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Chud o-,r ~;OVIBI, _7_4 1, . A Y am P,- I T I E: The Tissue 7-Le ;f PEil 1 1 .L Atomwtja enerr,,i.-I ,. 19c~'), Vol 7, TIr 4, pp ~91-767 T)~e Trosent prvwr deals with the de term inat ion of t~je ~,ropertiev of medium-enera neutron,-, viz, for therr.,L' 'Irld for neutronc. with the ener,,-ieo of 100 ev; 1; ~0; 711#0~ 500 kev, in~ I Ilev by i..-,infr the results obtained b,-,- computerr; :ind ';hose of experiment&I work performed by Kogan et -' (Refs 6: 7). A broad beam of monoener..-c-tic neutro,tE, im-in~-?s perpendicularly upon the pl-Lne Fjurface of a 6eLA-i:.f_-jit& pice, which is filled with -- liolo-ic-l tip.,-ue. 11:e pinzing upon the tissue surface ui-e partly refle(,tu,; -r E,~,ttered, or they are al.-sorbed by t',.e tiscut!, :,n ~;~Jch oc--uji~; t:ey transfer their energy to tne tiEsue. Tye main parL cf the cieutrons is absorbed and is s-attered the firsi 10-1~ cm -~f the tissue. k table shcas the ch.,xical compositior. cf the tissue investi6uted by the aulhors. "lie llollcvzin,~ reo-t")ns of neutrons with energies of i~ to I Mev with the tiss,.ie elements -Lre pussible: (1) Eiastic sc.,ttering The Tissue 030 Of NE"Atrone QV/99-7--~ - (1128 on the hydrogtan nuclei. (2) Ela3tic scattering ori heavy nuclei (carbon, nitro,~en, oxj-en). (3) Abvorption or. hlydrrw7en nuclei vith raiiation of a r-juantum havinC an energry of 2.19 Mev. (4) Ab&-~rption on nitro6en nuclei according t.D thE reaction 1114(n,pN.- 14 (the energy of the proton here jri-,iinto to 0.62 Mev). Radiati-,r, ,apture on nitro~ _;en accjrdi!--- the r,3a:tion It where, in the case of each ca ' Lure, an energy of 'C.5 Mev is radiated. In the first paxt if th.e present paper the enerV is calculated rhich is left -over 'r~ tho neutrons :.n the tissue in the case of elastic scatterin6. For this purpose, Boltzmann's kinetic equation was solved ty employing numerical methods by means of the electronic cormp,-~ter of the AS USSE. For the determination of the total neutron done it is necessary, in adlition, ta take the neutron dose prDti.~P-d in the capture of neutrons into aocount. Computations are. followed step by step. Wo tables contain data ccncerniid tr.F- flux of the thermal ne-utronc, as woll aB the distriLutiou if the absorbed energy and the energ-y albedr. In tho tic3s--, neutrons with energies of 1 Yev and less are mainl- scattereu Card 2/3 on hydrogen. The spatial energy distr4butions of the re.-ci-.. The Tissue -1-ove of Neutrons 'MV/e9--'7-,:-6/'28 protons in 1 : M pa-raffiL -~jid in a t16.,ue agTee rith respect t-, range units, :--ad the absolute values are proportional to the density of hjdrogen nuclei in these substances. In the next t-,o parts the tissue dose due to the recoil protons cf tie reaction 11 14(n,p) and the dose due to absorption of ?--radiation are calculated. For the purpose of determining the bioloeizal dose the amount of the tissue dose must be multiplied by the coefficient of the relative biological efficiency (accoriing to the nature of the radiation). According to the quthors' opinion, 5 is the most suitable value to select. for this coefficient. From the maxirmlm values of the biological doses correeponding to the depth of the tissue, the relative vilues of the biological harmfulness per flux unit of neutrons -)f -rariius energies were then calculated. There are 10 fi'~,ures, 4 tables, and 20 references, 5 of wr,ich are Soviet. SUBMITTED: April 2, 1959 Card 3/3 I I 4 (8) SOV/89-7-4- 17,, 2C A ~- MG R S; Kogan, A. M. Petrov G G Cbudov, L. A., Yampoll s4iy, ?. A. TITLE: The Reflection by Paraffin and Water of Neutrons With Dif~~-r_-n' Energies F_i,~,It,DICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 41 PP 585-386 (usjit) ABSMACT: In the course of the solution of the problem of the biological effect of neutrons it is of great importance to know such quantities as characterize the reflection of neutrons of different energies by a tissue. Besides, the dependence of' t-, reflection coefficient on the geometrical conditions of the beam must be known. The authors therefore carried out measure- ments of the amount and the angular dependence of neutron reflection by a tissue-like substance within a wide energy interval. In these experiments the ratio between the flux cf neutrons of all energies coming from the medium and the flux of the neutrons to be investigated was determined. It 4a_-, thus necessary to find out what portion of the total numbcr inciding neutrons is absorbed in the substance. The authors Card 1/4 employed two methods for measuring reflection: The first ,'I) ef 1,7c tior. by Paraffin -ind Witor f-.' 'qLjutrons so V/ is used for 3ourr,~s of small dimensions ~nearly punctiform) and 13 baseu upon the follouing: Ir. ;i lar.1-, c.-'. t r. fill-d with water, an th,,- center of which the source was 1~ th,,, radial distributinn cf' ~he lensity of the absorption --va.; M,~113urpd by m-ans of mari~anc-se foils. Integration of fo,.' activity jv(-r th,! volwrie of tho container ther, -qr!- ;-o:33ible t(. q-terminc~ tL-, strength of the sour,7e ir. units, whic1i are c,-nnected with th"-, activity of the ;tar.:-.r! foil. By means cf tlis method the reflection of neutrons .* a polonium-b--.,rylli,-v-. scurce (mean enert,-y 5 Mev) and ~)" the 1,hot-- ni-utrons of a iodiim-beryllium 5ource (0.8.7 Mev), a sv,--iun- deuterium source (0.22 Mev) and of an antimony-berylliun ~;uurce (29 kov) on paraffin .-/as measured. For measurements arri. --d Uut (-n the r-act:)r a soc~,nd method was employed. To ' 'he rel~~tive do'.erminati3n of the inciding flux a collimatel r.--utron heam from the reflector cf a nuclear reactor was introduced into a doviae, which, for the neutrons, plays the part of an absolutely black body. This device had the shape of a thin--tall,1 tu!~-- en4inC in a h,.)I:ovi s~h,~re which is surrounded by a thick :%yer. of a weak aqueous jolution of manjanese chloride. '.-h; Fictivit-i Card 2/4 of the solutions waj deturmined from the standard samples L'f The Reflection by Faraffin and Water of Neutrona With Different Energies Lietallic manianose. The results of all measurements are given by the following tables: Neutron Paraffin reflection energies coefficient 5 Mev o.06 0.83 Mev 0.12 0.22 Mev 0.1~~ 25 kev 0.5E. Neutron energies 2.7 kev 130 ev 5 ev thermal Ref le C ti or, f - ficient o, f,'.47 G.1,6 0.71 0.5e The dependence of the reflection coefficient on the anel~~ incidence of the neutrons: Neutron Angle of inci dence cnergies 00 jr10 300 450 600 756 5 Mev G.Of" 0.110 0.21 0.32 0.50 C.22 Mev 0.1s) - - 0.44 0.61 5 ev 0 - 7 1 0-74 - 0. ~J, Card 3/4 thermal 0.56 o.6~ 0-7~, ~Ofl-'cti- bY "araffir, a.