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/ - ~"/ "" /' ~ I ~i , , : - , -, -." A. - Automated fieatlng )f A 11'A--2;- a pnpu;ratic -~ornputer witll 4, t- a~nri i ;)r,,,4 -63 (REN3-r-t:~) that %h~? --insiimptlon nf- iA:. fi-, ty~.-s (and oxygen) and determ!nps trie r,qulred 31r quart!ry Cor burnIng with an excess fartor X - 1.15 The qug-rit.1ty of 2arbcn monoxide f-orr tnp ba,~!- I,- n,-,' neasured. n AIr feed Is ---rrec,ed 'ry #.hF- frpe-oxygen -nt~:' smcke gas e s ana lyz ~-d ty au tt-ma T. I - magne t I gas &na 1y ze rs U, 11, 4,t - ~ MG K - 3 4 P, - T 5:-A ) " F n e rg o,? r. - -"e t , s an d I ng c -mn ar -i s thr cug r an P - T R - 1 ~'G - 1 regulator and a converter 1 -,"' into '.he --omputer fc-, Immedlal.e or-P, ~)~' a!- feed, 4eat loading is ccntr--tied by Coke gas vtriatlors, t~ ~ a'i t furna--e Gaza 2onsumpl-.1cr is ons,~w~,tl tar cc-ns-.~mpt!on 16 measu-ed I)y tt-,Q operator through remote 3ntrol Tne ht-at riading t Z'e91A1a*.Dr (13) with rc:~v~rter ~Alj) anj t-e.-,-,oo3 -31.1. to4mpprature mpanur.n'w ~16) Ind (1'), -9gll--aTor~: -nJ ~tnd ths, W')-K top temper-at,re and T~,e r,rkp ga~ reg'u!at - t--,)Js to mainy;%1-i ,n P-x I mum 2onsumption 111At tne -,D-r-!-TAng 1f~vl -s wrif-n .no, "a---hes 1, when p-,-a,s,ire 1-~ the rnm w:i*-.- zn,~ ca an a; -q- I r.,, h-.,,w ~tf. w-1, 'Ar~ r,-*, 'P- W ~i-~ ~r-r r v a ~:q qP !ty A--.omated H~,itl-W of' Open-fif.-artn Furna~,e A i/'A(,2f rontrol system 2onsists of a remcver (2-,,j , a regb.a-nr ~2-4, ;ir. 40V~, (Fl-l' In--trument (119), a servomotor 12,t, and a gat'a ~ The -~,rtro, P,J~se is from a pcirt in the vault center ~~ m away frorr. ~~Iie Fro'll, wa.11 A h!c-ki-,g 5v,*,-rr prevents cverheatlng, the limit -ontact *.5 ;,Ia~ed in the FPK-O~ !rjst--xnen-, When -apid gas 5eparation or some otn.,~r cause raisps trie pressure to Am watar column, the system reduces the heat .!~adlng through the hellows. 7hz vaive5 a-- reversed automatically br ar Integr-8, 'Ime r-7-1-ay (26, - -,ne !--,ay ~ 2-') i F an relay - and p~.lse altprTia~lc-n bv ttie *~,~mpe-at,.irc,, (-f ~,ne ga~ &-,I a,,r regenerators. 'he re%erEing system Is perIcOlica-Ly :ormected to tempera-,re mitters (29-32) by a special multi-ontact relay (28). The maximum temperal~.--~ the air regenerator checker tc,ps is 11mited iny a reg-a,ator (3~) watrhIr"g the temperature and aotuating a gate ( ~4, . After 4~te checker tcps are cooled Jcw-i ~c rormal temperature, gas ~ons,.jmptlon resumes after a time lag 3-4 min' set !-,y a time relay (35~ . The system provides for a most Afavo~irat'e temperat'i re Jur'-4Z_ ~hr- entire heating time. The T3er*ratnaya laboratorlya avtomatl~l (Cent-a) A;.*.-rr-i, '- - I ah-rato.-v "Fr-rgr,-nermet.") na.5 dqv.sPd a method for p-'a, Ing ;- , , --,m, -, , * ,y ii.tu work spa-e through thp vauLit, and t.h.s m,~thod been Ls,?d in the ?y6tem des-r1bed, ,Lpd the indicatlons are m(:,re ac-urate arl rp- hpr, wllh the -isual -adla*~',c:~ ~y:,Lm--z-t--~z o:-I -,he fr:7r, ard r-ar wa:. 'il-!rw :,ard :3/ ' U' 1 _I/ -1 Automated Hea*.Ing of Gper.