study. There are 3 figures, I table, and 10 refer- ences: I Soviet and 9 non-Soviet. The three references to English- lang-jage publications read as follows: Ref. 8: P. V. Paulsont J. F. 14urphy. Anal. Chem., 26, No. 7, 1182 (1956), Ref. 9: F. Cotton, Chem. Rev., .21, No- 3, 55, 71955); Ref. 10: H. Jilman, R. Jones, L. '#code, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 76, 3615 (1954". ASSOC:ATION: Vaesoyuznyy na-Lichno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskogo kauchuka im. S. V. Lebedeva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber imeni $- V. Lebedev) Card 5/4 PETROV, G.N., kand.tekhn.nauk Seminar on problems of engineering protection for towns and villages and the study of the water cycle in areas where the water level has risen. Gidr.stroi. 31 no.3-61-62 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:4) (Hydraulic engineering) ucal"I'Syl., Yu.V., Prof.,; FE"I"Ov, G.N. , ; ed. ; I PI.Z. , [Arear Of Ca~C.ZCr~t ',LfJ.'ns find dons,' ty .1 *he dra.r.ti(:e netwcrk of sma'I rverE3 in the :r-'dcl:e Voiga Vallayl Ploshchadi Vodosbomykh i p~ctnojtl rechnol ~-I.i malykh rek Srednego Povu'.zh'A,4. Ya, z a r. 1 , I 1- 60. 2"4 : -(Akademiia nauk SSSR. Kazanskil Tinudyt no. 5)e (MIT-A 14:2) (Volga Valiey-Hydrography) PETROV, G.N,, kan&.tekhn.nauk; SAVELDVA, A.A. , kand.tekhn.nauk Balancing unit for checking the unbalance of aBsembled electric motors. Iz-v.vys.uaF-'b. sav.; mactinostr. no.3:82-96 160. (MIRA 14:-,) 1. KoskovLkoye vyssheye takhnicheskoye uchil-isbehe Imeni Baumana. (Balancing of machinery) FE,rK,jvA, R S - ~ -FFT~IUV , ., '. . Kazan' ) I I ~a - -,r? -~ -1 E-Avino~ -- :~, ., , -P -5 -J~- 0 ~i M.r -,tr ? -.-~ . ~ ': , 'eiatpr -,,: ply ) A. *,r, of -,adev _G71 3: _'ic 2 1 ock of 12, 1 -On(j C-OCK pul:rmor nhysicai. cc7 s c 7. -Lock -'tane solut n 0 ion ir. t! i~r o. ar of wore stuciioc_ -V '-_Lccx_ in ',-e chain. Fr r, -.~.ancpoint D ly'- s c, aar.~i nolybutadione are c homoDolymers obtained on the or~,anolithluir cat- s_.~_,.-inoint of t-!e oroz)erlt 4-o sof the vulcanizates, thi --yrthesized Drac do nct dtffer fror. the nroDarties of -r.Lxt_uras of ara are entimly determined by the butadiono-to-isonrm~_ ratic. 78,762.2+6"8.762.3, ;6.Z~,C .'"24-0-04,12 .-Cc rd- I - - - - PETROV, 0. N. "Transformers,o Val. I, Voacow-LAningrad, 19J4 PTrROV OEORG~NIKOI,Akrll. p I Ob ustoichivosti vikhrevykh sloev. Moskva, 1937. 24., illus., table, diagrs. (TSAG'. Trudy, no. 304) Summary In Title tr.: Stai; I'tj of vortex sh ets. QA911.M6~1 no.3ch S(--- Aeronautical Sci-r,,(-F ar.d Aviatior, in the Sc.v,et Union, Li-rary of Congress, 1955 P71"Hcvp Ga)RrIj I~IFIU~-17i. 0 rasprostranenii kolebanii v viazkoi zhidkosti i voznikriovfmii turhulmtnnsti. Moskva, 1938. 