-. Nater o~ 'eutrons di Dif f e r,: r. t~;-~ r,~7i P S The dependercu -.f the on the angle of inci ence 9 .7:, dcocribe-I for rill investigated by the relatic-i OL) 9 = 0cos 9 . The authors thank undergraduate degree atudent, of the Laninpradskiy politekhnicheskiy in-stitut (Leningrad Pulytechx,ic Ir,stitute) G. P. :;ordeyev, who tc,~',: active part in 'he measurement of the albedo of slow .here are 2 tables and ~ references. 'LM: April 2, 1)'~9 Card 21 (6) SO V189-7-4- 16-'' ', A UT, " 0 R S - Ko &an, A. M., I-(. t ro v, Chudc v , L. A., Yazpo 1 1 sk: i. T . A TITLE: Neutron Absorption Density Distlibutiow is-rNftfrit PEI-.ICDICAL: Atomnaya enerjiya, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 4v pp 386-325 tU_-_'." A 13 S'f: A CT .A tissue duse cue to neutrons is determined partly b:, th, -._-rcy liberated within the tissue in neutron capture. Accor:inL,, 'c, the initial nei-tron energy, this part of the tissue dcse wi:' make a different contribution to the total dose. 7hus, neutrons with an initial energy of some kevt the tissuo dt-se determined practically entirely by the energy libc-ratel ~:-, capture. For the neutrons with an initial energ-j of 1 Mev tl~f~ essential part of the dose is determined by that energy rf_ci, ia scattered during the slowing-down process by the nt:utrons. Ir. order to determine the capture component of the neutron dose, the spatial distribution of neutron absorption In paraffin (which simulates a biulogical tissue) was invt~ntlgate~. !%, ve measurements were carried out during the perpendicular _1.r~ er.--- of a broad beam of neutrons upon a plane paraffin surface. :h- Card 1/3 paraffin block had the shape of a rectangular parallele;.1;,! f Neli'-~-on Absoiption Density 1)'-ptribution in Pamffin Sc. V/8 " - - - - - I~ .~ 40-40.60 cm. " t~ neutrc.i-.6 impinged upon th- surface -,-~utron densit.., waa m.,--isured by means of thin mariganese f~,119. 'in these expe rj;-,~nta Ut: dapth di8tribution of the ab-'C 7" ~'. -,I, d-n.oity of ftu, incidint~ neutrons with the following erier,-:-: meas,.ir~~d: 1 . -'in thermal neutrons were filtered throurh -a,!: i,iln of 1 wim thickne is out of a beam emerging from the char.r,.?l (,' A ni~c lear reac to -. 2. Neutrons wi th -o 5 ev were filturc-I uia'l a beam of resonance neutrons at a nuclear reactor by c.e ir.,3 % f combi nation of a boron- and a cadmium fi 1 ter. ' . 1)",.c ton. 'i' r,-) r.s of an antimony-heryllium source with an -nert;y of 2'. kov. 4. Photoneutrons of a sodium-d-3uterium source wit's. an ifnnri7y -,f .'20 kev. ~. Photoneutrons of a sodium-beryllium source wish the enerE7j of O.e ' Mev. 6. The neutrons of th,,a reaction 11 2 tj , n ) H e ,.ith the enf-rL~.r uf 2.9 Mev. 7.The nuutrons of a scurce with tho mean energy of 5 Mev. The maximum statl:iti~'i' error in meaziu.-in6 the activity of the foils was /'-., The results of thene measurements are ahown by a diagram. 7h,? ,2xistence of a maximum, which shifts into the intericr )-- '.Ee CurO 2,'~ paraffin r;.th :.ricreasing energy is characteristic of ill _-urvas. Neutron Absorption Density D--stribution in Paruffin In the transition of thermal neutrons to thermal deuteron. K~lh an energy of B,3veral ev, the maximum shifts abruptly fi-om to 2-5 cm. Thi3 may be due to the fact that maximtun Ftb~, r;t.-n probably takes place in a depth of the order of one tran!'p, length of the range of the inciding neutron. Also th( comparatively 3low shifting of the maximum into the inturi r ,f* the paraffin w:-th an energy increaLic to 5 Mev may be explainel by the weak dependence of the scattering oross section in this energy interval. The diagram mentioned indicatea a tenlenc~- towards increaning on the part of the ratio between absorption in the maximum and absorption on the surface. The velocity uf absorption denuity decrease decreased with an increase of the energy of the inciding neutrons. There are 1 figure and 1 reference. SiBMITTED: April 2, 1959 Card 3/3 PBTROV,G.G., inzhener; TEGOROV,F. I., Inzhener Using cutters with scrfyw thread rutting edges. Der.prom.1; rio.~:2~-' MY155. (HLRA 8 in) 1. Shumerlinakiy mebel'nyy kombinnt (Woodworking machinery) t F Ff, ' V; 0 (~) . 1"OrROV, G.G.. NOVIKOV. A.G.: luRKoVIGH, ~I.B_ r,wdaktor: ARL?WT-T!9V. A.N. -- ---- terhni-nesirty redaktor. [Construction wid repair of bookkmeping (Inv-,ira) !2&rhlnesj' K-.-- stniktaiis i remont schetno-tmkstovol (fakturnni) mashiny. '-e perer. izd. Moskva, Goa. statiaticheakoe izd-vo, 1954. 319 -- (Bnokkeerping~ machines) NLRA 13:R) IMINOV. Ye.A.; OSIM, R.N.; PATSUKOV. 1.P.; CI(EXAVTM, N.A.; KAZTRIN, I.V.; FUKS, G.I.; VLADZITNTSKIT, A.P.; PATSIMOT, I.P.; AVDHYBV, A.Y.; LOPOTAK, G.S.; PM2TA GS.Ga; KOZORSZOTA, A.A.; LISI?MT, K.Z.; TAKOBI. N.A ; BrnRTlrff,- G.P.; IVAIIOV. T.S.; TORONOT. H.K.; RU- KTANTSEV, V:A.; ZILLER. G.K.; BMEZIOIATA, V.D.; LEVINA. U.S., vedushchiy red.; TROFIMOV, A.Y.. (Kanual on the uses and consumption standards of lubricants] Spra- vochnik po primeneniiu i nornam rackhoda smazochnykh materialoy. Koskva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnot lit-ry. ig6o. 703 p. (MIRA 13:10 (Lubrication and lubricants) s 1c, I' L E s rv ~i "i fr., Rea-'. A iu - -3 T. . _Eh7_,D:CAL. rr. a r 1. ~i T. t f, r e e s T EXT 13 a s 0 r, e 9 o '3 resu, 8 aro ~~omi n t t~tbo waa t rove tt, a t, tm, ac', lh.n: y rl e t a r: lm ann , r, a r. -, * s r. ow a 7,, 1 s, -n f t r. es e e f f P - v a r -I e r ~ 1, " a a ". m ;to;,, !, e I , " -, r. EL r a r 9 T~ . _s T n it q arU se r R A A e n X ro A~ IJ 7 g a T-S r 9 ni a -4 'r.5 .3 :; a 1 e r n , T'S a n d U 13 p 7 Card 2/4 S Cbservation of t~.e ReaCtiOn in A~'-IeO'13 SOlUtiOr-9 Concentration sat,;rated C. 1 n n m o p- /'- s n -h e authors than, A-,ilem: c J an A. r k n for d 3 S!, I r1:1 8'J'.t3 obtained- -.".vre ar(- an,. nor,-So,,r,' e. SIR ASSCC:A'~:"N: -;-z 4.(!'