-Fear-,r P,irra- A 6 I/AO2t. tho. v au I t StIll , '~ha me+~riod taKf.-, a great quantlLy )f wires Pn-I pa,t-, T, ar lIaLies fall freqax~ntly, and n%:,~h coDllng water is needed *,he W.W N-na,es. and the, control System lln~l,,Ado~s i .ar meter r~f 'JPMA ';'P-M.A des ign . It works smoo,,t-ily only when Ine tar flnw *.hro,~gh its tran -~ml%tpr 15 constant. 'h~- usaal E),aw-Ncks being ro', s,%abie becaus,~ r-I ins,_fflciert speed, rotary non-cooled gates nav-~ teer- used, "hey a" rotated by a ra_,~k s,~-vo motor !__ ~-140 (SK-140). The cl~ner 38()-+(,r, operi-hear,~h fuma-es cf %ne are fitted with alj'~,)matt: co:-,troi syF-.-m, sIrrIla- '~- pr'.7-1pi- tc Eystem des;-r,oel. b-ut using different dev1--i5s Fo- fu-ace has been fl'~I~ed wv'~e. of standard-blc-,,k 5:v!;-~em A~I~ V-) cf '.I-.,s-ow zprlbcr' pl&nl. A',: z~ system halt prGv-a' good and Ic. tel,-g noi:~iv i;-I r~qu4rlng less Wirps 3.rj 1~1, b4, ~7 The concern; syb,,em ni5j tee6,- -ne It, a fi-i-a- lr,reisc- 0 ind ~~t f FIg,.r- ~-Tn;. iUl r ;jM e_- f 7, -1 -'6 Automaterl Heating of 0. Card 516 Furnace s/118/6o/ow/oio/oo5/oo8 A 16 J/A(-)~>,-, 4-00 to r IT Li :",fop f -~fij ACC NRj A;I'__ 7001 SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/66/030/012/2040/2047 AIT111OR: 11o pelco, L. A. Val'skiy,O.V.; Petrov,G.A., Kaminkor,D.M. IORG: none 1. TITLE: Delayed gamma radiation from fission fragments from the slow neutro.- Inciuced ~~flssion of U 235 (Report, Sixteenth annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy ano Nuclear Structure held at Moscow, 26 Jan. - 3 Feb. 19662 SOURCE: MN S&At. Izvestiya. Soriya fiziclieskaya, v. 30, no.12, 1966, 2040-2G47 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear fission, fission product, gamma spectrum, delayed gamma emission, uranluja have Inve!;t1j:ated delayed 1~amma radlation i--,~ittoo 1'Y fl!islon ABSTRAC-r; The authors 2-35 a t a f rai-,ments f ron tac slow neutron I11dL1CC`(A f1SSlQn Of U The L, war, , 2.J cm diameter -100 "(;/In thic), f11m of uranium Oxide on a-10 9/cm UxIde Sub- s t ra te. The target was Mounted beLween two n-p tkpe gold-silicon Sem,,condoctcjr detectors, which served to record the two fission fragments, and was located In the neutron beam from a reaCtor. The direction of the neutron beam was parallui to the ~ of the tarrvt. I%o gamma rays were detected by a 3 x 4 cm Nal(TI) scintillator pa:.L beyond one of tho flosion fragment detectors. This scintillator recorded wit,i rtod efficiency only gamma rays produced in its Immediate vicinity, I.e., It recurded essentially only gamma rays emitted by a fragment after it had been brought Cnrd 1/2 ACC NR: At_3001728 t(~ rcs*, In the associatecl 3emiconductor detector. T'ne delay of tt,-! , ., :;~M-t 1-ity h 'III ~; L 1,11,i (lot v rm Inod by the f ragmnun t f I I ill, t t I me f rom t he t a ri.,,- t to t he Uk: L ec to r I Lh 15 do Lee to r was moun Led 10 cm f rom the t it rj~o L , and the mi n I muim du 1 iy L I ne was accordingly about 10- 8 bec. 7he pulses