27 -., diagrs. (TSAGI. Trudy, no. 345 Bibligoraphyt p. 2(-47. Title tr.: Propai:ati-3n of oscillatioris in a vl5ccus flu.Id and the orl,-in of tur- ulence. (;,~-911- M65 no. 345 SOr Aeronautical Sclenres and Avlation in the 5oviet. Union, Llt,rayy of Congress, 19~,5 PETROVIO G. N. .1 "Electrical Macninery," edited b~r G. N. ?et-rov, Parta I and 2, Oaccm- Leni ngrad, 1960-47 UwAftectricit'y Iftr 448 Wnnaroraers Mathematics, APplied "Theory of Calculation of Lcakage Inductance of Transformers," Prof G. N. Petrov, Dr Tech Scl, 6 pp *H1ektr1chc;otvo" No ~ Method kno~,n as the mean 6n-_-xietrtc distance permits determinatlan of leakage Inductance of tranaformer coils. MethrA of calculation very simple. Petrov (31ves further and more detolled description of sub- ject. 'IT; 301L- 47"1 USO/ZlectrtcIty Doc 4T, Asynchronous Machines Currents, Electric - Recording 02ffoct of SeturatIon on the Characterist1--ti and Current Diagram of an Asynchronous Machire.~ Prof G. N. Petrov, Dr Tech Sol, Moscov Pover D-.g Inst Lueni Molotov, 6 pp "Ilektrtchestvo" No 12 ra atodarn heavily used machines Inductances af windings of stator and rotor In semishielded grooves depend on c,,irrent In windings and vary In a w!lta range. ?hie is explained by changes of the cr-m-layer saturation. Points out practical and theoretical up 2?0/49T22 USO/Electricity (Contd) r-ac 48 Interests in problem of effect of saturation on working characteristics of asynchronous machines, particularly vith short-circuited rotor. Attempts to develop a theory of asynchronous machines from the calculation of their saturation. PFTROVV 0. N., PROF U:>0'n/'aectricJty Electric Fower Scientists May 49 "Professor L. Al. Sirotinskly (Seventieth Birthday Anniversary)," Prof P. C. Zhlanov, Dr Tech Scl, Prof V. V. Meshkov, Dr Tech Scl, Prof G. n,_Petrov, Dr Tech Sci, Docent, A. S. Sergeyev, 1 p "Elektrichestvo" No 5 Gives details, in brief, -)f Prof Sirotinakiy's early education and his part in setting up various electrical engineering laboratories. Most of his activities, in high-voltage techniques, took place at Moscow Power Inst imeni Mo2otov. Lists most important projects (DneproBtr~,y, etc.) in whic!% he iarticipated. PA 55A9T29 USSR/'Electricity - Transformers, Current May 50 Measuring Instruments "Negative Resistance of a Secondary Transformer Winding," Prof G. N. Petrov, Dr Tech Sci, S. S. -4 -C Okun' , Cand Tech Sci, Moscow Power Eng Inst Imeal. nw- Molotov ~Zlektrichestvo" No 5, PP 3-5 112 c*j-rrent transformers, whose characteristics are CbLiefly determined by parameters of secondary wind- ing, it is possible to use effect of double mag- netic leakage to alter active resistance and induc- tance of this winding. Under certain conditions, lm USSR/Electricity - Transformers, Current (Contd) 167T2_ May 50 negative values can be attained for these parameters. This phenomenon can be used to compensate for er- rors of current transformer. Analyzes and experi- mentally investigates problem. Submitted 27 Feb 50. 167T2 AM- ;7- M, ROV. G. N. U!3R/Eloctrii1%y Dec 51 "Acadealclan V. S. Kulobwdn ~ -its 60th 31rthday). A. TrapaxnIkov, N. P. losteako, S. N. Petrov, 11. V. Gorokhow. T. L. Losslyevskiy. 