~o3k v inqtitut P. t t--jte "Peni P. LC~'-e-j'-V 'tf A-L (j'j.y0j-s SciQnceq f-z,. A f C S R S T': T Z:) Card 3/4 fleulecTso It voli BaCil -C F L .1, .1 CrCl, 2 TINO, (pitacumeime CCC I , 21 N iSo, CUU- Fecl, (1, 1 KMnO, kitacutitemie I r,o, N) per % 12 fK' K) 102 (Ba** lia) Ti (N a' \a) -j (1.7 (Zn** Zn) (Fr- Fe) 1 Ox Cr I rl* TI) W Uol (N W I] (al) 77, f Fe e 77 1 Fe, - f e*. f . 'i3 0 M ry() i - --1.79 Of,(), -0, 24 'V. ---0 (19 tf) ".29 "0 I R:. - o.3 I 1 '41 o. -'s 2. j . K) /~ r / - " I- I . s VC Bc x c~ n a r e r r,, 'y S~j to water; Ard 4/4 CIGLIDANSKII, V.I.; KAi-.PUKHn, U.A,; PETROV, G,G. Observing the reactiow, of positron-tum in wat-r _*:"rr_,: , ek.sp.i teor.fia. 39 m-5:1477-1476 ff 160. ~ 'C " 1. Fizicheakiy in-9,.1tut imeni P.N*Lebodeva AN SSSR i Institut khimicheakay fizW AN SSSR, (Positroatum) PW?R(W , G. I Nahm" I ~.' Sowing winter barley in picked soll. Zmaledelie 4 no.7:6~-66 J'A. '56. (Budennovsk District--Barley) (KLRA 9:9) INS Q.4- e The er- .-,f resi --re.Ln V I eL - pt 7c '. c rn. t i ar th 7 L a 1,0 F W 'J :nc- Aln h, Lne C, PETROVY G.I.Y-kand.sel'skokhozyVi3tvennykh nauk For increased production of winter grain. ZemedeLie 24 no.6- 70-75 Je 162. (AURA 1-z.l) 1. Stavropollskaya vostochnaya 8el'skokhozyaystvannaya opytnaya stantsiya. (Grain) K~ T T Y, ~" . i . ; VETit V, C, 1. ; TY.H( '4- VA, f, P. , r".d. ; ~'VUK, VA, ye.". . te~,.t - . 1*1-.(J. .Agricultural c ' ' I f, t i w - -i r. Ll s , ~i 1. , " - - - -m i , Tri r. 4 s I,ra t i - %s I i-)iz.j,)dst vt-.nnyo, k. lk~. zn,)-s,ivkh )zny+4. upr-vIle'l 1,~. Ler, , FlrFiA, lzd-vo Teninvr . 1,r,! - . , , Mi 3. 4" P. (1, " hLA t,: 1(:, (Awri,-ti.turlii t imi,,i8trAti,n) PETROV, G.I... kand. sellskokhoz. nauk Sawing winter barley on stubble in Stav-ropol Territory. Zemledelle 25 no.6:37-45 Je '63. (MMA 1~:') 1. Stav-ropol'skava vostochnaya eel I skokhozoaostvennaya opytnayn stantsiya. (Stavropol Terri tor7-Barley) IEVIN, B.I.; R(YZENBKRG, V.M.; YAKOVI.RV, P.A.; KORF, Z.G.; KULYGIN, B.A.; PETROV, G. 1. Umification of structures of sea and river mooring instai:a- tions. Transp. stroi. 15 no.9:39-42 S 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. GasLdarstveriny-y proizvodgtvennyy koudLet ro transportnomL stroitellfjtvu S.SSR (for Levin). 2. Gosudarstvennyy institut proyf.iktirovunlya i lzyukaniya na rechnom trunapr,)rte (for Yakov.av, Korf'~. 3. Gosud&rstvenny-y proyektno--konBtruktorskiy i nauchno- i3s-'F~doyatellsk!y ini3titut morskogo transporta (for Killyg'n, ~etrov#,. I-E,I,quv, 6. 1. Brigaie -as ma.,~ , .,, ~.,!c n(- 'OtI7 C , 201"o *.r ~ -,~ . , . , . 4 . ..t : "ra - , -no p. s trr) 1 . i 5 no . , : ~ , 3~' j~ I r . . . I 'J)p. onx. .qr-ge doses aurAri* r. rz g , f- yo~.,r. a ( zav. ;I,.y5 In -)v ill f- ,u ta iz-'g 1 ve ry 4 rv I- rc L. K. KPci zah, evarl AMN SR r(- K ~or deys tvi ',e Tly-.- A. A. 7-17- -Z~ Tz;~T i t -Ooohlft/ole, vows Ilit: W., It IM-i vs elm, 66 TOM. T gethisdOM'dide Add laum dkrA phyda propertyit- prmul= nuon 1110=aittam tet;*c*oO* b; I Iii catoluag. 6~6-0 Id r uvd Wir off"t on &0 n&otfon go W4%tvs4MorWJn' sloWzed water.. W -td be gff,~ *a *ifj sftu~tmcsof the ftsift vmx fmd cted by the ni6th6d of *66~ysfi gi~~iazxeoiisi. loadiag df tfie. tetraWad&. and inftr readts fn a ftne 910 struebii6'141th a U61y develope4 anface' whflqf ccxxd~us loadfig of both leads. to come, U- rodtodon ras *sm fr= the pxvm~L drop A the Afirvise I xah34 I dke=hwd M. is. ~Va 414" Wft awalkId ""Q'% Tho of *atsr, or. 004 pt WW pteo~:After ha -AM] Ifti" the rr!~~snlt= &oxWoo&,&ned 26-3 me, ai 0% "Mv R~~ 'rho. usWil Q, mdlo~ 0. ft.. germ t='&ddjjo iii. air iu4 d66 chan (to pb,~EkO vicovertia Th~s iu~ thoveasa* In the calckgtion temperature leadS t0 an:InCL 0 fu bYgmscOPicity up 4MWO* inbIgUm rmoved frdm. ljot-~welght GeOz, being of wat 3~ 6- timeg, sA hfjA at (tdim 11heavyll gemlalum dloidde.. The ~ adoiLit ir of cryatalliza- tiou Xamd 40d li exadtli.- b4jo' he aril Ifoidde. At hfgher avy germ um 4 -the gains for, ~ .,:u Y ably due to -doormed de*reues~ pomaltk .Maa PLVU i,..Taaeoh~. and others) have noted thei, relatlowhip between the reductlail rate.of mcidets and their poregity, meaning thd poxvo4 after preliminary ctdcjnadqu~--:Ths~art WeIq~owjxxdes that.the,-deorea4e in rateof reduction of Geoz after -Cal.cinaftom at. hf9h:tm Is camedluot only by the-dwrewe in porosity. but also..., um.MOW= wh1oh fs~ re&djd with d.tfflmdty. rntests cdo* -Ow .-it, high, w6, the purtlaUy redmi d'germankm powder OWILYS OORt&1W -Ge()2 lchc* ot- WL p, 0 axis, 717 7~ PETRUIP G. 1. "On the Diffusion of ~vaveB in a Viscous Fluid and the Origin of Nrboilerrze," MOBCOW, 1938 PETROV, G. 1. "Application of 3alerkin'ti MAthod to the Problem of the Stability of -.,irrent in Viscous F"uId. I' irik. mat. i mekh., novaya seriya, 4, No.3, 1940 I 'U'ThOR S Pe trul-l" . I Ica -or, TITLEx 7he Estimation of the "xa:'nesq -f an of the Eigenvalue A(--ord~rg tc ~he -,,, tochnost 1 i - i t,, I ~ 7hennc -o vy -hi, a i metodom :,alerki,,,al' PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya Yatr~nati,,.a A:T--x4mate i *. r. ' a Me t ho~ s tvpr-r~ - zr.-.. N r ABSTRACTi i vf-n thp linenr r,,~ ional equa' 1 L(A U) - I 1~ in which !("~ is a linear oper~~to- x"h the i-rlv~t'-,ves is an cF--~ra'or th- cop'~c:-nts Df h 4er orier ard ~k, ' which ~P,-Pnd rr. "he author sp-~s values SU-h th-i* t`.p functions x'; satisfying 'l.e e-,,ua!i.,,n c)-. (a,b) and the corrf~spondin~ boundary --nditions. are ~.-t v - r nishing mverywhere or. I*n ar. n-arll`er paper LR-f Ij the author Inas s~.,Wr. *?~qt 4f -:F-nfun7'2ons ar-, r,Tr-.en*-! 4r. the fr)r!n A Card 1/ 2 The Estimation of the -H'xa:tr.ess ~f an A,':~roxjmate Calculation of the Eigenval'e Accr:-~:nw ts the -,a'arkin's Ye-,--d where Is 1. complete s.,-s tem -~' f :nc t ions a as f~% n,- to--:ndary condi *. ions of tihe viv-n prod,) em, and i the a are determ' nod f rom. P- ~:ertair. near ~ r--nof--n-rus 9,.,g ---M n) equations, then the and the corr-sT~ nv mate the exact eij,7nnf~:n- ',ions an~ cigenvalues: (n) U A as n -o or~ By a d e c omT~ o s i t i o n -ff irm s pe c t t c t he e,', p me r. t s C. ff 15 row of the det-rminant of t~-e ment:oned linpar s-9*ea-, ,f ~--,uations the author n~ tains t f fo-r.-nce hp tw-n t I-- -- 7 ,-,: x ', ma t e z.r. A rous and the r-erOUB trans f orma t,, :~ns t`.en 'in e 7~, d -n t 1Y V.-h of th 41 s I i f fe r-nce i Sa i ner !