from the enklconductor detec-Lors and tbo ~cir,--Iator were analyzed in it rather complex ulectronic circuit and werf- recorded ,!in pulse height analyzers. The delayed gamma ray spectra from the heavier and tl-.e lighter fragments are presented graphically. The lighter fragment produced more dt~layed gamma rays per fission than did the heavier one. A peak was observed in each of these spectra that had not been found In the previous work of the authors (Atomnaya enerriya,19, 186 (1965)). It is suggested (but it waf; not confirmed) that each of these peaks may be due to simultaneous recording of gamma rays belonging to two other peaks observed in both experiments. The gamma ray spectrum was investigated as a function of the fragment mass. For this Investigation the gamma ray energy range was divided into three regions (above 40 keV, between 100 and 185 keV, and between 185 and 25%) kcV), the fission fragment masses were determined from the kinetic energies of the two fragments from the same fission, and the results are presented graphically. There are considerable differences between the curves for the different gamma ray energy ranges, and between the present curves and the analogous curves obtained by Sven A.E.Johansson (Nucl.Phys,,64,147 (1965)) for spontaneous fission of Cf 252. No dependence of the delayed gamma ray spectrum on the total mass of the two fragments :could be detected. The authors thank V.F.Afanas Iyev for fabricating the large semi- ;conductor detectors and V D.Yurchenko, and R.B.Rodzevich for assisting with the measurements. OrIg: art. fias: 9 figures. SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: None ORICUM: 003 OTH REPt 004 Card 2/2 era ROZENTALI . K.I.; VESELCVSKIY, V. 1.; Obrinimal uchastlye: FEYROV, G.A. (Moscow) Kinetics of the electrochemical oxidation and reduction of H202 and ox7hydrogen on an Au electrode in N H2S04 solution. Zhur.fiz.khim. 35 no.11:2481-2486 N 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L.Ya. Karpova. (Hydrogen) (Oxygen) (Oxidation-reduction reaction) DVORKIND, M.M.; KORSHUNOV, V.S.: PETROV, G.A~; VYDRINA, U.A. StLdying sprvice cond'Itions and type of wear of rpfrac*~ories y steel smeltinv flir:iace. Drn,-u; ory 2- in a 15-ton rotar- no-3:134-140 '62. yl:t^ 1. Vostoc~nyy ingtitut ovneuporov (for Dvorkind, hors~~unov). 2. Nichne-Tagll'~~i.y metalllurgic~es~iy komt'n-tt (for fetrov, Vyd -,-i n;, ) . (Smelting furnaces) (Rpfra~,tory materials) r 1- -7.-7 C) - 6 6_',j (d jjp( p - r V. lrr-_ -XC-C-WNR_-,--XP600"943 SOURCE COM UTR/028 65/000/024/0106/0107 AUTHORSt BiLranenkog P. M.; Petrovt G. A.; Vasillyev, V. I. ORGs none TITM Key-actuated device for setting and automatic decoding of information. Class 42, No. 177173 BOURM Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 24, 1965, 1o6-1o7 TOPIC TAGSs information processing, punched paper tape, punched card/ ALGOL-60 ABSTRACTs This Author Certificate presents a key-actuated device for setting and automatic decoding of information written in