1. loewww. m. o. ChIlikin. G. 3'. Petrov, A. R. Larionorg A. G. loolflywU K. S. 3obov. D. A. Oorodetekly ONlektrichestwo" No 12. p SO KulebakIn Is very well known In the flelds of sloe machInes. sloe equipment, automatic control, and 1llvx4mtIzk-, englasering and has specialized for many years In aV"%1*Q oleo equlpmento A major general in the aviation onglospring service, he was OW Of the toduders of the All-UnIon nee Rog Inst aW the last of Automatles and Telez*ahan and be* headed ohalrs at tho Moscow Power F.W- Inst Unal Molotov &M the Air Force Eng kead lwenl ?hxzkovekly. 20IT87 PYTRnV, 0. N.-, r"dak-tor; RABOCHKIN, S.I., te1rheLchasirly redairtor. fCalmndar-mamial for 19')2; suppInment to thm poriodiral *fflnk- trichmatvo") Kals-ndar'--spravnchnik a& 1952 god; priI02hmnla k zhiirnnlu "Maktrichastvo.' 4nskvti, Gf)s,F-nergAzd-vn 219 p. 'Mosctric atq-,Inimmrin,--- Ta~)Jms, ("LRA R:10) Cal-Illitions, ~tc' GuszT, :i.A., inzh.; ZHUKHOYIT~XIT, B.Ta.. imnd.tak)ui.nnuk; 7ARI11. D.D., kand.te6m.nauk: IYAJUT-SHOUNSKIT, A.T., kand.tekrm.rwak; ENTAZATSICIT, B.A., kand.teL-.YLn.aauk; nTZ-UT-SOV. A.I., inz".; KOZIS, T.L., kand.tekhn.rwuk; KORTTIH, A.A., lnzh.; LASHKOV, F.P., inzh.; L'TOY, Te.L., kand.tekhn.nauk; WNIZE-SHKINA, L.P.. kand.tekhn.nDuk; NXKRASOTA. II.M., kand.tek~ir.nqWk; NIKULIH, N.Y.. kand.taklin.naiik, PUSTOT, Y.A., kand.t,3khnicheskikh nauk; RAZET14. D.T., knnd.tekhn.mtuk; ROZAINUT, G.N., lcand.tekhn. nauk; RUMSHISKIT. L.Z., kand.fiz.-matem.nwik; STISTOY, 14A., kand.tekhn.nmik; S1R0T1NSX1'!. Te.L.. kand.te~~hn.nauk; SOKOLOV. M.K., kand.tokhn.nank; TALITSKIT, A.T., prof.; TREMBACH, T.T., lnzh.; ?EDOROY, A.A., k~ind.tskhn.nauk-, ISRUDINSKIT, P.G., prof.; FRTTKOV, T.T., kand.takhn.nnuk: CHILIKIN. M.G.. Drof.. glavn.77 red.; GOLOVAN, A.T., prnf., red.; PEMOT. G.N.. prof.. red.; M30SXMV, A.M., rrof.. red.; AYrIK, I.T., red.-, SK-TORTSOV, I.M., (Handbook for electric enpinnering] -71sktrols)klmicheskil sprsivoch- nik. Xoskva, Gos.energ.lzd-vo, 1952. 640 p. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Propodavnteli Monkovnknj,o nnor,,otic-ioj~koeo intitit,itit Imml T.M. Molotovn (for all nxnopt Ant1k, Skv,)rtsov). (Electric ongineering) U&M,itlectricity - Hydroelectric Oct 52 Generators "Rydro~-'-,-tric Generators," N. P. Ivanov, Engr, Prof G. N. Petrov "Elektriotiestvo' ri(~ IC, pp 11-24 Characteristics )f modern high power hydroelec generators are discussed and the main structural units of various machines ire described. AuLhors State triat the largest hydroelec generators in the vori.i have been built in USSR and are being used at Shcherbakov Ftnd Dnepr qtntions, even 23IT22 though the power of the Grand Coulee generator is 108,000 kva while that of the Shcherbakov and Mepr generat.n,-- are 70,000 kva and 90,000 kvaj resp. The characteristic upon whicl- authors base clalm is k-%,a rpr%~ 231TP-2 USSII/Electricity - Transformers Dec 52 "Inut rwment TT-RT_~~! .~!Merf~ (Current) Witli E: : ~-Y %)mpen- nation by thu Mc)!7,',:Tw Powfr Engineering Insi i tul.r Method " f F,-,rcv, Dr Tech Sci. and Do~-~-nt s C Ln,. T-h Sc.', Moscow Power- Fnj,, fro.1 N imen I M_ !Mov pF E:)=In,-_- theory Df inztrument transforrier- -ur-ent), whIch have r,- erill-v 7omc into widespread use )n el-ec- tr if i ca t ~ ()n -In tht-se transformers spc,:;.al ~,netic shunts ~tr- u~,ed ar.' se:cmdary win~lings ~ir~ i,,ed on 242T22 two legs to produce