~e rA a r- which are soviet , Find SUBMITTEDs July '0' 11)56 AVI-ILABLE: Library of -.or~~-ress Card 212 1. kn&lrtic functions 2. Transfe, tions 3. Topology ACCE-33SIM NR; AP4041396 WILIOR: Anfizaov, 11. A. TITLE. Diffusion separation of a gas mixture in the presence of dissociation SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady-*, v. 156, no. 6, 1.964, i3i.6-i3iq TOPIC TAGS: diffusion gas sepE-ration, gas diGGOCiatiOn, gas boundary 18'Yer, diffusion coefficient, gas temlerature gradient, hydromechanics ABSTRACT. The gas composition in the mixture of dissociating gases differs in the boundary Wer from that in the outer flux, if there is a temperature gradient at the surface. The separation is caused by differences in the diffusion coeffi- cients of different components. This phenomenon was discussed in an earlier paper (Izv. AN GSSR, Mekh I --nhinost,-.. #5, 117 (1963)). The present work deals with the effect of various factors, cuch as the degree of dissociation of the gas In the outer flux CA ~ _;7- A CA2 c-G-1 V2 ACCESSIOV NR: AP14041396 concentration of the other (inext) gas, and the ratio of diffusion coefficients of atoms and molecules of the dissociating gas. The assumptions are made in computations, that the rate of the chemical reaction A2z==22A is zero In the boundary layer, and is infinitely high at the body surface, and that thermal diffusion inside the boundary layer is absent. The following cases are considered,. 0-02-N2; 0-02-He; 0-02-Kr; H-H2-41e; H-H2"N2; J-J2-Kr. Orig. axt. bas: 2 figures and 5 equations. ASSOCLUMCN: None SUR%IITMz Won& DAM ACQ: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ME. NO REF SOV: 002 anw: 000 Cord 2/2 , I . I,IiAsl.. I II(X)K ~.xi,wiTATION SOV / 6 201 Vsesoyuznyy s"yezd po teoreticheskoy i prikladnoy mekhanike. lst.%Ioacow, 1960. Trudy VseEioy-uznogo s"yezria po teoret.,:n,~s'(ny . pr-.A~adnoy mekhanike, 27 yanv-arya -- 3 fevralyn i960 g. C)bzorn.yye dokia,~y (Transactions of the Ali-Union Congress on Theoretical and Appked Nlecnanics, 27 January to 3 February 1960. Summary Reports). Moscow, lzd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. 467 p. 3000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency- Akademiya nauk SSSR. Natsional'ny-y komitet SSSR po teoreticheskoy i prikladnoy mekhanike. Editorial Board: L. 1. Sedov, Chairman, V. V. Sokolovskiy, Deputy Chairman; G. S. Shapiro, Scientific Secretary, G. Yu. Dzhanelidze, S. V. Kalinin, L. G. LoytayansIGy, A. 1. l.ur'ye, G. K. Mikhaylov, G. I. Petrov, and V. V. Rumyantsev, Resp. Ed. L. 1. Sedov, Ed. of Publishing House7 A. G. Chakhirev, Tech. Ed. R. A Zarnarayeva. Card 1/ 6 Trr-n8actions of the All-Union (:rjngrt-Bs lCont. ) SOV 16 201 PURPOSE. This book is int,-nded for scientific and engineering personnel who are lnterest~d in recent work in theoreti(-&, ano &PpLled MeCPanICS, COVERAGE: The articles included in these transactions are arranged by general subject matter unde.- the following heads general and applied me- chanics (5 papers), fluid mechanics (10 papers), and the mecharacs of rigid bodies (8 p3pers). Besides the organizational personnel of the congress, no personalities are mentioned. Six of the papers In the present colleation have no references, the remaining 17 contain approximately 1400 references in Russian, Ukrainian, English, German, Czechoslovak, Rurnaaian, French. Italian, and Dutch. TABLE OF CONTENTS: SECTIONI. GENERAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS Artobolevskiy. 1. 1. Basic Problems of Modern Machine Dynamics Bogol.yubov, N. N. , and Yu. A. Mitropol'skly. Analytic MethodB of the Theory of Norilin6ar Oscillations 25 Card 2/ 6 Transactions of the Ail-Union Congress (Cont. ) Golitsyn, G. S. , A. (I. Kulikovskiv, and K. P Stanyukovich. M a gnetohyd rodyna ini c s Cl-cl-urevich, M. 1. Theory of an Ideai-Fluid Jet Ivanilov. Yu. P., N. N. %luiseyev, and A. M. Ter-Krikorov. Asymptotic Methods for Problems of Motion of a Fluid With Free Boundaries I.oytsyans;ay, L. (I. Serniernpirica, Theories of the Interaction of the Processes of Molecuiar and Moiar Exchange in the Turbulent Motion of a Fiuid Petrov, G. 1. Boundary Layer and Heat Exchange at High Speeds SOV/6201 -5- jr 94 i14 135 145 167 Sedov, L. 1. On the Theory of Constructing Mechanical Models of Continuous Media 176 Card 4/ 6 nmiov, YNWTV, -.xpt, r r~-,pc-r, pr,*f;,L,!11.,-,! t~ -~s: mc~ Avul'. .- , M-13 ,L),." J,t- SEWV, L.I.9 otv. red.; SC)KCWV -KIY , V.V., red.; DMUTEELILM, G.Yu., red.; YALr,I.11, red.; L.G. red.; U:-:-i "FE, A,I., red.; I.IKHAYICV, red.; PE7hC -N, a" red. .,,M'Af?IbTV, V,V., red.; SHAPI.-.0, "1.S., red.; red. izd-va; Z&A".AYEVA, !'..A., tekhr.. red. (Proceedingcof the kll-Uriion or. theoret4ca-I and Ap- plied Mechanics, anua~-- ."I- Febru=,, ~, 1,?(k] "rudy vseso:~Uz- nogo Oez&. po teoreticl.eskol i prikladnoi nekhani-ke. 1st, Voscowjo 19640; obzo:-r3,,- )~Ii~(!y. !-'oskva, Izd-vo Akncl. nauk SSSi-,, 1962. 46" 1 . (MIILA 15-1 1. '.'sef-,cyuznyy 9"ezx~ 1,(, tec:-,-! i T.-ikli,(inoy rekhfmike. 1~-t, ! Oscow 19 Ck. . Conj:,ress,~-) .-PETROV, G.1,j ANf)RFYF,'V, V,M.v, ANI)RFYFVA, L.I. Effect of the physical properties of gnmanlum licylele -n Its reduction. TSvet, met. 37 no.9174-76 5 164. (WRA 18:7) PETROV, G.I. bulld'.ng nrilwe supports an Oan., fund. 'I mek'7~. grun. 5 no,4 10-13 1-,3. M.IRA 11-1-1' LUKOV, B.N., prof. (Kuybyshev); FLTROV, V.I., dotsent (Moskva); PAVIZAC, T.M., Lspirant (Mockma); YERMGLAYEV, V.G., prof. (Leningrad); ADO, A.D., prof.; VOVSI, M.S., prof.; L~IOIOIAYEV, V.G., prof. (Leningrad); KUPRIYAN(NA ? ?~IAI(YAzan .TllrjV, G-1--(Moskva); DOL&OF-CLUA, A.V. (Moskva); SkYJARCV, i,.P., prof.; BM.*CVSKlY, Z.Ye., prof.; RINIKOVSKIY, prof. (Chelyabinsk); YJESLICHOBOY, I.P. (Irkutsk); TE1,1111, U.S., prof. (Moskva); HINIKOVSKIY, A.Kh., prof. (Chelyabinsk); MI L I.." 11T;~Ylj', T.1:., doktor med.nauk (LeninLrad); TRLTNEV, V.K., zasluzhennyy deyatell naukil, prof.; TSYRFSHKIN, L.D., (Moskva); SOBOLI, :.N., prof. (Stavropol'); TULIK, G.M. (Moskva); FREITKELI, M.N. (Moskva); 14AZOP I.L.; ?CKRYVALOVA, K.?.; FROSKURYAKOV, S.A., ixof.; ATKARSKAYA, A.A., prof.; GCL1DFjM , I.V., prof. (1zhevsk); PORLElNOVSKAYA, (Moskva); RULIEV, G.P., prof.; VCL~FSOF, I.Z., prof. (Stalingrad); DOWSIENYO, I.T., prof. (Winir.); RM~,NFELID, 1-1.0., prof. (Leningrad); SHLLIGA, A.G., prof. (Orenburg~; MIKHLIN, Ye.G., prof.; TIETIYAKOVA, Z.V. (Moskva); 11,;,N"UYLCV, Ye.N., prof. (Moskva); DOR061FLIIKO, 1.T., prof. (Ka-lini-n); Y-'-:2'!c)UYE`VA1# V.G., prof. Speecne3 in the diocussion. Trudy gos. naucn.