symbols of the algorithmic language ALGOL-60. The device contains a key field, a coder, a memory unit, and a control unit To use the device with arty punch and to eliminate subjective operator errors, the device contains a mode setting unit and dump of the memory, control and blocking registers (see Fig. 1). The mode setting unit is connected to the register dump units and the blocking unit. The register dump unit is alac connected to the control unit, and the blocking unit is connected to a distributor. The outputs of the register dump unit are connected to the inputs of the memory register dump. The output of the block ing unit is connected to the input of the control unit, and the outputs of the distributor are connected to the correaponding register inputs. 1 681. L 22720-66 ACC NRo A Fig. 1. 1 - key field; 2 - coder; 3 - memory unit; 4 - control unit; 5 - distributor; 6 - blocking unit; 7 - mode setting unit; 8 - register dump unit or memory unit; 9 - control unit output for blocking pixach; 10 - outputs from registers to distributor; 11 - input from punch for register dump. Orig. art. has: I diagram. SUB CODEs 09/ SM UTHs 050ot64 PETROV, Gennadiy k1ekseyevich; LIITINA, Lidiya Semenovna; BAUL121, V.A., red.; ORNOT, A.S., teTchn. rod. (Operation of the equipment oborudovaniia predpriiatli izd-vo torg. lit-ry, 1962. (Restaurants, lunchrooms, of public-food obGhchestvennogo 243 p. etc.-Equipment service] EkBpluatatsiia pitaniia. and supplies) Moskva, Gos. (MIRA 15:7) 1-',YAKOTKR,', Yu.l.; F.L'KIT;, I.A.; VOLK61', C-'~'- Inzh., retsenzent; U.d~)%, G.,';.,, irizh., reteenzent; PElItOV, G.A., inzh., retsenzent; I.A., red.; ELIKIIIA, E.M., '-ekhm. red. [I;ew er:u~pvtent for ~Aiullc food-servin(, cst.,qbJA.-,'zlR.entB~ Novoe. ohorudc,% oU:-hchvotvf-.nroGc pitanila. Noqkva 0 2~ .Jos. izri-vu torg. Lit-m, 1961. lc'S p. (;,ertau.-ant-, lunchroom', etc.-Equipm-rit ane' :,-upilitc-) UJUCffMV, A.P., KONDRATIYEV, S.D.; PriDimali uchastiye: GUSAMV. F.V.; UDOVZM, V.G.; PETROV, G.A,; BURIMKR, V.Te.; S4tO,IN, I.A.; KIYMN, Ye.A.; GALAXIOUTOV, S.N.; ZIMINA, L.P.; SHISHARIN, 3.N.; KONDYMNA. R.Y.; BURMISMOV, K.A.; SHIRNIN, I.A.; SIXG,-i7im, GORSHILOV, Yu.V.; KOLPAKOV, 3.V.: GUSKMV, A.K.; BOIDTIN, P.~. Heat insUation of open-hearth ',,krnace crowns. Metalltzg no..'I: 14-17 N 16o. (IAIR-A 13: 111) 1. llizhe-Tagillskiy metallurric-les.ct,7 kominat. (Open-hearth fLrriaces--Des1rn bind constr~iction) (Insulation (Heat)) PETROVP G.A.; KLYUCHEROV, A.P.; SHISPARINP B.N. Cleaning open-heartt. furnace regenerator checkers. Metallurg 6 no.4:19-20 Ap '61. (141RA 14:3) 1. Nizhne-Ta ill:kJy metal lurgicheskiy '~ombinat. ~Olpen-h,~arth furnacer-'Equipmr-nt and suplies) I":TD('V, ;.!). A' tq(,hmpnt.,q for the V~P-2 (!rmbine 'or r~,; , grir L-O!* -A, - R:-~ .*.F 9-nd onions. L31ull tekh. -mlkon. inf orm.,,os.nn,irh. - 1s!41 . inm* . rwvi-t. . ; . Infnrm. 