wile variation of secoi wind- Ing leakage emf in order to obtain optimur -,ipPnsa- tion conditions while retaining small sizv- Vt. . Submitted IS Apr 52 242"F22 .3ubject Card 1 1 Author I e Periodical Abstract -.3,-Itution USSR/Electricity Pub. 27 - 5/34 Petrov, 0. N,, Dr,. Tech. 3-1., P2-f'-, rjrr! Abramov, A. L, Kand. Tech. ")el. Voltages between Windings cif Ea--tr', Ma by Transient Phenomena Elektrichestvo, *(, ",4--)1, ji 1'),4 Transient phenomena occurr'ng In windingo 1,161~ motors with multi-turn coils are discussed on the uasL.~ of experimental studies. The character and dlstrlbutlor~ of surge voltages across the coils and turns are and transient phenomena occurring at the sw1t-h1,nF. f tl,;- motors are analysed. Results obtained are cxten,,-~,-.' t A voltage motors and high voltage genersto-3. 1- 3 Russian references (iq4c-iq,~o). Moscow Power institute Im. Molotov Submitted Mr 20, 1954 GCLOYAN,A.T., professor, redaktor; GRUDINSKIY,P.G. professor, redaktor; PWROV,G.M., professor, redaktor; FXDOSBTIV,A.M., professor, redaktor, WTUM-, k.G., professor, redaktor; ANTIK.I.V., inzhener, redaktor; SKVORTS(N.I.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor (Blectric engineering handbook] Blektrotakhnicheakiy spravochnik. Izd. 2-oe. perer. Pod obahchei red. V.M.Molotova, i dr. Moskva, Goo.energ. Vol.l. 1955. 527 p. Vol.2. 1955. 624 p. (MIAA 9:1) 1. Moskavskiy energetichaskiy institut imeni V.M.Molotova (for all except Skvorteov) (Illectric engineering--Handbooks, manuals. etc.) AID P - 2627 Subject U00SH/Ele ct ri city Card 1,11 Pub. 27 - 16 /'30 Author Petrov, G. N., Prof., Distinguished Worker In 3cience and Technology, Moscow Title Academician K. 1. Shenfer. On the 70th anniversary of his birthday Periodical Elektrichestvo, 6, 71-73, Je 1955 Abstract The author describes the activities of K. I. Shenfer In the educational and scientific fields and his contributions to the advancement of electrical engineering. One photograph. Institution Moscow Power Engineering Institute Im. Molotov Submitted No date AID P - 2941 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/2 Pub. 27 - 6/15 Authors Petrov, 0. N., Doe. of Tech. Sci., and 1. S. Mayasnicov-'-Kand. of Tech. Scl. Periodical Blektrichestvo, 8, 39-46, Ag 1955 Abstract The authors present a method of calculating ele- ctrodynamic forces rising In transformers during breakdowns. The method is based on the investigation of the magnetic field and calculation of the radial and axial components of the induction vector within the limits of the area enclosed by the windings. The Influence of the steel core is accounted for with the help of mirror reflection diagrams. It was found that the generally applied method of determining radial components of the magnetic field with the non-compen- sated magnetizing force of the windings gives incorrect results. The authors calculated electrodynamic forces rising with back-fire In transformers of rectifying Installations and found that these forces may attain SHATEMN,M.A.; KBSHK(N,V.V.; PrrROV,G.N.; KISRLKV.A.S.; HILIKIND.L.D. S.O.Nnizell. glektrichostvo