-is"I. inst. ukha, gorla i nosa no.11:79-8?,129-146,179-186,233-24P,311-333 159. (1-111"A 15:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent A.Pal SS6P. (for Ado). ~. I;iroktor Moskov- skogo goL.Ldarstvenilogo instituta ukha, gorla i nos& (for Trutnev). (mmimu emramm-cONGRESSES) PEMOV, G.I. (No,,rosi ApparatuB f-)r :. ii, of - Vod.i no , " ~ JG- I,' - VI ~- . k ": , I (Rac ia t r, rs- --T e s t ing, ) PEMOV, G.I., in,-K. Jet p=p fcrr r!,v -emert. 'r,-.r.Bp. strol. 13 nr.5:7C, Yq '6,3. (KI -tA 1 ~ : " (?umping machinery (3ement-Transport9tion) PETROV, G.I., i,.z . 3W-1 t-- h I 1~ ~ . I . . . - -- -9 . - * r- 1 . . -, - . . - , , ; Ag I ~ 3. ( Yl I 1'- 1-1. ~'I; " I r,,, ~~ .*;;. 1.: ir7~., 'Is inr thr, 31~i-i :' r i rnt,Ll - int: sani , - .-~Ment. ..r,nt. i :-,:et. r.b. -. Z-4 -o.l:'6-27 J-, 14.- . 1 7- ~Jutldin;7-7-- IE --nd in: lenents, PNrROV. G.I.; JMIMOV. 14. V. ; TZNXNUUM. I. K. ; TICTSKYNVA, L. S. -. XONSTANTIVOT, K.M.. nauchnyy red. (deceased]; SHAMKIN, Y.L.. nauchnyy red.; SMZHSKIT, D.Ya., nauchnyy red.; ZAVODCHIKOVA, A.I., red.; KAZIL', Te.I., [Methods of geological and geophysical arploration and control in uranium mines] Hatody geologo-geofizichaskogo obaluzhivaniia uranovykh rudnikov. KoBkva, Izd-vo Gos.kom-ts Soveta Kinistrov SSSR po ispollzovaniiu atomnoi anergii, ig6o. 217 p. (MIRA 13:10) (Mining geology) (Uranium ores) TIFITIROV, G. I. , inzh. All-purpos,oi romprqn9lonlign sprayer. Tra n tit ro'- . 4 n- D 15 9. (7, IRA 1~:,)) (Plastoring-Equipmont and supplies) i,hy "ev PETROV, G.I., lnzh. Work )f mixed brigaces. Tranap.strol. 9 my 159. (MIRA 12:12) (Krasnoyarsk Territory-Blectric railroads) (glactric lines-Polou) PMOV. G.I., jnzh. 3witch fnr mortar pucrps. Transp.atroi. 9 no-10:59 0 '59. OcRA 13:;,) (Motar--Transportat ion) FBTR(N, G. K. Alltomatic watir 19-ot), !nAir!at,)r (r;tli- ga RA-:. ~rnnnT). III no . ", : 0 My ' 5 (17. 1":.?) (H-dropra-ph7--lquipmont and quppli"3) *WWOLOUR manuatry my he Acetylene Oftady of an Blectropyrolyser and an Ilectro- pyrolyser Gas," G. L. Petrov, Cand Tech Sol, 14mingrad Polytech Inst, 4 pp 'Utogen Delo" No 5 - t - 4 - I )- Methods to produce acetylene containIng gas from potmIeum darivativea, studioa of operation of XLectropyrolyser Works imeal Mart, and studles conducted on pyro3jser gas. 2AOrQ6 S L 4 L I so 60 0* "WIM R:17 amm.- w*04.6 Ole 0 0 0 f, 4 0 0 0 N A of a -4 11-1 R.I.- Dwing Ot. %,ri,l- "ttins If"I 1, H rf- "'d *4W 1 * * - N u 11 00 00 ze 40 :**I :10 0 PRI R( V , G . L. , Dr)c Tec h Sc i -- (di,-~s) "Chemical ron-ur1ifcr-;~.i'-,., if welded assea,~,] j es. " , ,k, ('-Iiridstr"v o f F. . ~,,, , ~ ~! , , zlecf)r.ri a r,.- ec i !, I i ~ t 4. i,.~c r, I- ~ , rr-: ~ . - , L -,,, ~ r. w :-,;~ -~, j -, : 'i t (: c-- ., '. , '. . .1. I L ~,'. 1. ;"-Ilirlin' I , -~t .1 'k Copies; ~rJce i.ct ~7iver,- , c !, ~j u t " ( r, - . ~ ~ on pp I " -Pt ( 1,~~ er, t. ri e s ; ( K;, ,I ~ - t, - , ', ',(- ) UWR/N*tfLls - ?).am Cutting Jun 50 "Deformation of Plates in Oxyacetylene Cutting," G. L. Petrov, Cand Tech Sci, Leningrad Polytech Inst imeni M. I. Kalinin, 6 pp "Avtogen Delo" No 6 Describes experiments for studying deformations in process of oxygen cutting, and develops graphoana- lytic method for determining such deformations. Suggests some measures for preventing deformations, such as electromagnetic tables for fixing plate po- sition, and formers vith reverse bead for compen- mating deformation. Ow 161T95 ACCESSION NRa AT4038446 S/2563/63/000/229/0065/0072 AUTHORi Petrov, G. L.; Shchipkov, M. D. TITLEi Sources of gases in titanium alloy welds ,SOURCEt Leningrad. FolLtekhnicheskLy institut. Trudy*, no. 229. 1963. Svarochnoye proizvodstvo (Welding production), 65-72 TOPIC TACSi titanium alloy, titanium alloy weld, alloy weld. TIC weld, MIG weld, submerged arc weld, AN TZ flux. weld gas content, gas source, Yeld oxygen content. weld hydrogen content. weld nitrogen content.ga9 caUant ABSTRAM In the TIC, MIG, and submerged arc welding of titanium alloys,gases may come into the weld metal from the base metal, the electrode or filler wire. shielding gases, or from the flux. The nitrogen content in the weld metal usually does not exceed 0.04-0.052. depending on the nitrogen coutent in the electrode, filler wire. or base metal. The main source of hydrogen and oxygen In shielding gases is water. At hydrogen zontents in the base metal up to 0.001%, the use of comma rci al-grade argon (dew point, -40C) may increase the hydrogen content in the weld metal to 0.002-U.0032; high-purity argon with a Card I / 3 ACCESSION NRt AT4038448 dew point of -70C causes little or no increase in hydrogencontent. The hydrogen and oxygen contents of weld metals deposited in different shielding media with an electrode wire containing 0.001-0.004% hy- drogen and 0.14% oxygen are shown in Table I of the Enclosure. The AN-TZ flux requires degassing prior to applications Orig. art. hast 4 figures and 4 tables. ASSOCIATIONt none SUBMITTEDi 00 DATE ACQt 12Jun64 ENCLi 01 SUB CODEt RK ATD PRMt 3041 NO REF SOVt 008 OTHERt 002 Card 2 / 3 ACCESSION NRt AT4038448 ENCLOSUREt 01 Table. 1. Hydrogen and oxygen contents of weld metals Melding medium Oxygen z Hydrogen z Electrode wire ligh-purity argon 0.15 0.0032 0% helium 0.14 0,0021 with 0.004Z OZ*argon ~ hydrogen ~N-TZ flux 0.44 0.0010 kN-TZ flux 0.20 0.00070 with 0.001% 4ith expelled air hydrogen Card 3/3 PETROV, ',.L.; MILLION, A. -)ntrl but I on8 to *,h- Bt,irly ,' t.y -I r,qv-~ i I r, , - , , 7, 1.. orl fiBsure formallor, ~r. - *,ud, , Tf"*'.q:-':-w'l '? 9 no.2:2113-2-4 '64. fR 0 USSIt/ *wIn"ring Welding Oard 2A Pub. 228 - 23/34 Authors IPetrovo G, L.v and Kyrohenovi V, V* Title IInvestigating the welding of the turbine-rotor 17pe air blower Periodical IVest. mesh. 121P 73-76, Dee 1954 Abstract I The condition or wem seems and welded caqmmbs of the turbine-rotor type air blower was investigated by the L 1. Polaunov Central Scientific Research Institute for Boilers and Turbines. Technical data specifying the types of steel,, temperatures and welding Vnmedures employed during the above mentioned experiments arepresento46 J)rawIng; tablesi illustra- tionsi grapN6 rMtItUtion I eo.