17 W, . AUTHOR: Petrov., G, D, TIT In Connection with the Two Reports by V. I. Arabadzhi (Po povodu dvukh statey V. I. krabadzhi) PERIODICAL# Mateorologiya i Gidrologiya, 1957, No. 1l pp. 57-58 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACTt Critical review is presented of two articles written by V. I. Arabadshit 1) entitled "Diffusion of Light by Charged Droplets*,, published in journal Meteorology and Hydrolog,, No. 4, in 1952 and 2) 29lectrifi- cation oflMlclea In the Clouds,, published In journal Meteorology - pointed and 21010SE, No. 6. 1955e The errora in the articles a!; out and corrections for as are suggested. With respect to az$Lcle 1), the reviewer points out that the gas kinetic radius of the particles has no bearing on its light diffusion and that neither the charge of a droplet nor its movement have any effect on the diffusion of light. The aaswiption of the author (article 2) that *the electrification of droplets on the clouds is due to the fact the droplets of various dimensions experience different capillary pressureBw Is also proven untrue. There is one Slavic reference. Card 112 7~ "r an:~ ~i )n rom: fer-.. t I V,, -1 _i t I r) t I . u On 0 if I z Jnfprferomo-te.-,, t~iureri on ;i r ce~, t u ri eri t ro, e DOLGOV, P.N., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk. red.; KORaIKOVA, L.M., red.lzd-va: ROMANOVA. V.V.. [Barometric h,7poometry In grfvinietric operations] Barometri- cheskoe nivellrovanie pri vypolnenii gravimetrichaskikh rabot. Pod red. P.N.Dolgova. Moskva, Izd-vo geodez.lit-ry, 1959. 107 p. (MIRA 12:10) (Barome tric hypsometry) AIj;rHuR: Petrov$ G. D. A Method for Measurinv_ ,he Chare~e~- Dimensions 6f Aerosul Particles from an Aeroplarie .L,-IJD'~,AL: Izvestiya Akademi' nauk, SSSR, Seri.~,a ~,~ofizicriesk,-i..-i, 1'1,59, Nr 11, PP 1665-1669 + 1 plate (UL;SR) RA :".e method is based on the deceleratiji. it' the air the cloud droplets to A velDr-ity ~)f about cm/sec. The streamthen enters a v~-.--,ical electric `ield wf-.-'cr-, -,eflects the ci-iar~Sed from r.46inal ~,orizontal direction aiia ~;:,aJectorieE -f ,~,,e narticles are photographed. T i, ~o of -,,e cr---,!-,_, -0 the radius of' t,:e particle is de~--:-Lir,ed from t e ;eflection anle and the radius of t particle from width of the track. The optical system of tne .nstrument is shown in Fi6 1. Li,,h t, from a mercury 1amT I t ~,., ~ is focussed on the particle A by . %1.-,It!ctive lens x.I.ile the T.~article is movintL betwe,-. condernser plat,~~ in a direction perpendicular to the of the drawir,,. :-it! particle is photographed throuc,- --.e microscope 4. I,.e an6le between the axes of che mi=)-cope and t!~e ,A,Iective lens is 200 so that direct iis:.'rit from the lamp -does not enter the microscope. The mt-,-c,-Lr,j lamp gives i*(,.r Measuri-,- the Charf~eF ar-, Dimens-'-: 3f Aer,,sol t i*rom an Aeroplane flashes/sec. Typical tr-ijectori~-., shown in F1, '-n which t~ie tnick black line is t~.e ey,~-piece wir,-_ y is dett,rmin-d deflection of the particle tr~.Ject(,r .,,y measurin,~ the an6le betveen the n:tiicle tr-,ck ;Ir.1 ,-:"t~-piece wire and the appropriatt-~ !'o!