no.10:95 0155. (KLRA -~:12) (Mnizell, Sergoi Oelpovich, 1882-1q55) Pub 128 -A G. Petrov,,,. N-,- C4nd- Tech. ft.,,'Assist. Prof, 11420101 balancing Of mAchin* parts, during their,was prodaction t Vast. mash. 35150 18-240 MY 1955 I Various &040t9 Of cVr&mdc b&lmlvg - the detendnation of the UWAI=co and, 91Wnation. of saw - as applied ta practices of mass production of machinis parts are discussed., Different tMma of Soviet and foreign made balancing rachineep w*lord by the. machine construction taftstry, are described, The balancing tolerances. whiah'=w effect the labor output and this analogous tolerances ~ for geometrical dimensions of parts wA ow- woes (193&1954)., QrqA. a; face purity ire explained., Ton USM refar drasiingel illustrations, Institution I ~tted -t nTHOV, G.N. I kandidat tek.~inichesklkh nauk, dotsent. -~-AIZZ k. , Work of the Theory of MechAnisms and Machines Department of Moscow Technical College in desiKning high-production tools for balancing of parts [Trudy] M V T U no.65~11-16 '55. (JIMA 9: 9 ) (Balancing of macninery) PSTROV, G.N.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. dotsent. Device for automatic calcmIation of the value of disbalance in six planes of rotation. [Trudy] K V T U no.65:91-99 '55. (MLRA 9-8) (Balancing of machinery) LIVIT, Grigorly 0alpovich, inzhener; BELIKIND, L.D.,doktor tmkhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; GLAZUN0V, A.A.,doktor takhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor-, GOLUBTSOVA, V.A.,imndidat tek~micheskikh nauk, redsk-tor; Z0101"AREV, T.L..doktor tekhnicheskikb nauk, reciaktor; IZRASH. S.V., doktor tokhnicheskikh nauk. redaktor; KIRILLIN, V.A..redaktor: KONFIDERATOV. I.Ya..doktor takhnichoskikh nauk. rodaktor; PMOV, G.P,,,d,oktor takhnichoutrikh nauk. redaktar: SIRUTINSKIY. CF-7- -!Mtor teklinic-heakikh nauk, redaktor, SOLOVIM, I.I..professor. redektor; STYRIKOVIGH, M.A.,rodaktor; SHIINYBM. Ys.A.,Imndidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor-. SHCID:GLYATHV,A. V. reds kt or; AWU, I.V.,redaktor; FRIDKIN, A.H.,tekhnicheskly reds k-tor COutline history Of Dower engineering in the U.S.S.R.] Ocherki po latorii anargetichankoi tekhniki SSSR. Red. komisaiis L.D. Bellkind i dr. Koelcva, Gos. onerg. tzd-vo. No. 3. ~Power Congresses and conforonces) Snergetichaskiy slezcLy i korderentaii. 1956. 98 p. (KLRA 10:4) 1. Moscow. Moskovskty enargetichesiriy Institut. 2.Chlen korrospondent AN SSSR.(for Kirillin. Styrikovich, Shcheglyayev) (Power engines rtng-Gongros nos ) PZTROV. Goorgiy Nikolayevich; KRATZ. A.0.. rodaktor; SXVORTSOV, 1.m.. telchnichesk-ly redi'ki,~r [Blectric machines; in three parts] llelrtric~eslcte mashiay; v trekh chastiakh. Izd. 2-oa. perer. Moslcva. Gos. energ. izd-vo. Pt.l. [Introduction. Transformers) Vvedenie. Transformatory. 1956. 224 (Alectric transformers) (MLRA 9:11) p. KOSTZNKO. M.P.; KU1,19BAKIN, V.S.; JARIONOV, A.M.; PUTROV, G.H.; SITUSOV, To.V. ; BOGOTAVUSS11T. V.N. -, -IM-USHIJUN, M. V. N.Y. Gorokhov; obituiiry. Ilaktrichostvc, no-1:95 Ja '56.