*** Submitted I...... piV ;Tz t. L. Ori Cmd', MOM= Kondratlev, V. M., Engineer; Petrov, G. L.,, Cand. Tech. So.,, Docent Tit" Causes of flaws in welded seams of small-dianeter pipes j~w1od1c&I Vest. Mash., 34o Md. 6, 79 -,83, June 1954 Abstract The development of flaws in higb-pressurs water heaters was traced to defective welding. A description is given of experiments conducted In the gas-weldiag of pipes of the dimensions 25 x 3 and'38 x 4.5 mm. An analysis in made of the results of such experiments to determine the nature and origin of welding defects and W*&" are indicated for avoiding tbm. Illustrations; drawings; graph; tables. Institution I Submitte*dI %JAXU-~i 5- 834A.), PZTROV,G.L., dotsent; KTRCHNNOV,V.V., inzhener Electrodes for welding austenitic steel inteaded for protr:lxtedl workings at nigh tempernture. Svqr.proizv. no.8:q-11 Ag'55. (Steel--Welding) (Electrodes) (KLRA 8:11) necring OxyCen cuttinp Lnei (Mrd 7/F; Petrcv,- G. L. memo Intl$ Coneernitil; thIe nature of chemical-heterogeneity of mctal in the vicinity of the cut, during an oxygen cutting Avtom. avar. 8/1-, 60-',74, Zen-Feb 195.5 Abstreat. s The effect of orygen cutting of steel and metal on their chemical heterogeneity and affinity In thp. vicinity of the cut, was analyzed on the basis of experimental mst,-Xials and calculus. Technicel data are given on carburizatioh and decarburization processeE. diffusion coefficients. tempcrature coefficients, rate of cutting and the concentration of carbon in m*tals. Fcurteen references: 12 U= and 2 USA (1929-19.54). Tnbles; grtephal drawing. Instjtut:.,-,n s~ Leningrad M. 10 Kalinin Mytechnical Institute Submitted ;u1Y 25- 1954 US_ L .R/E~)~ gine'ering - Metal-lography YD - -- 02 6 Card 1/1 Pub. 41 - ic/15 Author Petr(ri, 3. L., Lo-n4nGr&J4 Title On the macro-neterogeneity of tne c:,erri-al composition nf t%e r-.A--*,al in weld seams. Periodical Izv. Ali 5SSP? 1~,td . Tek-,.. Nauk ~, 1' '-1')4, .;ep Abstract Studies the macro-heterogeneity of the cliemic&l composition of t;.e metal in weld seams resulting from the very welding process itself, I.e., fusion of the base and weld metals and Bubsequent -rystalliza- tion, variation of base and weld metal content in the seam, possibil- ity or altering composition or the nun-fused b., tl:~ermal actior. during welding, etc. Presents thorough ana)ysis of tests conducted to determine the effect of' welding process on tnp macro-t.eterogeneity of the chemical composition of tl,~e weld seam. Micropl,otograpts, ta- bles, formulae, liagrams. _'seven referen~-es, all LU~7*~. Institution: Submitted : May 12, 11)1)1, MiSo, Vladimir Leonidovich; PSTROV, G.L., otyntstyennyy rodaktor; WYKNSKATA. A.A.. redsictor, FRUXKIV. P.S.. tekhnicheakiy redaktor [The welding of aluminum and Its alloys] Ovarka allunialia I ago splavoy. Leningrad, Go*. soiuznoe izd-vo sudoetrolt. pronyahl.. 1956. 136 p. (KLBA 9-9) (Aluminum--Welding) PETROV. G.L. ,-, DiffuBlon of elements darIng -Atine. f-.nd weldini-, :nd civ;sps 'or the hateroeenolis -omT,osit.on of weld Avtom. avar. 9 no.(:77-P2 N--D '56. (Y-LRA 10: 3) 1. Leningr-Askly, politekliniclieskV inqtitut im. M.I. Kalinina. (Welding) Pilf .qion) V S S AUTHOR PI-Irw., TITI-E Composil~w. ot W,.,! Nfett, ~f !'c oI t1c (0 susf,,,.c Ilict I.. S.).a PERIODICA L. T r poi 11 t. f, 1) ABSTRACT ca ;J, (4,A a 0 f f~45 1011 :A' t I t- I I T. part-lit fliel.. di:d I!.- .-t1, 1"'it'd P~:-vtit rl,cf- position ()I Ir.#, nit I.i. /w t~f is~ui, :r, ar~ A, ~,Ii7 a r V p r e 5 C TA t' d f j d r v s t) i: ,~ -- ~,- , ., : , ti,.e hq,iid is- is ( t.!1k p - g r a d I v i~ I i. t - a , ( ) i rd i 7~ % t- 8 a (A I t' I V TlIV Tit H a I L111 'd ! `WII i-4. -k (11 t i. lit t- . p. , , !.' The dvpti. )I p,'T t-t ~0 ~w~ s tiitik --As C C r u ki 1 1! k,~, Mrl ,r,d M(, I J(, 'I W., I I ) g 'I(- r tm - I "I 1 1 5 1)!. . , absent v Jci~- t! sw )I .!Av~ 5~,. 4. 1'.1'. TI-x, 1, C,1 re! xv.d mv,Ll. "I .-r' t, .I i -, -- -' - ; 1-4 t, Cornposit!on of Weld Niel.. r '.- - '. :, ! .1 . .! ': i-- o! F .5.,)! vier-rients of tht- part-rit mi-t i, ,! : 1, : 1 1, !,.-, ,! * ' ~ -! ' , , i -.,: r!wl i. T h v s i ze of t hi s zonc (it t , ., i. ,;, , ,. flit-s I ''! s - I I. -) :T~tl. .! 1. P'i ~ S %%vlding of akisteniti( stvv.s 1.s 1. Welds-Metallurgical analysia Ca7-d -1 -, 1 1 3 7~8 - Fransla!,or; !ruir, Rv ;t- M, -a a ? A U MORS Zerizin. V F I F L. h Fhe 1").'- A im-111 (11 L- :!1v d o,, t i z. h v r-r grada v PERIODICAL V 1, 1) S 1 r F)p 18 - ~ :' G. L Br'l~. B L '11 ')~ IrtItItI, .1d -1, 1:,(' Wrlding of Alloy Sive[- ~., [.iio .-It-do'-atul skikh orgamzat"i~ -arki !cgirovannykh. staley) h ro) % c 11 r(); z - ', o ~ L v n t ng ra d. I.c!.: zd'j t A BSTRA CT I'he ir-ilTs )f iri',t in the field of *,ht- Actdi:oj (d al loy steck ru t,j - ed to probleTT) -, Of the ( hem i ~ a I IrIhL_)n!Ogt't!VI1 welded jo.- (!vit-rin,naI;on ot i raliumal t (mipo-tion o! iti( hea'. - re -'.,r1, I,t( iii), rA ,t~id~ ol the zonc ti I ol, of weld, o! R a d I oa, ! 1'. v1 -ufupc and rriefallo~,rtph: .kert- criiPioved ;r. thr PI v Ca rd I I PETROV, G.L. Processes of stabilization of the chemical composition of weld mtal Winding on the fusion zone. Avtom. evar. 10 no.5:19-37 3-0 '57. (MIRA 10: 1-2 1. Ieningradakiy polit~qkhnicheskly institut im. M.I. Kalinin&. (Ilectric welding) (Diffusion) A UTr 10 R.S !".'ro'., (I r IT i. E A No. F, i'd PERJODICA~. T:- 1. A I ST I F 0'.% d f i IC i, :,a(.' -ccc a K:~-';jN I -C,, Card ..x I (I S o1 A :"'~j% A ( I ,: 4 . . a ( . - ( 1t p it t , I i s I I I I t 't t' a L I 0 1: 1 1 S I I )V. i ws I I it I. T'I.. I o f: !o :,rj o. a 11 11 .(1 I Rt. U; n (11 1) :* ; 1 1. , - ;1 1 o f I oc F ~c 101 ()%k F 0 t 'A o s C o rl I I T (I To ()I K,,,-'()N I (Ct, K F !!.,. E% III()! sust t. pt I v t I, I IC I!. F -il' - d Oll 1. as(- of cl c A N u% t -' T t u E wetdl[L~! 1-A, Wl lw Lebs stable arc welds pc.-iur:i~o( %kit:. 7-ad!- o! I : ux of t:~v t ~ pe %V 7- S% K: Iscri ..... .. Card 5 1 T ran s I at ion f rr,rn Rl-i- rat. . 7 .1 AU N 10 RS Petro.I.,_C~A_ TITLE Wv I d i r i L~ i, d 1, N 1, arp' p I 1114.1,111,1) PER T( )D[(' AL I Lvl~ 1 4 r 1~p '-;TRA(,_1* Fhl- dr, lic! \% ( - t. r t t~ % pos s i bi I i: t c, -r : -i! I KI I in v v It-( t rodc :!.'id(. of I at'd Mt s 1. N":. ernplut,led .