-.iu1,j f*(,,r Fmall !e! lections is 6iver~ by Eq (1) wher- iF the charo,,e jr, %:J-1 particli-, r is its radius, E is t!lectric 11 is the h,,rizorital velocity of' Lf,- T irticle, a i~; le t-etween t -he p-,,rticle tr,ijectoi-:., t:;e perpendi(-;J"~- ne wir'e, 0 is a constant, correcti~,.,,, Tj is- the visr()~ I he air, and P is tne density ol' the : article. Phe f.or,izontal velocity of the particle VO is Kiven by L-,'l 'i--re f is the frequency of the supply or lamp,f iiT the distance betvie,.,r, rioiAbourin,, "~asl,eF" the photoFraph of the particle an~ y is the :.,l 'r1ification of the microscope. In ):-Ier to Jete:min-, particle radius, the tracks were examin,~-d with of a microphotometer, The ciiameter may leduced from these measurement":, if, followin, w,-~v V., i, CI- -)9- 11 -1 -,/ . A Me,,ru * .'or MeaBurin,., the CharjreF!. r~n,i* if Aer~,F,011 P,j 1'. Vrom an Aeroplane (cf Fig 4). The amount .f li,; 'ht the point A(Xl, Yl) is given by Eq (5). Vie f-r,ction A(r) was letermined by examinin, -. the ima,-Ie ~.f t, stationary article -isinK the same microph, ~omet-i Since t-e ti.tensity distribution i.- axially the ay be split into N circuiar zone-~~, -i s hu wn i n F readinp:,.q of the mici-opho tome t-.- can thHr, I ,4Fitturl in 1"'e fcrm driver, Ly ~;,: ("). Tyli,- equa."i"r, :roty be reduced to Abel's equatio:, i;h s- solution .`F '.!,en triveri by Sq (5), where A(i) iF intensity ;.'stribution alon(~, the radius of' of a .,,ationary Particle, e is the wi~Jth a zone, i IS :.r.e numbt-r of the zone and k is an such tnAt i < k< N-1. Fig 6 shows the distri~.utiori A(r) obtained wit~~ the aid of Eq (5) for ~,.%o :-particles. T~.- minimum measurable diameter in t:.t-! -r-,~z,t .X-jS 2U. The maximum diameter was_A,L ~i. The maximum 7harge to radius ra*.io wa,; 5 X 10 f, r-,I/cm. T:,-T-, i c a I I.istributions obtained are shown in Fie,;s 7 ',o Ij. F-~~) 7 shcws the num-bt-.,r of particles a fuictiori of . .,. '. - -) " - I . - 1 :, Mea sur i i., Ine Ch~irp~,,j ,j az,.I-i f Aer_s~,l from an Aeruplane : : Aus, Fi,_, -, shows the r.Lmber -)t :'ji~ctiou uf ~riare.e, atid Fi,, (-i ol' -trticles ;is a function of e/r. A,-ki~ macie to N. V. ~Iuablu ~j,ivlce mi,l s e9l,iunr 1. LiTa*,,-,' A. KoryaLin for help _z, figurec- and 1, r(~f v i e t a r_1 z;np~, I i sh . Aka,Ae:ji.-!-ij riiu~~ SSSR, Inst 1 rlo~V 1 Z 1 (Academy of Sciences USSR, Distitall f A 0 D hy S i c S Marr P71CTRDV. G. D. Dotnrmlning coordtwtes and altitudns of ointa in roginnal gravimetric surveying. HaxvF3d.i prom.geofiz. no.~2:10~1-109 ,Sq. (MIRA 13:4) (Prosporting-Geophysical methods) (Sxirv#syinr) PF6TIff)V, G. D. Increaning the acc,jrac7 of meaBuring altitudps V the 'Iethod of haromotric hynsometr7. Razved.i prom.gnofiz. no-13:9';-96 159. (MIEU,. 13-4) (Barometric hypsometry) 1461 C C)r, r t, S e ri 's 3 W P:,L r s,: r e r e ea,~ --ra S :),- 2 6 /D 5 3 6 rg'~_S of ... 3rople%I3. T);O uutnuro t:.,)T" 1"Llcribe t!~(" uIrcraft, El' Voyey- kovo and balloon meaourementp in detail. Fig. 1 shows that drop- lets with a radius of