(KLOA 9:)) (Gorokbov, Nikolai Vladimirovich, 1896-1955) 'T:"~ : . -,.! . '- I r te, I, nAIK. r f 0 c 43 -. :- : I -- Y AJ-"V , . . , 01 - - ' ~ P t -------- f ~a-- , ,f-. I - - .. !.'' '. 1. ~ 0 Witt 1"; 6. a ,; ; ~.vne t . i m t I on . V go t ... .- . .- , YLI~ ,, Ir . I 1-no-E '. . -.s ~ , ~ t 1 me- 1 0 . I. . Molor ~v A . .,,er,r.- -)achirary A~TtlCh3 j ~e trov :in i --n x ,qs , ra When WI. tYc a - n a Sew ;e ?eg-ulations' -,re vyz3sr~~iya ~--,_nit ustav") PEhIG;)ICALt Vestnik Vjs5nej 6.lizro~j, 1'1' '4 1 3 AbbTRA~~T: rhe existing stanclarJ -,Ie of' f'~.r hiwrer Scnools C, es f'rom .19'o. ?roects f or a new -ode were arricunced two years ao~o nut tre ,i,,thors st%te, no new co~.Ie r~as yet been established. This creates a strange sit,ation, as tne cld code is still in furce a r.umIr:er of' ree~ulations is n~ longer aiplicable. The authors consider that triis lc,ument must reirlect all sides of higner s,nocl life. At the qR-Te time it nas to be very compact and tjlical. It 13 nut r.-cessary to reKl_i,~Ate strict- ly the periods ~,f training vacation ~ericds, tt;e nua.Ler of examinations; this may differ in various vilzes rhe authors suegest that tne Dean be elected three year i,eriod; the vuz -,oun(-ll shoull(I te :.Dnfirmed every ~hre#%. years and shouid be f'ormed uf' members o1 the vuz, trip ;party, 'he qyn- aicate and the Komsomol Tne a,ithurq qo not tnink it necessary Card 1/e that the students take in the elections z- . - ' ~4 linen Will the :111gher 3cnoul ttain a New -tanaarj :,,,I o! :~Pi~uatl,,nn" rLe authors reject tne idea of a s~eclal administrative vuz ~regiaium, tie, sessions uf* jeans and vuz Lirectors are juggested. One veputy is ~rjp~sed if* tne number st,.~ents is -00; two I'or ',.:C- students; thrpe for 3tadents A.DSOCIAT10h; Tne M(,skv-3 institute ~!' Energetics (M,,skov9riy institut) AVAILABLE: Library -I "Onwress .ard --,, 2 PETROV. G.11.,I.doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. Scientific investigations in the field of electric -mac~nines In Czechoslovakia. Blaktrichostvo no.12:'~')-Pl D '-,?. (MIRA 10:12) I.MoskovskI7 energeticheeki7 institut. (Czechoslovakia--Electric iraichiw-i3) I FWTROV, G.N., prof. Raviev of Professor M. Tidmar's boolc "Transformrn." G.N. Petr,7v. Vest. slaktroprom. 28 no.11:78-79 9 157. (MIRA 10-12) 1. Moaicovski7 onergeticheskiy inatitut. (Electric transformers) (Vidmar, M.) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 1201 Moscow. Vyssheye tekhnicneskoye jchllIlshcne teoril mekhanlzmov I m,ashin (Problems ot-rheovy of Mechintsms and Machines Moscow, MashgIz, 1958. 141 p. (Series: Its: [Sbornik] 77~ 3,6oo copies printed. Ed. (Title page): Reshetov, L.N., Doctor of Tecnnical Sciences, Pro- lessor; Ed. (Inside book): Mart,:~ns, S.L., Engineer; Tech. Ed.: Tikhanov, A.Y_i.; ManagIng Ed. for Literature on General Technical and Transport Machine Building (MashgIz): Ponomareva, K.A., lDngtrieer. P'JRPOS E: This collection of' artlcl,?s is Int-ended for personnel of' en- gineering departments of machine-building plaints. COVERAGE: Articles in the collection discuss problems of the efficient design of machines and the Investigation of machine