~l )f Ni and Xl,mv! iii,la; I riAv., wc r , , I , , r d -A i I I ~ C) ', I I I ~ 1 4 ~ , ()a t i ii.ri t -1-1 4 , I ;I t ) I I v t r I I I ~ tl o I I I'd K 1.11pp. V~ '. l(Illig, ,I I K i 1 -1 1; t ( . I . I 'A a S 't , I 1 1 . ~ i ~ A ; , i I L I . a I ( iI d 1. 1 1. . ! t (111, ed N(.! ,f 111"I'll ,I tVP(lS Kh5O. Kh-'()Nt()("r,. Kfi,!()'.*i,'(l,/!,,f_'F '1 .0 Nl-mn m fluxf-s A..' Z(,, !.ri PKV 1 elliploved i-. t1 f- ()I the pr,), v~~ ,f a it i T, g o f N I, . C u i r I- r~ I . .,, f - I d i ig ra t c, t h v : i i It, ! h, - d I I d,, .1!. 1 1 Card liZ ark , and the t -nip, ratii rv If Pr't' i',rlllT),,i r~ ~il'dt !T~ I I ~ h, 4 1 Welding of Ni( kel and Mt~',i. I f a c to r s we r e , a r i v d i n t h e ( ovi T-s c o! th v i I 1,. 4, s t i i4a t i ~ j: estigation. The materials in% .kvre 4 nirn, thi( s ,,I lished that satisfactorv joints ma,, i c ,~j?airwd --wh ium thickness if UON11- I ii45 t-1(-( trodes %%ith NNI's 42-4() kg mrn2, I t'0 -I ko"( . I po r,) d'-d stitutes their ma)or drawba- F h I r , d I t I , I ~ IT I a Y I Y I i I i ngmode rate curr ents a ti d ra t v s () I A I ft 1 1 , 14 r ri r to reduce the rate of (0011T.V ~!. th- t~e electrode etc.). W(-Ided Y,:n!s 'A tri mc, h,jr.., -I' d.- thos v p rodu( ed bv ma Ii'la I .k, f. 1 (111. 1" 11. ~)#, 1 1, 't i !. ,(' :, . I ki 1''I I .I t ni ethods . Wvldin~ ()f Ni t-, sive! I K!1;-A"',) I s r- .1(11.% 't, of e1 e ( : ro d v s that p r d - i, v 'A v I d (I t v I e ( t ro d s K J 5 1w (T b ~ 4 b - 4 b kg/ mm". ri i pt t i r i - k i rs fit- c . I V shee' rn c t a 1 It-rd, i I I Ca r d 2 Z PETROV, -,. L. l,'7and. Tech. 3ci.) "Cher-Lical 'iormuiriogeneity of Welded ~;oruiections," p. 1J2 In book Reports j." tie -.iiteruaiversity lonferencti on Welaint, li -iz U5.1, 261,pp. Iscaw Mashf, ) / F. 7.2 0 0 . ,, 1~ ~ . . . 1.1 1, I I .!~ it-, . ; " ... 4 , .1 ~ . . j .. I 66505 . %. . , I I/ z 66505 IV/ t 'i1 15~ 7F~ ;1~ as a 'Ye", w I s con tx,, ~r jes :'(,r -.el lint,- tr2-a r *. -& psu vi T" no T /bp-m:~ I- , V,q~~Jej -T-T Vol 1~4 ----I t- -011,172,0 DTIMTE T--Ij .:It:G.j3iA vv I" "I"nialiv -7-W ITTI194JO .fmzqxD --.-S r--Ik -7- Ul 444&9 .0.4 .99-TTY Ul ..-J.64 M J.. %..d.d vvjxv~joj -"Jvj~cw ST-9 ox/pwn X" J. M.11"Wou J.Id 071 71, T .... DVTV 6206 ql --,I 'SIOTTS So TO wv."~ qj 09~ Vla I jwp" Ze al -TPUT C-n .-~2 met ,q2 )I l~T3-TTT-%0sJ* P.2vT.j ~1%.TV.72"T"IMA'Q4 .4vwq &-rp-Q; -Mr U- (MM I- P7.14 IT-U 'WVIzgqv dd as 'iKbl '11"Wo -Mlaollmd ";v-3 willa 'v's .OzvtT" WCOWT PMOV, G.L., kand.takhn."uk. lots.; TWIMOV, L.A.. inzh. Selection of electrodes for welding t~-In elements of 21417(Kb231118) steel. Snergomeshinostroenia 14 no. 6:25-27 Je '58 (MIRA 11 -q) (Binctrodes) ( St eel-- Weld i rv, ) 19 ~s -kpr~ I om 7 *--r -,f 7ec-r I :a' Sc! erCe a, Pr:fe as :r ~em.~rar,tsev-_:.- , 7..', -&n!,_~ates ri2a! Sciences Prob:ems of Ele~:tr-IA Standardi2ation in Arc iVelding X vopros,.; - ctendartimtsil ele'Xtrodov dlya i,,~govoy svark-I Svarsc-,noye 7r3izvsIetvo, 19~8, Nr 1', F~ 4' 42 1 R AB~TIRA^~T, -I"I th re f e re nc 9 to ar. ar t 1. c le pub 1 i shed by A . AYerakhin a previous co)y of t'-Ils perlod.lca., entitled "Fr.Inclpal Proble=s of S-ardarlizat:on For Arc-Nellng Electrodes", ~ne a,,;tho.-a present some ;r'_nc;.pa_ and practlsa' -,~servaticna dealing wit, ~he ~::assiflcation and requtrements of ilffer- ent electrode types As an example, 4 tables cortainirg approximate rEq,.;:rements of electrodes for welding d-.ffer- ant stes: grades, are lnc.~.ided. 'here are 4 tables. A83CC:AT:'-%i Leringradakiy po:Itekhn!chaakiy institut 'Leningrad Po:y- technical Institute', Arc welding- -Elec trodes 2. Electrodes--Standard ina'. ion herd I/I PETROV, G.L. Characterl Sties 0! metal solHification in fumlon weldine. Trudy LPI no.119:1~3-115 '58. (KIRA 12-9) (Weldin.y, research) (Solidification) PETROY. fx-l.- Carbon and nip-Rtlon In the zone of the 1~ision weld ~Ofinjar7. Truly LPI no.09:141-lS6 '5P. (MIU 12:9) (Weldin-1-T-isting) (Diffuaion) (Metallograph7) C )I PHA~Z i --book LupwrTATION Y)V Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut netallurgii Goryachiye treshchiny v svarnyk-i soyedineniyak-h s-litkak-h i otlivkjikh (Hot Cracks in Welds, Ingots, and Castings) Moscow, !zd-vo A3 3S3R, 195-~- 163 p. 2,700 copies printed. Ed.: N. N. Rykalin, Corresponding PLember, USSR Academy of 3ciences; Ed. of Publishing House: V. S. Pzhe,.,nikov; Tech. Ed.: Yu. V. Rylina. PURPOSE- This book is intended for metallurgists and welding engineers. COVERACIZ: This is a collection of scientific papers dealing with the formation of hot cracks in ingots, castings, and welded products. 3ore papers arr- con- c-erried mainly w1th the natuiv or mechanism of the D,--enomenon; others examine the Pffect of factors such as steelmsking procedure. Sufficient evidence is presented to identify some of the causes of hot cracks. Various means of investigating and preventing the phenomenon are described. A number of rief- Prences, bolbSoviet and non-Soviet, accompany the papers. F")r fuxther co-verage see the Table of Contents. Card 1,/ 3 Hot Cracks in We Ids (Cant SOW2,~_3',r) TPLBIZ OF COIPMNTS: Dobrokhotov, N. N. Effect of 3teelmakinir Tv--chnique on (;~xallty of r.Ven- hearth Ste-el The author makes the fol-lrywing recommendations; At the end of the run the basicity of the sLag, i.e., the ratio of CaO to S102 , should be within the limits of 2.~ and 3.09 and the fluidity of the slag, a8 tested by v1scosimeter, should amount to some 30-60 =. Preliminary deoxidation of the steel in the furnace by means of blast-furnace fprrojilicon should not be carried out. If ferrochrome and ferro- manguwse have been added, tntf time for holding the reat should be determined by the formula z . I-5Q , min., where q = the veigbt of ferroaLloys added (in kg), and P the output of the furmace It',24 hr). In the production of carbon and lav-~alloy steel, alloying and deoxidation should be carr-ied out In the teeming ladl Goverwaent standards (GOST Y,0-50 and 5521-50) for rimmed steel should be revised so as to specify a manganese content of 0.30-0-50 percent instead of the present 0.31-0.6o percent. Ca rd 2, '3 11Ct , i1i Weldf, ;U 11 , '' " yr-fj,mov, V. A. Causes of Cmcks in ar-1 )f Prp-wnt- ing 7flem io 'Mw- folloving causes of ingot crae4a ar- dlar!ussed: f~Irinkam and pLastlclty of steel at ~,iw ), temperaturr-~s, crystaIM7,a~tori Condittons tn the ingot wld, ingotmLd dpsifgi and