dynamics. It Is recommended that good machine operation be assured by means of pro- per design rather than by Increasing production accuracy. TYetypes of basic mechanisms meeting this requirement are described. The theor7 Is given for approximate shaping of mechanisms with higher Card 1,/~ Problems of Theory (Cant.) 1201 kinematic pairs - cams and cogwheels for large size transmissions. The use of electric methods ror meaeuring mechanical quantities Is discussed (balancing and measuring angular velocity oscillations and stresses In a piston connecting rod). TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Reshetov, L.N. Methods of Designing Rational Mechanisms 5 Luklchev, D.M. More Accurate Design of Disc-type Cams Outlined by Circular Arcs 48 Be3chastnov, R.V. Approximate Profiling of Gear Teeth Meshlng With Cogwheels 62 Petrov, G.N. Simultaneous Detemination of the Disbalance in --TW-6_P`T&Fe_s' 98 Card 2/3 -f ~' -1 3,~ 7 , 161 s r D fe s r H,~u~ -~f -,,t department of _'_Ie~:trical Macrineq at tn... M,),: of Power Engineering I T T'-E - Eq , i v~i D,, agrams o f Mii -.i i rA,. ng Tru n3 f -':3 _k li-~ny mncgoo bmo tochnykh t i ar~z3 f . r:.,,a 1, r 'I PER I _'DI ~A L vyq~ihey s~,koly, Elektrome/nan.Ku i 4~ Nr pp . 69 "S, ac:ral,,or. of A A r i n ipci 'j- ntsw metr~:;:i is si~own for tre e' ir,u:*i-w' -.r~ir.3former equivalent circuitg. -he inter- action of tr~.-? wndingg is taker, into account in the cir_-~it diagram i.,~ an,~~,~er way as it was done in referenze 1-1. T*,e liuwram i9 thus extending the appll-ii't_ty of met,.odl to the case of an arbitrary number of Winlings. t r, sr~ r ' I I y fi M-tJ-wini`ng transformer is basel ;pcn e 3 n 3 ar. d 2 Th ey h c; ~ j ; r~ d e r e U :3 S-TiT ' I 'n~, t 1 . windings are rediced *c~ tl.e t3 *--- rc-im, t-r of s~ r~,,,q bind that tne Magne tization c,.i:-ren t _s zer- Th e mmo r, s 1 i , n o f e q u a t i o n s an d Permts t-_ 161 K (The Moscow Institute of Power Engineering*, it UTHO It 3 1 Zinov'jovii, Ye. M., -Li C),/b - CLndidate of Tecnni,;a a c I d Mc -es TITLE- On the Prooltm of the ~onstru-,tiun of the Iijdrographi:: Network on To,ograpiiic Mapi (K voprosu ob izobruzhe:.ii gidrogrufich,--sKo.- seti na topograficheakikh kartt~kli) IERIODICALt GeodeLiyt, I KUCto,~r~~fly~, 1)5,,-, Ar 6, I;P. 54 - )) Ujill AB3TRACT(3 The hydroloe;ic expedition of Lnu KLz.-n' 13rancn of the AS U33R made hjdrometric men3urements of the sm-11 river, of the Mariyakaya ASSR 1,-, 1951 .,nd of the river ftykshu in the ChuvasliskayaASSAa leCt tri,)utury of the Tsivil') in 1~52- On this occagicn certain zlefi,~iencies in their r,!kresentuti,r, were four.d. Also in the investigation of the rivers of the central Volga aroi- defir-i-~ncie.,i were f unu i;, 1)55. The invp3tigati nj jhowed that in the course of the lust ton years the numner of dried-ui river3 in some areu3 of the central Viga rea has in-reasel coarid-r,~,bl,. ihe reason for this pher,)mer,ori is the incorruct exec~ti,)n of 3ome ~gricultur4l meusurQs. Tne analysis of the defic1,-ncik!s Card 112 in the repre3ent,~ition of the hydrogr~,~hi.; net.vorK showed