teemi.,-, iyLro- dyTamics of Lngot-mold fiLlin,-_ and :!' the in,,rot to the mold and other factors a8sociat-d with top pou-rli-;. . A. P. Mechanism of Hot-(--rack Formation on 3tttit!1 Ingot. Surfaces 30 P. N. , V. G. Gruzin,and V. N. Saveykjo. Formation and PrT-- ven, . -n of Hot Cracks in Steel CastIngs A. a criteriori for the quantitative determination of Uje resist- auce of steel to the formation of exterior hot crucks, t,;e aut~,or finds it c-.nvenlent to employ the concept of "criack resistance", or the force required to form a c-rack during the shrinkag- of a standard c-ast specimen with rigidly fastened ends. For mild carbon steel aad low-aLloy (Cr, Mo, V) structliml steel, pouri-ng temperature is one of Card 3 .5 H(,-t C,-seks to Welds (Cont. 1 9OV/1,?13 ,, t1m, most important ractoro In crack devv?1oprwr0,. Filling the m~ds wtt.h Eitk-el at the temperature of the liquidua )r below should be a v, idpd - A direct r-latinnr,~:ip betwr-en ---a~-Ii: resistance &rd F;hrin-kage, fluidity, &nd ~~ti lib~r---a'Arjn was f-stat)listed. In - the flu-idIty of the mui;hy stage by r1vxnj2;irig the comPoq1tt,,n -,r ',he n(3nditions helps tr, IncrEase the cracy resistAnce. -jul Pur tkydrngen,. and methan~e clecreasp trie crar:k resistazice of steel. Adoltious of manganese, molybdenum, aaid vaaadium t-.3 carbon st-eel or low alloy ateel incrr-ase tne cra~-~ resistance. 'Irhe manwfimev! ()n- fer.,+~ ehouLl ti- field ELt a may-Imuin so as '~(, asau-rf- a ratio of Mn, 3 13. ~iil,yayev, B. B. , 1. 1. Lipyrv. a-nd L. M. Fhostuov. F~)rmattnn of Hot Cm-kn In 34-er-1 Castings 91 The au~,hrr recommends the fol'-owtag mf-asur--s for controlling hot ,mc4s In steel castinlr6: I ) de,!-,easiu~, t.~ie size. of thk- -as+ Ing and rl-i-a~'Ang proje(Ainns by cantina-, Ln several pieces with sunsequent wr-]Ldi-ng uf the components) Fqualization (if the cooling rates of various parts t)f the casting and - limination (if -.)njugate parts t1irough a rational dpterminatl-n (,f the thl, Yait-is of t1eir elements; ~~ increasinL; fillet radii.- 4~ rc-jeftlo.i of X-shaped de,!3iq-,s and (-,onjugate walls at angles of lec~s than K)'; 51 the pll- ancy of molds through the use ,f ra~)r- pllar,lf- molding medir. and by Card 4/ '3 Hot C-ni..ks in Welda (Cont, _11)v "~' i pit.ting the molds; 6) strengtbening weax spots through the uBe of chills and ribbing; 7) reguIating the metal composition, insofar a8 possible, and the pouring conditions so as +-,-) reduc-e the probability of eMok development. Con3istent appli,~ation r~f these meas,,ires, the author states, will effectively prevent hot cra2ki3 from develripment. Consistent appli- ,afion of these measures, the author states, will effe(-tively prevent hot .ks from developing. Pokhodn,ya, T. K. Hot (Crystallizaticni) Cmfks in the Hard 7aring of Rigb- Carl.-) Low-Chrome Steels 58 TI-w- author cLiscusses the aatuxe and mechanism r)f hot-~raeA formation and e)amines various factors contributing to it (chemical conrposition of added metal, cooling rate, -tc. ). Medovar, B. 1. Hot Cracks in the Welding of Chrome-Nickel AuBtenitic Stee is 92 Prokhorov, U. N. Intergrmnular 9trength of Metals 108 The author points out that hot cracks are one of the main causes of rejection of velded and cast products. To solve the problem he suggests Intensive study of the hot strength of metals, using several differP-Di'. --aches: 1) Investigation of deformations caused by Hot Criar:ks in Welds (Coot. ) 30V weiding and casting proce6ses, ac-companied tjy deveLupment uf compu- tationai methods of determining deformations and their concentration e%, hijrh temperatures; 2) study nt thp me(-hanie,~&_' prnpertles of metals rhL-Ing r-rystal-lization and (!ncllng; 3) development of a :3inglp working hyputhesis of intergx%nular s~._--ength of met&-Ls whl,~h wouLd guide I.ovepidgators and -nu_P&ctu_rN-rq in solving I-heoretical and practical prc_)b~kmj3 corine(-.'A-d with hrjt-f~,mr!k forration (in this f-.nnnection the aur.hor ougWsts the utiilty nf his own hypothesis, based on a -omparison c,f thp numerical values of thf- deformtIon and plastirity of metals wluitn a definIte tA_-mperaturp range of brittleness); dev.,-Iopaent of ilDIfl,ed methods of t&ating me-fALIB for su-L3(-,-ptibIlity to hot-crack forvation in welding and r-asting; ')) demlopmi-nt )r quan+Itati,r" w~,hods of determining the effect of the shar,)e of the prcjdu_-t, as re- qaired by manuf'acturing and -onstructional considerations, on inter- tr,Mnular strength of velde-d and ~-ast prcdurts; 6) eydtoeMf,,1r, adoption of new s(-Jentiflr, methods by manufaeturers. Lash.ko Avp-k-yan, S. V., and N. F. Lashko. rrysta' - liz~F.tion Cree" in tile CaetLng and deLd-ing cf kLum-fa-um A]IOY.R 131 Ar~,-,7-dtng to the auth.)r, r-.P&.aiD a'-Loy's or-lina-r-ily subject to the forue.tion of cystai~i,7,ation cracks arier wv-1ding ran be Card 6/ b Hot Cracks In Welds (Cont.) 50V/28~9 rendered resistant to su,-h '~rar;kfx by the, use of &-i added metal (alloy) vh1ch satisfies the foUavlng conditions: (a) the weld metal must not be subject tu crack formation after welding; (b) the liquidus temperature cf the weld uketal must not be higher than that of the pamnt metal; (-) the wr-id metal must not contain components that In penetrating the base metal a)ong the boundaries of fused grains In the heat--affe(-ted zone would form alloys with significantly lover eutxer-t'.~,, temperatums than that of the base metal. Petrov G. L. New MethodB of Det-e mining the 3uBeeptibility of ~-,al to Ht-Crach FormtIon 147 The article describes new methods developed by N. 0. Okerblon and associates, WelAirK Department, leningrad Polytechnic Institute. The methods make It possible to determine the effect of various welding materials and basic welding parameters on the development of hot cracks In weld metal. Card 1, 8 BRUK. Boris Illich; FWROV G.L., doteent, retsenzent; ZHUKOV. 0.N., nauchnyy red.; NI2ITINA, R.D., red.; SHISHKOVA, L.M., [Use of radioactive isotopes in welding metallurgy and metallo- graphyl Radioaktivaye izotopy v metallurgii i metallovedenii evarki. Leningrad, Goo.soiuznoe izd-vo sudoetroit.proaWehl., 1959. 231 P. (MIRA 12:6) (Radioisotopes--Industrial applications) (Ilectric welding) (Ketallography) . I I I. .. . I . I . ~ I . I .. . L - ~ , .1 . " - I 11 , I !~ - - ,^, '. ) ". ZA- I